#we'll see if I implement it!
chrisrin · 1 year
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was super inspired by onian's take on gemcyt!cleo (specifically the choice of a rainforest jasper)--so i tried my own hand at a design with it!
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equalseleventhirds · 2 months
things which, while not universally hated, are often treated with disdain by some ttrpg players:
dungeon crawls
resource tracking
unwinnable fights/situations
gm not preparing the adventure details beforehand
things am trying to put in my games
dungeon crawls
resource tracking
unwinnable fights/situations
gm not preparing the adventure details beforehand
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hohsalle · 11 months
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let's use his beta designs to make him a servant ok...
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antirepurp · 1 year
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im gonna love putting him into frontiers and discovering 170 vertices with shit-tier weight painting that float above his head
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cerealmonster15 · 4 months
ALSO when im re reading fics i wrote i explode when i notice i repeated the same phrase over and over and over again kfdlsjfklsd. why did i say a variation of "left as quickly as it came" three times in this one fic that im not even halfway through rereading.... #girl get new words
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happyfunf3tti · 10 months
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wait till i make my website more like me than it already is. it'll be all over for u guyz
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Hi all! So as my bio says, I'm running two other tournaments currently (@galavant-song-tournament and @indie-queer-movie-tournament) and the latter will take me until May to finish with but then I should have time for this. I'll make a proper intro post then as well and set up a bracket and whatnot. Basic info for anyone interested: I'll be including every published book written (or co-written) by Terry Pratchett, no matter if it's a novel, non-fiction, short story, or what. So submissions aren't necessary. I won't do plays or other media not published originally as a book. I'll accept propaganda at any time; I'll just file it away for now to use later so it's no trouble that we won't start for ages. (Also if someone's already done this bracket let me know; a quick search and I didn't find anything but idk, I only see some fandom content and could easily have missed it.)
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duskgryphon · 1 year
the post button’s in literally the opposite corner it’s so jarring
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coffeeworldsasaki · 1 year
Sometimes I'm doing everything right and have a good plan on how to progress but I'm too afraid to write the code in case it all starts crumbling ghsjfjsk
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roitaminnah · 2 years
hereby announcing in an act of keeping myself accountable that i WILL finish roses are red in the month of February. promises cross my heart swearing on my undying love of peepeeeketchupman I WILL DO IT
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gonna see if i can make a cowboy florence/felix edit tomorrow!!
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eirian · 1 year
taking a third shot at my evilverse by renaming it the darkverse instead..whipped up a couple stories for patoto and kinpa and man. theyre edgy!
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Every creator of fiction or media for public consumption should be forced to take a rigorous background check to ensure they won’t become a problematic menace and manipulator of innocent consumers’ emotions (Genuine opinion! That’s how I feel. What about you?)
I think that's dumb as hell! (Genuine opinion!)
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iggyfing · 2 years
realized a while back that with jofrid and dagasi i was sort of invoking the grandfather-granddaughter character duo that ff has done a handful of times but now i’m mad at myself for not thinking to invert it and make a grandmother-grandson duo. not with those characters. just in general.
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medicinemane · 8 days
I don't know, I get tired of a lot of positivity
Like yes yes, the world's wonderful and I'm so strong or whatever generic thing is being said (because it's always so generalized to the point of meaningless), but you know shit is what it is, and the only way forward is with changes I manage to make... which you're not helping with at all
And as for like... my internal mood, I'm deeply isolated, sorry if hollow platitudes don't sooth the gaping maw inside me
It is what it is, and I probably get my shit together enough to do stuff like teach out of my basement like I'd like, it's just I believe that I'll be alone in a crowd like I've always been
But positivity... I just... I kinda get sick of it. There's this guy on youtube I watch who talks about economics stuff, he's recently started doing positivity and... I just fucking know his personality enough where it's like sorry mate but I'm not interested in hearing you spout Secret light kinds off drivel
...I don't know, I suppose it boils down to this
One, I can barely fucking take in positive things said directly to me, about me. Generalizations don't help even a little... I'm a mess, I'd really like someone to toss me a life preserver instead of always tossing confetti at me while I struggle to stay afloat... doesn't help
Two, the world is a terribly imperfect place, and rather than taking a mentality of "everything will work out", I think it's important to acknowledge that sometimes good people live alone, die alone, and they never got the break they needed and slowly bled out
I think it's worth knowing that if you can't step in and help yourself, then maybe no help'll come at all
...I don't know, I suppose in the end the core of what I'm saying is a lot of positivity seems like self help tier stuff and... I get tired of that, and I see so many good people struggling and... eh... either I can at least come in and say something positive custom fit to them, or I can keep my mouth shut
Just fucking let me rot. Help or let me fester on my own, you know?
I got rid of the trailer, I maybe did something like cleaning though I can't tell... at what point will my pace on trying to make things better be good enough for people, and I'll be able to stop having people tell me to fix my life... as if I hadn't thought of that already
...everyone means well, it's just tiring
#it's like when people make you being suicidally depressed about them#I... don't really want to say some more specific details cause they might be able to pick themselves out of a line up#but it's just like... man... is this more about trying to get me in a better place; or about making you feel better#wears me out#mm tag so i can find things later#just seems impossible for people to not offer advice on things#the thing people never think of with advice; is that people living a situation often have thought about that situation a whole lot#it's like why... with my friend that's looking for theatre jobs; I don't offer a lot of advice because I figure they've done quite a bit#just kinda... offer to help the best I can and ask what they need; and then mostly just listen#it's not like I never ever say anything; it's just I try to back up advice with something concrete#like... for instance if I wanted to suggest someone do therapy; then I'm gonna be offering to help them find a therapist as best I can#cause I get that it's not like you just 'go to therapy'... getting started on things is often the hardest part#eh... keeping this as vague as possible cause I want the actions I took not the details#but when I had a friend who was someone who didn't treat them at all well#I didn't directly try to get them to leave cause I know that... it's hard; they were in deep#instead I just made sure to validate their perception of reality a whole lot#counter the literal gaslighting by just pointing out that they made sense and questioning how reasonable their partner was#and then I attempted to get them in touch with some other people so they were less isolated and had other people to validate them#and thankfully they're not with that person anymore; they're doing a great job at life and are much healthier now#...but advice... honestly I don't think I gave them much#I more asked leading questions to try and shine a light on things; or would brainstorm about what to do with various stuff#they were real stuck; and it was painful to see them stuck in such a bad situation; but... better to sit with them than push push push#it felt like if I gave them my actual advice; dump that abusive freak; they couldn't have heard me#it was easy for me to tell them the solution; but that didn't account for all the barriers to implementing that solution#in this case; many of the barriers were internal; but internal or external; barriers are barriers#I don't know... I just think sometimes you gotta be comfortable sitting with discomfort along side someone#unless you got an actual fix; and you're willing to put in the work to fix it... shut up about fixing and just be there for them#mhh... we'll take one of the only things I'm actually capable of doing instead of something more serious#if someone wants a minecraft server; I can either fucking help them set it up; or I can kinda keep my mouth shut#if I'm not helping them set it up; I can give them shit like 'that sounds cool; I bet you could do it'
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dailyink · 4 months
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