lillysilverus · 1 year
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My birthday video for Jared Padalecki featuring messages from fans around the World <3
Happy 40th Jared!
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padaleckigallery · 2 years
Day 5 - Dancing #JaredPadaleckiWeek #WeLoveYouJaredPadalecki
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ale-whinches18 · 10 months
my therapeutic tweet <3
every time i have emotional downturns, jared's tweet reminds me of who i really am 🤍
i love you and thank you jared for everyting!!
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ainisadr · 10 months
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inlustwithsammy · 10 months
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Thank you for giving me the best character ever. I love you. We love you.
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laf-outloud · 6 months
The full context of the Jared padalecki show was Jensen replying to Sam how non of the smaller cast expected to stay on the show long. And then Jensen simply saying “me either, I thought it was the Jared padalecki show.” There was nothing mean about it whatsoever, and it’s Mark who then turns it into a “joke at Jared’s expense”. And I’m sorry but there is just no questioning the respect mark has for Jared. I think the fandom reaction to this one has been off the mark this time to be honest.
Here's the thing - I actually saw Jared fans thinking it was a joke at first. Then the AA's and Jared antis got a hold of it and started making comments about how "the other side" (aka Jared fans) were going to have a fit and start "that hashtag" (pretty much any version of #weloveyouJaredPadalecki, etc) and going on about how it was a dig at Jared. THEN I saw Jared fans go, huh, maybe he was being a jerk.
Were there some Jared fans who were upset right off the bat? Of course. But that's because Jensen's actions since SPN ended (and looking back, a lot of his actions during SPN too when we gave him the benefit of the doubt) have set a precedent of Jensen making snide "jokes" at Jared's expense. And almost always when he isn't there. He jokes with him on their panels too, but it doesn't hold the same connotations as the jokes he makes when Jared isn't around. On the panels they banter and poke fun at each other like brothers (or just dudes in general). When Jared isn't there Jensen's "jokes" always have a certain edge to them.
Of course this could have been a totally normal joke between friends. But Jensen has set the precedent that when Jared isn't around, he is totally fine with joking at his expense.
Funny the timing on that one... maybe if AAs weren't so determined to prove their fav is a jerk, others might not see him that way.
And I definitely agree that past precedent definitely paints a certain picture of current behavior.
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sunglassesmish · 1 year
jared could literally smack someone and he’d get hate for it and then people would bring up other bad things he’s done. and his fans would still be like ‘but did you maybe think it wasn’t his fault? and did you know he still has his own successful show and he’s got a prequel of that as well #weloveyoujaredpadalecki’
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lillysilverus · 2 years
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unabashedlyinlove · 1 year
Goddam, he is so pretty!
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padaleckigallery · 2 years
Day 7 - Exercising
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I’m a pretty small account here and on twitter but I would appreciate any help in rt/liking my Jared vid, tagging him etc so that it gets more visibility if you have a twitter account 
It was a lot of work but more than that, Jared NEEDS to see this love that so many fans sent <3 
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walker-290 · 1 year
Oh god whenever someone pulls the "how much jared hate have you seen in his tag??" it makes my eyes roll out of my head. Honestly tho? I don't know because I can't even follow my favorite actors tag because of the insane amount of hate that has been in his tags. So anon, there's an answer for you regarding that. So f**k off telling others how to tag before you get your hateful side to do the same.
Here's the funny thing.. I'm not on Tumblr surfing tags anyways.. because the limited amount of time I did it, it's full of metas about Jared being problematic that has like 0.05% of truth in them.. but I can't even go to the explore page of my Instagram because AAs and Hellers fill up the Jared tags and even Walker tags with Jared hate, anti Jared tiktok videos, Destiel posts and Jensen praises... Don't even get me started on Twitter... I have 17,000+ blocked on twitter and still people keep making new accounts just to post hate on the specific tag #WeLoveYouJaredPadalecki ...
The hypocrisy!
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Jensen Solo Gold Panel NJCon 2022
I did it. I watched the Gold Panel. Let's jump right into it; Jensen tries to act like Jared and as if he was there then says he misses his buddy. Aww, Jensen 🥺 
He says Jared sends his love, and this is when he shares what happened to make Jared cancel - with Jared’s permission btw -  what happened is that Jared had gotten into a really bad car accident, he wasn’t a driver he was a passenger but Jensen says he saw the car and his mind was blown that Jared not in the hospital but instead home recovering. There were no fatalities, thankfully, but an airbag packs a punch. He asked people to send Jared some love on his socials ❤️ 
Real quick in the off chance that this post is how you're finding out about this and/or have not seen the update, Jared has posted thanking fans for the love and support and says that he is recovering and hoping to get back to filming Walker soon. Nonetheless it’s always a good day to get #WeLoveYouJaredPadalecki trending so feel free to go and send him some love!
Back to the panel Jensen joked and said he could answer Jared’s questions so the first question is a joke one asking him how likes being Walker. He tries to do a Jared impression and then says he should have worked on it. The first actual question is about the prequel. 
We’ve read the premise but it seems a bit further off from canon. What's his thought process when it comes to that?  I couldn’t hear this first part too well cause he kind of whispered it but he mentions that there was a script that dropped that’s nothing like the real script. For those that don’t know the supposed Pilot script for the prequel was leaked back in February. And basically says that what was established in canon is gonna act as tent poles that will be hit but in ways that maybe aren’t expected. But things that were glossed over, like how Mary met John, those gaps they’re gonna fill in a way that’s entertaining but also services the lore. Sounds like lies but okay 🙃
The fan says her and her friends have been worried, and he replies that he’s not some guy who hasn’t been a part of spn for 15yrs, he’s not some random dude, that this story means a lot to him. And that he looks forward to being able to share more information about it when he can x
Somebody passed by with their baby and there was like a cute little funny moment so here’s a timestamp to that x
The second question, and Jesus this is going down fast, is what’s something D would say he’s bad at? Who asks this? 🤦‍♀️ *sigh* 
He answers, organization. Mentions D had covid, she’s fine now, but she had to sit out for a couple of days and was staying in the master bedroom so he had to move to JJ's room. But if it had been him that got sick she’d put him in the backyard or send him to a hotel. Sounds healthy.
Anyways, he brought this up to say that when D got better she found the room a mess with his stuff all over the place. 
Something about this story....seems off cause this man said he was on the third floor, he is staying in a multi floor most likely multi room house, he's not strapped for cash and he knew he'd be there a while yet the house he's at has only three bedrooms? There wasn't one extra? Either he made a bad choice when selecting a house to rent or there's a lie in this story. Or both.
He's also sure D has many other complaints about him. Lovely. x
Could he sing the first couple lines from one of his Radio Company songs? No, absolutely not. But maybe if they get Steve there one day.x
What’s something he really loves or will take with him in real life from the show? Baby. He took that with him, also says again that Dean is a part of him, that it’s a version of him. Mentions directing Walker and how they wanted to put in all these spn Easter eggs and he was like well I have the cooler, I have this, I have that, a bunch of props that they could put in. And the reason he has all of those things is that he actually gave a list to the props department of things he wanted from the set so when he got Baby she had a trunk full of things. x
A fan who's getting married wants to know what's his best marriage advice? A fan shouts ‘don’t do it’ to which he seemingly says it's way too late but that’s the obvious one. But he gives the piece of advice that he says he was given which is on that day, don't forget to look around and take a look at everyone that’s there celebrating you. Says he did that, and that’s what he remembers the most. And as far as marriage going forward ha! good luck, it's a battle. What an....interesting answer. x
How was it directing Walker? Jared and him are gonna have a shorthand for the rest of their lives. That you don’t work with someone and spend time with someone that long and not have deep rooted communication levels. That he would give Jared notes in a way that would confuse the rest of the cast and crew because he would give him notes by quoting a movie at him or just give him a signal and Jared would immediately understand what he meant; so while with everyone else he has to explain things with Jared it’s easy, it’s like somebody who you’ve  played ball with for so long, you know what they're gonna do and they know what you’re gonna do. It’s in harmony, and he and Jared are gonna be in harmony for the rest of their lives 💕
Also, says that Ashley (who plays Walker’s partner on the show Cassie) on his first day on set asked him how to navigate Jared and without thought he jokingly replied, just sit back and let him sink himself which shocked the crew and he had to clarify that he was just making a joke, that that's what they do. But the cast and crew was awesome, and it was fun to flex that with Jared in front of everyone and that all their old jokes had a new audience. 
Has he ever had a person in his life that inspired him and/or saved his life? There’s been a collection of people that have helped guide and steer him to where he is today; being available to listen was probably the most important thing and he encourages everyone to do that, to not put blinders on and listen to people. Says he didn’t study acting, he learned by watching the people he admired and taking mental notes and that someone probably his dad told him when he started in acting to be a sponge. That if you’re talking you’re not listening so he listened a lot. He has a list of people that have helped him some of them being Kim Manners, Deidre Hall, Bob Singer, Eric Kripke, D-  people who tell him when he’s getting off track, and that you don’t have to follow what they say but at least listen. x
When did he realize what effect spn was gonna have on people? Doing cons was the eye opener to what they were tapping into. Because tv and movies get made every day all over the world but it’s rare you get to pick your head up and see what doing that is providing for other people. Looking into fans' eyes and seeing something he did is making a difference or impacting them is one of the most gratifying things he's received in life. So it wasn’t till cons took off that he realized this matters; and when drama starts happening on set there’s a saying ‘we’re not curing cancer here, take it easy’ but after someone who fought cancer told him they watched the show everyday of their treatment and the show inspired them to keep fighting he went back to the crew and said we’re not curing cancer but we’re doing something that might inspire somebody to fight the hell of it. x
Last question is 🙄🙄🙄🙄 If Dean was to write a letter to C to tell him about the things that he appreciates he does what would it say? Dean wouldn’t write anything because Dean doesn’t do that nor does he. That Dean would leave C a voicemail saying you’re appreciated and that he’s gotta go. The question was annoying but the reply got a chuckle out of me. x
Jensen's Solo Gold Panel NJCon
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Jared at the USO base in Poland. #jaredpadelecki #usopoland #weloveyoujaredpadalecki
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ladyofthelake · 2 years
The #weloveyoujaredpadalecki tag is gonna lose all meaning if its used because of a phantom non existent thing Jensen didn’t even do I’m so sick of this
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