#weird barbie is here to scare harley yall
foxcantswim · 1 year
Barbie takes Harley to Barbieland... TW: Some language and gross af fluff (and Harley plotting Ken's demise)
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The two blondes stood just outside of Barbieland, Harley leaned against the pink convertible with a sour look on her face.
"You know I love ya puddin', but I ain't wearing that," Harley scoffed at the bright pink dress in Barbie's hands.
"But you will look so beautiful-! N-Not that you don't already, I just-!"
Harley smirked before stepping towards her, "I know, don't worry," her hand cupped Barbie's jaw, causing the latter's face to heat up.
"I-I might have something in my dreamhouse that you can wear... If you aren't too fond of this dress," Barbie's eyes darted around, looking anywhere but into Harley's.
With a sigh, Harley nodded, "I'll consider it puddin'."
Barbie giggled with delight before taking her girlfriend off guard, she pulled her into a short but sweet kiss before bouncing towards the car. Harley couldn't stop the smug smile from appearing on her own face. She would always be wrapped around Barbie's finger, she would never deny it.
... < Come read on ao3 :) Thank you!
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