#hilary greenaway
fischerfrey · 10 months
If they had a kid meme, harker & jesper and darby & ivan ❤️
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Name: Maeve Ursula Greenaway
Gender: female (she/her)
General appearance: light brown hair, blue eyes, average height
Personality: book smart, honest, hard-working, focused, driven, reckless, reserved, practical
Special talents: flying, wizard chess and gobstones (games in general)
Who they like better: Harker
Who they take after more: Harker
Personal headcanon:
She's a Gryffindor and plays Quidditch as a chaser. Eldest of the siblings. Protective of her brothers, eldest sister syndrome. Maeve and her brothers are adopted. As the eldest, Maeve remembers their birth-parents the best.
Face Claim: Olivia Scott Welch
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Name: Cole Rafael Greenaway
Gender: male (he/him)
General appearance: brown hair, green eyes, kind of short
Personality: flirty, charming, out-going, arrogant, protective, resourceful
Special talents: dancing, duelling
Who they like better: Harker
Who they take after more: Jesper
Personal headcanon:
Slytherin, middle child. Teases his younger brother constantly but will fight you if you tease him. Legilimens.
Face Claim: Tyler Lawrence Gray
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Name: Hilary Jaren Greenaway
Gender: male (he/him)
General appearance: sandy blond hair, blue eyes, tall
Personality: awkward, sensitive, irritable, loyal to his loved ones, suspicious of others, introverted
Special talents: knows a lot about music, can play drums, athletic
Who they like better: Harker
Who they take after more: Harker
Personal headcanon:
Hufflepuff. Plays Quidditch as a beater. Doesn't do that well academically, has dyslexia.
Face Claim: Adrian Öjvindsson
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Name: Riot Travis Rosen
Gender: male (he/him)
General appearance: dark, curly hair, brown eyes, very tall
Personality: rebellious, cocky, critical, witty, intelligent, skeptical, compassionate
Special talents: conversation, impressing people
Who they like better: Both
Who they take after more: Ivan
Personal headcanon:
Slytherin. Passionate about politics. Popular in school, is friendly but can be judgemental. Better at theoretical subjects than practical subjects. Younger twin.
Face Claim: Archie Madekwe
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Name: Rhyme Maddox Rosen
Gender: female (she/her)
General appearance: dark, curly hair, brown eyes, average height
Personality: aloof, independent, adaptale, genuine, funny, creative
Special talents: singing
Who they like better: Darby
Who they take after more: Ivan
Personal headcanon:
Ravenclaw. Likes music a lot. She's not super popular in school but has her own circle of friends. Older twin.
Face Claim: Taylor Russell
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thegube · 7 months
OCD more like OMG 🤪 i love early criminal minds
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foxingpeculiar · 5 months
Movie recommendation, because it’s batshit and I love it: The Falls (1980, Peter Greenaway).
It’s a three hour mockumentary, featuring 92 interviews with people whose surname begins with “Fall-,” hence the title. All of these people are victims of the never-explained Violent Unknown Event (VUE), which may or may not have been caused by birds. The symptoms of the resulting ailment include (but are not limited to) functional immortality, dreams of water, and the ability to speak several previously unknown languages.
It’s a lot to take in, and kind of tricky to find, but it’s hilarious and awesome. (And different in style from Greenaway’s later vibe—he’s one of those directors that definitely has a “thing,” but this is his first feature and it isn’t quite that, exactly.)
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Eisenstein in Guanajuato
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Whether or not it’s good history, Peter Greenaway’s EISENSTEIN IN GUANAJUATO (2015, Tubi) is an explosion of a film — at times hilarious, at others maddening — that reflects not just the great director’s use of montage in filmmaking but also the early work in montage he did in the theatre (yes, you filmsplainers, like most so-called cinematic innovations, the theatre invented montage first). The picture follows Eisenstein (Elmer Back) as he arrives in Mexico to make a film for Upton Sinclair. The director is all boundless energy, non sequiturs and echolalia. He’s like a combination of Larry Fine and Gertrude Stein. And the filmmaking reflects this as Greenway uses split screens, sometimes to show the same image three times and at others to show the real-life people flanking their dramatized counterparts. As in Eisenstein’s stage work, Greenaway also presents each scene in its own style, creating a montage of effects that frequently works, and when it does, it’s something glorious. Greenaway’s film is less about how Eisenstein attempted to make QUE VIVA, MEXICO! than it is about the emotional impact of his Mexican pilgrimage, the collision of old and new worlds. The Russian director has a guide (Luis Alberti) who also teaches comparative religion, and the two compare notes on their countries’ different cultures, particularly their approaches to the contradictory (or are they?) forces of eros and thantos. Sensing his charge’s repressed homosexuality, Alberti initiates him in a scene that manages to be sexy, gross and hilarious all at once, with the guide lecturing Eisenstein on colonialism as he’s planting his own flag in, shall we say, virgin territory. There are marvelous touches throughout: animated versions of Eisenstein’s homo-erotic drawings, clips from his movies that comment on the action, scenes scored to his frequent collaborator Sergei Prokofiev, a persistent banging on pipes that anticipates the man’s death (after his second heart attack, he banged on the radiator pipes, a pre-arranged signal to alert his neighbors, who never heard him). But there are also scenes that go on too long, and the endless talk becomes almost oppressive. Sinclair’s wife and brother-in-law, who was appointed to manage QUE VIVA, MEXICO!, are turned into two-dimensional villains, which feels like something out of the kind of film Eisenstein refused to make in Hollywood. But there are an awful lot of good things in the movie, not the least among them Back and Alberti’s performances, which perfectly capture the contrast between wild child Eisenstein and his more sophisticated guide.
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merlinband-archive · 1 year
Stage Left: Jamie Moses Interview
Date: August 21, 2019
Source: Stage Left Podcast
Transcript of the Merlin portion below (begins at 18:55).
So. Tell us about Merlin.
Oh god! Oh Jesus! Well, that was back in 1821 when the band was formed... It was the first proper band, I guess, proper touring band that I'd been in... Was it? Guess it was. I joined in 1973 and they were called "Madrigal" at the time, and they were known for being a harmony band. And they- y'know, big harmonies, it was really impressive. Not in a Beach Boys way, but it was [unintellible]
Anyway, they got "discovered" by Roger Greenaway and turned into- What he wanted was, he wanted his own version of The Sweet or Mud or the bands that were around at the time. Sort of glam rock things, you know. So he stuck us all in leather catsuits-
Yeah, and feather boas and stuff, it was hilarious.
Was that very "you" at the time, or was it something...?
Well the fact is that the music was me. The fact is the music was me, so it was- because it was basically a rock band, is what it was. I mean a really good rock band. And the bass player had a Fender Precision and a 100-watt Marshall stack, you know. Keyboard player had a C3 Hammond and a Wurlitzer... In fact, he had- Check this out, anyone who knows anything about keyboards- Imagine being the road crew for this band.
He had a Hammond C3, Wurlitzer electric piano, Hohner Pianet, a Fender Rhodes... No, he didn't have a Rhodes. Um, a double keyboard Mellotron. A Minimoog. And a baby grand piano which was suspended on scaffolding over the C3!
Wow! Really? Wow, that's-
With- And on the lid of the piano which was up like that, the logo of the band was spotlighted-
How cool!
Very cool. And the road crew hated us!
Really? I'll bet they did.
Can you imagine? I mean there were five of them, but even so...
And the Minimoog must've been a quite new instrument then, would that be right? Around that time...?
Well, well no. This is- We turned from Madrigal into Merlin in... '75. By which time it was on a lot of records, and so on. I mean we also used an ARP Synths, Stevie Wonder was big on ARPs. But yeah that was, that was some band…
And you once described them as kind of like a teeny-pop band rivaling Queen. Would you stand by that, or..?
Well. No, I never, I don't think I did - It wasn't me, it was the Melody Maker.
Oh! Oh, really? Right, okay...
Yeah, the Melody Maker had like a two-page spread on us and said- It was called - I've got it somewhere - It was called "Hype in the Pop Market" and it had mirror images of the two bands. It had CBS band Merlin, EMI band Queen. And it listed, you know, who was on guitar, who was on- doing vocals, who was on- And so on. And who was championing this within the production companies and everything. So it was Roy Thomas Baker with Queen, and then Roger Greenaway with us. Turns out, one had more success than the other!
But I remember when I first started playing with The Brian May Band, which had been...
'93? Yeah, about that, yeah. And when we'd been in rehearsals for a couple of weeks I thought it was safe to bring it up to Brian. And I said, "I used to be in a band- I don't suppose you'd remember a band called Merlin?"
And he went, "You were in Merlin?" He said, "Yeah we were worried about you!"
I said, "You needn't have been, obviously!"
But it was like, we were the rival band for about ten minutes. And then we realized how massively talented Queen were...
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The devolution of Elle Greenaway.
S1E17 “A Real Rain” // S2E5 “Aftermath” // S2E6 “The Boogeyman”
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reidgifs · 3 years
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That's Hotch's brother? 👀
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idmakeitbehave · 4 years
The BAU as things my preschool students say
Hotch: Stop crying, that’s enough!
Spencer: Don’t be sad, you can go cry in your crib!
Emily: If you put your finger in my mouth I'll snap it off.
JJ: [��What does a caterpillar build around itself?”] A raccoon!!!
Rossi: I had a big attitude yesterday.
Derek: You know what planet I live on? Earth. [“What planet do I live on?”] I don’t know. Maybe Saturn.
Penelope: I’m already thinking about French fries.... I LOVE French fries!!
Elle: I’m making eggs. [“Mm, sounds good!”] They’re not for you.
Gideon: You’re going home by yourself. That’s sad.
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ssavanessa22 · 3 years
In my mind it’s cannon that morgen and Elle tell Reid lies about music they will tell him lies about rap music like of yeah jay-z biggest song is getting jiggy with it just so Reid says this infront of people and they look at him funny
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heart of glass
elle greenaway x academic!fem!reader
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sometimes unfounded jealously can't help but creep in
word count: 6.3hnd
warnings: insecurity related jealousy, breaking of glass
a/n: a short little blurb!! fuelled by my academic delirium and yearning for elle greenaway
Her gaze could burn a hole through the fabric of your jacket.
You know Elle is looking at you from across the packed room — she always is. It’s a habit she developed before the two of you were even together, a remnant from her FBI training. There’s about fifteen other agents scattered throughout the joint but she still doesn’t trust anyone else with your safety. The man sitting beside you at the bar is nice enough, but he isn’t a threat. It turns out he audited one of your classes a few years back and wanted to know where your research project at the time had taken you.
“The book comes out next year, but the abstract is available in the latest volume of the Harvard Theological Review,” you explain, slightly out of breath. Gender studies, particularly in the ancient world, is something you're incredibly passionate about, and you always end up talking more than needed. Your friends and family love it, especially Elle, but near strangers don’t always react in such a positive way.
Andrew, at least that’s what you think his name is, seems enthralled though. “Wow, Doctor, that’s incredible! Congratulations.”
At the mention of your title you bristle a little. Though you earned it, worked incredibly hard for it, there’s something about being addressed by it outside the world of academia that makes you uncomfortable. “Please,” you insist, “No need for formalities here.”
The next time Andrew addresses you, calls you by your first name, the heat you feel on your back increases until the bar feels like it’s a hundred degrees. You don’t have to look over your shoulder to know that Elle is silently smouldering. The sound of a glass breaking rings in the distance, quickly followed by hollers that could only belong to one Derek Morgan. You know it’s Elle’s doing. Whether she threw it or just gripped it so tightly until it shattered you aren’t sure, but you know you need to go attend to her bruised ego.
“I hope you’ll excuse me, my wife seems to have somehow been involved with whatever that was, and I need to check on her.”
He understands, and you strut to the table in the corner housing Elle and her co-workers. As you get closer the sound of Aaron Hotchner giving your wife a lecture becomes incredibly apparent — at least you’ve been spared that. For someone who was never an academic, Hotch is one of the best lecturers you’ve ever met. Derek just smirks when you reach them, arms folded and brows furrowed to let Elle know she’s being just a little bit ridiculous.
She doesn’t even let you speak. “I’m working on it,” she grumbles, shifting on the bench seat to allow you to join her.
“Oh yeah? How’s that going?” you laugh, never good at holding a grudge against her. Besides, the fact that she still gets jealous after all these years is comical.
Elle isn’t pleased with your teasing. She pouts like a small child who’s just been scolded. In a way she has been, though not by you, and the reaction may be warranted but it’s still hilarious. “I’m really trying, I swear, but you’re just so beautiful I can’t help getting a little nervous that someone might try and pluck you from me.”
“He asked about the book.”
The words seem to drain all the tension from her shoulders. “Oh thank god,” Elle sighs, “You can finally talk about it to someone else.”
Glad her cheekiness is back in full force, you aren’t even upset at the insinuation she’s tired of listening to you ramble about the publishing process. “Nope, never. You’re my sounding board forever, sweetheart.”
The smile she gives lets you know Elle wouldn’t have it any other way.
consider reblogging and giving feedback if you enjoyed! it helps a lot x
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wtfevenismypage · 4 years
Observer, Not Profiler
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!reader
Summary: You’re similar to a profiler, but you can tell almost anything about a person just from a single glance. What they had for dinner, if they took a bath or shower, their name, favorite color, if they lie, even if they’re good in bed. You’ve been running from the government ever since you got caught hacking into their systems and since then you have been diagnosed with Extreme anxiety, anxious tics, and paranoia. But now the BAU need you’re help in Identifying killers.
Warnings: panic attacks, Strong language, mentions of murder and rape.4
A/N: I have no fucking clue what I’m talking about when it comes to the fake profiling, if it’s possible, or if trauma is how it’s caused, plus I’m exhausted so just roll with it please
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“We have less than two days to find this guy before he kills again. What the hell are wee gonna do?”
Everyone sat in silence, contemplating and thinking about Derek Morgan’s words.
Sighs are heard all around before A youthful genius speaks.
“What if we brought someone else in? A-another profiler? Hotch, what about that girl from a few years ago, her friends said she could tell anything about anyone from a single glance? What if we brought her in?”
Aaron Hotchner rushes to his computer, frantically typing things into the screen and looks at the rest of his team.
“That should fish her out.”
Running from the government was difficult. You couldn't be in one place for more than a year, Never make friends, stay quiet, change your numbers and any personal information every six months, and if you see the police... Run.
You’ve lived like this for six years, ever since you were fifteen.
The reason you’re running is simple, yet hilarious.
Your best friend told you to hack into the governments to see if birds really do spy on us for the government. Of course you never found an answer because they already kicked you out before getting to it.
Then they came for you, at least ten swat cops raided your house, held a gun to your head as they searched the rooms.
When a group of profilers came in, and watched as you told them what they ate for lunch the day before, when they showered last, when the last time they had sex was, and shocked faces spread all around as you did the same with the swat cops, even though they were covered.
You’re currently watching you’re small T.V in horror, watching the news come unraveled.
“This woman has brutally murdered thirteen people, please, if you know anything, don’t hesitate to call us.”
Your face was plastered all over the news, every channel had your face on it.
You’ve never killed a single person. The closest you ever got was kicking a CIA agent in the groin and banging his head against your knee, but that hurt you more than it hurt him.
The woman speaking was a blonde woman with blue eyes, she has a petite stature that tells a lot more than any normal human would think.
That had to be her name. She was an interrogator when you were originally taken in. 
Her face as you told everyone about the last time she had sex was hilarious. 
It was even better when it was confirmed to be true.
You frantically run around, grabbing a bag of runaway essentials and an apple before rushing out of your apartment and running as fast as possible, trying to get as far away as possible from this old life.
The street was littered with cops, they were practically on every street corner, talking to everyone they can see.
Panic and stress fill your senses quickly, causing you to break into a run down an alley way.
Yet of course, a few cops see you and chase you, because they’re cops and they see everything apparently.
You keep running, even when you feel like you can’t run anymore you keep running because if you get caught you’ll see them again, you know you will.
You’ll see those profilers.
They’re still chasing, but you start to slow down, unable to speed your slow jog to a run.
One of the cops tackle you to the ground, pinning your arms behind your back before shouting a slur of words.
But you can’t hear anything over the ringing in your ears.
you were caught. They think you murdered someone. Multiple people even.
A single tear rolls down your face as they cuff you, lifting you to your feet and dragging you away.
The team stared at you from behind the two-way mirror, watching as you twiddle your thumbs and stare confused as your head jerks to the side quickly.
“What’s up with her head?”
“Anxious Ticking, she was diagnosed with extreme anxiety and minor Paranoia soon after being caught. Anxious ticking is a system of these. she’s been looking over her shoulders for six years, so it’s no wonder she has these symptoms.”
Spencer answer’s Morgan’s question while looking at the young girl.
He was so intrigued by you. Another child genius like himself, hacking into the government at 15, and you could tell anything about anyone just by looking at them, yet you didn't like being called a profiler.
He was truly puzzled by you.
Your head tics to the side again, and you feel a red heat smack itself on your cheeks.
You knew they were watching you from behind the mirror, you just didn't know who they were. And ticking was always your biggest insecurity. You hated doing it in front of other people.
The door clicks open and you jump in your seat. You look up to see who it is.
A dark man with thick black eyebrows, he has a little beard and mustache, just covering his chin and upper lip, his build is lean and muscly, but not super muscly.
“Derek. Y-Your name is Derek.”
He nods with a kind smile, sitting down in front of you.
“Your name is Y/n.”
You nod and look down at your wrists, which are chained together with handcuffs.
“I didn’t... I didn’t hurt anyone...”
You whisper out with a shaky breath and tears in your eyes.
He nods knowingly, leaning back on the chair he’s in.
“We know you didn’t. We had to get you out of hiding somehow. This was the only way.”
You stare at him for a long time, shock moving in with the fear in your stomach.
“W-why? So th-that you could a-arrest me for hacking into the- the gov-government?” 
He looked at you, concern shielded by confusion as he stands, walking around you to the coffee machine. Your head swivels around, following his every move  with your eyes, making sure he doesn't hurt you.
The rest of the team watches as Morgan speaks, asking you about your age.
“tw-twenty one. I’m... I’m twenty one.”
They were in awe as they watched your eyes study Morgan, you travel all over his body.
“Y-you’re thirty three...You’re name is D-Derek and you’re thirty... three.”
“How the hell does she do that?”
Everyone looked at Reid, hoping for an explanation.
“It could be an effect of a traumatic childhood, often times children learn to just pick up behaviors but there have been a few very rare cases where they learn to pick up more than that. It’s dependent on their intelligence and education though. I’ve never seen a case like this though. It isn’t just looking and getting their name magically, it’s studying everything and narrowing it down.”
“Cool party trick. But shouldn't we be asking about how she hacked into the government at 15?”
“Well for one, she’s terrified right now, she wouldn’t tell us if we asked her. Morgan’s trying to get her to calm down right now. And two, if she was skilled enough, she could hack into the government. The techies of the government should have caught her as soon as she made her first attempt. I don’t understand how she made it through all of the firewalls and blocks.”
The team continued to watch as your wrists painfully slam together twice, causing the coffee cup in your hand to splash onto your lap. An embarrassed blush crawls up your neck as you apologize three times.
 Reid writes this down under your tics. So far he had head-jerking and wrist bumping.
“She doesn’t like when people watch her ticking. To her it’s embarrassing. Reassure her that it’s alright, chances are someone or multiple people have put her down about this.”
Spencer informs Morgan through the ear piece while you rub at the now warm spots on your legs.
“It’s alright, don’t apologize for it, it’s a natural instinct, we’ve seen it before.”
You turn to the two way mirror, once again made aware of the other people watching you.
“I... Ho-how many people are... Wa-watching?”
You ask, voice shaking in a low whisper that you only wanted him to hear.
“There’s six people out there, the rest of my team. You saw three of us six years ago, but two people since then have resigned.”
You nod at his words, feeling tiny again as your wrists slam together again.
There was Jason, he seemed scary, a serious look was on his face but his words were kind, he tried to calm you down.
Next was Derek, He was emotionally charged, he yelled at you every time you moved, but it was only in fear that you were going to hurt anyone else.
Then Elle. She was so kind despite carrying a gun, she held a normal conversation with you as if you were a scared girl, and not a criminal like everyone else treated you.
Next was Aaron, He scared you the most. he held a gun to you the entire time and spoke to you like you were scum, he treated you with confusion and sent tears to your eyes.
Lastly was the nameless genius. You never were able to figure out his name, you knew that he was a genius as you were, but you couldn’t tell a single thing about him.
“Is Elle there? can I talk to her?”
You speak, a small smile creeping onto your face. He chuckles and smiles, leaning forward in his chair.
“Unfortunately Agent Greenaway has resigned.”
The smile falls as you begin twiddling your thumbs again.
“W... What about the long haired man? He was very t-tall, and skinn-skinny... He-he’s smart... very smart... Am I... Am I able to talk to him?”
Derek thinks for a moment before standing up.
“let me check with the team.”
He walks away, through the door and leaving you alone in the room.
“She wants to talk with Reid.”
Morgan states as he walks into the room with the rest of his team, looking at Reid who looks pretty terrified.
“She doesn’t know his name.”
“Well it has been six years.”
“She has an eidetic memory. And it would be difficult for anyone to forget any little detail from the day she started running.”
“So should we send Reid in?”
“It’s up to you Reid. She doesn’t prove to be a threat.”
Reid stands up and looks at the girl with tears in her eyes one last time before slowly stepping into the room.
You jump at least three feat when the door clicks open, staring at the new man with wide eyes. He apologizes and sits down in front of you.
“Yo-your name is... It’s... I can’t... I can’t read you. I can’t ev-even tell how old you are...”
His eyes widen as he smiles a little bit, trying to calm your nerves.
“I’m Dr. Spencer Reid.”
You smile a little at finally discovering his name, you’ve been thinking about it ever since you got away.
“Dr. Spencer Reid.”
The tears that cloud your vision finally fall, dripping onto the table.
“I’m sorry. I-I don’t know why I’m cry-crying...”
You stutter out, looking down to wipe your tears away.
“No need to apologize, it’s understandable considering the amount of stress you’re receiving right now.”
“Um... Am I... Am I going to jail?”
He doesn’t answer for a moment, thinking about what to say before scratching his head.”
“No I don’t believe so, There was no big harm done with the hacking, so The worst you’ll have to deal with is quite a bit of questioning. No, what we brought you in for is help. We understand you have the ability to profile people with a single loo-”
You speak in a loud tone which causes Reid to jump a little, and the rest of the team is put on edge at your sudden tone.
“I’m not... I’m not a pro- a profi... I’m not one of you.”
You curse yourself in your head for yelling, you really didn’t want any of this attention.
“I understand that. I’m sorry, You are able to identify anything about a person by just looking at them, and we need your help with that.”
You look at the mirror, staring at your own reflection for a while before asking a question.
“I don’t have a choice do I?”
His lips stretch into a thin line, his cheeks puffing out where his lips end, and he shakes his head.
“Of course you have a choice. You can say no, and you’ll be free to live your life, or you can help us, we’ll pay you a respectable amount, make sure you have a place to stay for a few months, and make sure you can see your friends again.”
Tears flowed down your face freely when he said you could see your friends. Your friends were your entire life before this. After your parents kicked you out for being an athiest, you lived with your best friend since the age of 13.
“I... I’ll help... I’ll help.”
He genuinely smiles, holding his hand out with a small item in his hands.
“Go ahead and unchain yourself, when you’re ready the rest of the team and I are right outside and we’ll brief you.”
He drops the key in front of you before standing, awkwardly waving, and then he walks out leaving you alone in the room.
You try to pick the key up, but seeing as both hands are chained underneath the table, so you sit awkwardly, your gaze switching between your hands, the key and the door, but you can’t call out for Spencer, the panic in your lungs are taking all the air, not letting you speak. 
“Should someone help her?”
“No. I would like to see how she gets out of this.”
Hotch tells Morgan before watching you kick the other end of the table, bouncing the key towards you.
It slides into your lap, which you quickly thrust your hips up to get to your hands, and you get yourself out of the cuffs.
Your fist quickly comes into contact with your forehead, another new tic.
You look at the mirror again before walking to the door and grabbing the knob, twisting it open and looking inside.
Your eyes flashed over the six people multiple times, identifying their names and ages. Some from memory, and others from your knowledge.
“Thank you for agreeing to help us. If you’ll follow us please. Dave, I want you and Morgan at the crime scene again. JJ, set up a press conference. Reid And Prentiss, You two and I are working on victimology with Miss Y/n.”
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sapphiics · 4 years
2020 mutual appreciation post!!
if you thought i wasn’t gonna copy my entire dash, you were sorely mistaken! who cares if we’re like over two hours into 2021? not me, so let’s begin:
first a very fun moodboard i made to sum up my quarantine
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now for my moots:
@multi-mess-of-a-person Nellie!! you hold such a sacred place in my heart, because i feel like we’re really alike and think similarly, and even if we don’t talk often i love conversing with you and am very glad that we started talking! i love you so much, and you were like my first friend here! also i refuse to say anything bad on hotchniss when you’re on the dash because I love you too much
@greenaway-lewis Lucy🥺 lucy i love you so much, you’re incredibly hilarious and really fun to talk to(even if you do crap on all men🙄) and i’m so glad we started talking! i’m never bored when it comes to you and i care about you so much!! I love your writing style a lot your elle fic was super good! you make up for not being a hardcore morcia stan with your amazingness and the fact that you love temily and tara in general
@thestrawberrygirl elle i’m so glad we started talking even if it’s only been for a little bit so far! you worked your ass off to get on my biggest fans list(which i absolutely adored thank you very much🥰) and you’re such an incredibly interesting person i couldn’t imagine ever not wanting to hear what you say!
@kermitsaysgayrights sophia i love you. you’re such a sweet person and not only do i just adore your energy and personality but you are also the penemily widen and i love all of your content for them you practically raised the ship from the ground up!! i’m so glad we started talking recently and i really love you (and the rest of the mafia🥺) i love your blog so freaking much. the diner au has a sacred place in my heart
@marry-me-prentiss Jaz!!! I love you so much! you are such a nice and caring person and never fail to send me a good morning every single day(i love attention it means a lot to me) I’m so glad we’re moots.
@ssaemxlyprentxss the very first blog i followed🥺 viv when i tell you i had the biggest blog crush for so long i was so shocked when you followed me!! not only are you super talented but you’re funny, gorgeous, and very caring to everybody. and you’re a good writer like objectively good like getting me to read jemily good which is mucho wild.
@agentshortstacc where do i begin joey? my love, my partner, the apple of my eye the ying to my yang!! i’m so glad we’re moots(and in love ofc) and i love your fics and headcanons!! like i’m super particular but i love your stuff so much! you’re also such a nice person and i love you extremely so.
@gothwyfe i cannot even begin to explain how cool you seem to me i see all of your posts and i want your energy so bad. you’re funny as fuck and seem absolutely lawless.
@gaymemeaesthetic pluto first and foremost you were carrying the dash in memes when i went on my **** dive. you’re extra hilarious and i love your blog so much. i didn’t even know you followed me and i was super surprised to find out that you did you’re somebody who i like all of your posts. i love you🥺
@babey-jj you’re blog is so funny and great that i can completely forget about the fact that hey there delilah was your most listened song 2020(🤨) but for real i love you and i think you’re such a cool person.
@peanutbutterworm We only started being mutual every recently but absolutely everything you say about morcia and penemily speaks to me on a deep soul irhbdbdjdjdh why weren’t they endgame type level i think you’re amazing and hilarious.
@haleymalaffey haley haley haley. i could write a whole paper on how much i think the entire world of you. First and very foremost you completely match my morcia obsession on a level absolutely unparalleled i thought i was very much going crazy with how much i loved them until i found your blog and i was immediately smitten even before knowing how much of a caring and perfect person you were. you’re incredibly nice to everyone on here and i’m so grateful for you every single day. i love you so fucking much. i type this as i listen to the playlist you made for me (specifically You’re my best friend by Queen) and i can’t even comprehend how amazing you are.
@fuckshitupm8-deactivated3728 Maggie!! i love you and your blog so much you are like the prime minister of the moreid fan club. you’re such a positive person on here and fill me with so much joy interacting with you🥺
more people i very much love even if we barely talk @sunlightgalaxy okay nic you gave me this really nice review of my fic and i read it like 5 times and almost cried so thank you so much it meant everything to me
@rosesonmyheart i love your blog so much!!! it’s not only a nice break from all the cm but also morcia morcia morcia which is what clouds my brain daily
@hotchsbabygirl cj sometimes i swear you’re only there to cause me physical and mental hurt with all your morcia stuff i cannot handle it they keep me awake at night with all their wasted potential. i love your blog an insane amount it’s almost unreal.
@penelopeminded I really like your blog( i am also very obsessed with lists so it’s perfect for me) so much that i can excuse ranking hotch and beth over misty(nothing beats misty😤)i like get excited seeing you in my notifs.
@screechingshepherddeputygoth love, you like all my posts shitty, random, totally balls off the wall all of them you are a trooper! also when you sent me that ask i was so incredibly touched and i still think about it🥺 thank you and i love you
@thejeidhater annie you are so sweet! we just became moots very recently but i think you’re such a nice word on and i’m very excited to only get to know you more
okay that is it y’all i am so freaking sorry if i forgot anybody, i love all 170 of you guys and i’m so grateful for this blog🥺
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cowboyx2 · 4 years
happy new year’s eve y’all!!
i don’t really celebrate until tomorrow but i hope y’all have a blast :)) now i’m going to wish my moots all a very good 2021
and to the lovely people who follow me: thank you guys sm!! y’all made my 2020 SO MUCH better!! i wish all of you the best in 2021
elle @thestrawberrygirl: you were one of my first moots and i could not be more happy that i met you early on in our tumblr adventures!! we’ve made plenty of memories this year, mostly us being dumbasses.. on a more serious note you’re one of the strongest people i’ve had the pleasure of knowing on and off of tumblr!! keeping being you boo or i will come over there and beat you up 💖
lucy @greenaway-lewis: AHHH!! we met very recently but we’re already really close (id like to think) and you’ve easily made the end of my 2020 much better!! i absolute adore you & all of your chaotic antics! hopefully in 2021 we can wreak even more havoc on tumblr! i love you bitch and don’t forget it 💞
grace @royalpenelope: we’ve only been moots for a short while but dude i’m glad we are!! i’m so fucking thankful to have you as one of my penemily partners in crime, it’s been sm fun trolling around!! hopefully we can have some more fun in 2021 :’)!! ALSO in the spirit of the new year, elle, lucy and i have decided to lift your j*id probation early!! (it was all a good goof but i stg i will hunt you down if i find out your seriously shipping jeid 😡) here’s to a good 2021, i love you 💗
yashasree @scandinavian-punk: we’ve had some good jokes & fun!! i’m glad jeanne gave you back in time for new year’s, i hope 2021 will hold a better fate then 2020 did! see you there :’)
abbie @lizziechase: abbie!it’s been quite an eventful year with everything and i’m glad i gotto be moots with you through some of it! here’s to a good 2021 and a good wandavison show 🍾
caitlin @themetaphorgirl: i wish you a good fortune in the new year!! i can’t wait to see what good you do next
lizzie @emilyprentiss27: we literally JUST became moots but i’ve seen you in my notifs for awhile and boy oh boy am i glad i clicked follow!! have a good new years, my dude ‼️
gaby @isthatyouritalian: heyo!! i’m really glad we were able to become moots through cm and now ethan!! all your art is lovely btw 🥰
rose @penemily: i’ve had a blast following your page!! i’m sure in 2021 you will bring even more hilarious content, have a good year, rose!! :))
noel @prentizz: aye dude!! we’ve had our fair share of shits & giggles through our time of being moots!! seriously i’ve had a blast just hanging out on your blog, it’s been nothing but wonderful!! 😎
maya @purelyprentiss: happy new year, dude!! i’m never not amazed by the absolute wonderful gifs and works i see on your page! all of it is absolutely amazing (even if some make me cry) i hope you well in whatever 2021 throws at us
simmy @pretty-b0yy: hey whore! us goofing off and making some questionable memories has been one of the few highlights in my 2020! i hope i was able to make you laugh and smile a good amount and that’ll be able to do the same in 2021!! i love you, you little asshole 🙄
yas @abitcriminalminds: even though we only really just started talking i’ve been admiring your humor and jokes on your blog for awhile!! i’m genuinely so happy we became moots and friends this year. i hope we can continue it be the same in 2021 (also thanks for making fun of simmy with me 🥺)
joey @agentshortstacc: hey!! we haven’t talked much recently but i still love and admire you!! you’ve been making have a good hearty chuckle when i see your posts on my dash, i just know you’ll be doing the same in 2021
cloud @cloudyreid: we just became moots but through our few interactions i know 2021 will be a blast!!
maggie @fuckshitupm8-deactivated3728: it’s been a bit dude!! you’re works on tumblr wether their fics, blurbs, icons or gifs are absolutely spectacular!! never stop :’))
kk @gothwyfe: you’re probably one of the funniest people on this stupid site and i’m so happy i found your blog!! even if you’re not into cm anymore, you still make me laugh
layla @babey-jj: we’re very new moots but that doesn’t mean i can’t wish you a happy new year!! you’re absolutely hilarious, dude!!
tammy @nocturness: heyo!! you still make me smile, dude!! have a spectacular new years and years to come!! ily💗
erin @jordantodds: YO!! i’m so glad to have you as moot!! even if you ship gotch and like adam, i still love you 😽 HAVE A GOOD 2021!!!!!
kai @multi-fandom-lover-555: kai!!!!! you’re text posts are a hoot and a half!! i’m so glad i found you on this silly little place called tumblr💕
iqa @moreidism: DUDE!!! your moreid posts are one of my favorite things on this site!!! they’re all so wonderful and accurate!!! have a good 2021 😭
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sonyclasica · 1 year
Tumblr media
Night After Night: Music from the Movies of M. Night Shyamalan celebra una de las colaboraciones más enriquecedoras entre un director de cine contemporáneo y un compositor: una grabación totalmente nueva de la música para las películas más aclamadas de M. Night Shyamalan a cargo del compositor ganador del Emmy®- y el Grammy® y nueve veces nominado al Oscar®, James Newton Howard. El álbum será publicado por Sony Classical el 20 de octubre de 2023.
Consíguelo AQUÍ
Escucha un adelanto AQUÍ
En Night After Night se incluyen fragmentos de las inolvidables bandas sonoras creadas por Howard, que se convirtieron en parte de la identidad de ocho de los estremecedores thrillers de Shyamalan: El Sexto Sentido (1999), Unbreakable (2000), Signs (2002) y The Village (2004), Lady in the Water (2006), The Happening (2008), The Last Airbender (2010) y After Earth (2013).
Para este álbum, James Newton Howard ha creado ocho suites centradas en el piano que incluyen material nuevo y original. El pianista Jean-Yves Thibaudet interviene en toda la grabación. La violinista Hilary Hahn recrea sus contribuciones a la grabación de la banda sonora de la música de The Village, y la violonchelista Maya Beiser vuelve a interpretar "An Event" de la banda sonora de The Happening. Gavin Greenaway dirige la orquesta y el coro en los nuevos arreglos de Howard.
Cuando Howard se incorporó durante la fase de posproducción para componer la banda sonora de El Sexto Sentido, Shyamalan dijo que "sintió potencial y entusiasmo" en su trabajo conjunto. En su franqueza mutua, cada uno descubrió un socio creativo de confianza para encontrar la expresión musical adecuada para los thrillers sobrenaturales de Shyamalan.
"No había realmente un proceso en ello", recordó el director, en una conversación reciente con Howard sobre cómo empezaron a colaborar. "En retrospectiva, la capacidad de hacer una mezcla de géneros, creo, es lo más importante. Eso es lo que me interesa. Está la parte de suspense y miedo, y el componente de adrenalina, pero también hay una emotividad igualmente importante. El compositor debe tener fuerza en múltiples áreas, y él es uno de los escasos compositores que pueden hacer todas esas cosas".
"Night es un ser humano increíblemente positivo", dijo Howard sobre Shyamalan. "Me apoyó incondicionalmente cuando empecé a ponerme nervioso, o a enfadarme, o a dudar de lo que estaba haciendo. Y eso es algo muy importante".
"Sí, pero no es artificial", respondió Shyamalan, "viene de mi confianza en ti".
James Newton Howard es una figura importante en el mundo de la música cinematográfica y televisiva desde que compuso Pretty Woman en 1990, y siete de sus composiciones han sido nominadas al Oscar, además de recibir dos nominaciones en la categoría de Mejor Canción. Sus créditos incluyen las bandas sonoras de El príncipe de las mareas, El fugitivo, La boda de mi mejor amigo, de Shyamalan La aldea, Michael Clayton, Defiance y News of the World -todas ellas nominadas al Oscar-, así como Maleficent, todas las películas de Los juegos del hambre, Water for Elephants, El caballero oscuro (con Hans Zimmer), King Kong (2006), Blood Diamond, Batman Begins, Collateral, Snow Falling on Cedars, y Dave. Howard comenzó su carrera profesional en el mundo de la música rock, incluida una larga colaboración con Elton John, en giras y en el estudio, como teclista y orquestador. Su trabajo con Toto le valió su primer crédito cinematográfico, un tema que co-escribió para la película de David Lynch de 1984 Dune.
1. Signs: The Cornfield
2. Signs: After You Were Born
3. Signs: Hand of Fate
4. The Village: Morning
5. The Village: Noah Visits
6. The Village: Ivy Saves Lucius
7. The Sixth Sense: Lonely Boy
8. The Sixth Sense: Ghost in the House
9. The Sixth Sense: Acceptance
10. Lady in the Water: Prologue
11. Lady in the Water: Charades
12. Lady in the Water: Story
13. Lady in the Water: Return to the Blue World
14. Unbreakable: Survivor
15. Unbreakable: Destiny
16. The Last Airbender
17. The Happening: An Event
18. The Happening: Harbinger
19. The Happening: Aftermath
20. After Earth
21. Flow Like Water [piano solo version, from The Last Airbender]
Sony Music Masterworks se compone de los sellos Masterworks, Sony Classical, Milan Records, XXIM Records y Masterworks Broadway. Para más información, visita  www.sonymusicmasterworks.com/ y www.sonyclassical.com
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elle greenaway is underrated and hilarious and i’ll die on this hill 
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theblackberrygirl · 4 years
Doing one of the Appreciate Your Moots things! I tried to fit as many people that I could think of
@kermitsaysgayrights HEY SOPH!! You were one of my first moots here and my best friend. You always manage to make me smile and if not, you make me feel like the baddest bitch in town. Your writing is superb and you’re a very funny person that I’m honored to know
@mayliia hey babes! I know you probably won’t see this for a while, but when you do I hope it makes you smile. You were the first person to ever message me on here and quickly became one of my best friends ever. Your chaos mixed with kindness is a powerful combination that makes me laugh till my stomach hurts. You write so so well and when you talk to my heart flutters. Our movie nights are so much fun and bring me so much joy. I’m so happy to be your wifey and I love you so so much
@greenaway-lewis LUCYYYYYY!! Member of the Chaos Squad and Penemily Mafia. We haven’t been friends for long but I already love you sm and I feel like we’re already really close. You’re absolutely hilarious and also one of the most gorgeous people I have ever seen.
@honeysblooms hibi!! You are so good at crocheting and I love hearing about your orchestra adventures. Strings definitely are an interesting group. I love being your friend!
@themetaphorgirl CAITLIN YOU ARE AN AMAZING WRITER OH MY GOD WHEN YOU WRITE A NOVEL I WILL BE THE FIRST TO THE SHELVES. You’re a really kind person too and your posts make my day! Ilysm
@royalpenelope GRACEEEE HOWS IT GOING. Even if your insanity makes me... concerned... at times (ahem... the j*id incident) it’s very amusing to watch. You’re a great friend and also a LITERAL GODDESS OH MY GOD. Also congrats on your probation being lifted!
@penemily you are one of the funniest people on this app and I stand by that. Your chaos makes me cackle (hehe that rhymes!) and your tiktok is also rly cool ❤️
@criminalmindsgonewrong ALSO SO FUNNY OMG. Wine aunt and super kind 💞
@whump-town you are such a good writer holy shit I often find myself being brought to tears unexpectedly by your writing. Keep vibing my dude.
Happy New Year my friends!!!!
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