snow-body · 1 year
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Finished Commission for @soulxfragments.
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uraharashouten · 10 months
"Isn't it funny.." Jezebel trailed a finger across his shoulders with steps carrying her around behind his back. Teasing with the tiniest hint of her fingernail scratching whatever bare skin it may come in contact with. Light. Only a touch of sharpness to stir him some. "We've been inside each other quite a number of times. In multiple ways." Quietly she would crouch at his side. Digits trailing along his chin to direct it towards her, "I wonder which you've enjoyed the most."
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From subtle to more obvious, she was referencing a few different things. Not all were physical, either. Though many probably were at this point. A play on words and the sparkle of mirth in her gaze to accompany the not so discreet wording she was using.
He shivers deliciously, shoulders hunching reflexively upon the light graze of her nail, as her words steep his imagination. Her heady presence fills his senses like spiced warm cider as her fingers guide his face helplessly toward her blind gaze, and he watches her plump, pouty lips form the question—lips from which have flowed both sweetness and bile...
To share power so intimately as they have is an intricate dance, from the first moment his blade imbued her soul to the crane-girl's echoing laughter beneath Benihime's spreading maple—and all else within and without besides; the invasive moments that have stolen his breath with bits of death, pain and pleasure and pain again... but this, now, this promises to be pleasant, and he'd spend as long in this timeless moment as he'd be allowed.
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"Yatagerasu," he breathes, catching her hand and trapping it against his stubble. "Please don't make me choose." He smiles poignantly in a way he hopes her fingertips can tell. "I've had more than enough of your torture."
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fortunescaling · 10 months
What are you looking for in a ship?
Do you have developed dynamics with the OC of another mun that has influenced your OC or Canon muse?
What are the trends when it comes to writing that you adore?
What are trends when it comes to writing that you dislike?
What are you looking for in a ship?
Pretty much the same as I do any interactions, interesting stories and dynamicS; As far as my preference go for the later, I like the 'Power Couple' trope and am more interested in romance between experienced adults. I also prefer writing healthy romance where the main conflict to the pair is external rather than internal.
I don't read or write a lot of romance because I find a lot of YA romance trope problematic (in the sense of portraying unhealthy and dysfunctional dynamics as romantic) and some downright triggering.
What are the trends when it comes to writing that you adore?
Non fiction story that follow fictional structure. When it comes to book, I get more easily absorded in well written and structured stories of real people or events than fictional ones.
I've recently seen a few animated series set in medieval Japan pop up on Netflix, which makes me happy.
Stories told from the antagonist / villain pov.
What are trends when it comes to writing that you dislike?
Vampires, vampire hunters and werevoles. Never was much into those and I find it annoying they have to be in every video game, series, book etc and always done in the same fashion.
Dragons, too much of those in fiction rn.
The tortured detective whose mental issues could never pass an aptitude test to join law enforcement irl.
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amaranthineoni · 1 year
Three skewered sweet dango would sink down in front of Tomoe's gaze from above her. If she looked, she would find Jez lounging along a branch in a tree, stretching her arm out to offer the food to the other woman. "They gave me too much."
"Only one of the best problems I've ever heard - thanks -" she takes the skewer, and holds up the large plastic cup containing her matcha latte.
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"Want a sip? It's oat milk."
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yumichikah · 1 year
Behind him, a voice broke the calm in the air. Soft. Hurt. Barely above a whisper, yet every word spoken would be unmistakable.
"--- I wanted to love you... Rento."
If he turned, he would find the young Fullbringer turned substitute Shinigami stood there. A tear softly trailing her cheek as she stared towards him.
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The cold shivers running up on the man's spine and that irregularly strong lone heartbeat were both telltale signs that something within Yumichika stirred at the mention of that name. What the hell was going on with her? Was she faking it or did she really know something? Who was she to speak of his old alias so casually?
Of course there had been this hint of suspicion growing within him ever since that time Jezebel had questioned him about his hair length. It felt like maybe they had met each other before, even though that shouldn't have been possible in any way. Souls being reborn as humans were wiped of their memories before being sent down there, everybody knew that. It was taught to every shinigami in the first year of academy and hammered through when training with souls that had turned into hollows. Yet here she was, sounding like someone he had buried deep within those repressed memories from the Rukongai. Someone he wanted to leave to the past; like a ghostly reminder of everything that he didn't want to be, yet whose existence he couldn't deny at this very moment.
Slowly, the tensed up body of the beautiful man started to rotate, breath getting caught within those lungs that felt like they barely functioned anymore. Palms sweaty and hands shaking ever so slightly, it was very much apparent that these were all symptoms of high anxiety gathering up at the bottom of his stomach and making him feel surprisingly nauseous and weak. This level of full on dread and panic was something he hadn't experienced before, but bravely(or foolishly) the Third seat managed to turn himself around and face what he had just realized to be someone who he never thought he would see again. Never really wanted to see again. Someone whose existence carried so much guilt and hurt. The same guilt and hurt that was now flaring up as he saw that tear of hers falling.
"W-what--" was the only word successfully leaving Yumichika's lips, the tone fragile and breathy, sounding just as afraid and lost as he felt in that moment. This wasn't real. This couldn't be real. She couldn't be her. Even though there was no other person who called him that back then. There was just no way she had returned and found him again after all these years; what were the odds for that even happening? Pretty much zero, right? There were thousands of souls she had probably met ever since that time, yet somehow she found him? Among so so many people? Yeah right. That simply wasn't possible! It shouldn't be! Was it?
He hadn't been nice to that girl from Rukon at all. He knew that. The mindset from back then was to never get attached, never be truthful and never tell your real thoughts as it gave others weapons to use against him later on. With such an attitude there was no possibility for him to allow her to get close in any shape or form. Yet she had insisted on following him around like a puppy; even when he was downright rude towards her. It had been odd from day one. Hell, this current situation was odd. Freaky even.
"I... I have to... I have to go", was quickly muttered only a second before the shinigami found his legs again, turned and used shunpo to run off. It felt like he was literally choking. Like he wouldn't be able to breath if he stayed in her presence any longer. His heart was racing so hard that it left him gasping for air. Just then she had turned from a friend to this big monster who was trying it's best to claw it's way down into his core and pull out whatever was hidden there. It wasn't fair. It was scary.
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doomxdriven · 1 year
@soulxfragments (continued from x):
Risen slow; hands coiled around blood soaked sand with dust rolling across the floor like a low fog hung.  Crimson continues to seep around her fingers, and down into the reishi around her feet.  Aware that she was leaving herself exposed for an attack, she was preparing for the worst case scenario.  Would he come after her?  An easy target perhaps, being distracted by a much closer opponent. Warning bells rang violently within her mind.  Her focus shifted, and she found herself suddenly on the receiving end of an attack from behind - just as she had predicted.  Her initial plans altered, she spins around to throw the sand in an arch towards the encroaching bala with spires of violet wisps dancing around the grains like strikes of lightning.  She could have dodged.  Let the bala take out her target.  But she wanted to dispatch it.  Greedy in her desire to eliminate that which had harmed her.  This would not be without risk, but it would promise a high reward if she were successful. As the bala raced towards them, the sand would seem to linger far longer in the air than it normally would.  A soft, ember-like glow growing as the bala neared, igniting rapidly upon the attack reaching the very edge of the arc.  She wasn’t sure if she could destroy it, so she would deflect it instead.  Allow the explosive attack be met with a thousand smaller ones to either send it high, or split it apart so it couldn’t reach her or her target.
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However that wasn’t all the sands did.  As they unleashed upon the bala, a retched scream like a thousand, inhuman howls would echo through the cavity of menos forest.  A drawn out screech as if its origins came from a beast of some sort.  It would last only until the explosion fizzled out completely. She’s on the move again as the bladed appendage slices downward to try and catch her back.  However its met with only sand - bloodied sand.  The cane dissolving as she lands to the side of it; like parchment rested to embers.  No smoke, fire, ash, or smell as it burned away to reveal the zanpakutou in grip. Its head turned.  Jaw unhinged with a violent roar towards its speedy prey.  Another flicker of reiatsu as it tries to draw its appendage away from the sand it embedded it into.  However its efforts would be met with intense resistance like something beneath the pool of sanguine, were holding on tight.
If Parca hadn't been so miffed right now, he might have remarked on how well Jezebel was performing while engaging that Hollow, and how skillful a display she was putting on. But Parca was miffed, and so he goes off in incredibly dramatic fashion, throwing his hands up in Jezebel and the Hollow's general direction after the former had deflected his Cero, and he yells,
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"Wow, woah, W O W, okay, I see how it be!!! I ask all nicely, like one of those gentle-men, and ya two just keep on keeping on, I'M SHOCKED, SURPRISED, ASTOUNDED, DUMBFOUNDED, dare I say, uhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmm, what that word be…. oh yeah, FLABBER-GASTED."
Parca, bringing one hand over their face, begins to sigh heavily, as an indigo colored aura begins to gather around them. Almost as soon as that aura started pooling around Parca, the Hollow Jezebel was fighting would freeze in place.
Jezebel would likely feel an odd sensation come over her just then, too, along with whispers of a voice not her own filling her head and the air around her. These whispers would speak not to Jezebel, but something deep inside her, to the traces of Hollow-esque Reiryoku immersed deep within her Fullbringer Soul.
The whispers would no doubt be like a mountain dropping upon Jezebel, but she would find that she wasn't beholden to them, compelling as they were; something else within her Soul, something all Fullbringer's thankfully possessed, would ultimately protect her.
That Hollow on the other hand wasn't so lucky.
The immobilized Hollow's eyes would begin to glow with a color similar to the aura that had gathered around Parca, and it's then that Parca can be heard cackling, before he demands, "Go on and die now, will ya?"
The Hollow, adhering to Parca's words, quickly charges up a Cero within it's jaws and then launches the blast at its own body, blowing it apart. The explosion would result in no small amount of sand being kicked up among the clusters of stone trees-- the ones that hadn't been shattered-- leaving the surrounding area cloaked in a sandy cloud.
Visibility was definitely hampered in these conditions, but Jezebel and her Origimai wouldn't have to look too hard to find Parca. The moment that Hollow had ended its own life, Parca had put his Sonido to work, getting far closer to Jezebel than she may have realized.
"H e y," says Parca, in an ominous, near-whisper, his towering figure looming behind Jezebel as he leaned over and stared down at her.
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The mask-like visage and currently pitch black voids of Parca's eye sockets are there to greet Jezebel as he continues in that eerie, near whisper of his, "this be a lot better, right, just the two of us? Can't ignore me now."
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deivorous · 2 years
@soulxfragments​ replied: This bitch doesn't want to fuck him.   Except in the case of mass violence.  He's due for his limbs to be ripped off.
“You aren’t special.”
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“Or capable.”
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miidama · 1 year
Jez + 8
Send me a character + a number from 1-10!
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It was hard not to have this looking festive thanks to the palette pffft. Tried my best to make her grumpy and threatening instead of like a cheery little Christmas bauble asdfghj--
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ksaru · 2 years
@soulxfragments​  ,, starter call .  
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      ❝ You must be Jezebel-san. Kisuke has informed me that you are a Substitute Shinigami. ❞ He greeted her with a small bow of his head. She was very young compared to him, but he would treat her with respect, as he did everyone. She was introduced to him by Urahara Kisuke, a man Ashitaka knew quite well. There weren’t THAT many Shinigami living here in exile after all. He assumed that Kisuke had his reasons for wanting him to meet Jezebel. He, himself, had no ulterior motive. If he could somehow be of use to her as she grew as a Substitute Shinigami, he would be pleased. He wondered... Why she had chosen to become one.
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lamentedbirth · 1 year
let us not resort to our baser instincts.
Her reply is the sound of grunts which turn into growls, the large form of the beast stalking the edges of his cave. Every moment she speaks to him is another moment in which his wrath grows. His existence is nothing but baser instincts, nothing more than seeking the absolute destruction of creation. Perhaps then he might know something akin to peace.
The sound of frustration gnaws at it's mind. It's clawed hand opens to drag talons across stone, the sound of breaking rock echoing. The immense smell of rotting flesh ever present, it's muscle reek of death skin. It is in a constant state of frozen decay, agony embraces it.
"Speak, speak quickly. Speak before I break your bones." It can hardly focus, it's words raspy. Dual layered over many voices. So many souls.
It is on the edge of madness.
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compassionatekiller · 2 years
🔥 (for Shuuhei :> )
Attractiveness Meme
"I will admit, physical aspects aside, I have never been able to appreciate the philosophy that Hisagi-fukutaichou inherited from Tousen Kaname. 'Those that do not fear their swords are not fit to wield them,' if I understand correctly. Fear is just about the last thing I feel for Minazuki, and I take a great deal of offence at the notion that someone else is determining whether or not I 'deserve' Minazuki. So I am coming into this somewhat biased on an ideological front.
That being said, I can at least see where Hisagi-fukutaichou's fans are coming from. He is muscular without unnecessary bulk, he is extremely professional and takes his duties very seriously (even when the duty in question is not so serious), he truly and openly cares for those who fight alongside him...there are certainly many admirable things to say about the Lieutenant.
But any who believe that anyone other than Minazuki can decide whether or not I am worthy of it is welcome to try to take it from me."
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noblewarrior · 1 year
Another day and she's still sitting outside the Kuchiki manor. Quiet. Respectful. But refusing to move. Sunshine, rain or whatever other unpleasantness the weather thought to gift her in her efforts to wait. All the while politely refusing whatever food was offered to her.
She's not going anywhere until she can speak with Byakuya.
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Watching leaves dance around in the gusts of wind was usually one of the most highly enjoyable things, but today there was a hindrance in the mix of said enjoyment. Well, it had been there for some days now, always present and demanding acknowledgement stubbornly. Now the woman situated in the front of the manor had started turning down the food as well. How very foolish of her.
”She just wants to talk to you, Kuchiki-sama”, the words of a maid cleaning up after the afternoon tea reached out, obviously taking note of the pondering gazes aimed at the window. What insolence. Speaking out such clear-as-day facts as if they had not been taken note of, as if there was no understanding of that message clearly displayed on the front lawn. Seeing how the servant’s actions hastened after receiving a cold, disapproving glance, it was sure that she had realized her mistake right then and there. One mumbled sorry later the door was open and shut, the intricate tea set clattering gently on the tray as it was carried out.
As a barely audible sigh was released, brows furrowed and yet another look was given to the small figure still sitting on the hard ground, some distance away from the window of this room. It seemed that the hands of fate were eager to offer yet another stray for him to care for and in all honesty, such a task did not sound appealing to take on. There were still so many meetings, signings, appearances, duties and responsibilities on those shoulders on top of carrying the title of the Kuchiki clan’s leader that the scheduling was already ridiculously catastrophic as it stood.
This youngling with that unfortunate sword needed to find someone who actually had the time and care to offer her. As long as it was not the wrong kind of a person with ill intentions to handle such an oddity, the figuring out of this situation was better delegated to someone else. He had not the time nor did he have the capacity to care for yet another lost one. Life was busy as it was – he could not spare a moment longer pondering the fate of a single soul like hers.
Yet Byakuya still found himself glancing out of the window every once in a while.
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uraharashouten · 11 months
Digits lazily hold a candy pumpkin around the size of a particularly large cherry, above Kisuke's mouth. Teasing as she brushed it across his nose, and along his chin in an effort to encourage him to chase it with his mouth. "Halloween is close by. I believe we've some planning to do, hm?" Circling around to his front, she slides herself over his lap with lips brushing lightly to the bottom of his chin. One arm resting lazily about his shoulders as the other continues to pinch the top of the stem to keep the treat just out of reach of his mouth.
She must have sensed that he was overdue for a change of pace and posture, as it had been hunched over his keyboard that she'd found him, absorbed in text and charts that had begun to swim on the screen. Between his distraction and her stealth she'd managed to surprise him. He'd started slightly at her touch and sat up straight, then tipped his head back to gaze up at her upside-down, blinking at the small bauble bobbing at the end of the stem that teased his nose with the sweet scent of sugar.
"A cherry pumpkin?" He quipped, lips drawing back as he made a failed snap at it. "I thought they only bred tomatoes that size—" The elusive treat was dancing around his jaw, seemingly ever out of his reach, even as Jezebel slid 'round to put herself more easily within it. He made his lap more accommodating, hands sliding around her waist as she played temptress to his Tantalus.
"Planning? Oh, no no," he chuckled with breezy mirth, "I thought we'd simply release all our creations and let them run amok! Many legs make light work, mm? The house will haunt itself—"
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He was perhaps consumed with more important things, such as consuming the moment's minute goal. Time to switch tactics—only an attempt to hook the stem with his tongue also fell short. There'd be no knot-tying now... somehow, using his hands seemed like cheating.
Although... it needn't be that bit of sweetness he'd use them on. Perhaps a soupçon of surprise, a mischievous misdirection?
And his lips made one more concerted lunge for the orange orb, just as his fingers delivered a healthy pinch to her lower left cheek.
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fortunescaling · 1 year
❛ if i didn't know any better, i'd say you were jealous. ❜
'But do you?' He responded matching the taunt in her tone, sliding in gaze into her direction. For certain, he'd say she'd grown oddly comfortable and familiar in their interactions, but that was a different topic of conversation.
'And while we're on the topic of Kuchiki Byakuya, do you know he was defeated by a Sternritter, and how?' He asked rhetorically. He doubted the leader of Kuchiki Clan, and her apparently trusted sword master, bragged much about losing his Bankai battle out of recklessness and needing rescue from subordinates.
Jugram didn't particularly like to bad-mouth, even the enemy, it was unbecoming and achieved nothing but a poor reputation. That wasn't his point, but Jezebel ought to know the facts if she intended to learn any actual swordsmanship.
'After we stole their Bankai, none seemed to know how to even hold themselves in a fight.' He recoiled with pity. The distraught caused by the loss of their Bankai had, of course, been part of the anticipated and desired outcome of the Medaillon strategy. The operation had been a success in that sense.
Jugram occasionally pondered how they could ever lose the war when his people surpassed Soul Society's Gotei 13 in many critical departments: strategic planning, technology advancements, and even in resilience to adversity...
Then he wondered how Jezebel, who grew up with all world living's modern commodities, could hold in high esteem people so stuck in outdated approach to life? What did she find so trustworthy about them?
'Shinigami have became too complacent in relying on their Zanpakuto's powers alone. As a result, their swordsmanship is lacking, and that is an understatement.'
He'd think it obvious, although he understood good swordsmanship, to an untrained eye, might be harder to tell from mediocre skills.
Especially to those who never experienced having nothing but one's sole physical strength, but instead dismissed it as weak and invaluable, in comparison to one's Zanpakuto or even Schrift. He'd lie to say his own had never let their ego got the better of them in battle or training.
'They've never experienced defeat, and I suppose it shows in the way they approach combat and training.' He reflected, finding little to envy in a life devoid of directions and higher purposes , although the blissful ignorance of it looked tempting.
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amaranthineoni · 1 year
@soulxfragments || Asked fr a rude starter
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"Oi! Where the hell are you going, asshole? Off to phone your lawyer ? Hoping somebody cares about your underprivileged childhood ?" A low blow, no doubt, but she's had it up to HERE!
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yumichikah · 1 year
Yumi would be greeted with something very simple for his birthday this year. How many years is it now? Two? Three? She'd always tried to give him something a little showy. Like vibrant origami flowers, fireworks and an assortment of things that were meant to inspire awe. But this year - She went a little simpler.
He would find a seemingly plain birthday card. The front would have his name written in a practiced cursive. Nothing particularly noteworthy, but it was obvious effort was put into it. Within it, a pressed, origami lily in a shade of purple matching his eyes would occupy one side. Each time he touched it, or if he were close enough to exhale on it, it would gently shift colors to a more vibrant pink, fading back into the same purple it had begun as when left undisturbed. The other would be a note adhered to the side with small patterns around the edges to accentuate its appearance.
Happy Birthday, Yumichika. Another year we haven't killed each other.
If he flips it over to look at the back, an origami violin would be found. Upon touching it, a melody would begin to play. One that has layers. Something one person would have to achieve with modern technology. But this was Jezebel. This was a Fullbringer who used origami. Layering parts to create the whole, and manipulating the sounds of her violin to achieve things that did not belong to string instruments, or were too low for her violin. This was for him. Only him.
Birthday Peacock 2023!
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The card laying on the table in the archives was obviously meant for him to find as no one else was regular enough of a visitor to even notice it on first glance like Yumichika did instantly. The whole situation was a reminder of something that happened last year during his birthday when this whole elaborate show of origamis had been presented to him between the shelves. Was it possible that simple looking card was from the same sender as last year?
Taking steps towards the said card, a folder was quickly placed in it’s slot in the shelf before his full attention was able to be directed to the inconspicuous item. Getting to it, the sharp purple eyes could definitely tell that the cursive didn’t flow enough to be the result of a lifetime practice like what he had observed Kuchiki-taicho’s handwriting to be. It wasn’t ugly or anything, but the lines were heavier than necessary and some edges of those inked lines were a bit shaky. Seeing the effort did make the beauty smile faintly though as he was happy to receive any presents that showed effort. The person writing this must’ve actually thought about him.
Picking up the card, fingertips made contact with the surprise on the back of it, prompting the melody to start sounding. It caught the peacock off-guard and he jumped a little before flipping the thing over and staring at the violin shape with that slowly intensifying, yet beautiful music flowing from between the folds somehow. Without realizing it, Yumichika had went completely still, barely daring to breathe as he took in the notes and the hidden story within them, amazed at how something so powerful sounding was pouring out of something so delicate. This style was something new he had never heard of before and couldn’t help but feel excited about – who could come up with sounds like this? Wasn’t violins traditionally used to portray tenderness and sadness?
As the song came to an end, the stillness of the lone body continued just a moment longer. As if he was expecting for the piece to suddenly pick up again, but it didn’t. Letting out a breath he was holding, the peacock relaxed some and went to open the card. What even could be inside if the backside itself was already such a spectacle? Guess he would find out soon enough as the manicured hands folded the thing open. A flower? And a message, it seemed. Setting the card on the table, the beauty kept his eyes fixed at the flower intently as he traced it’s outlines with his finger. The paper changed color beautifully. He couldn’t help but think about how the woman behind this all surely had a great eye for detail – it seemed as if nothing about the folded papers were simple or plain, which was highly appreciated by someone like him. The thought itself resulted in a honest smile.
Not sure what this whole note would be about, Yumichika noticed that he was readying himself up for yet another surprise before reading the very crude message with a quick happy birthday slapped in front of it. At that point he couldn’t help but laugh to himself; if he hadn’t been sure who had left this surprise for him here before, it was clear as day by the time these words were read. Shaking his head, the birthday boy closed the card and slid it inside his shihakusho to make sure it didn’t get lost or buried during his task of sorting a few papers. This one was one for the keeping for sure.
As the birdy started working, he made a mental note to thank Jezebel the next time they happened to meet. Maybe even buy her lunch or something like a proper friend would do. They were close friends now.... right?
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