glassandmetalwings · 5 months
werewolves are pretty popular. and you even see werecats from time to time. but no werefish. why is that
I've also heard of werebears and the like. I feel like maybe the prefix 'were-' implies (doesn't mean, but implies) a mammalian aspect?
I think a selkie might be a close as we get to 'werefish', but I wouldn't complain about seeing more biodiversity in the werespecies list. Bring on the werevelociraptors! The werehorseshoe crabs! The wereanoles! Wereoctopus!
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I think it's a little to late my guy...
WereRoomies Lore Question:
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Since there are other WereSpecies;
Can Werecrows(if they exist) and Werewolves still build the same kind of bond crows and wolves have?
Who in WereRoomies is most likely to form that kind of bond with a Werecrow?
Does Moss know any Werecrows? Lmao, seeing as how outgoing and diverse they are I wouldn't be surprised yk?
Oh! And, is the Hybrid society prejudice against Werecrows purely because they're...yk crows? Since crows tend to have a bad rep(They're amazing birds tho, I literally love them), are they laced with superstition like actual crows?
("Omg a Werecrow just moved into the building? Do you think something bad is gonna happen to us?" Or "Mr. Widibane recently passed away and a Werecrow moved into the apartment next to his not long after...") That kind of bs stuff
that first pic sdkjfhsjkfsdfkdskdjhfjksdf you're so right.
now, regarding werecrows... i don't see why they wouldn't be able to exist! all sorts of shifters exist in this world, so it makes sense to me that they do, too.
i feel like Jisung and Jeongin would be most likely to form a bond with a werecrow (reasons??? based solely on vibes, babes UKHSDFKSHDF).
Moss knows all sorts of creatures. the assumption that they'd know a werecrow is very very accurate. considering what she does for a living i feelike it it makes sense for them to know all sorts of people and supernatural beings????? so, yes. yes, she does.
i can totally see those prejudices being present. just like there are some for werewolves, too... that they're abusive, or would assault people, dumb, etc. discrimination and stereotypes exist everywhere, unfortunately.
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eunchancorner · 9 months
if Rara wanted to, could she easily turn the tables on Dex or would it be hard for her?
I mean he does have the size advantage, not sure about strength though since she's a were-raccoon
Since wereraccoons aren't really strong like larger werespecies, it would be pretty hard for her to turn the tables.
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ratsandfashion · 5 months
Ok, so in the "Werewolf the Apocalypse" setting, wereaurochs used to exist. Emphasis on used to, they are extinct in the modern age. They were destroyed during the War of Rage, when the werewolves tried to exterminate all the other changing breeds (wereanimals, also called fera) The Apis (wereaurochs, also called moonbulls) basically sacrificed themselves to buy the other fera time, and prevented the werewolves from getting into Africa, allowing the survival of several werespecies that live there. This self-sacrifice is in keeping with how they were the most peaceful changing breed there was, and their role was mostly in guiding and helping humans, especially in the area of matchmaking. They also oversaw rituals that accompanied puberty, adulthood, and partnership, as well as those of aging, maturing, and death. The Apis were midwives, teachers, and pallbears for humanity all at once, often escorting and watching over the same people all the human's life. I see my Main Female Blorbo as definitely being an Apis if she existed in this setting. If you know her, you get why. Now, again, these are entirely extinct. But there is a fanmade guidebook series for the "Savage Era" if you want to set a Werewolf game during the caveman days instead of the modern year (much like how there's canon guides for the Wild West, Dark Ages, and Victorian Era) This includes a guide on the Apis and what powers they would have. Again, this is fanmade, and not canon, but in this book, it claims that the wereaurochs ancestors were were-mesonychids, which you're remember from my little ramble HERE are giant fucking predators on hooves. A far cry from the peaceful Apis! But if an Apis is powerful enough and really needs to, in this book they're able to call upon this ancestral form. And I just really love the idea of my sweet gentle Fave Lady going form a docile doe-eyed auroch cow to A FUCKING ANDREWSARCHUS Genuinely I'd be trying to draw this except I already have a big piece of her I need to finish so I can start MerMay and also I can't draw animals but aaaaah
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adorkabledemon · 7 months
Y’know I'm a little annoyed that we never saw Bearon turn around. Does he have a tail or not? Do werewolves remain the only tailless werespecies? I need to know!
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rustythefox · 2 years
Im sure nobody cares but me but this bothers me a lot so
Whenever someone does something like make a nonhuman species a werewolf, they name it wrong. They often name it a were(original species). You're changing the wrong half! If a Splatoon inkling changes into a wolf, it's not a weresquid! The "were" half refers to human! You got rid of the wolf part! Using the same example, squidwolf would be more accurate. This applies to EVERY werespecies. Change the were half if you change the original species, change the wolf half if you change what they shift into!
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jessicalorincz · 3 years
#natureimpossible #vacation #upstatenewyork #missionimpossible #gypsymothcaterpillar #catepillar #werespecial https://www.instagram.com/p/CQWWXIyHnLp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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angstybreadstyx · 3 years
Every year we hit hard on genetics since I go to a science heavy high school and every year it makes me think of the absurdity of Wereworld and the whole, “in most cases, you get therianthropy from your father” thing. Take this with a grain of salt because genetics are complex and while I have pretty decent knowledge on this for a high schooler, I’m still fucking stupid. Also the arguments of “magic” and “they’re not human so genetics could work differently” are valid but I choose to take the hard way out <3
Anyways, IF therianthropy is sex-linked, which it being passed down from males suggests, you could argue that it could be linked to the y-chromosome in this world. That does not hold up though because that would mean only males can Be therians.
Like in real life, if it is carried on the X chromosome this still does not work as a dynamic. Males would ALWAYS get therianthropy from their mother. Which while true for Casper, we know this is false for like every other male character (Drew, Hector, broghan, ect) Females could inherit their weretype from their father, although it would be a 50/50 shot between the two parents species because females inherit an X from each parent.
Now if therianthropy isnt sex linked, that would mean it is just based on whether which genes for which species are dominant or recessive. Which. Complicated things. To my knowledge, there is no way in which genes carried by a female or ill always be recessive, so the dynamic wouldn’t be upheld here either. Sex wouldn’t play a role in this, as they are passed down through the non-sex chromosomes. It would literally just depend on which species were which.
But an example again, being Vega and Shaw. Since Casper received hawk dna, we’ll say that hawk is dominant and shark is recessive. This would mean that to become a shark either both parents would have to be sharks (like what gretchens parents did I guess) giving 100% of children the shark trait. or both parents would have to have shark dna but wouldn’t have to be sharks. Let’s say, Shaw is heterozygous for shark dna, Vega is homozygous recessive.
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If Vega was a hawk, but had shark dna and Shaw ALSO had shark dna, then they could still have a shark child. Hawk would still be far more likely
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And if Shaw had no shark dna, then no children would be sharks. Although children could carry the shark dna and potentially have shark children in the future.
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Same goes for if the dominance is reversed between shark or hawk. Because this has no relation to sex though, it’s really impossible that suddenly all of the female characters just happen to have a recessive werespecies. So this isn’t upheld here either.
In conclusion. Wereworld genetics are bs and if it was scientifically accurate then either werecreatures would be more often determined by the mother’s werespecies (if sex linked) OR there would be no link to inheriting traits based on sex at all (if autosomal)
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mooshkat · 5 years
is it possible to make a living off of writing trashy romance novels that make no sense but lonely moms will love, im asking for a friend (it's me im the friend)
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Ask the mystery gang: Wait, if WerePomeranians are a thing, does that mean other breeds exist too? Your werewolf friend isn’t secretly a WerePoodle, is she?
“No she’s definitely a wolf.”
“Many werespecies have quite literally gone extinct which is why there’s so few kinds out there”
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sleepingeasyrp · 3 years
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Age of maturity: 18
Life span: 80-90 years Basic abilities: ability to turn into creature fully at night during the full moon, enhanced skills (dependent on which subspecies of werecreature).  Characteristics: hairy, distinctive odor, irritable, varying skin tones/hair colors/eye colors, increased impulsivity, frenetic random activity periods (more commonly known as “zoomies”), insomnia Age of maturity: 18
Werecreatures have been around for just as long as vampires have, but it’s generally believed that they came about from some form of disease reminiscent of rabies. A rabid animal bit the first were creatures, and that werecreature went onto turn an entire village. While not much studying has been put into werecreatures due to their usually hostile nature, we do know that they can only be mammals without hooves and birds. There is no record of a werehorse, werefish. There has been some research done by local doctors to create a medicine that combat aggressiveness in different werespecies, but so far the only one that has helped any are CBD oils, if at all.
Werecreatures, depending on their animal’s wild structure, have different forms of structures. Werewolves often form packs, weregeese are more often seen in flocks, werebears are often solitary. There is no larger council of werecreatures, but most werecreatures follow the same rules: don’t turn children if you can help it, don’t turn the elderly, and seclude yourself on the full moon.
Rivermouth, Alaska is known to have a larger population of werewolves, werebears, werewildcats, weregeese, and weremoose. It is incredibly unlikely for non-native werecreatures to live in Alaska (but not unheard of) – it was reported that town elder Paul Wilson became a werehyena after being bit while travelling in Ethiopia, but he frequently suffered from frostbite and hypothermia after his transformations. Depending on what kind of werecreature you’re bitten by, that will result in what kind of werecreature you’ll become. A weregoose will always create more weregeese, so on and so forth. 
Every full moon, a werecreature will turn into a full animal, which they have no control over. This changes their bone and muscle structure entirely, and seems to completely erase the person that they once were.. That’s not to say that all werecreatures are aggressive, in fact, many are very friendly! Werewolves, despite being seen as monstrous in the media, are actually quite docile on their own. Weregeese, however, are known for their aggression and are not to be approached. Most werecreatures, once transformed, do not entirely resemble their animals. Instead, they resemble a more monstrous, larger, more twisted version of them. It’s not uncommon for actual animals of a werecreatures species to reject the werecreature, or attack them. 
After transforming back into their human form, werecreatures will often feel exhausted for a while, and have a very distinct smell to them (almost like wet dog). Humans who are werecreatures are often more impulsive, and have more animal like instincts. Werecreatures with uteruses are encouraged not to have their own children due to the risks of turning every full moon. Due to the body’s shifting form and a werecreature’s almost self-destructive behaviour after transformations, it can result in lower survival rates. Werecreatures who do give birth to offspring will always give birth to a human child-- however, it’s very common for werecreatures to turn surviving offspring that they do have.
Many werecreatures are less mature than their human counterparts, as their brains take longer to develop. Not much is known as to why this is, and there is not much (unclassified) scientific research taking place to further understand the differences between werecreatures and humans.
Life Span: 80-90 Characteristics: limited sense of self, situational empathy, observant, reflective eyes, claw like fingernails, carnivorous Basic abilities: appearance shifting (human or animal), dark vision, voice mimicking Age of maturity: 18
Shapeshifters come in two separate forms: humanoid or animalistic. Both variations have different cultures, but they have generally the same ability-- the ability to shapeshift into any person they want.. Or animals. Depending on your bloodline, you are only able to shift into one of those two options, one or the other, never both. A humanoid shifter can shift into any person that they have seen in their life-- whether it be someone they saw in a movie or on the street. When it comes to appearances, humanoid shifters have photographic memories. 
Animal shape shifters work similarly, where they can shift into any animal they would like, as long as you’re able to meet the requirements for that animal to survive (meaning your body won’t let you shift into a fish if you’re not in water). Many animal shifter families will pick a single animal and stick to it, and will even die as said animal. Oftentimes, if a shifter dies as an animal, another shifter (either a family member or someone that was close to them) will make a tooth or claw into a talisman with carvings that might represent who they were. 
Shapeshifters in their purest, born form look.. Humanoid in a slightly off way. their eyes reflect light and often don’t process correctly in photos and videos, their nails grow in a more claw-like form. all shapeshifters are entirely carnivorous and cannot survive on a vegetarian diet- in fact, most vegetables and fruits will make a shapeshifter ill (for a list that they can eat, we suggest looking up what a dog can eat). shapeshifters, much like werewolves, are encouraged not to shift while pregnant, as it can cause complications, as the baby will not shift with the parent. 
Most humanoid shifter families will attempt to blend into human society, while animal shifters may choose to live in seclusion from humanity.
Life Span: essentially immortal, stops physically aging at 50 Characteristics: entirely indistinguishable from human beings, produce ash upon death, affinity for flames, forgetful, caring, natural born healers Basic abilities: wing manifestation, reincarnation, flame manipulation, the ability to shift into a phoenix form. Age of maturity: 18
Phoenixes are said to be born from sunlight-- specifically a drop of it. This was the early human’s way of describing magma, molten metal, and other very hot things that they don’t understand. They were born from volcanic eruptions, blessed by gods (some say a singular, others say multiple, but the real story behind who and how is unknown) and advised to be protectors and healers. They began as birds, faithful companions to mesopotamian priests and as time went on, other cultures and kingdoms came into possession of their own phoenixes. As time went on, they gained a desire to be like their human companions, and by modern times you wouldn’t be able to tell a human or a phoenix apart.
In their first lives, they have no special abilities aside from the fact that they stop aging and essentially become immortal after they reach the age of 50. All phoenixes can die by mortal means, whether that be sickness or injury, but they cannot die of old age. Once a phoenix dies or is killed, their body immediately and suddenly bursts into flames, and their bodies will quickly be reduced to ash. There will not be a single bone or bit of flesh remaining, but their clothing will remain untouched. After a few moments, a baby will be formed from that ash and that baby will rapidly age (within the hour) to the age of which they died at. 
All phoenix possesses 7 lives, and every phoenix will be reborn without memories. However, they are able to recover said memory by returning to the place that said memory took place and touching something that may have been in the memory. It can be anything, from a tree to a person, and if that item is removed, you won’t be able to recover that memory. In addition, if all of a phoenix’s ashes are not present at the time of rebirth, they cannot regain ANY of their memories. 
With each death, a phoenix will gain power. After their first rebirth, they have the ability to control fire in the smallest way possible, making it grow slightly bigger or able to extinguish it entirely if the fire already exists. The more times they die, the more they can control said fire. After their fifth rebirth, they can create small flames in their palms, and by their seventh (and final) rebirth, they are able to create and control large fires, making phoenixes wonderful firefighters.. Or arsonists. Their first rebirth also grants them their wings-- however, they are unable to fly until their second rebirth. during their second rebirth, they are also able to fully shift into their phoenix form, which can take the form of any bird (however, this bird will be entirely engulfed in real flames, and it’s discouraged to do so in heavily wooded or indoor areas).
Recently, phoenix ashes have been getting stolen by hunters to sell on the drug market, as phoenix dust has a very intense hallucinogenic effect, causing those who consume it in any way to experience a few memories of the phoenix who died.
Life span: Technically immortal, but can be killed like any human Characteristics: Highly intelligent, mischievous, a distinct fear of dogs, pronounced canine teeth, transformation to fox (upon release of their token) Basic abilities: Illusion magic Age of maturity: At least 300 years
Kitsune MUST be of East Asian descent.
Kitsune are born as a fox, not too different from any fox. They outlive their fox cousins by hundreds of years, gaining knowledge as they flit from den to den and immerse themselves in new forests. A few centuries into their journey, the knowledge begins to catch up with them, and they start to seek out what is needed to continue their lives in human form. It is different for each kitsune - some find the skull of another animal and wear it on their heads, some gather a particular flower, some must chew a root free from a beloved tree. Once their personal ritual is complete, a kitsune transforms into their human body. A token from their ritual (a tooth from the skull, a pressed flower from the bouquet, wood carved from the tree) is needed on their person at all times to remain in their human form.
When a kitsune completes their ritual, they are like freshly born faun. Wobbly and nervous, and awkward when it comes to human customs. Being that they are so intelligent, though, they catch up fast. It doesn’t take long for a kitsune to blend in. Their first human transformation grants them their second tail, and the more they learn the more tails they acquire. A nine-tailed kitsune is said to be the most intelligent creature in the universe though they are extremely rare so this is pretty hard to verify. 
Kitsune are said to possess a wide variety of powers, but the truth is that kitsune through time have been able to fool others enough to convince them of such. Kitsune’s main power is mimicry. Their illusion creation is beyond compare, and they’re able to mimic any visual ability. Though they have a single human form, they are able to create the illusion of another appearance. Their mischievous nature takes form in their powers, and kitsune will often perfect a particular trick to give the idea that they have that power. 
Once a year, a kitsune must travel home, or they will die. They return to the den in which they were born, let loose their token, and sleep in the earth a single night as the fox they truly are. Their year renewed, they are at their most powerful just after this sleep, and their weakest the night before.
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redhawkrp · 5 years
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200 years ago, the town of Red Hawk was founded by the McCloud pack. And for these last 200 years, things have been relatively quiet. That’s about to changing now that one of the packs has been taken over by omegas, and perhaps those werecoyotes on the fringes of society aren’t happy with their place anymore.
Change is coming for better or worse. Where will you stand?
Red Hawk is a mature, all-male werespecies RP with ABO elements.
                    town of red hawk  | nav | plot | apply
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xloserxchickx · 6 years
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#nyr #newyorkrangers #nyc #hockey #lounge #thelounges #msg #vip #werespecial #datenight #win #winning #nyrwin #hockeygirl #ImaVIP (at Madison Square Garden) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqY9B9mF-PC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=yafql6k8ingl
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The ONLY type of friends I'm keeping from here on out??? . . The ones that will tell you when you have a giant piece of something in your teeth. . . Okay okay you don't HAVE to pick it out for me.. . . But... . . For the love just tell a girl. . . I spent time walking around downtown McKinney for the entire day and could've stayed for another... . . In case your following my stories just know I didn't eat the WHOLE piece of pie... . . But I literally had to walk out of the shop in order to NOT finish it😆🙈 . . Can't wait to see this lovely lady back in NYC in two weeks❤️❤️👌🏻 . . #truefriendship #werespecial #istheresomethinginmyteeth (at New York, New York)
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elgallinero · 7 years
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#iNeed2chairs #weReSpecial (at Macy's)
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jewelsbymaebeline · 7 years
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#werespecial lol
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