#werewolf!kimi raikkonen x reader
faithshouseofchaos · 10 months
Giant Supernatural head cannon list of all my supernatural fics
Little wolf x Oscar piastri head cannons
Oscar love’s going on runs with you in your wolf form. If you bring over a stick he’ll throw it and play fetch with you
You love it when Oscar brushes your wolfs fur especially when your shedding
Doesn’t love when little wolf brings dead squirrels,rabbits and other things to him,he finds it gross.
Loves that you get along with his friends
Doesn’t love when you are left unsupervised with Daniel and Scotty because the three of you are super chaotic and it never ends well
When he’s cold he loves when little wolf cuddles up to him.
Nickname’s little wolf, puppers, love,
Poly!Werewolf!Dando head cannons
You have to have a lot of patience with these two they're like two puppies
One of them always gets hurt and whines and begs for your attention.
Lando is a heel nipper he’ll nip at someone’s heel
They love going to the dog park
They love getting a lot of attention from people.
Daniel loves to more when kids will come up to pet him
Lando likes kids but doesn’t like it when they stick their fingers in his mouth or pull on his fur
Lando chases after squirrels and cats
Poly! Werewolf!Lestappen
Max is like that old dog your grandparents have that doesn’t like kids (he likes calm and quiet kids better)
Max doesn’t like other dogs he’ll go out of his way to avoid them
Despite being a werewolf he still loves cats often times you and Charlie will find them curled up on either the couch or the bed
Will rub himself against you and Charles if you smell like another dog.
Charles loves cuddles wether it’s from you max or even sassy and jimmy he loves cuddles
Will snatch food off the counter.
Does not like when guys hit on you when he’s out walking in wolf form with you.
Poly! Werewolf!charlos
Carlos is bigger/bulkier than Charles Charles is taller and leaner than Carlos
24/7 guard dog mode
Consistently mother henning you
Feeling sad instant cuddles
Want to Go for walks late at night no worries Charles and Carlos will follow behind you act like you don’t notice them but you do
You don’t mind though
They both love kids Charles will lick the faces of kids Carlos stares at Charles like he’s lost his mind but is still super soft with kids especially kids who have a disability they both rest their heads against them and let the kids pet them
If they run into a kid who's a little scared of dogs they both sit there and let the kid come up to them to get over their fear.
Trouble makers who play to rough with each other
Lando likes to start shit every time
You and Carlos have a treadmill just for Lando to run on he loves it
Lando definitely radiates Moon moon energy (y’all know exactly what I’m talking about) while Carlos is somewhat more calm and relaxed
Max is territorial over you and Daniel but in a good way
One time you got personalized dog bowls,leashes,collars and harness for them Daniel loved them max not so much he sat there one and pouted
Max hates going to the dog park he once tried to climb up into your lap to get away from the other dogs
Daniel love’s going because he can make friends with the other dogs
Daniel love’s going on walks max he’s a home wolf he rather be at home
If Daniel isn’t able to go out in public with you he’ll go instead whether it as a human or a wolf nine times out of ten it’s as a wolf he doesn’t like when people come up to him for pictures and autographs he finds it overwhelming
Oscar is the calmer one of the two
Lando has adhd so he’s always up to something
Like I said he radiates moon moon energy
Oscar loves to lay in between your legs with his head resting on your chest
Lando loves to lay by your side with you holding him.
Logan loves the water he’ll go into any body of water
Always Catches something whether it’s a duck or fish
He’s like a retriever he retrieves things
Oscar doesn’t like the water that much
They both are pretty much calm despite knowing each other since they were kids
A fucking menace crack head energy also radiates Moon moon energy
Of he wants a lazy day at home he’ll take off with one of your shoes from every pair and he’ll run around with it till you give up and stay home
Loves to go on walks and meet new people
He’s honestly a giant puppy
Pretty protective of you
He will weave himself in and out of your legs when you’re walking
You ever watch those videos of the dogs who’ll lay out in the snow and refuse to come inside yeah that’s Kimi he likes being outside in the snow.
Will let your kids brush and climb all over him.
someone once tried hitting on you so he growled at the guy and if the guy doesn’t get the hint his growls gradually get louder.
Also is a homebody only goes out in public with you if necessary
Despite his grumpy demeanor he loves kids and is pretty soft with them since he himself has had he doesn’t mind them
Constantly breaks into Jenson Button’s house we have no idea how he does it he just does
He acts like he hates the sleep overs but he secretly loves them
Will hide underneath the deck to get away from the chaos
That’s how he’s always back inside fastest when it’s dinner time
Has separation anxiety he constantly has to be with you and the kids
When he found out that your daughter was a wolf he would carry her around like a mother dog would a puppy
Will almost always be laying down on the ground behind you
“Goddamnit Jenson!” Is something that is constantly said in your home because you forget that he’s their and you trip and or step on him by accident
Will look at you like it’s your fault like he’s not the one who laid directly behind you
Sleeps directly on top of you whether it’s as a human or wolf hill be right on top of you.
Werewolf!Mark Webber
He’s old so he’s calmed down a lot since he was younger
Except for when he’s with Jenson Fernado kimi and Sebastian and all of a sudden he’s a teenager again
Hates when Sebastian calls him old man and when Sebastian nips at his heels
Gets hurt when he’s with nado and Jenson because they all dare each other to do the stupidest shit ever.
Acts all manly but in reality he just wants to curl up in your lap
Don’t let the old age full you he’s always up to no good
He’s like a husky always doing something
One time the guys dared him to jump down a flight of stairs news flash he did it he did not land on his feet like he said he would he slammed into the ground got up and shook it off
He’s convinced that he’s invincible he’s not
He Loves smelling flowers. He once got really excited and trampled your new flower garden.
Werewolf!reader x Alex Albon
He knows that the last person you trusted betrayed you
He doesn’t push your boundaries he’s really patient with you
He’s the only person you’ll let touch you
One time he came home to find all his cats grooming you he thought it was cute and adorable
Very protective of your sunshine personification of a boyfriend
You remind him of Kimi
You don’t like a lot of people but you’ll tolerate kids
He doesn’t mind you checking the perimeter of his home especially after the time hunters shot up his home
He won’t admit it but he’s a little terrified of it happening again but his knows you wouldn’t let that happen again
There was a lot of both regular tension and sexual tension when you both met
Werewolf!Pierre x Vampire reader
Pierre recognized you as his mate before you turned after you turned the pull he felt to you intensified and that scared him
He tried to push you away but when you cornered him for answers he tells you the truth which really hurt you so you ran from your feelings
Does everything possible to make you trust him again
He would never admit it but he loves the feeling of your fangs on his neck
The guys love it when you let them help you make potions and spells
When they got out for runs they will look for any type of crystals because they know how much you use and love them
Will go with you to deliver potions
Will try to befriend your familiar (max is most successful almost immediately your familiar loves him, Lando had to bribe your familiar but in the end they became good friends)
It took lance months to figure out that you were a witch you weren’t even hiding it from him he’s just that slow
Angel!reader head cannon
You showed in Daniel’s life when he was struggling with his mental health at McLean
Always called you his angel even before you told him about you being an actual angel.
He helped grooms your wings pulling out the old feathers to make room for new feathers he keeps all of him because they are too pretty to throw away
He cried when he found out that Jules watches over him and the guys (they were best friends so it makes sense)
Cried harder when he found out you traded your angelic abilities to be with him and that Jules took your place
Sometimes he can feel his friends presence watching over him
Grim reaper reader headcanons
Despite being surrounded by death Charles always felt this warmth coming from you
He felt safe in your presence
He knows that his father and Jules watch over him
Charles misses you even though the two of you were never together
Over the years before you left he always felt your presence even if you never showed yourself to him
When it was finally his time he found comfort in the fact you came to help him cross over into the light
Cat!max faintly smells like human max’s cologne
Cat!max will go out on walks with the reader
Very possessive over the reader both as a human and cat
Loves snuggling with the reader in his cat form
Finds it funny to pop Daniel in the head even though the reader is dating Daniel
Cat!max is extremely petty
Cat!max likes to supervise all projects in the reader's home
Loves to be called sweet boy
Hates going to the vet every time the reader mentions the vet max will disappear and reappear a few days later
Extremely pouty when Daniel comes to visit
He sometimes forgets that the reader isn’t his girlfriend
Will hold onto the readers arm while they sleep
Shifts back into a person when to reader as a nightmare to hold them
Helped the reader with self care ✨ one time (before Daniel)
Sometimes when he meows it comes out like a squeak
Only likes it when the reader holds him
He got chunky over winter break because the reader kept giving him treats he loves scrambled eggs and chicken the most
Daniel was definitely an instigator in the treat giving
Mick Schumacher x vampire reader
First time he met you it was at Sebastian’s place you threw Sebastian across the yard that’s how you two were just chaotic best friends
Loves when he feed from him he gets turned on by the feeling of your fangs
He’s so conditioned that he can only finish if you feed from him while you ride him 🤷‍♀️ he likes it
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faithshouseofchaos · 3 months
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Fine line (rewrite) — werewolf!Kimi Raikkonen x reader
Word count — 3k
Hurt and angst
OG’s will remember this 🥲😭💀
Tagged — @ashy-kit @astraeaworld @67-angelofthelordme-67 @amatswimming @a-casual-romantic @anedpev @biancathecool @bblouifford @bbtoni @barcelonaloverf1life @charlesf1leclerc @crashingwavesofeuphoria @clowngirlsstuff @entr4p3 @embrosegraves @eugene-emt-roe @formulas-bitch @formulaal @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @hangmandruigandmav @jvpiterzs @jeffs77 @kimiracing07 @lollypop90907 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @moss-on-tmblr @nurse-sainz @norrisleclercf1 @omgsuperstarg @oconswrld @purplephantomwolf @regalbanshee @toasttt11 @tallrock35 @the-ghost-lovwr @uluvjay @mrs-liebgott @vellicora @venusisnothere @vivwritesfics @starkwlkr @sweate-r-weathe-r @swifth0lic @strugglingyetvibing
Kimis time was limited. You both knew that everyone else knew it too. It was only a matter of time before he would disappear from your and the kids' lives. A part of you was happy that your kids didn’t inherit the wolf gene from their father.
"What'll happen after you shift and don't shift back into a human?" You asked, looking at Kimi.
"Eventually I'll forget you, the kids, and everything that made me I wouldn't even remember you and the kids. I'll keep coming back while I still remember but the memories will fade then there would be no point of me coming back even if my scent is everywhere" Kimi said holding you close.
“We have to tell them,” you say, voice cracking with sadness.
He nodded in agreement, his jaw tightening as he exhaled deeply, knowing he had to do it too soon. He wasn't ready to lose everything. You, the kids, you were his world, his everything and he was losing you.
"I know" Kimi whispered, his arm around you, holding you closer. The two of you stood in silence for a moment, each lost in your thoughts. Kimi broke the silence first, pulling back slightly so he could look at you.
"What am I going to tell Ryker, Alina, and Heleena?" he asked, his voice thick with emotion.
"The truth, like we always have," you whispered, placing a hand on his chest. "They're not stupid. They'll understand."
Kimi let out a soft sigh, knowing you were right. But still, the thought of telling his children that he was going to leave them permanently was the worst feeling in the world.
"How do I say goodbye to them?" he choked out, a raw vulnerability in his voice that he rarely showed. "How do I tell them that I'll forget them, that I'll never come home?"
You took his face in your hands and looked him straight in the eyes. "Just tell them the truth, Kimi. That you love them and that this isn't your choice. That you'll do everything you can to hold onto the memories of them, but that one day, it might fade."
He nodded slightly, his eyes filling with tears as he leaned into your touch. "I can't lose them," he whispered, his voice cracking. "I can't lose you."
You wrapped your arms around him, holding him close as your tears streamed down your face. "You won't lose us," you said softly. "We're a part of you, no matter what. The memories might fade, but the love will always be there. Deep down."
Kimi buried his face in your neck, his grip on you tightening as he fought back the wave of emotions that threatened to overwhelm him. "It's not enough," he choked out. "I want to remember everything. I want to come home and see their faces, hear their laughter, feel their hugs."
"I know," you said, your voice hoarse from the tears. "I know, Kimi. But we have to accept this. We have to make the most of the time we have with you, and we have to believe that somewhere deep inside you, you'll never truly forget us."
He nodded again, a pained expression on his face as he pulled away from you slightly. "I hate this," he muttered, his fists clenching and unclenching at his sides. "I hate that I have to leave you all."
"Anything," you replied immediately, willing to do anything to ease his pain. "Take care of them," he said, his gaze flickering towards the doorway where the kids were probably listening. "Take care of our kids. Remind them that I loved them, even if I forget who they are."
A fresh wave of tears stung your eyes, but you nodded, your grip on his hand tightening. "I promise," you whispered, your voice choked with emotion. "I know," you said softly, running your fingers through his hair. "But you have to."
His arms around you tightened, and he exhaled shuddering breath. "It's not fair," he muttered hoarsely, pulling back to look at you but keeping you in his embrace.
You nodded a sad smile on your face. "Life's not fair, love," you whispered, lifting a hand to cup his cheek.
He leaned into your touch, his eyes closing as he relished the feel of your skin against his. "I wish I could change it," he said quietly, opening his eyes to look at you, the pain in his gaze clear.
You sighed softly, running your thumb over his cheekbone. "We can't change it," you said sadly. "We have to accept it."
He let out a shaky breath, his gaze shifting away from you as he tried to compose himself. "I'm scared," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm scared of forgetting you all."
"I know," you said softly, your heart breaking at the vulnerability in his voice. "But we'll always be a part of you, even if you forget. And maybe somewhere deep down, you'll feel a pull towards us, even if you don't understand why."
He squeezed his eyes shut, shuddering as the reality of his situation fully hit him. "I don't want to lose you," he repeated hoarsely.
You wrapped your arms around him, holding him as tightly as you could, your tears falling freely now. "You won't lose us," you whispered, "we'll be with you always, no matter what."
Soon your house was filled with your kids, Sebastian and Hanna. Heleena was the first of the kids first to come home. She walked inside and took one look at her parents and reality started to set in. Any day now she’ll lose her father. She was never good with her emotions even at the age of 26 she wanted to be held by her dad one last time.
“Daddy,” she said, flinging her arms around her dad, breaking down in tears.
Kimi's arms immediately encircled Heleena, holding her tightly against his chest as he felt her body shake with sobs. "Shhh," he murmured, stroking her hair gently. "It's okay, sweetheart."
Alina was the next kid to come home. Alina had always been a daddy’s girl, she was Kim's partner in crime. The two of them were a lot alike, and if Kimi was being honest with himself saying goodbye to her would be the hardest part of this.
As soon as he saw Alina, Kimi couldn't help the sharp pang of bittersweet joy in his chest. She was another reminder of everything he stood to lose. He held his arms out to her, a pained smile on his face. "Alina," he said, his voice a mix of love and sadness. She practically collapsed into his embrace, her body trembling as she clung to him. "I don't want you to go," she whispered, her voice breaking. "I don't want to lose you, Daddy."
He held her tighter, his eyes stinging with unshed tears. "I don't want to go either, sweetheart," he whispered, his heart aching. "But I don't have a choice." He could feel her body shake against him as she sobbed, her hands clutching at his shirt. "It's not fair," she choked out between tears. "You can't leave us, not now."
She pulled back slightly, looking up at him with tear-filled eyes. "I'll miss you so much, Daddy," she said hoarsely, her voice breaking. "You're my rock, my best friend." She pulled back slightly, looking up at him with tear-filled eyes. "I'll miss you so much, Daddy," she said hoarsely, her voice breaking. "You're my rock, my best friend." The words hit him like a punch to the gut. He swallowed the lump in his throat, trying to hold back his tears. "I'll miss you too, sweetheart," he said softly, his hand cupping her cheek. "You're my mini-me, my little partner in crime."
And finally, Ryker was home from school. He was the youngest, only sixteen years old. Ryker was more of a mama's boy but that didn’t mean that he didn’t love his dad. As soon as Ryker stepped through the door, he could tell something was amiss. The atmosphere in the house was heavy, and he could hear the soft sounds of his sisters and parents crying.
He walked into the living room, pausing as he saw Kimi holding Heleena in his arms, her face buried in his chest.
"Dad?" he said quietly, his voice filled with confusion and worry.
Kimi looked up, his amber eyes meeting his son's gaze. He gently released Heleena and Alina, who stumbled towards the other family members, before turning to Ryker.
"Come here, son," he said, his voice rough with emotion.
Ryker walked over to his father, his heart clenching in his chest. He had never seen his dad this way before - so vulnerable, so close to breaking.
He stood in front of his dad, his hands shoved into his pockets, not knowing what to say. Ryker nodded, his gut twisting into knots. He had a feeling he knew what his dad was going to say, and he wasn’t ready to hear it. "What is it, Dad?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Ryker swallowed hard, his hands clenching in his pockets. "I-I can do that, Dad," he said, his voice wavering slightly. Kimi smiled slightly, a mixture of pride and sadness in his gaze. "You're a good kid," he said softly. "You've always been my strong boy."
He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to say next. "I don't know how else to say this, so I'll just come right out with it."
Ryker nodded again, his heart pounding in his chest. "I know, Dad, it’s okay, I understand you have to leave," he said, forcing himself to keep his voice steady. Kimi's eyes widened slightly at Ryker's words. He hadn't expected his son to understand so quickly, but he supposed it wasn’t surprising. Ryker had always been perceptive, much like his mother.
He took a shaky breath, his hand still on Ryker's shoulder. "You understand, son?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Ryker nodded, his jaw clenching as he fought to keep his emotions in check. "I do," he said softly. "I don't want you to go, but I know you have to. I know it's not your choice."
His hands tightened in his pockets, his knuckles turning white. "It sucks, Dad. It sucks."
Kimi nodded, his expression serious. "I need you to promise me something, Ryker," he said softly. "I need you to promise me that you'll take care of your mom. She's going to be hurting, and she's going to need your support."
Ryker nodded immediately, his eyes filled with determination. "I promise, Dad," he said firmly. "I'll take care of Mom, I'll do everything I can to make sure she's okay."
A small smile tugged at the corners of Kimi's mouth at his son's unwavering devotion to his mother. He had always known Ryker was a good kid, but his heart swelled with pride at hearing him promise to take care of you.
He nodded, his grip on Ryker's shoulder tightening slightly. "That's my boy," he said softly, his voice gruff with emotion. Ryker swallowed past the lump in his throat, struggling to keep his emotions in check. This was it. This was the moment he had been dreading, the moment when his father would say goodbye.
"Dad," he choked out, his voice cracking. "Will you remember us? Me, Heleena, and Alina? Will you remember us when you're gone?" Kimi's heart ached at his son's words. Of course, he wanted to remember them. He wanted to hold onto their memories with every fiber of his being. But he shook his head, his expression sad.
"I don't know," he admitted softly. "I want to, son. You have no idea how much I want to. But I can't make any promises. My memory won't be the same, and I might forget everything."
Ryker's shoulders sagged, his heart heavy with disappointment and sadness. He had hoped, against all odds, that his dad would somehow remember them, but hearing the truth from his dad's mouth made it all so much worse.
"It's not fair," he muttered, his voice thick with emotion. "You shouldn't have to lose everything. You shouldn't have to lose us." Kimi's heart clenched at the sight of his son's disappointment. He wished he could say something, anything to make it better, but he knew there was nothing he could say. It wasn't fair. None of this was fair.
He pulled Ryker into his arms, holding him tightly. "I know, son," he whispered, his voice cracking with emotion. "It's not fair. But it is what it is, and we can't change it."
Ryker buried his face in his dad's shoulder, his body shaking with silent sobs. He hated this. He hated the fact that his dad was leaving, that he was losing him. But he also knew that there was nothing any of them could do.
"I love you, Dad," he whispered, his words muffled against his dad's shirt.
Kimi's heart ached at his son's words. Hearing him say 'I love you' in such a broken voice was almost more than he could bear. He held him tighter, his hand coming up to cradle the back of Ryker's head.
"I love you too, son," he whispered, his voice hoarse with emotion. "More than you could ever know."
Kimi walked over to Sebastian, a deep-set frown on his face. He had a specific request to make. "Seb," he said quietly, catching Sebastian's attention.
"Can I talk to you for a minute?" Sebastian looked up, surprised by the serious expression on Kimi's face. "Sure, what's up?" he asked, shoving his hands into his pockets.
Kimi gestured for Sebastian to follow him into a quieter corner of the room, away from the others. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to ask.
"I need to ask you a favor," he said quietly, his eyes fixed on Sebastian's face.
"A big one." Sebastian raised an eyebrow, sensing the gravity in Kimi's voice.
"Anything, man," he said seriously. "You know that."
Kimi nodded, a grateful expression on his face. "I know, and that's why I'm coming to you," he said quietly. "I need you to promise me something, for me."
Kimi took another deep breath, his eyes locked with Sebastian's. "I need you to take care of my family," he said quietly, his voice firm and steady. "I need you to look after them when I'm gone."
Sebastian's eyes widened slightly in surprise, but he quickly composed himself. He had expected something serious, but he hadn't expected this. "Of course, man," he said firmly, his voice filled with determination. "You don't even have to ask. You know I'd do anything for your family."
A small smile tugged at the corner of Kimi's mouth at Sebastian's response. He had known his friend would say yes, but hearing the words out loud still brought him a measure of comfort.
"I know, and that's why I'm asking," he said quietly. "I trust you, Seb. I know you'll look after them."
Sebastian nodded, his expression serious. "I promise," he said firmly. "I'll look after them and make sure they're all okay. You don't have to worry, man. I've got this."
Kimi's shoulders sagged with relief, the tension draining from his body. He had been worried about his family's future after he was gone, but knowing that Sebastian would be there to look after them eased his mind.
"Thank you," he said softly, his voice cracking slightly with emotion. Sebastian's expression softened as he saw the vulnerability in his friend's eyes. "Hey, man," he said gently, his voice filled with empathy. "It's not a big deal. Your family is like my family, too. Of course, I'll take care of them."
Kimi smiled, his eyes shiny with unshed tears. "I know you will," he said quietly. "And that means more to me than you know."
Sebastian clapped him on the shoulder, giving him a reassuring smile. "Don't even mention it, man," he said firmly. "Your family is in good hands. I'll make sure of it."
“Can I have a hug?” Kimi asked. Sebastian's eyes widened slightly at the unexpected request, but he quickly recovered, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Of course, man," he said gently, stepping forward and wrapping his arms around Kimi.
Kimi closed his eyes, the feeling of Sebastian's arms around him bringing a strange feeling of comfort and sadness. He took a deep breath, savoring the moment.
This was one of the last hugs he would ever receive and he was happy to have one last hug from his best friend. Sebastian held him for a moment, his arms wrapped firmly around Kimi. He knew how hard this was for his friend, and he wanted to offer whatever comfort he could.
Kimi felt the familiar sensation of the change starting to take hold, his body tingling with the transformation. He stumbled backward into the wall, his hands grasping at the cold surface for stability.
The shift was always painful as his bones and flesh rearranged themselves, his body contorting and stretching in ways that were far from human.
The room seemed to fade out of focus as the pain intensified, his body wracked with spasms and tremors. He could hear the worried voices of his family and friends, but he couldn’t make out their words. He was lost in his world of pain and transformation.
The shift seemed to go on forever, each second feeling like an eternity. Every part of his body was alight with pain as he slowly transformed, his bones and flesh shifting and reforming. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the pain began to subside, his body taking on a new, animalistic form. As the last of the transformation faded, Kimi stood before his family and friends, his body now resembling that of a large wolf. He was breathing heavily, his amber eyes still clouded with pain and sorrow.
Y/n walked over to the door and opened it up for Kimi Wolf. He padded out into the night, his body feeling foreign and strange in his new form. He took one last look back at his family, his heart heavy with sadness and longing before he turned and disappeared into the wilderness.
The night was quiet and still, the only sounds coming from the crickets and the rustle of leaves in the breeze. He trotted through the forest, his senses heightened and sharpened. He could smell the scents of animals and plants, taste the night air, and hear every little sound. He traveled for hours, his feet moving silently over the ground. He ran effortlessly, the familiar feel of the earth under his paws both comforting and melancholy. He knew this was the last time he would run like this.
The moon shone high in the sky, illuminating his path as he moved through the forest. He was alone, except for the occasional rustle of an animal or the hoot of an owl. It was a lonely feeling, knowing that he was alone in his new form and that he would never be able to return to his human family again.
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faithshouseofchaos · 25 days
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Welcome to faithshouseofchaos Smutober Fic
Fest and 2k follower celebration + 31 days of Smutober Halloween fics
2 months long
Down below you'll find a list of Drivers/ OC/Hockey players/characters to choose from along with Smut prompts with fic types ex: Sweet tart ropes-"now what would your father do if he found out" + Lemon bars— dads best friend + Strawberry Shortcake -age gap.
I also have fluff prompts along with angst hurt/ comfort that I’ll be adding once I hit 2k (12 followers away) along with angst/hurt and comfort and the other half of my supernatural prompt list that @sweate-r-weathe-r and I will be working on when we have free time.
It's really simple and fun and remember it's October so you know what that means Faiths supernatural F1 au's are back in business for a whole month.
If you have your own idea that's fine too
All fics written will be tagged with faithshouseofchaos Smutober and faithshouseofchaosofchaos 2k celebration
I have two fics that are unrelated to this that I’m currently working on that are for @moss-on-tmblr and @sweate-r-weathe-r !
Alex Albon
Arthur leclerc
Carlos sainz
Charles Leclerc
Caden jones oc
Checo Perez
Daniel ricciardo
Esteban ocon
Fernando Alonso
Franco Colapinto
George Russell
Jenson Button
Jack doohan
Kimi raikkonen
Kevin magnussen
Kaycee Thomas oc
Lando Norris
Lewis Hamilton
Logan Sargent
Lance stroll
Leo Mctavish oc
Max verstappen
Mark webbah
Marc Marquez
Mateo Santiago oc
Nico rosberg
Nico Huelkenberg
Oscar piastri
Pierre gasly
Pato o’ward
Sebastian Vettel
Toto wolff
Valtteri Bottas
Yuki tsunoda
Zhou gaunyu
OC driver pairings
Leo and Max
Kaycee and loscar
Charles and Mateo
Caden and Daniel
Luke Hughes
Jack Hughes
Quinn Hughes
Nico hischier
Trevor Zegras
Jamie Drysdale
andrei svechikov
Spike (btvs)
Angle (btvs)
Lance sweets (bones)
Bo duke (dukes of hazzard)
Luke duke (dukes of hazzard)
Dean Winchester (supernatural)
Sam Winchester (supernatural)
Bucky Barnes (marvel)
Steven grant (marvel)
Marc Spector (marvel)
Tyler Owen’s (twister)
Jake seresin (top gun maverick)
Klaus mikealson (the originals)
Elijah mikealson (the originals)
Shifter (any kind)
Type of fic
Dark fic
X - reader gender neutral
Fem! X reader
Male! X reader
Driver x driver
Treats/smut prompts
M&M’s — “I'm starving, but I want to eat all of you”
Candy corn— "Never trust a man whose smile steals the breath right from your lungs."
Snickers— “This is wrong.” “So wrong.” While continuing to pull at each other's clothes, mind fogged with nothing but lust and arousal.
Milky Way —"Such a good little pup, aren't you?"
Smarties—"Mark me. Mark me so everyone knows who I belong to."
Skittles —“My little slut to ruin.”
Reese’s Pieces—“I want you. I want you with me, on me, and in me.”
Candy apples —“I’m yours. Only yours.”
Gummy worms —“I hate you so much”
Crunch bars —“I never done this before”
Tootsie rolls —“shhh I got you sweet heart just lie back and let me take care of you”
3 Musketeers — “it’s cold and I’m tired. Can you come keep me warm baby?”
Jaw breakers “you like this don’t you baby? The feeling of my fangs brushing against your neck.”
Jolly rancher — “You’ve never even touched yourself?”
Baby Ruth—“I want you to teach me.”
Peanut Butter cups—“Makes me want to wreck you.”
Almond joys/mounds—“what are you an exhibitionist?”
Airheads— “aww look at you turning into the dumb slut I know you are at the sight of my cock”
Laffy Taffy—“I see the way you stare at my thighs come on darling I know you want to”
KitKats— “don’t be a brat and maybe just maybe I’ll let you cum later”
Twix— “don’t look at me, look in the mirror. look in the reflection at your reflection and you’ll see what I see baby”
Reese’s take five—“Behave, I wouldn’t want to have to punish you now.”
Butter fingers —“Can’t you handle it, baby?” “I can-fuck, I can handle it.”
Starburst —“look at them. See how wrecked they look? Isn’t it something? and it’s all from watching you darlin. They like to watch they get off on it and by the way your reacting I’d say you get of from someone watching you take it like the good boy/girl you are”
Sour patch kids— “Act like a brat and I’ll treat you like a brat.” + “Count them for me.”
Sweet tart ropes—“now what would your father do if he found out”
Nerds— “shhh go back to sleep baby I’ll take care of you”
Milk chocolate —“I’m sorry, what was that? I couldn’t hear you over all the noise you were making.”
Dark chocolate—“I can hear how loud your heart is beating and I must say it’s arousing”
White chocolate —“Do that again- Shit, just like that, right there.”
Vero Mango— “you look so good I could just eat you up but you would like that wouldn’t you?”
Chocolate Cake —Interlocking your fingers above your head while making out passionately.
Chocolate chip cookies —hate fucking
Brownies—possessive sex
Red velvet cake —public sex
Chocolate covered pretzels —cockwarming after a long day in order to calm down together
Vanilla cake + chocolate icing —gentle comforting sex
Vanilla flavored ice cream —angry sex in the middle of a fight
Chocolate flavored ice cream — oral sex
Kentucky bourbon cake —exhibition + voyeurism
Banana bread —gentle comforting sex
Blueberry Muffins —marking kink
Lemon bars— dads best friend
Oatmeal raisin Cookies —cardiophilia
Strawberry Shortcake —age gap
S’mores— brat taming
Coffee Cake —Thigh riding
Peanut Butter bars—sugar daddy
Fudge—mirror sex + body worship
Peppermint bark— sleepy domestic sex lol
Cinnamon rolls — period sex
Honey buns —alternative reality
Lava cakes — Vore
Rice crispy treats— Enemies to lovers
Strawberry danish— Workplace rivals
Supernatural prompts optional
Having to chase their werewolf S/O around the city like a loose dog during a full moon. Nothing harmful will happen, just making sure they aren't eating out of garbage cans and breaking public property
"A Shapeshifter? Prove it." "I can turn into you." "I see myself in the mirror every day, do someone cool."
"Have you always had fangs, or have I just not been paying attention?"
"Don't let the black eyes fool you, I'm very gentle."
"Just because I'm not a Winchester, doesn't mean I'm a clueless jackass."
"So, have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?" "You're not the devil."
B is a human who told all their friends that they have a vampire significant other. This, of course, is a lie, so they seek out A and beg them to date them so that B won’t be seen as a liar.
“Did it hurt when I fell from heaven?” “That’s . . . that’s not how that line works”
B has had no luck with dating, so A claims that it’s their purpose to get B a partner and they teach B how to flirt.
“Did . . . did you just call me ‘angel’? Like a pet name?”
“It’s kinda comforting to know that there’s someone up there looking over me” “Oh we’re not looking over people. People are boring”
“No ones ever answered my prayers before” “I’m the first one to listen”
“Look at me, you’re not a monster”
“If the cure doesn’t work, will you still love me?”
So do you howl at the moon ?
I am not a homosexual. i am a heterosexual werewolf, [name], who fucks around with other guys
you smell like a wet dog.
i just saw you turn into a giant dog
Character A to Incubus “So are you responsible for my sex dreams at night?” Character B “No that’s all you. You’re a very horny person”
“You're not gonna turn me into a frog?” Character A asks Character B whose a witch
“Can you talk to fish?” Character A asks Character B “what?” Character B asks “well I figured since you’re half fish you can talk to them”
“You're not gonna eat me are you?” Character A asks character B “no i'm not gonna eat you. Unless you want me to eat you”
“Keep your filthy paws off my mate”
“You're not gonna sing a song and sink our boat and kill me are you?” Character A says to the mermaid/merman character B “No. I’m not that type of mermaid/merman”
Welcome to faithshouseofchaos 2k celebration
Sweet tooth/fluff/comfort
Cow tails— “here I figured you were hungry so I made your favorite food”
Blow pops — “you did this all for me oh baby you shouldn’t have”
Dum-Dums “I can help you with that…you know”
Milk duds — "We could just stay like this, cuddling all day, if you want."
Cotton candy—"I know you're struggling right now, and it's okay, okay? We'll get through this."
Sweet tarts — “what did I do to deserve you?”
Swiss rolls —making someone's comfort meal after a long day
Twinkies— staying in bed all day
Zebra cakes — losing a loved one
Nutty buttery’s — acts of service that make your partner happy and loved
Cosmic brownies— picnic date
Ding-Dongs— adopting a pet together
Fluff prompts to choose from
List of “I ain't gonna lie, it's a real weird time for stars to align; last place I would think I would start to fall, I guess I'll call it lowkey meant to be” prompts  by dumplingsjinson
Established relationships
cruel ways to push someone away
Reason for there to only be one bed
one bed trope the morning after
your blushing prompts
saying I love you without saying I love you
Careful or I will fall for you
physical affection prompts
subtle physical affection
different ways to kiss someone part one
part two part three
Kissing details
Spicy romance prompt
angst prompts
Angry confessions
Angsty romance
Reactions to making someone cry
I want you pinning prompts
Like a moth to a flame prompt
enemies to lovers
Angry love confessions
Exs to lovers
stay prompts
still prompts
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faithshouseofchaos · 23 hours
What am I doing today smutober fics? I also added a couple non smut fics to the calendar there’s only three of them (Caden x Daniel, Poly!Werewolf!lestappen x reader and Werewolf!Pato x Vampire!reader).
Vampire!Checo x fem!reader y’all I forgot to type out the rest
Listed below is what I have for smutober
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faithshouseofchaos · 3 months
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faithshouseofchaos · 3 months
I don’t know what fic to work on after my Daemon Targaryen fic so I’m guessing I’m letting you choose two of these are from my Logan sergeant account
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faithshouseofchaos · 5 months
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Kimi raikkonen
Kimi Raikkonen x plus size reader HC
Giant head canon of my supernatural fics
I don’t even know his last name
don’t beat yourself up
Kimi smut
Big celebrations— simi smut
Sick and needy Simi
Your mine sunshine
Seb the third wheel simi
I don’t even know his last name part two
I don’t even know his last name part one
he fell first
You deserve better
Forgive me pt1 pt2
we’re just friends pt 1 pt2
Winter time blues
Were drunk and I want waffles
Grid kid
Mamas boy
Mafia Kimi
Baby your perfect for me
Body guard Kimi
Nanny series (someone remind me to fix this)
part one
part two
part three
part four
part five
werewolf Raikkonen family master list
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faithshouseofchaos · 10 months
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Christmas with the in-laws — werewolf!kimi Raikkonen x reader
Day 2
Tagged— @norrisleclercf1 @natailiatulls07 @vivwritesfics @vellicora @moss-on-tmblr @reidsworld @dark-night-sky-99 @badassturtle13 @tooprinceangel @dudenhaaa27 @hollie911 @toasttt11 @sarahedwards16 @omgsuperstarg @otako5811 @ironcowboycopnickel @astraeaworld @alwayzbeenale @formulas-bitch @barcelonaloverf1life @csainzoperateor
Christmas you always loved Christmas as a kid, the present lady decorating the whole nine yards you loved it all. When you and your husband had your three kids you were ecstatic to share your favorite Christmas traditions with them like you did as a child.
This year your family was spending Christmas with Kimi's family. Now you loved your husband but what you didn’t love was how overwhelming they were. The whole evening was wasted away by his family asking if and when you would have more kids. You were handling it a lot better than your werewolf husband who growled every time the question came up.
You had three kids Heleena, Alina, and Ryker and right now you both are happy with three kids. That still didn’t stop your in-laws from asking the question “When are you going to have more kids?” Part of you wondered if they were like this because they were werewolves. You weren’t and so none of your kids were either.
Your kids did have heightened senses and a faster healing ability than regular human children. Kimis family wanted real werewolf grandchildren but you both knew they would never admit it.
The second you saw your kids rub their eyes and yawn you looked at Kimi with a look that said “Get the packed I’ll get the kids” he didn’t need to physically hear you to know what you meant. With a car packed full of presents and sleeping kids, you and Kimi made your way home.
Upon arriving home you got your kids out of the car and into bed you both decided to unpack the car in the morning.
Once everyone was settled in bed you changed into something more comfortable and relaxed. Walking back out into the living room you heard a familiar sound of clothing being ripped to shreds then the sound of nails tapping against the hardwood floor.
“You have to stop doing it sooner or later, you'll have no more clothes,” you said looking at the giant wolf who stood in front of you.
Sitting down on the couch you reach for the tv remote. Kimi walked over to the couch and jumped onto it half of his body laying on top of you.
Clearly comfortable and wasn’t planning on moving any time soon.
“Hey baby just so you know I’m happy with the three kids we have now werewolves or not” you said.
Kimi pressed and rubbed his head against your stomach. It was his way of agreeing with you because he didn't care if his children were werewolves like him or not he would love unconditionally no matter what they were.
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faithshouseofchaos · 10 months
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Not me Exposing our chats again 🤭
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F1 DILF werewolf sleepover head cannon
Tagged @moss-on-tmblr @norrisleclercf1 @vivwritesfics @natailiatulls07 @lollypop90907 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @wolfsbanesbite @badassturtle13 @astraeaworld @toasttt11 @otako5811 @omgsuperstarg @yours-sophia-1988 @charlesf1leclerc @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33
The sleep overs started because of Kimi he was always breaking into Jensons and his wife’s house in the middle of the night. No one knew why he was doing it, he just was. It was Jensons wife who suggested the sleepover idea and it became its own thing.
I woke to my phone ringing and an empty bed.
“Hello” I said into the phone
“He’s done it again” my friend eve says
I sat up in my bed pushing the covers off “are you serious?” I asked.
“Yes and it was quite comical if I might add Jenson tripped over him this morning” Eve said giggling.
“Oh my god how does he keep getting inside?” I asked getting dressed.
“We have no idea really”
“Alright well I’m on my way” I said
“We’ll see you soon then” Eve says, hanging up the phone.
It was Kimi and his wife Mark and his wife Nat Jenson and his wife Eve And seb and his wife Viv.
“You know what we should do,” Eve said, sitting in the lap of her husband.
“No, what?” I asked brushing my hand through the fur of my husband.
“A sleepover like seriously we each take turns hosting” she says
“I can get behind that” Nat said
“Sounds fun,” Viv says.
“We get a say in this?” Mark asked.
“No baby you don’t none of you do” Nat said kissing her husband.
Eve and Jenson were the first couple to host since it was Eve's idea.
“Welcome everyone to the botón de casa” Eve said excitedly as Jenson opened the door. “As you can see Eve’s a bit excited, " Jenson says, smiling at his wife's antics.
“We’re glad to be here”
The guys always go outside to do quote on quote “manly wolf things” while their wives linger in the house gossiping.
“Where are you guys going?” I asked
“Outside,” Kimi said.
“Alright have fun” I said
“Yeah” Kimi replied, giving you a kiss and following the others out the door.
“How do you do that?” Viv asked
“Do what?” I asked with a smile.
“Put up with Kimi and his one word responses?”
“I’ll have you know Kimi happens to be very vocal, he's just shy” I say sipping on my wine.
“Gross” “that’s disgusting” “we didn’t need to know that”
“What I’m just saying.” I said holding up my hands in defense.
It never fails Jenson and Mark have little competitions with each other that results in one of them tripping over their own paws and getting hurt. Sebastian always nips at the hills of the person in front of them because they are too slow for his liking and he’s hungry. Kimi slowly and gradually gets closer to the house when the others aren’t paying attention, one time he hid underneath the back deck.
Let’s be real it was always Marks who Sebastian nips at. Jenson was the one who tripped and cried holding out his paw so his wife would coddle him and treat him like one would a puppy who scared himself. And Kimi was always dragged into things he wanted no part in and always immediately ran back inside to his wife. The poor wolf has separation anxiety.
Mark easily gets offended when Sebastian calls him old.
“Nat you have to be careful with him he’s an old man” Sebastian says with a smile on his face.
“Sebastian mate for the last time I’m not old” Mark grumbled.
“Awww it’s ok baby I know you not an old man”
Eve always threatened to take away the sleepovers if she found Kimi in her living room.
The guys were always the most excited about the sleep overs. Even Kimi, no matter how much he complained, he loved hanging out with the guys.
Sebastian is the worst about leaving he’s the one that has to be dragged out of the house of whoever hosted that weekend he’ll whine and howl in protest. He once hid underneath the bed it took an hour to get him out.
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faithshouseofchaos · 11 months
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Nail polish— werewolf!Kimi Raikkonen x reader
@toasttt11 @80sloverry @wolfsbanesbite @moss-is-a-tasty-snack @norrisleclercf1 @norizznorris @hollie911 @darleneslane @charlesf1leclerc @lollypop90907 @ironcowboycopnickel @reidsworld @badassturtle13 @ladymarvel27 @eugene-emt-roe
This is a sequel to tease which was my first werewolf!Kimi Raikkonen fic
It’s short I meant to post it yesterday but I forgot it’s been stressful.
Also some drivers have more tags and activity on this app then others so if I add extra tags to a not so popular driver fic you don’t have to be rude about it I woke this morning to a pretty hateful ask in my inbox if you don’t like it keep scrolling it’s not that hard
Kimi Raikkonen was known to be cold towards a lot of people except his family and a handful of friends.
You woke to the sounds of giggles and laughter from the living room, rolling over you noticed your son was awake in his crib but your husband was nowhere to be found. Getting out of bed you walked over to your son’s crib and walked out into the living room.
Walking out into the living room you find your shifted husband lying on the floor with your daughters brushing his fur and painting his nails. Placing your son in his swing, and turning it on, you took the opportunity to take a picture of the sight.
“What’s going on here?” You asked your two girls
“We’re making Daddy Wolf look pretty,” your oldest says.
“Yeah, I painted his nails. Does he look pretty mommy?”
“Yes baby he does,” you said, leaning down to pick up your secondborn daughter.
Your husband came up to you and rubbed himself against your legs kinda like a cat would you scratch behind his ear before he went off to your bedroom to shift back. Kimi came out of the bedroom and walked up to you giving you a side hug and kissing the side of your head. You set your daughter down so she could go play with her sister.
“Please tell me you have any nail polish remover?” Kimi asked.
“Nope I don’t,” you said smiling.
Kimi sighed shaking his head
“Oh I forgot to tell you the guys are stopping by later tonight for dinner,” you told him.
Kimi ran his hand down his face looking at his hot pink nails.
“Well it could be worse,” he said, shrugging.
You smiled trying to not laugh, Kimi looked back at you.
“You already told them, didn't you?”
“Yeah I sent them a picture”
“Your lucky I love you”
“I love you too”
You did have nail polish remover but Kimi didn’t need to know that.
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faithshouseofchaos · 1 year
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Bitten — werewolf!Kimi Raikkonen x werewolf!reader
Tagged— @80sloverry @toasttt11 @moss-is-a-tasty-snack @ironcowboycopnickel @lollypop90907 @kaimoon128 @norizznorris @wolfsbanesbite @norrisleclercf1
@wolfsbanesbite thank you for the idea ❤️
Kinda angsty
Pain, pain throughout your body, a red hot searing pain that makes you want to vomit. You made your way to the bathroom, turning on the light and pulling up your shirt to reveal a bite. A wolf bite. Bending down as best as you could you grabbed the first aid kit and the rubbing alcohol. With shaking hands, you poured the rubbing alcohol on some paper towels and cleaned up the wound. Once that was done and over with you took some antibiotic cream and rubbed it on the wound dressing it with some gauze and a band-aid.
You don’t know how long you sat on the floor of the bathroom. Your body hurt and you were shaking from the pain, your eyes and mouth hurt.
Kimi was baffled; normally you’d greet him whenever he came home, especially with winter right around the corner. He knew you didn’t want to waste these precious moments together.
“Y/n where are you rakkaus?”
Kimi looked around for any sign of you. He found you curled up in a ball on the bathroom floor. The second thing he noticed was all the paper towels covered in blood sent off the alarms in his head ‘What happened while he was gone’ he thought.
“Hey, vauva can you tell me what happened?” He asked, holding you.
“I got bit,” you said so quietly he barely heard it. He looked at your side pulling up your shirt just enough to look at your side.
“Can I pull off your bandages? I need to look at the bite.”
You shook your head, your mouth hurt from grinding your teeth together. Kimi pulled the bandages off and he expected to see a bite there but instead, all he saw was skin that was completely healed over, and that made his heart sink. He never wanted this life for you. He never wanted you to experience the pain of the first shift.
His heart broke at the sight and the sound of you in pain.
“What’s happening to me?” You sobbed out, Kimi kissed your head as he rocked you back and forth in his arms.
“Your Changing vauva, it's your body, it's preparing for the shift. The first one is always the worst but I promise you that it’ll get better”. Kimi said taking your shoes off which you still haven’t done he also took off anything you had on that you didn’t want ruined when you shifted. He left on your shirt and pants which were pretty much ruined, Kimi picked you up and walked you outside setting you down on the ground”
Kimi took off his shoes, jacket, and shirt leaving him in his pants, he sent Seb a quick text asking him to lock up the house and to gather his stuff out of the yard telling him that he had been bitten and was going to shift any moment now.
“Ok listen to me I know it hurts but the cold air will help I promise. Just keep focusing on my voice rakkaus, breathe deep slow breaths in and out”
You did what he said feeling some relief.
“Ok that’s it you're doing great love now feel the ground beneath you in between your fingers and toes. Your doing and remember to breathe and now let go”
You did what Kimi said and shifted into a wolf. You stood up on all fours, tail tucked between your legs, your wolf walked up to Kimi who squatted down to your level and scratched behind your ear “you did amazing rakkaus I’m so proud of you” he said before shifting you with you.
The two of you spent the entire winter together never leaving each other’s side.
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faithshouseofchaos · 1 year
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Fine line — werewolf!Kimi Raikkonen x reader
Tagged— @80sloverry @toasttt11 @norrisleclercf1 @norizznorris @wolfsbanesbite @charmisticdisappointment @ladymarvel27 @moss-is-a-tasty-snack
This is heavily influenced by the Shiver series by Maggie Stiefvater which I recommend
I'm in my sad time feels
Kimis time was limited any day now will be his last shift for the rest of his life you knew this day was coming but what you didn’t was when. The two of you spent every minute of every day together.
“What’ll happen after you shift and don’t shift back into a human!” You asked
“Eventually I’ll forget you and everything that made me I wouldn’t even remember you I’ll keep coming back while I do still remember but the memories will fade then there would be no point of me coming back even if my scent is everywhere” Kimi said holding you close.
The more you thought about it the it sunk in the more it hurt. Kimi would leave just as fast as he came into your life.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you in my life I’ve known you for what seems like forever,” you said looking into his eyes.
“You’ll move on I couldn’t live with myself if you didn’t move on I love you so much  rakkaani (my love) to let you suffer all alone like that,” Kimi told you kissing your temple.
Kimi felt the cold deep into his bones he knew it was time to go the wolf inside of him torn between you and the inevitable. Kimi had Seb and Hanna come over to be with you when he left Kimi who was a man of few words and didn't know how to express himself most of the time loved you too much.
“rakkaani it's time”
“I know believe me I know it's time it just hurts I wish we had more time because I love you too much to say goodbye” You looked up at him with tears in your eyes.
Kimi looked down at you kissing you one last time before he shifted. Kimi looked over at Sebastian and slightly nodded his head at the German, Sebastian stood in front of you blocking you from him.
That night after Seb and Hanna went to bed you threw on some thicker clothes and shoes and walked outside to the backyard. You sat on the steps looking down at the paw prints that weren’t fully covered by the snow yet. You couldn’t cry anymore no matter how much you wanted to you couldn’t. You didn’t know how long you sat there staring until a familiar huff caught your attention looking up you see Kimis Wolf looking at you.
The wolf sat down on its haunches resting its head on your knee you couldn't help yourself as you lifted your hand and scratched the wolf behind the ears. The wolf let a soft whine closing his eyes the wolf cares about you as much as Kimi did. Eventually, Sebastian woke up and came outside to check on you he saw you kissed the wolf on the side of its snout before it retreated into the woods.
“Will you be okay?” Sebastian asked sitting next to you and putting his arm around your shoulder for comfort,
“No, but with time I will be” you said.
Kimi was true to his word when he said his wolf wouldn't be coming around anymore you knew he'd forgotten everything that made him human that he'd forgotten home. Now and then you’d get lucky and see glimpses of him it be so quick that if you blinked you’d miss him.
And if you were really lucky you'd find his paw prints in the snow by the deck looking into the house he once called home.
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faithshouseofchaos · 1 year
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Tease— werewolf!kimi Raikkonen x reader
Tagged— @toasttt11 @80sloverry @lollypop90907 @charmisticdisappointment @wolfsbanesbite @norrisleclercf1
I no I said I was done posting for the night but I lied It’s a short one this time but I like it… also my man’s needs justice on this app 🫡🫠
When you started dating Kimi everyone asked “why” and you would just shrug your shoulders and say that you loved him even though he can be a bit cold, distant, and annoyed with everyone. There were only a few people who he wasn’t like that with and they were you, your kids, and Sebastian.
Speaking of kids you had two little girls who were currently hanging out with Uncle Seb for the weekend. Getting home from dropping off the girls you looked around for your husband finding him outside lying in his wolf form in the snow sulking you understood because Kimi loved his kids he’d do anything to protect them.
Walking outside you sat down in front of the sulking wolf.” you shouldn’t pout” you said.
Kimi huffed and set his huge head on your leg looking up at you.
“Come on let’s go inside we have the whole house to ourselves this weekend,” you say to the sulking wolf. The wolf in question looked up at you with its pale Icy blue eyes and set its head back down.
“Are you serious Kimi? This is about the girl's crush on Sebastian because that’s all it is. It is a silly crush baby what are you gonna do maul your best friend to death the girls will grow out of it” you say picking up his head and scratching underneath his chin before kissing him.
Kimi's wolf let out a sound that almost sounded like a yes. rolling your eyes you stood up and brushed yourself off.
“Ok then fine stay out here and sulk but I’m freezing my ass off I’m gonna take a shower,” you say turning around and walking back to the house with a smile on your face. You were halfway there when a pair of hands lifted you off the ground and you were tossed over your husband’s shoulder.
“You know rakkaus you shouldn’t tease people like that,” Kimi said walking into the house.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about baby,” you say giggling.
An empty house over the weekend earned you a beautiful baby boy Nine months later
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