#we went on a little hand walkie since he isn't allowed to sweat for 36 hours after his shots
allylikethecat · 1 year
Hey Ally, I see you’ve seen the satvb stuff and especially the wax figure bit. I’d love to hear your pov of it in a fic form if that makes sense sort of like an introspection into his “nightmare” ie. being vulnerable and feeling exposed and naked but also trying to protect himself. I know that probably doesn’t make sense but I would still like to hear your thoughts and theories regardless. Hope you’re having a good day :)
Hi! My day was pretty average, I went to work and then Pop got his fall vaccines today and is always extremely mopey and dramatic about it, so I felt bad for him even when he was being a little terror. I hope that you had / have a good day and thank you for sending in this ask!
SO, I haven't really watched much of the satvb coverage and I purposely didn't watch any of the live streams so there would at least be *some* surprise when I went to my first show. I did however see way too many pictures of the wax Matty figure laying in the fake grass and am very stressed about how I am going to explain THAT to my casual fan friends that are going to the shows with me. 😂
And on that note, I'm going to my first show of the tour next week and I can't make any promises regarding a fic dealing with the wax figure situation (I have some other projects up my sleeve now that the A&E Fic is nearly finished- one of them while still a Gatty situation is very different from anything I've ever written 👀) however, that's not to say that inspiration won't strike when I'm confronted with a life sized, naked, fake Matty in person 😂
I will report back after my show- but from what I understand, despite the shocking, absurdity of it all, it is actually a rather sad moment? Regardless, if I do decide to write something relating to it (whether a fic or just me over thinking and having ~feelings~), it will for sure be after I see the entire thing go down in person. Thank you so much for like... caring what my thoughts are on this! I'm excited to form a more complete opinion on it after the show! Thank you again for reading and sending in this ask!
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