#weyoun 7
gallwithapall · 4 months
Hello hi yes I would in fact, betray the ENTIRE federation for this man and this man only, for I am hypnotised by him...
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Lord have mercy I'd fall immediately
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weyounthevorta · 4 months
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Would you recommend Weyoun?
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dadbodbensisko-moved · 6 months
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eparigon · 9 months
this takes place like right after they get back from weyoun 6 happening btw okay lets go
oh btw you can find me under the same name as here on archive of our own!
"He's dead" Weyoun grins triumphantly up at Damar as a thumb grazes his bottom lip. The bigger mans face falls further at that, dragging a claw down the side of his face. "I know how much you wanted him." he whispers it with his lashes lowered and a smile like he's talking dirty. Damar frowns.
"I want you." He squeezes him in his hands to emphasize his words.
"No. You still want him. I can see it. I can feel it.."
"Fuck off." Damar growls, leaning in to bite at his throat in hopes of distracting him.
"Your hands are shaking." His tone drips with venom.
(oh how he fucking hates this shit)
Damar's hands fall to his sides.
"It's the kanar." He grunts, stepping back and looking away from him.
"You cant stand it can you?" (to the state but what "it" is he talking about?) "To have something so good and something so sweet and have it be ripped away from you." He's closing the distance between them. "You'd rather it have been me than him. You've assured my death twice now Damar." He fucking smiles.
"Fucking stop it!" Damar finally snaps, grabbing the creature up by his collar and shaking him. He can see that desperate gleam in Weyoun's haunted eyes. Do it again.
"I could be sweet for you, Damar." Weyoun purrs, almost a mockery, laying it on oh so thick that Damar feels his stomach turn (he is so disgusting when he does that). But he also feels a jolt at the prospect...
They stare at eachother for a while, Weyoun's eyes still pleading. He could try to be sweet. But no. He releases him with a snort of humourless laughter.
"No you can't." He murmurs, turning to the bottle again, a dismissal. Weyoun inhales sharply and flees the room. Damar stares at the bottle in his hand for a good while, then hurls it across the room, relishing in the ear splitting shatter, and crumples onto the edge of his bed with his head in his hands. He really cant take much more of this psychosexual fucking nightmare before he falls further from who he was.
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hellpmeimobsessed · 2 years
So @donttouchnewt was watching How to Train Your Dragon and came up with this hilarious concept. I merely edited it into existence.
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You're going to be very pleased
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fortheloveoflatinum · 6 months
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Relationships: Damar/Weyoun (Star Trek)
Characters: Damar (Star Trek), Weyoun (Star Trek), Weyoun 6 (Star Trek), Weyoun 7 (Star Trek), Female Founder (Star Trek) Additional Tags: Character Study, Character Death, Dominion War (Star Trek), The Dominion Culture (Star Trek), Sad and Sweet, Sad and Beautiful, First Kiss, Love, Love Confessions, Possibly Unrequited Love, Unrequited Love, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Flash Fic, Episode: s07e06 Treachery Faith and the Great River, Last Kiss, Angst, Angst and Tragedy, Angst and Romance, Drama & Romance, Tragic Romance, Interspecies Relationship(s), Cardassian Culture (Star Trek), Cardassian Rebellion (Star Trek)
An angsty character study of Damar and Weyoun 6.
"Defective. The word rang out in his mind as he got past the minefield of Dominion ships, which chased him to the edge of the solar system before he was able to lose them amongst the debris of the Oort Cloud. Defective. The word tasted bitter, like the aftertaste of kanar on Damar’s lips. Defective. Like a death sentence."
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wellsbering · 8 months
im watching the final season of ds9 now and it's hard to take it seriously sometimes bc literally every interaction between weyoun and the breen is like this
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autistic-bashir · 2 years
what the fuck went wrong with weyoun 7. like all of the other weyouns are semi normal and then the seventh pops out the tube fifteen times the quirked up war criminal his predecessors were. like what’d they put in his growing pod to make him tell ezri and worf to their faces he wants to watch them mate. hit him with the plant mister or something god damn
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weyounbodycount · 1 year
Cardassian/Dominion scenes I wish we got to see in DS9 Season 6:
- How Weyoun 5 first encountered Dukat. Was it planned? By chance? HAS to be planned after 4’s quality time with Sisko and crew… or did Dukat seek them out and Weyoun answered the call? Was he assigned because the Founders knew Cardassia was a major chess piece for them already?
- How Weyoun 5 convinced Dukat to commit to the Dominion. I imagine he tried a permutation of the same speech Weyoun 4 gave Sisko in “To the Death” and it actually worked…
- How Dukat trusted Weyoun was a clone as he’d parroted back to Sisko when Ghemor was on the station. Did Weyoun prove it with another Vorta? Dukat got a tour of the facilities? Dukat really just took his word for it?
- How Weyoun 5 personally handled losing the station, and losing Dukat as a chess piece, when he was alone with no one to observe him. Was he unmoored? Uncomfortably out of his element like when Dukat challenged him to explain Sisko’s battle strategy? Ready with Plan B? Did he immediately go to Damar, console Damar’s grief over what he did to Dukat and Ziyal, and then how did he convince Damar to take Dukat’s place?
- The first time we see Weyoun 5 and Damar operating alone is the “my, my” scene where Damar holds his tongue when Weyoun condescends to him. What happened before?!?
- I love that one episode where we see Kira wake up and go about her day under occupation and would love to see one from Weyoun’s perspective either on Terok Nor or Cardassia Prime, since he is also essentially waking up and going to work with coworkers he hates every day.
- The moment Damar realized Weyoun 6 was different (“he lacked your appetite for cruelty”) (AND EVERY FANFIC ON THIS IS SO VALID!!!)
- The moment the kill order was given for Weyoun 6, and Damar’s involvement in it. What was the trigger or communication to deploy 7?
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panicroomsammy · 1 year
I need to put the Davids and the Weyouns in a room together. For science.
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dadbodbensisko-moved · 6 months
all the weyouns get into a fight. who wins?
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roguetelepaths · 2 years
I had a dream last night that someone sent me actual hate mail about my endgame for Kilaran and how fucked up it is that I don’t plan to have him end up completely liberated from the Founders’ control, except
I literally. I literally do plan to do that? That’s been my desired outcome from the beginning. His endgame is literally “leave the Dominion and go live on Bajor with his polycule” lmao I don’t think you can get more liberated than that.
I mean, if I WAS planning on having Kilaran just go back to the Dominion at the end of everything, I can see why it would create a Broken Base among my dream!audience (which is substantially bigger than my real audience, apparently, especially if it’s literally sending me hate mail over decisions I’m making in content I haven’t even publicly dropped yet) but it’s definitely not the thing I’m planning to do and never was. Just so we’re all clear on that. 
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Deep Space 9 - A Call to Arms
part 7
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fortheloveoflatinum · 5 months
Damar's Redemption Arc
The best part of DS9 Season 7 was Damar's redemption arc and no one can tell me otherwise.
Here you have this loyal Cardassian solider, probably done some things, seen some things. Killed some innocent people just for the hell of it. He makes a drunken fool of himself all the time, and he's a high-ranking officer who shouldn't be acting that way and he also can't stand what has become of his homeworld, but there is no room for dissent in the Dominion, no room to challenge the Founders and every time he tries to argue with Weyoun, the Vorta shuts him down.
And slowly, he comes around. Pulls himself together. People start to notice. Weyoun notices, and Damar comes to a revelation and defects. And he dies for what he believes in and its beautiful. He falls fighting for the Cardassia he knew, that once-proud empire of his youth that he helped lead astray. And in doing so, he atones, in part, for his sins. It couldn't have ended any other way.
He was the character that I was most devastated when he died - besides Jadzia, of course - because even though you knew it was coming, even though it was the inevitable, logical conclusion, it still hurts. You grow to care for him as a character, see him through a sympathetic lens. Who he could have been. Who he might have been, if he'd been a Federation citizen. Starfleet brings out the best in us all, and I think it would have brought out the best in Damar as well, as it did with Garak, as it does with so many characters.
I kind of want a domestic fic where Damar lives and somehow there's a Weyoun 9 kind of like Weyoun 6 and they all live happily ever after, Garak and Damar bickering like brothers and Julian and Weyoun bonding over their Cardassian mates. It's what I want and maybe it's what I'll write but probably not because who would read it?
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spockbag · 8 months
Every time* Weyoun says Damar in season 7 and a little surprise at the end…
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