#werepurrsian arc
unovan-gardener · 10 months
Doin a Protest!!
Hello all Nimbasa College Students and Staff Members!
You may know me as the Honors College RA, or as the President of the Gardening Club. Or maybe just as that guy who spends a lot of time laying in the field outside Natural Sciences a lot.
But today, you should know me as the guy who is particularly upset about the new Castelia City Mayor, Lucrezia Minskt.
The protest will be happening Tomorrow Morning, and we will be meeting up at the Natural Sciences building. As always while protesting, remember to wear an air filter mask and goggles in case of tear gas, as well as obscuring your identity. This is meant to be a peaceful protest, but I have no doubt in my mind that Minskt will attempt to escalate the protest so that she can take legal action, and arrest peaceful protesters.
I have so many notes on the things that Minskt has done, but because they are so long, they will be under the cut to avoid this post being absurdly long.
Minskt is spraying chemical aerosol around the area of Lostlorn Forest, a known habitat for primary bug and grass type pokemon, as well as zoroark. She claims that the aerosol is "patented by my own personal private research company, Minskt R&D, which is proven to repel wild Bug Type Pokémon with minor irritation and no permanent harm*. *excluding Joltik and Galvantula species, which are known to experience semi-extreme illness and major disruption of senses, however are not currently listed as an encroaching pest species and should not be at risk of encountering the aerosol systems". Minskt is also planning to do cutback of Lostlorn's "overgrowth".
Many people in Castelia have already come out and stated that the aerosol is already beginning to come into the city, likely due to airflow, and is harming many of the native wild pokemon there. Atley Deo, the head of Deo Horticulture, has also noted that "In harming the native bug pokemon of Castelia and Lostlorn, so too does Minskt harm the environment itself. Many plants and grass type pokemon rely on bug types for pollination to spread and grow, and to take bug types out of the equation is to throw the entire ecosystem out of wack." There have also been reports that those with asthma have needed to be hospitalized due to the aerosol. Which brings into question how a "panel of ethicists has absolved the Castelia City government, the Minskt Corporation, and any workers therein of any responsibility in the rare and unforeseen possibility of adverse ecological effects", considering there has already been a great number of adverse ecological effects.
There is also the fact that Minskt is now been "authorised by my decree as mayor to mobilize their own private security forces to bolster numbers in police departments around the city!" due to an "increase in vigilantes and individuals acting outside the law to perform unlicensed and citizen endangering personal justice, as well as a responding rise in violent crime" Which. I had one of my honors Law students look at it and not there has not been.
These squadrons also contain: "5-8 highly trained private military personnel, armed with new and unreleased Minskt Security armaments, including high-tech contained plasma cannons, hard light nets, automated targeting drones and experimental hovercraft for inner city manoeuvring!" The important part of this is "New and unreleased". Once again, had my honors Law students look at it, and that definitely sounds like these "armaments" (which is just a fancy word for military weapons and equipment) are not registered under Unovan law (a process that would take months), and are therefore illegal, especially in use against civilians.
Also, bafflingly, she appears to be racist against 'eeby deebies' (although she's referring to them as elevated, which is weird because she seems to dislike them), as she is claiming they require "supervision from a registered pokemon trainer to shop in non-specialty stores". and appears to be attempting to extend these laws to hyrbids. AND to campaign to extend to their "sister city" Nimbasa.
That's all I've got so far, if you have more feel free to DM me and I'll add it to this post. She needs to be stopped though, she's been given and inch, and she's been taking miles.
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joltik-guy · 10 months
Fuck me. Oh my arc.
I'm in hell. We live in hell.
I was. Going out swinging, getting some 'fresh' air.
No warning. Just getting shot at.
Arc what have I done.
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joltik-guy · 10 months
I'm gonna make sure that woman fails.
I'm not gonna kill her.
I'm going to show her a world without her in it.
A beautiful, happy world.
And she is going to watch as everyone truns against her, and enjoys their life in spite of her.
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