#wereanimals au
mysteryfox1 · 2 years
in the were animal au would there be other characters that would become were animals later in their life?
Few will but not a lot
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ottsidian · 6 months
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forgor to upload these Wereanimal AU draws around Halloween lol
they're all different animals
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rockabully · 3 months
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no one gaf abt oc shit on tumblr but i dont care here is stuff from my rp server (which is pretty public btw u just gotta dm me and ask if ur interested) of my oc adem (it's like the modern au and this rp server au smushed together version of him) who got turned into a weretiger (like a werewolf but instead of a wolf he's a tiger) (long story). here are some things i did.
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abbey-abdominal · 3 months
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smth smth weregoat chaggie au smth smth major size difference smth smth cute weregoat gf shenanigans
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lightthemaskedone · 1 month
@zeddyzi (Go check out Ramshackle stuff on Zedd's account!!)
So I watched the Ramshackle Pilot earlier and ofc by Law of LightTheMaskedOne, I made a wereanimal AU
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At first it was gonna be a werewolf AU again, but I thought "Hey, they live in the slums! A racoon would fit better!" and next thing I knew I was drawing Skipp as a wereracoon. Why Skipp? Idk man. Might make one with Vinnie at some point, but for now Imma focus on my racoon Skipp AU :))
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professoraurabolt · 2 years
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DHMIS AU’s can be whatever I want them to be, and I want the yellow one to be a werepig.
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Hypnovember 27 - Werewolf 🐺
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This drawing Hypnovember is Splatoon
Werewolf - This Yuki She Going take the walk Until a Wolf tried to bite Yuki Until Yuki get bitten by a Wolf And she is feeling feeling She saw the full moon And she transforming into Werewolf And she can hypnotize by music and Yuki She's trying her best but she is too late she is hypnotized.
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nightmaremp · 1 year
Making a wereanimal au of the electric mayhem. It's called weremayhem.
Could you guys suggest some animals for Floyd, Janice, and Animal?
I got Lips, Zoot, and Teeth done. Lips is a werelion. Zoot is a weresloth, and Teeth is a wereCheshire cat.
And also I'm working on art request so don't think I forgot about it.
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xkyoirre · 2 years
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just wanted to leave this here for record’s sake: a while ago i mentioned wanting to join the Webtoon Call to Action contest with a were-animal AU (https://monoirre.tumblr.com/post/683081594930642944/genre-swap-for-the-webtoon-canvas-social-activity), but unfortunately, i no longer have the time :’D
⚠️REMINDER: this AU does not imply anything about Oscar’s afterlife form⚠️
I did however write a script for it, which i kinda converted to a screenplay, and then added some thumbnails for. some scenes are missing, and other panels are repeated, and it’s not as dynamic as i wanted it to be, but i hope it gets the idea across! each image is split into 2 columns FYI, and l=Luciano, o=Oscar. hope the stick figures are understandable! 😆
webtoon | twitter | instagram
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
Hunter but he gets crushed by a were pailsman Basically what twilight did that turned Fluttershy into flutterbat
Luz was trying to do magic and accidentally hits hunter with the spell
Since you joked/headcanon about Hunter acting like a cat and I made some brief mention of his relationship to Flapjack, Hunter could turn into either a werecat or a werebird. What do you think?
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aurumacadicus · 1 year
Winteriron wereanimals au?
This gives me too much power. Anyway I've squandered it <3
Bucky was a wolf, once upon a time, he thinks. Brown, with yellow eyes. Normal, his mind supplies when he thinks about it too long. Then Hydra had... done something to him. Made him feral. He couldn't recognize himself in reflections. Had stopped looking. White fur. Blue eyes--unnatural for a wolf. Somehow, they'd made the metal arm shift with him, and it stood, ugly and violating, finishing the picture of Wrong and Bad. Disgusting. He doesn't shift, even though the rest of the Avengers insist that it's fine. He doesn't feel safe. Doesn't want to be looked at. He's damaged. He doesn't want to be vulnerable in front of them. He has the ability not to be vulnerable in front of him, unlike he had when he was with Hydra. The only one with a problem about it is Steve, and to be fair, Bucky only knows that because he found him stoically telling his therapist that just because he understood it didn't mean it didn't hurt him that the Bucky he knew was well and truly gone. Bucky had heard the therapist say, "Well, put yourself in your friend's shoes," and had walked over and gently closed the laptop, because Steve had the right to be hurt and he never wanted anyone to be in his shoes.
For all that Bucky avoids it, Tony is a total slut for being in his bobcat form. He especially likes finding a lap to sprawl out in, as if he was a house cat. One time, he'd been asleep on top of the fridge in the kitchen, Bucky and Steve had sat down in the living room to watch a Mets game, and the only warning they had Tony was coming was the THUMP of fourteen pounds hitting the ground. Then Tony, without any of the typical feline finesse, thundered into the living room to see his choice of laps. He'd taken one look at the TV, made a noise that Bucky could only describe as a feline version of disdain, and then hopped up onto Bucky's lap, turned in a delicate circle, and promptly flopped over and passed out. Bucky still contends that Steve should have warned him that instead of just getting off like a normal person when the people he was sleeping on stood up to cheer a home run, Tony dug his claws in to attach himself to people's pants. The noise he had let out in response had made Tony bush up to twice his size and do an arched side-step. Then Tony had looked betrayed as he skittered back to the kitchen. Bucky still feels like he kicked a kitten, and all he did was make a noise of pain.
The rest of the Avengers shift for convenience. Steve, a grizzly, feels even larger and more cumbersome than in his serumed body, so he avoids it as much as possible. Clint, a hawk, mostly shifts when he wants to be annoying and dive-bombs everyone. Bruce avoids shifting, mostly because as a moose, his antlers get caught on things; he'll shift when his antlers shed, though, and certain Avengers (Tony and Clint) enjoy sitting between his ears and being tall. Natasha doesn't shift often, mostly because she likes to keep her shift a secret. Most people assume she's a fox. Only the people she really trusts know that she's a swan. Thor, well. He doesn't have a shifted form, although he assures them that he could probably use magic to shift if he ever had to. "Loki turned himself into a horse once," he'd said, and then made a face, and then didn't say anything else about it. Tony howls about how NO ONE SHIFTS AROUND HIM. He is LONELY. He wants to CUDDLE. "I thought bobcats were solitary," Clint says, like an idiot. "I'm NOT a bobcat," Tony howls. "I am a HUMAN who TURNS INTO ONE. Everyone except Clint is BIGGER THAN ME and I DESERVE TO USE YOU AS A BED." "Tony what the fuck," Steve says as Bucky, Natasha, Bruce, and Thor try to smother their laughter, lest they encourage him. "You're so dramatic, shut up." "Does that mean I get to use you as a bed?" Clint asks, and Tony immediately shouts, "OBVIOUSLY, CLINT," in response.
Bucky didn't know that Colonel Rhodes was a wolf, too. He finds out when he goes into the common room and Jim growls, like it's coming from low in his chest. Bucky drops before he even really registers what he's hearing, showing off his belly and whining anxiously. He doesn't notice he's shifted, either, until Jim looms, green-eyed and dark-furred, hackles up and teeth bared. Bucky flashes the hair on his belly, whining, surrendering, terrified. Then Tony lands between them with a heavy thud, arching his back and hissing and spitting at Jim. He dances back and forth on his paws, lunging in and then back out. He swats Jim on the muzzle with his paw. It connects with an almost comical thud. He and Jim stare at each other, both of them looking half astounded, half offended, as if they couldn't believe they'd gotten into an altercation. Then Tony lets out a yowl and starts beating the shit out of Jim (without claws, if the baff-baff-baff of his heavily furred toes hitting flesh is any indication) and Jim snarls and barks and whacks him with his own paws. Bucky shifts back into a human and rolls so his back is facing them, hands clapped over his mouth to try and muffle his laughter. It reminded him of the last time he'd witnessed an argument between them, as humans, where they'd gotten into a slap fight that eventually ended with Jim sitting on top of Tony and shouting about the advantages of nuclear fission while Tony bit on his leg. He hopes he can get JARVIS to send the video to everyone else before either of them realized he would.
"Listen, Barnes," Jim says. "I'm really sorry for what happened yesterday. I get territorial after being away from Tony for extended periods, but that's no excuse. One of us should have warned you, or--I should have better control of myself. Tony told me you don't like to shift, so. I'm sorry I forced it." "That's weird," Bucky says, instead of 'thank you' or even 'it's okay.' "Tony's weird," Jim replies, and Bucky shrugs, conceding. "Also fuck you for sending the video of our fight to everyone." "I deserved it," Bucky answers immediately, because he still shivers anxiously when he remembered Jim over him, teeth bared. "Yeah, okay," Jim sighs, and then opens his mouth to say something else. Then suddenly Tony is between them, bushy and arched again. Bucky stares at him, stunned. "Where did you come from?" "He was on the couch sulking because I wasn't a wolf so I could talk to you," Jim says, and then looks down at Tony, unimpressed. "Just say you want to fuck him, Tony." Tony lets out a yowl and starts beating the absolute shit out of Jim's left leg. "...Should I just," Bucky asks, sort of reaching down toward him. "Please," Jim sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. Bucky picks Tony up, and Tony immediately falls limp, purring. "Oh, you weren't just being an asshole." "Yeah, he's had the biggest crush on you," Jim huffs, amused. "Why do you think he's trying to get everyone to shift more? So he can make you jealous and get you to take him on your lap more." Bucky opens his mouth, but nothing comes out. Suddenly it explains why Tony ignores everyone else's laps when he sees Bucky in the living room, even when other people actively want him on their lap. "...You could have just said something," he finally manages. "Tony is a cat. He just expects you to know," Jim deadpans, and Bucky sighs, because yeah. That sounds just like a cat.
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ammonitetheseaserpent · 7 months
You guys asked for it, here it is :D
I mean, we’ve got vampire drones, zombie drones (and also ghost drones thanks to @jamieenthusiast’s epic AU) - soo how about some wereanimal/lycanthrope drones?
- Uzi and Nori are Zburators/Lycan Drones who live out in the woods with a bunch of wolves (might get into spec. evo stuff who knows hehe). Their consciousness gets released into their wolf forms when they sleep, like some kinda ghost in the machine.
- Nori is a prisoner of the drone colony near the woods, trapped in her zburator form. She’s been in her cage for a while, which, needless to say, is. uh. not great on her mental health.
- In this AU, the Murder Drones were given rise to in order to help protect (*cough* control *cough*) the workers and contend with the wolves and Lycan Drones (though not many actually know about the latter). (Might also fiddle w/ the DDs’ ability sets in this AU too)
- N is still an MD, and comes across Uzi while out in the woods by himself. There’s a situation where she bites him by accident (or maybe on purpose), turning him into a Zburator, then they start bonding and he starts sneaking out to see her when his LD powers start manifesting, and she teaches him to use them - follows the general plot of Wolfwalkers (haven’t figured out all the details yet).
- Also idk what to call this AU so. I’d love to hear your ideas *rubs hands together gleefully*
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heavenlyhoundoom · 3 months
I have so many aus I want to make, here's the list of them.
1.Bat hybrid au: A universe where Vanny performed an experiment on Sun, Moon, and The Glamrocks where she would merge their D.N.A with that of bats, with each of them being merged with a different species. Freddy manage to escape, but the others became bat hybrids, Monty: Myotis(a fish eating bat), Chica: Little brown bat(bug eating bat), Roxanne: Pallas's long-tongued bat(nectar drinking bat), Sun: Flying Fox(fruit bat), Moon: Vampire bat(self explanatory), and now Freddy is trying to contain his friends and turn them back to normal before they cause too much trouble.
2. An au where Lunar and Bloodmoon are the same animatronic, Bloodmoon is a lot more serious and calculated(he's basically more like Eclipse) and also a vampire. Lunar is cursed/programmed to turn into Bloodmoon at night and usually wakes up with a massive stomach ache from all the blood he consumed the previous night as Bloodmoon.
3.RPG au: An au where Sun, Moon, and The Glamrocks are sucked into a medieval RPG and have to find and defeat an evil king to get back to the Pizza Plex. Freddy: Knight, Monty: Barbarian, Roxanne: Rouge, Chica: Bard(can fight with her music), Sun: Fairy, Moon: Wizard.
4.Monster au: This one's self explanatory. Freddy: Frankenstein's monster, Monty: Dragon, Roxanne: Werewolf(obviously), Chica: Harpy, Sun: Fairy, Moon: Vampire.
5.Wereanimals vs Vampires au(can you tell that I'm obsessed with vampires): The Glamrocks are wereanimals and are humans by day and humanoid animals by night(same species as og universe) and they like messing with Sun, Moon, Baby, and Ballora who are human vampires.
6.Character wasting disease: A universe based on OtcoInkz's Cuttie Mark wasting disease au. The infected have their personality slowly waste away until there is nothing but their most well-known trait while also mutates and distorts their body to match the surviving trait(basically a terrifying version of flanderization).
Freddy is known as a leader, so the diease makes him a major control freak and he becomes big and his right hand becomes a fleshy wip.
Monty is known for being strong, so he becomes all muscles and is constantly exercising to become even more muscular.
Chica is known for eating, so that's all she does, her beak becomes massive and she now has multiple stomachs so she can eat much more food than usual.
Roxy is known for caring about her looks, so she becomes obsessed with her looks and constantly looks in a mirror and adjusts her appearance, she now has big eyes and multiple arms to hold multiple mirrors.
Sun is known for taking care of kids, so now he's extremely over protective of the children who come to the daycare, he becomes bigger and taller and is given multiple arms and a pouch to hold multiple kids.
Moon is known for his acrobatics, so now he constantly putting on performances and always tries to out do his last, he has become long, thin, and flexible, he is given infinite every and is constantly smiling.
Bonnie and Foxy are immune and try to find more people who are immune to the disease to help them find a cure.
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hearts401 · 6 months
everyone and their mother has a wereanimal au for them but william. do i have to do EVERYTHING myself
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nachosforfree · 3 months
Question about the superhero story: when you did the unSMPing, what led you to change the piggy to a werewolf? If I remember right in the first superstory techno wasnt a werepig, so thats a change (superhero wereanimals are fun) but why change to a wolf?
Hes actually meant to be more like a deer but I can see how he comes across as wolflike (especially since in my other un-smping I did werewolf him), and he's technically not a were- anything in the traditional sense. He has full control over when he changes and there aren't really any changes to his personality or sense of control that are often associated with werewolves
My main reason for changing him away from a pig was that it was less recognizable. I still hold a lot of fondness for techno and the attachment I had to his character, but the pig-mask the superhero design had was EXTREMELY recognizable as a techno design, even if I really liked it
The new design is functionally the same, his powers are the same, he just looks a bit different in the surface. I haven't posted any drawing of Richard's civilian design but I didn't change that a whole lot from the original superhero au either (white guy with short brown hair isn't as recognizable as pink pig with a long braid)
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🐺 Half beast/Wereanimal AU with Rooty
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This isn't what you asked but I didn't know how to incorporate an animal into her so here's her bad end version "Raging Rooty" Devil 100% uses her like a fucking guard dog. "She don't bite" "YES SHE DO"
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