#weridly enough
ms0milk · 2 years
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stealing the hashira's haori part 2
| ft. tengen, mitsuri, obanai, gyomei
a/n: back by popular demand ! this one is def more haori *inspired* than haori driven lmao
3.5k 😈
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three incredibly talented wives and the most handsome doting husband on the face of the earth?
god plays favorites
you’re hardly bored in such a loving crowd, but splitting your attention four ways can really take it out of you!
sometimes you just gotta 
makio’s the horniest woman alive
suma always wants to show you a pretty rock
tengen always wants to dress you up
and hina bless her heart, can only play mom for so long without a date night before she starts contemplating manslaughter
now that the four of them are retired, they act out around each other even more
and on this particular day you make sure to wake up just a bit earlier than everyone else
you have a mission
low level, on the other side of the prefecture
and as bad as it sounds, it’ll be so nice to get away from home for a while
where you won't have to worry about doing enough laundry to clothe the entire country
or about who gets to be the little spoon
or even, as guilty as it makes you feel, about that tiny tinge of jealousy you stuff down when your spouses stave off their boredom by fighting for each other’s attention
all you gotta do is creep out of your shared bedroom without tripping over anyone’s futon and you’re free for the weekend
you ease suma off your chest and tuck her back in by the dawn light peaking through the curtains
she’s a sleep farter
she’ll cover your escape
hina grumbles when you sneak past her pillow, floorboards creaking
you wade through the satin chaos that is your husband’s bedding
careful of makio’s hair peeking out from under a flamboyant purple sheet
across the hallway, down the stairs, and through the kitchen, your packed bag is waiting right where you hid it
it feels nice to tie your leg wraps and button up your uniform without also having to beat your worried lovers off with a stick
although it doesn’t quite feel right to leave without saying goodbye
you fasten the ribbon hina wove you for your wedding day around your wrist
you secure makio’s good-luck hair pin behind your ear
and drop suma’s favorite rock in your pocket
she carved ‘fuck them demons’ into it
the morning breeze drifts through the open windows and just when you think you can’t possibly miss them all already
the smell of Tengen’s spring haori, the one hung up on the porch wafts over to you
of course he wears enough perfume to drown out the flowers
adjusting the nichirin swords on your back you step out onto the veranda and nestle your face into the cloth
it’s soft against your cheeks
wet with dew
“Baby, no need to resort to dirty laundry,”
“the real thing’s always in arm’s reach.”
your eyes heft open
“Uzui Tengen, i could smell you from the other side of the country”
your husband stands in the kitchen behind you, arms crossed and grinning
and generally broad
he moves forward before you can come up with a good excuse for perving around his clothes
“you had to rob us on top of running away?”
“i’m not running away Ten”
“is this because i like being the little spoon?”
“no need to go start a new family about it”
Tengen unhooks the haori from the line and leans down close to wrap it around your shoulders
he’s right
he smells nicer than any spring flowers
“mission?” he murmurs
he rests a hand on your head once the the haori is snug over your uniform and smooths down your bedhair
“not yet”
he gives one of the nichirin swords on your back a strong flick and the metallic sound rings satisfyingly through the courtyard
“i gave you these swords to protect yourself so c–”
“you gave me these swords because i have 100% of the hands required to wield them”
“–so come back safe you little shit”
he tilts your head up by your chin and kisses your forehead
“you’re doubting the sound hashira?” you chide
every movement you make in his clothes wafts the sweet smell of him around you
he smiles when you remind him of your title
he smiles at the thought of throwing you an obnoxious homecoming party
he smiles when he realizes he’s never getting that haori back
he kisses you again quickly, lips and tongue to taste you, and slaps your ass just hard enough to knock you off the porch
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the end of a long day at your girlfriend’s house always means one thing
bath time baby
the kanroji estate is luxury darling
and Mitsuri is never too busy to longue in the tub with you before bed
so where is she?
honey drips off the bread you toasted for her
“…she promised..” you grumble to yourself and sink low into the water
a berry rolls lazily off of its tea plate and splashes a dollop of cream onto the floor
Mitsuri swore she’d be back from her mission tonight
was she hurt?
oh lord did she faint?
she’s a fainter– what if she saw a line of baby ducks?
oh god, what if she heard a baby’s first laugh?
she’d be out for at least the next twelve hours
she could be unconscious in the street in godknows what kind of pastryless shithole!
your eyes widen
is she dying of starvation?
out in a field like some wild animal waiting to be picked apart by vultures!
the village she was sent to couldn’t possibly be wealthy enough to feed her the 6000 calories she needs twice a day
you should have known! you should have packed her more food!
the bath was beginning to feel like a coffin
you melt dramatically out of the tub and pace in front of the bathroom door, back and forth and back and forth
you’d assemble the pillars immediately
Mitsuri’s simple white haori hangs limply beside the mirror where she left it days ago
too hot for haori, she’d said before kissing you goodbye, groggy and still in bed
tears well up in your eyes
the damn thing smells like strawberries
“Oi, trophy wife! get the fuck out here”
an angry voice disrupts your search&rescue planning and startles every bird from the cherry trees outside
you could lecture him about being quieter later the bees cant make honey under duress; now is the time for action
you inhale your girlfriend’s sweet smell one more time and wrap yourself up in the haori to answer the call from the front of the house
you stride from the bath through the halls, past the rows of stretching tsugukos in the calisthenics room great job everyone and burst into the foyer with the slap of a sliding door
“perfect timing Shinazugawa!”
“you’re fucking naked!”
Sanemi shields his eyes in the entryway and Giyuu stands cooly beside him
both a little bloody, eyes sagging with lack of sleep from a mission
“I have a message for Kanroji from Master Ubuyashiki. Where is she?” Giyuu is calm
you are not
“I was hoping you’d know!”
“Is she not back yet?”
“Where the fuck is she?!” Sanemi wails
every time Sanemi meets the Love Pillar’s prized possession he remembers why he hates you both so much
“rally the troops, men!” you pluck Giyuu’s ancient crow from his shoulder and toss it out the window, “alert master Himejima first!”
“do NOT–!” Sanemi snatches the crow back inside by its little foot
giyuu was struggling to remember why they came at all
something about a mission report…
“Master Ubuyashiki is looking for me?”
all three heads turn around to the front door, surprise, desperation, and hatred
at Mitsuri
pink cheeks in the sunset and two arms stuffed full of bento
“boys! you beat me back? I thought for sure I’d–”
“you stopped for dinner?!” Sanemi screeches
but Mitsuri didn’t freeze because of Shinazugawa’s screams
the bento clatter to the pavement stones
rolled egg dashed across the walkway
her eyes have locked on target
“Mitsuri my love!” you squawk
Giyuu tugs Sanemi cautiously back by the sleeve
and she barrels inside
the woman is airborne from the time she crosses the threshold of her house to the moment she launches into you
you’re forced stumbling backwards from the weight of her and she crushes you messily against the nearest wall
Sanemi gags
“so– so cute for me y/n! only a haori?! my haori?! what, is it my birthday?” Mitsuri cooes and and runs her hands up the sides of your legs until she hits your hips and your very short hem
“i love seeing you in my clothes”
Giyuu rests his head against the doorframe, puzzled
Sanemi, overcome with loyalty for Ubuyashiki, quietly asks his crow to pluck out his eyes instead of abandoning the mission
a tsuguko weedles out of the side room and ushers the two male hashira to the front door
blessedly, before Mitsuri tries to drizzle you in honey right there in the vestibule
“we will try a different day” Giyuu determines as the door is closed in his face
“i'll take my own life before coming back here”
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“Iguro! Very bold today!” Rengoku beams from the clearing where he and Mitsuri are beating a few tsuguko to a pulp
Obanai ignores him
6am and already in an absolutely foul mood
“yeah dude, finally feelin’ a little flashy?” Tengen teases behind a hot cup of tea on the veranda
not even dawn tempers the insufferability of his teammates
“leave me be peacock”
auxiliary training day
one of the few days a year the pillars gather without the oversight of Ubuyashiki
and honestly just an excuse to take out pent up exhaustion on tsuguko just strong enough not to die
and get totally trashed
liquor has been barred from all extracurricular hashira activities after Mitsuri broke a few noses last year– none of them her own.
“Iguro, my friend, w–”
“--Good morning Himejima,” he interrupts, impatient, and generally sour.
Obanai only just arrived on the scene
why in the world is everyone trying to talk to him?
he strides as quickly as he can manage to the equipment building to gather training supplies and get this day over with
get back to you
he wished you were–
why weren’t you–
you’d fought this morning
he still couldn’t quite understand how it started but it got loud enough to unsettle the crows outside
you’d wanted to come with him so badly
to see everyone all together for the first time in so long
why didn’t you?
everything about this morning was stupid and so anger inducing
Shinobu stands with Sanemi a little ways off the the two of them eye him clearly across the clearing
what the fuck does everyone want from him–
“No haori this morning?”
Obanai startles uncharacteristically when Muichiro’s voice tumbles down from above
the boy is napping in a tree
“Everyone is thinking ‘he’s half naked’ if that’s what you’re wondering.”
he left in such an angry rush he forgot his haori!
“Obanai,” Giyuu yawns and approaches the supply shed, “No snake today? Has he finally died?”
you have *not* forgotten why you fought with your husband this morning
“there’s no need for you to be there.” Iguro said in bed when you held him close and whispered how excited you were to see everyone
“Huh? Do you not want me to come?”
“I don’t care either way.”
and thus the brawl began
you were looking forward to this weekend for so long!
rousing stories to celebrate another year with no hashira casualties
Shinobu’s absolutely darksided drinking games
to catch up with the uzui wives while your husbands fought each other to the death
what you really wanted was to live in Iguro’s world, just for a few days
standing tall beside him not too tall now watching him practice this part of his life he keeps so separate from you
and Iguro had the nerve to be indifferent to your company!
thirty minutes after leaving you alone (at your request) to sink into your anger
Obanai bursts through the door to your room at the inn, very nearly out of breath
“My haori! is Kabu– Y/n?”
He’s frozen in the doorway at the sight of you dripping tears, and what appears to be.. strangling the neck of his haori?
Kaburamaru is coiled gently around your shoulders
those tears must emit some kind of pheromone because snake be damned, Obanai can’t even remember what he came back here for now that you so obviously need help
..or the fact that he’s probably the reason
“Darling, are you hurt?” he kneels close to you and wipes at your cheeks with both hands
if Kaburamaru could roll his eyes..
“get off Iguro”
“I will not”
he wipes some more, all thumbs and gentle fingers
you throw his haori angrily over his head and scrunch back against the edge of the futon
fresh out of big loud fighting energy
“go on then you have your haori, go train without me”
“i don’t want to be without you”
sweet soft asshole
"you came back for Kabu not me."
"you...asked me to leave you alone?"
it becomes apparent quickly that this is not the right response
“I would like you to come with me always” he continues earnestly
“well i never would have guessed”
“Y/n I just don’t want you to have to spend time with my idiot teammates”
“I like them!”
“I only said I didn’t care if you came because i want you to be happy!”
“That doesn’t make any sense!”
just fight or fuck, Kaburamaru is surely thinking
“If you want to go I am happy, if you want to stay I am happy! It doesn’t matter which one you chose because I am happy when you’re happy!”
“I want you to be excited to bring me!”
“I’m not excited to go!”
the ridiculousness of this prolonged argument gets to you, and you can’t not crack a smile in the sudden quiet
Iguro visibly relaxes and leans his head against the wall beside you
“I’m..I’m being dramatic, I’m sorry Iguro”
Kaburamaru stretches across your lap to resituate himself around your husband’s chest
“no Y/n, I’m sorry”
you roll your sleepy eyes at him and hold his bandaged face in two hands,
“i always want you to be with me” he murmurs, “even when i’m on missions– even times like that when it’s selfish. you’re brilliant. your presence makes everything tolerable”
“don’t forget you called me a moron earlier”
“Y/n, you called me a ‘huge dickwad fuckhead’ so I–”
“and i was right!”
“in my defense,” he smiles now too, you can always see it in his eyes, “i actually said that you were 'acting like my moron teammates'”
“a terrible defense!”
An hour passes before the two of you finally trekk back up to the traininggrouds
you’re met with a chorus of
“Y/n!”s and “It’s wonderful to see you!"s
the uzuis beat you here thank god
all enjoying breakfast in the shade of the veranda
although Makio is the quickest to remind Iguro why he hates the entire Uzui family so goddamn much
 “Obanai, you leave to get your spouse and come back with more clothes on than when you left??”
“Something went wrong in transit my friend!” Tengen sneers and high fives his wife
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you were always a fragile tsuguko
no offense
but this just doesn’t feel like your line of work
“a cold?” Genya huffs when you drag your fucking corpse out of the river
“you seriously have a cold?”
you’re as irate as you can manage
“you don’t?!”
“it’s july”
“we’re training in a waterfall”
“It 106° out”
“i’m not cold, i have a cold you fucking oaf”
three days of mountain training with only the stone hashira and his new tsuguko– a child might you add
was going to suck the life force out of you
unless the leeches on this godforsaken mountain beat them to it
you shudder and crawl to your belongings laid out safely on stones beside the riverbed
it started as as a tickle in the back of your throat at dawn, and by noon the tickle turned into a raging headache and so much mucus
camp is a just a few feet away, but you doubt you can manage the walk
sore from the inside out and probably barely breathing
Genya crouches beside your body splayed out on the river rocks
“i’m not carrying you”
he perfected the role of little brother the very second Gyomei added him to the team
“then let me die in peace”
“don’t die until the Master comes back” he smiles and walks back into the river to finish his assignment for the afternoon
you roll onto your back, cold and wet, to look for something to at least start drying off with
your clean uniform top radiates warmth on a large stone in front of you while your wet undershirt clings to your chest
maybe it’ll sap the warmth from your body fast enough to counteract the fever?
a fever in 100° weather
jeez, how many times had you been this embarrassed?
your things and Genya’s, look like piles of trash compared to your Master’s carefully folded uniform and heavy flail
Himejima stripped down to his hakama this morning and left his belongings with your’s before going to push a boulder up a mountain or some other impossible feat
save a family of deer from a fire
build a village for orphans
cure cancer
whatever he did on his training days
huge, shirtless, and blind
just out there terrorizing the forest until dinner
you lean against the biggest rock you can find, careful to stay close to the river in case Gyomei returns or Genya starts drowning or something
apparently being Gyomei’s tsuguko also means being Sanemi’s unpaid aupair
but the Shinazugawas are the last thing on your mind the very second you lay eyes on your saving grace
Gyomei’s happi
you can feel every sickly sore muscle in your arm as you pull it off it’s warm rock and into your damp lap
you won’t die today!
you’ll dry off on the shore and join Genya once your energy returns
before your master even knows anything has happened
you might not be cut out for demon slaying, but you have the brains of a criminal mastermind
you wrap the length of the green jacket around your body and feel absorbed by its size
its warm smell
like incense
Gyomei always smells like sage
you chuckle a little at the Namu Abida Butsu embroidered on the inner hem and draw your knees to your chest
thank you buddha indeed
by the time your master returns, the sun has set enough to light a fire at camp without roasting anyone’s skin off in the summer heat
Genya is still situated under the rush of the waterfall nearby and Gyomei realizes a day spent swimming in refreshing waters might not be the soul crushing training he thought it was
so where are you?
he wanders towards the riverbed to get dressed and call his tsuguko back to the campsite for dinner
Genya will know where–
..you are
you’re here
he’s almost stepped on you
his voice is deep and rumbling but it doesn’t reach you
you’re curled up inside his happi beside the equipment rock
close enough to the water that the river’s tide licks your hair every time it rolls close
“training is not over.” he scolds and kneels to tug you out of the damp
“you’ll get sick like this”
but he feels the heat of your body through his clothes before his hand even touches your shoulder
You manage a quiet “Hime..ji..mm…” when the scent of sage grows stronger in the water around you
“Y/n? Oh– oh no.”
If you were awake you’d probably pass away from the thought of your master scooping you up in a damp bundle in his arms
Gyomei ushers Genya back with a wave of his hand instead of bellowing across the river while you slump hot against his chest
breathing feebly into the crook of his neck
gently enough to make the skin of his back prickle in waves
enough to replace every ounce of frustration in his heart with worry
if you were awake you’d probably slap yourself for even imagining what Gyomei’s breathing sounded like this close to his lips
or how the soft skin of his palms felt smoothing cool cloths against your cheeks
it’s exactly because you aren’t awake that you reach for his hand when he feels your forehead for fever beside the campfire
it’s probably because you're not awake that he lets you
and wonders at just how much smaller your fingers are than his as the two of you cling together gently
for a second
just like this
you sick of training, and him sick with concern
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<<< part 1
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stitchwraith-stingers · 8 months
theres like 20 differenth things i wanna do and i do none of them, i am so tired i dont want to go to school tmrw
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hunnybunny316 · 1 year
To the NY girlies please wear a mask outside and don’t traverse in the city unless you need to!!!
I was outside for a quick chipotle run and it feels like it took 5 years of my life.
It hurt my heart to see so many people working as street vendors and 9 to 5’s I’m pouring one out for you guys. I took photos of my little walk to one cheer me up and two show how much New Yorkers hustle to make a living despite it being detrimental to their health.
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deadpool15 · 7 months
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Girl please
I'm walking around trying to gather all my shit. I can't ever find shit in this bitch. "Baby, if you can't come that absolutely fine. I just thought since you were in Korea, well, you know.." I turn around and stare at the phone. "Kirsten Dogen, you sit there and pass off a fake ass undertone with me again, and you are not getting those snacks you like when I pull up. Don't throw shade at me, young lady." I hear a bunch of laughs coming from the phone which I can't really identify, I guess those are the other girls she is doing the photoshoot with. Serves her right. I don't take the back talk. "Baby, really legal government names, that's how we gonna play it." She says with a pout on that God forsaken beautiful fucking face. But I realize to back down. "And did, what's your point."
"Also, your fav boots are in our closet, in my side, sweetie," When I heard those words, I turned around, and I almost got whiplash. "Why would MY boots be on your side, huh?" She stares at me sheepishly before trying to make it seem like someone is calling her, and quickly saying she had to go. I sit there in disbelief, "I know she did not just hang up on me. And proceeded to not answer my question at that. Girl literally just cut me off like I wasn't talking." After a while of absolute bullshit I finally decided to finish getting ready. It was pretty hot in Korea, so I went for some shorts and a crop. With my favorite boots, of course. I then decided to call up Yeonjun. Me and that man had been friends ever since his family decided to randomly pull up to California for a couple of years. I showed him around, and his mom used to joke about us being together. Then he came back to Korea and our parents thought it would be a good idea to send each other letters.
Our friendship has lasted for what felt like a lifetime, and I love that dude. Through Kirsten couldn't stand him. I felt like she had just never taken the time to give him a chance. Sure, Yeonjun was flirty sometimes, but that's just him as a person, and he knew when to back off. I would never hurt my wife, and sometimes, I felt like she didn't trust me. I mean, Yeonjun was literally my right hand at our wedding. Out there standing next to me prepared me for my life, cheering the loudest when we officially got married. It even got to the point where she shit talked him once and got angry at me. Like true enough, I love my wife, and I love my bestie, so I wanted them to get along. Hopefully, today works out. I had been signed to Hybe labels as an official choreographer, mainly working with newjeans because those are my girls, but I had worked with other groups as well. The public was quite familiar with me and our friendship, so it was never any dating rumors. Sure, people wanted us together, but that's their issue. I'm happily married.
Yeonjun had pulled up in his van. Opened the door before I hit him in the head. "Why are you always so aggressive all the time? There was literally no need for that hit, Cece." I just push him in the van before grabbing his face. Every time I go to America, I leave for a while. I had to take some other jobs that were literally amazing. Though when I come back, I always make it a habit of checking Yeonjun. Companies are known to starve their idols with fucked up so called diets and I refused to allow it to happen to my bestie. I mean, I almost beat a staff ass for suggesting my litter hyein needed to lose a couple of pounds. "You look good, just doing my family checks." He smiled at me, "I'm glad you care about my health so much, sis." We sat there in the car just catching up on all the shig we have missed in life. Before I told him we would be going to see Kirsten, he just smiled and said, "That's cool." Weridly enough he never had a issue with her, and never tried to say anything back when she insulted him stating she is your wife and you my little sister, I understand why she is jealous but I wouldn't disrespect you other half. My brother is just too amazing. Sometimes, I feel like he read that shit from a magazine.
We pulled up the building, seeing workers running around and losing their minds, trying to make sure everything was perfect. As I walked inside, I heard a scream typical, it what I get for being koreas number it boy with me. Yeonjun just smiles and embraces all the attention. He has also been a suckered for the spotlight. While he is doing that, I tell him I'll go in the back to find Kirsten. I walk away, thankfully, running into Funky Y and greeting her, of course. She is all smiles and asking me all these questions before I cut the conversation short and ask about Kristen. "She is in the back with makeup." I nod and thank her before making my way back there. Seeing her getting all dolled up dripped down in Calvin Klein for the shoot, "Well, look at you." Hearing my voice, she immediately turns around before jumping up to hug me. "Omg, you're finally here. I thought you were made at me about the boot thing. I just wore them at the beginning of the show, to like reveal us. So it technically wasn't that long." I brush her hair out of her face, taking a goof look at her. "I don't care that you wore them, I care that you hung up on me while we were still talking. Don't think I forgot about that. And there shall be punishments in order, baby." I smirk once I see her scared face before kissing her head, trying not to mess up her makeup.
"Guys, it took me forever to find you. It's like a lot of rooms in here. Hi, Kirsten. You look great. What's the shoot for?" Yeonjun asks while running in her out of breath, I turn and laugh at him before turning back to her and see her face. "It's Calvin Klein, pretty obvious to anyone with a brain." She states with a look of pure annoyance while staring at him. Then whispered in my ear why you had to bring him. I grip her arm as a warning, while yeonjun asks us if we want anything to drink, I tell him I'll have an apple juice before Kirsten says nothing from you. "OK, fucking stop it. I try my very best not to take sides because I care about both of you and want you to equally get along. But this shit ends now," I see her face try to turn into a pout before I squeeze her side, letting her know I'm not dealing with the fake shit. "No more animosity or any of that shit, got it." They both look at each other before Yeonjun randomly hugs us both. "I don't have a problem with you, Kirsten. If anything, I'm glad that my litter sister was able to find you, though I'm sorry for whatever I did to make you feel angry. I look over to her, stating it's her turn, and she sighs, "You didn't really do anything, it's just you two are so close, and I know you don't like her like that. But I told myself that if I hated you, it would be easier. Which is a really hard thing to do since you are so happy and bright. I was insecure, and I took it out of you, but then I realized you two are just like siblings, and I felt stupid and thought it was all in my head."
Yeonjun hugs us closer before saying he will give us a minute while patting Kirsten on the back. "Baby, your thoughts are never stupid, and if you feel so strongly, you come and talk to me. We are a team, and till death, do us part remember." She smiles while hugging me tighter and kissing all over my face. "It's ok, I'll try my best to make it up, Yeonjun, for all the shit I put him through. I know he is a nice guy." I just rock her from side to side while listening. "That's amazing, baby, and don't think I forgot about your punishment from earlier. You are in for it when we get home, baby." I tell her while gripping her ass.
Request by @kirsmyonlyone
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sharksupermacy · 9 months
cool with you (a-side)
cool with you (a-side) - !non-idol lia x !cupid reader
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synopsis: you were a god and she was a human
genre: fluff, them actually being adorable couple, reader sacrificing their powers, kissng??????, bit of greek mytholgy, based of cool with you lore kinda? a tiny bit of angst, latin but dw i included a translation at the bottom
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you were a god.
simple. your job was to make humans fall for each other. you always love your job. it was cozy; you didn't have to interact with other gods who were filled with themselves, and better yet, you got to live among humans.
that was until you met lia. now, despite the fact that one of the rules of gods living among humans is never to form an actual bond with them, you found yourself breaking this rule when it came to her. meeting her accidentally while at an arcade and winning a prize for her that she was struggling to get was the start of your relationship. a week with her had turned into months, and soon enough, it had become three years.
eventually, during this process of forming a bond with her, you fell for her. you felt your heart thumping, your hands sweating, and your heads pounding at the thought of her. you had passed off your relationship with her as just status quo, trying to find the perfect match for her, but you were just stalling for the perfect time to get into a relationship with her.
it was saturday, and snow was lightly falling on the ground. a small smell of chamomile lingering on you as you had just bought a new perfume that you liked. a bouquet of sunflowers in your left hand, meaning a bag of dog treats in the other, while walking down the street towards lia's house. it was the day you were going to finally ask her to be your girlfriend.
you had weighed the pros and cons of asking lia to be in a relationship with you. the latter being that you were so in love with her that you were ready to abandon everything just to have a chance of love with her now. knocking on her door on the chilly day only to be met with the sound of something falling along with groaning near the door. you smiled, and a moment later you were met with an out-of-breath lia smiling back at you.
"may i come in?" you asked her.
"yes, you may," lia said while wiggling her eyebrows. "you bought treats for bella, and sunflowers?" she looked at you weridly while stating what you were holding. 
"the sunflowers are for you if you agree to be my girlfriend," you quickly stated hoping that she would agree. 
"have you not seen the hints i've been throwing at you for the past year?" lia questioned her while taking the flowers. 
"does that mean we are.." you put your hand on your chin. 
"gosh damnit, " lia brought you into a kiss surprisingly. her lips were home, and you had decided that it was worth sacrificing everything for her.
"can i have another?" you asked the slightly shorter girl, smiling at her with a love-sick expression.
"sure, just close the door behind you," she said as she pulled you in for another while you closed the door, locking it behind you. just then, time had froze, and your hands were binded behind your back in an uncomfortable position. looking above you, a nearly blinding light shone down on you. met with the goddess you had served for nearly centuries with a face of disdain and fury on her face.
"y/n," she called for you in a stern voice, squinting her eyes around your lover's house," is this what you were doing this entire time?" she turned towards lia with eyes of pure disgust, turning away at the thought of you being in love with a mortal. "you have broken the one rule when presiding on earth. meaning you will be held accountable for your crime that was given to you by the king," she said, looking away from you towards the light.
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you uncomfortably got up on your knees, looking around at the hall of judgement. being surrounded by the stares of many gods you had been friends with, as they looked at you with pure disgust and smirked with whispering surrounding you. "silence to the hall," a booming voice above you said. "now, dear traitor, do you know what treasonous act you have committed?" questioned the voice.
"i fell in love with a human," you said, smiling to the floor and chuckling a bit at the irony of your job and the situation you were in now.
"yes, and do you know what the consequence of the action is?" asked, as you can feel his burning eyes against the back of your head.
"to be banished from godhood and being banished from ever entering olympus again?" you answered while finally having the courage to look up and smile at the zeus. 
"your memories as well are erased; you are forever cursed to roam the land of the mortal lands," he said.
"well, then deal out your punishment, mister king," you said in a mocking tone, then smiled at him.
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the click of the door locking brought you back from your thoughts.
"c'mon now," lia said in a soft tone, smiling while pulling you inside her house. the smell of home invaded every single one of your senses. she pulled you to the kitchen, setting down the flowers you had given her and fetching a pot while you contemplated how much you love her.
"semper te amo," you said underneath your breath while looking at her slowly putting in the sunflowers you had given her across the room. you smiled at her with pure love and infatuation.
you had found your home with her. that was all you knew. you were content with that. her dark brown hair and chocolate-colored eyes captured every single crevice of your heart.
diligitis eam
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a/n: ok, some lovely translation time!!!! 'semper te amo'= love you forever from latin and 'diligitis eam' = you love/ cherish her. idk it just seemed fun to have latin in a random fic. plus, the banner was in latin, so... it's none of my business... what you do is none of my business. none of my business being hit diff a bit these days..
(btw theres a second part to this)
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nartothelar · 10 months
Yknow... its interesting. Maybe I'm just not deep enough in vampire media or whatever, but this may be the first time I've seen the idea of a vampire, via time travel shenanigans that may or may not be in their control, turning THEMSELVES in the past thus creating a weridly stable time loop.
Like, folks can poke holes in it all they want, but considering how out there the concept of vampires already is its not THAT weird of an idea.
Also does this make Ingo the living embodiment of a bootstrap paradox? A Vampiradox? Vamp-ception? (lol)
SKSKKS it’s a verrry weird situation where it’s more fun if you don’t really think too hard about it -w-‘ but you’re right that in a world where both mythical god pokemon (like time travel alreADY exists canonically) and vampires exist, paradoxical and slightly impossible situations are one of the lesser weird things to happen KSKSK
all in all, the best explanation is just *vague gesturing* timey wimey stuff
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lady-zoras-artroom · 7 months
[Update Note: Concept has changed, but enjoy what I've made!]
Okay!!! I got Lupin OCs!!! Here's one!
Be for warned, Long Post!
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Yes, her name is spelled that way and she changed it to be so! Her actual name is Bonnie Anne (Some last name that relates her to an Infamous Arms Dealer in the black market).
Her whole deal is that, she was at one of Lupin's Heists, a big party where all the Fat Cats are gathered to do business and exchanges the Goods.
When she first saw Lupin making his getaway (goods in hand), she immediately crushes on him!
Her story is a work in progress, and so is her color pallet, but the jist is that, she is trying to discorver True Happiness and to keep far away from her father as much as possible. So when she saw Lupin III himself, she felt something! Not sure what it was, but because of this feeling she devises a plan to capture Lupin - wanting to meet him in person!
Because of Lupin's Successful Heist, she takes the opportunity to steal some money and make a getway of her own with her personal body guard/best friend, Galsan (Nicknamed "Terra").
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Now on the run and hiding from her father, she calculates and plans the perfect scheme taking note of the heist she witnessed.
She changes her name slightly to be what it is now and with her trusted connections, she was able to set up a temporary base of operations. It would also be the stage of where she will set the trap for Lupin!
Plan: Challenge Lupin III to steal a lost treasure hidden within the confinds of a tower!
The goal: Entice and Steal Lupin's heart!
Bonnie conducts research by contacting Zenigata as he is the only one rich with Knowledge about the Lupin Gang! Of course, she isn't going to let the Inspector succeed in capturing the infamous theif, but makes him thinks so!
Everything that Zenigata had on the group as well as Fujiko was all she needed! Learning about them esspecially Lupin excited her!
I say the time frame took perhaps almost a year to set up as the setting needed to be as believable as possible! Bonnie then has a stand-in (who is male) to announce the creation of the tower and the prize waiting inside! Make him seem like he's the mastermind when he isn't that way Lupin is more interested!
Details: The Tower is built like a gauntlet. The lower levels are available to the public as a museum for the "Lost Treasure". The treasure is displayed in a bullet proof casing for the public to see. Then when the museum closes, it is elevated to the top of the tower under very heavy security and protection!
Now, I'm not sure what Lupin will do as I do not know how to write spy/theif action stories, I can think up concepts. But I do know he not only does succeed, but gets an unexpected surprise!
Plot twist, the treasure was agreed to be faked by Zenigata and Bonnie, but in actuality, it was real and Bonnie is "wearing" it (she hid it between her boobs [and it was on purpose])!
Bonnie used her connections to get the real thing and makes an offer to him!
Offers in order:
- Let her become part of the Lupin Gang! She will supply them with needed necessities through her trusted connections (though she does have a budget)
- Become her boyfriend! She wants to see who Lupin is in person! Though she was told by Zenigata how shameful and criminal Lupin is, weridly enough that only interested her further.
- I kid you not, this is what she wants: Have Lupin sleep with her! Like no shame whatsoever! She's 28 btw, she's just short, like 5'3 and just as horny!
If anything, Lupin meets his match here - both in terms of skill and romance! I'm thinking their relationship does start off as a mutual agreement. Lupin gets to experience what it's like to be genuinely liked or crushed on as Bonnie would be holding his cheeks and just gushing about how cute and handsome he is! He's still after the treasure of course, but Bonnie will make sure it's a challenge for him! Teasing him, playing around, making him chase her and stuff. She's got tricks up her dress, let me tell ya!
What I want to do basically is like, build up their relationship as I do wanna ship them! OCxCanon is valid and I will die on that hill. I want them to have depth and go into detail about what kind of relationship the two want. I esspecially wanna go over what exactly Lupin and Fujiko's relationship is. How long are they gonna keep playing these games with each other? Will Bonnie understand what it's like to have a relationship? The sacrifices and dedication it takes to maintain one?
Yeah, I wanna explore all that. This is just for fun! Anyway, I'll work on her pallet and share Galsan's stuff!
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sakannaz · 2 years
— ✰ 𓊆 𖨆 ♥︎ 𖨆 𓊇 (Angel torres x gn!reader)
➪ Summary: you were a dork but that’s why angel adored you, but he doesn’t admit it until the weird stuff starts happening at the Haywood’s.
⚠︎︎ Warning(s): cussing, blood, that scene where Jean jacket literally dumped blood on the Haywood’s house.
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You were going to visit the Haywood's today, they kept telling you about this weird alien or something but you didn't care.
You knocked on their door a bit loudly, you heard a sigh on the other side and saw oj open the door.
"Why you here (Y/n)?"
He asked, you only hopped up in down in joy, that's when he realized why you where here, you were here to help fix the cameras since angel somehow couldn't find a way to fix it.
"Can I come in, please?"
You asked, he moved to the side so you could come in, he went to go talk to em, you brought out your non-electrical camera and walked upstairs.
You looked at the security camera footage and all you saw was just..static or whatever it was called.
That was odd, and it was odd the electricity kept going out every single day and night. What exactly was happening here?
You had your suspicions but decided to ignore them, as you were fixing the security camera you looked at one pirticular cloud that never seemed to move.
"HEY, EM-"
You yelled, she turned to you and waved, you waved back.
She yelled back, you placed a finger on your lips before giving her a mischievous smile.
"can I stay the night?"
You yelled back, she huffed before nodding and you saw oj walking away, she was calling after him but you didn't hear much of what they were saying.
Then you saw a black van pull up, oh, that must've been Angel. What was he doing here though?
You ran back downstairs and walked towards em, angel appeared beside her and began to explain something to her.
Okay, now there was some really odd shit going on cause the lights had turned out, what the hell just happened?
You tried turning the tv back on but you were out of luck, you pressed the remote but still, it didn't turn on.
"Okay, weridly enough I can't turn on the tv and that's a big issue for me cause I'd like to watch another one of my soap opera's."
You complained, angel chuckled at your comment, em looked out the window and suddenly the lights turned out.
Wait- what?
They were just fine a second ago, you made sure to fix the electricity even though you brought a non-electrical camera.
Nah, this was so werid and this wasn't even the twilight zone, what in the hell was happening?
When you looked out the window something was hovering over the house, it looked like an alien ship- this really did look like something that came out of the twilight zone.
"what in the fuck is that?"
You whispered to yourself, you shrugged it off and ran inside the kitchen, you accidentally bumped into someone and it was angel.
You yelled, Angel stood there confused until he shook his head.
"listen, listen to me, stay in the house, do not fucking go out there cause whatever that thing is- it could probably gobble you up for godsake while it's spilling out blood."
He said, you looked at him with confusion, so he saw this thing before?
"and please don't swipe me across the face, I'd rather keep my face the way it is. And if we do die there's something I want to tell you-"
He continued to ramble while shaking you by the shoulders, you stood there awkwardly and tried to process his fast words.
"okay then-"
"ilikeyoualotandifwedoendupdyingijusthavetotellyouthisbeforewedieandimsorryididnttellyousooner." (I like you a lot and if we do end up dying I just have to tell you this before we die and I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.)
Okay, now what in the hell did he just say? You tried to slow his voice down in your mind so you could really understand.
"angel- chill dude, I like you too. And that was cringe. It was like an anime confession, don't do that again."
You said, giving his shoulder a reassuring pat, he sighed in relief.
You grabbed a knife and crawled under a table, angel following suit and holding a knife in his hand.
"Now what the fuck is y'all doing?"
Em asked.
You whisper yelled, she sighed loudly before hiding behind a couch, hoping whatever was there didn't see her.
You feel Angel take your hand in his and squeeze it tightly, you wished upon a star that this fucking thing would go away.
And weridly enough...you got your wish.
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sea-owl · 1 year
so, we have the stepdad antony au and the stepdad benedict au, so, what about the stepdad colin au? maybe penelope, tired of waiting for him, accepted the offer from a sick gentleman asking for an heir to not loose the fortune to one of his cousins
they have one son, baby Lucas, and the guy dies soon after and Penelope is left as a rich widow, and she absolutely thrives, it makes balls easier and wistledown even easier, but then, colin comes back, eager to meet his "friend's" baby and finds himself both falling love with her and gaining immense fondness for the boy
So ironically enough, I was waiting for this as soon as I got the stepdad ask for Benedict, and started a stepdad but not really stepdad au for Colin. (I wanted to spice it up) Also, weridly enough, I've been imagining all the stepdad aus in one au so it's like how can Colin top his brothers in this one?
So after Colin says he will never marry/court Penelope, a few too many drinks at the closing ball of the season lead to Penelope being pregnant. Penelope, remembering Colin's words, takes a page out of his book and runs. She takes some of her Whistledown money and brings it to Portia. Acting as if the lord who got her pregnant paid her to be a mistress and then paid her off to keep quiet.
Portia is ready to fly off the handle until Penelope reminds her that the Featherington estate needs an heir. Prudence has yet to marry, Felicity is too young, and Philippa still remains without a child. Portia then learns which of her children inherited her scheming genes.
Penelope leaves for the Featherington country home, about a day and a half travel from London. The official story is that there is a soilder who asked for Penelope's hand. As a wedding gift Portia gave them the Featherington country home where Penelope is currently traveling to so they can wed. Once Penelope gets to her new home, the story goes she was already wed to her soilder, but now he has to return to battle. No one doubts her as Mrs. Varley forged a beautiful marriage license and document where it is agreed the soilder takes Penelope's last name. She writes fake letters to her soilder husband who she sends to Portia, who then burns them.
Whistledown is still in business, even with Penelope out in the country. Genevieve Delacroix is the one to thank for that. Every piece of gossip she hears, she sends it directly to Penelope through a private carrier. Penelope then writes her article with that knowledge and then sends it back to Genevieve to hand off to the printer. Whistledown may not print as often, but that doesn't slow down its popularity. If anything, it made people crave it more.
Penelope gives birth to Agatha and Thomas Featherington. The Featherington estate has its heir. When the twins are two, Penelope and Portia feel secure enough that they can kill off Penelope's soilder husband.
The twins are five when Penelope returns to London for Felicity's debut. Colin, who has heard of her marriage and widowhood, who still remembers their drunken night together, takes one look at the twins and immediately clocks them as Bridgertons.
Now, back in London, Penelope makes the decision to stop Whistledown. The estate and training Thomas is her responsibility now. She has to focus on that. Besides, she's well off from her funds, and she can also focus on writing something else now.
Colin corners her one day and she tells him he made it clear he did not want her other then to bed. Why would she trap herself and her children in a marriage with him he does not want? They make a deal where he can get to know the children, he is their biological father, but no matter what in the public eye their father is Penelope's dead soilder.
Turns out Agatha and Thomas really like stories, and they love hearing about all the adventures Colin has been on. They also love making up stories and 7 times out of 10 want Colin and Penelope to play the hero and heroine who fall in love. That may or may not be them signaling for their parents to kiss.
Colin becomes enamored with the two little humans he helped make, and realizes the love he has for their mother. He discovers he wants to be their father, even if the world thinks him nothing more than a stepfather.
Agatha and Thomas like the funny man who reminds them of the stories their mama told them about their papa. They wish he could be their papa. Then they learned the term remarriage, and that it wasn't uncommon for widows and widowers of young children to remarry quickly. They start to make their own schemes.
Colin quickly catches onto the schemes and plays into them. Penelope, bless her, is a bit distracted to not catch on as she is now head of the Featherington family. The twins will play into this by telling Colin their mama needs rescuing from the evil paperwork. Thus starting a game of pretend. (Colin will try to help Penelope to the best of his ability rather by knowledge of potential business partners or by distracting the twins)
Then Cressida makes her claim, Penelope writes one final article, Colin follows her to the church, and then carriage scene. Upon returning to Featherington house, Colin finds out Agatha and Thomas knew about Whistledown to the extent that it was their mama who wrote it. (Penelope didn't need to hide it as much in the countryside) Colin gets Penelope to agree to a marriage by swearing if someone found out Agatha and Thomas would be protected.
The twins get excited jumping up and down happy that, "Papa is acting like a hero! Just like the stories, Mama and Papa are going to live happily ever after!"
Colin starts crying. He never thought Agatha and Thomas would call him papa.
Despite the public story of Agatha and Thomas being Colin's stepkids there are some eyebrow raises when they are among other Bridgertons.
Anthony does find out that Agatha and Thomas are blood Bridgertons when Colin tells him of the plan to reveal Lady Whistledown. Anthony wants to do something but really what can he do? Colin and Penelope are already married.
In their teens, Agatha and Thomas will be told the truth when they find their real birth certificates and find out their mama hyphenated their last names to Featherington-Bridgerton.
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fnafdcaconfessions · 7 months
i wish i could meet more fazbear frights (the books, not the location) fans that arent people just a fan of the first two books only and like afew characters later on or are just theorists trying to connect everything as a parallel :(( its kinda sad to me cuz i like all the stories (not in the flesh, its funny in a way though matt deserved it), i know people have valid reasons for not liking it (faz-goo and sea bonnies being brought up) and how it isnt fnaf related most of the time and how boring it can be but its probably one of my fave things in the francise weridly enough, i just wanna meet more fans who are willing who be silly abt the characters (esp the girls ... im the no 1 sarah, delilah, jess + brittany, payton and sylvia fan) and are just having with it, i just want someone to talk abt my WIP crossover and my swap au abt it :(
hopefully tales from the pizzaplex fans are chiller, though ive only seen content for like, 2 stories max (i read all of lallys game and abit of HAPPS and up to epilouge 5 and have a vauge understanding of the rest) i just, cant explain it, ive been feeling the same way since a year ago i want to share my love w this werid-ass series w people who like it like i do, if ur out there and ur a fan of all the stories you rock!!!
(i hope this made sense, TLDR i wish there were more faz frights fans who liked more stories then fetch/out of stock and afew exceptions or people who only use it for theories)
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(Rusty, Is 38 Likes His Girlfriend......Hates To Fight With Shadow Beacause She Mostly Wins, Good at Poker and Just Gambling, Loves C̶a̶t̶n̶i̶p̶............Being Alone At times....(Have Two Jobs) Works alot and His Poor-)
(Shadow, 35 The Leader Of the Group.....Shes a Mega Drama Deva.......She Is Kind You'll Just Need To Get To Her.......Buts Shes a Dangerous Lady.......Shes Rich- Not Just Giveing her money To others........(Weridly Enough Is It Only Neo shes More kind To than Others)
(Cookie, 23 Help The Group.......Like The Others Just Not Shadow.....Likes Bakeing and Making Jokes Sometimes, Good Friends With Rusty......And Get along well....Cookie Is A Worker Same With Rusty Under Shadow And Rusty Need To give her The Half Of his Extra Money From Time To Time.....Because Its Not Always Shadow Remembers To Pay them...Rusty Had Complained alot To shadow....Aside Cookie)
(Silver, 30.....Known As Rustys Girlfriend Not Much Known About Her.......She Once Performed as Dancer......And She was Great......Most Of her jewelry Was From Her Mother And She Was a Rich Lady....But Silver Needed To Sell some of It To get Money, To make It all Go up And Make It better For her and Rusty)
(Ruby, 10 Is Shadow And Rustys.....(adopted) Little Sister......Shes Known To Be Really Curious And Chaotic, Rustys Trying To Learn Her some manners.....But It Doesn't Really Help- Shadow can Stop Her Easyly tho.......She Friends With Nex qnd Neo)
(Nex's 10 And Neo's 7........Nex's Always Getting Them Both Into Trouble and Neo's Trying To avoid It......But Well Thats hard.......Nex's Always Takes The lead and Neo Just Follows Even If Hes Not up to It.....(They're Parents Died When They were Kittens So They Needed To do Something........So They Stole Stuff To live.....Untill the Ran Into Rusty and Silver a year later they......(Adopted Them To Give Them a change To Actually Have a Childhood.....And not Just Live In a Empty Box all day...)
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halt-kun · 9 months
Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 236 - Go South
I got spoiled on Insta, I saw one panel of this chapter
This is very annoying but it's life
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I already know I'm going to cry
Is Kenjaku coming ? It was one possibility in my mind
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So it's not a flashback but life flashing before Gojo's six eyes ?
I'm already tearing up
and WHAT ? Sukuna not giving it his all ? You just mean he didn't use his whole technique ? Because in term of curse energy and skills he used a lot of them and even learned some stuff while fighting you
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Okay, yeah so it's about his techniques, but why would he take Megumi's body then ?
We know Gojo...
Can someone hug him ?
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Good for you
not good for your loved ones
do you plan on rejoining Geto in jjk's after life ?
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babyyyyy, you miss Geto
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Oh noooooo, more babies
I'm glad Gojo isn't dying alone if he is dying
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you're the best
you did good
everyone loves you
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Wait what's that about
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Oh okay it was a title drop
I love these guys
Nanamin didn't regret anything, same for Haibara (weridly enough) and Gojo either
Geto, well, he probably does
they're just a bit salty about dying but overall they're fine
I can't be sad
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TEARS are coming tho
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It is one probably
but a damn good one
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CUT ????
by what ?
(that's the panel I saw)
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Ohhhh so he learned how to tear through infinity which he couldn't have without Mahoraga
so you needed Megumi after all
but what kind of model allows you to do that ?
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well Mahoraga did good
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It did
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(trying to not cry)
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Another Strongest arrives
he is a piece of work and his techniques might be terrifying
roses are red
violets are blue
Gojo's dead
Sukuna, soon, too
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she/he lesbian sunstrike x it/they lesbian demigirl applefur (oots) hypokits? in an au where sunstrike is involved in a propechy about 'the sun will burn whiskers after the darkness is gone' or something, and kills onestar after the DF battle and becomes sunstar and almost-kinda-still rejects starclan alittle bit because complicated au stuff i dont want to add on and applefur supports her during this time (sorry for it being weridly specific id like your take on this)
Warriors Ship Hypokits: She/He!Sunstrike x It/They!Demigirl!Applefur Edition
In this AU, Onestar wasn't chosen by Tallstar as WindClan's new Leader instead of Mudclaw, but by StarClan themselves. However Mudclaw and some other clanmates don't believe this and think he's making it up and the civil war still happens. It is much more bloody and violent conflict on both sides that ends in Mudclaw being smited by lightning. Onestar becomes Leader and rules with an iron fist (claw? idk how this saying translates into cats) due to his paranoia. WindClan doesn't like his leadership but don't say anything because of the harsh punishments given to dissenters. When Onestar is given the prophecy, he begins to monitor and restrict Sunpaw more and more and becomes more harsh to him. This convinces Sunpaw to start training in the Dark Forest, where she meets (and eventually falls in love with) Applepaw of ShadowClan. After the Dark Forest battle, Onestar completely snaps when he realizes cats were "betraying him" by training in the DF and orders them all to be executed. He begins with Sunstrike, who decides that she's had enough of Onestar's bullcrap and kills him. There is a lot of confusion about what to do, until StarClan says that they want Sunstrike to be the new Leader. Sunstrike doesn't trust StarClan after Onestar (because they chose him to be Leader and look at how that turned out) and rejects them at first, but eventually relents after they don't give up. He makes his clanmates (and his gf Applefur) promise to kill him if he ends up like Onestar. After Sunstar becomes Leader, she gets with Applefur publicly, although Applefur holds off on joining WindClan until their mother Tallpoppy passes because they don't want to leave her behind all by herself.
Once Applefur joins WindClan, it and Sunstar adopt an abandoned kit as their own:
Blackbirdhop- jet-black tom with dark amber eyes. AFAB Agender, pansexual polyamorous. They use they/them pronouns. Blackbirdhop has always had a bizarre obsession with colorful and sparkling things. Ever since they were a small kit, they collected every item they found and hoarded them in their nest. They are easily bribed into doing things if their reward is a pretty trinket of some kind. They are fairly intelligent for the most part but it "turns off" at some not-great times, such as the time they saw a large adult fox eating a rabbit and decided to take the rabbit from the fox because "this is WindClan territory and all the prey belongs to us". They got beat up pretty bad, but somehow managed to get what little of the rabbit that the fox hadn't eaten. Blackbirdhop is greedy and doesn't like sharing anything, even with their family. They are a Scout.
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Minecraft Items Challenge: The Exploration Update: Finale
This post starts at my end portal, where which will definitely not waste my time.
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A few pictures of me flying around the end at the start of my 90 minute shell grinding session, in The Exploration Update, looting does not effect shulker shell drops, so I had to visit about 8 end cities before getting my 40ish shells.
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Weridly enough, I got enough XP from Shulkers to keep my elytra at almost half health.
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Here's all of the shulker boxes freshly dyed.
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and here's the collection update, in this post I obtained the White Shulker Box, Light Gray Shulker Box, Gray Shulker Box, Black Shulker Box, Brown Shulker Box, Orange Shulker Box, Yellow Shulker Box, Lime Shulker Box, Green Shulker Box, Cyan Shulker Box, Light Blue Shulker Box, Blue Shulker Box, Purple Shulker Box, Magenta Shulker Box, Pink Shulker Box, Red Shulker Box. This completes The Exploration Update.
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abishekmuses · 1 month
Neediness This is an interesting topic eh?
I think I've had a problem with this. A huge part of it is inherited.
Weridly, I think i'm not always needly (even in the past).
It's a function of my energy state and emotional state.
I'm writing about this here because I definitely want to think about this topic a lot more in the days to come.
I think Mark Manson's book does a great job of breaking down neediness and its opposite - "non neediness".
I started thinking about this today because of this post I read by Visakan.
3/5/24 Wow how timely - how portentous - I wrote about this two days ago and completely forgot. Here I am now, in the "lower realms" hehe. My heart hurts. I am overcome with grief, sorrow and self-doubt.
I acted needy yesterday I think. And in the light of this state, the whole personage of Abishek looks to be in pretty bad shape. Out of control etc. Self-criticism doesn't help.
Here's what I've learned in this period - one of the lessons anyway - this whole "parents fuck you up" thing is bullshit i think. It might be true on some level but hey they can't fucking help it dude - genetics are at play i think. These behavious patterns. These samkaras. Sub-optimal eh? They need to be optimised through the sublimating process of bringing things into awareness, and accepting them. That's as far as i've gotten.
Then of course, there is aspect of actually taking hold of the controller and playing better. I kind of got there last week. Man for a second here, let me just speak about the linkedin thing - dude as of last week, i was so dialled in - hey but that's what all the warnings were about eh? This is an endurance game man. It's just about blind belief and the inevitable optimisation that'll happen. Maybe at some stage, the optimisation won't happen automatically but we're not there yet.
God it was a telling example of neediness what happened with kamalesh yeseterday - the awareness was there - it really was - i didn't want to say it - it was straining to come out - why? - i think I like the dopamine hits - i'm so starved of that feeling of well being and fulfillemnt - that feeling of having my own respect and feeling like i'm dialled into the game and that i've victories behind me and ahead of me, that i seek any and everything that resembles a small victory. Wow this is an important lesson to learn man. This insight, if properly handled, is going to catapult us so far beyond these levels, you have no idea. This is an amazing moment. This is a moment that is pretty damn close to being a win by itself. I think it IS a win. It doesn't feel like it but it can be - if only I contend with it in the right way, optimise and keep moving forward.
I want that internet money. I fucking want it. There - I fucking said it. I want that fucking internet money. I want to do it right. I want that money but I want it playing in my own aesthetic zone. I will not sell out. I want enough that I can play - I want enough to always see life as play. i want enough to pursue my interests and not have sword hanging over my head. Ok now im thinking if the explanation i ended up with for the oversharing behaviour is actually accurate.
Look at these stuttering thoughts. A mind that works in a very particular way - this is the way my dad's mind works. He must have gone through some serious pain and trauma man - with people mocking him and not giving him respect. I feel for that man so bad right now. I have my english to fall back on. I have my fortress, as johannes puts it. I'm in a lot of pain right now with all my tools, my understandings, my experiences - this whole fucking thing is a fucking dream - a video game - I know this and it still hurts - imagine the plight of that man. Fuck dude I really want to support him and ease his pain somehow. I don't know how yet but this is me making a strong sankalpa towards that end.
These genetics have their limitations - obviously. I can transcend but it's not simply about wishing it to happen. It's not about intellectualising. It's about bringing as many aspects of this into my awareness as possible. Intuitively, i feel like taking charge of my physical appearance is going to a huge step in the right direction. I want to invest more care and attention in this direction. More than anything else, I want to bring awareness there. I remember that it tripped me up in the lighthouse with Julius and Reda as well. It's a shadow spot. A place where awareness doesn't come through in this one - I've seen others having it easy. This resonates.
Which then neatly dovetails into the youtube idea as well man. The more I record myself and persist through the lack of awareness, the pain that is brought on by me doing unaesthetic things due to said lack of awareness and so on - this will work great at getting awareness into those places. Physical exercise is a HUGE part of this that's currently in limbo - it's ok bro - this feels like a rough place to be - it's not. just chill. it's all under control. we gots this!
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hel-ga-huff-le-puff · 2 months
you cannot accurately/faithfully predict when the full moon is in the HP universe
i see a lot of people talking about how Remus' actions make more sense if you calculate when the full moon is - but canonically the full moon doesn't respond to the real world logic of the moon cycle
in POA the full moon occurs on only 2 known dates - 6th June and 24th December.
Remus is out for the count on the 25th, which is implied to be because of a full moon the previous night (possibly even earlier in the week as he seems to take several days off after a full moon).
and the 6th June is the date in which Scabbers is revealed as Peter in the shrieking shack. which also proves that Remus is only ill after the full moon, not before.
the problem is, theres only 6-ish months between the two, and the irl moon cycle doesn't line up
the full moon only generally shifts by a day or two each month (eg. June 6th, July 7th, Aug 8th, Sep 9th etc etc etc) so there's not enough time between December 24th (or even if it was earlier and around the 20th?) for the full moon to shift to the 6th even when factoring in the weridly short month of February.
on top of all of this, the days of the week don't line up either
Harry's 11th birthday in PS is on Tuesday 31st July, the irl date is Wednesday 31st July - a small fuck up but a fuck up none the less and one that changes the dates for everything
if you adjust the dates of the HP universe to fit to Harry's 11th birthday it still doesn't match up as in POA Buckbeak's trial is set to Friday 20th April but Harry's birthday dictates that it should be a Tuesday 20th April, and the irl 1994 calendar dictates that it should be Wednesday 20th April.
basically - nothing matches and you cannot have a "revelation" like the whole "Remus is tired on so-and-so dates because of the full moon!" because canonically you cannot predict it unless you abandon the calendars and build your own.
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