#wh serge
nitia95 · 11 months
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I finally finished this messy, kissing 3-panels template 😍
I love them very much ♡ (˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ )
(mistakes were 💯% made but I'm not gonna bother with them)
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eye-burning · 10 months
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Starting on quite the ambitious project of drawing as many wizardess heart characters as I can. I know the color wheel trend has died down but this is bound to drag on anyway.
Pink includes: Liz, Carbuncle, Mischa, Caesar, Elder Wing Rabbit, Chica, Piggy Caesar, Vain, Taffy and Randy.
Just a heads up, some characters may be "misplaced" because I personally associate them with a color different than their theme color.
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eye-cri · 2 years
*walks into meowing room* *sits down on nearest chair and looks around*
Florin and Lars are there and Randy is looking in through the window (we are 9 stories high)
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1234explode-blog · 10 months
With you, it's different pt. 1
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(WARNING! Slightly Steamy scene)
That night was the countless times Gilbert had an incident...
Serge woke up with a light coming from the lantern on his face "w..what?" he said still subconsciously and hair dissaray. He tried to see who was in front of him with half open eyes and a blurry vision "P-Pascal? what's wrong..?" asked him.
Pascal grabbed his wrist immediately, "come on! There's..there's an incident out there.." he said, turning towards the balcony of Serge's room.
Pascal nodded, " I reckon Gilbert...was trying to climb to your room, but, he slip and fell and injured himself." suddenly, the dark skinned boy's eyes widened and he immediately switched to a sitting position "Gilbert ..?! Wh-where is he now?!"
"He's in the director's room with the others. Luckily, the director is not here for tonight.
He keep resisting when we try to clean his wound. He won't stop until we have no coices but to call you out! You are the only one who can calm him down!"
That's right... ever since Auguste Beau's arrival, everything has gone awry. the two are forced apart from each other: split rooms. they can't even interact with each other anymore without an intermediary. they are not allowed to greet each other, nor touch.
now, at midnight, Serge really had to see how Gilbert was.
'..Gilbert..! you did something stupid that could threaten your own life!
thought Serge as he walked through the dark alley with Pascal, the two of them slowing their pace as they passed the room where Auguste was in to keeping an eye on Serge and Gilbert for a week.
Pascal gave a cynical look at the door before walked away again with his friend to the director's room.
"Please Gilbert, let me treat your wound and sit down!"
Watts says trying to calm Gilbert who kept pacing back and forth confused and scared, his breathing was irregular and his cheeks wet with tears. he injured his knee because he fell when he was about to climb towards the balcony of Serge's bedroom window and now it's bleeding, "no..! no! sorry I-I'm just...!! I'm just...!!" he cries.
Gilbert gripped his own hair with both hands and tried not to scream. he cried out through his tears.
Carl, who looked panicked and also didn't know what to do, could only remain silent and wait for Pascal who's going to get Serge 'come on you two, hurry up!' he thought.
then the doors opened widely and Carl was relieved to see his two friends. Serge widened his eyes, rushed over to Gilbert who was sitting on his knees on the floor and Watts stepped aside beside Carl. Pascal quickly close the doors back and blow off the lantern he hold.
Serge knelt beside his lover and held both of his wrists that were still pulling his own hair, "Gilbert, it's me! Stop it!"
The blond shot his eyes open and slowly releasing his own grip. This voice...
He slowly looked up, green eyes following up the body of the person in front of him and...he was met with a handsome face that he missed so much, a face that held a lot of emotions, a face that made him able to trust him and a face that radiated positive aura; those big round eyes, warm brown orbs, darker skin and short wavy raven hair.
The blond cried out, he launched himself at the dark skinnes boy, arms wrapped tightly around his neck and he sobs in his shoulder "I-I'm alright, Serge, i-i'm bleeding, but I-I'm alright..! I just...I just wanted to see you! I just wanted to see you, Serge!"
Serge, wrapped his arms around the blond's fragile body, hugging him back tightly.
"There there, I-It's okay, I'm here..Pascal already told me what happened..! Gilbert, you make my heart go crazy..! Please don't tossed my heart around like that anymore!!" he said giving his blond lover a head rub. Pascal with furrowed eyebrows watch his friends hugging on the floor. indeed Serge is the only key so that Gilbert could calm down. he loves Serge and he needs him...he turns his head to Carl and walk closer to stand beside him.
He gave Carl a supporting pats on his back and the other boy give a small smile and nods as if he's saying /I'm alright./
"Serge...I'm sorry if we have to call you out. We cannot control him.." Watts apologized to the younger boy and Serge look at him, shaking his head, "No mr. Watts, It's alright. I'm...happy that you decided to reach out to me. If not, I don't know what would happen to Gilbert.
the next day, we act like nothing happened since last night. no one knows if Gilbert fell when he was about to see Serge.
Gilbert, came up with the great reason for Auguste about his wound.
"What happened to your knee, Gilbert?" asked Auguste looking down at Gilbert who was sitting on the couch about to put on his shoes to get ready and one of his pants is rolled up showing his bandaged knee, "last night I slipped when I was about to take a bit walk to get some wind outside. there was an upperclassman to accompany me." he reasoned.
Auguste raised an eyebrow and tilted his head slightly, "You weren't trying to see him, were you?"
immediately Gilbert stops for a few seconds before continued to put his feet into his shoes, "of course not. You forbid me to meet or seeing him, right? So, I do it." he rolled back down his pants, giving a small pats before turning his back on the older man to wear his blazer.
"Apparently, you have grown taller, Gilbert. Your hair also grown. You look prettier than usual." he heard Auguste say but paid no heed and continued wearing his blazer on, slipping each arms in the sleeves. Gilbert quickly take his book and leave quickly without looking at Auguste.
The man furrowed his eyebrows but scoffed and turn around, hands behind his back "Poor thing...as long as I'm here, I'm the one who rules your life and also your fate. I raised you that way since the day I've met you.
You won't go anywhere, because you belong to me only...
Young Serge, I won't lose to you."
Gilbert walked briskly through the crowd of numerous students, not caring about him hitting them or even stepping on their feet, he just wanted to see Serge again...
when he was about to climb the stairs, someone pulled him down and he gasp, "Gilbert!"
it's Serge...Serge is here..!
"Serge...! Serge!" the blond hugged his lover and Serge also hugged her but while watching their surroundings. he found several eyes fixed on them.
They pull away from their hug except Gilbert's hands are still gripping the dark skinned boy's blazer, "Gilbert, how's your wound? Does it still hurts?"
"N-No, not anymore. I can bend it although sometimes It stinging, but I'm okay."
"Are you sure? You look pale, Gilbert! You can rest if you're not well-"
"No Serge, if I rest, I won't be seeing you again and...Augu will do anything he want to me. I've had enough!"
"But, Gilbert-" Serge was cut off by the blond pressing their lips together. Luckily it's just the two of them now in the empty hallway and the bell indicating class is about to start starts ringing. they pull away from their kiss and Gilbert cup Serge's cheek, staring deeply into his brown orbs
"I love the way you smile like you don't realize you're doing it.
I love your perpetual bed-hair.
I love the way you hold your eye contact a moment longer than you need to.
And I love your expressive brown eyes, your brown skin as well as your dark curls.
So if you think I'm not attracted to you anymore because Augu is here,
Serge, you're crazy. " with just that, Gilbert's hand slip off his cheek and he walked pass Serge. The dark skinned boy was still dumbfounded holding his own cheek and his chest feels tight suddenly "Gilbert..."
'Gilbert, don't go!
I...wanna know about your feelings more.'
now is the subject of "Poetry" and we are asked to write our own poetry.
right now, me and Leo, are working together on poetry.
Leo put his quill pen back in its place and satisfied with his own poem, "fnally done! how about you, Boy Serge?" he asked peeking at Serge who sat cross-legged next to him "a little more ..." he mumbled.
Leo raised an eyebrow and slowly read the poem the younger boy had written, "If my kisses are the Ink, your face is the paper...
slowly put your head on my chest, like perfume and let me whisper words of love to you..."
"Hey, not bad! Where did you learn that from? Also, who is the poem for? " asked Leo teasingly and Serge scowled at him, "you already know that..."
"haha of course! you're the Romeo." He added. Leo then looked around before taking out a small piece of paper from under his sweater, he whispered "Hey Serge,"
"This." he said handing the slip of paper to Serge and Serge bewilderedly took it, "put this in between Gilbert's book later. it is an address to a closed lot not far from here.
If you want to meet in peace, I know one place that is completely untouched by anyone nor anyone ever go there except me.
me and Blough used to go there too to get really drunk."
Serge sat under a tree while tearing dry leaves. he had slipped the paper Leo gave him between Gilbert's books and he was waiting for the blond to arrive.
It was strange but Serge started to be friends with Leo because of that incident…Leo somehow had compassion for him and started to treat him well.
Leo turned out to be a pretty cool person and likes chatting. both of them will tell each other stories. it seemed Leo was the first of one of the delinquents who had tasted Gilbert he had miraculously befriended.
sometimes the world is fair, sometimes it isn't.
Serge heard footsteps ahead of him and when he looked up, it's Gilbert who had just arrived.
"H-Hi." he answered him back.
the two stared at each other without saying anything. quiet situation, the sound of the wind, the sound of birds chirping and the lake is very calm.
it may seem awkward, but this is how they communicate through the mind. no need for many words, just the movement that shows.
Gilbert came closer to Serge and he put his cheek on his shoulder, leaned against him before muttered "...my day was hard without looking at you. I wasn't even allowed to look at you even a little...just a single glance. I was planning on to see you because I can't stand it.
But, when I found your note, I'm happy. Thank you."
Serge's brows furrowed and he put his arms around the blonde's shoulders, "..it's okay. I'm here now. Everything reminds me of you...I can't stand it either and want to see you soon."
this really went too far… Auguste seemed to be forbidding Gilbert to look at him even just a little bit in class. he really controlled Gilbert's life.
"Just so you know, Serge... I'm trying to distract myself and even trying to forget you, because Augu is here. yet, ironically, you are always in my head.
Even when I'm daydreaming, all I can think about is your smile...
Ironic, isn't it?" Gilbery chuckled as he closed his eyes on Serge's shoulder.
"Even though i love you, I am slowly being killed by this feeling. you make me desperate for you more than Augu. What are you, Serge? Why did you came into my life? I was Happy (Unhappy) before you came."
Serge shook his head and he gripped the blond's shoulder, "Stop it, Gilbert!"
"Make me."
"Make me stop."
make you stop? how can I make you stop when you are so pitiful on my shoulder like this?
everything is forgotten instantly when we see each other.
Before, I felt calm without you before knowing that, but now...
The dark skinned boy grab a hold of Gilbert's face, pulling him into a deep kiss. the blond boy immediately wrapped his arms around his neck making the kiss much more intimate.
(Mixing the love with emotions,
Emotions of my heart on fire.
Fire that give life a warmth to live,
Live the life of passionate love,
Love to live the life so beautiful.)
Serge was pushed against a behind and he groaned slightly feeling the pain in his back that only lasted a moment.
He saw Gilbert approaching before kneeling down right in front of...his trousers. His breath hitched when the blond starts fondling with the buttons, their eyes locked together, but Serge couldn't make himself to look away.
This is not the first time for him...this happens when they have sex the first time too after his confession.
Serge's hands reach out to gently hold Gilbert's head, slightly massaging his scalp and he suddenly make a tight grip on Gilbert's hairs when the blond taking him inside his mouth.
He jolted and threw his head back almost screaming, but quickly bite down on his bottom lip.
(Beauty has wonders in it,
Wonderful is the feeling that spent in love,
Feeling the sweetness of love so near.
You are my God of love,
I am your love in waiting,
Keep my heartbeat alive forever,
Keep my fire of love be burnt forever.)
"Serge, Pascal, what are you guys doing?!"
Carl asked in disbelief and shock. He just saw his friends looking all dizzy and mess up until he realize the two bottles of wine; one is empty and one is halfway empty.
"Oooh bonjoouuur Carlll..." Pascal suddenly grin and waving at him, his eyes droopy and his round glasses almost slip down his nose-bridge. Serge is already knocked out, laying on his side on the floor.
'Oh no...these two really got drunk! What am I gonna do?!'
this isn't the first time Carl has seen them drunk with his own eyes; this isn't the first time Serge has gotten drunk either.
However, he was shocked to see them drunk at the same time.
Carl put down his book, walked towards his two unconscious friends and took the wine bottle that was on the floor and also from Pascal's hand, "come on guys, the exam is getting closer! use it for studying and not getting drunk!" he insisted and he heard Serge hiccup a little.
However, Carl himself also likes to drink secretly...he feel a sudden pang in his chest but ignores it.
Pascal is lost in thought for a while before laying down on the floor too and Carl quickly take his glasses so nothing bad happened. he sigh deeply and shook his head.
he had to handle both of them now. Two drunk lads.
Carl carries the drunken Serge to his room after dealing with Pascal. he gasping every seconds because since Serge grews taller of course he is also getting heavier. he grew slightly taller than Pascal...
Carl finally managed to put Serge's body on his bed, feeling relieved.
"Go to sleep, Serge. I'll get you some water."
he goes out and then comes back with a glass of plain water putting it on the bedside table.
Carl unbuttoned some buttons of the dark skinned boy's white shirt so his friend could breathe freely. when finished, he got carried away and looked at his friend deeply.
he admired how strangely attractive/good-looking Serge was; he knew very well that his friend is known to have a handsome face like the god Apollo.
Serge is not only very good looking but also smarth, athletic and, among other things, a musical prodigy and an excellent equestrian.
'A lot says that he looked like his father...I wonder how does his father looks like.' thought the black haired boy. The first time they met, Serge still look so much younger and cuter with rounder face; but now he is so much different.
Face become chiseled but still have the soft features including the baby fat due to all the sports he does underneath the bright sun; except, his big round eyes and smile are the same.
Carl admired Serge's black wavy hair and some strands that fell to his forehead, his thick shadowed lashes, his brown skin, his fine lip, his warm and tender voice.
He wonder how does it feel to be loved by Serge, how does it feel to be protected and touched-
"O-Oh God..!" His eyes wide open and slowly back away until his back pressed against the wall. He looked at Serge in horror, body trembling and hands clenching, unclenching beside him
"No....No...I-I'm so sorry..I-I didn't mean to..." he quitely sobs, sliding down the wall and hide his face with both hands feeling ashamed.
Dear Father in Heaven,
forgive me...
Serge woke up confused and with a slight headache. He hissed when he tried to sit up but can't and ended up falling back on the mattress while holding his head.
"Aargh...w...what time is it...?"
"It's 8 in the morning. You were drunk last night."
He heard a familiar voice, eyes trying to open to look.
Rosemarine is standing by the door with hands behind his back.
"Good morning, Serge. Auguste Beau wanted me to check on you to make sure you're alright because last night you look so messed up." Rosemarine says in his usual monotone voice.
"...I...wha...t...?" Serge blabbering nonsense as he sit up on the bed looking all confused, didn't realize that his chest slightly exposed for Rosemarine to see. Rosemarine noticed it and eyes wide for seconds, before shaking his head and cleared his throat "put on your clothes properly, please."
"My...cloth..oh, s-someone's opening them..."
Serge talked to himself again and he bottuned back up his shirt.
"Anyway Serge, professor Louche wanted to hear how far you've become later. Please make sure to come, okay?"
Rosemarine smile at the boy. he turn around to open the door, checking if someone's near before closing it again and said;
"Gilbert wants to see you."
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dsgiftshop · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Croft & Barrow Silk Tie 👔 61.5" Blk/Gld/Gry/Rd/Wh.
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45654757899987 · 2 years
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Decided to do some MerMay with @leonthecardboardunicorn 's wh merfellas designssss
I have two more ideas with wh merfella designs so sit tight and wait for those.
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swordsmanofsweets · 4 years
WH characters as Pokémon trainers - Season 2: Spring of Unicorns boys
Here's the second installment! FYI, all pictures of the Pokémon I post have come from the official Pokémon website https://www.pokemon.com/us/pokedex. Now let's get on with it!
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Klaus (at school)
Noctowl / Sceptile / Polteageist
Alright, some of you are not going to like this, but I’m giving Klaus two separate teams, one for his first main route (aka his team as a student in the Academy), and for his second main route (aka his team working for the Ministry). I HC all members of the Ministry are assigned a partner Pokémon specifically bred for the Ministry’s workers (sort of like Detective Pikachu), so that’s why his team changes up and why he is being mentioned twice. It is not out of bias. Now, with that mention aside, Klaus is exactly what you’d expect as a Pokémon trainer; calculating, sure to win, but soooo soft with his team. I had to give him my favorite original owl Pokémon (sorry, Rowlet!!) as a nod to his familiar. His Noctowl (which he raised from a Hoothoot) was given to him by his grandfather, and Treecko was given to him by his father. Being raised by a gym leader, Klaus has pretty grand ambitions for himself to surpass his father, and it shows in his team. All of them are pretty good on their own, but can only work well with each other because of Klaus’ knowledge of battling and his opponents and their Pokémon. Given how serious he is as a trainer, catching The Emperor smile at the sight of his sleeping Hoothoot and Treecko fast asleep on his shoulder with its tail wrapped around his neck is a melt-your-heart kind of sight – just don’t let him catch you looking at him looking like that 😅
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Ursaring / Drampa / Togedemaru
Okay so I used some of canon WH Serge’s past into his Pokémon trainer story (get ready to cry Serge fans), and for those that don’t know it’s a bit of a spoiler but nothing super major (compared to his entire main route lol) Serge grew up with his grandmother and her partner Pokémon at her candy shop. Her partner Pokémon had a successor (Teddiursa) and was raised with Serge with the hopes that they’d both eventually take over for them. But Serge’s grandmother became very ill and passed suddenly, her partner Pokémon was not able to handle her loss and passed away shortly after she did, leaving Serge and his Teddiursa homeless and orphaned. They both became each other’s rock as they lived out in the streets for a while before being able to join the Pokémon Academy. One day he decided to join a competition, with the winner being able to join the Elite Four and he somehow won with his little ragtag team of Ursaring (evolved form of Teddiursa) Drampa and Togedemaru. He became the 2nd trainer of the Elite Four, and earned a slew of contracts to be in certain advertisements for Pokémon products, thus having a happy ending for this Cinderella story. I should also mention that he obviously named his Ursaring ‘Taffy,’ who looooves to give bear hugs to Klausy. 🥺😅
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Froslass / Weavile / Frosmoth
When I think of Azusa, I think of him as an Ice-type gym leader. Ice-type Pokémon are known for their beauty, and their really sad Pokédex entries, so that kind of fits my impression of Azusa (I haven’t played his route yet, so forgive me I’m trying my best). Froslass I believe is based on the Japanese snow woman of legend that is said to lead men to get lost in the mountains and freeze them to death. While he may seem cold-hearted, he actually loves his Pokémon a lot, especially the Snom his little brother Tsukasa found for him. 🥰
How did I do with season 2? Looking forward to season 3? Let me know what you think! Feel free to send a comment, a PM, reblog with your thoughts in the tag or whatever, send me an ask (anon/public)! Just trying to put something out here that other people would like 😊
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dark-wizardess · 3 years
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In a way, this would've been a more epic reveal of Randy's true identity.
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yeetmeintothe-abyss · 4 years
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A wand and magic appreciation post for our favorite cotton candy boi.
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nitia95 · 2 years
Happy Halloween!!! 🎃🎉🥰🤩💕🍬🍭
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RandyXNitia + Taffy and Hua + GLITTER!
I had a really hard time drawing this without a pencil sketch and I really hated sketching and messing lines and shadowing and it took me so long to finish it, but now that I see the result... Well, it was all worth it! 😄 I had also a lot of fun and I so love them 😍😍😍🥰🤗
My new favourite drawing 😍😍😍💞
Tag: @turquoisefleur I finally did a kind of matching outfit xD, @magikchicken @youkaiangel
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It’s time! The photo part of this event is now out!
Quick Facts
Type of event: Romance slot
# points per play: 500
Ends: October 30, 2019
Sweet ‘n Delightful Date
Magic Trick or Treat
Love Scramble
Shall We Dance?
2nd Anniversary
Honey Trap
List of Prizes
4 Dresses
4 Pairs of Shoes
3 Accessories
4 Hairstyles
3 BF Outfits
4 BF Accessories
5 Garden Object
1 Garden Effect
1 Garden Background
Favors for Frequent Spinners
Mascot Shoes (2 spins)
Mischa’s Hat (7 spins)
Pink Bob Hair (12 spins)
Happy Birthday Randy or Winter Holidays CG (17 times)
Mascot Dress (22 spins)
Happy Birthday Randy or Winter Holidays CG  (26 spins)
Strategies In order to get all items in this event, you will need to play the slot 30 times. Since the game gives you a free roll, you need 14,500 Romance Points. If you only use the x1 button, it’s 14,500 Romance Points to get everything. However, if you use the play x5 method to, you can save some Romance Points.
If you play the x5 button 5 times, use the free roll, and pull x1 4 times, you’ll only be spending 12,000 Romance Points.
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eye-cri · 3 years
STOP putting wizardess heart characters against each other, they all have amazing qualities!!
Alfonse is KIND
Hiro is LOYAL
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sigurd-curtis · 5 years
What is the one most important thing our society needs?
Elias: I would have to say... World peace
Sigurd: Definitely world peace
Randy: That’s easy. World peace
Klaus: That would be harsher punishment for parole violaters
Klaus: ...Aaaaand world peace.
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dsgiftshop · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Daniel Ellissa New York Polyester Tie 👔 59"Blk/Wh.
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swordsmanofsweets · 5 years
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Wow, I am crying y'all. I busted my butt trying to stay in the top 500, and look. At. The. CGs!! AND THEIR FACES!!! The love in his eyes!! Their outfits!! OMG Solmare PLEASE hire this artist permanently to do the artwork from here on in because these 👋are 👋 amazing! 👋
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dark-wizardess · 3 years
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Meanwhile, there is Zeus who can create a magic circle in a blink of an eye.
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