#i just hope you have a good day wahoo
cherrirui-official · 1 year
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@saltydkart-reblogs @sanctoklinge
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elegyofthemoon · 9 months
Woah I really appreciate your comment on my art <3
Idk how more tumblr accs aren't insane about hi3, literally redefined my life
OF COURSEEE your style is honestly one of my fave styles!! it makes me always think of those paper doll arts whenever i see them its so neat ;v;
tbh I'm kinda surprised !! maybe it's just bc I'm incredibly new so I am attempting (read: failing) to avoid a lot of spoilers and thus a lot of content buuuut I also feel like I don't get to see very much in general of honkai which makes me sad :( it's been super good so far and i KEEP asking myself why I didn't get into it sooner bc its just sooooo good 😭😭
ANYWAYS LONG STORY SHORT i love your art thank you for making it and letting me cry over it 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
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tervaneula · 7 months
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WAHOO it's finally the 11th of March – my birthday! To celebrate, I'm hosting my very first draw this in your style challenge!!! Featuring the NQK Future Fam, of course. I love them so much. 😭
If you want to, you can change the framing, the poses, their clothes and expressions (but not the character designs, eg. turtle markings). All I ask is that the love is there.
//EDIT: The new end date is April 14th!// The competition will run for one month, March 11th – April 11th. You can join the DTIYS even after that (or without following me) but won't be eligible for the prizes.
Just remember to have fun, this isn't about the skill, it's about the heart. I love y'all so much and I'm so happy to have found such an amazing community of fans and writers and artists alike in the Rise fandom <3 Thank you for loving what I do as much as I do.
To participate in the competition, you must:
Be following me
@ me in the description of your piece
Tag your post with tervs33dtiys
More info and prizes under the cut:
If it's been days and I haven't reblogged your post I most likely didn't see it, so please message me the link! Sometimes tunglr likes to withhold notifications.
I will pick two winners myself and two will be left to fate – a randomised name wheel 😎 The prizes are all free digital character commissions and I'll draw any OC or canon character (with existing visual references) in my "better sketch" style.
Terv's pick 1st prize: A free full body commission of one character 2nd prize: A free waist up commission of one character
Lady Luck's pick 1st prize: A free full body commission of one character 2nd prize: A free waist up commission of one character
I was hoping to have prints and stickers as prizes but turns out that shipping outside the EU is pretty much a nightmare so sadly that won't be happening, but I hope the commissions are a good alternative!
There y'all have it!! Hope you have fun!!! <333
My commission sheet for reference:
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AND also the full dtiys pic without any text:
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The peepaws are boring and are wearing what they always wear when I draw them lmao. Casey is wearing a turtleneck with extra long sleeves (for maximum hands-tucked-in comfort) and a long skirt, complete with black boots! But as I said at the start, feel free to give them something else if you'd like to <3
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cieffeitsme · 8 months
It's been 6 months since the end of season 2 (by the way Good Omens has recently still trending again! Wahoo!) and since this it's Valentine's Day soon I thought I'd celebrate our ineffable husbands with a roundup of smooching fan art *(intentionally forgetting that they currently have divorced).
If you are an artist or know other fan art, reblog it below. I need to see more ineffable husbands kissing to heal the heartbreak these two gave me - yes, it still hurts after all this time - !
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heartsteel-heartbeats · 10 months
fellow kayn appreciator hi!!!! love how you write him :D could i please request platonic headcanons or like. general thoughts on how kayn would be as a friend to a gn!reader? whether they're also a performer or not is up to you but specifically they'd have met before kayn joined heartsteel. thank you and i hope life treats you kindly!! 💕
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Platonic Kayn HCs
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Reader is a performer, Pre-Heartsteel
(( I don’t think you guys actually know what you do to me whenever you compliment the way I write Kayn it has me doing the Markiplier “yippee! wahoo!! yeeee!!” )) ~ OBBY 💗
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Being friends with Kayn includes lots of text messages from him. Sometimes you two text each other for hours, other times he has to run cause he’s busy. If you text him before he does after he says he has to do something, you’ll probably be speaking to Rhaast. There’s a 50/50 chance that he’ll stay and chat for a while or he’ll say he can’t chat cause he’s still working.
Sometimes he doesn’t get back to you for a few days. If you’re lucky, he’ll message you within hours. If it is taking him a few days, there’s a good chance you may need to check up on him. Sometimes he loses himself when he’s too focused on working.
On some nights, you two video call on Discord while you’re both working. You may or may not end up getting sidetracked by playing a video game together. FPS, horror, or survival horror. So games like Left 4 Dead, Dying Light, Lethal Company, and even Halo are up there. As long as there’s co-op, you’ll be playing. Sometimes, one of you will share your screen so the other can watch. Games like The Mortuary Assistant, Resident Evil, Alien: Isolation, and Outlast are pretty good.
Going to each other’s concerts isn’t always a guarantee, but both of you try. Not to mention, the paparazzi will be annoying to deal with once people start to realize one of you is at the other’s concert.
Kayn’s not against introducing you to Akali. There’s a good chance she’s heard of you and probably listens to some of your works, so it’s a win. And so, you, Kayn, and Akali are all in a group chat where you just kinda laugh at some hate comments each of you get. It’s especially funny when the thread just keeps going with people arguing. It’s very tempting to go and leave a comment in the argument just to see how it’d go, especially since Kayn would actually try to get you and Akali to say something. Luckily neither of you actually did it. Imagine the articles and posts on social media that would be made about it…
Since this is before Kayn joined Heartsteel, Kayn does sometimes send you some of his works. You know, the ones that were never made public. He knows you accept both him and Rhaast, so think of it as his appreciation for it. Sometimes Rhaast sends ones that Kayn didn’t send yet, but in return, he wants a sneak peek at one of your own.
On that topic, you’ve kept up to date with what his old band has been up to, both before and after he was no longer a part of it. It wasn’t on purpose, it just shows up on your recommended time to time. There was some discourse, and then after Kayn was no longer there, things seemed to take a bit of a turn for the worst for both him and the band. The band was struggling and Kayn’s reputation crashed. Him not releasing his songs to the public didn’t help, but he had his reasons for that. You were in no position to pry, so all you can really do is continue supporting him.
The idea for a collab was always up there even if you’re running solo or not, but it never actually happens because Kayn and Rhaast always have drafts piled up. Rhaast just thinks it’d be pretty fun to do. But seriously, they do need to finish up their own works. A collab is the last thing he needs to add to his list right now.
Sometimes invites you to liven up an alley he found, or a wall in an abandoned building. If you have an idea for his idea, say it. He knows if you’ve got something in mind anyway, so it’d be better to just say it because he’d pester you about it. You’ll probably even notice he brings a little sketchbook sometimes. Also, those spray paints were totally not Akali’s. If you have paint as well, he’ll be taking those too. If you find some missing, you know who to interrogate. Don’t expect him to admit it though.
If you’re the one inviting him, he doesn’t mind if he just watches or pitches in an idea or two. Knowing him, he won’t always just sit and watch. He also doesn’t want you holding back on your artistic ability, so please, go all out and experiment if you have to. Not giving it your all, especially in front of him, is almost insulting to him.
Do you guys get caught? Maybe sometimes. The chase is always fun though. Well, maybe not all the time, but you can still look back at the memory and laugh a bit.
Kayn has one or two of your songs in his little private playlist. Will he ever tell you? Nope.
Sometimes the media goes overboard with your relationship with him. It’d be nice to debunk all of their theories and speculations, but Kayn insisted you let them go at it cause it’s funny. Admittedly, it was. Every small thing was “a hint.” There are some that take some “signs” differently and start wars between both of your fans. Still rather entertaining, but it did feel more concerning. Some fans can be pretty crazy. Usually, those little wars fix themselves within a few weeks if you’re lucky. Maybe months.
If it does come to it, Kayn won’t stop you from posting something in response to hopefully calm things down. Hell, he might even make a post himself. His wording might be a bit aggressive though.
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andybrawler · 16 days
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Happy Klonoa Day!!!
When I was in a tight spot of discovering myself, a friend told me to try Klonoa. I bought the Reverie Series back when it came out and decided to play it after over 1 year or so with a friend by my side. This wahoo boy ever since late 2023 has been my comfort character and my hero. He taught me about lessons I haven’t known before and after all that, I didn’t just tear up, but cried for once in years. He taught me about accepting Emotions no matter how sorrow it is and that it’s ok to be childish sometimes as an adult.
I wish one day that I can see this guy again with a new or remade adventure. To celebrate, I drew this Movie inspired one from work a Week ago. Hope you all love this.
Lastly, thank you Klonoa and the team behind this guy. You guys inspired me of a story to tell for a comic or show. The story that you inspired me is based on my own Phantomile I had growing up. Been struggling for 7 years and I am proud that it officially has a full vision thanks to a Cabbit. Have a good morning, afternoon, evening, and night and stay dreaming!
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Opening scene and Earth's got vibe-checked by God and I've been gaslit about the dinosaurs
GARDEN OF EDEEEEEN wow his first appearance and Aziraphale's already so prissy and flustered might fuck around and fall in love with him idk
I finally understand who these mf's are hi Hastur and Ligur you're not zombies after all
idk sister mary loquacious is kinda doing it for me rn with that satanic nun's habit and losergirl energy
third crowley scene and he's misplaced THE LITERALLY GODDAMNED ANTICHRIST because he made small talk with a bloke outside without checking for details
mmmmhm yes sister mary wink again your bitchless decisions are sexy y'know what i mean
Gabriel feels like his brain was eviscerated and replaced with one of those youtuber's paid course promos at the end of their how to change your life in 45 days: three simple mindset shifts video
mmmhm yes sure crepes French revolu--Crowley stop eye-fucking Aziraphale you're making everyone at the Ritz horny
Aziraphale don't moan into your food man you can't take these two anywhere
Crowley thanking the driver for slowing down is everything to me
And they're drunk hu-fucking-zzah good thing we'll have 11 year olds saving the world coz these fuckers sure ain't doing shit
What Aziraphale was doing back was definitely kissy faces though that mfer wasn't even trying to say bouillabaisse when Crowley said what sounded suspiciously like baby
kissy kissy from lil miss prissy [i would have made such a great high school bully shame i had no inclinations that way]
oop nun down nun down
i want ya see a wile ya thwart amirite on a t-shirt
"actually i encourage humans to-" just say you're a lazy bitch azi we love you
love crowley fake-manipulating azi into helping like azi wants to be manipulated y'know so it's not technically his fault he was wiled over or whatever and they're both just such ENABLERS
not azi going SOFT at being godfathers with crowley
why is nanny ashtoreth so seductive with that of course dear is it just crowley's inherent disastergirl sex appeal
erIC THE DISPOSABLE DEMON I DIDN'T KNOW THEY COME IN S1 well not come i hope unless being eaten by a hellho--nope
gonna give my roxie a kissy brb she's my angel and all this dog talk makes me miss her (she's a few feet away under the bed)
i asked her for a kissy and she crawled out and gave me a kiss i love her
...roxie's crying to be taken downstairs it's nearly 2 am this is on me for waking her up i crowley'd myself fml
EYYYYY WELCOME TO THE END TIMES don't mind me I'll have to take roxie down yes I know maggots I'm crowley-coded I KNOW THAT I'M A BLOODY DISASTER BYEEEEEEEE
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fran-in-the-deep · 11 months
maybe if u wanna do this request i was thinking right. high school au with hange where they’re super geeky, and reader is popular but was nice to them and reader wants to ask hange to prom! i was thinking it could be a little angsty because maybe they would think it was a prank but they go together in the end >_<
also if u don’t want it to be a highschool au it could be like a college party maybe! i love ur work btw <33
A/N: First of all, thank you so much, this is such a cute request and because it got so long I didn't even get to the party part, I might have to write a second part for that. Then obviously sorry for taking so long, but I still hope you have a good time reading it! I decided on the Collage AU because where I'm from we don't really have an event that has so much significance like a prom and Collage AUs are just my passion now I guess.
1,3k words | Collage AU | mainly fluff, a little angsty | just two idiots in love
Wait, really?
You stood outside, back against the white concrete wall of the building E where the natural sciences where located. A flyer whose aesthetics screamed graphic design is my passion by the way the green letters for End of Semester Party have been printed onto the orange background, the cheap paper already starting to disintegrate in your grasp. Maybe your hands were sweating because you were nervous, maybe because it was the middle of July and you had been standing in the midday sun for about half an hour by now, contemplating about a matter that had nothing left to be contemplated about.
The decision to ask Hange out had already been made weeks ago and every day you spend an hour over lunch with them and the occasional text had you received when the Marine Biology major had found another paper about some weird species with a long latin name, you scrambled for a good occasion to finally ask them out. The problem was just that all of their interests, as much as you adored them and were fascinated, were way out of your comfort zone and you really didn’t want to embarrass yourself on what could be a first date. But then you didn’t want to pressure them into anything they wouldn’t be comfortable with either. You weren’t exactly in the same social circles after all.
Like, you could just go somewhere and people would know you, there was always someone to talk to and that worked out just well for you but-
“Heyyy! Are you heading to the cafeteria as well? We’ll have to hurry up if we still want to find some good seats.”
As you whipped your head around, Hange was leaning against the wall next to you, wearing a t-shirt with a long fish captioned Wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri). You had no idea what this meant, nor how you did not hear them approach you, nor how the hell you were supposed to ask them now. So you didn’t.
“Sure, I was just waiting for you actually.” Well, that was true at least.
“Let’s hurry, I think they have pizza on the menu today.”
Hange waited for you to join them on the way, all too happy to tell you about their shirt. Wahoo was a real fish apparently that often was confused with mackerels or barracudas, but the name was funny.
Over lunch they asked you about your day, letting your rant about how bad group works were and then told you about that paper on this newly discovered sponge they read the last night, but in terms a normal person could actually understand. And when you asked about the other sponge paper you tried and failed reading after they send it to you, their eyes were just sparkling and they were brimming with excitement and it was just so infectious. You had never seen anyone be so happy about a sponge they wouldn’t ever get to see in real life. Just, how were you not supposed to have at least a crush on them?
Hange with their funny patterned shirts for every occasion, who was so unashamedly themselves and passionate about the things they loved while never hesitating to share this enthusiasm and passion with others.
So on the way back to the train station you finally whipped out the flyer as if it was sword to fight this battle with. Just that a crumpled piece of paper wasn’t exactly sharp enough to stand against the absolute boulder of how badly prepared you felt for this. It wasn’t like you to be that nervous. Although apparently now it was.
“Have you heard of the End of Semester Party? The student councils of the different faculties coordinated it together and every faculty will also have booths and games and stuff. So it’s not just about getting drunk or anything. I thought you’d like that, so I wanted to ask whether you wanted to go there with me?”
You felt like you sounded like an 80s teleshopping segment, all that was missing was a look at the camera and listing of the phone number to call to order the absolutely legit product.
“Wait, you mean like a date? You’re not serious, are you?” Hange laughed nervously, averting their gaze.
They thought you weren’t serious. The realization hit you like a cold bucket of water. Or the boulder, or maybe the bucket had this Wahoo fish in it, whatever nonsensical metaphor would be the most appropriate to describe a verbal slap to the face.
Was it because they wouldn’t consider you as someone to go out with? But then they would have just said no, or something nicer to reject you, they didn’t even have to bring up the date. Did they think it was some kind of prank? The kind of things that were always pulled off in highschool? Maybe Hange had bad experiences with that. People were assholes after all.
But Hange was the last person who deserved to be treated like that. Damn it, they deserved all the love and appreciation and being asked out, even if they would end up turning you down. You would deal with this somehow.
“Yes, I’m serious. A date on that party, you, me. I thought we could participate in those games as a team or so. Of course you don’t have to say yes.” At this point you were flailing around with your hands, or at least it felt like it. It felt awkward to show so much vulnerability first, but then, maybe it was the right thing to do. Hanges eyes widened slightly.
“Wait, does that mean you’re asking me out right now?”
“Yes, that’s what I mean.” After this you would be the most confident person in the world, because how the hell would you be able to keep talking now otherwise.
Hange covered their face with their hands. “Oh fuck, I’m so sorry. I screwed this up so bad.”
“What? No no, don’t be. It’s alright. Don’t worry about it.” Some beats of silence, or maybe it was your heart not beating, you were unsure. “If you want, you can think about it for a while. Don’t feel pressured or anything, it’s all good. I just hope we can stay friends.”
“Yeah, of course- I mean, we can stay friends. Ah no, I mean- I’d like to go to that party with you. On like the- the date. The date. With you. You and me. On that date. On that party.” Now Hange was flailing.
“Wait really?” You had this whole communication thing down, definitely. But then, being nervous should be okay. Considering Hange was just as much of a mess as you were.
“Yeah, really. I just didn’t think you’d ask me out. I mean I guess I haven’t really been asked out before? And then you’re so popular and I thought you already were in a relationship… seems like I was overthinking again.”
Hange just gave you the sweetest smile in the entire world as their tension eased and even let out this little laugh that you adored so much and if you weren’t smiling like some love struck idiot yourself you would be surprised. They had agreed and the happiness made you feel all fuzzy and happy and it was perfect despite the awkwardness, because it was just you and them.
“Not only you. But at least now we can be overthinking together. And you really need to tell me where you get those shirts from.”
So that’s what it was, a party, a date. Hange and you.
A/N: Hange's shirt this time was presented by the following meme from my fish meme folder:
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katsigian · 10 months
𝙒𝙄𝙋 𝙒𝙃𝙀𝙉𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙍⭒─────────────
Wahoo yippee I have something to show finally and it's all modding stuff right now. Thank you for the tags @morganlefaye79 and @pozerjacket❗️
I'm giving Valen, my main OC, his own custom hairstyle. I'm modeling a wolfcut for him in Blender right now and it's coming along good-ish. Which means that there's some fixing to do, like those short chunks that have to be moved and I have to give him a bunch of longer chunks curling around his neck, but overall I'm about 50% done (also nevermind the blonde, that's just so it's easier for me to see individual hair cards. He still very much is a brunette)
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I fecking love wolfcuts and I've wanted one for Valen for ages so I finally put my head down and learned how to make it in Blender instead of hoping for one to be released one day 🌚
And secondly, I'm working on giving all of my OCs their own custom eye colours. Valen's are the first to be done and they're perfect; light, warm golden like honey. In certain lights, they look like they emit a glow
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I'm also giving him his tapetum lucidum; modding this version in hasn't been as easy as painting and texturing his golden eyes, but they're coming along nicely. I'm testing out eye masks to see if I can give them reflectivity since his daywalker eyes don't emit their own light, they reflect light. That's still very, very much a WIP
And that's that! I'll tag some moots below the cut
As always, there's no pressure to share what you're working on if you'd rather not ♡ and I'm sorry if I tagged you and you're currently not working on anything, feel free to throw rocks at me. Let me know if you'd rather not be tagged! Or if you'd like to be tagged!
@rindemption @noirapocalypto @kharonion @calibvrn @wistereia @strafethesesinners @westealtoys @envergothash @enverflymm @mercymaker @daedricshrine @seeliefae @estevnys @dameayliins @alphanight-vp @hibernationsuit @swanfey @balverine2077 @baldurians @bhaalbabe @nokstella @quickhacked @thedeadthree @florbelles @humberg @leota-nexus @leopardmuffinxo @shellibisshe @peaches-n-screem @minastirithe @vanoefucks @hazellblogs @feykiller @duskfey @elvenbeard @wilxfyre @vincentmatthews @timaeusterrored @biofsauron @cherryrockpops @genocidalfetus @nightcxty @tellings @glitchinginthegarden @ravensgard @adelaidedrubman
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
Weird Mario Enemies Presents: A Chris Pratt Carol
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‘Twas the night before April, when all through the flat,
Not a creature was stirring, except for a Pratt!
Chris Pratt couldn’t sleep, after such a long day,
For his movie premiere was just five days away!
“I’m so excited”, Pratt thought, with a grin on his face,
“For my role as the Mario, I’m definitely an ace!”
But just as Chris had thought those thoughts with his brain,
He soon heard the sounds of a rattling chain…
A scary ghoul appeared right before Pratt’s eyes, 
And its face looked familiar, much to his surprise!
The ghost was Bob Hoskins, it was clear to see,
As he was cast in Super Mario Bros. (1993)!
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“Why are you here?” pratted Chris, with a fearful tone,
And the specter replied with a ghostly groan,
“I’m here to warn you, so hear my plea,
If you carry on like this, you’ll end up just like me!”
“This cannot be! Don’t take me for a fool!
Even Miyamoto-san thinks I’m so cool!”
“So it may be, but take a look online...
As the voice for the plumber, they all wish you’d resign!
Anya and Charlie, and Jack Black too,
Not one of them receives as much hate as you!
You’ll be visited tonight by three Mario ghosts, 
From them you must learn, or your career is toast!”
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First came the Ghost of Mario Past,
At his brilliant white glow, Chris Pratt lay aghast!
The room was illuminated by his ethereal light, 
Though he was a pro wrestler, he came not for a fight!
The ghost showed him visions of an old cartoon,
In which Mario danced to a familiar tune, 
 The live-action plumber was a certain Paisano, 
Portrayed only by the legend Lou Albano!
“Bah! Humbug!”, scoffed the Pratty Chris,
‘You come to my home just to show me this?’
But despite his attitude, Pratt really knew,
That he didn’t have as much Pasta Power as Lou…
‘Hey paisano, lemme give you a clue, 
Super Mario’s Italian, through and through!
Your bland voice acting just makes me sigh,
At this rate you’ll go to hell, before you die!’
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The Ghost of Mario Present arrived as due,
He was heard all through the house, with a resounding ‘wahoo!’
With a torch in his hand and sitting upon a heap of food,
This jolly ghost could only spread his good mood!
The ghost brought Pratt to a world of Wet-Dry,
To a small home with a family that struggled to get by,
The ghost gestured to the window to peek, 
For there Pratt would find a situation most bleak.
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A poor uncle and niece shared one measly dish,
But the frail young Spikina held only one wish,
Her beloved Super Mario, she wanted to see,
On the big screen, going ‘yahoo’ and ‘yipee!’
Were she to hear Chris, she’d soon be let down,
Hearing her hero so dull would just make her frown!
If her illness got worse, we’d surely know why,
Chris Pratt would be to blame if she were to Die!
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The Ghost of Mario Yet to Come was last, but not least,
For he took the appearance of a demonic beast!
Even Pratt could only tremble in fear,
As this frightening new apparition drew near.
Just as the silence was making Chris choke,
The ghost opened its mouth and spoke, 
“Where is god when you need him?”
And this left Chris Pratt feeling quite grim.
Chris didn’t really know what the spirit had meant,
But he was left with a feeling, a need to repent,
And though it hadn’t spoken of the future at all, 
Just its presence had made Pratt want to bawl!
“O spirits of Mario, I ask that you forgive!
I won’t voice another cartoon, for as long as I live!
I now understand the depth of my sin,
I’ll no longer voice Mario, I simply give in!”
With that, Chris scrambled out of bed with a start,
He dashed to his window with a beating heart. 
From his flat he saw a boy standing outside,
With a small hint of hope, Pratt leaned out and cried:
“You there! What day is to-day?”
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“To-day? Why, It’s April Fools Day, sir!”
“April Fools! That means I haven’t missed it! Wahoo!” said Chris Pratt, as he flipped his turtle with joy!
He had no further intercourse with Spirits, but lived upon the Total Abstinence Principle, ever afterwards; and it was always said of him, that he knew how to keep Mario well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge. May that be truly said of us, and all of us! 
And so, as Tiny Spikina observed, Mario bless Us, Every One!
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the-s1lly-corner · 4 months
Hii!! I read your rules thing and I believe this ask follows the rules, but I am so so sorry if I potentially missed something and/or made you uncomfy-
May I request some headcanons for Puppeteer with a partner (they/them!) who has abandonment and trust issues and averts all eye contact when talking about their own issues? Like they realize that they have these issues, but they just have a fear of generally being vulnerable around people. Avoidant attachment style, I believe is the term...!
I hope you're having a good day!!! Stay silly <3 /p
Puppeteer x gn!reader who has abandonment issues
feels like its been a while since someones asked for puppeteer! wahoo! notes: reader is referred to as gn but they can be any gender identity, reader uses they/them pronouns though obligatory "admin uses you/your when referring to the reader", established relationship, puppeteer is a bit of a little shit cws: abandonment issues
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perhaps one of the last people you want to avoid eye contact with because he expects it in conversation... i do feel like he would get better at accepting its just not going to happen with you as time goes on
has definitely tried to make you look him in the eye by gently holding your chin in his hand, definitely thought he was being flirty and stuff.... horrible idea, by the way, quickly learned that youre likely going to be uncomfortable with that
attempts to listen to you whenever you try to open up, takes it as a sign that there is some level of improvement even if its small
hes not the softest or most caring but he does try to pull you into a space where you can feel comfortable existing around him- its a learning experience for the both of you!
he can be a very manipulative and selfish person, but i dont think he would use your insecurities against you. both because the two of you are already together and thats what he wanted, and because you never really gave him a reason to
is it a shitty way of acting? yes, but hes a bit of a... douche..
obligatory "hes probably trying to help you because he wants your attention on him as well as your affection, not fully because he wants to help you"
but ohohohoh how interesting would it be if there was a little character arc where that changes and he actually wants to see you become better? the internal conflict!
he deosnt push for you to talk about things, and you dont push for him to talk either. not that you have to push, hes going to talk anyways so long as its not about his own insecurities and shit
hes so used to just dipping and going as he pleases but he does get better at telling you where he's going if hes going to be out for an extended period
something something "you both make each other better and secure" trope my beloeved
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atlantis-archive · 8 months
Sweet's Fish Story!
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Written and lettered by: Michael Stewart Pencils by: Steven Butler Inks by: Jim Amash Colors: Atomic Paintbrush Published in: Disney Adventures Collector’s Issue! Atlantis: The Lost Empire Volume 11, Number 6 (pg.84-87). Publisher: Buena Vista Magazines Inc. Publication date: circa July 2001.
Page 1: Sweet: [Aw, why did it have to be a fish?] [I hate fish!] [The little bitty ones are bad enough, but this big, nasty fella? Yuck!] [Still, Vinny's stuck out here, and what kind of doctor would I be if I let some overgrown sardine eat one of my patients?] narrator: [One of the unknown dangers in the seas around lost Atlantis has made itself very well known!] [Now Doctor Sweet of the Ulysses must overcome the deadly Nayap in order to save a comrade trapped on the ocean floor!]
Page 2, Panel 1: Sweet: [Wahoo! This reminds me of my days in the cavalry!] Panel 2: Sweet: [Now, what do I remember about fish anatomy?] Panel 3: Sweet: [Yikes! Low bridge!] Panel 4: Sweet: [That was too close!] [Got to find a pressure point in this thing's nervous system--] [--paralyze it temporarily!] sfx: WOOSH! Panel 5: Sweet: [Come on, you slimy critter--nap time!] Panel 6: Sweet: [Smart fish!] [Thinks it can shake me off by diving right at Vinny!] Panel 7: Sweet: [It's now or never!]
Page 3, Panel 1: Vinny: [Hey, Doc, can I get a hug too? Panel 2: Sweet: [Almost--] Vinny: [My foot's kinda stuck here.] [So you might want to point that thing somewhere else...] Panel 3: Vinny: [Well, this is one way to handle the situation...] Sweet: [--got it!] Panel 4: Vinny: [My foot's unstuck!] [And here I though crashing the fish into me was a crazy plan!] Panel 5: Vinny: [Looks like you two have gotten real close, doc!] Sweet: [Ungh...] Panel 6: Vinny: [I thought you hated fish!]
Page 4, Panel 1: narrator: [Later, on board the Ulysses...] Vinny: [Am I going to pull through?] Sweet: [Your ankle will be sore for a while, but otherwise you're fine.] Panel 2: Vinny: [Thanks for coming after me, Sweet. I owe you one.] Sweet: [Any time, Vinny.] Panel 3: Rourke: [Good work, doc.] [The ship's moving again and we should reach Atlantis very soon.] Panel 4: Sweet: [I just hope I won't have to get that close to any more slimy undersea creatures for a while!] Panel 5: Rourke: [That reminds me--I've had Cookie prepare a special meal for our heroic doctor! Panel 6: Cookie: [Since you don't like my usual greasy grub, I've got something special for ya--] Sweetie: [Urk!] Cookie: [--fresh fish!] narrator: [The end!]
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calcium-chan · 3 months
its time to dump a bunch of stuff i have no other place for but i want online somewhere! its a total fucking shitshow wahoo
first is an alien nine fan comic (its read right to left if it wasnt obvious, oops). this was made as a for an alien nine discord i lurk in. they had missed yuris birthday, and some discussion was had about what present is best to get her. most of the options were aliens?? anyways take this as the anti-kasumi propaganda that it is.
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next is two separate love web doodles. uh for anyone who doesnt know i have a half joke love web AU where cybermare and manon just fucking hate each other, and its just sad and awful for no good reason. im sorry shadok, i am physically unable to let blorbos be happy. second image is more of a doodle but i like it. and the first image i thiiiink was made when i was planning out a little one shot comic i never finished. for the 1 of you (oretal) who are maybe curious, i had a bunch of dialogue written out, the comic would have been a really tense conversion that culminates in a shouting match, i had this really cool idea where the comics color palette gets darker and darker as the sun goes down and their little apartment becomes so dark that its hard to see but neither of them want to bother turning on a light (many such cases). i care about these two way more than i probably should, uh thank you silly deer lady for the blorbos.
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the next one is a drawing ruru chan (you saw the alien nine bit of this post, you know what kind of fucking blog this is) i keep forgetting i made forever ago. i ended up hating it and never finishing it. i still dont want to bother finishing it but i like it enough now to post it. shinsei kamattechan is one of my favorite bands and i really like this dumb melodramatic song a lot. noko is one of the realest ones going and i hope i can draw something i actually really like one of these days to express my love properly.
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lastly i wanted to post this absolute dumb bullshit fuck ass stupid technique. i was commissioned by a friend to make some custom buckshot roulette cards (he is paying me in sandwiches), and i decided that i liked the idea enough to go whole hog at least a little bit. this is just showing the process for the rendering technique im using in krita. i will be posting the final images once theyre all done (my deadline is fucking thursday, pray for me girlie). this method of rendering is super janky but its fucking worked so far! to any aspiring item key artists, please just render shit in blender, save yourselves. looks kinda nice tho once its on a card.
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thats it, please listen to "all my little words" by magnetic fields and "cant run away" by brave little abacus. GOODBYEEE ill post my drawmegle drawings next maybe?
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=×⭐Aren't they gorgeous?⭐×=
Who? The new Starmaker?
🌟 Yes
🌟⭐ Them.
🌟⭐♥️ I mean..
🌟⭐♥️⭐ Just
🌟⭐♥️⭐🌟 look at
🌟⭐♥️⭐🌟🌟⭐♥️⭐🌟 them...
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,,I mean, I guess they are."
(Click the image for best quality)
I decided to change up the formula for this post because I am just so fuckin proud of how this turned out so a rant about my progress and work on this peice under the cut!
This one is called The new Starmaker!
It is based off of an AU/HC I had for a while based on the fact that the more Crowley (as an angel) began to question things during his conversation with Azi his wings turned darker and darker.
What if, days, hours maybe even moments before his fall...
His wings became a galaxy, an omen of hope for him that maybe he was doing the right thing questioning things before God struck him down.
But yeah! All in all, I am really proud of this one♥️, it took me half a day to finish in total because Pixel studios kept crashing on me. Fuck you Pixel Studios (I love you) and I actually did two vers of the BG on this one!
So let's look at it together!
So this is Ver. 1
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-Basically just a void behind him, I thought it added a nice contrast and people I showed it to seemed to like it but when I came back to look at it I dunno
-It just kinda felt bland, ya know?
-Like yes the colors do contrast nicely and the lil stars around him pop more but eeeeeh
-I dunno, I just didn't vibe with it with that bg
So I went to Ver. 2!
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-I liked this one a lot more than the original one because why yes, I am a sucker for color
-Oh and it gave me the chance to test out the brushes Pixel has to offer
-I really like the cross looking ones!
-Okay but back onto the art
-I just genuinely liked the vibe of this one more than the last
-(Also got to give my boi a halo so WAHOO)
-And I got to play around with a lot of details for the bg and stuff
So with that out of the way, as a closing touch I wanna just show off some of the bits I had the most fun with while doing this!
(Again, click for better quality)
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So first off! I had so much fun with the bg gradients it isn't even funny. Like the lil pixels scratch my brain just right when I drew them.
Oh and the wings. They were REALLY fucking fun to draw.
Love em, need em, gonna do more of them soon ^^
But my most favourite part of this was ♥️Crowley's hair!♥️
Like I just zoned out for a good forty minutes, made the hair look like a galaxy on accident, had the program crash on me and erase all the progress and do it all over again.
But like.
In my not so humble opinion (because I have the ego the size of a blue whale, deal with it) I think it turned out TERRIFIC!
Like I just MWAH!
I love how I drew it!
But yeah, that's pretty much it! Thank chu for reading my art rant and see you on the next post, baiii!
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bovineblogger · 10 months
I hope you know I just scrolled through most of your blog and I very much love it! Have a good day
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE UUU THANK UU WAHOO
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On why I have slowed down, and plans for the future
Oh, hey. Look at that. I have been so focused on my day job (more on that later) that I hadn't even realised Patreon changed layouts and UI. Neat. I hate it.
Okay, so. To the point.
As you may or may not know, my day job involves running a small design business. Over the last couple of years, I was able to juggle the workload of this business and all my other projects such as Fascination Uniformed and others quite well.
However, a good problem has reared its head. Since my dad passed away in February, I found myself increasingly busy. Not just "oh, I am busy, but can draw some more in the evening" but more like "I need to work longer, at all hours, all the time" and I am constantly playing catch up. Part of it is learning to deal with the good news of doing better with the business, the other is... well, dealing with my own mental health. The passing of my father has made me less capabale at keeping too much information in my head as it used to be the case, and now I am having to learn entirely new systems to hold myself responsible, accountable, and happy.
So, Fascination Uniformed has suffered. My other projects have suffered. Hell, my garden has suffered too.
So, what am I doing to correct this?
First of all, on top of my day-to-day and the process of buying a house (wahoo for me), I am doing an audit of all ongoing, present, future, and required tasks. My day job takes priority, but I am also trying to organise my other projects.
I have always been unwilling to use "productivity software" of any kind because I hate the UIs and I often find that they are more work than keeping stuff on a whiteboard. However... I may need this now, to be honest. So I welcome options.
I am hoping that by the end of the week I'll have a sort of plan.
What does it mean for Patreon and Fascination Uniformed?
First of all, I am finishing or starting a lot of the promised sketches and commissions. Once that is out of the way, then I'll start thinking about developing my own website and an alternative system of patronage. While Patreon has served me well, I am starting to smell the same shite that has made Twitter, Deviantart and other platforms very hard to work with. So, come next year, I will have some sort of website that will house galleries of all my work, but will allow you to do donations as of when. I think I would rather you do that, than for something like Patreon to continue to get worse and worse. Early stages, early ideas. Once I have some, I'll ask your opinion first and foremost.
So, yeah. I am sorry I haven't got any art for you at the moment. But, if you've been following me a while, you know that I go through periods of over production and periods of drought.
The good times will return. Until then, I appreciate your attention, your patience, and your support.
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