wearenecromancers · 8 years
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A new year, the collective’s birthday, and in about a week the birthday of this blog - and we’re here. The big 1K. With almost one follower for every post!
I am incredibly grateful to you all - to the Collective for this opportunity to be part of such an amazing community, and to all of you for supporting me even though content-wise it’s been a bit of a roller coaster with its ups and downs.
I think it’s safe to say I’m at a rather ‘down’ point in my life (and thus with this blog) at the moment, but I’m hopeful that this new year will mark the start of an  upswing for me and this blog (as well as my newer collective blog, @weareguardian).
I hope you will all continue to enjoy my blog, as well as the rest of the @weareadventurers Collective’s content; and I will do what I can to make it something worth enjoying. Though 2017 is off to a rocky start for many of us, myself included, I’d like to remain optimistic. I believe that holding more closely the things that make us happy will help us weather the hard times. To that end, I’m confident that I can raise @wearenecromancers (pun intended) and bring back the enthusiasm and passion that drove me to join the Collective almost a full year ago. Starting by tagging and queuing up all those drafted reblogs I simply did not have the mental energy to tag for months.
Thank you all again. Happy belated New Year, and happy birthday @weareadventurers!
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1, 5, 66, 89, 90
1: Top 3 ice cream flavors
Chocolate, Mint Chocolate Chip, Mango!
5: Top 3 subjects of study/classes to take
History (most kinds lol), English (again, most kinds), and French.
66: Top 3 authors
J.K. Rowling, Stephen King, and Timothy Findley.
89:  Top 3 things you'd do differently
I’d tell people how they make me feel, I’d colour my hair a lot earlier than I did, I’d ask for help when I need it.
90: Top 3 TV shows from your childhood
Arthur, Babar, and Rugrats.
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taiochai · 9 years
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#destiny #weareguardians #eris #bungie #bungiedestiny #psn #ttk
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chesterlocked · 9 years
For the five guys thing, Benedict, Tom Hiddleston, jared padalecki, chris evans, and um tom felton!
THANK YOU! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧marry Tom Hiddlestonfuck Jared Padaleckikiss Benedict Cumberbatchcuddle Chris Evans get drunk with Tom FeltonHahaha idk, quite difficult to decide since I would do all with any of those guysSend me five names.
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vampiresarmand · 9 years
Hooked On A Feeling or Ooh Child | Coldplay or Fall Out Boy | Orlando Bloom or Luke Evans | Anna Friel or Evangeline Lilly | Ed Sheeran or Sam Smith | The Avengers or Avengers: Age of Ultron | Hunger Games or Specials/Uglies series | Captain America or Johnny Storm | Ronan/Nebula or Joe/Cameron | Hannibal or Pushing Daisies!
so many hard choices oh my gosh
1. Hooked on a Feeling
2. Coldplay (i love them so much)
3. Orlando Bloom
4. Anna Friel (this was so hard)
5. Ed Sheeran ( i have a funny story about him)
6. AHHHHH THIS IS HARD but i have to say Avengers
7. Hunger Games 
8. Captain America 
9. ahhhh another hard one but ummmmmmm Ronan/Nebula
10. Pushing Daisies (this is the cutest show ever so im going with it even though Hannibal is like one of my all time fav tv shows im so excited for it to come back in a few weeks!!) 
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romanovanatalia · 9 years
1, 8, 16, 20, 21
1. What’s the most depressing movie you’ve ever watched?: Finding Neverland (i don’t watch depressing movies tbh)8. Which book would you like to see adapted into a film?: I want a live action movie of The Little Prince16. A film you love but everyone else hates?: Due Date20. Old movies or contemporary movies?: Old movies21. A film with an amazing soundtrack?: I’ll always love the LOTR soundtrack but I gotta say Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End
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valkhyun04 · 10 years
replied to your post
im also mad about imitation because he deserved it so much ok
He, as in Alexander Desplat?
Coz he still won, just for the wrong movie score haha
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pervcialgraves · 10 years
benedict or tom hiddleston :)
ARGHHHH that's tough
tom hiddleston ehehehe :D
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coulotton-blog · 10 years
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For the actor thing, Tom Hiddleston! Also I just realized your name was from being human omg its amazing
Thank youuu! I miss that show so much :(
Why I like them: His intelligence, really. His looks are just the cherry on top.
Why I don’t: HIS DAMN POETIC ANSWERS. Stahp it, sir. We get it, you’re articulate. 
Favorite film/scene: Good question. I could pick a non-Thor film, but I’d have to say it’s from Thor: The Dark World, when Loki finds about Frigga’s death/when Thor goes to see Loki about his plan. Pure heartbreak.
Favorite line: “You’ve just decapitated your grandfather!”
Favorite outfit: Ugh, basically whenever he’s in a suit. But I’d have to say the suit he wore to the High-Rise premiere at TIFF. 
OTP: I don’t really have one? 
Non-romantic OTP: Him and Chris Evans. For real.
Unpopular opinion: I like his non-Loki roles/movies just as much as I like his Loki movies. I just do, and I don’t associate with the cray.
A wish for them: May he never get another stupid question from a fan at a Q&A
An oh-god-please-don’t-ever-happen for them: Same as above.
5 words to best describe them: Articulate, handsome, charming, perfect,, omnomnom.
My nickname for them: Just the usual, Hiddles.
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romanovanatalia · 10 years
better call saul :D
The first character I fell in love with: Saul of course
The character who is my ‘baby’: Mike
The character who I do not understand: Howard bc I hate him
The character that I think the show ruined: nobody
The most attractive male and female character: Saul & Kim
The character death that was the worst for me: no one died… yet (maybe Mike in the future)
The character that is the most like me: Mike (except for the part that he is a hitman)
The character I think the writer(s) love: Saul
The character that I just want to be happy: Chuck
My four favorite characters, past or present: Saul, Mike, Chuck, Kim
My four least favorite characters, past or present: Howard, Howard, Howard, Howard
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valkhyun04 · 10 years
weareguardians replied to your post “Holy shit… Whiplash is a fucking amazing movie… I’m sitting here…...”
im watching it tomorrow! Did you think it was better than birdman?
Hmmm... you know honestly, that's tricky to answer.
I think that Birdman will and should win the Oscar. The writing, cinematography, acting, directing... EVERYTHING was amazing and I honestly believe it should win (that or American Sniper tbh). Boyhood is too overrated, in my opinion, so I'm all for Birdman (or American Sniper).
Whiplash, however... I think it's a story that it is more relateable to the audience. The movie itself was more enjoyable for me. And the ending was so... so... SO satisfying. Like I was tearing up from joy coz I was just... so... proud.
But I know it doesn't stand a chance in winning. Coz it's all politics, really.
I think, for me personally, I enjoyed this more because I could relate it to my own personal life. Now, while he was not nearly that intense... My choir director really pushed us to make sure we did our best, and once we did that... he pushed us to do better. And there were so many people that just "gave up" and pretty much resorted to hating him. By slacking off, backstabbing him, all that stuff... But me, personally... I would man up when he'd yell at us and I'd go home and practice. I was in the top choral group of 12 kids there was no room for huge mistakes. I strived to be the best I could be, and I reached it and was recognized for it at our awards ceremony. I have him to thank for that. I did things in my 4 years of high school that I NEVER believed I would do when I walked into that room Freshman year. And it's all because he kept pushing me and never gave up on me. (Once you watch the movie, you'll understand why this is significant haha).
So far, though, each movie I've seen (The Imitation Game, The Theory of Everything, Birdman, Boyhood, American Sniper, and now Whiplash) has specific qualities that stand out and make them potentially "better" than the others. That's why they're all nominated (and rightfully so).
So really... I leave it up to you to decide if you thought it was "better". Because I obviously can't give you a straight answer hahaha XD
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vampiresarmand · 10 years
1, 10, 16, 18!
1. the meaning behind my url Well, Thranduil is amazing and of course he is the king of smirks and he is the king of Mirkwood!! So yea thats how i got Thranduilsmirkwood
10.biggest turn on(s) hmmm loves lotr/hobbit, tall, sweet, lee pace
16. Favorite movie Lotr: Return of the King
18.phobia Lilapsophobia
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vampiresarmand · 10 years
ned or roy walker :o) also ned or thranduil
uhhhhh for the 1st one i have to say Ned :)
for the 2nd one i have to say Ned again :)
Send me 2 characters and see which one i would date!
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vampiresarmand · 10 years
Step Brothers! :D
never seen it | need to see it | hate it | ugh | it was okay | i liked it |LOVED IT | one of my faves
Send me a film!
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vampiresarmand · 10 years
oh god ceremony was so bad, just the whole storyline in general and everything I didn't really like it, but omg if you go on youtube and look up "a year in a tent - film by whit coutell" it will make up for how shitty the movie is
OMFG YES HAHA! I LOVE THAT SO MUCH!! That and Lee Pace shouting fucking in a British accent were honestly what made the movie bearable for me haha. 
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