reddeliciousauce · 3 months
man marriage is so fucking expensive and for what
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could you do a non-binary bisexual Wendy and possibly Webber? It's ok if not though
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Some more here here here and here
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angelofghetto · 6 months
szívemnek kedves
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chuchayucca · 8 months
I’m going to need a spin-off series or at least an AU where we see what the mutant villains did offscreen during the series because the stuff we seen can’t even be half of the weird adventures they go on.
Like in Turtle-dega Nights: The Ballad of Rat Man, we see Hypno, Meat Sweats, Warren Stone, and Repo participate in Big Mama’s demolition derby. How did they get there, how did they learn about it?
Or in Pizza Puff, we see Meat Sweat trying to poison Guy Flambé with magical food, why did he get those ingredients? Has he tried to poison anyone before since his mutation
Or both in the show and shorts we see multiple times the mutant villains being so petty to fight the turtles despite them not doing anything to warrant a fight at the moment. Meat sweats in C.O.W.A.B.U.N.G.A and Hynpo wanting to hypnotize and make a school disappear because a middle schooler impressed the local press. If they’re so petty to fight literal children, I want to see them what other petty stuff they do offscreen.
I want to see how they navigate life now with their mutations, mutants like D.I.G.G and Bellhop wanting to fulfill their dreams but needing to hide their mutations. I would also like to see how they integrated into Yokai’s society, seeing the deleted storyboard of Wedder Smashers/Crashers where Ghostbear was marrying a Luchadora chupacabra yokai and invited some of the mutants to his wedding.
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scotianostra · 8 months
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February 7th 1603 saw the Battle of Glen Fruin the battle that led to a ban on MacGregors.
This Clan battle was fought primarily between Clan Gregor and Clan Colquhoun, the latter being associated with the area around Luss. A nearby cairn in a field was long thought to mark the burial place of the Colquhouns who had died in the battle, but it turned out instead to be of Bronze Age date.
Like all good, or bad fights there are two versions to the story, there are also two dates, nothing unusual in my posts! The other date is the 8th, so we aren't out by much, I've plumped for the 7th.
Fought near Loch Lomond the Battle left at least 140 men dead and led to an unparalleled campaign of punishment against the MacGregors with the name banned in Scotland for a total of 150 years. The battle was supposedly fought on a large flat piece of ground near Auchingaich with the members of the poorer Clan Gregor pitched against their wealthy and influential Colquhoun neighbours.
The two clans had history. Clan Gregor, which was stripped of much of its land by Robert the Bruce , frequently raided their neighbour’s property. Tradition dictates that the battle was sparked after two MacGregor men were refused shelter on Colquhoun land and resorted to sleeping in an outhouse and slaughtering a sheep. Walter Scott wrote about it in the introduction to his novel Rob Roy.
After being discovered by the Laird of Luss, they were sentenced to death with their kinsmen mobilising in furious response. However, some believe this version of events has been fancified over the years with no evidence that the executions occurred. Scott hasn't helped in his book which says "two of the Macgregors being benighted, asked shelter in a house belonging to a dependent of the Colquhouns, and were refused. They then retired to an outhouse, took a wedder from the fold, killed it, and supped off the carcase, for which they offered payment to the owner. The Laird of Luss, however, unwilling to be propitiated by the offer made to his tenant, seized the offenders, and by the summary process which feudal barons had at their command, caused them to be condemned and executed. The Macgregors verify this account of the feud by appealing to the proverb current among them execrating the hour (mult dhu an earbail ghil), that the black wedder with the white tail was ever lambed".A wedder is an old Heilan term for a castrated sheep.
Others have argued that the Battle of Glen Fruin began with just another MacGregor raid. Similar plundering expeditions were launched in the weeks before with two Colquhoun men allegedly killed at Glenfinlas a couple of months before. The difference was that on this day 1603, the Colquhouns were ready to protect themselves with permission granted by James VI to pursue their foes. The Colquhoun ranks were swelled by men from Dumbarton and Cardross, with the clan marching into the glen with as many as 500 men on foot and 300 on horseback.
Clan Gregor had around 350 men ready to fight and showed no mercy for their foes. The MacGregors launched a downhill surprise attack on the Colquhouns, which drove them back in the direction they had come, namely the Auchengeich Glen. Unfortunately for the Colquhouns the second part of the MacGregor force was lying in wait for them there. Just as there are doubts over the numbers in the two opposing forces, so there are also doubts as to how many were killed. A fairly commonly accepted figure is that 140 of the Colquhouns and their allies were killed, although some accounts have put the number as high as 200.
Eighty horses, 600 hundred cows and 800 hundred sheep were taken in the aftermath of the battle with houses and corn-yards burned. Following the bloodshed, James VI, in a bid to dismantle the clan, forced MacGregors - and Gregors - to drop their name or risk punishment by death, I posted about this a few days ago.
A royal warrant was signed by James VI on February 24, 1603, accusing the MacGregors of attacking members of Clan Colquhoun at Glen Fruin “without pitie or compassion” or regard for young or old. Their deeds were “barbarous and horrible” with this “wicked and unhappy” race to be “exterminat and ruttit out”.
Less than two months later, around April 3rd, James VI ruled the name MacGregor should be “altogether abolished” and that all people of the clan should renounce their name and take another, under the pain of death. Aliases, including Grant, Stewart and Ramsay were used. Rob Roy MacGregor himself is known to have taken his mother's surname, Campbell when this happened.
Around a year later, Alastair of Glenstrae and 11 leading clan figures were hung at the Mercat Cross in Edinburgh, with the leader hoisted above his men before being drawn and quartered The MacGregor name was restored in 1661 by Charles II but disallowed once more in 1693 by William of Orange.
It was not till 1784 that the MacGregors were allowed to resume their own name, and were restored to all the rights and privileges
The memorial stone in the photo stands in Glen Fruin to mark the Colquhouns that died.
You can read much more on this here http://glendiscovery.com/glenfruin-geography.html
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drrubinspomade · 2 months
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We post glorious pinups like this one all day, every day! If you dig this pic we’ve found online, u should investigate the creator/subjects of the work and fan them, follow them, hire them.
If you’d like us to remove, or you know who made this so that we can credit, DM. Thanks and greetings from Los Angeles.
Dr Rubin’s Pomade
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amuseoffyre · 1 year
I was reading some old documents today and specifically some old kirk minutes. Before I go further, I need you to understand that in Scotland, the kirk ran everything whether religious or not. They were staunch religion and extreme neighbourhood curtain twitchers rolled into one.
If you didn’t attend church, you were chastised. If you did attend church, but you’d done anything that was considered inappropriate (or someone reported on you), you were disciplined, often with shaming. Some churches made you pay for your seat in the church. Most/all had expenses for everything including saying you wanted to get married. Not just getting married. Just having it announced. Twice. Or three times. And you had to pay.
So imagine my delight reading about a lad in the 1790s who had eloped for an “unlawful” marriage. aka, he got married by a lay-preacher without jumping through all the hoops and paying for all the bonus paperwork and basically the approval of the committees and squads of grumpy old men who ran the church.
Irregular and ‘unlawful’ marriages were common, but a lot of the times the folk came back to their Parish and dealt with the repercussions after (and also paid the fine, which was probably more than the cost of doing it formally because the kirk officials were petty old buggers) and less often, the rogue wedders were summoned back to face their sins.
Naturally, our lad’s Parish council weren’t pleased about this and sent summons, demanding he come back and face discipline for this heinous behaviour. Our man horrified them by not only not coming back, but by *gasp* writing a letter telling them that actually, no, he’s not listening to them and won’t be back or paying heed to the authority of anyone else like them, bye bitches :D
And all cos some rogue preacher was running around performing marriages for anyone who wanted them :D
Love that :)
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stepintomyworld · 26 days
Hello!! For the ask-game:
🦋, 💌, 🌴, 🌙 and 🙃
Also sending you cool air and ice, today is too warm :(
HELLO! I was just thinking of you! Thank you for the cool air and ice. I need it a lot. I’m melting here 😩
🦋 Describe yourself in three words.
Awkward, kind, and a little depressed 😅
💌 Do you talk to yourself?
YES. All the time. And what’s funny is that it’s always a mix of English (mostly English), German and Spanish 😅
🌴 Desert island item?
“My fully stocked kindle” was my first thought. At least I have some entertainment for a while because the battery lasts forever. Don’t know if that is the smartest item but oh well 🤷🏼‍♀️
🌙 How long have you been on tumblr?
Oh goodness, forever. Idk if there’s a way to find out but I think 2008. And I’ve kept my same handle ever since then.
🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know?
I don’t know if it’s a weird fact but you know the saying in German when you don’t finish your food that there won’t be sunshine or good weather the next day? Well it’s actually a mistranslation/misinterpretation from the Plattdeutsch saying “dann gibts den shiet moin wedder” basically meaning “then we’re eating this shit again tomorrow” 😅
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demonicbaby666 · 11 months
it’s swedder wedder
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SWEDDA WEDDA YUH! Actually thinking of crocheting a sweater, what do you think of the inspo?? I can perhaps make us matching ones???? UwU
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lukitasgf · 1 year
So tonight I will perform with him again, and tomorrow set off home, but this letter must be posted today, for you must know that the Bell coming back to you is no longer the pleasure-seeking somnambulist who eloped with poor old Wedder. You must answer some difficult questions for me. You must tell me how to do good and not be a parasite. Tell Candle too, for since he and Bell will soon be lifelong partners we must work together. Tell my dear Candle that his wedding Bell no longer thinks he must do all she bids. Tell him also that Millie Cronquebil was wrong in one thing she said: I will not be a better wife because of the variety enjoyed in the Notre-Dame, unless it pleases him to see me lying flat murmuring 'formidable!' in a variety of astonished tones.
Meanwhile, all the best, both of you,
From she you love most,
Ding Dong Bell.
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Hi mrsterlingeverything ! You like xxx н0ме videos ?
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Full videos and more 🍓👉 @AlisafC9taCuNAt 👈🍓
My pussy is fatter and wedder than urs fr
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Celica gets Engaged(*) [A'lear Part 5]
(* but nobody thinks it's incest this time)
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(Spoilers up to Chapter 4 of Fire Emblem: Engage.)
Chapter 4: A Land in Bloom
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Florra Mill Town, featuring windmills and fields of blooming flowers, is on the road to Castle Firene. It's beautiful and... being attacked by the Corrupted, apparently.
Prince Alfred will not stand for this. Time to fight.
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Meanwhile, near the centre of town, we meet Alfred's sister, Princess Céline, and her retainers Louis and Chloé. They're fending off some Corrupted.
(This pattern of "two royal siblings, each with two retainers" accounts for 2/3rds of the playable roster. Just like Corrin, I guess?)
Céline (unique class, swords+tomes and eventually staves) has the makings of a consummate stateswoman, one who would rule firmly yet kindly. She frets for the health of her brother, the Crown Prince, and in many ways has tried to shape herself to counterbalance his gentleness... despite being a gentle soul herself.
All this is entirely overshadowed by the writers deciding that "enjoying tea" is a quirky personality trait that should be, like, the one and only thing Céline ever talks about. Also the floof skirt. Between her petticoat and her hair, she is the walking definition of A-Line Silhouette. She's lovely, in other words.
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Louis (lance armor) is a stocky gentleman whose eyes are permanently doing the ^_^ thing. He is a rather philosophical fellow who spends his time appreciating(?) pretty ladies(???).
Chloé (lance flier) loves fairy tales and will in due course be delighted to find herself living in one. She has enough girl next door vibes to paralyse my little lesbian heart is fond of folk food, the kind that uses whatever ingredients are around. Escargot, unagi, witchetty grub, hormigas culonas, she's into it so long as it's authentically rustic.
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Chloé and Louis tell their Princess to run. It's imperative that she finds Alfred and warns him that the castle is under attack (oh no!, the castle is under attack!). Céline reluctantly flees, leaving her retainers to stand back to back and exchange quips. Louis opens his eyes (they're green) for two seconds, which is basically the only time we see them for the rest of the game.
This is more cutscene badassery than most of the other retainers get, which is very sad.
Céline runs straight into Alfred and A'lear, who are getting ready to fight. After getting over her shock at seeing A'lear awake and walking about, Céline fills them in. The Queen entrusted an Emblem Ring to Céline before bidding her to flee the castle.
An Emblem Ring? A'lear is something of an expert on those.
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Meet Emblem Celica: princess, brother-wedder, and the only(?) female Lord before FE7. She detests war and violence, but she'll do what she must in the name of peace.
Celica is a dedicated magic support, offering a Mag/Res boost (and a little Str) to her sync partner. She offers damage reflection against Corrupted, and after a few bond levels, her Resonance skill(*) is pretty good. When Engaged, she gains a special skill, Echo (🥁), which allows her to perform two magic attacks in a row at 50% damage each. (60% for Mystical units.) (*) What's more, her Seraphim tome is effective against Corrupted.
Celica's ult(**) is Warp Ragnarok, which warps up to 10 tiles away and rains fire down on a single opponent. (100% hit, 0% crit, and no counterattack, like most ults.)
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The battle begins with Princess Céline and her retainers unlocked. Céline is perfectly set up to Engage and Echo, killing an armor knight and significantly chipping down another. (She doesn't, because we're saving the Engage, but she could, and that's a lovely bit of hidden tutorial design.)
To begin with, Louis and Chloé are alone in the center-east of the map, fending off enemies from either side. They hint to the player that Chloé should deal with the incoming mages, and Louis with the incoming archers and fighters. They do exactly this, and buy themselves a couple of turns.
(...oh no i forgot to take screenshots during the chapter 😐 Um, have some photos of Céline and co. having drip)
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A couple of turns is not enough for A'lear and co. to make it to them, not with the nearest bridge broken. Fortunately, the Emblem rings give us a way of getting there quickly.
First is Sigurd, who, when Engaged, grants an extra 5–7 movement, allowing for huge sprints. But that's not quite enough to reach Chloe and Louis in time, and Sigurd's wearer would probably get killed en route.
Instead, Céline&Celica use Warp Ragnarok to cross the river, helping Chloé fend off an enemy flier who had her on the ropes. Then, the two of them swing around to reinforce Louis. The retainers remark on Céline's changed appearance — glowy magical girl costume, red hair, etc. — while they hold a fortification.
(here's a photo with a Levin sword)
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Everyone else makes their merry way along the south bank of the river, watching their footing and fighting enemies like in a normal Fire Emblem game. Vander briefly cavorts off to stall an enemy cavalier, gets his ass handed to him, and runs back to ask for help from Alfred.
Then the boss suddenly decides to move in on Céline and Chloé and Louis, and the rest of the team is nowhere near close enough to help.
A'lear curses. "Everyone, this way! Emblem Sigurd, with me!"
But it's too late. By the time A'lear and the main force catch up, Céline and her retainers are having a tea party on the boss's smouldering remains.
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A'lear pauses to admire the scenery, which is gorgeous. Truly the Land of Flowers. But in her musing, she lowers her guard, and a Corrupted nearly gets the drop on her.
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She's rescued by a someone wielding a Fire tome. This mage turns out to be a small girl, who shyly introduces herself as Veyle (pronounced like veil).
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Veyle has white hair with black highlights, which sort of feels like the devs stole my original character A'lear, but whatever. (It's less of a left-right thing and more evenly distributed.) She's barefoot, wearing a fascinating dress made of cascading white feathers. The feathers have very slight blue and red streaks, the only real colour visible on her besides her violet eyes. A matching headpiece encircles her protectively, obscuring a black circlet. The look is completed with dainty arm-length gloves.
To me, her design evokes "baby bird", or something in that vein.
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A'lear thanks Veyle, who says there's no need—she's just doing what anyone would have done. But before they can speak much more, Veyle runs off while A'lear is talking to Marth. (Was she spooked by Marth's appearance?)
What an odd character. I'm sure we'll see her again. After all, this is not the first Fire Emblem game to introduce a mysterious little girl with an exotic hair colour and strange powers wander in from offstage right, seemingly on her own.
(I'm implying that, just like Ninian and Sothis and Tiki and Lilith and etc. and etc., Veyle is [TODO: finish sentence])
Wait, I hear you say, you said barefoot. Does that mean Veyle has feet?
Rest easy, dear reader. Veyle definitely has feet.
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But are you sure?, I hear you say. Maybe that was a fluke. Remember Awakening? Intelligent Systems is bad at drawing feet.
Um, let me see if the lead character designer, Mika Pikazo, has anything to say on the subject.
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...yep, can confirm, those are some well articulated metatarsals, and some pleasantly long phalanges. Oh, and look how pointy those toes are!
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Truly, a vintage year.
Wait, what was I talking about?
(*) Resonance is mutual guaranteed damage, a la Echoes: equipping a tome causes Celica's partner to lose 1HP at the start of every combat in exchange for 2 extra damage. (At time of writing, forgetting about Resonance has caused me to get Céline killed in player phase multiple times.)
Echo is great for picking off multiple weakened targets (and/or Armor Knights), for exacerbating flat damage bonuses like Resonance or A'lear's passive or poison, and for triggering tons of Chain Attacks.
(**) The in-game term for a once-per-engage superpower is Engage Attack, but not only is this confusing to distinguish from Engage Skills like Echo, but also: not all "Engage Attacks" are even attacks! I'll go with "ult" because it's short and fairly common parlance.
I might not have mentioned, but Sigurd's ult is Override, which skewers through a group of enemies standing in a line, hitting each of them once and emerging on the other side. (100% hit, 0% crit, no counterattack.) You'll see a screenshot of this next chapter. It's brutal tbh.
Marth's ult is Lodestar Rush, which is more or less like Astra from other Fire Emblem games. It does 7 hits at 30% damage (100% hit, 0% crit, no counterattack). 8 hits for Backup units, 9 for dragons.
Marth's Engage passive skill, Divine Speed, makes an extra 50% damage follow-up attack, which is fine but honestly kinda forgettable.
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reality-detective · 2 years
Thomas Wedders is chiefly known for having the world's longest nose, allegedly measuring 7.8 inches. 👇
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I could say something but I won't... 😂
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niroshanhemantha · 1 year
The elephant man of his generation had the most extended nose in the world
Thomas Wedders, a circus performer from London who lived in the 18th century, is renowned for possessing the most extended nose in history. According to reports, he had a nose that was 18 cm (7 in) long, earning him the moniker “The Elephant Man.” The picture soon gained popularity online and was the subject of a barrage of comments and inquiries. The original of Thomas the Great’s Nose is no longer on show at Ripley’s Believe It or Not Museum, but a wax duplicate is still there.
The Daily Star Magazine, Vol. XI, from 1896, referred to Thomas’s nose as a representation of riches and authority. The article claimed that if a person’s nose were a sign of their prominence, Thomas should have acquired all of Threadneedle Street’s wealth and ruled over all of Europe. The same article, however, also argued that Thomas might not have been the most intelligent person and that his nose might have eaten up all of his brain space, leaving him in what can only be characterized as the most terrible state of insanity.
Read More Article
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gulyas069 · 1 month
watn wedder
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xasha777 · 5 months
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In a distant future, where the Earth is but a patchwork of surviving cultures tethered together by the remnants of old technology and new inventions, the city of New Amsterdam thrives. It’s a place where the language of Dutch Low Saxon echoes through the bustling markets and the soaring glass towers, a blend of the old world and the new, a beacon of the past holding strong in the future.
In the heart of the city, Elara van der Aa, an expert cryptographer wearing a hat of vibrant blue and red, stands out among the drab sea of trench coats and tech gear. Her sharp blue eyes, which seem to mirror the artificial sky above, catch a flicker of something unusual – a code, an anomaly dancing across the screen of a nearby advertisement drone.
This was no ordinary code. Whispered rumors among the cybernetic underbelly spoke of a 'Voorspeller' – a prophecy encoded in a digital riddle spread across the city, lost in the jargon of advertising and artificial intelligence, understandable only to those who knew the old tongue, the language of Dutch Low Saxon.
Elara, descended from a line of code-talkers, understands the gravity of her discovery. The 'Voorspeller' was said to be the key to unlocking an ancient technology buried deep beneath the city – a technology left by the ancestors that could restore the Earth to its former glory or plunge it into deeper chaos.
The prophecy is clear to her: "Dei oolde gronden zölt wedder bloumen as wie de sleutel vinden kunnen." (The ancient grounds will bloom again if we can find the key.) And with that, Elara's quest begins.
She navigates the city, moving from shadow to shadow, always under the watchful eyes of drones and AI overseers. Her journey takes her to forgotten libraries, underground hacker enclaves, and to the very edges of the city where the old Earth shows its face – a wasteland longing for rejuvenation.
As Elara deciphers more of the 'Voorspeller,' the pieces of the puzzle lead her to a hidden chamber beneath the central hub of New Amsterdam. There, surrounded by gears and wires of a bygone era, lies the heart of the prophecy – a biotech seed, engineered by the ancestors, capable of restoring life to barren lands.
But the chamber is locked, secured by a code that requires the ancient tongue of Dutch Low Saxon to be spoken with precise intonation. The very essence of Earth's revival resting not just in technology, but in the cultural lineage of humanity.
With her knowledge, Elara speaks the words that have been passed down through generations, a melodic blend of history and hope. The chamber opens, revealing the seed which glows with an ethereal light.
As the seed is activated, a wave of greenery spreads through the wastelands, and the sky clears for the first time in centuries. Elara, the guardian of languages, stands at the intersection of the past and the future, having unlocked the key to Earth’s rebirth with the whispers of her ancestors.
Thus, the tale of Elara and the 'Voorspeller' becomes legend, a story told in hushed tones across the revitalized lands – a reminder that the future may always require the keys from the past, and that the salvation of a world might just rest upon the tip of a linguist's tongue.
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