opxngravxs-archive · 4 years
Touch Meme
💃 – dancing with them
The gala was frivolous in the Grand Moff’s mind, but of course he was obliged to attend whether he felt particularly inclined to or not. One hand was gingerly on the director’s waist and other firmly on his shoulder. A source expression seemed super glued on his face.
“You know,” He said quietly. “If this room was not full of people, I would throttle you right now.”
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mvltis · 4 years
@weaponsdirector sent:  "Don't try to hide from me, old friend. You can ignore my messages, but I'll find you."
          the voice makes his lips curl downward, makes his gut curl. galen has spent all his time working, and refusing to answer any and all messages from krennic, to the point where he’s put his tablet aside and ignored it entirely to instead put himself into working again. 
          he should have expected the director to appear in person, and he has to bite back a noise of annoyance. instead, his eyes flash up, the dark depths unreadable as he looks over the white uniform and ultimately settles his gaze on a familiar face. “ if i were hiding, you wouldn’t find me. ” the words are short and to the point, the agitation clear in his tone as his fingers curl and nails bite against his palms. 
          “ i thought i made myself transparently clear that i don’t like to be bothered while i work. ” and he’d made sure to work all the time, just for that matter.
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majordallows · 4 years
“Director Krennic,
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“-how can I be of assistance?”
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amidalc · 7 years
@weaponsdirector ♥’d for a modern starter » still accepting
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                          ″   OKAY   THAT’S   IT   I’M   CALLING   IT   A   DAY   FOR   YOU,         you’ve been stuck with those stupid files all day.   “           rosy lips form a pout as she crawls onto his lap.          “   ——   i’ll accept that you have to be   A   MYSTERY   MAN   with your work,         but i can’t accept being   BORED.   “
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neversith · 7 years
#// krennic @ all anakins
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do u want to DIE OR?
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hxttslayer · 7 years
( @weaponsdirector )
Between etiquette tutors and her years in the Junior legislator had, maybe even, over-prepared her for her duties as the Senator chosen to represent Alderaan. So much of politics involved faux niceties that Leia had mastered as a child. Her “niceties” and supposed fascination had gotten her a meeting with the director of the Advanced Weapons Research division. 
She was young, and typically seen as naive--how could her motives possibly be anything but harmless? Alderaan was a peaceful planet and, though she was outspoken, Leia was generally seen as harmless.
She smiled--warm and polite as she approached the man.
                                “Director Krennic. I cannot thank you enough for meeting with me.”
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commanderversio · 7 years
@weaponsdirector : ( continued from [x] )
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“So come out of uniform,” he suggested, in an easy tone. “People are a lot more open if they’re not worried about spilling something on your tunic.” He knew that wasn’t the implication of the white ISB uniforms– and that is precisely why he was so fond of his. Yet he wouldn’t dream of wearing it to a mixer. A gala? Perhaps, if the guest list merited it. But this– this wasn’t nearly so formal. “You need to loosen up. Seeking glory for the Empire is all very well, but even you have to know that there are different tacts.” He reached out, bumping her elbow with his knuckles. “I had better see you there. I’ll be the one in a suit with two glasses of wine.”
    Despite being sure that she was immune to his display of social acumen, Iden knew when she was beaten; — Orson Krennic had risen through the ranks nearly as fast as Admiral Thrawn, and she was beginning to see why. He was persuasive, not in the strapped-to-a-chair-and-made-to-talk way she and her ISB colleagues were, but another deeper, cerebral way she couldn’t place.
   “Okay, you’ve won me over.” Iden said after a brief pause, following the fiasco that had surrounded her ‘traitorous’ turn, despite being subsequently acquitted and exonerated, her image was in dire need reparation.   Director Krennic was certainly seemed like a  man who could help with that. “I’ll see you there, then.”
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     Apparently, the sort of mixers the Empire’s elite attended were more on par with a full-blown function. Fortunately, Krennic was hardly difficult to spot in a crowd, his suit emblazoned in a startlingly bright pink certainly made quite the statement. Iden deliberately made an understated entrance as she approached, plucking an errant glass of Rhuvian Fizz from a lonely server-droid. “Director, you’re lucky I made it, the speeder-lanes this evening have been working harder to kill me than the Rebellion.”
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“That is mahogany!“
The Hunger Games {Sentence Starters}
Cynthia looks up from where she is sitting with her feet propped up after retrieving her knife from the table and looked at the director before throwing her knife back down on it once more. “Perfect, I’ll take it. Mahogany makes for a subtle and sturdy target, don’t you think Director?”
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opxngravxs-archive · 4 years
Bonus 👅 (neck) but only if you want to
Touch Meme
👅 – giving them a love bite on [place of choice]
Tarkin had his desk chair pushed just far enough back to allow Orson enough space to sit on his lap. Articles of clothing were already beginning to drop onto the floor, but not enough yet to be wholly indecent on their own.
Wilhuff ran a hand through the other man’s hair before yanking on it, playfully to start. Icy blue eyes widened at the bite he was not yet expecting. A moan quickly followed, eyes now rolling back.When he pulled on Orson’s hair now, it was much more forceful.
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sinsof-ourfathers · 7 years
padme or the emperor?
“Padme. Padme every time.” But his guts twisted with guilt even as he uttered those words, knowing he had failed to keep that vow.
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rebelbuiilt · 7 years
weaponsdirector replied to your post “Pain is weakness leaving the body”
// use the opportunity to manipulate her      i mean wat  ??
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ofkybcr · 7 years
@weaponsdirector​. || sc.
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      “So you FOUND me.”
      She stood before the man in white who had killed her mother, her jaw jutted forward defiantly. Even after Wobani, her spirit had only been stifled, never crushed, and she was determined not to let this man see any of the pain that settled so carefully in her bones. The pain from deaths she had witnessed as well as narrowly escaped.
      Wobani had been a shorter sentence than she had expected, but that was not much of a surprise once Liana Hallik had been revealed to be Jyn Erso.
      “Took you long enough. Were you looking for a child ALL ALONG?”
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;( @weaponsdirector | continued from here )
Rey had to admit - she had been caught totally offguard by the man in front of her, barely acknowledging him, let alone perceiving him as a threat. So when he kicked her to the floor, her reflexes kicked in immediately and she grabbed at her lightsaber, leveling it in her hand and extending each blade sideways as she growled at the man. 
“I don’t know who the kriff you think you are...” Rey said, standing herself up slowly. She wasn’t about to be intimidated by an old man with a blaster on his hip. With the saber carefully held, she closed the space between them and brought her head closer to his.
“But you back down, right away, and you go running to wherever you came from. You are nothing against a Knight.”
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@weaponsdirector replied to your post “*sends roses and taps your phone*”
krennic: (sitting down with a nice glass of vino to spy on galen) ughhhhhhhh boringgggggg
Three nights later
*extended drunken conversation with Lyra over whether or not Krennic constantly wears that cape because he has no booty to speak of or because if he didn’t hide it he’d never get any work done*
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anakinskywalkrx · 7 years
What do you want to tell me? Put a symbol in my ask box
❋ Your blog is one of my favs 
What are you doing? You must have the wrong blog -flails-
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send ‘✍️’ for a sticky note my muse left yours.
“Dear Krennic,
I would like to apologize for using your most precious wood as means of throwing my knife into. It was brought to my attention by my father, even though he had agreed that it is quite amusing to see you all flustered, that it is costing your division a substantial amount of credits (and that you were right). I hope you would forgive my antics to amuse myself and that bygones would be bygones.
~ C. Tarkin” 
However at the end of the sticky note there appeared something had be written but stricken through and erased: “Sorry not sorry.” Upon looking past the sticky and onto the table where it had laid, the note was actually covering another stab wound to the wood.
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