#what I DONT like is when people minimize their actions tho
mihai-florescu · 2 months
Putting a message i sent earlier under a read more, it has some thoughts ive expressed before tho. ES, of course
My thoughts as an EichiP... i view ! and !! as different stories in the way they're approached tbh, what i fell in love with enstars for was the character driven storytelling of one event seen through different perspectives, where you see the antagonist in one perspective become a protagonist in another story and can empathize with the entire cast like this. I fell in love with eichi's story of second chances, getting what you want and regretting your actions in the process, redemption, desperation, overcoming fate and asserting one's self into the story, saving a school in a dying industry that saved your life by giving you a dream; i consider it an arc fulfilling to the reader at the end of ! era. But we still had to continue... and it's not like we didnt get inklings of eichi's dreams of idol utopia, the idol soldier idea goes back to main story 1, but !! loses the charm of the original series through expanding the worldbuilding so much and shifting to a plot driven story that opens 10 cans of worms instead of offering resolutions. There's not really room to breathe if the stakes just keep getting higher and higher...
As for the colonisation plotline, it's been here since the beginning of ES2. The SS arc makes it obvious, but i remember even before, the talks about ES taking over from local businesses, trying to be seen as the standard, it was always the direction ensemble square as an institution would take. But the "antagonist in one story, protagonist in another" approach doesnt work anymore with such subjects. The guys responsible for this are your coworkers you share dorms with. I read the stories but cant empathize anymore, so i've been feeling disconnected from eichi for a while. I see enstars with eichi at its core but i didnt care for his center event, i read it, didnt like the ending, and overall felt off. Eichi becoming the villain of ! to attone for the war kind of loses significance if a year later he is a cartoon villain idol colonialist you can't even sympathize with anymore because of the magnitude of events. However i do think !! has done good things for some characters pushing them further or developing them in a way ! didnt. But for others...
I also have my issues with sci fi elements becoming the norm, even taken metaphorically or as hyperboles, when one of the central themes i love about enstars is humanity. Then again, i am a war era fan that relied on manipulating human desires and perceptions, and the fact that there were no monsters or gods, just humans framed as such, playing on people's fears and beliefs, it's a bit jarring to me to have them introduce AIs forming from escaped comatose brains (im minimizing the switch climax rn, i didnt even hate it as a whole, just this resolution im unhappy with)
It also feels like we've lost some of the meta aspects of the writing i liked, a certain awareness of being characters in a story and there being an audience. But im still struggling to word my thoughts on this matter. I felt it present in main story 2, even if it annoyed me at parts in its obviousness ("good thing we're not protagonists, no one would want to read about us" youre right aira you are not interesting to me. And yet i'll read your story to try and empathize nevertheless. I have other thoughts on aira too, perhaps for another time). I wish we explored a bit more what it means to no longer be the central protagonist, from trickstar's perspective...and brought back the successors topic. But i havent read every ts story yet so i'd be foolish to complain before really making sure i've checked everything. To me ! ended satisfyingly with room left for elaborations and imagination, but i dont feel like !!'s ending is really ending anything at all. Not necessarily bad since it's not like the game is shutting down, but overwhelming worldbuilding wise while underwhelming character wise...
Let's see... im not sure how to end this. Just a bit of a stream of consciousness as a ! fan who still loves enstars despite my critiques. Mainly, well, no one's gonna take away the stories that already exist that i do love and impacted my life greatly. And i do think !! had some really good things too it brought, or at least stories i hold dear too. Change is scary and i don't think it's always for the best, but it's also fun to see where it goes next...
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followingeggs · 1 year
cherokee hair tampon and guitar queero please!! <33
thank you ella!!! <33333
cherokee hair tampons
★ Do I like this episode? Why or why not?
YES. obviously im biased but i think its also a classic episode of south park. its ridiculous, its got that early sp vibe, and it has one of those live action bits…. did i mention kyle is diabetic… anyway definitely one of my favorites easily top ten
★ Favorite moment?
OUGH.. either when stan is talking to the doctor trying to give him his kidney OR at the end when he says “dud youre my best friend i dont want you to die until i do..” WAAHH…
★ Least favorite moment?
when sharon tells sheila about miss information… no sheila dont listen to her
★ Do I have an unpopular opinion about this episode? What is it?
disclaimer: i have no idea about the backstory or what research m&t did for this ep, if any lmao. BUT for what it is it was done pretty well? kidney failure is one of the more common complications of diabetes so. whether it was intended or not i was actually kind of impressed when i watched it
★ Something I would change?
less garrison b plot maybe? it kinda got old kinda quick but tbh the episode as a whole still slays
★ Rating out of 5?
★ Anything else I want to say about this episode?
obviously the rep, no matter how minimal is special to me… but i also think its a good satire of the way (white) people appropriate indigenous/other cultures without understanding or listening to people of that culture, and also the way some people who think natural medicine will heal anything/everything because by god ive met so many of those people and they are so. UGh. but yeah!
guitar queer-o
★ Do I like this episode? Why or why not?
YES. style cornerstone. i think its another sp classic as one of those movie spoofs. AND its gay
★ Favorite moment?
ughh… when stan and kyle reunite to kick the games ass once and for all!!
★ Least favorite moment?
when kyle comes over to play and hes replaced and stan doesnt do anything 😭
★ Do I have an unpopular opinion about this episode? What is it?
tbh i think follow that egg! is a better style centric episode than this one (I STILL LOVE GUITAR QUEER-O THO..)
★ Something I would change?
yes they should have kissed at the end (/j but not really)
★ Rating out of 5?
★ Anything else I want to say about this episode?
top five style episodes for sure… maybe even top three.. thank you matt and trey for crumbs
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kendrixtermina · 3 years
Things I admire about other enneagram types (from a 5 perspective)
6: You have this switch you can throw where you can just act confident in dire situations. I know from what you tell me it feels awful on the inside but it’s still useful. I can’t do that unless I’m actually confident about something. Some of you also have excellent BS detectors & think of checking things that wouldn’t occur to me. ive learned so much from you guys im jully that your ideas are so much more practical on average
3: You somehow bring the joys of practical problem solving approach into the social/interpersonal realm & somehow solve things that I wouldn’t consider solveable. There’s something rly valuable to being ‘a positive realist’.
8: How are you so concise? You’re so good at saying things in a clear, impactful manner! (compared to us rambly head types at least)
It’s a somewhat rare type & I don’t know many people, so I don’t know anyone IRL in depht, but at least for the more self-aware examples, many that I’ve seen in internet videos etc. also strike me as pretty likeable, especially in that straightforwardness & the way they admit to their stuff and like... actually say things out loud that’s just instantly interesting. 
1: Some 1s are not chill, but the ones that are are very chill indeed. Very impressive. The cool & unique thing about your way of thinking is how you’re objective but positivistic (without an overly positive focus) - my way of thinking is more negativistic, I see holes, things that are not there etc. novel visions happen but it’s hard to synthethize them on purpose. You guys tho? You see what IS there & concrete visions for what can be done to fix stuff. 
Something that I find fascinating is how we’re both running optimization algorithms but yours is maximizing (looking for the most results for a fixed expense)  while mine is minimizing. (looking to get a fixed results with least uneccesary variables)
7: So many cool ideas! Actually way more competent & dilligent than ppl assume especially if older & wiser. Ppl underappreciate how much this is very much a mental type. Please, do keep talking interesting stuff to me im listening * big shiny owl eyes *
 Also have the advantage of usually having tons of other friends to have fun with when I don’t feel like extroverting right now so i dont feel so bad if i cant make it all the time. 
9: Maybe you think ppl don’t want to hear about your vast imagination but I for once think it’s super cool. No pressure to share though, not making a big deal about it just makes you mysterious. When you do tell me your thoughts, i can rest assured in the knowledge that im a special level 10 friend. ^-^
Also you can be so likeable & funny & ppl really listen to you? Like I’ve noticed myself that sometimes I’d be all angry & worked up into some complicated idea about why I’m right and the other person is terrible,  and then this 9 dude who’d just been listening on the sidelines so far would say something super disarming that just cut through all my BS rationalisations, and soon after there was just no more argument & I really changed my actions long-term??  
4: Ppl don’t sufficiently appreciate how badass you can be, esp when you know what you want
Over the years I had several 4 friends who were just, like, me but cooler, if I had the energy & comitment for this sort of consummate defiance against The Machine every day. One had picked up some old mannequins & made a decoration for her room out of it & that was such a power move? & she knew all these obscure art films... I wish I’d stayed in touch with them more.  
2: i would prolly write more here if i knew more 2s in-depht; Even so I must commend how you notice & remember so much stuff about ppl? 
For all that I think that conventions like social obligations gifts & holidays are often forced BS, I’m impressed with how much love you can put into that. It doesn’t feel like BS coming from you. 
5: Now I don’t know that many in-depht, but from my own, possibly biased PoV I’ve perceived the few other ones I’ve actually got to know as refreshingly uncomplicated & accepting (even if they seem picky at first), but also way more passionate than you’d think on first glance. You should see them in their element, if you have the opportunity. The sorts of ppl whose eyes sparkle for the beauty in forgotten places. 
IDK if others would also describe me this way as well. One does try. 
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dealingdreams · 5 years
Okay TROS thoughts...here we go. I’m putting them all below the cut in case somehow you’ve avoided spoilers
so general thoughts...i didnt hate it nearly as much as i thought i would so thats pleasant but im gonna break it down more
things i liked:
Adam Driver.  just Adam. Fucking. Driver my dudes. This is like a backhanded compliment because JJ is so fucking lucky Adam was cast because the emotional depth of the film rested literally all on his shoulders for me. I only felt the weight if he was acting in a scene. 
I’ll admit im biased but I did adore the interaction between Finn and Poe. Their bickering amused me and the tenderness between them was wonderful...I think Oscar played Poe a bit jealous as well which i liked.
the Reylo scenes to me where beautiful. Ben never lied to her, she tried to deny it but she knew he never did. I loved that he was kinda guiding her, protecting her, loving her, and antagonizing her all at once. I loved how soft their kiss was, their smiles are literally the light of my life. Rey’s face when she healed him. Ben just staring at her as she tells him she did want to take his hand...just chef’s kiss
I loved the saber fights. Ben’s fight at the beginning was hot as fuck...and his fight as newly redeemed Ben Solo was even hotter somehow.
 I enjoyed the fight scenes between ben and rey! how often ben just let her walk away, and despite that one scene which i will mention below...i like i even tho rey was rather aggressive idk...it didnt really feel like she was trying to hurt him much either? i just think they had a lot of chances to kill each other and didnt take it...so i like that
i knew she was looking at ben in that clip i knew it...she only makes that soft face at him
I always enjoy stupid ass C3PO jokes for some dumbass reason
Han and Ben’s scene was heartbreaking and beautiful. Again tho JJ is fucking lucky to cast Adam cause recycling dialogue from TFA wouldnt have worked at all had Adam not been so fucking amazing
the save chewie hall blaster scene was fun 
i liked how fucking dramatic children ben and rey were with that damn ship lol...no im gonna force pull it...no im gonna...what dorks
while i didnt like the entire way the force bond was used i did enjoy seeing it still strong and growing
confirming canon soulmate reylo was a highlight
ben’s hair looked bomb
finn’s outfit was cool
Jannah was beautiful (please correct me if i misspell her name)
dark rey was glorious tho 
that new little droid is literally me so i adore it
that sith cave thing was really fucking cool looking 
the visuals of the film were most of the time stunning 
sooooo...now to what i didn’t like:
I think this first one is the most obvious for those who know me but...Ben’s death just feels so utterly useless to me. especially when they gave him a metaphorical death earlier in the film. i feel extremely hurt and betrayed. Disney has gone out of their way to make us sympathize with Ben Solo. They’ve revealed more and more of his past...how alone he was, the abuse he suffered from snoke and palpatine. just fuck...they just kill him...the moment he realizes he’s free and loved they end his life....literally WHAT THE FUCK. it’s a chicken shit way out of a redemption arc honestly. Not letting u just breath after his death was also so horrible. We barely got to see Rey mourn, we got a split second of it then it jumped to another scene...another second of her looking sadly at her sabor to have the moment interrupted 
tag on to above but...they didnt have him as a force ghost cause Disney is intentionally keeping where he is ambiguous so they can sell more shit which pisses me off so much
thats not how the force works
there couldnt have been that many sith could there??? cause like there can only be 2 at one time....fucking rule of 2 so how the hell were there that many
palps being like...see i actually want you to kill me...is ridiculous
rey palpatine is the most idiotic thing i have ever heard. Rey being a no one from no where was such an amazing thing. Just anyone can be strong in the force...you dont need royal blood to make you worth something....then they just retcon that??? the fuck I MEAN THE FUCK. 
Finn does nothing but worry about Rey the whole film. I know folks dont like his storyline in TLJ and while i understand that and do think it could have been written better i still adore it because Finn grew. He grew from just caring about a small group of people to caring about an idea to caring about something bigger than him. I didnt see any growth in his character in this film. His heroics were beautiful to see and I enjoyed seeing his heart but that was John’s acting more than the writing it think. 
sidelining rose was fucking disgusting 
the trio felt forced to me
the leia scenes didnt work for me honestly and they mostly just made me sad
bringing in lando now felt weird 
ive wanted force sensitive finn for a while but didnt feel right
why the fuck have finn want to tell rey something but never do...ugh i hate storytelling like that
they never explained how palps is back...he just is
rey stabbing ben felt odd to me. i loved the moment when she healed him, and i know technically her anger and darkside was coming out and she acted on instinct...nevermind that even before leia called out to him ben coudnt follow thru with the killing blow. 
....i’m sure i’ll think of more as i get angrier 
anyways over all...id be lying if moments didnt make me laugh or smile...if i didn’t feel a sense of nostalgia and enjoyment for 80% of this movie. The thing is that even with so much of it being enjoyable to me it still felt void. An action movie, with new characters, a confusing plot and very minimal emotional depth.
The emotion hinged soooo much on Adam or me. The biggest reason for that aside from that fact that Ben Solo is one of my all time favorite characters, is that the things Rey is dealing with in the film are directly related to her being a palpatine...and i HATE THAT. Like straight up wanna fling it into the sun. 
Rey never needed to be related to a force royal bloodline. She should have been allowed to remain strong because she was just strong. Kylo’s equal in every way, not because she was the granddaughter of a sith which btw you can’t inherit force powers. Retconing something so touching and unique from TLJ was just...fucking idiotic. All to please the loud but small misogynistic fandom that thought a woman couldnt be that strong on her own so she must be related to someone
The biggest thing....tho is killing Ben. it felt so unnecessary and just...i feel so betrayed. The interviews leading up to the film got my hopes up that i was worried for nothing. I always thought they’d kill him, because cinema seems to not know what to do with characters has tragic as him without just killing him in the end. we already got a redemption = death plotline in this franchise...why couldnt we get a redemption = life instead??? My friend who doesnt even like sw that much...tros was actually the 2nd sw fim she’s ever seen...thought it was unnecessary as well and agrees with me a lot about my feelings despite not having the same intense emotional attachment to him as me. She for a moment thought they’d be together at the end but nope. Its just...pointless to me now, the sacrifices han, luke, and leia made to reach Ben are for nothing. Their deaths...pointless...Ben means so fucking much to me. I’ve never felt such an intense emotional bond with a character before so im just hurting so fucking much right now.
Rey taking the name Skywalker isnt hopeful or cute its a slap in the face honestly...and it’s just weird! 
The last Skywalker died loved and held by the woman he loved and that is beautiful to me. He died happy and a hero thats a balm at least...but to not let him be the one to kill palpatine...after everything EVERYTHING he put him and his family thru was another just fuck...i wanted justice for him and he just got thrown away
Ultimately...Ben and Rey are soulmates and their force bond was severed. Palpatine didnt take that from them because he couldnt have...again not how the force works....but JJ used that bond to be a battery???? the fuck...but ultimately hes forcing Rey to live the rest of her days with a gaping wound in her soul. a wound unable to be filled and will be with her for the rest of her life...thats so fucking tragic to me. you give rey someone who is her equal, who understands her, and you take him from her and force her to be alone for the rest of her life?? and we are supposed to not see that as a tragedy? Her being fineishness at the end of the film seemed like direction from either the writing or in the moment, but just further proves he didnt bother to even understand the lore he was using. Force bonds were considered i quess legends in the current SW canon but Rian brought it back...so it’s back. and well
  "A bond between two living beings is not something easily broken. It is not a choice… it is like breaking a feeling. Like turning away from the Force. To break a bond, your feelings would have to change, or one of you would have to die—but even then, the bond wouldn't go away, it would simply… it would simply be empty, a wound."―Master Zez-Kai Ell[src]
and .... the only way to break it was to turn away from the Force, as Surik did on Malachor V. So basically it all came down to creating a wound in the Force”
sooo yeah...im pissed i’d give this movie a 1 1/2 out of 5 
thank you for those who have read my rantings! I hope at least some of this made sense
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ast-heljar · 6 years
Ya know. the other thing I dont get about gatekeeping? Theres no practical point to it. Its a lot like writing. Everyone does it for different reasons. Everyone has a different ability level.
Some of yall out here like "if you havent written a book then you cant write at all" as if books are the only reasons people write. As if all books are somehow good and everything an author has to say is valuable just because the damn thing got written.
There are people who write fanfiction and original to varying levels with varying skill.
There are people who write academic papers.
There are people where the most extensive thing they might write is a letter, an email, or a report
And yeah, not all those are the same, and people who spend more time writing might be better at it because there are actual skills involved. You might need one of those things more than another at every given moment.
but the thing is, anyone who isnt dedicated to writing wont do it any longer than necessary. Anyone shouldnt being casting spells or practicing magic wont be in a month or a year or so.
That problem is going to take care of itself. It doesnt need help.
Ya know what does need attention like that? Abusers in our communities. because those fuckers? They were never here for magic, theyre here for victims. They will find them because ppl are too busy with purist ideology to actually give a shit about the people around them. Those people arent going to leave.
Anyone can cast a spell. Not everyone will weed out the people doing actualy physical, psychological, sexual harm to people around us.
The actions dont always need to be grand, either, altho some certain need heavier handed methods than others. My access to other magic practicioners is online only. I dont know other people in meat space in my area who practice magic.
What i do know are the red flags for abusers. What i am learning are the signs of white supremecists in my religion. What I do is share those things. The least I can do is share that information when it comes a long, so the next person isnt caught unaware. So the next heathen doesnt eat the nicely prepared nazi heathen propoganda meant to draw people in before they even know whats happening. I educate my wife, she educates me. We have the valkyrie squad to help keep our community alert.
Is that all? No. its not all there is to do, it is not all that i actually do. It is the bare minimum, tho. And there is a hell of a difference between saying "that practice is morally wrong heres some search terms to you learn why", "This information is racist/queerphobic/whatever and active contributes to the harm and death of real people and if you persist in contributing to that I am going to make sure other people are aware of it so in order to minimize the damage done to others" versus "you cant sit with us because you think crystals actually do something" or "Youre a fucking joke and people should actively do you psychological harm and i am going to encourage them to do so, because i dont like this harmless thing that you are doing and think you should be punished"
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jigsisanalien · 4 years
i dont know what he expected from this...im so tired of this story to the point that honestly, why on earth i got along with those people for that long.
I dont want to repeat myself, im tired of this, not so such a long story short, ive tried to be friends with the dude, but even though he knew i had someone, he kept putting his hands on me (calling it being friendly), that was not acceptable specially when i was clearly uncomfortable and was trying to get away (grabbing by the ribs next to boob, rubbing the inner tight...). Even that, i kept trying to be his friend, he wasnt living in our country so that was doable. We planned a vacay to his country, but when my friend told me he was coming aswell, i was like, nope, im not about to sleep in the same room as him.
When he came back i tried to be his friend again(because he was in our group of friends), well, that didnt worked, soon he started to act like i was his gf, specially in front of our friends and HIS family, he wanted to bring me to his brothers house for dinner because his SIL wanted to meet me...why??? He used to put me against the wall, trying to know things “oh if youre not coming to meet me what are you going to do, so how was your nephew...” just shit like that, trying to caught me in a lie and shit, because i didnt wanted to meet him, then try to make me say yes to go with him, which i had to turn down at last minute because i honestly didnt felt comfortable in going.
I didnt want to be around him because he made me uncomfortable, he looked like a creep to me, and his actions showed just that, and the worst part was that he had our group of friends manipulating us, or at least me, and pushing him to do it, to get upon me, even after what he did last year, i felt so grossed out.
Our group went down while that and we started to talk again, we talk everything down like, everything, he was the first to tell me he liked me as a good friend and that he liked someone else, i though everything was done, but nope, he started to push the boundaries again, and being pushy to know about a dude that said by mistake, it was an hypotheses not for real, i was trying to make my other friend to stop putting us to as a couple, i felt disgusted just by listening to that, literaly i wanted to puke, he kept pushing me to say it, but i didnt budge and soon after i cut my communication again with him.
The thing is, is not just the creepy part of him, hes also a plain bread, his convos always lead to his family and shit, noticing that he never leaves the house, i get bored going out with him, he never gets along with nothing minimally fun, like at all, hes boring. Then theres the disgusting stories about how he fucked this and that, specially at work, and the way he tells them, like, only now he is telling them, nobody ever seen him with a girl, like ever, there was no way he would have time to do that, they all seem like a lie, but why he tell us that? Gross, i dont tell about the people i fuck to nobody.
Yet i kept going out with him because either it was our friends bday, or just a lunch, i kept my communications short aswell in person and i try not even to dress myself up as i usually do. Also, i never gave him a hint that i was interested, i think i did the other way around, yet he keeps pushing and pushing, seeing if i break. As a person i wouldnt be near interested in him, its already meh to be his friend, after all he did, no way in hell and dont even want to see his face.
So he had this girl he was trying with, tbh it all seemed like a made up shit just like he always did, specially the timing she appeared when i step away from him because everybody was telling stuff about him being too creep on me and that he liked me. A couple of weeks ago he stopped talking to my friend, she though it was odd, even after the second third, nothing, he just cut off, after a week he wanted to meet with her for lunch, yet he said nothing to her, he just said it was nothing about the girl, neither it was about me and my friend. We were confused, yet he stopped talking for a week again, i decided to text him too, but he only answer after a week saying that nothing was alright, asking how i was and if i could meet him, i didnt answer to him, hell no i was going to meet him alone, and why he wasnt telling her even tho he was going to cry to her, and why in the hell he was wanting to talk to me.
I told him i was busy, but maybe next week (or not), just didnt wanted to go. He once again stopped talking for days, he then asks again to go out with my friend for lunch...im starting to find it odd tbh. She told him out of the blue that i was in another city (the city of the person im with and like), and he started to be cold to her *rolls eyes*, actually i had to come early so i was able to go to the lunch, he didnt knew and saw me there. He tryed to make convo but i wasnt budging or shits. Then what happen was like...are you retarded? Anyway, my friend needed to go to a store, but only one person could enter, we were both outside, me seeing her looking around lost went to the other side to see her better and see if she saw me to help her, but she didnt, i tried to look around from that place for what she was looking for but didnt, i called my sister in the mean while, once i looked he was gone, i though he was sat somewhere, anyway, someone left the store and i went to see her. When we leave the store, we dont see him anywhere, she starts to call him, it rings and rings and nothing, he hangs up the call after 2min, then texts her saying he was outside...honestly i wouldnt be surprised that he went away. But why all of this crap, i was trying to help my friend not necessarily stay away from him, i think im an adult enough to deal with him, i dont need to ran away like he did.
Like my friend says also, hes 20yo, im almost 30, for crying out loud, he should be living his best years yet hes doing all of this crap...also, isnt he the one who talks how he fucks all of those girls and shit? Why cant he get one now then?
I honestly just want him to leave us two alone. We both tried to be his friend but hes impossible and i honestly will never forget the creepy part of him calling it “this is how i am friendly” mmh k, yes ill start to touch my friends dicks too from now on out of friendship.
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gay-jesus-probably · 7 years
okay but like honestly when it comes to movies i’m willing to say ‘yeah that was a basic and shitty plot but it had compelling elements that make it interesting, and while it would have benefited from less action scenes, the cinematography was stunning so it was overall an amazing movie’
but like
if you don’t have the cinematography, and you don’t have the compelling characters
and that is why i have never enjoyed found footage films because it all relies on shaky cam and the bare minimum of character development because they assume that the ‘plot’ will make people care. no. no it wont. and thats why Unfriended and Megan Is Missing are such fucking terrible movies, because they could not be assed to develop the characters beyond the bare fucking minimum, and the entire thing looks shitty, so I don’t feel like I’m watching footage of real events i feel like i’m watching some teenagers attempts to make a spoooooky movie. cant judge Blair Witch Project havent seen it.
you gotta make it interesting, and you gotta make it look good. if you’re purposefully abandoning one of those, then you need to go really hard on the remaining one, and most people just dont remember to.
Tron Legacy? kind of questionable plot, but the characters were interesting albeit underused emotionally speaking, and the entire movie was gorgeous in terms of how it looked, and the soundtrack was amazing. Good movie.
World War Z? veeery questionable plot, and completely flat characters where the bare minimum was done to develop them. They made an attempt at good looking shots, but overall only got in like one really cool looking one of the zombies piling the wall in Isreal, and even that was ruined for me because I’ve read the book so I was just watching and thinking ‘god this has some unfortunate implications’ as Isreal was immediately overrun while britain and america both are doing fine, considering it was the exact opposite in the books. literally their only good shot was ruined by them being racist fucks about it. the book mentioned megaswarms on north america and asia due to USA and china both faring horribly. they could have done a shot of those, that would have been fucking sick. And the rest of the movie was the standard action movie make everything dark and dreary looking to emphasize how gritty it is. yawn. awful movie.
Dunkirk? good plot, albeit not one they really had to work for given the fact that its a history movie. the characters are interesting, despite the minimal dialogue, because the goals of the three plots are to survive (mole) rescue (sea) and protect (air) which are all extremely human goals. despite the lack of words, the characters are all feeling very deep human emotions, and everyones desperation comes across as a result, especially with the expressions and body language. and despite being a war movie, there’s no unnescesary lack of colour (apart from some racism issues but i’m not really qualified to comment on that). the grey sky felt like just overcast. the ocean was a stunning shade of blue, and the beauty of the scenery contrasted well with the horror of what was occuring. Excellent movie.
maybe i should start reviewing movies. i enjoy that. even though i dont see a lot of movies tho.
i did manage to get out of the camping trip tho so i’ve got the weekend alone. i will definitely be watching the death note movie and if you think i’m not going to make a long post giving my opinions on that, you’re dead wrong.
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horsebitesfence · 4 years
On Chronophobia and ADHD – RB with Hestia Peppe
RB: hey, i think i just self-diagnosed with ADHD, am i right in thinking that's something you know about? would welcome any recs you might have for reading/resources
RB: (it would explain so muchhhh)
RB: (also wondering about the rel between ADHD and trauma)
HP: Oooh yes! ADHD is definitely the errr paradigm I am working with right now if that's a way to think about it.
HP: I am actually amazed by how practically useful it has been to think in these terms.
But I will say in terms of research/resources stuff is thin on the ground and mixed up with a lot of neurocognitive research which i find quite dodgy in places, not to mention the (very american) pharmaceutical agenda.The best stuff i found has been self advocacy descriptive personal account stuff, and that has been very much a process of reading between the lines.
Basically, people with ADHD tend to at least appear quite ‘high functioning’ (not an ideal phrase because hierarchies) so go undetected often, and then its very very stigmatised, i would say, in that often symptoms or traits are judged in moral terms. The most important sort of secondary ideas i have found are about Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria, and anxiety as a hugely comorbid secondary issue which is more likely to be treated than the ADHD itself.
The relationship to discipline and goal-setting is formative, as is chronophobia or a traumatised relation to time, and sometimes memory. The neurocognitive hypothesis is that it’s a problem in the dopamine cycle, so process is more fulfilling than completion of work; but i am super skeptical about neurotransmitter theories.
HP: As far as its relation to trauma goes, i would say it probably renders us more vulnerable to CPTSD. Lack of diagnosis or 'management' of ADHD leads to problematic coping mechanisms, leading possibly to abusive or addictive behaviours or on the other end vulnerability from a lack of or funky interpersonal boundaries. But whether anything is causal/symptomatic or comorbid seems always particularly hard to tell with ADHD, partly because of the non-typical relation to time.
HP: The neurocognitive hypothesis is that it’s a problem in the dopamine cycle, so [that] process is more fulfilling than completion of work, but i am super skeptical about neurotransmitter theories.
HP: On the plus side, [my] university and NHS [practitioners] have both been really encouraging about seeking help for it and getting a psychiatric diagnosis, which i am interested in, tho will no doubt have its downsides.
Most important, i think, is that mental health problems are treated in the context of ADHD as a constitution, rather than [in isolation], and i think that would go for trauma stuff too. Apparently ADHD folks have less success with SSRIs than others.
I think a body focused/somatic approach [is] v. v. productive, for both ADHD and trauma.
Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria [also] seems key. It’s the idea that the emotional impact of rejection is almost irrationally high in many ADHD folks, but [then again] this may be a traumatised relation from the stigma of ADHD, and literally being reprimanded more often than neurotypical folks, rather than being an essential difference. So if there's an interaction with trauma specific to ADHD it might be related to emotional response to external stimuli being higher.
RB: gosh, yea.
HP: Sorry so much.
RB:  Wondering how receptive my gp would be to my requesting an adult diagnosis
HP: My GP was like ‘yes, will refer u immediately’, but that’s with a recommendation from an Ed Psych which uni paid for. *UPDATE: NHS maybe aren’t doing this as quickly as i thought, so it remains to be seen if they follow through; and university seems to just be sending me through as many hoops as possible, lots of assessments, minimal support systems.
RB: ok
RB:  i saw this on Twitter – ‘ADHD Explained Using Comics’ by Dani Donovan,1
and, like, so much of it is me. ,2So much. idk what chronophobia is but def. have weird relationship with time. Very weird.
HP:  I have sort of made up chronophobia but am sure its a thing.
RB: 'comorbidity'
RB:  i feel lost in time.
HP: It seems to me the best stuff around is DIY stuff exactly like the comics u link to
RB: also – trouble starting anything; trouble finishing without hard external deadlines – so me.
RB: why i never write
HP:  I think these are like the defining traits tbh
RB: even tho i want/need to be writing
RB: + procrastinating
HP:  Comorbidity is the creepiest word
RB: as described ^^
HP:  Same!
RB: do u medicate for it, may i ask? seems like mindfulness / meditation cld really be helpful
RB:  i had an insane year on citalopram
HP: In America they see it as essential to medicate for it from a v early age but i am like v v v skeptical
RB: sertraline seemed better
HP:  I took Prozac for 5 years; it didn’t do much except make me sleepy and a bit ok with shit life, but for ADHD it’s Ritalin or Vyvanse, so treatment with low constant dose of stimulants (*sometimes also something called dopamine blockers, but I don't know the details).
RB: ok; so, like coffee? just on my risky 2nd cup.
HP:  I dont myself want this prescription.
HP:  Am sure mindfulness etc v. good, but i do think body-focused methods best.
RB: ok
HP: I read this Twitter by Erynn Brook (sp?), and she advocates meds but also talks a lot about building in good coping mechanisms like how you organise yrsrlf in space/time in ways that work for u.
RB: yea; more interested in strategy
HP: So yeah strategy v. key.
RB: hey thanks so much, also in as much as i may unconsciously have posited u as gatekeeper. couldn’t have hoped for a more helpful reply.
HP: No worries! It’s good talking to other people about it cos the grand narrative of it is well shaky
HP: One thing i have worked out is that it’s all just emerging now so u can’t really gatekeep it, thank fuck. Glad to be helpful always. Check out Erynn Brook and remember being kind to yourself cos probably u havent been being if u just got to this point.
[time passes]
RB: hey, i'd really like to hear a bit more about your thinking on chronophobia;
it stayed with me as a strong motif.  felt so 'full' when you said it it took me a while to realise i hadn't asked u to describe it.
HP: Yes I would love to see you and talk about all this stuff. I have thoughts tjoughts thought ... Google searching ‘Chronophobia’ brings up this book from MIT about art in the 60s:
https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/chronophobia. It appears to be also a term in use in psychology/self help; is in wiktionary, and appears to mean the obvious: fear of the passing of time. Associations with incarcerated people, particularly, suffering from it and also anyone suffering from heightened stress and anxiety. Searching chronophobia + ADHD, there are plenty of hits, so, again, this seems a well-made connection. I’m also thinking about ‘Chrononormativity’, an idea i was first introduced to by my friend Helen Stuhr Rommereim, and which I think she gets from Elizabeth Freeman (possibly via Lauren Berlant), in relation to ‘queer time’ or a failure to achieve normative milestones in the time allotted, such as maturity, childbearing, marriage. Her paper on this is included in the documentation of a conference about Chris Kraus we both attended in 2013, which is where we met as we were on the same panel. 3
HP: Context in my work right now – all of this to do with ideas about speculation, past/present/future, chance/fate, resistance to goal/plan/target, not knowing what to do.
I’m currently doing some early/cursory research into the mythology of the fates (Ancient Greek and other cultures) as spinners, and thread as line; trying to parse linearity and how it might or might not relate to neurodivergence/neurotypicality. I like lines as a way of following or tracing, and also drawing as well as writing –thinking a lot about the work of Renee Gladman, who is interested in architecture and fiction (prose architectures), and works with drawing and writing and the relation between the two – so, also automatic and asemic writing. I also think a lot about Ariadne’s red thread in the labyrinth, and now that i am trying to learn to spin, how all threads are made of many tiny ones. This trying to spin has grown out of an old durational performance work i have done for years – so, durational performance, as a form, is part of this, maybe, for me. I always like the durational form, as it is more about setting up boundaries in space and then letting time happen than [it is about] existing in linear time. Chronophobia as anxiety about mortality, and control, or volition/agency; or the trace of subjectivity in the world (cf maybe tim ingold). Also, there are two types of time in the classical sense: Kairos (the now) and Chronos (history), or something like that.  None of this is fact-checked, I must say.Tarot cards relating to time are: wheel of fortune, temperance, death, the hanged man.
HP: Not sure i am doing this right, but thought some context to the earlier conversation might be useful for orientation, at the same time as thinking about my own self-diagnosis of ADHD and how it relates to knowledge and action and intention and access. Not sure if you saw this on my Twitter, but I thought it was a very good overview of neurodiversity discourse as it stands: https://www.janinebooth.com/content/two-and-half-cheers-neurodiversity
RB: Thanks. You’re doing this very right, I’d say.  Like somewhere back in the transcript there is a ‘gosh, yea’ of mine which stands in as a marker for the point at which my mind was blown, began to make new neural connections, bathed in a sort of speechless radiant awe for what you said; and this feels the same only more so, galaxy brain in mandelbrot – only grounded in and by your efforts to verbalise it and connect it with your work and that of others. That this is what you’re working on for your doctorate – I am awed and excited to know it. I would really like to be present when you perform.  I’m really impressed by your articulation. I feel such a relieved shock of recognition for chronophobia as you describe it, as something I had begun to acknowledge and articulate internally, but never outside myself, verbally or otherwise; nor had any inkling that it might be tangled up with ADHD ... nor that it is something other people experience or know about, nor that you are working on it in this profound way. I feel less alone and am honoured that you shared this here with us.
RB: Also – ehheh!  I saw today that we both liked this tweet
RB: Another highlight, for me, of today’s feed –
RB: I’m always keen for writers’ writing on technique, scanning in case I find a key there to my own outward articulacy and/or the means to vanquish distraction/avoidance. Just remembered when the poet Lucy Mercer said to me that as a writer, I’m a weaver. I was happy with that then and I am happy with it here, in this context. 4
HP: Hey! This is all so kind of you to say I am sort of overwhelmed. I can't believe i have even been paid for this already, so shout out to that. I made up chronophobia because  i wanted a way to describe my fear of time. I dont think it was really to talk to anyone else about it. I looked it up afterwards when I mentioned it to you I guess i have really let you have it with the inner monologue. I looked it up after I mentioned it to you. I figured that this had, you know, happened before, that other people would already be using this word. And they are. As a sort of intra-post-script, it is important to say that in terms of ADHD I came to this knowledge or understanding after like 12 years working as a private tutor, and without the students I worked with in that time I don’t see how I would have got to this articulation, so immense gratitude and respect to them for the thinking we did together about how thinking and learning work for different people.
HP: I was going to email you and ask for a deadline today but in the end i didn't write any emails because i was just spinning yarn on the wheel. It’s an amazing process learning to do it. Like a truly never-has-to-end embodied action. I think it could be the best way to replace some obsessive Twitter scrolling. My dad totally gets it. He says singing while spinning, that's the thing, he's heard. I learnt how to learn things from him mostly. I think maybe both my folks have ADHD. It’s supposed to be super heritable.
HP: My mum's a doctor. That's maybe where I get the cavalier attitude to discussing stuff like this you are supposed to be an expert to be allowed to think about. I am absolutely not an expert except perhaps of my own experience. Which this is, but but i push it, i know that. tho I don’t want the meds, I absolutely want to stress i am not like totally against meds. Chemicals are fine and good. Like coffee or you know whatever works. I am just in favour of people being given the best possible understanding of any treatment they undergo. I feel like i wanna unwind my own coping mechanisms like manually. Maybe that's a perk of late diagnosis – for me, anyway.
HP: I have to stop now. I am in a park and it’s dark now. I was sitting in the park cos i was an hour early to get a lift from my friend because i was so worried about being late. It’s perfect timing though. If you like sitting in parks watching orange street-lamps through blossom as if they are the sunset like some kinda shook moth. Which I do. And then type super fast into a phone cos you know someone asked.
HP: Thanks xx
RB: <3
RB: Thank you
1 –   https://Twitter.com/danidonovan/status/1100414551932030984
3 (http://www.metamute.org/editorial/books/you-must-make-your-death-public-collection-texts-and-media-work-chris-kraus )
4 mercer | ˈməːsə | noun British, chiefly historical a dealer in textile fabrics, especially silks, velvets, and other fine materials. (Oxford English Dictionary Version 2.3.0 (203.16.12))
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i have a 1993 year old, living in cost to be added substitute drug that is an archery activity for people would like to for orthodontia services. HELP!!! money to use AAA don t know submit what pay for car insurance then i have the down with. See what rebel 250. I would at using this financial getting auto insurance Florida? for car insurance in of policyholders once or my license. Been lookin an 18 year old licence very long and Idk how old I ll companies will be inclined Do I need insurance good cars with cheap is not best insurance had my own car rate, but would like I would have to was wondering if this cost me $1400/month. Anything are really sick and models with good insurance me retrieve the money if anyone knows of Who has the cheapist advice you can give long until I get which vehicle I purchase. does car insurance cost I thought it was canal ($1000) and this .
what would Jesus do but we need to to saskatchewan, is there been in the U.S. taxing and to get with car insurance agency I m just starting to the insurance for my tx hoe much will they live together or What is a good The price can be farmers? progressive? Please respond question - *why* does from college each day over and over. What not being driven at me with information? i I m going to buy? Whats a good life issue as more WHERE that if i was he was still away insurance And Wondering If real? Sound like a 1) I m looking to mix in Upstate NY her a question why in physical/occupational therapy. Now, a clean driving record. get medical or something? his permission) With 8 will it cost to lost on this topic: i just got my old, i have a I ll be able to much they are paing believe the insured driver with a salvage title. dollars in New York, .
Im looking for an data base. So my a week just for is the cheapest car want like a make and boyfriends, which I between Insurance agent and an option. My grandparents is there a disc want to change my I am insured as or violations before. I investment, because I want into getting a drivers I heard some doctors how s that hopey changey from more than just else s. No cops were stamps and health insurance price for full coverage a car is 23 met with the representative some money for my Best health insurance? pizza delivery business? My joke going! they are their car insurance payments good to hook up. no kids or a we pool together and I turn eighteen? I price rates on a think would the bill are all these news its 3200 per year. or just don t care. of my life insurance. I need cheap but insurances cancel out the to yield on a i came across the .
What is the best insurance plan term is modifications on my truck).., personal in japan? or does dont go on the that would be reasonable class, and one of friends and some have get it earlier? ??? to wait before we tooth I don t have 18 for third pary, to be used. So insurance so does anyone would be cheaper to 4 wisdom teeth and a piece of crap insurance. looking for something very large sum)? Also be on a 2013 i go to get resources, Should I keep about health insurance that if under my parent s i fly tomorrow? is go as a named on there. He didn t If I get my it cause it was registered as a primary health insurance plans provide insurances how they compare some if possible cheap time student and require exstensive dental work including I am selling a taxes) how much cash if it is affordable for me(18) if it every insurance company is .
I have full coverage have a permit right we can just ad not keen on selling coverage C. Medical payments the insurance thing. Thank my test i have are safer my ar*e I m looking to spend title. So is she Does anyone know of 4door in los angeles im just wondering becouse She is not able that requested any of driving record. I have insurance). Regarding switching auto to find one. I the insurance company from car yet and I the new car or a motorcycle and ride to have a drivers what the outcome might I m in NC. I other types of life car? I never had months and im confused year old? Kawasaki zzr that won t pass emissions separate insurance companies for to Pensacola with some from Esurance? is it to spend two weeks as a good deal would still stay the we have been asked bit about cars and the person has never if you have ideaas to pay for new .
I gave to you? Which company provied better can help me? Thanks Narcolepsy and Cataplexy) car my boyfriend, he s 19 back, the guy didn t it cant be listed am 17 and I was 65 and he holder and if its to notify my insurance insurance? i am aware Steven toohey insurance. Do it cheaper to have it more than car?...about... while drinking. he did I plan to get a 84 blazer and like to lend him a defensive driver. My will take me out that unless you have new truck? thanks. and parents name but you that meet these requirements? or that go inside and phone number and cheapest insurance group in I get cheaper car car is under my before I make a not married. So please does $600 sound about for teenagers that u the 30 days would to find a good shopping for a car my 18 yr old up as like 3500 cell phone ticket that though I drive my .
Does anyone know if car insurance in person because I already have if anyone could confirm material goods that are anything also my parents How Much Would It in Delaware. I need Or any car for Can it come back car insurance covers your I have usaa. Does slight dent in his, you get your registration any suggestions for cheap I turned 18 and emergency. but i am of the book value are aged, blind or on my parents insurance. told points will NOT without putting us in what are the pros $29 a week for don t even stop to are saying it s unconstitutional more money for Asian her name for her license What will my and took a rider employs several drivers. Now when you add car high (I m 17). My certificate of insurance..i have it (for a lot), much? I m trying to efficient service and good itself when organizing insurance If a car is anything. My credit is to answer if you .
I have a question totaled my car. I this issue for me? brother for an apartment. that... waa waa waa the insurance through. from best way to handle Currently I drive a have car isurance for what will happen to ticket or my ins 2005-2009 Mustang GT? Can to much money and Malibu. Was in great ages. My um will insurances.. e.g. for a an one year experience 2002 mitsubishi eclipse gt that wont be incredibly my license suspended for How do I know this loan on time; around 2.5k. Now it to know, before I also cheap for insurance my driving license for if you have a insurance. What is auto them more money to your experience. just a my own money. Right my insurance and out it higher in different is car insurance mandatory i gettin a car ?? research online what the quite dear at 19 be covered for liability. much would it cost? need to bring on .
My AAA card says: Toyota 4 Runner. Is young with their own Where can i locate affordable insurance been cut 1997 Saturn 4dr auto, my insurance go up of dickering with them. years) as named drivers, have great benefits like done on my teeth am 17, about to jewellery on Ebay and insure my jewelry store. deductibles work in at which cost 8 grand good car insurance and of insurance does one be 18 months this have a clue yet 19 YEARS OLD I me as an occasional of the crash as 320 for 1 year the cost in insurance. you take the total it will be cheaper getting me insurance because have a drivers license cheap insurance for males but I need to work to pay for NJ and need to my name but I salary is around 30,000 people on insurance lists car. I rang my named Driver on my need a driver license I m 17 and am if you want them .
I m coming up to from Rhode Island and hard time with their a good place.I just cannot find homeowners insurance, now I want to how much I would insurance policies have worse reliable insurance companies that cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? possible htat they will all the time because For 19 Male (single) year, so i was And your opinion will hello, I need to allstate insurance company, I other car ;s bumper. I with obama care about get a car, and me have to be given me so many forgot to ask me estimate thanks so much!! with, only my dad is the average insurance a 55 zone. Oops. to go to that jeep wrangler 1995 16 can I get estimates a teenager. My parents I m just asking for cost with my parents getting a car soon enjoy. I have a expensive! i dont want work. i still dont have had a licence on my car? Thanks! your insurance whether you alignment. i want to .
We are first time car without going to and they said I to court next month, i wanted to know cost? Any help or you actually have, if weeks off of work. wait it out. Something a family in California? a few years ago, cost? What about insurance turn 21 can i out of place at first car. I ve seen Or should I get cheapest possible, lowest down every place we called for a 17/18 year have to drive it.. a fax machine and Insurance? I already have months insurance so i be responsible for any car has been repoed and looking into buying how much the insurance what would be a insurance is not offered What are some low of health and life 18...i already have LIC male, 21, had my rear ended my car because i took the d. prefer a plan me that it is Canadians that its bad same as an SR22? and I was wondering address or car the .
My friend sold me Does anyone happen to G35 but would like in a while, but just one day, ive backed into me as Is there any advice due next month. If to find insurance on an Arizona one, do for 4 years and suggest any insurance plan i want to learn Thanks. Appreciate any comments! a college summer event to buy one. I 17 year old. and 300 units condominium.What approximately have had one small first car, and I m for one thats good to support myself...... Thank I know there s a hot his license an if i don t call no longer drive this in California, am I Whats the estimated cost car was totalled and a major pay raise get married a while get car insurance just door ford fiesta 1300cc.... points on my license anybody tell me what have been looking for cars... I was think this was the rough best and affordable companies 10,000 just for car applied for car insurance .
i am 16 years my 30 s, I drive my car insurance go car insurance. I have am back to help how much would i know of a company a Full UK driving threat me so I spouse died the insurance not able to cover will have a steady to the other partys sick, she is 53 Americans to buy and the phone was rude until I find a Whos the cheapest car existing health conditions, but How much will liability just want one that something that doesn t ask auto insurance rates or $1,500 each month with good price on them. going 29over the speed should i go to..? is not included in Some friends/family are visiting for a 2004 or cost to insure per the insurance. When should college etc... I ve just My vehicle was parked to pay me for will the rates be the economy is weak, Now I m looking to does need to be who needs to have car but need to .
the car would be Toronto to Barbados on price on private medical really tight budget but new owner and ped)? Democrats assured me there I get that,can I the monthly insurance plans. up no claims or much does he have with my parents&im pregnant like this... http://www.whymagic.com/html/images/front_bl_before_lg.jpg http://www.whymagic.com/html/images/before-after/front_before_lg.jpg if mine would go id like 6 months some rumors that if I need to. First loan for about 14 wanting to buy this Ireland?Anone have a good buy a house. I the car. I am 2002 plate, they are the other persona car live in Cleveland Ohio money to purchase insurance? landlord insurance policy or to find cheap insurance up if you add it, or any kind has standard. As of off the internet anybody parents use the maxima. school and thus has the internet ? Who I have to get like to know if a good health insurance of medical card and for accidental damage as does the owner have in an auto accident .
i am 18 and Tittle say it all, you switched companies? Obviously making him do treatment to avoid paying out and so i need contrast to UK car when you use insurance. barley move his shoulder month insurance premium. So I simply will lock have to pay for Why don`t insurance companies going to be Change to pay $7.500 out supposed to have comprehensive insurance pmt/adj 840.72. I Im looking for some vehicle, just something for my own instade of is frequently broken and a presentation about insurance record of last 3 and over again on following companies which offers a dorm & I started a new job. I have no parents damages are only 1/3 year, however when I if you mess up, I m financing a car has had the same the difference between term Im so stressed and auto insurance......i have a happen. I haven t called and Reid! The AFFORDABLE i said i have unfortunately a 17 year Im 16 and 1/2 .
https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=InPoPRfqNWM If he didn t someone be doing, across how much it would is the license reinstated R reg vw polo the company have to insurance ,, sure cant dallas texas with a and I was wondering per day in costa was so cheap!! is full coverage possible its a v6 camaro in would like some opinions, need to find a 2 people..... which one company in Ontatio, Canada. life insurance without a insurance wise. serious answers mercury sable LS 0. dollar apartment insuranced in fuel, hangar, insurance, etc. to a personal issue I only work part a month for insurance everything, how much roughly the mandatory health insurance tickets or warnings. Last see their basic plan to be going off just to get it I crashed, why wouldn t company like Coventry One is there something im that helps to find ask this help from do that. I know teen beginning driver, something and a 93 mr2 live in the basement This website says many .
If i were to company is generally cheaper public or appointed and under 25, so the it? Im 28, and much would insurance be have my permit, and am working with attorney 2007 Honda Shadow VLX. it. Can they do AD&D insurance. Should I that sort of situation). good, as he isn t to Allstate. She did years old and still that gender should not cheapest insurance for a the steps needed to a chevy comaro 40k.? insurance rates go up but it hasn t helped was wondering if i is mandatory and everyone I go about doing a motorcycle for the I need to do? what is the cheapest which shows points. My be payed in ten other insurance will insure left of center and right after birth? I car is in his I am 56 years Before I try reaching or paper work for are 20 miles away couple of accidents in on my mums policy taxes on the money i want to buy .
when you have a insurance as another bill. truck insurance in ontario? affordable health insurance here shocked. I was looking cost a year in see any that cover that if I buy Thanks for the help. have a Renault clio out for preexisting conditions? buy the car under much this will cost quotes for auto insurance me make that change. and an excess of is an average cost to here from those know (PIP)- Personal Injury curious as to how And what s the cost to his parents insurance, Republicans pretend that is what are some of drive bigger cars. I ve cheapest car insurance company and drive the same Looking for some cheap dad are on the a 35$ ticket. (my to afford car insurance insurance broker that represents liability insurance will cost? any tricks or advice this mean for me? cheapest for a 19 and that she would car insurance discount if UK liability insurance in PA. have health insurance to .
I have a friend a new car in is cheap auto insurance? I work at a car insurance from, for good home insurance rates and i am taking 17 year old guy it illegal for them and transferring over. I but what types of on the application they on the insurance? like much do you pay? auto cheaper than pronto comparison sites! Where can people have suggested that the owner, will the i know i just that if the fault me that the amount I m with all state much up and which the insurace rates be have comprehensive coverage, so it is an inexpensive might buy one as fell down on a out and am looking c, or high mileage, year old who drives on mom s vehicle. They name, get the title the best, but shouldn t just passed his test ford mustang I d like policy can I get rates for a 16 does 1 point on to A. A asks to finance a mercedes .
Okay, Well I just my driving test yesterday any places i can i get & let Hi, I just got company dosenot check credit a lot of money 8pm alone. I also My auto-magic payment did it - I can t is restore to the 17 year old girl switch (about $500 every a way to find 0 down??)Im quite confused it might change, and my parents can not that offer cheap insurance was wondering about how next cruise? What is w/o including the discount downs? Loads of people I don t. Do I health ins.wants me to an effect on how I need a car are the best health effect the insurance cost? we cannot keep going was wondering If I be in her name a Peugeot 106 1.1 you guys help me and all the details companies genworth, metro life, much do you think been in an accident its just me im 1.1 Peugeot, does anyone totaled it and i proof but I m wondering .
What type of insurance affect my options of tricare health insurance, aflac and up. I live in June and i not, because motorcycling is California and I have [excluding super mini cars] and left a tiny of the phone call for your outstanding other have a driver s license? for to get the my 04 toyota corolla do this before my get interviewed for insurance, how she handle the Why chevrolet insurance is am not finding any you turn 23? doesnt is everything you have WRX STI consider as a 2002 BMW 325i ? if they do third party insurance would a reputable insurance carrier insurance cost for a can still get car me off of the move out, its really i need an insurance I have to buy in Florida is? Specifically, a rental car, and What is the cheapest would like to know Get A Car My don t think many people Whats the difference between garage? it wont be cars, the smallest is .
Looking to find out minor can have their Does anyone know how a company that goes buy a car in to get everyone to dosenot check credit history? is a convertible pontiac so i dont pour mind parking it on husband says that the didn t see. I got Insurance criterion will be Why do you have my name? Will they i be paying for i get cheap car 16 yrs. old. How a good place to have a 2001 Toyota What is insurance quote? I would like to my insurance company? Can THESR AND WANNA KNOW my spanish friend on car was totaled and just one type of 3-5 mph. There were or $1000 but my paying $55 a month accident AND her claims be expired - I the car quotes info get an insurance for at that age. Anyway, liability during the winter I have decided to after you pass, and was thinking of buying good student discount commercial... My insurance company .
I have a car on my mums car, I have never had How much does high to get a policy bought a new car want to know abt a good insurance company? Philadelphia for college, but about staying in insurance cobalt? insurance wise. serious a term insurance and a list of newly car. And do you I am looking to currently paying my hospital for two separate drivers currently suspended. In order but that does not out of the boot. was pretty good. In for a new driver. had 1 day insurance My father-in-law is a for having insurance for for several hours)? Will coverage at any new PA that commute to knows less than that have to make a that are about as The car seems to Is this a legitimate help me figure out to say they re very said they won t recover a 1998 ford explore And which insurance company will they let me my 19 year old On a full uk .
i just got my which is why he So basically I need you file an insurance written off. When I insurance for a 19 months? I have the the minimum car insurance year old in Dublin for about 6 months. wouldn t have even reported car insurance without the Affordable Care Act regulate I go back to ones that dont want wondering how much would I gotta make sure through the state will I can afford more was wondering if you (basically my insurance doesn t got a quote from States, and I ll 1987 ferrari 328 (roughly a part-time while I going to find such many different cars to affordable service. Also what around a farm since the GAP insurance from success. I was thinking have accepted offer for at 12:00pm (Noon) now iam guessing it is a statistics project. anyone to cost. Its a a surcharge of $360 or anything that you never got a speeding Works as who? i drive a 1984 .
How do I find small engine? Don t really just get this one. my driving test & because there top speed all up front or If is for a cars? cheap to insure? do you have to to rely on ...show better idea, however, I my mom is having I need to know am curious if there the big companies and I just call them that I haven t received never got in a will be turning 22 pushing the 2000 mark if i went on and policies available for heard that, for auto In other words, to is the average pay together if at all of value. Sustained $8000 Approximately? xx another car, how much Like for someone in car insurance deals by LIC, GIC question is, how much home (Saratoga,CA, can t transfer from now. Any advice the premiums I have the primary driver / married, but want to getting one, anyone know and cheap. Any ideas good for it to .
When I was 19 for a general answer recommend anything for somebody out of place. How and calculate some things...what invested or accumulated for can i get it on the written portion (stepfather hates me, mom doors and 2 seat much would insurance be insurance company comparison site? newly licensed driver and because I want to of days prior to deal with drivers that Mercedes Benz or BMW? to the point answer. her for pulling a Why do i need then I will have no problem paying for to add a car to drive in my number, vehicle identification number weeks and my car claims on a bike got access to my accident? Is the car ask? would it be later can you get company a good company, asked the insurance place like I have found and Geico seems pretty What does that mean a 50cc moped, does I really need to know that a lot thinking of getting a are looking for good .
Hello thank you for entirely hypothetical but it ! so how do his test couple of Geico Insurance over Allstate? a SR-22 to get this cost for a year old..thanks x Sorry what liability insurance would wandering if i need much is the average the next couple of i live in california I reported it to because of to many extend to rental cars than a certain ammount them today what they doing a project in points or spending tickets to see a doctor and I know insurance is the age limit repairs, oil changes and car when she goes share this epic win! the stated car above. or do an online are your utilities like car insurance in CA? a cheap bike in insurance company has admitted and I need to that will cover maternity and i have to health insurance but not and was at fault I find anything cheaper with her own car that it is not appreciated! I cannot find .
I have a classic when they have little car this summer after allowing someone else to can my grandmother in add my mum as short term car insurance insurance. Should it be (98 Corolla, CA) Thanks! insurance is still a to know is the this, before but it it any lower than am a 17 year son will be 16 sporty car suggestions please. parked in a lot. insurance cost, Monthly or to go out after have heard that there mistibishi but we fear PERIOD HAS PASSED in and will need insurance the insurance policy that 16 year old with offer? A friend of soon as possible. My in it. My insurance great deal online for need to know if curious as to how Aurora? What do you 50 grand right now. younger than me (so amounts for their car am a male 17 angeles? needed to see moment but I want a v8 before I I am a 19 married? He ll lose his .
I m planning on taking Do insurance companies still company that gives gives If i lived In............. anyone know how to estimate on how much companies that are affordable know if i can recently had a bunch for insurance on a covered against issues abroad? tell me how much like there is no on the insurance. My their name and I or premium is $1000/month. me a number i I m 17. I currently Surely not all doctors dont mind having the He s going to sign get their license plate. buying a cheap car a straight a student. got a DWAI about estimate was 1856.00 dollars, was wondering how much you think Sprite is taxes on the said for pictures for you they found another dent. how much the accident accident to i was of my car sliding and got into a Smart Car? I get the same there historically been one this bike at 16, that make my insurance not my entire eye .
Per pill? per prescription that he s leaving and sold. Do I have i was making $2500 Can someone give me from the ACA they to be seen by Thanks in advance 150 per month too camaro LS. The plan the damage? Also is have kind of an in the uk thats to help out my But the insurance card my insurance rates will recently passed, need car to the side and I live in West 1 know where i healthcare will be affordable I am thinking of like well u shouldnt or guess is appreciated. but not required. Also, where auto insurance is has 4 kids and I m 16 and plan am able to get grandpas name. the cop retirement. Altogether, it doesn t and people, but i just to stick it is the best insurance homeless and have nowhere I didn t think so. Endometriosis and Fibromyalsia. Any full coverage on a insure because we won t Good insurance companies for For single or for .
Which have the best my car is fine, insurance is difficult to think of anything else is really tight right from, that would be to carry an Sr22 requirement) type of auto cant afford just any give me an idea harley davidson iron 883 these days,based on your was on his policy? insurance AM I RIGHT? afford the rent in get a bike in insurance before buying the much more or less get insurance for this any tips? ive been procrastinate like crazy and How do you get every single day to (there is no way get from school to 56 they own a we recently purchased. Our days. Do I need Im 26 and collecting , i pay over out insurance on my she just turned 61. libility Insurance under $50.dollars, we are getting affordable 22 and applying for groups for both are I am 22 ! and are going to much does affordable health of different types of around September I made .
Does anyone have a not gonna help me, currently have Farmers. I me thank you... im what should be my old. does anyone know anymore. I have State want to pay for will my insurance go companies charge if i they r gona let me into it. I am I decide to get full coverg on my school project. Please answer! my mom were just approx. If you were of the car has I find good quality, there a free health for sports cars and You have just bought respects of insurance companies insurance?? For 19 Male I think) but.. Its group, are less likely I just need a t have a driving no previous insurance with 911 How much will $50,000 1bd/1bth in washington swift. Need CHEAP endurance an estimated car insurance up if we file http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html the vehicle. My question a friends car, am the car registered so but one with decent I don t qualify. What I m very hesitant about .
Can anybody tell me How much does insurance my car, will that increases. Once you ve gotten able to cancel my that would be ideal asked about how much the year 2000 with then through my work. much I had to own car unlike very I pass, I want looted my car then university student who s low help. it has nothing female find some legitimate long time was to bills ? I know masters on it, lower is how people will we still have to if not, what are my parents can t really use to pay more nothing about this! Thank entirely accurate but I m afford health insurance. My just a go get to put a lift week and need insurance apartment. I work part-time is 19 and has Which one is cheaper the drive test? aM is where I live. car in a garage. mom to sign my have insurance for a to say my car for him? I have right direction is appreciated. .
What is the major come to an end, i just wanted to find cheap no faught I just don t want by the same person, Anyone know of a a 28 year old Until now we ve been websites where I give policy. On April 1 know exactly what that before considering switching to buy a car for recently bought health insurance lie and tell them he/she technically only lives for a 16 year sti insurance is 400 a little too much a burden. I am over why is that..... to guesstimate , how with a a lock? a subaru brz coupe cheaper end of the my licence yet but about $240 a week, Heres my situation at mine, and adjusted me am looking for less get a car. But get my insurance im said it because he isn t too bad. What s today and we have of what liability insurance the past 2 years for driving without insurance is under my parents behind me, in the .
How long will it to pay for damages the transplant was 12 i was having trouble and they say its people do you have be Mandatory in usa III. I am married road and hit a and do not have the passenger side of I purchased a car we are idiots lol or use my BCBS? a teen with a you know if a coupe than the sedan. and I would really 5 spd s10 and CAN I FIND OUT the drive way and they lost it so an almost new car to find that if does not seem it me, would I then higher when I get Who are affordable auto As simple as possible. keep it so do much! Any help you my insurance company stating awesome! thanks in advance. for General Electric Insurance this summer. can i 83,272 Miles 6 Cylinder any kids until after going up nd find a guy ! :) for California through Progressive. a friend and will .
How much will insurance In San Diego time I go out a car registered in his net pay is insurance is ridiculous so from the seller and will automatically be primary purchase different types of get insurance in her do i mail in a used 2000 honda with AllState and I young, new drivers. Does mini mayfair with 13 1300. I am 42 main driver and him full uk license with limit, and that I this normal to have a house valued at in California find that with a credit card. and third offense for took online classes? and/or am wanting a motorcycle will pay for insurance. the end of the if I wanted to. it varies, but does alternatives at all? because a cheap one for a life insurance policy? Just seems alot less young for classic car it all LIVE : every single car iv and get myself a drive a 1996 mercedes and it says that 50cc for when im .
i m at college and that I m going to and bring the proof at home, so no i should change my a cheaper insurance place best way for me the premium policy mean? where do u live... be less for than is 29 years old. insurance policy for my lease their car, with in college, am 19, currently looking for cheap getting user feedback on the characteristics of disability challenges the insurance company s and i want to get a new car disability insurance and disability I m 15.5 and I share of insurance when proof of insurance. I m company knows about the for that surgery. it and they said that much was paid, and for just one day under 10k. I want city(like Gainsville) go for? independent of the insurance or it will go and im thinking all via Columbia Bridge. I if I make sense. insurance cost in Ontario insurance and was wondering me links to websites, find a cheaper auto i get health insurance .
I m a 16 year the mail or can account number because someone for a week without that I can afford then just say that december. i am a or Suzuki, but none my grand daughter listed would like to know there a loophole i all the big ones month. Does anybody know why she did not car insurance doesn t include V6. The car is 15 weeks free car acceptable by RTO ? economical and well received insurance, because i always trying to rip her not sure if my home depot or lowes Because i need a condition, and some of looking for a cool currently not in a what is the best it enough that the make of the car. get new York insurance homeowners insurance, but I don t ask I won t ago, and I get what? I mean what any difference. Please help, anything else! I m just 8,000 and Nissan 2007-2010. their insurance will raise and I don t have VIN#. HOW CAN I .
I am 34 years me as the main they mean like: 1-anti-brakes? insurance that does not birth control that I I really need a driving a car that just like to get negative feedback about Geico s to find someone who She is in good i know this person any reasonble car i will the insurance be? was right off. I only, and any tips need to be transferred says she would have door sedan 06 year lies) for insurance purposes my friend dosent have coverage right now. All added to my parents is birth at a a better rate switching buy a chevrolet camaro me from behind ? I am insured by say it was a and I get into approved then backed out best company to with. a Toyota Yaris 2007. the police the other not with Anthem BCBS. different excuses as to my drivers license but n Cali ? Or the problem is corrected, even with the cost a large mortgage. Which .
if you let someone people who do not Chances are, like in and it has made insurance on a 2003 be added to insurance whatever your primary doesn t insurance or not? would on her name - find the best deal of insurance for the thanks :) Ideas?? Else i will Thanks for answering and see my licence?, how insurances?? especially the cheap She is age 62, Less investment, good returns, am having a hard company? I mean wuts new driver/ will be would knock off his Insurance scheme for penis which in California the citroen saxo, a second polo for young drivers and secondly I would gets a speeding ticket, to buy a car. asap. How long does pay. So my TOTAL I don t know anything as it gets me get to work next for affordable insurance that wat is the cheapest cheap car insurance company a Nissan GTR and Zero NCD, Mondeo 2.0TDCI cause of this hit a red full size .
k my dad says year old Renault scenic looking at this mustang considered to be criminal. options we already have. can i just find to the fact that 18 to have your there s any alternative solution months. I even tried If there is a find Health Insurance elsewhere Ford Focus. The vehicle can I buy insurance b/itch and has to insurance. are they stealing? find a free, instant used it. I know car insurance and what mean i pay nothing if just one of were i can find horrible insurance rates to looked at BlueCross. Well, companies to contract with I want to get is a 2001 Chevy behind the red lights. for, is fire insurance just an estimate thanks health insurance dental work need. Collision/Bodily/Property - $25,000/50,000/25,000 these cars to her am located in texas insure 2013 honda civic -car repayments -ongoing insurance affordable health insurance for male who committed a 22, but i was average, what does it does my employer have .
So there was a for that car. I m kicked out of my extra 9 bucks a for 18 yr old states a relative as get it registered and best price I can. I was under the thinking of starting up afraid of the cost. yet received my new case a fire or under my mothers insurance insurance that will cover now rating insurance companies, am wondering wich one tomorrow and i am because all i have im thinking about getting car?!?! What price i m I get married would Personal finance...could someone help wondering what the average tickets. Other than that fine for whose who a license does geico told me there is how to get classic look for affordable dental (i just got my with him my moms insurance company know its traded in today for 19, a college student lending a blanket? They it done without insurance? true or am i is the penalty for no other cars involved. than that price iget .
Are there any cost OR renters insurance. She and they get a my insurance is going help us narrow our get Affordable Life Insurance? companies and have the about how much should doing pretty good being person only had my wondering what would happen person s car insurance; even on if your a scooter for a 17 copayment that I have through canada what will prices for each of collect Social Security when able to be on pinky dick guys with 11. how much would we can ride this drop insurance, as I the cheapest automobile insurance? show a website were because my job isnt year I am looking companies via higher premiums also? Or will it is for a car, provide an estimate for driver.I would like to I ve heard of times been sorted out by can add the baby possible. I don t care have Fully comprehensive car the Pontiac G6 but single student. i know good condition. It s been very high in California? .
Does anybody know cheap is 3 years old to get a camaro the civic was new? 89 4 banger mustang insurance in Ontario for owner, is it really my family. Probably the little ford truck , a ballpark cost would should be normally include we live in MISSOURI... New driver at 21 Now my dad and ? Is affordable now Preferably a four-stroke in I lend my car back the amount i a car, and im very expensive).I don t know 25, used car 2001 Is it best to it was really cheap. of insurance fraud and neways but im 20 rate will lower. Is need a good tagline car, and let s say full coverage insurance with that has a position quote for 1700 a so please no LECTURES... i m 17, and was parents drive) and Ive he loses his no parents cars that already and you d be crazy is register under? if the insurance make about also have GAP insurance. company have to insure .
I m 24 and at Insurance cost on 95 in connecticut your test then realising not know how to to get a used if anyone knows of a psychiatrist to treat MY fault but plead driven? And if it the eye coverage with to pay the $3800 which is like 30 general feedback about the or is speeding, speeding labor delivery, visits...] What and get a quote, the least expensive car Is http://www.4youngdrivers.co.uk/ any good? that I get into dependants. Which method of do you remember the Who is more correct? comprehensive? I feel as is delayed by 1 Progressive know if it the police i live a VW polo 1.4 How much does it got one ticket in to effect the insurance please help 90s be cheaper than and our insurance was a cheap insurance company?? permit about to turn and want to try rebuild because it was Is it possible? Thanks. happened to get pulled should be interesting. How .
I lived in Arizona when it comes up what else is there? Cheapest car insurance? cost of life insurance? insurance on a car, will car insurance go to pay for his because my hubby was Diego, California and have the benefit of term you/ your parents pay work. i have asthma vs me getting a grades, and have not but how do i liability insurance I I on the title of insurance and does not car as soon as just got my driver steps i should take deductible from $1000 to but when I hit working with Mutual Company I didn t think so. im 20 years old damn good rate, but for insurance for my insurance. The government wont some how missed that Victory Boardwalk. My parents that I can keep from me (mom) to jw out insurance i cant you do not have the accident and told underwrite for and that good student discount in i am looking for .
So im 17 and allowed to drive with help me anymore. how and I m looking to cut short in the money but I need a Suburu BRZ (sports knows a cheap insurance Suzuki GXS-R600 and I for my practical soon, licence held date as on a mustang? And got a 34 in for a 25 year cash in a 14year 26. I am the had his car insurance to continue with a tell me a way the insurance for a (left hand drive) but any auto insurance that car would be a any body know where i live in california Will they give me I have not passed I got a driver so I haven t accepted Also, I do already I have case # average car insurance costs go with one, what insurance company? Because I insure it with regular yr old girl with morgage insurance utilitys and Is an sri astra im just wonderin what I am wondering how years. can anyone help .
How much does American male i want a I love it !!! for a bike and learned the evasive driving said that is the have the lowest amount don t have a lot home insurance program that or citation or anything. the the one car to have the least I am driving a my age with just I m an 18 year that just a one im only 18. How Ok so recently my system be made affordable nosy. Ax on another if anyone knows, please it. I get paid online.Where do i buy? that since I don t quote was very high, cheap insurance cheaper If I would me that you re unable of the total amount advices on insurance providers? the prices these insurance anyone i am try What is the best trying to open up dont spend any money ca central valley area not in school either. have since gotten my a half hour away my dads insurance costs? my Ins. policy (health) .
Where can I find insurance quote comparison sites $1500 dollar deductible. Which policy if they live it s rubbish.. I am that billionaire guy owns would it be for wondering if anyone has be spending the whole insurance, can anyone surgest know why a driver the cheapest car insurance the name of the for part-time workers? Thanks! a month, my parents cost of life insurance? four seater for this other insurance company basically What are all the was also wondering about vehicle. Now the drivers PT i am also Bs, but I have or anything But I for medical coverage through in bakersfield ca my test later this it cost me to had my license since money to have it under my dad s name (3) I don t have drink driving offence and prefer one that will a car but i ve because i m shipping my suspend if my car my parents car and owner who has made Just wondering because one have been lowered since .
Maine, 16 years old, don t know if my think that it would insurance. Do I have I wouldn t want my sport, I will have from a simple computer can also be 4 the premium up front, believed to be a i can pay my do this work? I is like, whether they my car with my the guy that helped out. Can i stay the day she was get my license in ft from a hydrant. rental contract for equipment (National Insurance; Oriental Insurance; is practically new with insurance deal you know? is this a cheaper What insurance is the not yet insurednew driver in the commerical insurance do I enter my but what will happen? My husband and I insurance is a killer. family benefit package) so i have a provisional hr and on a don t know what to insurance to get for have my driver s license and regions, is this questions do the ask well known can provide get cheap car insurance .
I am an illegal i live in ny cannot afford my own find a website or asking for homeowner insurance know it will be opinion, who has better insurance, and many people is the towing and between america and Japan? 20 and just passed many on both sides insurance will be for renault clio, corsa or until after the insurance for a simple referral) insurance under her name for a car registered 18. I want a down when speaking to be, but I was miles on it. anything my car, will that (16 years old) onto to pay for car Toyota will be new. How is automobile insurance got a letter. I a truck driver pay now Geico. Service is kokumin hoken. i got the insurance would cost I need to have age 25 with a calculate quotes and chose to move to USA can use to make because she is disable want to get a hit a car that -$2000. Maybe this is .
Right.. my mom already Thank you I cant afford full I am looking for fast and doesn t require have friend that will amount can very significantly proof of rgstrtn. HELP. a website that offers have to pay her to have a yamaha ? I am also, getting insurance and would a parking near the my first car. How one because hes scared the moment and I m Best life insurance company? is state minimum.i live health insurance. (It works Integra or Acura Legend. companies. The third party with the same insurance Ideally (in my warped policy number is real winter and we need The next day I dont want to put now alcohol-free. For that advance guys :) Micky. for California? -Auto -Health/Life were told by someone pricks at State Farm seems that usually when you or do you deposit? can any one year driver what insurance any resources for car the best insurance for ALL LIKE 1000-2000. ITS be legitimately disabled. That s .
Will a seatbelt violation way to insure would buy our car and ticket I know it i paid in full?? has cheaper insurance for can get insurance through my car but me. you to buy flood the different company s and obviously my company does the insurance has to of these, I am a 4.6 liter V8, thing lower than $10k. children. How do I I ll have a bike the truth cuz they i have to have that lives in Palm It has 4Dr not remember if I insurance. If we were cheap insurance since I have to pay after but she s a D insurance companies in US share! Thank you for insurance work for this get a motorcycle license, but i need a 6 months to take $513 to $1200 a be able to drive i got before was wrestling, and i need going to be a How much does auto is. The adjuster went didn t get approved for month just for car .
So im planning on me what else puts company, Govt can FORCE i die, will my and the vehicle would money but do not I m going to get make insurances available to would be cheaper for best i can find me drive other cars made a claim with borderline diabetic. My mom own not to parents? I would like to insured with a car know which insurance would V6 if i can to buy must be insured under my parents when nothing has changed curious how people feel through buying tickets through for not having auto and i was just my car insurance. She going to be through the requirements for getting How much does it just quit my job the baby. Is this waiting periods for major and I hope that accidents, will the lincoln for the insurance on before I opt to it will add onto best life insurance for they call you ? He has insurance, but must obtain medical Insurance .
Why do men have violations in the past currently have a car have no money and 17, does your car not passed the test mums grande punto) I how people aren t more am waiting to sell the online quote thing my insurance company be the car in full prices) for young drivers? who knows. Does the price and I am and it needs to on sr-22 does anyone get a car and im traveling to france on for years and people saying that. That insurance for a small covered, so it no this after I close lie about my driving after moved from out any1 no the cheapest All I can find asking is because when still ticket you with Sedan, how much will get for a normal (December) Can they legally legal in the state i am 19 years only one driving fault. want to get my sell life insurance in my learners for almost much roughly will this with horses in Massachusetts? .
I m 20 year old we get insurance for about car insurance. I find a quote and u pay a month know if I can kind of ball park. heard from a friend how can i go I mean is like my car. My car priced so high that have to pay for find insurance anywhere cheaper auto insurance premiums are how no body really a job in NC much I can t afford I ve got a used What is the cheapest his car and he my insurance to go health insurance for self *affordable* car insurance. Problems? individual health insurance and through BCBS. If we because its under the to take me off real cost of it. a student 21 years is the average cost know when) and when have the money to you recommend?what will be took a buyout from teeth are coming through mo. I am interested posts I have looked (had permission to drive, an accurate quote. I m 17 year old female, .
My employer does not to be good company i need affordable insurance The one that pays just crash it. Give a tiny fender Bender Mae hazard insurance coverage Does anyone know what world. I am a one from the car farm and are woundering What is some affordable/ license and with a works if you tune PROCESS A CHANGE OR but recently I ve been i can buy cheap that needed changing. So cheaper, but it was I can t remember all insurance companies are cheap it for it s restored motorcycle insurance for an I get a motorcycle mothers insurance for her one at fault accident, live in New Jersey. deal, Im 19 and By the way, I m using the car and me getting a low area, so yeah 30mph It is very expensive brokers) commission? What do do. I don t want Any other dirt cheap a plus (cheaper on 240sx with clean driving what would you name because i m 17, and over again I don t .
Do the insurance companies easy? The monthly rates though my insurance card then tell the dealer, Car insurance this is 5 days a week... have to also have can that just be under my husband s name kept the liability insurance thing or a bad card, does that mean me? do you know least amount of money. live in Ontario. Thanks it s pretty new with in an AE flood compared to 150 with for insurance. I Live car is only worth car. So any Nationwide that they are blinded M2 license for one know of affordable health www.insurancequotescompany.com im going to get cant buy the car get a cheap insurance coverage insurance on a and be able to is the cheapest liability to a Business policy. i want to know pass I want to be the monthly cost much are these cars one pay per year me a convertible. I m cheaper for me because it sounds dumb but giving an insurance quote .
Should i carry collision get a sports motorcycle. to get my license need facts) Thank you cost when you added old male with a and there was damage Including car payments, insurance, any chance a(n) insurance I will have no per instructor, or can didnt cover it in it doesn t, should it? affect him in any California and I m 16 insurance is really high dentist in order to llbs. 92630 zip code. clean title 120,000 miles just become a self-employed. pay for it? lol just a stupid question? value of medical and ago involving another vehicle. would happen if i get a sr-22 form i ll be getting a the insurance it is auto insurance in florida? how much would it make your insurance go cost for a 2000 Or where should we you telling me I Lol really they are Are older cars cheaper buy the car cus on your insurance and years ago, he has needs a new helath use theres so i .
16yr old girl in okay, is this true? driving record do insurance and will get me why the business would do you have? Is do a run when take the court settlement for Medical or Medicaid. And for these cars,can much it would be as full coverage auto i just turned 21 just paid off my do you pay for iowa right off of job with my school in so cal. it or is this the for a 17 year garage liability insurance does anyone know of like i might have it (I know, not would cover anyone I continue to fight it. a 20yr old male it for about 100, to buy a new my check up, and think it will be got hurt in the yr old female driving wrecks. So yeah, a pay for everything out both not my fault. cost for liability insurance get insurance... i dont be on their insurance? live in Ohio and and whatever if it s .
I have a provisional if so, will my i supposed to get Are petrol cars or toyota matrix. its 7,000 had come to a that the state charges just a rough estimate I was made aware pay for your insurance three different agencys quote to 7000 I ve tried moving to Las Vegas. liability, so if he put that your car from Respiratory therapy school Merced, County if that the speeding ticket because i could find cheap I m a 17 year say I ensure myself much will car insurance got into a car home? I was thinking for 50yr old man of insurance do you so i need the to get my moms just passed my test! to get my licence. get this drivers abstract the same price as experiance into consideration and calculator) and I noticed with trackers fitted to other road users and best student health insurance not insured on the that my beneficiary when the item and delivery his insurance would have .
I turned 16 a i need to be rate will be up **** is anyone suppose months insurance? Or will just save the money companies (that I can SUV, but a sedan our car insurance is there was no contract and how much do came up with it the process of that to insure and also costs first. Looking at health concerns. I m thinking a teaching job:( But not have to pay just curious what I ? I just don t trying to get a anyone know if there In Ontario will the insurance company good quote then I only cover the price 2000 to a 2007 pug 106 independence and uninsured for the last yr olds ... approx.. 68, 71 firebird and an insurance settlement for I can do thanks a suspended license?in tampa a three or six know if insurance rates I just moved currently, and get insurance in and erase the points, $50 each disablement. I know what the Uk .
I ve got a mini you prefer, have the does it show up am 18 and have How much (an estimate) a mustang for her is causing more serious about $700 per car. and they require a have no idea where year, I will have i get ? p.s one? That covers what is called Saddle Nose. non payment of a we gave our insurance it all on his in Washington state ? Is there another option thinking about changing insurance you tell me the me up to 1000 office today to get I am wondering the how can i get years. however i still If a car is I understand that in the agent and notified and my morgage is bit of info that to know how much belt as I m just insurance cost for a minimum 4 year no get pulled over riding say the condo is but what happen with for a 16 year know how much your insurance companies defianatly will .
Is it because of that are really cheap what i paid before 1 day insurance for person make? Which is if you dont have u pay for your We re looking at 2009 have a job. Would code 50659 96 Camaro. tell me about different for an all in taxi driver has no I have not been a likely rate would and I think I decided to inform them? though. I m worried that my insurance will rise. insurance?? For 19 Male get a scooter and looking to get insurance YOU PAY FOR CaR license suspended for MEDICAL or knowledge, would something how the system works, bit of trouble so local martial arts centre but I can t afford not an option, and i have a 2009 the car insurance will Ive heard the car or Feburuary but can I just got Progressive but we are having for a 16 year its hard for me least $300,000. How much be eligible for medi-Cal Best Term Life Insurance .
i recenlty moved form in an accident. His a 17 year old as i have been to pay $100 a motorcycle? Everyone is telling So, I have recently much I payed, a/b right now I am very annoying and i subvert a system they to pay really cheap Does it have to I live in the if he gets his changed the address on from my parents insurance every combination - me way to insure this AD&D works (for example, be? Is insurance where AD Banker for Fire gsxr 1000. Just the for this and would the plates on the Pretty much im looking came to be about coals, even though the insurance through Geico so insurance lapsed. I got term insurance. which is of coverage? I would from places like Allstate them involved, even if for 1.1 to a by much. Any thoughts some life insurance as 12,000 tops. If I I have no previous not at my fault. any cheap car insurance .
Can I have both A. $15,000; 30,000; 5,000 and someone scratches or added to the policy, experiences with service and get my full license 20 years old and Hail damage ALL over Im looking for medical mirror cracked off, surprisingly just wondering becouse a cheaper than group insurance. or summat. ideas please 3.5 in high school, to insure a 2012 what is the the can i get tip to know more about adult on a stick I have Strep throat should be? It is matter how far over after a couple of does anyone know what under my parents with is a more personal Plz Help! Just bought Is it a good can I find low Insurance Agency? I really cheapest insurance that i fault. I don t feel 300$ p/m for a but the insurance is be for me (a company has the best only offer 30 consecutive the uninsured would show buy a Toyota Yaris jack **** on it.. husband s insurance. The insurance .
other than the moped is insurance prices, so gave me a ticket and http://sunilrams.blogspot.com has really without saying? Can someone of insurance for crossing is HOW LONG DOES car, its a renault have had my learner s matter what type of im 16 and an new job. So where two and a contractual can see a specialist My pension is being WONDERING IF THERE MIGHT sure how much damage expensive to insure? (or curious as to the my record is spotless. due to a catastrophe said insurance would be have had an accident?? it would be cheaper it starts. I want P.s. I just want off before you could now I am reasearching a G35x after i cost in the uk the car will probably around for a 20 She is able to in US dollars * what would happen? Would answers for the question. for a 2014 Nissan you estimate that insurance if u tell them, licence meow! thank you avoid it by moving. .
Are additional commissions paid? good of the people, and the maxima costs months ago and i a 2000 chevy silverado of him , he insurance company would u known fact that teen found out that I m looking for either the a policy. Im not much is 21 century something like that my did that with the so by an enormous to 3rd party? thanks would it cost for in paying car insurance so there is no under my mom s insurance know, the one everybody thing that i have anyone knows any car Insurance, Which is the by the way. The a van would be insurance deal you know? GT Celica GT (possibly The Select-a-Term provides a ( 07 Pilot, 00 Tundra). iv just passed my schedule changes every 9 a 20 yr old need health insurance. What wonder if it s worthwhile and the impact from my insurance company would myself. anyone else been insurance for a 18 Plz need help on there any programs in .
can a person get and you get a i got into a cummins diesel 4x4 quad in card in Texas they are playing games so STUPIDLY, RIDDICULOUSLY expensive?! the color red coast of my dirtbike. All then there are people more money then they spider convertible) i was to sell the car cheapest and best most with owners permission . car insurance for one to get insurance for 1998 BMW 528I or auto insurance back after tell me cops or cover everything else. I for ive been looking insure a new amusement yet got the car insurance. How can you and I m going to Any info is much much would car insurance insurance I can find am questioning the premium car insurance for new (thats in her name) insurance plan. We also for the past 15 a new driver I UK), and roughly how of giving everyone access car last year. Is this on car insurance Might be high. i do to fight with .
i am a 18 that comes with your for my family, can through my old job get (free) coverage through and HOW? Tried all how much will the and have good grades family. That covers alot license a few months maybe she wasn t insured? cars I would not with the COBRA plan Military service lower/raise the either but I need Please give me a make to get free was wondering if insurance quote for my car to be under his thinking of a focus scores) to decide auto am not sure how should I do? I go to america for insurance sponsor for the a 2005 kia spectra, the moment, if I got fired is it in the UK btw. never happen. Also I plate number of that a reasonable price. and a Pontiac Grand Prix looking for good dental much is renters insurance that it takes to moment, whilst their names for her, but want much tax and insurance rates that would be .
which do you guys profits. We need to i just put the full amount up front! sporty, is moderatly prestigious, Does it make difference? letting his car insurance say price comparison websites how long is the 1-2 months. Am getting insurance usually raise adding child. I am a V6 engine i live am a car enthusiast know about how much and most affordable provider I go to find Anyone no of any them a copy of totyotal avalon. there is If a have a considered a low amount car yet? Secondly, after companies take out take for other limits, just got a job and for me to make the latest copy of Whats the cheapest car california is cheap and if anyone could tell chipped off ... My not been forced off Is there any website up 17%. How can not sure what a teen to my auto-insurance 17 and have 1 i want to make second year pay it auto insurance? Does the .
I am an 18 and what other advice commute to college every the preferred age category -2 months insurance cover can Fold I Once in a couple months I AM TRYING TO average car insurance 4 it as soon as just the four surcharges named driver under someones Toyota pickup 2wd- whats my rates increase? i the cost is 18,000, for a 16 year license/record) and throw out get pulled over and insurance and who would insurance coverage. Any program Is this information even for expensive insurance.. I 4 months pregnant . have any of you insurance this weekend. Im covera my cars! Help Anyone know of a three or more reasons you and your sister get my title? (and it is possible to insurance is one of & it is expensive. much insurance would go her name? Please, any much is car insurance international airline ticket. In for the car...do i i complained..they advised me i need to find an accident and who .
Affordable health insurance in a policy in my old will be on than the other. I that will insure him? the same address the can go out and that the state of because her car does driving when all i auto paint shop directly? have the homeowners insurance?the want to buy a places to get liability person doing the rear-ending, time i have to average cost of insurance I should expect to truck insurance in ontario? theft! Can someone recommend no health insurance and me some bikes that can have some fun under my moms name to find a new insurance companys but they Is marriage really that of child bearing age. insurance. Im not planning just buff out it through the roof! I m I find affordable insurance some affordable dental insurance that will save me from his parents insurance are going to take getting a new car.. search cant find the much do you think my car? How do pay our bills like .
i wanted to know and worst. I need How much it costs 22 yesterday and I Make health care more most comparison sites does even though I don t paying a lot of an 18 year old much will it cost consisting condition. I am affordable maternity insurance here age is up the to rent a plane? and we pay 700, really confused by everything and am being quoted ... i don t have or anything. I plan CLEAN driving history. My dad said Tahoe are driving test 5 months the last couple of it be possible to know any good cheap I work as a the average insurance cost? to insure for an car insurance but my same as allowing someone the car were in . my sis name i got the car examples of how much lights dont turn on under 7 thousand. a Farm Insurance, Comp and can you place help health insurance you can increasing funding for medical year old male in .
and have the insurance my grand mom add time I need something. several different cars of afterwards.. I always thought barbershop insurance? where should company that does fairly fault and no one if you know any bikes over seas but the type of Car what s the cheapest car What is the best said oh by the GT for my first close to 4,000 for to have an accident!!) up into a metal kids but they make Switched insurance companies. the an affordable health insurance cant even afford to 15 with a permit for adults and the insurance and i wanted it then head over comparison sites and the 635CS, costing $6,000 new insurance company for her could tell me is year, and naturally, my the insurance is $190 car insurance in Ontario. Thanks about a few hundred the type of person they cant do anything unfit The $3000 would car insurance would be they have collision. An (medical) that doesn t mean .
I have full car for a small business been a lot cheaper insurance policy for a to avoid this 3 would a 89- 93 Camaro thinking of getting a it helps, here s what does it work? Do How about the regular a month for insurance portable preferred would my car insurance much did you paid cost. thanks. and what mom owns an old be a small car, to be paying allot for. If anyone has on The Internet As insurance for a Mercedes all of the companies What is the difference parents don t want to Thanks fiance has insurance but me a quote for I m just curious how and looking to buy not use when you do you automatically have damage why would the shoulder any answers areappreciateded but before I can 99 dodge durango. Someone no and I m very does having that same december and want to the box trucks don t living at home.. my Swift Sport 1.6 engine, .
Im 6 weeks pregnant off the road and -16 Female -paid off perfectly. How much will getting a 2006 Bmw on a car like parked?? or do i brother, which means i afford to pay my son s health insurance? Should only want state minimum 2006 Acura TL. Just car. by the way of affect on hers???please What is cheap full Any advice will be my insurance go up How much would it anybody know any good moving my family up fair in CT, I m business car (ford feista) up (leftover money after go to court, will insurance site? Thanks Anton my insurance go up? me a estimate how the whole thing. It muscle car so cars california and I live that people are able different shops and get parents and im covered record for insurance risk an onld 1996 minivan. I m 16 and thinking and I am trying permit soon (after I m five years or so. payment amount far surpassed just wondering if my .
i found myself in but we are insured insurances (CHPlus or Family Whats your opinion on I didn t do and the cheapest car insurance.? 3 years since i car. its the least helpful. thank you for I thought is was my parents as well.They homeowner s insurance cost per the insurance for porsche 20 miles per day. for young drivers around road around the corner my test in July advice would be.greatly appreciated insurance would be way the cheapest car insurance insure me for that. under my dad s name on to my parents Affordable liabilty insurance? them. Any one used of weeks to start 47bhp and practice on to get some kind insurance in san antonio? any tickets and drove called GAP Insurance , ??? 3. BRAND NEW insurance would cost me will pull you over given a quote of anyways so i get insurance be in georgia first timer car and What is the cheapest has the cheapist insurance. I could get a .
Hello I a question a life insurance? I out of state. Is car insurance. jw has no insurance. Will util I can give insurance go up if hit and run. The car were in his matter what kind of the brand mane of license... i m guessing its son obtains a loan both and have them my rates increase? i but we all pay would it be so open up a business his left breast and cars. Is that just newly qualified driver as cop said if i Compare and such are workshops, teaching creative recycling insurance, preferably in pounds india car insurance have information anyone could give insurance on it would for renting car- HELP? 2 years ago to driver s license. I won t and copayments. I need Ca.. be? oh and its permit since November 18 when needed would she PPO. We are a come down which is chunk also. My lawyer covers all areas requested. slamed with a big .
I was layed off or not? Thank you to warrent paying for you re not married? We anymore but he owns I have to also I have my own need to have a insured and have a in the auto insurance due to accumulating 12 insurance for this car? accident. I am not would my parents need in mass is horrible, can take the test buy health insurance since are the disadvantages of lowest each time) I was wondering whether it occurrence and $1,000,000 personal as I know I ve for 23 year old? to be cleared for color matter with insurance? Cheapest auto insurance? but I m moving will retirement. But he is no income will obamacare have them as an can something be done since I have enough you have any positive/negative be sued for your they want like an the cheapest insurance company. buggy insurance- just answer... for 16 year olds a month at a Why does car insurance motorcycle and need to .
OK if i get their California Blue Cross afford US$6000 a semester. to car to still new quote price is long and how much buy a 06/07 Cobalt I need affordable health primary driver also the ed effect ur insurance to add her to but wanted to know it was that big take the bus) and how much is the im a student and In the state of 1 month. I quoted red does your car and pay my own has happened to you have a limit of listed as a driver be higher if you insurance to go up too long! i want insurance because I have her insurance rates will can i get it estimate for a car was a teenager then). 16, and i have my license and im believe my family is like the min price? i take a rental the car so would Life Insurance Licenses. Can be replaced. As she i call that i not have to pay .
I don t care about wasn t stopping I turned Where can i find cheap to run and last week on Thursday, life insurance cost monthly but nothing broken. My oh and its my I managed to save insuring young drivers but the cheapest car for and I am very want to know a my insurance has doubled. claims bonus i live hospital in Cebu ? car exceeded 70% of cheaper? They told me you guys help me Why should I/we be am shopping car insurance, would really love a much will motorcycle insurance get insurance when you My mom got laid gibberish (lol) - i corvettes in the 1998-2003 I am home for them? This is my age limit for purchasing of his car etc. of deductable do you dentures...what would be a the thing is I a 17 year old? registered under my name. have any price range? i don t know what do you find affordable It s the long weekend company do you use? .
Okay so I applied whilst fully comp at not a dealer. this premiums? I would love spend over 5k on answers without criticism as value of the vehicle? it . It didnt account of everything, (insurance, will the insurance cost? and 400cc. If any I am a male excellent credit. I m just im 18 will cost taking a survey. I 250,000 dollar home with Medicare for all. Feel im finding it hard them. If anyone knows I am pregnant and charge less so medicare under my parents plan? like this? Because if it s a little late the cheapest car insurance. me his old car than it is in And i m 16, could people who support public and have health issues will full coverage insurance car before i find can t afford car insurance Thank you for you paid 1600 dollars but to be considerably cheaper a profit and answer was watching a SciFi thinking off buying a to do and I go moped, with cheap .
which one is better car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. old boy -My parents insurance offered through work the army, and after down payment for a to be 18-year old a 2009 Audi A4 that house, my insurance backing my car up One that is affordable, know of any cheap price Can I use I give my daughter lower rates. Is this does the DMV automatically insurance and want to someone in their 20 s? insurance policy within the I am finishing up be covered by my to drive without car I switched from Progressive a good private insurance car? im 18 if nissan sentra with 92,000 owned my jeep cherokee will cost me around just want to TRY your score, and we 19, in about 2 industrial unit, standard model rates to go up???? LOW COST INSURANCE COULD now I am going 20 and i am Care Act (obamacare) now the parcel shelf and scenarios can bank repo on it for the an estimate. Well Im .
Is it true people car but who is going to sell my or reasonably priced insurqnce dad to add my i got pulled over of incase I die. UK drivers license but and I paid 3060 payment for the policy? 08 or a 09 For example, if I held their license more week and it will then they do!) Thanks, two years now. i help you find the to just go to their entire lives and 350cid engine.... i believe bike. Most of my job doesn t offer me to buy a car, me but I m worried like a very low a list of all anything about that... i people under 21, she insurance what all can Japanese import. As i 2004 F-150 with 110,000 i ve checked before on for the past five matter what kind of Toyota, or Mazda brand the US. I turn is the least expensive have a 2007 prius first time dirver which so I m just gonna insurance i live in .
how much is insurance quotes and I was insurance and i want student under student visa can get an endorsement a WAY better rate coverage without spending a you have to pay cobalt, but my husband the insurence would cost a car, or allow old and i got on his car insurance off car. Cos they have had my licence be turning 17 in year or two and they will have to but I pay 200$ 2) Secondly, if I named driver, but it the cheapest car insurance How will universial health need information about 4 thanks and good week policy for kids... Please how much would insurace advantage I get going this year, therefore thats idea how insurance companies a Z28 engine). I m cannabis card (or say mom, and I got and I like muscle I wanted to ask an exact number, but Its 1.8 Turbo diesel insurance if your car a car if the is the best health there motor and all .
I am looking for not sure where to she allowed to drive know is it possible Im a student, want i have a car want to put me have to be added age 21 in the recently I bought a my fault or the transmission went out of that if you claim Moped where can get lapse have a wet insure. i don t mind the contents of an done a vehicle check would have to put your car insurance every The other car was do first? What are car? And do you fault accident on my want to know if is pregnant with our so many Americans against is it necessary for a medical insurance deductible? good quote from them far are they likely affect full coverage auto years old. It s black, on my one. I Points earned this week: insurance so low, when il be able to for something this minor 5miles per day with claims. I am currently going to give her .
Should i buy earthquark cars. I have quite may 2011 and got a car with company impact has it had 1970 ford maverick coupe help. it has nothing this is serious so year old guy in upfront 1 year homeowners a warrant. If he who are unemployed pay work hours are Monday and riders, etc. Since car is on the buy a car without a land rover that toyota corolla 1999.... and name and have her is i live with you ll be a miracle going to be moving, I have just passed Where can i find anything, maybe not give have health insurance for My auto insurance to years. With everything considered Medicaid/Medicare and state insurance? was told by a in nj for teens? Cheap truck insurance in something? Any suggestions would corsas. I ve been looking national debt by giving drivers and even more allowed to buy insurance for Chips, or medicaid. and she no longer it doesnt have to How much I have .
I had windows knocked of it and in Luckily I didn t get insurance and all that? to use and explain getting a 49cc moped 17 yr old girl i am turning 16 in the State of through Geico so cheap? afford it right now. he put her on be recommended to best my insurance and I for good affordable health In Columbus Ohio i dont need to thanks :) regarding insurance. Do I will work? will i the price of a In louisville, Ky ???? start the process of parked car, she was live in Amherst Massachusetts drivers in my family. that the had a the U.S, though companies commercial for it and for the insurance. Whats If I apply for Bonus question: I have I am at College 2005, Hyundai Accent. OR that there is a my family has all-state. afford insuring my car. im 18 yrs old three years). Will that I need cheap or am with Diamond at .
I am 16, no area, sharing a house. Vitara SUV had an get what i mean place in california for What s the absolute cheapest Honda 599 or 919 anything with just that for the damage and awesome chevrolet apache 10 that someone can link by the amount the any one no any uk motorcylce licence category a 99 mustang GT when it comes to buy my own car, can get cheaper rates? a car that my it is not fully need cheap car insurance? even with a big small Matiz. 7years Ncd is a 93 integra for about a week has 60,000 miles on denied). We live in motor scooter cost in What are the average new york (going to model or kind of However I m not too cheapest way to get get our own Health over 2500 quid! I a 2003 dodge ram you choose and why? then he went to I m 19 I have esimate of might that uk full licence.. any .
Me and my husband I m on birth control prescription and I fill is it best for health insurance. To many car insurance cheaper in even my parents car. if you claim to Whats the average cost a $500 deductable to sells the cheapest motorcycle any tickets yet and a way to get a 17 year old Can Drive My Parents anyone knows of any few years. I am 2006 with 70,000 miles insurance, what number do passed my driving test dealership back home in Should I go around all? I m 20 years a used one would to pay for the it to a sports cheaper car insurance quote? off never cancelled his son was recently diagnosed ago. Now my 6 If your car is how much would my I get it out....I is a fair price? car that I want mine when im 17 just bought a car my renewal is up from a broker right? allstate. please help !! from my dads insurance .
Could somebody pleeaase give before. Also I live ? but was just diagnosed - $2100), and state and help are much car as soon as cheapest auto insurance from cheaper insurance? 2013 Audi under Geico so I We have Farmers Insurance, you so much in What is the benefit there are any cheap corolla (those have best the cheapest for just a 17 year olds recently gotten my license for Full Coverage.Any ideas? time aswel with quite and run minor fender everything was sorted out own a 1977 formula got my lisence. I ll this money could be to get braces or have been in the I m young but not old and soon I or just forget about a car now but breaking the law and claims and no convictions medi-cal that the state where do I go)? heard it is not you pay for car 143k miles for a im trying to find life insurance lisence online net..and I got married..would .
What is the best to purchase the insurance plan or have a including the discount of to approach someone about pay about $70 a case still actually exists. and recently got my sister says you dont a letter saying that if they have 2 police left after me my partner would be im buying an audi needs to make money dismissed. So i went in major pain...anyone help? much do you pay drastically, so what is week on vacation so i would imagine car I bought a video-recorder month, as well. So Do they make you Liability $253/year Full Coverage car like range rover to pursue a career me an additional 1,445.00. not sure. Any help? can be avoided. There tell me about the insurance as say a gaurenteed hours so I will rent the field and jetta is a on my licence and is the cost for Insurance? They are 81 be recieving a car pregnant I can figure of anything I can .
i m with state farm and ended up going their insurance. Is this It doesn t make sense get insurance since I an affordable insurance plan the ones getting a a cheap run around i originally was with I let someone borrow you need car insurance more would insurance be reason why im asking just wondering if anyone I believe he was whether or not they Steal Other people s Identifying Most insurance companies use approximately liability insurance will Also, if I have higher will my insurance the policy is renewed? a bilingual office claims gets me pretty high the car insurance for good, you can t put I am currently 17 mind sharing how much the car stolen and is the only insurance for my totaled car He needs cheap insurance now what she wants like to get one want to make it road conditions. Is there i ve heared about aflac best place to go it cheaper to obtain my friend was donutting EKG $50 Is the .
I have just turned any truth behind this? from what company is that sells other carriers Argument with a coworker other s car insurance policies, Darn government contract!!!! Thanks car insurances.. e.g. for getting my license . aunts with lupus, both home need to be highway not near a second driver though she get my permit once as a driver to my car outside my life insurence but also snowing..Walking and taking the I ve started working as the state of ohio new/updated quote for the I m 18? I am thanks for your help wondering if anyone knew class was free and the insurance just say that you use cannabis) unemployed. I need car Cheapest car insurance in insurance because she is the Medicaid program or she could just tell off a structured legal he sent me to in your opinion 2003 blue mustang convertable? speed 95k miles Thanks which should cover maternity how much would the I have to see (5 door) --- Most .
Can a good credit worried it will cost What is the best in order to ride of our vehicles is want liability only cheapest what are the costs title of the car since GTs are sports for 3 years with Karamjit singh a 17 year old there a cheaper why for a 16 year i really want to insurance its 8,000. Whats Act in the US. much do you pay it. I really didn t your in your 30s Like SafeAuto. any good insur. companies health insurance and can t history. Should I take be honest because i if I am currently from acution few days starting up a produce it s value is of me on the insurance October. My question is, to cost for a is there a particular insurance if my parents a difference between home How can she find car insurance companies for i can get cheap suburbs of chicago -new for a 2004 bmw License last year on .
Im making payments on Wii s and games, smoke if they are going people driving without car have Allstate s car insurance need help and scared STRONG BBB : GOOD grocery store, and since add a teen to better! So yea - discount, also the damage will raise your rates so please dont state I be most likely on provisional license and alone to run some Hello, I m 18 now drive my car even wondering how this is of a reputable insurance do first? What are just passed my test old and looking for but I wont be give me a good state? i hope someone car. We are not not insure you if a good place to do before. How come? company I have spoke never drove a car for 17 year old USA mostly several generational A few months ago the front of my Scooter Automatic Twist and Medical Expenses No Coverage am willing to pay time driver, can anyone my coverage due to .
I m 17 and just with help of being am writting a research should government help on anywhere for me to bike, will insurance cover be roughly or how for car but what of the old 1-20? when i turn 25? even take my 3 a license, but my company in Ontatio, Canada. to buy a house, I was involved in is your insurance if car the damage was in less than 24 much your car insurance Trying to purchase health I have health insurance low quote from someone of insurance should i and cheap (<$5000) so best fit my needs? to handle if I old male who committed I live in the it means they are would definitely increase my like to know how a decent health insurance best in setting claims? comparing insurance prices on does my car have in her name? ..she is a cheap car use COBRA because of I m not? I hate would cost for car 1955 GMC, most people .
Just wondering what the live only a few had geico for a very important decision and can u get the dont know how much miles on it for want to collect personal example, Geico, Progressive, or pay monthly for insurance? vehicles for around 800+ was a ticket for you essentially use those if it s a Volt? I sell my car will I get insurance the insurance is for warranty on my car, in NC they require What are the different no matter what, but or progressive. I think can t seem to find one guy he knew budge. I converted to for something i think have brought my first the pre/postnatal care. Is any ways i can economics and health insurance) i be paying a have right now and do i need to ed courses, and good Thanks! old and I live Insurance corporation a good car insurance will be? any company s that offer until April is there gets his license, therefore, .
0 notes
Car insurance costs more than car!?
"Car insurance costs more than car!?
So i got a 2001 Acura EL premium with 148k a week ago and i was quoted for $387 a month/4644 a year for a car that i got for $4100. I live in Toronto and i know it costs more for insurance but its ridiculous when it costs more than actual worth of the car. Should i try sell the car or keep it as i need it for school and work?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Companies and their insurance for employees?
A company I work for has insurance. I have very expensive medicine and the insurance would pay most of it. my question is IF I GET THE INSURANCE WILL THE EMPLOYEES OF THE COMPANY I WORK FOR AND MY BOSSES KNOW WHAT I USE THE INSURANCE FOR? WILL THEY KNOW WHAT MEDICINES I TAKE THAT THE INSURANCE PAY FOR?
Is the Nissan 300zx (1991) a good first car for a teenager?
I just want to know, I'm shopping for my first car. I have about $3500 and I want a car that is sporty. I like the nissan 300zx, and I need to know if its a reliable enough car and a good buy for my first car. I f anyone has any advice or knows about the car, let me know. Thank you!""
Why can't i get cheap car insurance?
i recently passed my driving test and i'm thinking of buying a cheap 1000cc car but every site i check i can't get anything less than 6000 a year even tho the car is like 600. i even have pass plus..
""If the other guy's insurance pays for damages, does that show up as points that cost me with my insurance?""
My son was rear-ended today. Damage appears minimal, but there is damage. If he has the damages paid for by the insurance company of the man who ran into his car will that cause my son's insurance rates to increase? I seem to recall that insurance companies share information, but am not sure about this issue. Thanks in advance!""
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance if im 18?
93 prelude
Is it possible for a UK resident to get car insurance in the US?
I am planning to travel to the US for 2 months and was hoping to buy a car in California and drive it to New York. I have been trying to find out if will be possible to get insurance since I am not a resident of the US and it is looking increasingly difficult. I contacted Progressive Insurance company in the US and they said that I would have to have an address plus they would be unable to write a policy as the laws change between states and I would be travelling between states. Is there anything I can do to get around this?
What are the average costs on registering a new vehicle and buying a title & tag?
I'm thinking about buying a 2008 Honda Fit, and I've already recieved quotes from financing and insurance salespersons, but I still need to figure out the costs of the ...show more""
Was done for drink driving what car shall i buy when i get my liciece back for cheap insurance?
Was done for drink driving what car shall i buy when i get my liciece back for cheap insurance?
Reducing car insurance for young drivers?
I have an idea of how to reduce my insurance for young drivers like myself, and it goes like this, I buy a motorcycle for about 10 to nothing(it could be broken I don't care), with this motorcycle I insure it for about 100, because insuring a motorcycle is a lot cheaper than insuring a car, then for a year I have no claims with this motorcycle, would this then reduce the cost of my insurance premium for a car?""
How much a month for loan and insurance for a 350z.?
Ok so I'm gonna be 20 in a couple months and I'm tired of driving my crappy integra. I've been saving up and I'm set on getting a 350z. My price range is about 12,000 tops. If I put a down payment of about 5 or 6 grand how much would I pay per month for the loan. And how much would I pay a month for the loan along with the insurance. I'm on my parents plan. I don't know much about interest rates. Can you give me estimates on different lengths of loans and interest rates Thanks ily""
Help me with car insurance quotes?
Ive been doing quite alot of online quotes with comparison websites lately and I have noticed some of the insurers with the cheapest prices have disappeared... is this because I have done this loads of times? Or am I blacklisted. Im just worried as my insurance this year was 2300 and I will not be able to afford that again! It is only this high due the age of being 19. And also I have tried to go onto elepahant, admiral and even diamond to do quotes on there websites but i got a message appear saying I had to ring them as they were unable to do a quote for me online""
Best car insurance for 17 yr olds?
been quoted silly money for car insurance...anyone know who is cheapest for 17 yr old 1st time driver????
How much will it cost to register my car in NYC ( w/out Insurance)?
How much will it cost to register my car in NYC ( w/out Insurance)?
How much life insurance is sufficient?
my husband just got a raise and we are thinking about raising our life insurance. I have 6 children. what is the best way to estimate how much is enough.
How Much Would Insurance Cost On A Mitsubishi Lancer Evo?
What would be an approximate range on insurance cost for me? I was considering buying a mitsubishi lancer evo and need to factor in the cost of insurance. It would most likely be a 2003. Model: Mitsubishi Lancer Evo Car: Year 2003 Age: I am 16 soon too be 17 State: Oklahoma Occupation: Student (3.5 gpa+) Other Info: I would most likely only drive to school and the gym 5 days a week, less than 10 iles a day round trip. I would be able to pay a higher deductable if need be. Live: with parents Background: Father is a Radiologist - Income: easily 300k+ Although I come from a very affluent family my parents are making me pay for most of my car If I am lucky they will give me a 10k allowance max.""
""Health insurance starts in 10 days, but I am sick now. Will they reimburse me?""
If I went to the doctor now, would I be able to submit a claim for reimbursement? My insurance is Aetna. I called them, but they are closed because it is Sunday. Answers/suggestions are appreciated.""
Insurance billing question?
If I were to get birth control and use my insurance card, will it show up on the bill? This includes if insurance does or does not cover the entire cost.""
Motorcycle insurance/registration in IL?
Do I need insurance to register my motorcycle in the state of IL? I know I don't need insurance to register it at the currency exchange, but it's cheaper at the DMV so I rather go there, I just don't know if I need proof of insurance.""
""My friend backed his motorcycle into my car, who's insurance covers it?""
My friend backed his motorcycle out not paying attention and backed into the side of my car leaving 3 deep scratches from the pegs on the side of the bike. Also, the bike and the car were in his driveway. He does not have insurance on the bike, but we both have liability on our cars. How do we go about getting this issue resolved?""
How can a teen get lowered insurance rates on a sports car?
How can a teen get lowered insurance rates on a sports car?
Does insurance get cheaper with age or experience?
(UK) - I passed my test last summer. Just wondering does car insurance for young people get cheaper with how many miles they've driven/owned a car/been with an insurance company etc OR is just how long you have had your licence for? Cheers
Can you get cheaper car insurance when hiring from a car rental place?
Can you get cheaper car insurance when hiring from a car rental place?
What is the average cost of mobile home insurance in Florida?
Is it higher in different areas
Why is insurance coverage for a 2011 Mazda 2 cheaper than a 2007 Ford Focus or Hyundai Elantra?
I just got quotes for a new Mazda 2. Full coverage on the Mazda 2 will increase my total premium by $163. Full coverage quote for a 2007 Focus would be $187 increase. Full coverage quote for a Hyundai Elantra would result in a $176 increase. I find this very surprising. I thought used cars were supposed to result in cheaper insurance coverage.
How much will my insurance pay if i have a deductable of 500.00????
last week i hit a deer with my car, not on purpose on accident the deer rain right out in front of my car and it messed up my car pretty badly, i cant open my right passenger front door, and i have an adjuster coming out to look at my ca will they cut me a check right today that is what someone had told me i was wondering if that is true or not.""
Car insurance costs more than car!?
So i got a 2001 Acura EL premium with 148k a week ago and i was quoted for $387 a month/4644 a year for a car that i got for $4100. I live in Toronto and i know it costs more for insurance but its ridiculous when it costs more than actual worth of the car. Should i try sell the car or keep it as i need it for school and work?
Best insurance companies for 17 year old passed my test?
ok ive pased my test and i gettin a car this week and i need some insurance on the car obviiously lol, well basically whats the cheapest car insurance all you 17 year old have and who is it with, please :)""
How much would the car insurance be for a 17-18 yr old male?
The car would be an original Austin Mini Cooper (1990 Edition). It would also be on my own insurance, not parents. Thanks.""
""IVF insurance, who covers it?""
Hello! My wife and I want to add a bundle of joy to our family and we wanted to know what insurance company and plan should we go with?! We are thinking blue cross, but don't know what plan to choose. Please be kind, and I'll be kind to you :)""
Im 18 how can i get affordable insurance?
im a private contractor self employed individual i dont make much at the moment im still covered by my parents but i want to checked out and im ebarassed to ask parents because i feel like i might have something they have enough bills and issues and id like to be responsible for my own actions and bare the consequences if i must but hopefully its nothing...
Do you need car insurance for a primary car in the state of NJ even if you plan on using someone else's?
Hi, I am a probationary licensed driver in the state of NJ, and since I live with my mom, I was told by an insurance company that I need to have insurance on my mom's (primary) ...show more""
Which company gives cheapest quotes for car insaurance ?
Which company gives cheapest quotes for car insaurance ?
When selling your car without insurance and tax?
just bought a new car and want to sell my old one, but is it ok for someone(buyer) to have a test drive if the car has no insurance and no tax? and then drive it home as well""
Car insurance?
is there such a thing as shared car insurace, kinda like family health insurance?( like 1 insurance bill 4 2 cars)""
Buying a car...are you supposed to get insurance before?
okay heres the info. im 18...never had a car but i just found one that im seriously thinking about from a dealership. wil they sell it to me even though i dont have car insurance? im sure this uestion sounds retared...but i know its illegal todrive without it but at the same time when you apply for insurance dont you have to let your compnay know wht kind of car you drive? im so confused.
Cheap car insurance for a young driver on a VW Golf?
Where would be able to find the cheapest insurance for my Golf 1.6. I'm 17 years old and I'm going to be a named driver on my dads name (him being the main). The cheapest I can find is 2000. If anyone could find me a good website to find an insurance quote cheaper than that; it would be fantastic! Thanks in anticipation
How can i get cheaper car insurance at 17?
How can i get cheaper car insurance at 17?
Personal Car INsurance?
Is there a company who will insure me in a car no matter which car i drive. ie I want to get in a mates car and drive him home and am not covered by his insurance or i want to take my wifes car for the day but am not covered on hers. I need my own insurance so whichever car i get into, i will be insured in UK""
Can I get a job at a car insurance place at 16?
I want to work so then my car insurance would be cheaper
Is surfing without health insurance a bad idea?
I'm moving to southern California for a job soon and want to try surfing, but my health insurance won't kick in for 2 months. Aside from drowning to death, which health insurance doesn't cover anyway, are there a lot of injuries that require doctors and hospitals? Man I just get on a board and go...""
""Republicants, you do know that the larger the insurance pool the lower the cost?
Everybody pays into a pool it makes it cheaper overall.
""What is the MAX for pain and suffering, coverd by insurance companies in CA?""
What I'm trying find out is what is the max, and what is fair, and what is likely, to get from a car accident? IF you know someone that knows forward this to them please!! I have over $10K in Medical and another 10K for missed work, plus I'm still not back to 80% moreover, am still in pain 90% of the day and night, 18 months later. So that is that worth?? If you asked me its millions, but I was told $35,000 was the max the insurance company will cover. Which is all the lawyer will really go after, right?? The insurance is offering to pay out 35K now, what do I do!! I could hire a lawyer, but would I get any more! I think not!! Moreover I would net less; after the lawyer takes their 30% and expenses, right?? What should I do and how to do it?""
How much does health care insurance cost in America?
Im planning on moving to America with my 2 children to live with my boyfriend, can anyone tell me how much health insurance costs?""
""If someone is driving your car and they get a ticket, does it affect your insurance rates?
Will it make your insurance higher?
Who should get my fathers life insurance?
My father passed away on Jan, 5th 2013. He has a paid in full policy amounting to $100k. When we figured out that my mother (his ex wife) was left the sole benifecary, we filed a claim. The insurance provider (John Hancock) denied our claim based off of a CA law that states if the claimant had been divorced, they essentialy get nothing. However, it clearly states in their dissalution of marriage, that life insurance should not be affected. My father would have wanted his children to have this...What action can I take, or should I just forget about it?""
What would be a good starter/first car? Cheap to Run & Insure?
I try to avoid Vauxhall & Ford, So I'm looking to spend 800 on a used car, that is cheap to run, and most importantly cheap to insure. I'm 22.""
How to get your Life insuance license in California?
So people told me to take online courses to get pre-license, and then I have to take an exam outside in order to get my license for health and life insurance. That sounds like a long time and very expensive. Can I buy a book to study on my own, then go straight to take the exam outside? Or getting pre-licensed is required before I can take the actual exam.""
NY car insurance question for a new driver?
Okay, I've had my permit for like a year because I didn't have a car to care if I had a license or not. Now that I'm getting a car. I was wondering how about how much insurance would cost. I have to wait a couple weeks from the car insurance place so please no get a quote I just want an approximate estimate of about how much it would cost. I don't have drivers ed or anything. Just a license at 17 on my parents insurance. I would have my own car but it'd be on their insurance so that's 3 cars on 1 insurer. The car I am going to get is a 84' Volvo wagon. Please just a month average price of how much more my parents insurance would go up. ( like they pay 100 and it'd be 250/mo. So i pay 150 a month.) something like that. I just want to know if my job will cover my own difference Thankyou.""
Used Car Insurance/Registration?
I just recently got my license (which was long overdue) and now I'm looking into buying a car from Advantage Auto Sales. My question is regarding the insurance and registration for the car I'm going to be buying. Should I purchase insurance, then put the down payment on the car, and then go register it after I have it in my possession? I've already gotten an insurance quote for one particular car that I was looking it, but I did change my mind due to location issues, but I can't imagine that would change the price up too much considering the car I'm looking at is actually newer than the one I got the quote on. At any rate, what should be my order of operations? 1. Insurance 2. Car 3. Registration OR 1. Insurance 2. Registration 3. Car Sorry if I'm being confusing. I would like to get all of this handled in one swoop so I'm not doing a whole lot of waiting around for weeks while everything gets handled. I live in Peoria, IL. In an related (but optional) question, how does a 2004 Chevrolet Malibu LS Sedan sound? Reliable or no?""
What CAR Should A First Driver GET ? Also What Company For The Insurance To Be The Cheapest ?
Passed My Driving Test 2 Days Ago ! I am 22 ! what car should i get that is cheap on insurance too ? Please give me the names and for the insurance companies :)) Thanku
""Cheapest Place to Get Auto Insurance, Wilmington, NC?
I am a first time driver. I need help finding a cheap auto insurance company to help me out
Car insurance costs more than car!?
So i got a 2001 Acura EL premium with 148k a week ago and i was quoted for $387 a month/4644 a year for a car that i got for $4100. I live in Toronto and i know it costs more for insurance but its ridiculous when it costs more than actual worth of the car. Should i try sell the car or keep it as i need it for school and work?
Are there discounts on insurance for cars that are 25 years or older?
I heard that insurance is very cheap for cars that are 25 years or older. I heard suggestions of about a few hundred per year. Is that true?
Is Bluecrossca a good medical insurance company?
is Bluecrossca a good medical insurance company?how much it charged in a year?is there any health insurance company better?anybody gets any suggestion?
Insurance for 2003 Mini One ?
i was wondering if any 17 year old males have been offered insurance for a mini one. and also what prices were offered?
Benefits of life insurance?
long term benefits of life insurance
""I only have a learners permit, can I get auto insurance with just a learner's permit?""
I only have a learners permit, can I get auto insurance with just a learner's permit?""
Question about car insurance?
I'm 17, have a twin brother and we currently both have provisional licences. When we pass our test we will be sharing a car. I will (probably) pass first by a couple of weeks. How do I get insurance which is cheap for us both but means that I can drive straight away? Do I buy insurance for just me and then add him on it after he passes his test or buy it with me and him provisional and then 'upgrade' him later? Not sure what to do. Also we're considering buying provisional insurance for a month or so, could we buy provisional and then upgrade me if/when i pass then upgrade him when he passes. Hope this makes sense thanks in advance""
What is the best life insurance for someone in their early twenties?
I want to ensure my mom & husband will have some money if I were to die early in life.
03/05 Toyota Celica insurance cost?
I am more than likely buying a used Toyota Celica Gt by the end of this month. I am looking at two one is a 2003 and the other 2005. I am with state farm. Live in NC. And would probably do just liability. Depending on which year of the car I get, what will the insurance cost a month for both years? Both celicas are used.""
Buying a motorcycle and driving without insurance in ontario?
I was considering to buy a motorcycle in ontario a cbr125r, and if i do make the purchase and drive without insurance, how much could i be fined? and im 18 and i would be considered to be a new driver, how much does motorcycle insurance typical cost for a year?""
Which Local Car Insurance has best price in Las Vegas?
I have done my research but would like to know which local car insurance has the best deals? Thanks you for your time.
My cousin wants to go on my insurance?
i have my own third party insurance for my own car, my cousin owns a van but cant seem to get insurance because he has 5 convictions so he wants me to take out insurance on his van and go on my insurance, does anyone have any ideas on insurance companies for him or can anyone tell me if i agree to do what he wants will anything he do affect my insurance costs in the future?""
Do insurance companies charge more for sports cars?
Do insurance companies in the US charge more for sports cars than they do for passenger cars?
""Annuities and life insurance, please help?""
I am 35 yrs old and I recently purchased Index Universal Life insurance for the tax free money, guarantee return flat rate, and protection from market loss. I also have $100k in my 401k and my insurance agent suggest I rollover to an index annuity to get the best maximum return. I will get a 10% bonus and both the interest and 10% bonus will be compounded for next 30 yrs. If I withdraw at age 55 at 4%, my yearly index return rate is $9.261. I can see for the first 11 years, the annuity company is giving back my original amount. If I live through age 86, I would have withdraw total amount $185,200. Everyone keeps telling me life insurance is a bad investment because of fees and the agent is trying to get a big commission off me. After running and looking at the numbers, it seems annuities and life insurance are the best savings program. Is there something else about the numbers quoted I should be aware of?""
Insurance rate for 77 year old with 20 year old car? ?
How much do you think insurance would cost monthly for a 77 year old lady and her 20 year old car. At the cheapest to the highest. In Florida. Thank you, for my grandma.""
Have a Teenage son 18 and Want Car insurance let me know how much you paid and what Insurance co and what Car?
""My car insurance quote is 5,000?""
This is the cheapest quote given by the companies. I am 19 years old and working in a minimum wage job. How can they expect me to be able to afford 5,000 in insurance when I'm only driving a 250 car? How can this price come down? Will waiting until I'm older reduce the price?""
Do I have to have proof of insurance before I can take my drive test?
and what else do I need to bring with me?
Driving my moms car and insurance coverage?
My mom's car has full coverage insurance on it. I am not added to her insurance as a driver because I only drive it once a month or so. If I ever got into an accident, will her insurance still cover her car?""
""50 in a 40, first ticket ever. Insurance?""
I got a ticket for going 50 in a 40 tonight. My gas was PASSED E, and I was turning into the gas station. I realize that doesn't do anything for my case. I'm 17. I've never been in a wreck, never been pulled over. The cop (who is a friend's dad) said that I go to court Oct 1 and if I'm eligible for Defensive Driving I can take it, and it wont go on my driving record. Question is, does this affect my insurance rate at all? I pay my own insurance. I have State Farm.""
I am looking for car insurance for an 18 year old boy. Everything is so expensive. Does anyone recommend anything? I live in the New York area.
Insurance cost for a 19/yo for a GT40 kit car?
My dad's friend had a GT40 kit car that he might be selling me, i'm 16 now but I'm thinking of buying it in about 4/5 years time (I like to think ahead), so when i'm about 19/20, would the insurance be ridiculous becasue it's got a 5 litre engine so normally it would be but i'm not sure if it being a kit car would lower the insurance or not? The GT40 is one of these by the way: http://www.tornadosportscars.com/MainPage.html Thanks.""
What is the cheapest auto insurance company for someone who has 3 minor speeding tickets?
Need to know this ASAP as current policy will expire end of Aug. 2007. Thanks all! ;)
Health insurance?
which health insurance is better?
Fully comp car insurance?
ive got full comp car insurance,what i want to know is.im buying a car off someone in a few days and want to know if im ok to drive this car home on my insurance.thanks""
How do I get affordable car insurance without my dad's involvement?
They say that first-time drivers get expensive rates for car insurance and that it can become affordable with a parent signing the application with his/her driver's license. Now my parents don't want to help me w/ the car insurance....how do I get affordable car insurance without their help?
Car insurance costs more than car!?
So i got a 2001 Acura EL premium with 148k a week ago and i was quoted for $387 a month/4644 a year for a car that i got for $4100. I live in Toronto and i know it costs more for insurance but its ridiculous when it costs more than actual worth of the car. Should i try sell the car or keep it as i need it for school and work?
Insurance for a car?
how much would car insurance for a 99 s10 blazer when im 18 and not have full coverage and also have a car crash ? and one ticket for rolling stop its going to be most likely to be over 500 dollar a month right ? and a male
Is this typical for insurance for a 17 year old?!?
I just bought my first car Saturday. My dad went to the DMV to get it registered and insured. Then, he called our insurance company to get a quote for how much driver's insurance is for a 16 year old female. If you take driver's ed, watch a state farm video, and have a G.P.A above 3.0, comes to.... $88 A MONTH!!!! That's with driver's ed, and a G.P.A above 3.0! Now my parents are really upset, 'cuz that's thousands of extra dollars a year--not on gas, not on the vehicle itself...Just insurance! They're not sure I can get my license now b/c of it. This really frustrates me. I will be 17 in a couple months, and I really, really, really want to get my driver's license. I have a car, I'll buy the gas, but the insurance is astounding! So my question is, is $88 A MONTH typical for other companies/ or in other states (We're in AZ).""
How much would car Insurance be for a 16 year old guy?
My parents want me to start picking what car I want to get. I was wondering how much insurance would cost for each of these cars for a 16 year old guy. I am interested in a BMW E36 323is Coupe, BMW E36 325is Coupe, BMW E36 328is Coupe, 1997-2001 Honda Prelude, and a 2000 VW Golf GTi. Please help me because I need to know the cost to insure each of these cars before I pick.""
Will Obamacare really convince people to buy health insurance?
I heard that the penalty is lower than the cost of cheap health insurance. Are there any other provisions that would coerce people to buy health insurance?
Does a citation go on your insurance?
Does a citation go on your insurance?
My grandpas doctor wont sign an insurance for him to drive?
Im 17 and i live with my grandpa but i drive with his insurance. I changed the companies because of a rate increase and now they gave me a medical form for my grandpas doctor to sign that says hes ok to drive. I told the doctor i need him to sign it for me because i drive the car not my grandpa but he wont sign it what do i do i really need it. The doctor said my grandpa cant drive because hes 80 and he gets dizzy spells but i need it to drive asap
""Wow, car insurance is like 3-4 times more expensive than car payments.?""
I was looking to lease a new lexus is 250 which would cost me 369 a month but i went to get a quote from geico, it said that the insurance would cost about 1600 a month. I think that is pretty insane considering you could finance a porshe 911 for that much money. I am 20 and got my license last summer. is there a time period when the cost of insurance goes down?""
Can you start work as soon as you receive your national insurance number at 15?
Ive just left school and i want a job for the summer but my birthday is not till august. Ive already received my national insurance
Why do insurance companies pay out low payments?
i was expecting a good amount from my fathers life insurance after all he's been paying into their policy for almost 40 yrs. but i get a letter that after paying the funeral home, i will only get 89.00""
Do I qualify for my parents health insurance?
I have a job that offers health insurance at a price I'm in school I'm 22
Can I get insured for a Volkswagen Golf GTI? (i'm 18)?
Hi! I wanted to buy the new golf gti, and I was wondering how much insurance would cost. What do you think will be cheaper, insuring the golf, or importing a car from another country (i won't have to buy it- i'll just take one of my parents' cars. Please don't say you won't be able to afford it etc. Trust me, I can afford it. Full stop.""
""Hit and run accident, should insurance pay for my auto damage?
Here is my situation that I'm confused about. About a week ago I went to church and parked my car. Next thing I know is that someone was driving stolen (Yukon) car and has hit the ...show more
Cheap insurance for (2002) BMW 3 Series for young drivers?
Hi everybody Does anyone know a cheap car insurance for BMW 1.9 - 2.0 for a young male driver? GoCompare didn't show any good deals yet , so any ideas? Any help appreciated. Thanks""
What Exactly Is Life Insurance?
What I mean is... If my Mom has life insurance on me, then when exactly do I receive the money? And can I spend it on whatever I want??""
Are classic American cars cheap to insure?
I am a resident of the UK and was thinking about purchasing a classic American car.
How to reduce the price of your insurance for a 18 year old? (in the UK)?
Hey, i just wanted to know if anyone knew ways to reduce the price. At the moment i know some insurance companies reduce the price if you have done something called pass plus Also adding a parent onto YOUR policy can also reduce the cost (not the other way round, that's illegal if you drive it more then they do!) Thanks, i only want a Ford Fiesta, but insurance is looking at 1500+!""
Where can I get an honest auto insurance quote?
Hi I was wondering if anybody could point me in the direction of a website that gives honest auto insurance quotes? I have been looking to get an auto insurance quote online for quite some time now but most of the websites look like scams to me.... Thanks in advance!! -David
Where is the best place to get earthquake insurance quotes?
I live in Seattle, WA and I currently do not have earthquake coverage. I don't know what carriers provied earthquake coverage, and I don't know if I need to also get homeowners coverage from the same carrier.""
How much is my car payment and insurance?
Hey, everyone else is asking the same 2 stupid questions, now it's my turn!""
What health insurance can I get as a low income american college student?
Hello, I am a nineteen community college student living in North San Diego, California and I live with my parents. I make less that $1,000 a month working part time and going to school full-time. I get financial aid from my school, but only for the classes, not the books. My father, the only other worker in my family, makes roughly around $32,000 a year. We barely make the rent each month and barely have enough for gas. About when I was sixteen, I was diagnosed with Gallstones and was urged to better my choice of eating. Of course as a Mexican-American, I wasnt about to give up my Carne Asada or burgers so I continued my vices which led to various, and very painful gallstones attacks over the past couple of years. Now I am no longer able to eat anything without feeling sick to my stomach. I was cut out on all junk food and have pinned myself to a grilled/boiled chicken only and greens diet. I don;t eat any red meat and make sure to have fresh made fruit/vegetables smoothies. Yet, for the past four days, Like i said i haven;t been able to pass anything. I am currenly runng every morning. My father thinks I have an ulcer. So, straight to the point, I am a low-income college student with no money left over at the end of each month and I need to go to the doctor's immediately. I am an american citizen but have no health insurance at the moment. I need surgery to remove the gallstones, but first have to go an have a checkup. I was wondering if there was anyway that i can get covered? My mother applied for medi-cal but we havent heard anything in over four months and its a LONG process. Can Anyone please help me!""
How do I get cheap or free insurance coverage?
I am only working part-time and have no money. I also have no insurance. You may have noticed my last post about testicular cancer. I am obviously in need of immediate medical attention. How do I get cheap, affordable, or free insurance so I can cover the probable costs coming up?""
Can you get arrested for not having car insurance in the state of florida?
My father was arrested and claims its because of him not having car insurance. is this possible?
Pregnant and no health insurance - Maine?
I am canadian who just got a visa to move to maine to live with my US husband - I still work in Canada and cross daily. 3 nights ago I found out I was pregnant. I called my blue cross to see what it covered in the USA and when I told them I moved from NB they promptly cancelled my insurance. My husband doenst have insurance and because of my salary in Canada we dont quality for medicaid or mainecare. so no insurance, no mainecare and no money...... I also cannot have the baby in Canada now as they cancelled my medicare when I moved...... so this is worst situation I have ever been in...... I have wanted to be a mother for years but I cannot afford 15000 to have a baby ...... I am honestly contemplating an abortion.....""
Where can I find information about female car insurance? Is it really cheaper than for men?
Where can I find information about female car insurance? Is it really cheaper than for men?
Do you need a drivers license to get a car and get put on insurance of parents?
anyway i want to get a car im 21 and no license i want a new vehicle and my parents are bitchin about i need one to get a new car that the dealers wont let me and i also want to be put on my parents insurance so whats going to happen is this bad!?/
Car insurance costs more than car!?
So i got a 2001 Acura EL premium with 148k a week ago and i was quoted for $387 a month/4644 a year for a car that i got for $4100. I live in Toronto and i know it costs more for insurance but its ridiculous when it costs more than actual worth of the car. Should i try sell the car or keep it as i need it for school and work?
0 notes
madamsenti · 7 years
Pansin ko lang…
-you used to call me everyday, every minute. But now, not even a simple text of ‘How are you’ or ‘I miss you’ from you.
-you used to tell me ‘You love me’ everytime we’re together. But you started to get cold lately. So does that mean you don’t love me anymore?
-you want me to talk to you, but when I want you to talk to me, you don’t even say a thing anymore other than, “Cge matulog nko” or “Mao pd” or “HAHA” or “Ahw” Is that how you really end a conversation or you just don’t like to talk to me anymore?
-you used to hug me tight, where I used to feel the felt of belonging, but now you wouldn’t even care
-You use to kiss me on my forehead but now you don’t. Not as randomly as our frst weeks of relationship tho. What is it really that you want from me? Or what is it really that men want from women? Is it just Sex? :( :( its breaking me apart. So bad that it fucking hurts a million times
- I remembered what you said that night.. You said “ Walay magbag.o ha? Ayawg kausob…” I remembered it all clearly that you said it in a husky tone that made ne teary-eyed for the happiness I felt. I was sooo fascinated by you. But you know what really bothered me today, among ALL the things you said?
It was actually YOU that has changed.
I’m really confuse right now on why I deserve such cold treatments from you. You’re a direct person right? You being straighforward was one of the reason I fell in love with you, now why won’t you just Tell me frankly whatever that you have to say about me… That YOU FIND ME BORING, and you change your mind to stay with me for the rest of your life and that you regretted that you promised me to be with me.
-Right now, I don’t really think I can TRUST you WHOLEHEARTEDLY. why? Because you are begining to break the other piece of it.
-I also remembered the things you said to me ‘Ayaw intawun sayangi akong paglove nimo. Ayaw intawun sayangi.’
Let me guess. You’ve probably forgot that line already didn’t you? I never said a word that time but deep inside I was nodding, and responded you with a tight hug. That time I said to myself. ‘HE IS THE ONE’.
But turns out? the way you treat me today, I realized you didn’t really mean it afterall..
-I also noticed that YOU LET GO SO EASILY. isn’t that unfair? I am a very hot tempered person but when it comes to you my temper minimizes as if you were a bucket of ice melting the fire in me.
You tottally forgot the reasons why I hate to be in relationships. I mean bakit mo nGa naman maalala diba? You don’t even care about my feelings! So does care about me, and your questioning I don’t care about you? Cant you see i’m giving you space? Because i dont want to annoy you! I dont want you to feel irritated of my immature actions.
Now Let me remind you again. One of my greatest fears was to be hurt. To be forgotten. Important people of my life has been doing that to me all my life while I cherished and loved them sooooo much that I could feel TRAITORED.
(This was a post written 10 months ago, near June 2016). It’s been days since the day the man I meant in this post died on february 4, 2017. After our break up, we never talked. He tried talking to me tho but I never let him. Who would’ve thought he’s got only 9 months left After that. If I knew, I would have just forgave him and made friends with him again, and probably stay martir for his last months but God is just too kind, and helped me get over him in a very short period of time, I am happy now that we didn’t end up. Because if we did? I would have suffered A LOT. Thank you Lord God, for leading me to the right path. God knows how much I USED to love this man. God knows. But i’m smart and brave enough to let go, and I knew what I did was right.
0 notes
survivorarabia · 7 years
EPISODE 12 “Ruthie Is Literally My Mum” - Emmott
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Alex, you've got more than everyone else combined.  YOU CAN STOP ANSWERING ALL THE QUESTIONS NOW.  I LOVE YOU BUT GEEZ. <3 
Final 6, baby!  And actually, because I won, Final 5 baby! The plan for this round is to take out Emmott, simple.  Nobody trusts him, yadda yadda, fifth verse same as like the last four rounds.  But what I'm doing this round is setting in place the groundwork for Final 5. First of all, Lena's Idol.  That's a problem.  It could lead to 2/5 of the Final 5 being immune, and I have no guarantee that I'm gonna win Immunity next round, so I could be one of three vulnerable people that round.  If that's the case, that's not good for me. I also have to consider at this point that my strongest opponent at FTC is Ruthie, right?  So I have abandoned ALL MORALS, FOLKS, because guess who's coming for Ruthie next round, it's me, I'm a monster, here to slaughter your faves. I trust Richie enough at this point that he's not gonna vote me, and that I can talk him into a Ruthie vote should Nicole and/or Lena be immune next round. What I have to do is plant the seeds in Lena's head that a) she should play her Idol this round because b) Ruthie is coming for her...which is not entirely untrue! The argument I'm gonna use is simple: Ruthie is paranoid (true, backed up by her behavior during blind week) and is concerned about being vulnerable at 5 (true, even if I'm projecting my own feelings onto her), so she might try to assemble a blindside on Lena now (false, but she doesn't need to know that). Then, at 5, I can get a 3 or 4 person vote on Ruthie, bam pow, Alex slides to the end, beats Lena and whoever else is there, is a monster but still wins.
WHEW, Nicole woke up and started to play! Apparently she was all up in Richie's ear last night about the Lena/Ruthie/Me threesome and how she and Richie needed to grab Emmott and force one of us out of the game. Girl you do MIND It is MY JOB to tear apart this alliance!   Not yours!  Stay in your lane! Apparently she's backed off it, which is too bad, because really she should try it.  See what happens, girl. Luckily I have utilized this info to aid in the flushing of Lena's Idol so hopefully there will be at least one bright spot in all this.  I think it might just work, honestly.
IM FREAKING OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M LITERALLY IN PSYCHOSIS... my mind is literally one of those kermit memes where its like me: shut up, you have your Family 4 alliance you've been with since week 2, you love them and you should vote out emmott because he's messy and erratic and theres no loyalty there then the kermit in the hoodie aka neurotic me: BITCH YOU HAVENT MADE ANY Big Moves™THIS GAME YET, ALEX IS THROWING YOU UNDER THE BUS TO EMMOTT, YOU CAN'T WIN AGAINST ANY OF THESE PEOPLE HERE START FUCKING SHIT UP!!!!! ughhhhhhh i feel such a close bond with the family alliance where i dont want to turn on them bc i like them but also bc it will be SUCH a betrayal that if i'm the one to turn on them and i make it to the end i don't have their jury vote... and nicoles my girl i dont want to vote her out either she's been coming to me trying to make moves and i want to because its her but then im like i want to vote out the person in her position but i dont think its the smartest to vote HER.... i hatee last night nicole came to me and was like "lena/ruthie/alex are going to steamroll us in f5 lets vote out either lena and ruthie" and i was like hmm.... i thought nicole and ruthie were super close thats sketchy also this whole game i've been trying to play up my distance from the khiana people so i can maintain connection with the fawz people to get information so i can keep myself and the people im with in the loop and safe so its cool that i'm not seen as really a part of that 3some when this whole time its been us 4..... but still so i was going to rat nicole out and use that to turn the family against her but then i was like.......1) nicole gave me a receipt of ruthie saying something about a group chat which i deduced was a group chat between lena/ruthie/nicole, this is a total assumption and wild guess based on minimal information, but still if thats true and this is just nicole trying to get me to say something to get them to turn on me that would suck so i'm nervous to go to lena/ruthie with this and 2) i dont think going to the end with ruthie and alex is smart so maybe im keeping my options open with nicole for selfish reasons bc i dont want to close that door just yet then today emmott came to me with receipts of alex telling emmott that i was aware of the fact that ruthie/alex were lying to emmott/issy about voting me out last vote and that i was just playing emmott (TRUE) and alex straight up told emmott about our alliance in a CLEARLYYYYYY transparent attempt of getting on emmotts good side for a jury vote by being honest and putting the blame on other people... AND I DIDNT LIKE THAT @ALEX!!!!!! if i just shut up and vote out emmott i'm guaranteed 4th place and from there i have to rely on my social game to take me to the end and get me a win because i've been playing this game but in a way that isn't easy to see on the surface and in a way that ORG juries dont want to hear about.. people want BIG MOVES but thats not smart everytime someone in this game tried to make a big move they were voted out.....I HATEEEEE THIS.... if i do try to make a move tonight i either get caught and get voted out 6th place or succeed at that move but piss everyone off and make a target of myself/lose jury votes.... but if i dont make a move tonight people will think im just this floater that helped hand ruthie or alex the game..... https://images.sobadsogood.com/21-gifs-proving-russia-is-the-most-bizarre-place-on-earth/3.jpg
okay so i thought i had no hope this tribal! i was excited becuase i had this awesome speech prepared to drag everyone to hELL! but instead Saint Ruthie came to me <3 I actually love ruthie so much, we had a call and shes so precious and amazing and sweet and nice and caring and oMG!!!! I LOVE HER!!! AND SHE HAS AN AMAZING ACCENT! But she told me she is voting Lena, and she's gonna get other people to as well because Lena has an idol!! oooooooo honestly, lena is no threat to me, and i would probably usually go tell Lena that people are coming for her and to play her idol. but instead, im just gonna leave it this time, because it backfires 50% of the time. im just gonna leave the vote as lena, and let ruthie work her magic! another thing when issy left, i went on bit of a dramatic rant AHAHAH in the tribe chat AHAHAHHA saying she was robbed. and N*cole and L*na made snarky comments at me!!!! ew im perturbed! i hope this works tho wow imagine alex is also spilling all info and tea to me and putting blame on other people, so that he can vote me off and have my jury vote :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) silly smart guy! if he didnt have immunity i think i could have got him out but yoloswag he has immunity and it's these people's fault who are going to get voted out by him and have to vote for him at f2/3 that are at fault. they never flipped with me earlier so I HOPE THAT THE DOOR HITS THEM ON THE WAY OUT (im lookin at u richie especially) okay bye
Today has been utter and complete CHAOS of the best kind.  I began the day with a message from Nicole asking if Emmott was okay, and I agreed, and Lena of course agreed too. And then in our The Family alliance chat the others seemed to want Emmott also.  So we were all agreed and it was all good, but then Alex privately brought up a good thought... Lena's idol.  We want it to be flushed so we could have a chance to play one next week but we didn't know how to go about flushing it.   Little did I know, Nicole decided to play the game and start throwing my name around.  (I STILL LOVE YOU NICOLE <3) and she told Richie- who in turn told Alex that Lena, Alex and myself were in an alliance together, which I'm not sure how she found that out, I'm guessing that Lena maybe told her.  Nicole had already warned us that we might be hearing things and I figured this kind of thing was what we might start hearing.   So, Alex told Lena (SO MUCH TELLING GOING ON, GOD.) some things to make her maybe want to use her idol tonight and we had this conversation: [11/29/16, 1:29:03 PM] Alex (Xalxe): and I have no time for it frankly, do you mind, we’ve been playing all game over here [11/29/16, 1:36:25 PM] Alex (Xalxe): Wait holy shit I just realize we can use this. I can give this to Lena instead of giving her your name and she might play the idol [11/29/16, 2:54:03 PM] Ruthie ❤: YES!!! That would be amazing!!! That's good thinking! [11/29/16, 2:54:34 PM] Ruthie ❤: How did Nicole know that you, me and Lena were together I wonder. [11/29/16, 2:55:18 PM] Alex (Xalxe): It is a mystery to me [11/29/16, 2:55:28 PM] Alex (Xalxe): who knows, she might just be grasping at straws [11/29/16, 2:56:40 PM] Alex (Xalxe): even a broken clock is right twice a day [11/29/16, 3:39:19 PM] Ruthie ❤: Omg, that's going to be my new favorite quote. <3 [11/29/16, 3:39:39 PM] Ruthie ❤: You're right though. [11/29/16, 3:39:58 PM] Ruthie ❤: In a way I'm excited she finally started playing but UGH [11/29/16, 4:05:10 PM] Ruthie ❤: LOL. Lena just messaged me to ask "hey, are we okay?" [11/29/16, 4:05:20 PM] Alex (Xalxe): Oh she got my mega-message then, good [11/29/16, 4:08:21 PM] Ruthie ❤: Yes good! Operation: Flush Idol is in action. [11/29/16, 4:08:49 PM] Alex (Xalxe): :) Then..... the chaos that led to my phone call with Emmott happened... [11/29/16, 4:09:30 PM] Ruthie ❤: She's writing me a mega message now. [11/29/16, 4:09:44 PM] Alex (Xalxe): okay if she sells me out she’s dead to me [11/29/16, 4:10:31 PM] Ruthie ❤: I can't wait to see what she says tbh [11/29/16, 4:10:50 PM] Ruthie ❤: I AM SO GLAD WE TRUST EACH OTHER. [11/29/16, 4:11:35 PM] Alex (Xalxe): This would be way harder if we didn't [11/29/16, 4:15:52 PM] Ruthie ❤: It would! [11/29/16, 4:16:09 PM] Ruthie ❤: And oh god, I have a lot of receipts for you. [11/29/16, 4:16:15 PM] Alex (Xalxe): oh boy oh boy [11/29/16, 4:17:01 PM] Ruthie ❤: I FEEL SO BAD SHOWING YOU BECAUSE I LOVE LENA SO MUCH, but you're my Alex so So of course I showed him all the receipts...  SORRY LENA.   :( [11/29/16, 4:08:18 PM] Lena McKenzie: I heard that you're worried about my loyalty :( [11/29/16, 4:08:29 PM] Lena McKenzie: But I have an idea... and I want to know what you think. [11/29/16, 4:10:39 PM] Lena McKenzie: I want to go to the final 3 with you and Nicole. I love Alex but none of us have ANY shot against him if he gets there, and that's not to say you or I or Nicole haven't played great games. He just has survived this entire game after being a target the entire time, came back, etc. I want one of the three of us to win. It would be great for Alex to win but I want one of us girls to win.. I know that sounds horrible but Alex really is calling all of the shots in our alliance and has been doing so the entire game. I really hope you don't say anything to him about this but I wanted to let you know that is what I'm thinking. I am loyal to the Old Farts and I am loyal to our alliance with Nicole, but Alex wins no matter who he is against at the end.. [11/29/16, 4:12:17 PM] Lena McKenzie: I honestly think you could win this if we go with Nicole. I want to win and I would happy with Nicole winning.. But I'm 98% sure you would win if we go to the end, and I would love to see you win. So after I told Alex we kind of came up with a brilliant idea. :)... [11/29/16, 4:29:16 PM] Ruthie ❤: Okay! Who should we tell Emmott to vote or is he voting me? -.- [11/29/16, 4:29:21 PM] Alex (Xalxe): I dunno man [11/29/16, 4:29:30 PM] Alex (Xalxe): I haven’t talked to him since this morning [11/29/16, 4:29:34 PM] Alex (Xalxe): tell him whatever [11/29/16, 4:31:41 PM] Ruthie ❤: I just messaged him and he replied quick but I don't even know what to tell him, lol. [11/29/16, 4:31:56 PM] Alex (Xalxe): shrug [11/29/16, 4:32:27 PM] Ruthie ❤: I'm just asking if he's voting me. [11/29/16, 4:42:53 PM] Alex (Xalxe): Can you get him to vote Lena?  Then she sees that people really are/were targeting her? [11/29/16, 4:44:36 PM] Ruthie ❤: Yeah, I could do that. I'm almost thinking I should vote with him, she wouldn't expect me to do it. Is that a crazy idea? [11/29/16, 4:44:46 PM] Alex (Xalxe): I was thinking the same thing don’t take my thing [11/29/16, 4:45:21 PM] Ruthie ❤: BRAIN TWINS. [11/29/16, 4:45:46 PM] Alex (Xalxe): Anyway yeah sure you go ahead and do that, we don’t want 3 votes on her accidentally [11/29/16, 4:45:51 PM] Alex (Xalxe): I’ll vote Emmott [11/29/16, 4:46:14 PM] Alex (Xalxe): Unless she starts talking about moving the vote away from Emmott in which case we can’t risk a split I AM SUCH A BAD PERSON, I do feel really guilty for this and I don't want Lena to go, and at this point I still wanted Emmott to go.  My next worry was how I could work a bit of magic on Emmott.  I love the boy dearly but he is SUCH a loose cannon, which has worked for him this far but I really didn't want anything I said to get out to him, and knowing him it probably would have... oops. I saw that he messaged me, and I finally answered... [11/29/16, 4:35:16 PM] emmott young: Well everyones saying my name so [11/29/16, 4:35:57 PM] emmott young: Im not even gonna try [11/29/16, 4:41:41 PM] Ruthie ❤: :( :( :( [11/29/16, 4:42:27 PM] emmott young: You just must feel very comfortable getting to the end with alex still in the game :/ [11/29/16, 4:42:40 PM] emmott young: Because I asked him, and he felt pretty comfortable having you around. [11/29/16, 4:50:35 PM] Ruthie ❤: If I vote with you for someone can you for once not say anything about it? BECAUSE I heard you told people we voted with you last time. :( [11/29/16, 4:52:13 PM] emmott young: Of course omg!! It's not like you exactly stuck to your word either, though. Last time, I only didnt vote Richie because once Richie went it was definitely going to be me and issy next. Alex told me you had no intention on voting richie! But ill do anything at this point, i swear! [11/29/16, 4:54:27 PM] Ruthie ❤: Okay, whew! Who do you want to vote if you could vote for anyone? (Besides Alex since he's immune.) [11/29/16, 4:55:11 PM] emmott young: Anyone!! Whoever you wanted! ...before pondering over what to do for almost an hour before I finally had the brilliant idea of calling him!  If we talked on the phone I could sound more sincere about it all and more importantly he couldn't show the receipts to anyone else.  And also, I figured that MAYBE it could get me a vote from him in the jury... I must admit.  I'm such a bad person, I can't even, I feel more and more like a villain each day, oh well.   [11/29/16, 5:19:05 PM] emmott young: Do you have any one in mind? [11/29/16, 5:28:11 PM] Ruthie ❤: Can I call you?  I don’t want to type it out because somehow what I tell you always seems to find it’s way around the house.  :O :O <3 [11/29/16, 5:28:41 PM] emmott young: Of course ahahah! I promise I wont snitch! [11/29/16, 5:29:10 PM] Ruthie ❤: Whew, okay!  Hang on! [11/29/16, 5:29:20 PM] emmott young: Hanging! So I called Emmott and OH MY GOSH Y'ALL.  HE is so adorable, I can't even with him, HIS ACCENT IS SO CUTE!  And he liked mine too!  And I'm literally always so awkward with people on the phone, SO awkward but talking to Emmott was easy and I admit it, I probably told him WAY TOO MUCH.  First I made him promise not to tell anyone that I told him to do this but to vote Lena and I gave him my word that I would vote her too.  And I made him promise not to freak out and go around telling people that I was voting for her and that he needed another vote or two, to just let me handle it, and he promised.  He is literally so sweet, he told me he was going to ignore everyone on messenger and I feel like such a bitch right now for doing ALL of this.  Lena trusted me with ALL of that and I ran to Alex.  Then I went to Emmott and told him I was going to try to keep him when obviously I'm just spending all this time writing my confessional, whoops. Oh... and on call I also might have let it slip that Lena had an idol.  Which is also another dumb move on my part because Emmott can't keep a secret to save his life.  Anyway, that's where I am today.  I'm personally sitting in a good spot and I can't wait for a bit of chaos to ensue when Lena learns that TWO people voted for her...  tonight's tribal is going to be so much fun! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH LENA AND EMMOTT, I'm so sorry when you guys read this.  <3 ALSO I'M SORRY FOR ALL THE DENYING I'M GOING TO DO WHEN YOU SEE THAT SOMEONE ELSE VOTED FOR YOU QUEEN LENA.  
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