#well somewhat asdfgh
badheart · 1 year
"Perhaps it is." The younger Fullbringer considered. Maybe its ego.. Maybe they're lacking something, so they murder others to try and gain it back. Like hollows losing their hearts-- Braids hung about her features shifted as her head swing side to side. Disagreeing with a thought. Come and gone. Left to the past as she closes her eyes with a small sigh. "Whatever the case - they're quite the destructive lot."
They met up so he could take their powers? That was... so bizarre.. And it was a little jarring. Could he take her powers? Would he ever want to? Fingers trailed a pouch against her hip with lips thinned in thought.
"Do you remember when we first met, and I told you I would tell you more later?" Questioned Jezebel. An uneasy shift where she sat, dragging her arms around herself protectively. "Before she was murdered.. My Mum encouraged me to use my powers.. I lost her when I was only three..." It was unbelievably difficult to share, but -- they were alike. He had so much more experience, and it seemed he was willing to teach her. It could only help but explaining a few things -- right? Maybe he was someone she could call a friend? It was a nice thought..
"To summarize my life following that - I became a weapon. The man I believe murdered her, took me to London where I lived isolated. Forced to do unspeakable things to people. When my powers grew, he began to fear my potential.. So he bound me. My life was deprived of -- everything that made me feel human. Anyone I became curious about.. he killed.. because they were a distraction.. Hueco Mundo was my one reprieve from that life. He would dump me there to survive on my own many times, believing it would make me a better assassin."
Brows knit upward and her head turned towards him with an apologetic glance, "You're only the second person I've shared that with.. It got a bit out of hand.. My apologies. " Feeling a touch uncomfortable having revealed so much, she tries to refocus the topic of discussion, "Tsukishima?" Jezebel questioned a bit more subdued, "Perhaps you could introduce us.. It may be.. nice.. to meet others like us... What other powers can Fullbringers manifest? What are you able to do? How is it you can take others powers?"
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"I wonder what you gonna do then, considering your current position..." Surprised, that they would even accept another Substitute Shinigami. It is not like they ever really cared about the humans being attacked by Hollows in the real world. One more won't really do a difference in Ginjo's opinion but he had stopped caring anyway. He had never desired to change the world, not really, answers had been his bigger interest, and revenge.
"Vaguely," he admitted and slumped slightly down in his position, getting more comfortable, as he had the feeling, she would tell him quite a bit now. He would not consider himself a bad listener but his sympathy for others left him years ago. Even if they were Fullbringer as well, he was not the sensitive type. Ginjo would listen, but if she searched for comfort, he was not the right one as he would simply stare at her, when she told about the demise of her mother. While his own was still alive, most likely, she could be pretty much considered dead anyway, when she left them. "London?" That seemed to surprise him more, even perk his interest, considering how far away it was, and now she was back in Japan? "I've heard plenty of stories, and I guess you win... not that you want to win in this." Bearing one hellish life. "Kind of ironic, how you may go through the same again, you certainly became another weapon yet again and this time for our otherworldly military." He could not help the snort that escaped him when he spoke of the Shinigami. "Who can become quite scared too, if you grow too powerful, there I am sure... they trust no one, probably not even themselves."
At least he could somewhat understand her demeanour now, it made a lot of more sense after she shared her past. Becoming as cold as ice, before slowly opening up. "Life is a harsh mistress," he mumbled and looked into the far distance. "And turns out death sucks just as much, if not more." Well, if he could call it death, considering he was more of a spirit now, sadly with no one to haunt, that might be more entertaining. "An assassin... sounds like he had plenty of enemies?" Though who? That one would go through the whole hassle to train this woman, instead of hiring an existing one. He reads too less news, but assassinations seemed to be a rare case in the world and probably even more in western countries. Ah whatever, in the end it was pointless to wonder about this all anyway, considering his fate.
"Nothing to apologize for," he reassured her with a small smile of his, waving her off. "Just the second?" Faking a hurt tone, just to bring some humor into their talk again. Always preferring to rather enjoy than pitying himself. "And here I thought, I would be special enough to be the first, just as I was the first Substitute..." Almost grinning now, before momentarily closing his eyes. "He not really interested in girls, I think," Ginjo teased. "Books are his true love... but you can usually find him around here as well... he is taller than me." That made him purse his lips as he let out a huff. That idiot had been so small once in comparison to him and boom, growth spurt.
"I don't know, I just can... it's not like I picked this power... it just happened, developed into that... just like by other Fullbringer, though I don't recall anything traumatic happening to me... perhaps I wanted to get stronger, which boy doesn't want to be a strong hero with cool powers?" Ginjo snorted. Not much was remembered from his childhood and frankly he did not want to. "Though, I remember always finding the villains cooler..."
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chevvy-yates · 1 year
Yesterday's and today cleaning and rearranging my home deco a bit, so far. When it's dark.
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had both iMac(hine)s running because I was able to assign each of them to my new JBL boxes (they have two different outputs yesss). Still no place left for my gaming laptop on my desk but it's okay. Mostly place it in front of my iMac when taking pics using the right screen. But it has its new resting place now (under the cut). <3 Left is private iMac, right is work Mac studio (the cube in the middle behind the screens)
Decided to use my ringlight as a deco light as well and got an idea to illuminate this annoying lil' space in the left corner right next to my desk. Also wanted to show the cool light of one of the boxes. 💕
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Also just minutes ago I spontaneously placed a light, I got last year for my birthday, under my monstera behind my couch. and it looks so cool I may as well decide to leave it there (just try to make it better hidden). it needs a power bank tho. originally thought to place it behind my desk but it needs more open and wider space to project the light onto the ceiling.
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Jarrrr I'm getting close to a more vaporwave-y look!! asdf
Also filmed how the light reacts to music last night:
How it looks during the day
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Still got the middle and the other end of the room to clean and redecorate + cleaning balcony, bath and kitchen but I'm motived. It's good not to spend all day in front of a screen and I should even tho I also exhausted near evening but not with my head at least, so it's a different exhausted.
But now I should finally go and start playing CP77 too. I just do not want to play it all day long because I know it ends in a headache so I started my plan to do both, do my flat during the day and (try) playing a video game during the evening.
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
Ok so I got this idea from your squishing face post for the pengys like just the idea of embarrassing him :3 how about an s/o who would just pop in during a meeting and call ozzie some embarrassingly cute nicknames
You: hello my dearest cutest little pengy wengy what do you want for dinner? 😘🥰💋💖
Him: 🐧
His men: 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
A/N: hehehe…if this isn’t some shit I’d try to pull asdfgh. Not always, but like a time or two. Just to hear him sigh in embarrassing disappointment lmao. Once again, sorry that some of these kinda follow a different scenario but the essential headcanon of them being embarrassed is there lmao
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Reader Embarrassing The Penguins:
Arkhamverse Penguin:
- Oswald was bending his men’s ears so far back, they might as well have fallen off. 
- Nightwing apparently ruined their trip to the docks to retrieve a shipment of weapons. 
- Veins along Oswald’s neck and hands were popping. 
- "Hey Ozzie wozzie! I was just wanting– oh! So sorry I didn't know you were having a meeting! 
- Oz's face instantly went white as a sheet as all the blood and heat from his anger was drained. 
- He looked over his shoulder, a slight shaky smile on his face. "Uhh yeah..its all right, love. I'll be with you in a minute, yeah?" 
- You nodded beaming happily as you closed the door. 
- Some hushed snickers could be heard from his men
- Only for them to be silenced by a slamming fist to the table.
- "I better not hear a peep out of any of you about that…or else you're all gonna be lunch to the Croc! Now…back to business."
Reevesverse/Farrell Penguin:
- I am not entirely sure why, but I can imagine this Oz likes beating you to the punch?
- He knows how you normally greet him, especially when you usually assume he’s alone. 
- So as a countermeasure if he’s in a meeting or is talking to security, he beats you to the pet names. 
- “Yes, sweetheart?” “What’s going on, sugar?” 
- However, that doesn’t always stop you from throwing in a “pengy baby”, “my handsome penguin”, and of course a personal favorite; “daddy”.
- Oz may scratch the back of his neck nervously, but chuckle all the same. 
- It can be somewhat embarrassing but he adores you too much for it to get to him. 
- Nobody better ridicule you or himself when you do it, or there will be hell to pay. 
- He also doesn’t care if his men get annoyed, they just better keep it to themselves. 
Gotham Penguin:
- Okay, but no seriously…could you not? 
- It’s hard enough as it is to appear intimidating and go by “The Penguin”. 
- He knows you mean well, you don't really think twice about his reputation…
- You just see your sweet, endearing, and loving Oswald. 
- Oswald would be having a meeting with his people at the long dining table. With Butch standing at his side. 
- You come in cheerfully to see Oz, without even noticing he's in company. 
- "Hey Ozzie!" 
- Silence fills the room, a pin could be heard.
- Oswald tried to remedy it by patting your hand and telling you he won't be long…
- You nod and lean in to kiss his cheek before running off.
- He shoots daggers to Butch who continues to chortle under his breath.
BTAS Penguin:
- He’s stuck between lovestruckness and slight embarrassment. 
- Oswald doesn’t want you to stop, but knows he probably needs you too.
- He does have somewhat of a reputation to uphold in the criminal underworld. 
- Oswald adores that you are so comfortable and adore him enough to bless him with a pet name. 
- He won't be harsh or short with you, even if he's griping to his henchmen. 
- It will literally be night and day the way he interacts with you and his henchmen.
- "You fools! If your absolute incompetence continues to hinder my schemes, I will-!" 
- "Oswald? Where are you my handsome pengy?" 
- The slightest snicker comes from one of his men and Oswald is quick to silence them with a terrifying stare. 
- If they mention this incident to anyone, they will be bird food.
TNBA Penguin:
- Not that he doesn’t appreciate the sentiments…
- He just can’t exactly reciprocate them at the moment when he’s trying to take charge. 
- There are moments he won't mind, like if he's entertaining guests at the Lounge.
- Oz would lavish in the adoration you're giving him, and it shows a different side to him. 
- He's likely to tell you beforehand if he's discussing things with more…dangerous individuals. 
- It's more or less to protect you, but also to ensure you don't let any pet names slip up. 
- Whenever it does happen, he still keeps his cool meanwhile he's trying to hide his blush and not stammer his words.
Telltale Penguin:
- Why? You know how embarrassing this is for him!
- “Hey Ozzie wozzie, I was just wondering-”
- “No..no..don’t say another word.” 
- You honestly revel in his exasperated head shakes and exhausted sighs. 
- He won't ever admit it, but he does actually like it deep down. 
- He likes the fact you're comfortable enough around him to tease and mess with him. 
- The fact that you love him so much and in such a way that warrants you to give him stupid cute nicknames. 
- Sometimes he's agitated whenever you do it in front of his crew.
- But his crew knows better not to mention it ever again after an incident.
One Bad Day Penguin:
- Oh boy…
- God it’s a good thing you’re cute, it makes you get away with…well everything. 
- He’s wiping his face and pinching the bridge of his nose. 
- It’s not like he can stop you. 
- Oz does find it incredibly adorable. 
- He can't help that his face may flush just slightly. 
- Kinda like Farrell Penguin, he's also likely to dish it back to you with cutesy pet names.
- The only people allowed to tease him or mess with him about it are Lili and Freida.
The Batman (2004) Penguin:
- Ozzie groans as a cringey chill went down his spine. 
- Really? "Ozzie wozzy??"
- And in front of his criminal peers in jail? 
- You do realize he's got a reputation to protect, right? 
- He's gone toe to toe with Batman, Joker, Riddler, and even had a rag-tag team of villains of his own! 
- Oh but that…that doesn't stop you from doing it…
- It gets to a point that he doesn't even debate you or show his disdain for nicknames at least in public.
- He just becomes defensive whenever people tease him about your nicknames for him. 
- "What're you laughing at? You're just jealous!"
Batman Unlimited Penguin:
- This Oswald takes a minute to respond. 
- He’s still getting used to the foundations of a relationship…
- He completely disregarded the usage of pet names and when and where they’re appropriate to use. 
- It takes awhile for Oswald to get used to your nicknames…but they make him feel absolutely elated.
- He may be embarrassed if you do it in front of others...
- But only for a moment...because embarrassment is quickly replaced with adoration.
- If anyone mocks him or you for your endearments he's swift to silence them. 
- He's gone far too long with affection, far too long he's yearned to be addressed lovingly. 
- Oswald would be damned if he let some random henchperson or passerby get in the way of that.
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Honestly, pretty much as soon as Liu Qingge made his decision during the initial confrontation? It was all over for Shen Jiu. True be it that Liu Qingge didn’t quite know what to make of things at first, and he sorta hoped that Shen Jiu would make an effort on his own after the initial offer of support? Well, he sort of gets that wish. Not quite in the way he’d wanted but damn if he’s letting that stop him.
Because the one thing Liu Qingge is very good at socially is being blunt. Something Yue Qingyuan has thus far somewhat failed with. Not that he hasn’t explained things to the best of his ability, but that’s precisely the problem! So, Shen Jiu later corrals Shang Qinghua (who suspiciously knows far too much) & Liu Qingge to Discuss™ Shen Qingqiu & other such happenings while he was away.
He’d really rather leave the relationship part of that mess alone, but he has. >:| Other Questions. And would like alternative perspectives, and no he can’t just ask Shen Qingqiu.
--but this leads into my response to that last tag. :3c
There are at least four people who are willing to support him existing, because Shen Jiu’s gonna find out that Shang Qinghua also counts! Not quite as enthusiastically as Yue Qingyuan or Liu-Shidi, but-! Shang Qinghua’s response to inquiry is that like? He never really hated Shen Jiu before either, so... Look, compared to a lotta other things he was going through at the time, Shen Jiu didn’t even place on his top ten list of People To Be Worried About.
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Luo Binghe is torn, I think. He’s very happy that Liu Qingge is spending time with someone else. Unhappy that it’s Shen Jiu, whom he dislikes. Then Indifferent because Luo Binghe didn’t much like Liu Qingge to begin with. Yet, Unhappy again, because shizun does & is feeling rather bittersweet about the entire affair (happy for them, still concerned that his relationship with his dear shidi has been irreconcilably altered. Which is technically true, but only technically! Like everyone else, it’s more a matter of navigating the fact that Shen Qingqiu is actually someone else now?).
This is far too complicated for Binghe.
--on a somewhat related note, Binghe was a bit put-out that Shen Qingqiu admitted to being happy to see Shen Jiu, because hello??? Husband?? Why are you happy to see the man who made him miserable? He doesn’t understand & Shen Qingqiu has the damnedest time trying to explain, but he does manage to relay that he is Definitely Unhappy with that part. It’s just.. yknow.
Shen Qingqiu spent some time living with the fact that he’d involuntarily killed a man & taken his place-- a man that was important to his Shixiong. And that Sucked, because... well, he could tell. And, no matter how much he’d come to care for Yue Qingyuan, there was nothing he could do to remedy things.
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Though I’m not sure how this would come up, I feel like asdfgh Somehow this is the least surprising thing he’s learned about Shen Qingqiu so far. After all, he’s married to Binghe, so being attracted to men is... a given?
--what would be more surprising is Liu Qingge's opinion of Shen Qingqiu. Because it’s Very Positive & it’s not impossible to determine that he is, perhaps, a bit Jealous Of and/or Irritated With the whole BingQiu situation. Though, for better or worse, they could definitely bond over being mutually mistrustful of Binghe. Oops.
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He’s a very good shidi! And I honestly think that Liu Qingge still calls Shen Jiu “Shixiong” when there aren’t other disciples around. Or perhaps even sometimes when there are... >>;; deciding not to react to his mistake / correct himself, causing the both sets of disciples to look at them Very Oddly. Like it’s odd enough that Liu Qingge has singled out This One Disciple already, but calling him Shixiong, too........
On the other hand, I imagine it galls Shen Jiu somewhat when he’s forced to call him & the other Peak Lords “Shishu” -- in the same way that he’s hesitant to call Yue Qingyuan his Shizun. Thankfully, there’s a work-around for Yue Qingyuan, being sect leader n all. It’s perfectly appropriate to just call him that. >u<
But yeah!! There are, in fact, people who Like & Want You Around, sir. Maybe it’s complicated, messy, and even uncomfortable at times? Still true. Gonna have to learn how to accept that...
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malumarca · 4 years
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Anonymous said: ship bias for Kazimir?
Send Ship Bias || Accepting 
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Kazimir x Hawks ( Romantically / Platonically) : @animaaerius​ I have the lovely Lumos to thank for this beautiful bird and angel ship. Honestly I think it started out as Kazimir being curious about Hawks, since it seems like those with wings are rare to come by? And it grew to friendship, one where they could chat with each other and discuss their wings and even groom each other and then it eventually became a ship. I love their dynamic since Hawks is so easy going ( at least he tries or appears to be ) and then you have the over serious Kaz. Then you have the added complication that Kaz acts like a vigilante at times and you have him drawing the attention of a hero and it makes it all the more interesting. I love birb friends. 
Kazimir x Dabi ( Enemies to Lovers :3 ) :  OOF A BIG FAV OF MINE. I haven’t been able to ship this since.... oof I think I first created Kazimir? But it is one that I still love and secretly hope for. Kaz h a t e s villains or those he deems unworthy and in a verse for this to happen, one thing leads to another and he ends up joining the league of villains as their “healer / doctor.” He HATES Dabi. But as they spend more time together and antagonize each other, they end up sleeping together. It’s a ship that completely pushes Kaz’s boundaries and that is what I love about it? He likes to act as if he isn’t interested in Dabi and that’s another thing that I love to explore with him. Kaz is someone with morals, albeit somewhat grey ones and falling into a ship with Dabi, someone I think we can all agree is twisted due to his past makes the dynamic something that is always fun to explore. Mind you this could happen just as easily as Enemies to Unlikely Friends and I’m all for it. 
Kazimir x Ryukyu ( Romantically ) : Something Birb ( @errantinfinity​ )  and I discussed a while back, again closer to when I first created him, but moving forward. Once again, I love pairing off Kaz with heroes, he’s morally grey and does things he deems “ right “ but by normal standards are not. He plays god a little bit, even if he means well. It adds unknown tension between him and Ryukyu, but ultimately I love the idea of 1) Ryuko having someone 2)  Kaz possibly realizing the error of his ways and 3) at least by Birb’s Ryuko’s standards, someone eventually to open up to who will love her wholeheartedly ( if you don’t know Birb’s backstory for her, let me tell you, it is very sad and she deserves all the love in the world ) . ASDFGH anyways I love them and need to send more stuff to Birb from Kaz. 
Kazimir x Zach ( ZachKaz? AngelSiren? I FORGET) : @seiirenes​ this one here OOF. Kaz and a villain :clap: a ship we just started to dub as Hades and Persephone. Kaz loves to hate ( and love) one Siren. I honestly forget the complete dynamics or how they met and how things completely got off the ground but... Zachariah and Kazimir end up falling for each other despite their differences, both in personality and alliances and it makes for a fun time plotting. ( Eventually they get married too GASP)  Regardless of the details, Zach grew on Kaz and even if he is loathe to admit it, he loves the Siren deeply and wants nothing but the best for him, even if he has to get after him from time to time. Another example of  me loving to place my muses with their opposites. Angel and Demon, Dubiously Morally Straight Vigilante with a Morally Grey Villain, etc etc. I don’t know but I love all dynamics for them, or verses. It’s too good to pass up. 
Kazimir x Overhaul ( Leader/ Platonic / Toxic Romantic ) : Honestly... I can’t say anything other than that I love toxic ships and the thought of the angel being dragged in by a demon, cough Overhaul, and convinced of his world view. There was a time when I desperately wanted to write a verse where Kaz was a part of the yakuza, but I never got around to it. It always made me think about how disgusted Kai would be by his clear mutation of a quirk, but even Kai wouldn’t be able to overlook the possibilities of his quirk. Kaz could easily take over all the healing for Overhaul, aka less touching, plus with the medical knowledge he has, he’d be able to help him as well. Though Kaz would never agree to harming Eri, regardless it was a ship I’ve always wanted to explore but never got the chance outside of my head. 
Harper x Kazimir ( @mckiingbiird​ ) : This is one I’m still exploring and learning about but I love the idea of a civilian and a lawyer at that with Kazimir ( someone who was studying to be a doctor) and once again could be described as morally grey due to his extreme views. Honestly I love Aspie for suggesting this because YES, OC x OC. And Harper is an absolute delight, cutie and badass and probably one of the more normal ships for Kaz. Someone he can understand far easier than any of the villains and heroes I keep tossing at him LMAO. But again, they seem so cute together and I;m really excited to explore the two of them dating and getting to know one another as well as dating one another because Kaz can finally genuinely like someone with worrying about his morals right away or being stopped by his beliefs. 
ANYWAYS. I have a few others, but that is it for now.  This is mainly BNHA, but tbh one ship that was teased with me was Kazimir x Chuuya and I still think about it from time to time. Angel with a literal God? He’d be questioning his very existence. 
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dragimalsdaydreams · 5 years
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alright this is a bit of a crossover au + tentative s5 prediction rolled into one, so bear with me
for anyone who hasn’t seen Cabin in the Woods (and if ur a horror fan.... tf ya doin man? go watch it right now before I totally spoil everything!!), this is basically the iconic last scene of the movie, retrofit for TMA. something abt humans ritually torturing of other humans via a wide array of unique creatures/horrors in order to serve tetchy gods.... it all fits too darn well together lmao
that said, sorry if Jon or Martin feel a bit ooc here? dialogue is unfortunately not my strong suit, and the CitW context doesn’t 100% fit unless u assume some things abt how their respective mindsets have shifted b/t the end of s4 and whatever’s happening here (which I will ramble abt in more detail under the cut here, if ur interested). I’m also sorry if the pacing feels a bit rushed-- I absolutely hate doing comics (comic artists... I salute you..), so I was trying to get more of... the feel of the scene out than a 100% accurate play-by-play, if that makes sense...
broadly speaking, my sad endgame prediction for s5 is that in order to evict the other Fears from this plane, Extinction must emerge. this will result in the eradication of all life on Earth (or more likely just human life, since that’s a more anthropogenic fear), b/c it’s the only way to get rid of all the fears resulting from said life, just as Peter predicted
now for this particular CitW crossover skit, Jon and Martin would obviously try to find alternatives to fix their world before resorting to Extinction. this would go on for a while, until Jon’s guilt over Martin’s involvement gets to him, and he rly takes in how badly Martin and everyone else he loves is suffering. he cuts his losses and decides that no life is better than a life of endless suffering. meanwhile, Martin is still trying to fight for any other alternatives right up to this very last scene, hence their implied altercation. Martin’s resolve finally snaps after their fight, and he comes to agree w/ Jon, and that’s where we start this lil’ comic. that’s how I’m explaining their somewhat ooc actions here at least-- since they’re both canonically self-sacrificing, I imagine they’d have to be pushed to VERY dire circumstances to abandon that instinct (and I mean... that s4 ending was pretty dire so it makes sense to me)
I’m also kinda interested in exploring a full-on CitW/TMA crossover (which is actually how I started out this comic, if that explains any awkwardness lmao). just a basic CitW setup where a group of unsuspecting victims is brought to a cabin and monitored by Avatars of the Fears, and either:
1) the group ends up ‘choosing’ a Fear in that CitW cellar scene, and once the ritual is complete, that Entity will have the most worldwide power over humans’ fears over the following year until the next ritual, OR
2) straight-up like 14 individual human sacrifices must be made over the course of the ritual to appease every Fear for the following year (with Jon being the final sacrifice that may or may not live, but must witness all suffering)
most of the CitW horrors/creatures would prolly have to be changed to adhere to more specific Fears, unless someone can make the case for representation of all 14 Entities in the original CitW lineup, but I think I’m mostly seeing Hunt and Slaughter... maybe Meat and Desolation as well? but that’s abt it. (and yes, the unicorn is 100% Slaughter, don’t @ me)
OR if we just wanna have a “casual” romp w/ this crossover, just wholesale drop the TMA cast into CitW, no other changes. Jon’s the Scholar obviously, Martin’s the Virgin, Tim’s the Whore, and the Athlete is..... Daisy? Basira? Sasha? I’m beginning to realize every female character in TMA is a jock asdfgh. the Fool might be Melanie?... idk get back to me on that. then again that’s just the American ritual, who knows what archetypes Britain’s ritual might use 🤔
anyways I spent way too long on this comic, so if nothing else, please watch CitW if u haven’t already it’s rly good ;v;
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seokkie123 · 5 years
-- showho, rated T, 1.7k words
for the prompt “weightlifting fairy kim bok joo” on twitter! I haven't watched this show, but I googled the plot and then somehow came up with this although it isn't exactly the same. also I really did not think it would be this long asdfgh I didn’t wanna write out full sentences so I did this script type thing, but the next thing i know the damn thing is over 1000 words smh @ myself. anyway I hope you enjoy uwu
Lee Hoseok: champion weightlifter of X University, won multiple awards with his impressive display of strength despite having a somewhat leaner frame, however his personality is a complete 360 from his body— the softest man you’ll ever meet, cries at sad movies, loves his family to death, strangely does not seem to have many friends...
Son Hyunwoo: supposedly captain of X University’s pro level swim team, probably has the same number of trophies as disqualifications... no doubt the best on the team but rarely shows up to practices, has the body of a greek god but his aloof, occasionally rude personality turns people away
Lee Jooheon: Hoseok’s close friend, training to lift weights himself, is the only one that knows Hoseok’s story, and why he doesn’t have many other friends, warm and friendly but don’t piss him off
Yoo Kihyun: Photographer and reporter for X University’s newspaper, has interviewed Hoseok several times, and Hyunwoo only once for 5 minutes, may have a thing going on with Changkyun but don’t tell Hyunwoo
Lee Minhyuk: one of the few rays of sunshine in Hyunwoo’s life, Hyunwoo’s roommate and close friend, also one of the only people Hyunwoo trusts to tell the truth about Changkyun
Chae Hyungwon: kind of a mystery since he’s either asleep, drowning in a hoodie and long hair, or modeling for Kihyun, used to date Jooheon, extremely observant and knows more than the rest think he does
Im Changkyun: Hyunwoo’s adopted younger brother, knows how soft Hyunwoo really is, very sheltered by Hyunwoo after what happened in their past, rarely leaves the house, instead studying on his own and winning scholarships to keep them both from drowning in debt
Scene starts with Hoseok complaining to Jooheon about wanting someone to cuddle, someone to love. They’re studying at the library but Hoseok keeps getting distracted by a couple seated a few rows away so Jooheon proposes an idea.
Jooheon: You know what? Today’s the day. [slams hands on his desk]
Hoseok: Huh?
Jooheon: We’re gonna get you a boyfriend. Or at least kickstart your nonexistent love life. Come on, pack your stuff, you’re not doing work anyway. I know exactly where to go to find guys your type.
Hoseok: [flailing] Wha— wait—
They leave the library, Jooheon briefly pulling Hoseok behind a wall to avoid talking to his ex before heading over to the campus gym.
Hoseok: [pouty] Jooheonie, I work out here all the time, I won’t find anyone—
Jooheon: [puts his hand over Hoseok’s mouth] No. Tell me who you like and I’ll make it happen.
They watch people entering and leaving the gym for a few minutes, then Hoseok finally points to someone talking to the guy at the counter.
Jooheon: [visibly pales] Don’t point at him!! You’re... You’re kidding right?
Hoseok: [innocently confused]
Jooheon: Fuck, you’re not kidding are you.
Hoseok: No? He looks hot.. I mean he’s probably too hot for me but—
Jooheon: No, no hyunggg... that’s Son Hyunwoo, captain of our swim team.
Jooheon goes on to tell a wide-eyed Hoseok about Hyunwoo’s reputation.
Hoseok: Really? Are you sure those aren’t rumors... If he’s the captain then there’s no way he can be that bad..
Jooheon: I’m just telling you what I know but if you still want to go after him then it’s your call.
Hoseok: Hmm... I might. Not because I want to date him but because I want to know more about him.
Hyunwoo is seen leaving the gym, walking their way.
Jooheon: Hyung, don’t do something stupid—
Hoseok: [determined] The first step of my plan is to get him to notice me! So I’m just gonna walk by and pretend to be on my phone and bump into him, wish me luck!
Hoseok walks his way, weaving through a few other people walking by, and ducks his head, pretending to be absorbed in his phone. But he hadn’t taken into account how fast Hyunwoo was walking, and before he can stop, they quite literally collide, and Hoseok is pushed away.
Hyunwoo: [not looking at him] Stay the fuck away from me.
Hoseok: [rubbing his arm, upset and mad] Wha... What the hell?!
Jooheon: [runs up to Hoseok once the coast is clear and Hyunwoo is gone] Hyung!! Are you okay?!
Hoseok: No! He can’t just do that me, he doesn’t even know me!
Jooheon: Aaaah, I knew something bad would come out of this... He’s just like that sometimes, don’t take it personally.
Hoseok: [furious] I have to take it personally! He pushed me and was downright rude to me and im gonna make him apologize! [rushes off in the opposite direction]
Jooheon: [softly] What have I done?
Next scene has Hoseok outside of the swimming pool, waiting to confront Hyunwoo. Most of the other guys are out of the water since practice ended a few minutes ago but Hyunwoo is still swimming laps, much to Hoseok’s annoyance. After 10 minutes he finally gets out and Hoseok rushes in.
Hoseok: [stuttering] Son Hyunwoo!! [starts to fluster while watching his dripping wet body]
Hyunwoo: [glances over] Do I know you?
Hoseok: [almost shaking under Hyunwoo’s gaze] You should. You shoved me and were rude to me for no reason!! I want an apology!
Hyunwoo: [watches Hoseok bored] I think you have the wrong person.
Hoseok: I don’t!! It was two days ago, outside the gym, I was walking by and bumped into me and then told me to get the fuck away from you or something!
Hyunwoo: [blinks] Ah. I remember now.
Hyunwoo: I wasn’t talking to you.
Hoseok: What?! So it wasn’t you who pushed me either?? Just admit you’re a dick and apologize to me.
Hyunwoo: Hey...
Hoseok: [shrinks a little, stepping back] It really hurt my arm you know... and what kind of person just goes around saying...
At that moment a few swimmers walk by between Hyunwoo and Hoseok. Hoseok steps back to give them space, but then slips and falls right into the pool. The other guys maybe let out a few laughs but quickly move on, not bothered to stay. Hyunwoo seems puzzled, but doesn’t do anything until it’s clear Hoseok can’t swim.
Hyunwoo: [sighs] Of course he can’t swim..
Without much grace, Hyunwoo dives back into the pool and easily lifts Hoseok to the surface. Hoseok is coughing, clinging onto Hyunwoo and quite honestly looks miserable. Looking down at him, Hyunwoo feels something strange for a moment.
Hyunwoo: You should really stay away from pools if you can’t swim.
Hoseok: [still coughing, shaken up]
Hyunwoo: Well, I guess now is a good time to tell you I really wasn’t talking to you when I said to leave me alone. I had my earphones in one ear, and I don’t think you saw. And for shoving you... you kind of were in my way. [shrugs, a little awkward] I... I’m sorry I hurt your arm though.
Hoseok: [out of breath, not meeting Hyunwoo’s eyes once he realizes he’s still clinging onto him, and Hyunwoo hasn’t let go either] You... you’re bad at apologizing.
Hyunwoo: Thanks. I don’t do it much, so consider yourself special.
Hoseok: [blushes a tiny bit, unsure of what he meant by that]
Hyunwoo: [finally becomes aware of the fact that they haven’t moved, and treads them over to the steps out of the pool] Here, get up.
Hoseok: [frozen] I... can’t move my legs.
Hyunwoo: [supresses a sigh] Okay then hold onto me. [shifts Hoseok around onto his back, and with some effort, piggybacks him out of the pool]
Hoseok: [wobbles over to a chair and collapses in it] Um.. thanks for saving me. I’m sorry I called you a dick. [his teeth start to chatter]
Hyunwoo: [stares at the sight of a drenched and weak Hoseok for a second before leaving to the locker room]
Hoseok: [confused and upset when he doesn’t come back, gets up to head home while leaving a trail of water behind him, kind of wanting to cry] He... just left me... I guess this is my fault for overreacting again...
Hoseok makes it all the way through the sports facility, attracting stares as he does, and sniffling until he hears someone calling out.
Random guy: [running towards Hoseok] Hey! Hey you!
Hoseok: Me?
Random guy: You know there’s like no way the bus drivers will let you get on while you’re drippin water everywhere right?
Hoseok: [feeling close to tears again] I know. I was gonna walk home.
Random guy: Really? How far of a walk is it?
Hoseok:.... like an hour and a half.
Random guy: [laughs] Okay. Well if you wanna walk then I won’t stop you, but if you’d like towels and dry clothes we do have some—
Hoseok: Yes!! I mean.. yes, please. But where... how...
Random guy: Almost all the guys on the team always keep spare clothes in their lockers. The older guys tend to try and push everyone else into the pool as a prank... senior privileges. [brings Hoseok into the locker room]
Hoseok: [nervously glancing around hoping not to run into Hyunwoo, but at the same time wishing he could talk to him more]
Random guy: Hey, do you have the clothes?
Random guy #2: I need to talk to you. [glances at Hoseok] Dude, you look pathetic. Take these towels and dry yourself off, we’ll be back.
Hoseok: Oh... [watches the guys leave to have a hushed conversation a few lockers down, sighs and drys his hair and body as best as he can]
Once the guys come back, they have some clothes in their arms. They seem a bit nervous for some reason, but Hoseok is too grateful and happily accepts them anyway. He quickly throws the shirt and jeans on, liking that the shirt hangs a bit loosely on him. Hoseok thanks them again as he rushes out of the locker room, needing to get home and recount the happenings of today to Jooheon.
Scene changes to Hoseok getting off the bus at his stop. There seems to be some construction going on, so he takes another route to get to his tiny apartment.
He turns a corner, and almost bumps into someone.
Hoseok: [yelps, and jumps back so they don’t collide before staring up at him in horror]
Hyunwoo: [just looking Hoseok up and down]
Hoseok: Um. I didn’t know you lived around here— I was just— There was construction so— I’ll leave [tries to rush away from the awkward situation]
Hyunwoo: Wait.
Hoseok: [freezes]
Hyunwoo: Why are you wearing my clothes.
Hoseok: [internally having a meltdown] ...why is this my life.
~ to be continued ~
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legitimateluffy · 6 years
What's your One Piece history? Like, when did you start reading/watching, how long did it take you to catch up, at what point did you know you were obsessed, etc.?
hmmmm, well I do remember watching the 4kids dub back in the day on tv. all I really remembered was the episode with Gaimon where Luffy got the treasure boxes and Nami having a tattoo (which I thought was the hydra symbol?????)
then I forgot about it for years until I watched a video where it mentioned things having a timeskip and of course, OP was there. I was interested in it again and decided to venture off into the long long series. 
I think I started march/april ish of 2014 and caught up with the anime in december on episode 674, with 675 coming out the same day, so december 2014 with the anime. I think I was hooked with arlong park. I’ve always loved the arc and it still remains as one of my favourites. seeing nami stab herself so hard with all her hatred of arlong and her frustration just....stuck with me. I think I still really relate to that now because I’ve been someone who has always tried to face challenges without help and alone and I guess I’ve also somewhat recently crumpled at the pressure. So even now, it’s a really powerful moment.
I caught up with the manga in about april/may of 2015 when I was in Italy. I remember reading law’s backstory and trying not to bawl while family and family friends were just outside asdfgh. I’ll never forget when I caught up it was the worst chapter to catch up on, being 783 with the reveal of gear fourth being teased. And then oda took a two week break LOL. I was so angry.
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sadistic-sakamaki · 6 years
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Rules: Repost, not reblog! Tag 6 muns you would like to get to know better when done!
Alias: Cláudia (it’s my real name though) Faceclaim: Okita Souji & Sakamaki Ayato? It varies I’ve had many asdfgh;;; Pronouns: she/her Height: 5′1″ Birthday: 18th of April Aesthetic: kpop, art, moon & stars, memes. Last song you listened to: Seventeen - Thanks
Favorite muse(s) you’ve written
Ayato! I've had other canon muses and original characters, but none quite captivated me like this vampire. I just naturally found myself returning back to him, no matter how much of an effort I placed in other characters. It was just a natural process, like he was my home and this blog was where I was supposed to be all along. He is a pain to deal with ((ESPECIALLY WITH THREADS)), but we really get along. Not that he has much of a choice, though.~ We are pretty much inseparable by now.
What inspired you to take on your current muse ( that you are posting this on).
Honestly? I created this blog and took him as a muse on a whim LMAO!! I just wanted to write him because he seemed so awfully fascinating to me. And because it was very easy for me to understand his character and mentality, and where he was coming from. I don't know --- It was kind of love at first sight? I just wanted to give my input to the character, and somehow I placed too much of an emotional investment in this muse. Sincerely, it is one of the best decisions I have made up to this day. 100/10 would do it again.
What are your favorite aspects of your current muse:
His strength, surely; his ability to say «enough» and fight for himself (even though that has left many scars). In a sense, he is my role model in some aspects, even if he has many flaws. But he also has great points that are so often disregarded tbh. He is very psychologically complex as well, and those elements are very interesting to explore. He is not a stagnant muse. He has an established pattern (like all muses do), but he has a great capability to evolve and grow.
What’s your biggest inspiration when it comes to writing?
I'd say my wish to improve on my writing skills, as an aspiring writer/journalist. In fact, it is funny how telling one's story made me choose the academic route I chose. But it really is not surprising --- telling stories and showing in-depth perspectives is what I love to do. My style has changed a lot over the years, and to see that kinda astonishes me. Plus, seeing so many different styles is such an enrichment experience. You really do learn a lot from writing other people --- especially if English is not your first language. 
If we are to talk about an actual inspiration though, that would be hearing dark ambiance music (the sillent hill ost is my go to during desperate times), and playing/reading The Witcher materials, as they have the sort of writing I wish to achieve, and the writing that also reflects the most in my own writing.
Favorite types of threads:
NOT SO ODDLY ENOUGH, I like to explore dark themes. Especially religion and the corruption and decadence of morals? It is a very fascinating subject considering the fandom we speak of. Also, AyaYui threads. Because yes.
Biggest struggle in regards to your current muse:
There's not really a 'struggle', I'd say. Most of the things come to me naturally... It is kinda freaky, actually. But I'd say that, should I happen to be on a long hiatus from this muse, I somewhat lose confidence in him. And thus, I find myself repeatedly playing the games and continuously exploring materials to make sure I do him justice. Studying a character is a big deal.
tagged by: @sabitaxken tagging: YOU.
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nedsseveredhead2 · 7 years
tagged by @meowwow01 and i actually rlly love doin these i just constantly forget asdfgh
1st rule: tag 9 people you want to get to know better:
This the hard part tho asdfgh I guess?? @kittenmaximus, @avatar-decim @ehentalix @sweetahoges @exventospes and idk anyone who wants to do this i cant sleep so my brains all static asdfgh
2nd rule: bold the statements that are true
APPEARANCE - I am 5'7 or taller - I wear glasses - I have at least one tattoo - I have at least one piercing - I have blonde hair - I have brown eyes - I have short hair - my abs are at least somewhat defined - I have or had braces
PERSONALITY - I love meeting new people - people tell me I am funny -helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine - I enjoy physical challenges - I enjoy mental challenges - I am playfully rude to people I know - I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it - there is something I would change my personality
ABILITY - I can sing well - I can play an instrument - I can do over 30 push-ups without stopping - I am a fast runner - I can draw well - I have a good memory - I am good at doing math in my head - I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - I have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling - I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES - I enjoy sports - I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - I’m in an orchestra/choir/band at my school or somewhere else - I have learned a new song in the past week - I exercise at least once a week - I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - I have drawn something in the past month - I enjoy writing - I do some form of martial arts
EXPERIENCES - I have had my first kiss - I have had alcohol - I have scored a winning point in a sport - I have watched an entire tv series in one sitting - I have been at an overnight event - I have been in a taxi - I have been in the hospital or E.R in the past year- I have beaten a video game in one day - I have visited another country - I have been to one of my favourite bands concerts
MY LIFE - I have one person that I consider to be my Best Friend™ - I live close to my school/work - my parents are still together - I have at least one sibling - I live in the united states – I have hung out with a friend in the past month - I have a smartphone - I own at least 15 CDs - I share my room with someone
RELATIONSHIPS - I am in a relationship - I have a crush on a celebrity - I have a crush on someone I know - I’ve been in at least 3 relationships - I have never been in a relationship - I have admitted my feelings to a crush - I get crushes easily - I have had a crush for over a year - I have been in a relationship for over a year - I have feelings for a friend
RANDOM - I have break-danced - I know a person named Jamie - I have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - I have dyed my hair - I’m listening to a song on repeat right now - I have punched someone in the past week - I know someone who has gone to jail - I have broken a bone - I have eaten a waffle today - I know what I want to do in life - I speak at least two languages - I have made a new friend in the past year.
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moonrock · 7 years
rules: bold the statements that are true
tagged by @myunghjun and @moonkyuns thank youuu 💗
Appearance: I am 5'7" or taller I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or had braces
Personality: I love meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
Ability: I can sing well(-ish) I can play an instrument I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch
Hobbies: I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I have drawn something in the past month I enjoy writing Fandoms are my #1 passion I do or have done martial arts
Experiences: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
Relationships: I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend
My Life: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” @myunghjun I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone
Random: I have breakdanced I know a person named Jamie I have had a teacher that has a name that was hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year
i tag @eunwooz @eunwooh @radamn @acestro @rockyastroid @fourseasonsofastro @starrycranes @cheonghannie @leedongmlns (sorry if you’ve already done this asdfgh i’m always so late with those tags asdfgh)
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badheart · 4 years
@viciousvizard replied to your post:
// lmaaao yes it's always fun for us as his older sisters lmaaao!! he was only 2?? so he looked super cute >w< / I think kids love shiny things anyway and copy what their mums/sisters do. >u< also aaahh ginjo is adorbs as a babu, what happened?! D<
I still hold a great love for shiny things asdfgh THE MORE SPARKLE, GLITTER the better!!!! God they really do, ... I have a bigger sister, my brother in the middle... and well, he copied everything she did too, she wasn’t really the girly type now? Played more with Pokemon, Lego, Playmobile and such... somehow I was the only playing with Barbies. THE OUTCAST, third wheel. asdfghj.
And well all written in the hc, but basically his mother left - divorced, so no nice clothing was left anymore. Additionally, they forbid it him once they found out. He had just to accept it then, harsh but not the world’s end for him, as most older boys, the tough ones, dressed in all black and such and they were considered as cool. Additionally in media, on the street, he rarely saw if ever a man dressing more feminine. A lot of influences. One main one being Elvis Presley, which got him interested in american stuff. He also somewhat adapts to society’s expectations. Reasons, he has rather mixed feelings about this all, if you were to shove him in a dress, or wear make up for his current self, he would find it embarrassing, but also somewhat like it but in the end, feeling ugly. It does not suit him, he got a very masculine body. I’m sure, if he were more feminine, softer features and such, he would struggle less. So, he  rather sees it on others, lil bit of an aesthete. And explains now, why he has some fun with ur muse currently B’) 
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sugasweetsubs · 7 years
tagged five million years ago by @triptaech (I think? but I can’t find the post anymore asdfgh)
ABC tag 
AGE – 18
BIGGEST FEAR – not having a place to be grounded
EVERYDAY STARTS WITH – regret and a vow to get more sleep tomorrow
FAVORITE SONG – I have so many, but at this moment I’m jamming to do re mi by blackbear
GHOSTS, ARE THEY REAL? – never say never I guess
HOMETOWN – a small place with one traffic light
JEALOUS OF – those people with really nice routines 
NO. OF SIBLINGS – two little brothers
ONE WISH – to have my friends and family close and happy
QUESTION YOU’RE ALWAYS ASKED – will you do the dishes?
REASON TO SMILE – my friends are really sweet and awesome and they make me happy
SONG LAST SANG – burn from the hamilton soundtrack ;)
TIME YOU WOKE UP – around 12:30 pm I think??
VACATION DESTINATION? – where my friends and the sun are
WORST HABIT – picking my lips
YOUR FAVORITE FOOD – fettuccine alfredo
ZODIAC – cancer
BOLD tag 
→ appearance:
I am 5′7″ or taller I wear glasses 
I have at least one tattoo 
i have at least one piercing 
i have brown eyes  
i have short hair 
my abs are at least somewhat defined 
i have or have had braces 
There is something I would change about the way I look
→ personality:
My Hogwarts house is: Gryffindor Hufflepuff Ravenclaw Slytherin 
I am an introvert 
i like/love meeting new people 
people tell me that i’m funny 
helping others with their problems is a big priority for me 
i enjoy physical challenges 
i enjoy mental challenges 
i’m playfully rude with people i know well (sometimes) 
i started saying something ironically and now i can’t stop saying it 
There is something I would change about my personality
→ ability:
I can sing well 
i can play an instrument (barely) 
i can do over 30 pushups without stopping 
i’m a fast runner 
i can draw well (maybe if you squint at the right angle during a full moon) 
i have a good memory (with some things) 
I’m good at doing math in my head 
i can hold my breath underwater for over a minute 
i have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling 
i know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch 
i know how to throw a proper punch
→ hobbies:
i enjoy playing sports 
i’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else 
I’m in a orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else 
i have learned a new song in the past week 
i work out at least once a week 
i’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months 
i have drawn something in the past month 
i enjoy writing 
Fandoms are my #1 passion 
i do or have done martial arts
→ experiences:
i have had my first kiss 
i have had alcohol 
i have scored the winning goal in a sports game 
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting 
i have been at an overnight event 
i have been in a taxi 
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year 
I have beaten a video game in one day 
i have visited another country 
i have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts 
→ relationship:
I’m in a relationship 
i have a celebrity crush 
I have a crush on someone I know 
i have been in at least 3 relationships 
I have never been in a relationship 
i have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them 
I get crushes easily 
I have had a crush on someone for over a year 
I have been in a relationship for at least a year 
i have had feelings for a friend
→ my life:
i have at least one person i consider a “best friend” 
i live close to my school 
my parents are still together 
i have at least one sibling 
i live in the united states  
There is snow right now where I live 
i have hung out with a friend outside of school in the past month 
i have a smartphone 
I have at least 15 CDs 
I share my room with someone
→ random shit:
i have breakdanced 
i know a person named jamie (I know like seven it’s crazy) 
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce 
i have dyed my hair 
i’m listening to one song on repeat right now 
i have punched someone in the past week 
i know someone who has gone to jail 
I have broken a bone 
I have eaten a waffle today 
i know what i want to do with my life 
i speak at least 2 languages fluently 
i have made a new friend in the past year
I tag @jaimebylin @dino--woo @yixingding and anyone else who wants to do it because I can’t remember who I used to tag T.T
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                                       one year anniversary                                                from.kkimbona
hi, hello this is one of wjsn seven fans -- twitter jokes srry not -- anyways i hope this doesn’t become too long.. but damn it has been a whole year and there is a lot of things i am so thankful for. let’s start when wjsn debuted, i actually didn’t care that much about the girls, like who? and i was somewhat dragged into it but at the same time i wanted to try something new after a whole year, so why not start with a new fresh group? at first-- i remember looking at this girl ( bona ofc ) and i honestly wasn’t fond of her but wow i don’t regret any of my decisions of roleplaying her and standing by this group until now. this girls has been through a lot since debut, they didn’t have the immediate overnight popularity but i have been watching them for over a year and i feel so proud of them. they are so humble, positive, energetic and hard-working group, asdfgh i love my girlies ok. MoMoMo for national anthem, no one can change my mind. 
wow im so thankful for this?? i feel happy today.
i hope after all this time, even if it was for a little short of time, have enjoyed my portrayal of jiyeon even when i knew so little about her and i also hope with this revamp that i am doing can be a better jiyeon than before, a jiyeon that can be bright and cheerful. And hopefully I become more constant with replies and conversations after it. 
first, you guys are essential to my roleplay, for good and for the bad, you guys have been always there with me hearing every little whine and every single complain of my muse but also gave me best laughs and the best moments of my muse that i might have saved/screenshot somewhere. shame not everyone has a tumblr to tag but there is it.. 
*insert here british and tuga squad* we have been through a lot as a group but nothing makes me prouder than we still together for so many years. i am thankful for all of that. 
@inchvate - you know already know this but i will just say it again but you know have been the best rp partner and also a hell of a best friend that i have had for a long while and i will always so thankful for you ( yes im tearing up biich ). i still don’t get when people say they feel intimidated by you -- haha remember when we met? -- winks -- i’m glad that you stick up by my side for so long even when my muses are all so messy. but that is when i need you to slap them back to reality and yes that actually works most of the times and you know one of my favourites moments still is when we laugh at our own misery and mostly our own muses misery. also when we get hyper when we jam to songs and get hella inspired to write, so yes, i love you and let’s have fun together and have a bunch of au’s ideas like always. (∿°○°)∿ ︵ ǝʌol
@shuqas so you know, i haven’t been exactly a good friend or feel like -- you have been always so excellent with me i never know how to repay you back. from all the people -- your muse has seen mine in her most like most vulnerable time and damn that is really important because she barely can’t pull that out around anyone else . thank you for always listening to me and.. her, mostly her -- and there is this thing i would like to thank you .. as you said, you stayed, you stubbornly said you wouldn’t leave and stay and wanted be my friend, well you got me. i love you boo ( looks far way does this sounds cheesy? god ) ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
@changkyvns you are the most selfless person i have ever met and sometimes i really have this huge need to protect you from everything but we all know you are the one who takes care of me all the time and honestly i always go to you whenever i feel bad and when my muses feel bad. sometimes i feel like i can’t do much -- ever since i started focusing on myself, and i’m sorry if i ever made you feel unloved, you know that i love you!! like a whole a lot!! and  i know i can always count with you and everything i say will stay with you and i’m never be judged for whatever i say, so thank you for all, i love my tiny russian princess(^³^)~♪
@wonsikko you stress me. your muses stresses me ( rubs temples ) -- but you have gave me one of the nicest experiences around here, even when not all of them were the happiest for my muse -- i also enjoy those moments ..sometimes haha  -- but that doesn’t makes me not want to roleplay with you anymore, actually it’s the opposite.  but seriously you are one of the persons that made me enjoy my muse and actually see sides of her that i didn’t know about.  so thank you for being so patient with her and my dramatic self ( but whispers we all know my reactions are the best ). And even more thankful for sticking around me and other a bunch of things you might know asdfghjk, do i still feel lucky? yes i doooo. i love you sleepy butt.  (◡‿◡✿)
ah my lovely cosmic girls, everyone should be appreciated here and yes, i’m honestly mentioning everyone i know and have interacted with, you guys made my roleplay enjoyable and for a brief time i felt included in a group, something i didn’t  have experienced before. thank you for all being amazing. 
@meiteor @ihruda @sooco @flwerluda @kmbons @xiaochxng​ i also remember yeonjung.. @dayvng @xuonyis .. @jinsoots​. @sonjuus
this really small section belongs to the ones who i have known for years? like damn, i have always looked from afar and enjoy having you guys around even when i am not that constant with my replies and conversation, but i promise i am trying to change that! 
@pearlens @ybouu @cheongsa @deankh @wnhhsk 
and this one the people who i have seen on dash and like reading their portrayal, even if we never interacted that is just fine as long you are having fun. i’m sorry i couldn’t tag everyone maybe i forgot someone that i like, but nevertheless you guys are all amazing, keep on rp-ing! lots of love. 
@maorei @gimbabs @seungwcn @jiddu @eunvies @jnsomin @reflectiicn @choosu @hyunani @kaikarie @spvtnik @woojion @araous @elkiec @ninqyo @vousmvoyez @resuescitate @jenisu @mvrtille @ieuijin @yyunoh @jvngyuno @mingeu @jihnq @94ljh @jihxvn @seouy @jieqionq @kjwons @ynjeonghxn @seahia @shiiah @yoobn @jinuvo​ @kmseyong​ @baecheou​ @imyovna​ @chuhyun​ @wonshn 
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badheart · 6 years
What sort of AU ideas fo you have for your muses?
In the past, I had quite a few, but all happened only cause of ila, and only the modern one was shared with eli, treasured that one the most. So atm I have no AUs going on at all, though I would not mind to pick up old ones again, no matter if they go in a different direction then. 
Modern one was about Shu and Aizen, love at first sight, though it meant trouble for her, considering Aizen’s goals - power, so living not really a safe life, far from it. And her father was not helping in that case, almost got him killed, but luckily was Ryuuken there, an old friend of her, and they both had been almost a couple, arranged marriage but he left all of sudden and went to africa, i believe. They liked each other but yeah, he had other plans, his family certainly was not happy about that. Meanwhile, later, Shu’s father - a high politician, was not happy about the bond between her and Aizen either, at dinner, he almost managed to get him killed, having his own people. What happened then was that Shu believed him dead, Aizen left her clueless for her own safety and his own, hiding for a few years while Ryu took care of him, but was himself still in contact with Shu and had to deal with her sad self, promised Aizen not to tell her anything. Meanwhile at some point happened an arranged marriage again, Shu got married and even a child, which eli played later - it was young Yhwach, PLS I CAN ONLY TREASURE THIS AU FOREVER, i mean him in that role was so bizarre but simply amazing, got the looks of tensa and very smart boy and all, lacking kinda social skills tho but still managing, very caring of his mom. Idk, I remember Shu became quite depressive, ... anyway hearing about Aizen again, seeing him, asdfgh god, what trouble, what madness, they still came together again, and Aizen had to accept that boy now that was not his. Worked somewhat well, and now we could rp some random family stuff before everything stayed open as it cannot be continued anymore. 
God, I really would not mind to do an AU again with more than just one rp partner, is more fun like this and the story can become so much more interesting.
Anyway, would not mind to see her in a modern setting again. Another AU played in ancient rome, where Grimm became a gladiator, fights for his freedom now. Another one played in the renaissance, AC-AU to be exact, messed up love triangle. And there were a few others I don’t really care about anymore. So not much has changed in my wishes for AUs. Like, I still don’t wanna see Grimm in any modern setting, I rather shove him into the past, since fighting mattered more there. For Harri and Kugo, I still got, kinda nothing... 
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