#we still don't know who was there on the laptop via video call...
jenevawashere · 1 month
That moment when your favorite 11th Doctor episode isn't even in Doctor Who...
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necros-writing-stuff · 8 months
Such Sweet Ignorance: Collabo'ween Day 16
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GN!Reader/Blaine Wiley (Male Sugar Daddy Energy Vampire OC).
Warnings: There's a sense of dread through this one; Financial control; Heavy anxiety for reader; Emotional manipulation; Fear of dying; Reader is suffering from something similar to chronic fatigue.
Word Count: 2739.
Notes: This one is far more horror than smut with a creepy element to it. There's like three lines of smut lol. It's in first person and made to be like a journal entry.
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With the power of hindsight, it was blatantly obvious how many red flags this man has. But I was broke and desperate, so I went along with what he wanted anyway. 
Hello to anyone who might be reading this, by the way. I'd appreciate it if you're some scholar from a couple hundred years into the future, peeking into the past via the journal of some random person. If you're someone closer to me then this will be quite awkward and I'm gonna have to ask you to stop here. I don't think I can look people in the eye after admitting the things I'll admit here. Though after everything I've learned, someone I know now could be reading this hundreds of years in the future.  
But I have to get it all off of my chest. I have to do it this way because if I pay for a therapist then he'll find out and make me stop seeing them even if the meetings are only over video calls. This is the first time I’ve been away from him for more than a couple of hours in many months. 
It started last year, sometime around mid July. I was at the local library, using their free wifi when he'd sat down across from me. He'd only smiled at me then before reading his own book while I typed something up on my laptop. 
We had a few more meetings like that, and I'd grown used to him being there. I'd seek him out when I'd enter the building and feel giddy when we'd make eye-contact. He was so handsome, dressed modestly but you could tell he had money just based on the make and materials of his clothes. Auburn hair. Blue eyes. Well built but not so cut that you'd think him vain. And he was looking at me.
He broke the silence first, asking me what I was writing. I wanted to lie, badly, because it was a romance novel that I was thinking of self-publishing just to make some cash on the side. Plenty of people will buy terrible romance novels and defend them with their lives if they have tropes they love and hot enough male protagonists. 
For a reason I still can't explain, I told him the truth. A pattern that would continue, as you'll see. 
I was waiting for his nose to scrunch up in disgust, my shoulders tensed so bad that I could feel the knots forming in the muscles already. Instead he smiled and asked if he could read some. 
Yet again, I let him move around the table and sit beside me. I let him read what I wrote. And holy fuck was it a surprise when he started giving input on how to make it better than it was. 
"My mother was a publisher, I used to do my homework at the kitchen table when she'd review all the things she'd get." Then there it was, the nose scrunch. "I… I kinda ended up loving some of those novels because of it." 
Handsome, well-off, a lover of romance novels, a seemingly good relationship with his mother. People say hook-line-and-sinker a lot. This was an anchor tied to my ankle as he kicked me off the boat into Mariana's Trench. The books he'd been reading across from me were all horror, but the ones he'd kept in his bag to read at home? Soft, smutty romance. 
I never asked why he always ended up at the library at the exact same time as myself. Knowing him as I do, I'm sure he'd have come up with an excuse that I couldn't refute, one I'd accept without blinking an eye. But I'm still disappointed that I never asked once. 
Blaine Wiley is his name. An art appraiser - older than me but so kind, supportive and patient that it didn't matter in the slightest. 
We became fast friends, especially with how open I felt I could be with him and how open I thought he was being with me. Everything I told him, he came back with something personal of his own. Never in that "I'm one-upping you," way, but in a "I see you, I know what it feels like too," way. 
I had family problems? So did he! His sister was always at his throat. It's why he valued my friendship so much, he'd said. The notion of found family was one he identified with heavily after his mother had passed.
Naturally, we ended up dating. That restaurant was so expensive. I wanted to hide behind Blaine the entire time we were there. Expensive suits and bespoke dresses were everywhere while I was in an outfit I'd thrown together from a charity shop. Yeah, the outfit was expensive at one point. But not anymore. I was a drowned rat amongst groomed cats.
Somehow Blaine had made me forget about all of those worries. We'd hardly been able to stop talking long enough to eat (and the food was delicious). Even surrounded by absolute opulence, he remained all that my attention could focus on. 
I couldn't not follow him home after such a lovely date. I couldn't not let him lay me down on his bed, strip my clothes from me and go down on me like that meal we'd shared was but an appetiser. He was so thorough and selfless. 
My nerves returned once we'd finished - waiting and waiting for the other shoe to drop, to be kicked out of his bed now he'd gotten what he'd wanted. Instead, I was trapped in one of my very own novels. Blaine asked me to stay the night, his arms holding me close as we slept. He made me breakfast. He drove me home and kissed me goodbye with a promise to see me again. 
More dates followed, as well as many nighttime trists (and some in his car in dark car parks). He paid for everything. Insisted on it. He didn't have to worry about his bank account but I did, so why should I pay? In fact, why don't I let him give me money just because? 
Another moment where I should have ran. The writing was right there on the wall and I chose to walk past it like it was nothing but a graffitied cock. I feel so stupid - so full of shame - and I should be shouldn't I? I should feel disappointed in myself. I've been a fucking idiot and now it's far too late. 
Sorry. I'm getting ahead of myself and far too emotional. I’ll just keep going.
As you can guess, I took the money. I tried to turn it down, but he was so hell-bent on "taking care of me," that I folded quickly. No one has ever taken care of me. I barely take care of me. It was just so nice to not have to worry about having hot water or food in the kitchen. 
Three months is how long it took him to convince me to move in. The gifts and money got more and more expensive until he proposed it. His logic seemed sound; I was basically there every night, he was paying my rent and for my lifestyle anyway. I could leave any time I'd like if things didn't work out. He just wanted me to be safe and comfortable while I wrote. Once my book was out he was sure I'd have a good stream of revenue - hell, he could set me up with a publisher if I really wanted. 
From a one bedroom flat with a teeny tiny kitchen and no bath, just a standing shower, to his two-floored suite at the top of an apartment complex. His bath is a fucking hot-tub. It bubbles. You can see the entire city from his windows. He has his own personal bar in the kitchen and 4 ovens. 
My lifestyle was completely flipped. Rich clothes, days spent writing with an incredible view, relaxing baths while sipping drinks Blaine mixed for me at the bar, cooking with fresh ingredients from high-end boutiques. 
Blaine mostly worked from home, but when he’d leave he’d return from work and see what I'd done before sharing his own day. Often he'd come home with a necklace, a ring, new shoes or clothes for me. Always, I was on his mind. Always, I was his to pamper and love.
Somehow, even with how unbelievably relaxing my life had become, I'd end each day more exhausted than the last. I'd wake up with headaches that doctors couldn't explain. I'd just keep chugging vitamins and hope that it would stop eventually. 
Things started cracking when I wanted to go to a friend's party. Not even a close friend, just a fellow writer who'd stayed friendly with me over the years. A male writer. Blaine had tried to hide his true reason for keeping me home behind having a date planned. Deep down I knew it was jealousy. Deep down, I knew I should have ended things there or at least insisted that he consider why he felt so insecure about it.
I stayed home. I said my apologies to my friend and sent a gift through the mail. Blaine took me to an art opening the night of the party and introduced me to all of his friends instead.
It was hell. Anxiety had been a companion for most of my life, holding my hand anytime my thoughts would run away or even when I would simply step outside. It came back tenfold at the art exhibition. I felt like a piece of meat (though not due to Blaine's actions, surprisingly). His friends would peer over me with this knowing look before smiling or sipping their drinks. It only made me cling further to him. The one source of familiarity and comfort.
A breakdown followed when we got home. I was so tired and scared - I couldn't explain either - but Blaine simply held me and told me that the reasons why didn't matter right now. We'd work it out together, we'd get better together, but right then I should just let it all out. I could talk when I wanted to, but not feel forced to do so before I was ready. 
Perfect. Everything he did and said was perfect, and I fell asleep wrapped up in his arms again that night. 
I'd describe myself as agoraphobic these days. That previous anxiety I'd harboured had only grown in Blaine's custody. It was purposeful how he kept me inside without him, how he only took me out when it was a big thing with people whose lifestyles I couldn't connect to. Who I felt ashamed to open up around just in case they judged me. Events that made me have further breakdowns when we’d get home or even when I’d sit down in his car at the end of the night.
If his friends detested me, would Blaine leave? My only source of comfort? I couldn't let that happen. 
I don't leave the house anymore. I tried a few times after all of those parties to smile my way through meetings Blaine took me to, but it just drained me further until I collapsed. Literally collapsed. More tests were done on me at the hospital, but still they couldn't find anything wrong. 
Blaine left for a week on a trip to Oslo. Since he's left I've been getting my energy back bit by bit every day. I've needed it after what I found him doing a few nights before he left. 
Usually, I sleep through the night like a rock. The fire alarm going off wouldn't wake my eyes open. Something did wake me up last week. I don't know what or why, but when my eyes fluttered open I thought I was trapped in a nightmare. 
Blaine's hand was pressed against my chest, right over my heart. And it was glowing. I think there were runes shining on the back of his hand, the red light bathing our bedroom in what looked like a sea of blood. Seconds ticked by and I felt my lids lowering again as he peppered kisses on my neck. I was just so, so tired. Blaine made me so, so tired. Yet, I could barely breathe.
And alright, anyone reading might be thinking that it really was a dream. I did, at first, like I said. So I left my phone recording when I went to sleep the next night, the screen laying down so Blaine wouldn't know. He might check it when I sleep (he knows the password, he could do it anytime - he knows all of my passwords for everything). So I thought up a lie to explain it away. The screen was malfunctioning and clicking on things without any input. Maybe he could get me a new one or get it repaired. Spending money on me always makes him happy. 
A phone only has so much storage, it'll only record for so long even when the settings are put on low. It recorded long enough for me to see that red light bathing the room again when I checked. Right at the end, the last few minutes. Whispers were also recorded. Blaine's whispers, soothing me, thanking me for being such a font of creativity and life. 
Have you ever heard of energy vampires? They're much less known in the western world than the classic blood-sucking vampires. But there's legends of beings that take your life from you to feed their own all around the world. I think Blaine is that. I think he trapped me to feed from me and I don't know how to get away. 
Plenty of times the thought to look through his office has crossed my mind. Plenty of times I've wondered why I've never met his sister or seen photos of his mother, why I don't know how old he actually is even though I know his birthday. And in retrospect, I realise that many of his friends I met at the art exhibition had nervous looking partners of their own. They had their own little me's. 
I never questioned him. I never thought I had a reason to. Without him though, it's like that leash around my neck has been loosened and I can think more for myself again. Not fully. I still can't step outside without having a panic attack. I can barely call for a takeaway. Apps are my best friend right now. Who knows how many creatures like Blaine are out there, waiting to prey on the innocent?
At least I had the initiative to look through his desk finally. It's such a classic thing, a false bottom full of letters. It feels fake even though I found it. Even though I read each letter and carefully put them back. Even though they confirmed everything I thought. 
They were all exchanges with people like him. Creatures who hunt for people full of drive to do something - like my writing, someone's dancing, singing, painting. Hell, one had a taste for mechanics who worked on custom cars. And how they'd drain them dry of everything. Many of their victims died. Some of them went through victims like a smoker with cigarettes. 
Blaine was one of them. He'd only keep them for a month or two before they'd pass away in hospitals from mysterious diseases that couldn't be identified. Moreover, he's been doing it for over two hundred years. Blaine wasn’t even his original name, he’d gone by dozens of names over the years. The last letter was from 1942. I guess he switched to using telephones, then the internet when it got popular. Who knows how many other victims have been held in his claws before he found me.
I don't know why I'm different. I don't know why he's let me live so long. I just know that I have to get away before he can truly take everything. 
And I'm trying. Believe me, I'm trying so hard. He'll be back tomorrow. I just need to get up and leave, to take all of my clothes and jewellery and pawn them off so I can get away. I don’t even care about finishing my book at this point - even though it’s so close to done.
I'm going to do it. I promise I’ll get away. I'll write again when I'm safe.
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hello gaby... probably you have already been asked this question but in your other blog (R.I.P). How did you become a Larrie? how did you know about them?
Hi, it's a funny story actually haha. It's a real learning curve.
So, disclaimer, I'm from a very homophobic country (Hungary), where when I grew up I only saw mom-dad families therefore of course all of my core values came from my upbringing. Even today the vast majority of people who call themselves open are only good w gayness if they don't "flaunt it". I know it's horrible. But that is also fascinating in how the true love of 2 boys/men can change the view of someone who was by definition predominantly homophobic (this was me yes). So, I'd say, this country is not like USA where you can see bars, and trans people proudly dressing up on the street, which would normalize the experience, here in my country this is happening behind closed doors or in the very few gay clubs we have. And here no one even thinks of other sexuals, or other sexualities, so it's straight or gay. Genders? Male or female. No other box to tick or no "not wishes to share" boxes.
Alright enough of the disclaimer, here is the story:
I also was one of those bitches who teased Adam's niece for her love for 1D. (I know I know - as I said: learning curve)
It's important to note that I have this natural tendency to alienate myself from things that are popular, and I'm stubbornly not loving something just because it's popular. Things can grow on me of course (like in this story), but 1D was everywhere, they were pushed down on my throat, if you opened the basin 1D would come out instead of tap water, they were in my favorite movie's premiere, and I was like no, go away, that's MY movie, you're not even actors.. just no!
I took one look at Louis to deduct ok he's gay - it was not hard to deduct - and I know it's superficial, but again, I am from a homophobic country.
Then one fateful night at the end of March 2014 I happened to be in Holland for a business trip and in the hotel room alone I had some time to kill. So for the lack of a dvd player or good TV programs (everything was in Dutch!) I grabbed the laptop and I went on YouTube to find some videos, and I cannot say why, but I was like, let's check 1D's TXF performances out. At that point I never even heard them live, only via mainstream radio. So I checked the videos one by one and they were GOOD, they could SING, and that was surprising to me...
And as I went through the videos, I got a rec (not FIMQ) but a rec which had such a clickbait title, that even my previously stubborn, but now very curious self chose to watch.
It was this video, I can't believe it's still out there. So long story short, it took me 2 seconds to get convinced they really are in love. The video was kind enough to explain the then-valid situation that the fandom SUPPORTS them, and it's only the management/industry which is not letting them come out.
And this really started a huge turmoil in my head because on one hand I was taught something, it was ingrained in me that a family is mom and dad and a couple is a girl and a boy, but what I saw, it was so genuine, it was heartbreaking, and who the fuck decided that what they feel is wrong? So I started digging like a moron, and by moron I mean that I went to bed at 3 AM and my taxi was supposed to pick me up at 5 AM so I slept TWO hours, because I was sooo buried in my laptop, with so many tabs open, and so many question marks. As I said, it was very clear from the video they're genuine. The only question I had ok but are they still together, we wrote 2014, and the video was made in 2013 May, so it was already a year old when I watched it. Again, it didn't take long to find they were still very much real and they were about to start the WWA tour. So I jumped to tumblr, created a blog, learned the ins and outs of this hellsite, followed those whose posts were informative, and built my old blog.
I am now a very well known liberal in our family, I even went against the political views in my family, and my mom simply had to understand. I also told to Adam that when Lizi reaches a point of needing a talk, he'll support me in enlightening her of the world she's not seeing because it's still not normalized in this country, and we're trying to do a good job - she still says it's strange (m/m or f/f) - I tell her it's not something she sees but it's super normal and if she ever feels something is not okay with the mold this society wants to put her into, then it's okay, we're here, we're supporting her, she can count on us.
Back to the niece: I told her wow this Larry is a real thing do you know this? And she's like yeah they're friends, and btw Louis has a gf. I'm not sure if she mentioned Harry, but I specifically remember hearing Eleanor as a reason. And I'm like no honey they're a couple and her reaction made it pretty clear we're not on the same page. So I gave her time. WWA kicked off and me being me, I sent her some gifs, some vids, some links that come on, even the fool can see it's NOT platonic. I sent her tattoos, and you know what's funny, the more I kept digging, the more proof I found, which was undeniable like the tats, but it was not even the main thing that got me believe in them. And I think one of those complimentary tats was fresh as hell before WWA (I need to look at the tattoo timeline). I checked the timeline so in 2014 Jan H got the anchor and in March L already had the arrow...) And also Strong-Happily!!! Soon I got to know the real Louis Tomlinson and the real Harry Styles, and I became very invested that they make it, that they win, because they deserve it!
Back to Adam's niece: I gave her a bit of time to consume the content and the fact that those 2 are undeniably together and that E is a beard. I think a few months later she came around, we were at a family event, (covid what) and I just chatted w her and SHE brought Larry up, until then I strictly avoided it, and she's like I realized E is a beard and th boys are together. And my mom nature immediately kicking off: so are you supporting them? You know it's not right that just because they fell in love it isn't okay/normal/accepted. And she said yes I support them. I was sooo happy! We couldn't SHUT up after that, we were reminded several times that lunch is readyyyy, but we were like 2 whispering schoolgirls haha.
So, summa summarum, they changed me, they changed my whole attitude, they changed what had been ingrained in me by showing it's genuine, it's not this negative picture the government portray gay relationships, and my change affected my husband of course, and will affect our 2 daughters. I also told my mom that she should be open, because if I happen to be non-straight I expect her to love me just like she does today and I know she secretly changed her views too. At least being a bit more open. Everything is still so hidden here, you don't see people coming out, you don't see these examples that could set more examples and start an avalanche of co's, at least definitely not in the public world, so it's still a long way to go, but good news, the younger generation is so much more accepting and has a lot more liberal views than our grandparents and ancestors.
This became long as hell but it was good to go back to memory lane a bit.
And 2 gifs I specifically remember that were ok no way in hell this is platonic:
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Thanks for reading it and thanks for asking nonny! :)
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buddiewho · 3 years
Bear with me because I have done some thinking again, this time about how choppy Athena’s story with Hudson and Harry being kidnapped felt. This will be long a post. Okay, so I know we all wanted some cutesy, weird, whimsical shit to go down during the blackout, right? My brain keeps thinking something like a couple kissing in an elevator or something and they get stuck...
I mean fine, animals escaping from the zoo. Cool cool. I was wanting something whimsical, you know? And the biggest act of kindness we got was from May’s 911 calls, especially the whole stringing lights together for the boy’s respirator. Anyway, what I think they were getting at, is this whole darkness/light thing. Everything with Harry, and Athena was a dark time. A dark, nasty ass person/character was taking advantage of this Ransomware attack and eventual blackout. My thing is, there was no way they could make contact? If cellphones were still operating, that is if you could keep them charged, laptops even..there could’ve been email freaking contact between the police station and the prison? A system that works on cellular data, if power conks out the wifi/connected internet? Maybe that thing doesn’t exist yet so, even if cellular data is working, the police don't have any functions, but citizens do because of their own cell phone plans etc hence how we got a posted video of Harry? It’s just, there was no way to check-in? Things are haywire for sure, and let’s eliminate the lawyer attacking Ransone...to then think about how he should've had the time to call the prison somehow via cell phone (which was still working??) Did the LAPD have generators working like the emergency call center (and do prisons have backups if the power goes out, they should right)? If so how the fuck didn’t they have a chance to somehow get information out about this man’s FACE?
Now, bringing back the fact that Ransone was attacked… he went MIA for the whole four days of the blackout because Athena and all of LAPD assumed Ransone got the job done and Hudson was back at Men’s Prison...which they did eventually call? It’s just the minute Hudson fled, the first priority should’ve been somehow reporting his FACE to everyone (and yes it became more difficult when the power got conked out)...but honestly, I’m so surprised they didn’t show May and Harry what this man looked like. He assaulted and nearly beat to death their mother- if it were me, I’d be like, who did what? Show me this person. This could’ve been avoided if Harry knew what the man looked like and if Michael and David, especially Michael knew what the man looked like. Besides, Harry should’ve been screaming and running down the hallway, “Dad! There’s a nasty man sniffing my mom’s underwear.” Are you telling me, he didn’t see that? I see what they’re trying to play. A mind game on Athena, because apparently, her first priority wasn’t making sure that her family knew this man or what he looked like and it’s what Hudson took advantage of, but the kicker would’ve been if that plan didn’t work. Haha jokes on you Hudson, because Daddy Grant plus his brain surgeon boyfriend gonna 'fuck your shit up' until Athena and party (as in Ransone could be healthy and helping) could come to arrest him, again.
Basically, they went for a literal dark theme for the blackout episodes. Dark contrasted to light. Maddie has been in the dark and every scene she’s been in has kind of clouded her. Eddie’s in the dark because of the panic attacks and I think what I’m going to dub ‘the salad scene’ shows Eddie in the dark, but also in the light via Buck and Christopher (whose hug was framed totally IN THE LITTLE LIGHT around the fire station). It’s just every time I think of that scene, I think of the chorus from One Direction’s Home:
I was stumbling
Looking in the dark (oh), with an empty heart
But you say, you feel the same
Could we ever be enough? (Oh)
Baby, we could be enough
And it's alright
Calling out for somebody to hold tonight
When you're lost, I'll find a way, and I'll be your light
You will never feel like you're alone
I'll make this feel like home
And as someone said they should just use this song for when Buddie is canon. It’s the perfect song! Yeah, so they went for dark vs light, very subtle like I think with a brief gloss over by way of Taylor’s breaking news title story: “Let there be Light…” (and I did not catch the rest). This is how I make sense of it all, ignoring a lot of other police crap that went down, and honestly, it feels like it is not what they were going for, but I’m going to say it is because it fits? The whole light vs dark concept. Or being in the dark, light is shed on something (ie the talk Buck and Eddie have that led to the break-up decision)...Maddie actually having the realization that what’s best is for her to separate from Jee, it’s what keeps her daughter safe, but Chim doesn’t want Maddie to be alone in this, he wants to help with her recovery.
A few characters had realizations in the dark, but now that the power (light) is back, how can they deal with that? Can they see better or is there still more work to be done no matter how much light is shed on something?
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deltadoodle · 7 years
Hey! Sorry I haven't been active here lately, school started again :(
Anyways, this is a Oneshot one-shot I wrote some time ago. If anyone is interested, check it out!
Oneshot by @nightmargin, @girakacheezer, @elizavq !
For those who don't want to click the link, the story is down below :) ((Warning, pretty long!))
A/N: Possible trigger warnings – mention of blood, possible character death. (angst, tragedy)
Disclaimer: the game Oneshot and any characters/dialogue you recognize belong to the creators of Oneshot.
Total words: 2,179
Summary: The player makes one fatal mistake, and has to face the consequences.
**In this story world, the player (‘Delta’) is able to communicate with Niko at all times via typing what they want to say. This is their second non-Solstice playthrough. Hope you enjoy!**
  I sat in front of my laptop, staring at an icon shaped like a lightbulb. ‘What to do, what to do…’ I thought. A few days ago, I had completed one playthrough of the Steam game named Oneshot. I had guided a cat-but-not-a-cat character called Niko through a doomed world in a mission to restore the sun. I was pleasantly surprised to see that I could interact with Niko directly by typing to them, and they responded to my words. I was apparently a ‘god’ in that world, too. I got really attached to Niko during the journey…but in the end, I had to make a tough decision. To save the world at the cost of Niko never going home, or to save one life at the expense of an entire world? When Niko looked at me and asked for guidance, I was torn between the choices for a long time, until I eventually chose to save the world by placing the lightbulb in the Tower.
Now, three days after reading the final note from the Author, I was considering doing another playthrough. I had saved the world, but I wanted to see the ending where Niko went home. Niko felt…too real to me. They really seemed like a real, alive person. I kept wondering whether I made the right decision. Was it really right to condemn an innocent child to an unknown fate in an unknown land to save a world that was, according to ‘the Entity’, just a simulation?
‘That’s it,’ I thought. ‘I’m going back and saving Niko. Maybe I’ll be able to see some new dialogue, and there might even be different scenes!’
“Well, here goes nothing,” I said aloud as I dragged the file named ‘oneshot_save1(??)’ into the trash bin. I went back to the desktop.
The second time over, everything seemed pretty much the same, except for the fact that Niko seemed to remember my name. They called out the name when they first woke up in the dark house, even before they met Prophetbot. But apart from those few moments, I progressed with Niko just like before.
"A metal safe. Seems like it’s locked with a 6-digit code. I don't…remember seeing any 6-digit codes. Do you, Delta?"
Niko's wide yellow eyes stared back at me through the monitor. They were in the Barrens, in front of the locked metal box on top of the cliffs. ‘Of course!’ I typed. I had already restored the power and talked to the computer, although I already knew where to find the code. I found the document.oneshot file and opened it.
“Dear Delta…yeah yeah, I know…oh, here it is! 'The code you need is...'" I squinted. "I can't make anything out! Aren’t there supposed to be numbers here?" The spot where I assumed the code to the safe was supposed to be was unreadable, and I couldn't make out any numbers. "But then, what's the code? Is it what’s supposed to happen in the second playthrough? Or maybe it's another puzzle…" But no matter how hard I tried to decipher the code or find some kind of pattern in the rest of the message, I couldn't figure out anything.
I turned my attention back to the game window. Niko was still staring back patiently. I typed back a response. ‘No...I'm sorry Niko, I thought I had the code, but I can't find it anywhere! Maybe we should look around some more.’ Niko, to my relief, didn't seem too disappointed in me. "Okay!" They replied. "Let's go back to Prophetbot, maybe he knows something! Or maybe the robot lady does!" I had to smile at Niko's optimism and enthusiasm as we turned away from the metal box.
But no matter how long we searched, talked with the robots, or consulted the computer, we couldn't find anything related to a six-digit number. The computer had told me quite condescendingly to go look in the DOCUMENTS folder, which I already had. I was beginning to suspect that something had gone wrong. Maybe it was a bug?
  "Niko?" I asked after too much time had passed with us going in circles. Niko stopped and turned towards me. "Hm?"
"Maybe...maybe we should continue without opening the box."
Niko was silent for a few moments. "Then where should we go, Delta?" They asked. I thought of where we hadn't been yet. Only one place came to mind.
"Niko, I think you'll have to go through the place with the bad air. You know, the one where you said it hurts to breathe?"
Niko looked startled. "But...won't it be dangerous?" They suddenly looked apologetic. "I, I mean...it's not that I don't believe you, Delta, it's just that it hurts my throat when I go there."
I bit my lower lip. I knew it was a bad idea to make Niko go through the gaseous area, last time Niko had a gas mask to protect them but this time they didn’t. But I had been wandering around the small patch of the Barrens for several hours, and I was getting bored and tired of getting nowhere. Clamping down on my instincts telling me that this was a bad idea, I started typing.
‘I know, and I'm sorry...for being the god of this world but not being able to do much for you. But Niko, please trust me. If you go quickly through that area and hold in your breath as long as possible, you should be able to reach a safe place.’ I hesitated, then added, ‘and I'm sure the air isn't THAT dangerous, it's just a little different and uncomfortable, but I'm positive it wouldn't hurt you badly.’ I hope. I added mentally.
Niko's yellow cat eyes looked back at me, a little unsure but determined. "Of course I trust you! I'm sure you wouldn't let me get hurt, Delta!" They smiled, and a twinge of guilt flashed across my chest. I quickly squashed it. ‘For progress’, I thought. ‘And Niko's just a video game character, it doesn't matter too much…’ I tried to convince myself, but the uneasiness remained.
Niko coughed. “Delta,” they rasped out. “It hurts to breathe…” I closed my eyes briefly, berating myself for making this stupid decision. Niko had been walking for a couple of minutes in the noxious fumes. I didn’t remember the walk being this long, but the gas pumping out from the vents obscured our vision so we bumped into quite a few dead ends. At first, Niko had tried holding their breath in, but they eventually had to breathe in. They had begun coughing immediately and their eyes had teared up.
“It’s not too far away, Niko! Can you run? Or walk faster?” I typed quickly.
“Y-yeah, I can t-try to-“ Niko suddenly burst into another bout of coughing. I was feeling really worried now; Niko’s coughs were getting more frequent and more violent. I remembered there being a dormitory area just a few meters away, although the thick smoke made it impossible to see too far away. I vaguely recalled an infirmary being there. I hoped that the robots there had a cure for the noxious gas. Accidents involving workers inhaling the poisonous stuff would have been common in the Barrens, right?
After a few more agonizing seconds that seemed to stretch on for hours, the game window suddenly cleared of the white gas and Niko emerged into the dormitory area. Niko sank down on their knees, heaving in deep breaths of clean air and occasionally coughing loudly, doubled over and clutching their stomach. They seemed so…frail. I felt dread rising up, cloying my mind not unlike the poisonous fumes.
‘Niko!’ I typed out urgently. They raised their head weakly. “Niko, I know you’re tired, but you NEED to go to the infirmary! It’s just a few more steps, PLEASE Niko!” They slowly rose to their feet. “O…ok-k-ay.” They stuttered.
I held down the arrow key and watched as Niko took one painful step after the other, the sound of their footsteps on the gravelly floor the only sound echoing in the silence. After what seemed like an eternity, I spotted a building with a blue neon sign of a cross. The infirmary! Niko seemed to have spotted it too, and was now walking a little faster.
As soon as they passed the threshold, the strength seemed to leave them, and they collapsed on the cold metal floor. One of the infirmary robots rushed over.
I felt hope rise in my chest. There was a cure!
“Well, what are you waiting for!!” I said aloud. “Give Niko the medicine already!”
The robot made a whirring noise, then spoke.
“Unavailable!” I exclaimed. “What do you mean, unavailable?”
‘Niko,’ I typed, my hands shaking. ‘Can…can you ask the robot what it means?’ Niko picked themselves up slightly, their face scrunching up in pain. “W-what do y-y-ou mean? Can you h-e-e-elp me?” All of their energy spent, they slid back down to the floor. They lay there and didn’t move.
A bigger robot came out from the left hallway towards Niko. It knelt down beside them and gently picked up their still form. They walked with Niko in its big hands through the left corridor and into a room I had never seen before. I no longer had control over the game; I was now just an observer, watching helplessly as the consequences of my rash decision played out. Everything was out of my hands.
Niko was gently put down on a bed. They sunk into the soft mattress, and stirred slightly, curling up on their side. ‘Niko…?’ I typed haltingly. ‘Are you okay?’ Niko coughed yet again, and I was horrified to see their signature blue scarf now stained with several dark red splotches.
“I’ll-cough-I’ll be f-fine, Delta. D-don-t worry about me. I’ll just cat-tch a short nap and-“ More coughing. More red. ‘Shhh, stop talking Niko. Just…just rest. You’ll be fine.’
Niko rolled onto their back. Their luminous yellow eyes stared up, up through the monitor, into my own black orbs. “Am…am I going to d-die, Delta?” I put my head in my hands, eyes clenched shut tightly. I couldn’t bear to look into those wide, innocent eyes, those eyes that were slowly losing its brightness…all because of…….
“Delta?” A weak voice caught my attention. “Delt-t-a! Don’t l-leave me now. Please….t-talk to me?” I took in a deep, steadying breath, then turned my attention back to the keyboard. “Yeah. I’m here. I’ll always be here for you. I’m sorry Niko, I’m so, SO sorry.” Niko jerkily shook their head. “N-not your f-f-fault. I wanted to go t-t-to. Don’t blame yourself, please?” I didn’t reply, a few drops of tears finally rolling down my cheeks despite me furiously repeating the internal mantra it’s just a game, it’s just a game, it’s just a game…
“Delta…I feel sleepy…” Niko murmured. I looked at the screen. Their eyes were closing, and although they were trying to keep them open, I could tell that it was taking a huge toll on them to stay conscious. “I want to go home, Delta…” I reached out to the monitor towards Niko, hoping vainly that I could grab Niko through the display and pull them through to safety. They looked so small and helpless…
“You will go home Niko. Just close your eyes, and rest. You’ll get to see your mom again, and the wheat fields, and the village…” I whispered as I typed out the message. I saw Niko’s mouth turn up in a small smile. Their eyes slid closed. “Mom…” They sighed out.
  And didn’t breathe in.
  “N-niko?” I stared at the small child lying alone on a bed, in an abandoned building in an abandoned land. I couldn’t take in the fact that Niko was…
I jumped in surprise and yelped as an error message popped up.
{ YOU. }
It read.
Another message appeared.
{ You. Killed. Niko. }
I felt cold.
{ You came back…just to do THIS??? }
{ … }
{ I hope you are proud of yourself. }
{ …you murderer. }
The game window, and all the error messages, disappeared.
That was how my mother found me a couple of hours later, staring blankly at the laptop. I didn’t answer when she asked why my desktop wallpaper was a broken lightbulb and a bloody blue scarf.
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