#weeps in vagueblogging
fooltofancy · 2 years
have finally caught up on the shoh alpha and let me just say that i am slightly desperate for someone to acknowledge how colossally fucked up and not okay this man is.
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katyspersonal · 1 day
if you could ask Miyazaki a single question on Bloodborne lore and he had to give you a complete and non-obscure answer, what would you ask?
"Why the Doll from Bloodborne is dressed like this?". In a heartbeat.
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There ARE some other things I really want to know, of course! All Fromsoft, not just Bloodborne. Like who was Djura's third companion, because it is absolutely not obvious since Joseph is not unique but just a summon variant of a generic invader enemy 'Izzy's Follower'! Or exact list of parents of Gwyn's children, so the family tree is solid! Or how exactly Rom ascended, because whereas Micolash claims she was given eyes by Kos, she is a Spider (Nightmare/Amygdalae affiliation) AND is found as a corpse near weeping Ebrietas in the Choir! Or who exactly Gloam-Eyed Queen was... All that!
However, simply answering all these with theories and headcanons and interpretations does not have consequences! The Doll's clothing discourse, however, does!
It is obvious that we as a fandom are not ready for Miyazaki's genius, and above all, not ready to be mature enough to respect each other's takes! Doll discourse brings out the worst in people! No other unresolved lore question makes people block each other on the spot for """wrong""" reading of this. People even block Gehrmaria shippers as if to distance from "impurity uwu" instead of just blocking the ship's name, like Tumblr allows to do! No other question makes them vagueblog absolutely vile shit about another, or sometimes put their hate for character/ship in the tags. No other question makes people call their opponents misogyny-apologists, braindead, weirdos, media-illiterate or straight up claim they "just want to woobify the cis white man" (seriously what the fuck RACE has to do with this?) ..... this is the part where I should address the wrongdoings of people with charitable Gehrman reading as a 'both sides bad' matter but I can't recall anything lolololololol
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Yeah, I might not believe there was any sort of misogyny tradwife stuff planned for the character. It is not just a matter of "even the doll should it please you" and "his curious mania" being inventions of localisation team:
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Doll says '私をお使いください' ('Watashi o o tsukai kudasai', so, please use me), referring to using her for channeling Blood Echoes! Gehrman says '君さえよければ、あの人形もね⋯' ('kimi sae yokereba, ano ningyō mo neso', so, 'doll too if only you are okay with it', or '...if that is alright with you') in the context of talking about the Hunter tools in the Workshop, again, pointing us towards the fact that she is, too, a 'tool' in a way. Some tools fortify your weapons, others (herself) turn blood echoes into your power.
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The "mania" mentioned in this line also uses the word 狂熱 (kyoonetsu), which refers to madness and insanity. Meanwhile, the "mania" mentioned in the description of Doll's clothes uses the word 偏執 (henshuu), meaning to be absorbed in the process very much, being very fixated etc. So, he was so absorbed in his work on the clothes of the Doll that he lost track of time!
It is... everything. Him being put up as a tragic character with a tragic song, when Fromsoft is always blunt when they want someone to be a weirdo or disliked. It is Doll crying a tear of joy upon feeling how Gehrman cared for Maria through Hair Ornament. It is Doll being based on Victorian grief dolls and not being a sex doll or whatever Reddittube said and Twitbr parroted. It is bifauxnen archetype being more often about a woman who did not even want to be masculine but something, or someone, pushed her to, than about plain masculine woman, paired with how much Maria regretted joining the hunt and her hunter attire being the 'masculine wear'. If not and transition was genuine, grief doll implies Maria at least used to be this way, and Gehrman clings to the past version of her, away from what killed her.
But in the end, it doesn't matter which! I try to not have biases besides 'what works better' or 'what feels more natural'! But even if Miyazaki said that yes, he did imply misogyny tradwife forced femininity whatever whatever for this character, what would matter is a concrete answer! Again: we as a fandom, heck, as a species, are not intellectually ready for the concepts like 'up to interpretation'. But removing interpretation factor from THIS thing would've saved so, so, SO many unnecessary petty dramas and conflicts!
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siryamsalot · 5 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Gargoyles (Cartoon) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Summary:
what if the proposed spinoff Timedancer wasn’t soul crushingly sad? and what if it wasn’t so heteronormative? welcome to A Time Dance; a Timedancer alternative by this sad bitch
HEY GUYS, I FINALLY POSTED A FANFICTION INSTEAD OF JUST VAGUEBLOGGING ABOUT MY PROJECTS!! this is the first chapter of my timedancer fixit fic. weeps in both fear of being known and need for attention
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killian-whump · 4 years
I seriously don’t know how many times I have to tell you people, but whenever you vagueblog and DON’T drop juicy deets in my message box, angels weep and puppies die and it’s a clear violation of the law.
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incarnateirony · 5 years
Democratic Debates, Day 1
So a few ground rules:
If you’re going to reply, be an adult about it, and don’t try to read everything in bad faith default lens. Ask questions of anyone who engages rather than accusing. And not in that presumptuous white guy bad faith questioning that isn’t a question tone.
If replying, put your comments with a lead in no longer than two (reasonable) sentences behind a cut. Because
some of us are fandom blogs first or whatever interests and our followers aren’t deeply invested
I just don’t want goddamn pillars of text on my reblog wall if I respond to discussions.
Literally if you’re a republican out to just be a shitlord and start whining or complaining or insulting or “no u”ing, see rule 4
I will not reblog or reply to any commentary that doesn’t fit these very basic guidelines, because internet trolling etc is not worth the future of our country. And that’s very much at stake now.
If you don’t want to see this, blacklist #politics and/or #democratic debates. Now, my takeaways on this, some surprising.
So, I’ll start with some disclaimers: I’m pretty much “vote for my dog over Trump” party line right now but we need to figure out a mix of “our best chance of winning” along of “award for the least tool” with hopefully a side of “I really like them and their policies”
Honestly, I entered this without being fond of Warren. She had some... establishment backing and other things that were just rubbing me wrong. I actually went in to day one looking to hear about Tulsi since I heard great buzz about her but honestly had only pulled up a few pages that sounded great on paper, but wanted to see her in action. Everyone else was littered policy ideas disembodied and, as a very visual person, I need to be able to connect to how they handle their podium beyond writing nice policy platitudes or listening to the toss back and forth online with everybody screaming at everybody else.
I’m also going to get something out of the way, and BEFORE you flame me on my marks on the image, read why I selected one that... I generally wouldn’t. First, this was my original graphic I released.
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Okay so sore thumb here: De Blasio. The reason for the circling being simple: if you took every semi-valid idea of every other white guy’s platform on this lineup, gave it a little bit of meat, and showed ACTUAL LIVING PROOF OF HAVING ENACTED IT ALL IN HIS TENURE AND MAKING THE IDEAS WORK, you get De Blasio. A lot of the ideas of the other nominees is basically *hand raise* “I did that.” So like. That’s that.
Anyone with no mark whatsoever is kinda like “you’re there and not trump so good for you” but there’s some updates further down this conversation on one of those.
The internet keeps acting like Klobuchar did well and I really don’t get why. It kinda feels like our token non-canuck trying to appeal to them-there northern hunter-type and cheese folks to reach out as a middle ground without actually committing to much and honestly, she’s just not going to last.
Booker caught my eye even if I was kind of head tilting because that is quite literally the whitest black man I have ever fucking seen, but he made a point about intersectionality, marginalized groups, and held his ground. He was all but unknown to me but I at least looked at him now. On the other hand, a lot of it felt like borderline pandering. I don’t know. I’ll keep an eye on him, but he actually stood out a bit at least. Not hard with the mayo jars up there but whatever.
It’s not a rare take online that Castro took the internet by storm. I love him. Everyone loves him. I do have some concerns long-term though; it’s less having actual problems with his ideas and more knowing that ... our country is too fucked for him right now. He’s advocating some pretty heavily open borders and while in principle I enjoyed watching him stomp on Beto about that, I honestly feel like if we put him against Trump, we’d lose. 
There’s people in the red party that ARE tired of Trump, that ARE experiencing a crisis about the inhumane shit going on at the border, that WOULD be willing to crossvote to make it end -- but we can’t forget that a lot of them initially voted for Trump BECAUSE of a deep seeded Xenophobia, and the level of aggression -- again, the kind of aggression I personally agree with -- Castro had may end up being very dangerous long term in getting that vote. Pretty much everyone up there agrees we need very comprehensive immigration reform and immediate action about the travesty, but I feel like unless Castro smooths his roll a bit we’re in for a long term faceplant that gives us another four years of Trumpian hell by people pulling back into their xenophobic mindset and -- if not voting for Trump -- abstaining from voting for him, which I think several other candidates have in their court.
Castro made a bit of a gaffe about switching trans genders but the fact that he tried, I guess. And considered trans in the discussion of choice and birth control etc. It could have very easily just been a stupid fumble. He’s still trying to take it into account. I can forgive that, in the scale of it, even if it has a bit of performer aspect.
Also I’m left to wonder where Castro was when they needed help running in Texas to begin with. I also just don’t see the passion in his eyes of several candidates, it’s strangely calculating on most topics. I like his platform, in theory, but I’m very cautious. 
Jay Insley is just weird even if everyone likes him.
Dulaney is a meme and I don’t know why he’s even here.
Tim Ryan accidentally wandered in on his way to the Republican debates as best I can gather.
Tulsi was the one that I was watching. All in all, I was underwhelmed. And then... it got worse.
The better part of her time was spent repeating her time in the military. And while it was great watching her school Tim Ryan, that’s not exactly hard to do. The fact that she lit his ass on fire when he just about self combusted in front of the party without her help -- I mean, it was the highlight of her showcasing aside from the snazzy Rogue hair.
Somehow, for as woke as tumblr is, and the progressives that had me looking her way, I hadn’t heard of her anti-LGBT past which she’s mostly couched her opinions on and held as recently as 2014 or THE FACT THAT I HAVE FOUND OUT THAT SHE WAS VETTED BY THE FUCKING TRUMP ADMINISTRATION TO BE ON THEIR CABINET, I’M FUCKING HORRIFIED.
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What the FUCK? What are you, seven? That’s literal pre-emptive “my sister stole my phone lol sorry” level tweets. YOU’RE A FUCKING PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE TALKING ABOUT IMPORTANT NATIONAL MATTERS LOCK YOUR GODDAMN PHONE.
Because THAT’S just what we need, we’ll go from Trump impulse-tweeting to like “LOL fuck korea - lmao sorry my sister texted that”???? 
Neverminding how STATISTICALLY INCORRECT that is. Depending on exactly HOW you count time Warren got 2nd or 3rd most time -- yes, more than Tulsi. She did not have the most. She did not have “more than all the other candidates combined.” And Tulsi did not have the least time, but center-ground on time. She wasted a bunch of it endlessly reciting her time in the military, scoring an okay shot on Ryan, and... well, vagueblogging about her opinion on LGBT to the vein of “something something equality my bad I was raised conservative” great. Great selling point. Great couching there. Five years ago you were fighting against me having rights and now you’re basically against government deciding what people can’t do but what the fuck is your opinion on me as a human being?
Doubling back from that problem though, that’s when I dug in her LGBT history and ended up tripping over the Trump stuff. AND THIS IS THE CANDIDATE I WENT IN TO HEAR FROM TONIGHT LIKE “YES PLZ LET ME HEAR MORE” because people I knew LIKED her, but then I find out she’s a Trump frand that has Trump-like hyperbolic meltdowns on twitter? NO I DO NOT WANT FEMALE TRUMP WITH ROGUE HAIR THANKS BUT NO THANKS. 
Back to Warren, who I started with a MEH on, she came out WICKEDLY strong out of the gate. Her second half was weaker, she kinda has next to no active plan beyond talking/passing around more research on gun reform, but everything else, yes. Do I think she has the potential weight to pull it off, yes. And most of all, watching as she gets mad, upset, or emotional, do I believe she believes everything she said tonight, yes. Look, I know there’s STUFF about her claiming she had Native American heritage or whatever but I’m honestly so far past giving a fuck about the obscure shit like that if they have decent policies because our country is so FUCKED right now that I DONT CARE. She held her ground.
So in the end my spread ends up looking more like
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of day 1 contenders, Warren still maintains her strong chance. Castro kind of sprouted up out of the earth and I really goddamn like him, but I do hold caution for my reasons above, because again, our country is THAT FUCKED.  
Booker really turned some heads and I liked him Booker... Booker’s very concerned about a lot of marginalized intersectional issues and it took him from “who the fuck is that” onto my radar which is a leap, but he didn’t drill in as hard as Castro did to my mind and I feel like he’s just... I dunno, I could be wrong but I feel like he’s gonna fade. Beto, IDK, still exists, isn’t an embarrassment and doesn’t just morph in with the other white guys up there. He’s not Trump. So I won’t delete him, but let’s say he barely, and I mean BARELY hedged into my consideration in this image, I almost just cropped it over to Warren.
De Blasio is just sort of “status quo, but actually enacts it” but I wouldn’t weep to see him vanish, either. In the end out of this debate though, I see like
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Everyone else go home.
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I’m really, REALLY hoping everybody has the common sense to make such an ass of Biden he’s knocked out early. Like that’s part of why I’m so goddamn interested in day 2. If we end up with Trump vs Biden we might as well all just put on our goddamn clown suits but he has the fiscal backing to push through even if he shouldn’t unless he’s utterly DECIMATED early on.
I don’t like Kamala Harris’ prison industrial complex CRAP but I’d be HAPPY to watch her drag Biden around like a wet rag. Sanders is a given point of interest. Buttigieg is another one to watch. Yang... isn’t... gonna last. But is just sort of a ... fun thing to watch I guess in this mix up. Someone else may surprise me, I don’t know.
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kyliaquilor · 6 years
Every day this website sinks to new, more disgusting lows
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lilquill · 6 years
Writeblr Drama Time! :)
Imagine being a gigantic writeblr, so big that you unironically write self-aggrandizing posts about how you’re a “writeblr myth” in the third person, and then falling apart at the seams the moment someone questions your intentions when you vague about wanting “nasty” writeblrs to leave the website.
And then imagine blaming someone who politely asks you to clarify your intentions, and responding in an absolutely astounding show of volatile fragility, tagging people and DEMANDING they explain themselves to you for all your followers to send vile nonsense aiming to shut down discussions and anything that dares question your perspective and why you have it.
And, beyond that, imagine painting innocent people trying to have a discussion as villainous attackers based on polite reblogs of their post made in good faith, while in the same breath absolving yourself of the behavior of the people acting on your behalf. And then, of course, going on to deliberately misinterpret a common colloquial meaning of the word “nasty” in order to build a shoddy defense.
Imagine sticking your nose into useless, pointless drama in the first place, getting some digs in at someone explaining the connotations of words in different languages by ganging up on them with a WHITE GIRL named INDIA (by the way, India, if you’re reading this, hello from a real actual Indian person! You can see why it’s important to clarify meanings of things in different contexts, don’t you?), thereby either deliberately misinterpreting someone to paint them as a villain and burn them at the stake or blindly attacking someone you don’t like, neither of which are good looks. And, not only that, but stirring up the drama again months later in a vagueblog implying you want them (and everyone who agreed with them) driven off writeblr!
I’ve seen you do this a few times in the past. Remember that time someone politely criticized your self-congratulatory post about how you included gay characters because you had magic in your story, and how they took issue with how your phrasing seemed to imply that they couldn’t exist in a world without magic? You ganged up on them with your Big Writeblr Friends in an INCREDIBLE display of homophobia and lack of self-awareness. You painted yourself as a victim of a smear campaign based on a polite discussion that questioned you.
This performative self-victimizing, painting anything that doesn’t completely bend to your will and prop up a version of events that paints you in anything other than good light. The intentions of this kind of behavior are never good. You want to shut down conversation and self-reflection with a villain/victim dynamic so that people will rush to your aid. Maybe think harder about yourself and your behavior. Writeblr doesn’t become a safe, positive environment if we demonize people for being critical of things that deserve criticism. In fact, it rots instead, as you let things fester in the dark with catty, two-faced behavior instead of being honest and open, shutting doors and living in the musty dark instead of airing things out and actually learning. People have tried being kind and polite to you, and you blew up at them. Perhaps this strategy will work instead.
And, before I get blocked in yet another fit of the exact phenomenon I’ve described, I’ll get one last thing in. Honey sweetie darling baby @boothewriter (is that enough coddling for you?), your wip about reverse harem kpop greek gods starring a white girl or whatever is honestly super weird and fetishistic and racist. Please rethink, like, literally everything about that wip. Like, I thought that maybe the pictures on there were just the default from the theme page you used, but….no, you picked them! I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. I really did, honest. But maybe, like, DON’T write that lmao.
But since we all know you’ll just throw another fit when you see this, have fun martyring yourself as the pure lily-white innocent victim of a situation that you created entirely by your own fault. You want a eulogy that weeps over you as you, commemorates you as some sort of writeblr god with your 3000 followers or whatever as you leave Tumblr? Take this L instead.
Screenshots (with links) below the cut, because I know some nimrods will read this and ignore everything I say.
HILARIOUS third-person post:
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Link: https://boothewriter.tumblr.com/post/175158809961/boo-is-the-writeblr-community-myth-if-youre-good
Boo’s original post that sparked this whole thing:
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Link: https://boothewriter.tumblr.com/post/180803228551/tumblr-banning-explicit-content-lots-of-people
Polite response to that post:
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Link: http://gingerly-writing.tumblr.com/post/180876218231/boothewriter-tumblr-banning-explicit-content
Boo’s fragile meltdown response:
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Also see:
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Link: https://boothewriter.tumblr.com/post/180801111071
Boo getting herself into that drama that that white girl named India getting mad at a person who literally speaks Russian politely explaining the connotation of a certain word that means “mermaid” stirred up:
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Link: https://boothewriter.tumblr.com/post/178551594421/cant-believe-people-are-calling-out-writers-for
Boo’s humblebrag about including gay characters (ft. that white chick named India again!):
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Link: https://boothewriter.tumblr.com/post/170196861536/theinkstainsblog-boothewriter-ive-been
Boo and her Big Writeblr Pals™ ganging up on a gay person critically examining the homophobic wording of the post above:
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Link: https://boothewriter.tumblr.com/post/170247458436/i-dont-think-you-meant-it-like-this-but-the
Her AMAZING character page:
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Link: https://boothewriter.tumblr.com/gomm-chara
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aeryns · 6 years
radiantleia replied to your post “we rly have moved past vagueblogging like in 2017 i was making...”
you really one upped my vagueblogging from earlier today like i really thought i was stirring the pot but you straightup tipped your pot over and poured it out EVERYWHERE and i LOVE IT
hahahahhaa this is so accurate and i love ur phrasing im weeping
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femgirlfriend-moved · 7 years
i'm fucking weeping i just found out i've been vagueblogged by a real historian i'm....your fave could never
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killian-whump · 5 years
Just some quick responses to @queen-mabs-revenge, because I’m not comfortable leaving those posts without responses.
Behind the cut.
Look, I’ve been trying to not get involved here, but you’re saying you’re not calling @optomisticgirl a bully but I literally just saw a post where you mimed a conversation repeatedly telling “them” to stop bullying and that their “murder board” was scary, after B’s post of the conversion, so I don’t know who else you could be referring to there, and it’s a bit disingenuous to act otherwise. I get that you were trying to make light, but you’re framing very specific things and actions in that satire conversation that are referring to specific posts B has made, so I’m not sure how that can’t be calling B a bully.
For starters, a lot has been said about “this side” and “that side” and a lot of assumptions have been made of those on both “sides”. And let’s be real, everyone who has spoken about this topic has made it abundantly clear which “side” they’re on. So labeling one side “us” and the other side “them” isn’t really doing anything more than acknowledging what we all already know.
And actually, I was NOT referring solely to @optomisticgirl at all with that particular joke (and it WAS a joke. I even mentioned elsewhere, in a response to @thesschesthair that I threw it in there because I found it amusing that they really DO have receipts for everything, probably even my grocery trip last week), but also to @distant-rose, who almost always includes links to posts to back up her statements, and is probably THE most convenient person to bicker with in the entire world because of it. I literally want to pay her to argue on behalf of everyone I ever have an issue with, because it’s so damn handy to just have a link right there to what’s been said before.
I only called it a murder board because of the murder boards in Once. Everybody loves a good murder board, don’t they? I know I do. Again, it was meant to be a little spot of levity in an otherwise crazy situation.
If “the sudden influx of [non-bullying comments, tags or gifs], from multiple parties, seemingly from all sides and feeling never-ending” is now what constitutes bullying...
Lemme stop you there. I’mma let you finish, but I just want to say
Jokes aside, NO. That’s not what constitutes bullying. The snark and gifs started it, yes, and they weren’t very nice, but it built into something far worse and definitely worthy of being called out and stopped. I focused on the initial comment and gifs in my response there because that’s what the particular person I was talking to there took part in. They were FAR from the worst examples of “bullying” that occurred here. FAR from it.
As for your further response to @doodlelolly0910 after she explained to you the depth of the bullying... I mean... Look, I love you like the night is long, but are you seriously trying to say that that ONE thread there is all you’re willing to believe happened? Because that’s shit and you and I both know it, love. Hell, there’s one person I KNOW we both have in common on our dashboards who vagueblogged about it, and I’m willing to bet you saw a few more vagueblogs just like it, same as I did. And, frankly, I KNOW you’re not naive enough to think that what you see publicly in one post is indicative of the worst this fandom has to offer when it gets riled up. I mean, come on now. Even fringe people involved in this debacle (myself and @distant-rose AFAIK, probably everyone, who knows?) have gotten particularly nasty hate asks - I wouldn’t want to be either of the two main characters in this fiasco. I weep for their inboxes. Truly.
Anyway, I hope this doesn’t affect our friendship. I love you, dear, but I gotta stand up for myself.
P.S. Nobody else who’s mentioned/tagged in here needs to feel any obligation to respond or address anything in here. I just don’t like talking about other people (even innocently or in passing) without letting them know I’m doing it.
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