#wg audio
fatguarddog · 25 days
Disclaimer: This audio is intended for audiences of 18+ only 🔞 If you like my content, please consider giving me a tip
You've been gaining a lot of weight recently and don't know why, so you're back at the doctor's office to figure something out with him. The doctor is happy to inspect you and comment on your growing body, soon he reveals his true intentions for you as his work-in-progress piggy and gives you more instructions to follow 🐽
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Ahh, good to see you again. What seems to be the problem today? You’ve been putting on weight recently despite the diet I put you on? Hmm, yes I can see that… are you sure you haven’t been missing any days with the vitamins and shake supplements? Ok, how strange then. I think it’s best we examine you, maybe try a couple tests.
Stand here for me. Hmm, your belly really is looking quite porky, isn’t it? Your shirt doesn’t seem to cover it anymore. Just roll it up for me and I’ll take some measurements like I did last time so we can make a new plan. Yes, I see you have a few more inches round your middle now… you’re feeling awfully doughy too. Now let’s see your thiiighs… upper arms… your chest… that’s right… Well it seems the most of the weight has stuck to your belly, but you’ve definitely gained all over.
Let’s have you on the inspection table so I can try a few things. Strip down to your underwear and hop on up. Ah, no. Not lying down, on all fours please. There we go, that’s great, just let me get my gloves on. Mmm you really are looking like quite the plump piglet with your potbelly hanging down like that. Ah ah ah, don’t squirm at my touch, I’m merely inspecting you. Your jiggling belly, your rounded out ass, the growth in your chest… it’s all quite delightful. Better than I could have expected, really.
Oh, don’t pretend like you don’t enjoy this piggy. You’re practically frozen to the spot! And I can see the wet patch spreading in your pants. Just relax and let the doctor take care of you. Mmmm, yes that’s right, grind against my fingers as I admire your progress.
You’re much better as a pathetic little porker, aren’t you my piglet? Though we’ll have you growing into a proper piggy in no time, I’m sure. I could just tell when you came in here seeking weight loss advice that you’d be much happier giving in to your urges and gaining instead. I have a knack for seeing through people like that. And I know you’ve been enjoying my ‘diet plan,’ it seems you’ve been having more shakes per day than what the doctor ordered with just how pudgy you’re looking.
Mmm, keep grinding tubby. Let me rub some muscle relaxant cream into your plush rear. No, don’t worry about the needle, you won’t feel a thing. It’s just a fun little concoction to boost your appetite for me. See! Didn’t hurt a bit, did it? Good pig.
Alright, put your clothes back on. Hmm? Look, if you’re that desperate my eager little piglet, then you can get yourself off thinking about how fat I’m going to make you from here. But you need to listen to the doctor’s orders now.
It seems you’ve already been having two shakes on some days, so from now on I want you to do that every day, plus regular meals. Whatever your piggy heart desires. You must also be sure to keep taking your pills, they keep you nice and lazy after all. You’ll come in for a monthly check up so I can track your progress until I deem you ready for me to make a house call to you where I’m sure we’ll have plenty of fun together. Do you understand me? Good piggy.
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jawwtin · 3 months
It Doesn't Stop...
The funnel has been getting more and more use, and your greedy little head has become somewhat addicted to it, hasn't it... ;))
It's been a hot minute since my last audio recording, but this was a wonderful one I had to do once I came across it, written by @purgatorylayby! Check out the original post below, and as always click the "#my audio" tag on my blog for my other readings 😘
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hedonists-den · 4 months
POV: Your eating habits and your weight have gotten so unbelievably out of control lately that I think it's about time I give you a wake-up call in the form of some teasing and shaming.
⚠️ It gets a little mean, so... ⚠️
Hope you enjoy! 😇
What is it? Is there something you need to tell me? You overate again... Well, I'm not surprised. Is it really overeating if you do it every time you sit down and glut yourself like you’re trying to win some prize? No, it's just the norm for fatasses like you. Shameless, self-indulgent gluttony is just the way it is for you. You should be ashamed. You should be desperately searching for a way to stop yourself. What kind of person shovels food in their face the way you do? What kind of person lets themselves get so obese that they can’t do basic things without getting winded?
I don’t imagine you even have any excuse for what you're doing to yourself. Imagine what you could look like if you weren't so busy gorging yourself with greasy food and carbs every chance you get. It's fucking obscene. And do I really need to bring up your sweets addiction? I swear, at this point, you might as well just have me hook a funnel up to your greedy mouth and pour syrup down your throat. 
Wait…please don’t tell me…do you actually think about that? What, are you just going to eat and eat and eat until you can barely waddle from room to room? Have me stuff you until all that weight that you keep piling on ripples with every lumbering step that you take? Is that what you want, fatty? This huge, heavy-breathing, mound of embarrassing flab that can barely maneuver around your own home? If you keep this shit up, you’ll be there faster than all those DoorDash deliveries you keep getting every fucking day.
At this point, I’m just morbidly curious about what goes on inside your head that justifies letting yourself become so shockingly, grotesquely obese. I mean, look at what a shameless blob you are…rolls stacked on top of each other like pancakes, each one covered in stretch marks, with a hanging gut that takes over your lap, the flab on your arms keeping them pinned to your sides. God, every inch of your body is overflowing with fat. You eat so many goddamn calories, it looks like you're in a near-constant state of stretching and expanding. How can you not notice that your body is screaming at you to stop being such a fucking pig?
Is there even a point in trying to shame you for all of this? You’re obviously not going to change one thing about the way you’re ruining yourself. All you’re going to do, as soon as you can, is find the next thing to stuff your face with. So, what is it going to be this time, tubby? Burgers? Pizza? Few boxes of snack cakes? Honestly, I wouldn’t put it past you to get all three, the way that I’ve seen you eat. You clearly don’t have any self-control, so, fuck it, why not? Just hork down more calories until your body can barely handle it. Stuff your bottomless pit of a stomach every chance that you get. Even after every other sign is telling you to stop. 
You know what? I don’t think anything can help you now. You are too far gone, and there’s no way you’re coming back from this. You’re going to be half a metric ton of pure blubber soon enough. And you’ll have no one to blame but yourself for what a hopeless, greedy, wobbling tub of lard that you are. So just lay back and grab another snack, why don’t you?
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fatguarddog · 30 days
Disclaimer: This audio is intended for audiences of 18+ only 🔞 If you like my content, please consider giving me a tip
A commission for @transmasctransfat who won my recent audio raffle! A researcher on an alien planet tests out a strange substance as a possible food source, only to discover its addictive and fattening qualities... 🧪
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Research Log - Day 15
I’ve now spent just over two weeks searching the mystery planet for signs of life. My rations will last me another two, but I fear if I don’t find a safe source of food soon then the mission will have to go on hold.
Luckily, today I may have found a promising lead. I’ve discovered a thick, syrupy substance that seems to form near the purple vegetation to the east. It has a pleasant smell to it and the few tests I’ve been able to complete suggest that it’s safe for human consumption. I’ve collected a flask of the substance and am going to try a small mouthful of it now.
[Gulp] Hmmm… sweet to taste and a little smokey too… almost like Earth honey with a kick of something different… [gulp] Oh, I didn’t mean to have more, I… I… I feel so hot under my suit… oh god, my suit! 
I appear to be rapidly swelling as a result of ingesting the alien substance. My belly has puffed up into a round orb with no immediate signs of stopping, I can see and feel my limbs and rear growing larger as well. It feels oddly… pleasant… so relaxing and warm. Why, I could just… [gulp, gulp, gulp… belch!] Ahhhh, so delicious… Mmmm my suit has gotten so tight around me, I’m pudgy and bloated all over, I can hear it ripping to pieces, but I almost want it to… I want to feel fatter and fatter as the syrup courses through me…
My belly has torn out through the zipper, I look like an absolute cow with how fat I’ve swollen up, but I find myself craving that sweet syrup to fill me even more. Perhaps I can get one of the droids to roll me back there tomorrow so I can drink it straight from the source… just sit there and swell enjoying this incredible heat in my fattened up body.
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jawwtin · 2 months
Giving Feederism a "Try", by girlyhornywriter
Your boyfriend encourages you to indulge in his fantasies, and indulge your own appetite a little more. You're a little apprehensive, but, hey, why not? Where could it possibly end up leading to...? 🐖😈
Another one of those pieces where I immediately want to reach for my phone to record. @girlyhornywriter is an exceptional writer and you should all check out their work! (Also I have a new phone, so my mic is sounding significantly better, even after having to reduce this file to satisfy tumblr's size limits)
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missdivinetemptation · 5 months
My Latest Audio is now live on Curvage, An Expansion RP commission
Check it out, you'll be supporting me in my real life quest to expand and grow <3
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hedonists-den · 3 months
POV: You're one of many pets I have been fattening up, and you want so badly to be my favorite. But do you have what it takes?
⚠️ WARNING: More mean ⚠️
Looks like you’re up another five pounds this month. Not terrible progress. [...] What, do you want me to swoon over a measly five pounds? Praise you? Give you a gold star? Pat your belly and shower you with affection? Triple that number next month and maybe you’ll get that kind of attention. 
I’ll give you this: You’re not my worst piggy. But you’re far from the best. You want to impress me? Then you’ve got a lot of girth to pack on, pig. Praise comes to those that show unreasonable levels of gluttony, got it? The kind that makes people wonder if you’ve actually been brainwashed. And I mean, you might as well be. Look around. Look at yourself. Putting your weight in my hands, just to please me. Just to grow, all for me.
But I’m not easy to impress or please. If you want to catch my attention and get my hands caressing every roll and tender stretch mark, then you’ve got to plump. The fuck. Up. Gorge yourself to the brim on all of the foods you already love anyways, and move as little as possible. It’s that simple. I picked you because you said you wanted this. You told me you wanted nothing more than to let go and let me fatten you up beyond recognition. Are you all talk? Is that it? 
Maybe you’re just not cut out for it. Maybe you just aren’t greedy enough. But I don’t think that’s it at all. I think you’re scared. Scared of what other people will think. Scared of how they’ll react when they see that you can barely waddle around, completely unrecognizable, all because of your devotion to me. 
I’ll tell you this right now: I don’t care that you’re scared. What could be more important than gorging yourself and growing for me? Nothing else will bring you the level of satisfaction you’ll get when I slap a blue ribbon on your fattened ass and award you the title of #1 Hog. If you want to go back to a self-conscious life where you have to worry about every little calorie you put in your body so that you can maintain this societally imposed standard, I won’t stop you. But I’m offering you an escape from all that. An escape where you can let every inhibition go, and be adored for it.
Are you going to be my favorite hog and get everything you want? Or are you going to be another unremarkable, in-shape dullard that’s terrified of having a cookie now and then? Make your choice, piggy. I know you’ve got it in you to be the best hog here. Show me how much you want it.
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hdmiports · 11 months
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i lay in a dark room and smoke my e-cigarette
molly: carls, did you finish the science project?
carlie: nah, i was... busy
m: oh come on! you couldn't possibly have been so busy to not prioritize your education! i thought i taught you better, carlie.
c: molly please... its 8 am
m: and?
wolfgang: get a room you two
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backlog69 · 2 years
I go by “Hal” on here. I’m a kink enthusiast, artist, writer and role player, and I love discussing all of those things.
My interests include feedism, pregnancy, and general body fuckery.
This blog is mainly a repository of things I find hot, with occasional text posts and photos of myself. I love talking with people and my DMs are open if you’re chill.
For original posts, I use the tags #me.txt for text posts, #me.jpg for pics of myself, and #me.png for original art
More about me and this blog under the cut
As this is basically my kink “backlog”, I have a lot of tags for organization. Tumblr makes it hard to search on blogs sometimes, but these are the most common tags I use for reblogs
#pics - IRL pictures
#wgtext - short drabbles/fantasies
#fatart - weight gain art
#wg sequence - weight gain sequences, whether IRL or drawn
#wg - before and after comparisons without in-between pictures
#preg - general preg kink content
#preg art - self explanatory
#preg text - same as above
For stuff that I *really* like… I use two tags, mainly because the first one got too cluttered.
#save & #extra save
My Kinks
Belly Kink
Weight Gain
Cum inflation
Pregnancy (Mpreg specifically)
Monster fucking
Fantasy/sci fi/magic scenarios
(Light) Domination
(Light) S/M
(Light) CNC
Things I’m not into
Excessive slob
Death feedism
Please, DO NOT INTERACT if you post
Underage content
De-transition porn
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dotingmutt · 1 year
Skinny bassist, happy to cook for you
! ! 18+ only ! !
Cw: expansion, wg, belly love, pregnancy, breeding, possible ovi
✋Don't send me dms expecting any pictures, or for me to indulge you in rp. I'm not here for that.
If we're mutuals im happy to converse though :]
Willing to order you food and indulge you ♡
Dni: ageless bio/carrd/pinned. bigots, you know who you are.
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jawwtin · 8 months
Despite what you might say, you enjpy this word more than you think, don't you? You certainly enjoy the lifestyle that such a word implies, so why not give in some more? 🐖>;))
A new feedee encouragement audio, based on this story from a sadly deactivated account:
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hydnellumpecky · 2 years
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peachycowasmr · 5 days
Miguel Is STUFFED!!! Old Repost!
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allfattenedup · 1 month
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Fatty's first weight gain shake was so nice I made it twice.
Imagine being a horny fit-to-fat gainer who's always been a little bit in denial that I'm actually doing this - so much so that even while actively gaining I was always too afraid to ever try a weight gain shake. Until I found myself in a mess of my own making where a calorie tip drive I ran blew out way bigger than I was ever prepared for and I found myself on the hook for 30,000 calories over a weekend.
So I thought fine, I'll do a gainer shake.
I had one as part of my day one stuffing, as part of the 10,000 calories i had to consume on that day for the challenge. Already bigger than any stuffing I'd ever done before, and three days in a row on top of it. I stood in my kitchen with my belly hanging out for a little horny courage, fondling the rolls and the hang that I'd already grown under the influence of arousal to convince myself to do this too. It might sound silly but I was nervous. I'd built it up in my mind so much as the gateway to irreversible, uncontrollably worsening obesity. So I squeezed the low part of my hanging stomach, listening to wg audios on youtube to block out my rational mind, as I put heavy cream and drinking chocolate and ice cream and peanut butter and a stick of butter into a blender. It only filled the blender up halfway, and I was fine with that. If I was going to go down the path of extreme out of control weight gain then I was fine with dipping my toe in for the first time.
Then when I sat down to drink it, it felt like a momentous occasion, thinking of what a domino effect I'd just set off, what a threshold I'd crossed and how my appearance would suffer because of it 😈🥵 And it was heavy, and fattening, and intense, yet also... not as much as I thought it would be.
Even while I struggled to finish it, I found myself wishing I'd added more chocolate. More butter. I could feel how addictive it was before I even finished the first one. But I did finish it, and went to bed with my belly straining, holding the fat, thinking about how if I just did this a little more often, how much of my lap I could fill up with more and more trembling stomach. It scared me a little, in the hottest possible way. How intentional my weight gain was becoming. How... methodical. So when I woke up the next day, I made a full blender. Day two is up now
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valrvn · 5 months
So I found possibly the most wg fetish bait-y book ever. It's For//est Mage by Rob//in Ho//bb. It's a fantasy/western with magic system wherein mages get their magic from food, and store excess magic as fat. When they cast spells, they lose weight, so their body counteracts the weight loss by giving them huge appetites, enhancing their sense of taste, and decreasing their metabolism to the point where they're pretty much constantly gaining weight, even if they fast. I've been listening to the audiobook and I'm only three hours in, but the main character has already gone from a fit soldier to being fat enough that his family don't immediately recognize him (though he has no clue why yet).
It's also written really well, and is surprisingly not particularly fatphobic. The main character faces a lot of fatphobia, but that comes from his culture, which the book is criticizing.
Here's a section from the book where he hasn't fully realized how much weight he's putting on yet, gets mocked for it, and then (unknowingly) uses his magic to break his harasser's leg.
and this is from the scene where he actually looks at himself in the mirror for the first time since the weight gain started.
(sorry for the audio quality, my recording software isn't very good)
Anyway, the audiobook is on youtube, and I'd really recommend it so far.
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greatbigbellies · 9 months
I hope you like huge pregnant guts cause that's all I got.
Hi! Welcome to my kink blog! Before we go any further, if you’re below 18, leave! No exceptions. You know why. Please just wait until you’re of age, then you can gladly peruse.
I’m a 27 year old trans woman who really, really enjoys bellies. I have a fairly strong preference for pregnancy related stuff, which is the overwhelming majority of what you’ll find on this blog, but I enjoy pretty much any other kind (LOVE stuffing, enjoy vore and wg, and even non-enlarged tummies too)! I try to keep a decently regular queue rolling with reblogs from kink artists, models, and the like, and I thoroughly enjoy getting asks, so don’t be afraid to send some in! I can’t always tend to this blog daily because of real life, so if the queue runs out or I don’t answer an ask same day, I’ll be back soon!
DMs are open but I don’t RP privately, or explicitly, and “hi” or “hey” will get a similarly brief response. I love talking pregnancy kink stuff but please remember I’m a person, and I’m not horny 100% of the time, so it’s okay to talk about other things. Unironically, send me a screenshot of a minecraft build you’re proud of, I’d genuinely love to see it.
That all said, please enjoy the blog! I have an expansive backlog of posts that I’ve taken effort to keep correctly tagged for easy access. If you just want to see tummies, block the “not bellies” tag. I’ve done some kinky voice work too, which you can find under the “kink audio” tag.
Some larger pregnancy kink projects I’ve worked on that you might enjoy are:
The McPreggo Menu (link to the most current version because yes, it gets updated occasionally) A fast food menu with pregnancy inducing effects, with dozens of items each with unique properties. Perfect if you like your preg kink with a side of stuffing and math!
The 2023 Pregnancy Kink Advent Calendar (link to masterpost with more links) A holiday project I ran in December of last year, featuring 24 posts with writing, audio, pictures, and a video, all of fun little pregnant treats to enjoy! Looking to do another in 2024, so if you like what you see and want to contribute, please reach out!
@obscenely-overdue (link to the blog itself) An RP side blog where I put on a fake bump and pretend to be super pregnant! It's not super story driven, nor does it adhere to a strict "canon timeline", so you can just assume I'm permanently full term, for fun and profit!
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