genievillain26 · 8 months
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Doll Day Snow Day
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alittlebitbethany · 1 year
Hi everybody I’ve uploaded a new video on my #youtubeaccount in honour of @mermay_official #mermay2023 . Please check it out it would mean a lot to me. Image Description: a screenshot of a #youtube video featuring a photo of a #welliewisherdoll dressed as a #mermaid with a #beach background. The text reads BC’s Doll Place: Mermay 2023 Photoshoot. #welliewishersashlyn #welliewisher #welliewishers #americangirl #americangirlbrand #americangirldolls #agtube #agtuber #agig #agiger #dollphotography #shells🐚 #mermay #dollphtography #thelittlemermaid #dollcollector #dollcollecting #dolls
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AG Items and Dolls I’ve Found While Thrifting!!
I’ve been collecting for a couple years at this point, but my favorite finds are always the unexpected ones at local thrift stores!! Here are some of the things I’ve found (that I remember)
JLY #21 w/ Star hoodie meet
JLY #33 w/ Mia’s underwear
JLY #39 w/ Rebecca’s one piece PJS
Grace Thomas w/ meet shirt
Kira Bailey w/ accessories and meet
JLY #16 w/blue snowflake PJs (hair cut. fixed and gave away for a family friend’s birthday)
Joss Kendrick (when I worked at a thrift store- she was sold by the time I got off shift and went to buy her)
Multiple Julies (again, when I worked at a thrift store. I have two Julie dolls so I didn’t see a point in buying them.)
Lea Clark NIB (the store wanted $175 for her- no thank you)
Kendall (WW)
Willa (WW- I’ve seen and priced multiple when I worked at the thrift store. I’ve only bought one.)
Camille (WW- I don’t like her so I’ve never bought her. She looks like my elementary school bully and shares her name. Also one of the thrift stores wanted $40 for a one-legged Camille)
Large Items:
Samantha’s Bed (this came from what we called an “estate dump” at my old thrift job- ie. someone dying and their family dumping all their possessions to the thrift store. Samantha’s bedding had to be disposed of with all other soft items in this “dump” because of infestation. Since Samantha’s bed frame is metal, I scrubbed it and saved it.)
Julie’s Bed and Bedding
Floral Bed and Bedding
Kit’s Roll-Top Desk
Julie’s Egg Chair
Truly Me Chestnut Horse (For Felicity)
AG Hair Styling Caddy
Truly Me Grill (from a mid 2010s TM camping set)
Kanani’s Dog (bought and gave to a friend)
Random AG Farm Fence Pieces and Food Items (honestly the weirdest lot of items. Fence pieces from a horse set, some of Molly’s multiplication cards, Truly Me meet boots, a doll sized AG waterbottle from a TM backpack set, etc)
AG Bubble Bath (bought and eventually re-donated. It wasn’t in the best condition and I want the dark blue bathtub JLY bathtub instead. I kept some of the bubbles.)
AG Electric Car (thrift store forgot to give me the controller and when I went back they said they sold said controller to someone else?? Eventually re-donated because these dolls are eight why are they driving?)
AG Hair Styling Chair (never seen one in good enough condition to buy)
Julie’s Bathroom Set (store wanted $75 with NO accessory items and water damage. No thank you, especially not for an item that I can only use for a couple photo ideas.)
AG Concession Stand (had no accessories. Couldn’t justify having such a large incomplete, poor condition item taking up space in my house.)
WW Magical Llamacorn and Carriage (I wanted it but where am I supposed to put it??)
Notable Paper Items and Books:
(Honestly my entire AG book collection comes from the thrift store, these are just the interesting items.)
An entire binder of AG trading cards and PC era pamphlets.
PC era stationary cards (thrift store had about 50 packs)
Kit’s Railway Adventure
Welcome To… World Books (multiple girls)
Addy’s Short Story Collection
Addy’s Theater Kit (x2- one well loved and one sealed)
Kit’s Stationary Set (sealed)
PC Story Collections for ALL the early girls (including Kit)
The American Girl Party Book
Hardcover library editions of all of the PC cookbooks
The American Girl Board Game
The American Girl Card Game
The American Girl Family Album
NIB STEM Craft Kit
AG Intermediate Fiction: A Sky Full of Stars, and Smoke Screen
What I Wish You Knew (a PC parenting book!! Gone before I could pick it up back when I worked at a thrift store)
Our New Baby (unfortunately it was moldy so I had to throw it away- this was at my thrift job)
Assorted History Mysteries and GOML
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americangirlstar · 2 years
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i made the wellies on sims and did not expect them to immediately go for the séance set
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Some fun shots of my customized Willa doll, because we need more Wellies on Tumblr!
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britishchick09 · 2 years
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some poto things i found at half price books! :D
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weirdcringekid · 9 months
K3nd@l g3tz h3r 0wn k4nd1 b@g >w< ! !!!!
(Translation: Kendal gets her own kandi bag [an excited cat face] !!!!)
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Th3 r3d3s1gnz p1ss m3 0ff >:[ I d1sl1k3 wh3n ppl w/ b1g c0mp@n13es n n@m3s d0 r3d3s1gnz 1n g3n3r@l !!!
(Translation: the redesigns piss me off [angry emoticon] I dislike it when people with big companies and names do redesigns in general)
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desertdollranch · 10 days
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"Tonight's the night!" said Willa. "I can't wait. I'm so excited about our campout!"
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It was the last weekend of August, and the most beautiful summer that Willa could remember. She and her friends Kendall, Camille, and Emerson were pretending to be forest fairies while they waited for their friend Ashlyn to join them. They all gathered around a large tree stump, dubbed "The Fairy Queen's Throne" by Camille, to talk about that night's camping adventure. They had all gotten permission from their parents to go camping on Willa's family's property.
"I'm excited too!" Kendall said. "Thanks for thinking up such a great new thing for us to do together, Willa."
"I got the idea from this Wilderness Wendy book," said Willa, showing her book to her friends.
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"Wilderness Wendy says camping under the stars is really, really fun, but only if you do it right."
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"Do we have to follow all the rules?" Camille asked. "That doesn't sound very fun."
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"The rest of you can follow whatever rules you want," Emerson answered. She was snacking on a bag of marshmallows, and held out the bag to Willa. "I'm just here to have fun, even if that means breaking the rules."
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"No, Emerson, we have to do everything right tonight," Kendall replied. "Our parents only let us go camping by ourselves because we promised to follow all of the rules. If we can't do that, we won't get to do this again!"
Emerson ignored her. She put down the marshmallow bag and stood upright on the stump. She sang a silly song to the tune of "Yankee Doodle":
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WellieWishers, Shout hooray! We'll surely have a ball! Because tonight we're camping out, The most fun fun of all.
"I'm here to have fun too," said Willa, "but Wilderness Wendy says that the fun part of camping is being outdoors, surrounded by the trees and the birds and stars in the sky. I think so too."
"I think the best part is putting up the tent," said Kendall, who liked to build things. "It's like being inside a sweet little house."
"I think the best part is singing songs and telling scary stories and playing games," said Emerson.
"I think best part is seeing the night sky full of magical twinkling stars," said Camille dreamily.
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Willa laughed. "It sounds like we're all ready to go camping right now."
"Hey," Kendall said. "We've been here a long time. Where's Ashlyn? I hope she didn't forget that tonight's the night."
Just then, Ashlyn came walking up the trail towards the four other girls, pulling a wagon behind her.
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"Holy cow, Ashlyn!" said Willa. "What's all that stuff?"
"This is camping equipment," said Ashlyn. "It's the tent, and a few other things that we'll need tonight, like bug repellent and mosquito netting."
"Will there be lots of bugs and flies?" asked Emerson, wrinkling her nose.
"I hope there are," gushed Camille, clasping her hands together. "Lots and lots of lightning bugs and fireflies. They're fairies in disguise."
Ashlyn smiled. "I wish fairies would help us get set up. But I'm afraid we're on our own. We have a lot to do before the fun can start. Let's go find a spot to set up the tent, and then we'll get everything else unpacked."
The five girls picked up their overnight bags and chose a flat, shady spot under the oak trees. In only a few minutes, they had the tent set up.
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"Perfect!" Ashlyn said, admiring how big it was inside. "Now let's unpack everything else and decide how we're going to divide it up."
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Nobody moved or said anything.
"Remember?" Ashlyn asked them. "When we were planning our camping trip last Saturday, I said I would bring the tent. I gave the four of you lists of everything else we need, like flashlights and sleeping bags and snacks." She groaned. "Didn't any of you bring anything from your lists?"
Everyone looked at each other awkwardly, still saying nothing.
Ashlyn turned to Emerson. "Your backpack looks pretty full. What did you bring?"
"I have puppets to entertain you," Emerson said, reaching into her backpack.
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She held up the dinosaur and the chicken and made them say, "Hi, WellieWishers! Thanks for including us. Bawk, bawk!"
"What I mean is," Ashlyn said, "what did you bring that was on your list?"
"Oh, yeah," Emerson said. "I had marshmallows on my list." She took out the bag of marshmallows she had been snacking from.
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Ashlyn stared at the empty bag.
"Uh," Emerson stammered. "Oops. I guess my dinosaur and chicken got hungry. Nice going, you two," she scolded her toys.
"It's no big deal," Willa said. "We're not allowed to make a fire, so we can't have s'mores anyway."
"Those weren't for s'mores, Willa!" Ashlyn exclaimed. "They were for putting in our hot chocolate. Camille, hot chocolate was on your list."
"So that's what that word was?" Camille asked. "Because on my way home, I stopped by the pond when I heard a frog croaking. I thought maybe he was a prince turned into a frog, and he needed help getting out of the pond. I put the list down next to the lily pads so he could hop out of the water. When he hopped away, I pulled my list out from the pond, but the paper was so soggy that I couldn't understand the words. I thought it said 'chompmate', and I did not know what that was."
Camille opened her bag and pulled out what was inside.
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"So I brought some grass to make friendship bracelets," she said. But Ashlyn didn't smile like Camille had hoped. Instead, she sighed.
"Kendall?" Ashlyn asked. "Did you read your list?"
"I didn't have a chance to read it," Kendall said, shrugging her shoulders. "On my walk home, the wind blew the list out of my hands, and into the sky. Then a bird took it and put it in her nest. I let her keep it, because maybe she needed it more than I did. But I did bring something useful."
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She pulled out a walkie talkie from her bag. "It's just like real forest rangers use."
"Just one?" Ashlyn asked.
"My mom has the other ones," Kendall said. "But I can find some pinecones and we can pretend we all have one."
"Wilderness Wendy wouldn't--" Willa began, but Ashlyn stopped her.
"Willa," Ashlyn said, "Please tell me you brought something useful from your list."
"I didn't need my list," Willa said. "I didn't think our campout was shaping up the way I imagined it. Wilderness Wendy builds a shelter out of sticks and sleeps on a bed of leaves under the shining stars. I want to be a real camper, like her.
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"So I made my list useful. I folded it into a sun hat. That's exactly the sensible kind of thing that Wilderness Wendy would do."
"Great," Ashlyn grumbled. "So we aren't prepared at all for our campout."
"But Wilderness Wendy says we don't need any of that stuff," Willa insisted. "We don't even need a tent. We only need what is strictly necessary, like a sun hat. Nature will provide everything else we need."
"Willa," Ashlyn sighed, "we talked about this! The key to a successful camping trip is--"
"Being surrounded by nature and living as simply as the animals do," Willa read from her Wilderness Wendy book.
"No," Ashlyn said. "It's--"
"A place to gather around and tell stories," Kendall added.
"A starry sky," said Camille.
"Fun and games and puppet shows!" added Emerson.
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"Of course all those things are important," Ashlyn said, "but the real key to a successful camping trip is preparation. Since we're not prepared, we'll need to find a way to get the basics: food, water, and a source of light. Then if there's time before it gets dark, we can focus on the extras."
"But animals live in the wilderness," Willa added, "and they can survive just fine without equipment. Wilderness Wendy says the whole point of camping is being simple and natural. That's what makes it fun."
"But we aren't going to have fun at all if we can't work together and make this happen!" Ashlyn scolded.
"Don't worry about us, Ashlyn," Kendall said. "Willa is right. None of the stuff on your lists is really necessary. Not for real campers anyway, like Wilderness Wendy."
"I guess Wilderness Wendy and I have different ideas about what's necessary for camping," Ashlyn said.
"She's the expert," Willa said, hugging her book.
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"Fine," Ashlyn said. "I'm getting cold out here, so I'm going to go in the tent and warm up. The rest of you can figure out what you want to do instead, since you decided it's more fun to go camping without anything useful. Unless anyone wants to change their mind and join me?"
"We'll be fine," Willa said, before anyone could answer. "We're going to start building our shelter right now."
"Ohh-kay," said Ashlyn, turning her back on her friends and going into the tent.
(Part 2 will be in the reblog)
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gloomy-prince · 11 months
I’m customizing a welliewisher ag doll into Eddie, any suggestions on his appearance?
Omgggg… our Eddie doll has had the least customization out of all our loser dolls, he’s literally just a Logan doll, we didn’t even swap the eyes out because book Eddie has grey eyes and we thought they were pretty and unique… Sunny DID give him freckles though, and they look SOOO cute, I would definitely recommend doing that! They did it with paint and I believe prismacolors, you can always look it up or ask @squeakykid about it. They also painted scars on all of their hands which I think was a nice touch.
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When we were looking for a wig for Bill I also found a perfect Eddie wig even though we didn’t need it, but I think it would be too big for a wellie wisher? I’m not actually sure since I don’t know much about them, I’m just assuming the head is probably smaller… we also got some custom shirts for them from a shop on Etsy (like the Thundercats one in the pic), which look really cute! Especially since Richie and Eddie in particular have several recognizable graphic tees… so that would definitely help make your doll look the part :3
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box-full-of-dolls · 1 year
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American Girl WellieWishers Emerson (2016)
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alittlebitbethany · 1 year
Hi everybody I’ve posted a new video on my YouTube channel featuring a brief update on my channel. Please check it out it would mean a lot to me. Please check it out it would mean a lot to me. Image Description: a screenshot of a YouTube video featuring a #welliewisherashlyn doll dressed in a multicoloured striped swimsuit, a pair of pink shorts decorated with polka dots and pineapples , and a pair of sunflower sunglasses. There is a beach scene in the background. The text reads BC’s Doll Place: A Mini Heatwave In England June 2023. (With Subtitles). #americangirl #americangirldolls #americangirlbrand #summer #beach #heatwave #welliewishers #welliewisher #agig #agiger #agtube #agtuber #dollphotography #agdolls
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This is my blog dedicated to THE American Girl Doll™ omegaverse AU
I would like to emphasise that ALL the American girls are lesbians or various forms of queer.
The girls' love for each other transcends time and space so they are able to be together through the multiverse and time travelling
This blog is:
anti-welliewishers!! (if you like the Wellie Wishers do not!! interact)
lgbtq+ friendly (especially lesbians)
anti-cis-men (especially my brother)
anti-andrew lloyed webber
anti-capitalist (borrowing dolls from stores is encouraged)
asks and messages are open
not child friendly!!
Reach for the stars, Your Admin team
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americangirlstar · 2 years
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The WellieWishers as of 2022
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Getting caught up on my Etsy reviews 😆
Red corduroy skirt for 18 inch friends by SewCuteForever
Two vintage styled, white boots (Made for Wellie Wisher feet, but bought for that mysterious Madame Alexander doll) from kkdesignerdolls
Wellie Wisher dress by ItsSewEweDesigns (also bought restringing cord from them as well)
Under the Sea print outfit + matching cape from another listing by MCreationsParis
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tj-crochets · 1 year
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I got another doll to make clothes for! This is a WellieWishers doll wearing a skirt I made it because I was browsing pattern options and saw a skater skirt and was like “what is a skater skirt but a circle skirt with a waistband, and what is circle skirt but math plus fabric? I bet I could make that” and it turns out I can! Now I want to figure out how to design dress patterns lol
Also if you or someone you know might want clothes that fit WellieWisher dolls, I’m probably going to end up making a whole bunch of them lol
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danihost-blog · 29 days
Girl Clothes Matching Doll Outfit
Occasionally, outfits and accessories for children are made to match doll clothing. This began with the modern line debut; child sized versions of the meet outfits were offered, along with accessories such as shoes, socks (either modified into a five-pair set, like the WellieWishers Sock Set or a pair of see-through wellies, called the Peek-A-Boo Wellies); hats, jewelry and special occasion…
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