#wearing methods of Hessonite gemstone
vinayakbhatt-blog · 1 year
Hessonite Gemstone | Gomedh Gemstone
Hessonite Gemstone: Know Your Hessonite Gem Astrologically
Hessonite, which is the gemstone associated with Rahu.Rahu as we know is an important planet in each horoscope and the nature as well as the strength of Rahu can vary from horoscope to horoscope, which means that in some horoscopes, Rahu may be very strong, it may be having average strength in some horoscopes and it may be weak or very weak in some other horoscopes. The strength of Rahu is measured by various methods available in Vedic astrology though some astrologers and people interested in astrology still think that the presence of Rahu in a particular sign is the only factor that can affect the strength of Rahu in a horoscope.
This is not true because there are many factors that can influence the power or weakness of Rahu in a horoscope and the location of Rahu in a particular sign is just one of them. In the future, sometimes Rahu can be weakened in a horoscope due to its location in the weakening mark due to the infliction of one or more malefic planets in the horoscope due to the weak placement in some specific horoscope houses and several other factors. When Rahu weakens in a horoscope, it cannot completely protect its general and special concepts, and therefore native can see bad results or fewer good results related to the significances of Rahu.
If such a weak Rahu acts as a beneficial planet in a horoscope, an extra strength must be given to a Rahu so weak that it can begin to work properly in the horoscope and it may protect its significances. This results in good things happening to the native in various spheres of his life. This extra strength is provided with the help of a particular gemstone called Hessonite, which transfers the energy of Rahu from the planet to the body of native who wears this gemstone.
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gemlab · 3 years
Hessonite gemstone is also known as “Gomed” as per Indian astrology. In Addition, Hessonite is the gemstone of Shadow planet Rahu and Planet Rahu is liable for all types of delays or very late fulfillment of goals and also called Gomeda in Sanskrit.
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9gemaus · 3 years
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gemnjewelery · 3 years
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While buying a hessonite stone extra care must be taken because of the presence of fake gem dealers who promptly sell and promote synthetic hessonite stone as real hessonite or gomed stone. we have listed out some properties of real hessonite that will help you to differentiate between real and synthetic hessonite. https://wa.me/919216113388
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blog20041994punam · 4 years
How to use gemstone according to birth date (Numbers and gemstone)
The Gemstone has been playing an imperative role in the field of astrology and numerology. There are 9 gems that has been assigned to the 9 planets. These gems are Ruby, pearl, Red Coral, Emerald, Yellow Sapphire, Diamond, Blue Sapphire, Hessonite and Cat’s eye. Unlike astrology, the gemstone and numerology has its own significance in the realm of numbers. The different astrologers recommend different gemstones based on their own experience and research. Most people have no knowledge about the gemstone they are wearing. Even they are quite in the dark if the gemstone they are wearing is real or fake. There are people who don’t know if the stone is lucky for them or not for them how to use gemstone according to birth date.
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Why there are difference of opinion about the selection of the correct gemstone.
There are many reasons as to why the people don’t use correct stone. There are different predictive science such as Vedic astrology, palmistry and numerology etc.
These 3 branches of prognosis has its own rule of remedial measures. The Vedic astrology prescribes gemstone based on ascendant, while palmistry has its own set of rule.
The numerologist does recommend the gemstone based on the date of birth. It has no correlation with astrology and palmistry.
It is very difficult to prescribe lucky stone by the help of palmistry. However, it is not that much difficult to prescribe gems by the help of natal chart and numerology.
Since, these predictive science of astrology, palmistry and numerology has different rules of prescribing, it is quite natural that the gemstone will differ.
Why selection of the gems according to astrology is complicated
The Indian science of Vedic astrology is an oceanic subject. It is not as natural as arithmetic where you expect 4 plus 4 is equal to 8. In astrology, sometimes it might be 8, sometimes 7 and 9. The astrologer needs to work with such environment.
There are many factors taken into account while predicting human fate and recommending gemstone. Hence, there are difference of opinion.
Most of the people do prescribe lucky stone with the help astrology and gemmology.
Indian astrology has multiple methods of recommending gemstone. The first and foremost one is based on ascendant. The 2nd one is based on moon sign or Rashi. The third one is based on Mahadasha. The 4th one is based on Antardasha.
In fact, most of the scriptures do recommend lucky stone based on ascendant. While, some prescribe based on moon sign or Rashi. Some also do recommend gems as per the Mahadasha that the native is experiencing.
There is a reason as to why the nine gems are recommended as per the moon sign. Most of the people are aware of their moon sign. Either their parents have told them or they may have access to the internet where ample of articles and blog are available on the internet.
A layman can easily understand the gemstone as per the moon sign while reading the new papers, magazines and internet.
However, the genuine astrologer do study the chart thoroughly and prescribe the gemstone according to Indian astrology.
Hence, the selection of the gemstone according to ascendant is most acceptable.
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How to use numerology to wear your lucky stone
The science of the numerology is by far the easiest tool that can tell you lucky stone effortlessly. Even a layman can have idea about his lucky gems according birth date.
Selection of gems as per numerology is as easy as ABC. You have to simply remember the numbers and the gems assigned to it. I have given the list of gems that is assigned to each number.
Numbers and Gemstones
Number 1 – Ruby
Number 2 – Pearl
Number 3 – Yellow Sapphire
Number 4 – Gomed or Hessonite
Number 5 – Emerald
Number 6 – Diamond
Number 7 – Cat’s eye
Number 8 – Blue Sapphire
Number 9 – Red coral
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Ruby gemstone  according to date of birth (person born on 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th of any month of the year)
If you have taken birth on 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th of any month of the year, then your lucky stone is Ruby. Ruby is a very powerful and highly effective precious gemstone that is being used by the people from different walks of life.
As the Ruby belongs to planet Sun, it is especially beneficial for the political leader, administrator, corporate heads, business tycoons, managers and organizers.
You should wear ruby at least 4 to 5 carats in weight. The ring should be set with gold. You can use the ruby stone either in ring finger or as a pendant.
Pearl gemstone according to birth date (person born on 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th of any month of the year)
If you are born on 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th of any month of the year, then wearing white pearl can be highly beneficial to you. The pearl is a highly effective precious stone for the person who is involved with creative, imaginative and innovative activities.
The precious pearl is especially recommend to the people who are into the field of artistic activities, oil industry, dairy industry and shipping etc.
The use of pearl can be highly beneficial for those who have been suffering from depression, memory loss, insomnia and fearfulness. The pearl is a gemstone that can certainly reduce your anger to a great extent.
Yellow Sapphire gemstone according to birth date (Person born on 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th of any month of the year)
If you are born with number 3 and have taken birth on 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th of any month of the year, then you should wear Yellow Sapphire with gold in the index finger on Thursday of bright fortnight.
The Yellow Sapphire is a precious gemstone that belongs to the planet Jupiter. The Yellow Sapphire is a highly effective gemstone for the people who are into educational, financial, banking, revenue and spiritual segment.
The weight of the Yellow Sapphire should be at least 5 carats. You can either wear in the index finger or in the neck as a pendant.
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Gomed or Hessonite gemstone according to birth date (person born on 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st of any month of the year)
If you belong to number 4 and you have taken birth on 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31stof any month of the year, then Gomed or Hessonite is the most suitable gemstone for you.
You should wear Gomed either in the middle finger or little finger on Wednesday. If you are not comfortable to wear Gomed or Hessonite in the finger, then you can wear it in the neck as pendant.
Wearing Gomed can be highly beneficial to you in your career, profession and finance. You can expect robust health and patience by wearing the Hessonite. It will help you to develop will power, self-confidence and complete your task in time and hence success.
Emerald gemstone according to birth date (person born on 5th, 14th and 23rd of any month of the year)
If you are a person belong to number 5 or born on one of these dates i.e. 5th, 14th, 23rdof any month of the year, then wearing emerald can be highly beneficial to you. The Emerald can enhance your intelligence and knowledge to a great extent.
The Emerald is highly effective for the people who are in to international business, commerce, research and science.
You should wear Emerald either in the little finger or as a pendant on Wednesday. The weight of the Emerald should be at least 5 carats. You can wear the Emerald set with either gold or silver.
Diamond according to birth date (person born on 6th, 15th and 24th of any month of the year)
The gemstone diamond is one the most expensive gemstone of the world. You can wear diamond if you have taken birth on 6th, 15th and 24th of any month of the year.
The Diamond is highly effective for the person who is into the field of fashion, jewellery, acting, designing and decoration etc. It is highly effective for the native who is into creative field.
The weight of the diamond should be around 1 Carat. You can wear it either in the gold or white gold in the middle finger on Friday of bright fortnight. Wearing diamond can enhance the love between the husband and wife.
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Cat’s eye gemstone according to birth date (person born on 7th, 16th and 25th of any month of the year)
The number 7 is one the most important numbers in the numerology as there are 7 colours in the sun rays, 7 days in week, 7 wonders of the world, 7 stars in the northern sky, 7 continent, 7 voices and 7 holes in our head i.e. eyes, nostrils, ears and mouth.
Hence, the number 7 is a mystic number in the science of numbers. It is a spiritual number that belongs to Jesus, Oscar Wild and Atal Bihari Vajpayee etc.
If you are born on 7th, 16th and 25th of any month of the year, then your lucky gemstone is Cat’s eye. Wearing Cat’s eye can bring prodigious achievement in life. It is especially beneficial to the people who are into spirituality, public speaking, writing and research. The weight of the Cat’s eye should be at least 3 carats. You can wear it on Thursday in little finger. The suitable metal is either silver or Ashta Dhatu (A combination of 8 metals)
Blue Sapphire gemstone according to birth date (person born on 8th, 17th and 26th of any month of the year)
If you are born on 8th, 17th and 26th of any month of the year, then you belong to number 8. Your lucky gemstone is Blue Sapphire or Neelam.
The Blue Sapphire is a very powerful gem that can take you to the next level of success. Wearing Sapphire can help you to get rid of chronic diseases such as rheumatism, paralysis, insanity and loss of energy etc.
The Blue Sapphire is especially effective for the people who are into mining, railways, transports, sales and purchase and oil field etc.
You should wear Blue Sapphire on Saturday in the middle finger. The weight of the Blue Sapphire should be at least 3 carats. It should be set with silver or Ashta Dhatu.
Red Coral for the person born on 9th, 18th and27th of any month of the year
The Red Coral is the most beneficial stone for you if you have taken birth on 9th, 18th and 27th of any month of the year. The number 9 belongs to Mars. Hence, the gemstone Red Coral has been assigned to the planet Mars.
Wearing Red Coral can be highly beneficial if you are into the field of defence, military and police department.
The Red Coral should be at least 7 carats in weight. It will bring more beneficial result if the Red Coral is set with gold. You should wear this gem in ringer finger on Tuesday.
You should wear the gems according to the birth chart prepared by the help of Vedic astrology. In case you don’t have time of birth or the birth time is not correct, then wearing gemstone according to birth date or numerology can be helpful.
Learn more about it and get your personalized numerology report for free.
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sehdevjewellers · 6 years
How To Wear Hessonite Garnet?
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Hessonite is natural and precious gemstone. This gemstone is recommended by astrologer to balance the position of planet rahu in birth chart. @ https://blog.sehdevjewellers.com/how-to-wear-hessonite-garnet/
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9gemca · 3 years
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The Hessonite stone (Gomed) can be made into a ring or a pendant in silver metal. If you are going for a ring, then it should be worn on the middle finger of the right hand on a Saturday evening during Krishna Paksha (descending moon) at sunset.
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hcrystals24h · 4 years
What Are the Advantages of Chakra Healing Bracelets?  Know About Energy Bracelets Healing
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Chakra with Healing Bracelet
According to yogic practice, the body has seven wheels that keep spinning to sustain the flow of energy from the base of your spine to the top of your head. The Seven Chakras are responsible for all human illnesses. Every chakra is linked to one or more main organs in the body, as well as a specific area of the body that may influence overall health. Energy cannot move easily if all of the Chakras are blocked, resulting in mental and physical problems. To allow the body to work as it was intended, it is critical to clear and open these wheels. Stress, pessimistic thinking, diet, and lack of exercise can all obstruct the Chakras.
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Healing Crystals' Power
Ancient cultures have used the power of crystals to release emotional, physical, and metaphysical blockages, allowing energy to circulate freely across the body for thousands of years. When you put crystals on your body, they have a strong vibratory effect that spreads from the crystal to you.
Bracelet with Chakra Healing
While it can be difficult for beginners to begin opening chakras, it is never too late to become aware of this and begin training. And this is where the number 7 will support and play a role. Each of the colored stones represents a chakra, and we can use the bracelet to center our attention on calming the chakras and improving our overall wellbeing.
Bracelets of Chakra Gemstones
Chakra Healing Bracelets are items that have been worn in India for millennia to balance the seven chakras. Although some argue that the advantages of wearing Chakra Crystal Bracelets are specifically related to the energy of the stones used, others claim that the bracelets simply increase consciousness and allow for greater emphasis on keeping these seven energies in check. The bracelets are used in alternative medicine to facilitate regeneration and vitality in any event. Chakra jewelry may also be used for cosmetic reasons. These bracelets use stones with specific energy properties to affect the wearer's life and health in a subtle way. Bad energy is said to flee the wearer and get stuck in the bracelet. The chakras are then rebalanced when positive energies emanates from each of the stones.
The Chakras and Colors
Each color represents a different vibration or frequency that is transmitted through the chakras. Since the colors represent various frequencies of energy aligned with each energy core, the significance of the colors can be related to the nature of the chakras associated with it as well as general symbolism.
The primary chakras' colors Purple, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red are some of the colors available.
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Chakras and Gemstones
When choosing Chakra healing stones, color coding can be helpful; here is a list of the main chakra colors and their matching stones. Crown Chakra (7th): Purple Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Iolite, Opal, Diamond Third Eye Chakra (6th): Indigo Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, Azurite, Charoite, Labradorite, Obsidian Throat Chakra (5th): Blue Soladite, Blue Agate, Turquoise, Blue Topaz, Kyanite, Soladite, Amazonite, Aquamarine Heart Chakra (4th): (4th) - Jade, Rose Quartz, Aventurine, Malachite, Unakite, Green Jade, Rose Quartz, Aventurine, Malachite, Unakite Yellow Tiger Eye, Citrine, Hessonite, Zincite - Solar Plexus Chakra (3rd) Orange Carnelian, Sunstone, Amber, Moonstone, Chalcedony, Sacral Chakra (2nd) Red Garnet, Hematite, Red Jasper, Black or Red Onyx, Obsidian, Pyrite, Smoky Quartz - Red Garnet, Hematite, Red Jasper, Black or Red Onyx, Obsidian, Pyrite, Smoky Quartz - Red Garnet, Hematite, Red Jasper, Black or Red Onyx, Ob Wearing soothing crystal jewelry increases our pulse and renews our batteries, which has a positive impact on our health and well-being.
The Best Ways to Wear Your Bracelet
Your internal self is dealt with by the left side of the body, which is the most vulnerable side and is regarded as the feminine side. Your left side is all about the internal transformation you intend to create. You can deliberately monitor and alter discomfort from the outside world by wearing those gemstones on your left wrist. Wear the bracelets on the left side of your body to send soothing energy across the body. The masculine part of the body is the right side, also known as the doer or operation side. Your right hand is more concerned about how you behave in the real world. The gemstones help you be more productive and manage the energy you bring out into the world. Wear the bracelets on the right side of your body to absorb toxins and match your Chakras. Wear gemstone bracelets to strike the perfect balance between your right and left sides for the most energetic advantage and to assist you in achieving your goals.
Crystal and Gemstone Bracelet Cleaning Techniques
For eg, if you use a crystal for chakra healing, it will absorb energy that you don't want to hold or move on to anyone. You may use water, salt, or the sun to cleanse the bracelets and transform them back into stone bracelets. To cleanse the bracelet, the best methods are to use the Full Moon, Brown Rice, or Sage.
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Do not leave your bracelet in the sun for long periods of time or wash it in salted water.
Gemstone Bracelet Cleansing Methods
1. Full Moon Cleanse - Cleanse Crystals By The Full Moon (Outdoor) Whether it's very cold outside, or if there's a risk of rain or snow, don't wear your gemstone ring outside. Storms, wind, and rain will all cause disruption, so keep an eye on the weather forecast. 1. Hang your bracelet on a flat elevated surface outside. 2. To shield them from unexpected rain or wind, cover them with a glass bowl or covered pots. 3. Please remember to take off the bracelet first thing in the morning to prevent sun exposure.
- Use The Full Moon To Cleanse (Indoor) 1. Arrange all of the crystals on a windowsill so the Moon can be seen at any time during the night. 2. Please remember to remove the bracelet first thing in the morning to prevent sun exposure.
2. Brown Rice Cleanse Make sure your jewelry is fully coated in uncooked brown rice by placing it in a dish. Allow them to soak in the rice overnight. Some impurities or negative energy that the stones have absorbed over time can be automatically drawn out by the rice. After that, toss out the brown rice. Rice that has been used as an energetic cleanser should not be consumed.
Smudging is a great way to cleanse.
Dried White Sage packets, which can be found in most mystical shops or on the internet, are used in this traditional Native American cleansing process. To trap some ashes or cinders, you'll need a dish. A big Abalone Shell, which is common in some tribes, may be used. After lighting the Smudge Stick, blast out any remaining flames. You will now clear your bracelet by passing it through the smoke a few times. Stub out the Smudge Stick in the dish with care.
Balancing 7 Chakra Bracelets is a good place to go.
As worn, they assist in maintaining the seven Chakras' proper energy levels, making the wearer feel more balanced. The mission becomes more achievable as you concentrate on holding the chakras open and replacing pessimistic emotions with a positive perspective on life.
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These bracelets foster vitality and serve as an alternative treatment for physical, spiritual, and emotional ailments.
Unlock the Secrets of Your Chakra Collection
Our Healing Crystal Bracelet series is planned to aid in the manifestation of the wearer's wishes and well-being. Each piece of gemstone jewelry is designed to aid in the healing of the mind, body, and soul, as well as the balancing of the body's physical and spiritual energies.
Bracelet with a Bespoke Crystal Healing
Design a one-of-a-kind ring with soothing crystals that are unique to your needs.
When you press 'add to cart,' a pop-up window will open, asking you to choose a pattern for your bracelet.
Aventurine is a heart healer that dissolves stressful emotions and impulses while instilling feelings of well-being and emotional peace.
Amazonite - calms and soothes internal trauma, reducing anxiety and paranoia. It cures and opens the Heart and Throat Chakras, allowing for more loving contact while still shielding the body from toxic electromagnetic smog.
Aquamarine is a mineral associated with bravery. Stress and fear are washed away by this water-like stone, making room for calm and tranquility in their place. Aquamarine is a wonderful stone for people who are emotionally sensitive; if you're attracted to it, it means you're in search of some peace and quiet.
Carnelian - Carnelian is a grounding stone that helps to regain strength and energy while also combating sluggishness. It will help you trust yourself by getting to the bottom of what makes you tick. Carnelian strengthens the Root Chakra, heals lower back complaints, affects the female reproductive organs, and boosts fertility on a physical level.
Tourmaline - serves to ground us, clears our atmosphere, and makes us feel at ease in big crowds.
This bracelet contains several colors of tourmaline, which puts the mind, body, spirit, and soul into harmony.
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Tiger's Eye - Even though you're surrounded by uncertainty, Tiger's Eye will help you keep grounded and focused. This crystal will assist you in stepping into your personal strength and overcoming emotional barriers.
The most strong healing stone is clear quartz. It consumes, replaces, and controls energy while also stimulating the immune system.
*Unless otherwise mentioned, the Clear Quartz comes with yellow spacer beads.
The stone of universal love is rose quartz. It encourages unconditional love by restoring faith and unity in relationships.
It purifies and unlocks the heart on all levels, promoting esteem, self-love, fellowship, profound inner healing, and harmony.
Amethyst is a stone with a strong mystical resonance that is incredibly powerful and defensive. It's a natural sedative, boosts morale, and has powerful calming and cleaning properties. It has a soothing effect while still relaxing the mind.
Sodalite - A stone of mental and intuitive consciousness, sodalite brings order and calmness to the soul, as well as a general sense of inner peace. It has a long list of advantages, including the ability to clear brain fog, regulate appetite, relieve insomnia, and calm panic attacks.
Labradorite - aids in the dispelling of harmful energies, reviving and restoring the energy. It'll even help you get rid of your fears and insecurities.
Citrine is an effective cleanser and regenerator that carries the sun's energy. It is a stone of plenty that energises all levels of life. It's great for boosting morale and self-esteem, as well as helping you overcome loneliness and fears.
Blue Lace Agate is a beautiful stone for curing. Its gentle energy is soothing and relaxing, offering peace of mind. It provides for the free speech of thoughts and emotions while also reducing the effects of indignation, illness, inflammation, and fever.
Malachite is a stone of change, abundance, manifestation, and meaning. It promotes experimentation and transformation, as well as the desire to take out harmful energies, which may aid in the discovery of energy barriers and cycles that could be causing physical illness.
Moonstone is a stone that symbolizes new beginnings. It is connected to the sky, telling us that all is in a constant state of flux.
It relieves mental stress and instability, supports the reproductive system, and is beneficial for gestation, pregnancy, delivery, and breastfeeding.
All of our bracelets are made in the UK from crystals that have been responsibly sourced. We cleanse the crystals with Palo Santo to ensure that their energy is ready for you.
CRYSTALS... are naturally occurring minerals that have evolved over millions of years under strain. They have the ability to transfer, collect, and convert energy and have energetic forces that can increase the vibration.
A crystal bracelet is the ideal gift for someone who wants a little more love or balance in their life. It will remind them of their good fortune, as well as how to just be and breathe.
These bracelets have a magical influence.
Bracelets with exclusive healing gemstones We've designed a variety of "Specific Healing Crystal/Gemstone" Bracelets to address a variety of life issues, intentions, and ailments. Any of our Healing Bracelets is handcrafted with natural crystals/gemstones and antique Tibetan Silver Tone Spacers. If desired, we can also incorporate Lava Stones to provide extra Aromatherapy benefits. People yearn for a deeper bond to life, and soothing crystal jewelry is one of the easiest ways to do that.
Crystals have been worn and adored for as long as we can remember. For thousands of years, crystals have been used to cure and change our lives. Each crystal has its own metaphysical properties and therapeutic properties that can have a significant impact on our lives.
The Chakras are energy centers inside the body that act with crystals to dissolve energy blockages and restore the MIND, BODY, and SPIRIT.
Our energy has a huge impact on our wellbeing, and while soothing crystal jewelry resonates with and enhances our energy channels, crystals will help us live better, happier lives.
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Wearing Healing Crystal Jewellery increases our pulse and renews our batteries, which has a profound effect on our health and well-being.
Notice of disclaimer
Our bracelet is purpose bracelets, with explanations and crystal meanings for therapeutic and vibrational healing service. Our bracelets or candles are not meant to prevent, treat, or alleviate any sickness or injury, and are solely designed to provide spiritual and Reiki energy healing. Here's a look at some of the Crystal and a Gemstone Bracelet we have around.
People Wear Healing Bracelets for a Hidden Purpose
Working with crystals and calming energies is a way of life for me. They have the potential to become an essential part of our meditation rituals. Healing crystals may be used to build energy crystal grids or to provide an extra layer of spiritual security in our homes. We've always got lucky stones that we have with us. Children, in particular, seem to appreciate how lucky gemstones can be! For the same intention, some of us will take gratitude stones or angel stones with us. Wearing gemstone curing bracelets or necklaces is the simplest way to bring healing stones into everyday life.
Anything on our world is made up of molecules and atoms, which are themselves made up of electricity. Animals, trees, and minerals such as gemstones all fall under this category. Each gemstone has its own vibrational force. The energy frequency of each stone varies depending on the crystal structure and light wavelength of the stone ( which is a scientific way to say color. )
We, too, are made up of electricity. The electrical impulses firing inside our brains and the biochemical cycles that cause us to get up and go each day are examples of this force. However, the presence of outside energies can affect or modify our electricity, or vibrations; for example, a defibrillator can alter the electrical activity of the heart.
Healing crystals are less obvious than a defibrillator, but they do have an impact on how our bodies and brains function. The gentle vibrational charge of a healing cuff, for example, will provide you with positive energies. The uplifting energy can inspire you to act on your deepest desires. It might also remind you how much people care for you, even though you're in the midst of a storm of turmoil. A gemstone healing ring or healing necklace will help you improve the way you think about your issues by emitting a faint but optimistic force. When your perspective shifts, you'll come up with new thoughts and solutions to your problems. This is the secret of the energies provided by our healing, the secret that enables us to improve our lives. If you've ever wondered why certain people favor wearing healing, now you know. The curing stones will not transform the world for you, but they will assist you in seeing how to improve your own. Find the Right Healing Bracelet for You
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Location: https://g.page/ShopCrystalis
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gemstonering · 5 years
Navaratna | Gemstones Names | Navratna Names | Gemstone Universe
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We are ordinarily mindful that gemstones are worn to keep up a basic decent ways from incapacitated effects and get centrality in one's life. Envision a condition where one could wear the collection of the gemstones. Well this is useful for we have the Navaratna which are the nine most fundamental gemstones. The Gemstones Names or the Navratna Names are Ruby, Coral, Pearl, Emerald, Diamond, Yellow Sapphire, Cat's eye, Blue Sapphire and Hessonite. These gemstones worn everything considered and set in an oversaw method can keep up a vital good ways from all hazard and vitality getting flawless karma, succeeding, information, accomplishment and reputation.
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shubhgemsstone · 5 years
Benefits of Yellow Sapphire stone
At present, most astrologers practicing Vedic astrology are advising more and more people to wear one or the other gems, mainly because of the gemstones of the Nine Planets in the last few years have shown themselves to be very effective in astrology and Proven as a perfect remedy and experiment. 
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According to the advice of the astrologers, many of the persons have benefited in many areas of their life by wearing different types of gemstones related to the Nine Planets and most of these persons have received these benefits permanently, due to which the people of Vedic astrology today almost every person wants to wear a gemstone suitable for him. 
By wearing the gemstones of a particular planet related to the Nine Planets, some people have also received such benefits which were not possible otherwise, Due to this most of the people are going to their astrologer and asking for the suggestion of suitable gem for their problems. 
Vedic astrology suggests wearing only gemstones related to the Nine Planets, due to which Vedic astrology suggests wearing only 9 types of gems. Each of these 9 gemstones are associated with a particular planet in the Nine Planets and the names of these gemstones are Ruby (Manik), Pearl (Moti), Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj), White Sapphire or Diamond, Red Coral (Moonga), Emerald (Panna), Blue Sapphire (Neelam), Onyx and Hessonite (Gomed) and Among these 9 gemstones represent Nine Planets  Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, has connected with Rahu and Ketu. 
In this article of articles, we will discuss some features and some facts related to these gemstones to be worn for the Nine Planets, and in this article today we will talk about the yellow Sapphire that will be worn for Jupiter.
 According to Vedic Astrology, Jupiter has special significance in each horoscope and Jupiter's power, temperament and position in a horoscope can have a great impact on the positive or negative results of the horoscope.
Talking about Jupiter's strength, Jupiter's strength in different horoscopes varies as If Jupiter is strong in a coil, one can be weak, whereas Jupiter's power in another horoscope may be normal. A full inspection of many facts is necessary to determine the power of Jupiter in a horoscope, although some Vedic astrologers believe that the position in a particular amount of Jupiter in the horoscope determines the power in Jupiter's horoscope while in reality any planet It is necessary to study a variety of facts in a way to determine the power in a coil.
If Jupiter remains weak in a horoscope due to various reasons, then in such a situation, Jupiter is not fully able to give complete benefits associated with Jupiter planet, which can cause problems in different areas of their life. May be confronted. In such a situation, the weak Jupiter in the horoscope is given extra energy through some of the astrological measures so that Jupiter can become stronger in the horoscope and benefit the persons. One of the best ways to provide additional energy to Jupiter in a horoscope is to wear the stone yellow Sapphire of Jupiter, which, after being worn, begins to gain benefits as Jupiter is strong.
The Yellow Sapphire gem attracts the energy waves of Jupiter from its upper surface and transfers it from its lower surface to the body of the holder, due to which the effect of Jupiter in the native's aura becomes stronger than before and thus Jupiter keeps its work more Start doing it forcefully. It is worth noting here that the yellow Sapphire of Jupiter, the gem of Jupiter, can only provide additional power to Jupiter in a horoscope and the yellow Sapphire does not affect the auspicious or inauspicious nature of Jupiter in any horoscope. Thus, if Jupiter is auspicious in any horoscope, then wearing yellow Sapphire will give additional strength to such auspicious Jupiter, due to which the benefits of Jupiter will be increased by the native, whereas if this Jupiter is inauspicious in any horoscope then Jupiter By wearing the gem of this ominous Jupiter will gain more strength. Due to which such inauspicious Jupiter can harm the native even more. Therefore Jupiter's gem Yellow Sapphire should be worn only by those persons whose Jupiter is working well in their horoscope and those who are working inauspiciously in their horoscope should not wear Jupiter's gem.
It can be dark yellow and yellow Sapphire coming from different parts of the world can be of different colors. It is important to note here that different colors of yellow Sapphire may be suitable for different persons such as light yellow Sapphire gives good benefits to another while dark yellow Sapphire gives good results to the wearer. Therefore, the color of yellow Sapphire should be chosen only according to the advice of your astrologer and should not wear Yellow Sapphire of any color on your own wish, because by doing this such yellow Sapphire can give a loss rather than profit. Along with the color, pay special attention to the weight of Yellow Sapphire suggested by your astrologer and wear the same weight of this gemstone as told by your astrologer, because by changing the weight of yellow Sapphire from your will, this gem will give you many times Is not able to give proper benefits while many times
For example, wearing yellow Sapphire at a weight much less than the weight of yellow Sapphire, as given by your astrologer, may give you such a yellow Sapphire very little or may be unable to give any kind of benefit when told by your astrologer. Wearing a yellow sapphire of a very high weight can also harm you, which is why the yellow sapphire of too much weight transfers the energy of Jupiter to your body and aura, which both your body and aura can withstand. Not only that, such excess energy can go unchecked and harm you. Therefore, always wear a yellow sapphire  of weight equal to the weight mentioned by your astrologer because an experienced Vedic astrologer and gemologist knows how much weight you should carry of the yellow sapphire gemstone according to your horoscope.
Before you wear it to the best benefits through your yellow sapphire, purify your yellow Sapphire gemstones and get benefits. Any possible negative energy stored on your gemstone through the process of purification is removed while your yellow sapphire is excited for you through Jupiter's mantras and through special Vedic methods through the process of prestige.  arrogant and motivated to give benefits. The methods of purification and enlightenment are technical and purify your gemstones and perform reputation only with Vedic astrologer who is knowledgeable in these activities.
After purifying the Yellow Sapphire and purifying your life, you have to wear your gemstone in the next step. Vedic astrology advises wearing yellow Pukhraj Ratna on Thursday morning. On Wednesday night, put your yellow Sapphire in a bowl filled with Ganges water or raw milk and after bathing in the morning of Thursday, do your daily prayers and after that keep your yellow Sapphire ring in front of you and meditate on Jupiter god and Jupiter Chant the basic Mantra or Beej Mantra 108 times or 27 times, Pray to Brihaspati god to bestow benefits through this gemstone and then wipe the ring of yellow Sapphire with a clean cloth and wear it. If you have kept your ring in raw milk, then wash it with clean water first and then wipe it with a clean cloth and wear it. It is worth noting here that when wearing yellow Sapphire gemstone for the first time, it is worn on Thursday morning whereas once it is worn then in most situations it is worn again throughout life. For the convenience of the readers, the basic mantra and bija mantra of Brihaspati Maharaj are presented:
By wearing yellow Sapphire only through the methods suggested by Vedic astrology, this gemstone will be able to give you the maximum auspicious benefits, so to the extent possible, every person should wear their yellow Sapphire gemstone with the complete method. Every person wearing yellow Sapphire should clear regularly it to get continuous benefits from his gemstone, so that your gemstone will always give you auspicious benefits. The Yellow Sapphire should usually be thoroughly cleaned once in a period of 3 to 6 months because failing to do so, the accumulated dust on your gemstone can cause it to obstruct the transfer of energy waves of Jupiter to your body, causing your gemstone Completely unable to provide you benefits.
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gemsvidhi10-blog · 8 years
Oh..wait! This could be disastrous. Yes, wearing gemstone of your choice could be disastrous and could create havoc in your life. As per astrological point of view, different gemstones are associated with the nine different ruling planets. The work of gemstones is to transfer the positive vibes of their ruling planet into its wearer’s life
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Lucky stone by birthday
Discover How Lucky Stone By Birthday Can Help You Increasing Strength & Luck In Life
#Lucky #gemstones are also called as astral stones or astrological remedy. There is a contradiction in thought that whether the gemstones really provide fruitful effect or not. Whatever the contradiction is found, today a large number of people tend to wear the gemstones including jewelries. If you are the one who want to wear the #lucky #gemstones according to your birth day then you have come at the right place. The blog will provide you the necessary information on gemstones that you are looking for. We will show you how your day of birth helps you to choose the right gemstone by the way of numerology.
Know The Stone of Fortune by Birthday
It is not hard to find out lucky stone by birthday. You can easily find it out in just adding your birth date, only the date on which you have born. Say, you have born on 15th of February; hence your lucky number would be 1+5=6. So you are the person who is ruled by Venus as number 6 is governed by Venus. This method is actually known as numerology. Numerology is a great thing that helps to decide your lucky stone and bring love, luck and happiness to you. Let us know the lucky number including Lucky stone by birthday.
1.      Number 1 Native: If your birth day sums up to 1 then you are governed by Sun. You can wear Ruby or Red Tourmaline. It will give you the courage, strength and confident that you lack eventually.
2.      Number 2 Native: If your birth day sums up to 2 then you are governed by Moon. You can wear the Pearl or Moonstone to achieve great luck in life.
3.      Number 3 Native: If your birth day sums up to 3 then you are governed by Jupiter. You should Yellow Sapphire or Yellow Topaz to welcome happiness.
4.      Number 4 Native: If your birth day sums up to 4 then you are governed by Rahu. You need to wear Hessonite or Hue Garnet for good luck.
5.      Number 5 Native: If your birth day sums up to 5 then you are governed by Mercury. You can wear #Emerald or Zircon or Diamond to get good luck.
6.      Number 6 Native: If your birth day sums up to 6 then you are governed by Venus. You can wear the Diamond along with emerald to get benefic result.
7.      Number 7 Native: If your birth day sums up to 7 then you are governed by Ketu. You can wear Cat’s Eye to find against hurdles in your life.
8.      Number 8 Native: If your birth day sums up to 8 then you are governed by Saturn. You can wear Neelam or Blue Sapphire along with emerald for fast result.
9.      Number 9 Native: If your birth day sums up to 9 then you are governed by Mars. Monga or Red Coral is lucky stone for you. It will give you the leadership quality that you need to tackle any troublesome situation.
Your date of birth is something that can disclose so many things in front of you. Whether you want to know hidden traits of you or your physic status, your date of birth can tell you a lot. You can also know which planets favor you depending on your date of birth.
More Details Visit Our Website : http://luckybirthstone.com
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gemsratna-blog · 7 years
Men and women in India can be seen with various gemstones adorning their fingers. These are not just decorative or worn to match their clothes or moods. Many of these jewels have definite astrological significance. They have been acquired as advised by an astrologer, after examination of the individual’s horoscope and the positions of the stars and planets.
From Bollywood stars to politicians and businessmen most of them have shining color ring circling their fingers. Look at superstar Amitabh Bachchan’s hands. His fingers are circled by rings with stones of many colors – a sapphire, a coral, a pearl and more.
Rani Mukherjee has a yellow sapphire on the forefinger of her right hand. So has Shilpa Shetty and Kareena Kapoor. So have thousands of others, all seeking fame, fortune, and flowering lives.
Gemstones have the power – or so it is believed – to change fate or, at least, influence its effects on life.
As indicated by the old Indian writings, gemstones channel enormous vitality and energy. It is widely believed that this energy can be made use of almost like ‘medicine’, by channeling the appropriate kind of light with the required wavelength and thereby energy, into the body that it is in contact with. The vibrations that are transmitted by this can help to restore the balance of energies and elements in the body and the physiochemistry that has been affected by any disturbances. Whether this is really effective is not yet proven, though various non-medical therapeutic methods used by practitioners of crystal therapy and gemstone treatments have shown good results. India is a vast treasure house of gemstones with rich mineral deposits found all over the country.
These have been dug for eras and their yields utilized locally and everywhere throughout the world, essentially for their enlivening quality. In any case, the convention of utilizing gemstones to work with or even endeavor to change fate is age-old in our way of life.
Vedic astrology advises the use of various gemstones as suggested by planetary configurations in the individual’s horoscope.
People believed – and still do – that wearing the gemstone of the kind and weight prescribed by an astrologer can help to overcome obstacles posed by the astrological chart. These obstacles can include problems in a love relationship to hurdles in a career or even the success of a certain venture, be it a film or a marriage.
Logic, Rationality, and Gemstones
The logic behind this is that the pattern of energy emanated by the individual directly impacts on his or her emotional behavior, thought patterns, system of logic and mental functioning; sometimes, that energy is low, its flow is blocked, or its field is disturbed, leading to imbalances in the working of the body and its various aspects, resulting in problems manifested through either physical, psychological or creative disorder.
The gem can help to focus the required wavelength of energy and direct it into the body, making it easier to remove the blocks, correct the imbalance and enhance levels of functioning. However, this is not an arbitrary correspondence between problem and gemstone. The correct use of the stones is vital; say astrologers and gem therapists.
Furthermore, it is exceptionally important to utilize gemstones of good quality – flawless stones of very high purity and fine color promote good fortune, while those that are flawed may invite bad fortune to the user.
Planetary powers are considered to be strengthened by the good quality gems by adding cosmic color, astrologically enhancing associated aspects of life and by attracting the attention of the planetary deities that rule that particular stone.
See the Gemstone Energization, Planets and Their Deities
The natural gemstones work somewhat like a radio, transmitting astral power to the wearer like a listener hears the music. The power of gems comes mainly from the Navagrahas, or nine planets, according to the ancient Asian ‘sideral’ science of astrology. They are classified broadly into two types:
Hot Stone - Ruby, Red Coral, Diamond and Cat’s Eye
Cold Stone – Topaz, Blue Sapphire and Hessonite
Their use is carefully chosen by astrologers depending on various aspects:
Raashi – or moon sign at birth
Nakshatra – or constellation at birth
Lagna – or rising sun
Preference – this is very personal. A gemstone can be especially attractive to someone and, as long as it is not astrologically harmful or in any way negative in influence, it can be worn.
Astrological advice – this is perhaps the most individual-specific of all. The astrologer will examine the horoscope cast as per the birth details of the person and analyses the effects of the positions of the nine planets. From this, the planet that needs strengthening will be determined. The astrologer will then suggest what stone – type, weight, time to start wearing it, etc. – should be used. The length of time that the stone should be worn will also be defined, depending on astrological considerations and the passage of major and minor planets through any particular house of the horoscope.
This desire to influence the planets is an age-old one. Ever since the start of civilization itself, man has wanted more than he has, using all means possible to get it. And all things shiny, colorful and sparkling were desirable possessions in themselves, giving the owner more worth, more value, more that the neighbors could envy.
In ancient times, cave people collected crystals and colored stones, believing them to hold a special magic and, often, a part of the finder’s own spirit. Some of these pieces brought luck – in hunting, in locating a new place to live, in escaping natural disaster or in finding happiness and stability. Others were associated with bad fortune – sickness, suffering, even death.
Gradually, each stone became imbued with special powers and prized or feared for their rarity and influence on destiny. And as these concepts became formalized and widely accepted, they were defined in the various ancient texts, especially in India. There is a nine-fold correspondence between man and gemstones – the human body is said to be a complex island of nine power centers or dhatus, linked with the nine main gems, or navaratnas. This is analyzed in the Tantric Sara, an important tantric scripture, which states that the use of the nine gems influences the nine dhatus and thus the individual’s psychophysical well-being. Another set of ancient texts, the Puranas, defines the gems by stories associated with them and the relationships they share with the nine planets.
According to the Puranas, each of the navaratnas belongs to one of two groups;
a)      Precious stones - Diamond, Pearl, Ruby, Sapphires, Emerald
b)      Semi-Precious - Hessonite, Cat’s eye, and coral
It is not the price or the rarity of these stones that classifies them, but the way they are used and the influence they have on the human psyche, physiology and electromagnetic aura. As with any science, exact or not, the experts know best. They advise that the most effective way to use gems is as rings, with the back of the setting open so that the stone touches the skin, or at least allows light to filter through it and into the body.
The right hand is considered to be solar and the left, lunar. Balance is maintained by wearing the gems connected with the moon on the sun hand and vice versa. And each finger is psychically connected to a particular planet and thus should be used for the corresponding gemstone. This is useful not just for health, wealth and wisdom, but also serves to protect the user from attack by wild animals, accidents, poison and the negative effects of ill-aspects of planets. But there is more to using gemstones to enhance the quality of life than just wearing one jewel or the other in the hope that things improve. All this is based on Jyotish, the science of light or Vedic astrology. This discipline has its origins over 4,000 years ago, in the pre-Vedic civilizations’ of the Indian subcontinent.
The high priests – Rishis or sages – discovered through meditation and trance states that there is a deep and abiding connection between the planets and the human body and described this in ancient texts as a way of life that every individual should ideally follow to optimize fate. This is a long-term relationship, which lasts life long, the movement of the planets affecting the person just as the lunar phases cause the tides of the oceans to change. As per the principles of Jyotish, each planet and star represent a certain kind and level of energy – it is known and proven that they have specific electric and magnetic fields. Vedic astrology adds that they also emanate their special cosmic color, which in turn generates a particular energy that has a particular influence that pervades the cosmos. As these colored and thus specifically energized rays are transmitted through space and time, they give off heat, light, magnetism, and electricity, which have an influence on all life.
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gemsity · 7 years
Complete Guide To Wearning Hessonite (Gomed) Stone
Complete Guide To Wearning Hessonite (Gomed) Stone
Each Gemstone has specific methods and rituals which are needed to be followed while wearing them for the first time. These are necessary if you want benefits from the wearing of gemstones. Introduction to Gomed: Before wearing hessonite (gomed) gemstone, you must be aware about its feature, effects, how and when to wear. Do not wear any gemstone without consulting a good astrologer because…
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sehdevjewellers · 5 years
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Buy natural Hessonite (Garnet) stone online in India. Place online order for astrological Gomed stone at the best price. As per regional differences, it is also called as Gomedh or “Gomedak” in Sanskrit. Check gomed stone price, value, wearing methods, rituals, and benefits. @ https://sehdevjewellers.com/hessonite-gemstone
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