#went back to bed and proceeded to sob into my fiance's chest
tripably · 1 year
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allicekitty13 · 4 years
Paper Rings
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Japer and Alice were set to be married in July, but unfortunately, those plans had to be canceled. Alice gets very, very sad, so Jasper has a plan to lift her spirits; no one ever said you couldn't propose twice!
Written For Jalice Week Bonus Day- Quarantine
Jasper proposed in August. He brought her out to the field he had taken her the day he knew she was the one, that he truly loved the vain, lively, breathtaking woman who consumed his every thought. She had been dancing to no music with her best friend, Maria, and it had suddenly hit him. He knew in his soul; he wanted to spend the rest of his life with that little lady, that he couldn't live without her.
It had taken considerable effort to keep the all-knowing women in the dark. For months he kept the ring in varying locations, her brother's house, her best friend's apartment, his sister's truck. Always making sure it got moved anytime she started getting curious. She always had a way of figuring things out and ruining the surprise; he was determined to catch her off guard just this once.
It was Saturday when he drove them out to the clearing where so many of their life events had occurred, from wild nights to lazy days to heartbreak. He drove slowly down the dirt road listening to that girl, his girl, chatter on about her day. She had gone shopping with Maria, where she'd purchased the dress she wore that night. She'd told him about how she had something else picked out but was just too excited to show him her new purchase.
He felt his stomach begin to tie up as he pulled over at the field; there was always a chance she would say no. The thought was terrifying and made his heart ache in a way he had only felt once before. His worries eased when she pecked him on the cheek before jumping out of the truck to run out into the field.
Jasper let her be for a moment as he got out of his vehicle. He knew he would never regret this decision as we watched her dance around through the wildflowers in her light summer dress and the cowboy boots she'd confessed she only wore because he liked them on her. He clutched the ring in his pocket, committing the scene to memory; this was a night he never wanted to forget.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" She bounced up to where he still leaned against the truck.
"I love you."
"Yeah, I know." She giggled, tugging on his arm, "Come dance with me!"
He obliged readily, never one to deny his little angel anything. The pair slow danced to the top country radio station that played from Jasper's truck as he gathered up his nerves, continually reminding himself that it was highly unlikely she would say no.
"Babe?" She questioned as he pulled her back in from a twirl, one of her favorite moves. "Is everything okay? You look like you're gonna throw up."
Now was a good a time as ever, he figured, so he responded with a deep breath. "Turn around and close your eyes."
"Hmm," She obliged, "I knew you had something planned! What is it?"
He had the ring on a chain, knowing she hated rings. She always said she never wore them because they got in the way and made it hard to draw. His hands trembled nervously as he clasped the chain around her neck, whispering in her ear, "Keep 'em closed."
"Did you buy me another necklace, Jas?" She was smiling.
He was so nervous, his stomach doing summersaults, he would be devastated if she turned him down. There was no way he could live without this woman. He took her right hand, moving it up to rest on the ring positioned on her chest; she looked like she would cry as the realization of what he was doing hit her. He grasped her left hand, moving down onto one knee. "Open your eyes."
"Yes. Yes, oh my god, Jasper!" She'd exclaimed as she took in the scene, happily sobbing. "The answer is yes!"
"I haven't asked yet." He was beaming up at her, lost in her blue eyes ridiculously happy.
"Then, hurry up and ask so I can say yes!"
"Marry me?"
"Yes!" She choked out through her joyous tears. "I will marry you!"
Alice had planned an elaborate wedding to the surprise of no one. Her plans were elegant; the most beautiful were the things she had created on her own. Alice saught out only the best of the best, accepting only the things that met her incredibly high standards. He often wondered, knowing how picky she was about every aspect of her life, how he'd been lucky enough to be a part of it.
As consuming as her excitement had been, her sadness came in equal measure when the shutdowns happened and the wedding postponed. She spent most of her time in bed, going over plan B scenarios or on the sofa watching Lifetime movies.
It broke his heart to see his normally vibrant fiance in such a state, so he had hatched a plan to lift her spirits.
It was the day they were supposed to have been married; he had spent the afternoon out in the backyard decorating the patio space. He'd placed fairy lights, candles, and her favorite flowers- white roses all over the area. A radio had been set up in the corner with a playlist of only her favorite songs. Jasper had also moved most of the patio furniture out of the way leaving only the small outdoor sofa sitting in front of the firepit. He gave the space a quick once over. Deciding that everything was perfect, he went inside to collect the only thing that could improve the scene- Alice.
Jasper found her lying on the couch, watching some movie romance movie on lifetime. "Hey, Al," he greeted, crouching down in front of her. "Can you come outside for a second?"
"I'm watching a movie; Mandy Moore gets to get married. It's not fair."
"You're gonna have a wedding too when it's safe, hun." He left a sweet kiss on her temple before grabbing the remote and pausing the T.V. "I've got something to show you outside in the meantime."
"You're not gonna let this go are you." She sighed relenting, allowing her fiance to lead her out to the patio. Her eyes widened upon taking in the romantic scene Jasper had created for her. "What is all this?" She asked in awe.
"Well," He picked her up to spin her in a circle before setting her back down. A weight lifted from his chest upon seeing her beautiful smile for the first time in weeks. "My favorite girl seemed down, and I couldn't just not do anything about it."
"It's beautiful." She leaned into his embrace. "Thank you."
"Anything for you, but there's more." He let go of the woman grasping one of her hands as he fell to one knee.
"Didn't you already do this?" She giggled, causing a huge smile to cross his face at finally hearing her musical laughter again.
"No one ever said I couldn't do it again. Besides, if you have to plan a second wedding, you deserve a second proposal. It's only fair."
"You're such a sap when nobody's looking."
"Nobody but you." He admitted, "Will you marry me?"
"Yes, Jasper. I will marry you." She was blissfully laughing genuinely now. Both of them the happiest they had been in weeks.
Jasper reached into his pocket, pulling out a cardboard ring to place onto her finger. A reference to the song she played when he lamented about how he wished he could have gotten her the elaborate ring she deserved, that she deserved someone who could provide her all the pretty shiny things she loved so much. Alice would always reply that all the glamour in the world meant nothing without him. That she had lived without him once, and there was nothing that could bring her to do it again.
"Paper rings?" She chuckled at the reference. "God, I love you, you romantic fool."
Jasper brought himself back to a standing position again, leading her over to the makeshift dancefloor, proceeding to pull her into a slow sway, spinning her out every so often. "I'm sorry you didn't get to have your big day. I hope this makes up for it."
"Mmhmm," She hummed into his chest, "More than words can say."
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youarejesting · 5 years
Femme: 37
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Pairing: BTS - OT7 x Reader,
Rating: Mature.
Warnings: Sumata (thigh sex), exhibitionism, voyeurism, masturbation, shower fun, Kissing. Boy Love, 
Length: 2k words
Announcement: Thank you to everyone following the story and dealing with me while I am sick. You all are amazing and bring me so much joy. I have hidden so many things in the last chapters, some of the wording and things that have double meanings, even the dreams are hints. 
Recap: Discussion and planning for your trip to America (TV interviews). Yoongi and Jimin take their relationship further. Hoseok also reveals he is open to the idea of romantic relations with his fiances’. Meeting the Families of the boys and their adorable pets 
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Tired from socializing and playing with the rambunctious puppies, you were quiet on the way home. The boys quickly agreed to a relaxing evening watching movies. It was a love story and with your legs over Jungkook’s lap and your head in Seokjin’s you were hardly keeping up with the storyline. Seokjin was mindlessly combing his fingers through your hair in a soothing manner. You felt like you could drift away. The main characters were engaging in a heated love scene. 
Smiling at the thought of sharing life's greatest pleasures with the one you loved. Something press against your calf. Looking down the couch trying to find whatever was the cause. You noticed Jungkook's ears had gone pink and his breathing had turned shallow.
Throwing a grape a Namjoon, his brown eyes searching yours in slight confusion. Head tilting in a way that reminded you of Monie, his canine friend. Flickering your eyes obviously in Jungkook's direction, hoping the older male would understand. Yet he only appeared more confused. Your hands which had been interlocked across your stomach motioned subtly at the youngest in the room.
The smile that spread across Namjoon’s face was purely mischievous, his dimple appeared. This look was innocent and though his work hadn’t aged him severely, it did take a toll on his appearance. Sometimes the bags under his eyes were so strong you wanted to just hold him till he fell asleep. But this face. This look was your favourite. It wasn’t Mister Kim-Leader-Detective-Genius. It was just Namjoon.
Jungkook seemed to break free of his trance. His eyes searching the room guiltily. They met Namjoon’s and the boy gently moved your legs and escaped to the kitchen. Namjoons eyes followed Jungkook's retreating figure longingly. Resorting to throw another small fruit at the supposed genius before you beckoned him over. Sitting at on the couch he folded himself over you to whisper. Jin’s hand without hesitation left your hair and dove into Namjoon’s locks.
“Get over there and tell him how you feel, and just know he is shy so be confident” You gave him a bold kiss, he went to pull back but you held him by the ears. Whispering to the oldest in the room. “Jinnie can you give Namjoon a good luck kiss”
There was no hesitation as he leaned down pressing his plush lips to the shocked detective.
Namjoon staggered off and you looked up at the oldest male grinning “halabeoji, you need a haircut, it’s getting shaggy”
“Are you finished playing matchmaker, you can’t force others to fall in love”
“I am not trying to, but I am trying to normalize affection, you can hold hands kiss and say I love you and still not want to be with someone romantically. I just want everyone to be open and happy”
“I think you should let everyone figure things out on their own, otherwise it might backfire” 
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Those words had replayed in your head ever since that night. Jungkook and Namjoon haven’t really spoken to one another since and it was putting a strain on everyone. You felt horrible the feeling of guilt weighing heavy in the pit of your stomach. You took a cab to Jiyong’s home to try and get some advice to fix the balance you had broken.
Seung-Hyun greeted you at the door with a smile. The two of you sat eating ice cream in the dining room while Jiyong was showing you designs for your trip to America. “And Namjoon confessed but, Jungkook didn’t say anything and ran away to his room. That’s really pretty is it for Yoongi? And I don’t know what to do because they haven’t spoken since”
“The art of love is largely the art of persistence. Albert Ellis” Seung-Hyun spoke in his usual low tone. “Give it time and they will come together”
“Let’s hope”
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The apartment seemed hollow, empty, still, the steel grey walls echoing the silence and making you feel wretched once more. You dropped your bag. Walking to the kitchen feeling distraught, you opened the freezer taking out a tub of ice cream. Sitting on the tiles, your pulled knees to your chest. If only you had listened. You stupid girl. Namjoon had barely stepped out of his office and didn’t look like he had been sleeping. He hasn’t joined everyone at dinner since that night. You had stuffed up, you had really ruined everything. Tears made slow trails down your cheeks as you shovelled ice cream into your mouth to keep quiet.
Needing to use the restroom rather urgently, you lifted your sorry form off the floor. Having too many glasses of tea whilst visiting Jiyong. Who knew the ginger tea was something that could chase away the sickening churn of guilt that filled you. Walking to the bathroom, you opened the door to see, Jungkook pressed to the mirror Namjoon behind him grinding his hard length between the maknaes thighs.
They froze. 
Apologizing for interrupting, Jungkook whined ‘Hyung’ making Namjoon involuntarily buck his hips. Namjoon explained what had happened while you were out. You were sad you didn’t witness the confession as it would have been a beautiful moment to cherish forever. You promised them you would not meddle again.  
You left the boys to their activities, sharing a quick kiss with Namjoon and a desperate one from Jungkook. 
Shutting the door you headed to the other bathroom. It was open but when you stepped in Seokjin was sitting on the side of the bath, moaning as he pumped his hard length.
“I am sorry, I just wanted to pee,” turning to leave something about Seokjin’s expression seemed lonely. Striding over to his side you placed your hand on his cheek. “Do you want some company?” Resting his head on your shoulder, he was panting heavily. Shuddering when he came against you his arms wrapping around your waist. He sobbed into your collar, the sight making your heart constrict. 
“Jinnie, my love, what has you this upset?” Revealing his feelings was hard, Seokjin felt like his heart was breaking. But he continued explaining even when his voice wavered and cracked. He was in love with you and he assured you this, but he was in love with Namjoon and felt he was losing him to Jungkook. Yet he proceeded to express his love for Jungkook and wished to always see him happy. He felt everyone was finding love and he was unrequited on the side fawning over his fiances’. 
“I promised not to meddle but, I really want you to tell them all how you feel, the better we are with expressing our feelings the happier we will be, Now I love you Jinnie, but I really am going to pee myself, if you don’t let me use the toilet. Afterwards, we can shower get into our pyjamas and cuddle in your room, we can even order in some food if you’d like”
Starting the shower seemed to call the wolves. You were quickly joined by Jimin and Taehyung, the two were content squeezing into the smaller shower. “Hyung can you wash my hair?” Tae grinned brightly.  “Sure” Seokjin began massaging shampoo into Taehyung’s hair.
“I know I said I wouldn’t meddle but these boys are probably some of the nicest and I think you should tell them how you feel” “What’s wrong?” Taehyung looked up at Seokjin getting shampoo in his eye. He let out a deep cry. Seokjin took his face in his hands “Hyung it stings” “Shh, I got it, stay still while I wash it off your face,” Jimin came over with a dry towel, Seokjin pressed it to Taehyung’s eyes wiping away any leftover suds. 
“Can I open my eyes now?” Taehyung asked “Uh not yet, I have to wash out your hair properly best keep them shut” “Jinnie, tell him” You whispered “Tae, I um wanted you to know that I love you” “I love you too Hyung, you are the best”
“No I mean, I am in… in love with you” his eyes flickering to Jimin, who had rested his chin on your shoulder “I am in love with all...all of you” Taehyung opened his eyes looking up at a nervous Seokjin, as soapy water poured into his eyes. “Ah it burns”
Repeating the rinsing of Taehyung’s eyes, he whined keeping them closed  “Hyung, kiss it better, please?”
Seokjin took Taehyung’s face and pressed soft kisses to the younger man's closed eyelids. Taehyung pouted pointing to his lips until Seokjin kissed him properly. Taehyung wouldn’t let it end there, deepening the kiss with a fervent moan. The scene in the shower got heated and you gently pushed Jimin forwards, “Give Jinnie, some love he was so worried how you would react”
“Ah, Hyung we love you too. We are all getting married remember” 
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After a sweet fumble in the shower, you all stepped out with goofy smiles on your faces. “You showered without me Jagiya?” 
“Hobi, Jin-Hyung has something to tell you” Taehyung smiled slapping Hoseok’s arse stepping behind him. Wrapping his arms around Hoseok’s neck leading him to the living room. Jimin who was standing behind Jin popped his head out from under the older man’s arm, his arms firmly secured around Seokjin's waist walking him to Hoseok. 
“Ahhh,” Seokjin cried out in frustration at the nerve of the maknaes, Hoseok was laughing at the playful interaction. Falling in love a little more with his fiances’. 
“What is it? Is this about the time I fell asleep in your bed without showering first” He laughed nervously eyeing you for any information. 
“No it’s not that, I wanted to tell you that I- wait you slept in my bed without washing”
“I have also slept in your bed without washing, Hyung,” Jimin confessed 
Taehyung whispering a quiet ‘me too’ before Seokjin put Jimin in a headlock dragging his knuckles back and forth on Jimin’s scalp. 
“Ah, I’m sorry!”
“You disgust me, you are both pigs” Seokjin tried to grab the other two under his arm, Taehyung shrieked pushing Hoseok at the older Hyung and hid his tall frame behind you. 
Hoseok tripped falling into Seokjin and he held the two under his arms. “You put your filthy feet on my clean sheets”
“But..” you prompted him to remember the point of the interaction.
“But I love you both you are my fiances’ and if you do it again I will make you eat Namjoon’s cooking for a week”
Jimin kissed Seokjin, “you forget, I can cook, Hyung” the word ‘Hyung’ wasn’t said as sweet or innocent like Taehyung’s expression. This was darker and daring. The tension increased as Seokjin and Hoseok wordlessly stared at one another. Hoseok smirked confidently, reaching to grasp the taller males hips. 
Hoseok was always a fiery passionate guy, so it was no surprise that he pressed his lips to Seokjin’s making him moan in ecstasy. You understood the feeling, having been on the receiving end of one of Hoseok’s kisses before. Namjoon and Jungkook stepped out of the bathroom both dressed once more. 
At the sight of his two fiances’ loving embrace, Namjoon’s chin pushed forward, an action he did when he was pissed. The two broke apart breathless.
“What is wrong with your eyes, did you get high?” Jungkook said looking up at Taehyung’s reddened eyes. 
Taehyung, unable to help himself, went around the room kissing the daylights out of everyone. Each kiss was different. You could see who was taking control and who was following Taehyung’s lead. Yoongi stepped out of the hallway to see Taehyung’s lips locked on yours. 
“Should I come back later?” He mumbled turning.  Taehyung grabbed his wrist pulling the smaller man against him for a searing kiss, except Yoongi put up a fight biting Taehyung’s bottom lip until he whimpered surrendering to the older man. Yoongi broke the kiss and walked to the kitchen to fill his coffee mug. Though that kiss had fired him up more than any caffeinated beverage ever could. “are you high?”
“No I just love my family” he giggled 
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Femme Media 37
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The One, part 4
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Jim Kirk x Reader
Warnings: angst, a little twist at the end of this one
Summary: It had been years since you had last since Jimmy. The two of you were highschool sweethearts, until you parted ways. After a horrible breakup with your two timing ex-fiance, you transfer to the U.S.S Enterprise. Finally coming face to face with the boy you left behind. Can the two of you work alongside each other in peace? Or will the past come back to haunt you?
The One Masterlist
“They should call you the Meddling Doctor, ” you teased Leonard. The two of you were comparing reports on your PADDs and he had mentioned yet again what had happened nearly a week ago.
“I'm just asking, I can ask questions right? This is my Medbay, or has Jim transferred the duties to someone far less qualified?”
You snorted and placed the PADD down, “What do you want me to say? That I completely embarrassed myself in front of my fellow crew mates? Or that I'm pretty certain Jim hates me? Because that is all just fine and dandy, Lee.”
He rolled his eyes, “You are being over dramatic. Jim doesn't hate you.”
“Well he should,” you muttered under your breath.
Bones gave you a long and hard look, before opening his mouth once again. “So you covered up some silly tattoo. You've said it yourself, it's been years since the two of you were together.”
“So he told you about the tattoo,” you perked up and smiled slyly at the doctor.
“What can I say? I'm just so easy to talk to,” Leonard grinned and you rolled your eyes. “But come on darlin’, what happened between the two of you?”
“Bones,” you warned pushing away from counter and toward the patient in bed 2. Thinking the relentless doctor was done interrogating you, you proceeded to look over the woman in the bed. Until Leonard came up behind you and started pestering you some more.
“Are you speaking on behalf of Jim? Or is it pure curiosity? Because you do what know happened to the cat, right?”
Leonard let out a rough huff and followed you away from the patient, “I'm not going to meow for you, but sure out of pure curiosity.”
You walked over to one of the empty beds and sat on the edge of it, “I'm only going to say this once, so listen up.”
The handsome doctor stood in front of you, hands crossed against his chest waiting for you to go on.  
“We were 17, Lee. Kids. I had left for the summer for an art program and well, I never came back.”
“Jesus, so you left Jim behind? Didn't even tell him?”
You winced at his words, because the truth hurt. But you had your reasons. “I did and that's why he hates me.”
Leonard stood quiet for a moment, adding things up in his head until he slowly shook his head. “That can't be just it, you're not telling me something.”
You sighed and ran a hand over your face. Standing up from the bed, you patted a hand onto Leonard’s shoulder. “Somethings are better left unsaid, we all have our secrets Lee. Just leave it alone, please.”
“So she thinks I hate her?” Jim scoffed and leaned against Leonard’s desk. His friend leaned back into his chair and shrugged.
“That’s what she told me, said that some things were better left unsaid. That everyone had their secrets. And then she told me to drop it.”
Jim’s eyes darted to the doctor, “Secrets?”
“Secrets.” Bones repeated, his hand opened the bottom draw of his desk. Jim watched his friend pull out a bottle of whiskey and two small glasses. “You look like you need a drink.”
“Thanks, Bones,” Jim reached down for his drink and quickly took an extra long sip. The drink ran smoothly down his throat and he let out a soft ‘ah’ before nodding to Leonard.  “What secrets?”
“How am I supposed to know? You’re the one that was with her.”
“I know, I know. I just don’t understand,” Jim’s eyes peered down into his drink, he whooshed the alcohol around and wondered where it all went wrong.
“What do you mean you’re not coming back!” Jim’s panic voice hit your ears harshly, tears welled up in your eyes. He was staring at you in disbelief, his eyes scanned your face for evidence of humor.
“I'm sorry, Jim. It’s just this place is great and they said I had real talent,” you summoned up a smile and tried to shrug it off. You were dreading this video call for weeks and now this was it.
“But you’ll be back eventually, right?” His face lit up in hope as he brushed hair from his handsome face.You could almost feel his touch on you and it killed you. 
Your lips trembled and you wished you could tell him the truth. That you didn’t want to stay, that you wanted to rush home. Right into his arms. But you were scared, terrified.
“I-I don’t know. Maybe, someday,” you whispered, hoping he’d understand.
Jim stood there in silence as his heart dropped hard. What did he do? He must have done something to drive you away, to make you want stay away. He ran a million different moments the two of you had through his head, trying to find the one that made you change your mind. That changed the way you felt about him.
“What did I do?”
“Oh god,” you stuttered pulling back a sob, Jim ran a hand over his face. “Jim it’s not that, I want to be here. I need to be here.”
“You were always a terrible liar,” he laughed dryly. He wanted to be strong, he was strong. “Listen, just have fun. Work hard. Call me in a few weeks. I’ll be here.”
You wiped the tears from your eyes and took a deep breath, “Okay. I have to go now.”
“Alright,” Jim’s voice cracked as he said goodbye. But then he steadied his face and smiled brightly at you. He leaned forward and stared right into your eyes. “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Jim. Bye.”
Jim took another sip of the smooth whiskey and thought of that video call, because it was the last time he saw your face. He had lost you for good and he never knew why. And now you were here, nearly 13 years later. For the life of him, Jim could not get over the fact that you decided to board his ship. To transfer knowing he was the Captain. Was it like you said? That you had the desire to be on the best ship in the Fleet? Were you just running away from a cheating ex? Or did you come back for unfinished business?
“Maybe I’m playing myself, Bones,” Jim glanced over to the man, his eyes somber and light. “It has been a long time, we hardly know each other now.”
“That’s all true.”
“Exactly, I’ve gone all these years without thinking much of her,” Jim’s eyes caught Leonard’s unconvinced smile, “Okay, so I thought about her, but she obviously has moved on. So I will too.”
“If you say so,” Leonard finished his drink and stood up from his seat. “Maybe you should start by filling in that little tattoo of yours.”
Jim smirked setting his empty glass down. “I suppose so.”
You stood on the observation deck, staring out into the vast darkness. The stars were so different from up here, you felt homesick. You thought about your parents and if they were okay. You probably should call them soon. Sighing you grip the sketch pad in your hand and flipped it open, you landed on a small sketch. A pair of mesmerizing blue eyes smiled up at you, a pouty little mouth and cute little dimples. You grinned and bit down on your lip.
“I should have never came here,” you whispered to no one. Tears fell down your face, so you moved closer to the window and pressed a hand on the glass. You should have stayed on the USS Inquisitor, but instead you ran away. Ran away from Ranin and his cheating, just like you ran away from Jim. You were cowardly and this time age was not a factor, you couldn’t put the blame on being a sullen teenager. It was time to face the past, to tell the truth. No matter how badly it stung and pained you, it was no longer easy to hold on to. The truth was baring down on you, crushing everything inside you. It needed to be released.
Leonard strolled into the SickBay, assigning a few tasks to the nurses on duty. He took his cup of coffee and walked over to where he had left his PADD, but there were two. He groaned because the other was most likely yours. Setting his cup down he grabbed one of the PADDs and turned it on, it was not his. He flipped through the report, wondering what patient report you were looking over. It was a medical history, intrigued the doctor went through it contently, humming away until something caught his eye. A single line in the report.
Stardate 2250:  Gave birth to healthy male.
Leonard quickly scrolled up to the top of the report, trying to figure out who the medical history belonged to. His heart pounded away and he hoped it wasn’t who he thought. But sure enough when he reached the top, your name was right there.
Secrets, he thought. We all have secrets.
Tagging:  @captain-almighty @whovianayesha @evilrocknroll @hope-mundane@indierockukbond@feelmyroarrrr @mysterymegal @protontippens @supernaturallymarvellous@rayleyanns @bucky-laufeyson @enaishungry  @all-things-nerdy @dr-dean @ladyxdezi @infinity1321 @run-with-the-fandoms @kristaparadowski@curlyhairedblueeyedangel @kitchenwitchsuperwhovian@fantasticimpaladoctor@omgikwangminwoo @usynthpunk @darkchocolaterey@stargirlhorse @tiny-sam-is-my-jam @uss-lesbian @serenityspiral @fizzylollipop12 @ghostlydetectivenerd@pretty-with-andorian-shingles@musingsongbird @andrastesflamingtitties @daughterofthebrowncoats  @caffiene-nights @brownbuble @spinsterlocity  @mysteriouslyme81@raversam @ababyinatrenchcoat @fandomheadrush @amy-longhurst1699 @chunkymonky11 @randomlittleimp  @mspseudonymwho @cassidy-the-crazy-mofo @harleenquinsellovesj @imoutofmyvulcanmind  @irony-is-my-life @iwillstaywiththemforever@yourtropegirl  @woodlandfoxtea @curiositykilledthecompanion  @theonlyparadox @milszymijestpantofelek @thechamberofcaitlyn @captian-hannah-kirk @bluebird214
Forever tags: @my-amazing-nerdyness @naih-reedus @maciiiofficial @casownsmyass @adorable-assbutt @jade-taillia @fangirlextraordinaire @indominusregina @feelmyroarrrr @my-rainbow-wonderland @myhopeisinfinite @girl-next-door-writes @policeofficerdean@dontbeamenacetotheforce @melonberri @theothergirl2212 @superisatomboyuniverse@xloudwhocares @crownie-sr  @darkmystress00 @castieltrash1 @hannahsakorax3  @dracsgirl @moonlight53 @makemyownwonderland @dreamwhisper87 @rayleyanns
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