#we've been going insane and dropping hints about it for MONTHS
apricior · 6 months
i'm free to go anywhere (can i please just stay with you?)
The following summer after Earth has been saved, the teens go on a road trip to explore the real California! ... But on this journey, things aren't the same as they used to be. Normal runs away, and Hermie runs back.
surprise! i wrote an oakworthy fic with the amazing the unmatched the legend @hermanunworthy <3
find it on ao3
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
Peaky Blinders Incorrect Quotes (Part Three)
(Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven / Part Eight / Part Nine / Part Ten)
(Divider by this person here)
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Thomas Shelby: You’re not jealous, are you? Red: No! Thomas Shelby: Good, ‘cause I consider my fake relationship with you a lot more meaningful.
Red: I think I just figured something out. I got to go. Thomas Shelby: Aren't you forgetting something? Red: Uuh...*hesitantly kisses Thomas Shelby's forehead before running out.* Thomas Shelby: No, pay your bill! Damn, who raised you?
Red: Hey, random question, what are your favorite flowers? Thomas Shelby: Peonies, why? Red:
Thomas Shelby: Were you going to get me flowers? Red:
Thomas Shelby:
Red: ᶦᵗ’ˢ ᵃ ᵖᵒˢˢᶦᵇᶦˡᶦᵗʸ
*Thomas Shelby and Red are in Paris.* Thomas Shelby: I'm...moved. I...I don't know what it is I'm feeling right now. I feel...destiny? Red: But... Thomas Shelby: I don't know what it is. I feel like... I just never thought I'd see it with my own two eyes. And here it is. It's just there. It's right in front of me, and... Red: This is what you wanted to see? The bridge from Inception? Thomas Shelby: Yeah. Red: But the Eiffel Tower is behind us, babe. Thomas Shelby: Yeah, but this is the bridge FROM INCEPTION. Red: Okay, alright.
Thomas Shelby: Why don’t you go talk to them? Red, sarcastically: Oh. Yeah, sure. Thomas Shelby: What? So you go tell them they’re cute, what’s the worst that could happen? Red: They could hear me.
Red: Can you cut me some slack, Thomas Shelby? I’m sort of in love. Thomas Shelby: I’m sorry, but that’s really not my problem. Red: I’m in love with you. Thomas Shelby: *blushes* Oh. That brings me in the loop a little.
Thomas Shelby: That was so hot, Red. Red: I literally called the person who just flirted with you a degenerate dog and told them I hope they get dragged through the streets. Thomas Shelby: I'm so in love with you.
Thomas Shelby: How much did you spend on this date? Red: $1400. But all of it's on credit cards, so it's like $5 a month for the next 2,000 years.
Thomas Shelby: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine. Red: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again. Thomas Shelby: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns?? Red: Is it working?
Thomas Shelby: Remember, Red, don't do anything I wouldn't do. Red: I think I crossed that line when I got a date.
Red: I don't know how to tell you this, but... I love you. Thomas Shelby: That's great, Red. Especially considering the fact we've been married for 6 fucking years.
Red: Come to dinner tonight. I can’t cook, but I’ll bring plenty of free wine. Thomas Shelby: Marry me.
Red: You have to apologize to them Thomas Shelby. Thomas Shelby: Fine! But I must warn you that this might make me a better, nicer person and that is NOT the person you fell in love with!
Red: Hey, Thomas, what do you think it would be like if we had kids? Thomas: What would it be like? Inconvenient, mostly. Red: No, I mean, what would they be like, the kids? You ever think about it? Thomas: Can't really say I have. Red: You know, for someone as eccentric as yourself, you can be boring as fuck sometimes. Thomas: Sorry, Red. For what it's worth, I'm picturing them now. A boy and a girl. Two perfect little freaks of nature raised by people who've clearly got no business bringin' up anybody.
Thomas: Red is playing hard to get. Thomas: Little do they know, I'm a master at playing hard to get rid of.
Thomas: I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response. Red: Wow. They sound stupid. Thomas: But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense. Red: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!” Thomas: I guess you’re right. Hey Red, I love you. Red: See! Just say that! Thomas: Holy fucking shit. Red: If that flies over their head then, sorry Thomas, but they're too dumb for you. Thomas: Red.
Thomas: There are 20 letters in the alphabet, right? Red: Nope, there's 26. Thomas: Ah, I must have forgotten U, R, A, Q, T. Red: Aww, that's cute, but you're still missing one. Thomas: You'll get the D later ;).
Thomas: I owe you one. Red: That’s ok. You can just date me and we’ll call it even.
Thomas: Talk dirty to me, baby~ Red: The dishes. Thomas: Wh- Red: They’ve been there for 4 days and it’s your turn to wash them. You still haven’t cleaned them and I have asked you to do so several times.
Thomas: Are you ready to commit? Red: Like, a crime or a relationship?
Red: I feel like doing something stupid. Thomas: I’m stupid, do me.
Thomas: Let’s watch Sharkboy and Lavagirl. Red: Okay. Thomas: And make out during the scary parts. Red: Th- Red: The scary parts. Red: Of Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
Red: Go fuck yourself. Thomas, smugly: Sure, but only if you watch
Thomas: This date is boring! Red: This isn't a date. I said I was going to the store. Thomas: Then why did you invite me? Red: I didn’t, I specifically said "don't come with me," then you said, "fuck you Red I'll do whatever I want!
Red: When you said 'Magic in Bed', I wasn't expecting this... Thomas: *pulls out card from deck* Now, was this your card? Red: Holy moly-
Thomas: So... what would you do if you were in bed with me? Red: Depends. Is your bed comfortable? Thomas: Yes. Red: I'd sleep.
*Red is crying after a breakup* Thomas: There there, Red. Red, still crying: Thanks, but how did you get into my room? Thomas: Great question—
Thomas: The stars are so beautiful... Red: They're just giant balls of gas. Thomas: You know what, if you're just going to ruin this, then- Red: And yet none of them are as huge as my love for you. Thomas: Oh...
Red: Thomas, you do remember when we agreed we were better off as friends, right? Thomas, naked in Red's bed: No, I absolutely do not. Red, already taking off their clothes: Fuck... Me neither.
Thomas: You know my motto: carpe diem, carpe noctem, carpe coles. Red: Seize the day, seize the night, what’s the last one? Thomas: Seize the dick.
Red: I’m proud to identify as morosexual. I’m attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. Someone asked me what the Spanish word for "tortilla" was once, and now I dream of kissing them under the moonlight. Thomas Shelby: What kind of animal is the Pink Panther? Red, already taking off their clothes: God, Thomas Shelby, you’re so fucking stupid.
Red: You are the love of my life and I would do anything within reason to make you happy. Thomas: I would be happy if you ate, stayed hydrated and got a reasonable amount of sleep. Red: I said within reason, Thomas. How about I murder that guy? Thomas: So murder is in reason but proper self care isn't? Red: Well, duh. What kind of question is that?
Red: Can you cut me some slack, Thomas? I’m sort of in love. Thomas: I’m sorry, but that’s really not my problem. Red: I’m in love with you. Thomas: *blushes* Oh. That brings me in the loop a little.
Thomas: Just a minute. I need to go take out the trash. Red: Oh. We're going out? Thomas: Wh...
Red: If I'm extra sarcastic with you it probably means I'm flirting with you or you really annoy me and I can't handle your crap... have fun figuring out which one.
Thomas: Pros and cons of dating me. Thomas: Pros. You'll be the cute one. Thomas: Cons. Holy shit, where do I begin-
Thomas: I would never say that my partner is a bitch and I don’t don’t like them. That’s not true… My partner is a bitch and I like them so much!
Alfie: So... who's the big spoon and who's the little spoon? Red: We're chopsticks! Alfie: Well... that's cute! Alfie: Does that mean you two snuggle together perfectly? Thomas: No, it means that if you take the other away, the only thing the other is good for is stabbing.
Thomas: Someone take me to art museums and make out with me. Red: But they said not to touch the masterpieces. Thomas: Well somebody's got to pin the artwork to the wall. Alfie, on a walkie talkie: This is Alfie, those idiots are fucking around in the East wing again.
Thomas: How do you know how to kiss? Like who teaches you? Red: Well it’s actually a class, but unfortunately it’s full right now. Red: Would you like me to tutor you? Alfie: That was smooth.
Red, looking through their clothes: Has anyone seen my top? Alfie: Thomas's in the kitchen
Alfie: So, are you two dating now? Thomas & Red: Yes. Alfie: Why? Thomas: I happen to find Red very appealing. Alfie: Yeah, I can understand that. I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with Red.
Alfie: So… I’ve seen you’ve been spending a lot of time with Red recently. Thomas: No, Alfie, it's not what it looks like, I swear. Alfie: Oh really? So no reason for me to be jealous? Thomas: No! You’re the only one for me. Alfie: Is that so? Thomas: I promise! Red and I are just dating, okay? They’re my partner. Alfie: So there are no best-friends-feelings involved? Thomas: You are still my one and only best friend! They’re just the love of my life, nothing more! Alfie: But I’m still the platonic love of your life, right? Thomas: Of course bro! Alfie: Bro... Red: What the-
Alfie: So are you gonna explain how the hell you crashed my car? Thomas: Well we were driving and there was a deer in the road, so I said "Red, deer!" Alfie: ...And what did Red do? Thomas: ...They said "Yes, Honey?"
Thomas, holding a rock: Red just gave this to me and said "I feel like you deserve the moon but all I can give you is a rock". Alfie: If you don't marry them, I will.
Alfie: Do you mind if I slyly mention that you’re single? Thomas: Do not do that. Alfie: You won’t even notice! Red, entering: Alfie, you wanted to see me again? Alfie: Thomas's single Thomas:
Red: Why do you let me win when we race up the stairs? You’re the faster one. Thomas: Erm... it’s nice see your smile when you win! *later* Red: They're probably just staring at my ass, aren't they. Alfie: Yeah, probably.
Alfie: H-how do you ask someone out? Red: Well, first- Thomas: Don't ask them, they asked me out in a McDonalds parking lot. Alfie: …And you said yes?
Thomas: *yawns* Red: Yeah, being that pretty must be tiring. Thomas: Then you must be exhuasted. Alfie: Will you two shut up? Some of us are lonely.
Red: Is there a cactus where your heart should be? Alfie: What’s up your ass this morning! Thomas: *walks in* …Hey. Alfie: Hmm… nevermind. Red: WAIT NO!
Alfie: Who do we know that has handcuffs? Thomas: Well Red and I- Red: *elbows Thomas* Thomas: …wouldn't know.
Alfie, bursting into the room: You two are having sex! Thomas, not looking up from their book: Really? Red, why didn’t you tell me? I would have put my book down.
Alfie: This totally sucks, man. Red: This is horrible. Alfie: Yeah, I know, I mean look at today’s news. Red: No, it’s not that, it’s Thomas. Red: It’s just like, I can’t get them out of my head and every time I look at them I have this pains in my chest, and I just know it’s their fault, that bitch!
Thomas: That's ridiculous, Red doesn't have a crush on me. Aberama: Yes they do. Alfie: Yes they do. Red: Yes I do.
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msookyspooky · 2 years
Terrible Trilogy
Part 13
wordcount: 7,336
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"YN tell me, why do you still feel guilty?" 
You looked at Henry with an uneasy frown. You remember this, it was your last therapy session with him not quite 2 years ago. 
"What do you mean? I stopped Sidney from being stabbed." 
"Yes, but we've been over this. You did what you felt was right at the time. If Ms. Weathers wasn't there; it would have been inevitable. We made progress and then within the last few weeks, this guilt has returned. Why is that?" 
You released a shaky sigh in your chair. "Then maybe it's not exactly what I feel guilty over...I don't know." 
He sighed himself, sitting his pen and clipboard in his lap. "YN, you clearly feel upset over something. It's safe to tell me what it is." 
You were quiet...You couldn't tell him the guilt was from allowing Stu Macher to stay at your house out of fear and his emotional manipulation he was so good at; Making you feel sorry for him. It was always presented as him being some poor old friend with a change of heart...But he would drop tiny hints laced as jokes about what he could do if you called the police. You were stuck and felt guilt towards your living and decreased friends over the choice you were forced to make. 
You sidestepped. "Henry...Do you think there's any way that Tim and James could have actually been Billy or Stu?"
"YN, we've been over this as well... No I don't. I think you were under a lot of stress and the brain has a way of making us think a traumatic experience is similar to another. It's a sense of familiarity that's comforting to us." 
You sat up to look at him. "Randy thought it was them too. Gale. They said-" 
"What they wanted everyone to hear. These types of people get a rush from inacting other murderers that are represented in their minds as aspiring idols." 
You shook your head with a bitter smile. "So...You'll never believe me if I tell you?" 
"Tell me what, YN?" 
You lightly hit the chair under you. "Nothing, just forget I said anything." 
"YN, what is it? Is it the fact you think it's possible for them to still be after you?" 
"I...Maybe. I don't know. But what if they are? What if Tim and James were-" 
He eyed you and wrote something down on his pad before you even finished your sentence. You shot up with a glare. He only writes when you talk about Billy and Stu and you could just tell he thought you were hallucinating...Again.
"What are you writing, Henry? That I'm delusional when everyone else saw them too including Detective Andrews and Richards?" 
"They saw Tim and James, YN." 
"Who's to say they were?! What if...What if they're still out there? Billy and Stu…. I mean, we know Tim and James or whoever is still out there." You tried saving yourself.
"YN, is there something you need to get off your chest?" 
You shook your head. "Why? So you can label me insane all because it wasn't proven who they were?" 
"Then why did you tell the police they were Tim and James if you're so certain it could have been the actual Billy Loomis and Stu Macher?" 
You went to stand up. "Because they wouldn't believe me just like you don't and I'd rather not be labeled a bigger laughing stock than I already am. Did they do anything to REALLY find Tim or James? No. After a few short months of nothing, they considered it a cold case and stopped looking… They abandoned the case, and therefore, abandoned me." You stood up and put on your jacket. "Now, I have to watch my own back for two murderers whether they were Billy or Stu or not." 
You knew they were. Stu just visited your house a few weeks ago for the first time. You couldn't tell him that. Not now after seeing he would protest against even entertaining the possibility. You felt like your last ditch effort to out Stu was shot down. You didn't turn him in at Windsor as Stu because you thought he would just leave and you'd never see him again...If you knew he was going to be staying at your place; you may have thought otherwise. But then Gale would have found a way to twist it or the media or the police...You were stuck and desperate for someone to help you in some way but there was no one.
"YN, please sit down. This is a safe place where you can talk about anything or nothing. If you don't want to talk about it then we don't have to. " 
You stared at him long and hard before shaking your head. "...I think this is going to be our last session. All we do is go back and forth over the same topics and it leads to nowhere or we beat around the bush because I can't tell you." 
"YN, I don't think it's wise to end therapy. You've been through a lot and-" 
"Am I a danger to myself or others, Henry?" 
He stared at you. "No." 
"Then you can't force me to be your patient any longer. We're done. I'm sorry but I'm not going on medication for thinking Billy and Stu were Tim and James or thinking they could still be alive or for being flighty over loud noises and crowds, Henry." 
"That is not what I recommended the medication for...YN, I feel you will benefit from medication." 
"For what you think are hallucinations?" You pressed.
He sighed heavily. "Not for what happened at Windsor but for your behavior in between instances. Considering multiple times between our first session and now you have called me describing seeing things. Masks in a crowd, outside your windows, seeing who you think are Billy Loomis or Stu Macher or even seeing glimpses your deceased friend Sidney…Perhaps I do think it's best." 
You scoffed. "That was before Windsor! I panicked, okay?! I haven't told you I saw them since! You're telling me no one can think they see something when they're scared?" 
"And medication will help you not be scared of everything." 
"So it's gonna numb me? Just make me forget all my very valid worries?" 
"No, but it will help with night terrors and paranoia...And hallucinations. YN, you have anxiety, depression and PTSD and right now you're lashing out out of fear...Why are you fighting trying out medication so badly when it could help you? It's been 3 years, YN. You can't live in fear forever so why not take something to help your nerves and overactive mind?" 
"Because I don't need medication for something that's re-" You cut yourself off. "I don't want to be on medication when I haven't seen anything 'not real' in over a year. And what was real or not real, Henry? Tim and James were actively making me crazy for how long? How long, Henry? You weren't there! With due respect, you're just going off what I tell you." 
"And you could tell me more and help me understand, YN. You had awful people do awful things to you and you need help." 
Your shoulders untensed as you frowned at him. "...You're right and I'm sorry...But I'm taking a break from therapy sessions with you...You don't understand and I can't fully explain it to you...I'm sorry." You turned away, trying to swallow the lump in your throat. 
He wasn't really at fault but after Windsor, after finding out that they did survive and were now a giant secret you were forced to keep out of pure survival; Therapy wasn't the same. It didn't feel relieving like it once did but just one more person to hide this from who was thinking you were hallucinating from tiny tidbits of information you would drop just to see if you could tell him. You were dying to tell someone, anyone...But you couldn't. 
Henry spoke up as you walked away. "...What are you so afraid of?" 
You went to open the door but it was locked. You don't remember it being locked… "Henry, can you get the door for me?" 
He didn't move...This wasn't what you remembered. You turned back to him. "Henry?" 
He shook his head. "I don't think you're fit to leave here yet, YN." 
You felt panic set in as you jerked the door handle. "Henry?....Henry?! You cannot keep me here, Henry! This is unethical and illegal as long as I'm not a threat!"
You jerked the door before someone spoke up...Someone you haven't heard from in 5 years. "Baby...YN, I think you need to sit down and listen to the Doc here." 
You bristled, terrified to turn around. You felt your hand tremble against the door handle...Something was wrong. He shouldn't be here.
"YN, turn around." 
You sucked in a deep breath to slowly look over your shoulder. You closed your eyes with a pained gasp at what you saw.
"What's the matter, baby? You don't think I'm attractive anymore?" 
You opened your eyes again to see James...It was what you imagined from the police reports. It was his face but covered in blood with the top layer of skin gone. His intestines were wrapped around his neck from the giant gash on his abdomen as he sat in the chair you were in. 
"James...You're not real, you're dead." 
"Yeah, no thanks to those pieces of shit you insisted on hanging out with." He leaned forward with a glare directed at you. "I was on my way to a sports scholarship. I was planning on working on having a better relationship with my Dad when he got out of prison...I'll never get that now." 
You forced yourself to fully turn around, back pressed against the door. "James, you brought this on yourself. You were an abusive, mean-" 
He chuckled bitterly, his smile moving his skinned face in an unnatural way. "Is that what Stu Macher convinced you? They were protecting you? I choked you. I did...But at least I stopped. Did Stu? No, I don't think so. I think he was going to crush your wind pipe had you not lied to him and said you loved him as a distraction...What a fucking tool...You know it too." 
You could see the similarities between him and Stu now that you never saw before. In Highschool, you thought James was a monster and Billy and Stu were just misunderstood….Now? You weren't so sure about any of it. 
You spoke up. "We're not talking about Stu. We're talking about you, James." 
He continued. " Oh, I know. We were good, YN. We may not have been perfect but we were good. Then they started pushing. Pushing and pushing and running their mouths to me and threats and telling me you were fucking them...I snapped under pressure. Remember my dog? Remember when we found her mutilated in the field behind my house?" His face twisted. "I don't think it was coyotes. I think those fuckers did it." 
"They wouldn't kill a dog-" 
"Oh, so they can rip my fucking face off while I was still kicking and screaming but they draw the line at a damn dog?" He shook his head. "No...Those fuckers probably did it. They cornered me and threatened me, YN. They had me stressed out!-" 
You couldn't take your eyes off of him. The face you once fell for, gone. You interrupted him. "You were already a bad person underneath it all, James. Snapped under pressure; are you fucking kidding me? That's an excuse." 
"Oh! But Stu and that freak Loomis aren't bad people? Give ME a break....And what about me? What the hell did I ever do?" Another voice rang out. 
You turned to see none other than Casey Becker in the other chair. She looked so pale, blood at the corner of her mouth and her guts hanging out in her lap of her blood soaked sweater. 
The room felt colder, darker...Henry's desk light was flickering and illuminating their disturbing faces in an eerie way. 
She continued, tears straining her face and voice. "Huh? What the hell did I ever do to deserve THIS?!" She cried pointing at her own entrails.
You shook your head, you knew you looked like you saw a ghost even without a mirror. "This...This isn't real-" 
"ANSWER ME!" Casey yelled as James sat back in his seat and watched. 
"I don't know! You about everyone, especially anyone you felt threatened by! You didn't think that it wouldn't bite you in the end?!" You snapped, not knowing what else to say. You didn't know what you were saying, you were just saying it. 
Casey huffed through her tears as James scoffed with an outraged laugh. His face splitting and a bit of blood seeping down his neck from the motion. 
James spoke up for her. "Really? God, who the hell are you now?" 
Casey spoke up for herself. "So I talked about you behind your back like a lot of teen girls do and I deserved to be tortured and terrified and strung up for my Mom and Dad to find?!" 
You faltered. "N-No but-" 
"Face it, honey. This really had nothing to do with you. They just made you think it did. The reason I was killed was because I broke up with Stu Macher and he never got over it...He just used you as an excuse to get you on his side. And you fell for it." She half laughed and half cried with a sniff. 
"And I was collateral damage for taking Macher's place. " Steve spoke up behind Casey with his hands on her shoulders. You could hear the squishing sound of his guts sliding down to the floor where he stood. 
You nervously fidgeted with the handle on the door behind you.
Henry tilted his head to look at you. "...What are you afraid of, YN? What are you guilty of?" 
You felt your nerves getting the better of you. "God damn it Henry, open this fucking door!!" 
You eyed all the victims staring at you, glaring at you as if you did all this. 
Someone stumbled behind Henry's chair as he seemed unfazed. Principal Himbry's hair was a mess, his guts hanging out and blood out of the corner of his purple lips.
"And me? I was trying to keep you kids safe. I canceled school for a reason just for you punks to have a party and then I was made a mockery of on the football field by your delinquent generation." 
"I wasn't a part of that! I-I never would have done that to you Mr. Himbry!-" 
He pointed. "Ah, ah, ah. You are palling around with the boys that did this. That's as good as guilty in my book. YN, didn't your parents ever tell you about hanging around with the wrong crowd?" 
James laughed at that along with Casey and Steve as you had your back smashed against the door. Half tempted to attempt kicking it in but too scared to turn your back to them.
A new voice came in from the corner of the room. His throat slit and blood down his shirt. 
"YN, I was just there for a job. My daughter is 4 now and has never even met me...What did I do to deserve this? You have all these excuses for these young, asshole kids...But what about me? I tried to save you." 
"K-Kenny, I know you did and I can't thank you enough but...I-" You faltered. 
A much more familiar voice hit the room that felt like a punch to the gut. You froze with your mouth open and tears in your eyes as she used her usual sassy tone. 
"If you're so thankful; why are you dishonoring his memory by singing in the car with my boyfriend that did this shit?" 
There she was. Sitting on the edge of Henry's desk...But it was wrong. She was wrong. Her neck was at an odd angle that made you feel sick to your stomach. She moved it to the angle it should be with a sickening crack that made you flinch with a gasp. 
"Tatum…" You whispered shakily, tears rolling down your cheeks as she raised a brow at you.
"Huh? Don't got anything to say?....You know… I really wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt that Stu liking you was one sided. But here you are not able to shoot him in the head for me. Inviting him into your house and car, paying for his food, sleeping side by side, on some cute lil mission to…" She hopped off the desk and walked towards you as you shrank against the door. She reached a foot from you to glare into your eyes. "To what? Make sure you aren't as guilty as they are?" 
"Yes...Tat, yes!" You desperately cried.
She laughed with a bitter chuckle. "Oh sweetie, that ship sailed a long time ago…" Her face fell into a glare. "You are guilty." 
"I'm not!" 
"You are, bitch. You're fucking guilty by association!" She screamed with a stomp of her foot.
"Tatum, I tried to get them caught!" 
A voice was practically in your ear. "Then why aren't you still trying?" 
You froze, your heart dropping out as you slowly turned to see Sidney Prescott right beside you. Her eyes were dead and cold, her hair a mess with blood on her shoulder of her jean jacket. Just like that night. And a bloody slit in her shirt right in her sternum. 
"Sid...Sid, I'm trying but I don't know how without getting blamed myself." You whimpered.
She stepped forward. "And that's a bad thing?" 
You paled at that as she continued. "You hid their involvement from us that night. You could have told us, I already had my suspicions about Billy after he was arrested at my house that I chalked up as being paranoid. But if you would have told me, I wouldn't have went. You could have warned us." 
"They wouldn't let me and you wouldn't have believed me!" 
Tatum scoffed. "Just how cops won't believe you now? Face it, you aren't afraid of cops or of us not believing you...You're afraid you want them." 
"No." You shook your head slowly, swallowing down the whimper. 
"Yes. That's why you won't call the cops or kill them yourself because you freaking want to screw them. Deep down inside, you have a soft spot for those freaks...As if they wouldn't kill you in a blink of an eye you weak ass-" 
"NO!" You tried interrupting her with a yell.
"She's right, YN! If you won't get them caught because of fear of being accused yourself or because you like them; either way it's selfish!" Sidney snapped. "...You are a bad friend." 
Tatum continued. "God, we took your ass in. You wouldn't even know Billy or Stu or Randy if it wasn't for us and this is the thanks we get? You defending our murderers and helping them not get justice for what they did?!" Her face fell. "Or my brother...Wonder what Dewey would think of you knowing you're helping the guys that slaughtered his little sister?" 
You covered your face as a sob escaped you. "This isn't real, this isn't real, this isn't real-" 
"Or Randy. " Sidney gave. "He loved me, YN. You're just a replacement for me and you know it. He's only your friend because you remind him of me...I should have been with him and let you have Billy, had I known what I know now...Then again, the pansy ass Mama's boy would have still blamed me and my Mom. But at least I wouldn't have given Billy the satisfaction...Knowing he was making out with you before making love to me...How could you?" She shook her head with disgusted tears in her eyes.
You trembled, mouth open as you tried saying something but no excuse would come out. You felt nothing but shame. 
She tilted her head and continued.  "Oh, Randy would hate knowing you made out with Billy in the closet at that party and then shared a kiss with Stu...Especially after the theater incident at Windsor that we know you secretly enjoyed. You wanted it to happen until you realized they still wanted you dead. Wonder how your only friend would react to seeing the photo of Stu and Billy laughing with you? Or you all in the same car? Or in the same room of a motel? Or finding out you invited Stu into your house in secret?" 
"I didn't! I didn't have a choice!! I don't know what else to do!!" 
You started seeing Tatum get closer as well as everyone else. Their mangled bodies coming towards you as you could only press against the door. 
"You're as guilty as they are. " James gave.
"You're going to die just like we did if you keep defending them." Someone else said you couldn't make out. They were closing in.
Sidney leaned down to whisper to you. "...You're joining us soon...The anniversary of my poor Mom and our own deaths are in a few days...Casey and Steve's anniversary was a few days ago." 
"And mine is today, baby." James growled out, inches from your face. 
Tatum smacked the wall beside you and leered at you. "And the party was a few days after that. Not long at all." 
"You'll get what's coming to you soon. " Sidney numbly monotoned. 
You looked at her, clinging to her jacket with sobs escaping you as you forced the words out. "Sid, if you're alive...Just talk to me. Please! Stop this! Stop doing this!" 
She didn't answer you as you looked at her to see a burnt, hairless corpse where she stood...You weren't gripping onto her jacket. Your hands were on her charred skin.
Someone put their hands on you. A yell ripped from your throat as you lashed out. Hitting something as you screamed to the top of your lungs and swung at anything near you.
Next thing you know, you're on a dark floor. Your hand hit something as you reeled away with terror on your face. Scrabbling backwards as ragged, panicked sobs escaped you.
You trembled on the floor as someone turned on the light on the nightstand. 
Stu got in front of you, kneeling down to grab you and lashed out at him again. "D-Don't touch me!"
He sat back. You shakily gripped your head while trying to calm your breathing. It was coming out in harsh, shallow gasps as your mind was processing it was only a dream.
"Sweetcheeks, you're fine! It was just a nightmare babe. Chill out." Stu mumbled. He went to hug you again and you held your leg up to shove him away. 
"I said don't touch me, Stu!...F-fuck…" The sob came out whether you liked it or not. 
Stu stared at you like a deer in headlights.
"...Uh...Do you want to talk about it or something then?" 
He just stared before he stood up with his own frustration in his voice. "Well, what am I supposed to do then?" 
"Nothing! J-Just leave me alone...God, please just leave me the fuck alone." You tiredly mumbled with a sniffle. 
It had a deeper meaning than just right now even if it went over Stu's head.
Stu ran a hand through his hair and outstretched his arms. "I…" He gave a defeated pout. "Fine. But if I can't help you then I'm leaving. I can't stand girls crying, least of all you-" 
You got up. "Don't bother, I'm fine. I just need fresh air...I won't go far." You urgently shoved on a jacket and rushed out of the room. You didn't listen to any protest or wait to hear him say something. You didn't want to hear anything from anyone...Least of all him.
That nightmare put things in a very jarring perspective you wouldn't be able to shake for the rest of the day. If not longer. 
You opened the door and shut it behind you just to come face to face with the other one you didn't want to talk to. You saw the concern on his face for only a second, he was close to the door as if he was going to burst in at any moment. He cleared his throat and backed away as you hastily wiped your eyes. He avoided eye contact after that and turned away as you held yourself. 
"Hey." You mumbled back with a sniff. Not sure where to go. In the room with a clingy Stu wasn't ideal, not after the nightmare you just had. But you felt a lump of disgust in your throat at the idea of talking to Billy right now as well….Risking walking the street at night or locking yourself in your cold car didn't seem as crazy of an idea as they should.
"...What happened?" 
"...Night terror." 
You noticed all of the cigarette butts on the ground near his shoes. The one in his mouth dwindled so much you had to guess it was his last.
You held yourself. The awkward silence etching into the air around you both.
"I'm guessing it was about me and Stu, huh?" He mumbled.
"Not… Directly but basically." You changed the subject. "I don't want to talk about it. How long have you been out here?" 
"All night." 
"This guy isn't going to just pop out, you know." You muttered, looking around at the dark, vacant parking lot. 
"No shit. But I'm staying out here anyways." 
You nodded, seeing the curtain move in the motel window. You lightly rolled your eyes to yourself.
"...I'm going back in...Can I sleep in your bed if you're not using it?" 
"Yeah, knock yourself out. No way I'm sleeping tonight." He mumbled, distracted and looking out at the parking lot in deep thought. 
 You walked back in. Stu was on the bed but you could see the pillow falling off where he jumped in it to look less suspicious a second ago.
You sighed and went over to Billy's bed. Practically collapsing on top of it. Eyes burning from crying, nose running and mentally exhausted
Stu instantly sat up. "Hey, what are you doing over there, babe?" He gave a forced chuckle. "Billy will literally kill you over his fortress of solitude." 
"He said I could have it, Stu." You mumbled into the pillow.
You glanced over to see the glare on his face that he quickly tried to hide with a smirk. "Sweetcheeks, whatever you dreamed about wasn't real. There's no reason to take Billy's bed, man." 
"There is, Stu. I've wanted and should have had my own bed in the motels I'm practically paying for this whole time. The nightmare I had just put things into perspective." 
You saw the desperateness in his eyes along with the demanding tone he used. "You can't....I mean, he'll sleep in here eventually. So, you'll have to be bedmates with me again soon enough...Besides, I'll be lonely over here." He tried covering his tone with a joke and a playful puppydog pout.
You didn't answer him. You didn't feel like arguing. 
Stu huffed. "Fine, I'll give you space tonight. If you have another nightmare, you know where to come back to." He patted his empty side of the bed. 
You closed your eyes and didn't answer. He just didn't get it. Worst of all, you knew he probably did get it; he just put his wants before your needs. 
It had been a horrible night. All of you pacing, yelling, arguing and beside yourselves after that photo appeared. It was a wonder you slept the first time around. After that nightmare; you knew the second time wouldn't be so lucky. 
You tried to sleep but sleep wasn't easy after that. Tossing and turning, thinking over and over about the implications of that note and photo with the nightmare intensifying your worries. Who was this? Who was responsible for this? It had to be someone personal. Someone who either took Gale's lies personally like the megafan that attacked you a few years back or Gale herself. An even worse thought; what if it was someone more personal than that? You would never admit it to Stu or Billy but...What if Randy or Dewey did find out? You swore on your life they would never try to harm you even if they found out...But what if you were wrong? You were wrong about Billy and Stu. You were misled by Hallie and Mickey. Who's to say you have no one to trust? That someone you care about found out about this and they're getting revenge against the betrayal. What if it really was Sidney? The police claimed they found her body in the house but they didn't specify Sidney, just a young female corpse burnt to bone and ash...Who else could it have been?? 
Then again, Billy and Stu faked their deaths. Who's to say Sidney somehow managed to as well? Especially help from the police or someone on the police force that could have lied… That somehow gave a different body to the coroner's OR there never was one to begin with and you were misled. Someone like Dewey. Who had your address, who had your phone number, who dated Gale Weathers even after Windsor, who was the one that told you they never found Billy and Stu's body in the first place, who would have every right to want revenge against you or them for his sister.
The idea felt like a knife twisting inside of you; it hurt so badly. It would devastate you beyond belief to think Randy or Dewey could ever be a part of this. 
But if not them then who? Who could know where you all were? Who would take this to the levels this new killer was going and why? 
You didn't think you slept but you must have because the next thing you knew it was still dark outside with dawn approaching and you were being woken up by furniture crashing. 
You shot up to see Stu holding Billy down as Billy fumed up at him.
"Get your goddamn hands off me, Stu!" 
Billy struggled, trying to kick Stu and Stu just moved so he had a better hold of him.
"Are you freaking kidding me right now?! You think you can just dip on us? Just leave like a total wimp?!" 
Billy finally got his knee up and you heard a groan from Stu as he kneed him in the groin and shoved his way out of Stu's hold. Bag slung over his shoulder, trench coat on, ready to bolt.
You got up from bed. "Billy, wait! You can't just leave!" 
"Newsflash; I fucking can and I will and I dare either of you to try and stop me. I don't have any ties here, YOU do. Stu is the one connected to the movie and you're connected to Deputy Doofy and Meek Geek here." He gave a 'duh' expression and pointed to himself. "I have no ties...I'm nobody, and for once, that's a good thing. So I am getting the flying fuck out of here while I can before shit gets ugly." 
Stu went to grab him again. "You're not going anywhere! Why?! So if you ARE involved in this shit, we lose you? Or so you can leave scott free?! Fuck that! You're involved too, pal-" 
Billy hit him and missed as they both shoved against a wall before jerking each other down to the ground. You raced to your bag as Stu started laying into Billy and Billy shoved Stu against a table to get some defense.
"Hey! Both of you stop it! ...I said stop!!" 
They didn't listen as you saw fist flying and they were knocking things over. A lamp broke and that was the final straw for you. You didn't want to shoot them in a motel with your name on it or the sign in connected to Dennis Rafkin who was traveling with you...So, you got the one thing out you knew would stop them with no long term effects.
Stu had him in a headlock as Billy was trying to swing his body on top while getting hits in on Stu when you jammed it into his back. He released a surprised, pain filled yelp before you zapped him again. This time he fell away from Stu and onto the ground. 
Stu went to go after him and you jammed it into his upper side as it crackled. It probably should have been lower but considering what happened at Woodsboro; you figured you better stop this before the knives got drawn. 
"OW! SHIT!!" Stu yelled as he doubled over.
Billy glared at you from the floor as he caught his breath and Stu gripped his side and keeled over.
"What the hell was that!?" 
You held it up and showed it to them. "30,000 volt taser. And I have a 50,000 police grade stun gun in my bag too." 
"From where?!" 
"Dewey." You quipped with a smile. "Anyone can get them. He just directed me to the best ones to buy….Kind of wish he would have used one on you when you were arrested at Sidney's house." You mumbled.
Billy gave you a challenging look. "You think that's gonna stop me? Are you serious? I can stab you before you can even turn it on." 
You hesitated before sighing. "Billy, you can't leave. Not when we're just getting to the breaking point here!" 
 He rolled his tongue inside his cheek, glaring at you before getting up and charging you. He took you off guard for only a moment before you shocked him in his lower side as he grabbed your wrist. He tried getting it out of your hand, cursing in pain as he did so and you laid it onto his arm every time he tried. He was stronger than you despite his build. So you did the only thing you could do; Using his own momentum against him just like you learned in class. He almost got it until you pulled back and he stumbled before you jammed it onto his stomach through his shirt. 
That one he released a yelp with, eyes wide and body jolting back from it.
"Argh, you fucking bitch-" He muttered with a wince under his breath. 
You gave him a disbelieving glare. "Now, you deserve that!...In fact, let me get to my bag and get the police grade-" 
"NO!" He barked out, hunched over while trying to block you. "God, stabbing hurts worse but...Shit. It's like I'm still feeling it!" He hissed out as he gripped his abdomen.
"Yep. The longer I hold it on, the more your muscles are gonna contract. You have to be on drugs or have one hell of an adrenaline rush to get through it. It's enough for me to get away in a situation...And if that doesn't work, I took self defense classes after Windsor and if THAT doesn't work then I will shoot you. I think a taser is preferred over a bullet, Loomis." 
"Why did you use it on me though??"  Stu whined, standing up now but rubbing his side.
"Because you wouldn't stop and listen either! You both deserved it!"  
"Yeah? And you deserve my knife in your face. One day you aren't gonna have your toys do defend you." Billy growled out.
You held up a hand. "Im ALWAYS strapped with my gun so fat chance...Now would you both just chill out and listen?" 
Billy glared at you through his hair that fell forward, hunched over with his teeth clenched. "Well, you have our attention so what the hell is it?!" 
You held up a finger. "To stop fighting and wrecking our motel room. Do you WANT cops here?? The more noise you make and stuff you break; you might as well be begging them to come!" 
Billy pointed at Stu. "He fucking started the shit!" 
"Because you're trying to leave, dickhead!" 
"I am leaving and-" 
You all froze when the room's phone rang on the nightstand. It halted any further arguments for the time being. 
'Oh no...' You thought. Nothing good from that phone ringing.
You all blinked...It was around 5:30 in the morning. You worried it was the manager from a disturbance call from the fight. You quickly went to answer it.
"Hello? If this is about the noise, I'm so sorry-" 
"YN, it's been awhile hasn't it?" 
You felt your stomach sink and your features sag at the unexpected voice...It was the first time you heard it in years. No one could even prank call you with it anymore with your very private number you never gave out. Your home phone wasn't even in the yellow pages when you opted out just for that reason. To hear it right now sends a shiver down your spine.
Just hearing that voice made you feel like a scared teenager all over again.
"...YN, it's rude not to respond. Don't tell me hanging around those two has rubbed some of your manners away." 
Billy and Stu watched as the phone shook in your hand and you gritted your teeth. 
"What do you want?...What the hell do you want from us?...From me?! " 
"YN, I just wanted to tell you that I'm watching you. I'm always keeping an eye on you. I mean..We wouldn't want you to suffer the same fate as your old friend Sidney, right? Especially with two killers in your room...It would be a shame for you to trust someone again just for them to be the killers." The voice faked concern. 
"...Leave us alone...Please, just stop." You whimpered.
Stu instantly grabbed the phone out of your hand. "Alright buddy, where the hell are you? Why don't you come out and play with the big kids?! Too fucking scared?!" 
You could hear the laugh on the other line with how quiet the room had become. 
"Stu Macher. Always the blow hole. Always the attention seeker. Trying so hard to get the attention you lacked at home, huh? Leslie was always the favorite while poor little Stuart was pushed aside. Now, you're selfishly risking people's lives just so you get that attention you crave so badly on the big screen." 
Stu's face fell before contorting into a sneer. "You don't know shit." He growled. "You don't know a fucking thing about me, man!" 
"Actually, even with attention you are still a complete nutjob. You don't relate to people, you don't feel for people...Let me guess, getting responses is the only time you feel like a person , isn't it?"
Stu was getting red, his vein popping in his neck and his teeth nashing together in anger. "YOU DON'T KNOW A DAMN THING, MAN!"
Billy finally jerked the phone away from Stu as you eyed a light on the receiver. 
"Enough!" Billy barked out at Stu as he put the phone up to his ear. "You listen here; I'm gonna kill you when I find out who you are. It won't be long either. You're gonna slip up and when you do I'm gonna cut your throat!" 
"Not if I do it first, Billy Loomis." 
"You'll never find me in time-" 
You pressed a button that put it on speaker phone as you waited to read the digital caller ID slowly loading across the screen. The voice harshly cut him off.
"You're not going anywhere, Billy boy! Not unless you want this photo sent to the cops!" 
Billy nervously licked his lips but kept the tough glare on his face and edge to his voice. "They'll never find me either!" 
The voice chuckled. "So willing to squish the only two people you have left in the world to save your own hide...What a self absorbed little prick you are. Then again, I should have seen it in Woodsboro. You had the best girlfriend a boy could ask for and-" 
"I don't give a shit about the past!" 
You halted him. "Wait...Woodsboro? They're from Woodsboro!" You exclaimed with wide eyes.
Billy had an iron grip on the phone as you listened. "Who are you?! I'm sick of this shit already!" 
Stu chimed. "Yeah man, just come out and get it over with!" 
"But boys, I thought you liked these games? You certainly had no issues playing cat and mouse with your victims. Trying to guess the next move, whether your friends are really your friends, getting people scared before you strike them down...What's wrong? You don't like being on the other end of the phone line? You don't like feeling helpless? Well, that's not very good sportsmanship. Not good at all." 
You all were silent for a moment as the voice changed its tone to a dangerous warning. "...If any of you leave; I will turn the photo as well as any other evidence I have to the LAPD who then will turn it over to the FBI if you try to run. And if they don't get you; I will. I found you all once, I can easily do it again...How's your family YN?" 
"You leave them alone!! They didn't do anything!" You yelled loud enough for the caller to hear even with the phone on Billy's grasp. Complete panic in your voice at the idea of something happening to your loved ones.
"Neither did the victims of your lil...Friends." 
"They are NOT my friends. I don't have a choice right now because of YOU!" 
"You keep playing the victim, YN. You do it so well...You're all going to be on the news soon enough. Dead or alive." 
Billy had nothing to say, frowning deeply with a scowl. Stu's eyes were wide and his mouth parted as his brows shot up in worry. You just stood there, unsure what your expression was other than complete dread. 
You couldn't help but take the phone from Billy. That dream lingering in your brain as you asked the one thing that diary entry and now the admission of Woodsboro brought to your mind.
"Sidney?...Sid, if this is you...If you somehow survived...Please, please just talk to me. Please!" 
The other end hung up as you quickly went back to the caller ID, momentarily forgetting in the midst of it all...It just said the motel desk right before vanishing off the screen.
"How the hell is that possible?!" You cried out, gripping your hair. 
Stu glared at the phone as if it were the killer. "...They have to be in the lobby using the main phone." 
Billy was already on it, out the door. You faltered as Stu ran out too. You fumbled before releasing a frustrated groan and following them. Grabbing the motel key card and rushing after them.
You had a hard time keeping up with Billy who was already far ahead and Stu whose legs were a lot longer than yours. 
"Guys, wait up!" You exclaimed, rushing down stairs and cautiously getting to the door to the lobby.
They were both already standing there at the vacant desk, a piece of paper in their hand. 
"What?...Guys, what is it?!" You urged as you caught your breath and peered over to see.
It was a printed candid picture of all of you at Woodsboro as teens. You never saw it before but it looked like a cut out. You were laughing with Stu and Billy was smirking at you. It looked like whoever printed this purposely cut out anyone else. You could barely make out Tatum's shoe beside Stu. 
You soon realized they were trying to pair this photo with the current one...Just to prove Billy and Stu lived...And you knew about it.
You felt like you were gonna throw up. Your life is over if this got out. Stu leaned over the lobby desk, looking quesy himself as Billy stared at the photo like a deer in headlights. 
He quickly turned it to the back. 
"You're trapped." 
You all saw the desk clerk coming from the back room. Billy hastily shoved the paper into his coat pocket as you tried to make heads or tails of any of this. 
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rogue-barnes-16 · 5 years
Summary: Detectives James Barnes and Y/n Y/l/n never really got along, despite being partners for seven months. You could say they hated each other, however, when James' past shows up threatening to break him all over again, the truth about their feelings comes to the surface.
Pairing: cop!Bucky Barnes x cop!Reader
Genre: angsty (fluff in the end) (modern au)
Permanent taglist: @notexactlythatgirl @thisismysecrethappyplace @sofreakinmanyfandoms @pizzarollpatrol @bubblycypress87 @sinviix @loislp @lovenaturefirst @dyanna-corona @2ptonpt @goodnightmode @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @mannls @cutie1365 @catch22inareddress @mybooradley @sebastianisasnack
Warnings: hints of a toxic relationship, drinking, smoking, bad described make out session and implied sex.
A/N: I couldn't finish writing the latest request I was writing bc tumblr is a bitch, so I'm dropping the first part of a 2-part fic here. I hope you enjoy my first au (I'm practicing for a Brooklyn nine nine fic) <3
Rogue-barnes-16 masterlist
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"C'mon Y/n" Samantha called me from the entrance of the bar we were going to get into. She came closer, placing a hand on my bicep. "You're still thinking about it?"
I stayed silent, my eyebrows knitted, and my eyes fixed on the pavement. "yeah" I replied absently, having another puff of the cigarette held in my hand.
"do you really think you're right?"
"I don't know, Sam" I confessed, tossing the cigarette and stepping on it. "I think I don't wanna be right about this." with that, I turned around to join our friends.
The music playing in the bar almost made me forget what I had been thinking for two days.
Two Days Ago
"BARNES!" I yelled from across the precinct's floor where we both worked. "WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL?"
"charmin' as always, Y/l/n" he replied in that condescending voice of his, staring at board covered in pictures and notes.
"you dismissed my suspect." I stated, finally reaching the place where he was standing.
"it's our suspect, not yours" he corrected me crossing his arms over his chest "and we'd reached a deadlock"
"I told you to fucking wait, dammit!" I spat, hitting the desk in an attempt to draw his attention.
He jumped, spinning around so he was now face to face with me. For an instant, I saw panic in his gaze, quickly replaced by anger.
"I told you to follow Vargas, and did you, smartass?" I huffed. "see? We're fuckin' even"
I glared at him slack-jawed. "You're unbelievable." grabbing three manila folders from his desk, I made my way to mine. "and for the record, Vargas didn't show up, you fucker!" since my back was to him, I missed his eyes fixed on my form with something way different from anger, frustration or hate.
I stood still, staring at Y/n leaning over her desk to examine the manila folders with my jaw clenched, reminding myself that I hated her.
I needed to remind myself that I hated her every single day, because if I didn't, I knew shit would go south.
Unexpectedly, she looked up from the reports and her eyes dug into mines. I only mimicked her position, leaning over my desk, holding her stare.
Surprisingly, it was me who first averted my eyes, my ring tone catching my attention. When I looked at the screen, I saw an unknown number. "Hello?" I asked hesitant.
"Morning honey" my body went stiff at the voice, my jaw clenching while I tried to stay composed. "I made you some coffee, can you tell them to buzz me in?" I stayed silent "oh don't worry, I'm in"
I hung up and tossed the phone over my desk before stalking to the entrance of precinct just in time to see her appearing.
I followed Barnes with my gaze, worried that something bad might have happened. However, in the entrance I only saw a redhead with a smile on her face.
"What are you doing here?" Barnes hissed from a considerable distance.
"I told you, silly" she let out a giggle "I brought you some coffee." When she tried to step closer to Bucky, I saw his trembling hand ghost over the holster he was carrying. "are you gonna shoot me, baby?"
Something in her voice made chills run down my spine, but I knew stepping in wasn't a good solution, so I stayed leaned over my desk.
"you can't be here" she stared at him with defiance before smashing her bag over the nearest table, making Barnes jump.
"hey" before I realized, I was walking to them. "Miss, who are you?" flash of madness crossing her eyes scared the shit out of me, but I didn't back off. Instead, I stepped between the two of them. "who are you?" I repeated.
"I'm James' wife" her reply shocked me enough to turn around and give Barnes a very confused look. "who's this woman? are you cheating on me, baby?"
I felt Barnes hand sneaking in the gap between my arm and my waist to grab my forearm "I fuckin' work here" I replied, completely ignoring the tug in my arm.
"then go work" she hissed "and let me catch up with my husband" when I didn't move, and irritated look made its way to her face. "I told you to leave, bitch."
Before I could reply, Bucky’s grip on my arm tightened and he managed to bring me closer to him, crashing my back against his chest.
"you can't be here, Dot" he repeated, managing to hide his shakiness from her. "leave. Now" The same shakiness that wasn't able to hide from me.
Due to the lack of space between him and me, I could feel how his chest went up and down rapidly and unevenly.
"But listen baby, I'm sorry" she whispered, suddenly switching to 'angel' mode. "I'm really sorry, please let's talk this out, okay?" She took a hesitant step towards us and I subconsciously pushed Barnes back in a very subtle way. "c'mon, let's go and have breakfast, and we'll talk. Please, honey."
"What is she doing here? Who let you in?" Rogers appeared in my peripheral vision, walking fast towards us. "leave. Leave right fuckin' now"
"great" that Dot girl muttered, taking a exasperated sigh. "Steve, this is between James and me, so don't you take this bitch with you for me to-"
Steve made his way to the redhead and, grabbing her arm, he guided her out of the precinct.
I spun to face Barnes, who was quickly putting himself together. "what the hell was that about?"
"you always have to meddle in everyone's business" he spat, letting go of my arm "don't you?" I stayed silent while he went to his desk to grab his things. "Tell Captain Fury I wasn't feeling well." and with that, he left.
The following day he didn't even show up.
"This place's amazing!" Lexa, another one of my friends, exclaimed excited. "let's look for a free table"
The six of us wandered around for a while until we found a free table. "what do y'all wanna drink?" Joe asked, getting up.
Joe came a few minutes after with everyone's drinks and we chatted for a while. Again, I was almost able to forget about it, but then I saw him sitting on a stool, leaning over the bar top with his back turned to us.
"guys, I've something to do." I stated, grabbing my drink and getting up. "be right back." said that, I made my way to the stool besides his. "you didn't show up yesterday, nor today."
He frowned before moving his head to glance at me. "fuckin' hell..." he groaned, shifting to look at the wall full of bottles across us. "outta every fuckin' bars, you hadda come here?"
"gosh" I scoffed, taking a sip of my drink before mimicking his posture. "it's not like I'm looking for you, Barnes, so get your head out of your ass."
He huffed, letting out a humorless, dry laugh. "it's always a fuckin' pleasure to talk to you." I rolled my eyes and he looked over his shoulder. "come back with your friends, 'cause we've nothin' to talk 'bout"
I ran my fingers through my hair and, taking a deep breath, I glanced at him. "that girl, Dot" he went stiff and my heart sped up because, damn, I didn't want to be right, but it seemed like I actually was.
"what 'bout her?"
"is she really your wife?" I asked, tiptoeing around the topic. "we've been working together for seven months already, and you never mentioned her."
"she's mah wife. Kinda" he confirmed me, drinking all the alcohol in his glass. "anythin' else?"
"what happened between the two of you?" He let out a weird laugh, letting his forehead rest against the wooden surface. "You're drunk"
"not enough for this conversation" he groaned with a smirk on his face. The corners of my mouth twitched up at the view and something in his eyes seemed the lit up. "If you wanna stay" he took another look at my friends before turning back at me. "maybe at the end of the night I'll be drunk enough to talk 'bout it"
I pursed my lips in a tight line, staring into his eyes to see if he meant it, because I really really needed to know what happened between them.
After a couple of seconds, I turned to the barman "hey sweetheart" I called him "keep the shots coming here, will you?"
Barnes let out a chuckle, but this time it wasn't weird, and it wasn't dry. This time it was genuinely amused. "eager, are we?"
"you could say so, yeah" I replied, giving him the ghost of a smirk while the barman put the drinks in front of us.
"Okay okay okay, but-" he started to laugh again and I nudged him "Nononono, listen-" a couple of giggles escaped my lips before I could keep going. "it's true!"
"it ain't true, darlin'." he said between giggles. "Romanoff 'n Stevie- that's insane"
"I'm tellin' you, Barnes" I replied, taking a swig of my beer. "one- don't laugh at me! One day we'll find 'em fuckin' in the office."
"You're crazy" he stated, finishing his beer.
"whatever" I looked at the clock. It was past 4 am already. "Barnes" I whined turned to him. "Tell me what happened between you and Dot, pretty please" I pouted at him, leaning over the bar top and getting a bit closer to him.
He groaned, leaving the beer aside to look at me. "ya really know how to spoil the mood"
"we're drunk as fuck already" I propped myself over my forearms, getting even closer to him. "c'mon Barnes."
With an exasperated sigh, he moved to tower me. "I swear, Y/n, you get me on my fuckin' nerves."
"I know, and I love to do it" his jaw clenched and his eyes traveled to my lips for a second. "you get me on my nerves too, y'know? But I don't care" he gave me a confused look "it's kinda... Our thing, so I don't mind it"
"You're sweet when you're drunk" he stated, half smiling at me. "wish you were this sweet all the time."
"nah" I retreated to my initial position with a teasing smirk on my face. "you love my rude ass side."
He stayed silent, which made me turn to him to check he was okay. "I do." he mumbled "I love your sweet side too." after taking another peak to my lips, he leaned on me and, without thinking twice, I closed the gap between us.
Our lips crashed and, while his right hand went to my cheek, his left traveled to my thigh. Letting out a muffled moan, I let my hands roam over his upper body. "let's get outta here" he mumbled against my jaw.
"yeah, let's get the hell outta here." I pulled away to clumsily grab my purse and pay the drinks, though t was a difficult task to accomplish with Barnes lips attacking my neck.
"you sure 'bout this?" he whispered, pulling me away from the bar top as soon as I had paid. " 'cause you're gonna regret this in the mornin'."
"I'm a grown ass woman" I replied, exiting the bar and pulling him into another sloppy kiss. "my place's near."
Within minutes, we were bursting into my house, tossing or clothes all over the place in our bumpy way to my room. "I'll tell you everythin' tomorrow" he mumbled, taking off his shirt. "I promise"
"Okay" I managed to say, unzipping my pants and letting him take them off. "I'll take your word for it"
He took off his remaining clothes and I did the same "Good" he groaned more than said, picking me up.
"Good" I echoed, letting him carry me to my bed.
Fuck, we were really going to regret this, but I couldn't care less.
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