donnnoir · 11 months
I don't know if this works like messaging. Hope so. I so miss you and all our conversations. My brain is bored. Happy almost Birthday my Friend
thank you.... Wasn't able to access this account till today. The Fun and Games have started once again, yeehaw!!!
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donnnoir · 2 years
ROFLMFAO... can't even be bothered to compose a single lucid articulate thought or comment. i presume they did it this way so as to avoid consequences for such sentiment. not that i would take offense or report them. i have survived far worse than childish speech. i suppose they are going to hold the breath till i do as they demand. so sad really.... Donn
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donnnoir · 2 years
Please take a long walk off a short pier and don't surface.
your comment fails in all regards. lacks focus, originality, humor, cynicism or even hateful venom. i hope you are not a paid troll. all my content is original with only a few reposted links. my content is mostly autobiographical and or representative of my perspective on a given subject, or esoteric thought. Please anyone exerting the effort to send negative comments, put some effort into your work. thank you.... Donn
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donnnoir · 2 years
Boy for someone afraid of getting a vaccine you’re a real fucking retard, you sure your skank mother didn’t get you stuck?
hahahahaha.... i certainly hope you are being paid to be Troll! it would be a shame to waste such vile and expressly ignorant comments and NOT get paid. All the more so as the whole CoVid and mutantRNA inoculations narrative is collapsing daily. i presume that is why your comments are purely vulgar profanity seeking some visceral response to imagined insults or offense. which is comical to pathetic. all the more so if you are Not a "for hire" Troll. in which case i trust you are fully vaxxed and bolstered. since ultimately the whole scam-demic is/was an IQ test. were the the servile, obedient class whose development is truncated at best are culled from society.
all the best in either case my misguided anon; don't ever change....
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donnnoir · 2 years
Sometimes damnit, i have to fully agree with Dr. Jordan Peterson. Granted Our Western Culture and Heritage are under attack by subversive elements that have infiltrated our society. The majority are doing so for their own financial gain. All while playing the “moral high card” in their games and machinations. 
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donnnoir · 2 years
all too True! this is a great story, wish there was a link to the investigations in Greece. just to bring it full circle. some day perhaps some teenage Greek will read this tale and say wait i remember hearing about this gang of tourist killers. 
wanna hear a wild story? my brother’s history professor is closing in on 80 and basically lives at the university. one night my brother visited him for a meeting, and it came up that my brother was gonna be performing as a court jester at the castle the following day. and his professor busts out: “ah, that reminds me of my youth!”
he then proceeded to tell the tale of when he and his friends went backpacking to greece back in their early 20s. then one day they found themselves completely penniless. so they decided that the only reasonable thing to do was to set up acrobatic shows in skimpy outfits on the beach at day, and then drink up the money at night.
after a week or so they gained some traction, and a gang of young greek men walked up to them like “hey y’all are cool as hell, can we join y’all for drinks tonight?” and my brother’s professor was like “of course! y’all have to wear these revealing outfits and do somersaults with us tho” and the greek gang said “sounds dope. y’all are invited to live with us for however long y’all want.”
anyhow, they proceeded to live like this for the better part of 3 months, doing shows, drinking, and sleeping at the greek gang’s apartment. but after a while they decided enough was enough, and said thank you for everything, but we’re going back to sweden now. and the greeks said “sure! love y’all have a safe trip xx”
half a year later my brother’s professor gets contacted by the greek police. they ask him about the months they spent in greece, and then informs him that their greek friends have been convicted of serial homicide and robbery. that the group of young greek men had joined up with several tourist groups for several years “for drinks”, and then killed and robbed them all, terrorising the beach city for several years. with one exception, of course, because “this one group of swedish acrobats in slutty strongman suits were just ‘so damn nice’”.
and that’s the story of how one swedish history university professor survived sharing a flat with a group of serial killers for several months by performing acrobatics in slutty outfits on the beach. moral of the story? be kind of heart, thicc of ass.
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donnnoir · 2 years
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donnnoir · 2 years
hell, i figure if i learned more than a couple of new words; i damn well better reblog that bitch...
you’re welcome!!
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I never even knew that had a name.
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donnnoir · 2 years
Russian car mod
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donnnoir · 2 years
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donnnoir · 3 years
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with Soylent Green coming of age in 2022. and certain Fast Food Giants working to fulfil that script. i thought why not revisit another Charlton Heston Classic; "The Omega Man". come on, we have to since the next new variant in the end is Omega. besides we may find Life is imitating Art a bit too closely on this. The Omega Man was based on the Book; "I am Legend". the recent remake of the movie went back and used the original book title. the remake starred Will Smith. in the book; the plague is spread by BATs and mosquitos. in The Omega Man the plague was the result of biological warfare. in the movie "I am Legend" it is caused by a virus (which some experimental therapies in real life use mRNA carriers) that was suppose to cure cancer. in "The Omega Man" our protagonist Col. Robert Neville takes an experimental vaccine which grants him immunity to the plague. in all versions the plague soon wipes out almost all of humanity. except for a percentage that become strange zombie like creatures with light sensitivity. now is it just me or don't the combination of the book and movies weave some sort of tapestry reminiscent of the world today and this plandemic. in some Life imitating Art manner. or is it a case of Art imitating Life; at which point we have reached a chicken and egg conundrum. personally i feel a Charlton Heston marathon coming on. starting with Soylent Green, then The Omega Man and ending with The Ten Commandments. now where did i put that popcorn? please feel free to add any other Titles of Ole Chuck's movies to the list.
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donnnoir · 3 years
Is it Real or Digitized???
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Good Grief... with more nefarious elements predominating and spouting their homogeneous thesis of Reality, I am required to counter such. Recently I was reading over a short exert from a CIA intelligence brief concerning the operations of Magic in our World. Regrettably I found it so incredulous that I did Not download a copy. However, upon reflection, it occurs to me that many today are so ill informed as to Not recognize the fallacy contained in the described order of operations.
To paraphrase the matter; the exert stated that the individual project a hologram of that which they wish. By projecting said into the at large consciousness it would be picked up and facilitated in its manifestation. To the novice or neophyte it may sound correct. I am telling you emphatically it is NOT!
True the individual projects the desired image or concept into the Ether as to our manifest reality. The image is NOT a “hologram”! What is presented to the Ether is a “projection” of the image or template in analog! Holograms are digital representations or projections into reality, products of technology. The difference is this: organic-analog vs technological-digital.
In my personal dealings with the Intelligence Community and Our Shadow Government and primarily my being FOXed. Most evenings were spent being run through my paces. I was the subject of numerous experimentation. At the time I didn't mind as much because it permitted me a means to exercise and heal my psyche at the time, in an accelerated manner. I was under continuous passive monitoring, and not so passive. They were trying to understand how and by what means I did/do what I do. So that they could try to duplicate it using technology. Almost everything they do via technology is a digital copy or representation of the analog function that organic entities produce.
It therefore stands to reason they wish the novice or neophyte to project “holograms”. In so doing said “holograms” are subject to the influences of technology. For decades now the intelligence community as been farming and gathering those gifted few to indoctrinate them in their object oriented order and magnitudes of operations. In my dealings and confrontations with these “gifted” individuals, they are a handful. Their gifts are augmented by the tech that is interfaced into them. Nonetheless, because their gifts are not fully grounded and utilized in the organic-analog nature of reality they can be overcome. Yes the data stream of the latest and most advance tech is immense. However it ultimately is a series of dots and or data. It will always be incomplete compared to the full wave guide of any analog function. Hahahaha... that is way light is both a particle and a wave, as an example.
Obviously to develop one's gifts and skills is a lifelong pursuit. Contingent upon many factors and choices. Those co-opted and indoctrinated into any techno augmented expression of reality will experience gains quickly, almost instantaneously. To a damaged soul the exhilaration of such power can be overwhelmingly alluring. All the more so if no other tangible example or means are not demonstratively presented.
It should also be clear that any analogy of the human brain/mind to a computer is imperfect and limited. That too, the Matrix and its digital construct fails to represent Our Reality/Creation. To subscribe to such, is to be subject to the manipulations of the propagators of said fallacies.  
Stay Organic and Analog!!!
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donnnoir · 3 years
The Storm...
though i do not subscribe to timelines this sounds correct. it remains unconfirmed. so i offer it solely as food for thought. otherwise, brace yourselves all will be required to bear witness to these events. 
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donnnoir · 3 years
Chicken Little says...
Greetings Tumblr associates; seems the various elements of Our National Crisis are about to reach their predetermined points to enter the beginning of the end-game phase. so, i as chicken little must declare the shy is falling; in a manner. it should be patently obvious to everyone. however, the fact that the bogus narratives on “corona”, CCP Xiden policies and all the MSM Kabuki Theatre continuing to flood our airwaves is a sad reminder to me of just how lost a large portion of society is. thus....
all the indicators are in place that in the next few days to three weeks we need to be prepared and plan for the following to varying degrees:
a global black out lasting three days to two weeks. Do Not Panic; it has been planned and is a necessary part of taking down “The Cabal” and their “Globalist” allies. keep your vehicles topped off and three to four weeks of your basic necessities on hand. initially at the time of the black out, stay home and secure you and your family along with your essentials. the EBS will be activated, tune in for information. the clown / street theatre elements that have been wrecking havoc as BLM and ANTIFA will be taking to the streets trying to ferment civil war. their script this time much like on Jan 6th will be to portray themselves as Patriots and Trump supporters. Do Not take the bait. it is a LIE. the Whole reason why the Military, POTUS Trump. Patriots and others have NOT taken a more direct approach to resolving this attempted Treasonous Coop by enemies of America both foreign and domestic has been to avoid the horrors of open civil war. 
there is some discussion as to the applied use of the “Rods of God” being used to destroy certain key buildings and monuments around the world. if so know that these have been selected because of their True relationship to horrific Luciferian/Satanic practices that have been used in recent times to forge and perpetuate the demonic illusions that have controlled us by setting us against one another. and Worse...
there are extensive lists of what is presumed...  i am Not certain how much is correct or dysinformation. consider all with a liberal amount of salt, shall we say.
we live in interesting times. and though such times are seldom prosperous or happy. i pray we are up to the tasks of restoring the Republic and rebuilding Our World. 
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donnnoir · 3 years
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donnnoir · 3 years
As per the Feast of the Beast...
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I suppose we are in deep enough, and enough of you are familiar with my posts, comments and responses to know that though I may be “crazy”; generally I do know whereof I discuss. What I am going to share with you directly impacts upon every aspect of our society for good and/or ill over the last thirty years and into the coming decades. For almost twenty five years of that, I have broached the subject only with those who know me and my character. It can easily be misconstrued, quickly becoming inflammatory to the point of inciting violence.
The Abyss is everywhere. Its adherents and residents walk beside us unnoticed for the most part. It is part and parcel a subset of our society and cultures throughout the ages. Any of you not familiar with its existence and thereby its machinations, operations and orders of procedure, would be amazed. In may ways it is a parallel culture and society. To the novice it is better thought of as a reflection of what we consider reality. Not only a reflection, but it is as if reality was place on top of a mirror. Such that now the reflection is upside down and backwards to what we know or think. Whenever one deals with Luciferians/Satanists on any level or by any means this model of their realities being upside down and backwards is always in play. That and the majority of what comes out of their mouths are lies. There are many instances were their institutions actually occupy the same edifice as our parallel version does. Via basements, labyrinths of back passageways and corridors they conduct their parallel business and maintain their records.
We share many holidays, at least ostensibly. At time the patron of said holiday is shared, well at least in name. As with any unique sub-group they have many of their own, nor would we be able to identify them. They have their own traditions, myths, scriptures, observances and histories. We would recognize the similarities of persons, details and events. Yet, notice much more background history and details. Which are very strange and foreign from the histories or events we presume to know concerning same. I am NOT saying their versions are more factual. Usually far from it, since within their systems a lie is as valid as the Truth and even more so if it serves their needs and agendas. They usually feel quite content once a version of their Lie is the accepted version at large in the world. The lie will stand as long as someone with an interest and standing does Not openly object to the Lie supplanting the facts of the matter. In which case their constantly changing legal landscape requires a hearing and litigation in determining what is what. (hahaha, even in Hell there will be Lawyers) It will make you insane if you apply Western Liner Logic to how and what is done.
Now worldwide one of their revered festivals is the “Feast for the Beast”. Depending on which Family or local traditions, it can be an annual affair or one held every two to five years (as to time-frame details I am hedging long and wide, so relax). On a larger and longer cycle there is what are called the “Great Feast for the Beast”. Naturally I have heard conflicting lengths as to when the actual “Great Feast for the Beast” is held. Hell it may even be nonspecific and called to be held by election as to the rules of procedure of a quorum of the Great Patriarchs of the Primary Families. To any non-bloodline un-initiated person they will NEVER disclose the times or locations of their Great Feast. Presumably Lucifer himself makes an appearance. As part of the festivities the leaders and Lucifer lay out a guide and plan of action, events and agendas that are to promulgated and adhered to till the next Great Feast. Bear in mind I have heard spans of time going from 67 to 150 years. The point being that they probably span over a century. Sometime in the mid to late '80s to '90 was the last Great Feast. Among the items determined as a command and necessity till the next Feast; was that this would be the time of the Black Man. And that his ascension to the seats of Power was Primary to all agendas.
Immediately Hollywood, world politics and political leaders began pushing this complexion mandate. Soon within short order here in America we elected our first Black President. Regardless of his actual nationality. FYI; His second inauguration, or rather the Luciferian Pageantry as Saturnus Initiation that was celebrated (since he was actually sworn in three days prior to the Luciferian Pageant that was broadcast – know for my part I watched about three minutes and realized it was Mass Sorcery, meant to siphon our energies to be used against us at a later time. And its dark Satanic imagery was suppose to twist deep into our subconscious minds. Thus I sought to flee its effects.). It is vastly important to deconstruct the layers of vile accursed meanings of what the participants and viewers were exposed to and absorbed into their psyches. One was as to why it had to happen on Martin Luther King Day. Under Saturnus and even Hermetic thought the associated iconography was of the Dark King passing the Keys of Authority to the Dark Prince to carry on and finish the Dark Quest.
Soros and the EU out of some twisted concept of cultural and racial equity had mass uncontrolled immigration of Asiatic Negroids (their terminology) as well as African Negros move into Europe. Even giving them preference under the Law as to their beliefs and culture, to the negation of any Sovereign Rule of Law. All under and with the appearance of color of Authority to deference of Religion. So much so, I at times fear Western Culture in Europe will soon come to an end, no matter what interventions are initiated. We are witnessing a similar fifth column action on Our Southern Border against Our Nation and Culture. Particularly as the heirs of Western Culture. Add to that Our current Political priorities are to empower Domestic Terrorism via Black Lives Matter. Due in large part to how the media is portraying BLM and their political racial targeting tactics. No Matter the realities of their foundations, actions, self enrichment and criminal conduct.
Our current crisis and conflicts should be sufficient for you to appreciate why over the years after being informed of the Beast's proclamation and edict. I was reluctant to go around sharing such racially inflammatory information. Now with what we are facing as a Nation and Humanity as a Whole, the stakes are higher. Such as to require I speak what I know; accepting the needlessly ugly consequences. NOW, before some Troll attempts to twist and misrepresent my words and the content of this essay. KNOW that in NO way or manner do I advocate or support any racial or eugenic ascension or superiority of any race or group. Despite what others may think or say of the matter, the fact that a subset of society with vile twisted ideals selects a race or group. My reporting the issue and sharing some of my knowledge does NOT validate any justifications for malice or misconduct or abuse of others.
Beyond the division and social violence that such Satanic racial preference causes (and know that over the millennia these same Luciferian families and groups have pushed different agendas, elements or social engineering within any number of racial groupings all as suits their long term objectives). Lucifer is many things, stupid is NOT among such. There are broader implications as to the preferred ascension of the Black Man. One I addressed in an earlier essay/post on my Tumblr Blog. Here is the link.
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donnnoir · 3 years
Words have “Power”...
Please try to pay attention: words have power! we speak things into existence! in scripture: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”. as metaphoric as it may be it is also literal (a topic of another time). Wherefore consider the motives and agendas of those who wish us to change and adopt their lexicon. i submit the following...
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