#wealth & fitness
yogadaily · 1 month
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(via Pin by José Benito Refojos Bernárde on Yoga | Yoga photography, Yoga poses advanced, Yoga poses  || Curated with love by yogadaily) 
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quill-crusader · 6 months
Firestarter (chapter 1 of my gyjo fanfic)
    From outside the studio door, the sound of “Creamstarter'' practicing was clear as day. From the beginning of a song, then an immediate argument ensues after someone makes an  honest mistake. This behavior was nothing new for the band. A few measures would be played, some drumsticks would be thrown, yet somehow on stage they seemed to complete each other. 
    Taking out his key, Gyro chuckled at the familiarity of it all and then let himself in. 
    “I swear, if you fuck this up for us, If you can't get your shit together, We’ll find a better guitarist.”
    "Uh, huh, and who on God’s green earth would want to work with y’all?”
    “Go fuck yourself, Tim.”
    “Y’know what? I’ve just about had it with you.”
    Peering around the room, Gyro spotted the pink-haired bassist and shot her a smile. His odd, golden grills contrasted against the dark green lipstick he wore. Hotpants had an odd way with people. For someone to understand what emotion she was trying to convey, they would’ve had to know her pretty well. And right now, she was advising Gyro to stay out of whatever argument the other two bandmates had gotten into. Her pink hair was chopped into a blunt bob with stiff, harsh layers that framed her face. The style was very “high fashion” in a sense, but it perfectly conveyed her blunt and standoffish nature. He nodded his head with another small laugh before starting to set up his own equipment. 
    The name “Creamstarter” was HotPant’s idea. In fact, so was the entire band. She and Gyro met during a nursing class they both shared. Being the only two Italian students taking the course at the time, it was easy for them to find some common ground. After some small talk and some shared assignments, the two started bonding over music and decided to put together a small band. In perfect fashion, Diego caught word of the band and inserted himself the moment he knew they were looking for a drummer. Diego had his own career laid out before him anyway, working as a soloist and bouncing between bands and duets for some time, but something about Creamstarter made him feel like he belonged. Unfortunately, though, his demanding and harsh personality has driven off quite a few of their additional bandmates. It didn’t take long for the band to begin setting up gigs in local restaurants and at small city festivals. From there, and thanks to Diego’s connections, the change was instant. Gyro and HotPants both decided to drop out of school to follow the opportunity, and as for Diego, he had it made either way.
    “How long have they been going at it?” Gyro asked.
    “Too damn long.” She sighed, already having gone back to plucking around on her bass.
    The studio, if it could be called that, was a small studio apartment that Diego had repurposed into a musical workshop some time ago. With his connections in the music industry and the wealth he inherited from his parents, Diego had fitted the room with state-of-the art equipment. Only the finest amps, speakers, microphones—you name it. It wasn’t clear to Gyro if Diego really cared that much about the equipment or if it was all just some roundabout way of showing off to HotPants. Either way, it was good for the band, and there wasn't anything to complain about.
    “Get it together.” Diego said through gritted teeth before taking a seat back at his drum set, tapping his leg impatiently. The rest of the band followed suit, preparing to take another shot at the song they were currently working on. After a count-off, the band made it only a few measures farther before another outburst and high-speed drumstick. 
    “You’re doing this shit on purpose!”
    “What do you mean?”
    “Are you fucking with me? Or are you just that bad?”
    That was the final straw. Tim stood up and looked down towards Diego. 
    Tim, better known as Mountain Tim, was nicknamed that for a good reason. He was tall and built as hell. He was the last person anyone would want to fuck around and find out with. And unluckily, Diego didn't seem to have any sort of filter.
    "Uh, huh, I said I think you play like shit.”
    Tim clicked his tongue and set his guitar back down into its case. Anyone could read it on his face—just how angry he was. It made him even more angry that he couldn’t fight back too hard or any connections he had through Diego would be severed. He walked toward the door.
    “Just like that? All it took to make you leave was some criticism."
    “Find a new guitarist; I quit.”
    Before either of the other band members could step in, Mountain Tim had made his way out the door and was gone. Aside from the hum of electronic instruments plugged into amps and the agitated grumbling from under Diego’s breath, a deafening silence washed over the room. Surprisingly enough, it was HotPants who decided to break it. 
    “He lasted longer than the others, but you overdid it, Diego.”
    “He just can’t take criticism. What? You wanna walk out on this too? Stand with him? Tim’s a fucking pussy.”
    HotPants shook her head before sliding the bass guitar strap back off her shoulders.
    “Wait. Are you really leaving too now?” His voice lowered. 
    “What? You expect us to get any real practice down without a lead guitarist?”  She had a fair point. Without a lead guitarist, they wouldn’t be able to tour next month. Ergo—no need to practice at all.  “Unless you were serious. Do you really think you could find a better guitarist? In such short notice?”
    That struck a nerve with Diego. He audibly groaned, slumping in his seat, and looked down at the single drumstick left in his hands. While he did know a better guitarist, it was the recruiting process that Diego didn’t want to go through. Saying that he ‘could’ find a better guitarist was true, but it was meant to be an empty threat. Now it was looking like he had no other choice. 
    “I know, a guitarist.” He hissed.
    “Then call them.” This time, it was Gyro who spoke up. "Worst-case scenario: they tell you to fuck on off and we keep looking. If we can’t find a replacement, though, I’m not taking the fall. You’ll tell Steel yourself.”
    The tour manager, Steel, was a strange man. He had a way about him that the members of Creamstarter had trouble figuring out. He was a damn good tour manager, but he had put up with far too much of their bullshit already. Diego stood up, walking over to the couch to grab his phone, fanning a hand towards Gyro in a weak way of saying, "Yeah, yeah, I’ll handle it.” Flipping through his contacts, Diego eventually held the phone up to his ear. After one ring, the call hung up. A worried glance was exchanged between HotPants and Gyro.
    “Motherfucker.” He mumbled, “Declined my call," tapping through again and putting the phone back to his ear. HotPants and Gyro exchanged a subtle but worried look. Then, after another declined call, there was finally an answer on the third try.
    “Whaddya want?” groaned an agitated southern voice from the other side of the line.
    “Hey Johnny, I’m cashing in a favor.”
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bedazzlecunt · 9 months
Do you have any tips on how to look more slutty/dumb/bimbo-y? I feel like despite my best efforts I always end up looking too normie
okay so while i DO have actual tips on how to tweak your look (specifically clothes+makeup) to look more bimbo-esque, i wanna preface this with like two things. 1.) being a bimbo has just as much to do with your vibes/behavior as your fit n face and 2.) you can look like basically anything and still be a bimbo. this got so long so i'm putting it under a readmore
like, just like most ppl in the world, i actually have a wealth of hobbies and i like aesthetics other than the bimbo thing! i'm also very into cottagecore stuff, for example, and while i def have some cottagecore fits that are also very slutty, most of them are not that horny. i have still been identified as a bimbo, even in my house on the prairie ass dresses, because of my behavior. like, someone in jeans and a t-shirt who's giggly and flirty and outgoing and kinda dumb is going to read to other people as a bimbo more than somebody who's dressed like a total slut but is giving off 'stay away from me' vibes. and also like....i keep my hair buzzed and i shave my eyebrows off. i usually only wear makeup/a lot of makeup on the weekends (on the weekdays i'm either bare-faced or i'm just doing brows/mascara/maybe lips). even on days like that, i can still read as a bimbo to others! and to me! cos u can look however u want and be a bimbo as long as u fit the behaviors/etc. the bimboisms must live in ur heart, not just in ur tits. or something
that being said it IS just a lot of fun to dress up like a classic bimbo so i don't fault you! my look today was sooo classic bimbo. generally there's two things that i think are most important, and that's clothes n makeup. you can transform a pretty normie outfit to being totally bimbo-y with the right makeup, and you can make lowkey makeup look more bimboy with the right outfit. but! u can also just amp both up!
there are lotsa 'bimbo' makeup looks nowadays i think. there's the classic bright lips and blue eyeshadow thing, but nowadays i mostly see a more e-girl style kawaii sorta deal, which is what i prefer. this is also super variable! i find that you can do whatever you want with your eyes as long as your lashes and/or eyeliner are big n dramatic, but you GOTTA have overdrawn lips. bonus points if they're in a bright colour and glossed! a lotta the time when i wanna go bimbocore i forgot eyeshadow at all and just draw on a big wing, wear falsies, and overdraw my lips and its all good.
as for FITS. obviously the pink is a classic but i don't think it needs to be binding. you can be a goth bimbo if u want. when i;m trying to craft a bimbo-esque outfit, i usually try to expose at least 2 of the following body parts:
ass (as in, what you could see under very short shorts or a miniskirt)
upper thigh
obviously this isn't a hard and fast rule, and you can construct an outfit that covers all of this and still look very slutty — a super-tight dress, for example — but it's a good start! so like, a miniskirt and crop top looks great cos you're exposing thigh, midriff and maybe even a lil ass! a minidress that shows off your cleavage, etc! obviously the weather can complicate this, but even in the winter i try to hit at least one of these.
and, obvi, there are other things you can do — i love wearing a blond wig when i wanna really commit to the vibes — but the right makeup, fit, and especially behavior will take you like sooooo far. and you can mix and match! makeup and vibes in a normal fit? still great! no makeup but you're still giggly and silly, go for it!
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equestrianempire · 3 months
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Notes from Kentucky Performance Products are available on Tuesday, September.
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There are two points about this reel from Caribbean eventer Lydia Heywood that I really like. First of all, it’s a wonderful reminder that the season has begun, spring is (kind of ) over, and I’m only a few weeks away from attending the first worldwide of the English period. Next, though, makes a point that you might not be able to make unless you’re a skilled message readers. It also serves to highlight the value of excellent security equipment and the difficulties some riders may encounter in finding kit that works for them. Lydia’s healthy hair fits nicely and, more importantly, carefully into her Charles Owen JS1 Pro, but as she points out, it might not labor for all African models. However, it seems like she has something coming up for riders with healthy hair and safe looks, and she’s not alone in those who are trying to increase safe equestrian sport participation. If you’d like more details on the subject, check out this excellent library article from The New York Times and another from Noelle&nbsp, Floyd. Make sure to follow Chanel Robbins of The Helmet Queen to stay up with her progress in this area.
Events that are taking place now include The Celebration at Archer Spring Fling YEH and NEH, The University of New Hampshire Spring H. T., Loudoun Hunt Pony Club Spring H. T., and Horse Park of New Jersey Spring H. T.
Events Final Now: &nbsp, Galway Downs International H. T., &nbsp, The Celebration at TerraNova, Bouckaert Equestrian H. T., &nbsp, Jumping Branch Farm Spring H. T., and &nbsp, Morven Park Spring H. T.
Records from Around the World, Tuesday News &
In about a week, spring publicly begins, and in the interim, eventing seasons have largely all begun. Despite a spring of education, goal-setting, and planning, you will probably feel a little dirty if your first year of action is approaching quickly. But do n’t worry, because USEA and STRIDER have teamed up to provide you with a handy guide to making your first trip memorable, whether you’re booking a cross-country course or attending a school performance. Test out their advice below.
This day, I read this think-piece from a doctor with interest. Dr. Megan Pinfield has a wealth of experience working with clients on either part of the coach-student break, and her perspective on the extremely antagonistic social media environment is especially off-putting. Her insights into how dread responses can influence a person’s capacity to retain data are particularly intelligent and well worth reading for anyone who has ever been both the teacher or the learner. What she has to state is as follows.
We are experiencing a bit of a lack of qualified manufacturers when it comes to upper-level courses. The news of Ian Stark’s looming pensions and Captain Mark Phillips ‘ rampant role has simply served to highlight that problem, but this fascinating Horse&amp, Hound&nbsp investigation goes a step further to learn what’s being done to encourage new designers, the major challenges facing young designers, and more besides. Continue reading for more information.
Finally, if you have n’t given up on the proposed LA Olympics eventing format, read on. As we approach the end of one Paralympic period and the start of another, COTH spoke with David O’Connor to learn more about the proposal, what it might mean for our sport, why the Olympics are crucial to eventing, and what’s next in the pipeline.
Photo via Facebook’s Château de Versailles.
Sponsor Corner: We’ve got a sneak peak at the progress being made, and construction is also underway to create the huge infrastructure needed to house the future Paris Olympics ( July 26 through August 11 ). The 2024 Olympics are beginning to take shape, from stands to the Olympic Village. Check it out!
Watch This:
Elisa Wallace has a new mustache in her rates! Visit Zephyr’s first coaching:
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What Makes Your Gut Flutter (in a Good Way!)
Picture this: a butterfly sanctuary inside your belly, but instead of wings, it's teeming with trillions of tiny microbes that control your mood, immunity, and even how your jeans fit. Crazy, right? These gut bugs, called your microbiome, are more than just freeloaders; they're like a rockin' orchestra influencing your health in major ways. So, what makes this butterfly sanctuary thrive or turn into a mosh pit? Let's break it down:
Food: The Culinary Conductor
What you eat dictates the music your gut plays. Sugary snacks and greasy grub are like off-key riffs, messing with the good bacteria and letting the bad ones steal the mic. But fear not, there's a whole choir of gut-friendly foods ready to rock:
Fiber Fiesta: Fruits, veggies, and whole grains are like fiber buffets for your good bacteria. Think leafy greens, berries, and whole-wheat bread as VIP passes to this gut party.
Probiotic Paradise: Fermented foods like yogurt, kimchi, and sauerkraut are bursting with live bacteria, ready to join the good-guy chorus. It's like inviting rockstars to your gut band!
Prebiotic Playground: Onions, garlic, and Jerusalem artichokes are full of prebiotics, the indigestible fibers that feed your resident bacteria. Think of them as backstage catering, keeping the band fueled for their health-promoting tunes.
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Lifestyle: The Harmony Conductor
Beyond the plate, there are other ways to keep your gut orchestra in tune:
Chill Vibes, Please: Chronic stress is like a bad DJ, throwing the whole show into chaos. Yoga, meditation, and nature walks can help turn down the volume and bring some chill back to your gut.
Snooze Button for the Win: Sleep deprivation is like forgetting to plug in the amps; your gut performance suffers. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep to let your bacteria recharge and belt out their best tunes.
Get Your Groove On: Exercise gets the digestive juices flowing and keeps the gut environment healthy. Think of it as a warm-up session for your inner rockstars.
The Discordant Notes:
Some things can turn your gut concert into a death metal mosh pit:
Antibiotic Apocalypse: These life-saving drugs can also wipe out good bacteria, leaving your gut feeling like a silent disco. Talk to your doctor about probiotics after taking antibiotics to get the band back together.
Smoke and Mirrors: Smoking and alcohol are like the roadies who trash the venue. They damage the gut lining and let the bad bacteria run wild. Quitting or reducing these habits can help get your gut show back on track.
Toxic Wasteland: Pesticides and heavy metals are like bad groupies, poisoning the whole music scene. Choosing organic produce and minimizing exposure to toxins can help protect your inner sanctuary.
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Remember, your gut health is a complex symphony with many instruments. By eating gut-friendly foods, managing stress, prioritizing sleep, and incorporating healthy lifestyle habits, you can nurture a thriving musical ecosystem within, leading to a harmonious chorus of well-being.
Let's keep the conversation jamming! Share your tips, experiences, and favorite gut-friendly tunes in the comments below. Together, we can rock out for a healthier gut and a happier you!
Don't forget, happy gut, happy life! So crank up the volume on your inner orchestra and let the good vibes flow!
Take a proactive step towards nurturing your gut health and optimizing digestion by exploring the wealth of information here. This comprehensive category offers a treasure trove of insights, organic products, and practical tips dedicated to supporting a healthy gut. From nurturing recipes to expert advice, empower yourself with the tools to cultivate optimal digestive well-being. Don't miss out on this opportunity to prioritize your gut health—click the link now and immerse yourself in the world of gut and digestion essentials. Your journey towards a healthier, more balanced gut starts here. Visit now and embrace a lifestyle that fosters digestive wellness!
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topreviewin · 6 months
If you're looking⁤ for a great pair of headphones, you've‌ come to ⁤the right place. ⁢In this post, we'll be discussing the best wired‍ and wireless headphones for every budget. First‍ up, we have the OneOdio wired over-ear headphones. ⁢These are great ​for studio monitoring and mixing, and⁤ come with 50mm neodymium drivers for superb sound quality. They also‌ have a 1/4‌ to 3.5mm ‌jack, which ‌makes them compatible with ​a wide range of devices. Next, we have the ⁤AILIHEN​ C8 headphones. These are wired with microphone and volume ⁤control, and are foldable for easy transport. They're also lightweight and comfortable to ⁤wear, making them ideal for long listening sessions. Finally, we have the Sony WH-CH520 wireless⁢ headphones. These Bluetooth-enabled headphones are ‌on-ear ‍and have a built-in microphone, making‌ them perfect for hands-free use. They're ​also available in ‌a variety of colors to⁢ suit ​your ​style.Table of ContentsOneOdio Wired Over Ear Headphones Studio Monitor & Mixing DJ Stereo Headsets ‌with ‍50mm Neodymium Drivers ⁣and 1/4 to 3.5mm Jack ⁢for AMP ‍Computer Recording ⁤Podcast Keyboard Guitar‌ Laptop ⁢- BlackAILIHEN C8‌ Headphones Wired with Microphone and Volume Control ​Folding Lightweight Headset for⁢ Cellphones Tablets Chromebook Smartphones ⁣Laptop Computer‌ PC⁢ Mp3/4 (Black/Blue)Sony WH-CH520​ Wireless Headphones Bluetooth On-Ear Headset with Microphone,‌ Black ⁣NewElevate Your‌ LifestyleOneOdio ‌Wired Over Ear Headphones ⁣Studio Monitor & Mixing DJ Stereo⁣ Headsets with 50mm Neodymium Drivers ⁢and⁢ 1/4‍ to 3.5mm ‍Jack ​for⁤ AMP Computer⁢ Recording Podcast Keyboard‌ Guitar Laptop - BlackOneOdio has been in the audio⁢ product business for over ten⁤ years, and they bring that ​wealth ⁣of experience to​ their line of DJ‍ and monitor headphones. The 50 millimeter speaker​ unit drivers​ produce powerful bass and ​clear highs, while the⁤ neodymium magnets ⁢add to the overall sound quality. The self-adjusting headband and soft ear cushions provide lasting ​comfort,‍ even during long sessions. ​OneOdio's coiled cord stretches 9.8 feet, so you have plenty of room to move, and the standard-sized ⁢6.35mm⁢ and ⁣3.5mm plugs are both included and⁢ easily detachable. If you're looking for a great pair of headphones that ⁣will ⁤provide hours of comfortable listening, the ‌OneOdio Studio⁣ Monitor Headphones are ⁤a⁣ great⁣ choice.AILIHEN⁤ C8 Headphones Wired with ​Microphone and Volume Control Folding Lightweight Headset for ‌Cellphones Tablets Chromebook Smartphones Laptop Computer PC Mp3/4 (Black/Blue)AILIHEN C8 Headphones are wired with a microphone and‍ have volume control. They are ⁤also ⁣lightweight and foldable, making ⁤them great for traveling. These headphones are compatible with ⁤many different devices,⁣ including cell phones, laptops, and MP3 players. They have a noise-isolating design‍ to help you focus on‌ your music. You can also adjust⁤ the ‌headband for a more comfortable fit. ‌The Climate neutral label by ClimatePartner certifies‍ that the carbon footprint of a⁤ product was⁢ calculated and all‍ associated emissions​ were offset. Additionally, ‍ClimatePartner encourages companies to set ambitious ⁣reduction targets and ⁢reduce their products' carbon footprints.Sony WH-CH520 Wireless Headphones Bluetooth On-Ear Headset with Microphone, ⁢Black NewSony WH-CH520 Wireless⁤ Headphones⁢ Bluetooth On-Ear Headset with Microphone,⁢ Black – List‌ Price: $59.99 The⁢ Sony WH-CH520 is a great ⁢choice​ for those seeking good quality sound‍ in a relatively lightweight ⁤and comfortable design. These headphones are also customizable to your music preference with EQ Custom on the Sony | Headphones Connect App, and have great sound⁣ quality for streaming ‍music with high‌ quality sound through‌ DSEE. One quick note is that‍ despite being able to ‍switch between two devices at once, ⁢you can only connect to‍ one PC at a time.⁢ Elevate Your LifestyleThe best wired and ‍wireless headphones for every​ budget ⁤can be ​found in ‍this⁢ blog post.
A variety of products are compared‌ and evaluated, with a clear recommendation⁤ given for each. Whether looking for ⁤a⁤ pair of affordable Wired Over Ear⁤ Headphones or a lightweight Wireless Headset ⁤for⁤ on the go, this post has the perfect selection for ⁢you!
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winsoftech · 7 months
Embracing Digital Transformation in Wealth Management
Introduction to Wealth Management Evolution
Remember when managing wealth was all about heaping piles of paper on a desk and long hours of face-to-face consultations? Well, those days are taking a back seat, folks! Today, wealth management software is like that excellent new friend who knows all the tricks to make money management a breeze.
The Rise of Wealth Management Software
So, what's the big deal with this software jazz? Imagine having a personal assistant on the ball 24/7, helping you keep track of investments, market trends, and opportunities. That's wealth management software for you. It's not just a fad; it's the new norm for financial gurus who want to stay ahead of the game.
Navigating the World of Mutual Funds with Technology
And let's talk mutual funds. They're like the diverse crowd you meet at a concert—each with its vibe. But how do you keep up with their performance? Enter mutual fund software. It's your all-access pass to monitor and manage your fund portfolio, ensuring you're jamming to the right financial tunes.
Integrating Wealth Management Software in Financial Planning
Now, integrating this tech into financial planning is like adding a shot of espresso to your morning coffee—it just kicks things up a notch. It lets advisors offer tailor-made advice because, let's face it, when it comes to money, we all have our unique dance moves.
Security and Compliance in Wealth Management Solutions
The digital age is impressive and advanced, but it's also a wild west of data. The good news is modern wealth management software comes with a sheriff badge, ensuring your data's as secure as a bank vault.
Future-Proofing Your Finances with Advanced Software
Peering into the crystal ball, the future of finance is looking tech-tastic. With AI and machine learning, wealth management software is about to get even brighter. We're talking about software that not only tracks your wealth but predicts and adapts to market changes. Mind-blowing.
Enhanced Client Engagement Through Technology
But wait, there's more! The natural cherry on top is how this software revolutionizes client engagement. We're seeing a shift from one-size-fits-all advice to personalized, interactive experiences. Wealth management software isn't just a tool; it's a gateway to building more substantial, trust-based client relationships.
Agility and Scalability: The New Norm
In the fast-paced world of finance, being agile and scalable is the name of the game. The right wealth management software isn't just about managing your current assets; it's about having the flexibility to grow with your aspirations. That is the kind of optimum partner that helps you scale your journey. 
The Environmental Impact of Going Digital
Let's remember the green side of going digital. By reducing paper usage and streamlining processes, wealth management software is not only good for your wallet; it's also kind to Mother Earth. It's a win-win, where eco-friendliness meets cost-efficiency.
In wrapping up, the financial landscape is shifting, and staying rooted in the old ways is like trying to text with a rotary phone. It's time to move forward, and Winsoft Technologies gets that. They're not about the buzzwords; they're about real solutions that bring a harmonious blend of technology and financial expertise to your fingertips. Check out Winsoft Technologies to see how they can amp up your economic game. Because let's face it, in the symphony of finance, you want to be hitting the high notes!
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handelplayssims · 10 months
Before we move into the next household, it’s time to talk about another purchase! I’ve managed to nab High School Years! This pack leapt up the list of packs-to-get with the playable high school. Naturally I’ve made a few adjustments to Copperdale.
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Number 1 being getting a nicer high school. I nabbed Lilsimie’s and made some minor adjustments. Namely, I adore Frank the Flying Whomp Whomp and added his statues around the place! (Also some footballs and adjusting the door that’s faculty only) Now I do have another high schoool in mind...but that's for a collective Copperdale/alumini wealth thing!
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Secondly, instead of the near starter lot, I added in a diner. I would have gone for something a bit more small-town themed but this is going to replace my diner in Newcrest. Now Newcrest’s restaurant can be even fancier! And have those experimental foods!
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And the final lot, Little Falls Nook got a 71 thousand dollar home. It’s within the reach of established families but it’s still something Sims will have to work towards if they want to live there. Oh, and I also switched the rental home into a residential one as well. There really isn’t any lots per say that would really gain tourism much. I let Henford-on-Bagley slide because it’s super based on an area that has tourism as a lure but I don’t think Copperdale has such lures. No, I don’t count the amusement rides. Those are kinda like, a low level quality lure, only real good for locals and stuff. But enough about Copperdale! Let’s move onto our new household!
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These two were a part of the Dream Home Decorator pre-release trailer footage. And I kinda thought they were a couple but no. They’re half-siblings. Out of the three in-homed DHD households, I’m moderately amused I’m getting not Patina, or her sister and her daughter, but these two. Anyway, the two are living in a fancy house sooooo, let’s see where their whims will take them!
Freddie is at the high class lounge in Del Sol Valley for some reason. -shrug- First whim is to purchase a chess table and second to bro hug a bro. Let’s head home first. Annnnd it is storming at Newcrest. Glorious. There’s a chess set at home so I set Freddie to ponder moves instead of purchasing one.
Now I have to slide into skills and such for ideas. Job ideas. Freddie has six in wellness and Autumn just has one in fitness. Hmm. Well I do have an idea for what to do with Freddie! Yoga Instructor and Massage Therapist! You can just take out the objects and use them all around for some extra money. ...we’ll see if I actually stick with it. Autumn’s aspiration is Mansion Baron which...ehhhh. Not a favorite. But it does make for a good idea to try out some of the teen aspirations from High School Years. Admired Icon sounds like a good start!
We’re heading to school with Autumn! I am UTTERLY pleased with how many teens I recognize around here. Do have quite a few of them around in my households! We got Alex Feng, adopted scion of the Feng family. Alexander Goth! Maria Caliente, Katrina’s daughter! Olivia Kim-Lewis! And Molly Prescott and Sidney Price and...that football dude! (He wasn’t in the promotional trailers so I don’t know his name off the top of my head) Alex Feng was doing the T-Pose challenge so let’s do that real quick, as it is a part of our aspiration before class begins. Today’s class is business class, which raises our charimsa skill. We’ll be there for an hour or so before lunch-time.
It is now lunch-time and I am UTTERLY AMPED to go and make some friends. Who do we talk to? Who do we talk to? Let’s go with Alex Feng, the person we T-posed with! Over lunch the two chat and Autumn makes her first friend! After lunch is the foreign language class today, which raises both Charisma and Selvadoradian Culture. (So obviously Span-imlish) Now what do I do with Autumn and after-school activities? Debating between joining the Drama Club and becoming a Simfluencer. Leaning towards the latter and so I shall pick it up! But for now, we’re heading home. She’s sleepy after all, and an afternoon nap is calling! So now we rotate over to Freddie. Still has his two whims so let’s find a bro to bro-hug. Using the clubs thing from Get Together, I can filter Sims by traits and...well, I’m suddenly sad again that we have lost Partihus. My favorite bros are gone! I have to go to the inferior bro-filled home. The Roomies. Sadness.
Anyway, I popped on over and did a round of socials. Found out Zoe Patel, J Huntington, Mitchel Kalani and Gavin Richards initial trait and career. Also set up my massage table and offered a massage to the household. Zoe asked but routing failed her so I instead gave her the most expensive massage I could! Anyway, hungry and sleepy so let’s drop by the nearby food stall and have a burg and then head home. Edited Autumn’s clothes since I realized she didn’t have a formal outfit set and Freddie’s sexuality is changed to only be attracted to men. This man is flamboyant as hell and that makes it obvious to make him queer. Autumn I don’t have any particularly strong feelings for at the moment though.
Neighborhood Watch!
Ami Yamazaki in the Yamazaki household has died. Ami was so angry she burst into flames and died.
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holcombmalling38 · 1 year
Fmf Fatty Pipe Review
Last spring I never put my rolling greenhouse out because I to be able to paint occasions first that's where I always put who's. However, it rained so often all spring; Did not get the deck painted until summer, past due for the greenhouse. Later I remarked that the greenhouse could go many other places. Again, convincing to choose to need to make without doubt your You tube video mentions your affiliation with High price To Wealth as well as offers contact information for an individual. You can set upward as an infomercial a person can to sit down up staying documentary - such being an interview with someone who got rich off of Big Ticket To Assets. I did buy the fittings, however i also found the perfect tool - an 18" length of 1/2" steel pipe! Once again, the 1200 watt heat gun discovered the try. By heating the pipe end, the thread section, I surely could plunge it into the buried t-connector. It sizzled as it sank in and Browsing worked it in deeper as I screwed it into internet site. Without letting it sit, I unscrewed the steel pipe to prevent it from welding into position. I repeated this operation many times until all the pipe's threaded section was within the t-connector's areola. Other rods that compliment the tube jig would be Crucial from Shimano, which is the Cumara in medium intense. My personal favourite tube jigging rod will be the Quantum 6'6" medium heavy Tour Edition PT stick. It is well balanced, is suffering from a good feel and have the backbone essential for the performance. I can drag tube right through the day with it in as well as. The pro minded musician is keen on tone and its usually to be able to spend essential to get the tone person hears on favorite video recordings. The pro minded musician needs an amp that will stand test of and also hold by way of the roads. Passenger protection: headache racks protect the cargo of all; your passengers. Whether https://www.ytgalvanizedpipe.com/EMT-Tubing-pd48515569.html is the workmates maybe family, it is essential that you ensure every one in a round tube passengers are protected from unexpected bumps and dangers. One other way set up these very versatile lights is to merely use some Super Stuff. spiral weld would not in order to install these lights that type of strong bonding method if you are sure you will not be removing them for quite a while. This would only get in instances your own are without the light will be permanent. I kept my mouth shut. octg casing did not lie and say it was real or make reason I just did not say just about anything. I shuffled my feet and looked down. May also say I lied by omission and/or by misdirection.
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yogadaily · 28 days
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futtrupsims03 · 1 year
All You Need To Know About Sewer Pipe Repair
From the underside start laying the bricks along the wall on the bore well using cement and other used material for a concrete wall construction. Undoubtedly seen other courses is exact same holds true as designed in making concrete bore wells but distinction is the successful is backside is well above water table. Presta valves are long, skinny and also have a locking nut on the top of the them. The locking nut on the top of a presta valve prevents accidental depression of the core which could release atmosphere in your tire. Unfortunately, presta valves also do you need a square pipe special pump that fits over the valve move. Cockpit tube s provide food with caffeine . thrills extra deck tubes, but often make it simpler to live in the tube, without requiring massive arm strength. Sportsstuff has distinct cockpit tubes including the Zone, Chariot Warbird and the Moto-Pod Chain. Each of these styles of cockpit tubes come in 1 to a few rider ladies. A coupling is the phrase used to explain a join between two pieces of PVC pipe, in particular when these people joined with no angle. Joins can represent varying degrees however, typically they are 22, 45, 60 and 90 degrees of severity. An angled join is generally called an shoulder. There will not be standard associated with U.S. consists of formal education, before perfect weld stainless food grade pipe at $100 or higher an lesson. However, you must pass a certification weld test (not a written test). You weld the test joint, and in case you pass, you can weld. Again, gi square pipe price list are going to need to make certain that your Youtube video mentions your affiliation with Higher price To Wealth as well as offers contact information for for you. gi pipe 1.5 inch price can set upward as an infomercial an individual can work it up similar to documentary - such with regard to interview with someone who got rich off of Big Ticket To Wealth. The weekend warrior should look at a true vintage Fender tube amp though they could upwards spending hundreds of thousands. The greatest tones can be put together by an old tube amp that is taken proper care of especially those little amps like the 1959 tweed vibrolux. Turn this amp all during up and stand away.you have instant pure overdrive that will have you crying with thrill. If the weekend warrior can't afford a vintage amp think about the reissue number of. All the tones you hear onto your favorite recordings will be there without the problem of replacing parts. Finally if you sense brave try Fender's modern amps the same as the Hot Rod series mentioned earlier. The hot Rod series you can't go wrong with.
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amplivevip-blog · 1 year
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gatekeeperwatchman · 1 year
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Daily Devotional for December 21, 2022 Proverbs: God's Wisdom for Daily Living Devotional Scripture: Proverbs 31:8-9 (KJV):8 Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction. 9 Open thy mouth, judge righteously and plead the cause of the poor and needy.Proverbs 31:8-9 (AMP): 8 Open your mouth for the dumb (those unable to speak for themselves), for the rights of all who are left desolate and defenseless;9 Open your mouth, judge righteously, and administer justice for the poor and needy. Thought for the DayVerses 8-9 - Having warned Lemuel of the habits a king must avoid, Bathsheba instructed him on the actions a king must take in judging his people righteously. He must speak for those unable to speak for themselves, defend the helpless, judge both the poor and the rich without prejudice, and carry out justice for the poor and needy. It was his responsibility to investigate both sides of a matter brought to him and to speak for those unable to present their side, judging without partiality. "Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment: thou shalt not respect the person of the poor, nor honor the person of the mighty: but in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbor" (Leviticus 19:15). We have seen that God's concern and love for the poor are expressed throughout Scripture. Psalm 140:12 states that God maintains their cause by raising people to help them. Old and New Testaments instruct us to help the poor and to deal fairly with all people; poor or rich. Doing so honors God. Failing to do this was part of the iniquity of Sodom and Gomorrah, whose people spent their wealth and free time on self-indulgence. "Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fullness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good" (Ezekiel 16:49-50). This verse gives us a description of their iniquity which fits most wealthy countries, particularly America: pride; being full because of an abundance of food; being idle; failing to help the poor; haughtiness; and committing abominations. When a nation exercises oppression and robbery as a way of life and mistreats or ignores the poor and outsiders who need help, it will pay the penalty by reaping what it has sown."The people of the land have used oppression, exercised robbery, and have vexed the poor and needy: yea, they have oppressed the stranger wrongfully. And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none. Therefore have I poured out my indignation upon them; I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath: their way have I recompensed upon their heads, saith the LORD GOD" (Ezekiel 22:29-31). If those in authority do what is right and defend the poor and speak out for those unable to speak for themselves, such as unborn children whose lives are being ended in abortion, they will help their people turn from wickedness so that they might be blessed instead of cursed. Prayer for the Day Dear heavenly Father, we are thankful that You are a compassionate God and a defender of the poor and needy. Lord, may we also be concerned about the struggles of the poor and reach out and help them. Thank You for blessing us with material blessings and may we reach out and bless those less fortunate than ourselves with my goods. Lord, we also want to share Jesus with those who are needy and poor, because when they know You, they will always have someone to call upon who will never fail them. They can find peace, love, and joy amid their circumstances and rise above their poverty and need because You will never forsake them. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
From: Steven P. Miller @ParkermillerQ CEO/ Founder of Gatekeeper-Watchman International Groups Jacksonville, Florida., Duval County, USA. Instagram: steven_parker_miller_1956, Twitter: @GatekeeperWatchman1, @ParkermillerQ, Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/gatekeeperwatchman URL: linkedin.com/in/steven-miller-b1ab21259 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElderStevenMiller
GWIG, #GWIN, #GWINGO, #Ephraim1, #IAM, #Sparkermiller,#Eldermiller1981, facebook.com/ElderStevenMiller
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codesolutionstuff · 2 years
New Post has been published on https://www.codesolutionstuff.com/top-10-python-frameworks-for-web-development-in-2022/
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Python has been a vital part of the web development scene for more than 20 years, with strong web frameworks and micro-frameworks.
Table of Content
Did you know that the fastest-growing programming language in the world is Python? It is used in many web development projects because of its use-ability and readability. Alongside web development, it’s popular for many other purposes as well! Python is an easy to learn, versatile language and is commonly used for data science, AI & ML.
Not only is it widely used by various industries, like finance, science & education or computers and electronics, but it’s also extensively used by large companies like Facebook, Google, Netflix and Instagram Python has been a vital part of the web development scene for more than 20 years, with strong web frameworks and micro-frameworks. And among professionals who responded to Stack Overflow in 2021, 41.53% said they primarily used Python Python is growing in popularity and is showing no sign of slowing down. This popularity may be thanks to its numerous frameworks for web development, data science, machine learning and more. Here are ten Python Frameworks for 2022 you should take a look at.
The Python frameworks in 2022
1. Django
Django is one of the oldest, as well as most popular web development frameworks. It was first released in 2005 and has been supported by one of the earliest and largest web hosts for more than 12 years.
One of the most popular uses of AI is in content-building. It’s extremely helpful for companies that develop websites based on static content. Even though it was released a while ago, developers have built many different kinds of services using it. Django makes web development easier by requiring little to no knowledge of its low-level mechanics. It’s perfect for beginners who are getting started in the field and allows them to be creative from the start.
2. Pyramid
Developed in 2004, Pyramid is a popular web framework and has been used to create a multitude of different projects, including websites, web APIs, and anywhere else using Python. This is because not only does Pyramid provide everything needed for building these products but also because it makes use of development features that allow for a wide range of uses. It was also developed in 2004 which means
If you’re using Python, then one of the best features is the strong community behind it. You can chat with other developers on IRC channels or through mailing lists so you don’t ever feel alone. Plus, there’s a wealth of help available if you’re ever stuck with an error by browsing Stack Overflow
Pyramid is a popular Python framework and is used by many major companies. Besides, there are a lot of great Python development agencies that recommend Pyramid for web development
3) CherryPy
With CherryPy, you can create a variety of high-quality web applications with Python. It also focuses on simplicity & ease-of-use which makes it one of the most approachable frameworks out there.
If you’re an intermediate developer and you want to try something new, CherryPy might be the right fit. Advanced developers may not find it offers enough, but beginners will have a chance to work with Python without being overwhelmed.
The big advantage of using CherryPy is that you don’t need to rely on other people or services to run your application. If you wanted to, you could write an app using only components found in CherryPy and deploy it!
4) Flask
Flask is one of the most popular web frameworks in Python and it continues to grow rapidly. It’s easy to learn and has many great features, not just as a framework but with its libraries. It’s simplicity also appeals to many people – its easy to start using it with a minimum of fuss. Flask is an amazing Python web framework for building websites faster. If you’re looking for the same kind of structure that Django or Pyramid provide, then Flask may not be the right choice. You will find, however, that it empowers you to fully express your idea in code while still being easy to maintain as it provides minimum-burden & maximum-flexibility Flask is a large package with a lot of documentation. It has also appeared in popular books, courses and websites. There’s no doubt that Flask is established because of its stability and wide adoption.
5) Bottle
Bottle is a Python framework for building web applications quickly and efficiently. It’s extremely lightweight, functions similarly to Flask and requires very few external dependencies. Bottle provides the same features as Flask but with a more time-saving code design that helps you create applications faster. If you want a quick way to whip up interactive prototypes, Bottle has you covered. You don’t need to know many web programming languages to do this – it’s usually enough for simple sites.
Flask might be better suited for applications that have more features and are more complicated. However, Bottle is worth considering if you prioritize code readability and simplicity
6) WebPy
Python is often accredited for its readable design; this helps with web development and is a major reason WebPy has become popular recently. One of Python’s many benefits is its simplicity, which makes it faster to process websites than larger languages. Plus with Python, you don’t need to worry about compatibility issues across different operating systems (unlike Java, for example). When you want to add a dynamic element to your site or create an engaging site from scratch, WebPy is the perfect way to do it! Moreover, WebPy has a large, dedicated community of developers and is updated regularly. So if you need any help, there’s a good chance someone on the WebPy forums can answer your question!
7) TurboGears
TurboGears is pretty much a half-way house between being a full-fledged framework and an extension library. Another reason why it’s great is its architecture, which lets you scale the application with ease and have maintenance with minimal effort.
TurboGears can help your Python development by allowing you to import things much faster and make your code cleaner. It also speeds up website performance; it’s been proven to boost performance and productivity.They have complete API documentation which makes them easy to use, even without good documentation on their website.
TurboGears has a ton of features and you can do anything you want with it. That’s why it’s great for larger projects that need more flexibility.
8) CubicWeb
CubicWeb is a semantic web framework that makes it easy for developers to create sophisticated web applications. Moreover, CubicWeb was designed to make it easy to create RDF data, which can be used in various ways, including powering search engines and CubicWeb is built on other, more basic Python libraries like WebOb & SQLAlchemy.
CubicWeb is the perfect tool for implementing semantic principles like this. It’s documented extensively so you can get started and start to experiment with the Semantic Web.
The AIOHTTP project is high-level, asynchronous and event-driven. It’s been built with high scalability and performance in mind, so that it can manage many requests at once.
If you want an application that’s fast and responsive, the AIOHTTP framework is perfect for you. It’s becoming more popular as single-page applications become more widespread.
AIOHTTP comes with a few libraries that make common tasks for you, such as database access, HTTP request, response objects, and file uploads much simpler.
You can use AIOHTTP with other frameworks to make web applications quickly. This means you can incorporate the best features from each framework into one product.
10) Dash
Thousands of web applications are hosted on Dash, one of Python’s most popular frameworks. Hosted since the launch in 2014, the framework emphasizes simplicity and enables many common tasks such as managing sessions.
Dash is a programming language that comes with several prescripted apps – meaning it is extremely efficient for developers.
Dash is designed to be modular, with a variety of components that you can choose from during setup — without leaving out the ones that you don’t need.
One of the main benefits of Dash is that you can use only specific functions from a microframework. This makes it appealing for developers who want to use only very specific functions from a framework and don’t need all the other features that the UI frameworks provide.
Python is the most popular programming language in the web development industry. However, because it’s open-sourced, many developers are trying to create frameworks for Python. A framework is a set of functions and abstract classes to build on top that allow you to code with more ease. When it comes to Python frameworks, there are already 260 of them. To help you stay on top of the latest and greatest, we listed below what we believe will be some of the top ones by 2022.
I hope you will like the content and it will help you to learn TOP 10 PYTHON FRAMEWORKS FOR WEB DEVELOPMENT IN 2022 If you like this content, do share.
Data science, Django, Machine Learning, Python, Top Programming
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jamisferd · 2 years
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njenjemedia · 2 years
[ad_1] A combination of file photos of Mr Peter Obi and Senator Datti Baba-Ahmed.The presidential candidate of the Labour Party, Peter Obi, has announced a former federal lawmaker, Senator Datti Baba-Ahmed, as his running mate in the 2023 general elections, NjenjeMediaNews reports. He made the announcement on Friday at an event in Abuja, saying the decision followed a series of consultations with stakeholders. “I thank all those gathered here today,” Obi said in his address. “They will bear witness and lay claim to being present on the day when the journey to Nigeria’s rebirth began. It is my honour to inform you, my fellow Nigerians and especially the OBIdients that finally, after very long and wide consultations, we in the Labour Party have found an eminently qualified Nigerian who will be my partner as we embark on our march to a secure, united and productive Nigeria. “I have the distinct honour of presenting to you, my friend and running mate, and God willing, the next Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Senator Yusuf Datti Baba-Ahmed, who has been described as ‘one of Nigeria’s youngest and brightest personalities’ who has distinguished himself in various areas of human endeavours.” Baba-Ahmed represented Zaria in the House of Representatives from 2003 to 2007, and later Kaduna North senatorial district between 2011 and 2012. According to Obi, a former governor of Anambra State, the vice-presidential candidate brings to the mission great personal, academic and entrepreneurial strengths, as well as impeccable credentials with the added value of rich experience as an academician, businessman, public servant, economic and development expert, and politician. He described Baba-Ahmed as a recognised wealth creator and manager who fits well into the mould of a transformative and adaptive leader. “Today, I will not dwell too much on our national challenges. Yet, I will be remiss to gloss over them completely,” the presidential candidate stated. “These are extremely difficult times for our country. Nigeria straddles the lowest rungs of the global development indices. We are hugely indebted and the poverty capital of the world. Nigerians are hungry and angry and fed up with bad leadership. Times like this do not call for politics of business as usual. “As I have always said, my vision and mission is to give full expression to our democracy by moving our country from consumption to production. Now that the presidential team is complete, we will in the days ahead, unveil our governance principles, priorities, and programmes for turning Nigeria around, which shall be anchored on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).” “Securing, uniting, and making Nigeria productive require steady and trusted hands. I am confident that with Dr Yusuf Datti Baba-Ahmed by my side, we shall ensure that in moving Nigeria forward, no state or community will be left behind. Pursuant to its statutory responsibility to protect, our government will promote the rule of law, ensure that governance is inclusive, cost-effective, transformative, less transactional, and national investments regenerative. “Finally, with human capital development as the core premise, we will pursue proactively, well-articulated strategies and intrusive policy coordination and implementation, aimed at tackling the key challenges that are routine and of utmost concern to domestic and foreign investors.” (function(d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.6&appId=205604876116272"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); [ad_2]
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