#what a good caring brother 🥲♥️
anas-tasiaa · 2 years
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Saeran is probably the only one who can make Saeyoung clean up his own room and the house 🤣. Vanderwood had been nagging him since forever about it as well, but Saeyoung never listened lol. I like to imagine after Saeran being rescued and living with Saeyoung, he'd be furious if Saeyoung didn't even bother to clean his own mess. Their entire house had been a catastrophic, and Saeran couldn't take it any longer for his shit and went chastising him for being so negligent.
"How did you manage to live like this?! Even my hacking room at Mint eyes is better than this pigsty!"
"I swear if I ever see one more empty chip bag on the floor, I'll break apart your computer. CLEAN. IT. RIGHT. NOW!"
Lolololololol Saeyoung would never say NO to Saeran. Vanderwood would be impressed by this sudden changing attitude of Saeyoung and asked Saeran to teach him on how to make him behave that way 🤣.
Credit avatar to: @myo_cmsn on Picrew. https://picrew.me/image_maker/1418459/complete?cd=julzbAZPX4
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xsleepinggoodx · 23 days
I saw you did an ideal type of girl for Mikey. Can I have the same requests for Baji and Shinichiro, please? 🥺🫶
Dark-haired guys got me on a chokehold it is not funny anymore 🥲
That’s so real, literally any Tokyo revengers character solos every anime boy there is like I’m not even joking😭( the whole Sano family got me kicking my feet like even the grandfather. I saw a fanart on when was young and I was dang😍)
But here you go love!
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- everyone and their mother knows that poor Shinichiro was rejected 20 times. But they say the one finds you when you stop looking for them, and that’s what happened to Shinichiro when he found you. He gave up at that point, firmly believing that no one would love him and he’d die single. That is until a certain, girly walked in his bike shop, asking for a decent, good bike that’s fast. His heart beat up at the sight of you, you just looked so alluring and attractive. He was in a love daze as you were talking, explaining what bike you wanted.
- I think Shinichiro needs someone who is sweet and kind, and able to understand easily. As we see in the manga, he loses his patience and can be harsh when he’s in anger. He needs someone who is compassionate and willing to take any heat from him.
- of course he will try his hardest not to lash out on you when he’s angry. He’d be so sweet to you and lash out on someone else. But even that’s no good to you, like Mikey, he needs a moral compass. Someone who will teach him right from wrong.
- it’s very hard to grow up without a father figure and having to take the lead of raising 2 kids along with another raging teen, Shinichiro is an overwhelmingly stressed and needs your tender love to soothe him, you alone soothes him. The very thought of you staying by his side is comforting him in ways you don’t even know.
- He has the big brother personality engraved in him so he’s very protective of you. Headcanons include him always having his hand on you lower back, or him holding your hand, walks behind you all the time, shielding his arm around your shoulder. When you’re sitting down on a bench, he has his arm around the bench behind you with his legs crossed talking to you so close. (When men do this I always get butterflies😛)
- As in looks, he doesn’t really care what you look like either, though I imagine him as someone who prefers a girl with long hair like Kuroo does😭 he thinks long hair girls look like princesses. If you had bangs too, he’d be all over you. Kissing you as much as you let him.
-he has been through so much, just make sure to stay by his side and you’ll be his number one. He’s planning to marry you when he has everything figured out <3
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- Baji was voted number 1 in best lover of Tr♥️ you already know 😍😍
- Baji is fierce, hot headed and outspoken. He appears to have a strong, intimidating demeanor but under all of that, he’s respectful and loving. He treats you so well and so nicely it keeps you up at night smiling.
- he needs someone who’s a almost the opposite of him. He was always smitten by the nice, soft girls when he grew up so he needs someone who is loving and loyal. Who stays by his side even when you don’t understand his reasonings. Someone who would do crazy stuff with him like burn abandoned cars. Someone who isn’t a kill joy with these things.
- he’d adore you if you found simple things like going to a gas station late at night more just riding his bike together with you at night exciting. His eyes would be glued to your face the whole night. Noting what excites you and what makes you happy so he could do it more often. He loves seeing you happy and enjoying every moment.
- Shares everything with you. He might’ve been an only child, but his mom taught him good things that make him a gentleman. He would share his food, earphone, anything you ask.
- he needs someone who is selfless. Someone who puts others feeling before theirs.
- for looks, he doesn’t care, as long as you’re healthy, he’s satisfied💕
Ty again so much for requesting <3
Please request more of these! I find them fun!
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eunoiaastralwings · 2 years
Oh goodness!!! So happy requests are open!!♥️
Could I please request a fic (or HC, up to you!) Maedhros x Human!reader who is physically and verbally affectionate? She might or might not use her people's language,which Mae doesn't speak, to call him affectionate names cuz she'd like not to overwhelm him!
sorry if this was too spesific !🥲♥️
My little light
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characters maedhros x female reader
fandom tolkien- the silmarillion
a/n @nolderinpainter i twisted it up a bit - I hope you like! thank you for requesting please enjoy - love you lots &lt;;/3
"Mae— my love?"
You coaxed gently— and pecked his furrowed brow.
You needed to climb on the chair beside to do so— sometimes you hated his height because you were very short compared to him.
He suddenly cleared his throat— a small blush— then straightened the letter he was reading.
"Y/N. . ."
Even year into your courting— Mae found your affections— a little overwhelming. Elves barely involved themselves in physical affection.
But this is who you were— he couldn't ask you suddenly change yourself.
But in all honestly— as overwhelming as they were— they destressed him.
Mae didn't how react to them— and other than that it was rather easier to grow accustomed to it.
Maybe that was because you toned it down a little— or started using words in your language.
He tried to learn your language— but with the oath and your safety being in the forefront of his mind— he didn't get the time.
"Melda. . ."
He whispered— not taking his eyes of the letter from one of brothers.
You placed a hand on his hand— and slowly caressed it— you wanted to release his tense muscles.
But when you felt him grow more tense— you quickly withdrew your hand and looked how at your fingers in shame.
Sometimes— you couldn't help it.
Your prince— he just looked so handsome. . . beautiful— you couldn't resist touching him or showering him with compliments.
Maybe it was your own insecurity?— A tall undeniably handsome Nolder prince courting a fragile little human like you?
Sure— you had some warrior skills— but you definitely weren't anywhere close as Haleth— at least from what you heard of her.
So out of all the beautiful elleths and woman— Maedhros the crown prince of the Nolder from the line of Feanor still chose you.
"Sorry. . . Mae. . ."
You said and ended with an endearment from your language.
It was then— Mae placed the letter back on the desk and turned to you.
"What is it, Y/N, meldanya?"
He asked you— then hesitantly coming to hold your hand.
"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. . ."
At first you were unsure— and left your hands unmoving on your lap— so your lover took the liberty of taking your small hands in considerably larger hands.
You loved comparing the sizes on your hands— your tiny hands easily slide into his palms, and he was easily maybe to close his fingers around them— and hold and shelter them tenderly.
You lovingly caressing his soft but large rough looking hands— oh how many times has these hands wielded a sword and went through battle.
But despite that— he was still able hold you with a tender care.
"Melda. . . I understand humans are different to —but that does not mean your affections are ill to me. They comfort me— they really do— I just. . .— I do not know what to do in return. . ."
He sighed— Mae watched your trace patterns smoothing on his hands and tried to follow.
"You know how much they— and you mean to me. . ."
He whispered— and smiled when you kissed his knuckles.
"You don't have to give me anything in return, Mae— I just hope you know that you're loved by me."
In all honesty— you knew you wouldn't reach eternity with your beloved elf— so you wanted to give him as much love as possible before you passed.
You knew the horror the oath brought him— you hoped you could shed a little light on his life through your care.
The lost his father and one of his twin brothers already and he had to leave behind a beloved and kind and courageous mother— his pain was great.
He spoke of Valinor to you— but as time passed it grew rarer and rarer— it was almost a distant memory— faded.
"I do— . . ."
He repeated the phrase you used from your language— and you laughed.
He frowned— but his smile didn't drop.
His firey blue eyes gleamed at the sound of your laughter.
"That means my prince!"
He laughed.
"Then what's my princess?"
"Am not a princess. . ."
You laughed.
Mae crouched and placed his head on your forehead.
"But you're mine. . . my little light. . ."
"Always. . ."
You promised— even though the both of you knew it was not to be— but right now it didn't matter.
The moments you had mattered— the moments you shared and took him away from the oath— gave him peace, hope and somewhere to grief.
That's why he couldn't ask for someone better. . .
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form for taglist
tara's taglist: @mslizziesblog @wandererindreams @spidergirla5 @aeonianarchives
silm taglist: @doodle-pops
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mayaillusion22 · 2 years
Positive traits of each moon sign ( part 2)
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Leo moon
Omg my favorite moon sign🥰 You guys are soooo loving and kind♥️
You don’t judge others. You accept others for who they are.
You like to cuddle or give a lot of hugs.
You don’t like to hurt others (at least when they are in your good side). If someone that you like is hurt by you, you would be more hurt than them. ( especially true for 0-23 degree of Leo)
You have a hidden talent.
You are really attached to your mom (especially 0-23 degree of leo) . You love her soooo much.💗
I’ve seen a lot of Leo moon who likes to show-off or show the world that they are the best.💗 My brother has this placement and he would buy expensive things to show it to others.❤️ Everyone thinks that he is rich. 💰
Omg when you love, you would give your all. You don’t care about the consequences, you would try your best to make your loved ones happy.🥲💗
You are generous.
You give a lot of gifts. ( observation)
You expect to be respected and treated the same way as you treat others.💗
You like to help others.
You feel your best when you are surrounded by people who care and love you.
You strive for perfection and might beat yourself up for it. You are perfect the way you are. Be more gentle with yourself.💗
You have a great sense of fashion
You like to entertain others and become super happy if someone laugh at your jokes.
P.S: My favorite moon sign is Leo moon. They would shower you with their gifts and love. They are super loyal.
Virgo moon
You always know what’s going on.
You observe everything even the small tiniest details
You always look for the « why » and the « what ». Why people do this? Why did this happen? What was the reason behind this?
Have you ever thought of becoming a detective or a spy? You are soooo good at that.💗
You are one of the most curious moon sign in astrology.🥰
The truth is soooo important to you.
Your head is like a big USB key with a lot of information in it.
You like to clean, maybe you might not like to start cleaning, but when you do, you want everything to look perfect.
You are responsible.
You love to help others. 💗
Pure soul
The deeper someone gets to know you, the crazier you get.♥️
At first, you might look like someone who doesn’t care about anyone or anything , but you are soooo caring of everyone that you love. You might not know how to show it. 💗
You are very selective of the people you interact with. You don’t open up with everyone.
You spend a lot of time in your mind.
You randomly would become a comedian and make others laugh.😂💗
You would support your loved ones to attain their goals. You would guide them to get to that place. 💗
P.S: You might have some problems with anxiety🥺. You are too focused on the details and because of that, you would always see your small imperfections. If you start looking at the big pictures, you would realize how perfect you are, the way you are. ♥️🥰
Libra moon
Everyone is drawn to you.
The way you speak is soooo attractive and charismatic . ♥️ I don’t know if you have some tricks or something, but you draw others like a moth to a flame. 😍
I wish I had your innate ability to connect with others.
You are also really funny.
I’ve seen a lot of Libra moon who are critical towards themselves. You want everything to be perfect 💗
You are adaptable and flexible
You care about your family and friends deeply.♥️
You might have had a bad phase in your life. You learnt a lot of lessons during that phase.
You have a flirty personality.😛💗
You are fun person
You don’t want to hurt anyone’s feeling unless they did you wrong.❤️
P.S: You constantly need reassurance from others, but you don’t need that. Trust me, you are amazing ,the way you are♥️🥰
Scorpio Moon:
You try to understand others emotions.
You are always there when someone needs you.
You are soooo loyal guys. Even if someone hurted you, you would still be there for them, if they needed you. 🥲 ( you might still hold the grudge if it was their mistake, but you would still be there for them)
You want respect and you deserve that.♥️
You probably like horror movies or crime related movies
You have a constant thirst for excitement.
You are charismatic💗
You are direct and straightforward in my POV. You would say the things that you want to say no matter what and one can stop you. 😂
You are very careful in your opinions too. You just say/show what you want others to know.
You have an amazing humour. You make others laugh when you want. 💅
You have a graceful presence.
You need time to trust someone, but if you trust, you would be 200% loyal.
Also the person you love, that person is lucky. ♥️. You would give your all.♥️
Protective of your loved ones.
P.S: You are quick when you want to remove someone from your life.😶 But you might hurt yourself in silence for that, if you truly liked that person. Don’t worry bae.💗 If they did you wrong they don’t deserve to be in your life. The real ones would value your emotions and wouldn’t hurt you. The only thing that I would like to say is that you should let the others know what you don’t want and what you want, cuz that’s sometime confusing. 😬
Hope you like it.💗
Merry Christmas. 🎄♥️
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