faceglitchsworld · 14 days
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And this is how he got everyone's attention just by crossing his arms
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Jk's Live 23.09.23
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"Hey, bro."
Jk had a quick live after his performance on Global Citizen Festival...and he started the live at 8:11 pm, NYC time.
He talked briefly about the 3D surprise being ruined.
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A concept called surprise...
Jk talked about being able to do more lives but purposely not doing them in order to maintain the "push and pull" between fans and singer.
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Jk goes on to talk briefly about his stage on Global Citizen Festival. He wasn't quite content with what he showed on stage. He showed nervousness during his interview before the festival started and he felt he a dry throat during it but he was glad to see fans again.
Then Jin showed up:
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And Jk was quite happy when he spotted Jin in the comments:
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They proceeded to have a conversation about Jk not contacting Jin enough due to time zones and all that. And Jk expressed that he would soon join Jin in their "party" aka...the military. Jk said what we all think, Jin's face isn't aging.
About 3D again. According to Jk:
•It will be very different from Seven, different style
•It would be released on Chuseok for the following reason:
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It will be a Chuseok gift lol but he sounded suspicious during this...
We had the ever so constant Jimin mention when someone asked him if he had seen Jimin's Alone dance, which had been uploaded that morning.
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After this he was off to dinner with his staff and before leaving he thanked his fans as always and stated he reads, monitors, and feels what fans from all over the world write to him.
Ah, last thing. Someone found an actual connection. Good times:
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My Impressions
"Hey, bro."
Reminded me of this. Lol his dream come true!
Regarding the spoiler that was ruined, his team should have expected it. Of course someone was recording and would upload. People always want to be the first to show things.
I think in this case, it worked out, though. It kept me expectant and my wandering brain focused and I watched the whole performance.
I found it interesting how Jk changed his interaction with the fans. He said it was due to wanting to keep the "push and pull" between fans and singer but, at the same time, he still calls them family and then talks about too much during his interviews. I suppose he hasn't figured out how to be close to fans without being too close. But it looks like he is trying...or not. Not sure, anymore.
I'm very curious about 3D. Everything is so rushed and sudden. So it's obvious that there was a change in plans. I wonder what Jk means about it being released for Chuseok because there is something else coming after it. I don't quite think it will be his album since he said that would be released in November...then again, things change. Unless he is talking about something else? Which is more likely to me. Some other project.
Whatever happened with the Aces we thought he "spilled" during his birthday live?
It's interesting that he purposely read the Jimin question out of all the questions. Jk never fails. I'm glad he mentioned that he saw Jimin's dance so those who said he hadn't seen Jimin's birthday post can finally keep shut about Jimin. I tried looking at Jimin's insta post without an account, and it didn't let me which means that Jk is a lurker on there.
Other important thing to note was the background from the twitter posts back in
And, of course, 8:11.
That's about it.
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97-liners · 1 year
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1. maintain eye contact 2. pull your eyebrows down 3. squint slightly
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wikihow: 11 ways to do an evil glare
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andy-wm · 10 months
Everything you need to know, revealed in a single minute.
1. Jimin and Jungkook are fucking.
2. Jimin thinks it's a secret. Or he thinks it should be a secret, because decorum.
3. Joonie and Tae don't care that it's a secret, or forgot it's a secret, or forgot they're all supposed to pretend its a secret.
4. Jungkook knows damn well it's not a secret... because he's literally told everyone he meets. He LOVES that it's not a secret. He wants to hold up a big ass banner. But he pretends it's a secret because Jimin, and because it's funny as shit to pretend it's a secret.
1. Joonie is adorably good natured but doesn't quite grasp the social intricacies of 'a secret'.
2. Tae is the most literal and direct person in existence.
3. Jimin drops hints the size of bombs and thinks he's being subtle.
4. Jungkook is just here to have fun.
Find the clip here:
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stormblessed95 · 1 month
I don't know if the anon doesn't have common sense but Jimin said : "That was lame" Which was more like: You can do better😭.
He said "I'm not that easy" and he meant it!
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lesbiansloveseokjin · 21 days
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day 504/548 of hobi's military service
this selca was posted on 220416, the day of PTD LV day 4, with the caption:
Life is such, it goes on...
(trans cr: Aditi @ bts-trans)
it was the day of this hilarious live:
this was also the day PROOF was announced:
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btsvtarchive · 1 year
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Gyukook at 4am live (full)
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hisunshiine · 1 year
Jeon Jungkook is a tease. 🥵🫨🤤
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제가 왔어요 ! 지민 03. 24. 11:58 [ jimin flipping the camera back and forth 😭 so cute credits: @jmfolder ]
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bamgeut · 11 months
skippingstone -> yeonbintual
sorry i just had to
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kimtaegis · 4 months
Why do I feel like this is just one of their many soon to come paywall content 🙃 watch them put the jikook show behind a paywall too 🙃 and then weverse posts and lives as well 🙃
I kind of understand having to pay for big budget productions like concerts and stuff (actually also series… oh well we’ll see how they handle the jikook show), but jeez, making people pay for that? last year’s festa with namjoon was free to watch for everyone, so why make this one member-exclusive now?
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faceglitchsworld · 3 days
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Out of the camp and looking so cute already 😭
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Summary of Jk's welive
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And that's all folks.
I was left with more questions than answers:
-Why did Jk want to catch the company by suprise?
-Will he sing Letter or is that why he is mad?
-Was he really having a whole convo with the ac?
-He can't sleep when he's nervous or...excited. Which one was it this time?
-Why did his sleep time get worse?
-Where was he coming from?
-Why did he use Jikook numbers with the post time and date?
-Where is Jimin?
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jmdbjk · 2 years
The Astronaut.
I am just going to unfurl these thoughts as I listen to the song and lyrics and watch the video. So much symbolism in the video.
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The spaceship crashed and Jin sitting there, watching it burn.
Is the spaceship the juggernaut that is BTS? BTS did crash into the world on debut and the world did not know what had been unleashed upon it at that time. Or is it life in general or time itself? Maybe it represents Jin, Jin’s life. 
Maybe it is life’s (many burdensome) obligations.
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Time has gone by and Jin does puzzles (games) while waiting. Solving his puzzle involves adding words to represent the elements of his time with BTS and Army. “The planet is coming back soon.” The planet is BTS? The planet is home?
His room is full of little easter eggs. The guitar that Chris Martin gave to him. The Music of the Spheres album... posters of Coldplay, amongst other things. And Chris’ cameo appearance as the news anchor on tv...
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Then he sees the signal (light beaming to the sky)...it’s time to go. He’s been waiting and is ready to answer the call.
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His suit is slightly too small... he’s grown a little during the time he’s been waiting. Or he’s lost his original suit and had to borrow a new one? The cut of the black suit seems somewhat old-fashioned, and the color black is very conservative and also a color for mourning. Perhaps it represents something that is outdated... This is an intriguing detail. 
The little girl looks like international Army. And of course, because she represents us, she is adorable... I was going to guess her age but later in the video, I can tell her front teeth are growing in so she’s about 8.
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He puts the helmet on her to keep her safe. Then he looks back at his home... jesus, I’m crying as I write this. 
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And off he goes, running forward to his future, whatever is awaiting. Just like they’ve been doing all these years. 
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That’s a nice neighborhood, I wonder if its a movie set or a real neighborhood somewhere. I am expecting a behind the scenes video of this MV at some point. I think the small town street scenes are for sure a movie set. There are a lot of those in California.
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I love this image:
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He is speeding to his future by himself. Sure of himself. Not afraid in the least bit.
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And then he’s pushing the little girl off to ride by herself. She’s a little scared and doesn’t want him to let go.
As much as we don’t want to, we can do this, guys, we can do this by ourselves (omg the tears!)! WE HAVE TO DO THIS!
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We will have to hold our photos (memories) close to us for a short time.
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We are Jin’s universe.
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When he gets back to the ship, it has settled into the environment and the trees have grown up around it...it’s been a long wait. 
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And then it lifts off. The inevitable... life... time... obligations... whatever it represents, moving on as it does regardless. 
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And the dude in the FORD truck that stops to pick him up. And Jin rides off into the sunset. For now.
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The sign at the end... Tejon Ranch? If that’s what it says, that is north of Los Angeles. The scenery matches that location.
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Last scene of the MV when he completes the word on the puzzle... F A M I L Y. 
We hear the bicycle bell and he rises to go see us. The anticipation on his face... (my god, how am I typing coherently at this point...)
I have a dumb question, at the start of the video, what does SBSM mean (appears at the bottom left of all the MVs)?
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And this number in the yellow circle on the top right?
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I can’t believe this song is almost 5 minutes long. I want it to be even longer. What a great song! I think it has great general pop appeal in that potentially non-Army/non-fans will like it a lot. The music video is so sweet and poignant for us who are very invested, and yet, repeating what I said, it has great general appeal as well. The location choice, the girl and the extras in the video are very diverse even though the neighborhood and town have a very “small town” rural feel to them. It is very much a video that western markets, especially the U.S. market can relate to visually. 
As I write this more than 12 hours after it’s release, The Astronaut is still at the top spot on iTunes. Sorry, Rihanna, apparently Armys’ feelings are stronger than everyone expected. I am certain this is taking a lot of industry people by surprise as well. I mean, it’s Rihanna, who hasn’t released music in a long time. You’d think her song would be hugely anticipated. But we are always underestimated across the board.
Beware anyone else attempting to release music when the next solo albums drop. If Jin can do this with ONE SONG, the rest of you are on notice. 
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main-serendipity-sky · 11 months
"13일 🐤" Jimin Birthday Live
I guess this is the best way to end Jimtober...by finally catching up...
Jimtober don't leave me! Seriously though. We had zero Jimin than all the Jimin at once and it didn't give me time to process each thing until now. But we got a very Jimin filled Jimtober and that was way more than I was asking for.
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We should have expected a chick cake when Jimin used the little chick emoji on his live title.
It was so cute! Jimin and his piñata chick cake filled with Jimins!
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Jin showed his appreciation for Jimin in a very Jin manner:
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Suga made happy birthday hotteok:
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Namjoon also showed up and reminded me why I missed minimoni so much. I loved minimoni.
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They laughed at the photo Tae had sent Jimin. And Namjoon flustered Jimin a bit when saying "I love you" lol Jimin didn't know how to respond.
Notable things Jimin talked about:
•All the members gave him birthday wishes
•His plan to have seaweed soup with his family that his mother would prepare
•His worry for Jungkook who is working too hard. This made Jimin pout and then he laughed it off when he caught himself slipping.
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•His really complicated dilemma on whether he should straighten his teeth. He is such a baby. Spent some seconds pouting and thinking out loud.
•His plans (music-wise) that I will consider spoilers because this is the type of world I want to live in.
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•Ahhh how his shirt wasn't inside out... because he was asked this like 20 times. And how he looked tired because he didn't sleep well last night...welp. At least the fans didn't keep asking about that.
The shirt being inside out thing gave us this so I won't complain:
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•His appreciation towards the fans who made his birthday special
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It's nice that the best birthday present on Jimin day is Jimin himself.
Till next time Jimin Day (and Jimtober, I guess)!
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
Isn't it funny the reactions to different subsections of Fandom towards Jikook
Jikookers : All happy because he's been showing over and over again who's on his mind 24*7. They don't have jikook moments as such but is content because they both looks happy individually and together.
Taekookers : it's company arranged FS, they are forcing him to do this. JM is evil, he's sleeping with producers, guilt tripping JK, They are hurting both Tae and JK by this forced FS where JK is not allowed to speak about Tae.
JK solos : he's giving Jimin charity promotions for his flop album. It must be part of that company to use most popular member to promote Jimin.
JM solos : Jungkook did something bad towards Jimin so he's making up for it through this live. Jimin not commenting under his live is the proof.
Other solos : they are back it at again riling up their gay shippers but it's taking away attention from my Fav. But atleast my fav don't want to queerbait to get attention unlike company favorites.
"OT7" : conveniently avoiding JK dedicating his vlives to Jimin. They would've made hit tweet jokes if it was him doing it for either of hyung line especially Namjoon.
It is honestly really fascinating to see how so many people can all take the same piece of media and come away from it with all kinds of interpretations based on their own biases, life experiences, how they see things and what they already have in their own heads as "fact." Which is totally normal in everyday life about EVERYTHING. But within a fandom space, that can get dramatized in ways that it wouldn't otherwise due to how widely different some people's opinions are and how strongly everyone feels about those opinions because of this parasocial relationship. You certainly aren't wrong with how most of these different subsections of our fandom have, for the most part, been reacting to these Welives. Lol
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And yeah, the double standard with jikook in particular for this fandom is extreme and probably always will be. Just gotta understand that will probably never go away unfortunately.
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