#weekly updates (if everything goes to plan and knowing me it won't)
giggly-squiggily · 12 days
Bloggy Updates
Hey everyone! So it's been a hot minute since I've updated you guys on what's going on- nothing bad I promise! I wanted to come by and share with you my plans for the remainder of 2024 and possibly the start of 2025 regarding fics and such!
SO! Let's get into it!
September 2024
3 fics per week as per scheduled! I have plenty pre-written and set up for the month and only need to knock out two more to finish off the month! It's been a hectic year, but I'm feeling pretty good about them :3
October 2024
Tickletober!!! Weekly edition :D I'm gonna be 100%- I had no intentions originally of doing tickletober this year, but I got the itch and decided the one fic per week schedule would be easier on me while I figure out my new life schedule and all that good stuff.
Also did an extra day as a trade with my dear friend @gladdygirl18 for one of the days but I won't say which one- so look out for that one hehehe
November-December 2024
So here's where things get a littttle different. My plan going into these months and into 2025 is to cut back on fics by one, so instead of 3x a week (Mon, Wed, Fri), we're switching to 2x a week (Tues, Thurs). I think this would make it easier on myself while I navigate life changes and find my footing at my new job. Will this change be permanent? I don't know yet- it heavily depends on what goes on in life.
I'm sorry to everyone who enjoys the 3x a week schedule I've been doing for years- but I think as of right now it's the best solution I can come up with that preserves quality and quantity of the fics. Thank you for understanding!
I think that's everything? I might be missing details but as of right now I feel pretty good about my plans. Thank you all very much for sticking by me while I fluster through life. This past month was difficult, but I'm aiming to make September a better one, and the rest of the year! Keep being amazing y'all!
Take a cutie! (Sakura's been on my mind lately, the adorable bean- expect some tickles coming his way October!)
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soldiers-and-medics · 4 years
Premonitions | Chapter 1
Hi everyone! So I left for quite a long time, with no warning at all, and for that I’m sorry!
But I am back now, and to “celebrate”, here is the first chapter of Premonitions!
If you want to know more about the fic before heading on AO3 to read it, here is a summary:
Babe Heffron was not supposed to die today.
In which Eugene has nightmares, and it seems like everyone is dying around him.
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ahankar1610 · 3 years
Hey, how's everyone doing.
Ah, it is an hectic, so was the past week.
I updated Trojan Princess and now I am updating this. I hope you all will like it. ☺️
FFnet: ⬇️
Ao3: ⬇️
A Tale of Ron and Hermione Chapter-3 (The preparation) The day of the Ball was pretty hectic for her as she had to do multiple works in four hours, two actually she needs other two to get ready. Not that she wants to get dressed that well, like she did for the Yule Ball in their fourth year. Well Viktor Krum was her date for that time and she had to look best for the occasion, after all turning up at the Ball with an international quidditch star was a big deal. Viktor, she sighs at the thought of her ex-boyfriend. Viktor was a gentleman at the Ball, and it was really a surprising, actually shocking thing, for every single person of Hogwarts when the bookworm Granger turned up the date of the Victor Krum. Viktor and her continued their relationship even after the Triwizard Tournament. He used to visit her during the Hogsmead visits and they used to spend the day together. It was really heart breaking for her when he sent her the break up letter, before the starting of her sixth year. Five months later she heard the news of him dating a fellow quidditch player who belongs to Italy. After that their letters became rare and she lost the contact with him. Not that she didn't had boyfriends after him. Cormac McLaggen was the person who had asked her for the Slughorn's Christmas party and then they kissed later at the party and they were in a relationship which lasted for six months. He was a prat many times to be honest and he started getting on her nerves. But she really liked him because he was a solace after her break up with Viktor and she started liking spending time with him. Then, she sighs sadly. He dumped her at his graduation day. She couldn't believe her luck that every bloody time she was the one to get dumped. Though it didn't hurt that much as much as it did before during Viktor's time. Now here she is sitting on the vacant seat, sweaty and tired with a glass of a butterbeer in her hand and watching the Hall they had prepared for the Ball. They did a good work with all of decorations, Headmaster Dumbledore was immensely impressed with the decorations and all. Even Professor McGonagall had remarked and it really made her feel proud of herself and her the members of the Council. She hoped everything goes better this evening. She had asked Ron, he told her it would be okay if she calls him by his first name, that she'll meet him near the courtyard. Her friends didn't give her that much of a hard time as much as she had expected. Lavender and Parvati were surprised but they just shrugged and let it go easily. Dean and Harry understood that she took this step because of the no one left problem. It was Seamus who had given her a hard time for it, with his teasing. She hoped that Seamus would get busy because she can face the teasing but she didn't want Ron to face it, because Seamus can be a bit heartless when he had firewhisky on. She walked towards the Gryffindor tower musing about the upcoming Ball when she heard someone call her. She turned and Ginny Weasley was walking towards her. She had her Quidditch kit on and she had her broom on her shoulder. "Hello Ginny," she greeted with a smile. "Hi," she said with a small smile, "If you're not busy, can I talk to you for a moment?". Hermione was confused as to why in the world would Ginny Weasley want to have a conversation with her. Not that they are not on good terms or something. It's just that they really didn't interacted that much to strike a friendship. Harry and Ginny are friends, she knows as both of their families are close. "Sure," said Hermione. "Well, how's your year as the President going?" Ginny asked and she can sense awkwardness in her tone. "It is well till now, though it's been only a month, I can say that the first month was hectic. Don't know what will the upcoming time will bring." She chuckled. Ginny smiled and sway her hands through her straight red hair. She cleared her throat, "So, I heard you asked my brother to be your date, is it
true?". "Yes," she said a little confused, "Didn't he tell you?" she asked. Ginny rolled her eyes. "My brother won't tell anything if you don't ask him." They both again went into that uncomfortable silence. "Do you mind if I ask you a question?" Ginny asked her with her eyes a little narrowed. "No." Ginny stared at her gloved for a moment as if contemplating her words, "Why did you ask to the Ball?". Hermione frowned, "I really didn't understand what you mean by that Ginny." "You're not planning to…. embarrass him, are you?" Ginny asked seriously. What!?, she's really shocked by the accusation of Ginny, "Why do you think that?" bewildered and astonished by Ginny's accusation. "You and your groupies don't have any pranks planned for him?" Ginny asked looking suspiciously at her and Hermione didn't know from where this all is coming. "Look Ginny," she said firmly looking straight at Ginny, "I needed a date for the Ball and your brother was dateless. So, I asked him for the date, it's all simple. There is no pranks or scheme to embarrass your brother." Ginny stared at her for a minute then breathed a long sigh relaxing her shoulders. "I am sorry, it's just, you know?" Ginny shrugged her shoulders. "I understand," Hermione said, "My friends really had the bad reputation of Hogwarts' best pranksters since your twin brothers graduated." Ginny snorted, "No one matches my prats of brothers," she said with a laugh. Hermione laughed, "That is something I can agree with." "Are you done?" she asked frustratedly. "Be a little patient, will you," Parvati snapped back while applying a little lipstick on her lips and a little makeup on her face. "Why're you so fussy today?" asked Lavender, who is sitting at her bed and enjoying the eclairs Dean had bought them. Hermione was preparing early because as the president she and her date would have to be present at the Ball before anyone else. "Why can't I can go without Parvati trademark makeup?" she huffed while Parvati shot her a look with narrowed eyes, Lavender rolled her eyes. "Because Parvati won't let you go out of this until she is done with you," Lavender said while jumping from her bed, she walked and stand behind Hermione with a teasing smile on her face, "You were not like this before the Yule Ball?". Hermione glanced at her on the mirror. "Yule Ball was different," she said trailing. Lavender suddenly frowned, "And your date was an international quidditch star and this time a simple seventh year student?" Lavender said wearily. "No!" Hermione said quickly, but went quiet as soon as her voice went high realizing that what Lavender said is true. Lavender sighed, "Hermione," she said shaking her head. She bent down and kissed Hermione's top of the head and plop down on the stool placed beside Hermione. The stool was really small as Lavender's head, who is of a medium height, is reaching the hands of the seat. She took Hermione's hand in hers', "Look Hermione. My mum always used to say that people will always try to be good with you if you always try to be nice to them," she said with a smile, "Look at us, we didn't even like each other when we first met and now, we're best friends." Lavender said cheerfully. "So! my dear bookworm," she said clapping her hand on her shoulder. "Though Ron was a troublesome person during our starting year. He is a real nice guy, so be good with him and I am sure he will also try to be a good date." "Since when our deary became so wise, Parvati?" Hermione asked teasingly to Parvati who giggled and then said with mocking emotional expression, "My dear Lav is all grown up now," she said wiping the invisible tears. Lavender huffed and rolled her eyes at them but her lips are twitching on both corners. "It isn't about Ron being my date," Hermione said sighing. "It's about that he must not have any expectations." "Why?" asked Parvati, her brows furrowing. "I don't want another trail of rumours behind me again," she said sighing sadly. Lavender and Parvati flinched when they remind of the fourth year after the Yule Ball. There
are hundreds of rumours regarding Hermione and Krum. It all started because of Rita Skeeter's article in Witch Weekly, and then it was a thunderstorm of howlers and all from Bulgarian crowd and Krum's fans and many of them were unkind. "It's just a date for the Ball Hermione," said Parvati, "Don't worry, I am a respected member of the rumour mill of Hogwarts. Nothing passes me." She said proudly and they all laughed.
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