#wef global shapers
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datenarche · 24 days
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deblala · 4 months
The WEF's Programs for Infiltration - The Young Global Leaders, Global Shapers and New Champions
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maverick96 · 2 years
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awesomecooperlove · 2 years
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elegantcucumber1 · 3 years
Dance when you're not supposed to. Make your day better :)
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immaculatasknight · 2 years
City killers
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raum-e · 3 years
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Global Propaganda Spectacle (nie gekannten Ausmaßes)
Das Logo der Global Shapers Community - eines hinlänglich bekannten Ablegers des WEF zur Jungbonzenheranzüchtung und ideologischen Unterstützung der technokratischen Wahn-Agenda - lud mich geradezu ein, die einzelnen Kommunikationsebenen und -kanäle grafisch herauszuarbeiten, die nötig waren, um uns das größte je dagewesene Propagandaspektakel zu servieren.
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korrektheiten · 3 years
»Turn down the heat!«
LePenseur:»Gastkommentar von Rücktreter   Das fordern die »Global Shapers«, die Nachwuchsorganisation (also was ähnliches wie die »Thälmann-Pioniere« oder die »HJ«?) des Führers des WEF Klaus Schwab — vielleicht sollten Sie sich statt »Global Shapers«  ehrlicher als »Schwabjugend« bezeichnen. Genauer gesagt: die vom »Vienna Hub« und vom »Budapest Hub«. O, wie schön! — Österreich-Ungarn lebt wieder auf, wenn auch nur mit einem Projekt: We are turning down the heat by 1°C every week until Russia has stopped attacking Ukraine.Lower temperature ➡ Less gas consumption ➡Less money for Russia ➡Fewer resources for the war against Ukraine1°C less saves 6% gas. Großartige Idee — die nur ein paar kleine Haken hat: die Höhe des Gaspreises hängt nicht nur von der Nachfrage, sondern auch vom Angebot ab. Und wenn die Russen angesichts der verhängten Sanktionen zu Gegensanktinoen greifen (was zu erwarten ist), dann heißt das: sie liefern Gas — aber eben nicht an Staaten, die sie sanktionieren. Sondern nach China, oder Indien oder sonst wohin auf dem Weltmarkt. Oder verbilligen ihre Produktionskosten, indem sie es im Land einsetzen.   Was das bedeutet, kann man an diesem Beispiel erkennen: die Russkis liefern schon seit letztem Herbst fast keine Düngemittel mehr Richtung Westen. Und was heißt das? Das: So etwas kann jederzeit auch beim Gaspreis  passieren. Und dann wird Österreich-Ungarns Schwab-Jugend ein bisserl weniger begeistert aus der Wäsche gucken ... Und wer sind die hoffnungsvollen künftigen Führergestalten unserer Globalistischen Statrapie Vienna?Curator: Sarah Haas, Vice-Curator: Lena Hödl, Impact Officer: Marina Bartoletti, sowie: Agnes Aistleitner, Rustem Akishbekov, Hamza Amin, Bedirhan Boztepe, Jelena Cerar, Stephanie Cox, Carolin Drewes, Thomas Gaar, Tobias Grabher,Felix Häusler, Stefan Yazzie Herbert, Fedor Holz, Michael Jayasekara,Goran Maric, Ximena Michemberg, Iris Neuberg, Sasaenia Paul Oluwabunmi, Andreas Onea, Nataly Daniela Ortiz Arias, Jonathan Pock, Marine Popoff, Francis Rafal, Anil Rai, Anna Riedl Katharina Rogen-hofer, Yannick Shetty, Lisa Maria Sommer, Johannes Stangl, Sofia Surma, Valentin Wiesner, Stefan Windberger, David Witzeneder, Hannah Wundsam, Natalie Haas, Nermina Mumic, Selin Öker. Namen, die man sich merken sollte! Wenn man darauf Wert legt, kein U-Boot in seiner Firma/Kanzlei/ Organisation zu haben — falls sich einer von denen um einen Posten bewirbt ... http://dlvr.it/SL6yCS «
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itakephotos1985 · 6 years
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#ShapeAfrica2018 was an amazing 😉 experience! Thank you to #WEF @jhbglobalshapers for hosting & the participants who joined me in the 🇬🇭 #Akwaaba dance, Global Shapers you all are the real MVPs. #GraceAddict 🇿🇦 #Mastery #GamorLegacy (at Johannesburg, Gauteng)
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robertoaguirre199 · 7 years
PBL Trigger 2 Social Problems
Why are just some companies interested in solving social problems?
Despite the dire state of the world today — and the stereotype that millennials' are selfish and apathetic — the generation aged 18 to 35 cares deeply about global issues, and they're determined to tackle them.
In fact, 70% of millennials see plentiful opportunities for themselves and their peers, and 50% believe they can significantly contribute to decision making in their home country.
These insights come from the World Economic Forum's (WEF) annual Global Shapers survey, released this week, which surveyed more than 26,000 millennials from 181 countries to gauge the priorities, concerns, and attitudes of millennials around the globe
1. What are the characteristics of the companies that worry about social problems?
Companies That Care ...
Sustain a work environment founded on dignity and respect for all employees
Make employees feel their jobs are important
Cultivate the full potential of all employees
Encourage individual pursuit of work/life balance
2. What are the associations that are aware about social problems?  
The commercial entities are where two or more persons (individuals or entities) contract and unit in a permanent manner to perform a common licit, possible goal of a preponderantly economic nature, constituting commercial speculation, and under certain formalities of incorporation an registry, under one of the following types:
-The "Sociedad en Nombre Colectivo" (Company in Collective Name, also known as General Partnership), is a company in firm or trade name (including all the names of all of the partners or where there is a name missing, you are to place the words "and company" or other equivalent), where all of the partners have ancillary / subsidiary, unlimited and joint responsibility for the company's obligations.
-The "Sociedad en Comandita Simple" (Company in Simple Silent Partnership also known as a Limited Partnership), is a company in firm name or trade name (including all the names of the "comanditados" partners), and which consists of one or more "comanditado" partners that respond with ancillary/subsidiary, unlimited and joint responsibility for the company obligations and one or more "comanditario" partners that are solely responsible for the payment of their portions attributed to the company.
-The "Sociedad de Responsibilidad Limitada" (Limited Responsibility Company, also known as the Limited Liability Company) is a company with a firm/trade name or denomination (made-up name), consisting of partners whose only obligation is to deliver their portions (money or assets) attributed to the company, which corporate parts are not represented by negotiable instruments, instruments payable to the order of a person (stock) or bearer instruments (stock) and which company parts have restricted transferability.
The "Sociedad Anónima" (Limited Liability Stock Company, also known as the corporation) is a company with a denomination (made-up name) consisting of shareholders whose only obligation is to deliver the portions they subscribe to (in the corporate capital) and which are attributable to the company, which parts are represented by negotiable instruments (stock), (no bearer instruments/stock), and which company parts may or may not be of restricted transferability (depending on the company by laws).
The "Sociedad en Comandita por Acciones" (Company in Silent Partnership by Stock, also known as the Limited Partnership with Shares") is a company subject to the rules that govern the "Sociedad Anónima" company (with exceptions); made up of one or more "comanditado" partners/shareholders with ancillary/subsidiary, unlimited and joint responsibility for the company obligations and one or more "comanditario" partners/shareholders that are only responsible for the payment of the company stock they subscribed.
3. Which are the requirements to be a social aware company?
A. Pick a big issue, declare a clear goal, and mobilize your resources. Corporations become successful because they identify problems, allocate resources to uncover and deliver solutions, and are accountable for what happens. 
B. Make more effort to engage the millennials in your workforce. Employees of this generation want to be rewarded in ways that go beyond compensation and expect their employers to support their interest in social change. These employees also want to apply what they know to issues that they’re passionate about.
C.Begin to allocate some of your company’s philanthropic giving to social purpose businesses and/or social enterprises. This will establish a base of social investment the results of which can be quantified while you preserve philanthropic commitments that are meaningful to employees and stakeholder.
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swisscgny · 7 years
Interested in all things Swiss? Don’t miss these upcoming events in our latest cultural events calendar: http://bit.ly/SwissEventsNov20-Dec5
in NY and CT/ ME/ MA/ MI/ MN/ NH/ NJ/ ND/ OH/ PA/ RI/ SD/ VT/ WI/ BM/ PR/ VI Film I Music I Theater I Performance I Visual Arts I Design I Architecture I Above and Beyond I Coming Soon I  Meanwhile in Switzerland
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The Consulate General of Switzerland presents an evening of stimulating conversation among leaders from YPFP NY, foraus, Young UN and WEF Global Shapers NYCfollowed by a party in celebration of its partners' milestones and achievements. Join us as we host an interactive panel discussion among NextGen leaders, congregating to discuss innovative and fresh solutions to some of the world's most pressing problems. The future of our political environment is full of challenges - and often, the most effective solutions are byproducts of diverse viewpoints. Stick around after the panel discussion for the party, complete with a live DJ battle and dance party with open bar and refreshments featuring Swiss DJ Quesadillas Jr and American DJ Lara Gerin. NeueHouse 110 East 25th Street New York, NY
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deblala · 1 year
The WEF's Programs for Infiltration - The Young Global Leaders, Global Shapers and New Champions
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mattiafrizzera · 5 years
Trento Hub cerca Global Shapers fra i 20 ed i 30 anni
Trento Hub cerca Global Shapers fra i 20 ed i 30 anni
Sei un/a giovane tra i 20 ed i 30 anni? Vuoi impegnarti in un progetto di volontariato ad alto impatto sociale ispirato da un network internazionale come il World Economic Forum? Invia la tua candidatura il prima possibile a globalshapers.trento e incontriamoci!
Il World Economic Forum (WEF – www.weforum.org) ha ideato un programma per le nuove generazioni di leader con meno di 30 anni ed ha…
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immaculatasknight · 2 years
Puppet masters among us
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stevenqiu6691-blog · 5 years
出青年社創協會台北分會(Global Shapers Taipei Hub) 9月初在國泰金融中心舉辦「利
什麼叫做「最互助公司」?世界經濟論壇(WEF)全球傑出青年社創協會台北分會(Global Shapers Taipei Hub) 9月初在國泰金融中心舉辦「利眾性企業社會責任論壇」(Strategic CSR Conference),就邀請到台裔美籍的瑪氏食品新興市場催化團隊主任Clara Shen,分享瑪氏如何在肯亞首都奈洛比(Nairobi)最窮困的貧民區,打造一個廣大而綿密的微型創業與微型經銷網,不僅由此創造出數以百計的就業機會,更成功打開市場,讓瑪氏在肯亞營收,短短2年內就衝高到近3倍之多。
「唯有周邊所有環節都能成功,企業本身才算成功,」Clara強調,Maua不是慈善計畫,目的也不是要讓瑪氏提升企業品牌形象,而是從根本的方式進行改革,創造新的價值鏈。如此一來,企業能夠發揮更大影響力,商業模式也更穩健 絕大多數企業的目標是成為全世界最大的公司、最賺錢的公司,但旗下M&M's巧克力、青箭口香糖等產品行銷全球,堪稱「事業已經做很大」的美國瑪氏食品(Mars),卻有個很特別的目標,是要當「全球最互助的公司」。
什麼叫做「最互助公司」?世界經濟論壇(WEF)全球傑出青年社創協會台北分會(Global Shapers Taipei Hub) 9月初在國泰金融中心舉辦「利眾性企業社會責任論壇」(Strategic CSR Conference),就邀請到台裔美籍的瑪氏食品新興市場催化團隊主任Clara Shen,分享瑪氏如何在肯亞首都奈洛比(Nairobi)最窮困的貧民區,打造一個廣大而綿密的微型創業與微型經銷網,不僅由此創造出數以百計的就業機會,更成功打開市場,讓瑪氏在肯亞營收,短短2年內就衝高到近3倍之多。
「唯有周邊所有環節都能成功,企業本身才算成功臺北翻譯社,」Clara強調,Maua不是慈善計畫,目的也不是要讓瑪氏提升企業品牌形象,而是從根本的方式進行改革,創造新的價值鏈。如此一來,企業能夠發揮更大影響力,商業模式也更穩健 絕大多數企業的目標是成為全世界最大的公司、最賺錢的公司,但旗下M&M's巧克力、青箭口香糖等產品行銷全球,堪稱「事業已經做臺北翻譯社很大」的美國瑪氏食品(Mars),卻有個很特別的目標,是要當「全球最互助的公司」。
什麼叫做「最互助公司」?世界經濟論壇(WEF)全球傑出青年社創協會台北分會(Global Shapers Taipei Hub) 9月初在國泰金融中心舉辦「利眾性企業社會責任論壇」(Strategic CSR Conference),就邀請到台裔美籍的瑪氏食品新興臺北翻譯社市場催化團隊主任Clara Shen,分享瑪氏如何在肯亞首都奈洛比(Nairobi)最窮困的貧民區,打造一個廣大而綿密的微型創業與微型經銷網,不僅由此創造出數以百計的就業機會,更成功臺北翻譯社打開市場,讓瑪氏在肯亞營收,短短2年內就衝高到近3倍之多。
「唯有周邊所有環節都能成功,企業本身才算成功,」Clara強調,Maua不是慈善計畫,目的也不是要讓瑪氏提升企業品牌形象,而臺北翻譯社是從根本的方式進行改革,創造新的價值鏈。如此一來,企業能夠發揮更大影響力,商業模式也更穩健 絕大多數企業的目標是成為全世界最大的公司、最賺錢的公司,但旗下M&M's巧克力、青箭口香糖等產品行銷全球,堪稱「事業已經做臺北翻譯社很大」的美國瑪氏食品(Mars),卻有個很特別的目標,是要當「全球最互助的公司」。
什麼叫做「最互助公司」?世界經濟論壇(WEF)全球傑出青年社創協會台北分會(Global Shapers Taipei Hub) 9月初在國泰金融���心臺北翻譯社舉辦「利眾性企業社會責任論壇」(Strategic CSR Conference),就邀請到台裔美籍的瑪氏食品新興市場催化團隊主任Clara Shen,分享瑪氏如何在肯亞首都奈洛比(Nairobi)最窮困的貧民臺北翻譯社區,打造一個廣大而綿密的微型創業與微型經銷網,不僅由此創造出數以百計的就業機會,更成功打開市場,讓瑪氏在肯亞營收,短短2年內就衝高到近3倍之多。
自2013年9月Maua計畫在肯亞推出以來,這種低成本、彈性自由的創業方式,很快吸引到大量賦閒人口紛紛加入,為瑪氏在肯亞臺北翻譯社打造出一個廣大而綿密的微型創業與微型經銷網,讓瑪氏產品真正深入當地社區,接觸到當地消費者,推升肯亞市場營收從原本一年僅約200萬美元的規模,躍升至500多萬美元。 臺北翻譯社
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