#western snow plows
thebunnylord · 8 months
List of excuses that Thomas gave to get out of wearing a snowplow
There’s barely any snow
It doesn’t fit
It’s too small
It’s too big
The fat controller said that I didn’t need one
Toby doesn’t wear one
Someone stole it
It’s too hot
Edward didn’t say I needed one
The twins just plowed the tracks
It makes me look fat
I can’t see with it on
It causes the snow to blow up into my face
The trucks stole it
I don’t feel like wearing it
I accidentally threw it in a tree
It fell into the harbor somehow
It got run over
It fell into the turntable well
I forgot
We won’t be needing snowplows when global warming hits
Someone stole it
I rammed it into a set of buffers
It’s too old
Nobody else back on the LB&SC had to wear one
I’m only pulling passengers
It’s just snow
It’s too heavy
I can barely move with it on
It’s summer in Australia
Can I just not wear it for this one time?
It keeps on scrapping against the tracks
Fight me
I gave it to Bill and Ben
I left it at the quarry
Diesel was jealous that us steamies got snowplows so I gave him mine
I broke it
The snow is melting
It rained last night
It accidentally broke off somewhere along the branchline
It was making funny rattling noises
My buffers ache
We’re not even going that far
I’m not even the one plowing the tracks
Over my dead body!
It had a scratch on it
It’s too wide
I will blow steam at you if you try
Make me
What are you going to do if I choose not to wear it? Scrap me?
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"GTW plow action"
A Grand Trunk Western plow extra is working its way toward Caseville, Michigan out of the yard in Pontiac. This "78" winter saw a lot of snow and this drift prone line along farm fields saw lots of plow action. Here working north near sunset at Kingston on February 4, 1978 with CN GP38 5528 and GTW GP9 as power.
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hazel-of-sodor · 11 months
Day 17-Snow
Traintober 2023
Other Stories
Day 17-Holiday
The holidays are a busy time on the North Western Railway. People and goods need to be taken around the island at all times of day and night. Donald and Douglas rarely see each other during this time, as their help is needed on every line. As soon as they are finished on one line, they are sent to another. They often go days only seeing each other when their trains pass each other, with no time to do anything other than whistle.
Despite this, they love the season. They travel all over the island and see all of the other engines, even the electric engines on the Peel Godred branch. The passengers are in good cheer, and the trucks even behave better....slightly. They work hard and sleep well each night, eagerly waiting for the start of their holidays.
Each year the island of Sodor is blanketed with the cold white power, and each year the twins are coupled back to back with a workman coach between them, racing up and down the lines of Sodor. For several weeks they get to explore the island together, in weather that reminds them of the places they once called home.
These days this is mainly done for heritage, the North Western has rotary snow plows capable of clearing the lines, but both the engines and the fat controller agree it just wouldn't be the Holidays without Donald and Douglas working together to clear the snow.
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whumpster-fire · 2 years
Okay RWS/TTTE Tumblr, I have to share possibly the funniest "RWS is a fucking documentary" story ever, as relayed by Youtuber Hyce telling the story while three other guys at the Colorado Railroad Museum try to guess what happened next: (go watch it on YouTube for a good ab workout)
I think the synopsis on this incident being read is here?
This is an absurd week-long saga involving seven different engines getting stuck or derailed, sometimes repeatedly. In a nutshell, behind a keep reading so you can guess along with the video:
To set the stage: The Rio Grande Southern was a crappy podunk railroad in Southwestern Colorado. I'm getting the vibe that this was kind of the real-life equivalent of the Mid Sodor Railway. Relevant locations are Ridgway, the northern terminus, Durango, the southern terminus, Rico, a town kind of in the middle of the line, and Lizard Head Pass, the highest part of the line, which is between Ridgway and Rico. On either end the RGS meets a larger and more competent railroad, the Denver and Rio Grande Western.
Rio Grande Southern #20 gets stuck in the snow while traveling South from the north terminus of its line in Ridgeway. In the middle of the night, in the mountains. It sounds like in a snowstorm.
The next day, two other engines, RGS 22 and RGS 42, come up the mountain from the other direction with a snowplow to free it, along with a little railcar that was just trying to deliver the mail. They set off back towards the south and all of them almost immediately get stuck again.
After three days of the original train, the rescue train, and the railcar all being stuck in the snow, two more rescue trains are sent from either end of the line. On the northern end, the superintendent of the railroad and "every available man" set out with the only engine present, Denver and Rio Grande Western #455, who was leased from the neighboring railroad and probably really wants to go home. On the southern end, D&RGW #458 is "borrowed" to go help, which I think means this engine was not even leased, this is just an engine from a completely different railroad that has to come help because the RGS has gotten basically its entire fleet stuck and the one remaining engine, #41 is small and not very strong.
The superintendent's rescue train also gets stuck, and the borrowed engine's tender derails and rolls over. Neither of them get anywhere near the stuck train. There are now three stuck rescue trains and the original train gets stuck too.
D&RGW #271, who is also not actually part of the railway with the stuck train, comes up with a breakdown crane to put 458's tender back on the rails. This is successful, and 458 continues on towards Rico. 271 apparently decides not to deal with this whole cursed rescue mission, and decides to go home and take the crane with it. On the way home, 271... gets stuck in the snow.
271 gets unstuck by its crew and goes home. 458 meets up with #41, and they take the rotary snowplow up to free the original rescue train, consisting of #20 (which has now been stuck in the snow for SIX DAYS), #22, #42, and the railcar). They FINALLY free the stuck train, and head back towards Rico.
On the way back down, #458 and #41 derail AGAIN.
They finally make it back to Rico... meanwhile the superintendent and #455 are STILL FUCKING STUCK on the other side of the pass.
Poor #458, who is not even supposed to be here and might have some sort of damage from the tender derailment but I'm pretty sure is the biggest and strongest engine here, sets out with the rotary plow again to rescue its sibling, but the damaged tender derails TWO MORE TIMES.
458 gives up and tries to turn back (RWS translation: this poor engine's probably sobbing about wanting to go home by now)... but a couple miles outside of town is blocked by an avalanche!
458's crew (and presumably the rotary plow's) just fucking abandon their engine and walk the rest of the way.
Eventually, some time later RGS #20 and #42 go and free the superintendent. #458 has presumably gone home and refused to set wheel on the RGS ever again.
But the ultimate "RWS is a fucking documentary" moment: 84 years later, the Rio Grande Southern Railroad is a distant memory. The only survivors of this whole clusterfuck are RGS #41, RGS #42, the Railcar... and RGS #20, which has been right there next to the guys telling the story the entire time while they have been absolutely losing it and roasting the fuck out of this railway for the last 20 minutes. Everyone remembers this and starts joking about how they've probably given their steam engine PTSD flashbacks and apologizes to her.
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westernlandscape · 3 months
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Natural Privacy Solutions: Enhancing Seclusion in Your Madison Oasis
Blog Page for Western Landscape in Madison WI, offers Landscaping, Hardscaping, Lawn Care Maintenance, Snow Plowing, Mulching, Aeration, Sodding, Seeding, Planting, and Holiday Lighting Installation Services. Visit https://westernlandscapeservice.com/blog/2024/02/natural-privacy-solutions-… for more information.
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college-girl199328 · 8 months
RCMP is advising motorists to stay off the roads if possible on Sunday as a winter storm continues to make driving hazardous on P.E.I. Environment Canada has upgraded its special weather statement to a winter storm warning for Queens and Kings counties.
Due to poor visibility, snow plows are being pulled off all secondary roads under instructions from the Department of Transportation, according to the RCMP. They will continue to clear the main roads.
RCMP says Route 2 between Brookfield and Greenvale has reopened after being down to one lane for much of the morning due to a two-vehicle collision. One of the vehicles was a fuel truck, police say, but there were no injuries and no fuel spillage.
Charlottetown has already seen about 30 centimeters of snow since Friday. An additional 15-30 centimeters is possible for central and eastern P.E.I. through Monday night, with 10-20 centimeters of additional snow possible over western areas, according to CBC meteorologist Jay Scotland.
Voting in Monday's byelection in District 19: Borden-Kinkora could also be affected by the weather. Elections P.E.I. said it will make an announcement by 7 a.m. Monday about whether it will be postponed. The Air Canada flight from Montreal to Charlottetown was canceled Sunday morning, as was the afternoon flight from Ottawa via Porter.
The McGill Centre mental health walk-in clinic in Charlottetown has closed due to the weather, Health P.E.I. said. Holland College and the University of Prince Edward Island remain closed for the day.
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guerrerense · 8 months
Luckiest Shot of My Life? por Bryant Kaden Por Flickr: A story to remember when I have bad luck along the tracks: once upon a December morning, I decided to drive to Montevideo to meet up with Jeremiah and see the Twin Cities & Western's West End Job working its way west. When they arrived in Montevideo, they dropped their train at the east end of town and proceeded west as light power to Appleton. First stroke of luck: they wouldn't be tying down in Appleton, but returning east with some grain loads. Second stroke of luck: the sun looked like it might start breaking through the clouds as we neared Appleton. We started a brief scouting trip along the line to pick out a couple of photo locations. After settling on getting a shot of them crossing the overpass just west of Milan, we headed toward Appleton to see how close the train was to departing. Biggest stroke of luck: as we drive along, we spotted a county highway department plow at one of the crossings. It hadn't snowed out this way for quite some time, so we jokingly said, "Maybe he's plowing the crossing for us!" Sure enough, we saw him start to back up and clear snow off of the crossing again. We didn't think there was any way he could've actually left a ridge across the tracks, but that's exactly what happened. It was like a railfan hijacked a plow and decided to set up the perfect drift busting shot for us. Everything had to line up exactly right. If the plow was 30 minutes earlier, the light power would've busted the drift on their way west. If they were 30 minutes later, it would've been after the train returned back east. And I still don't know what in the world a plow was doing out there clearing snow in the first place! To top it all off, the sun held on just long enough to capture what has to be the luckiest drift busting shot of my life. You can bet there was much rejoicing as we headed back toward Montevideo for a few more pictures and celebratory wings and beer at Duffy's. This is definitely one to remember.
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krisje3 · 8 months
Gray Swan Events
I’ve finally chiseled my way out of the ice palace. Last week the state of TN suffered from an extremely long, sub-freezing, snow event. Every day was a snow day; schools and most businesses closed down and since we live in a western, residential part of Nashville, our roads were free for sledding. I didn’t see a plow until the day before yesterday, 8 days after the first snow. The truck tried…
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queenofthedorks · 9 months
If we had a Waffle House it would be closed today.
We like to joke about being snowed in and needing the stuff to make french toast, but I live in Omaha. We're rarely snowed in for more than the few hours it takes to dig out and the plows to come through the neighborhood.
Western Nebraska is closed today.
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And I didn't even buy the stuff to make french toast!
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lingshanhermit · 9 months
Lingshan Hermit:The Direction of Civilization Depends on the Values of the Majority
The direction a civilization takes depends on the values held by the majority in that civilization. Since the Renaissance, Western societies have gradually abandoned the need to seek ultimate happiness in the spiritual realm. They slowly started to no longer believe in the haloed man born in a manger. The technological advances of the industrial revolution greatly boosted their confidence that they could handle any problem themselves, believing every issue can be solved through technical means.
When a group no longer believes in the eternity of the spirit, when they instead focus on secular life, when the majority in this group starts believing secular happiness is the only kind, they will naturally strive to smooth out all aspects of secular life and solve all problems. To do so they will invent various tools and gadgets, trim their gardens, manufacture optimal modes of transportation, and seek secular pleasures in luxury cars, illicit drugs and hot baths.
Modern Western civilization was thus born. For hundreds of years, they have constantly tried to build perfect political and social welfare systems. They invented snow plows, public laundromats, anti-corruption agencies, and pills to unblock blood vessels. They hope to crush and flatten any possible pain. If we are short-sighted, we would think their efforts remarkably successful, and deem them the creators of a "civilized lifestyle". But clearly, the problems created by these efforts are as colossal as the achievements. You should realize the huge costs hidden behind what you consider a "civilized lifestyle" — costs that not everyone can understand. In fact, most people cannot see or comprehend them.
In contrast to modern Western thought, the Eastern sages have completely different ideas. Thus you don't see inventions like penicillin or optical lenses birthed in China, nor plastic bags — invented by the Swedish designer Sten Gustaf Thulin, whose original intent was to reduce deforestation and thereby protect the earth. You can imagine how absurd this is. It's like police officers shooting a hostage to prevent the hostage from being taken by criminals. Not just plastic bags — none of what you consider marks of "civilization" and "modernity" were birthed in China. This is unsurprising, because traditional culture does not think those "civilized lifestyles" civilized at all. Take ordering takeout for example. Although takeout existed in China's Song dynasty, modern takeout is clearly a Western invention, replacing Chinese food containers with simple disposable packaging. In fact this lifestyle is the most irrational among all lifestyles. Aside from being unhealthy, it also produces huge amounts of pollution. But most people are happy to accept this quick lifestyle imported from the West, because it is fast and convenient, and thus considered characteristic of a civilized society.
When a group believes secular happiness is the only kind, they will strive their utmost to manufacture secular happiness for themselves. The most effective way is to possess the survival resources of others. When they believe taking others' resources can better their own lives, they will, like the Mongols, research siege tactics, or like the Nazis research nuclear weapons, or like the Spanish seek out the land of gold in their ships. When a group believes possessing others' resources can improve their own lives, they will devote themselves to winning wars. When a group focuses on how to win wars, they will go all out in that direction. As they fully commit in this aspect, their industrial technology will develop accordingly. Advanced industry leads to sturdy ships and powerful artillery, towers filling the landscape and efficient healthcare — easily giving those conquered peoples without wisdom the impression that the conquerors have an advanced civilization.
The Eastern sages did not believe thus. They neither thought technological progress could bring ultimate happiness, nor that seizing others' resources would improve their own lives, much less transform the whole world into cattle ranches. So they never exerted efforts in that direction. They did not manufacture armor, design siege engines, research nuclear fusion, or build warships. When Alexander the Great was still leading his armies on campaigns of conquest, Eastern sages contemporary to him were already pondering questions of emptiness, writing the Daodejing and Zhuangzi. While Westerners remained engrossed in the sense of achievement from occupying cities, Eastern sages taught: how to sit there and find the root of your own suffering. Because of these deep differences in values, the development of civilizations trended differently. Western societies strived to solve problems in their own way, while the situation in the East was more complex: modern Eastern societies were impacted by Western culture while retaining misunderstandings of their own traditional cultures — trapping them in a highly unusual cycle. From the perspective of admirers of modern civilization, modern Eastern societies seem almost stagnant in ancient times, with little effort at technological development, making them look very underdeveloped. The gap in industrial strengths led to a tremendous gap in military power as well, and clearly the side with stronger arms held the power of discourse, enough to dominate what you consider developed.
As an inheritor of Eastern culture, I too was once excited by the words of Thomas Jefferson. I too once believed Western values could solve humanity's problems, but over these many years I have yet to see the ideas of Montesquieu, Diderot or Voltaire bring us real happiness. On the contrary I see victim after victim. I cannot help but reflect. Many people I know — if their minds weren't filled with Voltaire-esque ideas, their lives and self-cultivation would not have fallen to those dire straits. They remind me of the protagonist Tommy Shelby in Peaky Blinders. Tommy Shelby was the leader of the Peaky Blinders gang in early 20th century Birmingham. He came from destitute beginnings, believed himself clever beyond measure, and strived to live the respectable high society life. In the end, he attained the life he sought, but at staggering cost: he lost almost everything he loved, gaining only cold mansions and money. He is a victim of those values. In truth, not only him — if you look at Walter White in Breaking Bad, or Saul Goodman, they are all victims of these values, striving to build heaven for themselves and their families, only to march themselves into hell, every last one, without exception.
Written by Lingshan Hermit, December 29, 2023 at dawn.
Copyright Notice:All copyrights of Ling Shan Hermit's articles in Simplified and Traditional Chinese, English, and other languages belong to the natural person who owns "Ling Shan Hermit". Please respect copyright. Publishers, media, or individuals (including but not limited to internet media, websites, personal spaces, Weibo, WeChat public accounts, print media) must obtain authorization from Ling Shan Hermit before use. No modifications to the articles are allowed (including: author's name, title, main text content, and punctuation marks). We reserve all legal rights.
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naplesroofingny · 10 months
During the hard winter months, a professional industrial snow removal team in western new york and plowing services in Buffalo help residents. they also provide businesses safety, accessibility, and peace of mind. Their professionalism, prompt response, and use of specialized equipment not only clears snow but also helps to reduce the risks connected with ice conditions.
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jqp2000 · 1 year
Snow Plow Truck 1976 Chevrolet Cheyenne - $6,900 (Deer Park)
Snow Plow Truck 1976 Chevy Cheyenne 2500 3/4 Ton - 4x4 Long bed with Western plow $6900. Plow works and runs great! Dual fuel tanks and extra lights & rear back up lights for commercial plowing. Has some rust and only used to plow 1/2 mile road but no longer needed. Just spent over $1000 to replace torque converter seal, tail housing seal, transmission pan gasket, rear drive line u-joints, also new thermostat, air filter, and more. Includes snow chains. Mechanic paperwork. Clean title.
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[ad_1] Parts of the Northeast were bracing for a powerful winter storm that could dump heavy, wet snow and unleash strong winds, making travel difficult and knocking out power to hundreds of thousands of people. The National Weather Service says the storm could begin late Monday and last into Wednesday. Areas in its path could include parts of New England, upstate New York, northeastern Pennsylvania, and northern New Jersey, with snowfall totals expected to range from a few inches to a few feet, depending on the area. "This could be deadly," New York Gov. Kathy Hochul warned at a storm briefing in Albany. "Let me repeat: This will be a dangerous storm. Please stay off the roads for your own safety." Higher elevations in New York's mid-Hudson region and the Albany area could receive 3 feet of snow. Hochul, who will issue a state of emergency starting at 8 p.m. Monday, said snow plow crews from Long Island and utility crews as far away as Canada were being sent to the region. She also said 100 National Guard members were brought in to assist with emergency response. Snow in the western part of Massachusetts could exceed 18 inches, but along the coast, the totals could be 3 or 4 inches, Bill Simpson, a spokesman for the National Weather Service in Norton, Massachusetts, said. "I'm not quite sure of the exact track," Simpson said. "That makes all the difference in the world." A winter storm warning was due to take effect Monday evening and last through Wednesday morning for parts of upstate New York, northeastern Pennsylvania, northern New Jersey, southern sections of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont as well as western Massachusetts and parts of Connecticut and Rhode Island. Some schools in the region canceled classes for Tuesday ahead of the storm, and Maine Gov. Janet Mills directed that all state offices be closed Tuesday. Connecticut's largest electricity provider, Eversource, was bringing in extra crews from other states as it prepared for up to 130,000 power outages. "That combination of heavy wet snow, long duration of sustained winds, long duration of gusts will almost certainly bring down tree limbs and entire trees," said Steve Sullivan, president of Connecticut electric operations for Eversource. "Those will damage the electric system." The storm will arrive during elections in New Hampshire In New Hampshire, the storm will hit on Election Day for town officeholders. Dozens of communities postponed voting, while others reminded voters that they could vote by absentee ballot on Monday instead. Similar back-to-back Election Day storms in 2017 and 2018 sparked widespread confusion about who could reschedule elections. Lawmakers have since changed the law to allow town moderators to postpone elections if the National Weather Service issues a storm warning. For Tuesday, such warnings have been issued for at least parts of seven of the state's 10 counties. In Massachusetts, Gov. Maura Healey directed all non-emergency state employees working in executive branch agencies not to report to their workplaces Tuesday, and instead work from home if possible. The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority suspended all ferry service Tuesday. Boston Mayor Michelle Wu said city officials were keeping a close eye on the storm, which was expected to start out as mostly rain Tuesday along the eastern coast of Massachusetts. "The weather forecasts are still shifting around quite a bit," Wu said. "Our public works and emergency management and Boston Public Schools teams are really focused on tracking this minute by minute." Wu said the city has been in touch with companies that might be running cranes or large construction sites make sure they secure materials ahead of predicted strong winds. [ad_2] #England #upstate #York #brace #winter #storm #NPR
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gellymark-blog · 1 year
Find Commercial & Residential Snow Removal Services in Sandpoint ID
https://www.backwoodsforestrymulching.com/services/snow-removal/ - Backwoods Forestry Mulching provides snow removal and snow plowing services for our customers. We work with commercial and residential customers in North Idaho and Western Montana. Call us at 208-217-3303
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westernlandscape · 4 months
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Maximize Your Outdoor Enjoyment With The Pleasures of Beautiful Landscaping and Patio Living in the Madison, WI Area
Blog Page for Western Landscape in Madison WI who offers Landscaping, Hardscaping, Lawn Care Maintenance, Snow Plowing, Mulching, Aeration, Sodding, Seeding, Planting, and Holiday Lighting Installation Services. Visit https://westernlandscapeservice.com/blog/2024/02/maximize-your-outdoor-enjo… for more information. 
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local-grill-masters · 2 years
Best Western Omelette Recipe - How to Make a Western Omelette
Cowboys will love this hearty Western omelette! The classic filling includes sautéed bell peppers and onions, shredded pepper jack cheese, and chopped ham—a great use for leftover ham or lunch meat from the week’s sandwiches.  Two techniques will give you a perfect stuffed omelette every time. The first is the snow plow: Drag your spatula through the uncooked eggs in the pan from the outside to…
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