#and i always laugh because im just like taking my giant ass dog on a lil walk
allylikethecat · 9 months
Hey Ally, I see you’ve seen the satvb stuff and especially the wax figure bit. I’d love to hear your pov of it in a fic form if that makes sense sort of like an introspection into his “nightmare” ie. being vulnerable and feeling exposed and naked but also trying to protect himself. I know that probably doesn’t make sense but I would still like to hear your thoughts and theories regardless. Hope you’re having a good day :)
Hi! My day was pretty average, I went to work and then Pop got his fall vaccines today and is always extremely mopey and dramatic about it, so I felt bad for him even when he was being a little terror. I hope that you had / have a good day and thank you for sending in this ask!
SO, I haven't really watched much of the satvb coverage and I purposely didn't watch any of the live streams so there would at least be *some* surprise when I went to my first show. I did however see way too many pictures of the wax Matty figure laying in the fake grass and am very stressed about how I am going to explain THAT to my casual fan friends that are going to the shows with me. 😂
And on that note, I'm going to my first show of the tour next week and I can't make any promises regarding a fic dealing with the wax figure situation (I have some other projects up my sleeve now that the A&E Fic is nearly finished- one of them while still a Gatty situation is very different from anything I've ever written 👀) however, that's not to say that inspiration won't strike when I'm confronted with a life sized, naked, fake Matty in person 😂
I will report back after my show- but from what I understand, despite the shocking, absurdity of it all, it is actually a rather sad moment? Regardless, if I do decide to write something relating to it (whether a fic or just me over thinking and having ~feelings~), it will for sure be after I see the entire thing go down in person. Thank you so much for like... caring what my thoughts are on this! I'm excited to form a more complete opinion on it after the show! Thank you again for reading and sending in this ask!
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minjunz · 2 years
heyyy i hope your doing finee <3 i just saw that yangyang and shotaro as boyfriends and that was literally the most satisfying and cutest thing ive read so far :( ... also nice to meet u! im new on here (like no joke i just joined like 2 weeks ago)— anyways cld i req the same thing but with xiaojun and hendery as well 🥺🫶🏽 idk im in my feels 😞❤️ take your time w this one lovely xoxo
hii!! i hope you’re doing fine as well ^^ had to absolutely wrack my tiny little peanut brain for these, i’m so bad at writing for anyone except nct dream so i’m super sorry if this is subpar D: ty for requesting though!
nice to meet you too btw!!!!
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xiaojun and hendery as boyfriends! [gn reader]
goes shopping with you but you both end up just buying stuff for bella instead
takes bella on walks with you and you end up having to run with him
appreciates all your weird jokes but doesn’t really understand them. he just thinks you’re cute
constantly gushing about you to everyone
experiments with recipes (like the oreo cake) and uses you as his test subject
would die for you
sends you gym photos. also sends you bella photos
you constantly get into dumb playful arguments about stupid things like if milk or cereal goes first
likes headbutting you in an affectionate way
if you’re checking your outfit in the mirror he’ll come up behind you and just start flexing
pinches your cheeks so often there’s xiaojun prints permanently engraved in your skin
he also likes laying his head on your ass. he says it’s like a heated pillow
tries to act mature and manly when you go for nights out
you get home and he immediately falls on top of you and won’t move unless you pinch or kiss him
prefers video call to audio call if he’s away
he’s always trying to get you to feel more confident
i think he’s the type to give a million pecks instead of just one kiss
[sorry i see xiaojun as a brother figure it’s so hard to write for him 😭]
you ask him to step on you as a joke and he looks at you like you’re clinically insane
makes an effort to take you on as many dates as he possibly can
you build giant lego sets together
takes the worst photos of you but it’s ok
makes dinosaur noises at you to end conversations
protects his squidward beanie with his life. the only thing you’re not allowed to touch when he has it on
he looks like a guard dog from afar but he’s actually whispering “look at my boobs” into your ear
a clown.
if he can’t make you laugh at least thrice a day then he won’t sleep
i feel like 90% of the time he’s messing around and being playful with you but the other 10% of the time he’s SO romantic
like he’ll set up candle light three course meals in your living room just because he wants to
he gets really really shy/awkward when meeting your friends or family though and won’t let go of your hand
will wake you up by making weird noises in your face or twerking
calls you his prince/princess in the middle of kisses
puts on his ‘girl voice’ when he wants you to do something
force feeds you his food because he wants you to try it
buys shirts with you in mind. he wants you to like them enough to steal them
nose boops you like a dog
vlogs to his story and always hypes you up for no reason
“hey guys look at how amazing, gorgeous, cool, showstopping, brilliant, incredible, magnificent and CUTE y/n is. look at my baby.”
knows all your likes and dislikes. he’ll eat what you don’t like if you’re determined to get something with it though
compliments you in a different language to your face then refuses to tell you what he’s saying
even if you’re attacking him he’ll just grin and shake his head
sometimes you wake up and he’s just stood at the foot of your bed like a sleep paralysis demon
or he’s stood in front of your mirror doing weird dances
staring contests but he’s trying to distract you by blowing kisses the whole time
sends you cat thirst trap photos
absolutely destroys you when you play fight then apologises immediately after
so comfortable around you. almost too comfortable. like he shits with the door open
sends you horrible puns every hour
neighbours called the police once because they thought you were murdering someone but you were just trying to make hendery jump and he screamed
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goldnratio · 4 years
Dating Luke Alvez HC’s
word count: 1.3k
warnings: some are a little risqué but nothing major
a/n: here’s some headcanons for luke! might do some nsfw ones, and for spencer and Hotch but I have to finish some requests first
love love LOVES music
michael jackson, david bowie, queen, biggie smalls, etc.
oh what I would I do to see him sing ‘hypnotize’ (I know he drinks his Respecting Women Juice but he always emphasizes on “bulletproof glass tints if I want some ass” with a laugh ‘cause it reminds him of an ‘inside joke’ you two share aka the time you two fucked in one of the bureau’s SUVs during a boring stakeout but that’s a story for another time)
our puerto rican + cuban king loves daddy yankee, calle 13, nicky jam, bad bunny, marc anthony, juanes, hombres G!!!
does Not Care if you can’t speak/understand Spanish, he’s got you dancing with him either way
GOING CRAZY TO ‘gasolina’ AND ‘yo perreo sola’ AND ‘safaera’
this mere idea of dancing to reggaeton with luke,,, im lightheaded
all you feel is his hands’ tight grip on your hips and the feeling of your ass pressing against him has him groaning and im gonna pass out if I keep thinking about it
not even gonna talk about dancing with him to cumbia bc y’all would never hear the end of it
anyways you got him airpods for christmas because you were sick of hearing him complain about always having to detangle his wires; he wears them almost 24/7 and likes that he can share one with you and not have to worry about the wires
he has playlists for EVERYTHING
big cuddle monster
luke is naturally a Big Spoon, have you SEEN HIS ARMS AND BODY? so Wide and perfecting for holding you
loves to hold you in his sleep, you’re like an anchor for him when he gets nightmares from cases
the bau team has several pictures of you two asleep on the jet; some of your head on luke’s chest with one of his arms around you and others with your limbs so tangled together that they can’t tell where luke ends and you begin
prefers Real Cuddles at home though because both of you are handsy and innocent cuddles have turned into sex more times than you can count
but sometimes after a bad case he just wants to be held with your fingers running through his hair. you’re in bed and he tightly wraps his arms around your waist, resting his upper body on yours with his head on your chest or face buried in your neck.
He’s a very protective man
and not like in an overbearing way
it’s just that you both have seen and know firsthand how sick and dangerous the world can be sometimes and he never wants it to touch you
almost always has a hand on you; whether it’s holding hands, or an arm over your shoulders, or a hand on your waist, or—
alternatively, your hands always wind up in his back pocket or holding onto his GIANT biceps
usually in lines he stands behind you with his arms wrapped around you and resting his chin on the top of your head, or you’re next to him and holding his arm with your head resting on his shoulder
sometimes you go on runs together with Roxy
and sometimes you go run by yourself, and Luke always suggests taking Roxy with you
not because he thinks you’re incapable of taking care of yourself without him but he doesn’t want to take the risk of something happening to you when he’s not there
also because “she could go for a run, burn some of that energy, right, Roxy?”
He knows the danger is part of the job but he just hates the idea of something happening to you
He will try to talk you out of something too dangerous but won’t tell you that you can’t go (even though he REALLY WANTS TO) because as much as he loves and cares for you, he knows you’re a great agent and are capable of taking care of yourself out in the field
I suppose it also depends on the case and the unsub? ‘cause like if you fit the unsub’s victimology then he’s more,,,cautious about it
Luke always tries to put himself in between you and the potential danger, which is funny because you try to do the same thing
[insert that meme/comic of the two people bending to protect each other]
does a mix of the ‘get behind me’ and ‘mom arm reflex for an abrupt stop’ so he can protect you from anything ahead and you have his back with a view of anything behind you guys
literally will take a bullet for you if it comes to it and he knows without a doubt that you would do the same
BACK TO ROXY!!! that adorable german shepard
but mostly you and Roxy
with the occasional bau team pics
but when Luke first introduced you to her the first time you came over to his house
it went...ok?
roxy—like luke—has seen Some Serious Shit
even being a friendly dog, I think it’d be natural for her to be cautious with new people
so when her daddy is bringing the same woman home she is like oH??
she was a little shy and kept her distance, staying close to luke the first few times you went over
eventually she got used to you coming around more often, sitting closer to you and letting you pet her more
you swear luke’s eyes were glossy the first time Roxy curled up next to you and laid her head on your lap
“no, (Y/N), I’m not about to cry it’s just that I have…dust...in my eyes…”
he’s melting on the inside though because you’re both his Best Girls Who He Loves Very Much!!!!!
he also trusts you enough to watch Roxy if he’s away and loves that Roxy trusts you too
sometimes he stays at the BAU later and comes home to you asleep on the couch with Roxy right by your side, or you’re in bed with Roxy right by the entrance of the room
either way it makes him Soft™️ that Roxy is also just as protective of you
“what’s up, baby? you taking care of mommy for me, being a good guard dog for (y/n)?”
with both of you working at the BAU, you are literally the Hottest Couple Most Sleep Deprived Couple
you sleep at the hotels when you’re on a case but let’s be real: sometimes the case is too fresh in your mind to let you sleep, same goes for Luke
you guys find that just talking about it helps
sex works too, but there’s only two moods after: I’m so tired now thank you and I love you, goodnight OR I now have more energy than I did when we got in bed can we please go another round
like you will just go over to cuddle him and sleep
you stay over a lot more than luke stays at your place and it’s mostly because taking Roxy back and forth gets difficult, especially if your place is like less equipped for pets
as sleep deprived as you two are, you can’t sleep in late
You’re both used to waking up early and at ungodly times because of work, plus Luke takes Roxy outside in the mornings to potty so you usually get up to make him coffee
so your bodies aren’t exactly programmed to want to sleep in, but there are rare times when you’ll sleep in till like 11am (Luke has potty pads in place for Roxy just in case)
but since you guys tend to wake up early on your days off, you spend the mornings in bed and just nap throughout the day
finally, having lots of pet names for each other!!!!!
his for you include but are not limited to:
sweet thang
mi amor
pretty lady
yours for him include but are not limited to:
big guy
sweet cheeks
papi chulo (he ALWAYS blushes with this one but he tries to cover it up with a smirk)
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ad1thi · 4 years
2020 fic recs!! [Part 1]
this idea was stolen from @iam93percentstardust cuz i just,,,thought that this year was absolute shit and it would be nice to make a fic rec list of fics from this year that helped me through it. this will be over a range of fandoms and ships, but all fics were written this year. 
fics are ordered by the month they were published. ive tried to keep to five fics per month, but this is not obviously all the fics ive read that month - i just didn’t want to make this insanely long. 
im releasing the first half of this on the 1st of December, and the second half on the 1st of January 2021 - because otherwise it would just get so long (and also so i will actually have fics for December)
happy reading!! hopefully you find fics on this you haven’t read yet
The cat is mighty dignified (until the dog comes by): @five-wow
Steve and Danny find them on the pillow in the corner of the dining area, where Eddie is on his side, ass half on the floor because the pillow is more cat-sized than lab-sized, and Pickles is nestled between Eddie’s front legs, essentially being spooned and looking very I-got-the-cream about it. Pickles’ head is tucked into the crook of Eddie’s neck and Eddie’s head slots perfectly on top of Mr. Pickles’, like a furry jigsaw puzzle.
“They’re cuddling,” Steve points out, unnecessarily.
Or: There is a love story unfolding under the McGarrett roof.
Captain ‘Socialist Rage Muffin’ America: @baffledkingcomposinghallelujah
It takes three months of dating Steve Rogers for Tony to understand why Aunt Peggy once shot at him in sheer frustration.
Alternately titled, Honey, I committed treason again.
The Best Laid Plans (Of Mice and Men): @arboreal-elm-ash-oak
His Dark Materials AU
It was Annalise who noticed their small visitor first.
“Tony,” the spider daemon said softly, skittering up the collar of his dress shirt, two of her eight legs resting delicately against his cheek, “Don’t startle them, but I believe we have a guest. Look, by the coffee table.”
Fourteen Million to One: @tunastorks
Six months after Thanos, six months after Tony’s death, six months after Steve returns to his own timeline, Tony Stark turns up on their doorstep.
Brewed Awakening: @iam93percentstardust
Two years after he comes out of the ice, Steve is drifting through life. On his teammate's recommendation, he decides to go back to school where he meets the grandson of an old friend. He finds happiness with Tony but Steve won't be in Boston forever and someone is out to hurt the Starks. Will Steve and Tony be able to reach their happily ever after?
the young, the reckless and the foolish: @bruciewayne
In most universes, they don't know each other, not in the slightest, or they hate each other, in a way that's perfectly logical for anyone who were to find themselves in a similar situation.
In this one, they've known each other since they were four years old and naively idealistic.
This is them over the years, against the odds.
a giant sign: @areiton
“Think you can get him to open the weapons division up again?” his CO asks, his voice hungry and Rhodey laughs because this--
“No. Tony hung up his weapons.”
“That’s not what the suit says,” his CO objects, and Rhodey shrugs.
Tony has always had rules, rules he expects the entire world to live by.
And then there was Rhodey, slipping under them.
my heart is driftwood, floating down your coast: @nethandrake
Tonight, there’s a stranger in his backseat. That’s not unusual.
He’s also sad. That’s not unusual either.
What is unusual is that the stranger is silent.
(One night, a stranger enters Steve's taxi. Nothing is the same again.)
Just A Cold: @/delighted 
There’s a new text waiting for him. It’s from Steve of course, and it’s vaguely threatening as most messages from Steve are these days. Still Danny ignores it, and now he’s really playing with fire. Maybe it’ll burn the cold out of him.
Or, Danny’s sick, and Steve can’t stay away. The usual comfort fluff. With a little cameo from a gently meddling Grace.
An Unexpected Guide: @/Rachel500
Danny Williams has hidden his Guide status to keep being a detective, but his time of hiding is up when he unexpectedly finds his Sentinel, Steve McGarrett in the midst of a tragedy.
Why don’t we (Collide the spaces that divide us): @five-wow
When they finally catch sight of each other again through the milling crowds, they’re both a little worse for wear. Danny’s left side is covered in glitter and every time he brushes a hand over his hair, more blue and purple confetti rains down. Steve is- Well, Steve is randomly shirtless, which is all things considered not excessively remarkable, but he’s also covered in smudges of colorful paint and has a very nicely printed bloodred lipstick kiss mark on his cheek.
“What did you do?” Danny asks, because it looks like Steve had a lot more fun than he did.
Or: Steve and Danny accidentally end up in the middle of something entirely new.
A Little Unsteady: @finduilasclln 
Written for the Tumblr prompt meme : "Hey! I was gonna eat that!"
Tony lashes out at Bucky for eating his dessert. Only, it really isn't about the dessert.
a national treasure: @starklysteve
Steve isn't looking for an apple and Tony decides his passion is to inspire young souls. -x- OR: the AU where Tony is a Youtuber and Steve is Captain America and somehow they still save the world together.
cycle through: @ambivalentmarvel
Twenty-five years ago, Tony Stark disappeared from his family home a month after the tragic deaths of his parents, Howard and Maria Stark, leaving a billion-dollar tech conglomerate without an heir and the world wondering what happened.
Twenty-three years ago, HYDRA gained another super soldier.
Ten years ago, Peter Parker’s parents died in what is ruled as a home invasion gone wrong but he knows was murder, plain and simple, because he spoke to the killer.
And in the present, Project Insight fails, and the Iron Soldier pays the price.
Tony Stark is twenty-one when he loses his voice. It shouldn't matter, but in a world where the first words your Soulmate says to you are marked on your skin, it can be pretty damn annoying.
Especially for Tony's soulmate.
Companion piece to my fic Thumb, Index, and Pinky Extended. This is Steve's POV, with a few extra scenes, as a treat.
(Edit: Sorry if you guys get multiple notifications for this. I just realized (about two hours after posting it) that I fucked up the grammar in the title and I HAD to fix it. YOLO, I guess.)
come build a home out of me: @maguna-stxrk
Steve clears his throat.
“What if I went with you?” he asks nonchalantly, like his heart isn’t threatening to beat out of his ribcage.
Tony blinks a few times, looking at Steve, his mouth ajar. “As a— As my date?”
“Yeah.” Steve nods, feeling a little breathless.
“You don’t mind?” Tony furrows his eyebrows.
“I don’t. In fact, you can just tell them I’m your boyfriend. I’m sure they’ll back off, wouldn’t they?”
“I— Huh?” Tony stares at him, brown eyes blown wide open.
What. What. What.
“Huh? Uh, I mean— You know, that way people will see that you have definitely moved on. Monica will see that you have moved on. Right?” Steve smiles, hoping that it masks his inner panic, because what?
Steve Rogers, what have you done?
i don’t have a choice (but i’d still choose you): @nethandrake
There’s a name inked onto his chest, a name written in an all-too familiar scrawl. And it’s— It’s—
Steve doesn’t realize his body is quaking until he’s tracing the tattoo with a shaky finger.
Because of course that is the name etched into the skin. Like a brand, a reminder for everything he has done. An appropriate retribution.
Anthony Edward Stark.
(When Thanos snaps half of the universe away, he unknowingly leaves the other half with soulmarks.)
ua haʻalele ʻoe iaʻu (a ua hoʻomālamalama ʻoe iaʻu): @just-fandomthings
"The truth is, I was shot in the chest and nearly died, and not even three days after I was released from the hospital, you up and left-- and of those two, I'm not sure which one hurt me worse!"
(Coda to 10x22 because come on, we all need a better ending than the one given to us.)
Title loosely translates to: "You left me in the dark (you lit me up)" -- inspired by the brilliant song "Say You Won't Let Go" by James Arthur
A Piece Of The Past: @hddnone
It had been so many years since Bucky had gone undercover in the Stark family's mob, he thought he'd gotten away clean.
Then Tony Stark slid into the seat across from him at his breakfast diner, and Bucky's boss has a new case for him.
the privilege of loving you: @starklysteve
“Why won’t you let me touch you?”
It’s a desperate plea, half-shouted and half-whispered, Steve’s voice cracking at the end. Tony stops in his tracks, halfway to the stairs. He doesn’t dare to turn back, and he really doesn’t want to fight, or to leave, to spend the last month of his life away from his husband and their son. But Steve can’t know, can he?
Or: Tony has palladium poisoning, but he doesn't tell Steve and Peter
your pillow feels so soft now (but still you must advance): @firebrands
When Bruce is 13, he decides to go to boarding school. It's an opportunity for him to learn about other people, and how to interact with them.
Bruce has the misfortune of meeting Tony Stark upon his arrival in Roxbury. Bruce is moving into his room, and Tony opens the door of his room to watch. He looks a bit younger than Bruce, hair wild and eyes bright. Bruce has never seen a boy like him before—handsome and confident.
Bruce doesn’t like it.
IMPORTANT: This fic has them meeting at 14, then progresses slowly until they’re 17. Includes underage drinking and kissing.
This is set before Bruce becomes Batman and Tony becomes Iron Man and I have no explanation as to how or why they just DO Canonically, Bruce is 17 when he finishes school and goes around the world to train, so we're sticking with that
The Real MVP: @sword-and-stars (part of a series)
[“I have saved this Tuesday!” Sokka announces, rattling the bag upon reentry.
Zuko doesn’t even look up from his phone as he deadpans, “It’s Thursday.”
Okay, so Sokka is still having trouble getting his days right without checking. At least he’s gone back to sleeping at night! Going to bed at night is way easier when you have a cute, cuddly boyfriend who starts falling asleep around eleven o’clock. It also helps that he and Zuko are on solid gold butt-touching terms.
It’s been a while since Sokka has been on butt-touching terms with someone and it’s amazing.]
Sokka knows a guy, gets laid, and introduces Zuko to the merits of an afternoon delight.
When is a bed not a bed? (When you’re not in it): @riotwritesthings
There’s a tiny safe house, with one tiny window and one tiny couch.
And one tiny little bed.
Nice Fingers: @anthonyed
A single compliment given by Tony stirs Bucky restless until he caves in and asks him out on a date.
With Steve’s help of course (whether he likes it or not).
The Darkest Touch: @starkrogerrs
This is the story of how Steve finds that it has been ordained that he is to marry a monster he cannot resist aka the God of Love himself, Tony.
It's Cupid x Psyche retold, but with thrice the amount of porn.
The Night Shift:  @weethreequarter
Welcome to the Emergency Department of San Antonio General where Dr. Tony Stark joins the team fresh from his most recent tour in Afghanistan and - much to the consternation of the other staff - strikes up an instant rapport with Nurse Steve Rogers. Meanwhile, new resident Bruce Banner refuses to give up on his patient, and Dr. Sharon Carter learns something from her own patients. Throw in a pissed off hospital administrator, Clint using the coffee pot as a mug again, and a major car crash and you have, well, just another night shift.
Wind Beneath My Wings: @iam93percentstardust
Sam first meets Tony Stark in 2005 when he joins the EXO-7 Falcon program.
In jest: @/apathyinreverie
“No, babe,” Danny shakes his head with a grin. “If the apocalypse were to go down while I’m elsewhere for some godforsaken reason, then you stay put and I’m coming to wherever you are.” His grin widens. “And I expect you to have cleared any aliens or zombies or whatever else might be messing with us off the island and to have set up a nice, comfortable military dictatorship for us to rule over by the time I get back.”
It’s a joke.
Of course it’s a joke.
Until it isn’t.
(A the-day-after-tomorrow-style apocalypse AU, where the world decides to end right when Danny is visiting one of the other islands with Grace. Because, of course, it does.)
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thirsthourdemon · 4 years
Headcanon when you call them by their cute little nickname in front of their team
Includes: Aone and Kyoutani
Tags: fluff, headcanons,
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Aone || Nobu
-Here’s the thing you guys are so discreet and soft that it just looks like friends stuff.
-Dont get me wrong the team loves that the giant finally has someone to accompany him in the train,this was a big issue for a certain time, and they’re just so happy that he was friends outside of them considering how most people get frightened of him.
-Okay so everyone had assumed that you guys were just friends because you guys weren’t too touchy or lovey dovey at all!
-Babies were still shy, okay?! Nways
-You started dating a few months already too! Like 3 months or so but you still both agreed that it was too early
-Behind closed doors however both of you were two adorable little idiots. Wanna ask me why?!
-Mind reading! You both shared the brain cells and though you only contributed 2 brain cells it was enough for you and him to read each other’s minds
-One time on the train you were looking at something on your phone with him and he didn’t even speak! He just...😐
-Though he was like that for some reason everyone in the train heard your giggling! Like you were laughing so damn hard but he...I-
-The people in the train were now very concerned and very scared
-You guys would also be the type to just in general do stuff your way
-tAkiNg tHinGs slOw 😤🌸 As thEy sAy hEreE
-It wasn’t uncommon to have cute nicknames too! You even started calling him “Nobu” when you guys cuddle or when you feel particularly affectionate that day
-That day was this day
-Your boyfriend hehehehe bOyFrieNd HEHEHEHEHE was getting ready for practice that day and you thought of surprising him
-You waited inside the gym for him and soon enough the door slid open to reveal him
-“Yes, (First name/nickname)?”
-“I made you snacks in case you got hungwy, Nobu-kun~ OwO” you babytalked him forgetting one small detail
-He left the door open
-Everyone in the team was well...shocked
-It may not have seen like a big deal but AONE TALKED?! And HE USED SOMEONE’S NICKNAME OR FIRST NAME?! AND HE WAS CALLED NOBU?!!!!
-Ya’ll got the whole team, as the youngsters say, Shooketh
-He was pretty much teased the whole time after that and those who did dare, futakuchi specifically and kogane kept on calling him “Nobu”
-Though he didnt really mind being called that
-It reminded him of you when you called him nobu. Any memory or thought of you was a memory/thought getting lost in for him too
Kyoutani || Puppy
-Let’s get this straight...You and kyoutani never looked like you would be friends considering how different you were
-Well at least how you looked
-Kyoutani looked intimidating and mad all the time! Though he was like that it was only due to his lack of social skills that he ends up acting like that. He does the tough guy persona well too
-You on the otherhand were a graceful little ohime-sama (Princess character) Truth be told though...you were the only one who could put kyoutani in his place with just a few words. You were his best friend since you both came out of your mother’s wombs. 😌🌸
-Just imagine the look on everyone’s face when you finally enroll to seijoh and you hung out with your best friend. Shooketh, as the hip kids say.
-Everyone would practically blink a few more times just to finally accept the fact that you were talking to kyoutani kentarou side by side and you were enjoying the conversation.
-On rare occasions you would wait for his ass, he’s walking towards the gym for practice too since your houses were so close you figured you’d just walk home together also food.
-“Oi, wanna go to my weird uncle’s ramen shop after practice?” He invites
-“Sure! Are you paying?”
-“HA?! I ALWAYS PAY! Boke!”
-Everyone is now scared because he just shouted at the sweetest girl in school and they’re afraid you’d cry
-Everyone’s minds right then and there...
FUC FUCK FUCK SHE MIGHT CRY! Kyoutani is so mean to her! WHAT THE FUCK-
-What they didnt expect was you flicking the very angry boy’s forehead and laughing
-“Hai Hai~ I’ll pay then HAHAHAHAHA”
-You walk into the gym as he goes and gets changed for practice too
-The whole time there everyone was confused why you were there and why you were talking to him and not oikawa cause like- Why else would a girl be there?
-“5 more minutes! Promise!” He tells growls at you and though he wasnt shouting everyone thought he was mad already
-You yawn and after 20 MINUTES You finally feel your stomach growl as well so you got up and walked over to them
-Everyone who stayed behind for individual practice stopped as soon as you walked into the court as well
-“Kyouken huh? Mad dog? Puppy suits you better” You mumble under your breath until you’re infront of the very sweaty man
-Staring contest too
-The tension was high and everyone, oikawa, was anticipating the next few scenes of this very interesting dynamic
-“Mad dog, huh? Cmon, puppy~ You fucking said 5 minutes~ Now unless you want me to go home and tell your mom where you keep your secret porn stash and those CDs you have taped under your desk you’re going to get ready to leave, you tsundere piece of shit~” You say all this in the sweetest tone of your voice
-My man has never been more irritated yet so afraid of someone other than his mother
-You knew how scary that woman was as well so you just watched him get ready and leave
-Back at the gym though everyone was in utter state of shock
-“Shittykawa, do you know who that was?” Iwaizumi asked the setter who was gulping down on his bottle
-“Isnt she the one who got third place in the exam ranks?” Makki informed
-Everyone is now questioning mostly everything about who you were and what had just happened
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Im bad at this Im sorry hahahaha I just like doing this stuff I guess though once I start to get into more characters I’ll do the other underrated characters. Like suna, ojiro, chikara, makki or goshiki HAHAHAHAHAHA I’ll just tag those who I discussed this with
@janellion @anianimol @my-mass-hysteria ???
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buckyskorpion · 4 years
“take a seat, we’re gonna be here a while” with bucky barnes? please and thanks! i love your writing btw xoxo
i know this was sent ages ago but i needed to get mi creative juices flowing so im filling this prompt now! thank you for sending this and thank u so much for enjoying my work!!
Bucky appears in the doorway look grumpy, lumpy, and thoroughly confused. He stuffs his hands in his oversized hoodie and glares at you from the shadows, frown deepening as you catch his eye and grin. 
“Good morning,” you sing-song. The stormcloud in the doorway grumbles like thunder. 
“It’s two-thirty,” he says, and you just shrug. 
Natasha whacks you on the side of the head which hurts like a bitch (not that you’d tell her) and says, “Stop moving.”
“What are you doing?” Bucky asks, sounding wary. He shuffles further into the room with a deeply suspicious squint, trying to see what Natasha is doing on your head. You sit cross-legged at her feet while she works - she’s already sectioned your hair so you’re sure you look a treat with the deformed buns littered over your head. Now she’s got the clippers and is carefully shaving the hair at the nape of your neck, moving up in careful strokes. 
“Shaving my head,” you tell Bucky, gesturing to your hair wildly which earns you another slap from Nat. “Duh.” 
“Why?” Bucky asks slowly, like you’re dumb, and maybe you are but honestly you’re just so bored. Quarantine sucks, your hair sucks, you’re sick of it getting in your face and in your mouth and being a general pain in your ass. Training is a nightmare with long hair, Steve always sits on it somehow during movie night, and Sam won’t stop bitching about it clogging the drain in the gym showers. This is what’s best for everyone. 
“My hair, my choice,” you say, and Nat hums in agreement. “I wanna see what my skull looks like. Don’t you ever wonder that? What if I’ve had a weird shaped head this whole time and never knew.”
“You do have a weird shaped head,” Bucky says, “Don’t need to shave it to figure that out.”
“Rude,” you huff. Under you breath, like an actual child, you mutter, “Your mum’s got a weird shaped head.”
“My mum’s dead,” Bucky says, deadpan. Nat snorts and you grab a chunk of your hair to throw at Bucky, but it just falls uselessly at his feet. 
A few beats of silence pass, save for the low buzz of Nat’s clippers. It feels really nice, like every stroke is ten pounds off your shoulders (or scalp, you suppose) and you can’t wait for Nat to be done. She moves onto the next section, kneeling in a ring of your hair on the ground, while Bucky just stands in front of you shuffling from foot to foot like an idiot.
“Take a seat,” you say, gesturing to the floor space in front of you. “We’re gonna be here a while.”
Bucky hesitates for a second. You can hear his metal hand whirring in the pocket of his hoodie like he’s wringing his hands together, but eventually he folds himself down to sit cross-legged in front of you. You smile at him, and he smiles back but it morphs into more of a laugh. His face scrunches up all cute as he looks at you and you can’t help but poke your tongue out at him. 
“You look funny,” he says, gesturing to the weird buns Nat’s put your hair in to hold it out of her way. 
“That’s rich,” you say, gesturing to his face. He rolls his eyes but he’s still smiling, so you know he’s not really offended. But you’re looking at him now and he does look funny - dark circles under his eyes, red rimmed like he’s been crying or up all night or maybe both. He must’ve been wandering around the compound at two in the morning for a reason, and unless it was to shave his head as well, it probably wasn’t a good one. 
He seems happy enough now, sitting on your bedroom floor with you and Nat and the soft hum of the clippers. She’s done one side of your head now, and it feels weird to not have the familiar curtain of hair tucked behind your ear. You reach up to move it only to find nothing there, your fingers brushing against fresh, cropped stubble instead. It feels so different - soft but rough at the same time, scratchy under your fingertips but so good on your scalp. You feel your eyes grow wide as you run your fingers over your new hair again, ignoring Nat’s annoyed huff at your movements. 
“You like it?” Bucky asks, smiling at you stupid. A rush of giddy excitement shoots through your chest, spurring you to reach out and grab Bucky’s arm without thinking. 
“Feel it,” you say, tugging his arm until his hand leaves his pocket. He looks wildly uncomfortable for a moment before he relents, letting you manoeuvre his flesh hand onto the side of your head. 
“Do you want me to cut you?” Nat asks, but she doesn’t sound pissed. In fact, she sounds amused, and that’s never a good sign for you. But you can’t really focus on that when Bucky is now entranced with the feeling of your buzzed head under his fingertips. 
He stares wide-eyed as he rubs the side of your head, and you let your eyes flutter closed at the feeling. It’s nice, alright? Bucky’s touch tingles all over your scalp and down your spine, little lightning bolts to follow his moody thunder from before. All trace of his bad mood is gone as he scratches at your buzz, now, making you shiver. 
That seems to be the final straw for Natasha, who finishes off the last chunk and clicks the clippers off. The silence startles Bucky and he lets his hand drop, looking up almost guiltily at Nat as she says, “I’m done, I’m going to bed. Have fun, idiots.”
“Thanks Tash,” you say, but you don’t even look at her as she leaves the room. You’re too busy looking at Bucky. 
“How’s it look?” you ask, all quiet in your now silent bedroom. Bucky snaps his gaze back from the empty space Nat once took up to you, eyes widening as he takes in the full picture of your middle-of-the-night-breakdown decision. 
He swallows, but his voice still sounds hoarse when he says, “Um, good. Looks neat.”
“Neat, huh?” you say, and run your hand over your head. That’s different, for sure. Gone is the length and weight around your shoulders, and when you shake your head like a wet dog you’ve never felt so unencumbered. Bucky laughs at your antics and you grin back, almost breathless, so enamoured with the cool waft of the aircon on your nearly exposed scalp and the absolute lack of anything to get in your way. You say, “Yeah, pretty fucking neat.”
“I liked your long hair,” Bucky says, and you almost frown until he adds, “But I like this, too. Maybe more. It feels nice.”
“Like a tennis ball,” you say, nodding solemnly. 
“You’re so fucking stupid,” Bucky says with an eyeroll, but you just grin. You rise onto your knees, crawling into Bucky’s lap before he can say anything and rubbing your head in his face like a deranged cat. He squawks and tries to lean away from you without also toppling over onto his back, and you just laugh. He grips your waist to stabilise you both and you settle a bit, letting your legs loop around his hips and your hands to rest on his shoulders.
“You think it feels nice,” you say, teasing lightly. Bucky makes to shove you off but you clench your thighs and hold on tight, all two-hundred pounds of Bucky no match for your stubborn idiot-streak. “You like it.”
“Said that, didn’t I? Turn your ears on,” Bucky says, but he’s blushing so you know you’ve won. 
“You like me,” you say, and you grin, because you finally push Bucky over the line you always love to toe. Teasing Bucky is a sport and you’re the Olympic champion, the Usain Bolt - you win every time. Bucky growls and snaps a hand up to grip the back of your skull. You’re delighted to find his giant hand spans the entirety of the back of your scalp as he holds you in place. He scritches into the short hairs and you’re even more delighted at the feeling that zings down your spine to your cunt almost instantaneously. 
“And you like that,” Bucky grins, all sharp teeth and dark eyes because he’s a devil and teasing you just so happens to be his Olympic gold as well. You make a sound almost like a groan, kind of like a purr, and nudge your head back into his hand some more so he keeps touching you like that. 
“Don’t like you, though,” you say, breathless now so it doesn’t quite have the same impact. Bucky rocks you backwards, lying you flat so he can crawl on top of you despite the absolute carnage of your old hair littering the carpet and now, probably, all of your clothes. Good thing you won’t be needing those much longer.
“We’ll see about that,” Bucky says, and see about that you most definitely do. 
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
House of Mouse: “Goofy’s Valentine’s Date” Review
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Come on in mouskeeteers! It’s Valentine’s Season here on popculturebuffet, and while I may be single, I do love a good romance story. I find them sweet, sometimes hilaroius, and endearing when done right. And the bane of my existance when done wrong, but we’ll be getting to smidgen of that too. Point is I may not be getting any romantic love this season but I can sure celebrate it. So for the next two weeks we’ll be diving deep first into some ending with one heck of a closer. 
So for our opening act since i’ve been going on in to the House of Mouse a lot lately, and since I NEARLY missed this one if not for Kevin, we’re going to be looking in on my boy Goofy as he grapples with being lonely and Daisy misguidedly tries to help him. Blind dates with a manquin and Mortimer hitting on women to predictable and justified results insues under the cut. 
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So as usual for house of mouse we’re chunking this up by segment. Let’s go. 
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Donald’s Valentine’s Dollar: Easily the segment of the night and the best House of Mouse short i’ve seen in a rewatch so far. The short is simple but awesome: Donald has only a dollar to spend for V-Day, and wants to buy daisy a tiny but sweet box of chocolates, but his dollar blows away in the wind and he chases after it. And that’s.. it that’s our premise. But it leads into fast paced looney tunes style shenanigans with donald zipping up and down kites and later taking goofy’s broken one and putting it on like wings Arthur Everest styles and taking after it. Also the nephews show up and dick around with their kites because their douchebags in some shorts. Also donald tries to punch a whale.. well a whale kite but still let it be said there’s a short where donald tries to punch what he thinks is a sky whale. And that is wonderful.  The climax is also really sweet, as Donald gets the dolalr, after another briliant sequence where they play hide and seek in the clouds, only to find it sold out and himself dejected waiting for her thinking she’ll be mad.. only for her to present him with the very gift he was going to give her and the two to share a look. 
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It’s cute enough on it’s own but after SEVEAL weeks of having to put up with the  three cabs version it’s NICE to have a Daisy back whose not an overly demanding monster from some stygian hole in the sky. Not much else to say about this one. I’ts just REALLY good and I could easily recommend checking it out on it’s own. 
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Mickey Saves Minnie: The Stairs This is one of those short segments from Mouseworks that lasts about a minute and is off a simple recurring premise, in this case Mickey saving Minnie from some sort of bizzare fortress of pete’s.. in this case THE STAIRS!
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I said STAIRS. In this case Gimmicked stairs with all kinds of traps: boxing gloves, giant balls...
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And giant slinkies. I knew one day they’d grow big and kill us all but they all laughed at me.. well whose laughing now.. well still them because Mickey gets past them easily. Pete turns the stairs into a slide but mickey rebounds by pure luck via slinky and uses one of the boxing gloves to win, minnie kisses him and this was real fun. Nothing really deep to go into just a fun few minutes of my life i’m glad i’m not getting back. Speaking of wishing I had minutes of my life back....
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Pluto’s Arrow Error: Well this one’s messed up. Look Love Potion plots genuinely ONLY work when the writer knows that giving someone something to make you fall in love with them is inehrently messed up. It worked in Buffy because Xander did so for vengance after Cordellia broke up with him, which granted she did REALLY hurt him but it’s still a bit of overkill. However while it ends up backfiing and making every OTHER girl in school into him, and psyotically so as the episode goes on, he never indulges, as he KNOWS it’s wrong and not under their power or choice. Basically it was one long deconstuction of this nonsense. 
My point is unless it’s used to deconstruct this type of plot or for some shenanigans, Love Potion plots are inherently creepy at best and rapey at worst. So naturally we get one with Pluto trying to make a dog who dosen’t know him love him instead of trying to woo her, and accidently making her bodyguard/boyfirend I guess chase after him for 2 minutes while he’s tinted pink. And yes i know he’s a dog, but he’s an intellegent dog who should knwo this is bad and never gets called out on it and his punshiment.. is one long gay joke. 
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So yeah while not the worst love potion plot i’ve probably seen, or love magic or what have you, I could make a list of those and might some day, it is still pretty uncomfortable and easily a dead spot in an otherwise pretty enjoyable episode. 
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Goofy’s Valentine’s Date: And fitting it’s accompanying shorts, the good ones anyway, this is a simple plot with funny gags. It’s valentin’es day at the house of mouse and Mickey encourages everyone to kiss their sweeties. So we get Aladdin and Jasmine, AWWWW always shipped those two so adorable, a toy soldier and some other toy from a work im unfamiliar iwth and Timon turns down Pumba. Come on man, who are you trying to kid me or the censors? 
But Goofy’s depressed since he dosent have a sweetie and Daisy feels bad for the poor guy while Minnie tells her “not to meddle”. 
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Minnie from a buisness standpoint, he’s crying while reading the menu and clealry not in great mental shape. Setting him up with someone or even just talking to him will help with that. And from a human being standpoint... your being a cruel ass to NOT help him in any way shape or form. The guys a fucking widower. He’s probably been lonely for some time and more focused on raising max. And since no one knows where Peg is he dosen’t have a lot options now he is ready to date again. It’s not MEDDLING to help a clearly lonely person whose gotten over his grief move on, it’s just called basic human decency. I expect that from cablleros daisy Min not you. 
So Daisy does end up meddling, in part because she thinks it’s shuffling around coins, and sets him up with a secret admirer.. without actually getting him one. 
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So Minnie does agree to help and they.. put him in a blindfold and have him date a manquin. In front of the entire restraunt. I have no words.. since this is pretty funny and Goofy’s shenanigans while blindfolded, because it’s a BLIND date.
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Also sidebar it’s very weird that she DID set Lincoln up with a blind date once but didn’t pull this gag. Point is it’s some funny stuff including Gus, in his first apperance on this blog seriously how’d it take so long, eating the shakes he orders since Goofy can’t see. 
Tying into the resolution to this is Moritmer, who spends the episode as you’d expect.. hitting on various characters. He hits on the wicked step sisters, whose cat attacks him, he hits on the lady gargoyle from huncback and her two friends rightfully beat his ass, he hits on madam mim who set shim on fire and he hits on the queen of hearts who somehow DOSEN’T cut off his head, and you know is married, and does launch him into goofy spoiling the ruse. Honestly I found this funny both because Moritmer is objectively hilarious and because the show DIDN’T take his side at all or give him anyone, and he suffered consequences for sleazly hitting on women. He also called himself a wonder man. No sir the only wonder men are these guys. 
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And if your wondering about the secod one there was a whole song about it. 
Your welcome. So Goofy’s dejected until after Pluto’s cartoon where it turns out he had a secret admirer after all. it’s clarabelle! Awww.. and Daisy says “Well it’s better than a manquin” what a supportive friend you are. And she’s STILL better than cabs Daisy. Point is happy ending pulled sorta out of their ass, as she showed up earlier but sitll it woudl’ve been easy to have Clarabelle chime in during their scheme or something and have Minnie set them up to fix it. Or Donald or Mickey. Donald was absent outside of the short. That’s not fair. But overall not a bad wraparound, ending is a huge copout and feels like not much, but i’m starting to think that’s usual for season 1. I do KINDA ship the two, but usually I prefer her with horace or him with Peg Pete. Yeah you heard me and you cant unhear it and frankly I don’t want you to. We also get a funny add about the Queen of Hearts valentine’s service.  Overall not a bad episode. Fun gags, a cute premsie and only one really terrble short. Check it out this valentein’s and hopefully disney will have this show up on plus by next valentine’s. Until the next rainbow, it’s been a pleasure. 
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milkygcf · 3 years
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Pairing | knj x gender-neutral reader
Genre | tooth-rotting fluff i think, established relationship
Warnings | just a tiny bit of cursing, the boys are a chaotic mess
Summary | ❝ Nothing can beat a holiday spent with Namjoon.❞
Word Count | 4.1k
Author’s Note | THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE MESS I’M SORRY 😭🙏 i rush wrote this so i could put up something for christmas. nonetheless, i hope whoever reads this enjoys it! also, big thanks to @youarejesting​ for the banner! i love it, it’s so cute :( another little side note is, this is also part of @btscreatorscorner​‘s Crystal Snow Event! make sure to take a look at all the other works :] happy holidays!
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Christmas with Namjoon is always a wild ride. From hectic decoration shopping to disastrous baking, to actual decorating and singing Christmas songs together. However, it's not like you're complaining, because as rowdy as Christmas time can be with your significant other, nothing can beat a holiday spent with Namjoon.
Every year is an open door to new shenanigans, handmade gifts and memories that embed themselves warmly into your heart. This year isn't any different, except for the fact that the rest of the group were joining for dinner - along with the chaos they always brought along with them. As close as you are with your boyfriend, not even your connection could beat theirs. It's heart-warming - as much as they argue, nothing could possibly tear them apart. Nothing could bring you any more serotonin than the jovial smile that attacks Namjoon's handsome features whenever they're around.
Now, you’re all nearing your thirties - except for Jungkook, he was still bearing life without early back problems - and you suppose you all look the part as well. Unless it's Christmas season and the young man himself proposes they all compete in a Best Decorated House competition between themselves. The winner earns himself an extra present from every participant - which you find rather amusing because you're pretty sure they were willing to buy each other the world in a blink of an eye. The loser, however, gets to wash every dish used during dinner. Ouch.
"Deal!" Namjoon hollers, finger pointed up in agreement, his chest puffed out in pride. You know he's going to stress about it later on because as much as you love the man, he's absolute shit when it comes to decorating. If it weren't for you, his house would be a shit-show. Sorry, Namjoon.
"Can't wait to beat all of your sorry asses!" Seokjin yells even louder, an arm hooked around Yoongi's waist. The energy he radiates astonishes you because even if he's the eldest from the lot, he's always the energetic one. Seokjin might as well be your icon.
And that's how it all began - the calm before the storm. But then again, them proposing this very idea wasn't exactly calm.
You feel a shy tap on your shoulder while you're busy scanning through your fifth isle. Namjoon holds out a tiny Christmas tree to you, his eyes round and shiny. You already know you won't be able to refuse. "Can we get it? Please - my bonsai needs a new friend."
"I think your bonsai would be sad to know their friend is made out of plastic, Joon."
"Well, they wouldn't be sad if they didn't know, right?"
His grin is brimming with mirth. He knows what you're going to say - there was no need to even ask you in the first place because he knew you could never resist his puppy eyes. "Fine," you sigh softly, offering him your sweetest smile. "Make sure Mon doesn't swallow it whole. That dog is a menace."
"He has a restless soul. We'll buy him reindeer ears on our way home."
"Yes!" It elicits giggles from both of you - Namjoon had introduced you to Rapmon just two months into the relationship, claiming you must meet your competition because it's only fair. Frankly, you think the dog himself is competing with your boyfriend - the second you set sight on his silky fur you’ve vowed to never leave his side. Rapmon was an absolute gem. From then on, he was a big part of the events you celebrated together - the main character in your little shenanigans.
Once you've both paid whatever you needed for the day, heaving a ton of shopping bags, you step out of the shop in a fit of giggles. As sophisticated and stern as Namjoon may look, he's quite possibly the clumsiest giant you've ever met. Unfortunately for him, he had accidentally ripped one of the bags you had brought along and as he readied to lift it, all contents came tumbling out as he gawked in terror. Red instantly rushed to his cheeks and you found it hard not to burst out laughing in his face. He wouldn't want to become more flustered than he already felt.
"Every day I wake up to the face of embarrassment," he mumbles ashamedly, shaking his head in dismay. You could only continue to chortle before leaning in to place a tender kiss on his cheek. "It's okay dummy," his cheeks redden even more, "Would some hot chocolate fix your mood?" The second the words slip out of your lips, his face no longer holds a grim expression.
Getting hot chocolate from Pixie’s Magic! is like a tradition between you and Namjoon. Not only was it where you both had met, but it served the most delicious brews you’ve ever tasted. Nothing could possibly beat this little shop in the corner of the mall you were currently in. 
Although it was usually calm and quiet, it seemed to be bustling the day you both go out to buy Christmas decorations. There’s a myriad of people piling up in plan of buying themselves the warmest cup of cocoa - a cup of happiness that would complete their own Christmas. Within that queue of people were families, couples and even people who spend their time alone during the festive season. Pixie’s hot cocoa never failed to brighten days.
You scout through your newly bought items for anything that might pass time. Namjoon stands beside you with his phone in hand, thumb clumsily scrolling through whatever he’d missed from the boys’ usual spam session. “Hoseok’s already got most of his decorations up. Something tells me we’re not winning this so easily.” 
“We’re literally up against Seokjin and Jungkook.” 
He pulls his lips in a taut line - going up against those two was a one way stop to instant loss. Nothing, absolutely nothing could beat either one of them. The competition was and will always be between Seokjin and Jungkook because both were as dense as a brick and would stop at nothing to earn themselves a victory. Frankly, you found it entertaining, even if they were constantly at each other’s throats and threatening to burn each other down - jokingly, of course, you’d never condone violence. Brotherly love if you’ve ever seen it. 
“They’re out of the question. We’re up against the rest, those two idiots can eat an egg.” His bluntness makes you burst into fits of giggles, earning the clear attention of those either ahead of you or waiting (im)patiently behind. Namjoon always had a rather poetic way of saying things. “An egg? You’d be doing them a favour.”
He doesn’t quite realise what you mean until a few seconds later when he breathes out a dejected sigh and massages his temple soothingly. “They’re a whole mess.” 
And he’s right, because when you’re back in the comfort of your humble abode with a warm cup of cocoa waiting for you in the living room, Namjoon’s phone keeps endlessly buzzing. 
“You can’t keep ignoring them forever, you know.”
Namjoon sometimes thinks about how difficult his life would be without you. Go figure that there was no way of avoiding them, right? If you hadn’t told him, he would’ve never guessed so.
The couch sinks underneath his weight as he plants himself beside you, placing a mushy kiss onto your cheek. He’s quick to hand you his beverage once Mon literally hops onto him, wagging his tail like the euphoric little rascal that he is. And there’s peace and quiet, the sound of the crackle of the fireplace, until Namjoon’s thumb slides over the tiny green button making his phone constantly vibrate.
“Namjoon! What took you so long?!”
Seokjin’s voice comes booming out of the device nestled in your boyfriend’s palm. You must admit - it startled you just a bit, but it’s not like you weren’t used to their rambunctious behaviour. “We thought you died. Almost worried us for a while there.”
“Actually,” Jimin so pridefully interrupts, “He was just about ready to forget about you. Don’t act like you didn’t see cloud nine when Tae suggested Joon backed out.” It was all fun and games, affectionate brotherly love between the lot until suddenly, it was a trademarked apocalypse. Truly mind-blowing. 
“You tattletale-!”
“Don’t worry Seokjin,” you snort, “He’s still up and running.” 
“You say that like it’s a bad thing!” Offence washes over Namjoon’s face - perhaps it really is him against the world. Kim Namjoon could trust no one. You could only poke your tongue out at him, earning yourself a blissful smile. “Not at all.”
“Ew. Stop flirting - this isn’t about you, this is about the progress you’re doing.” Seokjin scoffs, making the latter silently giggle to themselves. He has absolutely no filter - nothing could get in the way of the man’s priorities. “Tell that to Yoongi.” His boyfriend was sitting right beside him - and poor him, because Yoongi has to be the strongest man to ever set foot on earth. He’s been dealing with Seokjin’s shit for over a good year or so now. 
“Believe me, I might just knock him out.”
“No way - who’s going to peel your tangerines for work then? Ungrateful imp.” 
Their bickering continues to produce light laughter from the lot of you until you decide it's about time you update each other on your progress. Surprisingly enough, Hoseok was much farther ahead than you all anticipated, and it earned you another fifteen minutes worth of competitive yelling between the youngest and the eldest.
But that was nothing out of the ordinary.
"Move it a little bit to the left," you instructed stringently, hands planted firmly on your hips as your boyfriend does whatever he's told. The tree jiggles with every waking movement, making Namjoon groan at the heavyweight it settles upon him. "Is this alright?" He mumbles tiredly, eyeing you from the depths of its branches.
You could only nibble on your lip, your eyebrows furrowed in thought. "Maybe a bit to the right."
Even when he's exhausted, even when he's sick and tired of turning a piece of mere decoration to countless directions, he doesn't complain. Namjoon wasn't exactly fond of religious festivities, but spending Christmas with you is always something he looks forward to. Setting the deal aside, it was always enjoyable bringing a little life to the house with someone he adores and his heart beats for. "Perfect! Could you grab the baubles? I'll get the ornaments."
Teamwork makes the dream work. An idiom he liked to say on the daily - it always worked between the two of you. Six hours worth of work put into four and the mess that bested every nook and cranny of your house now lessened. You hang the last bauble and sigh in content. "Doesn't it look pretty? I think this is our best one yet."
"Well, technically speaking, I couldn't expect any less from you, bun." His tone of voice resembles that of a young boy in love, his eyes sparkling under the colourful Christmas lights nestled comfortably in the tree's branches as he looks at you with a bashful smile. It's moments like these when you're so caught up in the things you do together, these blissful moments that you realise just how grateful you are for Namjoon. You love him, you love him so much. Nothing could be a better present than spending time with him. He's your bundle of pure euphoria.
"The tree's feeling a little bland, don't you think?"
It takes you a moment to take notice of what he actually meant before you feel extra weight added on top of your head. He teasingly hangs the finishing piece away from you, puckering his lips in hopes he'd earn himself something sweet in return for the star. You could only roll your eyes, but nonetheless, nothing stops you from latching your lips onto his and giving him your love.
Without hesitation, Namjoon scoops you up onto his shoulders, he guides you towards the crest of the tree and watches with bright eyes as you ecstatically plant the finale to the first phase of your decorating. Monnie scratches at the latter's legs in pure joy, barking at you both to signal his presence as well. It elicits laughter, and as Namjoon gently sets you back down, you let your fingers ruffle his fur as he licks at your face.
However, your hours upon hours of decorating doesn't end there, the tinsel messily spread underneath you is a clear indication of this.
With an exhausted huff, you look at Namjoon with hopeful eyes. There's still much to be done.
Looks tend to be deceiving when it comes to Kim Namjoon. People tended to deem him as a friendly giant, however, when it came to snowball fights, he was far from that. Like a devil crawling out the pits of hell.
The day you decide to pamper the outdoors of your house, snow starts dribbling from the skies above you. A miracle, because it’s never really snowed so early in December. 
You’re busy setting up mistletoe in front of your front door until you’re barreling forward from the force of something wet on your back. It couldn’t have been Mon - he was sleeping soundlessly inside. But your boyfriend wasn’t - instead, he was childishly running around the front lawn bearing snowballs. 
“Namjoon!” You shriek in utter disbelief, turning around only to face a devious grin. Pure evil dripped from him - Namjoon was no longer the soft bear who insisted you play with his hair. He was now a foe. “You’re going to pay for that!” As quickly as you could, you bear your own weaponry to pay back his foolish actions. 
His giggles echoed across the small space you’re in and before you could even comprehend what was happening, he was already aiming another shot at you. Unfortunately, you were too slow against him. 
Three points for Kim Namjoon!
At your absolute suffering, his laughter only gets louder over Mariah Carey’s gorgeous singing coming from inside. “You’ll pay for this, you evil man!” However, your threats are only drowned out by his boisterous laughter. “I’d like to see you try!” 
And you do. Because while he’s busy laughing his ass off at your misery, you earn yourself the rightful chance to aim a snowball right into his face. Three points? You just scored a whole seven. 
He’s baffled - completely, utterly speechless at what’s happened. Well, you definitely weren’t going to stand there and let him conquer victory, he knew that for a fact. He just didn’t think you’d be so blunt. Now you’ve earned him a pink nose. But was he going to let you get away with it? No, Namjoon’s a Virgo. 
He charges towards you like a clumsy child. You almost screech in surprise, instead, busting out in fits of laughter as you tumble and trip away from him. “Hey-! Get back here!” He cries out, almost face-planting into a hefty pile of snow. That would’ve been outright hilarious. 
“Just try and catch me, big man!”
It’s light-hearted, it’s all lively and pleasant. You were both adults, but nothing stopped you from feeding into the fruits of life and feeling youthful sometimes. You both did it for the hell of it because you knew that with each other, you could be anything. 
You’re too busy laughing to actually take notice of where your feet were taking you, feigning into the mess beneath you and tripping in your own feet. A loud thud leaves your descent, and with that, your boyfriend tumbling down on top of you because he was too clumsy for his own good. It was cute, really. Namjoon lets out a terrified shriek, his arms landing just beside your head - luckily because you’re pretty sure you would’ve earned yourself a long-surviving black-eye. 
“Got you,” he says rather flusteredly. There’s a hint of panic in his eyes that almost seems as if he’s seen God himself. Had the fall really taken the piss out of him? 
“No,” you state, shaking your head as best as you can. “Technically speaking, I got you.” You place a quick kiss on his pretty pink nose just for good measure, because in truth, you really did get him. He was on three points while you were on a steady seven. Namjoon pulls his lips in a taut line ever so shyly, hiding the growing smile planting itself on his face. No longer was he your arch-nemesis - your boyfriend was back to being your friendly neighbourhood giant. “Shouldn’t we get back to decorating? I thought you wanted to beat the others.” Perhaps it slipped through his mind because the second those words slip through yours, he’s already hoisting himself up and pulling you along with him. Kim Namjoon does not give up in the face of competition, that much is clear, even when he’d previously been working off a snowball fight.
“I couldn’t help myself!” He defends nonetheless, his palm scratching shyly at his mess of a mane. “But now that I think about it, we can have as many snowball fights as we want when we kick ass. A win-win situation, if I do say so myself.”
A win-win situation indeed. 
When the boys call later on in the evening, it becomes clear that Namjoon was second in lead - Jimin taking first place. While the rest were busy taking things easily, he’d effortlessly managed to get things done in only a short matter of time. He definitely wasn’t there to play. 
“No way. You’re cheating!” Taehyung accuses, astonishment evident from the little you could see of his face. His lighting was absolute crap. Despite his belief, Jimin easily shakes off his accusation with a mischievous grin. “I don’t know Taehyung, maybe if you hadn’t been slacking off at Taco Bell you would’ve been catching up.” 
“Wha-! What a heathen - I’d choose Taco Bell over this any day!”
“How dare you! This is Christmas decorating you red-headed scoundrel!”
“This isn’t about you Seokjin!”
“Might as well be,” Yoongi mumbles from beside him, lazily scrolling through his phone as a yawn escapes his lips. You might just think he’s aged by a couple of years because of this ordeal. “You’re all complete losers,” Jungkook comments, face completely mushed against his phone as he nibbles on whatever was in front of him. The kid feared absolutely nothing - the wrath of a butthurt Kim Seokjin wasn’t any different.
Namjoon squints at his phone. He clearly wasn’t wearing his glasses, nor his contact lenses, and you knew he’d face the consequences later on. You’ve spent countless days by his side tending to his colossal headache. “Are you… Are you eating raw pop tarts?”
“Raw. Aren’t you supposed to toast them?” There’s confusion laced in his tone, and in between, intense fear. “That’s like, a felony.”
Jungkook lets out a scandalised gasp. “No way! I’m not letting this piece of divine heaven be tainted by modern technology! I don’t even have a toaster, and there’s no way in hell I’m touching the microwave.”
Hoseok snickers. “He thinks it’s going to explode.”
“Don’t test me! I know the evil that sits within that thing.” 
As complex at it was, you’ve come to the conclusion that there’s no explaining what these men are made out of. They’re simply built differently. In fact, you’ve grown out of trying to comprehend them, because you could be on your death-bed and they’d still be saying and doing things that would make you sigh and shake your head. 
Alas, the day has come, and so have the boys, who just wouldn’t stop rambunctiously banging on your door. You’re busy setting up the table, Mon at your feet wagging his tail excitedly. “Namjoon!” You call out, balancing a few plates on the palms of your hands. “Namjoon! Could you get the door?”
However, as much as you yell, Namjoon doesn’t respond. You suppose it’s because he hasn’t come back from wherever he had gone earlier during the day. Odd. 
Nonetheless, you set a few plates down on the dining table, hurriedly skipping over to your front door only to be trampled by none other than your special guests for the night. “Finally!” A rather over-dramatic Seokjin sighs, patting away the invisible sweat dripping down his forehead. “Waiting for you to open was like running a marathon. I swear!” 
You could only laugh as Jimin pulls you in for an embrace - it was in his habits to do so whenever he saw you. It’s not as if you mind, his hugs were by far the best you’ve felt. They were full of love and warmth, something that perfectly describes the man himself. “Don’t mind him,” he tells you, rolling his eyes at the dramatics his friend was making. “He really needed to piss.” 
“Sorry for taking so long - Namjoon hasn’t gotten back home from this morning.” 
“He hasn’t?” Yoongi neatly sets his shoes by the door, unwrapping a thick scarf from his neck, dangling it on your coat hanger. “That’s pretty unusual, he doesn’t like being out in cold weather.” 
“He probably got into some traffic,” you assume, “Hopefully he’ll be back soon. Until then, make yourselves at home. We’ll order take-out soon!”
All of you were like a proper family when it came to celebrating Christmas. Each year, sleepovers are taken in turns going from eldest to youngest. This year just so happens to be Namjoon’s turn - it’s not as if you mind, the house seems more lively when they’re around. They had that thing about them, that wherever they went they tended to make things brighter. Not once have you felt gloomy or perhaps left out. The seven of them all had qualities in contrast to one another, all showing you different ways of happiness. You’re lucky to say you have them in your life.
The wait for Namjoon continues. You all settle with playing board games, for the time being, the living room turning into a whole battleground because Yoongi can’t go by without cheating once in a while. He was really cunning, you could see Taehyung trying to pick up on his tricks. 
“Uno!” Jimin yells, shoving a proud middle finger in Seokjin’s face. The man could faint from the amount of disrespect he was receiving. “Try beating that, old man.” 
“I’ll tell you I’m more than an old man! I want a rematch. You’re all cheats, all of you.”
“You’re just a sore loser.” Jungkook was on thin ice. His nitpicking on Seokjin was getting him nowhere but pure, utter hell while he was sleeping. You admire his courage - he was fucking insane. “Sore losers don’t win, old man.” 
Seokjin almost gets up to throttle him for his constant bullying when the door swings open and you’re all met by layers upon layers of clothing stomping inside. He’s carrying a bunch of bags you can’t seem to decipher, and you could see his nose poking out from his scarf. 
Finally, Namjoon’s back home. 
“Hey __, I’m back. I’m sorry I took so-” 
“Joon, you idiot!” Before you could even bat an eye, Taehyung and Hoseok were on the man like hungry beasts. He was already eaten up by whatever garments he was wearing, the only pieces missing were the duo for him to finally disappear. “What took you so long? We were worried sick! Jimin can’t DJ for the life of him.” 
You hoist yourself up and dust off whatever remnants of gingerbread cookies were left on you. All the concern that had been building up over time of Namjoon not being home had now diminished. Sudden relief washes over you because you hadn’t really noticed how worried sick you’ve been until he’d stepped into the house. Namjoon can be really impulsive sometimes. 
“Joon,” He wraps his arms around your smaller figure and places a gentle kiss on your forehead. “Where have you been? Had me really worried for a second there.”
There’s this cheeky look in his face that makes you swoon. He’s so lovely, in all his ways, you just can’t help but be filled with so much love. You love him. 
“I kind of… I kind of forgot to pick your present up. Sorry - Didn’t want to worry you, just a clumsy move.” 
He’s all you’ve ever imagined. 
“Get over here you two - we’re ordering take-out!” Your little moment is easily interrupted by the guys hollering you over, to which you oblige because you wouldn’t want to waste another second. You could hear Namjoon’s stomach grumbling a bit. “Have I been out for that long?” He queries, looking at you with a raised eyebrow. “Dummy, it’s six in the afternoon. It’s already dark.” 
“Well, I’m finally back home now, right where I need to be.” 
You don’t notice it, but there’s a little mistletoe just above your heads. And Namjoon knows this because he points up towards it with mirth laced in his pretty eyes and a pretty smile. “Merry Christmas,” he tells you before he leans in and gives you what you rightfully deserve.
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sopfr3 · 4 years
Prank gone wrong?
BNHA x gn! Reader
In which the bakusquad and Y/n prank bakugou, but it goes wrong in so many ways.
Warnings: cursing, Y/n having a little crush on everyone 0.o (that hoe), maybe OOC characters?
[[stupid decisions start......
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"im sorry, bro. but I can’t risk it.” Kirishima said, shaking his head in shame. I sighed, knowing if he said no, everyone will follow with him.
“come on kirishima! you’re supposed to be the dwane johnson of the group,” i tried convincing him. Currently, I’m trying to convince the bakusquad to prank Bakugou, because he did something real dirty to me
“Oi, airhead!” Someone yelled to me. I turned around and saw Bakugou standing at one side of the door turning his head to the left to show that he found something.
“whatcha need, my man?” I said, pointing my fingers out and making little guns. “pew pew, right?” He just gritted his teeth and bit down a snarky remark. “do it for the vine,” he kept on repeating to himself quietly.
“you like the Backstreet Boys, right?” He said with a smirk plastered on his face, knowing all too well of my obsession.
“like them? i LIVE for them! i mean, have you seen them? i’d turn down even todo, my beautiful babay, for them. wait, are they here?!?! bitch, move!” I said, running faster then Kaminari saying something stupid. Already, I’m gasping for air, even if I’ve only been running for a few seconds. But the time I reached the door, I realized that Bakugou was acting a little too noice, and that he also had his phone out.
But I noticed too late, and there was that clear stuff people use to put on for food right in front of my face, and my face went right up against it. Since that happened, my body went straight forward, leaving my head behind, and making me fall. I could hear Bakugou’s laughter in the background, and he’s having trouble breathing from how much he’s laughing.
“if you don’t start running, you’ll have another reason why you won’t breathe.” I said, still laying flat on the ground. I could hear his laughing stop, but he just walked over to me, crouched down, and started talking.
“that’s what you fucking get for putting foot cream in my moisturizer, dumbass.” He half yelled, half said. “what? you don’t get the reference?” I said, still trying to catch my breath because I’m out of shape. Then there was a silence.
“now you pay for your sins, okay?” I said, but before Bakuhoe can say anything I tackled him on the ground, so I was on top of his stomach
“YOU HOE!! HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME?!?! I THOUGHT I HAD A CHANCE OF MEETING MY DREAM BAND— no, I kNEW I HAD A CHANCE BUT YOU FOOLED ME!!” I yelled, while shaking his collar of his shirt with my hands. He started yelling his own insults while trying to get me off of him, but I wasn’t planning on getting off anytime soon because we’re talking about tHE BACKSTREAT BOYS!
“get off me, you crazy bitch!”
“oh, you haven’t seen crazy yet!”
“h-hey Y/n’s- A-AH, sorry!” Someone said, making me stop treating Bakugou like he was a rag doll and turn around, seeing a blushing Izuku. “oh, hey Izuku!” I said, waving to him, but Bakugou took this moment to shove me off of him.
“i-i’ll leave you g-guys to it,” Izuku said, running of to wherever, then hearing someone yell, ‘get some’ to Bakugou. Then I facplanted.
“yeah, I still need to tell the poor cinnamon roll that I was trying to kill Bakugou. but, that’s the reason why I need your help! we’re doing him a favor, if anything.” I said, sweat dropping. I see Kirishima blushing, then I pinch his checks and say,
“Don’t worry, you’re still my favorite shark boy.”
“idk about you guys, but count me in!” Kaminari said,
“did you just say I don’t know in—”
“shhhhshshhshshhh.” Kaminari said, shoving his whole hand on Seros mouth, but then Kaminari pulled away quickly when Sero licked it. “that’s straight up nasty, dude.”
“Kaminari, I don’t know if it’s a good idea—” Mina started, “Mina, yes, it’s a very stupid idea, but with a great outcome!” I started, then they all shhhhhhed me because we’re all in the dorms, standing outside of the spawn of Satans door. “okay.” She said, shrugging, “we’re all going to die someday, and it’ll probably be by Bakugou anyways,”
“that’s the spirit!” I said, clapping my hands together, but the two people who actually had common sense were still on the edge about it.
“i’ll pay you guys $50.”
“deal.” Sero said. “wait, but I want $50,” Kaminari whined, “shhhshhhshsh, we can’t always get what we want, Kami,” I whispered, patting him on the shoulder.
“that’s not very manly, Y/n.”
“well, you gotta do what you gotta do, ami right?” I said, but they just left me hanging.
Then I pulled out the trusty black sharpie marker that I always keep on myself, even though I tell Aizawa otherwise.
“okay guys, this day will forever go down in history as the stupidest death, got that? okay.” I said, starting to open the door. “Wait!” Sero yelled, holding out his hand. And I thought that he had common sense. Everyone looked at him and gave him the are-you-serious look. “we need to name it.” He said, pointing to the weapon. “hmmm, I approve.” I said, then I hold out the marker on my hand. “okay guys, we gotta-”
“what kind of name is Benjamin?” I asked to whoever said it, then Kaminari replied. “i dunno, isn’t he the one who invented it?”
“huh, that name doesn’t seem so bad now.” I said, “benjamin it is then.” As I said that, I pointed the marker to the sky like it was a sword. I turned around and opened the door, then looking around Bakugous room. Hmmm, his room smells nice, I thought. I looked back at everyone and saw Kaminari touching everything, Sero poking bakugous face, and Kirishima and Mina both playing sticks with eachother.
“guys!” I whisper shouted, and in a instant they all stood in front of me while saluting, like they are in military school. “oh? i like this. but anyways, we’re here for one thing, and one thing only. and that is to ruin bakugous pretty face with sharpie.” I said, and they all nodded in response.
“yes ma’am, sir!” They said. then they all went where Bakugou was sleeping, and I followed with them, then I started drawing on his face. I started off with a unibrow, that made Sero and Kaminari giggle like little girls in preschool. Then I let Kirishima draw a mustache on him, but it looked like he was a pedo because of the style. Mine wanted it to be extra special and gave him a cat nose, whiskers, and drew little ears on his forehead. We were all laughing at this point, then we heard it.
Bakugou falls off the bed, and wakes up in the process. We all just stand there, in either awe or disgust.
“holy shit.”
“he let it rip.”
“that shouldn’t be able to come out of someone’s, ya know.”
“g-guys- i think he’s awake.” Kaminari said, shaking in his boots. Bakugou starts getting up, with a red face. None of us know if he got up because he fell, his fart, or because of our talking. But boy, he looks mad. Or flustered.
“what thE HELL ARE YOU DUMBASSES DOING IN HERE?!?!” He yelled, his blanket falling off to reveal his..... Mickey Mouse shirt.
“the real question is.... why are you wearing a Micky Mouse shirt?” I said, pointing my finger to him, trying to hold back my snickers.
“You all have 3 seconds before I kill you all.” He said, breathing heavily.
“aw, shite,” I said, “well guys, I wish you luck and don’t die.” I said, waving them goodbye while sprinting out, but of course someone had to follow,
“hey hey hey,” Kaminari said, “i hope you don’t mind that I brought everyone else too.” I looked behind him and saw everyone else.
“can we just talk about how Y/n topped Bakugou—”
“i still want my $50!”
“or that he let out a fart so loud it woke up the giants from their million year nap?”
“i still need to tell my mom about that time I killed my goldfish and I blamed it on the dog!”
“since we’re making confessions, im gay!”
“we already know that,”
“guys, my arm is bleeding and I don’t know what to do or how it got there.”
“okay, I need to take a breather.” I said bending down and putting my hands on my knees to hold myself up. Everyone else does the same, until we remember what we were running from.
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Hey y’all! Thank you for making it this far! I hope you enjoyed, and make sure you leave a comment and hopefully a note🤞 Hope you have a good day <3
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jidai · 3 years
jidai’s budget mutuals/friends appreciation
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Hi, all! I’m quite late with this but I decided to put a small friends and mutual appreciations post in hopes of brightening up the end of this year a little bit. ❤️ If you were tagged, please make sure to check below for a small little message from me. However, I want to make it very clear that I truly appreciate all of my mutuals. You guys brighten up my dash and always reblog or create so many funny and creative posts. I just wanted to give a few special shout outs to those that have taken out the time to reach out and interacted with me past my ask box or we just see each other often.
The messages are ordered by your URL, so you might have to scroll for awhile before you see your messages. I’m so sorry lmao. 
Happy New Years, everyone!
@25th​​, Nonnie, the Young Genius. bro, remind me how old you are 🧍‍♀️ Like my brain CANNOT fathom the thought that you’re so skilled at SO many things and you’re not even in your twenties??? PLEASE SPARE THE TALENT. i will even accept crumbs. But I’m writing to tell you that you are such a wonderful presence on my dash. I always look forward to your gfx. They’re so SO good and you’re improving from one post to another. Like WOW. Now, you’re even starting an art blog, too? You’re so dedicated to the arts. I respect that a lot. Your hard work and commitment will bring you very far in life, whatever you decide to do. 
I love interacting with you. You’re such a big sweetheart and full of positivity and energy. I look forward to seeing more of your art and gfx ❤️
@biscuitwalk​, Dann, the AK Wiz. Dann, I know you’re not as active on here so idk when or if you will ever read this but I want to say that I miss you and your creations so, so much. I will say it a hundred times over and OVER but you inspire me so goddamn much. You have no fucking idea. Your works are absolutely gorgeous and unique. I can look at it once and I can instantly recognize your style (and your cute lil’ pufferfish <3). The way you utilize colors and implement various techniques, shapes, textures into your work. Goddamn, you’re so good. I always look to your work if I ever need inspiration and they help me brainstorm. God, I wish I could put it into words how much I adore your works.
We didn’t really talk for long but you seemed like such a kind and fun person to be around. I wish you the best in your future endeavors, wherever you are. Stay safe <3
@elriccs, Mirai, the Short King. 🧍‍♀️ ok look I know, I know I’m TERRIBLE at replying to you and I’m so fucking sorry. I absolutely love to talk to you but my dumbass cannot seem to reply in a timely manner LASELKSAL. That’s on me and I gotta do better. Anyways!!! Thank you SO fucking much for always leaving such kind messages on my work. I swear to god you’re one of my biggest hype man and I ALWAYS look forward to reading your tags. They’re so funny and it makes me all tingly and happy inside. Bro, like, you just radiate big fun vibes, bro. I really hope that I can get to know you better so I can just insult you until it’s too late to walk away </3
And of course, let me also remind you that I love your works so much. They way that you utilize your textures and those muted colors... OOMPH *chefs kiss* I will always love--
@lockhvrts​​, Em the Soulsborne GOD. hi em 🥺 it’s been awhile since I’ve had a proper conversation with you and I hope you’re doing okay! I miss you and our conversations where we do nothing but geek out and complain about the game industry lmao. if you manage to read this, I just wanted to let you know I miss your presence here. It’s been kinda dull not seeing your beautiful soulsborne gifs and your game rants. Let’s catch up soon. <3 stay safe and well!
@nathanprescutt, Benn, the Man. BENNNNNNNN.  I love you a lot bro. I know we haven’t had long conversations for some time and I hope I can change that! You were my first friend on this blog and I will always appreciate it. I remember us just geeking out over your works and how I would always send you a gfx request like once a week LMAO. The one thing that I have always appreciated about you was the fact that you’re very opinionated (if not, very vocal on your stance on things) and you hold your ground. There were a few time where you encouraged me to speak on topics that I think I shouldn’t and that stuck with me for quite awhile. I’m still a nervous rambling mess when it comes to debates but just know that the one time you supported me to voice my opinion--I hold it very dear to my heart. 
While I don’t spend much time together, I will always remember our animal crossing session. It was  so much fun just trashing and chilling on your island. Especially the bar :( that bar was fucking AMAZING. Maybe once FFXVI comes out, we can geek out hehe
Also, thank you so much for sending in photos of all your doggos, omg. I miss seeing them so much I hope they’re doing well. Stay hot, my German bro lol. Ich bin sehr dankbar, so eine tolle Freundin zu haben. ❤️❤️❤️
@noxdivina​, Lin the Big Dick Daddy Kind. The church is open for business bitch and I’m here to preach the GOSPEL.
Okay, jokes aside, I’m really happy that we became mutuals. You’ve always give off this like, mysterious cosmic vibe (????? huh). And your selfies just further proves that you are wtf. But you’re always so kind to those that you interact with. You’re an absolutely sweetheart and like I just want to give you a giant hug every time we interact. You’re such a soft human being. It’s so nice being around you. It’s like being tossed in the oven and baked at 250 degrees F for 25 minutes. And to boot you’re really talented, hello? God really said let there be a perfect human being and yeeted you into the universe. Thank you for always leaving such kind messages and words in my DM/askbox/works. I cherish them so much. I hope I can get to know you better in the future bc you’re rad, bro <3
anyways, updated drawing of u and maya:
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i always assume you’re in a black fur parka 24/7 and maya is coatless neck down. also deck me with those jacked arms of yours thanks  🧍‍♀️
(edit: fuck i forgot to draw a PARTY HAT ON MAYA IM SORRY)
@rokuseis​, Sei, the Dumber.
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i have nothing to say to you go away you banana hater ASELKSAEKL
BITCH, you doo bee getting on my nerve 24/7/365 🧍‍♀️ you were an unexpected but a very welcomed addition to my life. I can’t believe we really went 1 fuckin’ year without speaking to each other and then suddenly our friendship blew up because over a stupid BANANA. Now you gotta deal with me and my stupid, random, crude ass messages daily. I cannot. Clown to clown communication. But thank you so much bitch for being there for me and telling all of these funny ass stories and life experiences.
I know I don’t say it a lot because when we talk it’s literally just dogs barking at each other but I want to make it clear now: I love your humor and vibe so much. You never fail to make me laugh anytime I talk to you and I appreciate it so much. I can’t tell you how many times I felt better after talking to you. Even though sometimes your fucking jab hits hard and I end up actually inSULTED BY IT. But thank you for becoming my friend and I look forward to all of our stupid moments together. Looking forward to shitting in your sink when I finally fly to your home <3
@wolfamongthem, Anna, the Grinch. Please don’t hurt me for that title. I'm just saying if someone needs a live casting, it’ll be u. Anyways, did you know that I was so fucking intimidated by you for a long ass time, even before we became mutuals aseljas LMAO. I always see your gifs around on explore and they’re so gorgeous and then I look at your text posts and it’s u roasting people like there’s no tomorrow- 🧍‍♀️ bitch I was SCARED OF U KSKS. Now that I’ve talked to you a few times, you’re really funny like where do you find those reaction memes????? Like bro you and your shitposts is my morning cup of coffee. 
Anyways, in 2021 I expect a full-fledge review of all AAA games from you-- no more shit talking in the tags let it all out BITCH. Thank you for being such a great mutual! I look forward to see what weird shit you will send me the next time we talk lmao
@zenien​​, Selm, the I’m-gay-for-Lady-Maria-or-anything-that-moves-in-BB-Bitch™. ok bitch if I’m being honest I wrote yours last so my brain is FRIED. so everything i say from here is raw from the HEARt cause that’s all I got left. But anyhow, we savin’ the best for last! honestly, i didn’t expect you to barge into my life like that. i really didn’t. i was just gonna keep admiring with my 7 feet (2.1336 meters) pole. I’m glad you made the first move because look where we are wtf 🧍‍♀️ friends??? I wouldn’t believe you if you told me that in 2014 when I first followed you lmao. 
You’re such a kind soul. I know you may disagree but I’m determined to convince you. I can’t tell you how much I want to thank you for taking the time to talk to me during my rough bits. It’s like sitting on a wooden bench in a park during sunset and you sit next to me, just enjoying the vast sky. You radiate such peaceful energy. It’s very calming. Or you know, 2 seconds later i’m suddenly suplexed by your 40 tons of insults like what-- 
Thank you for everything, so far. Truly. It’s been so fun listening to you talk about your Bloodborne journey and see your reactions live. It’s been so fun to see you post your graphics and it continues to blow me away. It’s been so fun hearing about your life and the stories of your adulthood. Every words that we have exchanged, I hold dearly to my heart--more than you ever know. Love u bitch.
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maplecourtesy · 4 years
i’ve decided i’m gonna note down all my thoughts about the episodes from this one onward for funzies!! now u all have to deal with it.
[most of the content under the cut, because spoilers!!]
travis starting the episode off by answering griffins dumb joke question,, good brother
the soundtrack is so good this episode!!!! they’re doing so well with it!!
“well u can’t blame us because u picked a crappy mole” GET HIS ASS FITZROY!!!! peak baby brother energy… fitzroy is doing so good
jackal really had their back… i love jackal, he’s a minor character so far and i adore him anyway…
“chaos would be… pissed.” gray honey, chaos is LOVING this.
FITZROYS BRITISH!?!?!??!?! HELP WHAT THE FUCK GRIFFIN NO HES NOT!!!! what does griffin think british people sound like, genuine question. i saw someone say that fitzroy has the british energy but is very clearly not british, and is thus a new englander, and as a new englander and a fitzroy kinnie. i fully agree and would like to push the agenda that he is from Fantasy New Hampshire because i’m from Real New Hampshire.
i like british gray but i dont know how i feel about british fitz :/ been made fun of for subconsciously making british characters my favorites without knowing they’re british for TOO LONG.
EVILVILLAINFITZROYEVILVILLAINFITZROYEVILVILLAINFITZROY. villain fitzroy is real but EVIL villain fitzroy… thats a boy i could get behind as well. team gray!fitzroy au’s better start rolling in
travis using the word “grooming” to say gray was keeping an eye on fitzroy makes gray like 10x more awful
fuck YES. thunderman llc for life babey!!!
gray: ooo that gave me a bit of a buzz! a bit of a tingle! fitzroy:
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“dis is vore” THE FIRBOLG HAS SPOKEN!!!
thunderman thunderman does whatever a thunder can
tangent: i LOVE the way griffin speaks so much… the slang he uses and the way he structures sentences is so unique and it gets heightened when he’s playing characters/doing voices. i just love griffin so much!!
references to the firbolg losing an arm…. don’t like that too much !
schrodinger!!!!!!! schrodinger the transdimensional catIS MAKING OUT WITH SNIPPERS???!?!???? schroppers?!?!?!? snipdinger??? whats the ship name??? CATSNIP?!?!?!?!?!??! catsnip its catsnip now im coining it
god fuck not more hellhounds and pit fiends….. PSYCHIC PROBLEMS?!??!? oh god oh fuck boys!!!
get thru there fast boys;;;
argo darling please be okay that sounds awful…
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[insert every “we went through hell and came out singing” type quote because they make me emotional]
“he has dealt with discomfort and depression many times in his life. this is no new field for him.” firstly, thats TERRIBLE im so sad. secondly, that’s odd?? the hell dimension shouldn’t be like anything he’s EVER dealt with before thats such a weird detail to throw in. was it jackal or higglemas that said the hell dimension was new to them? because if it was jackal then he shouldn’t be feeling too good about it unless trav rolled a nat 20 for him or smth..
thunderman llc is always there for each other!!! the way their friendship is very evidently growing stronger makes me real happy.
SIR FITZROY “THUNDERMAN” MAPLECOURT. legally get that added to ur name fitzroy PLEASE
can we visit gray’s house?? is it cool??
HIERONYMOUS!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT THANKS FOR BEING USEFUL!!!!!! need fanart of this moment now
i need more dog based jokes griffin. now.
great job marie!!!! ur doing so good!!!!BANDAID WITH LARRY THE LION ON IT (thank u for pushing my fitzroy = little lion man agenda as well <333) AND A LOLLIPOP!!!
theyre all good boys!!
OZ??? OZMONDELIUS?? how do u spell that!! it sounds so cool;; and also canon it/its character!!!!!!! :DDDDDD and they handled it so well thank u griffin n trav <333
amazing morals uve got, sir fitzroy “thunderman” maplecourt!!!
GRIFFINNNNN his giggle and his little “that was scary;;” I LOVE U GRIFFIN MCELROY!!
“everyone hear can keep a secret right?” *everyone turns to look at the firbolg* “OH GOD OH F U C K”
good episode. good bits and good boys. i love fitzroy <3
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thewritingstar · 4 years
ButchxBubbles friendship???
Thanks for the request :)
The thought of Butch and Bubbles having a spa night? Yes please. Im not really good at writing friendship fluff fics so i hope this is ok. I really like the idea of their friendship dynamic and maybe I’ll elaborate more on it. Plus I wrote this at like 1 am so yeah. 
Enjoy. :) Request and asks always open
Bubbles finished bringing all her products from the bathroom to her bedroom. She had everything ready for her spa treatment as her sisters were off on some over night history field trip for their class. Of course she wasn’t in that class so she was left by herself and the professor was out of town for a couple of days. 
She had quite the collection of things to do and wished someone was here to do it with her. She could call Robin but she knew she had gone to her cousins house and her other friends lived a few miles away. Boomer had even gone on the trip but was sending her photos every ten minutes. 
“Guess its just us tonight.” She looked to Octi who just stared at her with his button eye. 
A sound came from behind and she turned to see something hitting her window. She got closer and saw that a figure was there. She threw open the window and looked outside. Her eyes widening slightly as she saw who was hovering. 
“Butch?” She said questionably and he gave her a small wave. 
“Sup Blondie.” He smirked. 
Her signature giggle echoed. “What are you doing here?”
“Well since every one is gone on that stupid trip, I thought why not see what you’re up to” He shrugged. 
“Are you sure?” She looked behind her at the set up she had. “I don’t think my plans is something you would be up for.” 
He flew past her and she closed the window. “Don’t care, I am bored.” He took a spot on the floor in front of the blanket that was laid out and coated with products upon products. 
Bubbles walked over and sat on the other side looking at all the products. “I was just going to do a spa night time or what I like to call Bubbles Time.” She sighed. 
He shifted a little. “I can leave if you want, I just thought-”
“No!” She held up her hands and shook her head. “No you don’t have to go. My sisters don’t ever participate so its nice having someone here, even if you don’t wanna be pampered.” 
Butch picked up a bottle while Bubbles fasten her hair into two cute space buns. He popped open the cap and took a sniff. Coconut and pineapple filled his nose and he could tell Bubbles wasn’t as bubbly as usual. He didn’t want to slap the shit on his face but knowing that not even Blossom wanted to do this with her, he thought why not. 
“Im game. Whats first?” He asked.
She looked up at him with a blank stare. “Really?” Her face slightly turned almost like a cute puppy dog. 
“Sure why not. Your skin is probably hella smooth and its not like this shit is gonna hurt.” 
Her smile was blinding as nodded. She let out a high pitched squeal and soon her was pulled into a hug. “Thank you Butch! Thank you! Not even Boomie would do this with me, fucking meanie.” he whispered the last part and he was let go from the bone crushing hug. 
“Nah fuck Boomie.” he slightly cringed at the nickname but now he had blackmail against his baby bro. “This is Bubbs and Butch time.” 
She clapped her hands together and began preparing.
“So now this will open your pores and get the rest of all that dirt. Geez your pores are huge.” Bubbles said as she popped open the toner and spread it on the cotton pad.
“Rude.” Butch said but took the soaked cotton from her. He watched her apply it to her skin and copied her motions while looking in the mirror. His hair was pushed away from his face with a light purple hairband that had cat ears on it. “This shit kinda burns.”
“Don’t be a pussy.” 
“Damn Bubbs didn’t know you cussed often.” He held out his hand to accept the moisturizer from her. “Kinda bad ass.” 
She laughed at this. “Oh Blossy doesn’t like it and of course BC does. After all I am hard core.” She playfully shrugged. 
“And then she fucking blew me off to hang out with Mitch, can you believe that!” Butch complained. 
“I hate when she does that, always forgetting plans.” Bubbles sighed as she filed his nails and blew off the dust. 
He looked at his other hand examining the clean nails. “You don’t think I have to worry about him right?” 
She leaned over to look through her massive collection of nail polishes and pick a base coat and a dark green color and a pure black one. “Butch honey, he gay.” 
“I knew that.” He said quickly. He looked at the polish. “What about just clear?”
Bubbles looked at him and raised her brows. “You know its really punk and cool for guys to paint their nails, plus Buttercup thinks its hot but you didn’t here it from me.” She wagged her eyebrows and dangled the bottle in front of him. 
He snatched the black and shook it. “Paint me up Sugar.” 
“Aww I wish Boomie did something like that for me.” Bubbles cooed at the screen. 
“Sugar, they are just sitting on a gold course throwing grapes at each other.” He pointed out and she hit him with a pillow. “Watch the nails.” He lifted his hands. 
“I know its simple but Troy and Gabrielle are cute and hey, I’m a sucker for cute romance.” He was sure her eyes were full of stars at this point.  “Look they are dancing in the water!”
“How many times have you seen this?” 
“Twenty seven.” The oven in the kitchen dinged and she got up. “Cookies are done. You want milk too?”
“Hell ya.” 
She got up and walked away and he took out his phone. There was a message from Buttercup. 
Spice Babe: is she torturing you?
He held his phone up to snap a selfie of his cat ear hair band. 
Me: Nope but i look hot af now. Good luck keeping your paws off me. 
Spice Babe: lol sure btw this shit blows, be thankful youre not here
Me: sucks 2 be you but i got fresh cookies from bubbs
Spice Babe: Lucky bastard
The plate of cookies was set in front of him and he clicked his phone away as she paused the movie. 
“Buttercup having fun?”
“Nope but thats not my problem.” He grinned. “ So whats next?” he asked almost a bit too excitedly.  
Bubbles covered her mouth to finish chewing. “Well its getting late and I was gonna do a face mask and build a pillow fort.”
“oh.” He realized that it meant he should probably go. 
“Do you wanna make pillow forts and have a pillow fight? Oh and a sleep over!”
His eyes widened with a giant grin. “Fuck Yeah!” 
His neck almost popped as the pillow was slammed into his face and he had never seen the vicious look on her face before. Even with temporary tattoos and a sparkly face mask that smelt like berries, his was pink and strawberry scent, she was still scary. 
“Prepare to die!” She shouted as she raised a pillow over her head. 
“Oh shit.” He ducked and shot one back at her, hitting her in the stomach making her grunt. Her elbow knocked on the table and they watched as the homemade smoothies shook and almost spilled. 
Their eyes met and they busted out laughing before setting the pillows down. 
“Lets wash these off and then call it a night?” She said and he followed her to the bathroom. His feet were now inside bunny slippers that were a tad to small a she was rocking matching dog ones. 
He let out a yawn as she handed him a towel to dry his face and before long, they had shut off the lights and got into their pillow forts that were facing each other. 
“Thanks for hanging out with me. It means a lot.” She said and he looked at the ceiling. 
“I had fun. You’re pretty cool Sugar.” 
“I’m glad someone thinks so.” 
“Whats that mean?” He asked and he heard a small sigh. 
She held onto Octi and even though she couldn’t see his face, she knew he had a frown on. 
“Most people just think of me as the cute girl, which is true but im more than that. Sometimes even kicking a monsters ass doesn’t prove that I am strong and mighty.”
“Listen I know for a fact you are cool and strong. I got my ass handed to me by you once or twice in our child hood. Most people think im just some meat head who can punch.” 
“I don’t think that.” She said and he believed her. “I think you are really talented at sports and just like to punch, nothing wrong with that. But you are also kind and sweet and I see how you make Buttercup feel and some meat head couldn’t do that.” 
He smirked to himself. “Thanks Bubbles.” 
“Any time.”
A comfortable silence filled the room before he spoke up. “I really appreciate how much you care about Boomer. Its hard growing up without any form of love and every time he comes home, his smile is real and I know its because of you.”
Bubbles hugged Octi closer as a blush formed on her face after she sent Boomer a good night text. “He just makes me really happy.” 
“Thats good. But I am gonna kick his ass for not taking you on cute dates because my homie deserves is.” 
“Omg Butch are we bffs?”
“For sure.” And their shared laughter faded off as sleep took over.  
The morning came fast and the pair quickly cleaned everything up before homemade pancakes were eaten. 
“This shit is amazing Bubbs.” Butch finished his plate. 
“Aww thanks. Oh looks like everyone should be back in an hour.” 
He stood and took the plate to the sink. “Well I’ll get going because I don’t need Blossom on my ass about any of this.” 
“I can handle her don’t worry.” She winked and soon she was alone finishing up her pancakes with a smile.
The front door opened and Brick and Boomer came walking in. Brick slammed his body on the couch and went straight to sleep while Boomer went to the kitchen where Butch was making a grilled cheese. 
“I can’t believe you had a sleep over with my girlfriend.”
“Hi to you too. And chill we are just besties.” He winked. “Kinda lame that you never do any of this stuff with her.” He picked up the finished meal and bit into it before shaking his head at him. “Ya know, shes pretty cool and all she wants is to pamper and watch high school musical.”
“But you hate those things.” 
Butch shrugged. “Yeah but my new bestie doesn’t and I support queens.” 
Boomer gave him a weird look. “What did she do to you?”
He flipped him off, showing off his nails. “By the way she wants cuter dates. If you are going to simp then do it right Boomie.” He mocked before grabbing his plate. “Now if you’ll excuse me, Sugar and I are going to the mall fuck face.” 
Boomer frowned as he took all the food. “Hey don’t call her that!” 
“See ya later simp.” 
hope you liked :) 
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scandeniall · 4 years
dive deep //ch.4
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pairing: akaashi keiji x reader 
Chapter 4: writing blues  | prev | next | masterlist
wc: 1436
The days came and went as per usual. Try to write, trash said writing, a glass of wine, eat, sleep, repeat. This had been the writer’s life since the start of the project, and at this point the days seemed to all blur together. The only disruption to the writer's poorly designed schedule were the occasional intrusions of her friends. Kenma had dropped off food on more than one occasion, not even surprised when he’d come by to see her in bed. The awkwardness surrounding the writer and Kuroo dissipated shortly after he had dropped her off. An apologetic text from both adults brought them back to normal and he resumed his presence in her life. 
The ending of the week neared, and so did another meeting with the newly found editor. A meeting in which no progress on the manuscript had been made. Monday had been spent uninspired and in bed. The writer had no desire to write, and promised to get to work tomorrow. Tuesday, the writer managed to get out of bed, set up her desk to write and nothing. Instead, she found herself rereading earlier chapters and criticizing every character. One character’s description was off, and she hated the name of another. Then the dialogue felt forced at one part. The critiquing prompted another headache, causing the writer to head back to bed.  
Wednesday came with a text from Akaashi, confirming that they were all set to meet on Friday. That sparked the slightest bit of urgency as the writer attempted to crank out something. Something is better than nothing, is what she told herself. But it's useless if it's no good also plagued the back of her mind as she eyed the handwritten words and began to transfer them onto her laptop. A few paragraphs here and a few paragraphs there, until she forced out her second chapter for the day. Two chapters to make up for zero progress in almost a month. It felt fair enough. As she continued transferring the newest rushed words, the clock at the bottom of the screen read 2am. The sun had long gone down, and the world had long settled. Everyone except for her. It was almost sickening at how long it took her to come up with the newest words. 
Thursday became another useless and unproductive day. The early hours were spent in bed, a possible side effect of having stayed until nearly sunrise. She attempted and failed to push out a third chapter, but the words just weren’t coming. However the writer welcomed the presence of Kuroo who’d stopped by in the early evening. This time the man had forced the two of them on a walk. “Seeing the sunset might inspire you.” He claimed following her out of the apartment. “I wish the sun was all it took for me to finish this book.” 
“Well then you could use some vitamin D. Cheer up would you,” The pat he placed on the woman’s head caused her to recoil in annoyance, telling him he didn’t have to pet her like a dog. The two settled into a leisurely pace as soon as they hit the sidewalk. “How’s work been. I feel like we haven’t talked about you lately.” The writer prompted the conversation this time.”That's because you’ve been worse than usual,” Kuroo shrugged. “Clinicals are kicking my ass, but it's fun. Neurology, is pretty cool, but brains are fucking gross” The writer laughed as her friend slightly gagged at the memory. “I can’t believe you're actually going to become a doctor. Promise to take care of me when this agency fries my brain.”
“I think you're a little too old for pediatrics.” (Y/N) could only respond that it was a pity. The two continued the walk in silence only breaking on ocassion to point out an animal they’d seen along the way, or maybe a funny looking cloud. As the writer kicked a pebble along the pavement she felt at ease. Sure the feeling was temporary but her friend always seemed to know what she needed. “Hey, you're meeting with Akaashi this weekend right?”
The writer nodded as her friend took a quick glance at her. “Yeah, tomorrow. I’ve been trying to write all week.” The words came out bitterly, an indication of the failure she’d rather not voice aloud. A weight around (Y/N)’s shoulder caused her to shift her focus towards her taller friend. The male only returned a slight smile. “Come on.” With that the two of them were off their path. The walk had been longer than the writer bargained for as they strayed off their initial path. However, she couldnt find it in her to be upset as the two neared a place she hadn’t been in so long. 
“Kuroo, what are we doing here.” The writer followed her friend’s motion as they settled onto a giant rock. “Figured you needed some peace of mind. Remember how much we used to come here after classes. Me, you and Kenma. Catching the sunset and just being happy.” Kuroo breathed out. The place in question had been a relatively secluded part of a lesser known park in the area. Two giant rocks, slightly hidden in the trees. However, beyond overseeing a beautiful lake. One where birds would come to play, and they’d watch the way the ripples in the water cause the trees' fallen flowers to just float. It had the perfect view of the sunset. During their university days, the three found themselves there to regroup, and hide away from the rest of the world and their responsibilities. The writer hadn’t been there in months, partly due to the snow that had covered the winter group, partly due to her own lack of action. 
“Stop that. We can't both be emotional disasters.” The words were accompanied with a smile, and a silent thanks towards the man.
“Hey.” Another person’s presence setting in front of her caused the writer to jump in surprise. She quickly moved the sheet of paper she’d been scribbling across to the bottom of the stack, offering a curt hello at the editor as she removed her earbuds. The sound to the paper knocking against the table as she straightened the stack blended into the background of the coffee shop’s noise. “How long have you been here?” 
The writer only shrugged, taking a glance at the wall clock past Akaashi. “Maybe like an hour. I felt like writing,” she spoke politely. She noticed Akaashi start fiddling with the bag on his shoulder taking out his own belongings. She couldn’t help but watch him in curiosity. “So you know Bokuto too huh?” The words came as she noticed a singular sticker on his laptop case. The mascot of the MSBY Black Jackals. Akaashi offered her a kind smile before nodding. “I take it you’ve met him too?”
“Yeah, a few times back when I was in university. He came down to visit Kuroo.” The editor nodded in understanding. Of course you knew Bokuto through Kuroo. “We played on the same team in high school. It’s how I know Kuroo and Kenma too.”  He responded after (Y/N) asked about his association.
“So I read what you had so far,” the man started before pausing. “Well, it just seems different from what you’ve written in the past.” The words caught her off guard, and she couldn’t help but narrow her eyes only for a moment. “I’m just trying something new. That’s all.” The words came calmly however the editor knew better. He easily caught the quick reaction change. Something seemed off, however it isn’t his place to pry. At least not yet. The writer and editor relationship is a delicate one of trust, and as of now he didn’t know his writer at all. 
Akaashi could only reassure her that the words weren’t bad, just not what he had been used to reading from the writer. “I’ve made some edits, however it seemed like someone had gone over it before.” The words were laced with confusion. Akaashi remembers when he’d gotten the files and how from an editorial standpoint, the work thus far was near perfect. If this writer was so good on her own, he wondered where he’d even fit in.
“I had another editor before you. Well a few of them for this project. Things didn’t quite work out.” The editor ignored the ice lacing her words as his own posture stiffened. If this writer had gone through multiple editors for a single project, just how hard is she to work with.
a/n: mwah im back after taking the past 3 weeks off from fics (but in my defense in between everything going on and needing that break and how i wrote 8 fic chapters in literally 1 week. i deserved. Just a reminder that my intention is for this to be slowburn so um yeah.
taglist: @alloverbutterflies @astronomyturtle @officiallykuute @beanst0ck​ @marvels-supernaturalsherlock​  
wanna be added? just hit a girlie up
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bangtansfavwriter · 4 years
💘bangtan as boyfriends: seokjin💘
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-you know that feeling when you're wearing your fav sweater and you feel all cuddly, safe and secure? that's you with seokjin, only that you're now wearing his giant hoodies and he gushes about your sweater paws like every 30 mins
-super reliable and loyal, you don't ever have to doubt him in anyway except when he says he doesn't wanna eat a second bowl of cereal with you on sundays
you: whyyy, it's your favourite! you're seriously saying no to a second breakfast??
him: yeah but why'd you call it second breakfast? do I look like a hobbit to you?
you: (-just to be a lil shit-) yea
him: im breaking up with you
-he...... looks absolutely flawless after he wakes up and ur like..... how... you once caught him drooling during his sleep and pulled out the camera but just as you turned to him again you started to believe in divine intervention / black magic (whichever u prefer) bc he looked absolutely angelic and suddenly there was no sign of any drool and again, you're like ..... HOW
-this was also the day that started an on-going battle between you and jin, bc you tried to catch a bad picture of him which was pretty much a kamikaze task for you
(you know this bit from "how I met your mother"? it pretty much went like that, only that u finally got your bad pic when a friend's cockatoo flew too close to him and he started yelling, btw that was after 4 years of dating rip)
- lots of cooking dates where you start off preparing everything together and he's always like "no do it like this" , "ah lemme get this" and in the end he cooks for you, but does it happily bc he enjoys seeing you eating well
-very traditional dates imo but also fun, going for a walk together by the river, romantic dinner, amusement parks where you battle each other in every game
-ooo boy you two would be really competitive though when it comes to gaming and such
-the world has never seen air hockey players like you two, the passion, the anger, the yelling at each other where you two lowkey channel your inner maria sharapova (jk: hyung im scared, suga: me too, jimin: this is going to haunt me)
-also, he's not afraid to pull up with grand gestures when it comes to you and likes to spoil you tbh (but you're mostly like "isn't that... isn't that too much" and he's like "ok im gonna tone it down" and you guys have a spa weekend instead of flying to paris)
- very fun and spontaneous too so it's a good mix with him, it never ever gets boring
- he loves to go fishing so you two regularly go outdoors and either go to the sea together or he goes on his own while you chill in a nature resort and wait for him there
-talks a lot but also knows when to listen and mostly listens to you when you share your beliefs and such
-a gentleman: holds the door for you, helps you out of a car etc
-tried to learn the ukulele for you bc of your love for adventure time
-he actually picked it up so well that he surprised you with "la vie en rose" on the ukulele and serenaded you in your kitchen when you were making hot chocolate bc you couldn't sleep
-your personal hypeman at literally everything and very devoted to your happiness, ready to fight everyone who crosses you
-he feels at ease when he sees your smile, totally whipped for you tbh
- he loooves to show you off... you would accompany him to some events sometimes and he'd go "oh, have you met my partner?" - "there you go saying partner again..." - "yes, y/n, because they won't know if you're my partner in crime or if we're in love" - "lucky we're both" - "god i love you"
- you two would have so many inside jokes, sometimes to a point where outsiders would have no fkn clue what you're talking about
-he's on the brink of crying whenever you are in a soft mood and tell him how much you love him, like the one time you told him that you never thought there'd be so much to laugh and be happy about in life and he straight up started sobbing and pulled you into a tight hug
you: (laughingly) "cmon i didn't say that to make you cry"
jin: (still too emotional to talk, just clings to you)
you: did you know sloths sometimes mistake their own arms for branches and fall down because of that
(he went completely silent, then laughed his ass off for a solid minute)
jin: idk if I should laugh or cry, oh my god, this is terrible and hilarious and im going to hell, y/n
you'd just laugh along and then suddenly kiss him bc that you were so overwhelmed with love for him bc this was your favourite seokjin, a soft dork who laughs about inappropriate things and gets very very shy when you kiss him like that and needs some time to regain composure after that (-1 hour later, meeting with the guys- jk: hyung you ears are crimson red , jin: ...... *blushes at the mere thought*, nj: what's with jin-hyung?, jk: idk i may have broken him)
-what goes for jealousy.... you would never ever have to deal with that bc he trusts you 100% and you trust him the same amount, the only time he became somewhat "possessive" was when you guys went to an exhibition together and the curator became rather flirty with you, while jin was talking with the chairman, so unbeknownst to you, seokjin had an eye on you the entire time, saw that you were getting uncomfortable and then came to you and rested his hand on your lower back, shot the guy his most dashing smile and greeted him politely..... anyway, the guy got the hint and was gone like 20 seconds after
-he's a safe space for you tbh, and vice versa, being with you is grounding for him and he needs your touch to calm down when life gets too hectic
-he'd be at your doorstep a lot of times after he came back from the airport and these type of evenings would be rather quiet and full of cuddles and soft touches
-btw he would love helping you with renovations in your home and would pick up 1 unique piece for your flat whenever he was in a new city during their tour
-also, you guys would do so many trips to ikea tbh he would always find some occasion to go there even if it's just hot dogs or ice cream, btw I absolutely see this happening
-buys you succulents and says these are now your sons ("you let a cactus die, jin" - "that's why I leave them in your care while namjoon teaches me how to take care of them" - "you let namjoon teach you about plants?" - "I gotta be a good father, right?" - and right he was)
-tbh you'd tease him about his love for renovations and furniture but truth be told, he highkey envisions your future together and the whole thing is just his way of slowly building everything up until you get to the point the daydreams about, which would be a nice home with garden with self-grown tomatoes, a tiny pup and the smell of french toast on your lazy mornings together
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ultraklll · 4 years
Tony Miller as a Gun For Hire! Tagged by the lovely @envyfelled ! Ty! This was super fun! Also, I'm on mobile, so sorry for the garbo formatting! (Fun fact, tonys voice claim is laura bailey as fiona/fem!boss)
Paired With Fangs For Hire:
Boomer - "Heya buddy!" followed by excessive scratching behind the ears | "Fuckin' love this dog, can sniff out a peggie like shark sniffing out blood. Good trait to have! Awfully convenient too…" | [patpatapatptpataptap] | "Atta fuckin' boy Boomer!" When she sees him get a kill | "Who's a good boy! Who wants to kill some cultists!" | "Wanna play fetch? Rip out their necks?"
Peaches - "Good girl…" | stealth gang stealth gang | peaches: mows down peggies/tony: a baby!" | "I jus' think it's funny that when we went to the Henbane, we picked up a cougar, Addie, an actual cougar, Peaches, and joined a crew called the Cougars… Just'a thought," 
Cheeseburger - "This reminds me'a Vegas pride, saw plenty'a bears there too" | "Kinda ironic to find you in Jacob's region, all things considered," [snickers to herself] | [PATPATPATPATPATPAT] | "Get outta my pockets! These snacks are mine, not yours!" | "You remind me of those like, beware of dog signs, but the dog is always a sweetheart who'd rather play with a home invader rather than attack them," 
Paired With Other Guns For Hire:
Jess - stealth gang stealth gang stealth gang | Jess has a MASSIVE crush on Tony. Everyone can tell. Tony knows | jess: guns are fucking lame and the sniper rifle is the cowards weapon/ tony: uses a sniper rifle/ jess: actually sniper rifles are cool as fuck | "Good shot Jess!" "S-shit, um, thanks, Tony," 
Grace - sniper gang sniper gang!! | [steals a headshot Grace was lining up] "Cmon Gracie, thought you were meant to be Olympic level!" | highly competitive, do a shot whenever they get a perfect headshot to die instantly | smug top solidarity | also heavily depressed solidarity 
Adelaide - [acts like she's not sleeping with her nephew even tho Addie knows she definitely knows] | Tony is either constantly laughing or constantly face palming over the shit addie says | have gotten into an argument once bc addie said john was a top 
Nick - "What's up eye in the sky?" | [flirts over radio] [flirts over radio] [flirts over radio] [fli | Nick: speaks/Tony: god I just love the way you fucking talk | often talk about kim together | "Can we have a barbecue at your place once these fuckers are dealt with?" | [pretends not to be bitter the Deputy got to help deliver Carmina and not her]
Sharky - "Heya baby!" | [constant back and forth flirting. It's embarrassing] | any second they're both not talking is a second they're making out | Can and Will go john wick on some peggy ass if he gets hurt badly | "Do you wanna have a sleepover?" "Lemme ask my momma," | she calls him Charlie :> | loves him so so much they're just constantly talking about anything and everything | literally like A Comedic Duo. Have together for certified funnies
Hurk jr. - "Junior! This'll be just like Kyrat!" | competitions about who can shotgun a beer faster every 4 seconds | WILL tell you stories about their time in Kyrat together | Tony has punched Drubman sr in the nose before and she'll do it again | "Hey Tony? You still in contact with Ajay?" "He sends me a royal postcard every now n' then. Apparently it's boring being king, and his only solace is that his new bodyguard is cute," 
In Combat: 
Seeing an enemy - "Fucker in my sights," | "I got a bullet with your name on it… actually I don't, who the fuck has time to carve names in bullets, but you get the idea- im just gonna shoot you now" | "You're dead on arrival, shithead," 
Sneaking - "You'd think me sneaking is counter productive because I'm 6'4 and have a very loud gun, but you're the boss Dep," | "Shhhh… we're huntin' shitheads… Heard it in a game," | [shoots alarm boxes] "You ain't allowed to call your friends, you're all grounded," | *peggy triggers alarm* "Fuckin snitch!" 
Killing an enemy - "SKULLCRACKER!" | "I just don't miss!" | just fucking headshot after headshot after headshot | [sucks in breath through teeth] "God damn I'm good," | when shes not using her Wifle (wife rifle, a 45/70) she's being FUCKING EFFICIENT with her ak-ms or just blasting ribcages open with her shotgun
Reviving - "Up you get, baby," | "You ain't dying on me that easy, Dep" | "Not today Satan!" | "You gonna let some unwashed asshole kill you?" 
Hurt - "Motherfucker!" | "That's another scar I'll tattoo over," | "Thank god people find scars sexy," | "God fuck that's smarts!" 
Downed - "Dep! Give me a hand?" | "Clean up on Aisle 4 needed!" | "Don't worry about me, just bleeding out over here, no rush," 
Revived - "Drinks on me when this is over Dep," | "Thanks babe!" | "I'll kiss you when we get outta this mess," | "I owe ya!"
Entering a vehicle - "Lemme take over I'm a way better driver than you," | "Floor it!" | "Hang on I've got a mixtape, just hope I havent fuckin' crushed it," | [takes the opportunity to roll cigs] | *peggies roll up* "Keep her steady!" [leans out the window and headshots the peggie on their ass, causing them to crash the car, like that isnt the coolest shit you've ever seen] "Aight cool,"
Reckless Driving - "Watch the fuckin' road asshole!" | [desperately tryna grip the wheel so she can take over driving] | "STOP THE CAR! I'LL JUST FUCKING WALK!" | "Are you tryna kill us?! Fuckin' swap seats now!" | tony is the designated driver bc one she's fucking good at it and two shes also a really bad backseat driver. Just let her drive 
Changing Radio Stations - "Now don't tell Charlie I said this but some of the peggies music is actually good,"| "John's a prick but his music taste is fuckin' good," | [punches radio in when Only You comes on] "...Sorry… Force'a habit…" | "Bold and brave my ass, John looks like he needs help getting spiders out of rooms and wears fuzzy pink bathrobes," 
"Man, John's a freak, and yeah I mean that in the sexy way. Someone who demands so much outward control whilst being a shithead little brat likes to get trussed up like a thanksgiving turkey and stuffed like one too. Don't give me that look Dep, I'm right and we both know it," 
"That dude Jacob ate was called Miller?? God, that could've been me if I was much older and way uglier!" 
"Faith just makes me fuckin sad man. She's been manipulated and groomed into this life by fuckin Joseph- she's so goddamn young too. I'm not gonna tell you what to do Dep, but that's just my two cents,"
"Joseph's the worst kind of man- a manipulator. He tells you what you wanna hear, targets the misfortunate who have nothing left to lose, builds a fucking army out of em. The other heralds I'm ok with arresting, but Joseph's got to go,"
[Lights cig with either her fancy lighter or by striking a match on the bottom of her shoe] "Don't start smoking, Dep,  bad for your health," 
Location Specific: 
Testy Festy Aftermath - [pinches bridge of nose] "Not again…" | "Anyone got a water and like, 3 aspirin?" | "Ain't the first time I've woke up passed out in a field, won't be the last," | "Did we at least get a photo from the night? I've won the competitions here for the last 3 years in a row now, I'm not fuckin missing one cuz of these peggies," 
Falls End - "Fuckin shame to see Falls End like this, but Mary May and Jerome will take good care of her now weve got it back, they always do," | "Think we'll get free drinks for life at the Spread Eagle when this is all over? Actually, we probably won't even get free drinks for week, so for life is wishful thinking," | she enjoys playing with the singing fish on the front of the speed eagle and keeps tryna convince Mary May to let her take it for herself bc tony goddamn miller has the biggest singing fish collection in the entire county 
Seed Ranch - *loud whistle* "this place is swanky as fuuuuck… Not that big a fan of all the dead animals though…" | "IS THAT WEED ON THE TABLE? Johnny boy you fuckin' hypocrite!" | "Oh he's definitely got a secret room behind one of these bookshelves, like a home torture room? Oh my God, what if he has more than one...?" [starts frantically pulling books off shelves] | regarding his shelves with peggie memorabilia [takes baseball bat to it] | [pretends she's never been here as she frantically stuffs any of her own belongings she might've forgotten here into her bag]
Entering the Henbane - "Don't trust a goddamn thing you see here. You think you see something you're not supposed to, hit it," | [swinging at bliss induced angel/animal/faith visions] | "Can we try savin' Faith? Don't feel right killin' her, she's so young…" | "Can we go to Sharky's place? I left some stuff there that could be worth picking up,"
Hope County Jail - "Sheriff Whitehorse has always been a good man to me, Dep. Would appreciate it if he lived through this," | "I always feel like a giant whenever I come here, everyones like 5'3. Virgil, Tracey, Charles, all shortasses," | "I think it's cute they gave you a little pin! You're part of their Pride now! Or whatever the cougar equivalent is to a lions pride… do Cougars even travel in packs? Aside from when Addie used take the girls out for drinks,"
Entering the Whitetails - "Always feels like something's watchin' you in these woods. Keep your eyes peeled," | "Always felt like there's something in these woods that there ain't supposed to be…" | [Shifting from foot to foot] "Can we get a move on? Aint'a big fan of standing around waitin' to get shot by some fuckin' sniper with a bow," | [watching Jacob's video punishing Pratt] "I'll fuckin' get you outta here, Stace… you just gotta hold out a second longer," | [about all the dead bodies and 'you are meat' graffiti] "Love what Jacob's done with the place," 
The Wolfs Den - "Eli Palmer is a good fuckin man. Kind, smart, careful and ruthless against peggies. We've made a good friend here, Dep," | "Heya Wheaty! Got a few more vinyls for your collection! They're all my own though, so be careful with em," | "I don't think Tammy likes you that much Dep. I don't think she likes much of anything anymore, other than attaching jumper cables to Peggy's nipples… Oh god, my piercings hurt thinking about it," 
Joseph's Island - [hand firmly on rifle grip] | "Creepy, evil motherfucker, had him pegged right from the start. Well, not pegged. I'm not pegging Joseph. I'd rather stick my dick in a ceiling fan then go anywhere near him- I'm just gonna stop talking," | "You know what? No one else has asked it so I'm gonna- where the fuck does Joseph sleep.  In the church? In one of these houses? In the dirt somewhere? What if he hangs upside down from trees like a bat?" 
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Its Always Been You - Chris Evans x Reader
Chris Evans x Reader 
Prompt: Prompt: Start and end with the same line - Line “i never stood a chance, Did i?” 
Word count: 2,177
Warnings: Fluff, very fluffy 
Reader: Female 
Summary: you had a deadbeat boyfriend and finally had enough before you realized the person you were always meant to be with was always right there 
** if you have an idea and wanna message it to me, I am happy to write it. im always looking for one shot prompts or ideas to write on top of the stories I like to put off**
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“I never stood a chance, Did i?” You wondered as the tears that had built up in your eyes finally spilled down your cheek as you looked at him “why did you lead me on then?” You wondered and shoved the man in front of you the man that you had spent the last few months going on date after date for him to just for him to tell you that you were not the one and he was actually already engaged to someone else. You did what any one would do you went to your best friend. No contact. You showed up at the door and knocked on the door, as it swung open you head a dog barking. You saw the tall man standing there opening his arms to you as he saw you were upset “i don’t know why I try” you said to him as you feel his arms pull you in and your head rests in his chest as he rubs your back softly pulling you into the house softly so he can close the door before his dog gets out “you try because you have a big heart, even for that asshole, who does not deserve you” He answered back as he kissed the top of your head softly, in a comforting manner, you didn’t think anything of it “no its exactly what I deserve” you said back to him “if you excuse me I am going to go actual dead man float in your pool” you said as you pulled your phone out of your pocket set it on the table as you walked by and belly flopped into the pool. His dog jumped in after you and stopped you from doing whatever you were doing. You laugh as you float in his pool “dodger stop!!” You laugh and try and swim away from the dog as you felt another splash behind you “Chris Make him stop, he might actually drown me” you said as you couldn’t really touch where you decided to jump in fully clothed into the pool He saw over to you and supported you as dodger gave you one more lick and got himself out of the pool “it doesn’t help that you are fully clothed in the pool, that gives you a good 10 pounds more” he said as you splashed him “Evans i swear” you said back to him as you reached and pulled off your shirt just leaving you in a bralette which is basically like a bikini top anyways. And tossed it to the side of the pool, followed by your jeans and then swam away from him. He shook his head and didn’t follow, as the two of you swam for awhile before you pulled yourself out of the water. “can I uh borrow those sweatpants that are now too small for you since you became the hulk?” You wondered as you looked at your best friend who basically was beefing up for his next movie “they still fit, what are you talking about?” He said as he grabbed himself a towel and threw one at you, and you wrapped it around yourself “you mean the ones that, sit right here on your hip bone, that if you bend over you could rip the ass out in them..” You countered back and raised an eyebrow and walked into his room to find them yourself. Dodger happily followed as you were one of his favorite people.
You didn’t mind changing infant of Chris, as the two of you grew up close, in locker rooms, dressing rooms for plays, you met in college in new York as you both auditioned for the same show and kinda just hit it off. You went over to his dresser and dug in his drawer and pulled them out “you mean these that you have had since college” you said as you slide off your panties and slide his sweatpants on. And then went and grabbed one of his t-shirts and turned so your back was facing him and unclipped the bra and pulled his shirt on. When you turned around you saw he was in the middle of changing himself. You couldn’t help but look him up and down because let's be honest tho it was just friendship, you had to admit that he kept it tight. Chris shook his head at you as he walked away. You followed and went and laid on his couch “do you still have that Mint chip?” You wondered as this wasn’t the first time you ended up on his couch after you and Matt, ended things cause he cheated and you always forgave him, cause you thought its what you deserve “if I give it to you, do you promise to share?” He wondered grabbing it out of the freezer You shook your head “no, what have you not learned this entire friendship is soul based on your able ness to not take the ice cream when I'm heart broken” you said and took it from him when he brought it over “is this the last time?” He wondered looking at you. As you had a spoonful of ice cream in your mouth as you looked at him with your big eyes, wet hair. You shrugged looking at him as you were not sure, your head was telling you yes, but your heart wanted to try one more time. “im not sure” you responded with a mouth full of ice cream. And sighed “yes? I need it to be, but we moved in together, and where am I suppose to stay? I can’t move home. God I can’t do that’ you said back to him “well ill be in Atlanta for the next couple months, why don’t you stay here, and keep dodger company, and ill be home and come visit, well you work getting back on your feet?” He offered you. You knew this is what you needed, you didn’t have an excuse to go running back to him now so all you did was nod “okay, but you have to come with me to get all of my stuff” you asked him, and he knew what that meant, and he didn’t hesitate to respond yes. You sigh as the two of you sat on his couch with dodger in between the both of you, watching Netflix, laughing at one of his old movies ‘playing in cool’ mostly at the part where he dressed like a girl. It was your favorite form of blackmail, you made him watch it every time you got your heart broken. He was your best friend and did everything you wanted him to do without hesitation. Chris left town to work on one of the new avenger movies, or solo movie you we're not entirely sure. You and dodger held down the fort. You held your ground, no matter when Matt tried to come crawling back to you, you said no, you kept saying no. You needed to get away, before you gave in. so you got yourself a ticket to see your best friend work on one of the biggest movies of the summer, a short flight later you knocked on his hotel room, but he was not there, instead his assistant answered and let you in, and told you to make yourself comfortable. He would be on set late that night.
You walked around his suite, seeing the giant tub. You smile as you finish your tour. You wanted to take full advantage of that tub, it was like the one you always wanted and tried to get Chris to get when he remodeled but he got one with jets and was lame, nothing like the old fashion claw foot tubs. You put your hair in a messy bun and turned on the hot water, and found some bubbles and let that stu as you turned on your favorite album and grabbed the book he was reading as you didn’t bring your own, and climbed into the tub and just relaxed. About an hour later you heard the Hotel room door open and shut “y/n” he yelled like he was letting you know he was home “In the bathroom” you said back as you folded the page of his book you were on and turned to look at him walking though the door as he laughed “i knew I would find you in that thing” Chris smiled “come on we are going out with the cast, since off, and get dressed, you and I are going to have fun” he said to you “seriously, Mackie wants to meet you” He said mentioning one of the newest cast members “oh my god okay, grab my dress out of my bag and ill jump in the shower” You said handing him the book “also I need to borrow that when you get home” you said as he left “DON”T LOOSE MY PAGE” you said letting the water out of the tub and went and rinsed off in the shower before wrapping a towel around your waist and walked out to the living area where he pulled out the dress you asked for, you changed and went into the bathroom to put your face on and simple curl your hair. You heard a knock on the door as Chris answered it, and heard two men walk in, you peak your head out the door and went running over to Sebastian “Stannn!” You said giving him a hug, it has been a second since you had seen him in a few years. Sebastian smiled and hugged you back and introduced you to Anthony the newest member of the Capitan America cast. “alright are you boys ready to go out?” You smirked and slide on your heals becoming as tall as Chris was, you linked your arms with his as the four of you walked out of the hotel room and walked to the nearest bar. You went to our go to drink and the boys drank beer. A few drinks later, you were on the dance floor with Chris swaying to a slow song, you were a little more drunk than you normally were at that point, Anthony was not messing around with the shots. “I love you, you know that?” you wondered as you looked up at Chris He nodded “i know, I don’t know where my life would be with out your crazy self” He said honestly with a slight grin as he spun you. You spun then quickly steadied yourself as you put your hands on his chest and your forehead into his shoulder, as his arms went around your waist “y/n” he paused for a second before he kept talking “you know its always been you right?” He wondered. YOu pulled your head away just slightly and looked at him “always been me?” You wondered back, I mean you loved chris, but you didn’t believe that you deserve to loved like this man could love you. “I love you, I mean like love you, its always been you ive dreamed about spending my future with, and I know you don[t think you deserve to be happy for whatever reason, and I am right here to tell you that you are wrong. You deserve the damn world. And to be swept off your feet, in the right way” he said as he moved one of his hands to your cheek, and leaned down connecting the two of your together. His lips connected to yours. You never felt that sort of connection with anyone, in one simple kiss. You slowly pulled away from him as you looked up into his baby blue eyes as he looked in yours. You could swear you two were the only ones left in the bar. You thought this is what those movies were talking about “Chris” you said softly as you could feel his breath as Anthony walked up bringing you another shot “i can’t sorry” you said to Anthony before letting go of Chris and walking out of the bar. You needed a breath. Chris followed you out “y/n” he said softly as you turned to look at him your fingers linger on your lips as you still felt his against yours. You walked back over to him and crashed your lips back to his. The two of you end up back up in his hotel room.
The two of you woke up at the sound of Chris Alarm, you rolled over and saw him slowly starting to wake up, you bite your lip your lip as you just watched him come around “ I shouldn’t have fought it for so long” you sighed as he sat up slightly and gave you a peck on the lips before reaching over and turning off his alarm. “i never stood a chance did I?” You wondered as he was always the one you were meant to be with. It just took you long enough to figure it out.
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