#anyway the only thing i might want to add is being able to move the eye UVs in blender
antirepurp · 11 months
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im gonna love putting him into frontiers and discovering 170 vertices with shit-tier weight painting that float above his head
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Rending Flesh From the Bone
Ah yes, the dpxdc "drabble" I decided to write for Halloween. Honestly not too enthused with how it came out but posting it anyway. I feel like some parts feel a bit rushed and there might be some plotholes. Oh well. As always, feel free to add on if you so desire.
TW: Gore, Cannibalism, Vomiting, Zalgo Text
Translations for the Zalgo are available at the end.
AO3 version
   “Are you sure about this, Hood?”
   Dick stared at the entrance of the abandoned subway tunnel, Jason practically vibrating out of his armor beside him. 
   For once, it was Jason who had broken into Dick’s apartment and not the other way around. He was rambling something about the Joker and needing Dick’s help, and who was Dick to say no? His little brother never sought him out on his own, let alone asked for his help. Never. Dick was so proud! If he rewarded this behavior then maybe Jason would do it again, and somehow that would lead to Dick being able to give him his highly sought-after best big brother hugs whenever he wanted. Dick was still figuring out the intermediate steps.
  The point is that Dick needed to help him, regardless of if this was all based on a gut feeling and not even a whisper that the Joker was around let alone planning anything. What the hell, Dick thought. Sometimes gut feelings are right, and push comes to shove, Dick will follow Red Hood around Gotham until his paranoia dies down. Then Dick can lovingly bully him into brother bonding time.
   So here they were, staring into the gaping mouth of an unused tunnel.
   There are worse ways he could have spent his night.
   Jason grunts, fists clenched as they gaze into the blackness. “It’s almost Halloween. You know how these freaks get this time of year.”
   Dick concedes the point.  
   “Come on,” Jason bumps against his shoulder as he stalks toward the blackness, “He’s down there I just know it.”
   Dick shrugs and follows him in.
   Something about it is oppressive. Like something is warning them to turn back or face the consequences. Dick swallows. He shouldn’t be getting so worked up over this. He had been in closed dark spaces like this before, tighter ones even! 
   Jason is pointing to the ground. Dark splatters. Blood. Fresh, and more than just a little nosebleed. 
   They make their way further in, following the convenient blood trail even as the urge to turn around gets stronger. They only walk a few feet before a loud scream breaks the silence.
   “I fucking told ya Nightwing!” 
   Dick grunts in response as they sprint down the tunnel, following the blood down twists and turns.
   The two vigilantes slide to a stop as the tunnel breaks into a new one. There is something in this new tunnel. Something large and glowing. The Joker is screaming as it bats him around. 
   Dick can’t bring himself to do anything but freeze, watching and assessing. 
   The first thing he sees is the crown. It floats crookedly above the creature’s white hair, bathing the tunnel in light with its green fiery glow. The being’s face almost looks humanoid, with long ears tapering into points. Its body is long and spindly like a man who had been left starving on an island for several weeks. The vertebrae in its neck are visible even underneath its skin. The spinous processes of the vertebrae break through the flesh, creating a long row of protruding bones that clack and rattle as the spine moves. Its pelvis juts out as if only a thin layer of skin is covering it. The ribcage is on the outside of its body like some kind of fucked up turtle shell. Space was underneath it, the purples and blues of nebulas and the blackness of night and twinkling stars and planets rested underneath the bones.
  The creature has the Joker by the neck. It reminds Dick of a cat Damian had fostered, one that had kittens and would carry them gently between her jaws. There is nothing gentle about this though. Red blood drips down to the ground as the Joker thrashes to try and free himself. The jaws tighten viciously around him and the creature shakes, flinging him around like a chew toy before slamming him down into the ground with a growl.
   A skull flashes underneath its face as if its skin and cartilage are merely a transparent overlay. Sharp, jagged bone peaks rise up smoothly from its mandible in a mimicry of teeth.
   The creature’s jaws are still wrapped around the Joker’s throat. He’s scrambling, screeching underneath the being despite the teeth that should be cutting into his vocal cords.  The Joker scratches at its chest, trying to push it away. It merely makes a low staticky hissing noise, one of its hands pinning him down by the shoulder. 
    The other arm raises upwards in the air. It's too long for the body of the creature, fingers tapering into sharp points. 
   The claws slash downwards. 
   The Joker choked on a scream as the digits tore his chest open like it were tissue paper. Mouth still wrapped around his throat, the being flipped a flap of skin and fat upwards like it was turning the page of a book. 
   The Joker continued to struggle, blood and something green gurgling out of his mouth. The being maneuvered itself until it crouched to Joker’s side, twisting his neck with it. 
  The Joker stilled.
   At first, Dick thought he was dead, but then he saw movement inside his chest wound. 
   His lungs.
   His lungs were still moving.
   Dick can see his lungs breathing.
   The creature reaches its hand back down into the Joker’s chest, wrenching the ribcage open with a snap. The Joker begins to struggle once more, red blood and green liquid splattering on the ground.
   One of the clawed hands replaced its teeth, pinning the Joker’s head down as it stuck its face inside the chest cavity. The Joker suddenly froze. When its face remerged a glowing violet orb was held between its teeth. Red and green dripped from its face.
   The green was familiar.
   Glowing green.
   …Lazarus water?
   The tooth-like protrusions pierce the orb with a crack.
   The Joker falls silent.
   His lungs are no longer moving.
   The being’s head tilts back, the shattered orb disappearing down its gullet. It hunches back down over the corpse. The slimy wet sounds of its hands and head digging into the body are sickening. Dick watches as its head remerges with what looks like a kidney. The kidney follows the orb.
   Dick snaps out of his shock, but not quick enough to muffle his strangled gasp. 
   The being catches sight of them, green eyes, lazarus green, boring into them. Dick can see the dark hollows of the skull’s orbits underneath them. His head pounds.
   The creature began to stand. Its joints, too many joints, creaked as it unfolded its legs. It seemed like it struggled to maneuver its stiff limbs. Like it’s fighting against rigor mortis Dick noted absently.  
   Now standing at full height, the being’s crown nearly scraped the top of the ten-foot ceiling. Its maw parted, blue vapor billowing out between the spiked protrusions that were its teeth. The putrid stench of death and burning flesh that invaded the tunnel had Dick gagging. He quietly covered his mouth as he tried to bite back the bile in his throat.
   He glanced back at his brother to find that Jason had taken a step back. It was impossible to see his expression under the helmet, but Dick could read the tightening of his shoulders. Fear. Deep, primal fear. The kind of fear you feel when you know there are no more options. When you know fighting or running is pointless.
   Here, at this moment, the infamous Red Hood looked less like a feared crime lord vigilante and more like a one-week-old gazelle face to face with a lion.
   Dick reached to pull Jason out of sight but the pounding between his eyes made him uncoordinated. He tripped over his own feet and crashed into Jason’s side, gripping his shoulder with shaking fingers as he righted himself. Jason didn’t budge, remaining stock still despite the extra weight of his older brother against him. 
   The creature stared at them, the piercing green glow of its eyes brightening with a spur of power. Its head tilted to the side until it came to rest at well over ninety degrees. A pointed, frostbitten tongue lolled out between its teeth to lick its bloodied face clean.
   “C̷o̷m̶p̴a̵n̵y̵?̵” It sounded like the desolation of space, the static of electricity, the explosion of a star, the final screech before death.
   The space trapped in its chest began to bleed through its ribs, twinkling stars and asteroids and galaxies escaping the confines of their prison to drip down the being’s waist. It ran over its legs, building and thickening until a long serpentine tail had replaced the limbs entirely. Even as the coils moved, the stars and planets stayed in place as if the tail was merely a window. Watching it made Dick motion sick.
  Even as the elongated spines stretching out of its back clanked together in the mimicry of a death rattle, the creature made no move toward them. Another puff of foul-smelling mist escaped its mouth.
   “Y̶o̷u̸ ̶s̵h̴o̷u̴l̵d̶ ̴b̶e̵ ̸m̴o̴r̷e̸ ̴c̷a̴r̸e̴f̴u̷l̵,̷ ̸l̴i̴t̷t̶l̷e̸ ̶g̶h̸o̷s̴t̶l̷i̸n̷g̸.̸” It’s voice boomed, “Y̴o̸u̵ ̶a̸r̶e̵ ̷n̷o̶ ̷m̵a̸t̸c̶h̴ ̷f̴o̵r̴ ̸m̶o̵s̷t̷ ̴s̸p̵i̴r̴i̷t̴s̴ ̵a̸s̸ ̷y̵o̵u̵n̷g̴ ̴a̷s̶ ̶y̶o̵u̶ ̷a̸r̵e̵.̷ ̷E̶s̸p̷e̸c̵i̶a̶l̴l̷y̶ ̶n̴o̵t̷ ̴o̶n̴ ̶S̵a̶m̷h̷a̶i̷n̷.̶”
   The two brothers remained frozen in place. The stars in its tail flickered until millions of eyes were boring into Dick’s soul. With a stuttering gasp, Dick stepped back again. Jason refused to budge despite his urging. The next time Dick blinked the eyes were stars again.
   The being chuckled at them, “N̵o̴ ̴n̶e̸e̵d̷ ̵t̵o̶ ̵f̸e̸a̶r̵,̸ ̵g̸h̵o̶s̶t̶l̸i̴n̴g̶.̸ ̴I̸ ̵d̴o̵ ̷n̶o̶t̴ ̶w̶i̸s̵h̴ ̵y̸o̴u̸ ̷n̷o̵r̴ ̸y̴o̶u̴r̸ ̴f̵r̸a̷i̵d̷ ̴h̵a̵r̷m̸.̶” Dick found that hard to believe considering that they had just watched it eat the Joker’s kidney, “Y̸o̵u̴ ̸a̷r̴e̵ ̵v̵e̸r̸y̶ ̴l̵u̶c̸k̶y̴ ̶i̶t̵ ̴w̷a̴s̴ ̴m̶e̵ ̸w̴h̷o̸ ̸y̶o̷u̵ ̷c̸a̸m̷e̴ ̵a̶c̴r̷o̸s̸s̵ ̶r̸a̴t̷h̷e̵r̸ ̷t̵h̵a̷n̴ ̴a̵n̷o̴t̶h̶e̶r̵ ̷s̴p̷i̸r̸i̴t̸.̵ ̷M̶a̷n̶y̶ ̵w̴o̸u̶l̴d̸ ̷h̸a̶v̸e̷ ̵e̷a̷t̴e̴n̵ ̸y̸o̴u̶ ̴b̵y̷ ̵n̴o̴w̶.̴”
  “I-” Jason finally choked out, “What?”
  The being lowered itself until it was at eye level with Jason. It evaluated him once more before jerking back with what seemed to be an expression of surprise. “O̷h̷ ̸l̵i̶t̷t̵l̷e̵ ̴g̴h̴o̶s̴t̴,̶ ̶y̶o̶u̴ ̸a̴r̵e̸ ̵m̴u̸c̴h̴ ̸y̸o̷u̸n̴g̴e̴r̶ ̵t̶h̷a̶n̸ ̶I̵ ̵h̸a̷d̸ ̴t̵h̵o̵u̸g̸h̵t̵!̵ ̴Y̴o̵u̶r̵ ̷c̵o̴r̸e̵ ̵i̴s̴ ̷n̸e̷w̶ ̶a̷n̷d̵ ̸u̶n̶d̴e̷r̵n̴o̸u̸r̶i̶s̸h̵e̴d̴.̶ ̸N̴o̵ ̴w̸o̴n̸d̵e̶r̶ ̷I̷ ̴h̵a̸d̴ ̷n̵o̷t̴ ̴s̸e̸n̴s̵e̵d̵ ̸y̸o̶u̶ ̶b̷e̵f̵o̷r̷e̶!̴ ̶H̵a̵v̷e̶ ̶y̶o̷u̴ ̷b̵e̵e̵n̵ ̶e̸a̷t̸i̷n̴g̶?̸”
   Its tone seemed almost doting, motherly even. The image was broken by the fact that it was currently leaning closer toward them, supporting itself on what was left of the Joker’s exposed ribcage. 
   Jason shook his head in dumbfounded horror.
  The creature seemed to take it as an answer, humming in what felt like parental disappointment. “Y̶o̶u̷ ̵n̵e̴e̴d̸ ̶t̷o̷ ̷t̶a̵k̸e̵ ̷b̴e̸t̵t̵e̸r̶ ̷c̸a̶r̸e̴ ̶o̷f̶ ̸y̴o̴u̴r̵s̸e̷l̶f̴,̴ ̵l̷i̸t̴t̷l̶e̵ ̶g̶h̵o̸s̵t̴.̵ ̵I̵'̴v̸e̴ ̴n̵e̸v̴e̶r̸ ̸s̵e̵e̵n̷ ̴s̵u̶c̵h̵ ̸a̶n̴ ̸u̶n̷d̷e̸r̶n̶o̴u̸r̸i̸s̵h̸e̵d̶ ̷c̶o̶r̷e̴.̸ ̷Y̷o̶u̴ ̸m̴u̶s̷t̷ ̸b̷e̷ ̷a̵b̵l̷e̸ ̴t̸o̴ ̸f̸e̸e̶l̷ ̸t̶h̵e̸ ̸e̸f̷f̵e̷c̷t̵s̴.̶ ̵A̴r̴e̴ ̶y̴o̴u̶ ̴i̵n̸ ̸p̸a̵i̴n̶?̴”
   Dick knew that he was. If it wasn’t the emotional torment of the pit madness it was chronic pain. There had been many nights where he had to tend to his brother, trying everything from painkillers to ice packs to numbing cream in an attempt to stop it.
   Jason nodded hesitantly, “Yes…” he took his helmet off, letting it drop to the ground. His eyes were burning lazarus green, “It hurts all the time… like there’s a fire burning in my chest. It gets hotter and hotter and hotter until I feel like my brain is gonna melt outta my ears.”
   The creature slithered closer with a rumbling coo. It offered a hand to Jason. Its fingers curled unnaturally. It looked like it had an extra knuckle. “C̷o̷m̷e̴ ̵h̸e̷r̸e̴,̵ ̸g̴h̷o̴s̵t̷l̷i̸n̸g̶.̴ ̴I̷ ̷w̶i̴l̶l̸ ̸s̸h̴a̸r̸e̴ ̷m̶y̶ ̸c̷a̴t̵c̶h̴.̷ ̷I̵ ̷c̵a̴n̷ ̶s̶e̴n̴s̴e̵ ̸t̵h̴e̸ ̵c̴o̵n̷n̸e̵c̴t̶i̷o̷n̷ ̶t̴h̴i̵s̵ ̷r̸e̸v̷e̷n̴a̴n̸t̴ ̴h̴a̶s̸ ̸t̷o̷ ̸y̶o̶u̵.̶ ̷A̸s̸ ̵y̷o̷u̶r̴ ̷k̷i̵l̸l̶e̶r̶,̶ ̵f̵e̸a̵s̷t̴i̴n̸g̶ ̸o̴n̷ ̵h̵i̷m̶ ̸w̷i̴l̵l̵ ̴h̷a̸v̶e̷ ̶e̸x̶t̸r̶a̴ ̶b̶e̷n̸e̵f̸i̵t̷s̴.̸”
   Jason reaches out to accept the hand. Dick throws himself between them, “Little Wing, what the hell! You aren’t seriously going to… you're not…”
   “I… I need it, Dick.” Jason wiped drool from his lips. Dick caught the flash of fanged teeth, sharper than they should have been. “I don’t know how to explain it but I just- I’m so fucking hungry.”
   Dick… Dick wasn’t scared of Jason. He wasn’t. But at that moment, he felt like he needed to run. He wouldn’t. He wouldn’t abandon his little brother to this…thing.
   “I̸ ̵u̶n̵d̴e̸r̶s̸t̵a̷n̴d̵ ̷y̶o̴u̶r̴ ̸a̵p̶p̷r̸e̶h̴e̷n̶s̷i̵o̸n̵.̵” the being addressed him, Dick struggled to look it in the eyes, the pounding of his head increasing, “A̶s̷ ̷a̷ ̶l̴i̷v̵i̴n̷g̴ ̷i̸t̸ ̴f̴e̵e̶l̸s̷ ̴w̷r̶o̶n̶g̵,̶ ̶s̴i̶c̵k̴e̴n̴i̶n̵g̴ ̶e̴v̷e̷n̸.̷ ̴I̸t̷ ̵t̷o̸o̶k̷ ̸m̵e̴ ̶a̶ ̷l̶o̸n̴g̸ ̸t̵i̴m̷e̵ ̵t̵o̸ ̷c̵o̵m̶e̶ ̶t̶o̴ ̷t̷e̸r̷m̸s̸ ̸w̶i̶t̴h̸ ̴i̸t̴.̷ ̵I̶ ̴u̸n̵d̶e̵r̷s̸t̶a̴n̶d̸.̸ ̴B̷u̴t̵ ̴i̵t̷ ̸i̵s̷ ̸s̸o̵m̸e̸t̷h̶i̸n̷g̶ ̷o̷u̸r̵ ̷s̴p̸e̷c̷i̵e̵s̸ ̷n̸e̸e̶d̵s̸.̵ ̸S̵u̶r̸e̷l̸y̶ ̴y̷o̷u̴ ̸m̶u̷s̴t̷ ̴h̴a̸v̸e̷ ̷w̴i̴t̸n̴e̸s̴s̵e̶d̸ ̶t̴h̷e̴ ̴e̴f̴f̶e̷c̴t̴s̶ ̶o̴f̴ ̶s̵t̶a̶r̴v̷a̸t̶i̶o̶n̴ ̵o̴n̸ ̸y̵o̷u̶r̷ ̶f̵r̵a̶i̷d̸m̶a̷t̶e̸?̵”
  Moments flash through Dick’s head. Jason breathes as he struggles against the pit so hard that Dick starts to worry his brother will pop a lung. Jason looked at the remains of another destroyed glass in dismay, before practically sprinting to hole himself up somewhere Dick couldn’t find him. Jason sobs into his shirt, begging him to make it stop, to take the pain away as Dick watches on helplessly.
   “I̷t̵ ̷w̸i̷l̵l̶ ̵o̷n̶l̵y̷ ̷g̷e̵t̵ ̷w̴o̸r̴s̸e̶ ̶i̷f̷ ̶h̴e̷ ̷d̵o̶e̶s̴n̸'̶t̷ ̸e̵a̶t̴.̵ ̶E̴v̶e̵n̵t̸u̴a̴l̸l̵y̸,̸ ̵t̴h̴e̵ ̵s̶t̶a̶r̴v̷a̵t̶i̸o̵n̵ ̸w̴i̷l̵l̵ ̶b̴e̶ ̶s̶o̷ ̸b̷a̶d̸ ̷h̷i̸s̵ ̴c̷o̴r̵e̵ ̷w̷i̸l̷l̴ ̷s̷e̵l̸f̵-̷c̴a̷n̴n̷i̵b̷a̶l̵i̵z̴e̷.̵”
   “How do I know you’re telling the truth?”
   “I̶ ̷a̵m̵ ̷K̶i̶n̷g̷ ̷P̶h̵a̴n̸t̵o̶m̵ ̵o̸f̷ ̵t̶h̴e̸ ̶I̴n̶f̶i̵n̷i̶t̸e̶ ̶R̷e̶a̸l̴m̷s̴,̷ ̶t̴h̷e̶ ̵A̸n̶c̵i̶e̵n̶t̵ ̵o̵f̵ ̵S̸p̸a̶c̸e̸,̶ ̶P̷r̸o̶t̶e̴c̵t̸o̷r̷ ̴o̶f̷ ̶t̷h̸e̸ ̵L̷i̸v̵i̷n̸g̸ ̸a̵n̷d̴ ̸D̷e̸a̴d̴,̷ ̷t̵h̷e̴ ̶O̸n̸e̴ ̸W̶h̶o̶ ̷L̷i̴e̴s̷ ̸I̴n̶ ̴B̴e̷t̸w̴e̵e̴n̵,̷ ̶t̴h̶e̷ ̴K̵i̴n̶g̵ ̸o̷f̶ ̶G̶h̷o̴s̸t̷s̵.̴” What almost looks like a smile splits across his face, “I̴f̸ ̶I̶ ̴w̵e̶r̴e̵ ̷n̵o̸t̵ ̶a̴w̷a̸r̷e̶ ̶o̶f̵ ̶m̷y̸ ̵p̶e̴o̶p̷l̴e̸'̵s̵ ̸n̷e̶e̴d̵s̵ ̷I̴ ̶w̵o̷u̸l̵d̴ ̷b̴e̶ ̴a̸ ̷v̴e̵r̵y̷ ̷p̴o̸o̷r̸ ̴k̶i̸n̷g̸ ̶i̵n̶d̷e̸e̷d̴.̸”
   Dick turns back to Jason. His brother hasn’t looked this small since before his death. He’s shaking. He looks desperate.
   Dick steps to the side.
   Jason lets out a stuttering breath but remains still otherwise, hands clenched at his sides.
   The newly dubbed King Phantom returns to the corpse, digging through fluid and meat. “I̴f̷ ̸i̴t̷ ̷i̶s̴ ̸a̸n̸y̴ ̵c̴o̵n̸s̸o̵l̶a̸t̷i̷o̵n̶,̷ ̵h̶e̵ ̷w̶i̴l̵l̵ ̸n̴o̷t̸ ̶n̷e̸e̶d̴ ̵t̶o̵ ̶e̸a̵t̴ ̴o̷f̴t̶e̸n̶.̸ ̸O̵n̴c̸e̸ ̴o̸r̴ ̸t̶w̷i̴c̸e̵ ̷e̸v̷e̸r̸y̶ ̷f̴i̶f̸t̵y̶ ̵y̸e̷a̴r̶s̶ ̸o̷r̴ ̷s̴o̵ ̷s̵h̵o̶u̶l̵d̶ ̸b̶e̸ ̸e̴n̸o̵u̸g̵h̴ ̶t̸o̶ ̸k̶e̴e̵p̶ ̴h̶i̶m̷ ̶r̸e̴l̶a̷t̷i̸v̶e̷l̶y̸ ̵h̶e̵a̸l̶t̸h̶y̴.̶“ He pulls out the Joker's liver with bloody claws. "C̷o̴m̷e̵ ̶h̵e̸r̸e̷,̵ ̷g̸h̵o̴s̷t̷l̵i̸n̴g̸," he purrs, offering it to Jason as if it were an apple instead of a human organ, "I̴ ̴k̴n̶o̷w̸ ̷y̸o̴u̵'̶r̵e̷ ̴h̶u̶n̷g̶r̸y̷.̶ ̵T̴h̵e̸ ̷e̶c̴t̴o̵p̷l̶a̶s̷m̷ ̸i̴n̴ ̶h̷e̷r̴e̵ ̵w̵i̵l̵l̴ ̵h̵e̴l̶p̵ ̵b̵o̵o̸s̶t̵ ̸y̶o̵u̵r̵ ̷o̸w̷n̸ ̶e̶c̷t̴o̴ ̸p̶r̶o̷d̴u̷c̴t̴i̶o̴n̵.̵"
   Jason reaches for it, eyes flicking uncertainly between the liver and the creature’s eyes. Despite everything, Dick almost hopes that he will suddenly come to his senses, slap the hand away, and leap backward gagging in disgust.
  Instead, he wraps a couple of fingers around one of King Phantom’s. His tank of a brother looks minuscule in comparison. Jason stares up at the being with wide eyes, like a child presented with cotton candy.
   “Are you sure I can have it?”
   King Phantom’s chest lets out another deep rumbling purr. “T̶h̷e̴ ̶l̴o̷s̵s̵ ̴i̸s̴ ̵n̸o̴t̶ ̷a̷ ̷g̵r̷e̶a̵t̸ ̴o̷n̷e̴ ̵f̴o̶r̴ ̸m̴e̸.̴ ̵I̵ ̵a̶m̸ ̷p̷o̸w̵e̷r̶f̸u̸l̸ ̵e̶n̸o̶u̷g̷h̵ ̷t̵o̴ ̶s̷u̷r̸v̴i̸v̸e̸ ̵o̷f̵f̶ ̷a̷m̴b̷i̶e̸n̵t̸ ̸e̸c̷t̵o̷p̷l̵a̵s̶m̸ ̸a̶n̸d̴ ̴e̸m̸o̶t̷i̵o̴n̸s̶ ̴l̴o̷n̷g̶e̸r̸ ̴t̸h̸a̵n̸ ̴o̶t̴h̵e̸r̸s̷.̷ ̸B̶e̵s̶i̸d̸e̸s̴,̶ ̴t̵h̵e̶r̴e̷ ̸w̴i̴l̷l̷ ̴a̷l̴w̴a̵y̷s̷ ̵b̸e̴ ̸a̵n̶o̷t̸h̴e̷r̴ ̸c̶r̶i̶m̷i̴n̶a̵l̵ ̸t̴o̸ ̷h̶u̸n̵t̵.̵”
   Jason snatches the liver with burning green eyes. The organ wobbles in his hands. To Dick’s dismay, Jason takes a large eager bite. His expression can only be described as blissed relief like he had just tasted ambrosia. He goes in for another, larger bite before he has even swallowed the first, jaw unhinging like a snake. 
   Dick is never eating Jello again. 
   He watches with detachment as Jason takes a third bite of the liver. His brother’s mouth is painted in red and green like a facsimile of King Phantom’s. For the first time, Jason’s chest stutteringly hums in relieved glee. King Phantom purrs in return as he tucks his face back into the corpse, like some sort of horrific feedback loop. 
   Dick tries to focus on something else, anything else, but the iron stench of blood and burning flesh is inescapable. He tries to avert his eyes away from the gorey pile of what used to be the Joker as his brother and the creature tear into it. The stars that makeup King Phantom’s tail stare at him. They blink. A sharp pain shoots behind his eyes as he shuts them tightly. 
   It feels like he loses time.
   When he opens them again, his brother is gnawing flesh off a rib. The entire front of his body is caked in red and green. King Phantom is staring at him with piercing green eyes. Intestines dangle from between its jaws. Its tongue maneuvers them further into its mouth like they are spaghetti noodles. 
   The bile rises in his throat again. Dick retches against the wall. He wipes the acid from his mouth and leans his forehead against the brick. The coolness of the stone eases the pain zinging between his eyes. He can still hear the squelching of meat and snapping of bone behind him. 
  A noise of concern sounds from his brother.
   Dick turns back in the direction of the horror show, keeping his eyes squeezed tight.
   King Phantom hums in thought. “P̴e̷r̷h̷a̶p̶s̶ ̴i̷t̸ ̵w̶i̷l̴l̷ ̸b̵e̵ ̸e̶a̵s̵i̵e̴r̸ ̶i̷f̴ ̸y̴o̵u̸ ̷w̵a̵i̴t̸ ̶o̷u̸t̵s̶i̵d̵e̷.̸”
    “Y-yeah.” Dick nods, voice cracking. “I think I’ll just… do that.”
   Jason makes a noise of acknowledgment. 
   Another bone snaps.
   Dick quickly makes his way back the way they had come. He stops briefly to vomit again, though there is nothing left in his stomach to throw up. When he emerges from the tunnel entrance he gasps on fresh Gotham air. He wraps his arms tight around himself with shaking fingers as he tries to steady his breathing. With the absence of the creature the pain in his head steadily fades away, though the images of bloody organs and sounds of desperate screaming remain persistent. 
   He’s not sure how long he waits outside, but it's long enough that he begins to worry something happened to Jason. He begins to wonder if the creature pinned him down like it had the Joker, restaining him with his neck between its fangs. What would Dick even do? How could he save his brother from that… thing?
   Jason remerges before he can figure it out. He’s clean of any visible blood or lazarus water, but the acrid tang of death and gore follows him. 
   Jason pleadingly stares at him through the eyes of his helmet. 
   Dick nods.
   They don’t speak of it again.
Zalgo Translations...
"You should be more careful, little ghostling."
"You are no match for most spirits as young as you are. Especially not on Samhain."
"No need to fear, ghostling. I do not wish you nor your fraid harm."
"You are very lucky it was me who you came across rather than some other spirit. Many would have eaten you by now."
"Oh little ghost, you are much younger than I had thought! Your core is new and undernourished. No wonder I had not sensed you before! Have you been eating?"
"You need to take better care of yourself, little ghost. I've never seen such an undernourished core. You must be able to feel the effects. Are you in pain?"
"Come here, ghostling. I will share my catch. I can sense the connection this revenant has to you. As your killer, feasting on him will have extra benefits."
"I understand your apprehension."
"As a living it feels wrong, sickening even. It took me a long time to come to terms with it. I understand. But it is something our species needs. Surely you must have witnessed the effects of starvation on your fraidmate?"
"It will only get worse if he doesn't eat. Eventually, the starvation will be so bad his core will self-cannibalize."
"I am King Phantom of the Infinite Realms, the Ancient of Space, Protector of the Living and Dead, the One Who Lies In Between, the King of Ghosts."
"If I were not aware of my people's needs I would be a very poor king indeed."
"If it is any consolation, he will not need to eat often. Once or twice every fifty years or so should be enough to keep him relatively healthy. "
"Come here, ghostling,"
"I know you're hungry. The ectoplasm in here will help boost your own ecto production."
"The loss is not a great one for me. I am powerful enough to survive off ambient ectoplasm and emotions longer than others. Besides, there will always be another criminal to hunt."
"Perhaps it will be easier if you wait outside."
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absolutebl · 23 days
Hi ABL! Can I be what I'm assuming is the 80th person to ask for your analysis about the move of Prem and Boun to GMMTV? Particularly, any thoughts on:
Why did the move happen and does it mean anything that they moved together?
What might this mean for new series with them as a pair and the potential to break up their pairing?
Are there any GMMTV talents that you'd love to see Boun or Prem paired with?
Thanks in advance for any insights!
BounPrem move to GMMTV
AKA Thai BL industry speculation, my favorite game!!
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I am actually cautiously optimistic about this.
They're an ideal pair for GMMTV to get. Especially if GMMTV continues optioning Japanese IP. These two are beautifully suited to A LOT of yaoi. Just imagine them in a Thai version of Takumi-kun? !
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Rise up Broccoli Nation... let's talk kabedons!
Why did the move happened?
From BounPrem's perspective:
I think they've been pretty underserved by their current home and that home is pushing them towards pulps (I refuse to talk about Even Sun and I found Between Us pretty darn disappointing too.) If they want higher quality narratives and content, GMMTV is a better home for them.
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Also it will handle their brand better for sponsorship and longevity. I was shocked not to see them on more stuff in Bangkok. Most sponsor gigs and major promos and billboards and such were GMMTV pairs and... ZeeNunew
Right now there are good indication for pairs who WANT to stick together (even while aging up) that GMMTV can handle it - because of what they've done with OffGun and TayNew recently.
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It's clear that GMMTV will throw a good pair at decent content (or at least popular stuff) pretty regularly. With GMMTV, BounPrem stand an even better chance at landing a prestige piece, since they have an established fan base.
From the pair's perspective, this is a good career move.
Now, from GMMTV's perspective, let's talk...
Does it mean anything that they moved together?
Yes, it most likely means GMMTV signed them as a BL pair. Some of GMMTV's other hot properties like EarttMix, OffGun, and TayNew clearly want to do (and have done) more than just BL for GMMTV. Even "second levels" like JimmySea are being split for het dramas. It means they lose their BL talent for a good potion of filming season, while they film some other property.
If GMMTV can sign a high value pair that's happy to stay doing BL regularly, that will work very well for them.
ALSO they've add a hot property pair into their stable that's on the EarthMix (highly commercial) level AND willing to do high heat. I think this is key. GMMTV has shown they want to move into sexier stuff (NC-GMMTV?) with things like Moonlight Chicken and Only Friends. VERY few of their existing pairs are willing to go there, and can do it as well as, BounPrem. These 2 do lust and thirst in a way that most GMMTV pairs can't (they are just too brotherly with each other).
I think this is a sign GMMTV want's to enter the after dark market, and move international markets too. (The higher heat stuff tends to be particularly popular outside of Thailand.)
Also, I think it's pretty clear some of GMMTV's hoped for heavy hitters last year (like PerthChimon) aren't working out for them, so it makes sense to onboard a solid bankable pair whole cloth at this juncture.
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I said a while ago I thought GMMTV would make a play for ZeeNunew. I didn't have BounPrem on the list as a backup option, but these pairs are kinda similar, and fill the same niche.
Anyway, smart move all 'round, IMHO.
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What might this mean for new series with them as a pair and the potential to break up their pairing?
I think the pairing is now less likely to break up than ever.
I think they've possibly been tempted to sign BY a prestige new series carrot. We could get something historical with them in it. Or, like I said, something Japanese IP. Probably higher heat than GMMTV has given us in a full BL.
Eyes Target the Finder thoughtfully. (It was VERY popular when I was over there.)
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Are there any GMMTV talents that you'd love to see Boun or Prem paired with?
Like I said, I think GMMTV's objective in signing them would actually be the opposite - NOT to split the pair.
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But if you just want me to speculate for fun (and piss stadn off), I'm always happy to do so.
First is great with anyone, so First with either... or both. First is like the MSG of GMMTV, always improves the taste of any dish.
It might be fun to see Jimmy paired with Prem. But in all honestly I really want a Jimmy + Khaotung thing to happen.
I think Mix has some BDE too, so I think he should play the seme for a change, why not him and Prem?
As for Boun, I think he's a little more dependent on the pairing. It's hard for me to imagine him with someone else. Lemme think. Someone with a very soft screen presence, maybe? How about Gun?
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Heh he, now I'm just winding ya'll up.
Let me have my foibles.
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pxgeturner · 1 month
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Miguel O'Hara is a world-renowned professional boxer, and Hobie's other best friend. One night he finally makes the two worlds collide and sparks immediately fly between the two of you. But will he distract you from meeting your publisher's deadline? And will you distract him from getting World Champ?
before you follow. m.list. Iron Fist gfx library. series m.list. tag list.
Prologue. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. Epilogue.
wc. 1.5k
an. hi. its me! Giselle, or gi, or gigi to few (not to be confused w gg, that is one of my moots. she makes really cool art.) n e ways here is the awaited Prologue for Iron Fist. Oh goodness I'm so nervous. I just want to make a few things clear. the reader is an author (obvs). She's recently graduated uni and is Latina! I write with a woc!r in mind always. I try to be as inclusive as possible, pero porque soy Mexicana, r might lean towards being more Mexican but I'll try to keep her Spanish standard and not be too specific to my family's culture. much love! hope you enjoy <3
please don't forget to reblog! likes do nothing to boost engagement.
Your foot taps against the floor. The damn blank document stares back at you. Mocking you is what it’s really doing. Fuck you, you think, I achieved my goal. I published a book and it is a damn bestseller! Only problem is that the readers want more. It’s been… some time since your first book. And sure, Jess said you can take a break before starting a new project. But you also know that it’s good to ride on existing publicity. At least be able to make an announcement that you’re writing something while all this excitement lasts. Maybe you should write something about vampires. You love vampires and how they fit into romance and how them drinking blood is a euphemism just a bit away from, the whole cannibalism-equals-all-consuming-love trope and how when a vampire attacks it’s often an allegory for rape and— but you have nothing to add to the conversation. You have nothing new to say, no new perspective or hot take, or twist. You have nothing. No ideas.
Not a single word on the page.
You have an idea, leaning forward to peck the keyboard. “F-u-c-k. T-h-i-s!” You highlight the text and italicize it.
Fuck this. At least it’s words on the page.
You reach for your cup and take a sip. “If all else fails I can ride on the rest of the signing bonus and royalties for a bit since the book is doing good, and once that dries up, I can apply to be circulation assistant at a library or something.” You sigh and take another sip. “But nobody has to know for now.” You get up, searching for your phone. You find it resting on the arm of the couch, you grab it, sliding onto the cushions, resting your head where your phone just was. “God, don’t make me a one hit wonder, I wanna be a star. I wanna be the one to push that bitch Colleen Hoover into obsoletion. Please God. Please.”
You open your phone and look for your mother on speed dial.
“Hola, nena!” Your mama’s voice is happy, she must be having a good day. You move into the kitchen. You need a snack.
“Hey, mama, how are you?” You hold the cell with your shoulder as you look through your pantry.
“Good, good,” you find a pack of roasted seaweed snacks and grab it.
“I went on a date anoche.” Your shoulder drops and the pack of seaweed slips out of your grasp.
Mi mami fue a una cita. Con un man! You stand there, trying to process that she is actually back on the dating scene.
“How did it—” you aren’t holding your phone anymore. You use the wall as support to lower yourself to pick up your phone and snack.
“—ay, mami, lo siento, mi cellular se cayo de mi mano.”
“Todo bien, hija! I’m glad you’re ok.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m ok, I’m ok. Anyways— how was the date? What’s he like? Am I going to have a stepfather soon?” you joke.
“My time for marriage is gone, muñeca, I’m just looking for companionship, pero, tu lo sabes.” You hear some subtle clinking in the background of the call, she must be stirring her coffee. You open your snack and park yourself on the couch. “Are you writing?” Ugh. Not you, too.
“I was, just finished for a bit before I called you.”
“You called me to procrastinate.” You choke on your seaweed from the accusation.
You clear your throat, “I called to check in with you. I call you practically every day.”
“But right now you called me to check up on me as an excuse to not write. Nena, I know you.”
“Okay, fine. I might be having some writer’s block,” you admit, sighing.
“And that’s okay, nena, but then you need to get out, get some inspiration. Allow the world to give you a story.” There’s mama, with her easier-said-than-done advice. But, maybe you should get out of the house.
“Alright, I’ll go out soon.”
“—I will go out to the Chinese place across the street and nothing more. I’ll talk with Hobie when he gets back to see if he has any ideas.” You hear your mama make a noise in her throat.
“You still live with that boy?” Here it comes. You’ve lived with Hobie Brown for three years and have known him for five. She’s always been apprehensive of him, since he’s radical and looks like he’s been in jail, with all the metal in his face, and why does his hair look like that? But Hobie is the one who’s kept you sane all these years. He’s held you while you cried and pushed out of your comfort zone when you were getting too stuck into your routines, most likely by dragging you to a concert or a protest. You help him thrift and flip clothes and ever since that one time his stylist had an emergency and canceled, you now help him tighten his wicks every so often. On days like that the two of you stay in, watching nostalgic movies and listening to any demos he’s recorded recently. He’s like a brother to you at this point.
“Yes, mama, I still live with Hobie. Nothing’s changed.” You move the phone down to your chest and take a deep breath.
“I didn’t like him when I first met him,” you clench your jaw as she continues— “…and although he’s one of those kids, I can tell he is a good boy. I’m glad he takes care of you.” You relax. “But it wouldn’t hurt to have someone you could kiss.” “It would be nice, but right now it’s not happening.” “Alright, muñeca. I’ll leave you alone for now, but keep your eyes open for a nice man.”
“I will, con cuidado, mami, besitos.” You make a kissing noise into the phone, and she responds with a goodbye of her own, and you wait for her to hang up the call.
You sigh, and look at the coffee table. Hobie left his song book at home, weird. It’s open to the song he was working on the other day. It’s a slower song, you can still hear the melody. You drum your fingers to the tune. He’s on an unfinished verse. You pick up a pen from the little catch-all dish and scribble down a line or two.
Hobie weaves through the roar of chattering, anticipating fans and into the tunnel, and walks past employees and into Miguel's prep room to see him tying his shoes. “Hey,” Miguel looks up. “Hey.”
“Are you excited?” He moves to sit by the boxer, shimmying up against his shoulder.
“Haven’t really been excited for one of these in a while.” Miguel breathes.
“Well, one step closer to retirement!” Hobie bounces out of his seat. He turns to face his friend, putting a hand on his shoulder. “You’re gonna do great, you big fuckin’ bear of a man.” He ruffle’s Miguel’s hair.
Miguel gives a half-ass hum in response.
“Well then, I’ll be out there, mate, cheerin’ you on.” He puts his hands in his vest pockets and walks out the room.
As he reaches the empty doorframe, Miguel speaks up. “Thank you, Hobie.”
“Anything for you, mate.” Hobie nods and goes to join the audience. Miguel fastens his gloves and puts on his robe. He warms up waiting for his coach.
“Ready, O’Hara?”
Miguel turns around. “Always ready for a fight.” He clenches his jaw. Walking down that hallway, the festive colors lighting up his path and the music blaring, he does his little bit, the movements molded into muscle memory.
This is it. This is his last year fighting. If he gets world champ again, he’s free.
Soon, he gets to fight his last fight. And dammit, the world championship will be his last match. Then, he’s never gonna have to come back.
He weaves under the ropes, entering the ring. Sitting on the stool, he shrugs off the robe and lets Carlos put the mouthguard in.
“You are going to show this guy exactly why people call you el oso!” Miguel beats his gloves together and nods. He might not like his job right now, but he really wants to hit something and goddammit if his opponent doesn’t look so beatable right now.
Coach Carlos steps out of the way, and Miguel stands to walk to the ref as he calls for him to center.
“We went over the rules in the dressing room.” Right before Hobie got here. “I want to remind you to protect yourself at all times, and obey my commands.” Ring the damn bell already. “God bless you both,” I don’t need it but this kid might. “Touch up,” here we go. He touches gloves with his newbie opponent and each goes back to their respective corners.
Miguel takes an orthodox stance.
The bell rings.
Miguel lands the first punch. He also lands the last.
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ada7201 · 4 months
Hii! It's the anon that requested for the Layla reader. How are you doing? Hope you feel good! Can I ask for a part 2 of the Layla reader? You pictured her spot on! I want it to be with the other players like shidou or rin and maybe Kaiser and ness (only if you want ofc!) Not forcing any of this so do it at your own pace but it would really make my day if you would! :)
hi! i’d love to do this for you, im sorry i didn’t add all the characters you wanted before and i’m glad i was able to write the character good. im doing good, and thank you!
also, i had no idea how to include kaiser and ness into this but still wanted to write for them, i’ve decided to split this into 2 parts. so i’ll write part 3 a little later (≧∀≦)
༄ part 1 ༄ part 2 ༄ part 3 on the way
bllk boys x sleepy reader, like layla!
Shidou and Rin edition
𖣘 part 1 𖣘 part 2 𖣘 part 3 on the way!
note: end is a bit rushed. i wanted to finish this quickly, and had like no ideas. characters might be ooc. next part might come out in a day depending on how many ideas I get. also, im going somewhere tomorrow so i might not have that much time to write. ( ´△`) but, i promise im working hard on finishing everyone’s requests!
i love seeing you guys ask for stuff, so don’t be afraid to request things, please(╹◡╹)♡
“where’s y/n?!”
Rin sighed, yes, you were sleeping again. he shot a glare to the player, before looking back at the screen. he had to watch this match.
you were fast asleep in the cafeteria, after a long night of drawing on a notebook that was supposed to be for becoming a better striker.
it’s not your fault that you got bored, right?
“who’s that girl?” Shidou would hum to himself, taking long strides over to where your body was folded onto the table.
that looked pretty uncomfortable.
so, being the kind man he is, Shidou decided to pick you up roughly and throw you over his shoulder!
your eyes had prominent eye bags, and you seemed sick. it would be the right thing to do!
you gasped at being woken up, and quite literally manhandled onto someone’s shoulder.
“what do you think you’re doing?!” you’d screen to the unknown man, thrashing around.
well, you’re quite lively now, aren’t you?
“you’re sick.” he grins, patting your leg “soothingly” as if he wasn’t basically abducting you.
when he finally let you go, you were quick to get back your team’s room.
“hello y/n.” Rin would say, sharp eyes still glued to the screen like some sort of phone addict.
he had gotten used to you appearing in the room at sudden times.
today was one of the typical break days you had at blue lock, where you all are granted a sweet day of freedom.
not many stayed at blue lock, with the majority of the players choosing to get outside and breathe some fresh air, experiencing the outside world.
although, you don’t usually get picked up by some random tall man in the middle of your nap.
moving on, you sat beside Rin to peer down at his screen, looking for something to distract you.
the day went by pretty fast, unfortunately - and night soon fell.
Rin had decided to go to bed, saying he needed to rest because there was a match coming up.
he was a bit skeptical with letting you stay awake, but he decided on simply allowing you to.
he wasn’t in the middle to argue with you, anyways.
for the rest of the night, you played around with the screen, somehow managing to change the channel and catch up on your favorite show.
that was, until Ego hacked back in and glared at you.
you couldn’t tell what his motive was, as he simply eyes you either his slim fingers laced together.
you stared back, raising a questioning eyebrow at his creepy gaze.
“what are you doing.” he asked, voice low.
“nothing.” you respond, hoping he’d buy your lie.
“go to fucking sleep, y/n.” was all he said, before the screen shut off.
aw, you were just getting to the good part of your show, what a shame.
however, you did as he said, deciding sleeping would be a better option than loosing your soccer career.
you cuddled yourself back into the sheets, eyes shutting soon after.
the morning came soon after, with you being awoken by the sound of … someone yelling, and a monotone voice?
“come on, let me see her!” Shidou would plead, eyes begging as he stood in the doorway.
Rin simply shook his head, folding his arms as he stood in the way on the blonde male.
“what’s up?” you’d mumble, voice hoarse and scratchy from your sudden wake.
“aw, helloooo!” Shidou would coo, a toothy grin on his face as he pushed past Rin to hug you.
“you still look as sick as ever!” he giggled.
“excuse me?!”
Rin sighed. “what time did you sleep, y/n?”
“um… 3, maybe?” you hum curiously, ignoring the way Shidou squished and pet your body as if you were a stuffed toy.
a sick stuffed toy?
“3?” Rin asks, eyes narrowing menacingly.
you gulp.
“blonde hair, run!” you squeal, and Shidou quickly obeys.
he rushed out of the door, hugging you right as Rin chased after the two of you.
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hearts-hunger · 8 months
i'll be your medicine || sam kiszka x reader
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Read on AO3 | Masterlist
Summary: They say laughter is the best medicine, but you're pretty sure that's only because they haven't met Sam. | Standalone in the Sunshine Daydream universe
Pairings: Sam x Reader | Genre: fluff, sickfic (migraine), hurt/comfort | Word Count: 3k | Warnings: none! | Title song: “Deep End” by Holly Humberstone
A/N: My very first standalone fic for Sam and Birdie! This fic is a special gift to all the Sunshine Daydream besties. I hope you like it! ♡
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“Yeah, man, I don’t know. I think if we add any more freakin’ reverb we might as well trash it.”
You winced a little as you listened to Sam talking on the phone, feeling from the tone of his voice that he must not be in a great mood. You couldn’t exactly tell — he’d been talking to Jake as he came in the door, and they had been talking steadily as Sam started up the handful of household chores he liked to knock out before he settled in for the evening. He was unloading the dishwasher right now, and he seemed to be very impassioned about whatever song they were talking about.
“That’s not going to fix the problem, though,” he said firmly. “The whole tone of the song is riding on that.”
You still couldn’t tell if he was arguing with Jake or just having an overzealous discussion. You didn’t like not knowing; it had always made you uneasy to not be able to read someone’s mood, and that was especially true with Sam. He knew that about you and was usually very good about being straightforward if he was upset, but he’d barely said a word to you since coming home half an hour ago.
As worrying as that was, though, you had more pressing things to worry about. The familiar ache of a budding migraine was becoming less and less easy to ignore, and you felt yourself flinch when the plates Sam put away clattered against each other.
You curled in on yourself on the couch, praying the medicine would kick in before it got too bad. The last thing you wanted was a full-blown migraine with a grouchy boyfriend, if that’s indeed what he was, and you’d rather just take care of it by yourself if you could. Unfortunately, you were beginning to think you’d taken the medicine too late to head it off at the pass. Rosie was curled up next to you, and you tried to relax against her solid warmth and manifest a beautiful migraine-free evening with the power of positive thinking.
It took about five minutes before you gave up that dream. You could feel the pain starting to spread, settling in deep where it usually hit behind your eyes and over the crown of your head. You wanted to ask Sam to get you an ice pack, but you didn’t want make him more annoyed than he already was, and you didn’t feel like you could raise your voice enough to interrupt his phone call anyway.
“Rosie, come get your dinner.”
His voice carried from the kitchen, and you guessed you’d missed him getting off the phone with Jake. You weren’t surprised; it was getting to the point where a bomb could go off and you’d be too distracted with pain to worry about it.
Still, you tried to stay tuned in to Sam; you’d missed him, and you were looking forward to spending time with him now that he was home and off the phone. He called for Rose again, but she didn’t move from her spot beside you. With effort, you sat up and tried to nudge her to go into the kitchen. 
She looked up at you and cocked her head, and you knew she wouldn’t get up unless you did. She always knew when you weren’t feeling well, and she liked to stay close and keep an eye on you when you were sick or unhappy.
You sighed. You didn’t want her to feel torn between you and Sam, but you also didn’t have the energy to try and redirect your sweet, protective, somewhat stubborn dog. 
“Come on, Rosie,” you said quietly. “Daddy’s calling you.”
You only managed to get her to hop off the couch, and she looked up at you as she sat at your feet. You thought you heard Sam again, but all of a sudden, you couldn’t think about anything but the pain you were in; you sat on the edge of the couch and rested your head against Rose, burying your face in her soft fur, trying to ride the wave of dizziness and pain without bursting into tears.
You felt Rosie’s tail thump against your foot, and you guessed that was in response to Sam coming in from the kitchen.
“Rose,” he said, a touch of exasperation in his voice. “Come on, now. I know you want to be with mama, but it’s time to eat.”
She still didn’t move. You felt the tension in her even as she kept perfectly still for you, and Sam came over to see what the holdup was.
“What’s going on with my girls?” he said, hunkering down be the couch so he was at Rosie’s level. “You two just can’t be separated for even a minute, huh?”
Sam put his hand on your knee, and Rose gave a tentative kiss to the back of his hand.
“Come on, birdie,” he said to you. “You know she won’t go anywhere if she thinks you want her to stay.”
You nodded. You did want her to stay, but you didn’t want to annoy Sam.
“Sorry,” you said, lifting your head. You stroked Rose’s ear. “Go on with daddy.”
She gave the quietest bark you’d ever heard in protest.
“Rosebud, you are being downright contrary,” Sam said, giving her a playfully vigorous few pets. “You just don’t listen to anybody now, is that it?”
He looked up at you with a smile that was reassuring to see. “Has she been like this all day?”
Before you could answer, his expression clouded with alarm. 
“Are you crying?” he asked.
You touched a hand to your cheek and felt a few tears. You hadn’t even noticed them.
“Oh, uh... I guess,” you said weakly. “Sorry.”
“What do you mean, sorry?” he said, his voice tight with dismay. “Birdie, honey, what’s wong?”
“Um...” The brave face you’d tried to put on had started to crumble, and even if he was in a bad mood, you needed his help. 
“Migraine,” you said in a small voice. “It’s really bad.”
He took a sharp breath. “Okay, baby.” He kept his voice calm for you. “Have you taken any medicine?”
You nodded. “It’s not — ” Your voice caught. “Not really helping.”
“It will in a little bit,” he assured you. “We just have to give it some time to work. Let me go get you an ice pack, okay?”
He left Rosie with you and went back to the kitchen, and you heard him rummaging around for a few moments before he returned.
“Drink some water,” he said, handing you his water bottle. He turned the lights off in the living room, leaving only the light from the kitchen, and knelt in front of you again to hold the ice pack to your temple. “Where does it hurt?”
“Everywhere,” you said miserably. Your head was wreathed in pain, but the ice was helping a little.
He studied your face with worry and gentleness. “I’m sorry, birdie. Did it come on all of a sudden?”
Your throat felt tight as you looked at him. “No,” you said quietly.
“No?” he repeated. His brow knit. “You didn’t say anything, sweetheart.”
“I didn’t know if you were angry.” Your voice was wobbly. “I thought if I took some medicine, I wouldn’t have to bother you.”
Even in the dim light, you could plainly read the surprise on his face. “What do you mean?” he asked. “Why would I be angry?”
“I thought you were arguing with Jake,” you admitted. “That maybe you had a bad day at work, and you were still in the middle of it when you got home. And since you didn’t say anything to me when you got here, I thought...” You bit the inside of your cheek. “I didn’t want to make it worse.”
“Oh, honey.” He touched your cheek. “I wasn’t angry. I just got caught up talking to him, but I shouldn’t have been on the phone when I came home. I’m sorry. Thank you for being so patient with me when I’m being stupid.”
That coaxed out a watery laugh, and he gave you a gentle smile.
“I’m really sorry, birdie,” he said sincerely. “You know you can interrupt anything if you need to ask me for help, right? Especially if you’re hurting.”
Your eyes welled with tears, but you didn’t know if it was from the pain or the relief of having Sam with you after missing him all day.
“Thank you,” you said softly.
“No need to thank me, birdie,” he said gently. “I love you, and I want to take care of you.” He switched the ice pack to rest against the opposite temple and brushed the tears from your face. 
“Sweetheart,” he said, his voice soft and worried. “Does it hurt that bad?”
“I don’t know,” you admitted.
He hummed. “Yeah. Just everything all together, huh?”
You nodded. “I missed you.”
“Aw, birdie.” He kissed your face when you hugged him, holding you close for a moment. “I missed you too. I’m sorry you don’t feel good.”
He ran a hand over Rosie’s head, and she wagged her tail at finally being included after sitting patiently at your side. 
“And you were just looking after mama, weren’t you, sweet girl?” he said. He gently scuffed his hand up and down her side. “You’re a good girl, Rosie.”
She rested her chin on your knee again, and Sam smiled.
“Yeah, you love your mama. I know.” He patted the couch cushion. “Come up here and lay with her.”
She did obey him that time, and you curled up with her as Sam spread a soft blanket over you.
“What can I do, birdie?” he asked, brushing your hair back from your face. 
You tried to think of what had helped last time you got a migraine this bad. You knew there wasn’t much for it but to wait until the medicine kicked in, but surely there was something you could do.
“I don’t know,” you said pitifully, knowing it wasn’t helpful.
“What about some coke?” he offered. “I think the caffeine helps, right?”
You nodded. “I don’t think we have any here, though.”
Sam had already pulled out his phone. “Good thing we live in the modern age. Do you want anything to eat?”
“I don’t think so. Well, maybe. I don’t know.” You groaned. “I hate this. I can’t even think straight.”
“So you’re thinking about Anne Hathaway? Sounds like a pretty good migraine to me.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re so dumb.”
He smiled. “Yeah, but I made you laugh, and you know what they say about laughter being the best medicine.”
You tipped your face up towards him, and he leaned down to give you a gentle kiss. You felt an incredible relief to be with Sam, to have him making dumb jokes for you, to know that you could depend on him and rest completely in his care for you. The tension you’d carried since he’d come home gave way to the familiar comfort of simply being with him, and it made all the difference.
“So, a large coke... extra ice, yeah?” he asked.
“Yes please.” You hid your face behind the blanket and pressing the ice pack to your forehead. “I wish this medicine would be the best medicine. That would be great.”
“I’m sorry, baby,” he said, a little distracted as he placed your order. “Listen, I’m just going to get you something to eat, and you can decide later if you want it. Okay?”
He gave a sympathetic chuckle. “My poor birdie.” He pocketed his phone. “Do you want to watch a movie to take your mind off it? Or will the sound and the light make it worse?”
“I think I just want to lay here in the dark for a while, if that’s okay.”
“That’s perfectly fine, sweetheart.”
“Can you sit with me?”
“Of course.”
With a little maneuvering, all three of you found room on the couch; you lay with your head in Sam’s lap, and Rosie was curled up at your feet.
“Can I put the ice pack on the other side?” you asked, feeling a little sheepish.
“Oh, sure,” he said easily, doing it for you and putting the ice pack between your head and his lap. “You know, I was just thinking I wanted a nice ice pack to the crotch. It’s refreshing, really.”
You laughed. “Thanks. Let me know if you get a little too frosty.”
He leaned his head back and absently played with your hair, breathing a tired sigh. “This is nice, actually. We should lay in the dark more often.”
“Yeah, it is nice.” You wished you weren’t in pain, but other than that, it was nice. “So what were you not-arguing with Jake about?”
He hummed. “Well, that’s kind of a long, involved story.”
You closed your eyes and relaxed against him. “I like long, involved stories. Tell me.”
He did, and it was soothing to listen to him as he wove you a tale of brotherly bickering and artistic decision-making. By the time your food arrived, you’d managed to follow only half of the narrative twists and turns, but the sound of his voice had worked its magic.
“There’s your coke, birdie,” he said quietly, easing you up so he could get off the couch. “Be right back.”
He came back in with bags of takeout, and you found you were feeling well enough to sit up and take your drink when he offered it to you.
“Feeling better, baby?” he asked.
“A little,” you said. You took a long drink. “Thanks for getting this.”
“Sure. I hope it helps.” He set the bags on the coffee table. “Are you hungry?”
You thought about it. You still felt achy and woozy, but your appetite had returned somewhat.
“Did you get any fries?” you asked.
The corner of his mouth tipped up. “Yep.”
The three of you got settled again, and Rosie took a few minutes from her vigil to have her dinner; you and Sam started a documentary about the making of Friday the 13th.
“I still don’t know why you like to watch this documentary when you won’t watch the movie,” Sam said. “Makes no sense, birdie.”
You laughed. “The movie’s scary!” you said. “And lakehouses are supposed to be about romance, not murder.”
He gave you a cocky smirk. “You’d know all about lakehouse romance, wouldn’t you?”
You blushed. The two of you had just celebrated your anniversary a few weeks ago; you’d gone up to stay at the same cabin where you’d fallen in love, and Sam had certainly pulled out all the stops to make it romantic in every sense of the word.
He picked up your ice pack and touched it to your cheek. “Here, birdie. Your cheeks are all red.”
You laughed and pushed it back towards him. “You’re awful.”
He kissed your cheek to soothe the icy sting. “You’re beautiful.”
You finally felt the medicine start to work as you had dinner, and Rosie came back with her chewy bone to keep her occupied as she sat next to you. Sam cleaned up when you were done, and when he came back to the couch, he asked if you wanted him to braid your hair.
“I just thought it might help,” he said. “But you look like you’re feeling better, actually.”
“I am,” you said. Between the medicine and Sam’s ministrations, you had started to feel much better. “But I would love it if you braided my hair.”
He smiled. “Say no more, my love.”
You sat on the floor between his legs, and from the first moment his fingers started to gently untangle your hair, you were in heaven. He took his time, lightly scratching your scalp, rubbing circles along your temples and behind your ears, gathering your hair just to brush his fingers through it in a soothing, repetitive motion.
“This is some braid,” you mumbled, content and starting to feel sleepy now that the pain had subsided.
He chuckled. “Does it feel good, birdie?”
You hummed in agreement. “Thank you.”
He kissed the crown of your head. “You’re welcome.”
He finally did put your hair in a simple braid, and you rested your head against his knee when he was done.
“I decided something,” you said.
“Oh yeah?” He traced his fingers over your jaw. “What’s that?”
You wrapped your arms around his leg. “I think you’re the best medicine.”
“Sweet birdie,” he said gently, and you could hear the smile in his voice. “I’m glad I could help, honey. And I’m really glad you’re feeling better.”
He tugged lightly on your braid. “But I can tell you’re sleepy, and I don’t think you want to sleep on the floor.”
Reluctantly, you got up from your spot and joined him again on the couch. You snuggled up to him as he leaned against the arm of the couch, and he tried to pull the blanket over the two of you.
“Rosie,” he said. “You’re on mama’s blanket.”
He pulled it again, gently, just enough to tell her to move. She hopped down from the couch and then hopped right back up, tucking herself by your feet once you and Sam were settled.
“There we go,” Sam said, putting his arm around you. “Sammy and birdie and Rosie, all snuggled up.”
You toyed with his necklace as he put on another movie, knowing you’d be asleep before it was five minutes in.
“Just push me off when you want to get up,” you said. You knew he wasn’t ready for bed yet and didn’t want him to feel like he had to stay for your sake after you’d fallen asleep.
He laughed, and you loved the sound of it all rumbly and warm in his chest.
“I don’t think I’ll just push you off, birdie,” he said. “But thanks. I’ll keep that option in mind.”
You cuddled close. “Thank you for taking care of me.”
“You’re very welcome,” he said gently. He ran his hand up and down your back, easing the last of your pain until it faded completely. “I love you, birdie.”
You gave a sleepy, contented sigh as you fell asleep. “I love you too.”
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teenandbeyond · 2 years
could i request a part 3 of your yautja x reader series ! its such a good read ive been catching myself going back and rereading it all over again !
Yautja x Fem. Reader Pt.3
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Decided to kill two birds with one stone for the last of the three shots.
I wanted to sate your thirst, dark fic readers since y'all been asking for a while (even though I'm not the best with this style, nor is it my usual type).
Edit: Low-key had to rewrite this before it turned into some 50 Shades of Grey shit...I got...invested (which says a lot considering I'm not deep into the Predator fandom.) Then I got sleepy, so I didn't double word check :) Edit 2: If y'all ever want to request the prince again, I can do it outside of the series...probably, it depends.
Want more from me? Masterlist 1 Masterlist 2
Part 1
Part 2
☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
Little Princess (Predator)
Warning(s): Smut content, breeding, jealous Yautja, squirting, size difference, long asf (Might be the longest I've done for Yautja?), fingering, noncon details, possible triggers, exhibition (being watched), whipped Yautja (couldn't help but add a pinch of fluff for the last one)
The prince Ta'yto seems to have taken quite the liking to you, you've become his little Princess to breed...
You briskly walked through the halls of the palace, not wanting to be late.
Ta’yto didn’t appreciate when you were late, last time you were punished for it, forced to sit on his lap throughout an entire meeting, how embarrassing.
The thing was, this place was a labyrinth and with the language barrier, you wouldn’t have been able to ask for directions. You had to solely depend on your memory.
Peeking down one way, your gaze flicked over the long walkway, “Here? No there isn’t a candelabra there…”
Which only left the walk way to your left a few feet ahead, you stalked ahead.
Just as you made the turn, you bumped into a solid chest, the firmness making you collapse to the ground, all the jewelry you wore ringing in the hall.
“Owww…” you rub at your forehead, squinting your eyes and craning your head up to see who you bumped into.
It was a Yautja male, not the prince you belonged to, Ta’yto had longer hair and he was wider, this one was slim.
“Sorry—Um…You don’t speak English, right, that’s pointless, [Name],” you muttered to yourself.
You stumble to stand up and straighten yourself due to the slim fit and flowiness of your dress.
A few clicks was all you got in response.
You gave a polite smile, “I should get going—”
He titled your chin up with a finger, seeming to observe you, arm pausing in its movement as he took sight of your blooded symbol.
“Ah…I should get going…”
As you moved to leave he grabbed your arm, easily stopping you, he began to trail his other hand from your chin to your hip.
“Let me go. This isn’t a good idea—”
You were cut off by a growl that felt like it shook the palace.
The predator touching you turned around to kneel to who was in front of him, which meant one thing…
The prince was here to collect you.
His footsteps must have been light before, they were heavy like thunder now.
He stopped in front of him, gesturing for him to stand and when he did stand…
You actually realized how tall Ta’yto was compared to someone other than you, he was at least a whole head taller than the predator in front of him. Having to lean down to be face-to-face—since at the moment his mask-thingy was off (you didn’t know what it was called).
There were a few exchanges of clicks, before Ta’yto decided to toss him away at the wall that connected to the entry of the other hallway.
You had to blink a few times to process that he tossed a fully-grown predator—you assumed anyway—with ease.
Then his head slowly turned to you.
You raised your hands in surrender, “I didn’t—ah! Put me down!”
He had simply tossed you over his shoulder, resting his hand comfortably on your ass as he turned to leave to his quarters like he usually did.
You see, after the fifth time with you, he decided you would officially be his mate. You were his favorite, so you had the privilege of sharing his quarters with him. He--despite kidnapping you and everything-- gave you luxury you didn’t expect, elegant dresses and jewelry from distant planets—learning you regularly needed food and water, made sure you were provided with some, and anything else you could need.
The only things that irked him, was one, despite all these things you still fought—admittedly at times he enjoyed it—it was still no less irking. Then, the fact that you never used the power you had as his top mate to decline the young and impulsive predators who tried to sneak and use you for themselves, knowing that you were taken. He had marked you with his clan mark—damn it, his name for goodness sakes.
Ta’yto found it quite adorable when you muttered angrily in English, thinking he didn’t understand a single word. Sometimes you had a colorful array of names to call him, both in irritation and in pleasure.
“The throne room?” you wondered as you noticed the familiar doors close.
After the short trek up steps, he set you down, only long enough to plop into the sturdy throne and set you on his lap. He sighed, gripping your thigh through the dress.
“I…he didn’t do anything really…” you tried to assure.
At this point, you didn’t necessarily hate him anymore, but you didn’t like him much either.
It was kind of hard to when one minute you’re fighting to the death together only for you to get betrayed and get brutally handled by him.
But he did, he touched what didn’t belong to him.
All he had to say was that ‘She was so tempting. I’m sorry, Prince Ta’yto. I won’t do it again…’
Ta’yto spread his legs, yours following along, before you could even react his rough hand slid under your dress.
“What are you—” your breath hitched as his nails gently grazed against your inner thigh, so close to the warmth between them.
It had been a while since he hand his hand there, after the first time, he’d just preferred to get straight to it.
You whimpered as playful fingers trailed up, his finger moving over the bare, pink, flesh with calculated strokes.
You clenched your thighs to stop it, “Not—Not—”
He simply grunted and spread them open again with his free hand that had been on the armrest.
You bit your bottom lip, trying to contain the thin amount of dignity you still had, you wouldn’t let him win that easily.
Trying to ignore how much more sensitive your body had become each time he had his way with you.
But you couldn’t stop the drawn-out gasp that left your lips when he finally slid in two of his fingers, providing you with a little relief after the immediate tension he created inside you.
But what you hated, was that your body was excited, because you knew two wouldn’t be enough to prepare for him, he’d have to give you more.
You stiffened when the door opened, the advisor or whatever he was had walked in, but after taking in the situation, he gave a few clicks and turned to leave.
But Ta’yto’s voice stopped him, he said something you didn’t understand, which they nodded to before leaving.
You didn’t have time to wonder what that was about because then he was moving again.
Your brows scrunched as you tried to focus, his guard is lowered, you could possibly attack him. He may be stronger than you, but move quick enough, you could immobilize him.
Your eyes flicked over to the sharpened spike on one of the sides of his foot rest. Thinking of all possible scenarios for a few minutes. But you would have to bend and reach for it, that would be too much time.
“I—can you stop for a second…I…I’m too sensitive…” you attempted.
Not that it worked, of course.
Then the door opened again, it was the Predator from before in chains.
You could feel Ta’yto chuckle behind you, before speaking to the Predator in their language.
“You know. The thing about tempting things, they aren’t attainable to scum like you…The reason I brought you here, is to remind you what’s mine and that you can’t have her. You aren’t permitted to speak or leave until I tell you. Think about this the next time you decide to touch what doesn’t belong to you.”
He turned his attention back to you who had turned your head in embarrassment and closed your legs, even though the scum couldn’t see underneath the dress.
He spread your legs again, giving his hand access to move, “This is mine. Only I can touch it like this, you could only ever dream…”
He quickly switched from a tame pace to a rough rhythmic one, making you gasp and let your head fall into his chest.
“Didn’t you touch her here?” he gripped your chin that had been touched before, forcing you to look at the chained Predator, as he added another finger, “Well, I’m reclaiming it.”
This should’ve still been embarrassing to you, but it so, so, erotic, so…so strangely powerful all you could do was tighten around his fingers.
You gripped his arm tight, “Please, it’s too much, not—not yet—hah…”
You found your hips moving to meet his fingers, desperate for the soon coming release.
“And every other place your slimy hands touched her... She doesn’t smell like me as strongly anymore…that needs to change.”
Your nails dug into his bicep, not that he felt it much.
He likes that his research on female humans and what brings pleasure was put to good use with you.
Speaking of…should he try that new thing he learned about yesterday? Well, since he has an audience, he might as well give a show.
In the same motion he tore off your dress, your places were switched, your bare body sitting on the throne while he stood, towering over you, before kneeling down.
Which confused you, considering he was the royal one and you were not.
But you were totally clueless to the fact that this Yautja was so addicted he had no problem doing so at any time.
With another quick move, he gripped your legs and tugged you forward, it was so sudden, you had to grab the armrests to steady yourself.
“What…what are you..?”
His face was way too close to your nether regions, you could feel his breath, which made you twitch each time.
What was he going to—your eyes widened as you felt a wet muscle brush against you.
What was going on? Was he—? Where did he learn this?
You yelped as the few cautious licks of a forked tongue became ravenous, he gripped your thighs hard as his tongue teased you.
“Ohhhh,” you sighed out, biting your lip to keep quiet.
But that’s not what he wanted, so he slid in the hard muscle.
You gripped the armrests for your life, barely able to hold eye contact with him as he devoured you like a starved man. And the mandibles brushing against your skin made it worse.
You tossed your head back, a desperate moan leaping from your throat, the feeling too good, tears bubble up to your waterline, “Please don’t—Not that—Not there—Please!”
But he doesn’t pause, he just gets impossibly more aggressive.
He wants the tears to fall, that’s what always happens before you break. He wants you to break.
He adds his fingers into the equation again, the minute he does, you’re gripping his head like a lifeline.
The closer you get, the louder you get, which he likes. He likes when that composure you try so hard to keep disappears. Shatters before his very eyes. He keeps his eyes on you, wanting to see the moment when it happens.
And it does, but not in the way he was expecting, your chest hiccups as the tears finally fall and you shake your head, almost like you want to refuse the feeling, but you don’t, not really, he knows that.
“No, no, no, I can’t…no…”
And your hips jerk, you’re no longer able to control them and a water-like substance escapes from you. He quickly gets over the surprise and happily excepts it. This is new and you show no signs of being in pain, more than the usual anyway, so he succeeded, right?
Then your crying is of embarrassment, you hadn’t done that before.
But he doesn’t allow you to wallow in it for long.
Your breath is ragged as your legs shake, but you know he never shows mercy on you.
Definitely not today since he’s showing off how beautiful you are and how well you take him, that he’s got something no one but him can have. No one.
The second thing different about today, he rubs a thumb against your thigh, as if saying good job or good girl.
He doesn’t stay there too long, ready to cleanse his mate of the scum that dared touch her completely.
You whine as he finally sheds off his loincloth, you’re way too sensitive to take him now.
And he knows you’re sensitive. He knows you’re sensitive as he lifts you by your shaky legs to place you on his lap again as he sits on his throne. He knows you’re sensitive as he rubs you against his erection as you face away from him. He knows your sensitive as he moves one hand to the hip that was touched.
But he knows you can handle it, his little pet always handles it.
“Ahhm! Fuck!”
He growls as you suck him in, your body molded into the form his wanted. Now your body so greedily accepts him as compared to before. He fits so perfect, like your body conformed to his shape. You really are just for him.
“She fits me perfectly. So, you see—ngh—you could never satisfy her anyway, you peasant.”
You barely have time to settle before he’s pounding away.
Haven’t you learned by now that he doesn’t really care?
You’re just his little pet—
Well, Ta’yto supposed that wasn’t true anymore.
You were more than a pet—although you were still a pet, his little pet—
You were more than that…his true mate—no…his princess.
Maybe he should marry you.
Would that be strange? He might be looked at weirdly since it wasn’t a thing for his race.
But if he got to pound into this every day, this hot, tight, warm—
Anyway, you were the best mate he’s had…you were fit for royalty both figuratively and literally you fit him into you like he was meant to fill you whenever.
Speaking of filling, you’d look absolutely ravishing with a little bump, at this point he genuinely wanted it.
He’d have to do his best to be gentle no matter how arousing the sight would be. He wouldn’t be able to not fuck you, so at the very least he’d just be gentle and still be able to feel you around him like a vice as you held his child.
The thought of impregnating you gave him a whole new burst of energy.
His little princess having his little baby.
Maybe more than one, how many babies could a human have without dying?
He wanted that many.
“Too much—Too-too much! Please, I—I can’t” you sobbed turning your head into his side.
Little princess, don’t you know your tears only spur him on? He likes when you cry.
He grips the inside of your knee a little more, ramming into you. Wanting to unsure he fills you with strong seed, strong enough to give him children.
You spasm around him as you release again, the feeling so intense it’s hard to stay conscious as you settle.
But his pace barely slows, despite the tightness, and only speeds up again once you finish.
You beg, “Please…I'm done...I...”
Your head collapses onto his chest as darkness takes over you.
And he doesn’t stop, no, not until he spills every drop into you.
"The thing is princess, I decide when you're done."
And a month later he got what he wanted, a cute little bump, his little princess.
And oh, how he wished he could ravish you how he wanted…but he’d have to wait for that.
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(Request) I Bet You Were the Best Brother
It's been a while since I posted a oneshot, so I hope this 5k one manages to make up for that.
As I've mentioned before, been going through a bit of a writer's block that is finally going away. Some it still lingers, but it is infinitely better. Feels like I can breathe again. So, everyone reading this that struggles with writer's block at the moment--know that it will go away. You will be able to write again. It's not a matter of if, only when. You will be able to write again.
Anyway, I don't have any other major life updates for you, so I guess I'll let you start reading now. Happy reading! Let me know what you thought!!
Fandom: Undertale/UTMV
Characters: Dream and Nightmare (Who belong to Joku)
Warnings: A character losing their memory and swearing and I think that’s it. Let me know!
Summary: Ilike_cringe (Fri 14 Oct 2022): "here is a request :>. Could you make it that nightmare might have hit dream tooo hard in a fight that (bear with me ) Dream lost his memory ( if you could could you add more spice \^o^/)"
Word Count: 5395
Nightmare wanted there to be a note that the fight started off normal.
His gang showed up, causing some ruckus. He hung out in the background observing, soaking in the new misery like a sponge, keeping an eye out for the tell-tale sign that the Star Sanses had shown up. In today’s case, that ended up being an arrow flying at one of his boys, which barely got dodged, the blue glow disappearing as it left eyesight. Grinning, he had taken it as his cue to join in, grabbing Dream by the ankles as he notched another one, and throwing him across the space.
Not too hard, of course. He didn’t want his brother out of commission quite yet. That was always the fun part about the fight, seeing him defeated. It needs to be drawn out a bit, though, for it to be really satisfying.
Dream recovered from the toss quickly, though he was soaked head to toe—he had unintentionally tossed him into the river. Whoops. The annoyed look on his brother’s face made his grin widen even more. They quickly fell into their routine after that, trading blows and insults, slowly moving away from the others. Another toss had them entering the woods, which resulted in a lot of fallen trees, a clear indicator of where they’d gone.
A cliff came into view, with Dream’s back to it. Nightmare didn’t take much note of it at the time, too preoccupied—his brother had just gotten a pretty bad hit to the back of his skull, making him stumble. Pausing for a minute, he gave him some time to get his bearings back before attacking again, pushing him closer to the cliff edge.
So…technically, this whole thing could be considered his fault, but how was he supposed to know what would happen?
The cliff seemed perfectly safe in the normal dangerous way!
This means the fight was going great until the cliff crumbled under Dream’s feet, making him shriek, eyes widening, his bow dispersing as he pinwheeled backward. Nightmare froze, staring at the now absent spot with eyes equally as wide, tentacles raised to strike.
Then it went silent.
 “…shit,” he hissed, automatically turning around in case his brother teleported at the last second to safety. It wouldn’t be the first time, so it shouldn’t be the last time.
No one was there.
He waited.
Still no one.
Maybe Dream was just in shock, still picking himself up. Turning back, Nightmare stepped closer to the cliff, small rocks tumbling after the larger ones from his movements. If he leaned over, he could probably tell…ah, no. Nope, that was just a bunch of trees. His brother was probably under those trees. Probably just picking himself up.
He’ll return in no time.
Nightmare just had to wait.
So, he did.
For one minute. Then two. Then…honestly, he lost track of the minutes after that, glancing back and forth around the clearing, looking over his shoulder at the cliff like Dream would just suddenly appear, having climbed up for some stupid reason. Any minute now, the fight will be back on, continuing as usual…any minute now…
…any minute…
Okay, so.
Something was wrong.
Turning back to the cliff, he glared at the edge. It was its fault this was happening. Why did it decide to crumble now? Particularly when Dream was on it? Why?
Now his brother was somewhere below, dazed as hell, without the clear thinking necessary to teleport, or injured badly enough to be unconscious—and as soon as that thought popped into existence, he shoved it away, then took time to quell the rising panic in his soul.
No, no, that’s not possible. Dream’s far more durable than that. Sure, it’s a cliff, and cliff’s cause damage, even to immortal beings, but still. His brother could heal, so shouldn’t that work on himself, make him more…invulnerable, or something? Unless…he couldn’t actually heal himself and he’s just been assuming that he could this entire time…no, that couldn’t be possible. Nightmare’s pretty sure he’d remember that if it were the case.
So…what happened?
Maybe…maybe Dream was just staying down there for a while.
He’ll probably join again in a bit.
Yeah, that’s probably it. So, he should really go back and help his boys. Hey, maybe Dream’s already there! Maybe he went to his friends instead. Makes sense, makes sense…
He should go help his boys now, he’s been standing here too long.
And…he wasn’t moving.
Why wasn’t he moving?
Dream’s fine. He’s back at the main fight. It’s something that’s happened before. It should be something that happened here. It’s fine. He can go back. So…what kept him here, staring around like his brother would magically appear, a tight feeling in his chest that threatened to steal the air away from his non-existent lungs?
Maybe…maybe he should just go down there, check on Dream—
That was another thought pushed away. No, hell no. If he gave in to that though, if he went down there to check, now, after too much time has already passed for that to be considered just moving the fight along, that’d be…that’s cause his brother to hope. Hope that things could go back to the way things were before the apples. He can’t go through the painstaking steps needed to crush that hope, put off the last stubborn spark that remained until he was sure it wouldn’t create another flame. Not again.
Besides, he didn’t even care. Not that much. Sure, yeah, he cared somewhat, always would—that’s just naturally part of being a brother. But the majority of how much he cared was in the past, before everything was plucked off a tree in the form of a black apple and devoured. That care no longer exists, taken over by the need to win all these fights, making the scales tip in his direction.
It just…didn’t exist. He didn’t care.
(Some days, it was harder to convince himself of this fact than others.
This was one of them.)
He didn’t care, so he should so rejoin his boys, and get out of this AU.
This time, he teleported.
It was an easy win. Dream never came back.
When it came time to go home, Nightmare couldn’t stop his gaze from wandering away from his boys, who were celebrating as usual, over to the trees. In the direction of the cliff, even if he couldn’t see it from here.
The tight feeling in his chest squeezed and squeezed. His tentacles flicked nervously behind him. For some reason, he kept thinking that now was the moment his brother would appear, now was the moment he could stop all this silly, stupid worry, go back to being angry. And the longer he looked, the more that thought wavered and shook, gathering speed as it transformed into a tornado that threatened to consume all of his other priorities until he made sure Dream was okay. But the only way to do that was to go and check, and leaving now would just make the boys confused and worried, which he could not handle right now.
Besides, he was sure it was fine.
He got them all home before he could convince himself otherwise, before the urge to make sure was too overpowering. To make sure he was really distracted, he holed himself up in his office, pulling out some paperwork—which wasn’t even real paperwork, just a bunch of sudoku and word searches and other puzzles printed out to make it look like he was working on important stuff.
For the most part, it worked. Kept his mind too busy to think about what happened.
Then he got to one particular word search that—and he is not joking or exaggerating this part—had three words at the bottom for him to find, all in a row, that read: ‘Dream’, ‘injury’, and ‘concussion’. Isn’t that just the strangest collection of words you’ve ever seen? The surreal coincidence of the words made Nightmare stare down at the page for a minute, completely gobsmacked. Who the hell was writing these word searches, and why the fuck did they include these three specific words on the same one?
It was like a sign or something…
Sneering, Nightmare tore the word search up into tiny pieces, sitting back in his chair, spinning around and around. Trying very hard not to think about the three words. And how his brother never came back. And how the yelp he let out when he fell just fell silent and how he never bothered to check and—
And now he was thinking about it.
Growling to himself, he stopped spinning in his chair. Then, he promptly stood and teleported back to the AU.
Leaning over the cliff again, he teleported down. His brother wasn’t anywhere in the immediate proximity—though, why would he be? This was all just a waste of time—so he started walking around, ducking under some tree branches. When he fell, Dream would’ve had to have landed somewhere around here…though he still wasn’t sure why he was searching.
His brother was probably gone by now. His friends probably came to collect him.
Why did he think he’d find him here, lying on the ground as if nothing happened? As if he just decided to take an impromptu nap, in the snow and in wet clothes and…
Oh. Oh, shit.
That was actually Dream lying there in front of him.
Almost tripping over himself, Nightmare hurried over, falling to his knees beside his brother. His hands hovered in the air around him, unsure what to do. “Dream?” he called, hoping to wake him up. Nothing happened.
Dream didn’t move.
For a soul-stopping moment, Nightmare actually thought he might be dead. Panic swirled in his chest, choking him, until he remembered that if they were dead, their body would turn to dust. Presumably, anyway, since they had no real way of knowing that until they…y’know…actually died, but still. The thought allowed him to gather himself enough to Check his brother, make sure of it. It said he was fine, if missing a chunk of health.
Nightmare breathed out, hating how shaky it was. “Idiot, making me worry for nothing…” he muttered to himself, looking down at his brother, frowning. Shaking his shoulder, he raised his voice a bit, eager to wake him up, make sure he left to wherever, hopefully back to his friends, and get home himself before his boys wondered where he went off to. “Dream. Wake up.”
No response. Dream was still. Breathing—he double-checked, just to be sure—but still.
Frowning, he shook him again, rougher. Still nothing.
Even unconscious, his brother insisted on being annoying. Scowling, he sat back on his heels. “If you don’t wake up, I’m going to kick you.”
Welp. His hand was forced.
Standing, Nightmare kicked Dream in the side—not too hard, of course, he’s not a complete monster. Just enough that he woke up.
Which he did.
Nightmare rolled his eye to himself, crossing his arms as he watched his brother groan, coming to. A hand half-raised to his head before stopping, eyes blinking open and squinting against the light. His eyelights were paler than normal, just a hair bigger, too. He could see the exact moment they focused in, his brother clocking that there’s someone standing above him, but Dream didn’t panic, didn’t seem to be anything more than confused.
Dream blinked again. “Hi.”
Nightmare raised a brow bone. Seriously? That’s it? He fought the urge to roll his eye again. “What are you still doing here?”
His brother seemed to get more confused. “What?”
Wondering if the fall knocked loose some brain cells, Nightmare scowled. “What do you mean, ‘what’? You know what. What are you still doing here? This is, like, the most uncomfortable spot to have a nap.” Without waiting for him to answer, he continued, waving a hand around. He couldn’t let the opportunity to mock him go by. “And why didn’t you rejoin the fight? I thought you had a duty to protect the positivity in the multiverse.”
“Um…” Dream blinked for a third time, squeezing his eyes shut tightly. He laughed, nervously, like a reflex, and when he opened his eyes again, they were fuzzy again. “Sorry, you went a bit fast for me there. Could you repeat that?”
Ugh. Now he was just being difficult.
“You’re so annoying.” Nightmare said, stepping away. “Just get up and get out of here.”
Looking up at him, the words seemed to take a few minutes to sink in. Then, nodding, Dream tried to stand, movements jerky, as if he was figuring out how to move them for the first time again. When he stood, he wobbled, tilting over a bit before righting himself.
Nightmare realized he had stepped forward, ready to catch him should he fall, and retreated, tucking his hands back into his arms.
Damnit. He was slipping. He had to get out here, fast.
“I’m alright.” Dream said, clearly noticing his misstep. He was smiling. Nightmare had to look away before the sight made him feel warm inside. “Just a bit dizzy.”
“Whatever,” Nightmare said in return, leaving it at that.
Still smiling, his brother shifted on his feet, looking down at his hands and clenching them into fists a couple of times. His gaze wandered back up to him, and then away, looking around them with a curious, still confused, look. It was almost like he was trying to figure out where he was, as if he wasn’t just in a fight here earlier.
He couldn’t have forgotten that fast, could he? And what was he still doing here?
Shouldn’t he be opening a portal by now?
“What are you waiting for?”
Snapping back to look at him, Dream didn’t seem to understand the question. “Huh?”
Waving a hand again, tentacles flicking behind him, Nightmare’s scowl deepened. Why the fuck was he acting so weird? “Open a portal already and go home. Your friends are probably worried sick by now.”
(He ignored the voice in his head that said he was starting to get worried, too.)
“Right, right.” Dream nodded, trying and failing to look like he knew what he was talking about. “A portal…see, um, I would do that…but, uh…” Looking around again, shifting some more, his smile turned sheepish. “Well, I don’t remember, exactly, how to do that.”
Nightmare did not return the smile, unamused. He just stared.
What the fuck? What was he playing at? What was the point in drawing all this out? Nostalgia? What did he get out of acting so weird? What was going on here?
“Do you think this is a fucking game?” Nightmare asked, voice slipping off into a growl. His tentacles moved restlessly. He was getting agitated now. He just wanted to go home, get back to his puzzles, and maybe sleep for a week. But no, he was here, playing along with this stupidness, unable to get a grasp on what was happening.
Dream looked alarmed, holding his hands up and shaking them furiously. “No! No—”
“Then why the fuck are you wasting my time? I come out here, in the middle of the evening, to make sure you’re good, and you decide to, what, pull a joke on me?” Unable to curb his irritation, he shook his head, rubbing a hand down his face. “Stars, I hate you. I’m reminded now why I don’t bother doing this for you. You never take it seriously.” Turning he started to walk away, hearing Dream stutter excuses behind him.
He didn’t want to hear any excuses. He was done. He was going home.
“It’s not—I’m not joking,” Dream called after him, footsteps crunching on the snow as he chased after him.
“Of course, you are!” Nightmare sighed, in annoyance or anger or both of them combined. He didn’t care anymore. “You always are!” He didn’t bother stopping or turning around. Just continued on. And then he remembered he didn’t have to walk away at all, could just make a portal out. Turning his annoyance to himself, he raised a hand to do so—
“I don’t remember that.”
—and stopped.
The statement struck the right chord, making something inside him fall to the pit of his stomach, pricking him uncomfortably. Slowly, he turned to face Dream again, paying more attention. “…what?”
“I—I don’t remember that,” Dream said, tone so genuine, eyes so wide and confused and even scared that it seemed to create a physical attack on his soul. Raising a hand, his brother held it to his head. “I thought if I waited a bit, I might remember something, but I don’t. It’s all just…blank. I don’t know anything you’re talking about, like the fight or my friends. I place any faces to them or names or anything.” He let his hand fall, shaking his head as he turned his gaze down to his feet, speaking softly. “I just don’t remember.”
The words pushed Nightmare out of the present, sending him spiraling into the black hole opening in his ribs, right where his soul is. They pressed in on him, reverberating, turning into a high pitch that buzzed inside him, threatening to cut off his breath.
He didn’t want to believe the words. In fact, he was trying his absolute best not to. Excuses flew through, nitpicking through the explanation and finding words that betrayed the real truth. He told himself over and over that no matter what, no matter how injured he got, Dream would never allow this to happen. His brother would hold onto himself with an iron grip, too desperate to let go, and the Multiverse would allow him to hold on because it was just another being that favored him. They would not let their favorite Guardian lose his precious memories, not for all the stories it brought them.
No, it just wasn’t possible. He was lying—though the reason why was unclear, and nothing could really justify it, he had to be lying. It was a trick, a ploy, maybe even a trap. Yes, that’s it. Any minute now, the other Star Sanses would jump out, pull their weapons, and Dream would drop this façade and go back to pleading with him and when it didn’t work, when Nightmare lashed out in anger, he would pull out his bow and—and—
It just---it had to be a trick.
It had to.
His eyes didn’t look like he was lying, though.
No matter how long he searched, how close he looked, it was a blank sheet of gold. He found confusion, yes, he found anxiety—nothing new there—but he did not find any recognition. Hope and helplessness, but no relief in having someone he knew find him. Even now, as his brother looked around the clearing, he only saw curiosity, as if he hadn’t seen this place before, as if he had just arrived, as if he had just woken up and was in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar faces. The eyes came back to his, smiled at him, and—
And they were still blank.
A ghost.
The black hole in his ribs widened, pulling him in faster. Digging his heels in, he resisted with everything he had, swimming back out. He had to confirm this, he told himself, had to make sure this was the truth. If there was any chance he did remember, whether that be his friends or his title or Night—
Well, Nightmare just had to find it. He had to.
He heard himself speak before he was fully back in his body. “Did you hit your skull?”
“Ah, maybe?” Dream tilted his head, reaching around to the base of it before retracting quickly, wincing. “Yes. Yeah, I did.”
“Turn around.”
Obedient, Dream did, and Nightmare stepped closer, observing the crack. It wasn’t as bad as he was expecting—certainly not as big—but it was still enough to make bile climb up the back of his throat. Swallowing it down, he darted his gaze around it, taking in the gaping black hole, about the size of a cherry, thinner cracks webbing out from around it. It had blood crusted on the edges, and he was sure that if he took the time to look around the cliff, he’d find matching spots.
Absently reaching out, he traced along the wound with his fingers. Stars, how he wished he knew how to heal. This would be so much easier.
Dream pulled away after his fingers made contact, and he let his hand fall as he turned back, already apologizing. “Sorry! Sorry, that just…really hurt.” He laughed again, but it petered out as he caught sight of Nightmare’s face. “Oh…that bad of a sight, huh?”
“You said…” Nightmare swallowed again, ignoring those words. “You said you don’t remember anything?” The feeling in the pit of his stomach clenched.
“No.” Oblivious, Dream shook his head. “The latest memory I have is of you standing over me. Before that…” Tilting his head again, his brother thought about it, ultimately coming up with nothing. No spark in his eyes. “Nothing.” He looked regretful, like he wished he could be of more help. “Sorry.”
There he went again, apologizing.
Nightmare was going to have to have a talk with him about that. He can’t keep saying sorry for things that he didn’t need to say sorry for in the first place.
First, however, was dealing with—this.
“So…” He didn’t want to ask the next question. It burned in his throat, made his tongue curl in preparation, the words too ugly to even think about. Why did it need to be said? He already knew the answer to it. Why did he insist on asking it when he knew what was going to be said? He would rather them stand like this forever than ask it.
That was a risk, though. And he would really like to get some sleep tonight—even if that might be impossible the longer this sank in. They should really wrap this up soon.
That meant asking uncomfortable questions.
Swallowing himself down, Nightmare let the question go. It couldn’t hurt to ask, anyway. “You don’t remember me?” The words lingered in the air, an odd hint of emotion to them, something fragile and vulnerable.
(He knew the answer to why he wanted to ask this.
Somehow, somewhere inside him, there was still a need that maybe something would be remembered. If the longer they talked, the greater the chance the memories would just snap back into place. That the hollow feeling of having someone you grew up with look at you like one would a stranger would disappear, replaced by joy or anger or tears, anything else.
Inside, if nothing else, he needed there to be a chance he’d be remembered.)
It felt like hope.
“No.” Dream answered, the shaking of his head feeling like salt poured into open wounds. He seemed disappointed in himself, upset he couldn’t help. For him, this was failing at giving someone what they wanted.
For Nightmare, this was confirmation.
(It felt like denial.)
(There was a stinging in his chest. Where did it come from?)
“Where you someone important?”
Nightmare automatically bristled. “I—” He stopped himself, glaring down at the ground while clenching his jaw.
His instinct was to say that, of course he was. He was Dream’s brother. They grew up together. They were, still are, two halves of the same coin, two halves to the same balance. Despite everything, that had to mean something.
But that wasn’t the truth, was it?
Not anymore.
Maybe one time, before The Incident, before the villagers came to them. It was just the two of them, after all. And Mother, but she couldn’t really say much, or do anything beyond existing. Maybe then they were each other’s most important person. And maybe it would’ve stayed that way had everything not gone to shit.
But the point was, that was in the past.
Whatever they had, it was gone. In more ways than one now…
Inhaling, Nightmare looked away, shoving his hands into his pockets. “That…depends on your definition of important.”
They had other people in their lives now. He had his gang, his boys. Though he often complained about their foolishness and called them idiots, not once had he ever wished he hadn’t met them. Dream, he knew, felt much the same about Ink and Blue. Neither of them would trade their friends for the world.
Even for each other.
“I was—” Nightmare sighed, rolling back his shoulders. “I’m your brother. Nightmare.” He forced himself to look back at Dream, even if the eye contact burned his soul with something uncomfortable. “Your name is Dream, by the way. In case you forgot that, too.”
“Cool!” Dream paused and gasped, beaming as he made the connection. “Our names match!”
“Yeah.” Nightmare said, forcing himself to smile back. “Yeah, they do.” Of course they did, he thought to himself. That’s the reason why they chose the names.
Brow furrowing, Dream tilted his head. “Wait, if we’re brothers, wouldn’t I just live with you, then?”
“What?” Nightmare felt himself frown in return. “Why do you think we’d live together?”
Strange, considering Dream didn’t even remember him.
(There was that stinging again.)
“I-I don’t know, I just…I have this feeling that brothers should be living together. That they need to live together. I don’t know why, but it’s a very strong feeling.” Dream raised a hand to his chest, hovering over where his soul would be. “When I think about you, um, that feeling gets all…strange.”
This caught his attention. “Strange?”
“Yeah.” Nodding slowly, Dream worked through it, finding what to call it. “I think it…I think it turns jealous, somehow.”
Nightmare stared.
That couldn’t be right. Dream had to be reading it wrong.
There was nothing to be jealous about. His brother always had the perfect life. What more could he want?
If anything, he should be the one jealous. He’s the only one who deserves to be jealous. Jealous of the way people were always drawn to his brother over himself, the way people thought everything of the sun and nothing of the moon, even though they both shared the same light. It was his right to be envious, his right to look upon the past and view it with bitterness. It was his right to look at the present, now, when Dream still has his friends and his standing and still has everyone revolving around him.
At least he can find relief, find arrogance, in the fact that he found his own friends, his own group of people who looked up to him. It took years, it took work, but he found them.
He didn’t need Dream anymore.
(So, what if sometimes he looked at his brother and his friends and felt a longing to join them?
So, what if he found the way they laughed, the way they treated each other, a reminder that he’s done too many things to be treated like that again?
So, what if he’s tired of fighting all the time and wants to go back to how things were, while knowing that could never happen, while looking across the battlefield into golden eyes that reflected the same kind of feelings and—and…oh.
Oh, they would never escape being peas in a pod, would they?)
“Hey, you mentioned my friends, though.” Dream said, brightening up again, looking around like they might just pop up. Not that he would recognize them. “Maybe we could find them and they could help me get home. What do you think of that?”
Maybe, Nightmare thought, looking away as well. He couldn’t lie, it would be nice to leave this place, and dump the responsibility of an amnesiac onto someone else. Especially the Guardians of the Multiverse, the coveted Star Sanses.
But something twisting in his stomach stopped him from agreeing.
He thought, all too suddenly, about how he came back hours later to his brother still lying in relatively the same spot he fell. Meaning Ink and Blue never came back to look for him after they retreated. You’d think, for monsters that claimed to be his best friends, they’d be out here the minute the battle was over, bringing Dream back home to be checked on.
Why should he trust his brother with those two, when they didn’t even search for him? They probably don’t even know he’s missing. They certainly don’t know he’s injured. He can’t help but wonder what their reactions would’ve been to this memory loss.
Too bad he won’t find out.
“I think they’re busy, actually.” Nightmare decided, making a split decision that he hoped wasn’t wrong. “And going to be busy for the week yet.”
Dream looked disappointed. Hurt.
The look on his face only solidified Nightmare’s decision. His tentacles curled in satisfaction. “You can come home with me, though. Stay for a bit.”
“Really?” Starting to brighten yet again, Dream seemed to hesitate, searching to make sure he was telling the truth.
“Awesome.” Dream’s smile lit up the forest, and Nightmare turned himself away before he found himself getting soft because of it. Raising a hand to open the portal, he heard Dream chuckle behind him. “I gotta say, even though I don’t remember it, I bet you were the best brother ever.”
The words were said so confidently, so…normally…it made Nightmare freeze. The portal wobbled in front of him, but stayed open, and he blinked at it a couple of times before he turned back to his brother.
His mouth was dry, for a reason he couldn’t yet understand.
“Well, I mean…it’s like you said. You came all this way, in the middle of the night, to check on me. You were worried. And then, when you found me, you stayed to wake me up, even though you technically already completed your goal. You didn’t just leave. And you checked my injury without me asking you to, and told me my name, and now you’re offering to let me stay at your place.”
Dream’s smile turned smaller, more vulnerable. “It just seems like a very nice thing to do.”
Nightmare’s gaze was frozen, locked onto that genuine, soft smile. The last sentence played on a loop, ringing inside his skull.
A very nice thing to do.
In any other situation, the suggestion would be laughable.
But like this…
(There was that stinging. Again. Why won’t it just go away?)
He thought back to the fight that happened earlier. How he reveled in the pain he caused, how much fun he had taunting his brother. How often he attacked him, without worry or caution. How eager he was to throw him around into trees, back him up into a cliff. He hadn’t even thought about what might happen, too giddy, too smug. All he wanted to do was put him in his place…he hadn’t even cared that he was bleeding…hadn’t even reached out to try and save him when the cliff crumbled…
How long had Dream laid there, in the snow, still in wet clothes?
What did he think as he watched Nightmare watch him fall?
How can that be called nice?
How can what happened during The Incident be called nice? What kind of brother turned his twin into stone, and left him in a dead AU all alone, knowing full well that he would one day return? What kind of brother picked an apple he was supposed to protect in the first place? What kind of brother was he?
Certainly not the kind this Dream was talking about…
“Right.” Nightmare said, the words tasting like ash in his mouth. He understood why this time. He wanted to throw up. “Thanks.”
Dream didn’t notice anything wrong. Still smiling away. As always. Always. “No problem!” Rocking back on his heels, he started to look around as his attention span waned with no portal to go through.
Still, Nightmare did not move to open it.
Instead, he found himself changing tracks. Jumping train from thinking about how bad of a brother he was, to how good of a brother Dream was.
Stars, this was so confusing…
“You weren’t that bad of a brother yourself.” Nightmare said, and this time the words were better tasting. At least this way, something true would be said here.
Dream looked back at him, surprised, with a spark of confusion. Then, even if he didn’t know everything Nightmare was talking about, he smiled, taking it as the compliment it was. “Aw, thanks.”
Nodding, Nightmare finally managed to open the portal, letting Dream go through first. He hesitated to follow, looking around the AU again. For some reason, he felt like he would still find his brother, memories and all, waiting for him if he looked hard enough. But he wouldn’t. He knew that.
At least, he had to accept that.
That stinging again…
Showing it down once again, Nightmare turned and went home.
(It’s only after Dream is settled into one of the guest bedrooms—stocked with fresh bedsheets and a fresh pair of clothes for the next day borrowed from Nightmare’s own closet—and he’s back in the safety of his office that he lets his composure finally break. Choking, he slides down his door, hand clasped over his mouth to keep as quiet as possible.
It’s only then that he lets himself cry.
Cry about how he never reached out to catch his brother when he first fell.
Cry about what his brother thought before splitting his skull on a rock.
Cry about the stranger left in his brother’s body.
Cry about everything.)
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sxcret-garden · 8 months
Intak ღ Blind Faith [M]
ღ P1Harmony Intak x fem-bodied!reader ღ words: ~2.9k ღ genre: soft smut (soft dom!Intak, reader is blindfolded, fingering (fem receiving), unprotected sex, multiple orgasms) ღ warnings: none
Desc.: In which you let your boyfriend help you overcome your fear of being blindfolded.
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“Come on, try it just once.” Your boyfriend’s voice is soft, the way he looks up at you makes you feel that he cares, and still you’re frozen up suddenly.
“I-… I don’t think this is a good idea after all,” you stutter, barely getting out the words. Intak is holding up the piece of cloth in his one hand, the other rests on your bare thigh as he kneels in front of you. Concern lights up in his expression upon hearing you speak, but he doesn’t give up just yet.
“Just for a second. I’ll take it off again right away - I won’t even tie it!” he tries to convince you to go through with your earlier plan, but you feel unsure.
There’s this thing he brought up to you once - that he wanted to try playing around with different items when having sex, and though he immediately piqued your interest with the suggestion, you felt yourself backing out of the conversation as soon as he mentioned blindfolds. You’re not sure what it is about them, but somehow the thought of not being able to see scares you shitless, even if it’s just for a little while, and to “enhance your senses”, or whatever. It took you quite some time to admit that you were scared of this, because a part of you felt stupid about such a fear, and though he did let out a laugh in surprise upon first learning this truth, he tried his best to understand and eventually said that he wouldn’t bring it up anymore then. That’s until you got the grandiose idea of trying to use a blindfold anyway, because your fear might just prove as a stupid one that would go away - an idea you currently hate yourself for.
Remembering this conversation, you eventually sigh.
“Fine… maybe it’s not so bad… but really only for a second!” you say and you make him promise that he wouldn’t keep it on you for longer than that. The joy reflecting in his eyes makes you feel sorry for him. You know he’s trying hard to maybe take this fear away from you, and you hate the fact that you feel like you won’t be able to give him the success he’s hoping for. Taking a deep breath, you eventually signal for him to start with a nod. He moves slowly as he grips the long piece of cloth with both hands, and as he moves it closer to your face he speaks.
“I’ll do it now,” he announces just before the dark blue fabric covers your eyes. You inhale sharply, feeling a bit disoriented but for now it’s still bearable. He brings the ends to the back of your head, and as he holds still, he adds, “One second… okay.” As he takes it off again, he shoots you a questioning look. With the way your heartbeat seems quite normal still, you’re starting to think you can actually do this with just a little bit of support.
“Let’s… try again?” you suggest, and he doesn’t hesitate to put the blindfold on you one more time. This time you reach for his wrists as his hands draw closer, and once again he merely brings the ends of the cloth to the back of your head without tying them.
“Is that okay?” Intak asks, and you notice how just hearing his voice so close in front of your face without actually seeing him feels different. “Should I take it off again?”
“No…” you answer after a bit of consideration, still holding onto his wrists tightly. “Maybe… it’s okay if… I keep my hands on yours like this.” You can clearly hear him gasp - in pleasant surprise you guess - and you can’t but think how this enhancing one’s senses thing seems to actually work.
“Can I tie it?” he eventually asks, and you give him a nod. And so he does, carefully taking his hands away so his wrists won’t slip out of your grasp. “You okay?" 
"I think so.” You still feel nervous, but you decide to bear it for now.
“Give me your hands, baby,” you hear Intak mutter, and you loosen your grip on him so as to allow him to intertwine his fingers with yours. Then he carefully brings one of your hands up to his mouth, letting his lips brush against your knuckles. You let out a tiny whine in response, and he immediately stops scattering kisses on the back of your hand to ask if you’re okay.
“I’m fine,” you assure him. “Just… everything feels different when I can’t see,” you explain as you give him a smile. 
“Ahhh. In a good way?” he follows up with another question, and you feel his thumb rubbing a slow circle onto the skin of your hand.
“I’m… not sure yet to be honest,” you admit, and your boyfriend squeezes your hands in his for encouragement.
“Can I try something?" 
"Sure… if you don’t go away,” you say, and you feel him pressing another kiss to your hand. 
“I won’t.” Then he guides you to put your arms around his shoulders and he sits up, so he’s on eye level with you, who’s sitting at the edge of his bed. Putting his hands loosely onto your hips, you can feel his warm breath tickle the skin on your cheeks as he draws near, and you let out a deep breath before he brushes his lips against yours. 
“How does that feel?” he whispers, and it’s reassuring to know he’s this close to you.
“Good,” you simply answer. He doesn’t need more to kiss you properly, lips melting against yours in slow but precise movements. However, he breaks away too soon to ask again,
“Mhm.” Reconnecting your lips, you can soon feel his teeth grazing you upper lip as he begins to nibble on it, then interrupting the kiss once more to make sure you’re still feeling alright, before continuing to kiss you. Eventually his questions become fewer, and you’re starting to think that kissing like this isn’t much different from usual, since you keep your eyes closed anyway. Though it is but a fleeting thought, as your mind is filled with nothing but his sweet kisses growing more passionate over time. You moan into an open mouthed kiss, making sure to keep your arms tightly wrapped around his shoulders, while his hands start roaming your body, soon tugging at the fabric of your shirt to signal that it’s in the way.
“Can I take it off?” he asks, mumbling against your mouth. You quickly nod, realizing too late that you will have to let go of him for that, and as soon as he sees a worried expression creeping onto your face he presses one last kiss to your lips and then adds, “I’ll be quick.” You decide to trust him, lifting your arms up and he swiftly pulls the piece of clothing off you, tossing it to the ground somewhere next to him, and only a moment later you can make out the touch of his hands on your waist, allowing you to relax. 
“I’m here, don’t worry,” he breathes, before attaching his lips to your jawbone, and you search for his shoulders to hold onto while you moan at the sensation.
“I think I’m okay if it’s with you,” you whisper unprompted, and you don’t miss the way it makes him smile against your skin. He lets his fingertips dance up your body, and eventually you repeat the process so he can take off your bra as well. Hands roaming your chest and stomach, even the tiniest touch feels more intense now that you can’t see, and slowly, your fear is replaced by growing pleasure. You understand that right at this moment, your trust in him is unconditional, and you’re about to reach the point where you can let go of any control and put yourself in his hands entirely.
You’re not sure if it’s this train of thought or the way he kisses a trail down your neck that makes you moan, but as you lean back your head to give him proper access to where he wants it, you reckon it’s probably both. Raking the fingers of one hand up his short hair, you tug at the strands when you feel teeth against your delicate skin, and you let out a whine as he starts to nibble, soon kissing the spot to soothe it and then moving on.
“And this?” he asks, his voice sounding deeper now than before, “Does this feel good?” You’re about to answer when he reaches your chest, his hand cupping one side and his lips wrapping around your nipple on the other. The sudden touch causes you to moan, and you answer eventually.
“Y-yeah…” Tugging at his hair again, he sinks his teeth into the soft flesh, making you whine, and you bite your lip instinctively. 
“I’ll make you feel even better,” he mumbles, before tending to your breasts properly. Getting worked up by the way you seem to be feeling everything more intensely with the blindfold on, you react to every little touch with a moan, shivers running down your spine one after the other whenever he touches you somewhere unexpectedly. Kissing his way back up over your sternum, he comes to a halt once his lips are hovering over yours, and when he suddenly presses a finger to your core, with only the thin fabric of your panties separating you, you let out a moan and throw your head back.
“You sound so pretty, babe,” he mutters, and next thing you know his lips are exploring your throat, one hand still kneading your breast and the other teasing your core. “Didn’t think you’d be this turned on already,” he adds, fingers sliding up and down between your folds with ease, as your dripping pussy clenches around nothing.
“Fuck…” you let out a curse through gritted teeth, and you dig your nails into the fabric of his shirt that’s covering his shoulders, as you spread your legs apart a little further. Giving him more to tease you about, he doesn’t let that chance slip away.
“So needy,” he comments, kissing the spot right below your ear. “You’re cute.” You whine in protest, but you’re not even sure what for, or why you would voice any kind of resistance now, that there is no trace of it left in your body. All you want his to feel him, and to have him all over you.
“Please…” you whine, and eventually his lips find yours to share another kiss with you. “Take them off already,” you whisper into the kiss, which he breaks a bit suddenly to do as you said. Now you don’t even have the time to think about letting go of him for a second so he can discard your last item of clothing and then his shirt as well, because as soon as he wraps his arms around you to steady you as he presses his body up against yours, your mind becomes a haze anyway. He kisses you, almost feverishly, and both your moans fill the room, mixing together like a melody. One of his hands finds its way back between your legs, and though it should’ve been expected you find yourself whining in surprise as he touches you where you need him the most. Heat rushes to your core as he teases you with slow movements, and you whine into his kisses until his lips travel to your neck again. When he finally slips a finger inside, you dig your nails into his shoulders, feeling his hot skin underneath them now and he groans at the slight pain. 
“How does that feel?” he asks, slowly pumping in and out of you, thumb pressed against your clit and all you can do is moan in response.
“Don’t stop,” you mewl as he pushes inside another digit. “I beg you, don��t stop.” Scattering sloppy kisses all over your neck and collarbones, he fingers you at just the right speed, and it doesn’t take long until you’re starting to see stars. “Fuck,” you curse. “Baby… baby, I’m gonna cum…!” Your high comes crashing down on you fast, and you feel tears of pleasure welling up behind the blindfold as you clench around his fingers. Fucking you through your high, he pulls out once you’re finished, and you let go of him to support yourself while lying down. You’re still breathing heavily as you hear him unzipping his pants, followed by rustling of clothes that informs you he must’ve taken them off, and as he calls your name to let you know he’s about to come closer, you feel his weight next to you on the mattress. Crawling on top of you eventually, he lowers himself to kiss you. His lips burn on your skin now, and he impatiently rolls his hips against yours, making you feel how much the situation is affecting him too.
“Should I take it off?” Intak asks in between kisses. “The blindfold.” You hesitate for a moment, hands finding his sides while he presses rough kisses to the side of your neck. “Or do you want me to fuck you like this?” He runs one hand up your body, and when reaching your throat he brushes his thumb along your pulse as if to put an emphasis on his words, like he wanted to convince you to say yes. However, you have already made up your mind anyway.
“Yes,” you whine, “please.” Everything seems to be happening more quickly after giving him the okay - maybe it’s because your perception is different when you can’t see, or maybe it’s because your boyfriend is running out of patience, but either way you find yourself enjoying it. He reaches for your hands to pin them against the bed above your head, only to then dive in for another open-mouthed kiss. As his lips travel towards your jaw, he runs his nails over your chest and stomach down as far as he can reach, and then finally he aligns himself with your entrance and he pushes inside without warning. You whimper from the stretch, and he stays in his position to allow for the momentary discomfort to pass.
“Babe,” he mutters. “Put your legs around my hips.” Without even thinking about it, you do as told, and once you have both legs snaked around him, he starts thrusting into you. He goes slow at first, but it doesn’t take long for him to pick up the pace, sweet moans falling from his lips as his grip on your wrists tightens. Pleasure sweeps over you once again as the deprivation of one sense allows you to feel his touches more intensely, and the way he keeps hitting that perfect spot inside you with every time he pushes back in makes your head spin. Eventually he lets go of your hands - though you keep them exactly where they are - in order to support himself above you while also having a free hand to tend to your still sensitive clit. You whine and squirm underneath him as his fingertip comes in contact with the bundle of nerves, and he only takes that as a sign to apply some more pressure.
“Intak…” you call out his name as you feel your next high building up in the pits of your stomach, and he answers with a strained moan.
“Y/N… I’m so close,” he groans. Your hands fly in the general direction of where you assume his shoulders to be, and eventually you find them to hold onto and to bring him in closer. “You feel so good…” His words resound in your ears as you cum for the second time, nails digging into his back as you drag them along his shoulders and to his arms, making him moan in response. His name falls from your lips again and as you’re coming down from your high, you feel his hips stutter, and with another groan he spills inside you. Collapsing on top of you almost immediately, you hug him tightly while you’re both catching your breath. While you begin to comb your fingers through his hair, he suddenly lifts himself up, gasping as if he had forgotten something.
“I’ll take it off…” he announces, sounding somewhat agitated, and you can’t help but giggle. Swiftly removing the blindfold from you, he gives you a prying look while your eyes need some time to adjust to the light in the room.
“I almost forgot about them,” you say with a smile on your face and Intak raises his eyebrows at your statement. You place your hands on his waist, slowly running your palms up his back to make him lay down again, resting his head atop your chest. “I think I’m okay if it’s with you,” you clarify. “I feel safe with you.” Your boyfriend looks at you, returning your smile, before pressing another kiss to your jaw, lips moving softly against your skin.
“I told you it’d be alright,” he says, bringing his hand up to your face to let his thumb caress your cheek. “I promised I’d take care of you, right?”
“Yeah,” you answer, turning your head to place a kiss on his forehead. “You did.”
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pillowspace · 6 months
Sort of a dumb hypothetical I've been spinning my wheels about, but how might have things gone differently if Moon or Eclipse was the injured god Y/N found? That'd might change some lore stuff to explain how and why, I was just thinking about it after the new chapter and meeting Eclipse and wondered what a role-swap would be like
Moon would depend on some things. Is it Sun who's banished from the Mortal Realm, or is Moon still the one banished? Let's say he is still banished. That adds an extra layer of panic, because he has ended up in the realm he's not allowed to be in with no memory of how he got there, and he's frightened that if he does go back home, he'll be severely punished or possibly even killed by the higher gods when they find out. He is filled with anxiety after he wakes up, but also...
He missed this.
He looks around the woods with familiar awe, fascinated by the Mortal Realm's wilderness.
There is an issue here though. If Moon doesn't know what realm travel object got him here, then... he doesn't know how to get back on his own. It certainly wasn't his own pendant, it doesn't work. Moon is hostile towards Y/N at first, but once he tones it down, he convinces Y/N to send a prayer out for Sun to find him. Aaand that's how you could've gotten both blorbos in only the first act.
Let's move onto Eclipse now. Eclipseee... uhhh. For reasons, being trapped in the Mortal Realm could literally kill him, so I'm going to remove a rule to make this work. He is MASSIVE, with legs as tall as you are. He is not getting in your cart, and you wouldn't be able to lift him anyway. So instead, you go home, and return with health supplies. With how ABSOLUTELY STRANGE his body is, uou're unsure if it even helps, but you try to help him right there in the woods. After that, you go into town and pay to borrow a carriage so that you can get him safe into the indoors of your shed. You unfortunately do just have to lie down blankets on the floor and lie him there, as you don't have much else to offer. When he wakes up... now this may be a shock, but he does not threaten you. Not at all. He has gone through too much at the hands of other gods to be frightened by a species he never had much respect for anyway. You are terrified by his presence, but he is grateful, and does you no harm. You know how Sun is stubbornly trying to keep the life debt just a regular debt? Yeah, Eclipse doesn't do that. He immediately seals it into a life debt, pretty much having you own him. This is BIZARRE to you, but Eclipse has been so lonely that he'll literally take company in the form of a life debt, something that any other god would be horrified by. It's honestly a little sad. You refuse to use this life debt, but that's fine. All Eclipse wants is for you to keep him, and I am unsure if he'd even want to return home. There is something important back home, which puts him at a dilemma, but... this one bit of comfort... maybe it's more worth it to stay. TLDR: something is a little wrong with Eclipse
But let's put this into the other angle. Let's put the rules back into a canon state of things. The longer he stays in the Mortal Realm, the sicker and more in agony he becomes. You have to try your hardest to find the realm travel object he used before it's too late. There comes a point where he can no longer even stand, and while you regrettably have to take a break, you mutter reassurances to him that he basks in. If you do get the object to him in time, he'll take it, hesitate, then ask if you'd like to go with him.
There is a bit of lore that contradicts with all of this by the way, so that detail's being ignored. I'm putting us in an AU
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galebrainrot2024 · 3 months
Gale x Tav Enemies to Lovers Part IX/9
GAS!! Anyway, Part 9 Enemies to Lovers Gale POV
The memory of Tav falling replayed endlessly in his mind. Gale was unable to shake it - granted, it had only been a few days and even so it haunted him. Why did his brain insist on exhuming things he could not change?  He was overcome with guilt that he should have done more, could have done more. That he should have insisted in a back up plan or come up with one himself. How reckless it was, how he let his pride get in the way of sense. He thought of how he tended to her before she came to, only succumbing to sleep once his weary eyes could no longer be forced open out of sheer will. 
What a fool he was. 
Gale was reenacting the first moments when they arrived in the Underdark, seething over how blind he had been. He would never be anything more than a rival to Tav, an insufferable ego-manic, and Gale saw that clearly. Astarion wasn’t exactly being subtle. Yet Gale was unconvinced, his gut nagging him. Why had she looked to me though? Why would she bother to look for my reaction at all? 
He felt ashamed, embarrassed even for feeling the fingers of envy. He had no right to. And besides, Tav had yet to apologize. Gale still wanted an apology from her and thus, he squirreled himself away until it was time to move from their last camp. While they traveled, Wyll was busy talking Tav’s ear off so Gale was able to happily mosey behind, unworried about confrontation. Besides, talking to her with the rest of the companions present wouldn’t end well for anyone. The last thing this group needed was more drama. Between him and Tav, Lae’zel and Shadowheart, Astarion and, well, everyone else, he didn’t need to add fuel to the fire. 
Gale was preparing dinner, mid peel, when he heard her footsteps approaching him from behind. “Whatever it is you have to say to me can wait,” he said, his eyes not leaving the potato. “I’m not really interested in talking to you at the moment.” The air was cooler down there, like a crisp Autumnal air. 
He heard Tav’s footsteps stop. It made his chest tighten. Despite telling her he was not interested in talking with her, in fact not talking to her at all was driving him mad. Tav was all he could think about no matter how annoyed he was with her. 
“Fine. Goodnight.” He heard her say, her tone icy. 
He bit his tongue, still frozen in position and the silence piqued his curiosity. He didn’t hear her walk away. “You’re still here.” 
“I am.” 
“Hm. Curious, if you ask me, since you said ‘goodnight.’ If you’ve come here to grill me, I am not interested, and if you’re in need of grilling something might I suggest you start working on the fish.” He heard a soft laugh that sounded like she tried to catch it before it made a sound. His lips pulled up into a smile. Still, there was no sound of footsteps. “Have you come here to just lurk? Taking our trip to the Underdark a bit literally.” Another soft puff of air. His smile grew and he resumed peeling the potato. 
The foreign sounds of creatures cloaked the air, a sense of calm settling between the two of them. Gale continued to slowly and methodically peel the potatoes, inspecting each as he placed them in the pot, making commentary as he went. “Oh wow, I’ve never seen one with quite so many eyes!” and “You’re much mushier than I like, but it’ll be our secret.” And then, “My, you’re the smallest potato I’ve seen. I almost feel guilty cooking you. In you go, then.” 
“Are you still here?” Gale asked, although he knew the answer. The moment felt strangely comforting, more so even than the Weave. 
“I am.” 
“Have you got anything to say for yourself or shall I continue?” 
A grunt. More silence. And then finally a resigned and sincere, “Gale, I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness or grace, and I -“ he heard her swallow hard and pause. Her voice, though honest, was also tight as if she was unpracticed in the art of apology. 
“Difficult for you to apologize, is it?” 
He heard her sigh in annoyance, “I already apologized -“
“Ah,” Gale held up a finger but still did not turn around. “You apologized for saying a cruel thing, an apology does not equal forgiveness. I should know that better than anyone.” He sighed, grunting as he rose to his knees and finally turned to face her. Gale inhaled heavily when he looked at her, startled by how her skin glowed in the purple, unending night. “And then you proceeded to ignore me for close to a month. Without so much as an explanation. Hits a little too close to home for my taste. So, while you may have apologized for the first offense, you certainly did not for the second.” 
Gale’s eyes trailed from Tav’s eyes to her lips, to the way her body curved and then back to hers. Their breathing seemed to synch as they held their gaze. He watched Tav’s lips part before she looked away and pulled her hair back nervously. “It was childish, I know. I’m sorry, Gale. I really am. I just…” She closed her eyes and inhaled. “I shouldn’t have reacted that way, it wasn’t fair of me.” Tav turned her eyes to his again and Gale felt heat prick at his ears. Silence filled them until she cut it, “I also wanted to thank you for saving my life.” 
Gale paused, shaken. She couldn’t remember, could she? “Karlach saved your life.” He said, turning away to put the potatoes over the fire. “But, Thank you for your apology. Now, if you’ll excuse me - ” 
“That’s it?” Tav said, grabbing his arm. He felt a jolt shoot through him and cleared his throat, averting her gaze. “Don’t pretend like you don’t know what I’m talking about.” 
Gale knew he would lose his resolve if he turned to look at her. He knew the next words were rile her up and still they came tumbling out, “What are you talking about?” 
She dropped his arm, her expression dark. “Unbelievable.” 
Gale sighed and caught her wrist as she went to turn. “You’re right - I’m sorry - I’m just feeling a little stung at the moment.” He saw Tav’s brow furrow and then her face floods with color. 
“That was nothing.” 
“It certainly didn’t look like nothing.” 
Tav glared at him. “What about you and Karlach?” 
Gale was unable to stop the instant laugh that bubbled out of him, “Karlach? Tav, surely you know her better than that -“ he paused and looked at her with a furrowed brow, “Don’t you? You know she likes-“
“SH!” Tav said, pressing her fingers against Gale’s lips. As soon as she did this Gale felt himself stop breathing. The feeling of her hand on hips lips ignited him, the spark licking through his blood like wildfire. He felt a rush of blood to his nether-region and tried to ignore the feeling. 
He took a deep breath and wrapped one of his hands around her wrist to bring her fingers away from his lips. He leaned down a bit towards her, his voice soft. “Ah, your point is moot. I may have locked myself away for a year, but I wasn’t born yesterday, I’m afriad. I’d rather you be honest with me instead of pretending as if you and he aren’t intimately spending time in one another’s company.” 
“Why would that be your business?” Tav asked and Gale’s eyes flicked down to see her lick her lips. He swallowed hard. 
“OOOO I knew I felt the fire cooking,” Karlach said and they both stepped back from each other quickly. Gale rubbed the back of his neck and looked around. She held up her hands and laughed, “Oh, I didn’t mean to interrupt, but this meal won’t cook itself and I’m bloody tired. Please man, I’m famished.” Karlach rested on the ground by them, as if she meant to supervise Gale so he would stay true to his word. 
“Fair enough,” Gale chuckled and looked to Tav only to catch a soft, unreadable expression before returning to work. 
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dattosdan · 8 months
Kris doesn't NEED to remove their soul.
So, this is a short one, something i was thinking about earlier today was, hey, kris moves a lot, even when they have the soul inside them don't they?
Let me show you a few examples of this, before i get into my reasoning.
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These are the two moments leading up to them ripping their soul out, obviously they wouldn't be able to rip it out, if they couldn't move at all before hand.
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This is kris defending susie of their own free will, implying, that they could maybe even FIGHT without us.
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This is kris backing away from spamton on their own, to be fair, frisk also does this when omega flowey appears, so this might be instinctual and not of their own volition.
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And finally, this is kris turning around AWAY from the player, perhaps to not show their face or emotions to us, theres also a scene from the weird route, where they turn around from us, and refuse to show us susie and noelle, but i'm kinda lazy so i didnt feel like grabbing that one.
The point i wanted to make here, was that kris has a LOT of autonomy, even when the soul is inside them, so why do they feel the need to rip out their soul at all? To risk DYING? They don't feel the need to rip out their soul in less dire circumstances, so why do they always do it at the end of a chapter?
I get the reason from a meta perspective, it's to show kris is doing these actions of their own volition, separate from the player, aka the soul.
But what's the in-canon reason?
I came up with a couple of my own explanations for it, if any of you have your own your more than welcome to add on.
My first explanation is as follows: This is SUPER meta but, maybe kris needs to TRIGGER a CUTSCENE in order to move around, think about it, in literally every other screenshot i showed you besides the ones where they rip out their soul, someone else had triggered a cutscene, and kris could move in it, maybe kris can ONLY move in a cutscenes as a protagonist, maybe ripping out their soul is the only way they can trigger such a thing, but like i said, this is pretty meta, so i would get if you don't believe this.
The second explanation is as follows: Maybe kris doesnt want us to SEE what they are doing, but could do it regardless of us being in them, this is the one that is least believable in my opinion, mostly because like, at the end of chapter 2, they arnt even trying to hide what they are doing from us, but i mean, they HAVE hidden stuff from us before, so it wouldn't exactly be out of character for them to do, maybe they thought we couldn't see inside the couch cushions?
The third, and final explanation i have, is as follows: Yes they can move with us in them, and has SOME degree of autonomy even while we are controlling them, but it's not enough to do what they WANT to do, this is probably the most believable, maybe they don't have FULL control over themselves when we are in them, only able to make minor movements or actions, and they NEED to rip out their soul to travel further, and do some other stuff like open dark fountains, after all, determination is ones very will, you wouldn't be able to open a dark fountain with someone ELSES will inside you, someone who doesn't WANT TO do that, could you?
Anyway, this is just a thought I had, sorry, I really thought this was gonna be shorter, but once I start typing, I can't really stop haha.
Uh, feel free to leave your own thoughts or ideas about this in comments or reblogs, sorry for not posting in so long, life has gotten... Busy, and I don't have as much free time as I used to.
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cherryfennec · 27 days
hot take: the bosses in super paper mario permanently damaged any chance of the game ever getting rpg mechanics, it would make the rpg mechanics feel cheap and the bosses feel boring, especially super dimentio
abandoning the flippage and making the game be fully 3d like sm64 would be a good move though
Super Paper Mario stands out in the Paper Mario games especially because of the fact that the bosses aren't turn based. The fact that they mixed RPG and platformer elements was interesting, in the end some of them hit while some miss.
The bossess definitely have quite a lot of charm from being in full motion and not locked to turns, you get to see personality through movement like O'Chunks being a little slow to react, Dimentio and Mr.L being hard to catch and Bleck taking advantage of the background. A few that especially benefit are: Fracktails entire battle, Mimi climbing the ceiling midfight (and also her and Dimentio being able to flip after you), Brobot L-type or even Super Dimentio like you mentioned.
Despite this I have to admit that some fights might feel underwhelming gameplay wise. Getting personality is awesome but if it's at the expense of difficulty or unfun mechanics then it might be better to not push it. Especially with the problem of BIG open spaces. Chapter 4-4 boss room is super open and super empty which feels a little anticlimactic while Mimis boss room is super small and has little wiggle room. Mimi was in fact harder than Mr.L just because of the fact i couldn't jump or evade her as easily.
This doesn't mean that everything should be crammed into a small area but it is a little cheesy seeing the AI struggle to attack you in the few ways it can. (again with Mr.L, he makes mighty leaps in this large room and with how slow he descends and predictable the landing spot is you can just. walk under.)
When it comes to making it 3D sm64 style it would be conceptually interesting but personally? I think it should remain paper style. A story like this would be difficult and very time consuming to execute in the mainline 3D Super Mario style, especially considering the time it released in. The main focus here was clearly the lore and dialogue which a lot of people agree is the best thing about it. It's cut like a story book, which ties with being Paper Mario, and the idea that these characters are already doomed by the narrative.
But that's an entirely different discussion so I won't delve deeper or else we'll be here much longer.
If I could personally offer any changes to SPM it would be:
The timer on the FLIP ability sucks, either extend or remove completely. I want to see all these beautiful assets and bosses in 3D which are already fully programed but the timer is actively discouraging me from doing so because of the damage penalty. "Mario is getting nauseous that's why he can't stay there long" is a cool in-universe explanation but it's not fun gameplay wise.
Personal design nitpick but some areas could use some retouches. What do you mean you associated the colour of the Pure Heart to the worlds palette only in 4 Chapters? What about the rest? Please keep going!!
Increase the difficulty a little (aka make the AI somewhat smarter). Personality and struggle is what makes a character memorable in games. (really big detour but for example take Malenia from Elden Ring, she has lore that is optional to learn and yet theres a big chance you'll remember her anyway because she's a super hard boss)
This ones more of a 'what if' but I've been trying to imagine for a while the possibility of: normally everything is 3D/with depth like the other Paper Mario games and when you FLIP it becomes 2D (basically reversing the effect). I know this ruins Fracktail and would require more work with sculpting the environments but I like the thought of the hub being 3D. If not that at least add more assets to the environment when you flip. A lot of the time every tree and rock is in 2D while 3D is just so empty. Also consider just for a moment how little people FLIP during bosses and areas, probably forgetting they even can, and missing out on these cool models. Either that or they're aware that when they do FLIP they won't see anything because the cameras obscured by a wall (looking at you chapter 4).
In conclusion I think this take has stable ground and in the end I agree to an extent! There are some rather specific cases that I feel would work better in a turn based system but overall a lot of them are good as they are!
Making the game like sm64 sounds fun but could be difficult to execute without loosing any of the beautiful charm the Paper Mario format/style provides to it's stories.
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ngmn2002 · 4 months
*** Ch: 110***
As always, just side notes...
Who was right to guess the yorishiro is within Mirai? Yep, me.~ would pay to be in Hanako's, Nene's, Teru's place or the owls and watch Tsukasa in action and going -far shore No.6 mode but X1000 COOLER like they were doing. the amount of self confidence he has has always impressed me. my goodness it's limitless… but this chapter is on another whole level. SO SMUG! I love that mood of his. oooooh SO COOL!!!
Why the yorsihrio of No.1 had to be a key of all things? ........
What nat did to Mit 2.0 on her order... what a simp. Indeed proved his words in here.
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So the 'welcome between us party', the whole big-bro nat facade, the nice gestures he showed together with his lady toward Mit 2.0 were fake all along? How funny. What a shock. I didn't expect they are this sort of people. I'm shocked with nat and his lady. lol
So, I was right in the end? They are plotting things of 'her' own together. No way Tsukasa would plan for Mit 2.0 end up this way.
It's her not being able to wait to have her wish come true no matter who she will hurt. That makes her so happy.~ what a softie. lol
(can't be) Though, if the 2 were plotting to put Mit 2.0 in a situation where he'll be forced to have a yorishiro by having nat do that so they can destroy it later... hmm... judging from Tsukasa's words in here...
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What a devious face. 💜 Uh, how cool-looking... Tsukasa amazed me all chapter long. What a force. ✨
Is that what he meant by calling No.3's case a 'done deal' in ch 92? The only yorishrios that are left are him and No.1's. what about old No.3's yorsirhio that's still on the ceiling?
and... I get what nat meant with his words of 2 yorishiors are left. No.1's and No.7's. I see what he meant.
I see... I see...
What happened to granting Mit 2.0's wish btw? Tsukasa, you're going to carry on with that or..... wait... maybe there is no reason... once all yorishrios are destroyed, if what she said is true..... hmm..... things are going way too fast..... if we assumed the world will be rewritten so the living, the dead, supernaturals are equal and can live together... that means Mit 2.0's wish is granted along the way? uh, that's too much thinking
Anyway, don't think Mit 2.0 will end here. We need to have Kou in the picture, don't we? His long-wanted wish coming to play???
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Love how he aimed for the sleeve!!! He is not there to harm Tsu, he wants to keep him safe and protect him at all costs!!!! What an emotional moment... oooh!! the position!!! it's always the same!!!
So we have a promise to keep Tsukasa moving... The core to all we have now. It only takes a spark for a fire to start -The promised Neverland keeps echoing in my head. Promises.....
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Hmm, did this trigger Hanako's memory to recall a some kind of promise he made to Tsukasa or maybe himself in the past?
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This might be related as well...? will Tsu really /disappear/I mean I've always wondered what will happen to him once the seal is gone? hmm... does Amane know of Tsukasa's condition or not? if he does and still see that will happen....
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Hmm... what is your duty?!
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So? SO?! You broke him sir. Easy on him.
After all he voiced out you went SO? How cruel. Do each of you take turns in acting rude to each other at times? What he said to you next is well deserved, Tsukasa. Even though Amane didn't mean it literally. Understand his aching, feelings, pleading. SO?! .............
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on the verge of tears? Is that Amane face close to the one Tsukasa fantasize over from when he *killed* saved/protected him? What does this face of Amane mean to you Tsukasa!!! What kind of emotion do you see held in it!!! CAN YOU SEE THE HUGE LOVE!!!!
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Awww, it must feel lonely while like that.. let's add it to the family. a little side 'that rejects him' of Tsu he... AkaneAoi interaction got me I will go mad if Tsukasa went Aoi mode and came up with a thing like you don't really need me, I'm disappointing by your side..
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Tsukasa got him TALKING about his feelings?! WOOHOHO Finally?! I'm not dreaming?! GOOD JOB TSU!!!!!!
Come on, he actually voiced such sentence out loud?! It was there sleeping inside his heart for soooooo looooong!!!!! He said I "LOVE" you so much?! FINALLY?!
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He answered the question with words?! whooohoo we need to celebrate over here!!!
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Between question and answer.
Tsukasa!!! LET THAT SINK IN!!!!! in the way intented. please don't take it literally like your little self once assumed it. You see and think differently now, right?
And I was waiting for Nene to confess to him. Look at the move he took. AHAHAHA This arc is full of confessions on their side. WAAAHHH
Ok, now waiting for this next, thank you.
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And later on this!
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Come on, Amane! You can do it! Just take a step forward! You're almost there! I need you to reach this point, fianlly lose it and shout out all the love you have for him with all your might so Tsukasa will finally understand......
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What a nice way of talking he has. Between the 2, some cool development! Keep it up, Amane! I'm cheering for you! Talk more about your feelings!! Voice them out to those you love and love you back!!
It's impressive how he is ready to let Nene go twice and with Tsukasa... that's never an option.
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I assume it's within his belief of she will move on someday, and have her dreams achieved and have a nice life, she doesn't really need him there to be happy as he voiced out before. now we have a swap with Tsukasa taking his place as he takes Nene's. tragic.
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While with Tsukasa, he knows they can't ever let go of each other, it's never an option for them.
Yet, Tsukasa insists on leaving him, on sacrificing himself! One time, another time, and another time! Give the boy a break!!! His heart won't take it anymore!!!
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If there is a thing he won't want to ever happen it's to lose you!!! He is NOT happy without you beside him!!
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He does want to be with you, but he needs to be shown you REALLY wants it. That you needs him to be happy. That you needs him beside you. He needs a reason to stay.
Ok, Amane. Give him the reason to stay by your side. Let this 'I hate you' shine. Come on, prove to Tsukasa what he is worth to you! Tell him/show him what you want for real, your real desire, what makes you happy for real. And!!! Tsukasa, accept his wish!
Would having a wish coming true make him happy if he were to lose you?! I mean, if you're not gone Nene is also saved! who cares for her wish, huh?! Amane always comes first to you, right? Your top priority is to keep the promise you made to him and grant his real wish. Didn't you ask him to decide?! He did!!! Consider his decision!!!
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You always go saying people should have the chance to do what they want, alright! Between the contrasting wants of your twin AMANE and assistant, which will you choose?! One has to get lost. It's her! Care for those who care for you, not the ones who want you gone to get what they want.
Between the 2 of you... what would keeping that promise mean if he were to lose you in exchange? He doesn't want that.
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I seriously wonder if Amane knew these… would he react nicely to her? Those who treat his precious ones as if they were nothing… oh… will he be merciless?
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Seriously, even though I was trying to give her a chance, even though I was trying to keep in mind she might have had a hard life and just wants to be free, with everything new I see of her I can't help but despise her and her dog more. Sheesh. They piss me off.
The true definition of selfish and hypocrosity, manipulation at its best right there.
Anyway... TSUKASA!!!
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I can't with these 2.......
Then I remember Nene is fated to die and her life is linked to the yorishiros and I'm......... T.T ......... what is going on?! What's with all the drama?! Easy on ME!!!
I can't with all of them...
About Amane going for the yorsihrios detruction in the start... so... what was his plan really? Didn't he include Tsukasa in there...?
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So in the end, he doesn't want to do this? At least not with Tsukasa...
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Uhhh.... he doesn't want to *do it right* after all?
Tsukasa... the seal is there! It is right there on your face! Don't be blind and see what it means, Tsukasa!!! Before we ask for anyone else to see it, it's meant for you!! you're the one who needs to see what beautful meanings it holds! Isn't that obvious?
Talking issues-listening issues. Providing issues-understanding issues. Isn't it the perfect combination for the perfect miscommunication? How cruel.
Hmm, it's easy to stop Tsukasa if both Amane and Nene went: we won't destroy you, how about it?
Hmm... maybe some things naturally, intended by the bad 2 or maybe Tsukasa himself? come to play to force them to?
I'm toally confused. With time I will get a grip, for now... I will leave this here.
They seriously need to talk. One long talk, get over this miscommunication issue between them. Because I can't take it anymore.
Things escalated quickly this chapter, wooh.
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deadbydangit · 10 months
Oh my god! You have delivered! >////<
Any chance you could do Ghost Face and Pyramid Head with an injured S/O who is in pain? As in, injured?
I am so glad you're doing more than one killer. I can feel myself building an attachment to Pyramid Head haha <3
I'm so glad my writing is making everyone so happy. I'm going to add a few more characters to this. Please enjoy!
With an injured Reader
Ghostface, Pyramid Head, Mastermind, Cannibal
Ha! Dumbass.
He's going to tease the shit out of you first.
How'd you get hurt doing that?
And he will point and laugh.
That's just who he is.
You can't change that.
He doesn't have much medical knowledge, but he's got the basics.
If it's really serious then he'll show a lot more concern.
He doesn't have enough confidence in his first-aid abilities to fix this.
No Herman. Fuck off!
He's not going to attempt to fix that.
He knows he'll just make it worse.
He's actually really scared too.
"Don't worry. Sally's going to patch you up."
But his voice is shaking.
He's going to be holding onto you so tight that he might hurt you more.
He doesn't mean it.
Sally's going to kick him out.
Once he's able to see you, he's going to dote on you.
You won't ever have to lift a finger.
"Don't worry babe, I won't let it ever happen again. I'll protect you."
Pyramid Head
Oh dear.
His poor angel.
You come stumbling in all bruised and bloody and he's immediately running to pick you up.
He can't speak to console you, but he'll pet your hair gently.
He's surprisingly calm.
Perhaps he's just so used to finding people injured that he knows panicking will only do more harm than good.
He has no medical knowledge, so he's probably going to take you to Sally.
Herman may offer, but your boy isn't stupid. He knows Herman would intentionally make things worse.
He's patient and he knows not to interfere.
Sally knows what she's doing.
More so than him anyways.
He trusts her.
After, he'll listen to all the information given and follow all instructions to a T.
He will tend to your wounds, change your bandages, feed you, get you anything you might need.
He's very attentive, if not borderline smoothering.
It pains him to see you brutalized.
You don't deserve this.
Whatever or whoever hurt you will never do so again.
Because he's already destroyed them.
No one should dare hurt his angel.
"Have you learnt your lesson?"
"How did you manage to hurt yourself in that manner?"
He's used to giving orders.
And sometimes giving orders meant not being very nice or sympathetic.
If it's nothing serious, he'll be rather irritated unless it was something completely unavoidable.
But, he doesn't realize you aren't him and can't dodge or withstand the damage he can.
If it's something serious, you'll find yourself in his arms faster than you can see him move.
"Who did this?"
"How did this happen?"
Almost like he wants a debriefing.
Again, it's just how he is.
He'll go after the perpetrator at a later time.
After getting information, he'll make quick work of patching you up.
He's very good at it as well.
All those years as an Umbrella scientist and working for S.T.A.R.S. really makes him well suited for drastic situations.
He'll be giving you a steady supply of what you need.
But he won't indulge you as much as the other would.
And only the minimum amount of drugs.
Unless, of course, you want to give Uroburos a try.
Wesker will spend time with you though, you won't have to worry about being alone.
He won't let anyone harm you again.
Until he leaves one day and comes back an hour later soaked in someone else's blood.
"It's been taken care of dear. No need to worry about them any longer. Now rest. I'm here."
Oh no!
You're injured!
Even if it's minor, he'll be rather panicked.
However, he knows how to take care of it.
If it's something simple or you need stitches, he can help.
He took a very feminine role in his household.
So taking care of others comes as first nature.
If it's something big, he's going to need help.
Bubba can't even begin to think about losing you.
He's not the smartest, but he knows Herman won't be helpful.
He'll turn to Sally for assistance.
He'll be a blubbering sobbing mess trying to explain what was happening.
She knows it isn't his fault.
She will have to keep him out when treating you.
He'll be trying to cling onto you the whole time.
Someone is going to have to physically restrain him so he doesn't burst into the office.
Once he gets you back home, he won't leave your side.
Only to get you what you need.
If you want anything, you tell him.
He feels so guilty that he wasn't there to protect you.
One day you'll be sleeping and wake up to your attacker's severed head and a smiling Bubba.
He loves you so much, he killed the person who hurt you and brought you their head.
Just let him have this. He's really trying.
He wasn't there to protect you before, but you won't have to worry about that ever again.
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writtenbysprout · 1 year
One in a million
Aaron takes pride in his work. It brings him somewhat comfort being able to read people like they're nothing but an open book. He can choose wether or not he want to engage or leave it half read. And most times he ends up going for the later.
Even in everyday interactions throughout his day he encounters people he dissect and pick apart. It's become a habit of mostly shoving his habit under the blanket and trying to go about his day as normal. But that comes to a full halt when he sees you for the first time.
Seated in a chair at his favorite coffee house, you have your headphones on. A pair of noise cancelling ones that allow you to devour your book in peace and quiet.
His eyes search you for something, anything, solid to get a grasp on, but he wounds up empty handed. Sure he could easily dissect your surroundings, your choice of beverage, your choice in literature, but that wouldn't be the same. He wouldn't see you.
The real you.
Looking around he glanced over a few people too see if he was just off by some chance today, but as per usual his mind easily searched each and every person he'd caught a glance off and easily gotten a read on them.
His eyes found their way back on you, still seated in the armchair. Now nursing a cup with one hand and holding your book in the other. Eyes glued onto the pages as you kept existing in your own little bubble.
Baffled by the sudden abnormality in which yoy made him feel, he caught himself starting at you. Mostly in confusion, but also a sliver of awe. In all his years as a profiler you were the first he hadn't been able to get a propper read on.
It frustrated him, but somehow it also intrigued him.
It was a busy Saturday morning and the coffee house was slowly filling up with all kinds of people. Also meaning seats was rapidly being occupied. Yet somehow the one spot opposite of you was still left.
Before he knew it, he made his way over and gestured to the spot opposite of you. This was far out of his comfort zone, but he knew that if he didn't find a way of figuring out the puzzle of you, he'd regret it deeply.
You notice the figure approaching before he came to a halt just as you placed your empty cup on the table in front of you. Moving one side of the headphones away from your ear you tilted your head to one side awaiting his question.
"Mind if I take this seat, it's starting to get pretty full in here.."
"Sure thing!" You beam in response, adjusting your seat as if he was to take your own spot. "Be my guest."
"Want a refill?" He nods at your empty cup and before you can answer he adds, "I'm on my way over anyways so I might as well."
You present him with your name. Allowing him to taste it before you follow it up with: "just tell them I sent you over and they'll know what to make."
He offers a simple nod, the gentlest of smiles and heads off to get you both drinks. Meanwhile you throw your cardigan over in his chair to reserve it for him before diving back into your book. Unaware of the brown eyes barely leaving you for too long.
Perhaps scared you'd vanish if he looked away. Or maybe it was the curiousity he felt towards you.
When he returns you're once again religiously reading the novel. Only when he places the cup on your side of the table do you notice his return. Quickly packing away your stuff you grant him your full attention.
"Thank you.." You quickly reach out for the beverage, curling up in the chair as you nurse the cup in between your hands.
"Thank you, Aaron." Had he not already been intrigued by you, he sure would've been upon hearing you muse his name. It just felt right having you say it. Like a long lost tune he heard at some point in his life, but never could find again. Until now.
"I haven't seen you here before." You lull him out of his mind as you continue the conversation curious about the handsome stranger.
"I only come around when I'm off work." He admits, his eyes softens as he notice your gaze upon him.
"Oh, let me try to guess.." You jump up in your seat, correcting your posture before you knit your brows together, looking him up and down. Aaron can't help but find it amusing having you try to do the thing he'd been trying to do to you all this time. He manages to hide his smile behind the coffee as he brings it up to his lips.
"You present yourself with authority.. Maybe a boss or supervisor of some kind." You resonate loudly for the both of you. "My initial thought was lawyer, but something tells me you'd much rather do something about injustice right off the bat rather than wait for the legal process to send them too you.. So I'll guess a officer of some sort or maybe even a agent with the CIA.."
You conclude your analysis of him by taking a sip of the coffee. Awaiting his reaction patiently. And much like anticipated you watch his eyes widen before his brows furrows in confusion.
"How'd you.."
"Oh it's easy really.. The way you claim the room when you walked in was the first strike." You chuckle as you think back to when he first entred the coffee house. You were a curious person of nature and loved reading people for the fun of it. Yet you rarely presented the deduction to the people you observe. "The second go was how you chose your words carefully, leaving no room for wrong interpretations. In a way only a boss or someone who leads a team would do."
A deep chuckle escape him and fills you with the most content of feelings in ways you didn't think were possible.
"Spot on"
"Really, except the CIA part."
You feel the heat rise to your cheeks. His eyes coam you and you can't help but feel blessed. Having spent less then a few minutes with this man and you were already at his mercy. He could step on you and you'd thank him. But somehow you managed to show some self restraint by not melting completely under his gaze.
"Then what?"
You offer a hum in response, not truly sure if he's trying to pull one on you or actually telling the truth. There was way to many using the FBI as a way to check up people. But upon seeing the smile hiding in the corner of his mouth you knew he was telling the truth.
You found yourself unable to avoid looking at his perfectly carved features. Unable to think straight when he looked at you like that. Unable to maintain a single thought without creating a fantasy in which the two of you could spend eternity together.
When he calls your name you quickly snap back to reality where he great you with the gentle smile. He then speak up saying the words you thought you'd never hear;
"I'd really like to get to know you better, would you want to go out with me some time?"
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