#weheartit has done this before
aliform · 1 year
I just finished a memoir by an ex-exec-editor of Vogue Paris and then dove into a biography of Gorey and it's shifted my headspace -- the fashion editor grew up in the film world and then pushed herself reluctantly into fashion, and even though the book was astoundingly long she never revealed enough of herself for me to really know her by the end (Grace Coddington was much more fun and engaged and personal). And what a mess of a person, terrible with money, overly attached to objects, only connecting with married men, still relying on handouts in her 60s and 70s, but what a life (living in London-Paris-Los Angeles, growing up, practically, with Angelica Huston). As I lose more and more energy in my 30s and see people completely spin into new avenues in their 40s and onwards, it's hopeful. Absorbing the drive of others powers my own.
And Gorey is just an excuse to also cling to the obsessions of my teens and 20s and hold on to them, let them mold me, which he did with silent film, Edwardian/Victorian literature, wordsmithing, books, art. Buy the cookbook. Read the same book 10 times. Be a hermit.
Occasionally I scroll through my tumblr archives to see what is me and has lasted (architecture and interiors, space, fashion, art, social history, that very specific pink-glow nostalgia-blasted weheartit aesthetic from 2010, confessional little blurbs of posts) versus what has not (being a part of fandom!).
People exhaust me. Working from home permanently has been life-changing since I used to dread the commute to and from work however short because it was one last energy-drainer. But I still want to go out, do, try, feel, change. Occasionally I melodramatically say that I have done everything in this city when I could go out today and do a hundred things I've never done before, but I think what I really mean is I need constant change which means I am not trying myself hard enough.
What has fallen by the wayside? What pieces do I keep picking up and setting down again? There are things I've wanted to do for years that I have left untouched. I still bounce from new rabbit hole to new rabbit hole instead of doing the hard work of planting seeds. It's easy enough to read the gossip about Disney influencers instead of sitting down and planning what I could cook from all my kid lit cookbooks.
Where is my accountability?
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dodgefred · 3 years
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x x
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butterflybuckethat · 3 years
Slumber - Part I
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(gif not mine, found on WeHeartIt)
✦ Part I ✦ Part II ✦
Notes: Anthony x Reader
Request: Can you please do Anthony Bridgerton × Reader fic with prompt- "do you trust me?"
🦋masterlist 🦋
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George Worthing was dancing with another woman. Your George Worthing. Your future husband. The one you let kiss you and believed when he whispered promises as he reached beneath your bodice. And now he was dancing with Cressida Cowper of all people. "Would you stop whingeing?" Anthony Bridgerton exasperated. You had been venting to him but in your defense, Daphne was nowhere to be found; probably off somewhere with Simon. You were happy for her, you really were, but you missed her. For instance, you would have loved her advice on what to do about Lord Worthing. "Do you treat all women this way?" you shot back, "I have a hard time believing that your reputation would be what it is if that were the case." He gave you the most wicked look you had ever seen on a man. "Are you certain you want me to elaborate on how I gained my reputation?"
"I suppose not," you swallowed hard, "I just thought he wanted me. He did want me." Anthony gave you a wary look, maybe mixed with concern, but offered you his hand. "Do you trust me?" "Y-yes." You took it. He led you out to the floor, saddling up right beside the dreaded couple. "Mind if we join?" It was not a question. Anthony cut into the quadrille, completely edging out the other couple. You felt George's eyes on you, but you kept yours on the eldest Bridgerton sibling. The man you had known for nearly your entire life. The man you were never close to, you even feared him at some points, until he became the unwilling victim of your rants now that your best friend was off being in love. He gave you instruction, speaking it softly into your ear, "keep your gaze on me and giggle whenever you find yourself near me in the dance," and you left the rest to him. The music started up and you followed his plan as he weaved in and around one another. The goal was jealousy, clearly. You had never done such a thing before but it was as if you had been prepared for it. You knew exactly what to do: playing off Anthony "accidentally" brushing against you by giggling and offering shy smiles, heartily laughing when he provided hushed comments (most of them praising your acting,) and paying absolutely no mind to George Worthing, as if he weren't even there. You had never really noticed how handsome Anthony was until that moment. Of course, you knew he was in a general sense- like all the Bridgerton's were- but this was different: the curve of his smile and depth of his eyes and the bob of his Adam's apple whenever you rejoined. The music stopped and you were almost disappointed. "This is so much fun," you squealed in hushed tones as he led you off the dance floor. "Well, you are rather good at it. One might think you were sincerely falling for me," he teased. You scoffed in response, but couldn't help the pink tinge that rose to your cheeks. "May I have this dance?" It was George. Giddy energy bubbled up in you. He was practically glaring at Anthony. You raised your hand to accept but Anthony intercepted. "She already has a partner, I'm afraid." And he brought you back out for a waltz. "What are you doing? It worked!" You were in complete disbelief. Anthony snaked his arm around your waist. "I changed my mind." "What could you possibly mean by that?" You began to move to the music. "The man took liberties with you, Y/N," you blushed, again. You had not given any specifics as to your activities, but he clearly read between the lines, "besides, you should not have to make a man jealous for him to realize that you are the one," he looked deep into your eyes, "he should respect and desire you with every ounce of his soul." You nearly went slack in his arms, removing your hand from his shoulder to press against your heart to ensure your palpitations were real. Indeed, they were. "Anthony," his name passed your lips like a prayer. "You will find him, in due time." It was almost cruel what he was doing; and you weren't even sure why, but something had changed, something you couldn't put into words.
You sat across from Daphne in her sitting room, sipping tea. She chattered away about Simon and her new responsibilities but you were barely listening. You were exhausted, kept up half the night by a vision of Anthony's lips. You refused to accept it as anything more than a fluke, a consequence of acting, and therefore deemed it too unimportant to tell Daphne. "Have you gotten any further along with Lord Worthing?" "He's done." "Done?" you heard her teacup clatter onto its saucer, "What do you mean done?" "I am no longer interested," you dismissed, looking lazily out the window. "How is that possible? After he," she leaned forward and dropped her volume, "touched your breast." You nearly laughed. That felt like ages ago. You only shrugged in response. You weren't sure when you had developed such a casual attitude towards this when, in reality, your letting a man fondle you was no small thing at all. But George wouldn't say anything, not with Anthony in your corner. He was too afraid to fully glare at the man, much less ruin the reputation of his sister's best friend. "Did something happen?" Once glance and she knew, "It did! Tell me everything!" "Not yet," this was all coming off very mysterious but, in reality, you were merely embarrassed and didn't really want to talk about it until years down the line when you were married to some baron and could laugh about it over biscuits with Daphne. "You're joking!" You shook your head no, offering a meek smile in consolation. "Unbelievable," she scoffed, "then I suppose I will just have to continue talking your ear off about Simon."
The following evening, you spent the ball as far away from Anthony as you could get. You were aware of the dark circles under your eyes, you truly had not had a good night's sleep since your expriment with the viscount. George kept glancing at you but you could not muster up any energy to care. After all, Anthony did have a point; a terribly improper point that left you staring at the ceiling until dawn, but a point nonetheless. "Are you feeling alright?" You jumped and Anthony offered an apology. "Might I suggest a bell?" "Lord Worthing appears rather put out," he said, completely ignoring your dig. You yawned. "Have you been sleeping?" "No." You were not in the mood. You did not even want to attend this event, preferring to catch some sleep on the plush chaise in your sitting room, but it was at Aubrey Hall and it felt rude to skip it with how close you were to the Bridgerton's and all. "Why is that?" He was completely unaffected by your attitude, preferring to bother himself with your present ailment, "Daphne said you did not look well yesterday, either." "You and Daphne discuss me?" you perked up a little at that. "When the topic arises." His tone remained even but you could have sworn he flushed, just a little. "Your concern is sweet, really," "I'm not-" "But I am perfectly alright. Might I topple over from exhaustion?" "Y/N-" "Perhaps, but it will only be mistaken for swooning and men like that, don't they? The swooning?" "I don't-" "And then maybe one will sweep me off my feet. How romantic." Your tone was completely dry and you stifled another yawn. "Would you let me speak?" Anthony seemed a tad frustrated. "Please." He opened his mouth but closed it quickly, took a glance around, and then pulled you out of the ballroom. You let him, too tired to put up a fight and not seeing much of a reason to put one up anyways. He brought you to the library, settled you in on the divan, and walked over to the shelves. "Oh no, I cannot-" He sat right next to you, a book in hand, effectively cutting you off. You spent a few moments watching him read, illuminated by candlelight, occasionally bringing his thumb and forefinger to his lips, those perfect lips, to turn the page. Shortly, your eyelids began to droop and it was the best sleep you had gotten in days. You woke up with your head on his shoulder. He gave you a soft smile and you noticed he was near the end of his book. The sun peeked over the horizon, warming up the room, and you could hear the party continuing on in the background. You didn't talk about it. He watched you stand and walk slowly out of the room to collect your chaperone and make your way home. You weren't embarrassed, not in the slightest. It was warm, familiar, and very much needed. And most importantly you were cured! You could finally get a good night's sleep.
You were wrong. That night you lie awake, once again; not thinking of Anthony Bridgerton's lips but of how he smelled like vanilla, and how his hand felt on your waist, and the warmth of his shoulder under your cheek. You had a problem. Of course, you did. One that really could not be ignored. You shifted on your bed, kicking off your sheets and pounding your pillow until you resigned to watching the sunrise. That morning, at an almost reasonable hour, you made your way downstairs, walking past the breakfast table, and made one of the maids accompany you across the street to the Bridgerton's. Their butler let you in. It was not terribly unusual that you were there early, but it was unusual that, when everyone left the hall, you made the turn to Anthony's study. He was there, as you expected, peering over books and documents. He was surprised to see you, evidenced by his raised eyebrows. But you barely acknowledged him, walking straight to one of the chairs and making yourself comfortable. You almost immediately fell asleep. You were awoken by a warm hand on your cheek. Anthony sat on the table across from you, with your legs between his, offering you a glass of water and a sandwich. You were still a little tired but welcomed the food. He watched you rub the sleep from your eyes. No words were exchanged.
This continued throughout the week. You arriving early and spending the morning sleeping in his office and him waking you up with lunch in the afternoons. On Friday he woke you up with a slice of cake and a hand to your forehead. “What is it?" you asked him. These might have been the first words you had spoken to him in a while. "I'm not sure..." You held up the back of the dessert spoon to check your reflection. You looked a little disheveled, but nothing out of the ordinary. "What is it?" you asked again, feeling a little smile creep on your face. "Why are you here?" And it fell. It was not said with malice but deep concern. "To sleep." "But why?" you bit your lip. You weren't sure. All you knew was that here, in his den, you could sleep and you said as much to him. That did not ease his worry or confusion. He asked you a number of 'why' questions as you ate the sweet confection. "Is it me?" he finally asked. "It might be." You were sure that, if the circumstances were different, you would have had the decency to blush but, at that moment, you could not. "Is there a reason for that?" You considered lying about his being the consistent subject of your insomnia but it somehow felt wrong, as if you were betraying him by not revealing the whole truth. You shrugged, unable to look at him; choosing, instead, to focus on shaping the whipped cream on your plate. "I am the reason you cannot sleep at night?" He repeated, bewildered. You nodded. "I lie in bed with my eyes closed and all I see is you, so I open them and all I can think about is...is..." "Me?" you bit your lip hard and looked up at him. His eyes were dark and his voice rough and this was all so embarrassing but you pressed your hand to your heart and felt the palpitations. Anthony leaned closer. You watched the tip of his tongue peek out against his lips. "I also think about you, often." He cleared his throat, placed a kiss on the pulse point at your wrist, and returned to his desk. You leaned back in the chair, breathless.
Part II
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pricemarshfield · 2 years
merci beaucoup
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[Image ID: a woman with brown hair and highlights facing away from the camera, edited so that it’s colorized purple and with the text merci beaucoup | zava 2.0 / 3k over it. End ID.]
Image Source: found on Pinterest, earliest source I could find was WeHeartIt.
Title: merci beaucoup
Pairing: Zava 2.0
Rating: E (minors DNI).
Word Count: 3475.
Summary: A Zava 2.0 smut fic, diverging from 5x04, requested by @hizzieluthor.
Warnings: Infidelity, minor dom/sub (explicitly negotiated in-story).
Created For: @lgbtqbingo, filling the kiss on the forehead square! Read below the cut or on AO3 here.
"Behrad, now!"
The burst of wind is perfectly timed to keep Zari from getting tackled by the rabid mob of paparazzi and publicists and CatChat influencers, and Ava allows herself a little pride. Sure, this mission's gone haywire, thanks to Zari's theft, but it's a well-executed move, and under her command, at that. It gives Ava the chance to move in front of Zari, stop her in her tracks and execute the most important step of the plan.
Zari looks touched, eyes wide and open and surprised. "You guys came back for me."
"A Legend never gets left behind, even an interim one," she says, grabbing Zari's hand. "Follow me." Zari does, letting Ava lead her up to the fountain.
She stops there, though, and Ava looks back at her. "What are you doing?"
"Trust me!" Ava reaches a hand out, and Zari glances at it for just a second before turning to stare at the crowd. Behrad's still holding them back, but it's clear they're not gonna be able to do that forever even before he gets on comms to say as much. "Come on!"
"Okay," Zari says, grabbing Ava's hand. It's warm, which is a weird thing to notice when the timeline is in danger.
Staring down at the fountain, Ava thinks for what's far from the first time about how well-made the A.L.O.H.A. system is. They don't even need the last step this time! "Hydrate!" They jump into the fountain together, and even with the Dragonesque fucking up her sense of smell, she'd swear she gets a whiff of the best thing she's ever smelled as a spray of green sparks go flying up and away.
Ava stands up in the fountain, Zari ineffectually brushing herself off next to her. "You know, there's a reason I never did this."
"Because it's gross?"
"So gross."
Ava smiles, just a little, and moves to help her on her way out of the fountain, Nate scrambling on the other side to help them. He looks completely infatuated with Zari as he helps her out, but he does at least get Ava out of the fountain, too.
Now that people have their minds back, Ava'd like to get out of here sooner rather than later. She always keeps her time courier handy, though, so it's just a matter of meeting up with Behrad before they transport back onto the Waverider.
There. Only a bad showing for her first time as captain, rather than an abysmal one.
"Wait, what does that last A stand for?" Nate asks as the portal closes behind them.
Before Ava has a chance to be surprised and delighted at Rory actually reading her post-briefing email notes on the mission brief, he and Ray tackle Marie Antoinette's body. She stares at them in abject disbelief.
"We got her," Ray says brightly.
"I can see that," Ava says, and is about to congratulate them for a job well done when a draft reminds her that she is soaking wet, and not in the fun way. "And we'll have a post-mission wrap-up once I'm wearing anything else, okay?"
"Sounds good, captain," Behrad says casually. "You gonna need the bathroom?"
"No, go ahead, I'll be in my room," Ava says. "If anyone needs me--knock first."
"Aye, aye!" Ray says with a little salute that's--appreciated, if unnecessary.
It's nothing like her old apartment, but Ava's grown to love her room on the Waverider. Her and Sara's room, even if Sara's out on missions in the timestream or Star City more often than she's not. She's got the blazer of her jacket off when someone knocks on the door.
"Can I come in?"
Ava honestly isn't feeling up to conversation with Zari right now, but she's captain, so it's her job to be here. "Yeah, go ahead."
The door slides open and Zari walks in, thankfully closing it behind her. She stares at Ava for a second, eyes catching on her arms before her gaze snaps back up to Ava's face. "I just--I wanted to say I'm sorry."
"Oh." Ava hadn't honestly anticipated that, at least not before a few missions worth of development. "Well. I appreciate it."
Zari frowns. "And thank you. You saved me."
"Like I told you, a Legend--"
"--never gets left behind, yeah," Zari says with a huff. "But, I mean...you know, I really appreciate it, Ava."
"Okay...?" Clearly there's something else going on here, but Ava can't quite pick up on what. "Is that...all?"
"Oh my god," Zari says, like Ava's the one who's missing something here. "You know what? No, I can do this. I'm glad you came to save me!"
"I am too?"
"I mean, I'm sure I had it handled," Zari says with a cocky little shrug. Ava rolls her eyes and is about to refute the point with a numbered list of reasons why no, she didn't "have it handled", but Zari keeps going before she can. "Not that I didn't like getting wet with you, but--"
"I'm sorry, are you serious? You're--what, hitting on me and ignoring your extreme irresponsibility--"
"Well, you didn't seem to be getting what I was after with just me thanking you, so! Yeah! What if I am? Are you gonna punish me for it?"
What Ava should say here is, "No, and get out of my room. My and my girlfriend's room." What she says instead is, "Why, do you want me to?"
Zari smiles and Ava hears the click of the door locking behind her. "I think I'd like that."
"This is--" Ava laughs, the situation absurd. "You barely know me. And I'm taken! And for that matter, aren't you?"
Zari's expression shutters. "After that stunt, I doubt it. And besides, he--I don't want to talk about him. There's better things we could do with our time, don't you agree?"
"Look, I don't know why you--"
"I needed you to help me, and you did," Zari says, interrupting her. There's an openness to her voice that she's not used to hearing from Zari. (Or, for that matter, from anyone, when it's directed at her, not even--) "And that's--I don't get that a lot, okay? Or ever. And I just--Ava, I didn't exactly come here looking to talk feelings."
Maybe it's the raw honesty in how she's talking. Maybe it's the speed Sara ditched her with earlier. Maybe it's that she's as selfish as the man who made her what she was, maybe she's just as unable to love as she's worried about, maybe it's that she's more human than she thinks of herself as being. But instead of doing any of what she should, she pulls Zari in.
At least Zari doesn't make it complicated, lets herself be pulled in with a grin still too-smug for Ava's taste. Ava's sense of smell is still--pretty much gone, so she can't taste whatever probably-lovely lip gloss Zari has on, but she's still as warm as she was earlier, even with the fountain water all over her, dragging her dress down.
Ava kind of wants to rip it off of her.
Zari lets Ava pull the dress off, leaving her in her unsurprisingly pretty underwear, even soaked through as it is, follows Ava to the bed and straddles her lap. Ava's clothes are getting pretty uncomfortable at this point, but not enough to distract her from the weight of Zari in her lap. This is--stupid. She already feels guilty for doing this to Sara, there's no reason to keep going except that she doesn't seem to want to stop.
Ava pulls back from the kiss. Zari makes a little dissatisfied noise that quiets  as soon as Ava leans back in, pressing kisses to the corner of her mouth, the line of her jaw, the column of her throat, being careful not to leave a mark. As she does, she tries a few times to unlatch Zari's bra. On the sixth unsuccessful attempt, she pulls back and says, "Okay, you deal with it, that's needlessly complicated."
Zari huffs, annoyed, but does take her bra off, setting it next to them on the bed rather than doing what Sara does and tossing it to whatever corner of the room she's facing. "Seriously? My bra stumped you?"
Ava's hands tighten on Zari's hips, and Zari's eyes get a little darker as she looks down at Ava. "You seriously want me to punish you, don't you?"
"Mm, yeah," Zari says, a surprisingly shy smile on her face. "I mean, I'll sleep with you anyway without that, if you don't want--"
"I didn't say that." Ava taps her fingers on Zari's hip. "What were you thinking?"
"Uh, I'll leave that up to you." 
Ava rolls her eyes. "That's terrible kink etiquette. Negotiations are an extremely important part of any BDSM scene."
Zari snorts. "You probably have a binder full of notes on it somewhere, don't you? Listing all your limits and safewords and things to do in scenes where verbal safewords aren't possible?"
Ava's cheeks feel warmer than the contact between the two of them, which is to say, very. "I find it's best to be prepared."
"Oh, I'm not complaining," Zari says, pressing a quick kiss to her forehead, which shocks Ava into stillness for a second. "How about this: stoplight system, and really basic stuff. Spanking and the like. We can work our way up to the rest."
It sounds fair. Well, actually, it sounds like a terrible idea, but no more than sleeping with Zari at all is a terrible idea, so. "Works with me."
"Great," Zari says. "Oh, wait, do you have toys? Because I'd like to try a lot more if you have toys."
Ava groans, leaning in to rest her head on Zari's shoulder. "You're gonna be the death of me. Yeah, I have a few."
Zari hums, pleased at her reaction. "Any strap-ons?" Ava nods without moving off of Zari. "How do you feel about anal? Me receiving, obvi."
At this point, Ava's hands have to be tight enough on Zari that they're going to bruise. "Pull your underwear off and get on all fours."
"Ooh, that's a yes, then!" Zari rolls off of her, and Ava goes to grab a strap-on from the drawer of toys. Most of what's in here are Sara's, but this strap-on had been hers, something from a date that had gone so disastrously wrong that they'd run into the nearest store to hide from cops and they'd had to shop for something to blend in.
Sara's not a huge fan of it. Ava's been dreaming of using it for ages.
She doesn't put it on yet, though, just turns to the woman waiting for her on the bed. Zari's done exactly what she asked, though somehow is visibly impatient even though Ava can't see her face. Rather than hurry right to her, Ava strips, the weight on her clothes back to uncomfortable without Zari pressed against her as a distraction.
"I can hear you," Zari says. "Hurry up."
"What, you thought spanking was gonna be the only punishment?" Ava says. Zari shivers. "You can wait. Color?"
"Green," Zari says quickly, and only mutters something brattish once it's clear that she's fine with everything that's happening.
Once Ava's got all her clothes off, she throws the toy and a bottle of lube next to Zari for easy access later and climbs up behind her so that they're both in arms reach. She runs one hand down the line of Zari's back, the angle such that she can't arch into it. Ava can't help but move closer, until they're hip-to-hip, Zari wet against her thigh. Zari whines and tries to grind into it until Ava grabs her hip, more a warning than actually holding her from it.
Leaning down so that she's holding herself over Zari, she says, low and right into Zari's ear. "Remember you asked for this."
Pulling back so that there's no place they're touching, Ava slaps Zari's thigh. Zari jolts and hisses at the pain. After giving her a moment to adjust, Ava hits her on the other side. This time, she yelps, loud enough that--
Ava freezes, stopping completely and wondering if there's any possible ways to wipe the memory of not only everyone on the ship, but Gideon herself. Fuck, fuck, she knew she shouldn't do this, but she just--
Zari looks back at her over her shoulder. "Why'd you stop?"
"This room is only soundproofed when we ask--" She can't say Gideon's name; on the off-chance she's not paying attention, this is hardly the type of thing Ava wants to call attention to. "Everyone can hear--"
"Oh, is that all? Yeah, I made sure to turn on the soundproofing before I went in," Zari says, as though that's not encrypted. "And I also made it so that the computer can't look in here for the next couple hours. Told her it was because I wanted to apologize in privacy. Technically not a lie, too!"
Ava didn't know she could do that, and is honestly pretty impressed at the display of competency. "Oh." 
"So, you know, you can keep going."
Against her baser instincts, Ava waits for her to close her mouth before hitting her again, this time a little lower so it doesn't overlap the last place she hit completely. It would be harder to explain away bringing Zari to Gideon for a bitten tongue. "That's three."
"Oh, don't count, I don't like that," Zari says. "Just--you know, color check occasionally."
Works for Ava. "Color?"
"Green," Zari says, resting her face against the bed. Ava keeps spanking lower and lower, trying to make it so that there won't be an inch where Zari doesn't feel this later. She alternates sides so Zari has an idea where the next hit will be. She's holding back, but every hit still makes Zari gasp and grunt and, when Ava accidentally hits the crease between her ass and her thigh, screams.
"Color?" Ava asks, rubbing her lower back in a hopefully-comforting gesture.
"Green," Zari says. "Sorry, I'll be--quiet--"
"It doesn't bother me," Ava says. "If you want to sing, we don't have an audience."
Zari sighs and looks up at her with eyes that are too fond by half for a tryst. "You are checking every one of my boxes, just so you know."
Ava doesn't acknowledge that because she has, quite frankly, no idea what to say, just hits her again. Now that she's been given the go-ahead, Zari can barely stop moaning long enough to breathe in more air. The sound's the hottest thing Ava's heard in a long, long time. She doesn't want to stop, but she also doesn't want to actually hurt her, so at around fifteen strikes she stops completely, waiting for Zari to catch her breath before she runs a hand over one cheek.
The pain has to flare up at that, but Zari just moans again, sounding barely pained at all.
"Good job," Ava says, because she did take it well, and she's trying really hard to give concrete feedback the times when the Legends don't fuck up, too. Zari preens at the praise, a smile on her face even half-pressed into the pillow. Her eyes are wet, though Ava can't see any tear tracks on her face. Still, she did well, so Ava presses a quick kiss between her shoulderblades before working her way down until her head's buried between Zari's thighs.
The noise Zari makes at that is going to haunt Ava's fantasies for the rest of her life. Even if the guilt catches up to her, she won't be able to forget it, has to actually press her thighs together as a distraction even with her mouth otherwise occupied. Ava licks into Zari, coaxing her onto the edge and then pulling back so the friction won't be enough to push her over. Zari whines, frustrated, and Ava pulls back completely when she tries to jerk her hips herself to get some pressure.
"I'm so close, please--"
"I know," Ava says, reaching for the toy. Her hands are shaking slightly, making it a little harder to get it on. Eventually the thing's tightened enough that she can move without it slipping, and she moves closer so Zari can feel it against her thigh.
"Yes, yes, c'mon--"
"I still need to open you up," Ava says, grabbing the lube and drizzling it over her left hand.
"Oh, ugh, it's vintage," Zari grumbles. "You need to stop by 2040. They have toys that open you up as you go, makes this way faster--"
Rather than argue the point, Ava slides the tips of two fingers into Zari's hole. Zari's noise of surprise is going to haunt Ava as much as her moans did, so Ava teases her, pushing only the very tips of her fingers in and out, over and over, slow and careful. One, it'll be good to open her up slowly, and two, Ava loves the sight of it.
After awhile of the slow  pace Ava's set, Zari starts begging. "Ava, I can take more, just give me more, I'm so close and I want you inside me--"
Ignoring the stir of heat she feels at that last part, Ava says, "Oh, come on, you can ask more nicely than that."
Zari whines and pushes back, but Ava does the same so she doesn't actually get any more pressure. "Please, please, I'm sorry about being irresponsible but I've been good, please please please--"
"Well, since you asked nicely," Ava says, though mostly because her control's already fracturing and better to speed things up now than rush and hurt Zari later. She opens her up as quickly as she thinks Zari can take after that, generous with the lube and unable to tear her eyes away from the marks she's left all over Zari. No one will be able to see but Zari won't be able to forget it, will have to shift in her seat for days.
When Zari can take three fingers easily, Ava pulls out entirely, drizzles some lube onto the toy for good measure, and guides the toy into her. She doesn't bother with teasing at this point, Zari already on the edge and Ava not far behind even though she hasn't even gotten a hand on herself, sliding into her in one quick motion. Zari winces when Ava's hips meet the bruises on her ass, but still pushes back into it, a constant stream of please and yes and thank you. (That last one has Ava's hips jerking forward almost involuntarily.)
Ava waits until they've gotten a rhythm to get a hand around to touch Zari, who shudders out an orgasm practically two seconds after Ava finds her clit. Fucking her through the aftershocks, Ava doesn't pull out until Zari's stopped begging. It's easier to take the harness off than it is to get on, so she manages to get it fully off before Zari's fully back to herself.
She expects that she'll just have to make do with her hand, but Zari surprises her yet again, rolling over and eating her out. She lets Ava grab her hair and direct her, even though her pace stays leisurely. Really, her whole demeanor is like the cat who got the cream, and it's working for Ava more than she'd like it to be, following Zari over the edge not long after.
This whole thing is a mistake, Ava knows it, but when Zari nestles up next to her, mumbling something about how that was exactly what she needed, she can't help but picture next time, picture having Zari in the shower, on her knees, in the library, a practically endless menagerie of mistakes they could make.
"You're thinking too loud," Zari says, breath fanning out over Ava's neck. "Interrupting my beauty sleep."
"We'll have to set you up with a room of your own," Ava says, and doesn't miss the way Zari's arms get a little tighter around her. "Make it permanently soundproofed and Gideon-free."
"So you do wanna keep doing this," Zari says, sounding surprised. "You're not kicking me out of the Legends forever?"
"What? No. For--this? This is at much my fuck-up as yours, if not more--"
"No, for the perfume."
"Oh, that. Listen, screwing up the timeline is as much a part of being a Legend as fixing it. More, even. Just--try not to steal things that come from hell anymore, and we're good."
"Good," Zari says, and promptly falls asleep. Ava pets her hair--still soft, even with the fountain water, and Ava has got to get the name of the shampoo she uses--until she dozes off herself.
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seouliie · 3 years
bikini bottoms (m)
having a job as a lifeguard on the beach has you doing many things you’ve never done before. stopping fights between a 5 year old and a seagull, spending hours trying to dig a jeep out of a 4 foot hole some doofus had dug, and lastly, giving jung hoseok a blowjob.
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(gif from weheartit)
GENRE: e2l, smut, lifeguard!au
WORDS: 2753
MEMBER: jung hoseok
WARNINGS: really only a blowjob, implied smut, possible part two, hoseok is a fuckboy, mention of sexual harassment, there’s banter in this and hoseok slaps yn’s ass, but it’s all playful!!
The wooden chair of the lifeguard tower creaks as you sit down, as if releasing a heavy sigh after a long night of no usage, now to be sat on at the fresh time of 10 am- the start of your work day. From above, the people now rolling in to the beach start appearing, encouraged by the sunny sky and beautiful weather to get on their swimsuits and hop in the clear water.
This was an everyday thing for you- and you loved it. The fresh air seemingly always in the atmosphere, tinted by the salty smell of the sea, the sun, the sand- everything. It was the perfect way to start your day, and the perfect day to end it. Your mornings could never go wrong at the beach.
From the corner of your eye, you can see the outline of a rather familiar figure making his way towards the lifeguard tower, a frown naturally forming onto to your lips.
Well, except for one thing.
Meet Jung Hoseok, the heartthrob of the beach. Not gonna lie, the only reason you haven't filed a complaint for him to get fired was because almost half of the people who come to the beach are teenagers who want a piece of him. Not just him- his dick. If he did evidently get fired, then less people would actually come, meaning less money for you. Yes, you have thought this through before. And you prefer money.
You sigh, not wanting to interact with this sex machine at least until you've had your third cup of coffee. Lazily, you respond: "Yes, Hoseok?"
He smiles when you make eye contact with him, his gaze pure and playful. "You left your shoes at the shed! I wanted to bring them to you!" A hand covers his eyes from the rays of the sun, and he lifts his other hand to reveal your pair of dark blue flip-flops hanging off his middle finger.
"I know, Hoseok," you reply. "I leave them on purpose. I don't like the feeling of shoes on a beach." You rake a hand through your hair, your strands getting blown into your eyes from the slight wind.
"Well, I brought them, so you might as well wear it." He smirks as he waves the shoes around mockingly. From afar, the sound of a baseline is audible, hinting that the car of the boy-crazy girls have arrived.
You scoff. "Just throw them up or something. Don't you know how? Weren't you captain of your basketball team?"
Hoseok laughs, a sound that- for some reason- causes your stomach to flurry. "First of all, I was not captain and I barely played since the coach despised me. Secondly, I will not throw these up, and you will come down to get them."
High-pitched laughter rings through your ears, causing your mood to already turn negative. You roll your eyes. "Don't you have some girls to fuck? I can practically hear them calling your name already in their squeaky ass voices like some fourth graders."
At this, the raven haired boy pouts, slight wind brushing his bangs into his eyes. "Come on, I'm trying to be nice, princess."
You bit your lip. The sun was pretty hot today, the wood burning up below your feet. Maybe you should put some comfort between your skin the the fiery hot chair. "Alright fine." You stand up and turn around, going down the ladder one foot at a time.
Little did you know, Hoseok was not focused at all on giving your shoes back. After he saw you climbing down the little wooden stubs, his eyes were trained on your ass, naturally pushed out each step. Once stepping onto the grainy smooth sand, you swiftly grab your shoes from his hand, pulling him out of his trance.
You bend down to slide the soft material onto your feet and shake your head. "God, making me do all this extra work for nothing-"
A hard smack to your ass cuts you off mid-sentence. Jung fucking Hoseok. Almost breaking your neck from looking up so fast, you notice that the human incarnated form of aggravation is not in front of you like he was a second ago. He's halfway up the ladder.
"Hoseok!" You cry, shocked by how he slapped your ass and how he climbed the goddamn thing so fast. "The hell are you doing?"
"Getting away from those girls." He says as he reaches for another slab of woob. "Jesus, you fuck them once, and they get all attached."
The group of girls have already set up their towel on the pale sand, one of them already oiling themselves up. He fucked them all? Like.. at once or all tog- You huff a breath of air. You are not going to be thinking about that right now.
"Not all at once, of course," He calls out, which makes you wonder if you were thinking out loud. "Although it definitely wasn't individual." Hoseok talks with a sly tone, raising a brow at you.
Looking back at the girls, you see them talking amongst themselves. However, they are all turning their heads, looking for one thing- the thing that's sitting at the top of the lifeguard tower.
Realization hits you like a truck. "Jung Hoseok, you are not leaving me with those maniacs."
He snorts, raking a hand through his hair. "Yes you are! I got you your shoes, do me this favor."
You could not believe the audacity of this man. He practically forced you to take the shoes, and now as a 'favor' you had to deal with those hoes who you only wish would get a grip of self worth so they stop chasing after that man? What a great way to start your day.
"Oh my fucking God." Anger is flowing through your veins, taking over your thoughts and actions, and you no longer can feel your sanity. "This is not a fucking favor, this is you manipulating me for you sake, so fuck you slutty bitch!"
The sand is wet and warm as you roll it into a ball, turning around and chucking it at Hoseok’s head. You barely miss his slim face and hit his neck, but still doing damage by getting stuck to his skin. "That's for slapping my ass, asshole."
You miss the way he eyes your leaving figure up and down after wiping the sand off his neck. Oh, he just loved messing with you.
Swimsuits are tight. They curve around one's body perfectly, almost painfully, used for swimming or other water activities. They're actually pretty comfortable, if you do say so yourself, and you take pride in knowing the way your body looks in the bright red one piece of the lifeguard apparel.
But wet swimsuits are a whole 'nother story. Wet swimsuits are the devil themselves. They're sticky and distressing and tight, feeling like hell in spandex form suffocating your body and not letting you get the blood you need. Not to mention they take almost an hour to take off.
"God, can't I just take it off?" You whisper to no one in particular. The pad of your thumb scrolls through Instagram, images of other people's picture-perfect lives on view to the world. Feeling itchy, you continuously adjust your swimsuit, trying to find some relief for the discomfort you currently felt.
Sounds from the door break the much appreciated silent atmosphere you were miraculously blessed with, of course broken by the one and only  Jung Hoseok. "Help me," he quickly says, slamming the door of the hut shut. There's still some sand stuck on his bare upper chest from where you've hit him.
You scoff and look back down to your screen. "Help yourself, Jung. You've clearly been doing that the whole day, anyways." You squeeze your eyes shut as memories from earlier in the day came rushing at you.
The girls approached you right after you walked away from throwing the sand at Hoseok, ignoring the way he screamed your name repetitively. Not only did they waste your time by asking you where Hoseok was, but once you wouldn't let them go up the lifeguard tower, it got into a heated argument and one girl had the audacity to throw you into the fucking water.
She was strong, not gonna lie, but over what? A simple fuck? From the man who probably has a little tic-tac anyways? Oh, how you went off on them.
"They, uh-" Hoseok's voice slightly cracks, and he's talking in a slight panicked way, fast and mumbled. "They sort of attacked me- harassed me."
You look up. "They harassed you? You mean like... harassed harassed or harassed harassed?" He just blinks and shyly points to his trunks.
"Harassed harassed." Your eyes trail down, and the little bulge in Hoseok's pants momentarily shocks you.
"Holy shit, Hoseok."
Eyes wide, he nods. "I know. They fucking went after me once I got down the tower, so I ran here as fast as I could." When his breathing begins to slow, Hoseok moves to stand next to the big wooden table in the center of the room. "God, crazy bitches."
"And you got turned on from that?"
Not from them, he thinks to himself. But he wasn't about to let you know that he was already having his senses heightened after he saw your wet figure in the water.
"Well not exactly. It's kind of, just, you know," he sighs in defeat and shakes his bangs.
"And you want me to help... how?"
Hoseok stares at you, saying nothing. And you realize it.
"No, Hoseok, no way." You click your phone off and set it on the armrest of the wooden chair. "I'm not gonna sleep with you."
He lets out a frustrated groan. "I'm not asking you to sleep with me, just help me deal with this!" His hair comes out slightly ruffled after he rakes his hand through it. "I can't walk around with a fucking tent in my shorts around everybody. There's children!"
It takes all your self control and dignity to not look down at his crotch once again, for the outline is becoming more and more visible as the seconds roll on. And you've got to admit, he doesn't look as small as you thought. "Why should I do that? You've basically ruined my whole day by tricking me into getting down from the tower so I had to deal with those psychos. Not to mention, you slapped my ass and one of them threw me in the goddamn water!"
"Okay, well," Hoseok tries to counter argue. "You... threw sand at me." He knew he wasn't convincing anyone with that. "Please ________ just help me. I swear I'll make it up to you."
You think. You actually think about it. Blame it on the fact that the Jung Hoseok is practically begging you for it. An amused idea runs through your mind as you think of all the things you could make Hoseok do for you, all the embarrassment that would come with it, all the revenge you would finally get. Without saying anything, you make eye contact with his desperate form and stand up, walking towards him. His eyes widen.
"Woah, you're actually gonna-"
"Stop talking." You turn the both of you around and push him onto the chair, kneeling down in front of him. Hoseok is so stunned he doesn't even realize he bumped your phone off the armrest and onto the sandy floor. His breath gets stuck in his throat at the sight of you on your knees, ready to take him in your mouth. You run both of your hands up his thighs before slowly outlining his cock lightly with your fingertips.
"Jesus Christ," he breaks underneath your touch. He couldn't believe he was gonna get sucked off by you, the girl who's hated him since they first met. It was unbelievably hot. He sucks in a harsh breath when you squeeze his clothed dick. "Please don't fucking tease me, ______"
His length hardens in your hand when you begin to sensually rub your palm against it. You would be lying if you said that you weren't even the slightest bit turned on. "Patience, Hoseok," you grin. "God, you're so desperate for me, huh?"
A whimper. Jung Hoseok fucking whimpers.
Dominant, cocky Hoseok, just whimpered. For you. And it went straight to your core.
Rubbing your thighs together, you opt for some relief from the tingling you felt. Hoping to distract yourself, you toy with the waistband of his swim trunks for a few seconds before finally pulling them down his thighs.
It was much different than you would've ever imagined. In the past whenever you thought about his dick, which was rarely ever, you obviously knew he was packing some size considering the amount of times he slept around. However, seeing it in person has outdid all of your previous expectations. His dripping cock had length to it, but the thickness was shocking. It was unbelievably thick.
"Fuck," you whisper. You wrap your hand around the base of his cock, your fingertips barely able to touch each other. You give it a light squeeze before slowly sliding up.
Hoseok is watching your every move, his hands forming fists by his side to keep him from thrusting himself into your grip. "_____- shit." He leans his head back, clenching his jaw as you spread his precum around his length, making sure to coat every spot with his juice. The sight of his throat bobbing up and down makes your eyes flutter. God, why is he so hot right now.
"Your so naughty, Hoseok." You lightly trail your tongue up his cock, keeping your eyes on him the whole way up. Wrapping your lips around the head, Hoseok whimpers once again when you begin to suck on the swollen tip. He can't hold back anymore and snakes his hand into your hair, pulling at the roots while letting out deep groans.
When you take all of him in one go, he slowly pushes down on your head so that his tip meets the back of your throat. The sound of you quietly gagging sends him into overdrive, his body shaking from the pleasure. You grasp at his thighs, clawing your nails into his skin. "______, please please please, fuck."
Remembering a tip your friend once gave you, you hollow your cheeks and suck, continuously bobbing your head up and down. Obviously, your friend knows what she's doing, basing off of the way Hoseok lets out a loud vocal moan and thrusts wildly into your mouth. You've never seen him like this- so unhinged and in a way almost pathetically desperate. It was turning you on beyond belief.
He's close and it's obvious, sweat dripping down the side of neck, letting out a string of curses and swears as he gets closer to his high.
"Fuck, _____ don't stop, p-please don't stop." His voice sends a rush of warmth to your core, and his other hand releases the grip on the armrest to join the other in pulling your hair. Both of his hands are grabbing at your head, and you move even faster, giving his throbbing cock a couple swirls with your tongue until finally he's squeezing his eyes shut and releasing his seed into your mouth. The warmth in your throat seems to never end, akin to the strings of moans Hoseok lets out. After swallowing, you release his cock with a pop and wipe his cum off of your chin with the back of your hand.
Hoseok tilts his head back and keeps his hands in your hair, wanting to pause for a while for him to catch his breath. "Goddamn, ______." He lets out a breathless laugh.
You smile breathlessly and rub your hands up to his abs, tracing the outline lightly with your fingertips. His eyes darken again as they watch your lips swollen red and with his cum dripping down the sides. He forces himself to loosen his grip on your hair and slowly pulls his hands back.
You grab it before he can fully retreat. He looks at you, confused. A soft laugh escapes your lips.
"You still owe me a favor, shit head.”
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httpswwwtbhkcom · 4 years
Do You Wanna Feel Safe Too?
Pairing: Tenya Iida x Reader, Neito Monoma x Reader(Platonic)
[@httpswwwtbhkcom’s masterlist]
Summary: Iida was always jealous of you and Monoma, he always tries to keep him away from you as possible. He wanted your attention, he needs your affection. He needs to keep you away from those bad examples(Were not talking about his friends and family). He planned to kidnap you instead! On a beautiful bed in the basement. It was full with expensive things. He locked you away from the real world. But when you made a mistake on leaving or making him disappointed? You’ll have a punishment. And maybe try to comfort you after.
Warnings: some wrong grammars, mentions of kidnapping, possessive yandere Iida, mentions of killing, mentions of blood, cringe,
Genre: Some fluff, angst, yandere Iida 
Y/n- your name,
A/n: This is supposed to be for his birthday and i was late, anyways, Happy late birthday Tenya Iida!
I’m not really good at Yandere things so i’m sorry!
Reader: Neutral
Edited: 29/08/2020
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Made by:  ad astra on Weheartit! Click here to see the fanart!
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He hated when you talk to Monoma so much. He knew that you and Monoma were friends before joining UA.
He kept distracting you with various questions even though he knew the answers. Iida never wanted you to be near to a bad example just as Monoma. 
“Good morning Y/n.” He greeted. You’re always the first one to have his greeting at the morning. It means your special to him. He wanted to have you so badly! But he knew he needs to be patient when he wants you to be with him forever. 
“Good morning Iida!” You smiled. Ah yes, your fresh smile. The thing that makes him soar up in the sky. He loves it. And your angelic voice, it was the source of his energy. Whenever he hears your voice, i bet he can run farther than anyone can. But when you compliment him? Oh i bet he can also jump higher than Miruko.
He will kill for you. Only if you knew that was true though. 
Yes, he is strict. But he resists shouting and scolding for whatever you’ve done. It sometimes made the others envy you. Sometimes, the dekusquad teases him for it. Todoroki asking him what love felt like. He answers with:
“It feels like you have a connection with them, even if they haven’t noticed it yet. It feels like you will kill anyone for them and only them.” 
Todoroki nodded at every word he says. Even though Todoroki didn’t like the killing part. Little did he know, Every part of whatever Iida said was true.
Iida saw you with Monoma chatting again, it made him furious. That smirk in his face. It feels like Monoma was mocking him. He went to you without thinking. 
“Hey Y/n, we need to go back to class. We might get late.” He softly scolded. You nodded and exchanges goodbye’s with Monoma before leaving. Iida gave him a dirty look before talking to you. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
All of the Class 1A students were hanging out in the mall until they saw a nearby villain attack. 
You used your quirk to help civilians retreat and go to safe place. While the others were trying to apprehend the villains. One of the villains saw you unarmed and unalerted, They blasted you with their quirk. You quickly noticed it and you tried to escape it in the last second, but instead of feeling pain, you felt a pair of strong of arms around you.
You looked at the hero who saved you. Your eyes widened when you saw Iida saved you. You hugged your hero “Thank you for saving me Iida! I almost died!” You felt his heart pace faster as he stiffened, so you putted your arms beside you instead. 
“O-oh, Your welcome Y/n.” He stuttered. Right after that, Heroes and the police finally arrived. Your classmates came to you, “Omg, Are you ok Y/n?!” Mina asked, checking if you have any injuries. “Yes, I’m fine Mina. Thanks to Iida.” You reassured. 
All of you were scolded and thanked for saving. Then went back to the dorm. It was worth it either way, if you watched them die, the villains would escape and the people nearby would get injured or maybe die. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
You promised Iida that you would save him back. And you did.
When the hero heard there were a villain attack, They told all of you to be alerted and to save the civilians. Helping people is the #1 priority. 
You saw the heroes fighting and saving some people. You saw the hero, Manual. You checked around if you saw Iida or anybody else you knew. But all you saw was Heroes and none of your classmates. 
You told your leader that you were going to check the surroundings. They nodded and went back to saving people. 
You went deeper and deeper the place, and you saw Midoriya, Todoroki and Iida fighting a hero killer. 
You saved them and used your quirk to reprimand him. “Ugh, Get off me!” Stain yelled. You ignored his complaints as you four wait for the heroes to arrive.
Again, You all were scolded by the police department and the heroes. Iida sighed in relief as you were not hurt. Cause if you were, He’d be the one avenging for you and his brother. 
“Iida, Are you ok?” You worriedly asked. He slightly blushed at how you held his hand. “Y-yes. I’m fine Y/n.” He answered, looking at the two who was chatting.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Everyday, you started to chat with him more than Monoma. You were worried for Iida since he was the one more hurt. Well you think that he was the one who was more hurt.
And everyday, he fell more and more inlove with you. He wanted to have you all for himself. He thought of plans, killing everybody who comes to you? No, many responsibilities. Isolating you at his basement instead? Sure, but he has to live in his house again. It’s worth it. He has to keep you! He’ll have infinite love and affection from you! ‘I guess kidnapping my love will do.’ He murmured. 
He planned it smoothly. First, he’ll make the basement into a bedroom instead. Second, He’ll take you from the dorms while everyone was sleeping and slowly put you inside the basement and wait for you to leave, Last, affections!
Everything had got to plan, Everyone went to sleep faster than usual. Which helps Iida. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
You woke up in an unfamiliar room. Everything looked, Expensive. 
“Good morning Love~” Iida cooed. You yelped at the voice. You went into a far distance and looked at the person who took you. “Iida?” You stuttered. “Yes, darling?” His eyes bore into you. You swore you saw hearts in his eyes. You looked at him scared, ‘What am i doing here? Why am i here?’ You asked yourself. 
“What am i doing here?!” You asked, staying in your place. He looked at you smirking. “Darling, I helped you.” He said coldly. Without thinking, you stood and ran to the door, trying to open it but failed. Behind you, you heard Iida laughed maniacally. Then you felt him behind you. You shivered at the contact when he hugged you. “Y/n, you can’t leave. I want to help you from those people! Their bad for you!” He explained. You jerked him away. “Your kidnapping me Iida, This is wrong!” You yelled. He only smirked at you. Before he left he warned:
“This wall is soundproof, so if your going to yell for help, No one will try and help you.” His voice full with venom. 
You went to the bed and cried yourself to sleep.
Few months had passed and Iida had visited you few hours a day. Craving for Affection. If you won’t give him any cuddles when he’s tired, he’ll be the big spoon and hug you instead.
“I’m back darling~” He notified you, opening the door. “I have a surprise for you.” And that made you look at him in a blink of an eye. He grinned at the action 
“Since you were a good pet, I thought that you should leave this room and sleep in my bedroom instead.” You frowned at the statement. Until you thought that you had a chance to escape! You quickly went to him and nodded, faking a smile. He pecked your lips and held your hand to refrain you from leaving him. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
The night was the same, cuddling him. 
You waited as he left. Then that’s your chance. The windows were closed. But the door was surprisingly open. You ran out the house. You took a deep breath, the place looks more beautiful than before. Than you run to an alleyway, Sadly, Iida saw you running out the house when he forgot to lock the door. He chased you and easily caught you. 
“Doll, i thought you can finally love me. But you clearly don’t..” Iida frowned. “I guess i’ll have to stay home today.” He sighed, harshly gripping your wrists while you sobbed.
 After some punishments, The bruises, cuts and many more gave you pain. Tears leaving your eyes as you cry at the pain. 
Instead of bandaging the injury he gave you, He just comforted you and hugged you. You tried to jerk him away from you but failed. You were too weak. You knew you can’t go outside and leave anymore. 
“If you weren’t bad today, I could’ve let you live upstairs. But your staying here until you realized your mistake.” Iida stood and went infront of the door. 
“Those people had corrupted you so badly! I should’ve done this sooner.” 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
A few months before, Todoroki was the first one who got extremely worried about your sudden disappearance. Everyone thought you were sick, so they let it slide.
“Hey, where’s Y/n? We haven’t seen them for weeks.” He decided to speak up. The others became worried after what he said. 
“Y/n must be with her parents abroad. They dropped out school since their parents needed Y/n to help them in their business.” Iida lied. 
“What do you mean? We’ve been trying to contact them but they haven’t answered!” Uraraka raised her voice. 
“Y/n didn’t have time to tell all of you, but i forgot to update all of you. I deeply apologize.” He said, his voice  was cracking a bit but they haven’t noticed it yet. 
He went home smiling wickedly to look at his prized possession. 
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haikyuucreations · 4 years
How to Properly Use Gifs/Edits/Art/etc in your Fanfics
Artists and editors are creative content makers just like writers are and thus their work shouldn’t be reposted without their consent — even if it’s credited. To put it into perspective, if someone really liked your writing, most authors appreciate a reblog or sharing the link. They wouldn’t appreciate someone copying and pasting the entire fic or part of the fic on their own account to share it and write something based on it. Sharing media without consent/credit is plagiarism. Even if you didn’t intend to, you are still stealing someone else’s work! 
This goes for fanfics, headcanons, SMAUs, or anything else that you create. Stating “credit to owner” or “this doesn’t belong to me” is not actual credit, and you still need their consent to repost their work. It does not actually give any credit to the creator, as no one will have no idea who said creator is.
Saving a gif or edit or drawing and attaching it to your writing to give your readers a visual is only okay if you have permission from the original creator. Saying so, sometimes it can be hard to find the original creator if it has been reposted many times. Here’s what you can do:
Google image reverse search or Tineye reverse search
Check if the creator has an FAQ or rules about their content
If they don’t, send them a message asking if it’s okay to repost their content in your own post
Properly hyperlink back to their account/the original post they shared their work on
How to Reverse Search images
Pinterest, WeHeartIt, Amino, Quotev, and Wattpad are not reliable sources. Odds are the image you find on there was reposted. Most creators will use Tumblr or Deviantart. Twitter, Instagram and Pixiv are other sites creators use, but be cautious as you may find that the reverse-searched image on one of these sites is a repost.
Right click, or hold down on image, and select "search Google for this image" (note: cannot do this within apps on mobile)
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Go to Google Images and click the camera icon in the search bar
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Insert the image’s url  [right click on the image and select ‘copy image url’]
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Upload the image from your files 
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Click on the icon of the image you uploaded under the search bar (’visually similar images’ won’t get you the exact image)
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Go through the results, and find the earliest posting of the image
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Remember, posts on Pinterest, WeHeartIt, Amino, Quotev, and Wattpad are most likely reposts of the original.
tineye.com - official tutorial with pictures HERE
Insert the image you want to search for. You can:
Upload the image from your files
Copy and paste the image's url [right click or hold down on the image and select ‘copy image url’- shown above]
Drag the image from another tab or your computer
Go through the results, and find the earliest posting of the image
Remember, posts on Pinterest, WeHeartIt, Amino, Quotev, and Wattpad are most likely reposts of the original.
How to check if reposting is allowed
Check the creator’s description, about page, carrd, FAQ, etc
If you can’t find any mention of reposting there, search their blog with the words “repost” or “resposting”
If it’s on Twitter, you can search “username: repost” or “username: reposting”
If it’s on Deviantart, check their about page or the description of the post itself
If it’s on Instagram, go on their account from desktop and right click anywhere. Click inspect and CTRL/CMND+F repost or reposting
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How to properly credit the creator
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Easiest solution
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In conclusion
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enchanted-seokjin · 4 years
august; jeong yunho
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DISCLAIMER: None of these pictures are mine. Please, visit this link for the rightful credits. If your picture has been posted on weheartit without your permission or without crediting, please let me know so I can credit you here.
↬ summary: Y/N and Yunho’s summer love comes to an end.
↬ genre: one shot
↬ word count: 1.6k
↬ warnings: mention of parents arguing.
↬ note: inspired by august by taylor swift. Happy 1st August, btw!!!
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I don’t have to turn my head to know that it’s him walking slowly towards me. His steps disrupt the calmness of the river in front of me. The sun hits the clear water creating a majestic scene that belongs in a fairytale. There’s no wind. Such a perfect summer day.
Yunho sits next to me on the grass. I still refuse to look at him because by doing so, I’m accepting our destiny and I can’t put up with that. I’ve been ignoring the feeling of solitude for a while. Solitude hit me too soon. And even though, now it’s the right time, I’m still not brave enough to face it.
“I knew I’d find you here,” he whispers, taking in the scenery as if it’s his first time seeing it. Maybe it is. Maybe he’d been too busy staring at me all those times we’d come here. “You aren’t going to say anything?” he adds.
“What do you want me to say?” I inquire, still playing with the grass between my fingers. It’s better to keep my hands busy with something when Yunho’s so close to me.
“I’m leaving today,” he remembers.
I want to laugh. I know he’s leaving. I’ve had this day engraved on my brain with fire.
“Aren’t you going to say goodbye?” Yunho goes on. His voice reminds me of the sun hitting the green grass first thing in the morning when everyone’s still dreaming.
“I hate goodbyes,” I say. I'm being sincere and he knows it. I look at him. He’s resting his elbows and back on the grass. The subtle rays of sunshine that filters through the treetops make his dark hair glow and his tan skin shine. He looks as adorable as he always had, wearing a simple white shirt with short pants.
I remember the moment I first saw him.
School was over. I was excited for the start of the summer considering I had so many plans with my friends. I wanted to spend every single moment with them because I didn’t know when we were going to see each other again once I started college. Yet, everything changed the moment I saw a tall guy walking around the little market on a Sunday afternoon. I knew right away I had never seen him before. I would never forget such a handsome face.
I’m still sure of that.
“We can still keep in touch,” he assures me. I shake my head.
“It won’t be the same,” I say.
Yunho takes a deep breath and I stare at the calm water once again. I wish my insides were as peaceful as the river.
“I’ll miss you,” he mumbles. “This summer’s been… unforgettable.”
I wish I believed him and part of me does because I know the memories will haunt him for a long time but it’ll eventually stop. He’ll move on. He’ll go back to the city, with his old friends, with his parents, maybe he'll recounter with someone who's been waiting for him… He’ll go back where he belongs and I’ll be left hanging around the places that belong to us now.
I know what it’s like to break a heart; I’m not playing the victim. I’ve been the one leaving someone behind but this time the tables have turned and I understand now that it’s worst to be the one left behind than be the one leaving. 
I’ll never be able to come to this sacred place I once called my secret spot until Yunho came into my life; we’ve spent too much time here. We’ve had too many conversations, I’ve poured my heart out so many times and there were so many secrets, kisses, smiles, and tears shed. This place will never soothe me the way it used to.
I’ll never be able to go to the mall and not remember all the times Yunho asked me to meet him behind it as if we were lovers in the run. We kind of were, though. My family doesn’t know about Yunho, nor do my friends. I’m sure Yunho’s grandmother doesn’t know about me either. It’s a shame. I would’ve loved to meet her and talk about her grandson. I would’ve loved to share every mundane thing with Yunho.
I’ll have to keep lying once Yunho leaves and my friends ask me what I have done all summer, for they haven’t seen me much. I’ve canceled every plan I’ve made with them in case Yunho called.
Every space in this town will be haunted once Yunho’s gone and I’ll have to deal silently with my brain playing those memories as a film in repeat while Yunho goes back to a city where there has never been an us.
“I’ll miss you, too,” I admit. I’ve never been good with words and I’m afraid Yunho might think that this summer meant nothing, so I look over at him and, once our eyes meet, I take a deep breath. “I won’t forget you,” I promise. Though, what I really want to say it’s stuck on my throat.
Yunho smiles amused, tilting his head.
“You’ll get into college,” he points out. “You’ll meet new people.”
“No one could ever be you, though,” I confess and look away. I can feel my cheeks burning. I hate this. I hate that Yunho’s leaving. I hate that our relationship has been a secret and I’ll never be able to talk about it with anyone but my own reflection. I hate that Yunho will eventually forget me because he knew right from the start that this relationship was doomed.
“Hey, Y/N,” he murmurs, sitting next to me. I feel his hand cross over my shoulders and I rest my head on his neck. “We’re young,” he says as if it wasn’t obvious.
“Does that mean I’m not allowed to feel?” I ask. I look at him in the eye, his hand now on my waist.
“I just don’t want you to be sad,” he answers and I notice he means it but I can’t control the way I feel.
Keeping this relationship a secret was never up for discussion, it just happened. We both realized how fast our relationship was moving and we didn’t want to deal with what other people had to say about it. I imagined myself many times telling my mom about the guy who looked like a tourist, whom I met out of the blue at the market buying fruits for his grandmother because he wanted her to know that he was a good kid. I'm aware that my mom would've accepted it at the beginning. Nevertheless, she’d noticed, as time went by, how all the stars Yunho and I painted in the sky were burning swiftly.
Regardless, I don’t regret anything.
I don’t regret sneaking out late at night to see him at this secret spot, or canceling all my plans for him, or waking up next to him, intertwined with his bed-sheets. 
“I won’t be sad for too long,” I smile, gazing at the river again. This forest has witnessed so many encounters over the summer; will it be able to forget? Or will it have the memories engraved on the trees as I’ll have them on my skin?
I feel Yunho’s lips on my cheek and I close my eyes as I turn my head towards him to welcome his kiss. His touch makes my head spin around, throwing away the questions that give me heartache. We let ourselves fall on the grass, my head on his arm and he smiles so sweetly I feel I’m coming undone. He reaches out to me, pulling my hair out of the way.
“I love you,” he susurrates.
Tears burn and I stop breathing in order to force the tears back. I can’t cry. Not in front of him. 
I rest my hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat which reminds me of that night under the covers when I was resting my head on this same area, listening to the beat of his heart which silenced every other sound coming from outside. The things I thought romantic before that became ashes when I found myself lying next to him.
“I love you, too,” I state and he kisses me on the lips once again with the type of tenderness I’ve only met because of him.
He looks up and I wonder if the sunlight is playing tricks on me or his eyes are shiny. Either way, he blinks and the emotions are gone. Another unsolved question for the list I’ve created in my mind.
Yunho sighs and I stop myself from covering my ears as I used to do when I was seven and my parents would argue in the living room.
“I have to go,” he announces.
I could beg him to stay but I know it’d useless. I’ve entangled myself in this mess and I’ve to get out of it alone.
I nod, sitting up. He does the same. I look down at my hands, still burning from all the furtive touches.
“I mean it when I say I’ll miss you,” he assures me, taking me back to the present. I look up at him and smile. I want to say I believe him because I do, but as I said, I’m not good with words and maybe that’s why I never came to terms with the fact that Yunho was never mine to lose.
“I’ll miss you, too,” I repeat like a broken machine.
He smiles but I’m not sure if he knows how deeply he’s carved himself on my skin.
Yunho takes my face between his hands and kisses my forehead, then my lips, and when he steps back, I watch him go.
I wait for him to look back.
I wish for him to look back.
But he doesn’t.
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“I’m Spider-Man”
Y/n and Tom do yoga/cheer poses, and y/n gets scared.
A/n: I recently saw a (long ass) compilation of Tom saying “I’m Spider-Man” over and over and it made me laugh. I instantly wanted to write about him saying it.
I’m also adding pictures bc I sure as hell ain’t about to be describing what they look like with words😂😂
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     You had were a pretty successful YouTuber with a decent following. You got requests for videos all the time- one in particular you wanted to do, but you never really trusted someone enough to do it with. The yoga challenge. Someone picks out a lot of hard yoga positions, and you and your partner try to replicate the picture. You wanted to do it, and after dating Tom for about two years, you felt he would be a good partner to do it with- specifically because you trusted he wouldn’t drop you.
      “Hey, guys! So I’ve gotten requests to do this video for years and I put it off because I’m terrified of falling and breaking bones, but I decided to go ahead and make it. Tom is going to be my partner, which will be an experience in and of itself.” You told the camera. You looked at Tom when you were finished with your spill.
     “I don’t know why you chose me, I’m the least flexible person,” he said looking back at you. You laughed at him and looked back at the camera.
     “That’s why it’s gonna be fun. Okay! So my brother and Harrison picked out the poses so let’s see what we have,” You trailed off waiting for one of them to show you the first photo.
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     “You’re gonna bottom, right?” Tom asked you. You looked at him confused.
     “I never said that, but okay.” You said as you got into position. You maneuvered yourself to make your body as small as possible.
     “Hope you’re ready because I’m coming down,” Tom said warning you. You felt the pressure of his weight on your butt before he laid back against you.
     “Did we do it?” You asked y/b/n when you felt Tom had settled.
     “Oh, this is real comfortable actually,” Tom said as he stayed on top of you.
     “Tom!” You yelled at him.
     “Tessa, go fetch me a beer,” he said dragging it out.
     “Thomas!” You yelled again. He laughed and got off of you, turning around to help you up. “Okay, what’s next?”
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     “Oh my gosh!” You yelled laughing.
     “Look at her face,” Tom pointed out.
    “She likes whatever she’s grabbing onto,” you joked at him. He made a face at you.
    “Yeah, well you aren’t allowed to grab whatever she’s grabbing onto,” he said as he began to think over the position. “So I’m going to get on my hands and knees and I guess you just hang on... spider monkey,” he told you. You laughed at the Twilight reference. He got down, and you held onto him. He used his upper body weight to lift his legs into the air. He got to a specific height before he couldn’t hold it anymore. But you still achieved it.
     “I’m shocked. I didn’t think you’d be able to do that,” you admitted. He looked at you and you saw a bit of sweat on his forehead.
     “I go to the gym to much to not be able to do something like that, darling,” he said sassily. You raised your hands in defense.
     You carried on doing multiple poses before you got to the last one.
     “So let me give some context before I show it,” y/b/n said. “It’s not a yoga pose, it’s a cheer pose. But I wanted to see if you two could do it.” He turned the screen around to reveal the pose.
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     “Are you fucking kidding me?” You asked him. You had always been scared of heights and this would be no different.
     “No, I have every faith you can do it,” he told you.
     “I think so too,” Tom agreed with him. You looked at him in shock. “Come on, love. Let’s go outside and do it.” You picked up the camera and headed outside.
     “Ok, so how’s this gonna work?” You questioned. “What I know from watching (American) football, they literally just toss the girl up like she’s a pizza crust, and you are not doing that to me,” you told Tom completely serious.
     “No, I’m not throwing you up like that. I’ve never done it before, and I don’t want to drop you.” He replies thinking of what you could do. “What about you sit on my shoulders, and I’ll hold your feet as you stand up? Yeah?” You sighed realizing you really were about to do this. Looking at y/b/n and Harrison, you asked them to come spot you and hold your hands as you stood up.
     Tom walked over to the little picnic table you kept in the back yard. He sat on the bench level and you went to stand behind him. You maneuvered so you were sitting on his shoulders, and you grasped his hands while he stood up.
     “Here,” y/b/n said with his hands out, letting you know he was there and ready. You also heard Harrison alert you that he was behind you. You grasped y/b/n’s hands, intertwining your fingers as Tom moved his hands to your ankles.
     “Okay, I’m gonna hold onto your feet, and all you have to do is stand up,” Tom told you.
     “Oh my gosh,” you muttered as you started to do it but bailed almost immediately. “I’m so scared!!” You yelled dramatically.
     “Babe, I’m Spider-Man. I’m not gonna let you fall,” Tom said trying to ease your fear by making you laugh.
     “What are scared of? Y/n, I’m right here, Harrison is behind you, and Tom is right underneath you. Tom isn’t going to let you fall, but even if you do, we are right here to catch you,” y/b/n reassured you. He gave your hand a squeeze to let you know he has a hold on you.
      “You can do it, y/n. Just stop thinking about it so much,” Harrison chimes in. You rolled your eyes and took a deep breath.
     “Okay,” you said confidently.
     “Okay? Just stand up,” Tom told you again. You did what he said, this time making it into a standing position. It was wobbly for a second before Tom had a good grip on your feet and held you steady.
     “Thata girl, y/n!” You heard y/b/n say. “Now you have to straighten up and let go of my hands, whenever you’re ready.”
     You nodded your head letting him know you understood what he was telling you. You moved to stand up straight and eventually let go, keeping your hands close in case you became unstable.
     “There you go, y/n!” Harrison yelled encouraging you.
     “Remember to keep looking straight ahead, don’t look down, up, to the side, anywhere else. That helps your balance. Just keep looking forward,” y/b/n told you.
     “You good, babe?” Tom asked.
     “Yeah,” you told him.
     “I’m gonna straighten my arms now, okay? Just hang out up there.” You felt your body being lifted as Tom pushed his arms upward. Your own arms flew out sideways trying to keep your balance.
     “Now just put your feet together and arms outward,” Harrison told you. You did as he said moving slowly. You felt like you would fall and break every bone in your body if you moved any faster than you were. You eventually found yourself in the position of the picture. You felt Tom let one hand go of your ankle holding you up with one hand.
     “Oh my gosh!” You yelled as you realized you were doing it. You heard y/b/n move away for a second so the camera could get a clear shot of you.
     “That’s perfect!” He shouted feeling excited.
     “How do I get down though?” You asked anyone. You didn’t hear an answer, but you felt Tom move and you were falling toward the ground. Right when you thought you were a goner, you felt your body land perfectly in Tom’s arms. “What the hell is wrong with you?!” You yelled at him, grasping at his neck for dear life.
     “That was the easiest way down,” Tom told you with a little smile, laughing at how scared you got.
     “I hate you for that,” you told him and looked at your brother. “And I hate you for picking that in the first place. And I hate you for letting them do it,” you pointed at Harrison.
     “But you did it, and you didn’t even break any bones,” y/b/n tried to reason with you.
     “Don’t talk to me, you all owe me big time for that.” You headed back inside and got the camera set back up to do your outro, forcing yourself to smile. “So, that happened. Thank you guys for watching, I’ll see you beauts next week for another video. Bye,” you said blowing kisses into the camera before shutting it off.
     Tom walked up to you as you were walking into your room after putting all your equipment away. “Are you actually mad or was it just the adrenaline high?” He asked you.
     “I really was mad in the moment, but it’s fine now,” you told him. “I mean you know how scared I was, you know how scared I am of heights, and you literally dropped me with no warning at all.”
     “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before I dropped you like that. We thought it would be better to do it and get it over with than tell you and let you freak out all over again.” Tom told you. He was right. If he had told you what he was planning to do, you probably would’ve had a panick attack. Sure, you had a mini heart attack in the moment, but it was nothing too serious.
     “Yeah, that’s probably very true,” you told him.
     “We would have never done it like that if we knew you were going to end up hurt. You know that right? I was watching you the entire time, and y/b/n and Harrison were both there ready in case something didn’t go right. The last thing I would allow is you getting hurt on my watch.”
     “I know, it’s just difficult having to be the one in the air and not on the ground.”
     “I know, darling. Trust me, have you seen some of the things I do as Spider-Man?” He brought up again. You rolled your eyes at him.
     “If only I had a penny for each time you bring up that you’re Spider-Man,” you said with a laugh. Tom lifted his finger telling you to hold on a second. He dug in his pocket and pulled out a shiny new penny.
     “I’m Spider-Man,” he said placing the penny in your hand. You couldn’t help but laugh at how random and ridiculous the kid is. You watched him as he walked away from you and smiled to yourself. How’d you get so lucky to end up with him?
That was fun. I have full faith Tom could do that, hope I’m not the only one. 
The first pose/conversation is based off Jenna Marbles’s yoga challenge video. 
I own zero of these images. I found them on Pinterest and WeHeartIt
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abbybowcutuvu · 5 years
My personal skill as a writer has grown in ways I wasn’t expecting this semester. I have learned to revise effectively and this has subsequently improved my organization and the effectiveness of my arguments. Being able to construct and really effectively tackle a thesis and develop an argument has always been a struggle for me. I still have much room to grow, but in practicing this semester with revising, I have come a long way. 
Writing is a serious mental exercise. At times, you may not want to start, it can feel overwhelming to make yourself start to think. Really think. When you do start writing and your brain starts making sense of things, compiling and organizing information in your brain, creating, I start to feel alive. It Just like a good cry, or run, it feels amazing when you have finished writing. You have either created something you are proud of or you have learned more about yourself. 
Writing challenges me in ways that I couldn’t have foreseen. There have been times I haven’t wanted to think about certain things; yet, I have explored and worked through those unexpectedly hard and painful thoughts and come out the other side much better for it. I have created more than I thought I could and understood more about topics I hadn’t given a deeper thought to. 
Writing can also be used as a measure of growth. You can look back at who you were and how you thought of things in days past or you can watch as your skills are improving. Revising is an incredibly important aspect of writing, one that gets skipped far too often. I believe revising helps you to see your growth and learn from it. When you spend the extra time figuring out exactly how you want something written and how better you can represent your thoughts, you exercise your brain and grow as a writer. Writing is a skill that has to be learned and practised like any other. Writing courses are essential for everyone to take in order to communicate better and to practice this important skill. Both reading and writing help to literally improve your brain connectivity and improves your intelligence. Writing requires patience, diligence, and determination. Writing courses are among the most valuable and important courses anyone could take. Writing is the most important exercise you could possibly do. 
To whomever would be concerned for me,
I am an avid reader and movie buff. For the out-of-class Tumblr blogs, I chose to write and explore my favorite characters in some of my favorite books and movies. I had chosen carefully those who I wanted to write about. I chose characters from books and movies that I hadn’t seen in a while and it forced me to re-read several books and re-watch several movies. I wanted to really learn about certain characters and understand them in a way I hadn’t before. This class enabled me to look deeper into the novels/movies in a way I hadn’t needed to before. I actually struggled with some of the writings because I had a hard time understanding their motives and desires. It also changed certain perspectives for me. For example: in my writing of Ariane from Love in the Afternoon, I originally thought of the movie as a whole in a different perspective and had planned to write her character analysis in a much more critical way. However, when I took the time to think and write about her, my whole perspective on the movie changed. So while this assignment may not have changed my worldview in a larger sense, it really changed the way I understand and enjoy some of my most beloved fictional characters. It meant a lot to me. 
The opinion pieces were challenging for me. It was hard to write in a voice that was not mine. I write often in more formal ways but to write an informal piece from a different perspective and to an audience I was not familiar was certainly hard for me. This was new territory and something I had never had to do before. It is also something I probably won’t ever have the chance to do again. 
I have always had a hard time writing in less than what is my best work. I have never been able to just write for a grade. I did procrastinate much of the assignments for this class, with the exception of the out-of-class Tumblr project, but even so, I feel I spent the same amount of hours I would have anyway. I didn’t want to turn in work that wasn’t my best. I revised heavily on all the things I turned in and truly feel proud of them. With some of the out-of-class Tumblr ‘comments’ (rather than posts) I felt like I put less effort into them than everything else. I had a hard time truly finding material to engage with and think about in a serious way. 
I spent more time with the writing process than ever before this semester. This class forced me to write four whole drafts of a paper. I have never done that before. I do feel like some of my absolute best work has come from this and will certainly practice writing in this format in the future. I looked back on our ‘best piece of writing’ and then saw how I did on the research project and was astounded at my writing progress. I also applied this to a research paper I had to write for a different class this semester and got a much better grade on it than I would have otherwise. I feel this class has been particularly helpful for me. I was able to practice writing more than I ever have before. It truly is a skill that has to be practiced, and one that is incredibly important. 
Abigail Bowcut
How the hell do people not know who Bob Dylan is. Wow. He is a living legend. A poet. My favorite of his songs and probably my most favorite song in the world is called to fall in love with you. It is unfinished and I think thats why I love it. It’s magical. The words don’t make sense together but somehow they make more sense than anything. It’s love. Love not rational. Love doesn’t make sense. But somehow when listening to that song I feel love. I feel and relate to Dylan and understand. The fact that it is unfinished leaves so much for the listener to interpret in their own way. To imagine what they wish. I really want to pick up the guitar now. Learn all of his songs. I know most of them by heart already. Bob changes with time, just like any human. He has phases and is imperfect. I see it in your lips, I knew it in your eyes. My favorite line. Human relationships. Knowing someone and desiring to know them more than yourself. The curiosity to dive deep into someone else’s mind.
*Professor commented ‘beautiful’. Very much appreciated.
Toward Understanding the Challenges Adolescents Face Online
*In comparison to my best essay written at the end of the semester I found my free write that I wrote at the beginning. How I was able to get my mess of thoughts from what it was to a developed piece I am pretty astounded by. Free writing is new to me and something I will incorporate in the future.
Research Project Free write.
Social media is the absolute worst, most negative, harmful aspect of the internet. The internet is the biggest change to our society to come about in the last century. It has changed our world for the better. For the most part. Science, research, access to information and communication has improved our society and more social change has come about because of the globalization that was made possible by internet. Social media is the exception to the many benefits of the internet. Social media is a disease. It is causing much more harm than good. There are particular social media mediums that are valuable. Forums certain social media outlets do help with social progress. I believe racism, homophobia, and gender issues are generally becoming better and I believe that certain social media’s have contributed to that positive social change. People share ideas and opinions and we learn why our parents are wrong and get new perspectives. However, I still believe there are many many negatives about social media. Particularly Instagram. Instagram is what I believe I will focus on. I want my project to be more specific than attacking social media in general. Instagram’s negatives outweigh the positives. For my project I want to investigate Instagrams negative influence on our youth; though I do believe it to be harmful to us all, the youth are much more susceptible. I want to do research on the psychology aspects. How are youth affected psychologically? Is our youth more depressed and anxious than the youths of previous generations? Are they more self conscious? Are they more or less ‘social’ than they were before instagram? How does looking at these carefully constructed profiles misleading our youth? How does constantly looking at altered photographs of models affecting our youth? Are our youth falling for deceptive instagram advertising? 
Eowyn: Shieldmaiden of Rohan
Konstantin Levin
Lester Burnham: American Beauty 
Words can sometimes be…
Judy Barton/Madeleine Elster 
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benhaardy · 6 years
king of my heart || b.h.
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(i apologize i do not know where this gif is from i found it on weheartit but im not sure thats who made it but here is the post. if you are the owner please let me know so i can credit or take it off at your request. thanks!)
Summary: Ben takes you to the Bohemian Rhapsody premiere and you reminisce of his accomplishments and your years-long friendship.
Request: Can you do a fluffy first kiss imagine with Ben? Thanks!
A/N: so uhhh the request was literally the simplest thing EVER but my extra ass had to put some Extra Sass™ upon this lol. idk why i wanted to go big for such a simple prompt but its ben and its his birthday today so HE DESERVES IT!
gotta add in that S H E E R D R E S S S H I R T because i’m still not over it, thank u, next.
the outfit i had in mind: dress (the one in the middle) shoes necklace earrings, though obviously you can imagine your own outfit.
song that the title/some of the fic is based off: king of my heart by taylor swift
obviously, i am a huge fan of the longtime best friends to lovers cliche and idk if anyone else thinks this but i write my characters as super affectionate in the first place so i hope it isn’t weird to anyone to have like the really touchy-feely best friends or friendships in my stories ig? idk, just a thought cause i literally just noticed how affectionate my characters are ANYWAYS here's wonderwall
thank you for sending a request in! hope you enjoy it!
also happy birthday to our king i hope he has a beautiful day
Wordcount: 1.7k
Warnings: a few frick words (2). fem!reader. mention of nudity. fluffy!! not proofread, but beta’d
“Ready, Y/N?” Ben called from downstairs
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
You put the final touches of your outfit on. Perfume on your wrists, Tiffany necklace on, you went down the stairs carrying your nude Louboutins and adjusting your earrings. It wasn’t really your style to do any of this, really, but your best friend Ben had wanted to take you to the Bohemian Rhapsody premiere. Go big or go home, you figured. At his asking, you didn’t see or know what he was going to wear so you played it safe with a black dress.
You went down the stairs and got to the bottom floor. Ben was standing in the middle of the living room, back turned to you. He was looking down at the cat weaving in between his legs. As far as you could see, he was wearing an all black suit. “Ben?” you said. He whipped around to see you as you were putting on your shoes.
“Oh, wow, Y/N,” he beamed. Ben put his hands over his mouth, his eyes wide with surprise. “You look so good!” You opened your arms to embrace him, to which he stepped into, his arms around your waist.
After a few seconds, you both pulled away but his arms still stayed in their place and your hands lingered on his biceps. “I could say the same about you, Benny! Everything looks great!”  He let you go fully. You looked up and down at his outfit. Sheer black dress shirt, black blazer and trousers, everything was tailored perfectly to his body. You grinned. He cleaned up very well, but it wasn’t like he didn’t dress nice in the first place.
“Ready to go?” he asked. “Car’s waiting outside.”
You watched from the side of the carpet as the main cast were getting photographed together. That was your best friend! Standing next to Roger fucking Taylor and Brian fucking May. Everything still felt surreal, though he had been in the public spotlight for the past few years, this felt different. Your senses just felt heightened. The flashing lights, the hues of purple and pink and gold all around, surrounded by people you either knew well or were complete strangers to you. Your eyesight was crisp, noticing everything you could, taking it all in. You did musical theatre, you hadn’t really dealt with something as big as this, even with Apocalypse.
And here your best friend was, in the middle of all of this. Your mind played back all the memories of you two in drama school with his all-nighters, monologue after monologue, script after script. You couldn’t be more proud of your closest friend, all of his hard work going to this. You could remember Ben’s shifty eyes backstage the very first show of Judas Kiss and the blush on his cheeks after the show when he remembered that you had watched him perform and there was that one scene of full frontal; he figured it was worth the embarrassment, it’s not as if you hadn’t seen worse.
Back to Eastenders and its countless shirtless and kissing scenes. You thought back to the countless nights that you spent up with him when he was weighing leaving the show or becoming Archangel. At your own urging, Ben left Eastenders, ready for the next chapter, ready for the next big thing. One of the best memories of your life was traveling to the United States with him for Comic-Con and driving up and down the west coast a week before he had to attend it. He took you to Disneyland and Universal Studios after everything with the convention was said and done.
Now, Bohemian Rhapsody! You laughed at the memories of Ben scrambling to find a good drum teacher close by and how he turned up in the middle of the night to your flat to tell you he got the part. You couldn’t ever forget his embrace in the dark of your living room, his face buried in your shoulder and his arms, tight and strong around your waist. Your happy tears wiped away by Ben’s hand as you drew apart. Though you both were excited, it was still the middle of the night, so you both just slept in your bed once more with the cats.
Ben would always invite you over to watch him play and give your input. You had to admit, he had gotten pretty good over all the lessons. Though you discouraged his lying about playing the drums and seeing the consequences in his clamber to learn as much as possible, it paid off in the best way possible. They started the process of making the movie. Though you couldn’t really be by his side throughout filming, you were basically there, his perpetual FaceTimes keeping you in the loop with everyone. You even “met” the guys and Lucy, who you hit off with very well. Ben made sure you were always by his side and he was always by yours.
So when you saw him here, at his biggest premiere surrounded by even more amazing actors and actresses, you couldn’t help but shed a tear. This role of Roger had basically brought him into the light.
You watched them take pictures until Ben beckoned you over, the group disbanding and walking over to their families and significant others to pose for their own photos. You came over and he put his arm around your waist, hugging you close. Your hand was on his back and you both posed for pictures, the flash basically blinding you, the sounds of the shutters all around. “Smile,” Ben whispered into your ear.
Everyone was at the rooftop restaurant that you were all going to eat at after the premiere. You were sitting in between Roger and Ben, having been introduced to all of the people around the table. Never in a million years, you thought, never in a million years did you think you’d be here, conversing with the real Roger Taylor or getting along with his daughters, or telling Lucy Boynton and Anita Dobson where you got your necklace and earrings.
“If you’ll excuse us, Y/N and I are going to go out to the balcony,”
You scooped another spoon of food in your mouth before saying, “Oh, okay we are? Okay.” You gave a polite smile to Roger, who you were talking to before Ben got your attention. Standing up, you followed Ben out of the tall, ornate door, out to the terrace where you could see all of London. The view was breathtaking.
“What is this all about?” you inquired as you came over to Ben standing with his hand on the glass, observing the scenery in front of him, the various coloured lights illuminating London.
“How do you feel about all this, Y/N? The whole shazam,” he questioned, wanting to know your true feelings about everything.
You shook your head, “What can I say?” You looked out along with him. “If you had told me in the first year of uni when we met that we would be here right now. Eating dinner with two freaking members of Queen and their families and being around some of the best actors and musicians in the world!” You said, your voice breathy. It was crazy what your best friend had been able to accomplish. “I would’ve slapped you and called you mental. This is all so... wow.”
“I couldn’t have made it here without you, Y/N. I’d be a complete and utter trainwreck. I wouldn’t even, like, survive without you, you know?”
“Ben,” you shook your head vigourously, “Don’t…don’t. This is your thing. This is your work. This is your doing. I was just there along for the ride and you were there with me,” you reasoned. “It’s just...just that simple.”
He shook his head but smiled. “None of this is that simple.” Ben turned to face you, still looking down. You moved to look at him yourself. “You mean everything to me, really. It’s not just the support. It’s the little things. It’s how you never fail to put your jumper sleeves over your hands and bury ‘em in your face. It’s how you look at me when you’re adjusting my suit and doing that little,” he paused and did little sweeping movements in the air, “that little sweepy thing on my lapels and you look back up at me and smile. The way you smile, the way you look at me, love, it just- it drives me crazy in the best way. You’re always there for me, yes, but that is not the only reason that I love you.” Ben took hold of your hand and held it close to his heart, his hand encapsulating yours entirely. “I want you, Y/N.”
You leaned forward and an abundance of holy shit holy shit did I just do that did I really just do that did he reeeallly just say those amazing things about me?’s rang through your head, echoing and echoing. You kissed him. His plump lips were upon yours finally. At first, Ben was stiff, taken by surprise at your sudden action but he softened quickly with the feeling of you on him. Your hand stayed on his chest while his moved down to your hips. As the kiss deepened, you laced your hands around his neck.
He pulled away. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted that, love,” he said, breathless, his lips swollen and pink.
“Me too, Ben.” You smiled and cupped his cheek in your hand, to which he kissed your palm and held your wrist lightly. He looked down at his shoes, blushing.
“We should—“ he started, his thumb pointing back to the inside. “We shoul—“
You exhaled. “Y-Yeah, yeah we should, we should.” Ben grabbed your hand and led you inside. He pulled your chair out for you and you sat in it. You brushed imaginary dirt off your dress, trying to act casual.
“Looks like you two had fun out there!” exclaimed Roger, a bellowing laugh coming from him.
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nootropicdrug-blog · 5 years
Boost Energy and Reduce Anxiety With These Supplements
Many of us suffer from a lack of energy and motivation, causing us to procrastinate, gets lazy and ultimately, fails to reach our fullest potential. In the hunt for energy supplements, we often come across caffeine and sugar packed products that, although can provide our body with a burst of zest in the short-term, fail to motivate us in the long-term. Besides battling low levels of energy and constant fatigue, a lot of people, like me, are also trying to cope with anxiety and stress. The biggest problem with stress is that it affects our cognitive function in the worst possible manner. You've probably heard this before but I'll say it again - 90% of energy comes from the mind and 10% comes from the body.
When we experience high levels of stress, a hormone known as cortisol is released into our brain. Cortisol in high amounts can be toxic, which is why we go through brain fog and clouded thinking when we are stressed and/or depressed. This is why many people are turning towards nootropics, or cognitive enhancing supplements, to boost energy and reduce anxiety at the same time. To reach optimal energy levels, we must conquer the root cause of the problem - stress and a lack of mental energy/motivation.
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Next time you shop for energy supplements, forget those cool-looking powder tubs filled with nothing but sugar and artificial flavors (yuck!). Instead, keep an eye out for the following supplement stacks, which can help tackle your fatigue problems and help both your mind and body to get in the zone for a day full of productivity.
Piracetam + Vinpocetine
Piracetam is a nootropic that belongs to the racetam family. It works well to enhance memory, improve focus and increase mental energy. It works by increasing oxygen uptake in the brain and inhibiting the reuptake of glucose levels. This is what allows piracetam to work so effectively in boosting mental performance. Pairing this wonderful nootropic with Vinpocetine - another one of our favorites - helps to boost mental clarity and get rid of brain fog.
Noopept + Alpha GPC
If you've done your homework about the best nootropics then there's a very high chance you've heard of noopept before. Noopept is by far the most potent cognitive enhancer available in the market today¬- it's 1000x more potent than piracetam and works by increasing acetylcholine and BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor) levels in the brain. This leads to improved learning and memory abilities. It also improves mood, which allows you to feel more motivated and eager to get work done.
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Noopept users not only experience improved memory and focus, but some have reported feeling higher levels of mental energy and clarity. When mixed with the high-quality choline form, Alpha GPC, the two can lift your energy levels while providing you with feelings of pleasure and calmness. You should aim for stacks that can boost your focus and motivation in a relaxed and soothing manner, rather than a 10-minute burst of hyperactivity. You can buy the two supplements separately or you can opt for a smarter and more convenient option - purchasing a ready-made supplement product that includes both Noopept and Alpha GPC. The brand that has recently captured the attention of all nootropic users is Lumonol by Avanse Nutraceuticals.
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Wisepowder Address: No. 668, Xiangyin Road Yangpu District, 200433, Shanghai, China Phone: +86 (1392)6572370 Email: [email protected]
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The Great Blank Spot: @rahnesinclair
So much goes into creating fanfiction even before the first words hit the paper. And in-depth spotlight on our writers and the process behind their work.
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Tell us about your current project.
“figure it out” (my Trials fic)
We’re well into the creation period for The Trials. Are you participating?
If so, is this your submission? What Tier did you select?
Yes it is! And I went for the higher tier.
What is your current word count?
32,561. Will probably shorten slightly during the editing process.
Do you try to write daily? Do you have a word count or other goals you try to hit for each writing session?
I do, but I usually go through spurts rather than consistent writing. I do try to hit 500-1000 words per session.
What was the inspiration for this fic?
The music video for Figure It Out by Royal Blood. It stars Stella Maeve, our very own Julia Wicker.
How do you stay motivated between chapters/stories?
I want to get them to their happy endings. I looove writing angst, and sometimes it’s hard when the happy ending is in sight but I’m not writing the heavy angst anymore just the more mundane “this is how we get there” bits. But I keep moving so they get that.
Did this fic require any research? How much research do you typically do for your fics?
Not really, it was a combo life experience/things I’d already researched/work related info I already had.
[Outside of the Trials] Do you typically write ahead or post as you go?
I write ahead. Usually try to have a few chapters all ready to give me some cushion if I run out of muse. I have chapters for “written on your heart” ready to go! Why haven’t I posted them during my Trials writing? WHO KNOWS.
How much planning and outlining did you do before you started putting words on paper?
Sometimes I’ll start writing without ANY planning or outlining whatsoever because I want to see what happens. Most of the time I plan though, but I’m bad at outlining. I outlined “figure it out”.
Has it been pretty smooth sailing or rough waters? When things get rocky, how do you handle needing to rewrite sections or scrap scenes entirely?
When I was on, I was ON. I would do entire sections in just hours. Then I would go a week, sometimes two, without even touching the fic. It was especially bad after I got a huge scene done. My brain decided “That was so important! Glad I got that done!” and then quit. I just finished a few days ago and now I still have editing to do.
We encourage you to submit a 100-200 word sample of your WIP as a teaser.
Quentin was reading The Secret Sea in his pajamas in the middle of a Saturday afternoon when there was a knock on his door. He slouched to the front hallway, twenty bucks clutched in his hand. It was kind of early for his pizza to arrive, he’d only placed the order fifteen minutes ago, but whatever. His late lunch/early dinner arriving a few minutes before expected made it easier for him to hide the evidence from his father when he got back from work.
When he opened the door he dropped the bill.
Julia stood at his doorstep. Blonde, barefoot, dried blood on her front, a black eye and a split lip, vacant, dark eyes. All things that were wrong, but did not make her any less Julia.
“Q,” she said, her voice a rasp.
“Jules,” he half-sobbed, throwing his arms around her, heedless of the blood. She went rigid for an instant before sagging into him, nearly toppling them both off their feet. He held her up as she folded her arms around him and buried her face in the crook of his neck.
Anything else you want to add/think we should cover?
This fic will be trigger heavy! Trigger warnings are rape, blood, mental health discussion, disassociation, suicidal ideation andself harm. Most actual violence is only referenced and in the past because 98% of this fic takes place in the facility. However, it’s discussed at length and therefore should be read with awareness of all of this. I want people to read but I’d much rather people take care of themselves and give it a pass if it’s too much!
The Great Blank Spot is an in-depth spotlight focusing on the writing process and previewing in-progress fics for our fandom. It is meant to be an organic, ever-evolving feature. Previously interviewed fic writers can reach out to us here, to have a specific work featured. If you’d like to have a work featured but haven’t done the author spotlight, reach out to us to get started. If you have suggestions for questions you’d like to see answered, shoot us an ask!
All images sourced from either canva or weheartit
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tae-iliee · 6 years
F L O W E R S ; y.jh
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« pics taken from weheartit, edited by me»
whereby you, who is allergic to flowers, have a major crush on a florist
the most lovable being to exist on earth.
it can never go wrong when presented as gifts, charming others with their beautiful soft-like appearance and deep meaningful messages—conveyed with literally no words being spoken aloud.
and it just so happened that right down your apartment, there was a newly opened flower shop, next to that rusty old bookstore you tend to visit whenever you have the time. and honestly, you’re most probably the only customer, ever, to still purchase books from there.
at the mention of your name, you snapped up towards the owner of that familiar voice, only to have your breath hitched against your throat when you realized who the man standing a few feet away from you was.
“you’re y/n, right?”
were you hallucinating? dreaming even?
perhaps he was talking to another y/n, so you darted your eyes around the store, only to find you were the only one around.
well, it wasn’t a surprise considering the shop barely have a soul most of the time.
the male chuckled at your loss of response, finding it amusing how you doubted the thought of him ever talking to you. his lips breaking into a soft smile, realizing how accurate his friend’s description of you was, and how you were exactly his type. though he would never tell a soul, knowing the endless teasing he’ll receive once the words got out.
“when wonwoo’s back, let him know i need to speak to him all right?”
with that, he left the bookstore swiftly, but not forgetting to send you a gentle smile that had you weak on your knees as you waited for his shadow to pass before finally collapsing onto the wooden floor.
was it always this hard to breathe around him?
your heart felt like it had run a marathon just by being in the same space, your cheeks flushed a reddish hue—anyone who hadn’t known you may as well thought you’re running a fever.
“wow y/n, what did he do to you to make you all flustered and red like a lobster?”
wonwoo’s deep voice got you scurrying to your feet as you dusted your bottom hastily.
“nothing! he did nothing!”
you defended, and though it sounded like a lie, the male really had done nothing in particular to garner such intense reaction. yet, wonwoo knew you better than anyone else, even if jeonghan really did nothing, a smile was enough to send your heart bursting with happiness—as ridiculous as it may seem.
“really? hmm, doesn’t seem like nothing to me,” he mused, a playful grin dawning on his lips as he scanned your jittery composure, “but since i’m your one and only really good friend, i’ll drop it,” he inched back, allowing you to finally sigh a relief before he finished, “for now.”
you smacked his arm with a roll of your eyes, enough of his constant teasing and that never-ending cheeky grin on his lips.
“oh, but he did leave a message while you were away.”
you piped up, packing your books into your bag now that the original owner has come back from his little lunch break.
“he said he wants to talk to you.”
you flicked your attention to the male, hoping to garner some sort of hint as to why your crush would want to speak to your one and only good friend, but wonwoo being wonwoo, he knew how to hide his emotions well.
his eyes finally met yours after a second or two, “how cute, is someone getting nosy over her little crush?”
you rolled your eyes for the hundredth times this week as you picked your bag up, “since when were you even close to him.”
“why? are you jealous?”
he leaned over the counter, his head resting comfortably on the palm of his hands as he eyed you walking towards the exit.
“i—oh fish you wonwoo.”
“i fish you too y/n!”
he shouted with a casual wave when you made your way out of the bookstore.
almost immediately, you pulled up your mask that had been hanging on your chin the whole time you were in that bookstore. the smell of pretty flowers lined up in front of the flower shop was really strong, and even though you weren’t touching them, it was enough to trigger your allergies.
and as much as you want to stare a little longer at the florist tending the flowers beautifully, you knew you had to leave soon or your allergies are going to act up again.
a pity, really.
as days passed, you were getting more and more anxious about that little crush that was blooming in your fragile heart.
wonwoo’s constant dropping of hints was really not helping, and to think the day where you finally decided to pluck every inch of courage in you to confess, there stood a girl with beautiful brown locks and a bouquet of nicely arranged flowers.
the small pot of cactus behind you suddenly felt heavier than when you held it before, an imaginary weight of mixed emotions had you struggling to breathe.
“do you know why i chose these flowers?”
“they make up my name, don’t they? Jasmine, Echinacea, Orchid, blue Nemophila, Gaillardia, Hibiscus, Amaryllis and white Nemophila.”
“as expected of our popular florist, who’s not only charming but knowledgeable as well.”
she mused, her hand casually resting on his as she smiled sweetly.
perhaps it really was stupid of you to hope for something when you knew, somewhere in your heart that it was inevitable; that he’ll choose someone as pretty as those flowers he always attended to gently.
that you, whose body was already rejecting those flowers, will never be accepted. after all, you were merely a cactus—one who will never be able to bloom; never needed to tend to.
as you take a few steps back, tearing your eyes away from the torturous scene, “y/n?”
wonwoo’s sudden voice had you sprinting passed him when jeonghan’s attention snapped towards you.
before you knew it, droplets of pearl-like tears were already streaming down your cheeks, the wind making it even harder for you to see the road ahead.
it’s funny how it all started because of wonwoo and now, thanks to that idiot of a friend, he just has to ruin the quiet ending you wanted to have.
he didn’t have to know, in fact, he wouldn’t know anyway, so why were you running?
you could’ve just acted as if that was a gift for wonwoo, and just give your blessings to him. simple, isn’t it? yet, why does it hurt more than usual?
you panted, your legs coming to a slow stop as you tried to catch your breath. this time, seemingly harder when your throat felt like it was closing in the more your head replayed the scene over and over again.
suddenly, you were pulled away from your thoughts when a pair of hand spun you around, resting on both sides of your face, your eyes widening at the sight of a sweaty jeonghan.
“you...are you an idiot?”
he exclaimed, catching his breath in between his words.
you, still surprised by his sudden appearance, was utterly lost for words.
“even in this state, you’re still that awestruck by me to not talk?”
he chuckled, letting go of you to wipe the beads of perspiration trailing from his forehead.
finally regaining your senses, you took a few steps back, hiding the pot of cactus behind your back quickly.
that quick movement caught his attention as he approached you, peering to see what you were hiding.
“s-stop! there’s nothing,” you backpedalled, “why are you here anyway?”
it became silent for a few seconds, with him staring at you with an unreadable expression before you felt his fingers squishing your cheeks together as he pulled you closer.
you stumbled a little, still not used to his sudden change in attitude towards you.
“if i don’t come running after the fool, she’s never going to show up in front of me again. and i’ll never be able to tease her like how i always do.”
he was silently waiting for the sudden realization to flash across your face, yet, there you stood, eyes reflecting innocence of a child while your silly face had him let out a sigh of giving up.
he let go of your face once again, but not before taking the pot of cactus from your hands.
“—for me right?”
he interrupted, examining it for a while before his attention fell on you.
“yes...but you don’t need it, so i’m taking it back!”
you quickly tried to reach for it, but only to have him raise it higher.
“who said I didn’t need it? who told you that? wonwoo?”
he prompted, causing you to be more desperate than you were before.
“no one did! now just give it back to me—”
you were now on your toes, fingers just barely able to reach, yet as you leaned more and more forward, your middle finger almost touching the bottom of the pot when,
your face was merely inches away from his.
you held your breath,
“the fool is you.”
a pause.
“the one who i love teasing is you, the one who always brightens up my day is also you, and even though i’m always surrounded by beautiful flowers every day,” his free hand caress the side of your cheeks before planting a soft kiss on your temple.
“cactus is still my favourite flower.”
he pulled back, his finger lightly tapping the tip of your nose.
and that was how, despite him still receiving many confession from girls of all ages, and you still need to wear a mask whenever you pay him a visit, you knew, deep down in your heart that perhaps, perhaps your allergy was a blessing in disguise after all.
“you do know that cactus isn’t a flower right?”
“he probably said that just so it can get through your thick skull that he likes you—”
“—oh fish you wonwoo.”
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Hey everyone, I’m tired of letting this go and watching things continually get worse with this situation so I’m going to say something since it affects people like me and people I’m close to.
The topic that we’ll be talking about is her racism + white-washing, transphobia, and fetishizing of culture and abuse.
Let us say this now; Do not send any sort of death threats, any sort of hate, just don't do any sort of witch hunt on this user.
side-note: before anyone asks, we have had someone point out to her that her actions were gross (which the user that messaged her here is one of my friends) and she never addressed any of the things we had as concerns.
So cass has done many racist things, though a lot of them were in the past and she could have possibly learned from her mistakes ! Though there are still one or two current things that need to be addressed, which is her white-washing and her use for names from incorrect cultures for her muses Ethnicity.
So cass seems to have a big problem with keeping skin tone consistent for her muse, constantly white-washing Kotaru in the process of all of these inconsistencies.
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(image link just in case)
I went and got all of her most current portrayals of kotaru, her newest face-claim for them, the most recent heroes edit she did, as well as any other icons that are from this month alone and it’s very easy to tell, the ones with Kikyo (the first icon) is okay, it could be ... passable, though comparing kikyo’s skintone to the very next one, an edit that I believe cass made herself, the skintone is already much lighter and when we move down the list the only darker one is from the edit of female corrin’s art where her shoulder is shaded. Most of the “Darker skin tones” are actually grey (The other “Okay” skintone actually being orange, which isn’t any better), Which is a problem, as dark skin /=/ grey skin. Even her most recent promo, which uses her most recent face-claim, as a wildly different skin tone than her actual icons ! (number 1 compared to number 7)
Now, people could try to say “ It’s an overlays ! It’s just the layers “ And while that may be true, there are many ways and many tutorials that teach people use to use overlays for rp icons and such, to make sure you don’t end up white-washing your dark-skinned muse, because making your dark-skinned muse’s skin grey or orange when overlays, while everything else is still colored correctly, is white-washing. There is no reason for Kotaru’s skin to go from a warm medium tone to grey because of overlayed layers.
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(image link just in case)
Now next, She has Kotaru listed as Hoshidan-Vallite which she lists as Japanese-Indian! That’s completely fine until you noticed that Kotaru’s real name is Kotaru ‘ Xia ‘ Hanashiro, Xia being a Chinese name with Chinese origins, which kotaru is in no way Chinese, given the Ethnicity cass wrote for them - So why is this listed here ? Kotaru isn’t Chinese and has no reason to have a Chinese name ! It just comes off as fetish-y that they have a Chinese name while being in no way Chinese.
So, cass does a lot of transphobic things. Many that bother every person who is trans as well as cis who I have asked, Myself as well, who is trans !
Cass constant use of having other muses both deadname and misgender kotaru is both transphobic as well as uncomfortable, no amount of tagging it make a difference.
Here are a few links to several rps she has done where she allows people to constantly misgender and deadname Kotaru, which adds no substance to either character, adds no plot to the rp, and just allows cass to often use it to vilify certain character
One, Two, Three, Four
As I said, this offers nothing to plot or to character, It just allows cass to either vilify a character or vilify a country ! Constantly misgendering or deadnaming (or both) your muse only makes you look bad, allowing people to constantly do it over and over also doesn’t explore any new “plot points”, as you have done it several times. It’s been very recommended by countless people, trans and cis, to NEVER write about deadnaming and misgendering in this way as it makes people think that it’s okay to ask for a trans character real name so they can “explore this possibility” which many people are uncomfortable with. It’s not a good look to have on your blog or you as a person allowing people to misgender and deadname your muse.
It’s always been said by Asian people, especially asian woman, to never pick random picks of Asian women off of Tumblr, Pinterest, weheartit, etc because it makes them incredibly uncomfortable if they aren’t models and it’s also incredibly fetish-y to use them because they look “Aesthetic” for your moodboards. In short, doing this is creepy ! Cass has done this twice and since she does not link the source for her images that she presumably plucks off google, it comes off as both lazy and creepy, not to mention completely being unaware of the ethnicities of the real woman she is using to portrayal her muse
One, Two (not to mention in this one, because of her overlay she, again, whitewashed these women)
Now, it’s also been said there are certain things you shouldn’t write when it comes to trauma. Rape is one of those things, and Cass writes a lot about sexual abuse and rape, as well as trauma as a whole - It’s actually a constant topic on her blog for kotaru ! She, herself, even writing that painting the MU as a traumatized child makes their choices make more sense, despite it’s been confirmed in canon that the Mu was abused (via the cd drama’s which are canon)
Though the way this is both worded, and constantly approached on her blog, has made many people, myself included, uncomfortable. As a survivor of child sexual abuse and near rape, the way she constantly portrays Kotaru’s abuse as a means to vilify certain characters or as a means to somehow get people to fish about their abuse when it’s not their business (see the tags for more), is incredibly uncomfortable and comes off much more as using their abuse as an accessory to make the character appear as if they have more depth, rather then making it actual trauma, seeing as she rarely or never addresses what trauma does to a person and if she does it’s the same rehashed thing about how Garon raped them or how Marx is a rape apologist (this one is by cass’s friend but is directly linked to how cass writes kotaru and writes their relationship with Marx, which makes him a rape apologist)
At the end of the day her portrayals of abuse come off as fetish-y, as if she wants to garner pity from those around her by making her muse traumatized, which isn’t a good thing to be using trauma for - In fact, it’s an incredibly awful way to use it and it doesn’t offer many avenues to explore, instead if offers many avenues to damage real survivors of these events.
I wrote this because i’m incredibly tired of her constant racism, transphobia, and fetish-y tendencies towards the things i wrote. You can choose to agree with me or not but with the current state of cass’s blog there is a lot of wrong with the things she writes. There are other things i didn’t include in this, as she has either removed them from her blog or changed them so i feel that she, hopefully, learned from those things, but all of these things i listed are constant things she does that are problems.
If you have any questions, my dms are open. I know this community isn’t a fan of posts like these, but i’m not going to sit idly while these things go uncheck as they harm people like me and people close to me.
thanks for reading !
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missvalerietanner · 6 years
tagged by @jmhwriterblog​ and yeah, ‘course I’m gonna do writing stuff ;p
Rules: Answer the questions and then tag as many writers as there are questions answered (or as many as you can) to spread the positivity! Even if these questions are not explicitly brought up in the novel, they are still good to keep in mind when writing.
(using The Seven Kings, ‘cause that’s what I’m wrapped up in right now)
1. Describe your novel in 1-2 sentences (elevator pitch)
The brutal assassination of a king sparks the partnership between a hated half-breed hungry for revenge and a well-educated prince whose father arranged said assassination. 
2. How long do you plan for your novel to be? (Is it a novella, single book, book series, etc.)
Editing the first book right now. Still need to finish its ending. And I was so excited, I might have already started to write the sequel... ‘bout two solid chapters in so far. AND there’s enough happening that it’d probably be a trilogy. 
3. What is your novel’s aesthetic?
I... suck at this question every time I see it.
I guess... I’mma have to go with redemption. 
4. What other stories inspire your novel?
Legend of Zelda for sure, mainly inspiration for the diverse kingdoms and people. And then, I dunno, there’s probably a little bit of every fantasy movie and book I’ve ever seen/read tucked in this story somewhere. 
5. Share 3+ images that give a feel for your novel
clicky - takes you to WeHeartIt
6. Who is your protagonist?
Valerie Tanner and Eli Orphesis (named him during my Greek obsession)
7. Who is their closest ally?
They gain several throughout the story, but the main two are Roderick, a rancher and old friend of Valerie’s (practically a second father to her), and Elyn, one of the queen’s handmaidens who joins them on their journey. Oh and then Aaron pops up later, and he’s an old ally of Valerie’s as well. 
8. Who is their enemy?
Mainly: Darrean Orphesis (yep, Eli’s dad)
9. What do they want more than anything?
Valerie wants revenge for Garrett’s death, and Eli wants to forge a path to his own future, a future not doomed to exist in the shadow of his father.
10. Why can’t they have it?
Valerie: gaining revenge changes nothing; Garrett’s still dead, and she’s still an outsider
Eli: he has to grow up and learn who he is without his father’s title protecting him, and there are a LOT of tough lessons on the road ahead for my boy. 
11. What do they wrongly believe about themselves?
Valerie believes she’s completely alone and useless. She believes her life is worth little, and that spending her life in service to better people/better men is the best she can do.
Eli ... is pretty arrogant, so his are kinda negative. He believes he’s untouchable, that he’s immune to certain feelings (like pity and loss). He thinks he has all the answers.
12. Draw your protagonist! (Or share a description)
Valerie: 28, 5′8″ (172 CM), weighs 135 pounds (yes, I did), lean and muscular, smaller-than-average bust size, wavy brown hair that ends between her shoulder blades, deep/dark brown eyes, Caucasian, Ossa tattoo on her upper left arm (all black ink), muscular stomach, narrow hips, fit legs, covered in old/faded scars from battle and/or training, wears: black trousers that fit tight, knee-high boots, a fit undershirt to keep the girls pinned down and covered (;p), and a loose white overshirt to keep her cool. 
Eli: ~26, 6′2″ (188 CM - people of his race are tall as fuck), blue skin (similar to Oxford blue but a hair lighter), black hair that is a bit shorter than shoulder-length and he keeps it in a low ponytail at the nape of his neck (sexy!), bright golden eyes, muscular and well-built, hands lack callouses (only trained, never fought), no scars or wounds, wears proper royal clothes like a prince should (tunic, trousers, knee-high boots, waistcoat, the works)
13. What is the internal conflict?
Learning to accept help, realizing that people are more than their pasts or their titles and especially their race
14. What is the external conflict?
A power-hungry king and his massive army of well-trained, well-armed soldiers who are all purebloods, so they all have magical abilities.
15. What is the worst thing that could happen to your protagonist?
For Valerie, losing the people she loves who she tries to protect. She’s watched so many die. She tends to be pretty self-sacrificing because she’d rather jump in harm’s way and die if it means saving someone else. (She has some self-esteem issues as well, so wanting to be someone’s shield makes her feel useful, and therefore, good. She also values others’ lives over her own.)
For Eli... Failure’s a big one for him. He’s probably afraid to die, but I’d say failing and letting down those around him is worse. His mother went to great lengths to make sure he was cultured and well-educated, so with all his knowledge, if he fails, yeah, that’d probably be what would crush him more than anything. 
16. What secret will be revealed that changes the course of the story?
Probably the reveal of Eli’s power. He was never trained as a child like he should’ve been (for reasons!), and so since he’s a pureblood, his powers developed on their own. He’s powerful but uncontrolled, so his abilities start leaking out, so to speak, on their own.
The reveal of what his power actually is, is a good moment. It’s subtle, but as each of the other characters begin to realize just how much power he wields, they also start to realize how REAL everything is becoming: like the war, their chances of survival, etc.  
17. Do you know how it ends?
Yes. I know the jist. I know what I’m aiming for. How I get there, I dunno, and what’s said or done when we get there, I dunno. 
I know which port I want to dock in. Just not what it looks like. 
(I swear I am not drinking.)
18. What is the theme?
Hmm... unity for sure, redemption’s a big one, some focus on equality, but I’d say mostly it’s about people finding their place in the world by following their own intuitions rather than falling into the role provided for them or forced upon them. 
[cue Disney music]
19. What is a reoccurring symbol?
Valerie has a tattoo on her upper left arm that marks her as a member of Ossa, so basically an outsider. After what happens in the opening chapters, she keeps the tattoo hidden whenever possible. But its meaning causes some tension with... basically everyone she meets. 
...there’s probably others, but I can’t think of any that don’t require a lot of explaining... and I was pretty vague on the tattoo for reasons.
20. Where is the story set? (Share a description)
In the country of Nubrya (hate the name, can’t find one yet to replace it). It’s the border country on a massive continent and is encircled by three (possibly four or five... haven’t finished plotting the map) other countries to its east, west, and north. The south of Nubrya is open to the water. Its eastern edge rises into steep cliffs overlooking coves dug into the mountain side to house the nation’s ships during the winter. The western border levels off into desert. The north is rocky terrain, isolated, and sitting on a raised plateau, so every step from the heart of Nubrya upward is a hike. And to the northeast, there is a massive mountain range, upon which one of the Seven Kingdoms sits. And to the east/southeast (before the cliffs) are the farms and vineyards of the country.
Every type of landscape and temperature zone and climate is represented. 
21. Do you have any images or scenes in your mind already?
Since the first book’s finished except for a few scenes and the final fight leading up to the already-written ending, most of the scenes are already down on paper. The second book, however, oh, boy! I have SO much planned and cannot wait for the willingness to write it down. XD
22. What excited you about this story?
I originally wrote this story back in high school. As you can tell by my username, I’ve kept the characters with me through the years. :] Recently (meaning last year, I think), I got to thinking about the original story from high school (titled: “The Unknown Soldier,” I think), and I missed it. So I dug out the original copy, started reading it, and by about, oh I dunno, page 2, I was ready to hang myself ‘cause the writing was THAT BAD.
But the plot was a good one. The characters were half-developed, but they had the potential to be so much better. So I remolded them, fleshed them out, added a ton more characters, revamped the settings, added MORE settings, dumped in a whole bunch of emotional turmoil, updated some names, increased the stakes tenfold, added more magical/fantasy elements, and landed these characters in a MUCH better story. 
A lot about the story excites me, but to know I revitalized an old story, pried it off the gurney, and zapped it back to life--a life better than the one it had before--that excites me. :]
23. Tell us about your usual writing method!
Frantic. Messy.
I write scenes as they come to me. Stitch them together later with transitions, and edit to fix any time lapses or to plug in missing information. I do outline, but they look like this:
Guy does this thing. it’s cool, but not too cool. Then girl finds out. And note for later: the girl’s really a guy. OH! And remember by scene five to put in a live rooster or else the whole chicken joke won’t make ANY SENSE. End with badass scene with knives. RESEARCH: knives.
Hey, I just made that up on the spot. Welcome to my brain.
But that’s the basic idea behind what my outlines look like. XD Except, I do usually write my outlines in ALL CAPS and important items are bolded or highlighted. But that’s a minor detail.
Thanks for reading if you made it this far.
NOW GO WRITE! (or tag yourself and do this. T’was fun.)
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