#harley is chaotic af as she should be
foxcantswim · 10 months
Barbie takes Harley to Barbieland... TW: Some language and gross af fluff (and Harley plotting Ken's demise)
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The two blondes stood just outside of Barbieland, Harley leaned against the pink convertible with a sour look on her face.
"You know I love ya puddin', but I ain't wearing that," Harley scoffed at the bright pink dress in Barbie's hands.
"But you will look so beautiful-! N-Not that you don't already, I just-!"
Harley smirked before stepping towards her, "I know, don't worry," her hand cupped Barbie's jaw, causing the latter's face to heat up.
"I-I might have something in my dreamhouse that you can wear... If you aren't too fond of this dress," Barbie's eyes darted around, looking anywhere but into Harley's.
With a sigh, Harley nodded, "I'll consider it puddin'."
Barbie giggled with delight before taking her girlfriend off guard, she pulled her into a short but sweet kiss before bouncing towards the car. Harley couldn't stop the smug smile from appearing on her own face. She would always be wrapped around Barbie's finger, she would never deny it.
... < Come read on ao3 :) Thank you!
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irishlads-quotes · 4 years
Sleepy Bois Inc Batman au
okay hear me out
Phil is Batman. he’s got the dad vibes and a chronic addiction to adopting chaotic children and their friends. he seems like he should be the most responsible one, but this dude runs around in a fursuit fighting crime every night, he’s not as mature as he paints himself. always trying to give his kids advice but they never listen to him, so the poor man’s just struggling to contain the chaos.
Kristen is Catwoman. she’s a mischievous queen, always causing trouble for Phil when she gets the chance. logically she seems like she should be the mum, and the kids love her, but she’s ascended beyond the need for children and leaves Phil to clean up their messes.
Wilbur is Dick Grayson, the first Robin and current Nightwing. he’s the oldest and has been with Phil for the longest, got best friend vibes with Techno and accidental mentor vibes with Tommy. he takes pride in his appearance and his fashion, and has called himself a pretty boy. he’s stereotyped as the nice one on the surface but is highkey unstable. got the most friends among the rest of the caped community
Techno is Tim Drake, the third Robin n current Red Robin. he’s a fuckin neeerrrrrrd. socially awkward dude who accidentally made friends with a ton of extroverts and has been suffering the consequences ever since. smart and dedicated when he cares, but he often doesn’t. the least chaotic, but mostly just because he’s completely dead inside at this point. would beat up TommyInnit without hesitation.
Tommy is Damian Wayne, the current Robin. his literal nickname is demon brat, need i explain more? also, gets way too attached to animals (cough cough Henry)
and then Niki is Cassandra Cain, the second Batgirl and Batman’s only legal daughter. she’s essentially part of the family, but is a competent enough adult to not need parental figures and so doesn’t often get involved with the petty drama. quiet and sweet, but can and will destroy you if need be. any moral ambiguity can be eliminated by just fighting for whatever side she fights for. she is always in the moral right.
like, it all makes sense. Tubbo is Jon Kent, the current Superboy. he’s Tommy’s best friend and spends half his time with SBI; he’s the only metahuman they’ll let in Gotham. he’s super sweet but powerful af (hacks irl), and will play up the innocent persona to get away with chaos. and then Superman would be Sparklez; a veteran in the field and Tubbo’s father. fond of but also eternally done with SBI’s bullshit. stays the hell away from Gotham.
Then you could round out the Batgirls with Minx as Barbara Gordon (scary, always angry and usually with good reason, good leader but bad taste in men) and SophieTexas as Stephanie Brown (chaotic, strong moral code but willing to get her hands more dirty than SBI is, good friends with Techno n Niki). the girls on the gamer girl smp are the Birds of Prey. Poki is Wonder Woman.
the first Teen Titans were Soothouse, and Tim’s Young Justice group is Techno’s 2017- friend group: Hanna as Cassie’s Wonder Girl cause she’s an ascended fangirl, Skeppy as Impulse because duh, Calvin as Kon Kent’s Superboy cause he’s cocky but for bloody good reason, and Tapl as Slobo because it’d be funny. also, black nail polish rights. BBH is Arrowette but with a gun. he made the mistake of becoming friends with Skeppy and has been struggling ever since, but at least he’s close with the new Green Lanterns. people usually underestimate him, but he has a fucking gun so
Tommy’s new Teen Titans group includes Tubbo, Wisp, Deo, and Drista. Wisp is Maya Ducard’s Nobody; great at combat and with strong oldest-friend vibes. Deo is Emiko Queen’s Red Arrow, cause whenever he shows up the violence escalates significantly and rapidly. and then Drista is like that new Teen Lantern girl, the kid who wasn’t actually chosen but hacked into the Green Lantern rings’ power source cause she’s a gremlin child.
Squid Kid was just a big brain Gotham dude who thought it would be cool to challenge Techno’s title of ‘World’s Greatest Detective’. Techno took this personally, and the two took turns trying to outdo each other by solving the biggest cases the fastest. Squid, though, was a student, and so to fund this feud he accidentally became head of Gotham’s biggest drug empire, in charge of the city’s supply of a new chemical colloquially called ‘potatoes’. it’s non-addictive but does give you temporary super strength, which is inconvenient in a city that pumps out a new supervillain every week. the rivalry still continues, though, and - despite Squid turning from wannabe vigilante to criminal mastermind - the two have almost struck up a friendship, or at least an mutual admiration for each other
Schlatt runs the Suicide Squad, alongside Minx’s Oracle. they broke Quackity, Fundy, and Eret outta jail and got bombs in them, to force them to pull off the most dangerous missions. Quackity was there in the first place because of Schlatt, but is now having second thoughts. i kinda want him to be Harley Quinn, cause he has a similar vibe with the SBI boys that she has with the Bats. Eret was there because he betrayed some heroes a while ago for personal gain, and hasn’t had the chance to atone yet. Fundy was there because he used to be close with Wilbur, to the point that he was often mistaken as his sidekick. he got sick of Wilbur always needing to be the leader and turned to the villains’ side. the two haven’t spoken since
finally, the Dream Team are Earth’s Green Lanterns; super powerful and with a lot of galactic clout. they’re pretty new to the scene, though, and so initially clashed with SBI, cause they kept trying to get involved in Gotham’s business. powers are strictly prohibited in Gotham. eventually, this beef culminated in a duel between Dream and Techno: if Dream won they could actually uphold their oath and protect everyone on Earth, if Techno won then they had to stay the hell outta SBI’s city. Dream still hasn’t recovered from the fact that he was beat by a guy with no powers, but it was close enough for Techno to enjoy teaming up with the masked man every now and then since
i’ve been thinking about this all night, man. i knew all this obscure comics knowledge would be useful one day, to make...an au...about minecraft youtubers...maybe useful was a strong word, actually
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