#well 🫠🤡🫠 my brain hurts lol
sanvees · 4 months
ย้อนวาสนารัก | reverse the fortunes of love
- "if we could love each other in every lifetime, it would be quite good."
"ไม่ต้องห่วงพี่จะทำให้เราได้รักกันทุกชาติ... ไม่ว่าชาตินี้หรือชาติหน้า...."
- "don't worry, i'll make sure we love each other in every lifetime... whether it's this life or the next..."
so, century of love is rumored to be based on the novel reverse the fortunes of love by pantanakan on tunwalai. this hasn't been confirmed but thai twitter is convinced so inter twitter is convinced lol
with no proper english translation available, i bring you my very poor attempt at a little break down of the novel.
also please note ‼️ trigger warning ‼️ : underage/age gap* (i'll explain more under the cut)
before diving in, i want to talk about the trigger warning. when i started combing through the novel, it wasn't mentioned ANYWHERE in the text itself that one of the characters is under age. it wasn't until i was doing one last check through on the story page that i noticed the character profiles which is the only place the age of this character is mentioned. since it's not mentioned in the novel itself you can ignore it or not...
✨ characters ✨
pansaeng 'pan' tontrakarn
- name meanings: a thousand lights (as bright as the sun)
- 22 years old ; 4th year history major
- good at sports, especially muay thai. he's weak at love and always feels like he's waiting for someone he'll love at first sight
⭐ pan is the present day version of khun suriyen (meaning sun), a civil servant of the royal thai chamberlain regiment (i'm not 100% on this translation but i tried) who was assassinated at the age of 20.
phopduean 'duean' wattanaroj
-name meanings: world of the moon (month; reincarnation)
- 19 years old ; 1st year english major
- there isn't much characterization for him 😐 but overall he seems to have a calm and cool personality. especially doesn't like pan.
⭐ duean is the present day version of bulan (meaning moon), a merchant's son that is polite, kind, and beautiful. at fifteen (15), he is traded into suriyen's family to pay off debts.
one day, while running late for the first day of the new term, pansaeng bumps into duean on the train platform. when pan hands a paper back to duean, their hands brush and his ears ring and a voice speaks in his head:
"if there is a next life, may the person who is hurt be phi. may phi be the one who loves me while i never have feelings for you at all!"
for pan, this was love at first and so he attempts to flirt with duean any chance he gets, but he's constantly rejected.
"i want to please the one i like."
"but i don't like you."
ultimately, on a day pan is once again rejected, he walks around campus and he's struck by a potted plant falling from above him. this knocks him out.
300 years in the past, bulan, the only son of a merchant, and his father, are traveling to the capital when they decide to stop for a rest. bulan is attacked by some jerks but is saved by a young man with whom he falls in love with at first sight. when bulan and his dad reach their destination, bulan is surprised to find out it's the family home of the young man who saved him: khun suriyen.
even more surprising is that bulan's father intends to trade him in repayment to a debt he owes to suriyen's family. meanwhile, suriyen's mom decides that her son and bulan will have an arranged marriage, which suriyen immediately hates.
suriyen treats bulan harshly every day, always going out of his way to make bulan cry. he constantly tells bulan he hates him, and even after they are married, refuses to share a room with him which hurts bulan feelings even more.
"in this life, i have the good fortune of being with you, but i have no luck in love. because i am as low as mud, it would not be appropriate for me to love you."
as for suriyen, he is working secretly to stop rebels aiding the burmese and one night he leaves with a list of names. as he sets off into the forest, he is attacked by khlai, his former friend and a member of the guard, before he can deliver the list. while he lays beaten and dying, he thinks of bulan. he's actually been in love with him from the beginning but resented the arranged marriage and doesn't like that bulan's dad basically sold off his only son to repay a debt. suriyen feels guilty for everything he did to bulan and with his last few moments alive, he makes a wish.
"i wish i could come back and tell my love to bulan, to change everything that happened."
in the present-ish time, after being knocked out by the plant, pansaeng wakes up and finds himself 300 years in the past with a boy who resembles duean calling himself bulan while pan himself resembles suriyen. even suriyen's mom looks like pan's deceased mom.
pan and bulan grow close, since bulan reminds him of duean just without the constant rejection. one day they go pick lotus together and pan kisses bulan. they also both end up soaking wet after falling into the lake. there's almost an undressing moment when they return to the house but pansaeng is called to meet with phraya san, one of suriyen's colleagues, who asks about the list of names.
pansaeng's history knowledge has helped him navigate suriyen's day to day life thus far but when he's forced to recall suriyen's final moments, he develops a headache and passes out. after he's recovered, he pokes around suriyen's room and finds his diary. inside, he reads about suriyen's life, the tensions with the burmese, and the rebels. he also discovers that suriyen did really love bulan. he hides the diary when bulan comes in and goes with him to the market.
as they shop around, bulan is bullied by narong, the son of phra phontep and his servants. pan steps --revealing that "suriyen" is alive-- and he uses his muy thai skills to kick the servants' butts. narong flees and tells his dad suriyen is alive as we find out it was phonthep that order for suriyen to be assassinated.
the next day, phra phontep and narong show up at casa de suriyen so phra phontep can see for himself that suriyen is alive as well as to gauge what he remembers. pan, because he read suriyen's diary, knows the two are suspected rebels and plays up his head injury and memory loss -- but not without being a little shit about it (pan has a foul mouth lol).
when the dirty duo goes to leave, narong attempts to bother bulan again but pan ofc steps in. narong leaves angry and afterwards, pansaeng tells bulan he loves him. (yes... that fast lol)
"from now on, let's start over... whatever i did that made bulan sad, i'm sorry. forgive me."
bulan accepts this and also confesses his feelings to "suriyen". the two kiss and embrace and crazy ass fucking pansaeng decides that they will consummate their wedding that night.🫠 end of chapter ten.
chap 11 is an NC chap (i saved up my keys on tunwalai to unlock this 🫠) so... true to his word, pansaeng sleeps with bulan. the next morning, suriyen's mom returns from a trip (she left?????) and notices how happy her son and bulan look. she talks with bulan, discussing the change of heart suriyen had. bulan worries that suriyen will regain his old memories and hate him again. later bulan shares these fears with pansaeng and he assures bulan that will never happen.
"don't worry, even though there are some things i don't remember, the feelings i have for bulan i will always remember [...] i love you so much."
pansaeng says this partly as himself, and partly for suriyen since he'd read his diary and knew his feelings for bulan.
"no matter what life you're in, i'll remember you."
the next chapter begins in a hut far from the city where khlai and phonthep are having a secret meeting. narong, who is there as well, tells khlai that suriyen is still alive and to go see for himself. we learn khlai had accepted the assassination job against suriyen because he was removed from the guard and was jealous of suriyen.
khlai finds "suriyen" at the market, meeting with colleagues and discussing the list of rebel names in a tavern. khlai is shocked and when he goes to leave, he knocks bulan over. the commotion draws pansaeng's attention and he comes over. khlai freaks, having a vision of a bloody suriyen left to die, and draws his knife. "suriyen" steps between him and bulan, getting slashed in the arm for his effort. khlai runs away and ends up dropping something that jun, bulan's close personal servant, picks up. it's the bamboo tube of rebel names that khlai had taken off suriyen's body.
back at the suriyen house, pansaeng ofc uses the stab wound to get bulan to baby him. the two start getting lovey-dovey but are interrupted by jun who gives bulan the bamboo tube. when pansaeng takes the tube, he has a vision of last day leading up to his past self's death and hears suriyen's last wish in his head. pansaeng feels that he now knows why he was sent back in time.
pan wants to take the list of names to phraya san but bulan doesn't want him to leave, worried that something will happen to him. pan promises he'll return and sets off in the night.
this goes as you'd expect lol pan is attacked by khlai as well as narong and his lackies. as khlai and pan fight, khlai guesses that this "suriyen" isn't the real suriyen, surprising pan but he continues to play stupid. pansaeng beats khlai back and escapes but khlai eventually catches up to him. the two tussle and pansaeng tries to get khlai to see reason but khlai says there's no point since he's a rebel working for phonthep now. after saying that, a sword rips through his chest and he slumps over, revealing narong and his goon squad.
pan isn't very skilled in sword fighting and even though he beats narong's lackies, he is overpowered by narong after being slashed in the stomach. just as narong is about to cut him down for good, narong is stabbed.... through the chest.... from behind (mmm whatcha say~) by bulan!
while they continue to phraya san's, bulan reveals a shocking secret: he's known all along that the "suriyen" now isn't the suriyen from before. on the night the real suriyen died, bulan had followed him and found where he was buried and dug up his body, cremating it so his soul could be at rest.
"you and khun phi are the same person... just living at different times."
pan apologizes for not telling bulan sooner but bulan is more concerned pan's bleeding wound. pan asks if bulan hates him but bulan says he could never hate him. pansaeng then reveals that suriyen loved him deeply, but just didn't like the forced marriage and bulan's dad for trading his only son to repay a debt.
"i would like to accept the responsibility of loving and watching over you." (pansaeng to bulan)
they finally make it to phraya san's and give him the list of names. the rebels are captured and arrested, including phonthep, and they're put to death. pansaeng feels that suriyen can be at peace with the mission completed.
we're at chap 17 which is another NC chap 🤡 when the two are in bed together, pansaeng teases bulan and says the other bulan (duean) doesn't like him at all and bulan says to forgive that version of him. there's some mpreg talk 🫠 pan wants to impregnate bulan and bulan says if pan helps raise them, he can do it as much as he wants. after all THAT shsjwjjsjs pan says that even if he has to go back to his own time, he'll always love and miss bulan.
for a time, they live in peace until the burmese make an assault on ayutthaya, invading the city. pansaeng aware of what's to come, helps evacuate bulan, suriyen's mom, and a few servants. to keep the rebel soldiers away from them, pan tells jun to get them to the shelter suriyen had built.
pansaeng fights off the rebel soldiers but finds himself overpowered. as he's about to be struck down, bulan steps in front of the blade and is fatally wounded. in a rage, pansaeng kills all of the rebels before returning to bulan's side.
"i'm happy to have met you... i'm happy that you told me you love me. i ask, may we be able to love each other. together... for eternity."
bulan dies in pansaeng's arms and he is devastated. while mourning over bulan's body--suriyen's spirit appears and tells pan he must return to his own time. pan doesn't want to leave bulan but bulan's spirit also appears.
"i have to follow khun phi to the next life so the two of us can be together."
eventually, pan accepts that he has to return to his time and a golden light surrounds them and then pan is gone. suriyen and bulan hold hands and also disappear together to be reborn in a world where they can love each other and be together forever.
pansaeng wakes up in his condo in the present. he realizes it's the first day of the new school term -- the day he meets duean -- and rushes to get dressed so he makes it to the platform in time. after awhile he doesn't see duean and gets discouraged, deciding to board the train so he isn't late. suddenly, duean runs toward him and hugs him. pan realizes duean now has bulan's memories (and personality) and duean explains that he's been seeing bulan in his dreams, telling duean of suriyen and pansaeng.
pansaeng declares then boyfriends but duean doesn't agree, saying hasn't flirted with or hit on him and not to skip steps. pan agrees and says from now on he'll be hitting on him.
"their hearts still have love for each other, no matter what life they are in."
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rewordthis · 1 year
Aw pals! What was that episode??? Pandemonium for real!
But first, let me say… Dude, what was that squeal when Yuuji tore mechamaru from his ear??? 🥶 I’m still confused if it was actually him or just a distortion in the sound. 😑
Well, at least the rest of the episode was nice…
I loved Gojo’s disgusted face, as he asked to get boxed already. Like “dude if you’re gonna do it, just do it! Duh!” lol
Naobito gramps barfing up the six pack he downed… He’s a freaking animal (derogatory). 🤢😞 Maki wasn’t kidding when she said she couldn’t stand living in that house. Damn~
Yuuji climbing that building like Spider-Man… 😑 Then the highlight: screaming “Nanamiiin!!!” lmao Here I must say that I so get him, though. For all the embarrassment I get to call up on someone I know on the street and usually end up creeping behind them (and scaring the f!ck out of them of course…), I have done that a couple times. Like, it’s mortifying to even think of doing it, but I admit I can actually be that embarrassing sometimes. If it’s gotta be done, it gets done. End of story. 😶‍🌫️🫠
And Nanami just being there like…
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Also. That curse user that stabbed Ijichi is so damn annoying… 😠 He kept stubbing him in the same place, but that must be the point ig. I mean, it’s not clear yet — excuse me if I’m stupid and this has already been addressed — but assistants also have cursed energy, right? Like Maki said in the movie; the base requirement is been able to see cursed spirits (these people are windows, correct?) so being an assistant and being able to cast even the simplest barrier should mean that you’re able to manipulate your own cursed energy. Which logically should lead to Ijich being able to do what Gojo did when Toji stabbed him with the normal sword, to somehow strengthen his body enough so he won’t loose too much blood and not get a crucial hit in any vital organs… right? Am I wrong? Uuuh, Nanami will find him approximately after 10 minutes, if I’m not completely off and he’s not dead by then, that is… 😒
By the way… shouldn’t there be a 💢 on Jogo’s head or something when he was arguing with Choso? The characteristic squeak was there but the visual (💢) wasn’t. 🧐
Not gonna pass on Choso’s smirk, either. That was so funny, like… why are you like this you little shit! hahaha 😂
And the twins… Pff~ That rotting brain knew just how to manipulate them, huh? Tsk! Threatening to kill them with the body of the man they worshiped the ground he was walking… that should have hurt like hell. 😔 It should also mean that they hadn’t had a say in the taking, right? It forced them to do its dirty job but they didn’t know how to make it into a binding pact to get the body back after helping it out with its plan… Ah, Geto, you didn’t taught your girls right. Yet, you had the nerve to speak about Gojo not properly teaching Yuuta how to imbue a curse into an object. 🤡
Curiously, though, that ‘slime’ thinks (?) that ‘regret’ can’t be served to it? It sounded like ‘regret’ is a taste it has actually missed? Maybe from when it was an actual human? Like how Sukuna was a human? Oh! But if it’s never been a human, it could be from when it first got born into the world? (I’m speculating— because even with all the spoilers that fly around, there seems to be a lack of knowledge around this thing’s origins. I’m so fucking glad Gege has managed to keep things obscure af!!! CLOWNS CAN’T spoil what they don’t know! Meeeh~ *aggressively sticks out tongue* >:P Eat that! On that note, however, I WILL FUCKING BITE AND BLOCK ANYONE THAT POSTS ANYTHING ABOUT MY BELOVED SUKUNA-SAMA FROM THE FUCKING MANGA AND DOESN’T USE MANGA–SPOILER TAGS!!! EVERYONES LIVES WILL GET MISERABLE IF YOU DON’T PAY HEED!!! THIS IS YOUR WARNING!!!💢👿💢) I mean, as a genuine brain curse — most probably born from the resentment of humans toward intelligence itself — with all that this should entail. Like fear of the minds’ capabilities, understanding, adaptability (which also is part of the cursed technique of that thing: adapting and using the host’s technique), enlightenment even... Or, if we take it seriously from only the perspective of its main ability, aka: taking over a body, then we must be talking about nothing more than a parasite with intelligence. I wonder if that’s how a brain-worm would operate as a curse… lol However, I still think it was once a human. Because regrets are humans’ privilege, in my humble opinion. 😗 Aaah~ I rambled a bit there, didn’t I? I shall put a full-stop here, then. Ok, I lied. Sue me! But I just remembered; what it said about the phenomenon of the memories flowing into it because of the soul so the soul and the body must be one undivided existence… What? How about muscle memory? A body is perfectly capable of reacting to something in its own accord. If there is something to trigger the reaction, then the reaction will take place anyway. Isn’t the soul supposed to be interconnected to the consciousness? Is the soul unrelated to the mind? Huh? It could be argued that the consciousness, the mind and the memory all reside in the brain while muscle memory (essentially mechanical reaction) and unconscious reside in the body and are connected through the subconscious. So maybe that’s what this rotting brain goo is actually riding onto??? Because there is a possibility the subconscious is the only thing that doesn’t reside in the physical world, thus is what essentially and practically cursed energy actually is and where it springs from. Right? Eh? Ugh… Yes, I might not have explained that correctly. Second language barriers you see. lmao Anyway, that’s all I wanted to point out for now. For real this time. 🤗
Also! Not to forget the man himself— Gojo is chill enough to find the time to play around in that box… Like, dude! 😎😅 Be the menace you’re usually being for Nanami and Ijichi and break a deeper crater to sink in, will you? You’re already flexing in there. I’m sure you tried to open the seal from the inside and that’s why it overloaded. Because when a device overloads, it often gets short-circuited and overheats. From there it either bursts into fire, explodes or melts. That’s why the eyes melted— I’m so convinced of this. However, I don’t think the fact that the prison’s eyes turned blue means that Gojo can see outside. It feels more like during the processing the object reflects what it sees inside itself…? If that makes any sense… 🤷‍♀️ (Yes, I will be calling that thing a device because that’s what I see it being. Thanks for not making a fuss out of this.)
All while poor Nanami is about to break down from the responsibilities that just got unloaded onto him! He literally told himself off from complaining, because he was about to!!! 😭 Stupid, Gojo! Don’t make this harder for him, idiot! It was already a lot of work before but now he has to save your ass, too! Baka!!! He’s practically carrying on his back the lives of a whole country’s people right now because he knows you trust him and he also knows his limits and how necessary you are to everyone! I will slap you for the troubles you put him through, Gojo!
Honestly though, I get that sometimes things are perceived a bit differently from me because ‘nuance’ is eluding me but…
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Acting like he was nothing but leg below his nipples!
Wait… WHAT??!
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