#we're going into 3.0 like Buck
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If Buck had to apologize for the lawsuit then Eddie needs to apologize for this shit too
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leothil · 2 months
it's so obvious that Tommy because he knows how much Eddie means to Buck is going to be the one after his short stint is up that pretty much vocalizes to Buck, you're in love with Eddie. It's always been Eddie. Go get him. Heck Tim even called Tommy "Buck 3.0" which to me is an indication that he's like a character that we can see Buck grow into in the future with his confidence and stuff. It's like we're looking at how Buck is going to be in the future.
I laughed out loud when I read that comment from Tim. Like ok, are we really trying to say that Tommy is like Buck? That Buck thinks Tommy is a cooler version of him, or whatever Tim's exact words were? After all the directly stated parallels between Eddie and Tommy in the episode? Ok Tim. But I do love the idea that we'll get to see Buck grow into that kind of self-assured person!! That he finally gets to feel at home in his own skin! 🥹
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gayravi · 2 years
You think Eddie wouldn't be able to tell that Buck is hiding something from him? They are very aware when something is wrong with the other. And didn't you say we picture a moment of Buck and Chris dancing with Eddie watching them, so is Buck putting up a front for Chris?
it's my personal opinion that buck's always putting up a front. i think he's done it since he was a kid, since maddie left, probably. i mentioned it in another meta post about buck, but he's amazing at compartmentalizing parts of himself; he fits facets of his personality into little boxes and stores them away for when he needs them. the way i think about it is like:
Buck’s tendency to compartmentalize himself; thinking that if he creates different versions of himself, it’ll make people like him more (validation); Buck 1.0 was to be liked solely for physical reasons; Buck 2.0 was to be liked because he was growing (reformation); Buck 3.0 was to be liked because he was finally dealing with his issues (maturity)
so i think that we're always seeing a version of buck that's at least partially a mask, and the only time it slips, really, is when something traumatic/drastic is happening -- the shooting, the well, the hostage situation; those were all instances where the real buck started to crack through, imo.
and you're right, buck and eddie are absolutely intune with each other. but if eddie only knows this version of buck that buck lets himself be (and this has nothing to do with eddie and everything to do with buck), then he won't really know when it changes unless buck's completely off kilter, right? so if buck is miserable -- and he is miserable, he's been miserable for like, all of season 5 -- but he's putting on a front, eddie isn't necessarily going to clock it (nor should we expect him to, really). buck is also so incredibly good at focusing on other people's problems/making them his own that he's fantastic at ignoring the things plaguing him; by 5x18, assuming eddie is on a path to healing and so is maddie, buck is finally going to have to confront some demons
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4x06 -
Buck: "It's like the universe is screaming at you but you refuse to listen."
Eddie: "The universe doesn't scream."
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*Eddie starts dating Ana, interacts with the fake firefighter Brian who is posing as someone else, a real firefighter named Harmon, who does more harm than good in trying to help and be someone else*
Eddie: "All he ever wanted to be was a firefighter."
Bobby: "Yeah, he's one of those guys that try out for every class and they still don't make it, but never give up."
Eddie: "You gotta admire their perseverance."
Bobby: "I do. And their dedication. But I also feel sorry for them. They're so focused on what they don't have, they miss the chance to have something else. Something real. Sometimes you gotta move on."
*if there is something that is shall we say hidden about Eddie, that the universe is screaming at him about, doesn't this dialogue above make more sense?*
Eddie: "We're back to Ana Flores. Really thought you of all people would understand."
Bobby: "That's why I'm saying it to you."
*not only did Bobby not confirm or deny that Ana is exactly who he was talking about but for the rest of the season, we never see Ana interact with Bobby or the 118 at all, even after Eddie has been shot; she interacts with Buck through a two second phone call that we only hear his side of the conversation, she's there when Buck and Eddie see each other again, and she's in the same room when Buck brings Eddie home*
Eddie: "But you're happy now? I mean, with Athena and the kids?"
*Eddie is literally looking for an answer here, can he be happy if he moves on, with Ana?*
We have the scene where Eddie brings up Ana to Buck and the scene where Buck mentions Ana in front of Hen, Chim, and Bobby. In the second scene, Eddie is clearly uncomfortable and doesn't want to be pushed which results later on with his talk with Bobby. In the first scene, Eddie while shaking his head at Buck's addition of "pretty", clearly is more comfortable bringing it up to Buck, but also it seems like he's almost gauging Buck's reaction (0:07)? "You haven't mentioned her in a while."
And of course in the beginning of the episode, we have Buck talking about him upgrading to Buck 3.0 and how he's looking forward to the future:
Eddie: "I'm still not sure what inspired the software update."
Hen: "Wait, your parents lied to you your entire life and you're just gonna let that go? What's your secret?"
Buck: "Therapy. As in my parents agreed to come to a few sessions with me, work our stuff out. Look, they're trying, I figure I should try, too, right?"
Hen: "Very mature, Buck."
Buck: "Very Buck 3.0."
Hen: "Okay, I'm not calling you that."
Eddie: "You're allowed to give yourself some time you know, to process."
Buck: "I know. I'm just tired of looking behind me. I'm ready to start thinking about the future." *Eddie looks to Chim then to Buck; Hen is looking at Eddie then Buck*
So not only was Buck in a prime position to start looking to the future, he had "upgraded". The very same episode Bobby is telling Eddie to move on, to not miss the chance to have something real, and based on every one of the 118's urging, he calls Ana and starts a relationship with her.
Then we have this scene:
Eddie is clearly looking at Bobby here when he says "Sorry, guys, I already have plans." Bobby gives him a nod of approval (which is what Eddie was definitely looking for) and then the camera brings Buck's confused expression into focus before we see Eddie walking away. We only see Chim's and Hen's reactions when we see the wide shot of the 118 walking in the opposite direction, with Buck looking back quickly before they exit.
Which, side note, Buck's line and reaction in this scene almost kind of mirror this scene this breakfast scene in 4x12 (right down to the scene of something happening in the episode being shown as Athena, instead of Bobby, explains it) though we do see Eddie's expression this time when Buck has his line as we do see everyone else's (but Taylor's). This is right before Taylor friendzones Buck.
Back in the 4x06 breakfast scene with the 118, this dialogue is present:
Buck: "This guy Brian was never actually a firefighter."
Bobby: "Never. He didn't pass the training."
Hen: "Well, where did he get the gear? Everything he had was pretty legit."
Bobby: "House 147 was in the debris field of that mudslide. It's been out of commission ever since. He stole some gear, looked legit. Just like one of us."
Chim: "Right into the mix."
*we see the scene where he treats Ana, no coincidence that he interacted with Ana first and that's how we became aware of a fake firefighter out there, nor is it coincidental that Eddie came across her this way and was the one to really treat her arm*
Hen: "Without anyone even noticing." *voiceover as Brian lays ice on Ana's arm*
Chim: "Who knows how many times he swiped out on his own trying to save the day when it didn't need saving?"
Hen: "You know, that's the one part I don't get. He said he wanted to help people. So why call in a fake gas leak?"
Bobby: "Because he thought it was real." *shot of Buck looking from Hen to Bobby*
*then we see the scene of Brian calling the restaurant owner about the gas leak*
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Buck: "He wasn't just a fake firefighter, he was a terrible one."
And before the 118 digs in, they show this, with Buck being the only one to have food on his fork, a freaking sausage I might add that they obviously did more than one take for (shot before this is a whole link, this shot is half eaten):
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Then their breakfast is interrupted by a woman having a heart attack and the 118 helping her. "Buck, get the Lifepak." "On it, Cap."
*then we go straight into Eddie's date scene with Ana where he is rubbing his forehead, waiting for her, almost seems to be second guessing himself, until he sees that she's shown up; he seems absolutely uncomfortable and unsure until Ana tells him that she's glad he called, then he relaxes and is more comfortable until the end of the scene*
Eddie and Ana: "No coffee." "Jinx."
4x08 -
Taylor: "You ever think maybe you just need to be patient? Let the universe come to you?"
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Taylor: "I didn't think so."
*not only is Buck struggling with the recent development between Albert and Veronica but Taylor shows back up in his life in this episode*
Buck: "It's not just about Albert dating Veronica. I really thought this was gonna be my year. Started going to therapy, working on my issues with my parents. I felt ready to meet someone. Start a meaningful relationship."
Taylor: "I've met the people you work with. Your life is nothing but meaningful relationships."
Buck: "Doesn't seem the same."
*we see Eddie is struggling with telling Christopher that he's dating, we see Christopher's reaction and who he runs to, to get reassurance from that he's not going anywhere*
During the scene where Eddie finds Christopher missing and Buck calls him, we get this shot (the camera purposely panned to make sure this side of the room was captured during the scene):
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Earlier in the episode when Eddie comes home from his date and he goes to tuck Christopher in, we see this same theme again, this time in Christopher's pajamas:
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Not a coincidence.
Then in 4x13, after Carla has told Eddie to follow his heart, and right before Ana walks in:
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To be fair, the hanging solar system could still be there but they purposely chose not to include it in this shot (if it's there).
And later on in 4x13 for the dinner scene with Eddie, Ana, Christopher, and Carla, if you look closely, you can see a guy on a surfboard on his shirt:
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(no matter how much I zoom in here, I really cannot tell what is on the left side of the shirt but maybe someone else knows?)
Not to mention any other time Ana has been around, Christopher has been in pretty plain clothing. The only time his clothing has a theme to it (outside of above) is when he interrupts Eddie and Ana in 4x10 and sits in between them. He has dinosaur PJ's on which indicates to me "past" which would go pretty well with the whole "Ana is the same mistake Eddie is making, going down the road with Shannon" but that's just my personal take.
The universe did come to Buck, in the form of Christopher in 4x08 (his clothing even there shows a spaceship), indicated by that shot of Eddie in Christopher's room. His world ran to Buck.
Buck isn't patient like Taylor says, he wants this to be his year, he wants to meet someone, he wants to start building a future. Taylor friendzones him but it's pretty obvious he thinks it's her he wants to start something meaningful with. Especially, after Eddie got shot and nearly died. Like Taylor says to him: "You didn't chase after me" and his response: "Listen, I, uh, spent a long time feeling like I wasn't enough. And I don't wanna do that again. So if you don't want me..."
He is now sitting back, letting the universe come to him. Which it does, in the form of Taylor, or so he thinks. "I do. I really do."
Buck was ready back in 4x06, or at the very least, on his way to being ready. Eddie started dating Ana. "It's like the universe is screaming at you but you refuse to listen." (Buck to Eddie) Eddie realizes in 4x14 that he needs to follow his heart like Carla said and he lets Buck know how important he is to him and Christopher. "Because, Evan..." Buck started dating Taylor. "You ever think maybe you just need to be patient? Let the universe come to you?" (Taylor to Buck)
In conclusion, these two are idiots and the universe is tired.
The universe has been screaming so damn loudly that these two need to get their crap together and then get together.
Even Christopher is tired of their shit. Bobby, Athena, Hen, Karen, Chim, Maddie, Carla, Pepa, Abuela, and even Abby out in Phoenix will breathe a huge sigh of relief once these two sort their stuff out and take the plunge. The universe will indeed stop screaming once they do. Eddie needs to stop ignoring it (which I think he will post season 4) and Buck needs to sit back and just let it (aka Eddie) come to him. And these two need to seriously stop misreading the signs.
"We all miss the signs sometimes." (4x08)
At this point, Buck and Eddie have a hit new all-time record for how many damn signs they've missed. No wonder the universe is getting tired of their shit. (4x13) Good God, guys, sort this out before a live power pole and a deranged sniper is the least of your problems.
Ah shit. Spoke too soon.
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iconicbuck · 3 years
Is he talking to Taylor here? I don't think so. My guess is that Taylor's not even there yet. I feel like this scene is in Bobby and Athena's house. They probably have a small gathering there to celebrate the success of their call. My theory about the "great" line is, Eddie comes to Buck to where he's standing and invited him to his house to finally meet Ana for dinner or whatever. Buck of course agree and he felt like uncomfortable ( I have no proof to back up his discomfort but the way how he looks when he said "great" doesn't look or sound like he's excited or happy) then Eddie is glad Buck agrees and leave him to meet the other people in the area. That moment is when he said "great" and then the doorbell rings signaling Taylor's arrival.
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Then here it is, Buck and Taylor finally talking and even said they make a great team.
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But what makes Eddie decides to finally introduce Buck to Ana after more than 3 months of dating?
Again, my theory about this came from a pattern of events that happened from the previous episodes. Eddie's impulsive decisions has something to do with Buck's actions. Here's why.
Taylor Kelly was first introduced in 2x06 Dosed episode. Buck clearly show interest on Taylor after rescuing her on that chopper. It was also clear he show his interest when Taylor visited the firehouse for a documentary. Everybody was there to witness, including Eddie.
Shannon was first introduced in 2x07 Haunted episode through Carla's insistence. Carla talked sense to Eddie that Christopher needs his mother though Eddie made it pretty clear he doesn't want Shannon back in his life but because of Carla and the school, he finally gave in and invited Shan to his house. After the argument, he considered reconciling with his wife after the school visit and kissed her. Though hesitant at first, he kissed her again like kissing all his pain away.
Buck jumps back to the dating scene in 2x08 Buck Actually episode. He had sex with Taylor in a public restroom. He even went as far as talking about it to the 118 especially with Bobby. Eddie was there and he heard it. Also, during the episode, Ali's been calling Buck but was hesitant at first. Closing the episode, he finally agreed to meet Ali in a shop. That's when they started dating.
It is now known to everyone that Buck is dating Ali. This is when Eddie finally had sex with his wife in 2x10 Merry Ex-mas episode. After having sex and arguments, Eddie invited Buck instead to join him and Christopher to visit Santa. Buck loves to cry about the military surprised their family videos, Eddie realizes that he fully needs Shannon for Christopher.
Buck and Ali's relationship continues to grow (but there wasn't any build up) Buck finally found an apartment for himself so Ali can stay whenever she wants. Eddie and Shannon's relationship reconciled but it feels like they're both walking on eggshells. The only push that Eddie needs is that when Shannon though she's pregnant but was false alarm. She felt like Eddie looked at her as Chris' mom but not his wife anymore and so she wanted file a divorce and eventually died in 2x17 Careful what you wish for episode.
In 2x18, Ali left Buck. She loves him yes, but she can't handle Buck's job anymore after seeing him almost died.
Season 3 both Buck and Eddie are single. Hmm suspicious.
In Season 4 (LS's crossover episode) Buck was caught staring to Marjan by Hen and Eddie confirmed it by saying "you're staring" looking disappointed. Disappointed Eddie joins Judd, Paul and Marjan instead of his partner. He was intrigued why Buck was staring at her and decides to follows her on Insta. He talks about Buck helping him build the skateboard (It was Buck's idea anyway) and not-so defending him that he's harmless but mostly. It was bordering defending but clearing him while staring at Marjan to get a reaction from her. And later on asked her to follow back Buck in Insta. A mission accomplished for Eddie.
In 4x06, Buck announced the software update to Buck 3.0 - Kinder and Gentler version of himself. It was also his declaration of moving on from the past and starts to look for his future because he was tired of looking behind his shoulder. Eddie processed all the new information and even said that Buck should allow to give himself some time to process. An advice that he's been doing to himself, allowing some time to mourn more. STUCK. Eddie met Ana again. He talked about it to Buck but nothing came out of their conversation. He almost forgot about it when Buck's bratty attitude cornered him in front of his team mates about Ana's love languages (Like as if Eddie knows, right?) Hen, Chim and Bobby interrogates him about her. It was then implied that Eddie has no plans of dating Ana but it was Bobby that pushed him to go back out there to find something real. So Eddie dates Ana in an episode called JINX.
After learning Eddie's date (an implied scenario) Buck let himself back to the market as well in 4x07 and dated Veronica. It ended up in a disaster. He talks about it to Eddie even if the date didn't end well. Information is key.
After learning of Buck's back to dating again, Eddie dates Ana again, in her house. A Math date which he set an alarm for. Eddie did even say she's a terrible Math teacher but a great cook and an amazing woman. Just like a female version of someone. Buck is terrible at Math, can cook and obviously an amazing guy. Buck asked Eddie how was the date and he answered without looking his eye that she taught her MATH. It was an intentional slap to Buck's lack of Math knowledge. Why mention Math? I will never understand. Also, Taylor Kelly is back again. Covering at the same time the 118 attending the call. Buck was with Taylor most of the 6-hour waiting call while the 118 we're almost together. An implication that everyone knows including Eddie that Buck is with Taylor talking to her the whole damn time. So that night an impulse decision was made, he tells Chris that he's seeing someone. Christopher didn't take the news right and went straight to Buck's. Since they didn't show the scene where Eddie picks Chris to Buck's house where most probably he learned that Buck just came from a double date with Taylor and Albert with Veronica, and after learning Taylor called Buck to ask for a miracle, another impulse decision Eddie has made, he let Ana introduce her to his son too soon..
While Buck and Taylor continues to be friends, Eddie and Ana's relationship continues after 3 months of dating as seen by the time jump in 4x10 Parenthood episode.
As you can see, everything that Buck does first, it affects Eddie... In a very SUBTLE WAY. Another perfect example was the lawsuit. Buck's lawyer told Buck to stop communicating to the 118 (including Eddie) until the arbitration. The none contact triggered Eddie's past from Shannon. It was an implication that he put Buck in Shannon's position. The none contact has seen Eddie in an instant downward spiral. His impulsive decisions and constipated emotions led him to jail and almost kill someone in an underground fight club. This is the same person who will do everything for his SON, fyi.
So what I'm trying to say again here is, after the episodes 4x11 and 4x12 where most probably a Buck/Taylor centric episodes, Eddie's gonna make an impulse decision again and invite Buck to finally meet Ana to his house. And Buck, most probably bring Taylor with him. We'll see about that.
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dirtycreekwater · 3 years
Running Away Is Easy
Buck’s hidden it really well but he hasn’t been himself since the lawsuit. so he decides literally following in his sister’s footsteps is what would be best for everyone.
word count: 734
part one. part two. part three. part four.
tw • neglect mention, violence mention, accident/injury mention. natural disaster/drowning mention, ptsd/dissociation type symptoms, anxiety/depression/insecurity themes • tw
a/n: this was originally going to just be a one shot song fic for time moves slow but then listening to to build a home gave me an idea on how to make it a lil series so enjoy lol also im sorry if theres ever any parts that don’t make sense i wrote this when i was sleep deprived and tbh thats usually how im able to write lmfao
I found you at the window again
Looking out, watching the leaves falling in
And it was something like a dream
Wow, so perfect, couldn't talk to me
Buck wasn’t entirely sure when he had made up his mind. Maybe it was during the aftermath of the lawsuit. Maybe it was when he learned his parents kept a huge secret from him and never really wanted him. Maybe it was when Bobby tore into him for basically painting a target on his chest. Maybe it was when Chimney lost control and hit him. Or maybe it was one of the times Eddie falls quiet in his presence, and simply watches the world go by.
Time moves slow
When you're all alone
Sometimes Buck swears he’s still under the ladder truck, and everything that’s happened since has all been a vivid hallucination. He almost wished that were true. Maybe there’s a version of himself that didn’t fuck everything up beyond total repair.
And the time moves slow
When you're out on your own
Other times Buck feels like he’s drowning. Like the waves of the tsunami pulled him under, and he never resurfaced; he’s constantly struggling against the force and he can never swim fast enough.
And the time moves slow
When you're missing a friend
Things seemed to have gone back to normal from an outside perspective. To him though his family has never felt the same.
And the time moves slow
When you came to the end
At this point Buck was on autopilot, just moving through the motions. To others he seemed fine. Like Buck 3.0.
He had never felt more numb.
Running away is easy
It's the leaving that's hard
Logistically, Buck knew his decision to leave and start over wouldn’t be too difficult. He’s done it so many times before he’s lost count. It was different now though. He finally had a real family, a stable job. People to come home to. Was he really going to leave that all behind? It may not be the same anymore, but it’s still something. And maybe something was all he needed. Just anything to hold on to. Even if his grasp was slipping more and more everyday. It was lonely but it was tangible and reachable. Nothing else existed outside of this bubble he’s created. It was all a concept. A what if.
Running away is easy
It's the living that's hard
He just wasn’t really sure if he was truly living anymore. Was trying to hold onto something that could so easily be taken away worth it? Bobby would probably give him that look, and say yes. Yes, of course it’s worth it. Hold it as tight as you can. You’ll regret it if you’re the one to let go.
And loving you was easy
It was you leaving that scarred
Bobby’s advice wouldn’t help much though. So many people have left him already. Maddie abandoned him and then left again, Chimney basically left twice; the punch was the first loose thread, leaving tore everything to shreds. Eddie never physically left, but does that matter when it constantly feels like he’s pulling away?
But what was I to do?
Just couldn't help myself falling in love with you
And what could I say?
Oh, if I had another chance
To make you stay
'Cause when you ran away
I knew just what you were thinking that day
You just didn't love me like I do
Like I love you
To think Eddie could ever love him back was foolish; a pipe dream.
The sad thing is we're better off this way
Time moves slow
When you can't have a thing
Time moves slow
When you're lost in the dream
Time moves slow
When you wait by the phone
His decision was final. He wasn’t going to drag anyone down with him anymore.
Buck set his car keys down onto the counter, grabbed his luggage, and made his way out of the loft that never quite felt like home.
And as if Sunny California was mocking him, rain poured down his back as he rushed to catch the next bus out of the city.
His phone managed to survive the torrential downpour so he checked the time.
7:30am. Thirty minutes into his shift.
He hasn’t received a single call or text.
And the time moves slow
When you're all alone
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