mcflymemes · 11 months
Hi! Could I please request prompts from His Girl Friday?
perfect suggestion , here you go !! thank you for the request !!
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ofhumanvoice-a · 2 years
@welltala​ gets a grogu starter
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  He had been smuggled out of Coruscant after the massacre. It had been easy, among all the chaos and bloodshed, for the clones to overlook one so small. Since then he has been passed from one caretaker to another. Looking up at his latest, there is caution in his eyes, but also curiosity. He reaches out a tiny hand towards Tala’s face, head cocked to one side, and makes a small sound. Friend?
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forcewilled · 2 years
@welltala​ liked this !
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               HE  DUCKS      his  head  as  he  enters  the  small  safehouse ,  his  presence  in  the  force  calming  despite  his  large  frame  and  in  spite  of  the  dangerous  atmosphere  around them . 
              ❝    it  must  be  urgent  if  whatever  it  was  couldn’t  have  been  sent  by  encoded  transmission .  is  everything alright ?    ❞  he  asks  as  he  turns  his  attention  back  to  tala ,  hands  folding  comfortably  into  the  sleeves  of  his  traveling  robes . 
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mvndrvke · 10 months
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@welltala : start from the beginning. // Ahsoka
"That would take longer than we have," Ahsoka says. "The abridged version is that I'm on your side. I picked up a distress signal from a Jedi. That's an insane risk for anyone to make; it's not like no one else is listening."
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withoutpeer · 10 months
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My muse is dead. Tell me how yours is dealing with it.
@welltala asked: She’s properly cursing him out for being an idiot and assuming he didn’t ask for help when he should have
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he... almost positively did that yeah....
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naturesbeat · 10 months
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𝙼𝙴𝙼𝙱𝙴𝚁𝚂 𝙾𝙵 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙷𝙸𝙳𝙳𝙴𝙽 𝙿𝙰𝚃𝙷 weren’t wont to stay in one place very long – not even among the rebellion. Amilyn cut through the crowd of dispersing pilots and rebel officers, her gaze focused one person, and one person only. “Tala, a moment,” she said, hailing her with a gentle touch to the elbow. “I have something for you!” From her vest she drew an envelope of all things, lightly creased from its time in her pocket, but still unopened. Smiling, she pressed it into the Captain’s palm. “I’ve been holding onto this for ages. It’s from that Halasai girl you escorted last year; she wanted you to know how she’s doing.”
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“Will you read it?”
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queensdecoy · 1 year
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@welltala liked for a starter
Sabé knew a fighter when she saw one, it used to be she was surrounded by trained fighters. Her fellow handmaidens had all gone through rigorous training under Captain Panaka, so that they could protect their queen.
It was something in the way a person carried themselves. You could see that they knew how to handle themselves. So it was clear the moment that Sabé met Tala Durith that the female could in fact fight.
"You have my thanks, you kept my princess safe, if there is anything that I can do for you please don't hesitate to ask."
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commandsvictory · 2 years
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@welltala​ said  —    there are clues out there, somebody knows something.
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          a  frustrated  breath  spills  through  clenched  teeth,    though  it  does  nothing  to  quell  the  sorrow  that  is  felt  in  her  heart.      “by  the  time  we  learn  more,    it  might  be  too  late.”      too  late  to  save  the  jedi  who  had  escaped,    and  been  captured  —    too  late  to  do  anything  for  the  people  that  ahsoka  had  already  spent  so  long  trying  to  protect.    the  glow  of  her  lightsaber  is  the  only  thing  that  illuminates  the  dark  path  before  them,    the  shelter  that  once  housed  those  seeking  to  escape;    now  nothing  more  than  a  mess  of  things  discarded  on  the  floor  and  forgotten  after  it  had  been  raided.    the  former  jedi  allows  herself  to  only  cast  one  glance  around  again  before  turning  to  the  woman,    nodding  after  a  moment’s  pause.      “they  can’t  have  left  too  long  ago,    if  we  can  figure  out  where  they  went—”      they  could  fix  this,    still  help  those  innocent  people  who  had  only  dared  to  exist  when  the  empire  wanted  them  extinguished.    ahsoka  would  not  allow  herself  to  fail  anyone  else.
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lightfaithed · 2 years
" nodding off... "
Finally, Tala had fallen asleep. Obi-Wan had watched her stay up for two days in a row, rushing about, helping people and carrying supplies. He had worried for her, had hoped she would take a break and go rest for a few hours, but Tala hadn't. It was very impressive and disheartening to watch at the same time.
Obi-Wan let her rest against him and silently accepted the blanket offered to them by a passing woman with a grateful smile. He placed it over the both of them and closed his own eyes. He just intended to assure Tala can catch a bit of sleep, but eventually Obi-Wan found himself dozing off too.
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whitesunsberu · 2 years
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there’s a faint scuffling sound from across the room and beru freezes. she’d spent nearly half an hour tossing and turning before giving up on sleep entirely and deciding to get up for a drink. “i’m sorry i didn’t mean to disturb you.”
@welltala​ said:  " honestly i can’t sleep, so if you wanna stay up with me? "
she relaxes at tala’s words, glad that she hadn’t woken the other woman up and relieved she wasn’t the only one struggling to find a moment of peace in the night. “are you sure?”
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craveschallenges · 2 years
@welltala : who  do  you  think  i  am ?
“ a traitor, “ simply spoke, head inclined as she takes in the woman dressed in the standard imperial uniform. somebody she’d seen around but hadn’t taken much from. “ i think you’re a traitor. “ the inquisitors always had a way of making her feel on edge, antsy to be free of the fortress because so much of it was… cold. all of it was cold. and they worked for darth vader. something she could and would never forget. “ give me one reason not to report you.”
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brcha · 2 years
@welltala sent a kiss on the brow ( meme , accepting )
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She’s still shaken from everything that had happened: Bail returning to Alderaan to say the fight was now, the news of the Tantive IV’s capture and destruction (and their certainty that Leia was alive still), her pleas for Fess to go and find her daughter (’I know she is alive!’) and his agreement but instance that she and Bail leave Alderaan immediately because of an awful feeling he had. Bail’s agreement and insistence that they listen to Fess and leave; Breha’s refusal to leave her planet until Bail very nearly bodily dragged her to a ship at Fess’s continued insistence that she must leave. 
The depth of grief at the destruction of her entire world. The way that there was nothing anyone could say to lessen the guilt she felt for having abandoned her people to die without her. There was nothing she could have done, Bail continued to tell her, and yet it did not ease the pain. It did not make her feel any less like she had betrayed every vow she had taken as Queen by leaving her planet. 
The heat of Yavin IV doesn’t warm her the way Alderaan’s sun did. She doesn’t know what to do here, in the Rebel base where she feels out of place and useless. Bail has already been pulled a dozen different ways, busying himself with everything that the Alliance needs him with. Yet Breha doesn’t know her place here, doesn’t know how to make herself useful. It seems as though the only thing she can do is sit out of the way, watching everyone around her without really seeing anything. 
It’s a kiss to her brow that pulls her attention back into focus, and she looks to her side to see Tala sit down beside her. Breha manages to give her a small smile of greeting; she is glad to see Tala, at least another familiar face. She reaches over and takes Tala’s hand, giving it a squeeze in thanks.
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withoutpeer · 2 years
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@welltala​ asked:                  Tala kisses his forehead while he's dozing.
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                 EVEN  IN       his  sleep ,  there  is  a  small  crease  between  his  brows ,  as  if  the  black  drifting  of  his  mind  offers  him  no  reprieve  from  the  memories  that  agonize  him  when  awake .  the  rest  of  him  seems  settled ,  though ,  his  hands  resting  easily  over  the even  breathing  of  his  stomach .  
                though  he  does  not  stir ,  does  not  wake ,  some  part  of  him  seems  to  register  the  delicate  kiss  pressed  upon  his  forehead  and  slowly ,  something  releases  in  him .  his  muscles  seem  to  lose  some  of  their  tension  and  his  lungs  release  a  small  sigh  while  the  lines  between  his  brows  even  out .  he  will  rest  now ,  soothed ,  as  he  could  not  before . 
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negociateur · 2 years
Smash or pass
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for a moment, obi stands with his hand drawn up, mouth covered-- it manages to at least hide some of the smile that crawls its way upon his face. but eventually, he knows he has to answer. a somewhat casual shrug comes before the word is uttered. "smash."
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bardbattledhasmoved · 2 years
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❝  are you sure you don’t want me to stay?  ❞        ♡        @welltala​.
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❝ i’m not sure of anything. ❞   who else is she going to admit that to? people here are expecting things of her, hoping she will stay ahead of the empire, waiting for her to become... something. is there even a path to becoming jedi anymore? is that truly what they need? she doesn’t have what it takes to be a knight. she knows that much. eyes stay fixed on the ceiling, but she shifts herself slightly, freeing up a sliver of the mattress in case tala decides to stay.   ❝ you... seem sure of things. how do you do that? ❞
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queensdecoy · 2 years
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‘  you  want  a  single  glimpse  of  relief  to  make  sense  of  what  you’ve  seen.  ’ @welltala
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"And I have that." Sabé said, glancing to Leia playing nearby, Leia was her relief, as much as it hurt that Padmé was gone, that she would never see her daughter grow.
Sabé knew that Leia was the good to come out of all the pain, glancing to the visitor, the stray Leia had brought home from her adventure. The former handmaiden smiled.
"And you, what is your glimpse of relief?"
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