#weheirsofdurin | Fili
legolas-fan-blog · 8 months
Kili and Fili moodboard and Thorin moodboard requested by @weheirsofdurin
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Also thanks to @cartoon-aragorn for suggesting Pinterest for finding images, it made my life so much easier lol
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mymanymerrymuses · 9 months
@weheirsofdurin gets a starter for sad brothers
The first thing Kili feels is confusion. For a few long moments - moments he spends slowly trying to open his eyes - he really, truly, doesn't know quite what's happened.
Every part of him feels heavy, though thankfully any lingering pain hasn't quite hit him yet. Swallowing thickly despite how dry his mouth is, Kili dares movement. His legs, when he shifts them slightly, put up little protest beyond a certain stiffness that tells him nothing other than that he's been laying still for too long.
A subtle movement of his right arm yields more or less the same result, but it's when he moves his left that the first flash of pain reaches him; an ache across his chest that has him wincing and falling still; and then it all comes back.
The battle, Tauriel fighting practically beside him, Bolg, standing over him - the pain in what he was so sure were his final moments. His brother, telling him to go the other way, and then.... Suddenly, whatever pain it will cause him doesn't matter in the slightest, Kili braces on his arms and tries to sit up, unfocused eyes searching in hope that he isn't the only one recovering here, and calling out with a voice scratchy from disuse.
"Fili?!" In truth, Kili doesn't know how badly either of them are injured, but he forces himself mostly upright regardless of the damage he might do, only allowing himself a moment of stillness when he spots a second cot. His panic slows, but sticks around as worry, and the younger prince calls out again.
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mxrchwxrden · 9 months
❝I want to go to sleep but I can’t find any sheep.❞ (You can pick Kili or Fili)
"Sheep?" Haldir echoed in quiet bemusement, glancing sidelong at the golden-haired dwarf. He'd never heard of the two having anything to do with each other - but then, it had been some time since he'd ventured near any dwarven lands still occupied. Perhaps it was a more recent practice, or turn of phrase. "Do you often sleep among them?" Simple curiosity tinged Haldir's tone.
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wanderingarcherviola · 9 months
Send a "!!!" and I will give you a soul-crushing headcanon regarding our characters :)
This poor Viola hasn't known a kind touch or friendly gesture until she meets Fili and Kili. She's going to constantly be waiting for the other she to drop, everyone else has been cruel and hurt her. So why wouldn't they?
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lordofthegoldenflower · 9 months
Discord broke whoops...
@weheirsofdurin (Lady Fin cont...)
The caress to his ankle was enough to send a shiver down Glorfindel's spine before he looked the dwarf over with a little smile. "You do have an advantage in clothing for hiding blades. I would be willing to guess you have between a dozen and twenty blades hidden on you at this point," he said simply before offering a small smile. "You did immediately find the one I have carried the longest and is the most dear to me."
He gestured to Fili to retake his seat so they could continue their dinner. Now he picked up his spoon to dig into the mash. "We have separate craftsmen for knives and belts. I do like the thought that they are two parts of the same craft though. It is an interesting perspective."
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weheirsofdurin · 9 months
Beloved Glorfindel 6 @lordofthegoldenflower
Fili shouldn’t be here. He should have gone back to the mountain, to see a healer, but after the battle he just wanted to check his elven friend. Yes he liked her a lot but they hadn’t chatted enough for him to properly begin courtship. Exhausted, bloodied, and covered in entrails he never should have step foot in the camp. Shouldn’t have snuck his way to her tent. And most definitely shouldn’t have gone in. 
“Lass? Are ye awake?” Fili whispered, he knew she wouldn’t be. Knew that it was late. Elves didn’t sleep like normal beings after all. But she was asleep and from what he saw would probably prefer not to be. Reaching out he gave her a firm shake in an attempt to wake her along with a sharp, “lass! Wake up!”
The shadows were following him, flames beginning to grow, narrowing the path he was running until he was completely cut off with no where to go. The flames had just reached his feet when he was pulled back to consciousness, the nightmare clinging to his mind enough that he instinctively cursed in his mother tongue before rousing enough to realize Fili was the one with him. 
"Lord Fili," he managed to stammer out, pushing himself weakly to a seated position. He ran a shaking hand through his hair just to have something to do. "I...Sorry. Thank you for waking me."
“Ye seemed… distraught. Would ye like to talk about it?” Shifting to be behind Glorfindel he worked one handed to fix the braid, the most it had been messed up was from Glorfindel just now running fingers through it. 
“What must ye even apologize for? I barged into yer tent while ye rested and disturbed ye. If anything I should be apologizing.”
Glorfindel couldn't help stiffening when he felt the touch to his hair, but forced himself to relax again by reminding himself it was just Fili. The dwarf was not here to hurt him. 
"I am afraid I did not use very complimentary language when I woke. Just because you didn't understand it doesn't mean it wasn't rude," he said, heart rate slowly returning to normal. "It was...It was the shadows of memory. I have lived a very long time and have seen many, many terrible things."
Fili chuckled as he finished but did not move from behind the elf. “My lady, I am a dwarf. Complimentary language is nay my first. Tis only used now because I am attempting to woo ye. Or upon diplomacy I must at least try before calling the //mule dungs as such as they should as orc whores.// There, I was nay complimentary either so we be even now.” 
Thinking quietly he nodded as he came to a conclusion. “How is yer arm? Tis been two days since yer arrival, do ye think ye can write? If so can ye write me a list of elvish words and their translation so I may learn yer language?”
Glorfindel couldn't help but chuckle a little at Fili's reaction to his apology. The dwarf had effectively lightened the dark mood that had lingered in his mind and for that he was truly grateful. 
"You are in luck, for I am able to write with either hand. A skill learned after breaking my dominate arm a few times in youthful misadventures," he said with a small smile, amused yet not volunteering the details. "I would be willing to begin teaching you elvish, but which would you like to learn? There is my mother language which I rarely hear upon these shores, or the one most speak."
“Both would be beneficial. The one most spoken for being able to speak with other as it is a widely spoken language, but to ken your mother tongue would mean most to me. I am a fast learner so would be fine to work on both languages.” Fili knew he wasn’t the smartest, but he learned well what was taught. He could speak his language, common, and just a bit of the deep dwarvish as he’d been taught to respect those dwarves too. He was good with diplomacy, knew all he needed to work a forge, and he excelled in his martial skills. But he was never the brightest flame, if one knew what that meant. He was oft likened to a box of rocks because he could be utterly oblivious. 
“It would honor me most to ken your language as ye are whom I want to chose as //my arkenstone.//”
"I don't even have to understand the last of what you said to know you have quite the silver tongue, Lord Fili," Glorfindel said with a bit of a blush. The whole idea that the dwarf was willing to learn a language for him was enough to give him butterflies. He knew he would have to confess the truth soon, but would that mean he would lose the dwarfism attentions as well? The question was sobering. "I do not have any paper with me, but I am more than willing to teach you. Perhaps hearing you speak the language of my childhood will help soothe the homesickness I feel at times. I do not wish to return for many reasons, but I miss many friends and the sprawling forests as well as the glittering streets of that distant land."
“Aye, then give me a few words as I’ll not remember all if ye give too many. I can remember a sentence best as ‘t will be in two languages.” 
Fili Shifted in the bed from his kneeling position to sit, back to back, with the elf. There was a grunt that shouldn’t have been but he played it off. “Aye, twas a silver tongued thing to say for sure. But nay a bad thing. Tis … something ta learn later. After ye accept my attempts at courtship.”
Glorfindel held his arm against his side carefully as he leaned back against the solid warmth of Fili. "My heart yearns to accept, but there is much you deserve to know before we enter a courtship," he said softly before taking a slow, deep breath. 
"How about we start with a greeting then? It sounds very formal when translated, but it really is said often. {A star shines upon the hour of our meeting.}"
“{A shines star upon hour of the meeting}.” his repetitive of the statement sounded slurred and butchered as he mid spoke and almost grounded out the language. It was obvious he was speaking more with the back of his throat rather than the musical lilt of elvish. “That was wrong. Can ye repeat it for me?” “I … okay. //I do nay care though what ye have yet to say. Just that ye would stand by my side. If I must wait a lifetime just to court ye though I will.//”
"It was not the worst first attempt that I have heard. It was even better than some of the elves I have taught," Glorfindel confessed with a smile. He would not laugh, but he was truly happy this was something Fili wanted to do. He had the feeling that whatever the dwarf had said, it was something significant, but he would allowthe privacy the use of his native language would provide. "Think of the words as living at the front of your tongue, that will help. {A star shines upon the hour of our meeting}.”
Living at the front of the tongue, he wasn’t sure what that meant exactly but he had a feeling it was akin to speaking with the tip. While dwarvish was very gargled and common was the fell array, elvish made sense to be used at the tip. He repeated it and it was a far better attempt but there would always be a very gargled sound to it, like someone gargling rocks, as that was his accent. One that he would never know was there or be able to correct it. “Feels better but still sounds wrong compared to yers.” He admitted and his weight was suddenly heavier on the elf’s back as he fell silent. 
It was a few moments only but he gasped and came back to reality. “Forgive me, I should go.”
"That sounded much better. Usually it takes more than two tries to get that close," Glorfindel confessed as he just enjoyed the moment they were sharing. It was nice to just be there in the moment without extra worries. 
His heart fell when Fili said he should go, but he thought he understood. Moving slowly so Fili would feel that his support would be moving, he shifted until he could look at the dwarf, suddenly seeing the remnants of battle on his clothing. "My lord! Are you injured? What happened?"
“Aye, an orc arrow pierced me. I am nay looking forward to its removal. Tis burried to the bone. I had hoped - and am glad as I was right - that a conversation with ye would give me the strength to deal with it. Now as they cut I will be able to think of yer sentence and focus on that and nay what they are doing.” Still sitting there he had to find it in him to actually get up as he felt exhausted as it all set in. 
“Kili waits by the fire for me, he will be helping me to the healers so ye need not worry about that.” Tiredly he stood and his legs felt aflame as the exhaustion settled in. “I may e’en be tired enough that I rest through the cutting.” (edited)
"And you think to leave me here waiting to hear word of how you fared with the healers? Orome's sweet ass! I refuse to sit here and worry," Glorfindel said seriously, shifting to get to his feet. He would forget his boots for now.
"Either you let me help you to the healers or let my healer see to you right here. Those are your choices." (edited)
“Yer healer may see me. I would prefer to avoid Dorglia for the moment until I figure out how to deal with her.” Reaching down for his pack which he’d dropped he paused, eyes spying fairly dainty toes - at least compared to his own - then he looked up. “Are ye really going to make me stay here standing until ye find shoes? I will nay make my lass walk barefooted to take me to the healers.”
— "If you're seeing my healer, you aren't walking anywhere. Also, what is wrong with being barefoot? I prefer it actually," Glorfindel said honestly before moving to the door of his tent. He switched to Sindarin to call to the elf on watch to wake their healer, Fili needed tending. 
Then he returned to Fili's side. "You relax now. We will get you seen to momentarily." 
“Tis naught wrong, but the ground around the mountain has much that can bite. Snakes and shards of swords are about in the area- 
“Ye should call for my brother too if ye are making calls. He will nay be pleased to be left waiting and nay aware of what is the going ons. And ye are mistaken also about my healers. I more meant ye ended up at the Lyon Caves when ye wanted to be far north of the luhn and while I trust ye… I do nay ken if ye can find the way to lead me to the healers.”
"You say that as if I have never seen a snake in my life," Glorfindel teased lightly before huffing. "That is probably fair. Though I don't know if I trust you on your feet right now. Please, let us return your kindness by treating you this evening. Then Lord Kili can help us get you to your own healers." 
He went back to the door to call softly for Kili, waiting for him to get to the tent to offer him a tight smile. "Forgive me, lord. Your brother is feeling the effects of the fight. Hebron is going to see to treating him until he is in a bit better state." 
He then took a step back to allow his healer into the tent. He was several inches shorter than Glorfindel with dark hair and eyes. They were dressed similarly, though his jerkin featured a motif of leaves instead of golden flowers. His eyes were sharp and he knelt down by Fili with a placid look on his face. "I hear you have been injured."
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thefatedfinwe · 4 years
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Giveaway Chibi for @weheirsofdurin (With a little gift from Lady Glorifindel, because I ship it)
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elerondo · 4 years
sc » @weheirsofdurin : Fili
     ❝In you I see the hardiness of the mighty sons of the Edain, a race of Man whose steps once frequented the valleys of Rivendell.❞
     Elrond could feel the soul of a brotherly kindred in the dwarf—the elder of Kili. One who rises to the occasion by necessity and spirit, and the Elvenlord knew well how it feels to be young and burdened. Though as he grew older, the weight of responsibility became more and more like a blessing.
     ❝The honour of being a protector ; its nectar is sweet to us, yet bitter to others who find themselves on the receiving end of our wrath.❞
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“What is it you two?” -Bilbo
“We’ve run into a slight problem...” -Kili
“Problem?” -Bilbo
“You have two bowls. And there is three of us.” -Fili
“Oh no. I already had my fill thank you.”-Bilbo 
“We weren’t talking about you.”-Kili
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He should be asleep. . .but he's been having erratic sleep patterns since he woke up from his injuries so he's been up and hanging upside down in a tree. He expected to be alone. . .what he didn't expect was Fili to be taking a pony and leaving. "Fee ?" He mouthed as he watches him go. Wanting to be apart of this he quickly runs to grab a pony and follows behind.  Will he get caught ?  He better not. . .but it better not be by Uncle or Amad
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idhrinnaran-blog · 7 years
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          “I expect you have good reason for coming here unannounced?”  The elvenking seems neither pleased nor displeased at the presence of his guest, but rather passive and curious, staring at the dwarf with unfaltering gaze and an expression that was overly plain, making it rather difficult to tell what was running through his mind at that moment.  Certainly he was on fair enough terms with the dwarves of Erebor now, but it was impossible to say whether or not Thranduil would fall back on old prejudices at the first sign of a wrong impression.
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legolas-fan-blog · 7 months
Hey ! 🌻
I love characters moodboard, so I would like to ask you if you could do a moodboard about Fili please ? 💚
Here you go! I don't know Fili very well so I hope this is okay!
I've also previously made a Fili and Kili moodboard. Thought you might like it if you're a fan of Fili
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@weheirsofdurin in case this interests you. I know you like the Durin boys
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antleredthrone · 4 years
“ what happened to you? “ (either boi)
Thranduil turned at hearing the voice, eying the prince before his attention returned to his shoulder. He hadn’t been expecting anyone, but he also had left the door open. The elvenking was still dressed in his boots and leggings, though his elegant robe and tunic were set aside on the bed as he examined a still healing gash on his shoulder.
“A spider,” Thranduil said in annoyance- more at the word and not at the blond dwarf. What was his name again? Kili. No, that was the other one. Fee? Fili. Yes- it rhymed, he would remember.”
“Shortly before I was due to come to your halls, and so I must redress it.”
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murkhith · 4 years
@weheirsofdurin liked your post for a starter (accepting)
Of all the times he suspected his brother could be sick, hiding inside a mountain from the raging storm was not the most convenient one. He seemed pale and shaking even underneath their thin blanket, and Kili reached out to press his hand over Fili’s forehead.
“Are you ill, brother? You don’t look so good.”
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shinigami714 · 6 years
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Art Summary 2018 Part 2 of 2
Find part 1 here!
Forest Creature Kili
Void Stiles
Pharaoh Kili
Spartacus Boys
Aglow Kili
Aglow Fili
Excerpts from Durin’s Day
Winter Kings
Leo from VIXX
Sterek Secret Santa
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I've rarely ever felt the way that I do. About any of this. At least when Azog ran me through and I was laid up, twas my mither that bathed me the most or one of the company. Someone I ken well and was comfortable around. I wish twas ye here and not some elloth that I must name myself for she will nay give me any information.
But my wounds are healing, they weep not blood but the healing fluid that means they will scar up soon. My eye is still unable to be left undressed but i can perceive light again. The healers believe that it is good news and that I may be able to see again from it in time. I have nay been able to look in a mirror but i fear that my hair will be unsalvagable as I can nay fix it and I will nay allow the elloth to do naught to it.
It is also to my great chame that I lost part of my moustache. NAdad had managed to grab it before our retreat so I have the bead still, but twill not be the same within my heart until it is regrown. I am glad ye can nay see me like this because I look a fool. More a fool than my idiocy makes me at times. I see the looks I get and I ken that there are times my mind is slow on the uptake and I'm okay with that. It's who I am. but I do nay like looking like it.
It may be a lot to ask of ye, but can ye send something of yours to me? A flower or something that will make me think of ye, not that I don't always think of ye. But something I can hold and know tis yers.
Forever yours, Kidhuzurâl
Glorfindel was surprised when he returned home from patrol to hear he had a messenger waiting for him. He hadn't even had the chance to wash off the dirt of the road before he had met with the elleth to receive his letters and promise he would reply soon.
He bathed and changed into clothes appropriate for relaxing as well as attending dinner before settling in with the news that could only have come from his dwarf. His heart lightened as he heard the news of Fili's continued healing.
He read the letter through twice before contemplating what to send while setting it aside to open the next.
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