#wedding dj Phoenix
callsignspark · 1 year
Mar[r]y Me - part six
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pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Mariella “M&M” Vertucci (fem!OC)
summary: A love story told through friendship, laughter, and food.
series warnings: 18+ minors DNI, discussion of insecurities, difficult family relationships, discussions of food and alcohol use, discussions of body image, one (1) drunk asshole, conversations on what it’s like to be a fat woman trying to date in today’s society, warnings to be added as needed
word count: 5.9k
previous part | series masterlist | main masterlist
note: happy Friday!! it's August here in the real world but it's Valentine's Day in the Mar[r]y Me universe, so what will these two do surrounded by love and pink hearts? can't wait to hear everyone's thoughts!
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part six - pancakes
God, I made a mistake.
Bradley has suffered through five days of the same thought on a constant loop. His brain started up the second he walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs. Only getting short reprieves when he had to fly. Even being asleep wasn’t safe; Mary had been consuming his nights, wonderful dreams of being with her intermixed with bad dreams of having to watch her with another man.
He felt like he was living one of those nightmares for the last three songs, watching Mary dance and giggle with some guy in his twenties.
I should be the one making her laugh. My hands should be on her hips, not his.
He cursed Natasha for dragging them to this stupid Valentine’s Day speed-dating event. Except, the speed dating isn’t actually speed dating; it’s some sort of convoluted speed dancing.
As announced by the host, there are only two rules:
Every person must wear the wristband they received upon entry; the wristbands correspond to your relationship status, so respect the color code system.
If you’re dancing, you have to dance with a new person for each song.
“Unless you’re really hitting it off with your dance partner.” DJ Socket had added with a wink before starting the night off with a horrible remixed version of My Funny Valentine.
Natasha, Callie, and Mary had laughed at the bad song choice before throwing back a shot of tequila and shimmying their way to the dance floor, pink wristbands glowing under the disco ball.
According to the event flyer that had been spammed in the group chat for the last two weeks, a pink wristband meant single and ready to mingle.
Bradley watches as the infant with a bad haircut tries to hit on Mary to what he thinks is a Justin Bieber song, absentmindedly playing with his own wristband. White. Here for fun, not to flirt.
He’s having a terrible time.
“Rooster. Rooster? Bradley!”
The use of his real name snaps him out of his thoughts. “Sorry, Bob, what was that?”
“I asked if you were okay. You don’t look great.”
He feels his heart clench a little bit. He’s always had a soft spot for the bespectacled man, Bob paying attention to small things that others rarely caught. Though even a blind person could see the way Bradley is staring at Mary, the pining radiating beyond the two high-top tables the Daggers had claimed as theirs.
“Yeah, just tired. It’s been a long week.”
Bob raises an eyebrow and opens his mouth, but Harvard interrupts him before he can investigate further.
“It’s weird seeing the girls in dresses instead of their coveralls.”
“I’m just wondering how they convinced Callie to wear heels. Omaha practically had to bribe her to wear something other than her Vans to our wedding.” Fritz says, his red wristband - taken and in love - flashing when he takes a sip of his bright pink drink. “God, these drink specials are awful! This is the last time Phoenix gets to choose where we go.”
The boys laugh as his face twists in disgust. Natasha is great at many things, choosing a good bar is not one of them.
“We should have let Jake plan; he found that complex with the mini golf and everything. That was so much fun!” Aaron adds before turning to Javy. “Where is Jake? I thought he was coming.”
Javy shrugs. “He was supposed to be here, but he texted me and said he wasn’t going to make it. Something came up, apparently. He said everything was fine, so I’ll check on him tomorrow. Make sure he’s all good.”
“Mary looks really good.”
Bradley stiffens, his mood dropping from happy back down to pissed off as steam pours out of his ears. She doesn’t just look good. She looks amazing. The light green, satiny material of her dress is hugging her figure just right, showing off her curves in the most delicious way. The slit up her leg showing off the thighs he dreams about getting his hands on again.
She looks gorgeous.
But Harvard doesn’t get to say that about his girl.
She’s not your girl. You fucked up.
“There she is! Can I get you a drink, ma’am?” Harvard stands up, holding his bar stool steady while Mary climbs on, scooting it in when she’s settled.
“If you’re going up, I’ll take a water, please.” She smiles at him, cheeks flushed from dancing.
“You want anything stronger to go with that water?”
“Vodka sprite, if it’s not too much of a bother.”
“You got it, sweetheart; anything for my new backseater!” Harvard flashes his toothpaste commercial-ready smile at her before making his way through the crowd to the bar. Him and his pink wristband quickly getting lost in the masses.
“I missed something. Backseater?” Javy asks.
Bradley watches her laugh and lean on the table, grabbing a chip after Aaron pushes the basket toward her. “He’s just trying to be funny. We’re both headed up to Lemoore next week - I’m helping out on some repairs, and he’s doing some sort of mentor program? I don’t know exactly. Anyway, Cyclone suggested we drive together since we’re staying at the same hotel. I told Brigham he’s driving since he insisted on getting this godawful 30-foot pickup truck, which makes me his temporary backseater.”
“Make sure you don’t eat anything before riding with him, or you’ll paint the windshield.” Omaha jokes.
She scoffs and rolls her eyes. “Please. If I didn’t hurl after a greenhorn took me up and executed one very poor barrel roll before getting himself grounded, I think I can handle Harvard’s driving.”
“You’ve flown?”
“Was it an FA-18?”
“How do you fuck up a barrel roll?”
“Did you like it?”
Questions are hurled at her from every direction, all the boys interested in the fact that their favorite mechanic had been airborne in the backseat of a fighter jet before they knew her.
“I did like it!”
Bradley’s heart warms a bit when she answers his question first.
“It was an FA-18, and I think we technically hit Mach-1, but my brain has burned the trauma of that hop from my memory. It was fun until that bad maneuver because when I say greenhorn, I mean green. Like as fresh as you can possibly be.” She shutters, only partially joking. “But I didn’t throw up, and that’s a major point of pride for me.”
“It’s only because you hadn’t eaten yet that day.”
The warmth disappears, again, when she smacks Brigham’s arm after he puts her drinks down. “I told you that in confidence! And I think it still counts because I’m a civilian and have done none of the training you guys do.”
“How did you even get permission to fly?” Javy questions, stealing a sip of her water, grinning at her when she glares.
“When I was in Florida, I got close with some of the higher-ups, and one of them arranged for me to go on a simple flight so I could see what it’s like. It was really sweet of him!”
“Who did you sweet talk into getting in a jet?”
“He sweet-talked me! Actually, it was more like he manipulated me. It came up that I’d never been on a flight - which is totally normal for an engineer, by the way - and he egged me on until I agreed to go up.”
“Oh my god, you got suckered into a ride with a flight school newbie? Who managed that?”
“I don’t know if you guys know him. I don’t think he was in Pensacola when you were going through flight school, but it was Admiral-”
“Hey, baby, wanna dance?”
Her face changes immediately, annoyance spreading quickly. “No. I’ve already told you I don’t. Leave me alone.”
“Oh, c’mon, you know you want this-”
“The lady told you no. I suggest you listen to her before we make you listen.” Omaha threatens from his position across the table. Bradley is happy that Neil spoke up before him because he wouldn’t have been so nice about it.
The pushy asshole looks around the table and decides not to press his luck after seeing eight men puffed up, ready to defend their friend.
“What a dick! He had a red wristband on, and he still tried to hit on you!”
“Welcome to being a woman, Mickey. Doesn’t matter if you’ve told them no or if they have a partner. Men will be gross and overbearing if they think it’ll benefit them.”
She sinks back in her chair, sipping her drink and sending a small smile to the boys in thanks. The group disburses a bit, most joining Nat and Callie on the dance floor, leaving Mary sitting with Fritz, Bradley, and Bob.
“Hey, speaking of gross and overbearing, did you hear the rumor that Admiral Cain is coming to the program review next week?”
It perks her back up; she excitedly leans forward, happy to talk about something else.
“Oh! That’s not a rumor, Fritz. That’s 100% true. He’ll be presenting his case for increasing unmanned drone research. But he’s going first on Tuesday, and then he’s back in Washington that same afternoon, so thankfully, we’ll only have to deal with him for a few hours.”
“Thank god, I had to deal with him for a little bit when I was at Norfolk, and he was worst. I know drones are getting more popular for high-risk missions, but they’ll never be able to fully replace pilots.” Billy clinks his bottle against Mary’s glass when she holds it up, swallowing the last of his beer. “You’ll have to excuse me; it looks like my husband wants me to dance with him.”
Bradley watches Mary stare longingly at the dance floor, her eyes following the happy couple dance in perfect sync with each other.
If you hadn’t messed up, that could be the two of you out there.
“So, what parts of program review do you have to sit in on?”
Mary turns, a soft smile on her face - Bradley knows her soft spot for Bob matches his own. Both of them protective over the younger man who cares so much, yet so quietly.
“I have to be there for almost all of it. I’m presenting a few sections, plus I have to do a shop tour and demo, which will be uber fun.” She rolls her eyes, knowing how some admirals like to knit-pick at how a shop is run and organized. “All my free time this week will be finishing my slides and polishing my presentation.”
“Wow, on top of helping with Lemoore’s repairs? You’re gonna be busy these next two weeks.”
“Very busy, but we’ve already done the repairs I’m helping with down here, so theirs should go much smoother! But I'm genuinely excited for program review because I’ll get to see some people I worked with in Florida! I think I’m going to try and poach a few of them that I really miss.”
“You’re gonna steal your friends to work for you?” Bradley regrets the question when he sees her face falter for a split second, realizing his tone wasn’t as joking as intended.
“Yeah, I’m thinking about it. They’re really smart and talented, plus it’d be nice to work with them again.”
The relief that breezes through his chest at her grin and kind tone quickly disappears when Harvard pops up and pulls her toward the dance floor.
“Hang- hang on!” She giggles, turning to Bob. “Would you mind keeping an eye on my purse while Brigham steps on my toes to bad 90s love songs?”
Bob’s, “No problem.” overpowers Harvard’s protests of, “I’m not gonna step on your foot again!”
She pecks his cheek, leaving a faint pink stain behind as she follows the Ohio man onto the dance floor. And for several songs, Bradley's stomach twists as he watches his two friends dance pressed close together.
“Why don’t you go dance with her?”
“She doesn’t want to dance with me.”
Bob scoffs. “You don’t know that.”
“Yes, I do.”
“Bradley, what happened with you two?”
He doesn’t answer; just keeps fiddling with the label on his beer and watching the dance floor. The two sit in uncomfortable silence for the first time in their friendship.
“I fucked up.” He confesses everything to Bob. The night on her couch, their interruption, the tiff just a few days ago. He doesn’t spare any detail, no feelings. “I still don’t know why I didn’t just let her explain! Even if I was mad that she was ignoring me, she had her reasons - she wouldn’t do something like that for no reason!”
Bob is stunned. He doesn’t know what to say to comfort his friend. None of the group’s theories had even been close to the reality of what happened.
“You can’t tell anyone what I just told you, not even Natasha!” Bradley is borderline frantic. “You’re the second person I’ve told, and I don’t know if Mary has told anyone, but I don’t want everyone knowing. I don’t want what happened to be the talk of the group.”
“I won’t tell anyone, Bradley. Not even Nat. But I do get bragging rights when the two of you finally get together.”
“That’s not gonna happen. I messed up too much, man.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t be too sure about that.”
He looks where Bob is pointing, watching as Harvard twirls away with a pretty redhead, leaving Mary dancing by herself. They make eye contact, and he can see the gears in her brain working. She turns around, hips swinging hypnotically, and he loses his breath when she peeks over her shoulder at him. Bradley’s heart soars when she wiggles a finger at him.
She’s calling me over. Maybe I didn’t totally fuck this up.
His joy is short-lived. The same red wristband asshole as before getting in her space, trying to grab her ass as she pushes him away. Bradley practically falls out of his chair to get to her.
“Get away from me!” Mary pushes the stranger’s hands off and stumbles back from the force, colliding with Bradley’s chest as he comes to help.
He steps forward, angling his body to shield her as she tucks herself into his side. “She’s told you to leave her alone at least twice now. Walk away before we have a problem.”
The sleazy man rolls his eyes, “Whatever, man.”
“No, not “whatever,” man.” Bradley steps forward, disregarding Mary tugging on his arm. Her pleas for him to stop falling on deaf ears. “You’re going to apologize to her.”
“For what? The fat bitch probably liked it. She’s practically begging for it in that dress.”
Bradley doesn’t even think. He lunges, ignoring Mary’s yell for him to stop and taking the asshole down with one punch. He doesn’t get a second one, security interfering and escorting all three out.
The rest of the Daggers make their way outside, everyone awkwardly huddled together as Mary assures the bouncers that she is safe to leave with Bradley, that he’s her friend who was just protecting her from the other man’s unwanted advances.
She’s mad when she joins them. A quiet anger that's palpable, making them all stay quiet instead of joking around like usual.
“Thanks for planning this, Nat. It was really fun until about five minutes ago. I’ll text you about dinner.” She says to the girls, giving Bob a small smile when he hands over her clutch. “Bradley is going to drive me home, but you guys should keep having fun. Brigham, let me know when you want to leave tomorrow, and I’ll see the rest of you when I get back from Lemoore.”
Her clipped tone and her heels furiously clicking on the sidewalk are the only physical indicators of her anger. The group watches her go, stunned. In the year since they were introduced to Mary, it’s the only time they’ve seen her get close to losing her cool.
They had seen her defend herself against misogynistic pilots, making them feel foolish without even raising her voice. They watched her bite her tongue when admirals talked down to her because of her age, letting Mav or Cyclone handle it. In the past eleven months, they had witnessed her ability to handle difficult situations with poise and grace.
But tonight was too much.
After having to deal with yet another demeaning asshole and Bradley’s rash, unwanted heroics, the rage simmering below the surface of her skin was threatening to finally break through.
Bradley follows at a slower pace, keeping an eye on her but giving her space to breathe. He startles at someone grabbing his shoulder, turning with wide eyes to find Bob with a determined look on his face.
“Take her home and apologize; let her explain before you explain your side, okay?” Bradley nods, giving a small smile to his friend. “It’s all gonna be fine; you are made for each other. You can tell me all about how right I am tomorrow morning.”
He makes his way to the car, unlocking and opening the door for Mary, the tiny bit of hope from Bob’s pep talk disappearing when he realizes that she’s giving him the silent treatment. Climbing into the front seat and ignoring the hand he offers, closing the door herself and choosing to stare out the passenger window when Bradley sides into the Bronco.
The drive to her house is quiet; the only sound is the oldies station Bradley turns on in hopes of getting Mary to talk to him. The closer they get to their destination, the more he goes from sad to annoyed.
I was just trying to help. She doesn’t need to ignore me.
They’re both fuming by the time he pulls into the driveway. She slips out of the car, hoping he’ll just go home, but he’s following behind her to the house. One step over the threshold, and he can’t take it anymore.
“Are you gonna stop ignoring me, or should I just go home?”
He watches her shoulders stiffen and feels his stomach drop her eerily calm expression. “I don’t know. Are you actually going to listen to me? Or are you just going to tell me that we should just forget this happened, too?”
“Don’t put that on all on me! This isn’t all my fault! You ignored me for an entire month!”
“Yes! Yes, I did!” She slams her hand on her kitchen island. “And then, when I tried to explain, you didn’t let me say anything! You just said we should forget everything that happened and move on! So I tried to forget! I tried to respect your wishes! But tonight, all you could do was watch me dance with other men!”
His mouth drops open; he didn’t realize she had noticed.
“Yeah! I noticed - you pilots have all the subtly of an elephant in a firework shop with its tail on fire! It’s one or the other, Bradley! We either forget what happened and we see other people, or we talk about what happened and go from there! There’s no in-between option where you get to be upset whenever I flirt with a man that’s not you! So what’s it gonna be? Are we moving on, or are we having a conversation?”
He can’t get words to come out. He knows what he wants, but he can’t speak.
“Well, Bradley?”
Say something, dumbass! She’s not going to wait forever.
She scoffs, rubbing her hands over her face. “I’m going to shower. If you’re still here when I’m done, we’ll talk. If you’re gone, well, then I have my answer.”
He’s frozen in her dining room, wincing back to reality at her bedroom door slamming shut. His phone is ringing before he realizes what he’s doing.
“Rooster? Everything okay?”
“I think I fucked up.” He runs a hand through his hair, messing it up even further. “We fought, man. She noticed I was watching her tonight and yelled at me for not letting her talk last week.”
“Where are you? I’ll come get you.”
“I’m in her living room.”
“You’re still there? She didn’t kick you out?”
“She said if I’m still here when she’s done showering, we’ll talk about everything.”
“You’re a fucking idiot, Bradley.” Bob’s eye-roll is audible on the other end. “Sit down and wait for her to finish showering so you can talk. If she wanted you to leave, she would have no problem sending you packing.”
“You think?”
“She was two seconds from throwing a wrench at my head last week, and I’m her favorite.”
“Well, I don’t know about favor-”
“I am. Now, sit down, shut up, and wait for her.”
The line clicks, and he decides to listen to the advice, depositing his wallet and keys on her entryway table before sitting on her couch. Sinking into the middle cushion, he thinks about the last time he’d been on this piece of furniture.
“You’re so hard.” He’s not sure why she’s surprised. She has to know she’s had him on the verge of an erection since she opened her door this morning.
“You’ve been pressed against me for two hours in these tiny little shorts with no bra on, and you smell good.” He shrugs, feeling sheepish as he explains what got him going.
“Bradley..” The way she says his name borders on a moan, and he can’t help the noise he makes when she pulls his hair.
If she does that again, I’m going to cum.
He grabs her ass and pulls her as close as he can, brushing his other hand up her thigh and boldly dipping into the leg of her pajama shorts, enjoying the scalloped edge of her panties. Their lips brush, and he’s about to move his hand to the gusset of her underwear - he needs to know how wet she is for him - when they’re interrupted.
Between reliving that moment and crafting his apology, he doesn’t hear the shower turn off or her footsteps coming down the hall, only noticing her when she sits in the chair furthest from him.
“I’m sorry-” They start to apologize at the same time.
“I’d like to go first if you don’t mind?” She requests, taking a deep breath when he nods in agreement. “I want to start by apologizing for the last month. It was wrong of me to kick you out that night and then ignore you for a month, and I wish I hadn’t done it.”
“Why did you?”
“Because I got scared. That night… I never do things like that. I never make the first move or act that bold. So the fact that I just climbed on your lap like that - without thinking about it or second-guessing myself - freaked me out. By the time I got Annie back to sleep, I had completely psyched myself out, and I was convinced you didn’t actually want me.”
“That’s- I- did I give any indication that I didn’t want you?” He sputters the question, unsure how she could think that.
“It’s nothing you did, Bradley. It’s all on me, my insecurities. Men rarely - if ever - have had the same… enthusiasm that you did. You were great; this is a me problem.”
“I don’t understand.” He leans forward, wanting to get closer without crossing the boundary she set with her seat choice. “If everything was so great, what went wrong?”
“I’m fat, Bradley.”
He sits up straight, shocked at her words. What does that have to do with anything?
“I’m sorry, I still don’t get what the problem is.”
“I know you don’t understand what it’s like to be a woman, but please believe me when I tell you it’s hard. People are constantly policing and judging your body. Men will just tell you what they think of your body, what they think is wrong with it - unprovoked. And it’s even worse when you’re fat.” She leans back, hugging a pillow to her chest. “I know you didn’t do any of that. But I’ve been fat since I was a kid, so I’ve heard it all for years. And not just men, but from family too. It’s hard to shake those experiences, to ignore the insecurities and just enjoy the moment.”
They sit in silence for a minute, Mary refusing to make eye contact while Bradley tries to figure out his next move.
“Can I come over there?”
The question surprises her, but she nods. His choice to kneel in front of her is another surprise; he can tell from her eyebrows reaching her hairline.
“I’m gonna take this, okay?” He gently tugs the pillow from her hands, tossing it on the couch so there’s nothing between them. When Bradley sees her shirt, his breath hitches in his throat.
She’s wearing his sweatshirt.
“Sorry,” she says shyly, noticing his stare. “I’ve been wearing it to bed; I promise I’ll wash it.”
And as much as he wants to linger in the revelation that she’s been sleeping in his clothes, he pushes through.
“Mary, I’m going to be very honest with you because I need you to understand how much I wanted you that night. Sitting there with you in my lap? That’s the hardest I’ve ever been; I think about it all the time. How warm and soft you were.” He slips his hands into hers. “And I know what you look like. I like the way you look. I like everything about you. Everything. Even the things you don’t like about yourself. You’re so gorgeous.”
He wipes her cheek, brushing a tear away.
“This past month hasn’t changed how I feel about you. I still want you. I’ve never not wanted you. I’ve had a crush on you since the moment Danielle dragged you through the front door of the Hard Deck.”
“Not done, still my turn.” He leans up, getting closer to her to get his point across. “I’m sorry I didn’t try harder to fix this sooner. I was trying to give you the space you wanted, but that was a mistake. After the first week, I should have told you how I was feeling, what I wanted.”
“What do you want now?” Her voice is tiny, and his heart breaks at how uncertain she sounds.
“Still you, honey. I know I said we should forget what happened, but I don’t want to forget. I want to do that again without getting interrupted this time. I want to take you out on a date. I want you. If you’ll have me.”
He watches Mary wrestle with her thoughts, her mouth opening and closing, not sure how to say what she’s thinking. “Just tell me, Mary, whatever it is. I want you to be honest with me.”
“I want that too. I want you. But I’m not sure if I’m ready for it right now.”
“What do you mean?”
“How long have you been flirting with me?” She nudges him back, scooting forward in her chair so her knees brush his chest.
He doesn’t understand the question but answers anyway, wrapping his hands around her legs, stroking his thumbs over her soft skin. “Since that night we met, I didn’t do too good of a job since you spent the evening playing darts with Jake, but that’s how long.”
“That was last January. You’ve been flirting with me for an entire calendar year. And I’m so oblivious that I didn’t even realize you were interested until you were grabbing my ass and moaning against my mouth.” She rubs her face. “So I just need some time to process this because I never thought this - us -could be an option.”
“Okay, how much time are you thinking? How do you want to do this?”
“I don’t know… there’s no free time. I’m gone this week, and next week is program review and prepping you guys for deployment. Then you’re in the middle of the ocean for two months.”
“Doesn’t really leave a lot of time for us, does it?” He jokes, squeezing her calves. “We’ll be back the first week of May. There’ll be a few days of debriefing, but then I’m on leave. Why don’t we grab dinner that Sunday? It can be as friends or as something more, whatever you want - whatever you’re ready for at that point. How does that sound?”
“You’re okay with waiting that long?”
“Mariella, it’s been a year, and nothing has changed since I saw you in that red dress. A few extra weeks where we’re just friends? That’s nothing if it means you’re comfortable.”
“I’m sorry I’m so bad at this.”
“Stop it. This isn’t all on you; I haven’t been the best either.” Bradley’s voice is firm, making sure she’s not placing the entire blame on herself. “We’ll work on it. We’re smart people; we can figure it out.”
“Thank you for being so understanding. I really am sorry about how I acted.”
“I’m sorry, too.”
Feeling lighter than they have in weeks, they look at each other and laugh when Mary yawns, her face scrunching up.
“Okay, honey, I think it’s time to get you to bed.” He stands, pulling her into a hug. “I’ll call you when you’re at Lemoore, okay? We’ll talk about our days, and you can complain about Harvard.”
“Why would I complain about Brigham?” She blinks up at him, her eyebrows creasing after a second. “Wait! Are you saying goodbye? You can’t drive home right now; it’s too late!”
He tries to argue but is cut off by her finger pointing at the clock, the two hands telling him it’s almost three in the morning. “Shit, I didn’t realize it was so late.”
“C’mon.” She pulls on his hand, leading him down the hall.
“What are we doing?”
“Going to bed?” She squeaks when he abruptly stops, tugging her off balance.
“Mary, I’m sleeping on the couch.”
Her face is baffled. “Bradley, you’re too tall; it won’t be comfortable. We can share my bed; we’re adults. We can handle it.”
His heart thumps. He wants nothing more than to crawl into bed with her, but he’s afraid of how his body might react to being next to her all night.
“Mary, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“You won’t. I also want you to be comfortable, so if you don’t want to share, I’ll take the couch, and you take my bed.”
“This is the whole communication thing we just talked about. Believe me when I say that sharing my king-sized bed with you for one night won’t make me uncomfortable.”
Bradley stares into her eyes, searching for any hint of hesitation. “Okay, lead the way then, Vertucci.”
It’s awkward for a moment in her bedroom, the two of them trying to navigate this new situation together. But after some blushing and a few stuttered words, they figure it out. He’s just finished brushing his teeth when they discover that Bradley’s preferred side of the bed matches hers.
“Two peas in a pod.” He jokes as he starts to climb into bed, heart fluttering at the bashful smile on her face.
“What are you doing?”
He freezes, covers pulled back with his knee raised. “Uhhh… getting into bed?”
“Not like that, you’re not.” His wide eyes must give away his confusion and panic because she continues. “Bradley, you are not climbing into my bed, which has nice fresh sheets, with those clothes you wore to the club. God knows what’s on those chairs we sat on.”
“So what am I supposed to do?”
“You are wearing underwear, right?” He nods, feeling baffled by how this night has progressed. “Then strip, you’re sleeping in your undies.”
Bradley stands there, looking at her snuggled under her quilt, bathed in the soft light of her nightstand lamp, and still wearing his name on her arm. Based on how serious she looks, he’s pretty sure she’s unaware of how flirty her words sound. If she was any other woman, he would make an effort to flirt back, try his best to be sexy as he undresses. Turn it into a striptease.
But it’s Mary, and they just got back to a good place.
So he undresses how he does when he’s alone. Unbuttoning his black shirt methodically, taking note of how her breath hitches when he pulls the tight material off, but not doing anything about it. If he has any control over their situation, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future to make her lose her breath.
He does allow himself to make eye contact while he undoes his jeans, unable to pass up the chance to watch her watch him. He sees her scan his body, can see the hunger in her eyes, can hear the small gulp when she sees the waistband of his underwear appear. He stays steady, folding the pants and draping them over his shirt before slipping under the covers, keeping a respectful distance between them.
“Gonna turn the light out?”
She blinks at him as she processes the question, her eyes hazy from the late hour, and he thinks about how he would love to have this view every night for the rest of his life. He watches as she rolls over, eyes slipping down to the skin that’s exposed when she leans to turn the lamp off. She ends up closer when she rolls back towards him; he can feel the heat of her body radiating towards him.
“What do you want for breakfast?” Mary’s voice is soft, like being too loud will ruin the small bubble they’ve created for themselves. “Do you like pancakes?”
The question makes him think of his mom, how she used to make pancakes on special occasions and sometimes just because it was Tuesday. He never makes them for himself.
“They’re my favorite. Do you make good pancakes?”
“I make the best pancakes.” He can’t see her face, but he can hear her smile. “Night, Bradley.”
He mummers good night back, enjoying the way the mattress moves as she gets comfortable. The scent of her shampoo drifts over him, resurrecting the question that he’d been asking himself for a month.
“Mary? Can I ask you a question?” His voice is quiet, scared to ruin things but needing to know the answer.
She hums, “What’s up?”
“That night. If we hadn’t gotten interrupted, what do you think would have happened?” It’s quiet. He can hear her hands playing with the edge of the sheet, fingers nervously folding and unfolding the cotton. “I’m sorry, you don’t have-”
“No, it’s okay, Bradley.” A hand brushes his chest, warm fingers ghosting over his skin in search of his hand. She continues once their fingers are intertwined. “If we hadn’t been interrupted, we would have had sex. We would’ve made out for a while, and then I would have ridden you right there on the chaise.”
She makes a small noise of agreement. “I don’t know about after, though, if we would have had a better go of things that we have. It might have been worse, I’m not sure.”
“Can’t change the past. I’m just glad we’re fixing things now.”
“Me too.” Mary presses a small kiss to the tip of his fingers, squeezing his hand before rolling over. “Good night, Bradley; sleep well.”
“Night, Mary.”
I think I’m falling in love with you.
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What’s In The Vows?-Part 4/5
Summary: It’s finally yours and Natashas wedding day. Will everything go to plan? Will tears be shed? 
Pairing: Natasha “Phoenix” Trace x afab!Reader
Warnings: Super fluff, sex mentioned at the end, mentions of alcohol and drinking. I don’t think theres anything else though. 
Word count: 1719
Masterlist   Series Masterlist
A/N: This can be read as a stand alone but will probably make more sense reading the other parts first. “What’s In The Envelope/Box/Plane?” The venue in this story is actually a venue I found doing research. 
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You and Natasha had planned your wedding quickly after you had proposed to her. You had both realized she could be called away for a mission anyday and wanted to plan everything together. By some miracle there was an opening at Darlington House and you had booked it for June 3rd. 
The ceremony would be outside and the reception a mix of inside and outside. The florist, DJ and baker were all found quickly. The venue included catering. There would be an open bar. Penny knew someone that did photography and had availability. Natasha had decided against dress whites. The both of you found your dresses and had them sent for adjustments within a week of the planning starting. 
Phoenix had asked Bradley, Bob, her younger brother and sister to all be a part of her wedding party. You had asked your chosen 4 as well. Pete would be officiating the wedding. Jake and Javy were going to be flowermen and ushers. The whole squad had somehow gotten approved for that day off. Meaning no one could be sent on a mission that would overlap with the day. The both of you wanted to be sure they could all attend as they were practically family. 
The bridal shower, engagement party and bachelorette parties were all on one day and combined. Neither of you wanted to do your own things for the Bachelorette party and also wanted her younger siblings to be able to enjoy it. So it was basically just everyone involved in the parties hanging out watching movies eating junk food.
As the day approached you were both growing jittery. Not at all nervous as the both of you were excited to spend the rest of your lives together. But you both wanted everything to go to plan. You had decided to stay the night before and night of at a nice bed and breakfast close to the venue. 
You had whispered sweet nothings to each other as you laid in bed together the night before. Tangled in the sheets and each other. Soaking in the calmness of the night together, the buzz of the wine from the rehearsal dinner still vibrating through your bodies. Until the two of you fell into a blissful slumber nothing but a mess of limbs and even breaths. 
The morning of the wedding was spent peppering each other’s bodies in lazy kisses. Embracing the peace of your quiet room before the rushed hours to follow. There was an early breakfast in bed feeding each other various foods in between your giddy giggles. Looks of love and adoration were shared. 
Then Bradley came knocking on the door saying your time was up and he needed Nat to start getting ready. So the two of you reluctantly separated, a final kiss planted upon each other's lips as she slipped out of the room. Bradley took his job as man of honor very seriously and had already made sure Bob and her younger siblings were in the bronco before pushing her out the front door of the quaint bed and breakfast. 
You were whisked away to the venue shortly after with your entourage in tow. The both of you had packed everything you’d need in the trunks of your respective cars the night before. It was easy to get set up in your rooms and before you knew it you were heading out the door for your first look. 
The both of you had decided to do the first look in one of the many gardens the Darlington House had. You both had tears in your eyes as you saw each other. She had on a form fitting white dress that accentuated every curve of her body nicely. There were pearls and lace placed in the perfect places. The back was cut low exposing most of the skin underneath. The neckline was just low enough to expose her collarbones and worked into lacy sleeves along her arms.
Her hair was in a messy styled updo with occasional strands of hair hanging out. She had on a subtle makeup look. She had forgone jewelry except for a pair of pearl earrings her grandmother had gifted her. She looked utterly radiant. 
“You look absolutely stunning, baby girl.” She had whispered to you as she held your hips in her hands staring into your eyes. You rested your forehead against hers as you resisted the urge to kiss her just yet. 
“I have never seen a sight as breathtaking as you sweetheart.” You said breathlessly as you brought your hands to rest on her cheeks. Then you were kissing her, slow and sweet. Wanting to mark your last kiss as Fiancés as memorable as your first kiss as Wives would be. You pulled away and rested your forehead against hers once again. 
“Let's get married, Nat.” You spoke to her as you finally pulled your hands away from her face. She gave you a final peck on the lips before parting ways with you. 
She was walked down the aisle first by both of her parents. Then you were walked down next by your respective people. Seeing her standing at the altar had your heart fluttering. You had dreamt of this day as soon as you saw her in that bar all those years ago. You just never imagined it would be as amazing as you’d hoped. 
You joined hands with her as you passed your bouquet off. You wore matching smiles on your face. Full of love and hope and trust. It was a feeling like no other when your eyes connected with hers. Tears springing forwards once again. But you held them back, desperately wanting to see her clearly. 
“We are gathered here today to join these two wonderful women in matrimony.” Pete began the ceremony.
“They have decided to speak their own vows, Natasha will go first.” He gestured towards the woman standing across from you. You squeezed her hands as she took a deep and shaky breath. 
“Growing up I was always certain of one thing. I was going to be a pilot in the navy. After I finally achieved that I wasn’t certain about anything anymore. I had never thought about life beyond flying a super hornet. That was until the day I met you. I was confident then that I was going to marry you. As I stand before you today I am now confident that I will spend the rest of my life fighting to get home to you. You will always be something, someone I am confident in. You have been an unwavering support in my life for so long now. I will love and cherish you for the rest of my days, baby girl.” Tears were steady along your cheeks as she finished her words. She brought one hand up to wipe them away giving you a smile that meant so many things; reassurance, commitment and unconditional love. With a squeeze of your hand that was still connected to hers you began to speak. 
“I have feared many things in my life. I have feared the unknown of what the future would hold for me. I have feared heights and I have feared not having you come home to me. But the one thing I have never feared is loving you. I know with you by my side I will never have to fear again. I will not fear the future because I know it holds you. I will not fear heights because it is something you crave and find peace in. I will not fear you not coming home because I know you will fight with everything you have to come home to me. Sweetheart, I will love and support you for as long as forever lasts.” Then it was your turn to reach up and wipe at her tear stained cheeks. You stared at each other like it was the day at the bar all those years ago. You were completely entranced by each other that the world around you came to a halt. It took Pete loudly clearing his throat for your eyes to separate. 
“May I please have the rings?” He turned to Bradley who quickly reached into his pocket and handed them towards the captain. You steadily slipped the rings onto each other's fingers as he went over the meaning of the rings. Then you waited with bated breath to finally have her lips on hers. 
“You may now kiss the bride.” He spoke out and that’s all it took for the both of you to surge forward. 
Your lips crashed upon one another as steady as waves crashing upon the shore. Your hands wove around her neck as hers cradled your cheeks. The kiss was confidence and happiness. Once you pulled back from each other lightheaded and blissed you let out a quiet giggle. She smirked at you as she pulled you back towards her, giving you another slow kiss. Lips making promises of your future together. 
After what felt like only a moment you were twirling around the dance floor enjoying your first dance as a married couple. You had picked a song that had been on in the bar the night you first met. You hadn’t needed dancing lessons as you both decided to just wing it. It was full of laughs and stolen kisses. 
Then came the time for speeches. They started out as Bradley cracking a joke and then crying towards the end at the thought of his best friend being married. Bob came up and wished the two of you luck. Then it was her siblings who were laughing through the whole thing. Her parents gave a brief sentimental one. It worked quickly through your party. 
Before you knew it the night was coming to a close and you were both climbing into the back of one of Petes' many restored cars. He whisked you away as the crowd cheered and roared behind you. You held each other's hands trying to keep them off each other until you could get into your room at the bed and breakfast. You had both gotten breathtaking lingerie pieces for the night and couldn’t wait to see the other adorning them. You both looked forward to the honeymoon awaiting you Monday morning.
A/N: The Honeymoon part will be coming up soon. That part will most likely include smut.
Tags(open): @wkndwlff & @sylviebell​
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crazyk-imagine · 2 years
The Good, The Bad, and The Big Birthday Bash (Edwin’s Birthday)
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Pairing: (Stepdad) Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Mom!Reader
Characters: (Stepdad) Jake “Hangman” Seresin, Mom!Reader, Edwin and Maryanne (the kiddos), Penny Benjamin, Amelia Benjamin, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Natasha "Phoenix" Trace, Robert "Bob" Floyd, Reuben "Payback" Fitch, Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia, Javy "Coyote" Machado, Billy "Fritz" Avalone, Callie "Halo" Bassett, Neil "Omaha" Vikander, Bringham "Harvard" Lennox, Logan "Yale" Lee
Warnings: SMUT (Minors DNI 18+), light somnophilia goes with -->, pussy eating, p n v, unprotected sex (consensual, wrap it before you tap it people), sex in different locations (bedroom and bathroom), Jake calls reader his bratty baby, reader and Jake go back and forth with the brat nickname, cursing, sweet Jake (basically the opposite of him in tgm), minor sub!Jake vibes, real talk (about adulty things like bills), alcohol consumption, Bradley the bartender (only for friends though), Bob the DJ makes a return, Mickey the photographer has more models, everyone looks cute in their cowboy/ cowgirl outfits, the kids being adorable, pilot crew doing dumb things
Word Count: 7,954
You stare at the day, wondering why it looks so familiar. You finish typing in, “pay cable bill” and then it hits you. “It’s almost his birthday,” you sigh, rubbing your forehead. 
“Is this not a good thing?” Jake asks, setting your plate in front of you as he sits down. 
“No, it is- -its- its good. I just- I don’t know how I’m going to plan this because it seems like the bar is just getting busier and busier than my other job-” 
He says nothing as he reaches down, hand wrapped around the leg of your chair as he pulls you closer to him. “I thought I told you to quit that job.” 
“And I told you that I have to make ends meet. We have to be able to eat somehow.” 
He removes his hand from the leg of the chair and cups your cheek, getting you to focus on him. “You don’t have to do that. There are two people here now. It’s not all on you to take care of everything, okay? It's okay to lean on me.” 
You sniffle, lowering your head. 
“Hey, hey,” he lowers his voice, bringing you closer to him, resting your head on his shoulder letting you cry until you can’t anymore and all you can do is sniffle. “Come on now. No more tears.” He uses his thumb to wipe your cheeks and under eyes. “We are in this together,” he pecks your head. 
Jake grabs your hand and pulls your hand up to his lips, placing a kiss that lasts a few seconds on your wedding ring. “This ring here united us in more ways than one so, if you have credit card debt, it’s now our debt.” 
That earns a chuckle from you. 
“There’s that smile I love.” 
“Shut up,” you mumble into his shoulder. 
He chuckles, “I don’t think I want to, not when I got a pretty girl on my shoulder.” 
“Why do you have to be so flirty?” 
He shrugs, “don’t know but I can’t say I hate it.” 
“And, why’s that?” You move your head, looking up at his jaw line and side profile. 
“It got me you.” 
“I don’t think it was the flirting.” 
“Oh, no. It was definitely the flirting.” 
“Okay,” you pat his chest with your left hand. 
He tilts his head down, staring at the ring on your finger and smiles. 
You push yourself off him, taking a bite of your food. 
He takes this as an opportunity to talk. “Okay, this is what I got from this conversation. You’re quitting your crappy second job and letting me officially help with bills while you start coming up with some ideas on what to do for our little man’s birthday party.” 
You hate to admit it but the way he said, “our little man” makes you happy and relaxed, it never seems to stop surprising you when he talks about the kids like they’re his own. 
He said he wished they were his on the first date and still manages to surprise you after saying that. He gets out of the chair and exits the kitchen. 
You huff, shaking your head while eating your pasta. How dare he be such a little shit… even if he did reheat your dinner for you. 
You turn your brain off for a second, focusing on the tasty food and not the fact that Jake is talking about the kids is hot. Nope, definitely not focusing on that. You stop chewing, a dirty thought comes to mind. ‘Could he have a breeding kink?’ 
“Hey, babe?” 
Your eyes slowly trail over towards him. 
“Nothing, just wanted to see if you wanted to watch a movie with us but I can see that the pasta is better than us. So, we’ll leave you two alone.” 
You roll your eyes. Did it just get hotter? 
“I heard that.” 
You roll your eyes again, knowing that he cannot hear you do such a normal thing. 
“Jake, I wanna show you something,” Maryanne says, tugging on Jake’s arm. 
“Now? It’s time for bed kiddo.” He glances over at you. 
“It’s about the book I want.” 
You shake your head, she doesn’t learn. “Honey, ask him, don’t pull on his arm. You know that.” 
She sticks her bottom lip out, pouting. “Now, I see it,” he comments. “This is how he got it.” 
“Who got what?” Your daughter asks. 
“Your brother got this,” Jake points to her pouty lip, “from you.” 
She shakes her head, “no, he didn’t.” 
“I’m pretty sure he did.” 
You stick your curled index finger and thumb in your mouth, whistling to get their attention. “Hey, hey. No. No more of this. Okay?” 
He lifts Maryanne over his shoulder, she lets out giggly screams. “Yes, ma’am.” He salutes you before marching to her room. 
You shake your head, glancing back at a sleepy Edwin rubbing his one eye. “Okay, time for bed little man.” 
You pull the sheets over his belly, setting them on his chest. You brush the few stands of fallen hair out of his eyes. “Have thought about what you want to do this year?” 
He nods. 
“And what’s that?” 
“Cowboys? Really?” 
He nods, rubbing his eyes. 
“Okay,” you lean forward, kissing the top of his head. “Go to sleep.” 
You exit his room, finding your husband leaning against the wall. 
“You have fun?” 
“Oh, tons. Did you not hear the ragger we started in there? I thought the walls were shaking all over the house.” 
He hums, wrapping his arms around you. “You find out the theme?” 
“I did.” 
“You want to share with the rest of the class.” 
“Are you seriously gonna leave me in the dark about what he wants to do?” 
You turn around, leaning against the bathroom doorway. “Yes.” 
He closes the door, groaning loudly for you to hear as he lays on the bed. “Why? Is it space? Does he want aliens at the party because I think Chicken is alien like as it is. I will veto more than one alien.” 
The shower starts running. 
Jake pushes himself off the bed, practically tripping over everything as he hurries to the bathroom. 
You shake your head, taking a step back letting the water run over your hair and backside. “Did you trip over everything?" 
He scoffs, “no.” 
“And who’s pants are on fire?” 
The shower door slides open, “not mine since they’re on the floor but, I am afraid another part of me is on fire for you, sweetheart.” His arms slide around your waist, pulling you closer. 
You lift your head, wiping the water off your forehead before opening your eyes. “When aren’t you trying to have your way with me?” 
“I think it’s the other way around because if my memory serves me right, and it does, it was you who was begging me.” 
“You definitely did the begging.” 
“I don’t think so,” he denies. 
“I know for a fact it was you.” 
“How can I change your mind?” He leans in, eye lids drooping. 
You tilt your head to the side, pretending to think about it as he places gentle kisses along the side of your neck. “We should finish our shower soon, the water’s gonna get cold,” you mumble. 
“Then I’ll just,” his murmurs against your skin, “warm you up.” 
You bite your lip to suppress your smile, “you’d like that wouldn’t you.” 
He smirks, biting your neck. 
You shriek and quickly cover your mouth, slapping his arm. 
“Did something happen, sweetheart?” 
You narrow your eyes at him, pursing your lips as you reach for your shower gel and sponge net so you can get out and get ready for bed, letting Jake know you’re not going to give into his carnal desires (for the time being). 
You finish, your hand is on the shower door when Jake stops you. 
“Hey, hey. Where do you think you’re going?” He stares at you with his soapy hair tangled in a mess; the shampoo trailing down his temples after he wiped his forehead. 
“I’m gonna get out so you have room to dry off when you’re finished. What are you doing?” You slowly ask. 
“I just have to wash my hair and I’m done.” 
“Which is why I’m trying to get out now.” 
Maybe it’s the way his shoulder’s tense up or that you’re reminded of your brief three-day separation period and how terrible it was (on the four of you). 
You stop, moving towards him. “Turn around.” 
“Why? You gonna check me out?” He certainly knows how to lighten the mood. 
“Always but not this time, I’m gonna wash your hair.” 
He nearly melted on the spot. 
There has only been one other time when you spoiled him and washed his hair (which was because the kids decided to have a food fight and he couldn’t get all of it out on his own) and he loved it, a little too much he can fully admit to that. 
He doesn’t say anything and nods. 
“How are you gonna do this?” You ask, not wanting him to strain his neck as you reach for the shower head. Turning back around with the shower head in your hand, you find him on his knees. “What are you doing?” 
His eyes trail up your body until he locks eyes with you, “Making it easy on you.” 
You lift the shower head, spraying him. 
He chuckles, grabbing your wrist, stopping you, “that’s not very nice, gorgeous.” There’s the “you’re in trouble” nickname. 
“You’re the one getting handsy.” 
He scoffs, “you love it.” 
“Shut up and let me wash your hair.” 
He wraps his arms around your waist, resting his head on your stomach. The tired and quiet, “yes ma’am,” escapes him. 
You do your best to be thorough and quick so you two can crawl into bed. You set the shower head back in its place, tapping his shoulder. “Come on.” 
“It’s time for us to get out. We gotta dry off and I gotta finish my hair before we lay down.” 
He huffs, “fine.” His knee cracks as he pushes himself up causing you to smile. 
“Sounds like you’re becoming an old man.” 
“I’m not old enough to the point where I can’t carry you.” You place a hand on his chest, shoving him back, “Don’t even try it, Mister. I will not have us fall and break something.” 
He doesn’t say anything and nods. 
You feel bad. The joking attitude he has is no longer there. “I know you didn’t mean it like that, please don’t be sad.” 
“I’m not.” 
“Jake,” you cup his cheeks forcing him to look at you. “We are together, and nothing is going to change that. You’re stuck with me like I’m stuck with you.” 
He rolls his eyes. 
You can feel the muscles in his cheeks twitch as he fights the urge to crack a smile. “You know how you told me to lean on you, lean on me. I will be by your side till the very end, okay? I love you.” 
He nods, pulling you in for a hug. He sniffs, neither of you comment on it. 
“Come on,” you whisper in his ear. “Let’s get out of here. I can feel the goosebumps on your back.” 
His breath fans against your skin as a breathless chuckle escapes him. “I thought you liked to have any reason to warm me up.” 
“Just get out, you dork. It’s cold.” 
“So, mean.” He slides the shower door open, stepping out wrapping a towel around his waist. He turns around, holding his hand out for you, helping you out of the shower. 
You reach the towel when he swats your hand. 
“Ah, bup bup.” 
“I can get my own towel, thank you.” 
“Yeah, but this way I can help and if my hand slips, well then,” the corner of his lips tug upwards as he pulls you closer with the towel before wrapping it around you, “that’s just a win for me.” 
You roll your eyes smacking his chest. “What? I’m not supposed to be completely and utterly blown away every time I see my gorgeous wife. Because I’d be crazy not to.” 
“You’re too sweet for your own good.” 
“It’s called love, sweetheart.” 
You shake your head, smile never faltering as you step beside him. 
“Can you blow dry my hair?” 
“You always complain when I do it.” 
“You’ve never done it before,” he points out. 
“… that’s because I know you’ll complain after.” You remove your towel and grab your cute, designed panties before sighing. “Get dressed then we can make you look pretty.” 
“I’m gonna take that as a compliment so thank you, sweetheart.” He walks up behind you, placing his hands on your hips as he pecks your cheek. 
You can’t help but smile, he’s always too sweet (even when he doesn’t want to admit it). You finish getting dressed and do your own hair before you plug in the blow dryer, making sure that the cord won’t knock anything off the counter. “Are you done yet?” 
“I’ve been waiting on you.” 
“Don’t give me that attitude,” you tell him while reaching for the necessary item. 
“I have no attitude to give.” 
You run your fingers through his hair getting rid of any knots that may be there. “Is your hair okay at this length?” 
“Yeah, why? Do you not like it?” 
You bend down, wrapping your free hand around his jaw, tilting his head back. “I didn’t say that, and I love all and anything that has to do with you, you know that.” 
“It doesn't hurt to hear it again.” 
You let go of him and detangle the cord, needing more room to walk around behind him. “Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t want to inflate your ego more than I already do.” 
“Now that I know you think so highly of me, it definitely makes me feel more confident in myself.” 
You playfully roll your eyes, “oh, no. Whatever will the others do about it tomorrow?” 
“Complain, maybe call you.” 
“It wouldn’t surprise me if they did.” 
Jake climbs into bed first, the sheets folded across his waist. He watches as you go through your mental checklist. “We did everything we were supposed to, so get over here so we can cuddle and stop stressing over it.” 
You purse your lips, not wanting to admit that he’s a little bit right. “Fine.” You crawl onto your side, turning to turn the lamp off only to find yourself smashed against his warm chest. You tilt your head up, staring at his side profile before he moves looking back at you as he brushes his thumb against your cheek. “What do you think the others would do if the found out the Hangman was a big time cuddler?” 
He lets out a soft, sarcastic chuckle, “they wouldn’t.” He leans in, putting most, if not all his weight onto his elbow. 
“You wanna know why?” 
You don’t tear your gaze away from him as his hand trails down your side, his fingertips grazing every inch of you. “Why?” You whisper, already knowing where this is going. 
“Because,” he kisses your chin, jaw line, and side of your neck, “I’m gonna make sure you forget what you find to be so funny.” He sucks on the skin of your chest, near the edge of your tank top. “And they wouldn’t believe you.” 
You tilt your head back, giving him more room to do as he pleases (as long as they aren’t too visible for everyone to see… even if that is his second favorite reason to give you hickey’s). “Seems like you’ll be working… all night.” 
“We have time.” 
“You’re such a horn dog.” 
“Only for you.” His lips trail along your collarbone, moving closer towards your head, nipping at your chin. 
“You have to sleep, you volunteered to take Maryanne to the store and we both know she’s gonna wake up at the crack of dawn the day after Edwin’s party even though we have to wake up early for that.” 
He sighs knowing you’re right. “Fine, let’s go to sleep.” He sounds so sad. He sounds so sad as he rests his head on your chest. 
“Don’t be sad, I don’t want you to be too tired when you and Ann are out-” 
His head snaps up. “How can I be tired when I have such a gorgeous wife to come home to.” 
You close your eyes, nails lightly scratching along the base of his neck, “don’t suck up to me.” 
A mischievous smile dances across his lips as he lifts the sheets, slithering down your body being careful not to touch you (he doesn’t want you to ruin his plans). 
The shower and your brief crying session made your body a little more tired than it normally would be so your mind is elsewhere, not entirely focused on Jake moving around. 
You feel yourself close to falling asleep, the darkness creeping up on you; your mind may be listening, but your body is exhausted, and you continue to fight the urge to stay awake. 
He pecks along the insides of your bare calves, he stops for a minute; he can’t work too fast or else it’ll get hot, meaning he’ll have to throw the sheets off you which could result in waking you up, ruining his surprise. He trails up your leg, taking his time caressing and taking care of your thighs. If you happen to find a hickey or two tomorrow morning, well that’s just a bonus (for him) he thinks as he gently nips at your hip. 
You let out a tired groan, your leg jerks. 
Jake slides his hand across your thigh until he cups the back of it, placing it on his shoulder. He hesitates for a moment after you mumble his name, “Jake.” 
The two of you have talked about trying a few new things in the bedroom (you can blame Natasha and Javy for putting these ideas in your husband’s head). Basically, he heard the three of you talking about what they want to try or something similar they’ve done, and this got Jake thinking that maybe you find sex with him to be boring because it consists of the same thing. 
You two take care of one another (at some point during the night and not always back-to-back) followed by the full romp in the hay (a phrase which he regrets telling you about to this day). You don’t do all these crazy things people do nowadays and, shockingly, Jake got a little insecure and wants to spice things up every now and then which it seems your darling hubby wants to try out now. 
Your mind and your body are speaking two different languages at this point; your mind is almost whispering to your body, telling you he’s there to ravage you and make you lose your breath; your body becomes accustomed to where he rests. But then you’re close to falling asleep, the minimal amount of moonlight seeping into your shared room becomes darker and darker with every passing second. 
The devil on his shoulder wins, he can’t not touch you when he’s right there, staring at your seemingly dripping core as he inches closer. 
His cheeks flush from the heat but he doesn’t care if he passes out from heat exhaustion, he’ll be happy to know it was for a good cause. His thumbs settle on either side of your slit, spreading you further. He can’t be slow and gentle right now; he needs you and he needs you now. 
Your eyes flash open, you squirm, pushing yourself onto your elbows; not used to this kind of wakeup call but eventually calm down when you hear him humming. You fall back, head plopping onto the pillows; a desperate cry escapes you before you can stop it. 
His hand slithers up your torso, landing in the middle of your chest under the loose tank top you wear to bed on hot nights since the AC is still broken (he’s working on it). His hand slides over to your right breast and kneads it. 
You start thinking of the way cats do the same thing, but your favorite is when cats do it on a soft blanket. Until your hormones take over and your hips thrust into him, your hands clenching and unclenching the sheets but it’s not enough. 
You place your hand on top of the one kneading your soft skin and throw the sheets off his head, needing to see him; the wanting to interlock his hair between your fingers overpowering any sensible thought you may have had. You open your eyes and look down at the man who continues to make you unravel in the best way possible. 
You’re so close to closing your eyes whether it be from tiredness or to avoid losing yourself faster the longer you look at him, you don’t know anymore. You whine at the loss of his hand on your breast only to replace it with a stutter of his name, “Ja- Jake!” 
His other hand clenches around the thigh he has covering his right ear. It feels as though he’s pulling you closer if that’s possible. The skin-to-skin contact doing more than you could ever imagine. 
You cover your mouth, the longer he’s on you, the faster you’ll come meaning the louder you’ll be because whenever he becomes impatient it’s amazing, but the kids are home, asleep in their beds and neither of you want to explain what’s going on in full depth yet (they’re still your babies). 
The thought quickly exits your mind, eyes closing at the feeling of him switching things up on you, his thumb swipes your buzzing bundle side to side as his tongue enters your weeping hole. If your eyes weren’t already closed, they would have rolled into the back or your head. 
A string of moans and whispers of his name is all he can hear (through on ear seeing as the other one is still covered). “Let go for me, sweetheart. Just let go.” 
You nod, hand tightening on the long strands of his hair. 
He groans into you, loving the tingling sensation you create. 
“J- Jake. I’m gonna-” You can’t finish warning him what’s about to happen, he knows and keeps pushing you. 
His name is the only thing spilling from your lips. He removes his mouth from your warm slit and pecks along your torso, nipping at your warn skin like he did before, he reaches your chin and swallow your moans when he swipes your clit from side to side at a faster pace. 
Your thighs are shaking, pathetic moans come from the bottom of your throat. 
“I need you to come for me, sweetheart.” His hot breath hits your ear. “Can you do that for me?” He asks. You don’t respond, he rips your hand away from your mouth. 
Your eyes snap open to find the windows to his soul swirling with lust and yet the softness of his expression makes you clench around his fingers. “Can you do that for me?” 
“I need you,” the first sentence you mutter in bed this evening. 
“What’s that?” 
You frown at him stupidly hot and cocky smirk. “Need you.” 
“Yeah? Need what?” 
You squeeze his fist with your interlocked fingers. 
“I’m gonna need you to be specific for me, sweetheart.” 
“Need you.” 
“You keep sayin’ that but, I don’t know what you want.” 
“If you- if you don’t fuck me wi-ith your fucking cock. I’m- I’m gonna search through the drawers.” 
He grunts, slowing his pace. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Giving my bratty baby what she wants.” He untangles himself from your grasp and starts to lean over for the nightstand. 
You grasp his forearm. Is that a vein? “Come inside me.” 
He slowly turns his head. “Yeah?” 
You wrap your shaky legs around his waist the best you could. “Do it.” 
He smiles, leaning down to peck your lips, “just know, you asked for it.” 
You pout before biting your lip when you feel him rubbing his hard cock against your wetness. 
“You still gonna be a brat after I give you what you want?” 
“’M not a brat,” you mumble, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “If anyone’s a brat,” you suck in a deep breath as he eases himself into you. 
“Please, keep going. I gotta know the end of that sentence.” His hips tap your as he moves at a slow pace wanting to make sure it’s enjoyable for the two of you. He notices the change in your expression and fastens the pace. There she is. “Is my bratty baby happy now?” 
One hand slides up into his hair, you tug on the strands, slightly pulling his head back. “You’re the brattiest one out of the two of us.” 
The corner of his lips tugs upwards, “or is that what I want you to think.” 
You want to say more, figure out what the hell he’s talking about until one of his hands drops town to your sensitive bundle. You close your eyes. 
He lowers his head, nipping and marking wherever he can reach. 
You don’t know how he does it but you’re close and he's right there with you. 
“Open your eyes.” His breath hits your face, your eyes snap open. His gorgeous eye color replaced with his dilated pupils. 
You cup his cheek and pull him closer, feeling his chest flushed against yours. Nothing about this kiss is sweet, it’s teeth clashing, hot breaths mingling until you throw your head back calling out his name. 
One hand leaves your hip, placed over your mouth. “I know it feels good, sweetheart but you gotta keep quiet.” 
You open your eyes, brows furrowed, lips pouting. 
“Don’t give me that look, you know we’re not alone.” 
You nod, knowing he’s right but he doesn’t have to say it. Oh. Oh. You purse your lips, virtually kissing his hand. 
He moves his opposite hand from your hip to your clit, pushing you to finish. 
Neither of you say anything as you clench around him. 
He quietly moans against your shoulder, his sweaty forehead resting there. 
You both call out the others name, quiet enough to not wake the kids. Your back arches, eyes closed, vision going white the tighter you squeeze your eyelids shut. 
The warmth of your body pressing against Jake’s ends him. Your chests heave with every breath you two take. 
He chuckles, pecking the skin above your heart. He pushes himself up in a half push up position. “Is my bratty baby satisfied?” 
You scoff, smacking his arm. “Are you?” 
“I’m more than good and you,” he pecks the side of your neck, “know that.” 
“It’s nice to hear once in a while.” 
He lifts his head. “Using my own words against me now?” 
His arms slither against your sides until he cups your head, completely caging you with him. 
You lightly scratch his head. 
He only gives you that full teeth, cheeky smile of his as he removes your hand from his hair, placing a long kiss on your wedding ring. He places a kiss on your chin before he detaches himself from you. 
You bite your lip when he pulls out and of course, he looks up at you. 
“Someone missing me?” 
You roll your eyes, “help me out of bed, idiot.” 
He walks around to your side of the bed, helping you balance yourself. “Just remember, you married this idiot.” 
“Ah, yes. My mistake.” 
“You’re so mean.” 
“You married this,” you gesture to yourself. 
He slides up behind you, hands resting your hips. “I had to take you off of the market before anyone else fell for your attitude.” 
“I have no attitude.” 
He chuckles against your neck, “of course, not gorgeous.” 
You roll your eyes and push himself away from you, pointing at him with your stern “mother pointing finger” (as Maryanne, Edwin, Mickey, Bradley... basically anyone who’s been on the receiving end of it, says that) at him. “You stay outside.” 
He scoffs, “you make me sound like a dog.” 
“You’re a horn dog.” 
“So mean,” he mutters and starts to clean himself up a bit. 
You two finish and Jake wraps his arm around your waist as he helps you back into bed. You yawn, covering your mouth. “We should change the sheets,” you mutter, knowing how much of a hassle it’ll be if you don’t do it now. 
He shushes you. “I’ll take care of it before the party, okay?” 
You nod, eyes closed unaware of the world around you. 
He pulls you closer, resting your head against his chest. 
You have everyone on the assigned task you gave them right as they walked through the door while you do the finishing touches on your baby boy’s cake. 
“I’ll be right back,” he pecks your cheek. 
You make sure the piece stays up before looking over at your husband. “Where are you going? We have an hour until the kids start coming. I cannot deal with the others by myself, Jake. I am one person.” 
He only smiles, “outfit change.” 
You purse your lips. “I’ll be back, it won’t take me long.” 
“Why couldn’t you have gotten dressed in your outfit earlier?” 
“I didn’t want to rip anything. I love you!” 
You clench your jaw and turn back towards the cake. “Okay, it’s done. Now we can put it back in the fridge before it melts.” You turn away from the fridge to find Mickey and Bob messing around. You stomp towards the window above the kitchen sink and slam it open. “What the hell are you two doing?” 
Their eyes widen and they try to run only to wind up bumping into one another until Bob forces Mickey to turn around and the two disappear around the corner. 
“You two better have finished what I told you to do!” 
“You need a drink,” Natasha says, leaning against the wall. 
“I could use five right now.” 
She places her hands on your tense, knotted shoulders and forces you to sit down on the bar stool. “Breath, honey. You’ve got this. Everything is going according to plan.” She walks over towards the window and slides it open, “cock fighter!” 
Bradley walks towards the window, “yeah?” 
“We need your alter ego; Sir drinks a lot.” 
“Mama of the hour.” 
“You got all I need?” 
“Bags are on the table.” 
The mustached man of the hour enters, a smile stretching across his lips his arms spread, “Let’s make some drinks.” 
You take slow sips with Natasha sitting beside you and Bradley making drinks for the others. 
“What’s got you spinning?” 
You shrug. 
“Come on,” she starts, “spill it girl.” 
You and Bradley turn towards her. 
“I can’t pull that off, can I?” 
You both shake your heads. 
“Sorry, hon.” 
“Moving on, tell papa bear and Hawaii what’s going on.” 
You fight the urge to smile until you hear the others laughing. 
“How many drinks have you had Nat?” 
“This is my first.” 
“What did you buy, Brad?” 
“What me? Nothing.” 
You stare at him with a raised brow. 
“She only gets in her weird nickname moods when she’s had her,” you lean forward to whisper, “girly drinks.” 
“What do you think I made her?” 
“We’re getting nowhere. Is the party almost ready?” 
“We’ve been done for the last,” he turns towards the window. “We still have fifteen minutes and I need… grass for a… garnish. We’ll see you later!” 
“Why do they think I’m an idiot?” 
“Because they don’t use their brain.” 
“That’s a plausible theory.” Your back faces the entry way to the kitchen, you didn’t notice Jake standing there in his replicated outfit he wore as a teenager. 
Natasha looks over at the kitchen entrance and smirks; she knows for a fact that you’re going to be extremely horny. 
When you two first saw a picture of your husband when he was younger, she was cracking jokes while you got extremely quiet. She happened to glance over in that moment and knew (just like she does now) that you were horny and were bound to jump him at one point or another. 
She lifts her drink and gets off the bar stool; walking by him she says, “cowboy.” 
“Princess Phoenix.” 
She shakes her head and disappears around the corner, doing God know what (or so you think). 
You turn at the sound of his voice. You almost let your jaw drop, almost and yet you don’t. It’s better to pretend like your core is getting warmer and warmer the more you look at him. You know your husband is hot, like super fucking hot and half the time you don’t know what to do with yourself but you never expected to find him to be this fucking hot, you’re damn near hot under the collar of your cute shirt that says “it’s my baby’s birthday” on the front and say “happy birthday” on the back with a picture of Edwin at age 2, covered by a flannel. 
You love it, oh crap! You gotta make a note to thank Javy and Natasha (the most) but also everyone else for all that they surprisingly managed to do without needing to call some type of authority or an ambulance (you’ve heard their stories). At least, you hope that’s the case because Bradley ran out of the kitchen awfully fast. But none of that is important because all you want to do is jump your husband’s bones (again). 
You check the clock on the microwave, you have time to run to the bathroom in your bedroom and splash some freezing water on your face. You don’t notice the smirk resting at the corner of your husband’s lips. 
He knows exactly what he’s done, he knows how his pictures from his youth make you feel, and he loves it. He searches for a drink, see if you make a move and if not, he’s dragging you to your shared bedroom. 
Natasha re-enters the kitchen, searching for a snack, wanting something to soak up the few drinks she’s had. 
You point to the cooler near the kitchen entrance, “I know you’ve already had a drink, but this is for you to share with the others. We have drinks in there for the kids, and we have another cooler in the garage for the adults. No hard drinks, only things you and the others consider “light.” Snacks are in the bags on the dining table and I’m gonna run upstairs and get myself ready. I don’t think leggings are a good idea for the party. Can you maintain everything for a few seconds?” 
She smirks, glancing over at Jake, “you mean “can you watch over everyone and everything while I go to my room and take care of myself.” Sure, I can but do I want to?” 
“Phoenix,” you say with the stern mom tone you use when one of the kids are hiding candy and they know they aren’t allowed to have any at that designated time. 
She raises her hands, “okay, okay.” She snickers as you run. 
“You’re mean.” 
“Oh, like you aren’t gonna do the same thing when you’ve got her alone.” 
He places a hand over his heart, “I would never. Now,” he checks his watch. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to have some carnal relations with my gorgeous wife.” 
“You can’t even spell relations.” 
He pokes his out from the side of the entrance. “Baby on board got me a word of the day calendar… sexy edition.” 
She groans, walking over towards the window. “Bob!” 
“You’re not in charge of gifts anymore.” 
He whines, “why?” 
“Your gift buying ability has been revoked.” 
“I said revoked!” 
You reach for the towels to pat your face dry, when it’s closer than it normally is. “Jake.” 
“What are you doing here?” 
“You left the kitchen awfully fast; I had to come and check on you.” 
The towel rests on your cheeks, leaving enough room for your eyes to catch his in the mirror. “Did you now?” 
He nods, arms crossed, the bicep area of the shirt is incredibly tight. 
You can only imagine the veins bulging in his arms and hands. 
Your eyes snap up, you feel hot. “Sorry.” You place the towel down on the counter, wiping the edge of the sink. 
His hand on top of yours stops you. He leans in, is my bratty baby suddenly shy?” 
You scoff, “please.” 
“It’s okay. You can tell me. Cowboy won’t judge you.” 
The door clicks shut. 
He fully intends to seduce you, you realize. 
“Did you wear this to have an excuse for me to jump your bones?” 
“I knew you would one way or another. You can’t just have me once.” 
Your butt hits the counter. 
“An eye roll, classic move sweetheart.” 
“Shouldn’t you be-” He cuts you off, fighting you for dominance in the kiss; his hands tangle their way into your hair, holding onto you for dear life. 
You smack his chest, he jerks back. “You- you can’t just kiss me whenever your horny.” 
“I could do something else but-” 
“No! I’m talking about today. We have a birthday party to attend and- and-” 
He places his hat beside you. 
“Oh, screw it.” You pull him into you, kissing him harder, teeth clashing and all. 
He is more than ready, you chuckle. 
He pulls back, staring at you with a confused expression, “what?” 
You shake your head, the smile never going away. “Nothing, nothing. Come here.” 
Jake grabs your wrists, holding then against the outer part of your thighs. “No, no. Come on, tell me what you find so sunny and I might help you, sweetheart.” 
“You’re the one who needs the helping, sweetheart.” 
He doesn’t have to look down, he knows. He plants gentle kisses along the side of your neck, throwing you off. “I know, that’s why you’re in here and not out there.” 
You throw your head back and let him leave behind a clear trail. “No hickeys.” 
“I know. I know,” he grumbles. His lips move along to your chest, his hands lift the bottom of your sundress only to find- “No panties?” His gaze snaps up to yours, that stupidly hot smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “You plan on me fucking you, sweetheart?” 
You pout, “no.” 
“Really? So, you wore this pretty little thing with the shirt Coyote and Phoenix made and your flannel with no panties, for no reason?” 
You don’t respond. “Just shut up and fuck me.” Your hands land on the back of his neck as you yank him closer. You swear the clinking of his belt has the hair on the back of your neck standing up. 
He rubs his hard cock against your wet slit causing a whine to escape you. “Is my bratty baby getting impatient?” 
“I’m not a brat,” you mumble against his neck, waiting for him to enter you. 
He bumps against your clit a couple times, each bump drawing a hip thrust from you. He decides to stop torturing you and give what you both desperately need (not that he'd ever admit it). He slowly eases his way in. “It’s like last night never happened?” 
His hips hit yours as he lets you adjust to him for a minute. “You’re still so tight.” 
“Is this something we really need to talk about right now?” 
“… No.” He starts moving, getting an easy flow of things. 
You cover your move, muffling your whines. 
He smirks, watching as you pathetically attempt to quiet yourself. His grip tightens on the thigh of the leg you have wrapped around his waist. Jake leans in, yanking your hand away from your mouth, staring at your open mouth wondering if he could get away with you sucking his aching cock after taking care of you. 
“We can’t stay… in here… for long,” you whisper, whining in between your words. 
“Oh, yeah? Why’s that?” He leans in, moving his hands off your waist and onto the bottom of your thighs. 
“Jake,” you whine and arch your back off the mirror. 
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” 
You can feel the fake pout and sympathy he throws your way. 
He lifts your thighs, forcing your knees against your chest as he quickens his pace. 
You can’t think of full sentences because of how good you feel, moans, whines, and pleads escape you. 
Jake loves this, loves when you lose yourself in him, letting him pleasure anyway he can. He drops one leg to reach down for your buzzing bundle, circling it at the same pace his hips snap into you. 
You can feel yourself about to- 
“Let go, sweetheart,” he mumbles, leaning over you. He rests his forehead on top of your head, the hand on your bundle disappears until he drags your hand (that was clenching the countertop) and directs you into rubbing your clit. 
The warmth of his hand on yours disappears, only to now be felt on the back of your neck. He keeps a hold of your neck, preventing you from moving too much as his grip on your thigh tightens when you start to clench around his aching cock. 
It’s like you’re having an out of body experience, you don’t realize that your hand is moving at a rapid pace. 
He feels like he can’t keep up with you, but this is what makes it worth it (makes him harder and cum faster than he’d like too [although he’ll never admit it out loud]). 
High pitched whines start escaping you. They’re too loud. Too loud. Jake pulls your head up, covering your mouth with his. 
The noises still come out of you but aren’t as bad as before. His tongue enters your mouth in search of yours, intertwining with one another once found. “Come on, sweetheart. I need you to finish for me.” 
You nod. 
“Tell me what I said.” 
“You… you need me-” You stop talking when you feel his hot hands on your waist, grip tight as he plows into you. 
“Come on, come on.” 
You throw your head back against the mirror, mouth agape but sounds escape. 
He doesn’t slow down, not wanting to miss you come down from your high as his is catching up. 
“Jake, it's too much.” 
“You can take it. I know my bratty baby loves it when I push her,” he says with a taunting tone. 
You couldn’t even begin to defend yourself if you wanted to, your vision goes white. 
He stays still, spilling into you (again), panting against your shoulder. He removes his hand from your mouth. “How’s that for-” 
You cover his mouth, shaking your head. “Don’t say anything.” 
He nods, removing your hand, placing a kiss on your palm. 
“We should... we should start cleaning ourselves for the party. Penny and Amelia will be here soon.” 
“And the old man?” 
“He’s Maverick, he shows when he wants to.” 
He chuckles, “you got that right... maybe we could-” 
“You are helping me off this counter so I can clean myself up so that we can throw our little boy a damn good birthday party.” 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
You two enter the hallway just in time because Penny and Amelia ring the doorbell, Maryanne and Edwin try to call one of the others over to open the door. 
Jake grabs the boy before he could run back. “Here’s the birthday boy.” 
He giggles when you poke his sides. 
“How old are you now buddy?” 
He shrugs, “I don’t know.” 
“You know exactly how old you’re turning,” you tell him. 
He jumps in Jake’s arms, smiling wide. “I’m seven!” 
You nod, “yes you are.” 
Javy runs in and pulls your husband and child outside with him. 
“What- Javy!” 
“Guys time!” 
You roll your before turning to hug your other baby. “How was it?” 
Amelia hands you the giant stuffed goose. 
“Where are we putting this, baby?” 
“I want him in the corner beside my bookcase.” 
“Let’s go get him comfy before Natasha and Callie see it. You know they’ll try to steal him.” You hand her the goose and turn towards your favorite mother daughter duo. “Hello, Benjamins... or should I say future Mrs. Maverick.” 
Penny shakes her head. 
“There are drinks in the cooler somewhere in the kitchen and snacks on the dining table or if you’re feeling risky, the others are outside.” 
“Duty calls.” 
“Hey,” Penny calls out your name. “Yeah, tell Jake to ease up on the pace, you’re walking a little funny.” 
You gasp, “Penny Benjamin. How dare you-” 
“Mom!” You walk away, hearing the sound of her laughter. 
The kids from Edwin’s class arrived and it wasn’t nearly as bad as you thought it would be. 
The pilots were rowdier than the kids, the kids. 
Bob’s playlist was perfect, the kids were dancing and just having so much fun. 
Jake approves of “DJ Bob” for the kids' birthdays but not for anything else (he’ll still use Bob because it’s cheaper and he can just pay him with soda, NOT candy... unless it’s before three then Bob’s fine). 
You shook your head when you realized why Bradley ran out of the kitchen so fast. 
Rueben, Mickey, Logan, and Neal decided it would be a good idea to try and play fireball (the exact same concept as it was on the show friends) thankfully they only used tennis balls. 
Oh, and Brigham was the one who lit the tennis balls. It’s safe to say, they were not allowed to touch the candles. 
Callie brought her sister and nieces (she didn’t want to leave her sister at her place and asked a few days before the party). The poor girl was so worried when she asked you about it the other day but how could you say no when her sister comes down with the kids every so often. 
Mickey took great pictures, he’d walk over and show you after he took a few with the kids playing, Edwin opening his presents, the others being absolute idiots. 
After the party he emailed the ones of you and Jake, he could have seriously been a photographer had he not become a pilot. 
While Jake puts the kids to bed, you set Edwin gifts off the side so he can play with them tomorrow. 
He comes to the living room and helps you. “Everyone’s gone.” 
“No, you’ve gotten enough today, mister.” 
“Jake, no.” 
“Jake, yes.” 
He sees the expression on your face, his head drops. “Jake, no.” 
You lay in bed, close to falling asleep when you realize he didn’t wear a condom. 
Sure, he’s said that he wishes the kids were his but having a baby is completely different than older kids. Does Jake want kids? Would he leave if you told him? Or would he be like your crappy ex and just say he can’t do this and leave when they’re old enough to remember him. Is he the kind of guy to do that? 
You look down at him when his grip tightens on your waist, head further snuggling into your chest. You lightly scratch his head. You don’t think, no, you know he wouldn’t do that, but your mind doesn’t stop these thoughts from coming. 
That night you don’t get much sleep even more so when your baby Maryanne taps the two of you awake.     
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Taglist: @abaker74 @ebonyhogan24 @shanimallina87 @starkleila​ @kurtkunkle17
136 notes · View notes
autumntouched · 2 years
Day 27 of Ode to Phoenix
Summary: Part of the Hannix Football Rivalry AU Series in which Jake is a Cowboys fan (lol like Glen) and Natasha is a 49ers fan (like Monica and me)
Jake and Natasha's Wedding, Pt. III - The Reception
Pairings: Natasha "Phoenix" Trace x Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Warnings: Lots of alcohol, lots of kissing, PG-13 at the end (erections and suggestion of morning sex)
A/N: This fic got really long so I'm posting it in three parts. I'm sorry this took awhile, and I'm a little nervous about it but needed to stop rewriting and get on to your ACTUAL requests. Thank you so much to everyone who submitted song suggestions! As you'll see, I may have gotten a little carried away. Also, clearly some of these songs are homages to Top Gun and TGM. Please don't judge my song picks too harshly. Okay, hope you enjoy!
I'm sharing the full Hannix Wedding Playlist here, but the key songs are also included when they appear in the fic.
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The Wedding | Pt. III - The Party
They barely have enough time to grab a few bites before their dances with their parents. Natasha and Jake had heatedly debated their dance playlist and when she agreed to “Buy Dirt,” Jake gave her the Spice Girls’ “Wannabe” as the dance floor opener. In no time, she’s surrounded by Gabby, Nora, her other bridesmaids Nina and Kayla, and Jake’s cousin, Fallon. 
As the DJ goes through hits from their middle and high school years, Natasha laughs at Amelia and her girlfriend, Soraya’s, appalled expressions at Soulja Boy’s “Crank That” lyrics. Gabby and Nora wave it off and drag them into the dance line. Alexis rushes out to join her mother and picks up the steps in no time, although Payback looks like he agrees with Amelia and Soraya. Once the younger guests are on the floor, the DJ swings back into the oldies and it’s not long before most of the tables are empty. 
Jake and Natasha are sure to get in a few songs with the children before they have to leave for the night. The girls dance around Jake, each wanting their turn to be held for “Best of My Love.” He gives them all a turn, swinging them up and holding their little hands in his. Natasha smiles to herself as she catches several people eyeing him adoringly or lustily. He has eyes for only her, soft and slightly longing, as he watches her sway Charlie on her hip. Exhausted from the excitement, their ring bearer is curled into her arms, fast asleep, before the end of the song. Jake carries him back to his parents while she and the girls dance to “ABC.” 
It wouldn’t be a Dagger Squad party without tequila. She’s not sure where or when Coyote managed to stash a bottle during the ceremony but one appears. 
Jake touches Natasha’s hip as she dances with the cluster of her high school friends. “May I borrow her a minute?” he asks them, which makes half her friends swoon at his Texas manners and the other half give her the most salacious winks. She rolls her eyes and flashes them both middle fingers. Between her dress and undergarments, Jake can’t do much more than grope.    
“She’s all yours now,” shoos one of her bridesmaids, Nina. 
“Where are we going?” she wants to know in between pausing to acknowledge their friends and family. Unless she is on the dance floor, it has taken her more than thirty minutes to go four feet throughout the night. 
“You’ll see,” he tells her with a secretive smile, managing to keep them moving along for the most part until they escape into the lobby. Jake takes her hand and hurries her through an unmarked door into the back of the coat room before they run into anyone else. It’s not cold enough yet for it to have much use so there is plenty of space for the circle of their friends inside. Bob, Fanboy, Coyote, Rooster, Gabby, Payback, and Nora are already holding shots of tequila. The group opens for them when they duck in, and Bob passes a glass to her while Coyote hands another to Jake. Natasha grins and raises her shot with her Navy family. 
“To the Seresin-Traces!” shouts Coyote. 
They cheer loudly as their friends echo the toast and clink their glasses before throwing back the tequila. “Another one!” Jake calls while the alcohol is still igniting its hot, smooth path to her stomach. 
Coyote pours another round, and they all wait in anticipation. Jake looks down at her, hair slightly disheveled from their enthusiastic dancing, eyes aglow with tequila and devotion. “To my stunning wife, the co-pilot of my life who loves me enough not to murder me when I annoy her, Lieutenant Commander Natasha Elena Seresin-Trace.” 
It’s no longer only the tequila warming her insides when she grins at him so widely it feels like her cheeks will split. He looks immensely proud of himself for yet again catching her by surprise. Their friends salute her then down their tequila on her behalf. The second shot leaves her feeling loose and giddy. He drops a kiss on her cheek. 
Fanboy cups his mouth. “Give us a real one! Give us a real kiss!” Everyone joins in chanting “Kiss! Kiss!” Rooster tucks a giggling Gabby under his arm. 
Natasha crooks her finger for Jake to lean down to her but instead of going for his mouth when he does, she brushes his feathery, blond locks back into place. At that, the chant turns to hoots and whistles. They’re almost nose to nose when her eyes fall back to his, and hopefully none of their friends can see that he’s looking at her like he’d rather she was destroying his hair than fixing it at the moment. Their kiss is tequila laced, slippery but heated with alcohol and delayed desire. Jake’s thumb glides along the underside of her breast, and she bows her hips into his.
Coyote, Fanboy, and Nora start singing, “It’s getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes.”
“Whoa, okay!” Gabby protests. “No, please leave her clothes on!”
“So this is where you two got lost.” 
Jake’s lips and hands freeze at the sound of his mother’s voice. The room is suddenly very quiet, all of them stunned like caught children. Natasha peeks around Jake’s shoulder at her mother-in-law, in a beautiful crimson and gold jacquard dress, who stands in the doorway between the closet and waiting room with hands on her hips. 
“Mrs. Seresin, ma’am, I can explain,” Coyote tries valiantly when she holds her french manicured hand out for the tequila. 
“I think that’s plenty for now, Javy.” He relinquishes the bottle. She tucks it into her side then sweeps her blue-gray gaze over all of them. “These two have a long night ahead of ‘em, so let’s not end it too quickly. I can let you have it back when I’m sure they’re not part of any more rounds.”
“Mom,” Jake rolls his eyes. “We’re not six. You can give it back. We’ll behave.”
Sandy looks at Natasha for her confirmation, and she nods along with Jake’s promise. “No more tequila. And we’d better get back out there.” Her eyes meet her husband’s then skitter away before they start laughing. 
Realizing his mother won’t let Coyote have the bottle back until they leave, Jake and Natasha edge past her contritely. They wave to their friends and, finally bursting into laughter, hurry back to the dance floor in time for “Gasolina.” She can’t resist admiring how the back to back shots loosen Jake’s hips even more. He must feel the same about hers because by the end of the song, she’s tucked into the curve of his body with his arm wrapped around her stomach. 
Both of them want their reception to set a record for most fun anyone’s had at a wedding. Jake doesn’t leave Derek alone until he asks Kayla to dance. When Rooster allows Zach exactly one dance with Gabby before he swoops in, Natasha introduces him to one of her cousins who is much closer to his age anyway. Amelia and Soraya also find their way to the younger adult guests, and from the group’s growing exuberance and laughter, she suspects one of the Dagger Squad members passed along the tequila. Jake and Natasha jump into the photo booth as much as they can to be part of people’s memories from the night. 
When Lise hands Natasha the mic for the bouquet toss, the DJ asks everyone to clear the dance floor. Natasha waves Sebastian and Luca up with a chair then looks around for Jake. He frowns in confusion when she asks him to come up, but he struts forward to take the seat she’s pointing to. 
“For the civilians in the audience, this is a Navy tradition,” she announces. Understanding then amusement dawns on her husband’s face. “Jake thinks I talked him out of it because it’s usually sung to a civilian bride and yours truly is also a Navy aviator. Which is partially true. But then I thought, why not let me keep tradition?”
There are whoops and claps from those who know where this is going.
Jake laughs when she’s flanked by Coyote, Maverick, and the rest of the Dagger Squad still in their dress whites to back her up singing, “You never close your eyes anymore when I kiss your lips.”
He allows her a few lines of “You’ve Lost that Lovin’ Feelin’” before he tugs her into his lap so that they end up singing to one another along with their friends. Already fairly drunk, she finds it hard to keep track of the lyrics with the heat that radiates off him and the glitter of mischief in his green eyes. Eventually she gives up and lets herself stare at his lips, swollen from all the kissing they’ve already done, while he and the guys sing the rest of the song to her. 
“I should probably get some water after this,” she giggles when he and Bob have to help set her back on her feet. 
Jake puts an arm around her and walks her to the edge of the dance floor. “Let’s get you some before you wind up for that toss, babe.” And almost like magic, a glass is passed into his hand. They share the water, Jake holding a napkin under her chin so she doesn’t wet her dress. 
“Better?” he asks after they’ve had a second glass.
“Better,” she promises, smiling up at him gratefully. He tucks away a stray strand of her hair and gives her a hand up onto the music stage. 
She takes the toss bouquet from Lise as the DJ cues “You Can’t Hurry Love” and calls all the unmarried women to the dance floor. There’s laughter when some of the guys join the crowd, including Fanboy and Derek who’s flirtatiously trying to edge out Kayla. 
Natasha gives them a moment to prepare before she arcs the bouquet behind her. She turns in time to see Gabby remind everyone that she played volleyball as, barefoot, she explodes from the corner of the group into the air to grab the flowers before they reach the other outstretched hands. Only Amelia, perched on Soraya’s shoulders, comes close to catching it. Gabby lands gracefully despite the length of her dress. Their sister-in-laws, Sofia and Alicia, rush her eagerly. Jake and Luca clap a bright red Rooster on the shoulders as Gabby triumphantly holds up her prize. 
As soon as she steps off the stage, Natasha’s college friends swarm her after requesting their freshman year pregame song “Paper Planes.” Nina makes sure she eats at least two of the several rolls that she saved from dinner. Jake leaves to change out of his dress whites for the rest of the night. When Gloria Estafan and the Miami Sound Machine’s “Conga” comes on, her dad and Luca sweep her into the salsa, stretching her very rusty skills. She’s grateful when they’re able to slow down to Santana’s “Oye Como Va.”
Before she can catch her breath, “Honky Tonk Badonkadonk'' comes on and Sandy and Jack tug her into the line dance. Natasha has to remind herself of the steps to keep up with the kicks and turns so it’s not until she looks around for Fallon and Zach, or even Nora, and notices they’re all missing. 
Just as she realizes that a significant portion of the bride and groom’s parties have disappeared, “Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy)” parts the dance floor. At the laughter from the fringes of the crowd, Natasha turns toward the entrance of the hall in time to see Jake swagger in ahead of Bob, Coyote, Fanboy, Rooster, Zach, and Derek. They’re dressed in cowboy hats and boots, no jackets, with their sleeves rolled up to their elbows. Although all of them are hot as hell in their new outfits (they really do have some good looking friends) as they kick ball change toward her across the room, she struggles to look away from her husband’s cocky smirk and low buttoned shirt. Natasha is far from the only one to scream and clap her appreciation. 
There’s more cheering when Fallon, Nora, Gabby, Nina, and Kayla follow them through the doors wearing cowboy boots with knotted crop top blouses and jean shorts. The noise only gets louder when they start raining fake money on “passing out hundred dollar bills” before everyone steps out to swing their hips. 
The women skip up to the guys, all of them pairing off except Jake. Like the others, Fallon box steps around Bob as he sways his hips, hand on hat. Whistles split through the music, and the DJ has to turn up the song for it to be heard over the excited commotion of their audience. Rooster smoothly spins Gabby behind him, through his arms, and around front before swinging her onto his back. Carrying the women piggyback, the guys gallop through the tables, Jake grinning at her hands covering her open mouthed shock. On “save a horse, ride a cowboy,” the women remove the guys’ hats and wave them in the air. 
When Jake reaches her, he hovers over her as he props his cowboy hat on her head before scooping her into his arms. 
“Are you serious?” she laughs as he carries her toward the head table. Everyone claps along to the music and follows behind them. 
“You asked for your cowboy to take you away. Here I am,” he tells her. She can’t deny it nor the alluring flush of exertion spread down his neck and across his exposed chest. Holding onto his hat so she doesn’t lose it, Natasha stretches up to kiss the hinge of his jaw. She’s not sure how Jake manages to capture her lips without slowing his pace, but that’s only another reason she thinks he’s one of the most amazing men she’s ever known. 
Jake’s family considers the garter removal and toss tradition, but Natasha hadn’t been keen for the senior officers to see her with her husband up her skirt. The compromise is removing the garter behind the screen of the head table. With their friends dancing along, she doesn’t have to be the center of attention. 
At the guitar solo, he sets her down in her dinner chair and gets down on his knees in front of her. Biting back an eager grin, Jake dips under the layers of her dress. Unable to resist, he caresses her calf and brushes his lips along her knee and inner thigh on his way up her leg. 
Natasha can’t help the gasp that falls from her lips or the shiver along her spine when his teeth graze her skin as they close around the garter. Grateful that his cowboy hat obscures her face, she leans forward over his head as he expertly slides the garter off. He’s practiced removing it on several occasions before, although thankfully this time he does so without slipping his fingers between her legs. 
On “sang her every Willie Nelson song I could think of and we made love,” Jake pops out of her dress. Cheeks ruddy and eyes dark, he steals another kiss and waves the lacy garment in the air for everyone to see, raising a loud round of cheers. He puts the garter between his teeth and helps her onto his back, dress hiked up, so they can join the line of their friends for the final chorus of “Save a horse, ride a cowboy.” Singing along with her arm wrapped across his chest, Natasha waves his cowboy hat in the air as he spins them. 
She rides Jake’s back to the music stage for the garter toss. While Zach and Gabby help her down without her dress riding up, the DJ clears all but the single men from the dance floor. Returning the favor after the bouquet toss, several women also jump in, this time with Kayla wrapped around Derek. Natasha’s fairly sure they aren’t going to get through the night without making out, if they haven’t already.
The garter toss song, “Gold,” starts up while their friends playfully shove one another out the way in anticipation of the toss. 
Natasha stands aside for Jake to throw away her garter. He grins at her then launches it over his shoulder. This time, it’s Bob who manages to get enough vertical height to snatch it out of the air. There’s a shout, and Fanboy rushes him for a deep kiss that leaves Bob bright red and a little dazed when he waves the lace over his head. 
Looking a little surprised at himself, he accepts the congratulatory back slaps, hair ruffles, and shoulder punches from his competition. To Natasha’s embarrassment, and everyone else’s approving amusement, he slides her garter over his hair as a headband. 
Jake laughs and swings her down, still in his cowboy hat, to the dance floor as it fills again. She beelines for Bob to try to convince him to take her garter off his head, but Fanboy intercepts her arm and slings it over his shoulders. Bob takes her other one and they shimmy back and forth with her between them until she’s laughing too hard to worry about her friend’s headwear. 
Payback seems to be enjoying Nora’s costume change, the two of them grinding to the music. Alexis and the other children have long since been sent back to the hotel, accompanied by a babysitter and one of Natasha’s pregnant cousins. 
Rooster and Gabby dance just as closely, her jean clad hips held firmly in his hands, his hat on her head. Coyote’s plus one, Gina, also seems to be a fan of the cowboy attire with her fingers hooked through his belt loops. While Natasha dances with their friends, Jake pulls two of his younger cousins onto the floor and spins them. 
As she suspected, Derek and Kayla soon sneak out onto the terrace. Amelia and Soraya don’t bother with discretion, making out in a corner of the dance floor until Penny ushers them off. Hopefully, Maverick doesn’t trace the heavily intoxicated young adults back to Coyote. 
With the garter toss behind her, Natasha can change out of her wedding dress. Mama and Gabby accompany her to the suite where she and Jake had dinner to help her. With relief, Natasha finally has a chance to use the bathroom and freshen up before pulling on her wide-leg, one-shoulder white jumpsuit. Like her dress, the outfit has an understated elegance, adorned only with a draped bow over the shoulder strap and front pleats. Some, but not all, of her bridesmaids return in their green gowns.
The jumpsuit is much easier to dance the night away in, and Jake seems to like it as much if not more than her dress. He keeps sliding his hands into the pockets to touch her thighs and tease their crease, enjoying the way it makes her turn her head into his chest with a sharp intake of breath.
It’s her sword they use to cut the cake. As Nat King Cole’s “L-O-V-E” plays, Jake stands behind her and wraps his hands around hers on the hilt. She can feel his smile against her cheek. “Don’t miss!” he keeps whispering in her ear every time she tries to slice the cake until she’s giggling so hard, Natasha worries she might actually miss. As it is, their cut isn’t as clean as she’d like. He doesn’t smash the cake into her face, something she warned him would have dire consequences so help her it didn’t matter that they were married. Instead, he sweetly takes a forkful and feeds it to her, cupping his hand under her chin so none of it spills down her clothes. 
What he does do, though, is take his bite then immediately kiss her so that she gets a mouthful of cake and frosting mixed with his tongue. Natasha reaches up to cup his neck and leans into her husband’s irresistible immaturity. 
They spend the last songs of the evening saying goodnight and thank you to everyone who won’t be joining them at the after party, which is pretty much anyone older than they are to spare their careers. Maverick and Penny hug them hard and promise to see them at the late lunch the next day. Jake’s Naval Academy sponsor and his wife tell them how much they enjoyed getting to know their family. Warlock and his wife compliment them on a beautiful ceremony and fun night. 
When “I’ve Had The Time of My Life” comes on to close the reception, the guests cluster around them clapping along to their last dance. Always ready to please a crowd, Jake lifts Natasha into the air. Not everyone knows the years she spent doing ballet so there are gasps of awe and excited surprise when she’s able to hold herself up before he lowers her into his arms. They sway with the other couples still on the dance floor until the music fades and the lights dim. 
One final song, “My Life Would Suck Without You,” plays them out the venue and to their waiting limo through an arch of sparklers formed by their guests. They wave from the open window until the line of light disappears behind them. Buses will take the younger guests to a bar closer to their hotel for the after party.  
As soon as he can, Jake pulls Natasha into his arms, his lips crashing into hers as his hands roam over all the places he’s wanted to touch but could only look at throughout the night. A strangled noise escapes his throat when he realizes that her jumpsuit can’t accommodate a bra, and he takes full advantage. It’s a good thing they’re done with professional pictures for the night because her hair is a wreckage of its bun by the time they’re delivered to their destination. Before they get out, Jake has to help her pick the bobby pins out of her curls so she can untangle and let them down. 
They’re fully able to let loose at the after party, the bottle of tequila, now almost empty, making a second uninterrupted appearance for the Dagger Squad. There’s another dance floor, this one far more risque than the one they left behind. Payback is finally drunk enough to follow whatever Nora does. Amelia and Soraya clear half of the floor with their dance to Janelle Monae’s “Make Me Feel,” a wild blend of rehearsed choreography and drunk inspiration.
Natasha’s not sure how long Jake has her pressed up against the bathroom door, her arms stretched above her head with his tongue down her throat and hand down her jumpsuit, but by the time they get back to the party Coyote, Rooster, and Fanboy are doing their best Magic Mike impressions for Gina, Gabby, and Bob (who is still wearing her garter as a headband.) Natasha sips water and watches from Jake’s lap, his face buried in her shoulder and his breath hot on her skin while he calms his hard-on from their bathroom escapade interrupted by people too drunk to hold their bladder. 
It’s the early hours of the morning when she curls into his side on their ride back to the hotel. They’re both drifting off when the driver opens the door for them. She packed lingerie in his favorite color for their wedding night, but she’s too tired to do more than scrub off her makeup and brush her teeth. He unzips her jumpsuit for her and carries her to bed naked. Jake’s shoulder is the only pillow Natasha remembers before she wakes up sprawled across her husband, the hand with her rings entwined with his and the ridge of his wedding band cool and solid on her back while his heart beat echoes in her ear.
She looks up to find him watching her, lying as still as possible so he didn’t disturb her sleep. He disentangles their hands to brush the nest of her hair out her eyes. “Good morning, Lieutenant Commander Seresin-Trace,” he murmurs, eyes glowing at her new name. 
Dazed with sleep and happiness, she rests her chin on his pecs. “Mmm, good morning, Commander Seresin-Trace.” She presses a kiss to his heated skin. “I wish we could do it all over again,” she mumbles. 
Jake pulls her up his chest. “That was the best day and night of my life, Nat, but I don’t think I’m going to mind the honeymoon.” 
Somewhat nonsensically, she realizes, “But I’m not wearing honeymoon clothes.” She’s not wearing any clothes, for that matter. And from his slick hardness against her leg, neither is he. 
He rolls her beneath him, and Natasha thinks with drowsy contentment as she stares up at the soft glow on his handsome face and disheveled blonde hair that she never wants to leave this cocoon of his heat and love. “Even better,” he says, his wedding band catching the light as he cradles her cheek to kiss her still slightly swollen lips.
Part I | Part II
Ode to Phoenix Masterlist
Hannix Football Rivalry Series AU
Tag List: @melodiousoblivionao3
41 notes · View notes
50calmadeuce · 2 years
Ch. 21: Wedding Dance
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Top Gun: Maverick world, trademarked by Paramount Pictures Corporation. I do not claim ownership of the characters and the world that I am borrowing.
The story and situation I am creating are a work of my imagination and I do not ascribe them to official story canon. This work is for entertainment only and is not a part of the storyline.
I am not profiting financially from the creation and publication of this story, but I do hope it gives you happy thoughts.
These stories are my own, so please do not take them and use them for yourself without my permission. If you see them somewhere else, please let me know. :)
Later that afternoon, more people had arrived at the small backyard wedding.
"Ladies and gentlemen! If I could have your attention, please!" the DJ exclaimed. "It is now time for the bride and grooms first dance! This song was picked out specifically by the groom. Let's welcome Lieutenant and Doctor Seresin to the dance floor!"
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Everyone starts clapping as Jake put out his hand and you place your hand into his as you walk over to the makeshift dance floor. Stars over Texas began to play, and you hold each other close.
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"I haven't had a chance to tell you how beautiful you are today," Jake says with a grin.
"I figured you did by barely letting me out of your sight and the various kisses," you reply with a happy grin.
"Oh. You caught on to that, huh?"
"Just a little bit."
Jake leans in to kiss you as you hear a child squeal with happiness, the pitter patter of little feet, and felt little arms wrap around your dress and legs. You part as Jake looks down, picks Christian up, and you both hold on to him as you continue to dance.
"You happy, darlin?"
You smile. "Yeah. It's been a long time since I've been this happy."
"Good," he replies as he gives you and Christian a kiss on the forehead.
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The celebration went on until ten p.m. that night. Jake's mom, sisters, Phoenix and Coyote had started cleaning up little by little as the night went on and people slowly started to leave.
Christian had passed out in Jake's arms after a bit of fighting and Jake looked at you. "I'm going to put him to bed."
"Thank you. I'm going to help clean up and then I'll be in."
"Sounds good." You kiss and Jake starts walking to the house.
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"If you stay that slow cleaning, I can get those flowers and clips out of your hair," Phoenix says as she walks up to you.
"Sounds good to me." You start to clean as Phoenix works on your hair when Sheila walks up to you.
"Y/N. We've got this. Go inside," she says.
"Sheila. You have done so much the last couple of days; this is the least I can do. Jake has Christian, so it's no biggie."
She shrugs. "Okay."
You continue helping for the next forty-five minutes when Sheila walks up to you again. "We've got the rest. Go get some sleep. You've had a long day."
"You're sure?"
You reach out and the two of you hug. "Thank you again."
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You walk up to the house, go through the back door that leads through the mud room and to Jake's bedroom.
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You open the door and find Jake lying on the bed in only his U.S. Navy pajama bottoms with Christian asleep on his bare chest. You quietly walk over and gently try to pick up Christian, but Jake jolts awake.
"I got him," he whispers as he slowly gets up, walks over to the crib, and gently places Christian into it. Then he turns to you. "You ready to get out of that dress?"
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"Yes," you reply and turn around so he can unzip your dress.
You feel your hair be moved gently to the side, soft kisses on the back of your neck, and the zipper of your dress going down.
"Mmm...Dr. Y/N Seresin. I like that." He states as he turns you around to face him.
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djshannonc321 · 1 year
Dj Services In Phoenix, AZ
Wedding DJ / MC Services
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6 Hour Wedding (Ceremony + Cocktail + Reception) Pricing starts at $2000*
Includes Consultation, 2 Event Planning Sessions, professional sound system, dj setup, wireless microphone, basic dance floor lighting, additional setup (same location) and customized DJ/MC performance for your next event.
5 Hour Wedding (Cocktail / Reception Only) Pricing starts at $1700*
Includes Consultation, 2 Event Planning Sessions, professional sound system, dj setup, wireless microphone, basic dance floor lighting, Additional Setup (same location) and customized DJ/MC performance for your Wedding Reception / Cocktail Hour.
4 Hour Wedding (Reception ONLY) Pricing starts at $1200.
Includes Consultation, 2 Event Planning Sessions, professional sound system, dj setup, wireless microphone, basic dance floor lighting, and customized DJ/MC performance for your 4 hour Wedding Reception.
Ceremony Only (2 Hours or less) $600
Includes Consultation, 1 Event Planning Session, professional sound system, dj setup, wireless microphone, and customized DJ performance for your Wedding Ceremony.
Additional hourly rate is $300
Additional Setup (Same Location) add on $200.00 Additional Speaker / DJ Setup for your ceremony / cocktail hour
Custom Uplighting – Pricing Available Upon Request Custom Dance Floor Lighting or Monogram – Pricing Available Upon Request
Mobile DJ / MC Services
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4 Hour Private Event (Corporate, Birthdays, Anniversary, Holiday Party, etc.) Price starts at $600.00
Includes Consultation, Event Planning Session, professional sound system, dj setup, wireless microphone, basic dance floor lighting, and customized DJ/MC performance for your next event. Pricing starts at $125/hr* with a 3 hour minimum
3 Hour Private Event ( Corporate, Birthdays, Anniversary, Holiday Party, etc.) Price starts at $450.00
Includes Consultation, Event Planning Session, professional sound system, dj setup, wireless microphone, and customized DJ/MC performance for your next event. Pricing starts at $125/hr* with a 3 hour minimum
Additional Hourly Rate is $150/HR
Holiday Pricing is $250+/HR * Holiday Pricing Subject to Change*
Upgraded Dance Floor Lighting – Chauvet Gig Bar – $100
Custom Uplighting – Pricing Available Upon Request
Custom Dance Floor Lighting – Pricing Available Upon Request
Additional Sound (Speakers, Subwoofers) – Pricing Available Upon Request
Digital DJ Academy
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One on One DJ and Music Production Lessons are a great way for you try a new skill or strengthen an old one.
60 Minute 1 on 1 virtual DJ lesson $60.00
Work with Serato, Traktor, or Virtual DJ and your hardware of choice to strengthen your transitions, beat matching, scratching, and learn how to be more creative with your Djing. Lesson will be hosted on Zoom.
60 Minute 1 on 1 onsite DJ Lesson $60.00
Work with Serato, Traktor, or Virtual DJ and your hardware of choice to strengthen your transitions, beat matching, scratching, and learn how to be more creative with your Djing. Lesson will be hosted onsite at the DDJA studio.
60 Minute 1 on 1 HOUSE CALL DJ Lesson $60.00 + Travel
Work with Serato, Traktor, or Virtual DJ and your hardware of choice to strengthen your transitions, beat matching, scratching, and learn how to be more creative with your Djing. Lesson will be hosted in the student’s home residence (providing student has all equipment)
Travel: Under 25 Miles Round Trip – $20
Travel : Over 25 Miles Round Trip (within 50 Mile Service Area) $40<,strong>
Click HERE to sign up today!
Virtual Party / DJ Services
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Your friends and family.Your Music. Mixed live by Shannon C! Virtual parties are the newest trend. With a direct connection to the DJ mixer, you’ll get crystal clear audio that you can play through your phone or through speakers to get an even fuller party experience. Hang out and dance with your friends and family virtually to your favorite songs mixed live. Submit your song requests before the event, and request songs live! Don’t let quarantine stop your celebration. Book your virtual party today!
Private Zoom Party (Corporate, Birthday, Anniversary, Holiday, Graduation Party.)
Includes Consultation, Event Planning Session, professional sound system, secure video conference bridge, in conference video and chat capabilities.
0 notes
ironingmusic · 1 year
Past shows: Dunce Party
09/29/2009 (as Ice Cold A/C) on Grow Radio, Gainesville, FL filling in for DJ Smooth Guy on the Phasers 2 Stunna show
08/08/2011 on Grow Radio, Gainesville, FL http://growradio.org/podcasts?show=Dunce%20Party
02/23/2013 @ Hostage House, Gainesville, FL with (x)ora, DJ -1, DJ Kayosfrog
07/14/2013 @ Strickly Internationale edition of Sunday Schoolin', The Midnight, Gainesville, FL http://www.facebook.com/events/159943147522923/ https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BxSAwmjCRMC2cW5icnN5LUFjWlk
07/17/2013 @ Grow Radio Spins The Top, The Top, Gainesville, FL http://www.facebook.com/events/690485274311633/
11/16/2013 @ "Clash of the Titans" the 45 Sound Clash at The Jam, Gainesville, FL http://www.facebook.com/events/547460751996350
12/14/2013 @ Strickly Internationale edition of Sunday Schoolin', The Midnight, Gainesville, FL http://www.facebook.com/events/1434034920143449/
06/06/2014 at 911 House, Gainesville, FL with Ironing, DJ Crooked, & DJ Wax Atom https://www.facebook.com/events/1473949209506715
06/26/2014 at Strickly Internationale at The Midnight, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/533360913442549/
07/27/2014 at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/1507657216119379/
08/07/2014 at Strickly Internationale at The Midnight, Gainesville, FL
09/26/2014 at Gregory Green: A History Of Dissent, 1979-2014 opening at Gallery Protocol, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/1467393490195148/
10/17/2014 at 911 House, Gainesville, FL (Klang show after party)
10/25/2014 at Bedlam in the Belfry goth night at The Backyard at Boca Fiesta, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/645565785541453/
11/15/2014 industrial/goth set for surprise birthday party at A Space, Gainesville, FL w/ Lil Bby Chunks
11/28/2014 Dancegiving at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL w/ DJ Crooked https://www.facebook.com/events/1511365222453507/
12/31/2014 at NYE Apocalypse, A Space, Gainesville, FL with DJ Crooked https://www.facebook.com/events/1552398718336768/
01/08/2015 at Allergy Welcome Home Party, A Space, Gainesville, FL
01/17/2015 at A Space, Gainesville, FL after the 911 House Memorial show
02/28/2015 Ironing 10 year anniversary show w/ Ars Phoenix, The Hifi Envelope, Big Whatever, Rauh, Royallen, Lila Engel, Frog at A Space https://www.facebook.com/events/1565482767069639/
04/11/2015 @ the Elestial Sound stage at One Spark, Jacksonville, FL
07/31/2015 @ Elestial Sound -- Prototypes 01 at Superfun in Gainesville, FL with Pariuh, Euglossine, Mariama Ndure https://www.facebook.com/events/1638846873061310/
09/06/2015 @ Timfest III @ The Jam, Gainesville, FL (unscheduled fill in)
12/04/2015 @ Rare Forms 003 at Nowhere, Gainesville, FL with Jepe & Squiggly D https://www.facebook.com/events/1023487264360024/
12/13/2015 @ the Annual Terrible White Folks Music event at Sunday Schoolin, Maude’s Side Car Bar, Gainesville, FL with Adikt, Fake, King Bada https://www.facebook.com/events/465863363579946/
12/18/2015 @ Get Bent at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/1023631530993472/
01/10/2016 @ Sunday Schoolin’ at Maude’s Side Car Bar, Gainesville, FL with DJLX, Adikt, King Bada
01/24/2016 @ #Aesthetik vaporwave edition of Sunday Schoolin’ at Maude’s Side Car Bar, Gainesville, FL with Windows Heaven, Kalekale, Adikt, King Bada
02/12/2016 Dance Party with Dunce Party at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/763292477139958/
02/17/2016 @ Strickly Internationale at The Midnight, Gainesville, FL with Adikt & Bada https://www.facebook.com/events/126560584395066/
04/08/2016 Dance Party with Dunce Party at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/988939761189379/
04/15/2016 at The Headlamp, Jacksonville, FL with Deterritory, Severed+Said, Toiler, PhantomPhoton https://www.facebook.com/events/236637023353817/
04/30/2016 for Tristan & Tashi’s post-wedding dance party https://www.facebook.com/events/1009047802515725/
06/18/2016 at Shitty Life, Gainesville, FL with Destructive Bodies, Heirloom https://www.facebook.com/events/480465932157177/
06/24/2016 Dance Party with Dunce Party at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/1745125985701898/
07/16/2015 on the back porch of The Top, Gainesville, FL for The Top & The Atlantic’s Anniversary Blowout https://www.facebook.com/events/603018533187641/
08/07/2016 at Sunday Schoolin’ at The Midnight, Gainesville, FL with Akin Yai, Adikt, Professor Nappy Knots, DJ Fap, Yung Hung https://www.facebook.com/events/413331735504066/
08/27/2016 at Mr. House, Gainesville, FL with Brrat Boys, Fleetwood Boss, Yung Tarzan, Komo Banks, James Wesson The Band, Clif Werd, Akin Yai, Adikt, Ironing https://www.facebook.com/events/579744102206562/
09/18/2016 at the Gainesville Record Fair, The Wooly, Gainesville, FL playing all vinyl set of browsing music w/ Fake, Adikt, & Brian Lee https://www.facebook.com/events/131485233930123/
10/01/2016 at the Teal House, Gainesville, FL with DJ Emotional DJ https://www.facebook.com/events/1117742188281373
10/08/2016 at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/271157619937607/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOB1kP1NbjQ
10/15/2016 at "Snacktime in the Park” at Boxcar, Depot Park, Gainesville, FL with Neon Shaman, LZRKMMNDR, Hale Bopp, Akin Yai, The Snacktime Soundsystem https://www.facebook.com/events/588006041405668/ https://youtu.be/e01RpTQUeq0
10/22/2016 at Boxcar at Depot Park, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/1095910483828128/
11/14/2016 in The Attic above The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL with Ghost Fields, Funkiller, Waylon Thornton & the Heavy Hands, Warren Hixson, Chestoni Arcenal https://www.facebook.com/events/1831450213802810/ 12/09/2016 Dance Party with Dunce Party at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/190022931405562/
01/06/2017 at Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/285633488497887/
01/15/2017 Day Party at Mykel’s crib, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/591146777746836/
02/18/2017 6PM playing a few records at Strickly Roots along with 7 other DJs at Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/1255226347832786/
02/18/2017 10PM Dance Party with Dunce Party! at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/223637968096172/
03/25/2017 at Dance Party with Dunce Party! at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/607846402750140/
03/28/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
04/01/2017 at Cyclops Cinema for their 1 year anniversary in Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/564942587031164/
04/04/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/719402838221185/
04/11/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
04/13/2017 at Fever Pitch Thursdays on the third floor of the Arcade Bar, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/257332318008328/
04/20/2017 at a house party in Gainesville, FL with Pearl And The Oysters, Voice Hoist, & Cuddle Formation
04/25/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
05/02/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
05/06/2017 Dave & Katie’s wedding in Austin, TX
05/09/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
05/16/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
05/20/2017 at a house party for Zack’s going away party, Gainesville, FL   https://www.facebook.com/events/293533484434227/
05/23/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
05/30/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
06/06/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
06/11/2017 at Reggae Sundays at the Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/124433448107786/ https://youtu.be/oplnIXG0LEo
06/13/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
06/20/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
06/29/2017 at Fever Pitch, third floor of Arcade Bar, Gainesville, FL
07/09/2017 at Reggae Sundays at the Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/1356553257760579/ https://youtu.be/xpEHI7zHnjQ
07/11/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
07/15/2017 2pm-6pm Cumbia & Chill all Cumbia set at Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/1042341755908152
07/15/217 8PM at a house show, Gainesville, FL w/ Night Queen, Rayya, MC Destiny https://www.facebook.com/events/1397069017052622/
07/18/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
07/25/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
08/01/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
08/05/2017 4-10pm at Strickly Internationale at the Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/1312435398837760/
08/06/2017 at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/1515649805146954/ https://youtu.be/_VvSCz1X_Kc
08/08/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
08/10/2017 at Fever Pitch, third floor of the Arcade Bar, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/1884862338502910
08/15/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
08/22/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
08/27/2017 at Trueville at High Dive, Gainesville, FL w/ Twelve'Len, Breadgang Blazel, Dvwez, more https://www.facebook.com/events/122004781751075/
08/29/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
09/05/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
09/12/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
09/16/2017 at Strickly Internationale at Boxcar, Gainesville, FL w/ Adikt, DJ Fake, King Bada, Akin Yai, Don Miller
09/17/2017 at Reggae Sunday at Boxcar, Gainesville, FL w/ LZRKMMNDR, King Bada, Akin Yai, Don Miller, more https://youtu.be/PnH2H6dquDc
09/19/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
09/26/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
09/30/2017 at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/412644305804107/
10/01/2017 at Reggae Sunday w/ Easy Crew at the Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/279713822521081/ https://youtu.be/l1ZwAXkbprM
10/03/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
10/08/2017 at Gainesville Record Fair, The Wooly, Gainesville, FL w/ DJs King Bada, Adikt, Don Miller, Fake, Jose Lobo https://www.facebook.com/events/101057457307928/
10/10/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
10/15/2017 at Reggae Sunday w/ Easy Crew at the Boxcar, Gainesville, FL w/ LZRKMMNDR, Don Miller, King Bada, John E. Whoops, Don Pablo, DJ Fake, Adikt https://www.facebook.com/events/1435406219890768 https://youtu.be/-Rg_j49Z0Qs
10/17/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
10/24/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
10/31/2017 Halloween with Dunce Party at The Top, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/884076631756827/
11/07/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
11/14/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
11/17/2017 at Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/907720969403787/
11/24/2017 at Strickly Internationale at Boxcar, Gainesville, FL w/ Adikt https://www.facebook.com/events/367454980349571/
11/26/2017 at Reggae Sunday w/ Easy Crew at Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/RglDJewaqUU
11/28/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
11/30/2017 Dance Party with Dunce Party, The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/140168843381711
12/05/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
12/16/2017 at Craftwerk at the Backyard in Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/127634137897416/
12/19/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
12/22/2017 at the Curia/Threadpit Holiday Part, Curia Off The Drag, Gainesville, FL
12/26/2017 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
12/29/2017 Dance Party with Dunce Party & Porn Nail$, The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/1579287922137742/
01/02/2018 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
01/07/2018 as part of the Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday at Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/541129436243690/ https://youtu.be/VPRvhdDG6OA
01/09/2018 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
01/16/2018 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
01/20/2018 Dance Party with Dunce Party, The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/1747458295329552/
01/21/2018 as part of the Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday at Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/366254273850173/ https://youtu.be/IYav5j4-y7w
01/23/2018 at The Top, Gainesville, FL
01/27/2018 at Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/1955360658047618/
01/30/2018 at The Top, Gainesville, FL (last weekly)
02/02/2018 at a warehouse, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/1987002951620294/
02/04/2018 as part of the Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday at Boxcar, Gainesville, FL with Jonny GoFigure https://www.facebook.com/events/1819746504767151/ https://youtu.be/IkiBaLmVAUI
02/24/2018 at Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/1841641032794808/
02/25/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL with special guest DJ Afifa https://www.facebook.com/events/1432836630158242/ https://youtu.be/ZYTe-QFsIT8 https://youtu.be/6Uh8-FpqcHo
03/03/2018 at a warehouse, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/233269777230700
03/04/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL with special guests Royal Chanta and Sons of Music https://www.facebook.com/events/163343034322450/ The Easy Crew: https://youtu.be/TYmCsRQKxtU Royal Chanta: https://youtu.be/k0VKNtTZMRk Suns of Music: https://youtu.be/UiWh3lZuEBY
03/10/2018 at Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/1716627651737404/
03/11/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/559751391070220/ LZRKMMNDR vs. Don Miller: https://youtu.be/omM5PPxH4ro Later: https://youtu.be/EUvbWiXphXc 03/18/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUPKrTGvNfQ
03/25/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL   https://www.facebook.com/events/2084931535073586/ https://youtu.be/qFcmYK5a1jc 03/31/2018 Dunce Party at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL
04/01/2018 at the Gainesville Record Fair at The Wooly, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/846875998854267/
04/01/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/220270591859778 https://youtu.be/2T3DoyGxCCI
04/08/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL with special guest Rank’n Dan https://www.facebook.com/events/762001014008654/ https://youtu.be/EhVRf_JsdGY Rank’n Dan: https://youtu.be/JNdBVehTO2g
04/15/2018 Reggae Sunday livestream due to rain cancellation
04/28/2018 at Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/274874229719408/
04/29/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL w/ Royal Chanta, Sons of Music, King Bassa The Easy Crew & guests: https://youtu.be/v4mQdl9lGX4 Royal Chanta, Suns of Music, & friends: https://youtu.be/WtHfVDTC5nA
05/06/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL with special guest Originator Hi Power https://www.facebook.com/events/191114304843892/ https://youtu.be/1g-mC3-w8yY
05/12/2018 at Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/158546641508632/
05/13/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL with special guest Caleb https://youtu.be/CWEIwySKrqY
05/17/2018 Limin’ At The Limin Room (all soca) at The Limin Room, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/210336302897797/
05/27/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Swamp City, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/0s8x6tYcb_A
06/02/2018 Dance Party with Dunce Party at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/1511276792316749/
06/03/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/374261349751727
06/16/2018 at Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/180610519305977/
06/17/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar & Swamp City, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/qhjTn9Qhl-0
06/30/2018 at Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/384692242026499/
07/01/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/6Cph_qeW9PU
07/14/2018 at Strickly Internationale, Swamp City, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/409054522935808/ w/ DJ Adikt, DJ Fake, King Bada, LZRKMMNDR
07/15/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Gainesville, FL
07/22/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Swamp City, Gainesville, FL
07/29/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL
08/05/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/eHPeM_vpK4g
08/12/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL LZRKMMNDR: https://youtu.be/0xQ3rlt4b3k
08/19/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/iwQmmnMbZqs
08/24/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Swamp City, Gainesville, FL for their grand opening https://youtu.be/ADUD4J9_Q5s
08/25/2018 at Swamp City’s Grand Opening block party, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/281963715882287/
08/26/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5V2bCPBaws
08/31/2018 at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/1501745169931956/
09/02/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL with Dimension Sound https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SePRz_ZtKOM
09/09/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/xuOVXCFFzHo
09/14/2018 at Strickly Internationale, Swamp City, Gainesville, FL w/ DJ Adikt, DJ Fake, King Bada https://www.facebook.com/events/2663223640570430/
09/16/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgj-to-01CI
09/23/2018 at the Gainesville Record Fair at The Wooly, Gainesville, FL w/ DJ Adikt, DJ Fake, King Bada, Jose Lobo https://www.facebook.com/events/386282618574693/
09/23/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Qems74Yumc
09/29/2018 vinyl & cassette set at Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/332315200873527/
09/30/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL w/ Dimension Sound, Diamond Prince https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7d1F2wPkpDg
10/04/2018 vinyl & cassette set at Swamp City, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/2184793221781312/
10/13/2018 at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/1501745169931956/
10/14/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNYgkkT7JjE
10/21/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL
10/28/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL
11/04/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL
11/09/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at the lower level of The Hippodrome, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/247835075890454/ https://youtu.be/18Hab_TJcLc
11/11/2018  as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yk-TiI0BYE
11/11/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Swamp City, Gainesville, FL
11/18/2018  as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZ_JMbF927E
11/25/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pqDMuYg_f8
11/30/2018 at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/2183780291868534
12/02/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-7x-F0CtgY
12/14/2018 at Chelsea’s 30th birthday party at The Limin Room, Gainesville, FL italo disco & 80s jams https://www.facebook.com/events/1088889371289683/
12/16/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_8DMSxBTNk
12/28/2018 Tropigoth night at Swamp City, Gainesville, FL with DJ Porn Nail$ https://www.facebook.com/events/299103840633240/
12/29/2018 at The Dime, Gainesville, FL
12/30/2018 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL
01/05/2019 at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/351894028945125/
01/06/2019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/IE6aLfAIrrM
01/20/2019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/mGxdtjdG6mw
01/25/2019 at The Teal House, Gainesville, FL w/ DJ Tashi, Craig Layabout
01/28/2019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Swamp City, Gainesville, FL
02/16/2019 at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/547323252412121/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtcsP-Y3ngA
02/17/2019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/980szq3zsvs
02/24/2019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/jvp40-eBJv4
03/17/2019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/Y3mXAhPxVJw
03/24/2019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL
04/14/2019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/Fn9PBBGvp4A
04/25/2019 at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL w/ Dead Feeling, Brat Paque, Ubermarionette
04/28/2019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/BFXkec-0cy8
05/05/2019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL w/ DJ J.A.H. Culture https://youtu.be/C5MrSEye4QY
05/12/2019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/FCKBBdv-2Vc
05/19/2019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL w/ Kenny Dread https://youtu.be/n13zjllpVh8
05/31/2019 Dance Party w/ Dunce Party at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/2376753099274085
06/13/2019 at JBA Lounge, Macon, GA w/ Crown Larks, WWDJ, Ironing Unannounced post-show dance party https://www.facebook.com/events/369697763658231
06/23/2019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/DzYrM_Enkm8
06/30/2019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/3UqjDZvABhc
07/07/2019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL
07/14/2019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/HRYZKGdnFb8
07/28/2019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/EnJlnbUzBAo
08/03/2019 birthday party at Portal 4, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/437365066855843/
08/042019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/oG-yUA8L6hE
08/10/2019 Dreadlocks & Lazerbeams at Visionary, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/2349108025359044/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2TNaqvXDRo
08/11/2019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL
08/15/2019 at Swamp City, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/355592791803675/
08/17/2019 at First Magnitude, Gainesville, FL w/ DJ DIllon Rose, Wax Atom https://www.facebook.com/events/2443355779214303/?ti=icl
08/18/2019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/UYvmiF2eHFg
08/24/2019 at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/1278511232326628/
09/01/2019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/-SUyNMK6qrg
09/08/2019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL
09/15/2019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL
09/15/2019 at the 5 year anniversary party at The Dime, Gainesville, FL
09/22/2019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL
10/01/2019 at the first Tiki Tuesday, Cry Baby’s, Gainesville, FL
10/06/2019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL
10/13/2019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL
10/27/2019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL
10/31/2019 Halloween at Cry Baby’s, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/659104047951960/
11/26/2019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL
11/24/2019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL
11/30/2019 Soca Saturday at Swamp City, Gainesville, FL   https://www.facebook.com/events/748139455687880/
12/01/2019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL
12/08/2019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL
12/13/2019 Friday the 13th: Holiday Horror Show at Visionary, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/937073756674053/
12/15/2019 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL
12/20/2019 at Malibu Nights, Backyard, Gainesville, FL w/ Malibu Darby, D.D.O.E., Hilt, Sketch
01/04/2020 at Boxcar, Ganesville, FL
01/25/2020 with The Easy Crew for Satalite 005 at Signal, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/449674722365636/
02/02/2020 as part of The Easy Crew at Reggae Sunday, Boxcar, Gainesville, FL
02/23/2020 Dunce Party at Boxcar, Gainesville, FL
02/29/2020 Dance Party w/ Dunce Party at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/181760089699621
03/08/2020 Dunce Party at Boxcar, Gainesville, FL
03/27/2020 Zoom birthday party for Natalie
01/02/2021 11am-3pm at the 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL
01/22/2021 6-10pm at the 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL
02/21/2021 11-3pm at the 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL
03/12/2021 6-9pm at the 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL
03/28/2021 11-3pm at the 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL
04/09/2021 6-9pm at the 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL
05/02/2021 11-3pm at the 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL
05/08/2021 11-3pm at the 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL
06/04/2021 6-9pm at the 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL
06/13/2021 11-3pm at the 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL
07/03/2021 at Wormhole’s grand opening, Gainesville, FL
07/09/2021 at Flaco’s outdoor stage, Gainesville, FL
07/18/2021 at Satch Squared Grand Opening, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL
07/25/2021 11-3pm at the 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL
07/30/2021 at Moisturizer Gallery, Gainesville, FL w/ Mother Juno, Julie Karr
07/31/2021 11-3pm at the 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL
08/21/2021 at First Magnitude’s 7 year anniversary party, Gainesville, FL w/ LZRKMMNDR & Don Pablo, more
09/06/2021 at Brackin’s yard party, Gainesville, FL
09/10/2021 at Flaco’s, Gainesville, FL
09/24/2021 at Flaco’s, Gainesville, FL
09/25/2021 Gainesville Reggae Fest as a member of The Easy Crew at Heartwood Soundstage, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/2862349217410463 10/31/2021 Duppy Ball as a member of The Easy Crew at Cypress & Grove, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/309055857695664 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDhfG7qBcbY
12/05/2021 at Reggae Sunday as part of The Easy Crew at Cypress & Grove, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9z2KntRQME
12/19/2021 at Satch Squared’s holiday party at Lightning Salvage, Gainesville, FL
01/02/2022 at Reggae Sunday as part of The Easy Crew at Cypress & Grove, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfUgx9NrKaE
02/13/2022 at Reggae Sunday as part of The Easy Crew at Cypress & Grove, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPgyZT1dHjE
03/13/2022 at Reggae Sunday as part of The Easy Crew at Cypress & Grove, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/683787236089867/ https://youtu.be/wHAUi0TNe8w
04/10/2022 at Reggae Sunday as part of The Easy Crew at Cypress & Grove, Gainesville, FL
04/14/2022  on Soho Radio: NYC + Culture channel filling in for Natalie Elizabeth Weiss https://www.mixcloud.com/sohoradio/dunce-party-live-from-new-york-14042022/
04/29/2022 all vinyl set at Baby J’s, Gainesville, FL
05/01/2022 at Boxcar, Gainesville, FL
05/12/2022 on Soho Radio: NYC + Culture channel filling in for Natalie Elizabeth Weiss https://www.mixcloud.com/sohoradio/dunce-party-live-from-new-york-12052022/
05/28/2022 all vinyl set at Baby J’s, Gainesville, FL
06/05/2022 at Boxcar, Gainesville, FL
06/12/2022 at Reggae Sunday as part of The Easy Crew at Cypress & Grove, Gainesville, FL
06/24/2022 all vinyl set at Baby J’s, Gainesville, FL
07/10/2022 at Reggae Sunday as part of The Easy Crew at Cypress & Grove, Gainesville, FL
07/28/2022 at Disco night at How Bazar, Gainesville, FL w/ Hogtown Soul Club
07/29/2022 all vinyl set at Baby J’s, Gainesville, FL
08/26/2022 all vinyl set at Baby J’s, Gainesville, FL
09/04/2022 1-4pm at Boxcar, Gainesville, FL
09/11/2022 at Reggae Sunday as part of The Easy Crew at Cypress & Grove, Gainesville, FL
09/23/2022 vinyl only set at Baby J’s, Gainesville, FL
09/30/2022 at Dad’s Bar in the Auk Market at Curia On The Drag, Gainesville, FL ambient / ethereal / electronic / field recording set for Megan Cooper’s “Within” art show
10/02/2022 1-4pm at Boxcar, Gainesville, FL
10/05/2022 at The Backyard at Boca Fiesta & Palomino, Gainesville, FL
10/30/2022 at Reggae Sunday as part of The Easy Crew at Cypress & Grove, Gainesville, FL 10/31/2022 (as Doomce Party aka Darker Chadwick) Halloween house show at Davis’ house, Rochelle, FL Banshee Boogie, Room Thirteen, La Elipse,  (L🎃L Death 🧛‍♂️)
12/04/2022 at 1-4pm Boxcar, Gainesville, FL
12/31/2022 DJing as Dunce Party at New Year’s Eve party, The House Absolute, Durham, NC with Ryan Martin
01/14/2023 (unannounced) at Stardust, Orlando, FL w/ KT Kink, Public Speaking, Haize https://www.facebook.com/events/588013696492906
02/14/2023 all vinyl set as Chadwick After Dark at Palomino Pool Hall, Gainesville, FL
03/10/2023 at Auk Market, Gainesville, FL 03/12/2023 at Reggae Sunday as part of The Easy Crew at Cypress & Grove, Gainesville, FL
04/08/2023 in the Pizza Cave as part of Sleeping Giant Fest, Jacksonville, FL
04/09/2023 at Sleeping Giant Fest, Sun-Ray Cinema, Jacksonville, FL w/ Earth, Lightning Bolt, Kevin Drumm https://www.sleepinggiantfest.com/ 04/28/2023 post-show at The Unit, Gainesville, FL w/ Ironing, Plasmodulated, The Pine Drape 05/26/2023 at Auk Market, Gainesville, FL 06/11/2023 at Reggae Sunday as part of The Easy Crew at Cypress & Grove, Gainesville, FL 07/01/2023 at Cookies opening, Gainesville, FL amapiano set after The Easy Crew 07/09/2023 at Reggae Sunday as part of The Easy Crew at Cypress & Grove, Gainesville, FL 07/28/2023 Dance Party w/ Dunce Party at The Pearl, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/133508293084639 08/13/2023 at Reggae Sunday as part of The Easy Crew at Cypress & Grove, Gainesville, FL 08/17/2023 at Juicy J’s night, Baby J’s, Gainesville, FL 11/25/2023 Dance Party w/ Dunce Party at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/1331040657530568 12/02/2023 vinyl only set at Baby J’s, Gainesville, FL 12/06/2023 end of the year party for Sierra Club at Cypress & Grove, Gainesville, FL 12/16/2023 Dance Party w/ Dunce Party at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/288998330802662 01/13/2024 as part of the Easy Crew at the after party for the cycle tour @ San Felasco Cycle and Adventure, Alachua, FL 01/14/2024 at Reggae Sunday as part of The Easy Crew at Cypress & Grove, Gainesville, FL 02/11/2024 at Reggae Sunday as part of The Easy Crew at Cypress & Grove, Gainesville, FL 03/30/2024 90s hip-hop birthday party for Gidget, How Bazar, Gainesville, FL 03/30/2024 (Chadwick After Dark) Baby J’s, Gainesville, FL 04/05/2024 (This Is Not An Emo Nite as Andrew Boxcar) at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL 04/07/2024 at Reggae Sunday as part of The Easy Crew at Loosey’s, Gainesville, FL 04/20/2024 as part of the Easy Crew at Cottonmouth Day at Swamphead, Gainesville, FL 06/07/2024 (This Is Not An Emo Nite 2 as Andrew Boxcar) at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL 06/09/2024 at Reggae Sunday as part of The Easy Crew at Loosey’s, Gainesville, FL 07/21/2024 at Reggae Sunday as part of The Easy Crew at Loosey’s, Gainesville, FL 07/26/2024 Friday Nite Ting as part of The Easy Crew at Cypress & Grove, Gainesville, FL 07/27/2024 50th Birthday party at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL 08/23/2024 at How Bazar, Gainesville, FL w/ Donzii, Carson, Snotnoze Saleem, Haptic Sands
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rsogirlgetsmarried · 1 year
So my first question after "Oh my God I'm getting married again?!?!" was, "Where?"
I've lived outside of Phoenix, Arizona for almost 25 years, and did 5 years in Tucson for school. At my core, though, I'll always be a California girl. I don't love Phoenix--Gilbert was a nice place to raise my kids, but the miles of asphalt and cookie cutter buildings and horrid summers don't really speak to me. When Mr. Wonderful and I were talking about where we wanted to get married, we decided pretty early on that it wouldn't be in Phoenix.
We considered Flagstaff, for the "get married in the woods" experience, but when we were looking at venues it seemed like everything was either way far out from civilization (and would make it challenging to find hotel accommodations) or were just small. Flagstaff is a beautiful area but accessing it from Phoenix's airport was going to be a struggle as well.
We started to think about Vegas. It would be a lot of fun, it would be accessible for everyone pretty easily, and it was where Mr. Wonderful had asked me to marry him. Now, there were risks. Vegas weddings are traditionally quick and elope-y and feature Elvis and a lot of cheese, and we didn't want that. We would have to find somewhere that would make our respective moms happy and proud, despite them having to haul all the way to Las Vegas to participate.
We found Sunset Gardens. It's right off the far south end of the Strip and has four acres of fairy-light bedecked trees, my favorite. The best part for me is that it's mostly all-inclusive so I don't have to try to plan wedding vendors from out of state. Food, drink, DJ, photographer, cake and officiant are all included for a very competitive price. (Flowers aren't included but they have recommended vendors.) We're going to be in the smaller space of their two that they have available, as we're hoping for about 75 guests, and it will be lovely and intimate, with the gardens to stroll in right outside. Tony is the owner and he was there to give us our tour the day we came in. He was helpful and charming and I really don't mind giving him our money.
The wedding itself will be under a nice gazebo out in the gardens, and the reception space is pretty. There is a wall of fairy lights behind where the sweetheart table/head table goes and the floor-to-ceiling draperies can be lit in different colors. There is a bridal prep suite that I plan to make very good use of, and we'll have access to it from early in the day.
So far my experience with them has been very good.
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This is the gazebo. :)
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djshawnedwards · 1 year
Shawn Edwards Bio
Shawn Edwards, a native of Chicago, IL, now residing in Arizona, is a professional DJ with over 20 years of experience. At the young age of 13, Shawn started his DJ career as a mobile DJ, operating his own company with a childhood friend. After achieving great success, he decided to further his skills and knowledge by working for one of the largest mobile DJ companies in the Northwest Suburbs of Illinois at the age of 17. It was there that Shawn learned the fundamentals and skills that he carries with him to this day.
Shawn's passion and hard work led him to become the DJ for WKSC FM Chicago, Kiss FM Mobile Party Unit, and perform at various private events, high school dances, weddings, and corporate parties. He also performed on stage, in front of thousands, at the Kiss FM concerts held at the, previously called, Rosemont Theater, IL, and The House Of Blues, Chicago.
In 2001, Shawn got the break he was looking for when he met one of the owners of the Midwest's hottest and largest young adult dance clubs. Shawn was given an opportunity to perform at their 2001 New Years Eve party and open up for a local Chicago DJ legend. With positive feedback from the crowd and from management, Shawn was offered the position of weekly resident DJ, fulfilling an early dream of his.
While holding his weekly residency at the teen club, Shawn performed at other various events, concerts, and teen clubs in the Midwest. He released over a dozen mix compilations that could be found at local record shops, the local malls, and online. Shawn then began working for a local record shop and grew his brand consistently throughout the decade.
In 2004 and 2005, Shawn embarked on national tours with the 'Pepsi Smash' and 'VH1 Save The Music" brands, respectively, opening for countless artists and performing for hundreds of thousands of people nationwide.
Today, Shawn has established himself as one of today's premier DJs. With weekly club residencies and guest spots, he has performed at hundreds of different venues, clubs, lounges, and bars in Chicago and other various cities all across the country, including Las Vegas, Detroit, Des Moines, Orlando, New York, Los Angeles, Palm Beach, CA, Lake Geneva, Milwaukee, Indiana, Southern Illinois, Eastern Illinois, Western Illinois, as well as all throughout the east and west valley of the greater Phoenix area, his new home.
Shawn's passion for bringing people joy and happiness through music is what keeps him going. He constantly works hard to be the very best at what he does, bringing his unique, tasteful, dynamic and energetic sound to fans from all over. With no end in sight, Shawn continues to push the boundaries and solidify his place as a top DJ in the industry.
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briamichellewrites · 2 years
Wedding planning was stressful. That’s why Brie was doing everything by the book. She and Mike had their engagement pictures taken with their two dogs, Baxter and Misty. Misty was his ten-week-old French bulldog puppy he adopted after moving in with her. It took a month before they became friends. As the oldest, he always made sure his little sister didn’t get into trouble. They both gave the dogs equal attention, so they didn’t get jealous.
They both agreed not to have an open marriage. That worked when they were both single, but they wanted to commit only to each other while married. Her family wasn’t religious, though his family was. For a compromise, they agreed to ask his family’s minister. They didn’t have to get married in a church. She thought a hotel would be better, at least for the reception.
That way, their out-of-town guests wouldn’t have to drive around. That was a good idea. They didn’t have a budget, though they didn’t want to spend more money than they had to. Their parents were helping out with their finances, which took a lot of them. Their wedding party was going to be small. Three bridesmaids and three groomsmen. She put together cute proposal boxes for Jessica, Elisa, and Linsey asking them to be her bridesmaids. He asked Jason, Evan, and Sam to be his groomsmen.
Jessica was going to be her maid of honor, while Jason was going to be his best man. Regan and Brooklyn were going to be their flower girls. Their job was to bring in their dogs in a wagon. Phoenix had to laugh when he heard that. What if the dogs didn’t cooperate? They would have the girls throw flower petals. Did they want to? Yeah! Linsey thought it sounded like a lot of fun!
Unfortunately, Brad and Elisa’s daughter was too young to participate in the ceremony. They understood. She would likely be staying with her grandparents while they were at the wedding. When was the wedding? They were planning on having it in September of the following year because it wouldn’t be too hot or too cold. It was also when they had time in their schedules. They sent out Save the Dates to their guests, and an official invitation would soon be coming.
Their theme was going to be country rock. Mike jokingly decided his job was to agree to everything. No, he was just kidding. He did give his opinion because it was also his big day. They had the idea of having Joe as their wedding DJ. He would happy to do it. Phoenix, Brad, Chester, and Rob were not at all offended they didn’t have a job during the wedding.
It meant they could enjoy themselves more. The day would be coming up faster than they realized. Patti and Jessica were going to join her and Donna to pick out a dress. They were so excited! Patti and Donna assured her that it was more than okay to not choose her dress right away. It could take multiple appointments. The most important thing was that she was in love with it. They would give their opinions, but the choice was hers. She was tall and thin, so she would look good in almost every dress.
Was she going to diet or exercise to lose weight? No, she didn’t want to develop an eating disorder. Patti agreed that was a great choice. Their reception was going to be alcohol-free, as they didn’t want their guests to become inebriated. They also had a friend who was a recovering alcoholic. It was best to keep him sober.
“Just go to Vegas. That’s what my wife and I did”, Jon joked.
Mike laughed. “My parents would kill us. I’m pretty sure Bruce would kill us.”
“He’d probably be happy he didn’t have to spend any money. Take it one step at a time. It’s not going to be perfect but nobody’s going to remember that. What they’re going to remember is the wedding at the moment. The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy yourselves.”
That’s what they’ve been hearing. He only wanted to get married once because he spent a lot of time looking before finding Brie. Jon and his wife had an agreement to never get divorced. They secretly had an open marriage, though. That wasn’t something he and Brie would have. Before getting engaged, they were involved in an open relationship but he didn’t want to be with anyone else.
Jon admitted to having slept with her. He knew she was sexually active with other men. That was in her past and he wasn’t going to judge her for it. He knew of one other guy she was with but he wasn’t going to say who it was to protect her privacy. Jon didn’t want to know anyway. He knew and he didn’t want to know. Jon laughed. He wasn’t sexually active because he liked waiting until he was in a relationship before sleeping with someone.
That was just his preference. He respected that. Did they meet during a party? Yeah, it was some Hollywood party that neither of them could remember what it was for. He had ended a relationship with his girlfriend a year or two before, so he hadn’t been interested in dating again. When he saw her, though he thought she was beautiful. So, he went over to talk to her.
They exchanged phone numbers and he invited her to hang out with his band. The only reason why he went was to get out of the house and network with other artists. His mother was on him to get out and meet someone because she didn’t want him to be lonely. Brie started hanging out with them and she became good friends with them. They went on a few dates before Bruce had them break up due to their age differences. He didn’t think it was appropriate.
They remained friends. He was there and saw her go through different sexual relationships. After one, he was there while she was crying because she had been put into a situation where she felt very uncomfortable. He decided he wasn’t going to stand by anymore.
“I told her ‘love me and only me. I don’t care what your father says or thinks. I don’t want to be your best friend anymore. Marry me.’ That’s the abbreviated version.”
“Congratulations. You are going to marry a woman every guy dreams of. Just don’t tell my wife I said that.”
He laughed. “I won’t. Thanks.”
Yeah, he knew how lucky he was. He was reminded every time he looked at her. At thirty-four years old, he didn’t want to look anymore. The woman he was going to love for the rest of his life was his fiancé and best friend. What did she say? Fuck yeah! He laughed. That was the little girl he watched grow up. Out of all the children, she was unique. They would always remember that little girl who wasn’t afraid of anything and who loved performing in French or English.
When she got back from shopping with Chester, they shared what they bought. It was mostly groceries, though she also bought a new cast iron skillet. That would be useful for when she needed to keep Brad on his side of the fence. Mike laughed. She also had some new dog toys and dog food. Chester went with her because he also had stuff he needed to get.
Just then, they heard the dogs running to the door. They had been sleeping peacefully but the humans woke them up. They all got up and went to the door. It was Brad. He and Jon said a surprised hello to each other. Why was she holding a skillet? Just in case she needed to kick his ass. He let her know her gate was open. Mike invited him inside to join the party. Yes, he would make sure she didn’t kick his ass. Thank you. He appreciated it.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon @fiickle-nia @boricuacherry-blog
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nonbinary-octopus · 4 years
I have decided that DJ and Remus WILL be making an appearance in Not Just the Two of Us at some point.
and there will be some more hilarious mixups because I had a thought and it made me laugh in delight so I'm putting it in.
We may in fact need multiple chapters focusing on the "DJ and Remus" arc.
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boredout305 · 3 years
People Still Send Me Records
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The Divine Horsemen, Hot Rise of an Ice Cream Phoenix, Double LP
Who’d a thunk it? Thirty-four years after the Divine Horsemen’s last release, Handful of Sand (1988) and breakup, Chris D. and Julie Christensen are back with a double LP. Long-time Divine Horsemen Peter Andrus is on guitar, with DJ Bonebrake on drums and Bobby Permanent taking over for the late, great Robyn Jameson.
The Divine Horsemen were a different band from the Flesh Eaters—just as good, but with a mellower dynamic—so those expecting some “Wedding Dice” need to familiarize themselves with the former group’s mid-‘80s catalog. Hot Rise of an Ice Cream Phoenix is excellent. Artists like Chris D. and Julie Christensen aren’t going to reform an old project just to go through the motions. The material here is all outstanding, with some of the original songs dating back to the late 1980s/1990s which explains the double LP, and stacks up against any of the band’s SST records. Peter Andrus’ formidable guitar playing really cuts through.  
The Divine Horsemen would throw a cover in here and there and Hot Rise of an Ice Cream Phoenix is no different. The title track of the record is a Jefferson Airplane song. Chris D., who’s worked extensively in film, finds a deep cut in “Can’t You See?”, apparently a song from Robert Downey, Sr.’s 1970 film Pound.
Hot Rise of an Ice Cream Phoenix is a no-brainer. Pick it up. As mentioned, my copy is a double-LP gatefold on clear, “blood-splattered” vinyl. Your copy may differ. -Ryan Leach (In the Red)
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yessoupy · 4 years
i think i have to unstan harry styles.
best weekend of my life (so far)
it's been a week [a fucking year] and I still haven't posted my review. at this point y'all know the show was awesome. hannah is posting her pics after a week straight of actually working (let's take up a collection to hire hannah to go to harry shows and produce exclusive content for us, what do you say?). after a week [a YEAR] away from the harrie commune all I can say is.... I don't know if I can continue on this way without it. i might have to stop altogether. [somehow, i’ve made due.]
after the last show of the 2018 tour I had such a fierce feeling that I'd missed out on something I would have really loved. there was nothing to do for it, since it was my sister's wedding day, so I moved on pretty quickly. but I also made the decision that for harry's next tour, I was going to go all out.
my dudes, what a way to ring in the new era. [and present me needs to interject here that i think i knew that something was going to go horribly wrong in 2020. even with tickets in hand to such faraway shows as phoenix, denver, and raleigh, i could NOT book flights or hotels as late as february. i knew about coronavirus in late december because i was traveling abroad and acutely aware of travel warnings about wuhan province. and in early february we had our mardi gras party and franny showed up kind of sick and i hugged her but cautiously, mentally cataloguing her symptoms. so when it finally happened i think i was just ... resigned. and that’s why i wasn’t as upset as i would have been if nothing had changed from the time i started writing this review.]
this kind of show always seemed like something that happened to other people. getting the actual tickets was rather stressful (though not as stressful an experience as others had...) but once everything shook itself out i couldn’t even think about the weekend or else I’d implode. thank god for @chasm2018‘s organizational abilities. 
we missed a measles exposure at LAX by 2 days (bless). my first harrie commune™ experience of the weekend was riding the connections shuttle to pick up @papiermachecat at terminal 6 like she was a conquering hero (she is). we rode the connections shuttle to pick up @stylesinthewild and found a little table at starbucks in the baggage claim to wait for the bay area harries to arrive in their rented minivan full of goodies.
we piled in and hannah got us to our two hotel rooms, one with three queen beds, and somehow we got to the forum twice, once to buy pre-show merch and then the final time for the fine line show. we all dressed up and then took just ONE picture. one.
you know how the show went. i’m trying to cover ground that the squad hasn’t already posted [a YEAR AGO]
here is the note I DM'd to harry the next morning, which i think sums everything up nicely:
thank you for the show last night at the forum. I flew in from Houston and met up with friends from all over, only one of whom I'd gotten to hug in real life prior to yesterday. today we're sharing beds and toothpaste and fond memories. thank you for being you and bringing us all together. 💜
i don’t remember WHEN i sent it, maybe 3am, but later that day i took an uber to a vegan tattoo artist’s backyard studio to get a planned tattoo that @papiermachecat had sketched for me and my impulse tattoo of a fine line around my left wrist. while i was doing that, the squad finished up eating breakfast with other harries and then went to stand in the pop-up shop line.
you’ve heard the line stories. i fucking LOVE standing in a line for something because of the people you meet. in front of us we had a personal DJ who’d play what people wanted to hear and airdropped a picture of harry’s dick from WMYB. we’d break off in pairs to go to CVS or visit other people we knew in line. and this hasn’t been written about before, but one of those times hannah and i were walking around the block we saw some men standing by some cars near the entrance and we kind of stopped.... and i think at the same time realized who we were looking at ... and after looking around and realizing that no one else in the fucking line recognized jeff azoff hannah went in for the kill. we thanked him for taking such good care of harry, answered questions he had for us, thanked him again, i had the presence of mind at the end to tell him our names, and we took the pop-up shop merch menus that hadn’t been passed out to anyone yet, and then walked back to our spot in line silently, processing that moment. sometimes i’ll think about that conversation and get all warm and fuzzy thinking about that show and how well it went and how much LOVE there was for everything and harry and between all of us and it sustains me through a shitty, shitty pandemic day at work.
eventually we got through the line and got our merch and looked at all the things they had set up and after moving our reservation back we got to cafe habana to sit at a very familiar table and i took off my bandages to show my tattoos to everyone (to this day i regret not having the presence of mind to show jeff my brand new fine line tattoo, he would have loved it) and we ate and laughed and had the server take our picture and that’s probably what i miss most about the weekend, being in that place imbued with such silly meaning to us and all FEELING that gravity of where we were and being able to recognize it in each others’ eyes and smiles. perfect weather, amazing food, the best company.
the early morning saw our three queen room breaking up, and @papiermachecat left a single zyrtec in the middle of the room on the floor, bringing me to tears laughing even without her physical presence. @chasm2018 and i went to randy’s donuts (where we met up with @treatpeoplewithnice again) and GOD i want to eat donuts that good again. 
it was sad to leave LA that afternoon, wearing my new tpwk oversized hoodie. it wasn’t the last time i was around a big crowd of people, wasn’t even the last concert i attended before all of this happened (that was in vienna on december 30), but it was the last time i was going to be full of unbridled joy. that weekend was the real ode to joy.
we’ll get back to it, it’s just going to take some time.
@stylesinthewild, @papiermachecat, @greeneyesharry & emily, @treatpeoplewithnice, @aggresivelyfriendly, and @chasm2018: fine line forum squad forever in my heart. that weekend will always be so special to me for so many reasons and it wouldn’t have been the same without each and every one of you.
@accidentalharrie and @styloff - ONE of these times we’ll be in the same place for long enough to do more than hug and grin at each other.
@ferryboatpeak and @ticklefighthockey - it was great to meet you! and la who would have thought then our next meeting would be in the backyard of an airbnb sitting six feet apart because we don’t want to spread a disease?
to harry, who isn’t reading this but i need all of you who ARE to know my heart ... thank you for bringing these people into my life. this experience of being your fan has changed me in such profound ways that there’s really no way to express it. it’s less about you and more about those who love you like i do, and i love them. and you.
to jeff, thank you for taking such good care of harry and having his best interests at heart. 
to anne, thank you for raising such a good person and giving him to the world.
to camille, thank you for fine line. without you, that weekend doesn’t happen the way it did and i love that weekend. 
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goldstariu · 4 years
Lil' K $TAR***Existence 1994* & Establish 2000* [email protected] -.;-{*COMPANIES SEAL OWNED*}- WWW.JETMODEPRO.CO.UK  *-.;- JETMODE PRO- Businesses/Companys/Companies JETMODE PRO- UK LTD/*JETMODE PRO- WORLDWIDE LTD*/*JETMODE PRO- WORLDWIDE INTERNATIONAL UK LTD.;-WORLDWIDE/;-*OWNER CEO OVERSEER MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR.;-*Mr. ISAAC UZEMEFETAH OFEREH-MUGBEH*.;-{Written Decree;-JETMODE PRO- .;-Of Companies House/OWNER COMPANIES SEAL NUMBER Of *JETMODE PRO-  *:-:* *JETMODE PRO- UK LTD.;-DECREE OF Businesses/Companys/Companies -Worldwide International Group;-TRUE###.;-*JMPRO- *I/We/Us/You .;- *Reasons-Organisations RIGHT’S/LAWS*.;- *AYESHA UZEME OFEREH-MUGBEH*-;-No Change Of.;- Name.;-{*Son's Daughter's & Of Their Daughter's & Son's/Planning/Proposal/Religious/Marriage-Wedding/Family-Friends/Different Traditions-Language/Children Of Marriage{Mather Of Side Name Only, And their Children always NO CHANGES.;-{*OFEREH-MUGBEH*}.;-Of *ISAAC UZEMEFETAH.;- Worldwide International Groups.;-Senior Management Director Executive.;-Miss *AYESHA UZEME OFEREH-MUGBEH*.;[email protected]  *-;. {0208 265 6775 - 07958640255}.;-  [email protected]  WWWJETMODEPRO.CO.UK }.;-JMPRO- .;-GROUPS COMPANIES:JMPRO- .: COMPANIES SEAL NUMBER OWNER.;-CEO Mr ISAAC UZEMEFETAH OFEREH-MUGBEH;-..Look Up With TRUE###.STAR***JMPRO- *07/06/2020*.;-UK-POLICE.;-{MY BUSINESS/COMPANY'S IS THE *REAL DEAL BY WRITTEN DECREE OF LAW*. AND ALSO OF LAW OF BUSINESS/COMPANYS-COMPANIES LAW OF LAW OF JUSTUS WORLDWIDE.;-JETMODE PRO- OF JETMODE PRO-UK LTD}.;-(UK) THINK AGAIN CIS SECURITY AND LEWISHAM/CATFORD POLICE THIS NOT A JOKE -YOU ARE NOT LOOKING AT LAW'S OVER THIS AND MY HUMAN RIGHT IF THIS MAN YOU KNOW JUSTUS OTHER NAME{OFEREH}MUGBEH.;ADD:-{9 WHICHER CLOSE NEW CROSS, LONDON SE14 6HS{0208 692 0055}UK.;- I KILL HIM- YOU KNOW YOU CAN NOT DO ANYTHING TO ME{Overseer-Owner/President Executive Chairman.-;{WorldWide}.;-JMPRO-.;COMPANIES SEAL NUMBER ONWER.;-CEO Mr, ISAAC UZEMEFETAH OFEREH-MUGBEH.;-{JETMODE PRO- BILLION-TREEILLION DOLLAR POUND ORGANISATIONS WORLD LTD.;-Gold & Diamond Sell-Buy/Cash Credit Purchase/Shiver/Data Policy/EnterPrize+EnterPrise-ProfitLink Selling & Buying/Africa Group Gold & diamond Producers/Production Creative Investment.;-JETMODE PRO- AFRICA GROUP WORLDWIDE LTD}.;-{JETMODE PRO- SMART INVENTIONS TECHNOLOGY-GADGETSOFTWARE SOLUTIONS ENTERPRISE LTD} - {JETMODE PRO- PROFESSIONAL UN LTD.;- JETMODE PRO- TIME WORLD PRODUCTION  TECHNOLOGIES TRUE LTD.;-{Film/Music Industry/Movies+Universal Pictures Group Studios - Cameras-Spy/Face/Eyes-Electronics & Photos Software - Email Network key system - Studios Creative Production Event Entertainment Sim  Device Industry System's Networking Pro-duction's-MumberShips Logs-Bookings.;-*JETMODE PRO- ONE VICE WORLDWIDE INTERNATIONAL LTD*.-;-*JETMODE PRO- P.R. PROMOTION & ADVERTISING WORLDWIDE LTD.;-P,R, Press Contal-Investment Music Enterprise Digital Music Advertising-Pop Bottles-Godstar***}.;- OVER WHAT IS GOING ON IN SIDE MY BODYOF POISON- AND IAM ALSO TELLING THE FBI/C.I.A. THIS NOT A JOKE THINK 12YRS OF PAIN IN ME AND MY KIDS PAY US.;-I JETMODE PRO- HAVE LAWS OF BUSINESSES/COMPANYS/COMPANIES.;- UP KEEP OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF LAWS OVER OR CEO AND DIRECTOR'S UP KEEP OF JETMODE PRO- OF JETMODE PRO- UK LTD - JETMODE PRO- WORLDWIDE LTD...LOOKING UP WITH TRUE###.-Lookup With TRUE###.STAR***-THERE IS A DEVICE/SIM/CHIP-;{Which have no RIGHT/HUMAN RIGHT TO IT/THEM-INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHT LAW Of CIVIL LAW/GENENVA CONVENTION ie,GENOCIDE.;-Confict International of Law to Law ie.;-JETMODE PRO- INTERNATIONAL LTD.;- *JETMODE PRO-WORLD ORGANISATIONS LAND TRUST WORLD LTD.;- Us/ WE/I Of Terms & Conditions WORLDWIDE WRITTEN DECREE Of Our LAW Of LAW-THE HEGUE INTERNATIONAL LAW ARE IN USE WORLDWIDE!!! };-{JETMODE PRO- AFRICA TRUE EMPIRE INVESTMENT GROUP WORLDWIDE LTD.;-SuccessfulWorldWide Money Transfers-Bond/Income Bond-Market-Businesses/Company/Companies{ Shares & Stacks-Capital Investment Economics-Fixed-set Bond Rates & Dividends-Relinquishment Pro-fessional Holding & Investment Pensions Incomes Bonds-Shares-Stock/Money Saving System Janior Stocks & Shares-Bonds}.;-JETMODE PRO- COMPANIES INVESTMENT GROUP WORLDWIDE LTD.;-{I/Us/We/You-International Deposit Life Insurance Protection Investment Bond-Government Bonds Systems-Payment Gateway}.;- LIKE INSIDE MY BODY{HEAD}TELEPORT ie-{by teleportation by energy/magnetic into/inside brain field- by food/ drink/ and blood-device in stomach As POISON-FROM OTHER'S BY MAGIC INTO MY BODY}-THE POLICE KNOW THIS MY FATHER(JUSTUS MUGBEH) IS A DEAD MAN...TRUE###.STAR***24-02-2020-THINK MY SIA SILL IN DATE PUT MY THINGS BACK THIS NOT A JOKE MY FATHER IS A DEAD MAN-C.I.A/FBI/ POLICE!!! Family name.;-OFEREH-MUGBEH.;- To Tony Grave(Director-Cis Security Company)the job i did for at the time at lewisham homes/Cancel. the payment was not made to me/Isaac of £1,500 out TAX . Cis Security Company)-THINK BACK,[ 9A st johns vale Deptford SE8 4EA].TONY THIS IS NOT A JOKE 11YRS GOING 12YRS PUT MY LIFE BACK-TELL LEWISHAM TO PAY US.-SE8 4EA].TONY THIS IS NOT A JOKE 11YRS GOING 12YRS PUT MY LIFE BACK-TELL LEWISHAM TO PAY US/ME/KIDS-BUSINESS/COMPANY TONY THIS NOT A JOKE ANYMORE THIS IS MY LIFE ALL OF YOU TAKE AWAY FROM ME/US/KIDS-TONY TELL LEWISHAM POLICE/ CATFORD POLICE (POLICE PAY ME/US YES- POLICE MY FATHER. JUSTUS MUGBEH.(NEIGHBORHOOD OFFICER- WORKING FOR YOU).Director.;STAR***14/4/2020-MANAGEMANT/MANAGERS DIRECTOR.;-*JOSHUA O.;-*JETMODE PRO- TRUE BROTHERS PRODUCTIONS PROMOTIONS & DESIGNERS LTD-{Active Event/Films/Radio/Videos/MumberShips}.;- *GODSTAR O.;-*JETMODE PRO- PRIVATE JETSITE LUXURY YACHT-BOAT CRUISE LTD.;-{Jet/Yacht Executive Club/Management Booking/Private Here/Air & Sky Listing/Carrier Airline Private Booking - MumberShips Logs}.;-{Owner CEO Management-Overseer Director:-*{WORLDWIDE}.;-*{[email protected]).;-*Dr CEO.Mr Isaac Uzemefetah ofereh-mugbeh;-Of JETMODE PRO- :-Business/Companies.;-*JETMODE PRO- [email protected] WWW.JETMODEPRO.CO.UK .;-STARTUP ADD:-9a St Johns Vale Deptford London, SE8 4EA;-Management/manager’s Director’s.;-{WorldWide;-Wisdom O ;- JETMODE PRO- TRUE BID STOCK & SHARESLTD.;-{[email protected]};-/Joshua O/Godstar O/{Senior Executive Managerial Director.;-*{WorldWide}*.;-JMPRO- .;-Dr.Miss. AYESHA UZEME OFEREH-MUGBEH;-*{0208 265 6775  07958640255}*.;-{[email protected]}.;-*{JMPRO-.;-Enlightment Of Law To Law Of Justus Effective Correct Tools Of Individuals Throughout The Course Of History The WorldWide MumberShips Of Businesses/Company's/Companies Great Thinkers, Open Your Eyes To The World Of Endless Possibilities Positive Commitment-Knowingly & Growth Utilize Ability Of Organization-Creative-Interpieces WorldWide Glob, We/Us/You/I* JETMODE PRO-  {[email protected]   WWW.JETMODEPRO.CO.UK}.;-Welcome To The WideWorld Of JETMODE PRO- .;-With Laws Is Laws Of Group Of Laws WorldWide Enterprise Private {P.R} Organization Active Investment Policy Worldwide United Goals.;- JETMODE PRO- UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL LTD.}.;- JETMODE PRO- AFRICA BEAT TRADITONAL INSTRUMENTAL PRODUCTION WORLDWIDE LTD.;-{Subscrption -Studying DJ Mixing-Dancers-Choreographers-Producers-Creative Director-Champagne Dancers-DanceMaker's Pop Bottle's}.;-JETMODE PRO- TOPCLASS PRO- SPORTS WORLD LTD.;-JETMODE PRO- TOP CLASS CLUB ENTERTAINMENT LTD.;-{Secrests Home Luxury Private Listings Event Entertainment -MumberShips Logs - Pop Bottle Champagne Official Event}-{JETMODE PRO- PROMOTIONS TOPWEAR WIST WACH LTD}.;-{JMPRO- We/Us/Are LAWS - TERMS And CONDITIONS are in USE WORLDWIDE WRITTEN DECREE!!!}.;-JETMODE PRO- PHOENIX INSURANCE SERVICES LTD-{Vehicles/Homes/Privacy/MumberShips Logs}.;-Lookup With TRUE###.STAR***-THERE IS A DEVICE/SIM/CHIP-;{Which have no RIGHT/HUMAN RIGHT TO IT/THEM-INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHT LAW Of CIVIL LAW ie.;-JETMODE PRO- INTERNATIONAL LTD.;- JMPRO- Us/ WE/I Of Terms & Conditions Of Our LAW Of LAW-THE HEGUE INTERNATIONAL LAW ARE IN USE WORLDWIDE!!! };-LIKE INSIDE MY BODY{HEAD}TELEPORT ie-{by teleportation by energy/magnetic into/inside brain field- by food/ drink/ and blood-device in stomach As POISON-FROM OTHER'S BY MAGIC INTO MY BODY}-THE POLICE KNOW THIS MY FATHER(JUSTUS MUGBEH) IS A DEAD MAN...TRUE###.STAR***24-02-2020-THINK MY SIA SILL IN DATE PUT MY THINGS BACK THIS NOT A JOKE MY FATHER IS A DEAD MAN-C.I.A/FBI/ POLICE!!! Family name.;-OFEREH-MUGBEH. To Tony Grave(Director-Cis Security Company)the job I did for at the time at Lewisham homes/Cancel. payment was not made to me/Isaac of £1,500 out TAX. Cis Security Company)- think back,[ 9A st johns vale Deptford SE8 4EA].TONY THIS IS NOT A JOKE 11YRS GOING 12YRS PUT MY LIFE BACK-TELL LEWISHAM TO PAY US.-SE8 4EA].TONY THIS IS NOT A JOKE 11YRS GOING 12YRS PUT MY LIFE BACK-TELL LEWISHAM TO PAY US/ME/KIDS-BUSINESS/COMPANY TONY THIS NOT A JOKE ANYMORE THIS IS MY LIFE ALL OF YOU TAKE AWAY FROM ME/US/KIDS-TONY TELL LEWISHAM POLICE/ CATFORD POLICE (POLICE PAY ME/US YES- POLICE MY FATHER. JUSTUS MUGBEH.(NEIGHBORHOOD OFFICER- WORKING FOR YOU).Director.;-Ayesha Uzeme Ofereh-Mugbeh;-Law -TRUE###STAR***18/03/2020 FACEBOOK ARE SEEN THIS COMPANYS LAWS.;- JUST LIKE.;- JETMODE PRO- USA LTD - JETMODE PRO- SMART DEVICES ENTERTAINMENT LTD-{Professienal Accessories's} - JETMODE PRO- SHINE CLOTHING & FRAGRANCE LTD - JETMODE PRO- TREEILLIONARE INVESTMENT - INTERPIECES - TRADING BANKING WORLD LTD.;-{Organization's/Private/Business-Company's - Bankings/Book Keeping/ProfitLink Selling & Buying EnterPrise/Economic Corporations-Corporate Group/P.R.-{MumberShips Private Book Keeper With Thin Bank's Worldwide}Banking Investment-Digital Advertising Press Contal Outlet info Enterprise.;-*JETMODE PRO- AFRICA GROUP WORLDWIDE INVESTMENT LTD .;-"WaterLine Industry"/"Industry"-Building Constructions/Building Society Regulations/Materials-Control/Contractors/Control Fees-Conservations Investment-Fees/MumberShip Log}*.;- I/US/ WE/ YOU.;-*JETMODE PRO- Of *JETMODE PRO- UK LTD.;-*JMPRO- Terms & Conditions- LAWS Are in USE WORLWIDE WRITTEN DECREE!!!}.;-GODSTAR***JETMODE PRO- AFROCAN WORLDEWIDE UN LTD.-;-*JETMODE PRO- COMPANIES RELINQUISHMENT PROFESSIONAL INVESTMENT WORLDWIDE LTD.;-Working & Pensions-Divdends-Contractors Contol -Individuals Ability/Compatibility Course Of Knowingly Independence Motivation - Supplies Commercial Industry.;$*-£* TRUE###. im ft. Missy Elliott, Da Brat, Left Eye, Angie Martinez - Ladies N...
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djshannonc321 · 2 years
Dj Services In Phoenix, AZ
Wedding DJ / MC Services
Tumblr media
6 Hour Wedding (Ceremony + Cocktail + Reception) Pricing starts at $2000*
Includes Consultation, 2 Event Planning Sessions, professional sound system, dj setup, wireless microphone, basic dance floor lighting, additional setup (same location) and customized DJ/MC performance for your next event.
5 Hour Wedding (Cocktail / Reception Only) Pricing starts at $1700*
Includes Consultation, 2 Event Planning Sessions, professional sound system, dj setup, wireless microphone, basic dance floor lighting, Additional Setup (same location) and customized DJ/MC performance for your Wedding Reception / Cocktail Hour.
4 Hour Wedding (Reception ONLY) Pricing starts at $1200.
Includes Consultation, 2 Event Planning Sessions, professional sound system, dj setup, wireless microphone, basic dance floor lighting, and customized DJ/MC performance for your 4 hour Wedding Reception.
Ceremony Only (2 Hours or less) $600
Includes Consultation, 1 Event Planning Session, professional sound system, dj setup, wireless microphone, and customized DJ performance for your Wedding Ceremony.
Additional hourly rate is $300
Additional Setup (Same Location) add on $200.00 Additional Speaker / DJ Setup for your ceremony / cocktail hour
Custom Uplighting – Pricing Available Upon Request Custom Dance Floor Lighting or Monogram – Pricing Available Upon Request
Mobile DJ / MC Services
Tumblr media
4 Hour Private Event (Corporate, Birthdays, Anniversary, Holiday Party, etc.) Price starts at $600.00
Includes Consultation, Event Planning Session, professional sound system, dj setup, wireless microphone, basic dance floor lighting, and customized DJ/MC performance for your next event. Pricing starts at $125/hr* with a 3 hour minimum
3 Hour Private Event ( Corporate, Birthdays, Anniversary, Holiday Party, etc.) Price starts at $450.00
Includes Consultation, Event Planning Session, professional sound system, dj setup, wireless microphone, and customized DJ/MC performance for your next event. Pricing starts at $125/hr* with a 3 hour minimum
Additional Hourly Rate is $150/HR
Holiday Pricing is $250+/HR * Holiday Pricing Subject to Change*
Upgraded Dance Floor Lighting – Chauvet Gig Bar – $100
Custom Uplighting – Pricing Available Upon Request
Custom Dance Floor Lighting – Pricing Available Upon Request
Additional Sound (Speakers, Subwoofers) – Pricing Available Upon Request
Digital DJ Academy
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One on One DJ and Music Production Lessons are a great way for you try a new skill or strengthen an old one.
60 Minute 1 on 1 virtual DJ lesson $60.00
Work with Serato, Traktor, or Virtual DJ and your hardware of choice to strengthen your transitions, beat matching, scratching, and learn how to be more creative with your Djing. Lesson will be hosted on Zoom.
60 Minute 1 on 1 onsite DJ Lesson $60.00
Work with Serato, Traktor, or Virtual DJ and your hardware of choice to strengthen your transitions, beat matching, scratching, and learn how to be more creative with your Djing. Lesson will be hosted onsite at the DDJA studio.
60 Minute 1 on 1 HOUSE CALL DJ Lesson $60.00 + Travel
Work with Serato, Traktor, or Virtual DJ and your hardware of choice to strengthen your transitions, beat matching, scratching, and learn how to be more creative with your Djing. Lesson will be hosted in the student’s home residence (providing student has all equipment)
Travel: Under 25 Miles Round Trip – $20
Travel : Over 25 Miles Round Trip (within 50 Mile Service Area) $40<,strong>
Click HERE to sign up today!
Virtual Party / DJ Services
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Your friends and family.Your Music. Mixed live by Shannon C! Virtual parties are the newest trend. With a direct connection to the DJ mixer, you’ll get crystal clear audio that you can play through your phone or through speakers to get an even fuller party experience. Hang out and dance with your friends and family virtually to your favorite songs mixed live. Submit your song requests before the event, and request songs live! Don’t let quarantine stop your celebration. Book your virtual party today!
Private Zoom Party (Corporate, Birthday, Anniversary, Holiday, Graduation Party.)
Includes Consultation, Event Planning Session, professional sound system, secure video conference bridge, in conference video and chat capabilities.
1 note · View note
faithstar-blog2 · 4 years
$TAR***Existence 1994* & Establish 2000*- JETMODE PRO- Businesses/Companies JETMODE PRO- UK LTD/*JETMODE PRO- WORLDWIDE LTD*/*JETMODE PRO- WORLDWIDE INTERNATIONAL UK LTD.;-WORLDWIDE/;-OWNER CEO OVERSEER MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR.;-ISAAC UZEMEFETAH OFEREH-MUGBEH.;-{Written Decree;-JETMODE PRO- .;-Of Companies House/OWNER COMPANIES SEAL NUMBER Of JETMODE PRO-  :-:  JETMODE PRO- UK LTD.;-DECREE OF Businesses/Companys/Companies -Worldwide International Group;-TRUE###.;-JMPRO- I/We/Us/You .;- Reasons-Organisations RIGHT’S/LAWS.;- AYESHA UZEME OFEREH-MUGBEH.;-No Change Of.;- Name{Planing/Proposal/Religious/Marriage-Wedding/Family-Friends/Different Traditions-Language/Children Of Marriage{Mather Of Side Name Only, And their Children always NO CHANGES.;-{OFEREH-MUGBEH}.;-Of ISAAC UZEMEFETAH.;- Worldwide International Groups.;-Senior Management Director Executive.;-Miss AYESHA UZEME OFEREH-MUGBEH.;[email protected]{0208 265 6775 - 07958640255  [email protected]  WWWJETMODEPRO.CO.UK }.;-JMPRO- .;-GROUPS COMPANIES:JMPRO- .: COMPANIES SEAL NUMBER OWNER.;-CEO Mr ISAAC UZEMEFETAH OFEREH-MUGBEH;-..Look Up With TRUE###.STAR***JMPRO- *22/05/2020*.;-UK-POLICE.;-{MY BUSINESS/COMPANY'S IS THE REAL DEAL BY WRITTEN DECREE OF LAW. AND ALSO OF LAW OF BUSINESS/COMPANYS-COMPANIES LAW OF LAW OF JUSTUS WORLDWIDE.;-JETMODE PRO- OF JETMODE PRO-UK LTD}.;-(UK) THINK AGAIN CIS SECURITY AND LEWISHAM/CATFORD POLICE THIS NOT A JOKE -YOU ARE NOT LOOKING AT LAW'S OVER THIS AND MY HUMAN RIGHT IF THIS MAN YOU KNOW JUSTUS OTHER NAME{OFEREH}MUGBEH.;ADD:-{9 WHICHER CLOSE NEW CROSS, LONDON SE14 6HS{0208 692 0055}UK.;- I KILL HIM- YOU KNOW YOU CAN NOT DO ANYTHING TO ME{Overseer-Owner/President Executive Chairman.-;{WorldWide}.;-JMPRO-.;COMPANIES SEAL NUMBER ONWER.;-CEO Mr, ISAAC UZEMEFETAH OFEREH-MUGBEH.;-{JETMODE PRO- BILLION-TREEILLION DOLLAR POUND ORGANISATIONS WORLD LTD.;-Gold & Diamond Sell-Buy/Cash Credit Purchase/Shiver/Data Policy/EnterPrize+EnterPrise-ProfitLink Selling & Buying/Africa Group Gold & diamond Producers/Production Creative Investment.;-JETMODE PRO- AFRICA GROUP WORLDWIDE LTD}.;-{JETMODE PRO- SMART INVENTIONS TECHNOLOGY-GADGETSOFTWARE SOLUTIONS ENTERPRISE LTD} - {JETMODE PRO- PROFESSIONAL UN LTD.;- JETMODE PRO- TIME WORLD PRODUCTION  TECHNOLOGIES TRUE LTD.;-{Film/Music Industry/Movies+Universal Pictures Group Studios - Cameras-Spy/Face/Eyes-Electronics & Photos Software - Email Network key system - Studios Creative Production Event Entertainment Sim  Device Industry System's Networking Pro-duction's-MumberShips Logs-Bookings.;-JETMODE PRO- P.R. PROMOTION & ADVERTISING WORLDWIDE LTD.;-P,R, Press Contal-Investment Music Enterprise Digital Music Advertising-Pop Bottles-Godstar***}.;- OVER WHAT IS GOING ON IN SIDE MY BODYOF POISON- AND IAM ALSO TELLING THE FBI/C.I.A. THIS NOT A JOKE THINK 12YRS OF PAIN IN ME AND MY KIDS PAY US.;-I JETMODE PRO- HAVE LAWS OF BUSINESSES/COMPANYS/COMPANIES.;- UP KEEP OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF LAWS OVER OR CEO AND DIRECTOR'S UP KEEP OF JETMODE PRO- OF JETMODE PRO- UK LTD - JETMODE PRO- WORLDWIDE LTD...LOOKING UP WITH TRUE###.-Lookup With TRUE###.STAR***-THERE IS A DEVICE/SIM/CHIP-;{Which have no RIGHT/HUMAN RIGHT TO IT/THEM-INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHT LAW Of CIVIL LAW/GENENVA CONVENTION ie,GENOCIDE.;-Confict International of Law to Law ie.;-JETMODE PRO- INTERNATIONAL LTD.;- JETMODE PRO-WORLD ORGANISATIONS LAND TRUST WORLD LTD.;- Us/ WE/I Of Terms & Conditions WORLDWIDE WRITTEN DECREE Of Our LAW Of LAW-THE HEGUE INTERNATIONAL LAW ARE IN USE WORLDWIDE!!! };-{JETMODE PRO- AFRICA TRUE EMPIRE INVESTMENT GROUP WORLDWIDE LTD.;-SuccessfulWorldWide Money Transfers-Bond/Income Bond-Market-Businesses/Company/Companies{ Shares & Stacks-Capital Investment Economics-Fixed-set Bond Rates & Dividends-Relinquishment Pro-fessional Holding & Investment Pensions Incomes Bonds-Shares-Stock/Money Saving System Janior Stocks & Shares-Bonds}.;-JETMODE PRO- COMPANIES INVESTMENT GROUP WORLDWIDE LTD.;-{I/Us/We/You-International Deposit Life Insurance Protection Investment Bond-Government Bonds Systems-Payment Gateway}.;- LIKE INSIDE MY BODY{HEAD}TELEPORT ie-{by teleportation by energy/magnetic into/inside brain field- by food/ drink/ and blood-device in stomach As POISON-FROM OTHER'S BY MAGIC INTO MY BODY}-THE POLICE KNOW THIS MY FATHER(JUSTUS MUGBEH) IS A DEAD MAN...TRUE###.STAR***24-02-2020-THINK MY SIA SILL IN DATE PUT MY THINGS BACK THIS NOT A JOKE MY FATHER IS A DEAD MAN-C.I.A/FBI/ POLICE!!! Family name.;-OFEREH-MUGBEH.;- To Tony Grave(Director-Cis Security Company)the job i did for at the time at lewisham homes/Cancel. the payment was not made to me/Isaac of £1,500 out TAX . Cis Security Company)-THINK BACK,[ 9A st johns vale Deptford SE8 4EA].TONY THIS IS NOT A JOKE 11YRS GOING 12YRS PUT MY LIFE BACK-TELL LEWISHAM TO PAY US.-SE8 4EA].TONY THIS IS NOT A JOKE 11YRS GOING 12YRS PUT MY LIFE BACK-TELL LEWISHAM TO PAY US/ME/KIDS-BUSINESS/COMPANY TONY THIS NOT A JOKE ANYMORE THIS IS MY LIFE ALL OF YOU TAKE AWAY FROM ME/US/KIDS-TONY TELL LEWISHAM POLICE/ CATFORD POLICE (POLICE PAY ME/US YES- POLICE MY FATHER. JUSTUS MUGBEH.(NEIGHBORHOOD OFFICER- WORKING FOR YOU).Director.;STAR***14/4/2020-MANAGEMANT/MANAGERS DIRECTOR.;-JOSHUA O.;-JETMODE PRO- TRUE BROTHERS PRODUCTIONS PROMOTIONS & DESIGNERS LTD-{Active Event/Films/Radio/Videos/MumberShips}.;- GODSTAR O.;-JETMODE PRO- PRIVATE JETSITE LUXURY YACHT-BOAT CRUISE LTD.;-{Jet/Yacht Executive Club/Management Booking/Private Here/Air & Sky Listing/Carrier Airline Private Booking - MumberShips Logs}.;-{Owner CEO Management-Overseer Director:-*{WORLDWIDE}.;-*{[email protected]).;-Isaac Uzemefetah ofereh-mugbeh;-Of JETMODE PRO- :-Business/Companies.;-JETMODE PRO- [email protected] WWW.JETMODEPRO.CO.UK .;-STARTUP ADD:-9a St Johns Vale Deptford London, SE8 4EA;-Management/manager’s Director’s.;-{WorldWide;-Wisdom O ;- JETMODE PRO- TRUE BID STOCK & SHARESLTD.;-{[email protected]};-/Joshua O/Godstar O/{Senior Executive Managerial Director.;-*{WorldWide}*.;-JMPRO- .;-Dr.Miss. AYESHA UZEME OFEREH-MUGBEH;-*{0208 265 6775  07958640255}*.;-{[email protected]}.;-*{JMPRO-.;-Enlightment Of Law To Law Of Justus Effective Correct Tools Of Individuals Throughout The Course Of History The WorldWide MumberShips Of Businesses/Company's/Companies Great Thinkers, Open Your Eyes To The World Of Endless Possibilities Positive Commitment-Knowingly & Growth Utilize Ability Of Organization-Creative Interpieces WorldWide Glob, We/Us/You/I* JETMODE PRO-  {[email protected]   WWW.JETMODEPRO.CO.UK}.;-Welcome To The WideWorld Of JETMODE PRO- .;-With Laws Is Laws Of Group Of Laws WorldWide Enterprise Private {P.R} Organization Active Investment Policy Worldwide United Goals.;- JETMODE PRO- UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL LTD.}.;- JETMODE PRO- AFRICA BEAT TRADITONAL INSTRUMENTAL PRODUCTION WORLDWIDE LTD.;-{Subscrption -Studying DJ Mixing-Dancers-Choreographers-Producers-Creative Director-Champagne Dancers-DanceMaker's Pop Bottle's}.;-JETMODE PRO- TOPCLASS PRO- SPORTS WORLD LTD.;-JETMODE PRO- TOP CLASS CLUB ENTERTAINMENT LTD.;-{Secrests Home Luxury Private Listings Event Entertainment -MumberShips Logs - Pop Bottle Champagne Official Event}-{JETMODE PRO- PROMOTIONS TOPWEAR WIST WACH LTD}.;-{JMPRO- We/Us/Are LAWS - TERMS And CONDITIONS are in USE WORLDWIDE WRITTEN DECREE!!!}.;-JETMODE PRO- PHOENIX INSURANCE SERVICES LTD-{Vehicles/Homes/Privacy/MumberShips Logs}.;-Lookup With TRUE###.STAR***-THERE IS A DEVICE/SIM/CHIP-;{Which have no RIGHT/HUMAN RIGHT TO IT/THEM-INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHT LAW Of CIVIL LAW ie.;-JETMODE PRO- INTERNATIONAL LTD.;- JMPRO- Us/ WE/I Of Terms & Conditions Of Our LAW Of LAW-THE HEGUE INTERNATIONAL LAW ARE IN USE WORLDWIDE!!! };-LIKE INSIDE MY BODY{HEAD}TELEPORT ie-{by teleportation by energy/magnetic into/inside brain field- by food/ drink/ and blood-device in stomach As POISON-FROM OTHER'S BY MAGIC INTO MY BODY}-THE POLICE KNOW THIS MY FATHER(JUSTUS MUGBEH) IS A DEAD MAN...TRUE###.STAR***24-02-2020-THINK MY SIA SILL IN DATE PUT MY THINGS BACK THIS NOT A JOKE MY FATHER IS A DEAD MAN-C.I.A/FBI/ POLICE!!! Family name.;-OFEREH-MUGBEH. To Tony Grave(Director-Cis Security Company)the job I did for at the time at Lewisham homes/Cancel. payment was not made to me/Isaac of £1,500 out TAX. Cis Security Company)- think back,[ 9A st johns vale Deptford SE8 4EA].TONY THIS IS NOT A JOKE 11YRS GOING 12YRS PUT MY LIFE BACK-TELL LEWISHAM TO PAY US.-SE8 4EA].TONY THIS IS NOT A JOKE 11YRS GOING 12YRS PUT MY LIFE BACK-TELL LEWISHAM TO PAY US/ME/KIDS-BUSINESS/COMPANY TONY THIS NOT A JOKE ANYMORE THIS IS MY LIFE ALL OF YOU TAKE AWAY FROM ME/US/KIDS-TONY TELL LEWISHAM POLICE/ CATFORD POLICE (POLICE PAY ME/US YES- POLICE MY FATHER. JUSTUS MUGBEH.(NEIGHBORHOOD OFFICER- WORKING FOR YOU).Director.;-Ayesha Uzeme Ofereh-Mugbeh;-Law -TRUE###STAR***18/03/2020 FACEBOOK ARE SEEN THIS COMPANYS LAWS.;- JUST LIKE.;- JETMODE PRO- USA LTD - JETMODE PRO- SMART DEVICES ENTERTAINMENT LTD-{Professienal Accessories's} - JETMODE PRO- SHINE CLOTHING & FRAGRANCE LTD - JETMODE PRO- TREEILLIONARE INVESTMENT - INTERPIECES - TRADING BANKING WORLD LTD.;-{Organization's/Private/Business-Company's - Bankings/Book Keeping/ProfitLink Selling & Buying EnterPrise/Economic Corporations-Corporate Group/P.R.-{MumberShips Private Book Keeper With Thin Bank's Worldwide}Banking Investment-Digital Advertising Press Contal Outlet info Enterprise.;-JETMODE PRO- AFRICA GROUP WORLDWIDE INVESTMENT LTD .;-"WaterLine Industry"/"Industry"-Building Constructions/Building Society Regulations/Materials-Control/Contractors/Control Fees-Conservations Investment-Fees/MumberShip Log}.;- I/US/ WE/ JETMODE PRO- Of JETMODE PRO- UK LTD.;-JMPRO- Terms & Conditions- LAWS Are in USE WORLWIDE WRITTEN DECREE!!!}.;-GODSTAR***JETMODE PRO- AFROCAN WORLDEWIDE UN LTD.;-JETMODE PRO- COMPANIES RELINQUISHMENT PROFESSIONAL INVESTMENT WORLDWIDE LTD.;-Working & Pensions-Divdends-Contractors Contol -Individuals Ability/Compatibility Course Of Knowingly Independence Motivation - Supplies Commercial Industry.;$*-£* TRUE###.  
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