#welcome into the canon you absolute rascals
fischerfrey · 10 months
If they had a kid meme, harker & jesper and darby & ivan ❤️
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Name: Maeve Ursula Greenaway
Gender: female (she/her)
General appearance: light brown hair, blue eyes, average height
Personality: book smart, honest, hard-working, focused, driven, reckless, reserved, practical
Special talents: flying, wizard chess and gobstones (games in general)
Who they like better: Harker
Who they take after more: Harker
Personal headcanon:
She's a Gryffindor and plays Quidditch as a chaser. Eldest of the siblings. Protective of her brothers, eldest sister syndrome. Maeve and her brothers are adopted. As the eldest, Maeve remembers their birth-parents the best.
Face Claim: Olivia Scott Welch
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Name: Cole Rafael Greenaway
Gender: male (he/him)
General appearance: brown hair, green eyes, kind of short
Personality: flirty, charming, out-going, arrogant, protective, resourceful
Special talents: dancing, duelling
Who they like better: Harker
Who they take after more: Jesper
Personal headcanon:
Slytherin, middle child. Teases his younger brother constantly but will fight you if you tease him. Legilimens.
Face Claim: Tyler Lawrence Gray
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Name: Hilary Jaren Greenaway
Gender: male (he/him)
General appearance: sandy blond hair, blue eyes, tall
Personality: awkward, sensitive, irritable, loyal to his loved ones, suspicious of others, introverted
Special talents: knows a lot about music, can play drums, athletic
Who they like better: Harker
Who they take after more: Harker
Personal headcanon:
Hufflepuff. Plays Quidditch as a beater. Doesn't do that well academically, has dyslexia.
Face Claim: Adrian Öjvindsson
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Name: Riot Travis Rosen
Gender: male (he/him)
General appearance: dark, curly hair, brown eyes, very tall
Personality: rebellious, cocky, critical, witty, intelligent, skeptical, compassionate
Special talents: conversation, impressing people
Who they like better: Both
Who they take after more: Ivan
Personal headcanon:
Slytherin. Passionate about politics. Popular in school, is friendly but can be judgemental. Better at theoretical subjects than practical subjects. Younger twin.
Face Claim: Archie Madekwe
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Name: Rhyme Maddox Rosen
Gender: female (she/her)
General appearance: dark, curly hair, brown eyes, average height
Personality: aloof, independent, adaptale, genuine, funny, creative
Special talents: singing
Who they like better: Darby
Who they take after more: Ivan
Personal headcanon:
Ravenclaw. Likes music a lot. She's not super popular in school but has her own circle of friends. Older twin.
Face Claim: Taylor Russell
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partyanimal167 · 4 months
Greatness in the Making PT 2- Crocodile x GN!Reader
X 1
Welcome back!
CW: gn reader, canon typical violence, swearing, slightly older reader, possible ooc Crocodile due to age, mdni, pre canon, some ocs for plot building
PT Two: Absolutely Not.
The captain was impulsive. extreme. followed her own tune. But this? Oh no, this didn't sit right with you at all.
You were against it. When you got back on the boat and noticed that the captain and first mate weren't drinking and singing on deck, you knew something was up. The rest of the crew didn't seem to notice or care, but you knew there was something going on.
So when a roughed up lean boy was grumbling and scrubbing the deck the next morning, your suspicions were somewhat confirmed.
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"Captain, please!" you called out after your new "crew member" was so casually introduced after last night's events explained. Everyone else went on about their day, but you couldn't let it go.
"Y/n, drop it!" your captain's first mate sent a glare in your direction. And while that would normally be enough to set you straight, you didn't back down so easily this time.
"I can't allow it! This child threatened the captain's life! And we're supposed to be okay with them onboard?"
"Oi! I'm not a child! I'm going to be a great pirate one day!" the young man called out to you, but you paid him no mind.
You huffed as your captain laughed before plowing her smoke out. "My life was never in danger to begin with. You know that." she ignored your mutterings. "You were a bit of a rascal when you came aboard. So don't be so tough. That's your new junior; show him the ropes. Those me orders."
You grumbled in agreement, but there was no way you'd go against those words. You'd just have to keep watch for now.
The boy named Crocodile did not make your teaching duties easy at all. In fact, while it was noted that he had some working experience on boat maintenance, he seemed to not want to interact with anyone who wasn't the Captain or first mate. He'd only grunt when given his tasks for the day and took his meals away in a corner while everyone else laughed and chatted.
You kept an eye on him through it all. Despite his stubbornness, you were close by to inspect his work and make sure he wasn't sneaking around at night. You understood that no one was really threatened; this was a seasoned pirate crew to be fair. But that didn't mean Crocodile could go doing whatever he wanted. You'd make sure of it.
And soon enough, you realized that the boy was up late at night because he couldn't sleep well. If he did sleep, there was a lot of tossing and movements you heard. Yet somehow, he was up just before you already checking the sail lines and other little things.
When the marines attacked, you were sure you'd need to rescue the boy, but he held his own for a bit. He was only a little roughed up, but he seemed to try to wear his knife prosthetic more. After that successful raid, he even partook in a cheers. He softened a bit.
But you weren't convinced.
You yawned as you caught the knife that was aimed for your head. “What’s got you so stressed out, lizard-boy? It’s not even 8 in the mornin’?” you went over and took a seat at the kitchen table very unbothered.
The man sent daggers your way, but you didn’t care to feel threatened. He turned away and continued to scrub at the dishes in the sink. “Tch, why are you up? It’s not your turn to make breakfast.” he grunted out.
You leaned back in your chair and shrugged as the morning light started to pour in. “Someone’s gotta make sure you’re not snaking around tryna steal. Cap'n might’ve let you on board, but that doesn’t mean you’re part of the crew.” Crocodile cussed to himself when another dish fell and shattered on the floor. “Tch, how about you find yerself a better prosthetic? No point walking around with that damn thing if you can’t even use it.”
“It’s how I protect myself.” Crocodile argued back. You rolled your eyes before standing up to sweep the mess. “I don’t need your help!”
“Never said you did, kid. But if you’re going to be staying around then someone’s gotta make sure you don’t go making a mess.”
“I can take care of myself.”
You flicked the other’s forehead. “Yeah, but you’re on a crew now, so it’s not just about yourself! There’s other to look after, and they’ll look after you. If you’re just gonna be a selfish brat, then I’ll haul you off this damn boat myself!” you barked before dumping the shards away.
Crocodile didn’t say anything and turned back to continue cleaning.
“You talked a lot of shit about wanting to be a great pirate, but you got a long way to go, kid.” you started washing the dishes so the man could start drying.
“Oh, and you’re gonna show me?”
You looked up at him with a mischievous grin and winked. “Well maybe if you shut up and just watch you’ll learn a thing of two.”
And soon, you could tell he was paying a little more attention. After the chores were done, he usually lurked away to his corner, but you quickly noted the new face in the crowd when you sparred your peers. You didn't say anything when Crocodile's head turned quickly away once you looked in his direction. You even noticed another presence in the library skimming maps and stories of weapons.
You grunted to yourself when you saw his foot tapping while the crew sung.
Seems things were looking a little better...
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artfulprankster · 2 years
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💚✨ Hello! This is an Indie, Semi-Selective and Crossover friendly Harold Hutchins from the amazingly silly book series Captain Underpants by the absolutely amazing Dav Pilkey! I do not own The series Captain Underpants nor Harold Hutchins. 💚✨
This blog is a sideblog, all likes, follows and interactions will come from @/Scribsmcgee. This blog is also mobile bound, but I will cut my posts and write multiple paragraphs and will do my best to fulfill any standards for your rules regarding length of posts.
I am a Semi-Selective blog, which means I might be a little picky on who I rp with. This also goes into unfollowing. If I unfollow you, I just can’t see our muses working out anymore or our writing working out. This isn’t a personal thing either! I’m sure you are a wonderful individual and I wish you the best in life.
This also means I have the right to unfollow you or follow you if I wish. Do not pull me into drama because of this because this is a hobby. I write to have fun and I don’t ever write to cause any harm. If I unfollow you, I’d appreciate it being reciprocated.
This blog will contain some Canon Divergent aspects such as headcanons on Piqua, Harold, Billy and a few world building headcanons. It will not affect a majority of main canon for the series and this blog is based on the Show version of Harold, Aka The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants Harold with book canon sprinkled in. It is recommended you watch the first season of the show to get a good feel of the series and character but it is not mandatory.
Harold has some knowledge of the fourth wall and will mention it in threads or asks if felt like it fits. He cannot use the fourth wall to his advantage and it’s mainly there for comedic intent.
Crossovers are 100% welcome! I encourage the wackiest and craziest crossovers!!! More wacky the better!! Please send them Harold’s way, I would absolutely love to push this dolphin loving rascal their way and watch the chaos happen! He’s always ready to prank and meeting new people means new prank ideas!! I might need a little guidance on muses I am not familiar with though, so please forgive me for being a little confused!
❌ Please don’t spam like my page! It floods my notifications and makes it hard for me to find threads I need to reply to! Your support is appreciated nonetheless! ❌
And with that, let’s get on with the show!
This blog is 18+, the show and books are for children yes, but the books and show can at times get dark and I will not shy away from horror elements and blood and violence in this blog. I will also be delving into topics of abandonment, divorce, bullying, misunderstanding of ADHD(Mun is diagnosed) by adult characters, mind control, injuries and blood, horror themes and other story and plot relevant things that can be considered scary. I will not delve into gore or extreme violence however, just blood and small Injuries.
You have been warned.
Again, please don’t follow me if you are a minor (under 18) or cannot handle the topics spoken of above.
I will tag any and all reference of blood, violence, Vomit and anything gross (Cmon this is Captain underpants) with the tag media.warning and then the trigger. If there is anything specific you want tagged please let me know via inbox or DMS.
This blog will not hesitate to delve into the more traumatic side of being a sidekick and being in constant danger a lot of the week. Harold has seen some shit and has canonically almost died multiple times guys. Hes gonna be a little fucked up actually.
This being said, this blog will NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES write any form of problematic content. NONE. If you even try to bring it into my blog I will block you, even if we are long time mutuals or short time mutuals. No questions and no hesitation. This blog will also not write any fetish content. Seriously, don’t bring that shit on my blog or in my asks I mean it.
This blog will not write NSFW or shipping. 1. I am ace and I find the topic and things relating to it uncomfortable. 2. HAROLD IS A BABY, A CHILD. He is my son and I will not tolerate weird asks or prompts or anything of him, George, Billy or any of the kid characters. Don’t even try it.
Only Billy is an exception to the shipping case as he is canonically Harold’s future husband.
Please, respect this boundary. Do not force shipping or NSFW on me I will block you for that.
Also saying this, I do not ship George and Harold. Do not force George and Harold shipping questions onto me. I also don’t ship Harold and Melvin or George and Melvin, again do not force those ships on me I will block you.
Please do not Godmod my muse! I will allow setting up Harold’s place and marker in starters for threads of ours but that’s it. Likewise I will not godmod your muse and if I need to place them somewhere for a reply or starter I will always ask for permission before doing so. You always have the option to tell me no, your boundaries are important to me.
I’ll also say this here aswell. DO NOT GUILT TRIP ME OR MANIPULATE ME INTO REPLYING or FOLLOWING YOU BACK. I will not have that on my blog, I am here to write Harold and that’s it. Do not pull that shit with me I will block you so fast.
For callout and cancel culture I’m a bit of a middleman. I don’t particularly like it due to its problematic history itself but I fully believe warning people about problematic and dangerous people in the RPC is a good thing! But there are often times alot of claims are bullshit and just make things messy for no reason other than petty disputes. I will 100% believe any accusations on anyone I interact with if there is proof of their shitty behavior or disgusting acts. I try to see things as innocent until 100% proven guilty and if anyone I interact with have such a history with disgusting things PLEASE LET ME KNOW WITH PROOF I AM VERY STUPID!
If you wish to warn me about a dangerous individual please don’t send me an anon all ‘hey so and so is bad’ and not give me any proof or what exactly makes them bad because I’ve had that happen before and it just makes you look silly friend. Again, Please provide proof for me.
I AM NOT A FANDOM BLOG! I am a RP blog! People tend to get it confused so let me clear the air for you. I reblog stuff for this blog but I am not a personal blog so please don’t spam like my posts. I will most likely block you for that if you continue to do so.
Personals are allowed to follow and leave inbox messages if they don’t have rp blogs. However, They cannot like or reblog rp threads/ starter calls or inbox calls. This makes it very confusing for both me and the other Mun so please respect that boundary.
Personals attached to rp blogs are free to like starter calls and inbox calls! Just make sure your blog is visible in your description or let me know via inbox!
Most of my information for my Bio page comes from the amazing writers and the amazing Fandom Hero page! Please show them some support!
If I use your art or content in my blog (always with credit) and you’d like me to delete it let me know! I’ll happily do so!
If any of the art I use for icons comes from a problematic source and I don’t know, please let me know via inbox or dms! I mainly get my icons from animatics and official media.
Icon credit:
💚: Divider credit- Firefly-Graphics
And that’s it! If you’ve made it this far, thank you! I really appreciate you reading through and making it here! This is not mandatory but it shows you’ve read my rules and I appreciate a ‘So George and Harold make comic books…!’ In my inbox!
The Mun:
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Age: 22
Name: Scribs
Pronouns: he/him
Gender: Male, Trans-Man.
Faceclaim: Welter from Traffic Jam by NilFruits
Hello there! I’m the Mun! Scribs! It’s nice to meet you all! Thank you for showing interest in my little blog and my son Harold! I grew up with The book series and ever since then I can’t seem to shake these two gremlins out of my head LOL. This series means a lot to me and Harold has been a comfort character of mine ever since I was 5-7 years old. He was one of the main inspirations for me to become an artist and seeing how the series has developed over the years makes me incredibly happy.
I look forward to interacting with you! Have a good day!
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