#we're going to block when things mildly annoy me
novantinuum · 5 months
Anyways, I declare this era as Steven Universe Fixation 2: More Fun, Less Bullshit
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sayorithot · 11 months
tonight's kinda Extreme fantasy:
me and a big guy are both holding. he is probably doing it for some prize, not the enjoyment of the thing, so he's confident but mildly frustrated. then he spots me. we're both holding the same amount, but because I have such a smaller frame, it's showing so much more on me. at first he doesn't understand, getting annoyed because I seem to not be reacting with such a fuller bladder, but when I explain best I can what's happening, he stops and gets a lil jealous bc I have smth that's helping me hold better
later, after the contest or whatever is over, he finds and grabs me, shoving me onto his cock and under his belly with a laugh, saying he's been wanting to do this a while... and then unleashes a torrent of piss in my already strained guts, doubling the size of my belly in moments while I yell. but basically, it's breaking my brain, especially since I haven't gotten to pee yet. his huge cock in my ass blocks the way for me to properly piss. so I'm sitting there, brain breaking with every moment I'm full of BOTH of our piss, and he shoves me deeper on his cock, tucks me into his pants, and walks away with my awkward bulge showing. he's going to enjoy having a little human toilet he can release in every time he likes, especially as I start moaning and squirming as my brain finally breaks and accepts my new role in life.
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Anyway my computer trouble is not the wildest thing to happen to me yesterday/today.
A strong contender was viewing a house without a bathroom, where the shower is a stall next to the back door where if you step out past the curtain you are fully naked in full view of the kitchen sink.
However, that does not take the crown.
No, that goes to the water company. Yesterday I was plagued and besieged by incessant noise until I left for my partner's before having my morning coffee (this will become important), and discovered on the way out that the water company had blocked off the main access lane to my building, so I had to go out through the garden; this meant I'd have to come in by going around the block (up a hill) bc the garden isn't accessible from the outside. Okay, fine. Sometimes works happen.
I drop by mid-afternoon and see that the road's fully dug up. Annoying, but I'm only dropping by; I grab a can of coke (again, important) and leave again. I'm mildly irritated that we weren't warned and now I have to go up the hill to get back in, but that's all.
I get back in the evening; the road is still dug up. Ugh. I go to the loo and wash my hands. This is, crucially, the first time I've used the water in my flat since my morning cuppa at 7am. The water explodes out of the tap, brown.
Uh oh. Now, I was lucky in that my hot water gets taken in the night before, heated up, and sits in its own tank during the day; I could draw off that water into the kettle and all the clean cups I had and be reasonably sure it came from Sunday, aka before the works happened. So I had some water. But it's late, the phone lines are shut, and I figure it's not technically an emergency because they already know about it.
Also, when I go to look for the contact details, I discover my laptop thinks it doesn't have a network adaptor. Which, I'm sorry to say, took priority.
So this morning I check it; it's not exploding anymore, and it's cloudy rather than brown, but I still don't trust it. I figure once my partner wakes up I'll go take the little water carrier we have for camping down and fill up there. But I want to know what's going on and how long I have to plan for. So I call the water company when lines open.
The verdict, after two holds?
"Uhhhhhhh, we're going to have to call the depot and get them to call you, our map's not showing any operations in your area..."
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erika-xero · 1 year
I know that image generators look scary and there are some authors out there who's work looks undistinguishable from real art, because they train their models by themselves, but, you know, it's only a few people among thousands and the majority of Ai-bros have such a zero-effort mentally that they even don't want to master proper prompt-writing.
And I also feel sad and honestly mildly annoyed when people around me start panicking and guessing the worst possible outcomes with AI starting to create timelapses and deepfake videos with "artists" painting in traditional media to fool everyone around and ruin lives of artists because "the tech is malicious and tech bros will go THIS FAR to ruin the art market".
This things might not even happen, and if they will - well, I do not think that there's anything you can do about it either than to continue drawing – if you even like doing it, of course. If not - well, you can train your own model and be happy doing generated pics for fun idk.
We're in the middle of crisis, people are losing jobs. Big companies lays off thousands of employees. There're wars going on, earthquakes, industrial catastrophies, my friends are at risk of getting killed every single day for a year now.
My country is under sanctions. I can lose access to every single payment system within days, I can lose access to any website because everything gets blocked by the govs along side with vpn services. People can get sued for drawing gay characters. People can get sued for the stories they're writing because there are antimilitarist ideas in it. There are dozens of reasons why I can lose my job but I do not plan on stopping drawing and writing anyway.
I do not fear of ai.
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twilightarcade · 1 year
What is the best/most recent/most interesting (up to you!) Dream youve had that you can somewhat rememeber?
OK SO. my dreams are somewhat all over the board. Either bleeding into reality (this is annoying as hell and really fucks with me sometimes), being mildly off the walls (Things Occurring in rapid succession with no clear reason or logic), or something really silly we're not geting into. Generally this is more of a spectrum however (imagine an xyz plane of borderline reality to clearly never happened, off the walls things happening to basic and understandable narrative, and silly to not silly). Last night's dream for example lands on the slightly silly, would be near reality if not for the batshit plot.
THAT SAID. We aren't talking about lasts night dream sorry babe (BABE REFFERINGTO THE DREAM). I DO however have a few assorted dreams that I've tucked under the "try not to forget because they were of interest" category (they're living in my brain right next to the dreams that I won't forget.) I may or may not have talked about them before, but we have the reoccurring power rangers plot, the dragon under the Italian restaurant dream, THEN THIS ONE DREAM.
power rangers plot. Alright. Basically, I'm generally at my house or my childhood home (feels dramatic to say it like that), and like. Things start occurring. Ranging from me getting evicted to there being fighting outside for no good reason. Regardless of the case, I get contacted by none other than the power rangers. For some reason, I have the morphin crystal whatevers in my possession and I need to go fight whatever evil is occurring directly outside my home (they want to steal the crystals. Obviously.) I, a power ranger, go fight them, nearly die a bunch of times (can't actually die I'm a power ranger. Duh.) And inevitably wake up with no real. Conclusion.
DRAGON DREAM. Had this dream when I was a kid (I forget exact age) and fell absolutely in love like I thought about this dream so much I expanded the world and made more characters and plot lines to fit in and everything. I tried sooo hard to have this dream again just so I could make my dreams (thoughts???) a reality (dream.?) I don't think I ever managed to. Very basic plot summary is: restaurant is advertising dragon slides, huge room with dragon, one real, one clearly fake, dragon advertised as hyper realistic replica, dragon is real and literally eating people. I fell. Absolutely in love with this concept. Thought about it for days on end. There was even this "plot"??? Where people were divided over whether they hated and wanted to kill the dragon or wanted to continue living under the dragon in fear (dragon was orchestrating the whole thing in this plotline and threatened to eat anyone who disagreed) and I don't think that plotline ever actually reached a conclusion.
ANYWAYS DROPPING THAT FOR NOW umm. There's a lot of like. People from my dreams I think about a bit. There was this one particularly fucked up dream I'm not getting into, and there's this one lady I think about a bit. She was a deeply saddened individual to say the least and I wish her the best. There's potato the white lab (maybe?) who I kind of love and would do anything for (he got lost then I found him. Ignoring the rest of the dream. Obama was there.) Who wasn't there for like half the dream and wasn't even my dog. There's the awkward host from dragon dream. Absolute loser. A few days ago we had the lesbians that blocked my way to the drinking fountain because they were making out and i didnt want to bother them (this dream had an absolutely unfollowable plot too.)
ALSO shout out to all those silly dreams that appealed to my fears. Generally those have the most solid plotline which is mildly annoying. Honestly I don't really need their help to be scared thanks I do that to myself enough though. I'm still not sure if the screwdriver thing was from a dream or just a really stupidly active imagination because well! It's certainly active. Just don't know why that in particular really stuck with me.
I think we would be here all day if I ever got to talk about everything I remember in depth </3
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justapeskyninja · 1 year
☠ ♥ ♦ surrender the tea
☠ What does someone have to do for an instant unfollow from you?
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You gotta be some kind of creep and or evil for me to do so.
Usually you were someone from a previous fandom that was toxic and I want nothing to do with you. I find out you bully and or guilt others. Rarely ever unfollow people for petty things like shipping related stuff or head canons (tumblr savior will save your life I swear), but yeah just try not to be a jerk or creep is all and we're all good.
Oh, I don't like being a plan B. If I reached out to you before various times and you decide you want to rp with me due to your favorite person (we all have one) not being around lately I just don't like being an after thought and then ditched. I put up with something like that for 3 years? (say you wanna do the thing with me but you never follow through when we plan) Finally had enough and just silently unfollowed and blocked them.
Yeah, I have too much patience unfortunately.
♥ What’s the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise?
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Going for the worse one? Let's fukkin' goooooooooo then!
Happened in the Sailor Moon fandom (I ain't even gonna be lowkey about it.) Fandom use to be filled with drama and so many cliques long ago, but this girl I was pretty decent buddies with outright accused me of sending her hate because she used a blog tracker and since I was the last one on said blog then I must have sent her anymous anon hate because logic.
Gave me a half assed apology after I expressed my irritation and disappointment in her, but doesn't stop there someone I was LONG time friends with online decided to take her side on it and believe all the BS she spewed because she was very much sweet on this guy (did the same thing to a girl that had dated him awhile back too in accusing her of stupid shit and that they couldn't be friends).
Ended a long time friendship (and a single ship between our muses) I really enjoyed with the guy, who didn't want to talk to me nor clear the air about it. Decided to fuck off from his blog because anyone but her and whomever was 'friends' with him could officially kiss his ass. SO, I decided from then I wanted to engage in that fandom anymore. (She has a rap in the fandom now and no one wants to interact with her though these days fandom for SM is pretty quiet far as I know but I'm never in it.)
And that young one is how I met and divorced your father.
Took me awhile to get over it, but with a long standing friend of mind got me through it, so I say fuck all that noise that happened back then.
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
♦ What was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you rp wise?
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Probably should have been filed under worse, but here we go. Got stalked on a blog and the person could NOT separate OOC FROM IC and red flags to show they thought said character wanted nothing to do with them. Had to block them and they kept sending anon related things to me. Eventually I just kinda abandoned the blog cause they would not leave me along with their weird obsession of my character.
On lighter note had someone that liked to just belittle Yuffie in IC and OOC because this girl definitely has no kind of skills, reedming personality and just knows stealing. So, DUH. That is her personality trait. Things I had to deal with in having this muse for about two decades is the unnecessary hate she's gotten over the years. Ya know, up until FF7 Remake makes everyone fine with her.
If you didn't love her at her worse you don't deserve her at her best.
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chronicparagon · 1 year
❀ & ♦ ~
❀ What has made you completely lose your chill?
[ It's very rare for me to get that way. The times that I have lost my chill is abusing other people like isolating them. I also lose my chill when in rare scenarios, drama escalated to affecting real life. That should never happen. I lose my chill when someone doesn't feel safe.
We're here to have fun, create stories together, make better characters, and worlds and become friends. We deserve to feel safe and comfortable in our blogs and social media. There is no need to be toxic or go as far as hurt others. ]
♦ What was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you rp wise?
[ I think it's the bots that have increased recently. They come in and people get excited that it's a new follower and rp partner, only to find out that it's a bot. One of the ones that followed me actually had Harmony as their first name. I thought that was kind of funny but other than that, it is pretty annoying. I don't usually comment on them but I can understand how they are annoying. The best way to deal with them is report these bots as spam and then block them.]
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The Spirit of Christmas
Did someone order a Christmas fic? Oneshot. Erik is being hassled by his annoying neighbor.
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Erik's eyes drooped as he looked down on the overgrown child standing before him, short, bundled up, and grinning in a hideous bulky sweater that Christmas threw up. Gold bells dangled from her sleeves. There were multicolored puff balls. His four-year-old play niece couldn't even make anything that ugly. Wasn't she embarrassed? No, she'd have to be somewhat aware for that to kick in.
From the moment she knocked on his door back in April with that same unsettling grin and an offering of rabbit-shaped cookies to let him know she was his new neighbor, he knew there was something wrong with her mentally, he just didn't know what. Needless to say the cookies went in the trash and from then, he'd made it a point to avoid her. He'd tried! On God he had, but as hard as he tried was as strong as she would not let that happen.
What went through that happy little empty head of hers? Did it sound like air blowing through or were there little dancing elves singing all day like Smurfs? As she beamed up at him, he didn't like the hope in her eyes. She was gonna ask for something and it was never anything simple like sugar or flour.
"Merry Christmas neighbor!" Her large dimples sank in. She looked sneaky.
He threw the door shut, but stopped when he heard a loud squeak. Her hand was in the crack blocking the door from closing in her face. That had to have hurt. Opening the door, he started to ask if she was okay but she spoke first, rubbing her hand with a slight wince.
"I've been watching you."
His eyebrows went down knitting together.
"I've seen a lot.. Things you don't think I've seen," she bragged with a smug cross of her jingling arms. Erik stiffened thinking of the bands of cash sitting out on his coffee table.. drugs in a duffel on the floor. His eyes narrowed.
"Oh?" His eyes flickered to the neighboring apartment doors as he wondered who else was watching. "What you see?"
She pushed her index into his chest. "You haven't had visitors since I moved in! No friends.. no family!"
Erik exhaled his relief. "I'm not a people-person."
"If you're a people, you're a person. That makes you a people person," she chirped. Again she made no sense. Erik took a long blink closing the door more carefully this time. "Wait," her hand jetted out again. It was the other hand now blocking the door from shutting.
"What do you want, Jessica," Erik waved impatiently leaning with his elbow on the door frame.. partially to support his resting weight and partially to keep her out. She liked to be nosey looking into his apartment past his body, craning her neck to get into his business.
"I'm doing Christmas in Pittsburgh with the fam, come with me."
He almost spit.
She blocked the door again and he rolled his eyes putting his head briefly on the door.
"Jessica, I'm tryna be nice 'cause I don't know quite what's wrong with you... but you pushing it."
"It's Christmas spirit! Oh Erik, can't you feel it? It's all around us! 🎵 Christmas is the time of year for being with the one's we love. Sharing so much joy and cheer," she sang. "What a wonderful fe'-"
She froze.
"Don't sing..," he whispered. "Look I have plans. Thanks for the invite but I can't make it."
"Hm." Her finger pointed hard and accusingly. "Erik Stevens you're lying to me! You spend every holiday here in this apartment. I know!" Looking around first, she leaned forward. "I check..."
"With who?"
"This won't do! You gotta get into the festivities, it's Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year!"
That was all she got out before the door closed in her face. Erik didn't like holidays. To him, they were regular days but worse because everyone seemed so damn happy as if reality had somehow slipped away. He couldn't just forget real life so easily, he wasn't built that way. Finishing his count, he stored his cash and started on dinner.
"A man fires a rifle for many years and he goes to war. He comes home and he sees that whatever else he may do with his life like build a house, love a woman, change his son's diaper but he will always remain a jarhead," Swoff said onscreen as Erik shoveled a forkful of cheesy pasta into his mouth. This was reality. War, death, power struggle, and debauchery.
A series of knocks on his door had Erik rolling his eyes again. He ignored it until he realized she wasn't leaving then he paused the movie.
"What," he yelled swinging his door open to that same annoying grin.
"Erik, don't close the door! Please, come with me it'll be so much fun. It's twenty minutes away!"
"You'll get a present!"
"Nuh-what kinda present? Not one of those ugly ass sweaters I hope."
"Oh this," she chuckled pulling on a bell. "My mom sewed it.. One night and I won't bother you ever again... until New Year's."
"Bye," the door closed.
"Okay okay!" She blocked it. "You won't hear a peep from me until Memorial Day, thank you for your service!"
"My what?"
"I accidentally got your mail one day, you had a VA appointment."
Erik could feel the intense irritation palpable and radiating on his skin.
"I swear, you won't see or hear me just one night of fun," she beamed, blinking quickly with praying hands. Erik sighed looking back at his leftovers to put away.
"Do you promise?... You won't look at me, talk to me, bother me if I go with you this one night?"
The ride took twenty-five minutes, five minutes longer than she'd said and she'd sang the entire ride. He was Christmas'd out already. Then he saw the house surrounded in snow.
It was a humble cream colored house with white around the windows and a red door decorated with a wreath. Multicolored lights lined the roof and an inflatable snowman stood guarding the bushes out front. Jessica giddily bounced behind the wheel turning off the car including the heat and Erik was forced to follow her into the residence. The door wasn't locked. They were greeted with heat, strings of Christmas lights, a tall tree decked in pricey looking ornaments, and the sound of old music. Erik knew the song by Bing Crosby.. but he didn't like it.
"Mommy! Daddy! I'm home!"
"My baaby," a woman's voice came, chased by an older woman with neatly arranged grey twists pinned by a mistletoe hair clip. She was definitely a Claire Huxtable type in a white silk blouse, red lipstick, pearls, a red skirt, and low heels. Why wasn't she as tacky as her daughter? Hadn't she made that hideous sweater? She hung onto Jessica, smiling and swaying her back and forth in her arms as if she hadn't seen her in a while.. and then she noticed Erik and straightened. "Ooh. Where are my manners," she smiled looking between him and her daughter as if she were missing something she'd ask Jessica about later in private. Erik felt only mildly uncomfortable. "I'm Ernestine... you are?"
"Mom, this is my neighbor, Erik. I told you he was cute! Ain't he HOT!"
Ernestine's brow raised at her daughter and Erik wondered if something really was wrong with Jessica.
"He has dimples like me! He-"
"Okay dear, that's nice. Erik could I speak to you for a moment?" Ernestine smiled gently but he could read it. She had something serious to say. Following her into the kitchen where casserole dishes and pots and pans of food sat, he could smell cooking like he hadn't smelled in a couple of months. She cooked like his late grandmother and it made him salivate. Greens, shrimp, chicken, ham, mac and cheese, yams, potato salad. He could almost taste it.
"Sorry I'm not really dressed," he offered with Ernestine waving him off.
"Not at all.. Erik..," she paused choosing her words carefully. "What.. exactly.. do you.. know.. about my daughter?"
Erik felt her meaning between the words.  "Not much," he admitted. "We're just neighbors. Is she..."  He didn't know how to ask it.
"She's eccentric" was the answer. "A little.. different than most."
Erik swallowed his response. 
"I know," Ernestine nodded seemingly reading his mind. She must've been used to it. "But I look at it this way.. It's rare that such a beautiful spirit is born into this world, since she was a baby that's never changed. She's our angel.. Please, I know it's not your responsibility but.. look out for her. Will you?"
"Sugarplum," a booming voice yelled from the living room taking the attention. When Erik looked back to Ernestine she smiled and he followed her from the kitchen to see a heavyset older black man shaking Jessica in his arms as she grinned.
"Me next," a younger guy said. From the context, Erik could see it was father and brother. Donald and Joshua who was probably in his early twenties. They both nodded to him as he smiled politely, hands clasped in front of himself. "What you been up to sis? Staying outta trouble I hope."
She shared a few tales from her job. He didn't know she was a dentist, it shocked him completely. Was she really smart enough? Apparently so.
"And I told Mr. MacDougall the SNUGGLE is real," she snickered tickled rosy by her own joke to her patient. She laughed from her nose, forever on the verge of snorting while her family looked at her like she was the baby Jesus. They really did adore her. "But wait! There's MYRRH!!!" Tears leaked from her eyes from laughing and Erik found himself smiling to blend in.
"Oh phooey, Erik, don't be a phoney," Jessica wiped her eye, still shuddering in her laughter. She threw a white pillow from the leather couch at him and he caught it feeling suddenly awkward. "You never laugh at my puns! That's what makes it's so funny," she gasped in stitches. "Mr. MacDougall didn't laugh either. He just stared like he was so confuuused," she wheezed, her nostrils flaring like headlights. It broke her brother who snorted. "I swear I love your faces!"
"Hey hey!" A voice came from the front door as a woman with a brown fur vest scooted inside to the living room with matching brown boots followed by a small group of happy people carrying gifts. They kissed the rest of the family, laughing and talking about everything from rowdy kids to the snow. They seemed like a normal family, everyone but Jessica. She jumped up quickly to take the gifts adding them under the bigass fir tree and Erik wondered what type of gifts they gave and how he'd get one.
Jessica hugged every single person in that group as well as the next. The house was full and loud with laughter, stories, and the sound of kids running back and forth.
"SIT YA ASS DOWN," he heard an auntie growl at a kid only a little older than his play niece. The kid looked at her, sitting immediately.. reminding him of his childhood with his family. "Excuse me," the woman waved apologetically when she made eye contact, but it made Erik feel comfortable. He smiled.
When the family played charades, he sat quietly and hoped they wouldn't call him up and he was lucky because they were too busy competing for a turn, each person imitating a family member and getting roars of laughter followed by an "I am not like that" or an "AND?!" The reactions tickled Erik more than anything. He tried to watch each family member from then to see if the impressions were accurate and he laughed to himself on the ones he could personally confirm.
"Hey Erik," one of the men called from around the kitchen table. The seats were full all around with additional folding chairs pulled up. "Prettyboy like you know how to play spades?"
Erik's brows rose and he blew out a breath. "Old man.. you sure you in the mood to lose?" The man's face dropped and instantly Erik felt his foot in his mouth. He'd gone too far.
"..I think you got a challenge, Lem," the man beside him on his right smirked, coughing to hide his laugh. Lem cut the cards after the man to his left shuffled.
"I'll ask you the same question when you're digging this old foot out ya ass," Lem chuckled and another man stood to let Erik sit. Erik played four successful games before Jessica appeared over his shoulder whispering loudly in his ear. He controlled his shudder feeling the air on his face.
"Christmas scavenger hunt," she said pulling him from the chair. "My neighbor," she explained to the table, hugging him proudly. "Okay, let's go!"
The outdoor scavenger hunt happened in the backyard in the dark. Erik didn't understand why his wrist had to be tied to Jessica's. It wasn't like any scavenger hunt he'd done, not that he'd done one since he was eight and that was for Easter.
"Follow me," Jessica pulled as if he had a choice. She fell almost instantly. "Owww, I bongo'd my booty," she pouted seriously, rubbing her butt.
"..Now I gotta get outta here," he muttered.
"I said did you see that reindeer."
"What reindeer?" She looked puzzled but forgot it fast.
She pawed through trees and got down on her knees in the snowy grass to feel around which was more than anyone else was doing. They were mostly talking and enjoying the view of the bright sky. It was a beautiful night. The more Jessica searched through the snow, Erik began to think of her hands. She wasn't wearing gloves. Her hands had to be freezing. He looked around at the guests standing around casually.
"Jessica.. I don't think you'll find anything under the snow let's look somewhere else."
"I'm like a bloodhound for this, I can smell it!" She continued to shift snow, digging on her knees shifting around the ground and Erik's mind went to Ms. Ernestine.
"Jessica.. stand up," he whispered through his teeth tugging her up with a quick yank of his wrist. "It's too cold for you to be digging through snow with your bare h-" There was a plastic ornament in her palm, a proud grin on her face.
"I knew it," she leaned in with a conspiratorial smile. "Joshua planted it and he's not that creative," she whispered giddily. "He must have done it before the snow... WE FOUND IT! WE FOUND THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS! WE WIN! YES!! TAKE THAT LOOOOSERRS!!"
As the round of applause and some disappointed groans followed, Erik felt awkward standing with her as she gloated in her ridiculous victory dance but he couldn't negate that... she was right. Once untied, he stood next to her as she turned in the ornament to Ms. Ernestine exchanging it for two small red gift boxes. Handing Erik one, she beamed at him and the small crowd.
"Same time."
He nodded and at the same time they opened the boxes.
"Socks!!! Oh my God I love fuzzy socks," she spazzed bending backward to cheer at the sky. When Erik looked in his box, he looked up at the crowd and Ms. Ernestine. Was it really cool to accept this? Should he give it to Jessica? "What did you get," Jessica asked. He showed her. "Eh.. it's nice but I like mine better," she winked. It was a $100 bill. She could've had tons of socks. He sat down their boxes and felt her hands, they were still cold.
"Let's go inside and warm up," he nodded toward the house glad when Ms. Ernestine agreed, announcing that it was definitely time to eat. She said the prayer as people held hands and Erik couldn't remember the last time anyone around him had held hands to pray. "Let me get that for you. You want a lil everything?" He stepped in to fix an older lady's plate so she wouldn't lose her seat or wait in line. That led to him fixing three different plates for people but Jessica was right there with him, smiling the whole time. "Have a seat," he told her, doubling down when she politely declined. "You've done enough, enjoy your family."
Confused, she did what he suggested and he brought her food and drink to her in the living room before finding a nearby seat. She was just as quirky as ever, saying things that made no sense, but Erik was too into the food to care. He ate three plates and drank two eggnogs.
Right when he thought he'd go into a food coma, he heard his name.
"Erik," a gruff voice called from the dining room. It was her dad waving him over where most of the men were. "Hey, do me a favor and go upstairs to the room on the right and grab that jar from the top shelf of my closet.
Erik looked around briefly with slightly widened eyes for Joshua but didn't see him.
"You want me to..," he questioned.
"Yeah, son, go get it and bring it here. Thanks."
Son, Erik thought as he went up the stairs. The man barely knew him yet called him son. This family was something else and it wasn't something he was used to.
In the closet was a glass mason jar full of pocket change and dollars of varying values. There were 50s in there. The fact that he was trusted to retrieve it spoke volumes. He carried it down the stairs carefully fulfilling his mission to get it back to Mr. Donald who thanked him asking no questions.
"And the jar this Christmas... goes to.. drumroll," he commanded getting a loud drum of hands on laps, tables, and walls. "DREW!"
"YES," a teenage boy shouted hurriedly finding his way forward to pose beside Mr. Donald with the jar. His grin full of braces was as big as Jessica's in that moment and when Erik glanced at Jessica, she waved. He nodded back with a small smile. She was beginning to grow on him... just a little.
When the house erupted in carols, he didn't feel pressured to sing. He sat and listened, smiling at the little kids who sang the loudest with the drunk uncle leading in an offbeat baritone. It was a warm feeling he'd forgotten.
And then they exchanged gifts with some people opening there's on the spot and some people taking theirs to go along with several plates of food.
"Erik," Jessica smiled bouncing happily in front of him like she had the best news. She put a red and green gift box in his hands. The dog design was tacky, but he could look past that now. "Open it now," she rushed and when he did, he was taken aback.. again. "I made this on the off chance that you'd say yes and come home for the holidays with me."
His fingers rolled over his face pasted on top of a photoshopped body added to her family's group photo and it was the most bizarre and lowkey creepy gift he'd ever gotten.. but in that way, it was also perfect which hit different. He didn't know what to say. He couldn't stop looking at it.
"Ew... Don't get all soft on me now Stevens," she blurted rolling her eyes with genuine disgust. What kind of response did she expect? He laughed thinking about it.
"Come here," he grabbed her into a hug she fought to get out of.
"Ew ew ew, feelings!"
It only made him laugh and hold tighter.
The ride back to the apartment was more chill. Quiet except for the old music that Jessica sang along to, this time under her breath. When they reached the building, there was a relaxed peace as they went up in the elevator together.
"I owe you a Christmas present," Erik said at the door glancing over as Jessica opened the door to her apartment.
"You do, I gave you a good one."
He blew a small laugh through his nostrils. "Yes. Yes, you did. Have a good night, okay?"
"Sleep in heavenly peace," she smiled leaning her head on her door. He nodded and entered his apartment, picking up in the living room before getting ready for bed. There was another series of knocks on the door.
"What's up," he asked opening it to a squinting Jessica. She looked a little constipated or confused. "You good? What you need?"
"Uh.  I know I promised, but do I still have to stay away from you until Memorial Day? I kinda had a lotta fun tonight. It looked like you did too."
Erik shook his head, too tired to laugh at the nonsense. One thing for sure, he'd never be bored.
"You can talk to me," he nodded dramatically before yawning. "We family ain't we?"
"Good because for New Year's we gotta go turn up at my granny's cat hotel! Eee!!" She clapped squealing in excitement. "You'll love her, she's just like me but she's just a little weird," she whispered.
Erik's brows knit together as he broke down that statement. That was something to think about when the time came, he was too tired.
"Good night, Jessica," he sang closing the door gently. She stopped it.
"One more thing!"
"Girl do you ever get tired!"
"Merry Christmas, brother from another mother," she grinned. He shook his head with a sigh.
"..See you on New Year's."
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turbulentt · 4 years
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genre: smut | joshua!teacher x fem!reader!student
word count: +2.6k
warnings: explict content, dirty talk, sir kink, public sex
summary: your english teacher has been getting on your nerves since the first time you’ve met. hopefully, things get sorted out after your detention, where you get to be alone with him.
It had been probably the worst school year you've ever had, everything only because of that bloody English class. Your grades were totally fine at all subjects, even math which you had a great problem with, but English had to be the death of you.
And not because of being difficult, which, at least for you, it was not. It dammed you because your teacher never gave you the final grades you deserved, even with straight A's on all tests and quizzes, he would always fuck up everything.
Not just that but he, annoyingly, would also straight up ignore you during the entire time. He asks a question; you raise your hand to answer; he looks at you and you think you're going to be picked; no, you're ignored and he demands the answer from someone else. Annoying, annoying, annoying! God damn you, Joshua!
But he pays the price. His classes are never peaceful, at least not when you're there. Since you're not picked for anything you tend to slightly fuck around. Making jokes about some things Joshua says, throwing paper balls everywhere, saying unnecessary things that make everyone laugh and take Joshua's patience to the limit. 
"And don't forget to read the article I gave you!" the teacher warns while everyone is packing their materials "Class dismissed. Have a good day, everyone."
"Yeah, good day my ass," you whisper to yourself while trying to fit your books into your backpack. When failing to do so you grunt in rage and roll your eyes. While thinking that your day couldn't get worse, you feel Joshua's shadow blocking the light.
"Do you need some help?" he kindly questions and you look up at him. "No, thanks," you answer small as if his presence scares you. "Can I ask you something?" he sits on the table next to yours and crosses his arms. Seeing your little nod he continues "Why are you always playing around and disturbing my class? I've spoken to the other teachers and they said such good things about you."
"I don't know," you lower your head and let out a sigh when finally fitting your books in your backpack "I just feel like it."
"That doesn't seem like a legitimate answer." he approaches your table and rests his hand there "Try again."
You close your eyes tightly in search of spiritual forces to help you say everything that has been on your mind.
"Okay, I'm going, to be honest. Your class fucking annoys me. I'm one of the best students, if not THE best, and you act like I don't exist. Whenever I raise my hand to answer a question I'm never the one who's picked and it really makes me angry. So yeah, that's why I fuck around and do nothing in your classes. Maybe if you gave me more attention I would behave better." you let everything out like your life depends on it.
"You are my best student." he brushes his hair with his fingers with a slight grin on his lips "And I never pick you because I know you're going to answer correctly without any problems. I could never ignore such a top student."
"Then why do you give me shitty grades?"
"Can you please stop using those kinds of words? That's not appropriate, Y/N." he says firmly, almost in a groan, with a serious expression "And I don't give you better grades because of your behavior in class."
"Well, it is your fault." you huff at his response, and the annoyance can be seen in his eyes. "You're making me really mad. Stop saying it's my fault. You're the one acting like a brat." he says, dangerously close to your face. "But it IS your fault, what can I do?" you talk back enjoying the unsatisfied look in his eyes.
"Here's what you can do, you can meet me in detention in fifteen minutes." he slams his hand on your table and leaves to his', ignoring your whines and apologies.
Fifteen minutes never went by so fast like those, and you couldn't be more depressed. You just wanted to get it over with and go home to rage about how frustrated you felt because of your teacher.
When the time came you entered the class and sat at the back of the room with your headphones on and looking at the window. Probably no one would appear at that hour to have detention, it was too early. Which means you would have to be all alone with Joshua. "Great. My biggest dream." you ironically mumbled to yourself.
"What's your biggest dream?" A loud voice echoes through the room making you jump on the chair "It's just me." he giggles at your startled expression. "I wasn't expecting." you pouted like a little kid and got back to your music.
Joshua just sat by his table and took some things out of his case. You didn't even want to glance at him, but for some reason, he looked so attractive with his glasses on and the rolled-up sleeves of his shirt. You couldn't help yourself, you had to take in his beauty for just a moment.
He could be annoying and do unfair things to you but you couldn't deny how fucking ethereal that man is. You feel blessed by his beauty honestly, although his personality haunted you. 
To your surprise, he raised his head suddenly and stared back at you. He only gave a chaste smile before paying attention to his work again. Embarrassed, you just set your eyes back at the view outside.
Not even ten minutes into the detention and you were already grunting as if it was physically hurting. Being on your phone didn't distract you enough and the tension inside that room was too strong. Due to the hot weather, it got incredibly hot inside and Joshua needed to undo one of the buttons of his shirt. At that moment things got even hotter, and it was definitely not the classroom.
Trying to fade away these thoughts you laid your head on your backpack, which laid on the table, and closed your eyes. At least that way you wouldn't be looking at your teacher and wouldn't seem like a thirsty teenager.
Ten more minutes passed and you felt a gentle hand caressing your head. Not actually realizing who was its owner you leaned into the touch and almost purred out of satisfaction.
"You look just like a kitten." his low voice whispered on your ear and your only reaction was too raise your head slowly and blush aggressively at the sight of your teacher. "You looked really peaceful but I can't let you sleep here," he spoke gently, as always, his gentleman side got you soft and you smiled agreeing.
"Mr. Hong?" you called softly and he smiled at the sight of his name exiting your lips. "Yes?" he raised an eyebrow but kept his smile on. "Can you do that again?" you blushed, shy for making such a stupid request.
"Do what?" he was slightly confused at the beginning but understood when you looked at his hands. "Oh.." he raised one and stroked your hair again "This?"
You nodded smiling and closed your eyes. It actually felt good. His strong and soft hand caused so many different sensations. They made you forget how much you hated him, at least at that moment.
Slowly you felt his hot breath dangerously close to you and, in a split of a second, you felt the texture of his sweet lips. Not regretting a bit you leaned closer to his touch and kissed him back. It was so wrong but felt incredibly good.
Not letting the kiss continue he got away from you and stared at your lips as if he just did something terribly wrong and wanted to do it again. "I'm really sorry." he didn't seem to have the words to express what he was feeling at the moment so he just smiled like he usually does, which made you get a little bit mad. "If you were really sorry you wouldn't have kissed me. And if you regret it you wouldn't be staring at my lips like you wanted to kiss me again. If you really want to do so, then be a man and fucking kiss me."
Something in your words made his personality shift and an intense gaze could be seen in his eyes as if he was a hunter searching for his prey. Desperately he attacked your lips and started a dominant kiss. And wow, he did know how to be dominant. The position you were in was quite uncomfortable so he just sat on the chair next to yours and, without letting go of your lips, he pulls you to his lap.
His sudden change of behavior kind of scared you in some way but you really enjoyed it. Actually, it was a big turn on. So, there you were: sitting on your teacher's lap as you kiss him and almost moaning at the touch of your skins.
Needing some air you ended the kiss, only to start leaving wet kisses all over his pale neck. "What are we doing?" he chuckled throwing his head back feeling aroused just by the touch of your lips on him. "We're having some fun, Mr. Hong." you said innocently looking at his eyes, which were filled with lust "Don't tell me you don't want me because your hands don't say the same."
And, in fact, they didn't. They were grabbing your hips strongly, keeping you really close to him, as if he never wanted to let go of you. "Well, I can't say I haven't dreamt about this once or twice." unprepared for his sentence you blushed intensely and hid your face on his neck.
"Don't be so shy. I saw the way you were looking at me just now." he grins and gets up carrying you with him. "Where are we going?" you ask confused. 
"To my table, so we can have more space." he raises you slightly and grabs you by your ass. You moaned at his grip and ground on his body asking for more attention. He laid you on the table and quickly got on top, kissing you harshly this time as if he remembered something that got him furious.
Your hands were at the back of his neck caressing and mildly pulling his hairs. His hands were each by the side of your head sustaining his body. He pulled away and looked you dead in the eye "I should punish you for being such a brat, Y/N." he lowered his head, and between soft bites on your neck he kept talking "I didn't really enjoy the way you talked back at me today. You need to know your place, kitten."
You moaned at the nickname, it sounded so good coming from him. Slowly he unbuttoned your pants and lowered them gently as if he could break you just by doing so, he was back to his gentleman side. Eagerly he kisses your inner tights making you throw your head back in anticipation, you could already imagine what wonders his mouth is capable of.
Seeing your wet panties he smirks and raises his eyes to yours "So wet already, kitten?"
You look away in embarrassment and he grabs your thigh firmly. "Stop playing, Joshua." you let out almost in a moan.
"Did I give you permission to call me by my name?" he scoffs and presses his thumb on your clit making you gasp loudly "It's sir for you." he takes his hand back "Understood kitten?"
"Yes, sir." you saw his pupils dilate the double just because of what you said. He never seemed like the kinky type, but know that you see it, it really suits him.
With his glasses on the tip of his nose and his shirt almost all undone and wrinkled he stod in front of your lower parts facing your core. "Tell me, kitten." he slowly grabs your panties with his teeth and lowers them to your knees "Do you think you deserve to be well treated?"
You nodded aggressively holding yourself up by your elbows just so you can look at Joshua. He lets out a tsc before getting rid of your underwear completely. "I don't think you do," he smirks and you pout, whining in response.
"Please, sir. I promise I'll behave." there it was, what he wanted. Now you knew your place, and you would do anything for his touch. Now Joshua knows he has you in his hand. 
That said you just feel his warm tongue on your pussy and moan loudly Joshua's name out of pure pleasure. Your hands run through his hair and push him slightly more to you, his skilled tongue playing with your clit was making you see stars and you could feel your body warm up more and more. His eyes never leaving yours making you even more aroused.
"Oh God, yes.. yes... Josh... Joshua..." you moaned loudly as he sucked your clit. "Are you almost there, Kitten?" he backs away for a bit to ask you when he sees your body twitch with pleasure. You nod and he stands up "Then bend over for me, fast."
You get out of the table and do as asked, bent over the table, ass up and legs wide open for Joshua. At the sight in front of him, he slowly walked his hands through your whole body making you shiver since you were still so sensitive. You rub your ass on his pants making him groan at the feeling of your body on his boner. "How bad do you want it, kitten?" he asks huskily in your ear as you hear him unbuckle his belt.
"I.. I want it all inside me, sir," you say panting. He quickly undoes his pants and gets them off, the same with his boxers, and stands behind you. "Then be sure to take it all well, kitten." he kisses your neck while rubbing his hard cock on your heat. You nod eagerly and watch as he gets a condom from his wallet. The sound of Joshua's grunts and low moans only made you want him inside you even more.
So, your wishes were fulfilled. He started entering you slowly, caressing your hips to distract from the pain, and made sure to only move when you told him to. After listening to your first moan he knew he could start and firmly moved inside you. His steady pace became more and more irregular as he increased his rhythm and you thought you were going to hit your limit right there at that moment. "You feel so good, kitten." he grunts as he watches his lenght move in and out of you "You love my cock don't you?"
"Yes.. oh yes... I love it.." you say between moans. Suddenly Joshua discovers your sweet spot and starts ramming into you hard and deep, hitting it multiple times, making you almost scream. "Oh, I'm so close.." he kisses the back of your neck, never losing his pace "cum with me, kitten."
It only takes a few more hits to make you release all your juice and right after Joshua does the same.
Panting, he comes out of you and smiles as he helps you both clean yourselves. After you're fully dressed and back to normal he looks at his watch and smiles "Detention time is over."
You smirk and take your stuff to walk away from the classroom. As you're leaving you hear him call your name once again.
"Don't forget. You have detention tomorrow, kitten."
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