#planetary gemstone
remington-the-witch · 5 months
Saturday Correspondences📜
Happy Saturday! ☁️ It's raining over here which is quite refreshing. Try to capture some water if it's raining near you as well!
Below is a list of correspondences for Saturday from my grimoire. I believe I jot this down from a book I read which should be sourced below.
A reminder that correspondences can be different for everyone! Don't feel like you have to abide by this list. Anything can resonate differently for everyone. Your path is your own!! 😊
Zodiac: Aquarius ♒🏺
Solar System: Saturn
Colors: Black, Gray (dark), Indigo, Purple (dark)
Rune: Dag
Tarot: Temperance, Swords (Knight, 2)
Number: 7
Trees: Alder, Cypress, Hawthorn, Pomegranate
Herb & Garden: Morning Glory, Thyme
Misc. Plants: Mullein, Myrrh
Gemstones & Minerals: Amethyst, Apache Tears, Diamond, Hematite, Jet, Labradorite, Turquoise
Goddess: Hecate
God: Saturn
Magical: Fairies
Issues, Intentions & Powers: Banish, bind, business, death, discipline (self), freedom, justice, karma, life, limitations/boundaries, money, motivation, negativity, obstacles, peace, problems, protection, willpower, wisdom
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Source - Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences, Sandra Kynes
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graceofagodswrath · 7 months
Humans are Feral: Part 3
This is actually a continuation of the first part, but in a different scenario. I wanted to write a story with the idea of a human pack-bonding to an alien and going feral after seeing the alien hurt. It would a be a moment where aliens realize that while humans are dangerous, this kind of loyalty they can have for anyone or thing is a rarity and should be respected.
I also wanted to play around with the ideas of aliens reacting to human courtship. I’ve seen lots of headcannons and ideas as to how aliens may react to our openness when it comes to romantic relationships. Aka alien/monster fuckers. I hate you all because I am one of you.
So I decided to mix both and go with the scenario: what if a human’s alien S/O was threatened and hurt? I love the cliche of people going rabid after a loved one is hurt, it’s so nice to see humans actually caring for each other in this day and age.
WARNINGS - Implications of sexual trafficking, death, and violence.
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Inter-species relationships were not an uncommon thing. However, they were met with equal skepticism and hate as they were welcome.
When humans joined the mix of races in the outer systems, it threw off those with prejudices against such relationships. While the young race was not without it it’s own trivial prejudices, the openness at which they had to forming lifepairs with non-human beings was unexpected. As humans branched out and their strange reputation became more than simple youngling stories, another reputation began to rise. That was of humans as life-mates.
While many still spurned others for finding partners outside their races, among the community it was seen as a huge honor to have a human as a life-mate. They were deemed high-maintenance and challenging to match, yet their loyalty held no bounds.
It wasn’t long before this became a small joke among the humans. They knew their species, and the idea the outer races had of them as lovers was too good not to joke about.
While they could not quell the rising rumors and fantastical stories surrounding their species, as much as it annoyed some, others took it in stride.
Quil’ian was a xicali of the dexi-10 planetary system, from the jungle planet Huvarrh. Stunningly large beasts, xicalis resembled bipedal humanoids with two pairs of arms and four fingered hands. Smooth, iridescent skin emblazoned with unique patterns covered their bodies. In dark spaces they often glowed with their own soft bioluminescence. Two large eyes of various dappled shades sat on either side of their flat noses. Scientists theorized that humans and xicalis must have had a similar evolutionary path from an ancestor of ape-like characteristics. But where humans remained in the ground, xicalis remained in the trees, their strong arms capable of immense strength for swinging from branch to branch.
Quil’ian was such a xicali. His skin shimmered a cerulean blue so deep it rivaled the gemstones of Farcauv. His eyes were pools of amber, one his partner said reminded them of a sweet syrup called honey from their home.
Quil’ian’s life partner was a human named Amira. She was a well-respected starship engineer from the eastern reaches of the Terran homeworld. Black hair, sun-darkened skin and eyes the color of rich garden soil. She had a laugh like the singing bird calls of his homeworld, and soft words of whispered sweetness that made his legs weak. She was the light of Quil’ian’s life.
When they were about in public and chose to display their affections, it more than often drew side glances. Scathing looks. Jealousy. Yearning. Disgust. They paid no mind.
They found work together, traveling to distant worlds and exploring the nether reaches of the universe. Amira would be hired on as an engineer for a ship, while Quil’ian would work as a docker, using his natural xicali strength to move shipments and ship parts. They made quite the pair for any employer.
It was on such a job, on the freelancer starship Queen Diogovay, they found themselves in a dangerous situation. Alien Marauders had attacked, demanding all shipment and valuable items. And the captain was going to let them have it. They weren't going to risk violence and an injured crew. Until the marauders realized there were humans aboard.
Ever since humans had entered the galactum, the trafficking industry boomed. The want for humans for servitude, experimentation, and especially sexual uses made humans beyond valuable. One pretty Terran could make over several billion kronor.
Upon the Queen Diogovay there were five human crew members, including Amira. And the marauders wanted every one of them. When the pirates first grabbed hold of the ship, three of the humans disappeared while Amira and Sam stayed with the crew to try to keep the trespassers at bay.
This proved to be of no use, as the bastards pushed their way past the barriers and blood was spilled without hesitation. Quil’ian made a split second decision and grabbed both Amira and Sam, throwing the pilot over his shoulders and his mate safely in his secondary arms. Then they were booking it down the hallway.
Quil’ian had it in his head to reach one of the evac pods before the pirates caught up to them. The Captain had been against using them to try to keep the ship and goods from the marauders, but they were most likely dead now, the orders void. And Quil’ian had decided from the start his mate was his first priority.
He was several turns from the pods when a kalik hound rounded the corner and slammed into them full force. A creature commonly used for violence, it opened its massive jaws and jumped at the xicali. Pain tore its way up Quil’ian’s leg, and he couldn’t think past the feeling of the hound’s fangs tearing his calf apart and Amira screeching like a jakvy bird. Then the feeling of the hound’s fangs disappeared as soon as they sunk in.
Quil’ian opened his eyes to see Amira atop the hound, arms wrapped around its throat as she attempted to choke it into submission. Sam had a metal pipe in their hands and was slamming into the hound’s face. The two were snarling and screaming right back at the alien dog, enough fury in their eyes to rival the violent creature. And Quil’ian watched as his mate tipped her head back and sunk her own teeth into the soft flesh of the beast’s neck.
It screamed, and Sam shoved the metal pipe down its throat, flesh tearing as the pole exited through the underside of its jugular. It fell to the ground thrashing, but the two humans doubled down in their efforts until the beast stilled. Quil’ian had never witnessed a hound fall so easily, the beasts known for their dexterity.
Then Amira was by his side, her mouth covered in the hound’s orange blood. Her hands made quick work of the sweatshirt she was wearing, tearing it into a single strip to wrap around the massacre that was the xicali’s leg. Her hands were gentle, a drastic change from the viciousness he just witnessed. The xicali stared at her for a moment, then concluded he would have been just as violent had the beast wrapped its jaws around her. If anything, a shiver went up his spine, one that was not unpleasant, at the realization that his human mate was willing to go to such drastic measures to protect him.
When the binding was done, Amira and Sam did their best to haul Quil’ian to his feet, the xicali towering above them. They made their way to the evac pods, spurred on by the distant yells and screeches from the marauders. It was both surprising and not when they got there and found the three other humans preparing the pods. One of them, Kaeveon, immediately went to their aid, muttering about the captain being a “fucking fool” and how they should have jumped as soon as the pirates boarded.
But all went calm as they entered the pod. The pirates were apparently too busy searching the entire Queen Diogovay for the missing humans to consider that they were already gone. In moments they were out in deep space, heading to the nearest station they could take refuge at. Amira was tucked into Quil’ian’s side for the whole duration, the couple refusing to let the other go. They treated the xicali’s injury with the med kit in the pod. It was enough the keep the woman from fussing over him too much, though her mate admitted to himself that he was rather basking in her concerned care.
Perhaps, after this incident, Quil’ian would try to convince her to settle somewhere. Maybe back on his home planet, in a small home in the trees, with a view she would love.
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I’m sorry this took forever to put out. Not my best work since I started it months ago and lost the motivation until now. My mental health hasn’t been the best these pst few months, but we’re on the up, and writing this has definitely put some inspiration back on the table. Hope y’all enjoy this smaller snippet. And I really like the possibilities with Quil’ian and Amira, so maybe I’ll have some more stories starring them.
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novy2sirius · 8 months
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Planetary Hora’s
Hora’s can be used to plan out your days and decide which hours you want to begin certain activities but you also have a natal planetary hour in which you born under. This can tell a lot about your life and the things that were going on around the time of your birth. It can even tell about your appearance
Go to astro-seek.com, find the sidereal chart chart section then click sidereal birth chart, and type your information in then scroll down you will see a section that shows what “hora” (which translates to hour) you were born in. I use fagan bradley sidereal
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Sun Hora
People born during this Hora are more likely to attain fame in this lifetime than others. Even if they don’t attain fame in this lifetime though they will still attract lots of attention with little to no effort. They are likely to be known for or have lots of talents, having lots of generosity, being creative, being very confident, doing well in their workplace, and having a vibrant persona. Wearing Ruby gemstones can bring marriage/success into your life more quickly
Alexa Demie
Charli Damelio
Moon Hora
People born during this Hora tend to be more strongly connected to the spiritual realm than others. They are very intuitive and have strong emotional intelligence. They are likely to have/be known for their caring nature, adaptability, cleanliness, love for the ocean, and for keeping their life very private. Wearing jewelry with Pearls on it can bring marriage and success more quickly into your life
Megan Fox
Cindy Kimberly
Ariana Grande
Elvis Presley
Mercury Hora
People born in this Hora are more likely to gain social media fame than others. They are very curious people and love learning/hearing other peoples perceptions. They are most commonly known for/have lots of intellect, communicative talents/talents involving their voice, a youthful spirit/appearance, a slimmer build, have strong opinions, and are talented writers. Wearing Emerald jewelry can bring marriage and success more quickly into your life
Addison Rae
Kim Kardashian
The Weeknd
Venus Hora
People born in this Hora tend to be considered very beautiful to a lot of people. Money comes to them when they need it most and they can gain money very quickly. They make great actors, singers, and models. They may be more materialistic than the other Hora’s. They are likely to be known for or have musical talents, good fashion sense, wealth/financial stability in life, and an abundant love life as well. Wearing Diamond or Opal jewelry often can bring marriage and success more quickly into your life
Olivia Rodrigo
Florence Pugh
Zayn Malik
Dua Lipa
Mars Hora
People born during this Hora tend to be more masculine or dominant than others. They are very defensive of the people they love and will do anything to protect them. They often have or are known for their leadership abilities, sex appeal/sexual nature, strong physic/toned body, confidence, competitive nature, and being a passionate person in general. Wearing Coral or Cats Eye jewelry can bring marriage and success more quickly into your life
Nicki Minaj
Bella Hadid
Vinnie Hacker
Jupiter Hora
People born during this Hora are usually very successful in life. The women that are born during this Hora tend to be praised by men for their attractiveness/beauty. Things come at ease to them more so than others. The downside is that they may at worst lack self discipline or may not have a very strong work ethic. They are likely to be known for or have an optimistic persona, being naturally popular wherever they go, having strong beliefs, and being intelligent as well as wise. Wearing Yellow Sapphire jewelry can make marriage come quicker/success in general come quicker for these people
Madison Beer
Adriana Lima
Scarlett Johansson
Saturn Hora
People born during this Hora are usually forced to mature from a young age. They are likely to be successful, but usually later in life. They must work for anything they want in life unlike people born under the Jupiter Hora, but the pro to this is when they do work for something they will get what they want whereas other Hora’s may work hard and still proceed to fail. Their public image is usually unique. They tend to receive a lot of hate. They are likely to have/be known for their good work ethic, self discipline, mature decision making, and owning businesses. Wearing Blue Sapphire, Amethyst, or Hessonite can bring marriage/success into your life more quickly
Theo Von
Lady Gaga
Pete Davidson
Doja Cat
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seafoamreadings · 9 months
planetary money
mercury and jupiter are the most commonly understood types. but all the planets can impact you financially or represent a financial gift or mode of operating.
the sun - actual gold. the vitality one experiences when one has plenty of resources at one's disposal, whether those are money, friends, time, or just a full refrigerator.
the moon - actual silver. the need one has for material resources and money, the way it can keep us healthy and happy, the way it can connect us to other people. the way we are nourished by food and goods, which we must buy with money, or barter for.
mercury - the exchange of money. the way it flows. really the current of the currency. mercury shares etymology with words like merchant, market, and mercantile.
venus - this is the attraction of money, the sparkle that people love about gold, the thing that convinces people to pay for your product or service.
mars - the lust for money, which can be dangerous, and its pursuit too. the hustle, for better or worse. at best it is good old fashioned hard work, at worst it is extreme devastating greed or miserliness.
ceres - the fruits of your labor, the way you reap what you sow. the harvest, literally and metaphorically.
jupiter - accumulated wealth, abundance of resources - money, time, food, helpful people, etc - the savings in your bank account, the nest egg, the big profit. jupiter does best when this is handled both wisely AND generously.
saturn - often associated with deprivation and scarcity, poverty, but can also if well-placed and well-aspected be wise frugality, talent with a budget, stretching a small amount to live a better life or better provide for others, and also inheritances, wills, trust funds, etc.
uranus - unexpected money. a lottery winning, a wild gift, finding a suitcase full of money buried in your yard...? nothing easy, nothing normal, nothing you worked much for.
neptune - this spiritual planet ALMOST transcends money, but it is also the soul of money, the spirit of how we can use resources to bolster each other and the world rather than to tear it down for greed's sake. neptune is the anti-greed. but it can also be deception or confusion about money, so be careful.
pluto - wealth that lasts. wealth that is impervious to inflation and the whims of humankind. huge inheritances. the bounty put forth by the earth itself. the metals and gemstones and minerals out of the dirt.
any thoughts? :)
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satanachia666 · 4 months
Self-Care: Satanachia's Rose Ritual 🌹
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I created Satanachia’s Rose Ritual to attract the best things in life through self-care, which includes self-worship for many of us. This ritual involves calling upon Satanachia, blessing/charging rose body oil, and anointing one’s body with it as an act of self-love, self-empowerment, and self-worship. Anointing the body with rose oil helps the practitioner connect with and embody the beauty of a rose. Feel free to perform Satanachia’s Rose Ritual for self-love, healing, confidence, beauty, and attracting the most compatible people and opportunities possible to yourself. Be sure to choose a gemstone pipe that corresponds with your intention, or burn the herbs another way if you don't want to use a pipe at all. I deliberately left the ending part more open-ended so you can either do this ritual on its own or adapt it into part of a larger ritual. 
Items Needed: 
Black Candle for Satanachia
Rose oil, love oil, or any other (preferably floral) body oil you enjoy
2 pink tealight candles - 1 for Satanachia, 1 for yourself
Rose incense (or another floral incense if that isn’t available)
A gemstone pipe packed with herb
A sweet, floral, or pleasant drink you enjoy 
*Optional: A cauldron or bowl filled halfway with rose petals
🌹Satanachia's Rose Ritual
1. Light the black candle and say the following invocation to Satanachia:
Hail Satanachia!
Demon of the Moon, love, beauty, creativity, and freedom!
Grand General of Hell!
Infernal patroness of the planets and cosmos!
You are the dark and demonic muse of magic, pleasure, liberation.
By your infernal powers of the _____ moon in _____
and this sacred planetary hour of ______,
please join me in this ritual so I fully connect with you in body, mind, and soul.
Satanachia, I hereby attune to your infernal spirit his moment and onward.
May your power and wisdom shine within me and through me.
Thank you, Satanachia, now and forevermore.
So mote it be!
Then focus on invoking Satanachia and feeling their presence within/around you.
2. Light a pink candle and dedicate it to Satanachia as a fire sacrifice:
Hail Satanachia!
I’ve lit this pink candle in your honor.
Please receive this burnt offering as a sacrifice of fire.
May this fire burn as brightly as your brilliance and passion do in my life, this world, and the universe at large.
Thank you, Satanachia, now and forevermore.
So mote it be!
3. Light the rose incense and dedicate it to Satanachia as an air sacrifice:
Hail Satanachia!
I’ve lit this rose incense in your honor.
Please receive this burnt offering as a sacrifice of air.
May this smoke grace my physical and mental space with your inspiration and enlightenment.
Thank you, Satanachia, now and forevermore.
So mote it be!
4. Hold the gemstone pipe filled with your herb of choice and say:
Hail Satanachia!
I’ve packed this precious herb into this ______ pipe in your honor.
Please receive this burnt offering as a sacrifice of earth.
May the magic of this herb bring me prosperity and healing.
Thank you, Satanachia, now and forevermore.
So mote it be!
5. Pour the drink into the chalice and hold it up as you dedicate it to Satanachia.
Hail Satanachia!
I’ve poured this libation of _____ in your honor.
Please receive this infernal offering as a sacrifice of fire.
May this libation inspirit me with your intuition and love as I drink and digest it.
Thank you, Satanachia, now and forevermore.
So mote it be!
6. Thank Satanachia and state your ritual purpose:
Hail Satanachia!
Thank you for being so present at this ritual and in my life.
I have summoned you here to call upon your infernal powers of love, beauty, and healing:
Please bless and empower me with self-love so I find pleasure and fulfillment in my being.
By your infernal powers of the _____ moon in _____ and this sacred planetary hour of ______, 
I honor and love myself as a goddess.
I recognize my power and embrace it to the fullest.
So mote it be!
7. Light the second pink candle and dedicate it to yourself by saying:
I light this pink candle in honor of the love I have for myself. 
As this pink candle burns, my self-love increases and I embrace the pleasure myself.
May my beauty and confidence shine like this flame and the infinite embers of Venus.
By your infernal powers of the ______ moon in ______,
please heal, cleanse, and empower me with self-love.
Thank you, Satanachia, now and forevermore.
So mote it be! 
8. Hold the rose oil in your hand as you say:
Hail Satanachia!
You possess the infinite love, beauty, and healing powers of all the roses in the world.
Please cleanse, bless, and empower this rose oil with your infernal spirit.
Please cleanse, bless, and empower me as I anoint myself with this rose oil.
By your infernal powers, I embody the beauty of a rose.
I adore and appreciate myself, and attract compatible people who adore and appreciate me.
I flourish and bloom in my own way, at my own pace.
I love myself for who I am in body, mind, heart, and spirit.
As I anoint myself with this rose oil, I fully embody the beauty of a rose.
So mote it be!
Anoint your whole body with the rose oil. Feel Satanachia’s powers of love and beauty healing you through the rose oil. Visualize yourself glowing with Satanachia’s energy as pink light.
9. When you feel charged up with Satanachia’s energy, thank Satanachia:
Thank you, Satanachia, for the love, healing, help, and empowerment you’ve given me. So mote it be!
10. From this point on, you may do other magical or ritual activities. If you want to end the ritual right then and there, just ground and center yourself, then bid Satanachia farewell:
Thank you, Satanachia, for all of the love, healing, help, and empowerment. This ritual is now finished, but its results are complete, high quality, and eternal. So mote it be!
11. Optional: After you’re completely done with the ritual, scatter the rose petals somewhere outdoors nearby or somewhere special to you as an infernal offering to Satanachia.
Again, feel free to combine this ritual with other magical activities or rituals such as Satanachia's Shower Spell, Satanchia's Full Moon Ritual, or Satanachia's Venus Empowerment Ritual.
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but you deserve to love yourself and find joy in being your authentic self. You also deserve to have people in your life who wholly appreciate you and support you. I hope this ritual helps you feel good and attract good things into your life. ❤️
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sometimesanequine · 4 months
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we ready for junicorn 2024? can never find prompt lists so i made my own
junicorn prompt list text id. day one, shard. day two, angelic. day three, butterfly. day four, nature. day five, industrial. day six, glow. day seven, planetary. day eight, insect. day nine, lantern. day ten, skeletal. day eleven, floral. day twelve, autumnal. day thirteen, gloomy. day fourteen, sword. day fifteen, night. day sixteen, icicle. day seventeen, gossamer. day eighteen, fungus. day nineteen, ghost. day twenty, spear. day twenty one, fairy. day twenty two, oceanic. day twenty three, spring. day twenty four, magician. day twenty five, tapestry. day twenty six, glass. day twenty seven, candle. day twenty eight, gemstone. day twenty nine, patchwork. day thirty, heraldic. end junicorn prompt list text id.
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helio-art · 5 months
✨️ One Piece OC : Gorosei Body Guard✨️
⭐️Little note about them
All of the elders have a designated guard
They're are choose at a young age to follow a certain education + training (at 10 or younger)
Their training is supervised by the elders they get assigned at + the bodyguard that they're going to replace
They work with the Holy Knight if needed
They only follow the order of the Gorosei
They have on them the planet gemstone of the elder (who also have a jewellery with their gemstone )
For the gemstone stone : Marcus Mars = Coral, Jaygarcia Saturn= blue sapphire, Topman Warcury = emerald, Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro = diamond and Shepherd Ju Peter = yellow sapphire
The name, weapon and some other characteristics of the guard are base on the planetary angels
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⭐️ the elders get a little clothes redesign in the processes...but here they are with their guards
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⭐️✨️little bonus ✨️⭐️
The oldest and youngest during a training session
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April Week 2 - Planetary Magic
This week will be another week with a lot of research and a lot prompts! It will be a long haul as we continue to tear through the cosmic witchcraft part of the challenge!
For each of these planetary prompts we will be looking up scientific information about the planets, physical properties, relative distances from earth, how many moons, and general makeup of the planets, as well as myths and legends about the planets.
Monday - Mercury, Venus
Research/ New Pages - Make a new page for each planet. Start by looking up the scientific information about each planet. What is the planet's physical and chemical makeup, physical properties, colors, orbit and rotation times, how many moons they have, their size and distance from earth and the sun. Then look at each planet in a metaphysical sense, are they related to any myths or deities? What magic if any is related to this planet? What does this planet represent in your practice and beliefs? What are the positive and negative aspects of this planet? What does this planet represent in the natal chart?
Research/ New Page - Herbal research - Pick another herb off of your list and make a new page looking at all of its aspects. Magical, mundane and medicinal.
Tuesday - Earth, Mars
Research/ New Pages - Make a new page for each planet. Start by looking up the scientific information about each planet. What is the planet's physical and chemical makeup, physical properties, colors, orbit and rotation times, how many moons they have, their size and distance from earth and the sun. Then look at each planet in a metaphysical sense, are they related to any myths or deities? What magic if any is related to this planet? What does this planet represent in your practice and beliefs? What are the positive and negative aspects of this planet? What does this planet represent in the natal chart?
Research/ New Page - Gemstone/ other research - Whatever else it is you've chosen to study for this prompt, do it! Research a gemstone and all of its properties, magical, medicinal and mundane, or a type of magic or tarot card or rune, whatever it is! Research everything you can about it!
Wednesday - Jupiter, Saturn
Research/ New Pages - Make a new page for each planet. Start by looking up the scientific information about each planet. What is the planet's physical and chemical makeup, physical properties, colors, orbit and rotation times, how many moons they have, their size and distance from earth and the sun. Then look at each planet in a metaphysical sense, are they related to any myths or deities? What magic if any is related to this planet? What does this planet represent in your practice and beliefs? What are the positive and negative aspects of this planet? What does this planet represent in the natal chart?
Practical/ New Page - If you haven't done so already, look up and record your natal chart and all of your planetary placements and what they mean in your life, and if you agree with them or not! It can be a fun exercise in introspection to look up and look into your natal chart!
Thursday -Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
Research/ New Pages - Make a new page for each planet. Start by looking up the scientific information about each planet. What is the planet's physical and chemical makeup, physical properties, colors, orbit and rotation times, how many moons they have, their size and distance from earth and the sun. Then look at each planet in a metaphysical sense, are they related to any myths or deities? What magic if any is related to this planet? What does this planet represent in your practice and beliefs? What are the positive and negative aspects of this planet? What does this planet represent in the natal chart?
Friday - Wrap Up
Practical- there are a plethora of apps and websites to help you locate the planets in the night sky. Find one and spend a little time outside locating and thinking about each planet and what it means to you.
That was an awful lot this week, I know but we made it!
I hope you're all continuing to enjoy the challenge and looking forward to more prompts and more learning about ourselves and our practices!
-Mod Hazel
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astrorakesh1726 · 7 months
How do I understand the energy of Ketu in Vedic astrology?
In Vedic astrology, Ketu is considered one of the lunar nodes, also known as the South Node of the Moon. It represents the descending lunar node and is considered a shadow planet. Ketu is often associated with spiritual liberation, enlightenment, past-life karma, and detachment from material desires. Understanding the energy of Ketu involves examining its placement in the birth chart, its aspects, and its relationship with other planets. Here are some key points to consider:
Spiritual Growth and Detachment: Ketu represents the spiritual journey and the quest for enlightenment. Its energy encourages detachment from worldly desires and material attachments. Ketu's influence can lead individuals towards spiritual practices, meditation, and introspection.
Past-Life Karma: Ketu is associated with past-life karma and indicates unresolved karmic issues that need to be addressed in the present life. Its placement in the birth chart can reveal areas where one may experience challenges or obstacles as a result of past actions.
Intuitive Insights: Ketu is often linked with intuition and psychic abilities. Its influence can enhance intuitive insights and spiritual experiences. Individuals with a prominent Ketu in their chart may possess heightened intuition and a strong connection to the subconscious mind.
Sudden Events and Transformations: Ketu is known for bringing sudden and unexpected events into one's life. These events are often karmic in nature and can lead to significant transformations. Ketu's influence can prompt individuals to release old patterns and embrace change.
Moksha (Spiritual Liberation): Ketu is ultimately associated with moksha, which is liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Its energy encourages individuals to seek spiritual fulfillment and transcendence. Ketu's influence can facilitate spiritual growth and lead to a deeper understanding of the true self.
Challenges and Confusion: While Ketu's energy can be transformative, it can also create challenges and confusion, especially if its influence is not well-integrated. Individuals may struggle with feelings of restlessness, disillusionment, and uncertainty under Ketu's influence.
Remedies: In Vedic astrology, there are various remedies prescribed to mitigate the malefic effects of Ketu, such as wearing gemstones (like cat's eye), performing specific rituals, reciting mantras, and engaging in charitable acts.
It is important to remember that the interpretation of Ketu's energy in Vedic astrology may vary depending on individual chart factors and the astrologer's perspective. Additionally, astrology is a complex and multidimensional system, and no single planetary position can determine a person's entire life.
For more information you can use Kundli Chakra Professional 2022 Software. And you can also contact us.
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geeta1726 · 6 months
How does astrology view love marriages and their effects?
In astrology, love marriages are viewed through the lens of compatibility between the zodiac signs of the individuals involved. Different astrological beliefs suggest various effects of love marriages based on the compatibility between the partners. Here are some points commonly discussed in astrology regarding love marriages and their effects:
Astrological Compatibility: Astrology suggests that certain zodiac signs are more compatible with each other than others. Love marriages that involve partners with compatible zodiac signs are believed to have a better chance of success and harmony in the relationship.
Harmonious Energy: When two individuals with compatible astrological profiles come together in a love marriage, it is believed that their energies blend harmoniously, leading to a deeper understanding, emotional connection, and mutual support.
Challenges in Compatibility: On the other hand, if the astrological compatibility between partners is poor, it is believed that there may be more challenges in the relationship. Conflicts, misunderstandings, and differences in temperament or values could arise more frequently, potentially leading to strains on the relationship.
Communication and Understanding: Astrology emphasizes the importance of effective communication and understanding between partners in love marriages. Even if the astrological compatibility is not perfect, strong communication skills and a willingness to understand each other's perspectives can mitigate potential issues.
Growth Opportunities: Love marriages, regardless of astrological compatibility, are seen as opportunities for personal growth and development. Astrology suggests that relationships, whether smooth or challenging, provide valuable lessons and opportunities for self-awareness, empathy, and compromise.
Astrological Remedies: In some astrological traditions, remedies such as wearing specific gemstones, performing rituals, or seeking guidance from astrologers are recommended to mitigate any negative effects of astrological mismatches in love marriages. These remedies are believed to help balance energies and improve relationship dynamics.
Individual Charts: Astrology also acknowledges the uniqueness of each individual's birth chart and how it influences their personality, desires, and life path. Love marriages are viewed within the context of each partner's chart, considering factors such as planetary placements, aspects, and houses related to love and relationships.
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asinusrufus · 1 year
Magical Gemstones: An Abridged Guide
Magical gemstones are a type of talisman made of semiprecious stones —such as hematite, carnelian or amethyst— that were worn set in rings or as pendants and their size ranges from 1.5 cm to 3 cm.These gemstones haven't magical, protective characteristics because of the nature of the gem itself but because the representations of Gods and holy names carved conceded them virtues through holy dynamis: This is, among other things, the inherent power of divine names and/or their representations.
These depictions are normally inverted (negative) This, together with the fact that some of the gems show a certain degree of worn indicates that they were manipulated in some way—probably rubbed or even licked, in order to increase their efficacy—proves that they were not conceived as seals but as amulets or talismans.
A magical gemstone, to be considered as such, should have one or more of the following elements:
An iconographic language generally belonging to syncretic Gods or that combines Gods from different origins.
Charakteres (magical signs. They can be planetary, protective, etc.)
Voces magicae (Words of power and phrases whose formulation and structure may hide secret, sacred names of Gods as well as prayers or incantations dedicated to them, sometimes with the intention of controlling their emanations and daimonēs) and logoi (magical names, permutation of magical names and vocals).
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The practice and use of magical voices was transmitted orally across the eastern Mediterranean, but it wasn't until the early 1st century b.c.e. the practice began to be included in written form. The abundance of amulets and gems with magical names and signs are evidence of this change of paradigm.
In addition, elements are usually complemented by two structural features:
The gemstone is engraved on both the obverse and the reverse, sometimes even on the edge.
The inscription appears directly and not in mirror writing.
These magic gemstones, in addition, can be magical gemstones stricto sensu and amuletic gems. The latter differ from the former in:
That the iconographic patterns they contain are explicitly described as belonging to amulets in textual sources such as Posidippus's Lithika
They bear a prophylactic inscription, usually "diaphylasse" (protect me!), "sōzon" (save me!) or "Heis Theos" (One God).
Its production began during the late Hellenistic period, but it was not until the 2nd and 4th centuries c.e. that it reached its apogee. Magical gemstones' imagery demonstrates the diversity and plurality of Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Egyptian, Christian, Gnostic and Jewish representations and ideas from the Mediterranean from the Roman period, as well as the popularity and diversity of magical activities and practices.
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These magic gemstones were rarely used for evil purposes, such as harming someone. Their most common use was to offer protection or solve personal health problems: those showing an ibis tied by an altar and including the command "pésse!" (digest) were used to heal indigestion and other stomach problems; others, depicting a uterus, offered represented a womb, offered protection during childbirth and guaranteed fertility.
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Although most of these magic gemstones were used as jewelry, it is possible that they also had other uses, as part of a ritual to heal a patient or as a physical component for an incantation, such as those with depictions of Harpocrates seated on a lotus the nomina magica Bainchōōōch (Bainchōōōch, Ba of the Shadow, isn't only a vox magica/nomina magica but a God on their own right. PGM aside, Bainchōōōch appears in Pistis Sophia as a triple powered deity that descends onto Jesus, giving him his powers)
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An interesting fact is that of the production of magical gemstones during the 17th and 18th centuries of our era. Although the production of these gems continued during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance —irregularly, of course— they reflected the magical and religious reflected the magical and religious practices of their historical context.
This, however, was not the case during the 17th and 18th centuries, where magical gemstones of great quality and sophistication were produced, which not only reproduced the iconographic motifs and logoi of the pre-existing graeco-egyptian magic gemstones, but also introduced new ones. An example of these gems are those with representations of Christ-Osiris or Jesus-Khepri
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Nagy, M. A., (2015) Engineering Ancient Amulets: Magical Gems of the Roman Imperial Period. in D. Boschung and J. Bremmer (eds), The Materiality of Magic (Morphomata 20). Paderborn, 205-240.
Faraone, C. (2018) The Transformation of Greek Amulets in Roman Imperial Times, Filadelfia; University of Pennsylvania Press.
Simone, M., (2005) (Re)Interpreting Magical Gems, Ancient and Modern en Shaked, S., Officina Magica: Essays on the Practice of Magic in Antiquity (IJS Studies in Judaica, vol. 4), Leiden; Brill, 141-170.
Campbell-Bonner Magical Gems Database (http://cbd.mfab.hu)
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sngii1726 · 5 months
What does it mean if the 7th house lord is debilitated or in a weak position?
When the lord of the 7th house is debilitated or in a weak position in a birth chart in Vedic astrology, it can have significant implications for relationships, partnerships, and marriage. Here are some points to consider regarding this scenario:
Challenges in Relationships: A debilitated or weak 7th house lord may indicate challenges, delays, or obstacles in forming and maintaining relationships. The individual may struggle to find harmonious and fulfilling partnerships, and there may be issues with compatibility or communication in romantic relationships.
Unstable Marital Life: The 7th house is primarily associated with marriage and committed partnerships. When its lord is debilitated or weak, there may be instability or difficulties in the individual's marital life. This could manifest as conflicts, separations, or even divorce in extreme cases.
Lack of Relationship Commitment: Individuals with a weak 7th house lord may find it challenging to commit to long-term relationships or may have a fear of commitment. They may prefer to keep their options open or may struggle with fidelity and loyalty in relationships.
Impact on Business Partnerships: The 7th house also governs business partnerships and collaborations. When its lord is debilitated, there may be challenges in forming successful business alliances, and the individual may encounter conflicts or disagreements with business partners.
Remedial Measures: Depending on the specific planetary influences and other factors in the birth chart, there may be remedies that can mitigate the negative effects of a debilitated 7th house lord. These remedies may include wearing gemstones, performing specific rituals or prayers, and making lifestyle adjustments.
Focus on Self-Development: Despite the challenges indicated by a weak 7th house lord, it's essential for individuals to focus on self-development and personal growth. By cultivating self-awareness, emotional maturity, and healthy communication skills, they can navigate relationship challenges more effectively and build stronger connections with others.
It is important to remember that astrology provides insight into possible trends and influences but does not determine a person's destiny. Individuals have the power to make choices and take actions that can positively impact their relationships and overall well-being. For more information you can use Kundli Chakra 2022 Professional Software. Which can give you more information based on your horoscope.
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fractured-legacies · 1 year
Chapter 13: Contact
Prologue | Chapter 12 | Chapter 14
Chapter 13: Contact
In the entire system, we have found two space-based installations which are still operational—the two solar mirror arrays at the inner and outer primary-planet orbital equilibrium points. These are still functional and assisting with maintaining the planetary climate. However, attempts to contact and dock with each of the arrays resulted in hostile reactions, forcing us to retreat before we were harmed by the focused sunlight. Why these installations reacted in such a manner, we again have no idea, and we do not have the resources to attempt a forced boarding—nor do we wish to attempt to do so, given how the mirror arrays are integral for the continued habitability of the planet.
Raavi ava Laargan
The Lynx slid to a halt, despite the wind howling at our backs.
“I don’t think we’re going to be able to get any further,” I said, and slammed one hand into the other. “Damn it!”
“We’re still miles from the pass,” Yufemya said, the rustling of the map audible as she consulted it.
“I know!” I said, leaning back in frustration. “The slope is too steep, that’s the problem.”
“Can we try pushing the Lynx? Get out, open the sails a bit, and push?” Stylio suggested.
“We could, but, well…” I waved up the side of the mountain. “Look.” Visible in the glow of the Night-Light, the mountainside was steep. Not as sheer as some of the others we could see, but the way to the pass was still too steep for the Lynx.
Oksyna stood and closed her eyes. Spreading her hands out, she motioned in front of the Lynx. I watched, fascinated despite my frustration, as the snow in front of us started to compact down. It didn’t turn to ice, but it was definitely closer to older snow than fresh.
The Lynx moved forward a few yards, and sort of rocked back and forth on the compacted surface.
Yufemya and Zoy jumped out and started trying to push as Oksyna continued to crunch down the snow, and then Stylio and I hopped out to join them as well.
It wasn’t as heavy as carrying the Lynx up and down canal locks, but our progress was still slow, even with the wind at our backs and Lady Fia manning the sails, and Oksyna packing down the snow as best she could. I could feel the difference down by my boots—the light, windblown snow had packed down into something denser, like the snowflakes had fallen apart, which was probably what happened. I wondered how well that was recharging her reservoir of entropy. I did have to say this much—having a necromancer along made getting logs lit for the fire nice and easy. I would say ‘almost too easy’ except that it was cold enough that I was glad not to have to mess about with kindling and tinder.
We were maybe fifty or sixty yards along from where we’d stopped when I heard Yufemya gasp.
I turned, and saw about thirty or forty revenants standing behind us, down the slope, weapons in hand.
“Oksyna…” I said, staring. But I couldn’t leave the Lynx, or it would start to slide down towards them.
“On it!” she shouted, and raised her hands, holding a small gem in her left hand. Black and purple light started to stream out of her right hand in a nimbus, forming what looked like runes in the air as she moved her fingertips above the gemstone.
The revenants started walking forward, and then one of them held out a spear in front of the others, making them halt.
They started speaking among themselves, and I was eyeing the weapons they held. “Oksyna…”
Oksyna Mykyetyav
“Raavi, let me work,” Oksyna said, trying not to snap as she focused. With one finger extended, she drew the runes above the stone, mindful of her limited supply of Entropy. This was going to be delicate, unless she wanted to do something drastic to refuel. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much around unless she wanted to kill some trees.
Finished with the first motion, she gently lobbed the gemstone across the slope to the oathwalkers. Awkwardly, it hit the snow halfway down the slope and vanished with a plop. If not for the gentle glow, it would have been lost.
Now came the ticklish part…
One of the oathwalkers—the one with the spear—spoke to the others and, with a visible sigh, another one of them slogged up the slope and retrieved the tiny gem.
“What’s going on?” Raavi asked as they all watched the oathwalker carry the gem back to its companions.
“I’m negotiating,” Oksyna said. “While I could break their contracts with sheer brute force, it would require more power than I have to spare right now. So I’m hoping for something more voluntary.” She’d tried this before back with that other group, and they’d responded fairly well, but the size of that group had been taxing. And this one was even larger.
So she’d started with a simple proposal for a binding promise that neither her side nor theirs would begin a conflict, and hoped that they weren’t under direct strictures or orders to attack. The fact that they hadn’t as soon as they’d seen the Lynx was a good sign…
The oathwalkers clustered around the gem, and she could see the runes floating in air over it. After a brief moment, the leader touched the gem, accepting its provisos, and then passed it around.
She relaxed. “Okay, they’re bound not to attack, but if any of us starts anything, we’re in trouble.”
“Define ‘trouble’?” Zoy asked.
“I’m oathbound to whack whoever starts anything. So don’t.”
“Got it. Put the weapons down, people,” Fia said. “Oksyna, you’re the expert. What do you need?”
A nice midden pile or a compost heap, or maybe the pile of rejects behind a pottery kiln would be nice. Something I can just reduce down to crumbled chunks of dust without any guilt. Perhaps some paintings someone’s embarrassed by? That hunter squad’s outfits were barely enough. Rather than voice that, she said instead, “For the moment, space to let me work.”
“You got it.”
“And keep the Lynx from sliding into them,” she said, hopping down and landing nearly knee-deep in the snow. Joy.
Pulling herself higher up into the snow, she started slogging over to the group of oathwalkers.
“Oksyna?” She turned back to see Raavi looking at her worriedly. “Be careful.”
She smiled, feeling a moment of warmth despite the frigid chill around them. “I will be.”
Turning back to the oathwalkers, she trudged towards them. Thankfully, under the direction of their leader—and judging by the fancier clothing that one wore, they were the leader—they were stacking their weapons off to the side.
Giving thanks to the Silent and the Quiet that they were reasonable, Oksyna stopped several paces away, and held out her hand.
The leader walked towards her and placed the gem, now exhausted, into her palm.
Now that they were face to face, Oksyna gave the oathwalker an examining look. Old—at least a few hundred years old—and dressed in finely woven and dyed woolens in the form of a cloak over a poncho. A leather bandolier crossed their chest under the cloak, with leather pouches sewn to it.
She bowed politely. “Do you understand me?” This would be ticklish at best, but if all she could do was propose motions blindly, she’d exhaust herself quickly.
The leader frowned—the aged skin surprisingly supple, they apparently took good care of themselves—and motioned back to their group, barking an order.
Another oathwalker stepped forward, dressed in the same cloak-and-poncho woolens, but the weave was less fine and less dyed. Rank hath its privileges even in death, as usual.
It spoke. “What want you, deathspeaker?”
Oksyna relaxed a hair. All right. She could do this. “To find out why you are attacking this kingdom suddenly. My leader,” she motioned back to where Fia and the others stood, “wishes to parley with your king on behalf of hers.”
The oathwalker nodded and spoke to the leader. The two of them conversed for a moment before the translator looked back to Oksyna. “Speak much cannot we. What can do you?”
“I can give you a temporary respite from your oaths. Say, a hundred hours, maybe a hundred-fifty,” she said, judging how much of a reserve she had and the number of oathwalkers. “Enough to give you time to act and explain. It is good that you speak my tongue, or I would have to propose these blindly.”
Again the translator turned to the leader and spoke. Resisting the urge to pull up the wording of their oaths and start running through it to see if she could spot any loopholes, Oksyna fidgeted as they spoke back and forth.
The translator was waving their arms while the leader had theirs crossed, eyes narrowed, and said something curt that agitated the translator more.
Whatever their tongue was, it wasn’t one that she recognized—not that it meant that much. Both her own homeland and the Kalltii kingdoms had been under the thumb of the Dormelion Empire for long enough to leave its stamp on their languages, so coming here had mostly been a matter of learning the differences for the local dialect. But the Gehtun had never been conquered by the Dormelion.
Who were you, she wondered as she looked at the two oathwalkers, when you were alive? Warrior? Scholar? Artist?
She’d spent half of her life as a necromancer. She hadn’t known anything else. So she had to wonder, what would it be like to live a full life and choose to be an oathwalker at the end of it?
The translator hung their head and scoffed before turning back to her. “Complicated things are. Swear you will that our king no harm mean?”
“I can put that in, yes, but I know that I mean him no harm,” she said. “I’m neutral and just want the fighting to stop.”
The translator frowned and spoke again to the leader.
As they spoke, Oksyna took the gem and started inscribing more runes with it. Carefully, delicately.
Once she was done, she turned around. “Fia! Come down here please!” She looked towards the pair of oathwalkers. “The leader of this group will swear that we will give no harm to yours.”
Fia arrived a moment later and bowed politely. “Negotiations going all right? Raavi’s about ready to burst between worry and curiosity. I have him checking over the Lynx to distract him.”
Oksyna smiled a bit, hiding it behind her hand. “Of course he is. And yes, we seem to be doing all right.” She nodded towards the runes. “This is a provisional contract for the next hundred hours that these oathwalkers will be temporarily suspended from their oath and bound to help us—specifically guiding us to their king—and neither side can harm the other. At the end of it, their existing oaths resume.”
Fia nodded. “Sounds good to me.” She looked towards the oathwalkers. “What do you say?”
The leader frowned again and spoke, and then the translator, their eyes narrowed, said, “What catch?”
“No catch. But if you were that interested in attacking us, you would have already. So I’m here to help.”
The two of them spoke again, and as they did so, Fia leaned in. “I wonder what the issue is?”
“Could be anything. Showing weakness, some loophole or conflict in their oath, internal political crap…”
Before Fia could respond, the oathwalker leader barked something to the rest of their group, who marched up behind them.
“Is that good or bad?”
“We’ll find out. We’re still under a truce, though.”
The leader extended a hand and, in painfully mangled but recognizable words, forced out, “We accept.”
Fia reached out and shook without hesitation—which was impressive from Oksyna’s perspective. Most people didn’t like shaking the hands of revenants, or touching them at all. And with that, Oksyna pushed out what remained of her Entropy, binding the contract she had proposed; it cost a lot, especially the part where she suspended their existing contract’s wording, but it was worth it. With them in the binding, she wouldn’t have to sustain it herself.
“All right. So… first off.” Fia glanced up the slope. “Can you help us get over the pass?”
Raavi ava Laargan
I gasped for breath and leaned against the rock wall of the pass; at least the snow here was thin, but the rocks underneath were loose and liked to shift.
“Yeah. The air is so thin up here,” Lady Fia said, rubbing her head.
“Oh! I bet that’s part of the reason why the Lynx couldn’t get up the slope!” I said. “Thinner air! It makes sense!”
Zoy’s voice came from behind me. “Raavi, your brain is an interesting place. You’re barely able to breathe, and what do you think of? Puzzles.”
I turned. “Is that bad?”
She shook her head. “No. Just interesting. Come on.” She walked on and I followed after.
The oathwalkers had helped in the most direct fashion possible—we’d broken down the Lynx for portage, and over a dozen of them had hoisted it on their shoulders, while the rest of us carried the supplies, tent, skates and runners. The pass was miles long between two of the mountain peaks; we’d passed the border fort a while earlier. It had been gutted by fire, and abandoned.
But now these oathwalkers were helping us. According to Oksyna, at least. And I trusted her.
A flicker of light came from up ahead. Rounding the bend, my back aching from the pack I was carrying, along with all of my tools, I blinked as I saw the campsite. Several of the oathwalkers were busy raising the tent, and a few others were building up a fire. Where they’d gotten the logs, I had no idea, but the clean woodsmoke was nice. Another group was examining the Lynx where they’d set her down.
My exhaustion forgotten, I hurried over to see what they were doing.
Four of them were clustered around one of the brackets I’d made to hold the skates and runners in place, pointing and exclaiming. One of them held one of the runners, and was latching it in and taking it out before doing it again.
“Hey! What are you doing?”
The one holding the runner turned and held it up before speaking in its language. I tried not to look too closely at the gray-purple skin it had, stretched tightly over its skull. It motioned towards the runner and asked a question. At least… I thought it asked a question.
“I don’t understand you.”
It pointed towards my belt and spoke again.
It shook its head, put the runner down in the thin snow, reached over, and pulled my small hammer off of my belt.
Crouching down, it motioned for me to follow, and I did so, resisting the urge to snatch the hammer back.
Gently, it took the hammer and tapped a loose pin back into place, and then handed the hammer back. I took it on reflex, and then it pointed to the pliers that were several places over on my belt.
Staring, I handed those over.
Using them, the oathwalker delicately bent the pin back into place before handing the tool back.
I picked up the runner and carried it over to the Lynx. Slotting it back into the bracket, I realized that the pin had worked itself loose—probably from all of the portages we’d been doing—and would have fallen out soon.
I turned and looked back at the oathwalker, who was smiling in a satisfied way at their work. “You aren’t a warrior at all, are you? You’re a craftsman!”
“But why are they sending craftsmen and weavers after us!?” I demanded. We were sitting around the fire that the oathwalkers had helped construct, a cup of soup in my hands.
“I don’t know, but we’re going to find out,” Oksyna said, frowning as she sipped at her own soup and then giving it an appreciative look. “Also, add cooks to that list. This is good.”
“I guess if you’re working at something for a few human lifetimes, you pick up a few things,” Zoy said dryly before taking a sip of her own cup. “And damn, seconded. Can we keep that one?”
“No!” Oksyna said. “They’re not mine to give away!”
“Sorry, sorry,” Zoy said before turning to Yufemya. “So what’s your guess?”
“On?” Yufemya replied, sipping at her own cup.
“Why they’re sending so many worker-types after the kingdom instead of, you know, fighters?”
Yufemya frowned and took another sip. “I don’t want to guess. I feel like that would run the risk of having us start assuming.”
Zoy cocked her head and then shook it. “All right. You know, you can just say ‘I don’t know.’”
“‘I don’t know’,” Yufemya parroted, mimicking Zoy’s tones perfectly.
“Huh. I don’t believe you. You’ve got to have some idea!”
Yufemya frowned as I looked around, and I said, “Well, they’re not saying anything beyond that we’ve got to talk to their king. So we’re going to have to do that.” I looked at Oksyna. “Can you tell us anything? I know that you can’t talk about some things, but can you at least tell us how oathwalkers work?”
She frowned and nodded. “Yes. That I can do. In generalities.”
“I’ll take it,” I said, and the others nodded.
“Yeah, anything solid right now will help,” Fia said.
Oksyna rubbed at her cheekbones with her thumb and forefinger. “Give me a moment to get everything in order up here.”
“Of course,” I said, and took a swallow from my cup before looking around again. The oathwalkers were busy. A group of them were cleaning their tools and weapons, another group were darning and repairing their clothes, and another group were, to my continued surprise, spinning thread from wads of fiber that they had been carrying around in bags. Those last ones were using old-style spindles and distaffs, but that didn’t stop them from producing thread so fine that it left me in awe at their skill. As Zoy had commented, I guessed that if you worked at something for a few lifetimes, you got good at it.
“All right,” Oksyna said. “So, Raavi.”
“I need to use you to help me here. Nothing permanent, I promise.”
I quirked an eyebrow. “All right…”
She grinned and shuffled next to me. “Good. Do I have your permission to touch you?”
She punched me in the arm.
“Ow!” I put my hand over the spot and looked at her, more hurt at the shock and surprise than at the pain. “What was that for!?”
“You said that I had permission to touch you!” she said, and there was a smile on her face that confused me.
“A punch is not a touch!”
“Says who?”
“Uh, most people?”
“Ah, but who?” Her smile went away and her expression turned serious. “And that’s the basis of what I do.”
“What, punch people?”
She reached over and gently put her hand on my arm. “I’m sorry, but you’ll see my point in a moment.”
Giving her a suspicious look, I nodded. “I’m listening.”
“So you and I disagree—for the sake of argument—on whether a touch equals a punch or just a touch like this.” She very slightly squeezed my arm.
“I’d say so! But what does that have to do with oathwalkers?”
“Because being an oathwalker—or any other form of spirit that continues on after they’ve died—is because they’ve made a promise, a contract, an oath. And such things depend on understanding the language.” She looked around the circle. “And that’s what I and my fellow necromancers do. We edit, amend, interpret, and adjudicate the oaths and contracts of the dead.”
“On whose authority?” I asked, fascinated.
“I can’t answer that,” she said. “I’m not allowed to answer that.”
That puzzled me for a moment, and then it clicked. “Oh! Because you have to make a contract with them yourself? And not revealing the details about it is part of that?”
She relaxed a little and nodded. “Yes. And I can’t say more than that, or I have to pay penalties.”
“What form do those penalties take?”
“Entropy… or Breath. And yes, before you ask, I can die that way.”
I winced.
“I also can’t kill anyone with my Entropy directly, outside of immediate self-defense or a few other specific circumstances,” she said. “I know that other necromancers have abused that in the past, and either they’ve got looser or vaguer contracts than I’ve got or they were playing with fire.” She shrugged. “Of course, making someone’s clothes disintegrate when it’s this cold out is fair game.”
“Ouch,” I said with a wince. I didn’t know exactly how cold it was, but I knew that someone without shelter or clothing would be dead in minutes from exposure. “Have you done that?”
“Once. To the leader of a group of bandits. The others ran away when they realized that the little girl they were threatening could kill them all.” She shook her head. “But that’s beside the main point. So for a ‘normal’ revenant, they swear to do something with their dying Breath.”
“Like see their daughter get married,” I said.
“Exactly. Or get vengeance on the ones who killed them… or wronged them, which often turns messy. But let’s take your example,” she said. “Let’s say that revenant, when their daughter’s wedding date is set, realizes that they’ll die right after the ceremony. Which would put a damper on it, to say the least. So someone like me could amend their oath to give them a few more days afterwards… or possibly amend it entirely.” She shrugged. “That’s how Nightshade and others like her managed to get their armies of revenants together, by amending their oaths to swear loyalty to her, and enough of them were scared of dying forever that they accepted.”
“Which is why I asked if she was ‘recruiting’,” Lady Fia asked. “Of course, most of Nightshade’s revenants still went insane after just a decade or two.”
Oksyna nodded. “Where oathwalkers differ from your standard revenant is that they have a formalized contract, inscribed on… well, it’s usually a gem or sheet metal, to which they sign their names before they die. The structure of the contract helps keep their minds intact.”
Blinking, I put that together with what I knew of oathwalkers. “So how hard is it to make those contracts?”
“And that’s something I can’t share. Suffice it to say that I can’t make one, and it took a lot of power for me just to temporarily amend their terms with it.”
As I considered that, Stylio commented, “But as I understand it, these oathwalkers are bound by the terms of their formal contract?”
“So what could have made them suddenly start attacking Westernfellsen?”
“That,” Oksyna said firmly, “is what I want to find out.”
Emerging from the pass, the first thing I saw was… nothing.
It took a moment for things to resolve themselves into a vast open plain of snow underneath a black, cloud-speckled sky, the Night-Light’s glow illuminating the landscape. There were no trees, no hills that I could see beyond the mountains we had just emerged from, no… nothing.
It was disorienting—to me, at least. The oathwalkers helped us reassemble the Lynx from portage, and loaded everything in. After looking for a bit, I saw that the tips of plants were sticking up through the top of the snow, and there were occasional rocks emerging as well, and there were long divots that looked like paths.
While I’d been looking around, the oathwalkers had produced snowshoes. From where, I hadn’t seen, but they strapped themselves in with an air of long-practice and started helping haul the Lynx up to speed.
“Do we want to start just going?” I asked.
“We don’t know where to go, and we don’t have room on the Lynx for any of them,” Stylio pointed out.
“Right,” I said, frowning and looked over the group of them just hauling the Lynx along like they were dogs pulling a sled. “Maybe we should just extend out the sail a little, just to help?”
“And with one good gust it will run them over. And then we’re on default for Oksyna’s parley.” Stylio patted me on the shoulder. “I know that you want to hurry as much as possible, and I think it’s good, but we need to go at their pace for the moment.”
I nodded, slumping a little, and fell into step with them. For the first hour, it was difficult; the oathwalkers lent us snowshoes, but walking in them was tiring, especially as I wasn’t used to it, and my lungs reminded me that the air was thinner at this altitude.
I found Oksyna walking alongside me; she seemed to be unbothered by the exertion.
“So…” she began to say.
“So?” I echoed, after she trailed off.
“So I was wondering where the idea for the Lynx came from. You mentioned back in the city that it was from something you read?”
“Oh, yeah! I was reading this travelogue on the Slaekkaruune tribes who live down at the equator, and their ice-fishing techniques on the pack ice. They have these leather and wood sailed-canoes that can travel both in water and across ice that use skates carved from whalebone. They use them to travel across the ice to hunt and trade and migrate. Apparently they move across the equator north to south depending on the season, so they basically go from summer to autumn to summer all the time.”
She raised a hand. “Wait a moment. Back up. What do you mean? I’m from Endanchoria, and I know that there’s ice south of there in the winter, and some of it never melts even in the summer. But what do you mean ‘summer to autumn to summer’?”
“When it’s summer here in the north, there’s winter in the southern half of the world, and vice versa,” I said. “They stay on the icy area around the equator. The sun is only overhead for a few days around the Equal Nights in Spring and Autumn, so they basically follow it back and forth; they spent half of the year in twilight and the other half with a day and night like the rest of us.”
She cocked her head. “But… doesn’t the ice melt in summer?”
“No, it’s all about the angle of the sun. Sunlight is coming in so steep at the equator during the summer that it gives barely more light than the Night-Light. Certainly not enough to melt the ice.” I made a fist and held it up so that it was lit by the Night-Light. “Our world is tilted hard on its side. We don’t know why. None of the other planets we’ve studied through our telescopes are tilted like this. If I remember right, it’s something around eighty degrees away from ‘upright’, while all of the other planets around the sun are within ten or so degrees of upright, like a top that’s still spinning at full speed.”
“You mean top speed?” she asked, and I laughed.
“I was resisting making that joke!”
“Good! So I got to make it instead!” She chuckled. “So continue.”
“So since we have such a high tilt, the sun moves back and forth, lighting one half of the planet at a time for each season. On the other planets, they have a day-night pattern all year like we have in Spring and Autumn.”
“That’s so weird to think about,” she said. “How would they tell the seasons apart? When do they sleep?”
“At night, presumably?”
“Huh. So you were explaining about the ice?”
“Yeah, so during the summer, there’s a band around the equator that gets just a little light every rotation, but not enough to melt the ice. So the Slaekkaeruune live there, moving back and forth across the equator in their ice-boats to follow the sun. So when the summer ends in their current hemisphere, becoming autumn, they move to the other one.”
“Amazing. And that’s where you got the idea for the Lynx?”
“Yup! I made my skates out of steel rather than bone, of course, but the idea is the same.”
She smiled at me and we chatted a bit more—and then I saw light coming from nearby, down in what looked like a ravine or valley.
“What’s that?” I moved away from the group a bit towards the light.
“Raavi, come back here!” Stylio called, and I slowed to a halt, but not before getting a look down into the valley. “Raavi!?”
I heard her walk up behind me. “Raavi, what is… it…”
She came to a halt next to me and looked down as well.
Below, down in the valley, there was a shrine. More than a shrine—a temple. Large stones, carved with runes, seemed to glow under the lights from torches and bonfires, the sources of the light that had drawn my attention.
Around them, I could see oathwalkers. Hundreds of them.
And they were tending to the dead.
Large stone tables lay within the perimeter of the outer circle of stones, and on them, the oathwalkers were cleaning the bodies, using pitchers of water—from melted snow, I suspected—and wrapping them in shrouds with their hands folded across their chests and blindfolds around their eyes. One group—I squinted—was ladling small spoonfuls of liquid from steaming pitchers into the mouths of the dead. Still more were carrying the wrapped, shrouded bodies into a passage that cut into the side of the valley.
“Your ways we know not,” said the voice of the translator, and I turned to see it standing there. “But our best we do.”
I glanced back down below and then pointed down, even as I looked back to him. “Wait, those are my people?”
“Yes. Those by ours killed. We show what respect we can.” It turned back to the Lynx before saying quietly, “Not much it is, know I. Sorry I am.”
I looked back and forth between the piles of the dead and the translator. “Why? Why have you done this?”
“Explain the king will. Me I cannot.”
“Damn you!” I spat.
“Already I am.”
That made me pause, and I looked back down at the bodies. Why?
I felt Stylio’s hand on my arm. “Come on, Raavi. Let’s go. We can get answers.”
Scowling, I nodded. “Yes, we will.”
Prologue | Chapter 12 | Chapter 14
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astro123456 · 3 months
Unveiling the Timeless Wisdom of a Vedic Astrologer
Vedic astrology, also known as Jyotish, has been a guiding light for many individuals seeking clarity and purpose in their lives. Rooted in ancient Indian traditions, Vedic astrology offers deep insights into our past, present, and future through the study of planetary positions and their influence on human affairs. Unlike Western astrology, which primarily focuses on the sun sign, Vedic astrology delves deeper into the moon sign, birth chart, and various other factors, making it a comprehensive tool for self-discovery and life guidance.
The Science Behind Vedic Astrology
Vedic astrology is based on the belief that the positions of celestial bodies at the time of our birth have a direct impact on our life's path. The birth chart, or horoscope, is a map of the heavens at the exact moment of one's birth. It comprises twelve houses, each representing different aspects of life such as career, health, relationships, and spirituality. An expert Vedic astrologer can interpret this chart to provide insights into an individual's personality, strengths, weaknesses, and life events.
The Role of a Vedic Astrologer
A Vedic astrologer acts as a guide, helping individuals understand the cosmic influences that shape their lives. By analyzing the birth chart, an astrologer can offer advice on various aspects of life, including career choices, relationship compatibility, financial planning, and health concerns. Additionally, Vedic astrologers provide remedies to mitigate negative planetary influences, such as wearing specific gemstones, performing rituals, or chanting mantras.
Modern Relevance of Vedic Astrology
In today's fast-paced world, the ancient wisdom of Vedic astrology remains highly relevant. Many people turn to Vedic astrologers for guidance during challenging times or when making important life decisions. The holistic approach of Vedic astrology, which considers both the material and spiritual aspects of life, offers a unique perspective that resonates with individuals seeking a balanced and meaningful existence.
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Vedic astrology can offer deep insights into your personality, as well as your talents, shortcomings, and potential.
It can provide insightful advice on career planning Your chart can be examined by a Vedic astrologer to determine appropriate career routes and the ideal seasons for work shifts or business endeavors.
Relationship harmony can be improved by knowing a partner's astrological compatibility.
A Vedic astrologer can offer advice on how to resolve such problems and offer insights into compatibility.
It can provide information about health problems and recommend preventive steps by looking at how the planets affect various bodily organs..
Vedic astrology is quite complex and challenging to understand, particularly for newcomers.
The complexities of Vedic Astrology operation remain up for dispute. The secret is to locate a knowledgeable astrologer who can deliver clear explanations and cite important astrological concepts.
An adept astrologer should be able to simplify difficult concepts.
Consulting with a skilled Vedic astrologer might be costly. Before choosing the best Vedic astrologer, take your time browsing.
The concept of having their future predicted or impacted by the stars and planets may not sit well with certain people.
While Vedic astrology is based on the position of planets, it is not always accurate. Predictions can be subjective and depend on the skill of the astrologer. To avoid any doubts, you can find a Vedic astrologer based on their experience, accuracy, and client satisfaction.
There is a lack of scientific studies verifying the legitimacy of Vedic astrology. Most support comes from anecdotal evidence which is not reliable.
Vedic astrology, with its roots in ancient Indian wisdom, offers deep insights into various aspects of life through the study of celestial influences. While it can be a complex field, the guidance provided by a skilled Vedic astrologer can be invaluable for those seeking clarity, purpose, and balance. Despite the challenges and skepticism surrounding it, many find comfort and direction in its holistic approach, making Vedic astrology a timeless and relevant tool for personal growth and self-discovery. As with any practice, the key lies in finding a knowledgeable and experienced astrologer who can effectively interpret the cosmic patterns and provide meaningful guidance tailored to individual needs.
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Dragon Awakening
There are 13 Dragon Beings that are enveloped in the Earth crust, that have been here for eons of time as Guardians of the Ley Lines, ready to awaken and protect the Christ Child once the Cosmic Dragon births the Golden Dragon Egg and it hatches or cracks open. They have remained asleep in the Earth until the tipping point of global awakening occurs when the Mother of Dragons returns as her fullest divine emanation in her Cosmic Mother Christos Sophia Dragon body. The 13 primary Dragon beings serve as massive energy reservoirs for transmitting an assortment of vital forces and golden fire elementals through their dragon breath, transmitting beautiful shimmering liquid plasma fire waters, living light codes, spiritual vapors, divine aether and pearlescent substances from the Eye of God into the ley lines. Each of the Dragons embody their own astrological correspondence or cosmological principles that interact directly with the main ray creation system located in Ursa Major. We could say that the Cosmic Christos Suns send forth their ray principles and astrological correspondences through the 13 primary Dragon bodies enmeshed within the planetary matrix, so they can release these solar consciousness frequencies and geomantic codes into the layers of the Albion Lightbody. 
The Mother of Dragons is the original Cosmic Dragon which oversees the four dragon realms in the middle world, inner world, outer world and core of creation domains that make up the entirety of the Universal, Galactic and planetary consciousness. The Cosmic Mother Dragon also oversees the millions of dragon eggs that are intended for activating the lightbody of human beings and for the spiritual benefit of the various species existing on the planet. We have noted that the Cosmic Mother Dragon is also overseeing the functions of the gatekeeper Dragon being that was in the middle world domains of the Universal Mother Dark Matter Matrix.
Approached with divine respect, reverence and a loving heart, earthly Landscape Dragons are benevolent but as awakening protectors they are fiercely powerful as the untamed natural forces of the Earth. There are many more planetary landscape dragons and astrological dragons with assorted purposes that are located all over the planet to be discovered on the next stage of our awakening journey. Some of them appear to have massive golden bodies with crystal eyes that appear as a variety of colored jewels or gemstones. At this time eight of the primary 13 Dragon beings in the planet have been brought into awareness as the Easter event activates the Saint Michael Line. This begins a Dragon Awakening at the intersection points that are made between Saint Michael Mount in Cornwall, England and Mont-Saint-Michel on the Apollo line in France. 
The unification of these Dragon Lines generates new geomantic expressions as it undergoes the solar heart twinning of rhomboid diamond grid patterns into a global hierogamic union event. This new planetary activation comes with the restoration of the Triple Solar Christ Mary in her Universal Ankh Rose Body which produces sacred marriage with the Triple Solar Masculine Christ united through Melchizedek-Metatron-Michael. Their Christos-Sophiaoffspring is a massive Cosmic Dragon Egg that when hatched, will initiate in the grids a powerful pineal-pituitary integration referred to as the Pearl Activation. The Dragon Awakening is happening in the following areas of the planetary grid.
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satanachia666 · 2 years
Satanachia’s Demonic Correspondences
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Satanachia’s Demonic Correspondences & Other Information
*The information listed below derives from research and personal gnosis both verified and unverified. Satanachia is my patron demon, so I’ve included what information I’ve learned in the process of working with him/her/them.
Demon Name: Satanachia
Rank in Hell: Grand General
Seal: The Dukante Seal pictured above (credit: S. Connolly)
Gender: I perceive Satanachia as having feminine, masculine, and non-binary aspects. I use she/her, he/him, and they/them pronouns for Satanachia depending on which aspect he/she/they connect to me through.
Planets: Primarily Moon, Venus, Saturn, but Satanachia specializes in planetary magic in general. Therefore, it’s possible to call upon Satanachia to strengthen your connection to any planet.
Colors: Blue, purple, pink, red, black
Directions: North, West
Domains: Hell, the sky, water, the earth
Rules Over: Love, lust, warfare, strategy, witchcraft, planetary magic, water, protection (especially the protection of women, femmes, and people with a uterus), feminism, women’s rights, trans rights, justice, revenge, cursing, binding, protection from predators, punishing predators, polyamory, improving relationships, friendship, sexuality, genderfluidity, lunar energies, creativity, poetry, healing, healing your inner-child, all inner-child work, shadow work, stars, astral projection, astral weaponry, psychic powers, traveling, sensitivity, divination, spirit communication, self-confidence, self-esteem, self-empowerment, self-love, intoxication, ecstatic workings, rebellion, freedom, cold, snow
Numbers: 3, 6, 7, 9, 18
Symbols: Their seal as pictures above, any kind of moon or planetary symbol, pentagram
Herbs & Incense: Lemongrass, rose, patchouli, cinnamon, opium
Gemstones: Moonstone, rose quartz, garnet, bloodstone, onyx, opalite, pearl, clear quartz
Animals: Birds of prey, bats, butterflies, cats
Offerings: Blood (regular blood or menstrual blood), sexual fluids, hair, nail clippings, flowers, rose petals, rose tea, anything with lemon in it, lemongrass, patchouli, wine or liquor, art, poetry, music, pink + red + black tea light candles, weed, anything involving the moon or planets, an attractive makeup look or outfit
Story: According to The Grimorium Verum, Satanachia rules over 45 or 54 demons. Four of these demons are his/her/their chiefs: Sergutthy, Heramael, Trimasael, and Sustugriel. Although The Grimorium Verum dismisses Satanachia’s other spirit connections as being “of no great consequence,” I’ve found this assertion to be false. I’ve found Satanachia to be highly connected to planetary energies, stars, and nature spirits. I’ve also found that Satanachia is heavily aligned with spirits who watch over and protect women and transgender people. As you work with this demon, you, too, will discover new spirit alliances that relate to him/her/them and your own spirit allies as well.
Satanachia is often conflated with Chía, a triple moon goddess from the Muisca civilization/culture in the region that is now known as Colombia. The Muisca community is indigenous, which means it’s not good for non-Muisca individuals to conflate Satanachia with Chía. While the two overlap in certain ways (such as a shared focus on feminism and the moon), they are ultimately different beings. Therefore, I do not recommend using the same practices that the Muisca used to connect with Chía for the purpose of connecting with Satanachia.
Satanachia is my patron demon, and he/she/they are an excellent teacher. He/she/they are not only forward and truthful with information, but patient with its delivery and your ability to receive/understand said information. Plus, he/she/they are highly approachable. Satanachia prefers connecting with you in ways that are meaningful as well as unique to you. If you’re looking for a demonic guide who will work at your own pace and help you grow without being harsh, consider working with Satanachia. Satanachia has mastery over the realm of water and emotions, which makes him/her/them an incredible ally for inner-child work, shadow work, and all work related to recovering from trauma. As the Grand General of Hell, Satanachia is a fierce protector who can help you seek justice. On the other side of Satanachia’s duality is the fact that he/she/they possess immeasurable softness, tenderness, sensitivity, and the ability to be gentle while also being straightforward and assertive. Furthermore, based on my experience, Satanachia strives to protect these “soft” traits in the people he/she/they hold dear. These attributes make Satanachia an ideal demon for work related to love, lust, beauty, intimacy, and relationships.
Rituals Dedicated to Satanachia (Written by Pearl Satanchia / Me)
🚿 Satanachia’s Shower Spell for Cleansing and Protection
🌕 Satanachia’s Full Moon Ritual
💖 Satanachia’s Venus Empowerment Ritual
I hope all of this information helps you connect with Satanachia! 🤘
🌕 Pearl Satanachia  🌕
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