#we're just one kallus short...
frc-ambaradan · 1 year
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Star Wars Rebels (2014-2018), The Mandalorian (2019-), Ahsoka (2023-)
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seth-shitposts · 8 months
pull you into dark corners? 👀
Absolutely 💙💚
So Pull You Into Dark Corners was originally just supposed to be a quick one shot (story of the century, lies we tell ourselves, other jokes we can try and take seriously), but we ended up estimating that it'll be longer.
It's one of the first that while we do have a considerable amount put towards it, much of it also needs to be revamped.
It's mostly going to be smut, but it got so much expansion because we wanted to set it up with a bit of plot, added too much plot so that the plot to smut ratio was disproportionate for what we were aiming for, and now we're also going to have to add more smut. This story WILL stay true to its orgins.
Fulcrum era Kallus, gay panic zeb, maybe wingman kanan.
Kallus and Zeb sneaking around.
Here's a snippet, but keep in mind bits might change up when we get back to writing this.
"And miss out on surprising ya with a visit? Especially in this cozy little space?" Zeb slides his hands from Kal's wrists to his hips, savoring how Kal takes a sharp inhale as he arches into Zeb's touch, "now, where's the fun n'that?" Kal rolls his eyes before looking at Zeb through the darkness. "Zeb…" He hesitantly wraps his arms around Zeb's shoulders, pulling himself closer to the rebel. As if he were to let go of Zeb, he would disappear, or alternatively, if he were to hold on too tight, Zeb would leave. "I really do wish that you'd take a bit more caution with your visits…" Claws slowly dragging up and down his thighs, Zeb rubs his cheek against Kal's, drawing a pleasant sigh from the man. A very grounding reminder to the agent that Zeb has no intent in leaving or cutting their time short. Contently returning the gesture, Kal can't stop the smile that touches his lips as he pulls a purr from Zeb when he nuzzles him back. "Needy little rebel."
This'll be a fun one, we just gotta balance it just right. But also trying remind myself (lexie), not to take it super seriously because Sebastian does want it to be more of a fun adventure rather than a super serious thing.
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1 or 7 for the writing asks? 🖤
We're going with 1- Don't leave because guess what, I already had that in one of my wips! ♥️ I'm also getting ready to post it, so stay tuned, since this here will just be a short bit
Through the dim ringing in his ears he heard the familiar voice. It took a lot out of him to turn his head to the side where he thought the source of the noise was. He felt the soft sufrace under his cheek as he turned right and stared at a pair of green eyes, wide with worry.
He let out a noise, barely able to hear himself. He blinked a few times to adjust his eyes better and the longer he looked, the clearer his mind became and the better he remembered the green eyes, the purple fur, the all too familiar worried frown.
"Zeb?" he wanted to say, but the thing attached to his face kept him from doing so. He glanced down at it.
Oxygen mask.
Why would he be wearing an oxygen mask if he wasn't in the medbay?
His mind worked too long to come up with an answer.
He was in the medbay.
He tried moving his hands, his legs, but he barely felt them. Glancing down at himself, he couldn't see much except the white sheet of the medical bed. And one of his hands sticking out from beneath it, covered with Zeb's.
He let his eyes stay at their interlined hands, as Zeb's thumb moved back and forth, gently stroking the back of his hand and suddenly Kallus longed to feel his hand properly if only to feel it.
He looked back up at Zeb, who still watched him with that same expression. Worried. Scared even. His ears were pulled back, his mouth quivering ever so slightly.
Why would he be so worried? Kallus was fine.
Maybe expect that his body was numb and he heard so much ringing in his ears that he felt one more minute of it will drive him crazy.
He needed another noise to keep his mind off of it, but the only thing that left him was another grunt. Upon letting it out, he felt his throat burn. Wincing, he watched as Zeb frantically looked around, then stopping his gaze back at Kallus.
"Wait, wait" he muttered hastily, carefully if a little reluctantly, letting Kallus' hand go. "I'm gonna be right back, kay? Just gonna get the doc, alright?"
Kallus could do little as Zeb left his line of sight, but inside he was pleading him not to go. He didn't want to be left alone while his limbs refused to listen, while he could do nothing more than lay there, vulnerable and exposed.
Don't leave, he thought before darkness overtook him and he felt himself drift away.
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amalthiaph · 11 months
top 10 favourite star wars characters?
TYSM for the Ask! <3
1. Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
I love him, like the entire journey; from the small boy in Tatooine to the evil dark lord who slays on dark hallways (both literally and figuratively). The thing about him is I can't really decide whether he's good or bad, he really is in the gray area. While I don't support genocide, I understand his choices (like Tech said, understanding doesn't mean supporting) because he was just 22, faced with fatherhood on a secret marriage, if I were on his place, I would try to go with what I think is the only option.
2. Obi-Wan Kenobi
Need I say more?
3. Luke Skywalker
Because I think it's a cardinal sin to hate him. That and the fact that he will always see the good in people do things to my little heart. And Mark Hamill is handsome.
4. Alexsandr Kallus
I started off despising this man. I think he's too arrogant for someone on mutton chops. But thanks to The Honorable Ones until Zero Hour, he immediately skipped the ranks and jumped to my number 4 spot. And for so long I've wondered why I like him so much and it was until recently that I realized that we kinda had the same story.
I, too, once supported a government that was brutal, dishonest, corrupt and overall unpleasant. I was fooled with the promise of "change" which I discovered was just a false promise to carry out aforementioned atrocities. It was until I had a talk with someone who showed me the truth, and from then on, I switched sides, because once your eyes had witnessed the truth, it'd be a sin to look away.
And I became part of the opposition party; we rallied for a better future, fueled with hope, like all rebellions are.
5. Hera Syndulla
Aside from the fact that I wanna be a Twi'lek, Hera is an excellent pilot. And the fact that she accomplished all that while NOT being force sensitive is the cherry on top.
6. Leia Organa
Somebody has to save their skins. And it was this princess, whose first response is telling someone they're too short for a Stormtrooper. I love how she slayed that gold bikini and how she slayed IN THAT bikini. I understand that it was an attempt to reduce her to an eye candy, but this is THE Princess Leia, we're not having that here.
7. Ahsoka Tano
Okay, so first of all, I really love her design. There's something about those lekku, especially the ones in Rebels, that just gets to me. I kinda see her as a counterpart to Anakin, only that she is not as intense (in THAT context). Her being 'not a Jedi' for me is helpful to her character, that she can do what she thinks is right without being bound by centuries-old lessons or rules that are not really that nice.
8. The Bad Batch and Omega
So I'm gonna cheat on this one because I see them as JUST ONE UNIT. Like teams in League of Legends, they're incomplete without the other so for this list, I'm considering them as one.
I love their dynamic and design so much, and as I had mentioned, every single member is just as important as the other. They're interactive. And their individual journeys as they parted ways is what made them (and the series) interesting. I know there had been a divide in the fandom where one part hate one character and the other part hate the other character but I don't do that. The thing is I understand the writers. So, I understand that in the sense of needing to make a story interesting, there HAD TO be differences in choices. Basically, their choices, though I don't agree but understand the other, are necessary to keep the story going.
And as characters, I like them because as much as they're correlated or dependent, they're still their own person.
9. Chopper
He's got a higher body count than Darth Vader himself.
10. Chewbacca
He's such a cinnamon roll. Because if he isn't, there'd be a long line of people with their arms ripped off and Star Wars would be Rated M and not available to a general audience. So we should thank him for being so nice.
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jedi-bird · 7 months
Hello! for the meme for shippers: 2, 9, and 25 :) :) :)
2) Talk about three of the most important ships throughout your life.
I had to think about this one for a bit because my memory isn't great some days and my ships change quite often. But probably the most important for me was Clint/Coulson. I kind of stumbled into it at a time when life was... not feeling worth continuing. And an obsession very quickly grew lmao. On the nights when I couldn't sleep but I couldn't turn lights on in the house because of a stalker, I would sit and read fanfics of them until the sun would come up. I can't even remember or find half those fics anymore, but I still love them with all my heart.
Second would probably be Baze/Chirrut. Spiritassassin still holds a very dear place in my heart and nothing is prying them away from me.
Third is Sakura and Li from Cardcaptor Sakura. Probably one of my favorite canon ships. I love the innocence and the friendship that grows into something deeper. They are adorable together in every version Clamp has made and I love having a "pg" ship if you will. Reading the manga always reminded me that love doesn't have to be grand gestures and wild passions. It can be holding hands or sharing a meal or just supporting each other. I never needed anything more that the manga and anime had, because to me it was perfect.
9) Do you have many ships that never got together at all?
Officially? Probably most of them 🤣
I never understood the need for ships to me canon. I'm happy when it happens and a lot of the time I wish people who wish it to be good luck. But for me, I like just enjoying my own little thoughts without having to worry about whether I got it right or wrong. In fact, I'm probably personally happier that most of my ships aren't canon. It makes it more fun to keep coming up with more and more ideas I'll never write (or likely finish if I do).
And if we're talking about do I ship characters but then have them break up in my fantasies, why yes. Yes I have. Someday maybe I'll write the rebelcaptain divorce fic that floats around in my head at times. Or I'll quit whimping out and finish the Bodhi/Cassian fic and do the ending in afraid to do.
25) Have you ever shipped a pairing before you even started watching the show/movie simply because of the gifs and graphics or similar?
Short answer. Yes. Sort of.
Long before I ever had the chance to watch Star Wars Rebels, I shipped both Hera/Kanan and Zeb/Kallus. Years of amazing art work drew me in so when I finally had the time and ability to watch shows again I was already a big fan of both ships. Obviously, I had been watching Star Wars for years, but most of the cartoons I watched long after everyone else moved on.
I ship Will and Hannibal even though I'll never be able to watch the show (I've tried and it's far too graphic for me, so I just live it through friends posting gifs and fics). Same with some video game characters for games I've never played. The power of great art and passionate friends draws me in lol.
Mostly though, I'll watch something and then see people drawing art or writing about characters I didn't think about and wind up falling into the ships after reconsider. The demi/ace part of me tends to not see ships on a first viewing unless they're canon and even then, sometimes I hate them lol.
Thank you for the ask! It's much appreciated!
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takadasaiko · 2 years
Against the Odds (a Start Wars Rebels fic)
Summary: A high-tension deal with Saw Gerrera's faction turns dangerous when Kallus recognizes the Lasat from Onderon and the Lasat recognizes him. Set in S4.
Against the Odds
"Are we really considering this? After what he did?" Ezra demanded. "He was going to leave those prisoners to die!" His gaze swept the small crowd of rebels that was being read in on the potential mission and it settled on Hera. Saw Gerrera had reached out just weeks after two of their own had nearly been stranded on a ship with an unsteady Kyber crystal ready to blow. He needed something: a missing piece of intel that he believed one of their Fulcrum agents had gotten ahold of before his people had. And he was right. One of Kallus' newly-recruited officers within the Imperial Navy had transmitted the intelligence just that morning. They had what Gerrera wanted, and he had something they desperately needed.
"Destroying the satellite helped, but we're still trying to recoup the supplies that we lost when the Empire was intercepting our transmissions," Hera said after a long moment. "I don't like handing Gerrera our intel to handle the mission as he sees fit, but it won't do us a lot of good if we can't fuel our ships or replace our hyperdrives that were damaged in battle."
"Or restock medical supplies," Sabine offered with a quiet wince. "Have you seen the supply room since we got in? Bacta isn't cheap."
Hera turned her green gaze towards their former ISB Agent that had actually seen the intel they were all discussing in abstract. If he had an opinion about the matter - and Alexsandr Kallus always seemed to have an opinion about a matter - he was keeping a tight lid on it. She finally caught his gaze. "What do you think?" He frowned at that and she waved off the argument before it could make its way into the open. "I'm not asking you to break confidence on the details, I'm asking if it's worth the trade."
He took a long moment, light brown eyes focusing on something beyond her as he pursed his lips together. She could practically see him sorting through what he could say, what he couldn't say, and what he didn't want to say.
Kanan shifted at Hera's side. "You already gave your recommendation, didn't you?"
Ezra barked a short, disbelieving sound. "And what was that?"
Kallus gave one quick glance at closed doors where the matter was being discussed after he had debriefed them and pulled in a breath, decision made. "That we do it. I have no love for Saw Gerrera and certainly not for his methods, but Captain Syndulla's right, as is Sabine. We're running dangerously low on equipment and supplies that could make or break this rebellion before open war is even declared. We need this, and if that means we have to bend so that we don't break, it's what needs to be done."
"And what's stoppin' 'im from from takin' what we've got and givin' nothin' back?" Zeb grumbled.
"Us," Kallus answered. "I volunteered to accompany the intel and verify that it's securely transferred, but I made mention that it wouldn't hurt to have a Jedi along to make sure there are no… hidden agendas."
Kanan gave an amused snort at the phrasing, but followed it with a nod of agreement.
"You'll need a ship," Hera pointed out.
"And a captain," Kallus agreed with a quirked eyebrow.
"Wouldn't hurt to have a weapons expert along," Sabine offered.
"And some backup," Zeb added.
Ezra heaved a sigh. "I guess that means we're all going then."
"Oh, I only put in recommendations for those four and Chopper," Kallus answered, his tone sounding genuinely startled, but there was a glint of mischief in his eye as Ezra balked at the meaning behind the words. He was teasing him and Ezra was falling for it. Well, good to know that Kallus was finally feeling comfortable enough in his new position in the Rebellion to be willing to give as good as he usually received from the teen.
"Ezra," Hera called out, stopping him mid-grumble about bringing plenty to the team, "he's giving you a hard time."
Blue eyes blinked owlishly and turned back to where Kallus leaned back against the holo-console, the mischief finally making it into the way his lips quirked up in an amused smirk. The teen sputtered one more time before shock eased into a devilish smirk of his own as if he was already plotting payback. "So that's how it is, huh? Just you wait. The Ghost gets real small when it comes to payback."
"If you can catch me unawares."
"Oh I will."
Kallus chuckled at that. "Well, that will only be if we get the greenlight to go. Until then…"
The doors to the room slid open as the words left his lips and all eyes turned to Mon Mothma, the stress of the decision showing in every line on her face. "And you have it. I want everybody in this room ready to make the delivery in an hour's time."
And just like that, all the mirth washed out of the room. It was time to put the teasing aside. Anything could happen when a mission crossed with Saw Gerrera and they needed to be ready.
Once the coordinates came in for the exchange, it had been a mad rush to get off-planet and push the Ghost to its limits to reach the location on time. Everyone had their part to play and there was something comforting in the gang being back together, even if they'd added a former adversary. Sabine hadn't spent much time with Kallus since she and the others had returned from Mandalore, despite his quarters being in the same suite as the rest of theirs. It had been Hera's request, she'd found out, when the dust had settled on Yavin IV following the battle of Atollon and more than half their crew had left to help her family. Kallus had been a former ISB agent surrounded by the Rebels he'd both previously hunted and now wanted to help, and it had just made sense to help ease him into his new role amongst at least semi-friendly faces. That was the story Sabine had heard at any rate. She thought the fact that Hera had always been partial to picking up strays was probably closer to the truth. She hadn't had a lot of time to spend with the Fulcrum agent, but at least Hera, Zeb, and Rex all vouched for him.
"Hera says we're coming out of hyperspace," the Mandalorian announced as she walked through the main living space, startling Zeb out of his snoozing state in the chair opposite of Kallus, who glanced up from where he looked like he was adding a layer of security to the intel they were delivering. He ejected a disk from the datapad, confirming her suspicion, and she took an empty seat, studying him. "Did you ever run across Gerrera when you worked for the Empire?"
"On Onderon," Kallus answered, his voice measuredly casual. "Right out of the academy."
"Figured you must have with the way you react to him."
Zeb straightened a bit at that. "He ever get a good look atcha?"
"No," the former ISB agent answered darkly. "He sent his people to do his dirty work."
Interesting. Sabine tilted her head, the question working it's way up her throat as they snapped out of hyperspace.
"It's fine," Kallus assured Zeb as if he knew exactly what he was thinking. "It'll be a quick in and out. Bit like Tattoine."
Zeb snorted, his ears twitching. "Tattoine was only a quick in an' out 'cause I made it a quick in an' out."
"You act like I had nothing to do with that."
"Sure ya did. You got us inta the mess."
That finally elicited a bit more reaction from the ginger man and he turned to face Zeb fully in what sounded like an argument that had been rehashed again and again since the event. "It was a simple plan. Even you could have followed it."
"So what was your excuse?" Zeb snapped back.
Sabine felt her ears pop a little, signaling that they were easing into their descent. "Someday, I want to hear this story in full, but for now do we have everything ready?"
And just like that the spat was put aside. "As ready as we can ever be with Gerrera," Kallus murmured and, after a quick flick on his datapad, he handed it over. "A full list of the supplies he offered in exchange for the intel. I expect you'd like to look it over?"
She took the tablet and scrolled through. "This is… generous."
"So's the intel. We'll have to schedule an extraction for my Fulcrum agent after months spent cultivating him in what should have been a much better position."
His Fulcrum agent. That was something that she was still getting used to. "And it's still worth it?"
"We ain't gonna use it," Zeb huffed and Kallus shot him a questioning look. He shrugged. "Mighta overheard something 'bout a location for a new star destroyer." He turned his attention back to Sabine, ignoring the way Kallus looked like he was trying to look simultaneously upset that his intelligence had been compromised - though by an ally, so how compromised was it really? - and impressed that the always conspicuous Lasat had managed to eavesdrop on it. "The brass's gotten a bit skittish after Atollon. 'Fraid to take the Empire on face-to-face."
"I'd noticed," Sabine murmured, handing the datapad back as they touched ground. She stood and the three of them moved to meet Hera, Kanan, Ezra, and Copper at the door.
Saw Gerrera stood waiting as the ramp unfolded, a knowing smirk of a man that thought he was getting the winning end of the bargain plastered on his face. At her side, Sabine saw Ezra tense ever so slightly, and she couldn't help by remember the prisoners that Saw had left for dead after destabilizing the Kyber crystal. She reached out, her fingers brushing his, and she heard him loose a breath.
Hera took the lead with Kanan by her side, and Sabine knew he saw more than any of them could hope to. Kallus followed behind them, and finally the rest of them filed out. Saw wasn't alone. He was surrounded by several figures, both alien and Human, including a Lasat that stood tall enough to make Zeb look short. The Lasat's yellow eyes skimmed the crew as Hera greeted Saw, stopping on what appeared to be Kallus and he loosed a vicious growl like nothing Sabine had heard before. Zeb took a protective step forward and it was only then that she saw the defensive stance Kallus had fallen into. He and the Lasat knew each other. That couldn't be good.
"Something wrong?" Hera prodded, her sharp green gaze taking in the suddenly tense situation.
"Not a thing. Is there, Zoddik?" Saw answered, the last words pointed at the angry, towering Lasat.
"No," he answered, voice deep and dangerous. "We may proceed."
There was another tense moment, then another before the three key figures of the tension eased back. Kallus cleared his throat, and what Sabine could only assume was a mask of indifference falling into place as he strode forward, extending the data disk. "You'll find the coordinates our people uncovered on this disk. I expect you'll want to take a look as we load the cargo?"
"Agent Kallus," Saw murmured, but it was anything but a greeting. "I'd heard that Mon Mothma's group had tamed an ISB agent. I hadn't heard it was you."
"I defected," Kallus countered, his shoulders squaring a little more.
"And how are they liking you? The man who made his name in the massacre on Lasan?"
Sabine wouldn't have bet that Kallus could draw himself any taller, but she would have been wrong.
"You'll find everything we promised on that disk," Hera said tightly.
Saw hummed quietly and extended his hand out. One of his followers handed over a datapad that he used to check the disk. After a long, agonizing moment, he nodded. "We have a deal, Captain Syndulla."
"Fantastic," Hera grumbled, starting towards the cargo containers. "Sabine? Let's take a look."
Okay. Saw was playing nice. They just had to get the equipment and supplies onboard the Ghost and they could call this one a win.
Not that things were ever that easy.
Kallus had planned for more than one wrinkle in the mission, despite the tight turnaround. The one thing he hadn't planned for was the face that quite literally haunted his nightmares. The Lasat was just as large as he remembered him being, which for years now he'd chalked up to his concussed memory and horizontal state, but no. There he was with Saw Gerrera and, in that moment, he wasn't sure if he should go for his blaster or cover.
Neither, as it turned out.
The job went on, as so many he'd seen in his short tenure working directly with and with the Rebels. Here were mortal enemies: on one side the Lasat that had so viciously murdered downed soldier with nothing that resembled honour and, on the other, the former ISB agent that had given the verbal order to use the disruptor rifles on the Lasat people. In the middle was the exchange of intelligence and goods, all with the ultimate goal of destroying the Empire. How strange that they were mostly on the same side now.
Kallus walked Gerrera through the protocols he had put into place for their protection, Gerrera's team's protection, and that of his informant, which was something he reminded Gerrera of multiple times. He was still in the field. He was one of them. Kallus wouldn't let the wide-eyed new recruit become another body laid out on the thankless ground, eyes staring unseeing beyond the distance as the war marched on around them, trampling a life too young to lose in its wake. He wouldn't let Onderon be repeated.
Once he was at least mostly convinced of Gerrera's sincerity he moved off to the side where the crew of the Ghost was loading supplies. He gave the Lasat - Zoddik, apparently - a wide berth as he moved to where Zeb was having no trouble loading the supplies. "Need a hand?"
"Need an' excuse?" the Lasat that he never would have thought he'd call friend asked bluntly, his green-yellow eyes shifting from Kallus to Zoddik.
Kallus scrunched his nose at the insinuation that he should be trying to patch up things up with a being that his only experience with had been near-death. "Let's not tempt fate," he grumbled, grabbing at the handle for the container sitting between him and Zeb.
"You may know 'im from Onderon, but every Lasat left knows you from Lasan." Sometimes he was reminded that Zeb was more perceptive than he often let on. The purple Lasat snagged the container and hauled it up onto his broad shoulder. "Someone's gotta be civilized first off."
"Why does it have to be me?" Kallus grumbled, hating how childish it sounded even as he did. This wasn't about this particular Lasat, he didn't think. This was about a bigger picture for Zeb, though if it was if Kallus had found a single Lasat he was fond of or if a single Lasat was fond of the ISB agent that had wiped out the Lasat race, he couldn't be sure. Why it mattered with so few left, he certainly did know, but somewhere in the last year, what mattered to Zeb had started to matter to Kallus. Dank ferrik. This was a terrible idea.
He turned, steadying himself for the inevitably awkward attempt at… something. Explanation? No. There was no explanation. Apology? Also no. Zeb was one thing, but he didn't know this Lesat. He didn't even know if he'd been on Lasan. All he knew was that he'd massacred his first unit without a care.
That, and that he was gone.
Kallus turned towards the Ghost to call after Zeb, prove that it was out of his hands, but his friend was hauling the crate inside. Kanan was exiting, though, and with an expression on his half-covered face that sent chills up Kallus' spine. Something was wrong and the Jedi had picked up on it.
Suddenly, Kanan turned as if looking directly at him. "Kallus!"
This was about to go bad. Kallus' gaze swept the area and finally came to rest on Zoddik. He had just emerged from the makeshift structure they had used to store the crates, a weapon in hand. Not just any weapon. A T-7 Ion Disruptor Rifle.
This was about to go very bad.
Kallus leapt into action as the Lasat aimed the weapon, the shot hitting close to where he'd be standing seconds before. The former Imperial agent dove, tucked, and rolled behind cover as another shot hit a short stack of crates waiting to be loaded and he watched them melt in horror, disintegrating atom by atom. Karabast. He was starting to get the gist of that word.
He jumped again, this time reaching for his own weapon and looking back at where the crew had come to inspect the noise. The two Jedi had lightsabers in hand, the Mandalorian brandishing weapons and ready to defend the ship. Hera shouted something in the distance as Zeb exited the Ghost. He gave a shout as Kallus dodged again, his foot slipping as he did. He used the momentum to pivot, leveling his own blaster to take two shots. The first connected with the illegal rifle even if the second went wide. Zoddik howled in frustration and aimed the weapon as Kallus ran out of easy cover. The Human leapt, the Lasat shot, and the world tilted dangerously, throwing him off-balance and he stumbled into the next set of crates rather than behind. He heard Zeb shout his name behind him and his hand went to his side instinctively. It came away bloody and pain spiked.
It was overwhelming. All encompassing. Kallus heard himself crying out, but it was like it had come from someone else. His knees buckled and he hit the permacrete hard. The world pulsed around him, but he barely noticed. All there was was pain and, in that horrifying and agonizing moment, he understood this was how they'd all died on Lasan. This is how he'd killed them.
It had gone from not great to terrible in the time it had taken to load a crate into the Ghost. All hell had broken loose. Shots fired, lightsabers humming, but it wasn't until Zeb stepped back out onto the ramp that he saw the extent of the terrible.
Saw Gerrera was nowhere to be seen as the fighting broke out, but some of his people had stayed to defend the Lasat that appeared to be the instigator. Karabast. Maybe he had asked Kallus to tempt fate by talking with him. Speaking of…
His gaze swept over the suddenly violent scene just in time to see Kallus take a couple shots at Gerrera's Lasat ally. One hit the rifle in his hand and it sparked dangerously, but it was the first hard look Zeb had taken of the weapon. Dread slammed into him as the opposing Lasat raised the weapon and shot even as Kallus was jumping at his next stack of crates for cover and the beam, usually so focused, splintered, sending the dangerous red bolt of energy in several directions.
One of which was at Kallus.
The Human had hit his knees by the time that Zeb cleared a path - sending Gerrera's people scattering into the distance and leaving their destruction behind - and was bent forward with one arm wrapped around his middle and the other desperately trying to keep himself from falling face-first into the ground. Zeb reached forward and grimaced as the man he'd come to call friend flinched away from him. "Easy, Kallus," he coaxed, not even sure he could hear him through what he knew had to be excruciating pain. "Easy does it."
Kallus' arm buckled under him and Zeb caught him, easing him to the ground and taking a seat next to him as Hera moved to his opposite side to check the wound. Zeb swallowed hard, trying to find the words to tell her it didn't matter. There was a reason those guns were banned. Kallus was already dead, his body just hadn't caught up to that fact.
"…. something we can do," Ezra was saying. "How much time do we have?" There was a beat of silence as he waited for someone to answer him, but it wasn't until the teen nudged Zeb's shoulder that he realized the question was directed at him.
"I dunno. Hours at most. Probably less. Maybe a whole lot less." His voice was shaking as bad as Kallus was and he couldn't help but think back to the day Lasan had fallen. He'd heard the screams and he'd seen the aftermath, but the disruptors hadn't been used in the palace, so he hadn't seen first hand how long it took for the blast to work an organic lifeform apart atom by atom.
"Zeb, can you hold him?" Hera asked, pulling him out of the memories that threatened to drag him under. Kallus was curled as tight as he could get on his injured side, making it impossible for her to get a good look at him.
With a shaky breath of his own, Zeb reached for him and, as gently as he could, pulled Kallus half into his lap. He couldn't tell if the contact helped or hurt, but even as his back arched from the pain and he reached blindly to clamp one hand down over the wound - Zeb carefully pulling it away and holding it there - the position gave Hera the opportunity to pull his jacket back and lift his shirt to assess the damage.
"It was damaged when it fired," Sabine said from somewhere behind them and Zeb picked up on the slight tinny sound of a weapon being turned over and thoroughly examined by the Mandelorian. "The shot scattered."
"You think that'll make a difference?" Ezra asked.
"Maybe," Hera answered and Zeb risked a look at where Kallus had gone stiller than before. His chest wasn't heaving quite as hard to pull in air - though the sound he made every time he breathed in wasn't what the Lasat would call comforting - and his back rested against Zeb's bent knee. He'd either passed out or was damned close to it.
"Keep an eye out," Kanan instructed as he circled around to join them on the ground. Zeb finally let his gaze drift down to where Hera was examining the wound. Scorched and black, the freckled and pale skin was badly damaged. He could see the way the damage stretched out further than a blaster bolt should have, but if the damage was spreading, it was a whole lot slower than he would have expected. Maybe they'd gotten lucky with the shot Kallus had clipped the rifle with.
Kanan reached out and Kallus jolted back to consciousness with wide eyes staring up towards the sky as the Jedi laid his palms against the wound. "I know," he murmured softly. "I'm sorry."
"Hey," Zeb called and slowly that golden-brown gaze lulled towards him. "Don' worry 'bout them."
"Not," Kallus gasped out. "Hurts."
"I know," the Lasat murmured sadly and Kallus' eyes focused a little more on him.
"Sorry," he managed to croak out. "Never said… how sorry…"
"Yeah, well, say it when this is done."
That pulled a rough, mirthless chuckle from the injured man. "Both know how this ends," he managed.
"Thought you'd learned a bit more 'bout hope, huh?" Zeb groused and looked to Kanan.
"It's spreading, but slowly. Much slower than I'd always heard."
"Then there's a chance," Hera agreed. "C'mon. Let's get him back to base. Kallus? We need to move you."
If he was going to argue, he swallowed it instead and offered a sharp nod. Zeb shifted under him, positioning one arm to brace his shoulders and the other under his knees, Kallus' jaw tightening as he did. It wasn't until Zeb stood, lifting him up with him, that a strangled scream escaped him and he went suddenly limp in the Lasat's arms.
But he was still breathing, and with life there was hope. That's what his friends had taught him, and kriff it all they were going to let Kallus go that easily.
Years later, when he thought about the order that had come down from his commanding officer that the Empire would make an example of the Lasat people, Kallus would have liked to say he pushed back. Hells, he wished he could say he hesitated more than a fraction of a moment. But he couldn't. He didn't.
After the dust had settled and the handful of survivors had been scattered to the corners of the galaxy, Kallus had been called before the Imperial Senate to give testimony. It was rare, especially by then, for a ranking officer - especially a member of the Imperial Security Bureau - to be forced to answer to an elected body for his action. He'd stood before them with his back straight, shoulders squared, and what he could only imagine was a look of utter self righteousness as he gave his version of the story. These senators knew nothing of war. Nothing of the savageness of the Empire's enemy. They hadn't been laid out, bleeding out, and only able to watch as one of them moved steadily through the men and women they served with, snuffing out lives one by one. Kallus had served his Empire on Lasan. He'd done his duty.
"Do you know what the weapons your men used do to an organic life form?" Senator Mon Mothma had asked him. "They were designed to bring down ships. They pull a person apart atom by atom, ignite every nerve ending and pain receptor before disintegrating the victim. Does that sound like a soldier's duty, Agent?"
He'd said yes, she'd voted to have him court marshaled, and he'd received accommodations for his part in the battle. As Kallus floated in and out and around consciousness, every nerve ending on fire as his body broke down atom by atom, he wondered if she would find any satisfaction in the way he would meet his end. No, he didn't think so. She was a better person than he was.
There were moments when he was more aware than others. It was difficult. The closer he drew to consciousness, the more he felt the pain, and he'd be out again at some point. It was exhausting and he was losing his will to fight for those few moments of awareness.
With a shuddering breath, Kallus broke the surface into consciousness, the memory he'd watched play out again in his mind nipping at his heels, a reminder of how he'd gotten there. It didn't matter that Gerrera's Lasat had murdered his unit or that Kallus had desperately tried to make amends for all the things he'd done in the name of duty. He was writhing in pain because of the pain he'd caused. It was as simple as that.
"Kallus?" His gaze lulled sluggishly to his left to find Zeb leaning over his prone form, worry etched into his features. "How ya feelin'?"
Kallus snorted a response, pain lacing through him as he did. His fingers flexed at his side, grabbing hold of thin sheets and he squeezed his eyes shut again as he tried to breathe through the pain.
"What'd you do?" Ezra demanded from what sounded like the door.
"Nothin'! He just woke up is all. I didn' mean to —"
"I'm alright," Kallus rasped, reaching a hand out clumsily and finding Zeb's arm just in time for another wave of pain to hit. His nails dug into purple fur, but the Lasat didn't flinch. He just let him hang on until the pain became semi bearable again and his grip loosened. "Sorry," he managed.
"Not worried 'bout that," Zeb answered and his palm brushed across Kallus' forehead. "Kid, any word from Kanan?"
"He's still meditating. He's looking for a way to help."
"Lot o' good it'll do if he waits," the Lasat grumbled and Kallus couldn't help but see how worried he looked. He wasn't sure if it was endearing or a sign he should be more worried than he was. Probably the latter, but he didn't have the energy for it.
Without warning, it was like a Wookie had taken a seat on his chest. His breath hitched and he felt his throat constrict. That was a bad sign. He hadn't thought the damage had spread quite that far yet. Whatever the reason, he found himself choking and gagging and desperately trying to pull enough air in to satisfy his lungs.
"Karabast!" Zeb growled even as Kallus managed to turn to his side, curling into himself as he wheezed air in and coughed it back out.
"That… does not sound good," Ezra managed from his place and Kallus couldn't find the breath to respond. As the pressure eased just a little he pulled his hand away from his lips and frowned at the spattered red against his palm. No, not good at all.
He tried to hide the evidence by curling his fingers against his palm, but Zeb cursed again, his growing agitation the signal that Kallus hadn't been quick enough. "Stay with him. Keep 'im wake if ya can," the Lasat snapped.
"Where are you going?" Ezra shouted after him.
"To get the only person that's got a chance of savin' 'im!"
Kallus shuddered against another fresh wave of pain as Ezra inched closer and hovered there. He couldn't say anything to ease the teen's worries. He didn't have the energy. It was all he could do to keep his eyes open as it was.
There had been a growing buzz of fear that pushed on his senses since Kallus had gone down. It had built and grown in their little crew in a way that Kanan never could have believed just a few years before. Not for the then-ISB agent that had been hunting them down. Despite their hesitancy in trusting him when they had discovered that he was Fulcrum, Kallus had fought with them, bled with them, and he was one of theirs. If there was anything Kanan knew about this small group that he called family, it was that they protected their own, and Kallus had become one of their own. He wouldn't let fear overwhelm him. He wasn't ready to give up hope. Somewhere, somehow, the Force would show him how to save Kallus. It had to.
But it hadn't. Not yet. Kanan didn't know how long he'd been knelt in the solitude of his room, deep enough in a meditative state that buzzing fear had become distant. It had been, at least, until Garazeb Orelious threw the door open and barged inside, snapping him out of it without the answer that they all needed him to find. "Zeb, I told you to —"
"He's dying!" the Lasat snapped and Kanan loosed a breath threw his nose, trying to stay calm.
"I know. That's why I'm looking for a way to help him." Didn't he know that? Of course he did, but he was letting the panic override everything else.
"We're outta time," Zeb pressed.
Kanan let his sightless eyes flutter open. "Kallus is stubborn. He just has to hang on long enough to get him to Yavin IV. Part of the supplies was the bacta we've been needing. The tank —"
"He can't breathe, coughin' blood. 'e won't last till we get to base. It's eatin' 'im up, Kanan."
A quiet, frustrated sigh left him. "I haven't found—"
"Do what you did for me. After Lasan. I was 'alf dead 'n you saved me. So the same for him."
"It's not that easy, Zeb. I had no idea what I was doing when I saved your life. That's what I've been searching for: a way to replicate it."
"Just try. You ain't gonna hurt him worse, an' I'm bettin' you can save him. At least buy him time."
"How far to we have till Yavin?"
"'Bout ten hours."
Then he really didn't have a choice if Kallus was deteriorating that much.
Kanan unfolded from his place on the floor and followed his friend to the tiny med bay they had. Ezra was hovering nervously over Kallus, Sabine having joined, and Kanan reached out through the Force and nearly stumbled under the onslaught of pain, blunted only by the fact that Kallus seemed to be hovering close to unconsciousness again.
"What do you need from us?" Sabine asked quietly and Ezra moved out of the way so Kanan could take a seat next to the injured man's bedside.
"Quiet," he answered and reached out, one hand against Kallus' shoulder and the other against his arm. He could feel the pain, he could sense the struggle to breathe, and the overwhelming sense of drowning without any water in sight. He tried to open himself up to let the Force guide him, but between Kallus and their nervous crew mates all around, it was difficult. He needed a focal point.
Kanan pulled in a steadying breath, letting his mind drift back to the first time he'd met Zeb. Beaten and broken, the blast that had nearly killed him had left his fur matted in blood and bones shattered. He'd given up, and without understanding why, Kanan couldn't. He hadn't known him then and he didn't understand at the time that he would, eventually, become family. He had just allowed the Force to use him, and it had. It had used him as a conduit to knit the Lasat - one of so few that had escaped Lasan - back together.
And now it was doing the same for Kallus because they couldn't give up on him either.
The Jedi felt the Force move, a warmth in either hand and somewhere in the back of his mind he noted that Kallus' breathing was easing just a little. He fell into the focus as he sank into the chair next to the bedside and held on. He was going to be okay. Kanan wasn't sure how, but he was sure of it.
"Two hours out," Hera's voice over the comms broke through his trance and Kanan felt himself slump forward.
"Kanan?" Ezra's voice came from directly to his right and he reached a hand out blindly for him. "Are you okay?"
"Just tired," he answered.
"All of his vitals have stabilised," Sabine said. "They're up some and his breathing's better."
Kanan nodded tiredly. He knew. He still wasn't sure exactly how he'd done it, but maybe a little hope just went a long ways.
Kallus hated the feeling of swimming back towards consciousness. The disorientation, the equal chance between pain and danger. Sometimes both. His ISB training had taught him a handful of tricks to ensure any captors were unaware he was awake, but that didn't make it easy. Or particularly pleasant.
Something innate in him was ready for the pain this time, as if it had been there every time before, but it was muted. He laid there for a long moment, his breathing starting shallow, but deepening as memories filled in blank spaces and he became more aware of his surroundings. He flexed his fingers, feeling the sheets that were just a little thicker than in the Ghost's tiny medbay. As he let his eyes flutter open he found himself looking up, the stone ceiling high above him. Yavin IV, then. Somehow he'd survived long enough to get back.
Kallus shifted carefully, bracing for the pain to spike. His side was sore, the movement pulling on a still-healing wound, but nothing like it had been in his last memory. It didn't make sense, though. Even though they'd gotten him back and clearly had gotten him treatment with their renewed medical supplies, he didn't know of any medicine that would have stopped the spread of deterioration the disruptor rifle caused. Bacta tanks could do wonders, but he would have had to become a semi permanent resident in one to have done that, and the rebellion simply didn't have those resources. No, something else had happened that had saved his life. He just didn't know what.
He blinked hard, trying to clear his vision a bit more and turned to his left. His gaze fell on where Kanan Jarrus was sleeping on a bench against the wall, Hera leaned up against him, and vague memories started to tug into place like a dream that the mind wasn't sure if it was going to hold onto yet. There had been so much pain and then a strange sort of warmth. He couldn't grasp ahold of any of the details, but something told him it hadn't been medical science that had saved his life against all odds, but the same Jedi that he'd once hunted down for the Empire. Kanan had saved his life. He swallowed hard at the thought, the movement in his throat pulling a weak cough from him.
The voice from his right was soft and familiar, and Kallus looked over to find Zeb on the floor, a teen snoozing on either side as if he were an oversized pillow. The sight pulled a soft, amused snort from the injured man and a real, albeit small smile. Everything felt like it was working in slow motion. "Hey," he croaked back, happily surprised the words were audible at all.
"How ya feelin'?"
There was rustling at the sound of their quiet voices, but if any of the others actually woke, they didn't budge. Kallus shifted a bit again and took fresh stock. "Stiff and sore, but the fact I'm alive seems like a good sign." He paused his lips together. "How…?"
"Kanan," Zeb confirmed quietly. "Same way he saved my life once."
Kallus winced, but it wasn't from the physical pain. "After Lasan?"
The Lasat hummed an affirmative and carefully started untangling himself from Ezra and Sabine. The Mandalorian's eyes fluttered open and she eased over to where Zeb had been sitting, keeping the somehow-still-sleeping Ezra from falling sideways on the med room floor. She offered a tired smile before settling back in.
"You've been out for a few days," Zeb explained, moving to stand closer to the bed so that his voice was less likely to wake the others. He pulled a single chair over. It wasn't made for a being his size, but he took a seat so he was eye-level with Kallus. "We started in shifts when everyone was goin' through debrief over what happened, but at some point we just all ended up in here."
It was another sharp reminder of just how different this group of people were from those he'd worked with in the Empire. The people that had stood at attention when he walked by and had scurried to carry out his orders, but when it came down to it didn't give a damn if he made it out of a dangerous mission alive. For so long he'd told himself it didn't matter. He was doing his duty, no matter how ugly it got. He was serving what he'd determined to be a greater good. And he'd been utterly alone surrounded by a star destroyer's worth of people. Not anymore. Now, waking up from what - if he were honest - were the repercussions of his own actions years before during the atrocities he carried out in the name of duty, he was surrounded by people that didn't just care, but had fought for him to live.
"Hey?" Zeb called softly, pulling Kallus out of his thought. He leaned over him worriedly. "You okay?"
Kallus blinked, realizing that his eyes weren't blurring from the sleep he'd just come out of. A couple more rapid blinks cleared them and he turned towards Zeb and tried for a smile and a small nod. The Lasat didn't look convinced and Kallus cleared his throat, trying for a subject that was a little more practical rather than all of the emotional thoughts swirling around in his head regarding the show of loyalty from the people he still didn't feel he'd earned it from. "At least tell me we got what we went for."
"Yeah, we got it. Good thing too. You spent the first couple days back in a bacta tank."
That pulled a small frown from the injured man. "We didn't have that much to spare."
Zeb flashed a toothy grin. "Oh, Mon Mothma made sure of it. We ain't got the numbers to make him pay for what he did, but Mothma made him think we did."
Kallus snorted a soft laugh, the irony of the woman that would have seen him court marshalled a decade before now fighting for his life was not lost on him. Exhaustion tugged at him and he repositioned, trying to wake himself up a little more.
"Get some sleep, Kal. We'll be here," Zeb promised.
"You said after it was done," Kallus mumbled. They must have been flushing his system with meds. It was the only reason he was losing focus that quickly.
"What's that?"
His lids were too heavy. He reached a clumsy hand out. "I'm sorry."
"Nothin' to be sorry for. Just get some sleep."
"No." He forced his eyes open and looked over. "For what I did. For Lasan. I'm so sorry, Zeb."
He heard Zeb breathe out a sigh and the Lasat reached a large hand out to his shoulder. "You ain't that person anymore. Not n' a long time now. You're family now."
Kallus opened his to eyes and Zeb squeezed his shoulder gently. "Nope. You don't get to argue when the Spectres call you family."
"Wouldn't dare," Kallus answered and felt sleep pulling him under. Against the odds, he'd made it - they'd made it - and they'd live to fight another day. As long as they lived, there was hope.
Notes: This idea slammed into me a while back and just wouldn't let go, so, being Whumptober, it felt like a perfect fit. And what is hurt without the comfort at the end? I just really love the idea of the entire Ghost team collectively adopting Kallus and him slowly wrapping his mind around that. I Hope you enjoyed reading as much as I did writing this!
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spectres-fulcrum · 2 years
One day I'm going to make a post on how Zeb's "Well, you can't judge all Lasats the same" and Kallus' "Does that sentiment apply to Imperials?" and Zeb's returning "All the imperials I know"
Is the older, more wearier, more guarded, more war torn version of
Ahsoka and Lux's flirty "I'm the first Jedi you've ever met, aren't I?" "Well, um, yes." "Look at me, I'm not so bad, am I?" Lux looks her up and down, "No, not bad at all." And she rolls her eyes and says "Boys are the same" no matter what side they're on. And he runs after her, "How many seperatists have you met? You think we're the bad guys, but how many have you actually met?" "Well, other than military officers... none, I guess. You and your mother are the first." "Well, look at me, am I so bad?"
Like there are a lot of parallels there, only Lux and Ahsoka-obviously- have barely met people on the other side because this is Year 2 of the war. Ahsoka is 15, almost 16 and a literal child soldier while Lux is like 17 and confused to why the Jedi are suddenly the bad guys after being the good guys for so long and his father was just killed. They're just two kids who suddenly find themselves together on peaceful grounds without watchful eyes and are questioning for the first time... Of course they were going to fall. They were the perfect storm of what the other couldn't have, put in a place where they could pretend for a short time.
While Zeb and Kallus have see each other's kinds hurt each other time after time, for over a decade. They're weary, they're guarded. They remember before all this, before the Clone Wars even. They were grown up, in a way when it started(In my mind Kallus was born 40 BBY, but later in the year so he was 17.5 when it started, but had already decided on going into the military academy). There's no more chances to give, or there shouldn't be. But there was one last chance to be earned.
Even the first time seeing THO I was like, this reminds me of the first Lux ep and I still stand by that. It's just more realistic, but that's reasonable. With ages and history and all that. But it is really interesting to think about.
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thehamsterjedii · 4 years
Imagine after returning to Yavin IV post liberation of Lothal, Hera vents out a bit to the ex- ISB agent Kallus.
Fandom: Star Wars Rebels
Words: 921
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Most people say the golden hour of any sun is the most beautiful time of the day. Hera Syndulla might have agreed before, but now, she hated it, it only brought her painful memories.
The sun was setting on Yavin IV, giving the Ghost an almost magical shine while it was slowing down to land on the Rebel base. Hera parked the Ghost silently, opening the ramp to who wanted to leave. She heard faint but heavy steps exit the ship, definitely belonging to the purple Lasat. She can't really blame him, it was an eventful day, no wonder he wanted to vent at the borders, away from any noise.
The Mandalorian spectre has been in her cabin ever since they jumped into hyperspace, and apparently, she's not planning to leave any time soon. Chopper powered off to charge a while ago, leaving Hera in the silent cockpit, haunted by her thoughts.
Alexsandr Kallus hasn't been with the Ghost crew for long, all he ever knew of them was how they were ruthless rebel killers back in his empire days, but it turns out, they were none of what he believed back then. The crew of the ghost are a found family that cared deeply for each other more than he ever had in mind. A family he wished to have.
Kallus wandered around the VCX's hallway, not having a specific destination in mind, he let his feet carry him to wherever they wanted. Eventually, his feet led him to the cockpit where he found the pilot slumped in her seat while sniffling quietly.
Hera almost jumped out of her chair when she heard the cockpit's door open, quickly wiping her tears away and looking back at the intruder, she found Kallus standing there silently. She sighed and turned her head to the windshield, fantasizing the marvelous jungle of Yavin that surrounded the base.
Kallus walked slowly and sat with a huff on the co-pilot seat. If Hera had to guess, he must be on the verge of collapsing after this day, Adrenaline solely keeping him upright.
He looked shyly at Hera and spoke with a quiet sorrowful voice "I'm sorry for what happened today Hera, i couldn't stop anything from happening", Hera gave away a small smile at his apology, "You couldn't have stopped any of this from happening, it's the will of the force, I'm glad you made it out in one piece" she said sadly.
Kallus chuckled a little at her last comment, "The Force have always been a mystery to me, since the war on Lasan, when some lasats called it the Ashla" he replied.
Hera smiled but the smile never reached her eyes, she responded "from what Kanan told me, the force is an energy that binds all living things together. Some people have more sensitivity to it than others, due to something in their cells Kanan mentioned before, but I kind of forgot... Midichlorians? Maybe.. Anyways, these Midichlorians varied in number from a force sensitive to another, therefore some jedi and sith have been more powerful than others. Most of us normal people have about 2-100 Midichlorians in each cell, hence why we're not attuned to the force. But Kanan and Ezra, they had more than that, ranging in the thousands. The force will always be mysterious in how it works, even the jedi couldn't describe it"
Kallus sat there dumbstruck, overwhelmed by all this new information he never heard of before, his mouth slightly open and eyes wide. Hera chuckled slightly at his reaction, but went back to the sad look.
"I.. Can't describe how I'm currently feeling, but this is incredible, it must've been crazy for you to live with 2 force sensitives" Kallus let his last words slip before realising what they meant, he hurriedly tried to mend the situation "Hera,.. I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to.. Ugh.. I'm..", Hera lifted a hand to stop his rambling, a slight smile on her lips while her while her eyes are on the verge of tears "Yes, it was crazy, but i would want to have them living with me more than anything. I just... I miss them so much.. I.. I just lost Kanan and before I could grieve, I lost Ezra too. I never thought I would lose them both so fast. And I feel like this is my fault, I mean Kanan came to save ME and died.. I'm sorry" Hera said shakily and tears started to cascade down her face.
Kallus would have never thought he'd be one of the few people to see the General's vulnerable side. In his imperial days, he wouldn't think her crew meant this much to her, oh how wrong was he. They're literally a family, torn apart too soon, because of the empire. He despised himself knowing he was a part of this murderous dictatorship that holds the Galaxy in a vice like grip, crushing hopes and families for power. What an abomination.
Kallus put a comforting hand on Hera's shoulder and said caringly "none of this is your fault Hera, this, is the Empire's fault, and they will pay for it. I feel disgusted that I was part of this abomination".
Hera looked up from the floor to meet Kallus's eyes, and smiled, "I'm glad you're in the rebellion, we'll make the empire pay for this suffering. You're a good man Kallus, that's why you left, don't sell yourself short" she replied quietly.
Kallus returned the smile and whispered "We'll make them pay".
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seth-shitposts · 1 year
Let's see I'm getting my thoughts in order here.
I have a to write list that's going to keep us busy:
The last two (+bonus) chapters of Conversationalist
A mystery event piece
Jealousy, Ft Lando (🔞)
Edits to an unnamed NSFW piece that's been done I'm just nervous- (the rough draft is done, im going to go over it with one of our friends today i think)
Two chapters for a collab we're doing with a friend
Really any of the prompts sitting in our docs
And then also
A project we will start posting once Conversationalist is completed.
Originally was going to be a short one shot, but then we got attached.
So how it went down:
Seth read a rebel comic that followed an imperial droid and it was such a sad ending. He gave Alex the big ol eyes and said "we can't leave him out in the cold🥺🥺🥺"
To which Alex folded like a wet paper towel.
So now we're working on a side fic following 264, the courier droid that the ghost crew nabbed on lothal when searching for kanan that Chopper promptly pushed out the ghost.
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Ima give you the sparknotes of the follow up comic.
Lil guy here, 264, was found in the exact spot the show left him by some local farmers. He decided to stay with them and help them around the farm. Until the empire showed up and arrested the farmers for stolen imperial equipment.
He was reassigned to an outpost on a frigid, inhospitable planet where he was miserable and continuously mistreated by the imperials. There, a captured Sabine Wren had been brought in and 264 recognized her immediately. He set her free and aided the ghost crew in escaping. He was found by the rebels, he could join them.
Zeb recognized the droid, but wasn't able to have much conversation before the ship got trapped in a tractor beam. 264 jumped off ship, choosing to stay behind to release them from the tractor beam so they could get away. The imperials went "What is wrong with this droid" and left him outside in a junk heap.
The comic ends with him thinking to himself that the rebels know where he is now, so he just has to wait for them.
Seth: and that makes me want to CRY. He's still out there in the cold!! 😭😭😭😭😭
Alex: so now we're writing a follow up to it about (fulcrum!)Kallus finding him and fixing him up.
Anyway @foxxxtransformer123 Guessed The Droid so here's 264's response to this post.
Also bold is translated, as Kallus understands the droid, that will be written.
"And why's that? You're one of the top agents in your field." The only reason why this agent would bother with this game is in the hope that 264 will lead him to the rebels. Maybe he can use the borrowed time he has to send the agent running in circles.  "Because I have also defected."  … …… "Agent, I have a very limited response bank, but I am doing the best I can to make this response special. Just for you." 264 hopes he's coming across as sarcastic as possible. "You are misleading me, into a cave of deceit. You must be desperate if you're going to create a ruse such as this one just to get me to tell you where those rebels are." The agent doesn't make any move  to stop 264, so he continues while he still has the ability to. "I was going to just send you on wild ghost chases with no inkling of success and revel in wasting your time with what little I have left, but frankly," 264 whirring indignantly, "I'm just so insulted that you thought I'd believe that. I may be cross wired and have no better place to rot than this scrap heap, but I am not the fool you think I am."  The agent looks so entertained by his spiel. And then the… the… 264 rattles in frustration at not having some foul word he can call this agent. Whatever. The agent laughs, utterly infuriating 264. 
The Renascence of 264 is going to be a multichap fic. First chapter is pretty much complete, just wanna brush over it again and finish outlining the plot of the fic before we choose to drop it, and I want to finish Conversationalist before we start dropping it. ^_^
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