#well. its bc im paranoid your honour
cherrirui-official · 1 year
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@saltydkart-reblogs @sanctoklinge
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celestialallstars · 5 years
Episode #14: “It's certainly been a day here on Celestial” - Stephen
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I think right now, Jared sort of saw it coming, Stephen saw it coming, and I saw it coming. I knew three of us were not making it to the end. I think the troubling thing for me is that like now there are 5 people who all kinda came together to purposefully exclude 2 of us. I won't cry about it- all of us are guilty of it in this merge. Instead, what I will do is just use it to justify what I do from here on out. I've already identified the clusters of Michael/Chloe and then Zach/Bryce. Will be thinking about who to target between these and I most definitely see  Loris as a recent addition. For now, I'll continue to act oblivious and dumb
I know what I'm gonna do, but I'll sleep on it. I think I want to make Bryce/Zach have faith in me again. Think I am gonna be with them. Heck, even have some Gay F4 thing with Loris. I've already told people about the duos, so I want Loris to think I'd prefer him over everybody else (talk in the morning). Bryce, I played the "we are winners, i wanna go to the end with you" card. Zach is who I'll have to work on next...Then there is Michael and Chloe. I'll just keep saying I'm in both of their corners, make them all feel comfortable pretty much, but not sloppily. If it can get me to F6, so be it, in which case, I'll get to decide which of these strats I stick to and move on. I want to  keep this idol for as long as possible, but if I have to, I'll play it, but I can't do it now- it is far too soon.
I feel like this is the game in which people make their moves too early. Bryce, Zach, Rhys all attempted this and got callout for it. Now Loris, Michael, and Chloe are doing it. Had the 3 waited like one more tribal, they'd have sat more pretty in F6 bar the idol and all but now they exposed themselves and what do we say to people who are exposed? That they are threats to everyone else! So my best pitch is to tell Bryce/Zach its in our best interest to work together at least for this vote.
Whether this is the round that kills the game of me or not I just wanna show that like, when I am put into corner, I tend to up the strategy and right this moment, I feel like I am doing that- I just hope it will work
So far I actually feel I may have to use my idol if push comes to shove. Mayhe it'll curry favor if I do but lol I know that the Brits may be together, thats fine. But like at least pretend to still be interested so I won't go after you? Michael says he is open but just by taking to him I could really tell he's sorta had his mind made up, Chloe is like "oh we'll see, rounds are changing always!" and Loris, who clearly got on earlier suddenly fell silent and went offline since I tried talking to him. I'll tell ya what, even if Zach and Bryce are lying, they can at least fake it right
I actually now sympathize for Jack and Matt. Although we ALL (them included) could have handled their situation better, I do know what it is like to be in their position and to know I didnt help them as much makes me think my position now is karmic justice
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WELL. Yesterday I was slightly blindsided. I knew Jared wasn't long for this world but to take him out with Bryce and Zach both standing there, totally vulnerable, well... I can't help but feel like it's a mistake.
I never had much loyalty to the gay agenda anyway, but it feels like we were used just to take out Rhys? Which is dumb but whatever. If you were going to use us for one vote why make it Rhys?
In any case, I once again need to adapt myself to the new battle lines. I tried to reconcile things with Bryce and I think it went alright? I told him I've been on his ass since F10 and he didn't seem too pissed about it. I know Zach was mad at me though, so I offered him a trip to Final Tribal in exchange for mending the fence. He didn't say yes right away so there's still a chance of him declining, but I feel like I'm making a better offer than Betty White and Loris. I think this will work, tbh, and I do plan on staying loyal to it unless it becomes abundantly clear I'll lose to him.
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It really sucks to feel like I came close again to an immunity and lost again. The good thing for last time was that I didn't feel like I was in danger and now I am. All people will claim they will do something, though until it's actually done, you never know. So I guess now I've got to put a lot of faith in Zach and Bryce to keep me or maybe I should just use the idol and be a okay, I'm not sure. I think I have to continue maintaining hope, but I don't see my odds looking good and it sucks
I quickly decided I'm gonna go all in. I either play it now and become easy vote for F6 or I save it and somehow surprisingly live this round and increase odds of living in the next. I think if I go home with the idol this time, I won't feel too bad since the chances of me having gone home without it for F6 would've been high. If I do not make it, then you know, I honestly can't really say I "regret" something. I did good in mastermind, and feel a okay for how I did!
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im so sad jared gone i cant win im just sitting here waiting for my time to be up like wow this is so fun i love this for me KJFHKADSJ
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hi girls I’m so sorry I’m really busy today I promise. I’ll catch up tomorrow if I’m still here. I’m scared. this could be my last confessional. signing off....
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AHHHH SO MUCH GOING ON I FORGOT TO DO THIS HEHE. So I won my first individual immunity in celestial go Michael and now the vote is looking crazy as fuck so I’m so fucking lucky to have immunity at this point sksksksksksk. So it’s looking like shits gonna hit the fan but I really want bryce and zach out of this damn game like are you fucking serious guys like you wanted them out they’re clearly bigger threats get your act together. So I’m questioning my path to the end yet again but do you know what? I’m hopeful everyone loves an underdog and I just need to do the best I can to get to that final 3 (or at least the final 4 so people do a jury roundtable about me hehe)
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It's certainly been a day here on Celestial. Pretty soon we're heading to yet another tribal council. The plans as I know them are as follows:
The Gay Agenda (Me/Chris/Michael/Chloe/Loris) will be voting for Bryce! Except no. Because I don't really want Bryce to go anymore. At least not tonight. Me and Chris decided we'd rather take a shot at the 3 people who flipped last time to weaken their position a little bit. No.
Tonight, I'll be voting for Loris, hopefully, with Zach and Bryce. I know from Chris and Jared that he doesn't particularly trust me and has considered voting me out in the past. He's also well positioned to make it to the end at the rate things are going so if I can just end that possibility tonight, it'd be real nice.
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ok so like this vote i just wanted to vote out stephen i leaked everything from chris/stephen to everyone else in hopes they'll vote stephen. i know they were targeting bryce prior but UGH. bryce is gonna do loris i think to secure 3 votes on him. i feel like this will backfire.
but like im here to have fun and play my game. i want stephen out, then boom. imma try. if they still vote bryce, then so be it. imagien if it ties 3-3-1 (bryce/loris/stephen HASGLDSKGDSGDS).
theres not much to say. if i survive, im going hard for f6 just to ensure myself f4.
but my plan is sorta this. vote stephen out now. bryce leaves 6th (or michael) michael/bryce fifth n then unless chris wins f4, i probs make f3 with chloe/loris, which has been my ideal f3 for a few rounds now.
if bryce leaves this round, thats perfectly fine bc then one of stephen or smsth leaves next round. i wanted michael out this round but he immune so who cares.
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High risk, high payoff move
So much cracked shit has gone down today. Obviously Chris and Stephen might be feeling a little nervy after the Jared vote which is understandable. However they did not need to go and make an alliance called crystal clear and approach Bryce and Zach about targeting me and Loris considering Michael is immune. Sis I almost flipped my ass right back on Stephen and Chris and almost be voting Stephen tonight despite knowing Bryce is a big ass threat. If they had of just kept their mouth silent then both of them would’ve definitely been in final 6 but nooo they had to go do some crazy shit that made Loris massively fucking paranoid. Stephen I stg if u don’t vote Bryce tonight and if he doesn’t go home then I will fucking haunt ur ass.
I adore Michael with my whole whole whole entire heart he’s one of my favourite allies I’ve ever had and I trust him with my fucking life. There’s not many people I trust in orgs to make an F2 with nvm make an F2 with and then honour that. But with Michael I cannot see myself betraying him.
Idk who to vote for this revote. I’m tired.
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In an attempt to get my vote to stay, Loris threatened to give a legacy advantage to Bryce if we kept him in. Since Michael knows about this, it's going to be difficult to get any votes put on him at all this round, but I might still be able to turn this situation around.
The truth is, I kinda wanted to get Zach out before Bryce anyway. He's every bit as threatening as Bryce in challenges, and has admitted to trying to get me out at this last tribal council. I did try to re-build the strategic relationship with Zach by voting Loris out, but it looks like I have to take another path. I just hope Michael and Chloe don't side with Zach since they also know about the legacy advantage.
How I approach this vote is really going to come down to immunity. If Bryce or Zach wins, I may have to just bite the bullet and vote Michael this round, since with immunity and the legacy advantage they'll be invincible. However, if one of the other 4 players can pull it off, I think I can avoid this scenario. I think if that happens we'd just split the vote one more time between Zach and Bryce and vote out whoever isn't saved by the advantage.
And hey, if Chris needs to use the idol? Fine by me at this point. Saving it for F5 is a cute idea but it may not be practical at that point. This is the much more worrying vote in my opinion, since, if Bryce does have the legacy advantage, he can't get voted out here anyway, and will continue to be a target at F5 and F4.
Loris is voted out 3-3-1, 3-2. He becomes the sixth member of our jury.
Watch Loris’ exit interview take place below:
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gendryw4ters-blog · 7 years
Haha, tbh, I check up on this blog at least once a day, and atm, I'm about to have dinner, but I'll give them a listen and let you know! Also, if you want to call me something else, I've been trying to go by Rae, so you can call me that or stick with Spotify Anon!
im gonna answer all of the messages at once under the cut if thats okay!! and also! if there was a part four, i’m afraid it’s missing, so sorry about that!! 
This will be a series haha. Okay, so for Speirs: Nick Cave def fits, general “trying to be spooky” vibes which fits the image he likes, would be songs that aren’t like Dead Kennedys-style of punk, but maybe Catholic Discipline, can see artists like Leonard Cohen or Tom Waits, if theres a speirton list, I think stuff w/ Southern Gothic vibes would fit, even tho Lip’s is 80s pop, Black Sabbath seems a bit too heavy, St. James Infirmary Blues is very Speirs in terms of his overall vibe, (1/?)
as well as Red Right Hand and Down By The Water. I think Gimme Shelter is more of a Lew thing, just because of general vibes from the song and the band as a whole (Lew was once referred to as flamboyant, and that is the Stones most definitely). Roe: I am so biased, I love Joy Division and “Oats in the Water” is on so many of my own mixes. Late 80s to early 90s “alternative” music seems to fit well, “Fifty on our Foreheads” is a good example. (2/?) 
Oddly enough, I feel like The Police would be a good fit, like more along the lines of “Roxanne” than “Every Little Thing She Does” (which would be a good Roe/Renee song) Yo La Tengo could work as a band, like “Our Way To Fall”. ALSO BIASED BC I CANT STAND RADIOHEAD AND LOVE REM AND “SHINY HAPPY PEOPLE” IS A ROE THING OR AT LEAST SOMEONES!!! “Zombie” is also something that fits on “sad and dark, but still on the lighter side” (3/?)
-Speirs and Roe’s are similar in tone of styles, but Speirs’ is the slightly darker version; roe’s is more of fun and slightly pop-ish. Like Roe is outwardly more likely to be into upbeat things so more upbeat songs, while with Speirs, its one or two slipped in, so you get the hint, but it’s not in your face. This is for Roe and Speirs, and I’ll try to cover more tomorrow. I know I’ll be thinking about Lew’s and Lip’s, so is there anything specific you’re looking for feedback on? (5/5) -S.A.
aaaah oh man. oh man this is soo cool thank you so much!! Leonard Cohen is someone I did kind of think about with Speirs actually- there’s something about him and Cave that’s sort of... Haunting, to me?? Which suits him, I think. And as for the Black Sabbath thing, yeah, I think in retrospect with both Paranoid and Gimme Shelter I got all caught up in the “dystopian horror game” vibes instead of thinking about Speirs himself. Gimme Shelter is definitely more of a Lew thing, it fits both the kind of Dad rock and the kind of cool and flamboyant vibes like you were saying.
Roe!! Is one of my favourite lists actually, and I think I always had him down as kind of Ben Howard-y but it was a fanvid using Oats that really solidified that for me (this one!!). I do super love the alternative 80s/90s kind of style for him, and White Lies are also very Gene to me too (Fifty On Our Foreheads especially, but also some of the much darker ones that I didn’t include, such as To Lose My Life and Unfinished Business). There’s also a lot of scope to dip in and out of Toye’s list with Roe in mind- with the likes of Interpol and The Smiths I think. The relationships between lists is a whole ‘nother ballgame though, I’d be here for days if I started to get into that ahaha
WHY CAN’T YOU STAND RADIOHEAD? it’s not beef im just curious- cause i mean, i was adamant i would hate them for a long time because i wasnt keen on the fanbase or the kind of godly tier thom yorke had been elevated to by them, but they’ve actually grown on me a lot (through a combination of westworld and @ralphspina​, i think) and plus i feel like the kind of loner-ish vibes suit Roe in a way. but!! i respect that everyone has their own tastes and things so it’s all good
Lip has Shiny Happy People actually! Buuut I do feel like it could have been Roe if id taken a different kind of route with him in terms of sounds (like, if i had stuck to lyrics more than general aesthetic, if that makes sense) 
and yeees the connection between speirs and roe is something i love a lot, and i think you summarised a lot of that connection super succinctly in what you said there. speirs CAN be fun but its a lot more covert i think. i don’t know if you ever saw my young speirs breakdown but that kind of was me trying to give a little insight into how he came to acquire the vibes he has today
ALSO!! i promise you dont have to give any feedback at all really if youre ever busy or dont wanna but i appreciate it loads oh gosh and honestly anything you have to say on them is like!! i love it a lot because music is a big thing for me and i love getting other people’s views on the matter a whole big lot, so thank you so so so much for this!!
ANOTHER ALSO: a while back you asked about things i would have done differently, with a specific nod towards skip/penk and their more fun and musical list. im probably not gonna make a whole big bunch of changes to that list as it stands, however i have made another list for them that you can find here that focuses more on their at home/relaxed kind of music!! if that’s your kinda thing x
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