#went through my instrumental playlist and my osts playlist but like i don't think it's a song I'd listen to so. yeah
daz4i · 1 year
hardest challenge a girl can face. got a song stuck in my head and idk what it's called or where it's from but it's instrumental so i can't also keep singing it in my head till i find a lyric i can google. so sad
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skysometric · 9 months
you went on a big asking spree asking about everyone's favorite games, but I'm curious... did you have a favorite album, TV show, or movie this year?
an EXCELLENT question! but my answers my be a little disappointing, because...
Favorite Movie of 2023
i don't... really watch movies? they don't capture my interest or investment like games do. this isn't for lack of trying over the years, i've been exposed to many different genres; i just don't click with the format, i guess. i think of them like the average boomer thinks of games – they're cute little distractions and not much else.
there's definitely a few movies that i like and stand out as formative memories, i just don't go out of my way to watch more. even before the pandemic i would only ever go to the theaters like once a year, and for most of the pandemic i can't say i watched anything even digitally.
...but that did change this year! my partner and i watched both Sonic movies and the Mario movie at home, and of the three i can safely say i enjoyed Sonic 2 the most! i like what it was trying to do with its two stories intertwined, and it gave Sonic and friends a lot of time to shine both in action and characterization. plus the finale was super cool~
i do have a handful of films i want to watch one day... but it's kind of a "whenever i feel like it" basis. the ghibli films are high on the list, as are the monty python films and the truman show. maybe i could revisit ferris bueller's day off now that i'm an adult...?
Favorite TV Show of 2023
...i also don't really watch tv?? am i boring???
i mean, historically, i've gotten more into tv than movies. i like the long continuous plot threads, i like getting to know characters in detail, i like slice of life and comedy and cartoons. i have fond memories of watching sonic x, spongebob, survivor, and mythbusters growing up!
but like, as an adult i've never seen the office, or steven universe, or adventure time... and i'm in no rush to, they're just not really priority for me. i can't even think of other shows i might want to watch. idk!
i tried to watch some anime at one point but that didn't really do me either? i guess i had some fun watching squid girl a few years back... i think i just get understimulated by just watching things, vs playing them.
confusingly, you know what i do get into? livestreams and let's plays. so my weird, cop-out answer of "favorite series" is that i've been really enjoying Chuggaaconroy's let's play of pokemon bw2. his let's plays have gotten me caught up with a series that i wasn't "allowed" to play as a kid... i guess that's part of why watching someone play a game isn't as understimulating to me?
Favorite Album of 2023
you can probably guess where this is going – i don't really listen to music that plays on the radio or gets recommended by spotify. i have good reason for this one though: music with lyrics is overstimulating to me in specific circumstances, like when i'm working (always) or driving (the only time i'd use the radio).
but wait, movies are understimulating, even though there's talking... and music with lyrics is overstimulating, even though there's nothing to watch... argh! i don't even understand myself!!
either way i usually put on video game music, because that helps me focus at work, and (usually) doesn't have lyrics in it. i'm aware there's plenty of great instrumental music outside of just games, but games already have so much variety and quality to their osts – i've rarely ever had to seek out more! my music collection is already big enough!
my favorite album to listen to this year has been the music that plays in the cyberspace stages of Sonic Frontiers. the full game's ost is MASSIVE and incredibly diverse in styles, but the hardcore EDM of the cyberspace stages is extremely my style. and the remixes they added in the dlc are some of the best ones! been listening to the full playlist multiple times a week all year to power through some rough work days, and it still hasn't gotten old 💖
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mithrilhearts · 3 years
What is a part of your creative process that you think nobody would expect?
Sorry I let this sit for a bit! I really had to reflect on just what my creative process truly is. I don't want to say I have a routine, but maybe that's because I don't think about it. Anyway, while it might not be "unexpected", here's a little insight as to what my creative process looks like - in no particular order.
(Under the cut because I went overboard)
💜 A loose map of whatever story I want to tell. Typically this consists of bullet points with really vague or random notes of things I want to add to x story. Some of the bullets may be expanded upon and some may be tossed away. For bigger fics I always like to start here so I at least have a beginning and end to whatever I'm planning. (Example below - I delete bullet points after I’ve gone through them usually)
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💜 ORGANIZATION. All of my fics have to be organized. I can’t have a ton of shit roaming around my google drive or I get frustrated. Aka, every fic as their own folder, color and all of their contents are within said folder.
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💜 Caffeine. I ALWAYS need some sort of caffeine before and while I am writing. Maybe it helps the braincell, maybe it's just a comforting thing for me in general, but it's a must.
💜 Yelling (affectionately) at interested friends about whatever story I want to tell! I get stuck as any writer does. I have a small group of friends whom I can either DM or plug away in a group chat to help hash out details that maybe have me at a loss. It's probably the most important part of my creative process, as an idea I may have may not be as great as a suggestion someone else has. This works the same as the bullet points, some are used and some aren't, but just having enablers to share your ideas with helps immensely.
💜 Music, or some form of background noise. I cannot write in silence. It's awkward to me. I have playlists on top of playlists for this. I make playlists for each fic I intend to write! It helps me get in the mood for that particular scenario. Other times I play instrumentals from OSTs and whatnot. So long as there is something in the background that I can tune out, but still have as comfort, I can write. (many...many playlists, what’s below doesn’t cover it all)
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💜 I always reread the previous chapter(s) of whatever fic I'm working on if I've set it down for a time. This either sparks new ideas to me or just gives me a refresher on what I've shelved for a hot second.
💜 Car rides are absolutely my best fic planning moments. My drives to and from work give me a little bit of time to just think about whatever it is I'm working on. I've mentioned this a few times to some of my friends that "commutes are where my best ideas come from" and it's factual. 10/10 can confirm. Any great idea in a fic you've read of mine, I probably thought of on my way to of from work.
💜 I write the whole oneshot or chapter and THEN reread, revise and edit. If I edit as I go, it becomes a whole big mess. Better to just jot down everything until I feel it's come to an end, and then go back and fix any errors or change the phrasing or a scene.
💜💜💜 My creative process is pretty bland in comparison to others, I wager, but these here are the important things that matter to me and help me write!
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