#wh klaus
eye-cri · 3 months
Shout out to me and Aidma 🗣🗣❗️we got a birthday today 💯❗️
So I decided to bring back the birthday meme series in a different font 😁 enjoy (Part 1. There will be 2 other parts, all posted today, instead of waiting for another year for each. Lolzies!!)
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I love re-using this CG to always portray Vincent as a middle aged frat boy 😭😭 it's just so funny, like look at him every time I re-use the pic and try to tell me it doesn't get funnier every time.
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devilsrains · 9 months
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merry christmas! (x) 🎄
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ind1exo · 3 months
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First of all, LESLIEEEEEE- Second of all, Ted's dialogue there has the same energy as Morgana's "I'm not a cat, I am Morgana!" line.
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The Zeus and Ted beef will never get old. It's too entertaining. 🤣 Klaus really went God mode there like damn the Emperor strikes again.
Edit: very punny
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I like how Clive is the only one who's acknowledging the MC's current stress of the situation. 😳 Not even Caesar does that here and he simps for the MC. Clive is a real one there.
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2-b-flower · 1 year
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B o x
Y o u
make me ahoudbjoeaguoeojgegojaogjljaggajlglj
why must u do this to me
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merriclo · 11 months
klaus goldstein kind of looks like benedict cumberbatch. just a little bit
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darkwizardesswrites · 11 months
Destiny Quartet Season One Chapter Six
Summary: They lost their parents in an epidemic when they were only eight, their sister went missing when they were eleven, for the three Hart sisters’ life was by no means easy but they always kept looking forward. The village was peaceful and quiet, everyone was friendly and the sisters were content with what little they had. When the three of them get accepted into Gedonelune magic Royal Academy, the most prestigious magic school, they leave the village they lived in all their lives and set out to the academy. With Liz being terrible in magic and Loris being indifferent, will they be able to pass the trial? And what’s with the mysterious Dream Lillias keeps having?
Previous Chapter || Next Chapter || Masterlist
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"You three tell me something," The headmaster stepped forward, a small smirk on his face, "What does magic mean to you?" He proceeded to ask. "Meaning… of magic?" Lillias mumbled as she exchanged glances with her two siblings, checking if anyone other than her had an answer yet all of them remained deadly silent, she could tell Liz and Loris were confused by the question. "Um…" Liz trailed off as she racked her brain for an answer… but she couldn't think of anything. The meaning of magic? To her…?
She couldn't quite comprehend the purpose of such a question.
"It's okay, it matters not, you still have plenty of time to find an answer," Randolph reassured them, "Search for the answer from within your hearts."
"Yes sir."
"One more thing," Conrad spoke up, turning to speak to them, "Now this is very important, you must never leave the Academy grounds after nightfall, also the tower of sorrow and the surrounding east forest must never be entered."
"The tower of sorrow? Isn't that from the fairytale of the dragon of time and the first king?!" Liz asked in bewilderment. "A fairytale you say?" Conrad narrowed his eyes and glanced at Liz while Zen covered his mouth, fighting the urge to laugh.
"Isn't it?" Liz asked, tilting her head to the side.
"Liz it… it's real," Lillias chimed in, turning to face her sister. "Did you think it was a fairytale all this time?" She looked at Liz in amazement. "… Liz, even I know…" Loris shook her head in disbelief, she didn't find this amusing… not in the slightest. "You two must be joking…right?" Liz skeptically eyed her two sisters, the story couldn't possibly be true… right?" Her eyes glanced from her sisters to the headmaster, desperate for an answer. "Like those two said, it is no fairytale, it's a true legend." Randolph nodded affirmatively before glancing back at the girls. "Wait really, that actually happened?!" Liz exclaimed, her eyes bulging out of their sockets like saucers.
"Indeed yes, though it seems some lands believe it no more than a fairytale," Randolph let out a muffled laugh. "It's embarrassing you don't even know that much," Klaus blurted out. "…." Liz remained quiet as she looked at the ground, she tightened her grip on her hand feeling slightly embarrassed by her ignorance, Klaus's remarks were not making things easier either… but really, did he have to say that?
"Headmaster Randolph is one of the three mages who has vowed to protect the tower of sorrow," Conrad informed them.
"What? He's one of the three mages?! Liz shouted in utter shock. "Indeed I am," Randolph smirked playfully before winking at Liz. "That reminds me, I heard you three were unable to meet Klaus at the station."
"Yes, we went off on our own as soon as we arrived…. Then we ended up accidentally splitting up and… stuff happened." Liz mumbled as she averted her eyes. "Hmm yes, something of the like did happen," Lillias affirmed.
"I apologize for the acceptance letter failing to tell you the proper instructions." Randolph apologized sincerely, "I should better make sure that nothing similar happens to our provisional students in the future." He mumbled to himself. "Why was Prefect Klaus sent to the station in the first place?" Liz hesitated slightly but managed to ask the question. "Because I asked him to," Randolph replied casually.
"Oh…." Liz mumbled, unable to say anything to that. "Klaus," Headmaster Randolph took a brief glance at the blond Prefect, focusing his attention on him.
"Yes?" Klaus turned his head to face the headmaster, meeting his gaze straight on without faltering for even a second. "I would like you to continue supporting the sisters," Randolph crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair as he stared down at Klaus.
"W-what?!" Liz gasped, absolutely dreading the idea. No, she couldn't possibly handle it! She wanted to stay away from Klaus as much as possible. She didn't want to be taught by him, that would be a disaster! She couldn't let her rosy hopes of academy life shatter to pieces.
"Me sir?" Klaus Inquired.
"Yes, your assistance will prove valuable to them now and in the future, plus…" The headmaster's lips curved into a smirk, "You and Liz seem to have good synergy together."
"I don't know about that…"Liz mumbled as she fiddled with her skirt, her gaze focused on the floor beneath her feet. She couldn't comprehend how the headmaster came to that conclusion, it made no sense to her. Ever since she met the blond prefect he had only made fun of her or belittled her. Her time with the emperor Klaus had been nothing but a nightmare. She didn't want to endure being with him longer than necessary.
But surely… She wasn't the only one who thought so, right? Surely Klaus felt the same. Liz glanced over at the blond prefect, hoping to see a hint of dissatisfaction or disapproval in his face but instead, all she saw was a blank expression devoid of any hint of emotion.
"Liz, you practice Veterinary medicine, yes?" Randolph asked, looking at the brunette for confirmation. "Well um…. More or less," She responded hesitantly. "If you are able to join us as an official student I would like to guide you towards becoming a tamer of magical creatures," the headmaster offered, smiling kindly at his new student. "Really?! A tamer?!" The girl exclaimed, eyes glowing with enthusiasm, "I would love that!"
"Then study hard and that path could be yours." Randolph chuckled in amusement.
"I will!"
Randolph then turned his attention to Lillias for the briefest of moments, "As for Lillias, I believe you specialize in herbs and medicine, correct?"
The girl replied with a nod, "That's right, I find it to be an interesting and useful subject, I am also quite fond of nature in general not just medicinal plants, the differences of each species can be quite fascinating and-" She trailed off but abruptly stopped herself when she saw Schuyler clear his throat and glare her way. "My Apologies," she covered her mouth and composed herself, turning her gaze towards the ground.
"I can tell you're really passionate about nature," Randolph laughed, "In the past, there was a student who shared your enthusiasm for plants and medicine, it's quite a shame he's no longer in the Academy." He smiled wistfully as he recalled one of his old students, "The two of you would've definitely gotten along."
Lillias inquisitively glanced up at him, curious as to who this former student was, she wondered what kind of person he was. Soon, the young teenager shook those thoughts aside. At the moment, it didn't matter. Her main priority was getting officially accepted into the academy, those questions of hers would come later.
"Klaus… I know you are promised a position with the Ministry of Magical Justice, however…" Randolph paused for a second to collect his thoughts, "If you see to it that Liz is accepted, what would you say about becoming a professor in the academy?"
"…. seriously?" Klaus stared at the headmaster, stunned by the unexpected suggestion. "I am completely serious," Randolph reassured him with a big smile, observing the honor student with great attentiveness.
At that moment, prefect Klaus, who had been completely unfazed before, erupted with glee."Understood I will do everything in my power to support her."
"Please do." Randolph nodded approvingly, "That is all I have to say for now… Liz, Lillias, and Loris. I hope you enjoy the Academy life."
"Thank you, sir." Liz and Lillias gave a slight bow in his direction.
Wait… That's it?
Loris blankly stared in front of her, utterly shocked, insulted even. It was absurd, it felt like she was completely ignored.
He didn't comment about me at all! Not a single comment. Nothing, zero, zilch, nada. Dude, am I invisible or something?!
The brunette grumbled as she looked away, feeling disappointed, but… why? She didn't completely understand why. After all… she didn't even want to be here. Anything that happens from now on… means nothing.
Randolph silently watched as the students left the office, a satisfied smirk on his face as he watched the door close shut. Once there was no one around, he glanced toward the two professors, "Zen, Conrad what do you make of those three young fledglings?" He asked, his voice low and calm, his eyes focused on the doorframe.
"Well… let's see," Zen contemplated the answer for a while before continuing on, "They are quite a unique bunch, I am looking forward to teaching them, they seemed eager to start their new academy life."
"That may be true," Schuyler coldly responded. "However, I personally doubt they have what it takes to be officially accepted here."
"Eager you say…" Randolph examined the papers on his desk, carefully skimming through their contents, "I wonder about that…" he quietly mumbled to himself, getting lost in his thoughts. After a few minutes, he heard a knock on the door, "Come in."
The door creaked open as a young man with shimmering white hair stepped into the office, his uniform slightly disheveled and messy, yet he still gave off an imposing Aura, "Oh? Am I perhaps late to the party?" Prefect Lyron pushed his long white locks away from his face, "Seems like I might have lost track of time a little." He smiled towards them, seemingly completely unbothered by Professor Schuyler's icy glare.
"Ah, Lyron. I am glad that you decided to finally grace us with your presence." Randolph greeted him coolly. Schuyler narrowed his eyes as he scanned his student up and down, "As Laid-back as ever, I see," he spat the words out, completely dissatisfied with his student's code of conduct, "I will never understand how someone like you became a prefect."
"Because of my charming attitude and other-worldly looks?" Lyron replied with a mischievous smile on his lips. Schuyler's eyebrows twitched, "Stop fooling around and do your job properly."
"Roger," Lyron chuckled and then glanced over at Zen. "Well, you heard them, shall we get going, Professor?"
The black-haired professor nodded in response, "Yes, let us be in our way."
Lyron turned towards the door, he slowly opened the door to peer out into the hallway. "There haven't been many changes to the Academy since you graduated, so I am sure you'll feel right at home," he eyed Zen.
"Is that so….? I would beg to differ, many things have changed since then," Zen stated looking around him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia, "You haven't changed in the slightest though, You're as carefree as ever."
"Is that so…?" Lyron hummed, many thoughts swirling in his hands, "Perhaps so, however zen…." he trailed off, focusing his attention on the Alumni, "I cannot say the same for you, you've changed, a lot."
"Oh?" Zen stopped in his tracks, his eyes looking at Lyron quizzically. "How so?"
You were reserved and quiet when you were in the academy. I'd even argue you were slightly more…" He frowned thoughtfully, "Stoic."
"You think?" Zen laughed in response, shaking his head slightly, "Well, a lot can change in three years."
"I suppose….." Lyron mumbled before shaking his head, "Anyway," he smiled back at Zen, "let us focus on our little tour now."
After leaving the headmaster's office, the three sisters walked together in silence, following Klaus through the stretched-out hallways. Lillias silently hummed, and occasionally glanced around, taking in all the scenery.
I didn't have time to check the whole place out yesterday but the main building sure is huge…
She thought, a smile gracing her features, her eyes trailing down the marble floor.
"Um… I guess we'll be working together then." Liz glanced at Klaus, still feeling reluctant about the whole situation, it was a dreadful situation to be taught by Klaus of all people. She didn't want to imagine the days to come.
But at the same time, he was still a prefect… he could very much be a decent teacher. At least, she hoped he was.
"Just great, I loathe looking after you with every ounce of my heart," Klaus dryly stated, his gaze sweeping past the three of them for a brief moment.
"Wha-" Liz looked at the blond, completely stunned by his attitude, he was the one who agreed to this arrangement in the first place.
"This is absurd," Klaus muttered under his breath.
"Then… you could've just refused!" Liz exclaimed, her frustration getting the better of her.
With a sigh, Lillias glanced at Klaus, "You can't really complain when you already agreed, now can you prefect Klaus?" She eyed the blond prefect, her eyes somewhat colder than usual, "If you find the idea of helping the three of us so detestable you are more than welcome to go back to the headmaster and decline the offer," she stopped in her tracks, motioning back to where they came from, a small taunting smile on her face. "Nothing is stopping you."
"I would have declined from the start but the reward might be worth it," Klaus admitted, his focus on the three sisters, "I am going to make you all pass no matter what it takes." His lips then curved into a sadistic smile, "From this day forth, I will give you a special lesson every day, after class, you're going to be my slave doing anything I want."
"Huh?!" Liz stopped in her tracks, bewildered by those words. Slave? Why does she have to be one? Wasn't he supposed to be helping her and not the other way around? She didn't get it, not at all.
In all honesty, she doubted she'd ever truly understand Klaus.
"You heard me. Are we clear?'" Klaus glared towards Liz, his gaze penetrating her, it sent shivers down her spine. It felt unpleasant.
"Yes sir."
"Correct answer now, get prepared for the lesson." Klaus turned around, not bothering with this conversation any longer.
"… you're quite the sadist," Lillias glanced over at Klaus, wondering how her sister would fare with all this. Unlike Liz, she knew she didn't need Klaus' help, at least not for the time being, so she didn't have to spend as much time with him.
Though… she was somewhat curious how all this would play out in the end.
Ignoring Lillias' words, Prefect Klaus kept walking in silence keeping his thoughts entirely to himself, his face betraying no emotion.
Liz took a deep breath, trying to ignore the awkward silence but it was too suffocating,
"So… you want to be a professor am I right?"
"Yes. So that I would be able to yell and knock useless students like you back into shape." Klaus casually explained, "It would be a great stress reliever."
"Stress reliever….you say?" Lillias stopped in her tracks after hearing those words.
"… I never want to have you as a teacher as long as I live," Loris muttered under her breath, she felt a sense of relief that she wasn't in Liz's shoes.
"That's not how a professor is supposed to act…" Liz mumbled without thinking but quickly covered her mouth. "Did I hear something?" Klaus glanced back at Liz.
"N-no you didn't." Liz averted her eyes, too afraid to look at him. Maybe it would be best to remain silent, that would save her the trouble of handling Klaus… or so she thought.
Just as things began to calm down, the emblem affixed to Liz's school uniform suddenly glowed with a strange light, illuminating the girl's surroundings. "huh what's this? What's going on?!" She asked, startled by the sudden light.
"No way… it can't be." As if on cue Klaus's emblem started glowing too, a sphere of light came from each of their emblems and merged together, it exploded in an intense light sprinkling tiny fragments of light upon both Liz and Klaus.
"W…what was that?" The young brunette asked, still bewildered by the sight. "You heard the explanation… apparently, you and I are buddies now," Klaus nonchalantly replied to her question.
"Buddies… WITH YOU?!" Liz practically shouted, bringing more attention to her. All the students in the vicinity stared at them in awe, they were still processing the scene they saw.
"No way… prefect Klaus lit up?" One of the Guys asked, shocked by what he just witnessed.
"You've got to be kidding, with emperor Klaus?!" Another student blurted out.
"Who's that girl? I've never seen her before."
Their mutters and whispers grew louder and louder, their attention solely focused on Liz and Klaus.
"What? This can't be, some people graduate without finding a buddy, right?!" Liz was too startled by what was happening to pay attention to everyone's whispers.
"Some do. Some don't, you don't get to decide, it happens in an instant." Klaus stated, eying his new buddy carefully.
Of all people, why did it have to be her? He just didn't get it.
"No way…" Liz's gaze fell down towards the ground.
"Great, now I've got even more reason to worry about you." Klaus closed his eyes in frustration.
"Why?" Liz tilted her head, clearly confused by all this.
"Didn't you hear the headmaster? Our fates are Shared now, you're going to drag me down with your terrible grades. Do you know how disastrous that would be for me?"
"Oh no…" Liz mumbled to herself, she gripped her skirt as the situation slowly started to sink in.
The intensity of Klaus' glare sent a chill down her back, she could feel the pressure already.
Noticing her sister's expression, Lillias let out a sigh, "Isn't that a little too soon to speak," she focused her attention on Klaus, "Neither of us have started our first lesson, yet you already decided Liz's grades would be awful, that's not really nice you know?"
"Well, we'll see soon enough, won't we?" Klaus simply brushed off her comment, he let out a chuckle and glanced at Liz, "I am sure we'll get along really nice bunnyhead."
"…yes…sir," Liz mumbled, her face drained of color.
And with this; her rosy dreams of academy life have truly crumbled into oblivion… will Liz really be able to handle all of this…?
She sure hoped so.
"… I don't want to be Liz right now…" Loris averted her eyes. Part of her felt sorry for Liz, the other part felt relieved that she didn't have to endure this instead of her sister.
Lillias tapped Liz's back and smiled at her, "Hang in there Liz."
"Augh…." In reply, Liz simply lowered her face, trying her best to hold in her tears.
Why was it always her?
"Come on, let us be on our way," Without wasting more time, Klaus started walking through the hallway, "If you don't hurry up I'll leave you three behind."
"W- wait up!" Liz ran after him.
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Lillias: "Hmm...."
Elias: "Well so much for not meeting again, your sister sure is unlucky." 
Lillias: "Yeah.... I am a little worried about her."
Elias: "As you should be, being buddies with Klaus won't be easy, that's for sure."
Lillias: "...Say Elias do you think we'll be in the same class?" 
Elias: "Great heavens, I hope not." 
Lillias: "But if we were-"
Elias: "I'd throw myself off the window."
Lillias: "Oh my, You might have to do that next chapter then." 
Elias: "....please don't tell me-"
Lillias: "Next time, "First lesson."
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the-bones · 2 years
I used to be such a prominent member of the WizardessHeart+ fandom on here and I wrote a spicy fic for Vincent and Klaus and I wanna rejoin the fandom. I know I can write a better spicy fic for my wizard blorbos and now that WH+ has been abandoned, the fandom needs my horny more than ever /hj
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dark-wizardess · 2 years
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Bringing things back for Zeus x Lyris, Hiro x Loris, and Alfonse x LillIias.
Bonus: I will also do Klaus x Liz headcanons because I absolutely adore them.
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ness-plays-wizards · 2 years
Alfonse Route Chapter 14 (9-13)
Last week on the Alfonse Route, Liz and The Bois start to make medicine, but they’re kind of failing at it, and then Elias arrives.
Elias brings the cavalry! Amelia, Guy, Luca, Cerim, Leslie, Joel, Azusa (BOO), Leon, Randy/Serge and Sigurd (who also graduated but came back to help on account of being better people than Shithead) came to help. I’m pretty sure that Alfonse’s tinyass office is holding the entire cast of Wizardess Heart sans Vincent, Glenn, Lucious, the professors, and villains (who weren’t also love interests). And also Mel, who has no good reason NOT to be here.
Side note, why is fucking AZUSA also better than Shithead now? 
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Aw. So Alfonse and Sigurd have a nice reunion, and Sigurd informs him that Elias told him about the situation in the academy and he came as fast as he could, proving that once again, Sigurd is superior to Shithead.
So they get to work, then they take a lunch break and everyone fights over sandwiches, like you do.
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How? Did this happen? Who did he make out with?
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Unfortunately, the same thought occurs to Zeus. Guy considers eating Caesar, and at that point I remember only about a quarter of the room knows that Caesar turns into a pig when he makes out with someone.
And then the plotline doesn’t get resolved. We never find out who Caesar kissed, why they kissed, and who kissed him to turn him back into a human.
We skip to nightfall. Liz steps outside the office to get some fresh air and ponder over the fact that somehow they still haven’t gotten enough magic power to make the medicine, which leads me to theorize that the extra push they need is just... Shithead. Which would be so fucking stupid. There’s literally no fucking way Shithead alone is more powerful than literally every other main dude and Amelia. That’s fifteen fucking people. I counted.
Alfonse joins Liz outside. They commiserate over being extremely worried about the fate of the entire academy. Alfonse despairs that they won’t have enough medicine for everyone and is not looking forward to choosing who to save and who not to save. All of which could have been avoided if Shithead had not been a privileged twat, but yknow. Liz and Alfonse resolve to move forward and do what they can.
The next morning, Liz collapses while infusing the potions with magic and uh...... now has the Black Robe Plague.
(Queued for: November 23)
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mcl-mia · 2 months
Hello! Just finished reading through the Wizardess PowerPoint and wanted to let you know it was an absolute 10/10. I still love this stupid game and I love when people share their mental illness about it. (Also love that you gave Randy the respect he deserves bc that’s best boy right there 😤). Thank you for sharing 🙏
// LMFAOOOOOOOO thank you so much!!! i love talking about these stupid wizards so much. they occupy so much space in my brain rent free.
and YES. absolutely putting respect to randy's name. his route and sequel are one of the best written ones in the entire game and you cannot change my mind.
also, to answer this from @eye-cri
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the answer is with pure enthusiasm and neurodivergence
reading the powerpoint is one thing, but i do leave a lot of information out of the slides themselves so i can just Talk about it. do i have a script? no lol. for example, i leave out a lot of plot details about randy's route just because it is just that top tier of an experience to read for oneself (imo), so i don't spoil anything in randy's section of the presentation unless i am asked to. it's still kind of a work in progress, too! there's more than a few routes that i just haven't touched yet, but it'll be something where i go back and update the slides once i do manage to finish them. s2's stuff in particular is just so dense (see: lucious' info slide LOL) with information, that there are just a lot more talking points i leave on the slides because of that.
it's not that i dislike talking about the s1 boys, as they are my boys and i love them, i just think that there are less lore-heavy character details around a lot of them. s1 routes give a lot of general world building, but something that really holds it back is just how self contained the routes are. each one of the routes is essentially its own mini universe - so some details may be very different or completely absent between the routes. contrast that to s2, where almost every route happens in chronological order, just minus the romance depending on whose route you go after? pretty hard to compare them.
... there's a reason why i say it's like. a 5+ hour presentation LOL
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aestophobia · 2 years
Klaus: Are you reading fan fiction?
Five, reading an article about extremely rare diseases: Wh- no??
Klaus: Oh, is it on AO3?
Five: This is CNN.
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madhatterbri · 1 year
Lesson | E.M.
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Summary: Elijah is forced to pay for his past.
"You really are an easy man to predict, Elijah," the voice of one of his lovers from the past echoed. High heels clicked against the stone floor as she descended down the stairs. The vampire looked up to see her. She hadn't changed much.
He turned to see he was in one of the many tunnels underneath New Orleans. Candles attempted to light up his current prison. "Your family is in danger and you come running in to save the day,"
Minerva was a witch that was quite powerful back in the day. The last time he saw her she was begging him for forgiveness after her betrayal. She reported them to his father Michael.
Now he only wanted to make her suffer. Elijah was kind back then. He allowed her to plead for her life. The Original could hear her heart beat in her chest. How he wished he could rip it out of her chest. Elijah wrestled against the chains that imprisoned him.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you. It's going to hurt," she tsked as his skin burned. A grunt of pain ripped from his body. The handcuffs were laced with vervain. She clicked her tongue a few times while walking around him. "That's got to hurt,"
"What do you want?" He demanded. "You deserved whatever Michael did to you,"
"Revenge. You have forgiven that awful brother of yours for far worse than what I did to you," she spoke through gritted teeth. "You left me to die with your horrible father. All he wants is your bastard brother, Klaus! We could have had a life together if you allowed your father to take him,"
"A witch as yourself can't possibly be foolish enough to think you can bring down the Original family," he scoffed. The witch laughed. His eyes turned black at her lack of respect towards him.
"Not the whole family but you. I thought about how to exact my revenge ever since I stepped foot in New Orleans. I watched as you continuously fought for your family. I thought all was lost until," she stopped and smiled. Minerva looked at him with pure evil in her eyes.
"Until?" Elijah asked boredly.
"Until I saw you and the pretty little red head walking around New Orleans at night. Your newest victim no doubt," Minerva answered. Elijah's demeanor changed. Long gone was the tough exterior. His face crumpled in panic. His teeth were clenched.
"Leave her out of this," he demanded. He wrestled against the chains once more. Be damned the vervain laced handcuffs. Elijah had to protect you at all costs. You didn't deserve to get caught up in this.
Minerva giggled and looked at her watch. "Actually, she should be coming in any moment. A shame she is mixed up in all of this,"
"Do whatever you want to me. You have me right where you want me," he insisted. Elijah's enhanced hearing picked up the footsteps above. He hoped they didn't belong to you. "We can work out a deal, Minerva,"
"I don't have time for games, Elijah. Don't worry. I won't finish her off you will. I'll leave her down here with you all cut up. Eventually you will get hungry and well," she drifted off once the door opened. Elijah looked to see you being dragged down the stairs. You thrashed around to be free from your captors.
"Your name," Minerva announced with a wide smile. She waved her hand in excitement. You noticed the mysterious woman and then Elijah.
"Wh-what's going on?" You stuttered.
"Afraid your boyfriend over here needs to learn a lesson. I'm sorry but it seems like you are getting the punishment," Minerva pouted. She placed her hands on your cheeks. Panic started to set in. You knew your boyfriend wasn't a mortal human but this was too much. Quickly you shoved her hands from your face and attempted to run.
"I swear I will make your life absolutely unbearable every second you hurt her," Elijah threatened. His eyes black once more. Black veins appeared under his eyes. His fangs making an appearance. He had fed off of you before but this was all too real.
"Well, start counting the seconds then," she laughed. The witch moved her arm towards you. A simple hand movement and you dropped to the floor screaming in pain. Elijah watched you helplessly. Tears filled his eyes.
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hey, is there a reason why klaus looks like candy mouse?
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Klaus: . . .
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Klaus: NO! PLEASE!!
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Klaus: Wh-What's happening to me? I want my dad-
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Jack: I think he needs a BREAK-
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ind1exo · 2 months
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You're one to talk though... I just realized how many Tsundere like guys are in this large friend group yikes.
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This again for like the 10th time this route. 🤦‍♀️🤣 Never gets old though.
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Yeah let's do what Lucious is doing and let them beef with each other for content! Adorable how Elias really sees Klaus as his role model and pretends to be him sometimes.
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andreal831 · 2 months
Why do you think Elijah turned Tristan? I've never been satisfied with the simple and boring 'he just picked him at random to be the third decoy' explanation.
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I've thought about this a lot because it really does feel like it was just a random place holder, as well as a reason for Aurora to still be manipulated.
To your point, maybe he was turned for the purpose of a decoy, but still that makes very little sense. There were five Mikaelsons. If they wanted decoys, why just pick three? And if they didn't need them all, why not just use Aurora and Lucien as Klaus and Rebekah. What was the point of turning an additional person and why pick Tristan? They knew his personality. It would have been better to pick a person with far less ambition who wouldn't come back to haunt them. I could see Elijah picking someone with means and knowledge because they would have a better chance of outrunning Mikael, but again, he made him think he wasn't Tristan de Martel, he had no access to his resources.
The timing of everything is also so bizarre. It seemed that shortly after Aurora turned, Mikael shows up. While trying to flee, Elijah accidentally compels Aurora for the first time ever, not truly understanding what it was. Again, Elijah is literally trying to round up his family to flee, yet they have time for Aurora to go and breakup with Klaus, time for Elijah to master compulsion, for him to go turn Tristan completely, and then compel each one of them. To me, it felt like there needed to be a better reason. That Elijah wanted to turn Tristan for more than that, but the show offers us nothing.
We don't even see Elijah and Tristan interact outside of Elijah and Klaus attempting to stop Tristan from killing Lucien. And it's not like Tristan didn't already have a terrible reputation. It baffles me that pragmatic Elijah, who was worried about Mikael finding them, would turn a man like Tristan. The writers at least could have given us a few scenes of them bonding.
Even at that point I can't buy that Elijah and Tristan bonded over their love of knowledge because their knowledge would have been so drastically different. Elijah was a simple farmer and Tristan was the son of a Lord. Elijah likely wouldn't have even been able to read, let alone be able to share any knowledge that would interest Tristan.
I could even imagine Tristan bonding with Kol more who seemed to be more of the unhinged brother who enjoyed reveling in riches. But Elijah, who was so focused on his family to the point of tossing everything he's ever cared about aside, it just doesn't make sense.
My only explanation I can come up with is that Elijah was lonely. We don't really see Elijah bond with anyone in the early days until Aya. Before that, he had his siblings, but even then we only really see his bond with Klaus at the beginning. We can infer a lot of the other bonds, yet this only adds to the reasoning. Elijah's closest bonds were Klaus and Rebekah, who had both made friends in Lucien and Aurora. This left Elijah as an outcast. I personally think he and Finn had a lot of resentment to each other so he didn't turn to him and we don't really see much of what Kol is doing.
But this only really makes me buy Elijah potentially looking to a friendship with Tristian. And even that I don't fully believe. But him turning Tristan still doesn't makes sense. It's one thing to befriend someone and another to turn them. Especially since these were the first people ever turned. You would think if anyone was going to be stingy about it, it would be Elijah. Even more so because this would be the first intentional turn as Aurora and Lucien were both accidents. Maybe Tristan was an accident to, but we aren't told that. I would also find it hard to believe it happened three times and I don't see Elijah even offering his blood to heal Tristan.
The show went with the decoy theory because it required very little time and thought. Yet it still leave a lot of questions and doesn't fully answer why someone like Tristan would have been chosen.
Thanks for the ask! This was interesting to think about.
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jellybeanium124 · 2 months
TUA 4x06 reaction
to be completely honest, keeping track of who is on what side this season has been difficult. like. idk the commission was so much more, like, upfront. somehow. kinda.
like the keepers are a massive underground group
the entire season everyone is fatshaming diego for having a straight up not-even-visible tummy. then his shirt comes off and he has a six pack. bruh
is five seriously not happy to see his family again? is he actually moping about lila no longer having him as the most important thing in her life?? this is a dude who has always been motivated by his family. and now lila's more happy to see them than he is!! wtf
"I need to borrow a tire iron and a sharpie." LMAO who tf are you?? macgyver??
jesus the two of them are disgusting
dang this really is the angriest five's ever been. I don't like it :(
"come get these legs and eggs, baby!! woo!!!" luther your character arc thru the show has just been phenomenal. change my mind
last fucking episode they decide to tell us lila DID get her mimic powers back???? stellar writing guys
five's actually fucking leaving??
honestly. it's the character assassination here that kills me. five would not fucking do that. he would not keep on fucking doing that
like actually what the fuck is happening. what happened between reg and abigail
w... ho... hold on... wa... wh... wait
what in tarnation
at least five is a brisket guy tho. my man!
I really am just like klaus for real. "am I the only one who is very, very, very confused?"
this show canNOT possibly end with none of them existing
can't viktor just remove their marigold
also allison can bend reality??
I think we're alone now callback you can't do this to me
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