#werewolf cole
When the group first ventured into Cole's hometown, the first thing they noticed was the over abundance of dogs running allover the place.
Jay: Jeez, Cole. No wonder you got bitten by a werewolf! Haha-
Cole: What do you mean?
Zane: Your town is reported to have a 22% higher population of stray dogs than any other location in the Light Side.
Cole: Those aren't dogs.
Lloyd: Wait- this town is a town full of-
Cole covers Lloyd's mouth as some townsfolk and dogs look at the odd group.
Cole: Shush! No one outside of my town knows!
Jay: Wait, do you guys turn on your own consent??
Cole: No, we're born like this. At least me and the younger kids are.
Nya: So these other dogs running around are...
Cole pointing to a dalmation: That's Gracie, she runs the grocery store with her sisters.
Cole, pointing to a chihuahua: That's Dr. Harl, he runs the medical clinic. And he delivered me!
Cole, pointing to a poodle: And thats Nathaniel, one of my dad's quartet partners!
Zane: Interesting, I thought werewolves were more recluse.
Cole: Well we aren't exactly werewolves?
Kai: Explain?
Cole: Back when my mom was still traveling, she came back with a ancient artifact that the town agreed to hide from thieves and our disgraced town hero... Clutch.
Cole: And the artifact is one that grants powers to their protectors, so over time we started becoming-
He motions to the dogs.
Nya: Oh, so the artifact gave you guys animal form!
Cole: Yeah! And when the effect got strong enough, us younger started being born with all the powers intact.
Jay: Oh that's so cool! So what does your werewolf form look like?
Cole: uh... well uh...
Cole shuffled.
Cole: It's kind of silly.
Lloyd: Can we see!? Please please please please!!!
Cole hummed, the nodded.
Cole: Okay, but don't laugh...
Cole backed up and stretched a bit. The others watching in wonder.
What would he become?
Well Cole was covered by a cloud of dust (fitting) and as the dust cloud parted. They saw he was gone.
They looked down and-
Jay busted out laughing.
The Blue Ninja falls on the ground, consumed by his laughter.
Nya: Aw, you're so cute!
Kai: I could pick you up and throw you across town...
Cole becomes consumed by another dust cloud and becomes human again.
Cole: Will someone shut Jay up!?
Zane kicked Jay, which made the Blue Ninja yelp.
Cole: Thank you.
Zane: Anytime.... pubby. :]
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bestbouy · 2 years
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More monster AU, of course I need to make cole a werewolf it jUST FITS- he's a good boy :)
I will be making angst next. I'm not good at angst but I wanna try lol
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nightlybirdie · 2 years
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Happy Halloween friends!!!
I was able to throw together a little chibi werewolf Cole 🌕
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r0-boat · 4 months
mother to a werewolf child
Head cannons for my dilf werewolf OC being the father of your kid.
Feat. The cannon ship kid with reader: Forest.
Cw: babies, being pregnant, mental health struggles, PTSD, anxiety, hurt/comfort, domestic life in the woods, baby fever, uhh brief non graphic description of birth.
[Author's notes: Forest was created because I thought it would be fun for me to give you a ship kid with my OC. Forest is the only one that's Canon if you ever want to kid. They canonically look like the with reddish hair. so they can be anything you want, and they can be any gender you want too]
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Cole is heavily damaged by the trauma that his ex-wife gave him after she had kids with him, so for some reason, the Deep anxiety is telling him that you will soon leave him too. Before his ex left him, when she found out he was a werewolf and he never saw his children again, he cut all contact with her in exchange of her not letting out his secret to everyone she knows.
He wanted to have a child with you. All he wanted to be was a father, but now here you are pregnant, and he's having a panic attack. Silently in his wolf form, he whimpered underneath furniture just enough for his big size. When you tried talking to him he almost didn't recognize you snarling and almost biting you but you wouldn't leave your husband and the father of your child alone. You gently stroked his head as the whining slowly stopped. He apologized for the outburst as a man he knows he should be much stronger than this and he also apologizes for almost biting you.
The pregnancy for the werewolf child was rough. You swore it was almost as if you were turning into one yourself, and your cravings for meat only intensified into raw game meat. Cole was happy to provide his instincts once again, tapping into the urge to provide for his hungry spouse with the child in their tummy. Your hormones are out of control, and you're physically weak. This child is sapping all of your strength.
Your husband, before this point, said his favorite thing to do when the chores were completed was sit down on the couch and watch TV with a beer. He stepped up, he vowed to take care of everything, he cleaned the house how you would clean it, he did everything and more. As much as he'd hate it if his side gig for hunting weren't bringing enough to feed you, he would go back and work driving hours to the nearest small town and work any job they would give him.
He has never felt like this before, and honestly, he loves it. The feeling of being relied on always felt oddly comforting to him. Maybe that's just his werewolf instincts he'd never know. It was tiring. But it was all worth it seeing your smiling face as you finally try to muster your strength to get out of bed. This inhuman child demanded so much of your energy. The person who gave you that beautiful demon spawn was at your beck and call. Cole, in the future, what, annoyingly uses this as an example of what masculinity should be. Men give it their all to take care of their wives.
One night, two crooks broke into your house, and before they could do anything, once they found you helplessly on your shared bed, your husband found you. In danger and potential, Danger got flashbacks to how his ex found him as a werewolf protecting her, and he lost it. He could have killed them that night if it weren't for him holding himself back as the Intruders ran shit scared. He held you tightly, his hand, your stomach, calming himself down. " so what's that like?" You ask. Call scratched his scruffy chin before answering, "It's hard to explain, but it's like having tunnel vision. All I could think about was you being hurt, as if I was in the moment. All I could see was you being hurt and pure anger."
Cole, with nowhere else, put you to deliver the child. He had to call a person who knew how to do it his mother. A werewolf just like him, a kind, gentle red-haired lady. You had met her before and she knew you were the right one and before long you had a wonderful child.
When Cole held his child in his arms, he had flashbacks to win. He had to bust his ass to make sure you were well and fed throughout your pregnancy, and he cried tears of joy. Never once would he forget and regret that day
Forest was... Wild they are intelligent and learn very quickly; however, raising them was like having a little puppy with the intelligence of a human child. However, your dumbass husband was prepared. You had to double-take when you saw the plastic bag with the PetSmart label on it.... it worked... as long as Forest wasn't chewing on the furniture.
Forest in their wolf form looked exactly like their father, albeit with a more brownish-red tint from dad and with one floppy ear.
Cole was beaming with pride he swears it won't be like the last time he'll protect Forest with his life. Cole, we'll teach them everything they know how to find edible plants and hunting. Father and child running through the forest feeling the wind in their fur with you on Cole's back traveling to a small creek to play in the cool water need to go home and fall asleep in Cole's arms snuggling you close, lovingly protectively
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peachdaes · 1 year
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vampire hanzo & werewolf cassidy - halloween 2022
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robodove · 8 months
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this is scary stuff, guys!
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artaelyn · 7 months
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Guys I swear I’m normal about this werewolf man
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supercap2319 · 1 year
"So a witch." Y/N pointed to himself. "A werewolf." He pointed to Jughead. "And a vampire..." He pointed to Archie. All move into an apartment together and the vampire and the witch are boyfriends and the werewolf and the vampire are best friends? I swear there's a joke in there somewhere. Maybe even a comedy show about it."
Archie and Jughead laughed. "Hey, you said you wanted to be normal. A normal life."
"I don't think normal qualifies here. Once a full moon, Jughead wolf's out. Archie drinks blood from a coffee thermos. And I occasionally set the kitchen on fire with my potions." Y/N said.
"Just gotta get the hang of it. We can do this." Archie said.
"I hope you're right, Arch." Jughead said.
"Yeah. We can do this. We just have to stick together. All three of us. We'll be safe."
"Speaking of being 'safe.' I assume you and Y/N were last night?" Jughead raised an eyebrow.
"I would ask how you know, but werewolf sense right?" Y/N asked.
"Yup. Promise me you'll let me find my headphones first before you go at it at three in the morning?"
Archie blushed. "We promise, Juggy."
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Werewolf!Cole Cassidy x Reader Headcanons
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🌙 He was turned sometime after Overwatch collapsed years ago. He can't really give an exact date, things are fuzzy in his mind when he tries to think back to that night. All he remembers is that he was somewhere in the New West acting on a bounty target when he got pinned by a big, hairy beast and was nearly mauled the death. He awoke suddenly in the middle of the day, bloodied and barely hanging on in the middle of the dusty canyon with an odd feeling brewing inside of him.
🌙 So imagine his surprise one night, nearly one month after he was attacked by that thing, he doubles over in excruciating pain in his safehouse. It felt like his body was being electrocuted and burned at the same time as his bones crackled and muscles reshaped inside of him.
🌙 He woke up once again in the dawn, this time completely nude and missing the open wounds across his body. Instead, his face, neck and hands were covered in blood and gore; A desecrated animal sat not too far away, the head cleaved straight off and the chest and stomach were both torn open by horrifying bite marks. He threw up when he tasted the blood coating his teeth.
🌙 He would've never believed he'd become a werewolf had it not have been for the shitty camera system he set up in his safehouse. It captured every little nasty bit of his transformation and he watched it in pure horror as he became a monster.
🌙 He tried to keep himself inside of his safehouse, especially when he could sniff out gang members riding around the dusty plateaus in search of people to rob. Some months, he was successful, managing to chain himself up just enough to keep the beast at bay. Other nights... He wasn't as lucky.
🌙 When he initially heard the recall, he didn't allow himself to get his hopes up. He couldn't, not with what he was. Overwatch would surely turn their backs on him when they found out he had an uncontrollable wild side that came out to play every month. But when he woke up the next morning after a full moon to see he had taken out a Deadlock member that strayed too close to his territory, he got scared.
🌙 When he reluctantly relayed his "condition" to Winston who shockingly took it well. The gorilla was eager to help, citing that the base was equipped with specialized cells that even he couldn't break out of when he was in a rampage. It really put an ease in Cole's mind.
🌙 It was then that he saw you again. His world stopped moving when he saw you on the Overwatch base. And when your eyes connected? He felt something strange wriggle inside of him. It was the beast that lay just beneath his skin. Normally when he would feel it fighting to get out, it was out of feral rage. But now? It wanted you.
🌙 You had been with Overwatch when he was "initiated" in Blackwatch. He was very sweet on you back in those days, but you both really couldn't do much more than exchange occasional touches and flirt as both Morrison and Reyes kept you both on short leashes. Then there was the night during a New Years party where you both snuck away, only for Reyes to find you both kissing and pawing at each other in some storage closet.
🌙 You both hit it off immediately. It made him feel ten years younger again the way you both tried to keep it a secret only for people like Fareeha and Angela to snicker and catch you both flirting in the kitchen. You both fell into an immediate comfort with one another, and it made that odd feeling inside of Cole grow even hotter.
🌙 And then, he was cruelly reminded of his little problem when he didn't show up to your little date. You were supposed to have a picnic at night by the beach, but he was a no show. You went knocking on his door completely annoyed only to find his room was long empty. It was then that you grew a little suspicious on what was going on.
🌙 Cole felt absolutely horrible for doing that to you, and even worse knowing that you would most likely become horrified if you found out about what he really was. He couldn't afford to lose you a second time, especially if it was because of him. So when you asked him what the fuck was up about the other night, he lied through is teeth to you. He knew you didn't buy it, but you seemed to understand that something was wrong and he wasn't ready to tell you about it.
🌙 There have been times where you would almost see it. Cole didn't have the best control over it at times, especially when his emotions would get the best of him. Claws would come out, his eyes would give off a faint golden glow, and often times when he's all riled up and angry he can feel his teeth ache as they gave way to fangs.
🌙 It was always another bullshit excuse he would dish out. Hiding his hand in his pocket, rubbing his eyes acting like he got sand in them, even popping a cigar in his mouth and barely speaking as he smoked like a chimney to get away with you not seeing his sharp teeth.
🌙 And then came the night you finally found out. You had gotten fed up with Cole becoming dodgy every fucking month and completely ignoring you when you knew he wasn't out on a mission. You followed him, suddenly finding yourself in a weird part of the base you hadn't seen before, following far behind. You watched Cole enter one of the heavy-duty cells, and as it closed behind him, he caught a whiff of you. Turning to see you in the hallway, he became mortified as the door closed.
🌙 Despite your horrible cover being blown, you approached the door, ignoring Cole's pathetic pleas for you to leave before he was silenced by a horrifying crack of bone. Worried, you looked to the holopad screen beside the door only for you to witness that gory transformation. You couldn't pull your eyes away from it, standing there on wobbling legs as your lover turned into a monster. You only booked it when he slammed against the door, snarling and baying as his claws bit into the thick metal.
🌙 The next morning, he didn't want to see you. He at first refused to leave the cell, only redressing himself before he sat against the wall and puffed away at his pack of cigarettes he squirreled away down there. Anxiety wracked his nerves as he mourned, the poor man was having a full-blown panic when the door opened with a groan, revealing you were standing behind it with a stoic look on your face.
🌙 He flinched away, avoiding your gaze, the cigarette butt crushed between his teeth completely flat as he heard you walk up to him. He didn't know how to feel; Somewhat of a mix of fear and anger and embarrassment amongst other emotions. Fear was the reigning champion, though, especially as you stopped right next to him.
🌙 So when you suddenly bent down and crushed him in a hug? He wasn't ready for it. The cigarette slipped from his teeth and he was left sitting there completely stunned before he finally willed himself to hug you back. His eyes burned with unshed tears as silent sobs wracked through his body as you held him.
🌙 He came to terms pretty quickly with you using dog puns around him. Most of your teammates didn't understand, but Cole would just eye you and puff on his cigarette, rolling his eyes playfully. However, if you ever said something like 'Good boy,' forget it. He's like putty in your hands.
🌙 He runs so warm. You don't understand how he's not burning up let alone melting in his clothes. You don't need blankets at night, only Cole, and he's a keen fan of just wrapping his arms around you, smothering your sleeping body with his scent and passing out.
🌙 Speaking of scents, he loves it when you wearing something of his. It does something to him, awakening something primal inside of him when he sees you walking around your shared room with nothing but your underwear and one of his large flannels wrapped around you like a robe. He can feel it getting as excited as he is as he tracked you from the bed.
🌙 He argues that he's nothing like a dog only to fall prey when you scratch him just right, especially between the shoulders where he can't quite reach. He's also a very big fan of head scratches. He doesn't know why, but just the feeling of your nails lazily scratching in his hair as you're both lounging does something for him. If you do it just right, he'll even growl softly.
🌙 On the mornings of full moons, Cole wakes up in pure exhaustion and ebbing agony. His muscles are wound up so tight and his skull feels like it's about to split in two. He really appreciates it when you do everything in your power to ease his pain. Bringing him ice cold water and pain killers, massaging his throbbing muscles, running him a warm shower. He's forever grateful to have you around during these trying times.
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herosplatling-replica · 6 months
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my brainrot hit critical mass the other day and now im considering writing a werewolf au fic for rhythm doctor. anyway have these designs, i'll update lucky's when i get him colored :3
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mermaidsirennikita · 4 months
one of the reasons why I enjoy Ali Hazelwood's Bride is that after the hero gets the heroine off for the first time, he (a werewolf) tells her that she "smells like she just came" and she's like well I did so that's nice and he's like no you don't understand now I need to eat you out it's my culture
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A monster, a beast, a absolute heathen.
The killer of slippers.
Werewolf Cole from the Oni Kai AU
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Since it Halloween season could you do head cannons with overwatch mcCree genji and mercy about there love who is a werewolf and they been trying to hide from them and when they transform the bones of sound like they’re breaking when asked about it they say that is used to the pain and they no cure for it and reader thought there lover would leave them because they didn’t think there love would wanna be with a monster
Sure! Always down for some spooky stuff! I know you said headcanons but these just came to me!
Cole had been walking home from the grocery store when it had happened. He had been gone for a handful of days and figured he’d do something nice on his way home. The only problem with this was by the time he had wrapped up and finally made his way to your shared home, it was dark. Well, not dark.
The full moon had seen to that. 
Cole had always liked full moons when he was a kid, thought they were probably the nicest thing to look at. That changed a bit when he met you. Now it was second. 
He had snuck inside the house, cursing himself when the screen door swung back a little too quickly, closing his eyes and wincing at the loud crashing sound.
Well, you were probably awake now thanks to that. 
“Come on Cole, try a little harder” he had whispered to himself. He took at deep breath and walked in, making his way quickly to the kitchen. He set the groceries down and called, “Darlin’ I’m home!”
No response. Hm.
“Sweetheart? I’m sorry about the door! We can try fixin’ it tomorrow huh? I got ice cream!”
Nothing again.
Okay, now he was starting to get worried. Something was definitely wrong. Neither of you were heavy sleepers. He understood why he was like that, the amount of time he spent in the Deadlock Gang and then Blackwatch after, those walks of life don’t exactly lead to heavy sleeping. He never quite understood why you were the same though. He never asked you, figured you might not want to talk about. Especially after how jumpy you seemed to get every once and a while. 
Cole checked every room in the house and could not find hide nor hair of you. This wasn’t good. He knew he hasn’t been home and he had planned on making his trip home a surprise, there was no reason that you had to be home right now and it would have been wild if you would have called to tell him where you were. Maybe that was it, maybe you were just out.
He had one place left to check though. He stepped outside, looking around the perimeter of the small farmhouse. Nothing.
He was all set to go back inside and bounce his knee sitting on the couch, when he heard it.
A cry of pain and the snap of something sounding like bone coming from the barn. 
It wasn’t really a barn, more of a small glorified shed than anything else. 
There was no mistaking it, that was your voice crying out in pain and Cole Cassidy would be damned to Hell and back if he didn’t do something about it. He rushed to the doors, using his robotic arm to rip the lock and chain off the door. Had someone locked you in there? It didn’t really matter who or what had done what to you in that moment. Whatever it was, Cole was going to put a stop to it.
He kicked the door down and was slightly surprised to see no one else in there with you. You were panting and chained up but otherwise there wasn’t a scratch on you.
“Darlin’?” Cole asked, rushing to your side.
“No! Wait!” You cried, shuffling away, hiding your face as quickly as you could. Oh god. Oh god, no. He wasn’t supposed to see you like this. Not yet. Not until you were ready to tell him.
Cole didn’t stop though, he stepped closer to you and stopped you with a hand on your cheek.
“Sweetheart, who did this to you? It’s gonna be okay, you’re safe now.”
You sighed. Damn it. Why did he have to be so sweet?
“I did this, love.”
“It should be about done now, there’s a key under that rock over there, that’ll get me out of here. I’ll explain after.”
Cole gently lifted your head for a moment. He was planning on listening, he just wanted to see your face first. Everything about you was the same. That same wonderful face he had fallen in love with, except your eyes. Instead of their natural color, they were a fading shade of amber.
You frowned and he understood.
Once you were free, you gave him a hug, letting him know that you were okay and hopefully to make him feel a bit calmer about the situation.
“Soooooooo,” you began about as awkwardly as your probably could’ve, “I guess you’ve figured out by now... I’m a werewolf...”
“Darlin’ are you okay?”
“Are you alright, honey?”
“I’m not crazy if that’s what you-”
“No!” he interrupted, “No. I don’t think you’re crazy. That wasn’t what I was trying to say. Are you alright, you sounded like you were in pain, sweetheart.”
“That’s cause I was.”
The blankness in your response broke his heart.
“Darlin’“ he whimpered.
“It’s okay. I’m used to it.” When he didn’t respond you continued, “And there isn’t a cure if that’s what you’re thinking next. I’ve tried just about everything. Half of them only made it worse.” You sighed again, “I tried to keep it a secret for so long. ‘Course I’d screw it up sooner or later...”
“Why would you hide this from me, pumpkin?”
“Because I didn’t want you to leave!” You said, tears beginning to well in your eyes, “Because I was scared that you would be just like everybody else. That... that you... wouldn’t see me anymore... just the monster.”
“Now you stop that right now.”
Cole scooted closer and closed the distance between the two of you grabbing your shoulders, “You are NOT a monster, do you understand me? However you got this, it isn’t your fault. Wouldn’t see you anymore, how could I not? I think about you all the time, darlin.’ You are smart, strong and braver than I could ever hope to be. I love you more than anything in this world, okay? And nothing, not even a little lycanthropy is gonna stop that, you hear me?”
Tears of a different kind started to flow from your eyes and Cole panicked.
“What’s wrong? Are you okay? Does it still hurt? Did I touch something I shouldn't've? Did I say something wrong?”
You finally had to shut him up with a kiss. “No. You said everything right.”
Genji had known you for a while, you happened to be one of Zenyatta’s students alongside him. You had gotten there a little bit after he did and the two of you hit it off (once he was a little more friendly that is). 
He never asked you what you were there for, figuring that was personal. If you wanted to share it with him you would.
He wouldn’t find out until years later.
It was a particularly cold night outside the temple in Nepal. It was late, or was it early? Regardless of the grayness of descriptors for the time of night/morning it was, Genji had woken up. 
Zenyatta’s teachings, though helpful in healing the anger the Shimada had felt as a result of what his family had done to him, did not stop the nightmares from coming. They did, however, offer means of winding down after one. Genji had taken to taking walks after his nightmares, he found they cleared his head and given his armored body, the temperatures didn’t really effect him as they probably should. 
He had taken a nice, soothing walk around the grounds, breathing easier in the cold night air and enjoying the beauty of the untouched snow at night. He was also entertaining himself with thoughts of you. You see, the two of you had been engaging in tentative little courtship for the past year. The two of you were close to something, you were just focused on healing yourselves first.
Genji, despite the nightmare that had woken him, was having a relatively nice night. That was, until he found some tracks in the snow. 
They were strange, larger than any foot prints he had ever seen. They were also staggered strangely, as if the being they belonged to was in a great deal of pain. Genji quickly grabbed his weapons, just in case, and followed the prints where the led. 
They led to the mouth of a cave, the tracks stopping as soon as they reached the covered rock floor. Whatever made the tracks was inside. He was debating whether or not he should go inside to investigate when he heard a scream. 
It was your’s.
He rushed into action immediately, acting more on instinct than anything else, and charged into the cave.
He found you relatively quickly, you had not hidden yourself very well, assuming no one would follow you and, to be fair to yourself, dealing with quite a bit of pain. 
“Y/N?” Genji asked, rushing toward you.
“No! Stay away from me!”
He paused but did not move away.
“You weren’t supposed to know.”
The transformation was mostly finished at this point, but there was no way Genji didn’t see at least enough to know the truth. 
“I wasn’t supposed to know what?” he asked.
“That I’m cursed. That no matter how hard I try to heal, I will always be a beast.”
Genji sighed sadly, placing a hand softly on your shoulder. He pressed the button on the side of his mask and took it off, revealing his eyes. He looked serious.
He stared at you intensely and said, “Y/N, I’m a cyborg.”
Whatever tension you had tried to maintain, was broken instantly.
“What?” you asked, laughing slightly.
You were so caught up in your own miserable situation, coming off basically getting hit by a train with the amount of pain you usually went through, that you had never expected him to say that.
And the mischief in Genji’s eyes was enough to tell you that he also knew that.
Genji laughed as a smile you couldn’t see reached his eyes. “We all come here for our own reasons. All of us need to heal in one way or another. There is no time limit on how long it is supposed to take you. You will get there eventually, it will simply take time. And,” he added, “there is nothing wrong about your abilities. I think it’s cool! I wish I could turn into a dragon!”
“Alright,” you chuckled, “you’ve made your point.”
“Let’s get you out of the cold,” he said, noticing your shivers.
For reasons unknown to Angela, you would never accept her as your doctor for checkups. You would always request Ana to check on you and patch you up. Angela didn’t have any reason to find this suspicious and she wasn’t even bothered by it really. She just figured you’d rather have Ana watch over you so she wouldn’t worry.
You always told her she worried too much. She couldn’t really help it though, she loved you and she wanted to make sure you were okay. You would do the same for her.
Things were a little shaky for the two of you sometimes. You had been a Blackwatch agent back in the day and despite all odds, the two of you found your way into a cozy little relationship. Angela always thought that it was Blackwatch’s worst kept secret that they really were a bunch of softies. Nothing wrong with that though. She loved it.
After the Swiss Base Incident, the two of you didn’t see each other for a long time. You both had tried to find each other when everything went haywire but you were both forced to evacuate before finding the other.
Now that the two of you had each other back, it was hard not to be at least a little worried about the other.
That translates into the field as well.
You both had been sent on the same mission along with a few other agents. The intel had been good on the outset. However, you found out that Murphy’s Law is constantly in effect no matter how well laid your plans are. 
You and Angela had gotten yourselves separated from the rest of your team, and, just to make matters so much worse, you were nearly surrounded. The cherry on top too, you could hear your allies calling frantically for your help over the comms. One of them was down. 
Weighing your options, you knew you really only had one card to play right now. Angela needed to get out of here and without a distraction, you knew that she couldn’t.
“Angela,” you told her, “You need to go.”
“What? What about you?!”
“I’ll be fine! Get to safety! I’ll meet up with you all when we’re done!”
“der Liebling, I’m not leaving you!”
You sighed out, looked back at her softly before you’re voice shifted. “Please, go!” The yell that came from you sounded much more like a growl by the time you were finished with it. Hair had already started growing on your arms. 
Angela gasped but got the message and she escaped while you and the abilities gained by your painful transformation covered her.
Once you had changed back you met back with the team as promised. Your quick thinking saved the mission actually. You couldn’t bare to look Mercy in the eyes though. Regardless of how much she heard after she made her escape, she still knew the truth about you. 
Angela was grateful, despite you not speaking with you at the moment, that you didn’t refuse her help this time. She checked you over, nursing what injuries were needed and then she left you be. You weren’t sure if you were grateful or not. 
As soon as you were back on base and as soon as she had the opportunity however, Angela grabbed you (she is surprisingly strong for her size, must be handling unruly patients) and dragged you into a room, standing in front of the door.
“Are we going to talk about what happened?” The voice she used to ask the question was firm but not unkind. She wasn’t going to force you to tell her but she made it clear that she wanted an answer. 
“I’ve been trying to keep it a secret for a reason, love.”
“Why?” she asked, sweeter, sadder, this time.
“Why?” you asked, incredulous, “Because I’m a monster? Because I’m something we tell children about to scare them into behaving? Because of what O’Deorain’s experiments made me? What more do you need?”
Angela was quiet for a long moment, you would almost describe it as surgical, the way she was handling the situation. She knew you well enough by now that your mood right now was very fragile and she did not want to make you feel any worse than you already did. Quite the opposite actually.
Angela sat down next to you, not touching you yet. She wasn’t afraid, she just wanted to make sure you weren’t.
“Would a monster come back after all this time to ensure they made a positive difference in the world? Would a monster be as loving to their friends as you are?” she paused for a beat before, “Would a monster have given me the chance to save someone else?”
You heart ached in a good way as you smiled at the doctor. You reached for her hand and brought it up to cup your cheek.
“Thank you love.”
“You’re not nearly as scary as you think you are, schatz.”
The two of you dissolved into laughter, you stopping only momentarily to kiss Angela’s cheek.
Happy Halloween!
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r0-boat · 10 months
Yandere Cole x reader
Sfw drabble
Cw: unhealthy relationships, possessive Behavior, yandere, no murder, only threats, werewolf boyfriend, marking.
His claws gently caressed your cheek. Those bright red eyes of his, soft filled with love gazing into yours which were filled with nothing but terror.
You should have listened.
To your friends and family who tried to warn you about Cole's behavior. His increasing need to have your attention constantly. The way he treated your friends and family if they even dared got in the form of his very precious time with you. And how demanding he was when someone else that wasn't him had your attention.
You thought nothing of it, only speculating that it was the cause of his first wife leaving him.
However you noticed an odd comment he had made on the day of your wedding.
That he "needed to start thinking about his own needs for a chance."
When you had asked them what he meant, he brushed It, assuring you that it was nothing important.
Of course, that was months ago, the night you were pronounced missing along with your newly wedded husband. And Cole couldn't be happier; he finally had you all to himself in a place no one would ever find the two of you.
A place where he could live as himself, a man who became a beast in the night and the person he loved. And no one could separate the two apart. Cole was sure you would get used to your new home. It's not like you had a choice. Even if you managed to break the chain around your leg, Escape through the locked front door,e you could never navigate your way out of a dense forest like he could. His nose was much more sensitive than a human's he would sniff you out like pray in mer seconds.
Despite being the man that kidnapped you and held you against your will, Cole was always gentle holding you in his arms, the beating of his heart along with his deep breaths almost always lulled you to sleep. Being surrounded by the comfort and familiar scent of your husband while simultaneously trying to remember that he, at one point, threatened your friends and Family's lives if you didn't comply with his wishes confused you; he was a stranger wearing the face of your lover.
That same man now had a calm blissful smile on his face., As he laid your back down on the bed, his husky whispers made nervousness and fear pool in your stomach.
"give me a kiss, baby."
You hesitated which was the second too long your eyes drifting away from him.
"Kiss me." He repeated his smile faltering into a more serious look.
Jumping at his tone you obeyed pressing your soft lips against his you couldn't help but whimper as you opened your mouth for his tongue to slide inside.
When he had his fill your lips, he strayed to your neck, nipping and settling on the sensitive skin till he left a dark mark on your neck. Though this wasn't enough, nothing was ever enough, not even with the ring on your finger. He needed to cover you. To mark and claim you in a way that wasn't just a marriage.
Cole moaned into the kiss leaning into the intimate gesture as if he had kissed you for the first time.
Those moans turned into as he tried his best to form words as he devoured your lips.
"Mine, Mine, all mine. I love you. I love you!"
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Reigen is already trying to think of excuses to pet him
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mattastr0phic · 1 year
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Yeehan Week 2022: Harvest
In which the vampire must consume his lover’s heart in order to turn him into his familiar and spend eternity together.
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